

段落翻译 2 英译汉

段落翻译 2 英译汉
❖ 我知道等待我的又是一个无外界干扰, 我可以写写文章,遛遛狗,看看书抑或 听听音乐的大整天。
❖ …在这一天里我会写下一些新的记载…
❖ 在许多日子里,当我醒来注视着太阳从 地平面升起的时候…
❖I’m lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when from the time being I feel empty ad need filling up.
❖ 正如我每天所做的一样,每天早上,当 我醒来,看着朝阳从海上冉冉升起时候, 知道我有一整天不会被打扰的时间,我 会写写文章,遛遛狗,读些书或听点音 乐,这样我心里就会整天都洋溢着快乐。
❖ 没有打搅的一天,只须轻轻松松写下几 句,再带上爱犬出门溜达,或是看看书 和听听音乐的悠闲一天在等着我,我心 里顿时便充满着悦愉之情。
❖ War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.
❖ 而我有时候感到孤独可能是因为我刚从一 个去听演讲的旅行回来,在途中看到许多 人并跟他们聊天。。。
❖ 也有这么一些时刻让我感到孤独的:当我巡 游回到家里。。。
❖ 我听完一个讲座回来,或看到许多的人,讲 了很多话,以致已经疲于去跟他人分享我渴 望表达的经历时。。。
❖ 在我的经历满得快到溢出来而必须得到整理 的时候。。。
❖ 对我来说,孤独生活中最有趣的源自情莫 过于在过去二十年里,孤独生活的欢欣 不断增加。


Good wine needs no bush. 酒好客自来。(注:英国从前流行一种风俗, 人们常在商店的门
口外挂某种东西作为该店经营某种商品的标志, 挂常春藤ivybush标志的常为酒店。)
Exercises of annotation
1. New York was never Mecca to me. 纽约从不是我心中的圣地麦加。
4. Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday.
他没有认识奥斯本之前,已经暗暗佩服他。如 今便成了他的听差,他的狗,他的忠仆星期五 *。 *星期五(Friday)是《鲁滨逊漂流记》故事中 Robinson Crusoe的忠实奴仆。
5. While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr.Alistair Cooke's excellent article.
我想给阿利斯太尔·库克先生ome to Big Apple City Tour! 欢迎参加 大苹果市观光之旅!(大苹果市为纽约市的别 称。)
2.1.2 直译加注
(literal translation +annotation)
2. But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the ‘ sandwich generation ’, caught between kids and parents.

unit 2 词汇翻译 2

unit 2 词汇翻译 2

春节,又称农历新年,它是中国最重大的传统节 日。时间通常在一月底,二月初,象征着一年辛 劳后,冬春之交的休息和放松,也象征了喜庆。 The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the greatest traditional festival. It is usually a time between late January or early February, which means rest and relaxation between winter and spring after a year’s toil, and means celebration as well.
春节前,人们打扫屋子、在大门上贴大红对联、 放鞭炮。据传说,这样做是为了驱赶一个叫“年 ”的魔鬼。除夕之夜,一大家子定会在一起会餐 ,最受欢迎的主食是饺子,人们认为它能带来好 运吉祥。 Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses, put red couplets on their gates, and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tales, for driving a demon named Nian away. On the eve of the Spring Festival, a gettogether banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Jiaozi, which is supposed to bring good fortune.
1) 减省语气助词 汉译英时语气助词多半要省略。 真的呢,再没有比这种童子面更好看的茶花了。(杨朔,《 茶花赋》) It’s true. No flowers are lovelier than children’s faces. 我想到李白杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟搏浪急进,该 是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊!(刘白 羽,《长江三日》) This makes me think of the poets Li Bai and Du Fu in those ancient days when they sailed upstream against the current and how such a magnificent struggle would stir the poets’ great imagination.

5 句子翻译(2)

5 句子翻译(2)

英语为语法型语言,重点研究主谓序列及其相关 词类,句子结构受形式逻辑制约,注重形式的严 谨。 Partridge (1954:9)认为“英语句子十句有九句是 按主谓宾配列的”。

英语的句法特征是:主语突出、易于识别,且只 能由名词或名词性的词语担任;谓语绝对受主语 的支配,在人称和数上面必须和主语保持一致, 有时态、语态和语气的变化。

使用一系列表示时间或地点的状语时,汉语中 的顺序通常是由大到小、由远及近,而英语 大 体与汉语相反。
A. 他①一九九零年②八月③二十二日④早晨⑤ 六点三十分诞生在⑥湖南的⑦一个小县城。 He was born ⑦ in a small town of ⑥ Hunan Province ⑤ at six thirty ④ on the morning of ② August ③ 22nd, ① 1990.

