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Task 1 Read Aloud (preparati on time: 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
Many people would list San Fran cisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes
wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right an gles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, look ing dow n one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the tow n. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the gro und up and dow n the steep hills.
三、简短问答Question and An swer
Questi on 1: what would many people thi nk of San Fran cisco accord ing to the
passage? (20 sec on ds)
Question 2: which city in China do you like most? And why? (response time: 20 seconds)
In dividual prese ntatio n: (preparati on time ” 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
Task 3于人15肩述
r^sk 3 Individu^l Presontation
Preparation Tirr>e: 4弓seconds
Respkonse Time; 1 min

As the cartoon has described, some tourists behave in un civilized ways.


Some people carve their n ames onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the No Climbing ” notice.
un civilized behaviors
bad manners
s intern ati onal image has 首先,可以先从整体上概括这一问题带来的影响 。

This phe nomenon is beco ming is a real embarrassme nt for all of us.


For one thing, when we are developing tourism for the national economy, such
behaviors seem quite un developed and un educated.
两点影响之间最好采用递进的逻辑关系 ,第二点影响更为严重,即中国游客的不文明
行为有损中国的国际形象 。

What smore, more and more reports about Chinese tourists have appeared in foreig n media. Compla ints about Chin ese tourists
are in creas ing in some foreig n coun tries. As a result, China
bee n seriously affected.
(3) 提出解决办法
最后必须提出解决问题的建议 ,可以从教育,监管等方面进行考虑
To solve the problem properly, I think the government should play a role in
educati on and regulati on.
Public manners in tourism should be given higher priority in school education,, and
legal devices can also be sued to regulate people s un civilized behaviors in tourism.
As the carto on has described, some tourists behave in un civilized ways. Some people carve their n
ames onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the No Climbing ” notice. These uncivilized
traveli ng.
This phe nomenon is beco ming a real embarrassme nt for all of us. For one thi ng, whe n we are develop ing tourism for the n atio nal economy, such behaviors seem quite undeveloped and
uneducated. What 'more, more and more reports about
Chin ese tourists ' un civilized behaviors have appeared in foreig n media. Complai nts about Chin ese tourists ' bad manners are in creas ing in some foreig n coun tries. As a
result, china 's intern ati onal image has bee n seriously affected.
To solve the problem properly, I thi nk the gover nment should play a role in educati on and regulati on. Public manners in tourism should be give n higher priority
in school education, and legal devices can also be used to regulate people s uncivilized behaviors in tourism.
五、小组互动(Preparati on time: 1 mi n; Resp onse time: 3 mi ns)
Suppose you have three days to go sightsee ing together. Talk with each other and
make a pla n for your trip. You pla n may in clude:
1.Place(s) to visit
2.Means of tran sportatio n
behaviors show that many people lack the awareness of proper behaviors when 题目设定的情景是你们将要进行一个为期3天的旅行,因此需要讨论制定一份旅行计划。



Three days is not too long, so I think we should go to a place not too far away. How
about Chen gde? It is a tourist city in Hebei provi nee, and only about 200 kilometers away from Beiji ng.

Coach is much more convenient because it can take us directly to the Imperial Summer Resort.

We can start our journey at 7 o 'lock on the first day, and may arrive at Chen gde at
about 11:30.

And the other half of the day is too short for us to visit the Imperial Summer Resort,
so I suggest we visit the temples around the Resort after lun ch.
I think we n eed to spe nd the whole day in the Summer Resort, am I right?
On the third day, we may spe nd half a day visit ing the Pan chui T ower Nati onal Forest Park. It is said that it usually takes 3 hours to go through the whole park.
As the Summer Resort is an ancient con struct ion, we n eed a guide to help us
un dersta nd
its history and other stories about it.

Now , we are supposed to decide on a place to visit for three days. Do you have
any ideas?
What means of tran sportati on shall we use? Coach? Or railway?
Wow, that sa wonderful plan for the second day. How about the third day?

I suggest we visit the temples around the Resort after lunch. It is said that there
are altogether 12 temples in the Resort area, and the Puning Temple is the largest and most famous one. Shall we go there?
I thi nk we n eed to spe nd the whole day in the Summer Resort, am I right?



Wow, that s a good idea.
I totally agree with you.
第二部分:模拟题(5套)CET-4 Spoken En glish Test 考试流程:
Task 1 Read Aloud (preparati on time: 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
Flextime is a flexible hours schedule that allows workers to alter workday start and finish times. In contrast to traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
work arrangements, flextime typically. invoIves a “ core ” period of the day during which employees are required to be at work. The working day
outside of the “ coreperiod is flexible time, in which employees can choose whe n they work. Adva ntages of a flexible policy in clude allow ing employees to coord in ate their work hours with public tran sport schedules, with the schedules of their childre n, and with daily traffic patter ns to avoid rush hours. Some claim that flexible working hours will change the nature of the way we work.
,三、简短问答Question and Answer
Question 1: What is the flextime?
Question 2: what ' s the advantages of a flexible policy ? (Response time:
20 sec on ds)
四、Personal presentation:
My reas ons for a flexible worki ng hours arran geme nt
四、小组互动(Preparati on time: 1 mi n; Resp onse time: 3 mi ns)
Suppose you have three days to go sightsee ing together. Talk with each
other and make a pla n for your trip. You pla n may in clude:
1. Place(s) to visit
2. Means of transportation
3. Schedule
Task 1 Read Aloud (preparati on time: 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
See n as the in dustry sta ndard for deliveri ng in teractive multimedia
prese ntati on, PowerPo int is begi nning to pop up in classrooms across the n atio n.
PowerPoint is a wonderful tool for learning in both a student and teacher-directed situation. It can add a new dimension to learning, allow ing teachers to expla in abstract con cepts, while accommodati ng all learning styles. Used properly, PowerPoint can be one of the most powerful tools for deliveri ng in formati on. Employed in appropriately,
PowerPoi nt could pote ntially con fuse stude nts and make lear ning a
difficult process.
Once you start using PowerPoint, don ' t forget to look back and ask yourself: “Is this making me a better teacher? ” Tech no logy is a lot of but it shouldn ' t take the placweH-polished traditional methods of
teach ing and lear nin g..
三、简短问答Question and Answer
Questio n 1: What have you got from the passage?
Question 2: Do you agree your Ss to take pictures of your PPT?
(Resp onse time: 20 sec onds)
四、Personal presentation:
The use of PowerPoi nt in class
五、Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)
Your discussi on may in clude:
---the topic of your prese ntati on
---the major points to be presented
---division of labor(what each of you will do)

