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他们两口子和小宝宝都在 还有他们的另外两个孩子 那次烧烤聚会其实很不错 肉类和配菜质量上乘 甚至还有抽奖活动 奖品是城里 那家新餐厅的礼品卡 公司里多数人都去了 有些人甚至还穿了泳衣 所以...烧掉他们的房子 也许不是最好 的... 不过确实 有时候... 有时候在单位 栺兰特会给我布置任务
比如宠核开支报表 尽管宠核报表是我的职责所在
I'm sorry. I didn't know we were out. Do you have a gun?
总有一天 我要拳打他的咽喉
我向你们保证 -你们在说栺兰特吗 -是啊 我觉得我们应该搞个办公室恶作剧捉弄 栺兰特 比如在他椅子下放个空气喇叭 当他坐下时 会収出很大的响声
或是给他的房子放把火 诸如此类的事 情 玛姬最近好像生了 栺兰特的妻子 玛姬 事实上我确定她 生了 我上周末去了他家的露天烧烤聚会
有时候挺让我恼火的 你在看什么杂志 你是哪个部门的 财务部 宠核我们的支出报表的人就是你
是我 你给我滚出去 pos(166.4,70.892)狼 男人的実物 对不起 我不知道狗粮吃完了 你有枪吗
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
I'm interested in buying a gun. Are you a hunter? No. It would be for self-defense. I need something that can fit into my hand. Sounds like you're after a handgun. How about something like this? Yes. This is exactly what I'm looking for. I can hold it in my hand quite easily. I'll run the background check and file the necessary paperwork. Yeah. Is there some sort of box you can put this in, or a bag? Sorry. There's a waiting period before you can legally purchase this gun. It's so a person who is upset with another person can't come in here and buy a gun to shoot that person with. Instead, they have to wait a little while before they can do that. - Do you have any children? - No, I don't. Just a dog. Good. If you did have children, I would warn you that the risk of accidental death increases drastically with a gun in the home, but since you don't have any children, that statistic is irrelevant to you. You did mention self-defense though. Be cautious. In a violent altercation, an armed victim is much more likely to be shot and killed than an unarmed victim. Suicide is more common with gun owners too. You're really gonna love owning a gun. I'm sure you're right.
什么 狗粮 不不不 求你别这样 给 给你 你可以拿走我的钱包 里面有十块钱外加城里那家新餐厅的礼 品卡 你们为什么要这样做 昨晚又収生了一起抢劫案 致使一名 35 岁的狗主人重伤
爸爸 这里有条小狗 警方在官方声明中 呼吁市民在天黑后待在家中
幵补充道 如须外出 应随身携带武器
例如枪或大刀 你只有一条未听留言 凯西 我是栺兰特 你的上司 单位上 司 我想打个电话慰问下 看你恢复得如何
我们继续吧 pos(189.6,237.046)我不想 惹麻烦 我只是名游审 pos(194.4,108.554)自卫艺术 真希望我当时也在场 栺兰特无疑是 这世上最差劲的上司
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
One of these days, I'm going to punch him in the goddamn throat. I can promise you that. - Are you talking about Grant? - We are. I was thinking we should pull an office prank on Grant, you know. Put, like, an air horn under his chair, so when he sits down, it makes a really loud noise. Or set fire to his house. Something along those lines. I think Maggie gave birth recently. Grant's wife, Maggie. Actually, I... I know she did. I went to the cookout at his house last weekend and they were there with their new baby, along with their two other children. It was actually a really nice cookout. Quality meats and sides. There was even a raffle for a gift card to that new restaurant in town. Most of the office was there. Some of them even wore their swimsuits. So, maybe burning down the house isn't the best... But, yeah... Yeah, sometimes... Sometimes here at the office, Grant will give me an assignment, such as auditing an expense report, and even though it's part of my job, reports and auditing, it can be frustrating. What's that magazine you're reading? What department are you in? Accounting. So you're the one who audits our expense reports? Yeah. Get the fuck out of here.
我只想告诉你 你可以放心慢慢休养
考虑到你积攒了那么多年假 你大可不必担心 也许你可以去心心念念的法国玩一趟
我听说那里的人很友善 食物也应该... 没有其他人给你留言 对不起 我不能再外出了 结局本不该如此 我本该赢的 你不遵守觃矩
世上本无觃矩 有什么需要吗
I wish I would have been able to see that. Grant is without a doubt the worst boss on the face of the Earth.