汉语句子中谓语成分种类繁多,非常复杂 英语句子中的谓语比较单一,只能由动词或动词 短语承担 谓语的确定应该基于表意的需要 1. 准确传达原意,表达贴近 A. 中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。 The Central Government has refrained from intervening in the affairs of HKSAR. The Central Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.

B. 颐和园在1900年遭遇八国联军的破坏。 The Summer Palace was reduced to ruins by the allied forces of the eight foreign powers. The Summer Palace suffered ravage in the hands of the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.



1.How did the war,which brought terrible disasters to mankind,impact on such a poet?这场给人类带来巨大灾难的战争对这样一个诗人产生了什么影响呢?2.Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children,which will cause the chidren to make the same mistake again.做母亲的时候不能察觉她们所宠爱的孩子们的过错,这样做的结果会使孩子们再次犯同样的过错。

3.As a new immigrant in this completely strange country,she always felt isolated.作为一个在这个完全陌生国度的新移民,她总是感觉到孤立无援。

4.Acting before thinking often results in failre,so we should think before we leap.做事不先考虑周全常会导致失败,因此我们应该三思而后行。

5.The time for talking is past,we must take a positive action to protect our environment.奢谈的时候已经过去了,我们必须积极行动起来保护我们的环境。

1.Take two pills each time and three times day and you will be well in a few days.每次服两片药,每天三次,你的病几天就会好了。

2.He is not impatient,he is just too tired.他不是没有耐心,他只是太累了。

3.Once water shortage reaches the point of no return,there will be nothing left to be done but abandon the city.一旦水源短缺到了无可挽回的地步,只得放弃这座城市。



He held Jin in his arms. With tears in his eyes,他紧紧拥抱着金,眼中噙满了泪水,Jin pushed Lin way. "Go, Brother Write to us as soon as you get there, OK?"金把林推开,“走吧,弟弟,一到那里就给我们写信,好吗?”Lin jumped onto the train. There were people and bags everywhere .林跳上了火车,火车上到处都是乘客和行李,He pushed past them towards his seat.他穿过拥挤的人群来到他的座位。

A young man was sitting in Lin's seat.一个年轻人坐在林的座位上,He was wearing jians and a very smart jacket, and was smoking a cigarette,他穿着牛仔裤和一件非常时尚的夹克,正在吸一支烟。

What should he do?他应该怎么办?Six pairs of eyes looked at Lin, while the man looked out of the window.六双眼睛看着林,然而那个人却朝窗外启动看去。

"Sir, You're sitting in my seat,"Lin said, with a nervous smile.“先生,你坐着我的座位,”林带着紧张的笑容说,The other people watched with interest.其他人都饶有兴味地看着他。

The man didn't turn to look at Lin, but just looked out of the window !那个人没有回头看林,而且看着窗外。



He held Jin in his arms. With tears‎in his eyes,他紧紧拥抱‎着金,眼中噙满了‎泪水, Jin pushe‎d Lin way. "Go, Broth‎e r Write‎to us as soon as you get there‎, OK?"金把林推开‎,“走吧,弟弟,一到那里就‎给我们写信‎,好吗?”Lin jumpe‎d onto the train‎.There‎were peopl‎e and bags every‎w here‎.林跳上了火‎车,火车上到处‎都是乘客和‎行李,He pushe‎d past them towar‎d s his seat.他穿过拥挤‎的人群来到‎他的座位。

A young‎man was sitti‎n g in Lin's seat.一个年轻人‎坐在林的座‎位上,He was weari‎n g jians‎and a very smart‎jacke‎t, and was smoki‎n g a cigar‎e tte,他穿着牛仔‎裤和一件非‎常时尚的夹‎克,正在吸一支‎烟。

What shoul‎d he do?他应该怎么‎办?Six pairs‎of eyes looke‎d at Lin, while‎the man looke‎d out of the windo‎w.六双眼睛看‎着林,然而那个人‎却朝窗外启‎动看去。

"Sir, You're sitti‎n g in my seat,"Lin said, with a nervo‎u s smile‎.“先生,你坐着我的‎座位,”林带着紧张‎的笑容说,The other‎peopl‎e watch‎e d with inter‎e st.其他人都饶‎有兴味地看‎着他。

The man didn't turn to look at Lin, but just looke‎d out of the windo‎w!那个人没有‎回头看林,而且看着窗‎外。


As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.
1) 该公司否认其捐款有商业目的
You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.”
In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.
Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.
2) 互联网连接速度慢真让人心烦
A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.
The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.
Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.
3) 教育是我们家庭最看重的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学校上学


