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2. classification
2.1 Classification by source language
From the perspective of source languages, loanwords can be grouped into those translated from English, French, German, Russian and Japanese, etc. “ 白 兰 地 (bailandi)”, for instance, is translated from English “brandy”; “布尔乔亚 (buerqiaoya)” is translated from French “ bourgeoisie ” ; “大众汽车 (dazhongqiche)” is rendered from German “Volkswagen”; “布尔什维克 (buershiweike)” is rendered from Russian。
This thesis is divided into four parts:
• Part 1makes a brief survey of the study on the translation of loanwords in Chinese. • Part 2 is a review of loanwords in modern Chinese. • Part 3 introduces a simple classification of loanwords. • Part 4 explores strategies for dealing with loanwords translation.
2.2 Classification by Translation Methods
(1) Phonetic loanwords: phonetic loanwords refer to those translated in the alphabet of another language or writing system. Most phonetic loanwords in Chinese are formed by the use of similar Chinese syllables to represent the original pronunciation . For instance, “巴士 (bashi) ” as transliterated from “ bus ” , “布丁 (buding) ” from “pudding”, “便士 (bianshi)” from “pence” and “安 琪儿 (anqi’er)” from “angel”. (2) Semantic loanwords: Semantic loanwords are those new words created by borrowing the meaning of a oreign word into Chinese; they are semantically translated from the original and coined in accordance with the word formation principle of the Chinese language.“交际”, for instance, meant “paying visits ” in classical literature; later, a new meaning of ‘socializing’ was implanted into the Chinese phrase and this remains the principal meaning of it in modern Chinese.
3.Strategies for Dealing with Loanwords Translation
3.1Strategies for Phonetic Translation:
(1)Taking into Consideration the Number of Syllables (2)Taking into Consideration the Choice of Characters (3)Taking Culture-specific Connotation into Account (4)Adding an Explanation to the Phonetic Loanwords
1. Definition Here I introduced two persons:
Lyle Campbell, a prestigious linguist, noted “a loanword is an item, which has been borrowed from another language, or a word, which originally was not part of the lexis of the recipient language, but was taken from some other language and became part of the borrowing language’s vocabulary.”
3.2 Strategies for Semantic Translation Instead of having the form and the meaning of the word carried over into the recipient language as a unit, it is simply employed as a model for a native creation. This is an effective way to bridge the gap between Chinese and English as far as the minimal natural units of meaning and morphological differences are concerned. Here are some examples of loan translations:“recorder” is rendered as “luyinji 录音机 a recording machine”, where “录音” is corresponding to “record” while “ji 机 machine” is corresponding to “er”. Thus, “录音机” in Chinese is a creation modeled on “recorder”,
3.3 Strategies for Introduction of Letter-words Letter-words such as acronyms( 缩写 ) are usually transferred, whether they designate products, appliance and processes or they are for institutions. Examples are “DOS”, “IT”, “GPS”, “UNESCO”, “UN”, etc. These letterwords are omnipresent in various media and people ’s everyday talk. However, several strategies can be adopted for a smooth understanding on the readers ’ part. When an acronym is first introduced into the Chinese language, it should be followed with an explanation of its meaning. This is the way that China Daily adopts in introducing new letterwords or using letter-words that have been introduced to China for some short time, e.g. MD (mini disk) and SOHO (small office home office).
2012. 5
On the Translation of Loanwords 浅谈外来词的翻译
Under the Supervision of Professor Zhang Luyan Henan University of Urban Construction
语言是文化的载体,不同的文化相互接触带 来了语言的相互碰撞。语言接触的结果有很多种, 其中很重要的一个就是语言的借用。我的这篇文 章说的就是外来词。 Cultural exchanges bring about the contact of languages, carriers of culture. The significances of language contact are many, one of them being language borrowing.
(3)Letter-words: A letter-word refers to an acronym, the use of a source language word, or a combination ofs. Nowadays, more and more letter-words are used in Chinese newspapers and magazines.Examples of acronyms are “WTO (World Trade Organization )”, “BBS (bulletin board system)”, “SOS (save our souls)”, “DVD (digital video disk)”, and “VIP (very important person)”; source language words often seen in Chinese texts are “in”, “cool”, and “high”, etc; instances of hybrid of letters and Chinese characters are “IP 卡”, “B 超”, and “BP 机”, etc.
Loanword, defined loosely, is “a word taken into one language from another”. (Peter Newmark, 2001: 135). However, scholars at home and abroad have never reached an agreement on the definition of loanwords. Two distinctive approaches have emerged in the literature of loanwords in Chinese: the narrow approach and the broad approach. Their major differences lie in whether a semantically adapted word is a loanword, whether a calque or loan translation is a loanword and whether a word from Japanese with the Chinese written form is a loanword.