
引用——在罗马元老院之前西塞罗确实就已经在用agendum 来指一个议事日程,而用 agenda 作为复数。
但是在现代英语中item on the agenda 这个短语表达了 agendum 的意义,同时agenda 作为单数名词意为“一组或一列项目”,如:The agenda for the meeting has not yet been set(会议议程尚未确定)。
如果需要用agenda 的复数,应该用 agendas: The agendas of both meetings are exceptionally varied(两会议议程迥然不同)。
会议议程安排一、会议时间:xx年2月23日13:30至18:00二、会议地点:xx大街路口南xx酒店3楼会议室三、会议议程:序号时间项目报告人1 13:30-14:00 与会人员陆续入席2 14:00-14:15 会议开幕致词并通报公司发展概况 xxx3 14:15-14:25 部门划分及岗位职责 xxx4 14:25-14:55 销售部管理规定 xxx5 14:55-15:20 公司财务综合管理和流程 xxx6 15:20-17:20 平台开发进展通报(提问讨论) xxx7 17:20-17:35 客服流程和试题库发展 xxx8 17:35-18:00 通报视频产品现状 xxx9 18:00-18:30 市场部工作计划 xxx10 18:30-18:50 会议总结及致词 xxx四、参加人员:1、公司全体员工2、其他人员五、有关要求:1、参加人员要事先安排好,务必准时参加,如无特殊原因不得请假;2、鉴于会议的重要性,请自己做好必要的记录。
两天的学术会议议程安排Two day academic conference agenda英 [??d?end?] 美 [??d??nd?]n. 议事日程; 待议诸事项一览表; 日常工作事项; 议程( agendum的名词复数);一、会议时间:xx年2月23日13:30至18:00二、会议地点:xx大街路口南xx酒店3楼会议室三、会议议程:序号时间项目报告人1 13:30-14:00 与会人员陆续入席2 14:00-14:15 会议开幕致词并通报公司发展概况 xxx3 14:15-14:25 部门划分及岗位职责 xxx4 14:25-14:55 销售部管理规定 xxx5 14:55-15:20 公司财务综合管理和流程 xxx6 15:20-17:20 平台开发进展通报(提问讨论) xxx7 17:20-17:35 客服流程和试题库发展 xxx8 17:35-18:00 通报视频产品现状 xxx9 18:00-18:30 市场部工作计划 xxx10 18:30-18:50 会议总结及致词 xxx四、参加人员:1、公司全体员工2、其他人员五、有关要求:1、参加人员要事先安排好,务必准时参加,如无特殊原因不得请假;2、鉴于会议的重要性,请自己做好必要的记录。
会议议程ppt模版Team Meeting Agenda

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►The chairman called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm
►The Sales Manager Mr. Alan Smith made a brief report
►The next meeting will be held on March 20, 2019
►the interflow of technique and experience
►the newly appointed treasurer ►新任财政主管/经理
►the cutting down on lunch allowance
►降低午餐补贴 ►the conference room 会议室 ►adjourn at … …休会/ 结束
►The chairman first asked Miss Sue Chen, the Personnel Manager, to report the staff changes. Miss Sue Chen said that the Treasurer had resigned by the end of December and Mr. Edward Lee had been appointed to replace him.
►Matters arising from the report. ►报告中发现的问题.
►The quotation received from … ►从…(公司)收到的报价单/ 报表
►To review = to evaluate = to examine
►The progress of sales program ►销售进展情况