14. A: What shall we do this evening?
B:Let’s go out for a meal / Let’s eat out . (我们出去吃顿饭吧。)
15.A: John didn’t come to the party yesterday. Where did he go?
B:SaladLeabharlann for me, please/ I’d like a salad, please(我要份沙拉。).
19. A: Where is Jack?
B: He is over there.He is in blue jeans . (穿蓝色牛仔裤的。)
20.A: We have plenty of time before the film. We could have something to eat (可以吃点儿东西) after the film or go to a pub.
第四部分 翻译
1.A: Did you use to get on (well) with your brother? (你曾经和你哥哥/弟弟关系处得好吗?)
B:Not too well. We used to fight a lot.
2.A: Do you ever do any exercise?
13. They walked slowly along the road.
我要份沙拉。 I'd like a salad, please.) O. n. ?,
他穿着一件红色的T恤衫。He wears a red T-shirt.1










Martial artsare one of the typical Chinese traditional cultures. The theory of martial arts is based on the classical Chinese philosophy while the skills of martial arts consist of different forms of fighting: weapon fights and unarmed combats. Practicing martial arts can build fitness as well as increase people’s willpower and cultivate their moral character.Practicing martial arts can be used to cure illness as well as for self-defense. Martial arts are a comprehensive form of human body culture. Practicing martial arts enjoys a long history and great popularity in China. Today, Chinese martial artsare drawing the attention of more and more people in other countries.Unit17围棋是一种两人棋类游戏,起源于中国。



青年⼈的四种选择 Lesson 2 Four Choices for Young People 在毕业前不久,斯坦福⼤学四年级主席吉姆?宾司给我写了⼀封信,信中谈及他的⼀些不安。

Shortly before his graduation, Jim Binns, president of the senior class at Stanford University, wrote me about some of his misgivings. 他写道:“与其他任何⼀代⼈相⽐,我们这⼀代⼈在看待成⼈世界时抱有更⼤的疑虑……同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成⼈世界。

” “More than any other generation,” he said, “our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.” 很明显,他的话代表了许多同龄⼈的看法。

Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries. 在过去的⼏年⾥,我倾听过许多年轻⼈的谈话,他们有的还在⼤学读书,有的已经毕业,他们对于成⼈的世界同样感到不安。

During the last few years, I have listened to scores of young people, in college and out, who were just as nervous about the grown world. ⼤致来说,他们的态度可归纳如下:“这个世界乱糟糟的,到处充满了不平等、贫困和战争。





1. He earns scarcely enough to keep body and soul together.他挣得钱几乎难以维持生计2. I'd love to go out to lunch but you know I'm living on a shoestring.我倒愿意去餐馆吃饭,可你知道我手头并不宽裕。

3. She used so many technical terms in her speech that the audience could make neither head nor tail of it.她在演讲中用了很多专业用语,以至于观众听得莫名其妙。

4. Mike gets early and sits up very late and is burning the candle at both ends.麦克起早贪黑,精力迅速消耗。

5. The world of her childhood continued to exist, haunting and puzzling her with a dream of something slow and quiet from which she was forever shut away.童年的记忆历历在目、使她难以忘怀。


6. 我们要刻苦钻研业务,提高领导水平。

We should apply ourselves to the study,acquire the professional proficiency required by their jobs,and improve our lever of leadership art.7. 他们在实行学分制,努力把教学质量提高到一个新水平。

They carry out the credit system,striving to raise teachingquality to a new height. 8. 三四年级的同学应当努力读一些英美文学的书。




下面是店铺给大家整理的2的英文翻译,供大家参阅!2的英文翻译英 [tu:] 美 [tu]twonum. 两个; 第二; 二;2在网络语言中的意思在网络中,2通常有多种理解意思,一种理解为“爱”,一种理解为“笨”、“傻”的意思,如犯2,另一种意思就是形容一个人很活泼开朗,很幽默并且个性,还有一种用来形容人呆住、无语的意思,如:看到这个成绩我瞬间就2了。








在现代三种青年类型中,代表2货青年(其他两种分别是普通青年和文艺青年[1] ),由此也深化了2的定义,大部分人通俗的认为2只是傻和头脑不灵光的意思,但标准定义是指人对待事物的一种乐观活泼的态度,标准的特2青年往往代表那些活泼开朗,很幽默并且个性的群体,他们的言行可以用大智若愚来形容。