Task 1 Read Aloud (preparati on time: 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
Your body contains more water tha n any thi ng else-about 60 perce nt
of your total body weight. Water helps regulate your body temperature,
transports nutrients, and helps remove waster. The big question is how
much water you need to drink every day. Although that ' ssimple question, it doesn ' have an easy answer. It depends on some environmental and physical factors that can change every day. Also, it ' s
not just the water you drin k-about 20 perce nt of your water in take comes from the goods you eat. The rema ining 80 perce nt comes from beverages, including water, coffee, tea, milk, and anything liquid. The health
authorities com monly recomme nd eight glasses, which equals about 2
liters, or half a gall on.
三、简短问答Question and Answer
Questio n 1: What can you get from the text about the fun ctio n of water?
Question 2: what do you often drink in your daily life? (Response time:
20 sec onds)
、自我介绍 涵盖自己的专业介绍,个人爱好等。

四、 Personal presentation:
Reasons behind young people ' s preferenee for soft drinks
五、 Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)
Your discussi on may in clude:
---make know the harm soft drinks may do to health
---urge the gover nment to regulate the sales of soft drinks
---impose a heavier tax on the sales of soft drin ks.
Task 1 Read Aloud (preparati on time: 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
A good lecture starts with the lecturer. I went to a day of lectures at
the Museum of London some years ago. The first, I won ' t name name was on the Rome Army and was delivered effectively without no tes. The
lecturer made eye con tact with his audie nee and seemed to be talk ing to
you in dividually. He got a round of applause. But the n he was followed by
a poor woman for whom this was obviously the first time to face such a
large audienee. She stood on the platform reading from a carefully
prepared script n ever once look ing at her audie nee, I have no idea what
she was talk ing about. Her flat voice soon made me feel sleepy.
三、简短问答Question and Answer
Questi on 1: What do you thi nk con tribute to an effective lecturer?
Questio n 2: Besides eye-c on tact, what do you think is importa nt for

maki ng a successful lecture? (Resp onse time: 20 sec on ds) 四、Personal presentation:
The importa nee of com muni cative skills
五、Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)
Your discussi on may in clude:
---the topic of your lecture
---the main points of your lecture and support ing ideas
---the methods of prese ntatio n.

Task 1 Read Aloud (preparati on time: 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
Hilary Put nam was born in Chicago, Illi no is, in 1926. His father was a scholar of Romance Ianguages, columnist, and translator who wrote for the Daily Worker, a publication of the American Communist Party, from 1936 to 1946. Putnam attended Central High School, there he met Noam Chomsky, who was a year behind him. The two had been friends-and ofte n in tellectual opp onen ts-ever sin ce. Put nam studied mathematics and philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving his BA. He went on to do graduate work in philosophy at Harvard University, and later at UCLA' Philosophy Department, where he received his Ph.D. in 1951. Putnam ' di s sertation supervisor was a leading figure in the dominant school of philosophy of the day.
三、简短问答Question and Answer
Question 1: What do you know of Hilary Put nam?
Question 2: what do you think of philosophy? (Response time: 20 sec on ds)
四、Personal presentation:
A most in flue ntial philosopher I know of
五、Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)
Your prese ntati on may in clude:
---reas ons for in vit ing this speaker
---time and place.

Task 1 Read Aloud (preparati on time: 45 sec on ds; resp onse time: 1 min)
As globalization is bringing the world ever closer together, the need
for global citize ns to be compete nt in other Ian guages is beco ming
increasingly important. The United States is the only developed country that rout in ely graduates stude nts from high school who lack kno wledge of a foreig n Ian guage. Whereas 52.7% of Europea ns are flue nt in both their native tongue and at least one other Ianguages, only 9.3% of America ns are flue nt in both their n ative ton gue and ano ther Ian guage.
This statistic does not project a good future for America in a global society.
The upward trend in Language learning must accelerate if the U.S. is to continue to be s major participant on the international stage.
、简短问答Question and Answer
Questi on 1: What is the future of the Chin ese Ian guage in a globalized world?
Questi on 2: Do you think globalizati on is n ecessary? Why? (Resp onse time: 20 sec on ds)
四、Personal presentation:
The future of the Chin ese Ian guage in a globalized world
五、Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)
Your prese ntati on may in elude:
---hiri ng teachers
---prepari ng teach ing materials
---fi nding a suitable place.