会议前准备工作英语作文1. Get all the necessary documents and materials ready. Make sure you have all the reports, presentations, and handouts printed out and organized.2. Check the meeting room and equipment. Ensure thatthe room is set up properly with enough chairs, a projector, a screen, and any other necessary tools for the meeting.3. Confirm the attendance of all participants. Send out reminders and confirmations to ensure that everyone who needs to be present at the meeting will be there.4. Prepare an agenda for the meeting. Outline thetopics to be discussed, the time allocated for each item, and any decisions that need to be made.5. Review the goals and objectives of the meeting. Make sure that everyone is clear on what needs to be accomplished and what the desired outcomes are.6. Practice your presentation if you will be speaking at the meeting. Make sure you are confident and well-prepared to deliver your message effectively.7. Set up a system for taking notes during the meeting. Whether it's a notebook, laptop, or tablet, make sure you have a way to capture important information and action items.8. Have a plan for follow-up after the meeting. Determine how decisions will be communicated, tasks assigned, and progress tracked.9. Take care of any logistical details, such as ordering refreshments or arranging for transportation for out-of-town participants.10. Finally, take a deep breath and relax. You've done all the preparation you can, now it's time to trust in your planning and enjoy the meeting.。
98--商务英语写作-chapter 11-Meeting_Agenda_and_Minutes总结-最终版

Structure analysis:
1. Reference of the agenda 2, 3, 4, 5 Title, people, place, time of the meeting etc. 6. Issues to be discussed in the meeting.
Activity: Write a meeting agenda with the following details.
会议:经理会议 时间:2004年5月10日星期一上午9点 地点:第一会议室 议程: 评估2004年春季销售进展 讨论下列人员谋求助理会计职位的申请: Mr. T.A. Grison,31岁,现任贸易促进委员会助理会计 Mr. B. Ball 27岁,现任N&B有限公司财务经理助理 Miss J. Simpson,26岁,现任本公司的会计助理 下次会议的时间和地点
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ref: BD/11.2/03 Agenda for the meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in the Boardroom 202 at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, 2nd November, 2003. The meeting will consider the following issues: a)Matters arising from the report. b)The quotation received from Ishiboda Machine Tools Ltd. for the supply of textile weaving equipment. c)To review the progress of the company’s recent sales program for its synthetic silk. d)Date and place of the next meeting.

