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1.The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4,____
A 1774
B 1778
C 1775
D 1776
2.The second largest state of the United States is ____
A Texas
B Alaska
C California
D Hawaii
3.The backbone of North America refers to the ____
A Appalachian Mountains
B Rocky Mountains
C Cascade Mountains
D Sierra Nevada Mountains
4. The headquarter of the United Nations is located in ____.
A Washington D.C.
B Geneva
C New York
D Boston
5.Each of the fifty states of the USA elects ____ senators.
A 10
B 4
C 3
D 2
6.The most famous leaders of black movements in the U.S were____
A Douglas
B Martin Luther King
C Malcolm X
D Garrison
7.The Bill of Rights was introduced by ____ in U.S.
A Jefferson
B Washington
C James Madison
D John Adams
8. When the president of the U.S signs an act passed by Congress into law, it still can be cancelled if ____.
A the lower federal court decides that it goes against previous laws
B the Supreme Court decides that it goes against previous laws
C the lower federal court decides it is unconstitutional
D the Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional
9.China and America established diplomatic relations in January ____
A 1972
B 1976
C 1978
D 1979
10.Which of the following is not a top American magazine?
A Readers’s Digest
B USA Today
C TV Guide
D National Geographic
1. D 独⽴宣⾔是在1776年发表的,⽽独⽴战争是在1775年爆发。
2. A 阿拉斯加是美国的州,第⼆⼤的是南部的德克萨斯州。
3. B 洛基⼭脉从北美的西北延伸到东南,是北美的主⼲⼭脉,贯穿美国的主要河流。
4. C 联合国总部位于美国纽约曼哈顿第⼀⼤道上,1952年投⼊使⽤。
5. D 美国有50个州,每州两名参议员,所以共100名参议员。
6. B 马丁路德⾦是⿊⼈运动的英雄⼈物,以代表演说I have a dream闻名。
7. C 权利和⾃由法案是詹姆斯.麦德逊于1791年提出的。
8. D 美国法院对宪法有最终解释权。
9. D 尼克松总统在1972年访问中国,与⽑泽东主席会晤,但是在1979年才正式建⽴中美外交关系。
10.B 今⽇美国是美国有名的报纸,并⾮杂志。