翻译 2

翻译 2

中华民族所以能在五千多年的历史进程中生生不息、发展壮大, 历经挫折而不屈, 屡遭坎坷而不馁, 靠的就是这样一种发愤图强、坚忍不拔、与时俱进的精神。
Throughout its 5,000-year history, it is thanks to their perseverance, determination, stamina(精力,耐力) and innovation that the Chinese nation has grown after surviving numerous setbacks and adversity.
中国人民把维护民族团结作为自己义不容辞的职 责,把维护国家主权和领土完整作为自己至高无 上的使命。 The Chinese people take the maintenance of ethnic unity and harmony as their duty and the defense of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as their sacred mission.
一班:程佳,刘亚非 二班:杨萌,向方禹
中华文明历来注重自强不息,不断革故鼎新。 天行健君子以自强不息。这是中国的一句千 年传世格言。中华民族所以能在5000多年的 历史进程中生生不息,发展壮大,历经挫折 而不屈,屡遭坎坷而不馁,靠的就是这样一 种发愤图强,坚韧不拔的精神。中国人民在 改革开放中表现出来的开阔进取的精神,在 建设国家中焕发出来的创造热情,在克服前 进道路上的各种困难中表现出来的顽强毅力, 正是这种自强不息精神的生动写照。



一1 作为市场营销经理,他的重要位置影响着市场营销计划。

As a marketing manager, he is in a strategic position for influencing the marketing plans.2他认为我们不应该再在这个问题上多花时间了。

He doesn't think we should devote any more time to this issue.3在决定前,没有人愿提出肯定的答案。

Nobody wanted to commit himself to a definite answer before the decision.4盖茨的梦想是让每一个家庭和每一张办公桌上都有一台电脑,所以微软的方向是要让个人电脑易学易用。

Gate's dream is a computer for every family and on every office desk, Microsoft's goal is to make the personal computer easy to master and convenient to use.5 盖茨承认,在30岁以前,他几乎没有过休息日。

Gates acknowledged that he had hardly had a day off before he was thirty.6 盖茨和他领导的微软公司所创造的业绩是信息业的一大传奇。


At this time of next year, I shall have been a teacher for ten years.2明天半夜客轮会抵达上海。

The passenger boat will have arrived at Shanghai by the midnight of tomorrow.3他肯定会按与您的约定交上论文。



3.Omission 省略法e.g.---- The time-keeping devices of electronic watches are much more accurate than those ofmechanical ones.电子表比机械表准确得多。

More examplesA soldier must obey orders.It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10.5-mile race over a course through steep exhausting hills.3. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.4. One must make painstaking efforts before one could succeed in maste ring a foreignlanguage.1. A soldier must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。

(省冠词)2. It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10.5-mile race over a course through steep exhausting hills.那是九月初的一天,秋高气爽,阳光明媚,正是赛跑的好时光。



(省连词)3. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.使自由保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致。

翻译 (2)

翻译 (2)







































地处、位于、坐落于:be located in,或者be situated in。

翻译:Tibet is located in the southwest of China.13世纪中叶,正式纳入中国元代版图。

解析:13世纪中叶:in the mid-thirteenth century或者in the middle of the thirteenth century 或者in the middle of 1200s或者in the mid 1200s。


版图:名词domain,但是这里可以用动词化表达,用到动词dominate,rule,govern,include sth in…, 或者直接用owned by和claim ownership of. 可以把元代提到前面,表达在13世纪中叶是由元朝统治中国。

正式:officially,formally 都可以。


檀萝之国,岂非此耶? 嗟乎!蚁之灵异,犹不可穷,况山藏木伏之大者所变化乎?时生酒徒周弁、田子华并居六合县,不与生过从旬日矣。生逮遣家僮疾往候之。周生暴疾已逝,田子华亦寝疾于床。生感南柯之浮虚,悟人世之倏忽,遂栖心道门,绝弃酒色。后三年,岁在丁丑,亦终于家。
时年四十七,将符宿契之限矣。 公佐贞元十八年秋八月,自吴之洛,暂泊淮浦,偶觌淳于生儿楚,询访遗迹,翻复再三,事皆摭实,辄编录成传,以资好事。虽稽神语怪,事涉非经,而窃位著生,冀将为戒,后之君子,幸以南柯为偶然,无以名位骄于天壤间云
生忽若惛睡,瞢然久之,方乃发悟前事,遂流涕请还。王顾左右以送生,生再拜而去,复见前二紫衣使者从焉。 至大户外,见所乘车甚劣,左右亲使御仆,遂无一人,心甚叹异。生上车,行可数里,复出大城,宛是昔年东来之途;山川原野,依然如旧。所送二使者,甚无威势,生逾快快。
王并依表以遣之。 其夕,王与夫人饯于国南。王谓生曰:南柯,国之大都,土地丰壤,人物豪盛,非惠政不能以治之。况有周、田二赞。卿其勉之,以副国念。
夫人戒公主曰:淳于郎性刚好酒,加之少年;为妇之道,贵乎柔顺。尔善事之,吾无忧矣。南柯虽封境不遥,晨昏有间,今日睽别,宁不沾巾!生与妻拜首南去,登车拥骑,言笑甚欢。 累夕达郡。郡有官吏、僧道、耆老、音乐、车辇、武卫,銮铃,争来迎奉。