AgendaMeeting Agenda1. In any business organization, there are various conferences, such as the annual general meeting, meetings of board of directors and a variety of committee meeting. The secretary of any organization must arrange the time and place for the meeting to be held, and in doing so, should usually ensure at least the majority of those entitled to attend could so. There preliminary arrangements are usually made by means of circulation a draft of agenda, which is the list of matters to be considered.(Definition: A business meeting agenda is a plan for a business meeting. It includes elements such as the time, place, and title of the meeting, people who attend the meeting, and the order of the events to occur in the meeting.)2. Creating an effective agenda is one of the most important elements for a productive meeting. Here are some reasons why the meeting agenda is so important.The Agenda communicates important information such as:(1)topics for discussion(2)presenter or discussion leader for each topic(3)time allotment(时间分配) for each topic(4)provides an outline(纲要)for the meeting (how long to spend on which topics)(5)can be used as a checklist(清单)to ensure that all information is covered(6)lets participants know what will be discussed if it's distributed(分散式的)before the meeting.This gives them an opportunity to come to the meetingprepared for the upcoming discussions or decisions.(7)provides a focus for the meeting (the objective of the meeting must be clearly stated in theagenda).3. The structure of a meeting agendaHead(1) Organization name(2) Name of the sponsor(3) Time of the meeting(4) Title of the meeting(5) Place of the meetingBody(6) People who will attend the meeting(7) Events in time sequence:Event 1.Event 2.……….Event N.(When possible, use actionable words such as approve, discuss, adopt, announce to let participants know what is expected of them.)Common sense:The typical large conference agenda include the following: Call to order 宣布会议开始Roll Call 点名Announcement of Quorum 宣布会议法定人数Reading of Minutes from the Previous Meeting 宣读上次会议记录Approval of Minutes from the previous Meeting 通过上次会议记录Chai rperson’s Report 会议主席发言Subcommittee Report 与会者发言Unfinished Business 讨论未完成事物New Business 讨论新的事物Announcement of the Date for next Meeting 宣布下次会议的日期Adjournment 宣布会议结束SENTENCE:(1)Confirmation of the minutes of the [third] Meeting held on [date] of [month][year] at [venue](2) Matters arising from last meeting (if any)(前议事项)(如有)(3) To discuss the possibility of____________________ (指态度开放的讨论)(4) To consider the quotation received from ____________________ (指审议可能成事的项目)(5)To review the current subscription of____________________ (指对已发生事項的检讨)(6)To decide on a future campaign for ____________________ (决定)(7) To report on the progress of ____________________(通常指大会主席向与会者报告)(8) To rectify an action taken by____________________ (追认)(9) To resolve on / select a launch date for____________________(决议)(10) Any other business.(11) To decide a date for the next meeting4.We should pay attention to something when we make the agenda:(1) Always put the title, date, time, and venue (place).(2)Lager meetings and committee meeting may also includethe following:a) Apologies for absence;b) Matters arising from last meeting;c) Correspondence;d) Date of next meeting.(3) A.O.B (means any other business). This is for other relevant issues that are not included in the agenda.Sample1AgendaUSFA Board of DirectorsSeptember 29, 2001Colorado Springs, COThe board of Directors meeting is divided into three major phases:Information: Minutes of the previous meeting; officer, director and committee; and general announcements.Budget: Approval or disapproval of the budget, requests for major changes in it including staff or executive actions that may involve budget changes.Decision: Motions before the Board (excluding those directly related to the budget) are divided into three categories.URGENT: Motions that have not had a First Herring but must be acted upon by theBoard for time or other considerations.SECOND HEARING: Motions that have had First Hearing at the previous Boardmeeting. Second hearing motions must be voted upon as presented, with only minorchanges permitted (if a motion requires major changes or fails completely, it must berepresented as a First Hearing Motion at a subsequent Board meeting).FIRST HEARING: Motions that are new to the Board, but for which decisions arenot Urgent category; instead, it is automatically placed in the Second HearingCategory at the next meeting unless the sponsor withdraws it.Every motion must have an individual sponsor identified in the agenda and in attendance at the meeting. The sponsor presents the motion, answers question, takes notes on suggested changes, and shepherds the motion if it is referred to committee. Committees that are presenting motions must assign a member to fulfill this duty.Sampe2LegCo Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting Meeting onTuesday 10, October, at 12:30 p.m.In the Chamber of the Legislative Council BuildingAgendaⅠ.Election of chairman and Deputy ChairmanⅡ.Schedule of meeting for the 2000-2001 sessionⅢ.Discussion items for next meetingList of issues to be consideredList of follow-up actionsⅣ.Any other business (A.O.B)Legislative Council Secretariat7 October 2000。

