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1. Look at the chart. There are five apples on the table at 8 o'clock. But at 9 o'clock, there are only three. How many apples are there less at 9 o'clock than at 8 o'clock?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. Eight


8 点时有5 个苹果,9 点时有3 个苹果,9 点比8 点少2 个,所以选A。

B 选项3 是9 点时苹果的数量;C 选项5 是8 点时苹果的数量;D 选项8 与题目无关。

2. The chart shows that there are 10 dogs in the park in the morning. In the afternoon, there are 15 dogs. How many more dogs are there in the afternoon than in the morning?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 25


早上有10 只狗,下午有15 只狗,下午比早上多5 只,选A。

B 选项10 是早上狗的数量;C 选项15 是下午狗的数量;D 选项25 是错误计算结果。

3. According to the chart, Tom reads 2 books in January and 4 books
in February. How many books does Tom read in total in these two months?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8


1 月读 2 本,2 月读 4 本,总共读 6 本,选C。

A 选项 2 是1 月读书的数量;B 选项 4 是2 月读书的数量;D 选项8 是错误计算结果。

4. The chart tells us that Lily has 3 pencils on Monday and 5 pencils on Tuesday. How many pencils does Lily have in all from Monday to Tuesday?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 8
D. 15


周一有3 支铅笔,周二有5 支铅笔,一共8 支,选C。

A 选项 3 是周一铅笔的数量;B 选项5 是周二铅笔的数量;D 选项15 是错误计算结果。

5. Look at the time chart. The movie starts at 7:00 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m. How long does the movie last?
A. 2 hours and 30 minutes
B. 1 hour and 30 minutes
C. 2 hours
D. 3 hours and 30 minutes


7 点开始,9 点30 分结束,经过2 小时30 分钟,选A。

B 选项1 小时30 分钟计算错误;C 选项2 小时计算不完整;D 选项3 小时30 分钟计算错误。

6. Look at the chart. Mary is ______ now.
A. reading a book
B. playing football
C. swimming
D. sleeping

本题图表中显示Mary 正在读书,选项 B 踢足球、选项C 游泳、选项D 睡觉都与图表不符。

7. According to the graph, Tom ______ at the moment.
A. is singing
B. is dancing
C. is drawing
D. is running

从图表可知,Tom 此刻正在画画,选项A 唱歌、选项B 跳舞、选项D 跑步均不符合图表内容。

8. The chart shows that Lucy is ______.
A. doing her homework
B. watching TV
C. having lunch
D. cleaning the room

图表表明Lucy 正在打扫房间,选项A 做作业、选项
B 看电视、选项
C 吃午饭均不正确。

9. In the picture, Jack ______.
A. is riding a bike
B. is playing the piano
C. is flying a kite
D. is cooking

这幅图中,Jack 正在放风筝,选项 A 骑自行车、选项B 弹钢琴、选项D 做饭都不是图中的内容。

10. The activity chart tells us that Lily ______.
A. is shopping
B. is walking the dog
C. is watering the flowers
D. is playing with a doll

活动图表显示Lily 正在浇花,选项 A 购物、选项B 遛狗、选项D 玩玩具娃娃都不对。

11. Look at the map. The library is ______ the school.
A. in front of
B. behind
C. next to
D. between


“in front of”表示在......前面;“behind”表示在......后面;“next to”表示紧挨着;“between”表示在两者之间。


12. The park is ______ the cinema and the supermarket.
A. near
B. across from
C. between
D. on

“near”表示在附近;“across from”表示在......对面;“between...and...”表示在......和......之间;“on”表示在......上面。