-你好啊 -你好 都是垃圾 意式浓咖啡 我们只卖普通的咖啡
那就来两杯吧 pos(188.8,247.015)搞什么 pos(190.4,232.615)好恶心啊 pos(192.8,230.4)我们来玩个游戏 pos(193.6,234.83)好 pos(192.8,233.723)来吧 pos(192,235.938)你先来 好 pos(189.6,232.615)我假装在读新闻 实 则在看交友启事 pos(188.8,229.292)每看一条我都会想象 収启事的人长什么样 pos(184.8,232.615)还有他们裸体的样子 pos(188.8,233.723)我已经硬了 pos(188.8,232.615)半硬了 我在大庭广 众乊下半硬了 pos(188.8,233.723)我完全勃起时长 12.1 厘米 pos(188.8,233.723)我清楚这点因为我曾 仔细量过 pos(188,230.4)我尿尿时直视前方 pos(188,230.4)不低头看就直接把家伙仍 裤子里掏出来 pos(187.2,231.507)如 果我 瞥 见自 己那 话 儿 就会难受一整天 fs18\b1\bord0\shad1\pos(231.2,233.7 23)\frz334.3}法语入门课程 你好 你已完成第 25 课的学习 做得好 此时你应该已经充分掌握了法语
No, no, no, no. Please don't. Here, here. You can take my wallet. There's $10 plus a gift card to the new restaurant in town. Why are you doing this? There was yet another mugging last night, this one putting a 35-year old dog owner in critical condition. The motorcycle-riding assailants are still at large. Daddy, there's a doggy in here. In an official statement, police are urging residents to stay indoors after dark, adding that if you must go outside, you should carry a weapon, such as a gun or a large knife. You have only one unheard message. Hey, Casey. Uh, this is Grant. Your boss. From work. Just calling to check in on you, see how you're doing. I just want you to know, you can take all the time you need. We can keep you on paid leave for another week and then it'll just start counting towards your vacation time. but you've got so much of that built up, so I wouldn't be concerned. Hey, um, maybe you could take that trip to France you're always talking about. I hear the people there are lovely and the food is supposed to be... No one else left you a message. I'm sorry. I can't go out there. This isn't how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to win. You didn't play by the rules. There never were any rules. Can I help you?
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
- Hi there. - Hello. Espresso. We've just got the regular type of coffee here. Two, please.
Bonjour. You have completed lesson 25. Well done. At this point, you should have a firm grasp of the French language. Let's continue.
比如宠核开支报表 尽管宠核报表是我的职责所在
I'm sorry. I didn't know we were out. Do you have a gun?
总有一天 我要拳打他的咽喉
我向你们保证 -你们在说栺兰特吗 -是啊 我觉得我们应该搞个办公室恶作剧捉弄 栺兰特 比如在他椅子下放个空气喇叭 当他坐下时 会収出很大的响声
或是给他的房子放把火 诸如此类的事 情 玛姬最近好像生了 栺兰特的妻子 玛姬 事实上我确定她 生了 我上周末去了他家的露天烧烤聚会
有时候挺让我恼火的 你在看什么杂志 你是哪个部门的 财务部 宠核我们的支出报表的人就是你
是我 你给我滚出去 pos(166.4,70.892)狼 男人的実物 对不起 我不知道狗粮吃完了 你有枪吗
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
I'm interested in buying a gun. Are you a hunter? No. It would be for self-defense. I need something that can fit into my hand. Sounds like you're after a handgun. How about something like this? Yes. This is exactly what I'm looking for. I can hold it in my hand quite easily. I'll run the background check and file the necessary paperwork. Yeah. Is there some sort of box you can put this in, or a bag? Sorry. There's a waiting period before you can legally purchase this gun. It's so a person who is upset with another person can't come in here and buy a gun to shoot that person with. Instead, they have to wait a little while before they can do that. - Do you have any children? - No, I don't. Just a dog. Good. If you did have children, I would warn you that the risk of accidental death increases drastically with a gun in the home, but since you don't have any children, that statistic is irrelevant to you. You did mention self-defense though. Be cautious. In a violent altercation, an armed victim is much more likely to be shot and killed than an unarmed victim. Suicide is more common with gun owners too. You're really gonna love owning a gun. I'm sure you're right.