会议安排英语作文Title: Arranging a Meeting。
In today's dynamic and interconnected world, effective communication is key to success, and one crucial aspect of communication is arranging meetings. Whether it's for business, academic, or social purposes, organizing a meeting requires careful planning and clear communication. In this essay, we'll delve into the essential steps and language required to arrange a meeting effectively in English.1. Determining the Purpose and Participants:Before initiating the meeting arrangement process, it's essential to clearly define the purpose of the meeting and identify the key participants. Whether it's a brainstorming session, a progress review, or a decision-making meeting, knowing the objective helps in structuring the agenda and selecting the appropriate attendees.2. Selecting a Suitable Date and Time:Finding a mutually convenient date and time is often a challenging task, especially when dealing with multiple participants with busy schedules. To streamline this process, it's advisable to utilize online scheduling tools or email polls that allow participants to indicate their availability. When proposing potential meeting times, it's courteous to offer multiple options to accommodate diverse schedules.3. Drafting the Meeting Invitation:Crafting a clear and concise meeting invitation is crucial to ensure that participants understand the purpose, agenda, date, time, and location of the meeting. The invitation should include a polite greeting, a brief description of the meeting's objective, and any pre-meeting materials or preparation tasks required. Additionally, providing a contact person for inquiries adds convenience for the participants.4. Sending the Invitation:Once the meeting invitation is finalized, it should be sent to the intended participants via email or any other preferred communication channel. When sending the invitation, it's essential to use a professional tone and ensure that all relevant details are clearly communicated. Including a calendar attachment or a link to add the meeting to the participants' calendars can help minimize scheduling conflicts.5. Confirming Attendance:To ensure a successful and well-attended meeting,it's advisable to request confirmation of attendance from the invited participants. Sending a follow-up email a few days before the scheduled meeting politely reminding participants of the date, time, and agenda can help confirm attendance and prompt any last-minute adjustments.6. Preparing for the Meeting:As the meeting date approaches, it's crucial for the organizer to prepare diligently to facilitate a productive discussion. This may involve finalizing the agenda, gathering relevant materials or presentations, and arranging the meeting space or virtual conferencing platform. Additionally, anticipating potential discussion points or questions can help the organizer steer the meeting effectively.7. Conducting the Meeting:During the meeting, the organizer plays a pivotal role in maintaining focus, encouraging participation, and ensuring that the agenda is followed. It's essential to begin the meeting on time, provide a brief overview of the agenda and objectives, and facilitate smooth transitions between agenda items. Active listening, summarizing key points, and managing time effectively contribute to a successful meeting outcome.8. Follow-Up and Feedback:After the meeting concludes, it's beneficial to send a follow-up email thanking the participants for their attendance and summarizing the key decisions, action items, and next steps discussed during the meeting. Additionally, soliciting feedback from participants regarding the meeting's effectiveness and areas for improvement demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement in communication and collaboration.In conclusion, arranging a meeting involves a series of deliberate steps aimed at facilitating effective communication and collaboration among participants. By following these guidelines and employing clear and courteous language, organizers can ensure that meetings are productive, purposeful, and conducive to achieving desired outcomes. Effective meeting management is not only a hallmark of effective leadership but also a cornerstone of organizational success in today's fast-paced world.。

banquet 酒宴 pajama party 睡衣派对 buffet party 立食宴会,自助餐会 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 welcome meeting 欢迎会 farewell party 惜别会 pink tea 公式茶会,午后茶会 new year’s banquet 新年会 year-end dinner party 忘年餐会 box supper 慈善餐会
agenda 议程 timetable, schedule 日程表,时刻表 item on the agenda 议程项目 other business 其他事项 to place on the agenda 列入议程 working paper 工作文件 opening 开幕 the sitting is open 会议开幕 appointment 任命
Requesting Information 请求信息 Please, could you.。。 I‘d like you to.。。 Would you mind.。。 I wonder if you could.。。
Asking for Repetition 请求重复 I’m afraid I didn‘t understand that. Could you repeat what you just said? I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that, please? I missed that. Could you say it again, please? Could you run that by me one more time?
项目安全质量领导小组会议Project SLT Meeting 2

EHS Inspections/Survey/Audits Conducted 环安卫检查/调查/审计
环境事件 Asset Damage 财产破坏
IIF Incentive Awards Plan 安全奖励 计划
Individual IIF Award----Cash for good safety performance workers, 40000 safety hours, 50000 safety hours Individual IIF Award----Safety Glasses for good safety performance workers, 40000 safety hours, 50000 safety hours Milestone Safety Award----Jackets for Site Management Staff, 50000 safety hours Milestone Safety Award----T-shirt for all site Workers – 40000 safety hours
Current Safety Issues 目前存在的安全方面的问题
• 6.7m high Free standing column without proper fall protection. 6.7米高的柱子,没有防倾 倒措施
Current Safety Issues 目前存在的安全方面的问题
• The trunking must be installed after rendering of the wall 电箱后面的桥架应待墙面粉 刷修补后在做。
Sequence of Trunking & Rendering 桥架与粉刷的顺序

