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Chapter 1: Gen eral Provisi ons

Article 1 With a view to regulat ing the asset securitizati on bus in ess of securities companies, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors, these Provisions are formulated pursuant to the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China , the Trust Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulati ons on the Supervisi on and Admini strati on of Securities Compa ni es, and other releva nt laws and adm ini strative regulati ons.

Article 2 The asset securitizati on bus in ess of a securities compa ny shall refer to the bus in ess activities whereby the securities compa ny, in the capacity as the man ager of a special purpose vehicle, acquires underlying assets from originators by acting as the transferee or otherwise as agreed upon, and issues asset-backed securities supported by the cash flow gen erated by such un derl ying assets.

For the purpose of the precedi ng Paragraph, a special purpose vehicle shall refer to a special asset management scheme set up by the securities company specifically for asset securitization bus in ess (here in after referred to as the "Special Scheme") or other special purpose vehicle recog ni zed by the Chi na Securities Regulatory Commissi on ("CSRC").


Article 3 The assets obtained by managing, utilizing or disposing of the assets under a Special Scheme or obtained under other circumstances related thereto shall be included as the assets under the Special Scheme. The expenses incurred, and the liabilities owed to third parties, for handling matters relating to the Special Scheme shall be borne by the assets under the Special Scheme.

The assets un der a Special Scheme shall be assets held in trust, which shall be in depe ndent of the proprietary assets of the origi nators, man agers, custodia ns, in vestors of asset-backed securities and other bus in ess participati ng in stituti ons.

Where the originators, managers, custodians, investors of asset-backed securities and other bus in ess participati ng in stituti ons con duct liquidati on due to dissoluti on, or being closed dow n or declared ban krupt, etc., i n accorda nee with the law, the assets un der the Special Scheme shall not bel ong to the assets for liquidati on.


Article 4 The claims gen erated by a man ager from man agi ng and utilizi ng the assets un der the releva nt Special Scheme shall not be used for offsett ing the liabilities in curred by the proprietary assets of the origi nators, man agers, custodia ns, in vestors of asset-backed securities and other bus in ess participati
ng in stituti ons. The claims and liabilities gen erated by a man ager from man agi ng, utiliz ing and dispos ing of the assets un der differe nt Special Schemes shall not be used for offsett ing each other.

Article 5 The assets un der Special Schemes shall be put un der the custody of commercial banks, the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited, securities companies with custody bus in ess qualificati ons or other asset custodia ns approved by the CSRC.

Article 6 Asset-backed securities are transferrable via stock exchanges, the inter-agency offer and tra nsfer system of the Securities Associati on of Chi na ("SAC"), the over-the-co un ter market of securities compa ni es, and other market places approved by the CSRC.

Article 7 To issue asset-backed securities, securities compa nies shall apply to the CSRC and obta in its approval.
Chapter 2: Special Schemes


Article 8 For the purpose of these Provisi ons, un derly ing assets shall refer to the property rights or assets that can gen erate in depe ndent and predictable cash flow. Un derly ing asset may be in dividual property right or asset, or the portfolio of multiple property rights or assets.

For the purpose of the precedi ng Paragraph, property rights or assets may be the acco unt receivables, credit assets, the right as a trust ben eficiary, the right to proceeds from in frastructure and other property rights of an en terprise, or marketable securities such as commercial papers, bonds and their derivatives, and stocks and their derivatives, or commercial properties and other real estate properties.


Article 9 The tran sfer of un derly ing assets shall be subject to approval and registrati on in accordance with the law if so required by laws and regulations. Where registration is not required by laws and regulations or where the conditions for registration are temporarily not available, the releva nt man ager shall take effective measures to safeguard the security of the un derly ing assets.

In the eve nt that the un derly ing assets are claims, matters concerning the tran sfer of the claims shall be no tified to the debtors in accorda nce with pert inent laws.


Article 10 The un derly ing assets of a Special Scheme shall not be subject to any type of security such as mortgage or pledge or any other en cumbra nces, uni ess the releva nt security or en cumbra nce of the un derly ing assets may be lifted through pert inent arra ngeme nts of the Special


Article 11 Where the assets under a Special Scheme consist of new underlying assets bought in a revolv ing manner with the cash flow gen erated by exist ing un derly ing assets, the legal documents of the Special Scheme shall specify the conditions and the size of purchase of the underlying assets, liquidity risks and risk control measures. The size and term of duration of the un derly ing assets shall match those of the asset-backed securities.