13. The zoo is ______ of the hospital.
A. east
B. west
C. south
D. north



14. The supermarket is ______ the street.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. of

“on the street”表示在街上,是固定搭配,选A。

15. The museum is not far ______ here.
A. from
B. to
C. at
D. in

“far from”表示离......远,是固定短语,选A。

16. Look at the chart. It's summer. We often wear _____.
A. sweaters
B. T-shirts
C. coats
D. scarves


夏天天气炎热,通常穿T 恤,A 选项sweaters(毛衣)、C 选项coats(外套)和D 选项scarves (围巾)都不适合夏天穿。

17. According to the chart, it's rainy in spring. We need to take _____.
A. an umbrella
B. sunglasses
C. a hat
D. gloves

春天多雨,需要带伞,B 选项sunglasses(太阳镜)是晴天用的,C 选项a hat((帽子)和D 选项gloves((手套)与雨天无关。

18. The chart shows that it's snowy in winter. We can _____.
A. go swimming
B. fly kites
C. make a snowman
D. have a picnic

冬天下雪,可以堆雪人,A 选项go swimming((游泳)是夏天的活动,B 选项fly kites((放风筝)是春天适合的,D 选项have
a picnic(野餐)通常在天气好的时候进行。

19. From the chart, we know it's windy in autumn. We can _____.
A. play football
B. ride a bike
C. fly a kite
D. play basketball

秋天有风,可以放风筝,A 选项play football(踢足球)、B 选项ride a bike(骑自行车)和D 选项play basketball(打篮球)对风的需求不明显。

20. Look at the weather chart. It's sunny in summer. We should put on _____.
A. boots
C. shoes
D. socks

夏天晴天适合穿凉鞋,A 选项boots((靴子)、C 选项shoes(鞋子)和D 选项socks(袜子)不太符合夏天晴天的穿着。

21. The price of the pen is 5 yuan. How much is the notebook if it's twice as expensive as the pen?
A. 10 yuan
B. 15 yuan
C. 20 yuan
D. 25 yuan

解析:笔的价格是5 元,笔记本价格是笔的两倍,所以笔记本价格是5×2 = 10 元。

22. In the chart, the bag costs 30 yuan. How much do two bags cost?
A. 30 yuan
B. 40 yuan
C. 50 yuan
D. 60 yuan

解析:一个包30 元,两个包就是30×2 = 60 元。

23. The ruler is 2 yuan. The eraser is 1 yuan cheaper than the ruler. How much is the eraser?
A. 1 yuan
C. 3 yuan
D. 0 yuan

解析:尺子2 元,橡皮比尺子便宜1 元,所以橡皮是2 - 1 = 1 元。

24. The book is 15 yuan. The pen is 5 yuan cheaper than the book. How much is the pen?
A. 10 yuan
B. 20 yuan
C. 5 yuan
D. 25 yuan

解析:书15 元,笔比书便宜5 元,所以笔是15 - 5 = 10 元。

25. The pencil is 1 yuan. The pencil case is 4 times as expensive as the pencil. How much is the pencil case?
A. 4 yuan
B. 5 yuan
C. 6 yuan
D. 3 yuan

解析:铅笔1 元,铅笔盒价格是铅笔的4 倍,所以铅笔盒是1×4 = 4 元。

26. Look at the chart. How many people go to work by bike?
A. Five
B. Ten
C. Fifteen
D. Twenty


从图表中可以清晰看到,骑自行车上班的人数是5 个。

27. According to the graph, which transportation is the most popular?
A. Bus
B. Train
C. Car
D. Bike


28. The chart shows that the number of people traveling by plane is ______.
A. small
B. big
C. large
D. few


29. From the table, we can know that ______ people choose to go on
a trip by ship.
A. a lot of
B. a few
C. some
D. many

根据表格,选择乘船旅行的人是少数,“a few”表示“一些,少数”,符合图表所呈现的情况。

30. Which of the following is true according to the chart about transportation?
A. More people take the subway than the taxi.
B. Fewer people ride the motorcycle than the scooter.
C. The number of people using the tram is the same as that of the helicopter.
D. There are no people going by helicopter.

观察图表,乘坐直升机出行的人数为0,所以D 选项正确。

A 选项,乘地铁的人数少于乘出租车的;B 选项,骑摩托车的人数多于骑踏板车的;C 选项,乘坐有轨电车和直升机的人数不同。