Agendas会议议程WordsDraft草稿Agenda议程Dignitary高官,权贵Protocol礼节Reckon计算,认为Minutes会议记录Review回顾Acceptance接受,赞同Delegate代表Verbose啰嗦的Limit限制Irrelevant无关的Point论点Impose强加Motion动议,提议Second赞同,附议Overlook忽略Item项目Objection反对意见Modification修改Unanimously全体一致地Proceed进行,继续下去PhrasesOpening exercises开幕典礼Put together集中(思路、意见等)Work on致力于Go over复习,回顾Take long花很长时间Old business旧业务Active business遗留问题Left over遗留Committee report委员会报告Stretch out拉长Get stuck on卷入Lose control失去控制Open up the meeting会议开始Closed session会议结束All in favor一致通过Make sense搞清楚Useful ExpressionsBeginner1.Let me see the draft for our meeting.2.I’m still working on the agenda.3.There will be a lot to go over on Monday.4.Here’s what I’ve got so far.5.There will be a lot of dignitaries at the meeting.6.The minutes shouldn’t take too long to review.7.Is there a way we can limit the time?8.We can set a five minute report time.9.We have some new business.10.Item A is still pending.Intermediate1.Do you think we will spend more than twenty minutes in the opening?2.It should take about half an hour before we can get to the minutes.3.There shouldn’t be a lot of active business left over from last meeting.4.After review of the minutes, we have several committee reports.5.We’ll save Q and A until ri ght before closed session.6.Who will motion to approve the minutes from last meeting?7.The only item of old business we have are the minutes.8.We will proceed according to the amendments we’ve just made.Advanced1.In the opening exercises, it is protocol to spend a little time to recognize allthe visiting dignitaries.2.Old business won't take up too much time, but sometimes the committeedelegates can be a little verbose.3.Q&A’s always stretch out the time, because people usually get stuck on someirrelevant point.4.I would prefer that Tracy introduce her project first, then what I have to saymight make more sense,5.If there is no any objections, then the modification to the agenda had beenapproved unanimously.Dialogue OneM: Please let me see the draft of which you put together for Monday's meeting.F: I'm still working on the agenda. There will be a lot to go over on Monday. Here's what I've got so far.M: Do you think we will spend more than twenty minutes in the opening? I think it should be pretty simple.F: It shouldn't take too long, but there will be a lot of dignitaries at the meeting. In the opening exercises, it is protocol to spend a little time to recognize them, I reckon it should take about half an hour before we can even get to the minutes.M: Really? Well, at least the minutes shouldn't take too long to review. There shouldn't be a lot of active businesses left over from last meeting.F: True, after review and acceptance of the minutes, we have several committee reports, old business won't take up too much time, but sometimes the committee delegates can be a little verbose. Is there where we can limit the time?M: We can set a five minute report time with a three minute question and answer afterwards.F: That's not good, Q&A always stretch out the time, because people usually get stuck on some irrelevant point, we'll lose control of the meeting if we open it up to questions too early.M: True, well, imposing eight minutes limit on the committee reports. Then, we'll say Q&A until right before close session.F: Sounds good, over all, we can probably keep the meeting under two hours.M: Let's hope.Dialogue TwoM: Who'll motion to approve the minutes from last meeting?F: I motion, she seconds.M: All in favor, good, now what's next on the agenda? We have some new business. Tracy, can you introduce item B on the agenda for us?F: Yes, but we should probably follow the agenda in order, shouldn't we? Item A is still appending. We should report and approve all the business before a new business.M: Oh, yes, I somehow manage to overlook item A, well then, Mark, can you report to us about your project under item A?Mark: The agenda is a little backwards today, I'll prefer that Tracy introduce her project first, then what I have to say might make more sense, technically. Our projects are both new business. The only item of old business we have are the minutes which have already been approved.M: Oh, is that right? Well, let's rearrange the agenda then. We can move the item A to the end of our new business section. It will follow reports on items B through D, any objections?F: Can we have item A directly follow item B?M: Fine, any objections? No, If there is no any objections, then the modification to the agenda had been approved unanimously. We will proceed according to the ammendments we've just made.。