(1) It was not long before he died.译文过了不久,他就死了。

(2) It has been one year since I last smoked.译文一年前,我戒了烟。

/ 我戒烟已经一年了。

(3) This is well out of the line of traffic and it was three years before any ship sighted the castaways.译文这里远离航线,过了三年,过往船只才发现这群流落荒岛的人。

(4) You have to ask for his consultation before you make any decision.必须咨询他之后才能做出决定。


(1) Office area, staff only.译文办公区域,闲人免进。

(2) The villagers found themselves vulnerable(['vʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l]易受攻击的)to the process of industrialization.译文村民们发现自己无力抵挡工业化的进程。

(3) This problem is quite above me.译文这个问题难住了我。

/ 这个问题我不懂。

(1) By the time I reached Stanislau, all the people were gone, too.我抵达斯丹尼斯劳时,此地已经成为空城了。

(2) The new century is upon us.我们即将迎来新世纪。

(3)After three sips it was gone, but I could still feel its warmth and energy. 我啜吸三口就喝光了,不过咖啡的香浓温暖我却至今难忘。

(4)Being a writer had been far from my expectations; being a best-selling author was almost unfathomable(深不可测的;无底的;莫测高深的).我根本没有料到过自己能成为一名作家,更不敢想象自己能成为一位畅销书作者。

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(up to sb)
It's up to you to decide whether we shall buy this set of equipment or not.

( it is….)
It's a fact that he has gone. It’s no use crying.

Whichever you prefer,I'll give it to you. But we don't have any other models for you to choose from.
4. 众所周知,与其他国家相比,中国是一个人口众多的国家。

(what is…, compared)
What is known to us all is that China is a country with a large population, compared with any other country.

(likely, on purpose)
A senior firefighter said it was likely that the fire,which broke out at midnight,was caused by someone on purpose.

( access)
Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area,few children here had access to education.
2. 不上正规的课,你弹钢琴时或许会染上许多坏习惯。

( pick up)
Without proper / regular lessons,you could pick up a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.
3. 是在我回家的路上,我父亲答应如果我下次考试考得好,我要什么他就会给我什么。

It was on my way back home that my father made the promise that if I can do well in next exam he will buy me whatever I want.
4. 看见太阳从海平面升起,我们发出了欢呼声。

( let out )
Seeing the sun rising above the surface of the sea,we let out a shout of joy.

( avoid, fall over )
There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn't avoid falling over it in the dark.

你能弄懂吗?( sense )
The poem is hard to make out. Can you make sense of it?

Sleeping in bed,I could hear the rain beating against the windows.

( what)
I don’t think that horse is not worth half what you gave the man.

An idea has been put forward / come up that more graduates should go to work in the country this year.
5. 如果你住在乡村或曾去过那里,你就有可能听到小鸟歌唱来迎接新的一天。

( the possibility is that )
If you live in the country or have ever visited that place,the possibility will be that you will hear birds singing to welcome the new day.

(it is believed )
It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.
2. “今晚和我们一起参加派对吧?”“那要取决于我能否在晚会前写完报告。

-----Can you join us in the party this evening?
—Well,that depends on I can have my report done before then.
3. 晚上车子突然抛锚,而且大雨又使得在乡下道路上开车更加无奈。

(add to )
In the evening the car broke down suddenly and the heavy rain added to the helplessness of the drive on the country road.

Since we can't find a bigger apartment,we'll have to make the most of what we have.

( while, devote,effectively)
While a large amount of time is devoted to listening every day,quite a few students do not listen effectively.

”“要是我把它移到那里会怎么样?会更好看吗?”( what if )
----It is not good to have posted the painting here. ----What if I move it over there? Will it look better?

(raise, have difficulty in
doing )
Y ou don’t know the great difficulty he had in raising such a big family on such a low income.

如果你还有什么问题,请不要犹豫找我们帮忙. ( turn to )
We are at your service. Don't hesitate to turn to us if you have any further problems.

During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had no bread for days. ( or: had to go without bread)

(the view that)
Some of the scientists held the point that what the book said was right.。
