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• What is the most common word? The, I, yeah, or is? •I • Must is most commonly used to express obligation. True or
false? • False: 90% are of the type “You must be hungry.” • Which is the most common adjective found after “Pretty ….”
Using a word correctly
• 90,000 example sentences • Common Learner Error notes • Clear definitions • 25,000 collocations show how
words work together in real English - highlighted
2. What type of mistakes do they make? 3. Which students make this mistake?
What type of mistakes the students make
• Can search on any specific error or group of errors and find examples of that error in context, eg collocation error, wrong quantifier form, verb inflection error, missing preposition etc.
Which language group is most likely to omit the definite article
% frequency of this error by language group
Top 10 noun countability
exam paper • Grows each year by
about 2 million words = about 6000 scripts
What can we find out from the Cambridge Learner Corpus?
1. How often do students make a mistake with this word?
• In CALD 3, collocation is shown in Word Partner boxes.
• Collocation is almost impossible for the learner to predict, so CALD 3 has over 400 Collocations boxes, all based on frequency in the corpus
• Maps of UK,USA,Canada and Australia • Study Sections - extra help with vocabulary and grammar - 20
pages • Word families - 12 pages; nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs
Choosing the right word easily
• GUIDEWORDS • Clear definitions • Colour pictures
bitter adj describes a person who is angry and
unhappy because they cannot forget bad things which happened in the past
Over 500,000 words from Asian speakers
Top 10 most frequently misspelled words
Plus … a CD-ROM
• does everything that the book can do and a lot more
New words
Vodcast Facebook Ego-surfing Food miles
=a video stored in a digital form that you can download from the Internet and play on a computer or on an MP3 player =a website where you can show information about yourself, and communicate with groups of friends,classmates, etc. =searching for your own name on the Internet =the distance between the place where food is grown or made and the place where it is eaten
• choose the right word easily
• use a word correctly
Finding a word quickly
• Colour headwords • simple, clear page
design • Idiom finder - over 30
pages of idioms; can find them by looking at key words
Interesting, nice, good, big • good: almost 10 times as common as No. 2: nice • Which is the most talked about day of the week? • Friday!
• Collocation: the statistical likelihood that two words will occur together
How does Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary help students to learn the real English?
Patrick Pan ELT Representative
Shanghai, China
What is a corpus?
Other features
• Frequency information:
– Essential - 4,900; – Improver - 3,300 – Advanced - 3,700
• 26 colour pages of lexical categories - fruit, vegetables, the body, etc.
F ic tio n b o o k s W e b s ite s
N o n -fic tio n b o o k s
S p o k e n C o rp us
B ritis h
A m e ric a n
C o n v e rs a tio n s In te rv ie w s M e e tin g s D e b a te s S peeches R a d io P la y s C AN C O D E
New words and uses...
• Antsy • Bellwether • Boondoogle • D’oh • Scuttlebutt
When they are using an advanced dictionary, learners want to:
• find a word quickly
• showing Ss the main collocations and helping them to use in English in a natural way.
The Learner Corpus
How big is the learner’s corpus?
• 25 million words • Over 45,000 scripts or
C o n v e rs a tio n s In te rv ie w s
S w itc h b o a rd C o rp u s C a llH o m e TV C o rn e ll NAEC
Learner Corpus Over 150 different native languages
Cambridge International Corpus
Written Corpus
650 million
Spoken Corpus
40 million
Learner Corpus
25 million
W ritte n C o rp u s
B ritiw spapers M a g a z in e s & J o u rn a ls
How can this help students? 500 Common Learner Error notes
Up to date
• Over 1,000 new words • New collocation boxes • Over 170,000 words,
phrases and example sentences
Uses of corpora
• Frequency information / counts • Context of use - concordances and
collocation • Samples of authentic language
One-minute quiz: spoken English
E n c y c lo p a e d ia s F ic tio n b o o k s
N o n -fic tio n b o o k s W e b s ite s
C h ild re n 's b o o k s
N ew spapers M a g a z in e s
J o u rn a ls E n c y c lo p a e d ia s
• A corpus is a collection of samples of a language, stored in a computer database
• Written • Spoken • Specialized - business, medical, etc.
What does a corpus look like?
Other Dictionary: emphasis noun forcible or impressive
expression; an insistent or vigorous way of attributing importance or enforcing attention
26 pages of colorful pictures
Other Dictionary: bitter adj having a taste like that of quinine or hops; sharp; painful; acrimonious; broodingly resentful.
CALD: emphasis noun the particular importance or attention that you give to something