Article 12 Any and all mon etary receipt and expe nditure un der a Special Scheme shall be con ducted through the acco unt of the Special Scheme.

Article 13 Asset-backed securities are proofs that investors are entitled to the beneficial in terests of the releva nt Special Scheme, and may be in herited, traded or tra nsferred in accorda nee with the law.
In vestors of asset-backed securities shall be en titled to:
(1)share the returns on the Special Scheme;
(2)participate in the distribution of the assets remaining after the liquidation of the Special Scheme;
(3)obtai n asset man ageme nt reports and other in formatio n disclosure docume nts of the Special Scheme, and con sult or duplicate the in formati on materials related to the Special Scheme;
(4)trade or tran sfer the asset-backed securities;
(5)raise funds by repurchase in accorda nce with releva nt rules of market places; and

(6)exercise other rights agreed upon in subscription agreements or statements on the Special Scheme.

Article 14 To ensure the security of the cash flow of the underlying assets, a Special Scheme may adopt in ter nal or exter nal credit enhan ceme nt methods to upgrade the credit rat ing of its asset-backed securities.


The asset-backed securities issued by the same Special Scheme shall have the same par value, but may be divided into differe nt classes based on risk-retur n characteristics. Asset-backed securities of the same class shall enjoy equal rights and in terests, and bear the same level of risks.

Article 15 Credit rati ng age ncies holdi ng the securities market credit rati ng bus in ess lice nse approved by the CSRC (here in after referred to as the "Credit Rat ing Agen cy") may con duct in itial rati ng and follow-up rat ing of asset-backed securities.
Article 16 The manager of a Special Scheme and the sales institutions of its asset-backed securities shall take the follow ing measures to en sure that the in vestme nt decisi ons of in vestors are prude nt decisi ons made whe n they are fully aware of the risk-return characteristics of the asset-backed securities: (一)了解投资者的财产与收入状况、风险承受能力和投资偏好等,推荐与其风险承受能力相匹配的资产支持证券;
⑴ To un dersta nd the asset size and in come level, risk tolera nee and in vestme nt prefere nee of the in vestors, and recomme nd asset-backed securities suitable for their risk tolera nee;
(2) To fully disclose to the investors the information on the underlying assets of the Special Scheme, the impact of the cash flow forecast on the Special Scheme, main contents of the tran sact ion con tracts and the risk-retur n characteristics of the asset-backed securities, and to specify the rights and obligations relating to the investment in the asset-backed securities; and

(3) To prepare a risk disclosure statement to fully reveal investment risks, and to make sure that the in vestors have bee n made aware of the contents of the risk disclosure stateme nt and have affixed their sig natures there on before accept ing the subscripti on funds of the in vestors.


Article 17 A special acco unt for rais ing asset-backed securities shall be ope ned un der a Special Scheme to receive, con duct capital verificati on of, and tran sfer, the subscripti on funds for the asset-backed securities. The manager of the Special Scheme shall report the establishment of the Special Scheme within five working days thereof to the local office of the CSRC at its domicile.


Article 18 The establishment of a Special Scheme shall be deemed as failure if upon expiry of the issua nee period, the size of the asset-backed securities issued fails to reach the minimum issuance size specified in the statements on the Special Scheme or the Special Scheme fails to satisfy other conditions for establishment agreed upon in the said statements, in which case the manager concerned shall retur n the subscripti on funds and the in terest accrued there on to in vestors withi n ten work ing days follow ing the expiry of the issua nce period.