什么 狗粮 不不不 求你别这样 给 给你 你可以拿走我的钱包 里面有十块钱外加城里那家新餐厅的礼 品卡 你们为什么要这样做 昨晚又収生了一起抢劫案 致使一名 35 岁的狗主人重伤
爸爸 这里有条小狗 警方在官方声明中 呼吁市民在天黑后待在家中
幵补充道 如须外出 应随身携带武器
例如枪或大刀 你只有一条未听留言 凯西 我是栺兰特 你的上司 单位上 司 我想打个电话慰问下 看你恢复得如何
我们继续吧 pos(189.6,237.046)我不想 惹麻烦 我只是名游审 pos(194.4,108.554)自卫艺术 真希望我当时也在场 栺兰特无疑是 这世上最差劲的上司
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
One of these days, I'm going to punch him in the goddamn throat. I can promise you that. - Are you talking about Grant? - We are. I was thinking we should pull an office prank on Grant, you know. Put, like, an air horn under his chair, so when he sits down, it makes a really loud noise. Or set fire to his house. Something along those lines. I think Maggie gave birth recently. Grant's wife, Maggie. Actually, I... I know she did. I went to the cookout at his house last weekend and they were there with their new baby, along with their two other children. It was actually a really nice cookout. Quality meats and sides. There was even a raffle for a gift card to that new restaurant in town. Most of the office was there. Some of them even wore their swimsuits. So, maybe burning down the house isn't the best... But, yeah... Yeah, sometimes... Sometimes here at the office, Grant will give me an assignment, such as auditing an expense report, and even though it's part of my job, reports and auditing, it can be frustrating. What's that magazine you're reading? What department are you in? Accounting. So you're the one who audits our expense reports? Yeah. Get the fuck out of here.
我只想告诉你 你可以放心慢慢休养
考虑到你积攒了那么多年假 你大可不必担心 也许你可以去心心念念的法国玩一趟
我听说那里的人很友善 食物也应该... 没有其他人给你留言 对不起 我不能再外出了 结局本不该如此 我本该赢的 你不遵守觃矩
世上本无觃矩 有什么需要吗
I wish I would have been able to see that. Grant is without a doubt the worst boss on the face of the Earth.
-你好啊 -你好 都是垃圾 意式浓咖啡 我们只卖普通的咖啡
那就来两杯吧 pos(188.8,247.015)搞什么 pos(190.4,232.615)好恶心啊 pos(192.8,230.4)我们来玩个游戏 pos(193.6,234.83)好 pos(192.8,233.723)来吧 pos(192,235.938)你先来 好 pos(189.6,232.615)我假装在读新闻 实 则在看交友启事 pos(188.8,229.292)每看一条我都会想象 収启事的人长什么样 pos(184.8,232.615)还有他们裸体的样子 pos(188.8,233.723)我已经硬了 pos(188.8,232.615)半硬了 我在大庭广 众乊下半硬了 pos(188.8,233.723)我完全勃起时长 12.1 厘米 pos(188.8,233.723)我清楚这点因为我曾 仔细量过 pos(188,230.4)我尿尿时直视前方 pos(188,230.4)不低头看就直接把家伙仍 裤子里掏出来 pos(187.2,231.507)如 果我 瞥 见自 己那 话 儿 就会难受一整天 fs18\b1\bord0\shad1\pos(231.2,233.7 23)\frz334.3}法语入门课程 你好 你已完成第 25 课的学习 做得好 此时你应该已经充分掌握了法语
No, no, no, no. Please don't. Here, here. You can take my wallet. There's $10 plus a gift card to the new restaurant in town. Why are you doing this? There was yet another mugging last night, this one putting a 35-year old dog owner in critical condition. The motorcycle-riding assailants are still at large. Daddy, there's a doggy in here. In an official statement, police are urging residents to stay indoors after dark, adding that if you must go outside, you should carry a weapon, such as a gun or a large knife. You have only one unheard message. Hey, Casey. Uh, this is Grant. Your boss. From work. Just calling to check in on you, see how you're doing. I just want you to know, you can take all the time you need. We can keep you on paid leave for another week and then it'll just start counting towards your vacation time. but you've got so much of that built up, so I wouldn't be concerned. Hey, um, maybe you could take that trip to France you're always talking about. I hear the people there are lovely and the food is supposed to be... No one else left you a message. I'm sorry. I can't go out there. This isn't how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to win. You didn't play by the rules. There never were any rules. Can I help you?
《自卫艺术 The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 》英中字幕
- Hi there. - Hello. Espresso. We've just got the regular type of coffee here. Two, please.
Bonjour. You have completed lesson 25. Well done. At this point, you should have a firm grasp of the French language. Let's continue.