英语召开会议作文模板Meeting Agenda Template。
I. Welcome and Introductions。
Call the meeting to order.Introduce the attendees.Review the agenda.II. Old Business。
Discuss and resolve any outstanding issues from the previous meeting.Review any decisions that were made and their implementation status.III. New Business。
Present and discuss new ideas or initiatives.Gather input and feedback from attendees.Determine next steps and assign responsibilities.IV. Reports。
Provide updates on ongoing projects or initiatives.Share information on relevant developments or industry trends.Answer questions and address concerns.V. Decision-Making。
Discuss and debate key issues.Formulate proposals and seek consensus.Make decisions and document the outcomes.VI. Action Items。
Summarize the agreed-upon actions.Assign responsibilities and deadlines.Review mechanisms for follow-up and accountability.VII. Next Steps。

会议准备情况汇报英语Good morning, everyone. I'm here to report on the preparation for the upcoming meeting.First of all, I'd like to talk about the agenda. We have finalized the agenda for the meeting, which includes the following items: review of the previous meeting minutes, financial report, project updates, and discussion of future plans. Each item has been carefully planned and organized to ensure a smooth and productive meeting.In terms of the venue and logistics, we have secured a meeting room at the company headquarters. The room is equipped with all the necessary facilities, such as a projector, whiteboard, and conference call capabilities. We have also arranged for refreshments to be served during the meeting to keep everyone energized and focused.As for the presentations, we have been working closely with the presenters to ensure that their materials are well-prepared and in line with the meeting's objectives. We have also conducted a thorough review of the presentations to ensure that they are clear, concise, and engaging.In addition, we have been coordinating with the IT department to ensure that all technical aspects, such as video conferencing and screen sharing, are in place and functioning properly. This will help to minimize any potential disruptions during the meeting.Furthermore, we have prepared a list of attendees and their roles in the meeting to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and contributions. This will help to maintain a structured and organized discussion throughout the meeting.In terms of documentation, we have prepared meeting materials, such as handouts and reports, for distribution to all attendees. These materials contain relevant information and data that will be discussed during the meeting, allowing everyone to follow along and participate effectively.Lastly, we have conducted a run-through of the meeting agenda and logistics to ensure that everything is in place and ready for the meeting. This includes a final check of the meeting room, technical equipment, and presentation materials.In conclusion, I am confident that we have made thorough and comprehensive preparations for the upcoming meeting. I believe that with the careful planning and coordination that has been put in place, the meeting will be a success. Thank you for your attention.。

英语作文模板开会Meeting Template。
Title: Meeting。
State the purpose of the meeting。
Introduce the participants。
Provide an overview of the agenda。
1. Opening Remarks。
Welcome the participants。
Thank everyone for attending。
Set the tone for the meeting。
2. Review of Previous Meeting。
Summarize the key points from the last meeting。
Discuss any outstanding action items。
3. Agenda Item 1。
Present the first agenda item。
Provide background information。
Encourage discussion and feedback。
4. Agenda Item 2。
Present the second agenda item。
Provide background information。
Encourage discussion and feedback。
5. Agenda Item 3。
Present the third agenda item。
Provide background information。
Encourage discussion and feedback。
6. New Business。
Open the floor for any new topics or issues。
Allow participants to raise any additional concerns or ideas。
unit 4会议日程共21页

