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关键词 金矿 无底柱分段崩落法 放矿规律 泥矿品位
中图分类号 TD853
文献标志码 A
文章编号 1001-1250(2020)-02-154-04
DOI 10.19614/ki.jsks.202002026
(1. Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co .,Ltd.,Maanshan 243000,China;2. State Key Laboratory of Safety and Health for Metal Mines,Maanshan 243000,China;3. Shaanxi Fengxian Sifang Gold Mine Co.,Ltd., Baoji 721000,China)
Keywords Gold mine,Pillarless sublevel caving method,Ore-drawing regularity,Slime grade
我国地下金属矿山广泛采用无底柱分段崩落 法,该采矿方法的特点是崩落的矿石和废石覆盖层 直接接触,矿石在覆盖层废石的包围下放出,因而矿 石回采贫化率和损失率较大[1-2]。而对金矿山大多偏 向采用充填法,只有少量低品位大型矿床采用崩落 法开采,例如四方金矿、祁雨沟金矿、那林金矿和夏 甸金矿,这些矿山金矿品位分布不均匀,围岩含有品 位,且矿岩界限不明显,但目前很少有相关文献研究 崩落法在金矿山的放矿规律。本次研究以陕西凤县
Abstract Due to the uneven grade distribution,the indistinct boundary of ore and rock and the particularity of ore and rock properties,there exists the complex ore drawing regularity of Sifang Gold Mine. In this study,the field industrial tests and theoretical data analysis are carried out discuss the ore drawing regularity of Sifang Gold Mine with pillarless sublevel cav⁃ ing method. The results show that the ore yield at the recovery stage of pure ore is about 40% of the designing blasting ore yield. The ore grade fluctuates greatly at the mixing stage of overburden,which is closely related to the uneven distribution of gold grade,the arrival of slime ore to the stope and the large amount of residual caving ore in the upper part. At the same time, the reason for generating slime and the grade distribution characteristics are analyzed emphatically. It is considered that the in⁃ teraction of water and phyllite results in the occurrence of slime in the route;The slime grade at the lower section is higher than that at the upper section. The research results play an important role in the ore drawing management of Sifang Gold Mine.
Research on Ore Drawing Regularity of Pillarless Sublevel Caving Method in Sifang Gold Mines
Pan Jian1,2 Sun Guoquan1,2 Luo Caiyan3 Wang Jing1,2 Yugen1,22
摘 要 由于四方金矿品位分布不均匀、矿岩界限不明显及矿岩性质的特殊性,其放矿规律较为复杂。主要
回收阶段出矿量为设计崩矿量的 40% 左右;覆盖岩层混入阶段出矿品位波动性较大,这与金矿品位分布不均、泥矿
四方金矿为例,探讨无底柱分段崩落法在四方金矿 的放矿规律问题。
1 矿山背景介绍
四 方 金 矿 有 限 责 任 公 司(以 下 简 称 四 方 金 矿) 位于陕西省凤县东部,是一座特大型低品位金矿床。 矿体主要赋存在受韧性剪切带控制的蚀变带范围 内,含矿地层为中泥盆统星红铺组斑点状铁白云质 粉砂质千枚岩,细晶石英云母大理岩、条纹条带状石 英细晶大理岩。平均地质品位为 2.46 g/t。矿体围岩
Series No. 524 February 2020
总 第 524 期 2020 年 第 2 期
潘 健 1,2 孙国权 1,2 罗才严 3 王 靖 1,2 陆玉根 1,21
(1. 中钢集团马鞍山矿山研究院有限公司,安徽 马鞍山 243000;2. 金属矿山安全与健康国家重点实验室, 安徽 马鞍山 243000;3. 陕西凤县四方金矿有限责任公司,陕西 宝鸡 721000)