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pening once a week or every week • Examples: His story was published in a weekly newspaper 21st Century English. • 5. clean up: make clean and tidy • Examples: 1) I'll go shopping with you as soon as I've cleaned up the kitchen. • 2) I hate cleaning up after a party. • 6. helpful: useful in making a situation better or easier; always willing to help people • Examples: 1) Sometimes it is helpful to make a list of everything you have to do. • 2) Any information would be helpful in determining what happened to her. • 3) She is such a pleasant and helpful child.
• 13. skilled: having skill; needing skill (often followed by in or at) • Examples: 1) The IT (information technology) industry demands skilled labor. • 2) The personnel manager is pressing for skilled workers. She was skilled in dealing with all sorts of people. • 14. My wife and I were delighted with what we felt was a satisfying end of the story.: My wife and I were delighted with what Tony had achieved, and thought that the whole thing had thus been settled. • 15. for sale: available to be bought • Examples: 1) Reluctantly my parents put a "For Sale" sign on the house. • 2) Her former home is for sale at $495,000.
• 7. do with: (used in questions with what) deal with • Examples: 1) What do you do with such rude boys? • 2) What are we going to do with the huge rock lying in the middle of the road? • 8. determination: the ability to continue trying to achieve what you have decided to do even when this is difficult (uncountable noun, often followed by infinitive to) • Examples: 1) He showed great determination by continuing to play after hurting his foot. • 2) Her determination to do well made her keep on studying.
• 9. personnel: 1) the department in a large company or organization that deals with employees, keeps their records, and helps with any problem they might have; human resources (uncountable noun, used with a singular or plural verb) • Examples: a) Personnel has/have received your application form. • b) Her first job after graduation was in Personnel at Microsoft. • 2) all the persons working in an organization, in the army, etc. (used with a plural verb) • Examples: a) All personnel in this company are entitled to medical insurance. • b) A modem army needs highly skilled personnel.
3. Depression days: the period of severe economic failure in most countries of the world that lasted from 1929 until World War II. It began in the US when the New York Stock Exchange fell on 29 October 1929, known as Black Tuesday. Many businesses and banks failed and millions of people lost their jobs. President Franklin D. Roosevelt improved the situation with his New Deal policy. but the Great Depression was only ended by industrial production for the war.
• II. Language Study
• 1. ... hard to comprehend his broken English: • If someone talks in broken English, they speak slowly and make a lot of mistakes because they only know a little of the language. • 2. turn away: refuse to help (sb.) or to allow (sb.) to enter a place • Examples: 1) He’s my son after all (毕竟), I can't just turn him away when he is in trouble. • 2) The lecture hall was already full and many of the students were turned away. • 3. work out: plan; solve; calculate • Examples: 1) "How will you keep in touch with me?" "We haven't worked that out yet.” • 2) Finally I worked out that the parcel had been sent to Paris by mistake. • 3) My mother allowed me to take the trip, but asked me to work out the total cost first.
• 10. capacity: the ability to understand or do sth. (often followed by for or infinitive to) • Examples: 1) Not everyone has a capacity for languages. • 2) Those math problems were beyond my capacity. • 3) I don't think it's within a five-year-old boy's capacity to spread computer viruses. • 11. turn down: refuse • Examples: 1) He was offered the job but he turned it down because it involved too much traveling. • 2) Look, I am offering you a free meal — you are surely not going to turn me down? • 12. Tony took a cut in pay to become an apprentice.: Tony had his pay reduced in order to be an apprentice.
(全新版)大学英语《综合教程》 (全新版)大学英语《综合教程》第一册
Unit 4
American Dream
I. Cultural Notes
1. American Dream: the belief of Americans that their country offers opportunities for a good and successful life. For minorities and immigrants, the dream also includes freedom and equal rights. 2. Immigrants: Apart from "Native Americans" — Indians — who were living in North America when people first arrived there from Europe, all Americans have ancestors who were immigrants. In the US the word immigrant is often used with a positive meaning. People are proud to say that their ancestors were immigrants who came with very little and built a better life for themselves. Most Americans have a clear idea of what life was like for the immigrants: they left home because they were poor and thought they would have better opportunities in the US. For them the American dream was that talent and hard work could take them from log cabin to White House. Once in the US, life was not easy. Many immigrants had to work for little money in factories where conditions were hard and dangerous and lived in crowded buildings. But slowly they improved their lives and many wrote home to encourage others to come.