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The sailors swarmed into a laughing , cheering ring around the two men. 拆译前:水兵们蜂拥成又欢又笑的圆圈,把这两个人围了起来。 拆译后:水兵们欢欢笑笑,蜂拥而至,把这两个人围了起来。 The year 1983 began—and ended—with an unusual oil crisis : fears that the price of crude oil would not go up but down. 1983年新年伊始,就存在着一种异乎寻常的石油危机:人们担心原油 价格要下降,而不是上扬。这一年结束的时 候,情况依然如故。 句中ended作并列谓语。意为“新年开始和结束时,始终存在着一种 异乎寻常的石油危机:……”,此处将动词ended拆译为一个句子,用 “情况依然如故”代替前面讲过的危机,则句子更加通顺。
1.Well, what if I did? I've as good a right to take a taxi as anyone else. 那又怎么样呢?的士别人能坐,咱也能坐。 2.How can you be such a foolish ignorant girl as to think you could afford to pay Mr. Higgins? 你这姑娘怎么那么不懂事?你能出得起钱请息金斯先生吗?
三.拆分词短语 He was dressed , sitting by the fire , looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years. 他已经穿好衣服,坐在火炉旁。这个9岁的男孩看上去病 得很厉害,一副可怜巴巴的模样。 (现在分词短语〈状语成分〉译成一个句子)
一.拆名词短语 His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.
他没有遵守安全规则,结果造成机器故障。 此句中的名词短语作主语,直译为“他的未能遵守安全规则造成了 机器故障。”翻译时可将failure转译为动词fail to(observe),把主语部 分拆译为一个短句。
郭玥琦 14140110 谢 艺 14140108 2016.10.27
Part1:Picking Out of Word 应用语法分析和 (拆译单词) 逻辑判断的手段, Part2:Picking Out of 对英语语篇加以 Phrases(拆译短语) 分析拆解,就能 Part3:Splitting of Complex 使译文更加体现 Sentences(拆译复合句) 汉语“意合”的 Part4:Splitting of the Whole Sentence (拆译整个 特点。这种化整 句子)
巴黎公社的伟大社会措施就在于它不仅能够生存,而且能够行 使其职能。 The difficulty of attainment increases the value of the object. 越是难得的东西,其身价就越高。 Thunderstorms in spring and summer often come with intensity great enough to cause flash-flooding.
He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten. 拆译前:他提醒我那些不提起或许会忘记的事。 拆译后:他提醒了我,要不然我就把这事忘了。
Not surprisingly, those who were praised improved dramatically 那些受到表扬的人进步显著,这是不足为怪的。 三.拆名词 At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply. 如今,人们倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因 为这样安全,不招风险。
二. Separate Other Clauses from the Main Clause (拆译主句或其他从句)
Inversion often requires division. We may separate other clauses from the main clause and rearrange the word order, rendering the main clause or the subordinate clause into Chinese independent element or extra-position element.我 们可以将主子句中的其他子句分开,并重新排列字序,使主子句或 下级子句成为中文独立元素或外部元素。 1.The Paris Commune was perfectly right in telling the peasants that “its victory was their only hope”.巴黎公社对农 民说“公社的胜利是他们的唯一希望”,这是完全正确的。 2.It is familiar fact that nothing in nature will either start or stop moving of itself.自然界任何物体的运动都不会自行开始或 自行停止,这是人所共知的事实。
Example: 1.Bright sunshine flooded the street where a group of boys in Sunday clothes were playing ball. 大街上阳光灿烂。一群穿着假日服装的孩子正在街上玩球。
2.There is a minimum size for the reactor at which the chain reaction will just work. 要使连锁反应刚好能够维持下去,反应堆就要有一个最起码的尺寸。
Part4: Splitting of the Whole Sentence
Division is often needed to translate colloquial expressions, complex and long sentences. It should be noted that shorter expressions or sentences are generally preferred in Chinese.通常需要翻译复杂句和长句,而应该注意的 是较短的表达式或句子。
一. Separate the Adjective Clause from the Main Clause (拆译定语从句)
二. Separate Other Clauses from the Main Clause (拆译主句或其他从句)
一. Separate the Adjective Clause from the Main Clause (拆译定语从句)(p257-p261)
二.拆介词短语 He had left a note of welcome for me , as sunny as his face.
他留下一封短信,对我表示欢迎,那信写得热情洋溢,一如其人。 该句中的定语短语of welcome for me与as sunny as his face均为修饰 note的定语,汉译时如果放在note之前,译为“他留下一封写得像他的 人一样热情的对我表示欢迎的信”,显得累赘不同。
If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Broad Street. He is well known. 上星期日傍晚,有人曾见某君在市教堂取走雨伞一把。取伞者 如不愿卷入纠纷,还是将伞送至布劳德街十号为妙。此君为谁, 尽人皆知。 Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing. 如今人们知道,如果食物中缺少了某些重要成分,即使其中 不含任何有害的物质,也会引起严重的疾病。
That question is too hard for me to answer.
那个问题太难了,我回答不了。 (拆译不定式复合结构)
I stated that his demarche cannot safely be regarded as mere bluff. 我说过,把他的外交方针看做仅仅是恫吓,那决不是万全之策。 The great social measure of the Paris Commune was its own working existence.
Part3: Splitting of Complex Sentence
A complex sentence, composed of two or more clauses, often expresses a series of logical propositions. 一个复杂的句 子,由两个或两个以上的子句,通常表达一系列的逻辑命题。
为零的处理方式 为“拆译法”
Part1:Picking Out of Word
• 拆译单词是指将难译的词从句子主干中拆离出 来,另作处理(拆译成汉语句子),这种做法 常常引起句式上的调整。 • 拆词主要拆名词、动词、副词、形容词等。
一.拆形容词 二.拆副词
四.拆动词一.拆形容词Part2:Picking Out of Phrases
• 拆译短语是把短语从句子的主干中拆分出来,或变成 短句,或变成独立句分出来,或变成短句,或变成独 立句等。 • 名词短语,介词短语,分词短语、不定式短语都可以 拆译成分句。 一.拆名词短语 二.拆介词短语
English adjective clauses may be translated in to separate clauses or sentences, or subordinate clauses which function as adverbials denoting reason, result, purpose, condition, concession, etc. 英语定语从句可以在独立的从句或 句子翻译,或充当状语从句表示原因,结果,目的、条件、让步等。
The headlines of the Paris and London newspapers were big , black , and frightened. 拆译前:巴黎和伦敦的报纸的标题是大号、黑体和恐慌的。 拆译后:巴黎和伦敦的报纸用的是大号黑体标题,显得惊 慌失措。 That region is the most identifiable trouble spot. 那个地区是个麻烦的地方,这谁都看得出来。 (句中的形容词identifiable拆译成汉语的分句) All this time our poor bewildered families had been kept in secret at Brioni. 整整这段时间,我们可怜的家属,一直秘密地被留在布里 俄尼,不知所措。