Article 19 The registration, custody, transfer, settlement, agency redemption and other matters relati ng to asset-backed securities shall be carried out in accorda nce with releva nt provisi ons of the market places concerned and the corresponding registration and settlement institutions.
Securities compa nies may provide two-way quotes for asset-backed securities.
Article 20 A Special Scheme shall be term in ated un der any of the follow ing circumsta nces:
⑴ Where the asset-backed securities reach their maturity;
(2)Where the Special Scheme can no Ion ger exist due to force majeure eve nts agreed upon in the stateme nts on the Special Scheme; or

(3)Where there are other circumstances prescribed by laws, administrative regulations or the CSRC, or other circumstances agreed upon in the statements on the Special Scheme.
Chapter 3: Man agers and Custodia ns
Article 21 The man ager of a Special Scheme shall perform the followi ng duties: (一)对相关交易主体和基础资产进行全面的尽职调查;
(1)To con duct a comprehe nsive due dilige nce in vestigati on of releva nt tra nsact ion participa nts and un derly ing assets;
(2)To urge origi nators to con duct sta ndardized operati ons and perform duties in accorda nce with the law;
(3)To handle matters relating to the issuance of asset-backed securities;
(4)To promptly pay the funds raised to the origi nators as agreed upon;
(5)To man age the assets un der the Special Scheme for the in terests of the in vestors of the asset-backed securities;
(6)To supervise and in spect the ongoing bus in ess operati ons of the origi nators and the cash flow of the un derly ing assets, and in the eve nt of sig nifica nt abno rmalities, to take n ecessary measures to safeguard the security of the assets un der the Special Scheme;
(7)To distribute proceeds to the in vestors of the asset-backed securities as agreed upon;
(8)To fulfill information disclosure obligations;
(9)To be resp on sible for the liquidati on upon term in ati on of the Special Scheme; and

(10)To perform other duties prescribed by laws, administrative regulations or the CSRC, as well as those agreed upon in the statements on the Special Scheme.
Article 22 The manager of a Special Scheme shall not commit any of the following con ducts:
(1)To fail to credit the funds raised into acco unts or otherwise con duct off-the-books operati ons;
(2)To raise funds in excess of the size agreed upon in the statements on the Special Scheme;
(3)To misappropriate the assets un der the Special Scheme;
(4)To provide guara ntee or in cur other con ti ngent liabilities with the assets un der the Special Scheme in breach of the stateme nts on the Special Scheme;
(5)To make outward investment with the assets under the Special Scheme in breach of the stateme nts on the Special Scheme; or

(6)To commit any other acts prohibited by laws, administrative regulations or the CSRC.

Article 23 The man ager of a Special Scheme shall con duct in depe ndent book-keep ing and acco un ti ng for the Special Scheme. Differe nt Special Schemes shall be in depe ndent of each other in terms of acco unt ope ning, fund disburseme nt, book-keep ing records, etc.

Article 24 The man ager of a Special Scheme shall desig nate a project lead for the Special Scheme who shall undertake the due diligence investigation and management of the Special Scheme.

The project lead shall have upright professional ethics, knowledge and experience of asset securitizati on, and no un favorable credit record.


Article 25 The man ager of a Special Scheme shall develop practical risk con trol measures and risk han dli ng pla ns in resp onse to the material risks that may arise duri ng the term of the Special Scheme. Where risks occur, the manager shall diligently execute the risk handling plans to protect the in terests of the in vestors of the asset-backed securities to the greatest exte nt possible.
Article 26 Under any of the following circumstances, the manager of a Special Scheme shall fully disclose releva nt matters and reveal pote ntial risks:
(一)管理人持有原始权益人5 %以上的股份;
⑴ Where the man ager holds 5% or more of the shares of an origi nator;
(二)原始权益人持有管理人5 %以上的股份;
(2)Where an originator holds 5% or more of the shares of the manager;
(3)Where un derwriti ng and spon sorship, fi nan cial advisory and other bus in ess relati on ships exist betwee n the man ager and an origi nator in the past three years; or

(4)Where there are other significant interests between the manager and an originator.

Article 27 Where the man ager and an origi nator of a Special Scheme fall un der any of the circumsta nces listed in Article 26 here in, or where the man ager subscribes for asset-backed securities with its proprietary funds or the collective asset management schemes or funds under its management, appropriate mechanisms shall be set up to guard against potential conflict of interest.

The man ager may, depe nding on specific bus in ess n eeds, decide on its own the upper limit under which its proprietary funds or the collective asset management schemes under its management may be used for subscrib ing for the asset-backed securities.

Article 28 Where a Special Scheme is term in ated, its man ager shall, accordi ng to the statements on the Special Scheme, set up a liquidation team to be responsible for the safekeeping, clean-up, valuation, cash realization and distribution of the assets under the Special Scheme.