2 Group Discussion
You are divided into several groups. Then you compare the memos you have drafted and decide on whose meeting agenda is the most appropriate. When discussing, you are expected to pay attention to the following hints.
Meeting Agenda
2 Group Discussion
1. What’s the purpose of writing a meeting agenda? ❖ The purpose of writing a meeting agenda is to inform the
participants how to prepare for the meeting by telling them what and when is to be accomplished. 2. What are the components of a meeting agenda? ❖ Generally speaking, a meeting agenda is made up of two parts: heading and body. 3. What are the requirements on the language of a meeting agenda used? ❖ precise, clear and detailed
Meeting Agenda
Sample Analysis
【实用文档】opening meeting agenda

Coca-Cola Bottlers Manufacturing (Dongguan) Company Ltd.
时间2003.12.23 09:00—10:00
Agenda PPT课件

• 1:00pm Working SessionⅠ
• 2:15pm Team Briefings----Full Plenary Session
• 3:15pm Coffee Break
• 3:30pm Working SessionⅡ
• 5:00pm Team Briefings---Full Plenary Session
• CKO: Knowledge 知识总监 CLO: Labour 工会主席
• CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表
• CPO: Public relation 公关总监CQO: Quality control 质控总监
• CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监
and 2020/3/30 Policy
VP Burns
5 min
b. Annual Report on Academic Program Discontinuance
VP Burns
10 min c. Resolution on Move of President’s Office to Denver Regent Carrigan
a. New Proposal for Clinical Science at UCDHSC – Health Sciences Center Campus
b. New Proposal for International Studies at UCDHSC – Downtown Denver Campus
VP Golding
10 min
3. Items Not Previously Discussed, but Requiring Action at May 23 meeting [30 minutes]

召开会议英语作文模板 Meeting Announcement and Agenda Template。
Meeting Announcement。
Subject: Meeting Announcement。
Date: [Date of meeting]Time: [Start time] [End time]Location: [Meeting location]Attendees: [List of attendees]Agenda:1. Opening Remarks。
Welcome and introductions。
Review of purpose and objectives of the meeting。
2. Discussion Items。
[Topic 1][Topic 2][Topic 3]3. Decision-Making。
Discussion and decision-making on outstanding issues。
Voting and consensus building。
4. Action Items。
Assignment of responsibilities。
Timeline for completion of tasks。
5. Next Steps。
Review of next steps and actions。
Schedule for future meetings。
6. Adjournment。
Additional Details:Please RSVP by [RSVP date] to confirm your attendance.Materials for the meeting will be distributed prior to the meeting.Refreshments will be provided.Meeting Agenda。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
II.Power Point Presentation of company (Optional)
III.Questions/Answer Security Profile review:
a.Overview of Company Background (Map out the entire supply chain)
b.Business partners- notification to all customers, vendors, and service providers of
involvement of C-TPAT program, sealing procedures, etc?
c.Physical Security/Access Controls both facilities (Security Rep)
d.Personnel Security (HR procedures)
e.Security Training and Threat Awareness-which covers procedures for reporting
suspicious activities and C-TPAT awareness
f.Procedural Security – Documentation customs paperwork, Shipping/Receiving,
Cargo Discrepancies, Seal Verification
g.Container security/Trailer Security- Container/Trailer storage, seal verification
rmation Security-servers secured, password protection, training, user
accountability (IT person)
IV.Tour of facility
VI.Close-Out Meeting: Best Practices, Recommendations, Actions Required (domestically and overseas) Completion of C-TPAT validation
Opening Meeting
Things to have ready for review at each location visited
1.Employees file verification: (Three total) one new or current employee, one of a
terminated or retired employee and one random employee.
2. A copy of exit interview check list
3. A copy of the Security checklist (questionnaire) given to business partners.
4. A copy of the 7/17 point inspection check list of the containers/trailers.
5. A Sample of an actual Seal used for locking containers/trailers as well as a sample of
a Seal inventory log that accounts for all seals received and distributed.
6. A copy of a page from the sign in log book.
7. A copy of check list for IT or any security training given to employees
8. A copy of any internal or external security audit reports conducted by company or
third party.
9. A copy of company’s security 5 Step Risk Assessment.。