The manager shall, within ten working days from the date of completing the liquidation of the Special Scheme, issue a liquidati on report to the releva nt custodia n and the in vestors of the asset-backed securities, and report the liquidation results to the local office of the CSRC at its domicile for record-fili ng.

The man ager shall en gage an acco un ti ng firm with securities-related bus in ess qualificati ons to issue audit opinions on the liquidation report.

Article 29 The man ager of a Special Scheme shall not resig n uni ess approved by the CSRC.


Where the man ager is disqualified from asset man ageme nt bus in ess, is dissolved, closed dow n or declared bankrupt, or is otherwise unable to continue to fulfill its duties as a manager, an interim man ager shall be desig nated by the CSRC before a new man ager who meets the requireme nts herein is selected and appo in ted accordi ng to the stateme nts on the Special Scheme or other releva nt legal docume nts. The stateme nts on the Special Scheme shall con tai n appropriate agreeme nts in this regard.


Article 30 The man ager of a Special Scheme shall promptly hand over releva nt files and
duties once its duties are term in ated. Prior to the completi on of the han d-over, the man ager shall properly keep the documents and materials of the Special Scheme and safeguard the legitimate rights and in terests of the in vestors of the asset-backed securities.

The man ager shall report releva nt situati ons to the local office of the CSRC at its domicile within five working days upon completion of the hand-over.
Article 31 The custodian of a Special Scheme shall perform the following duties during asset securitizati on custody bus in ess:
⑴ To en sure the safe custody of the assets un der the Special Scheme;
(2)To supervise the operati ons of the asset securitizati on bus in ess of the man ager of the Special Scheme, and require the man ager to make correct ion if its man ageme nt in struct ions are in branch of the stateme nts on the Special Scheme or the custody agreeme nt; in the eve nt that the man ager fails to make correcti on, to refuse to execute such in struct ions and report releva nt in formati on to the local office of the CSRC at the domicile of the manager in a timely manner;
(3)To issue an asset custody report; and

(4)To perform other duties agreed upon un der the stateme nts on the Special Scheme and other releva nt legal docume nts.
Chapter 4: Origi nators
Article 32 An origi nator of a Special Scheme shall not en croach on or damage the assets
un der the Special Scheme, and shall perform the follow ing duties:
(1)To transfer underlying assets in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, its articles of associati on and releva nt agreeme nts;
(2)To cooperate with and support the manager and the custodian of the Special Scheme, and other institutions providing services for asset securitization in their performance of duties; and

(3)To perform other duties agreed upon un der the legal docume nts on the Special Scheme.

Article 33 The docume nts submitted by an origi nator of a Special Scheme to the man ager and other releva nt bus in ess participa nts shall be true, accurate and complete, and be free from any false record,
misleading statement or material omission. The originator shall ensure that the un derly ing assets are real, legitimate and valid, and are free from any circumsta nces that affect the establishme nt of the Special Scheme.
Article 34 During the term of a Special Scheme, an origi nator who may have a material impact on the Special Scheme and the in terests of the in vestors of asset-backed securities (here in after referred to as the "Specific Origi nator") shall also satisfy the followi ng con diti ons:
(1)Its production and operations shall be in compliance with laws, administrative regulations and its articles of association;
(2)Its in ter nal con trol systems shall be robust;
(3)It is capable of operating as a going concern, and is free from material operating risks, finan cial risks and legal risks;
(4)It has committed no material breach of con tract, disclosure of false in formati on or other grave illegalities and irregularities in the past three years; and

(5)It shall satisfy other conditions prescribed by laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC.


The foregoing Specific Originator shall, during the term of the Special Scheme, maintain normal product ion and bus in ess activities or provide reas on able support so that the un derl ying assets are provided with n ecessary safeguards to gen erate the expected cash flow. Where material matters that may prejudice the interests of the investors of the asset-backed securities take place, the Specific Originator shall promptly notify the manager of the Special Scheme in writing.
Chapter 5: Establishme nt Applicati on
Article 35 A securities company that applies for setting up a Special Scheme to issue asset-backed securities shall satisfy the following conditions:
(1)It shall hold securities asset man ageme nt bus in ess qualificati ons;
(2)It shall not have been subject to any administrative punishments in the past year due to grave illegalities or irregularities; and

(3)It shall have a sound complia nee and risk con trol system, and robust risk han dli ng measures to effectively con trol bus in ess risks.
