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《秘密花园》是关于友谊、决心和毅力的一 本书,它充满了对生命的热爱和激情,对心 灵和成长的探索达到了一个很深的地步。 "Secret Garden" is a book about friendship, determination and perseverance, it is full of love and passion for life, the exploration of the mind and growth reached a very deep point.
伯内特(1849~1924年)著名女作家,生于英国曼彻斯 特市,在英国度过童年,伯内特4岁时父亲不幸去世。1865年因 生计困难,和母亲移居美国。对于生活的艰辛,伯内特有着深 刻的体会。从18岁开始在杂志上发表故事,补贴家用。让伯内 特闻名于世的,是她的文学作品。1886年她发表了小说《小少 爷方特罗伊》,这本书让伯内特成为当时最畅销、最富有的流 行作家之一。此书和1905年发表的《小公主》都曾被改编成话 剧。1909年,当她在纽约长岛布置自己家花园的时候,突发灵 感,构思出《秘密花园》。这本小说初版于1911年,在她的两 个国家——英国和美国都畅销,并且成为她最著名、最成功的 作品。 代表作品有《小爵士》、《秘密花园》和《小公主》,三 部小说都曾风行一时,出过多种版本,并被多次改编为电影和 电视剧。半个多世纪来,她的作品一直是英美家庭为孩子必备 的文学读物。几乎在伯内特所有的书中,自使至终都萦绕着一 种美好的、善良的氛围,散发着人性的光辉。
在这里她发现了一个古老的花园,并因此结识 了一个叫迪肯的小男孩。 Here she found an old garden, and so met a little boy called Dickon. 在他与一只小鸟的帮助下,玛丽发现了秘密花 园的钥匙和被隐藏起来的园门。 With the help of a bird, Mary found the key to the Secret Garden and the hidden garden door. 通过他们的努力, 唤醒了沉睡十年的古老花园, 使荒芜的花园重现生机。 Through their efforts, awakened 10 years of sleep in the ancient garden, so that the barren garden to reproduce life.
这是个谁都难以想象的最美好、最神秘的 地方。围住它的高墙上盖满了落尽叶子、密 It shows how a person's 密匝匝的枝条。玛丽· 雷诺克斯知道这些是 attitude determines his or her 玫瑰蔓,她在印度见过很多玫瑰。地上铺满 life, it can be very beautiful, 了冬气肃杀的褐色枯草,褐色里长出一丛丛 and it can be very miserable, 灌木,它们要是还活着,就一定是玫瑰丛。 depending entirely on your 有很多嫁接到树干上的玫瑰,枝条非常舒展, 就好像一棵棵小树。花园里还有别的树木, attitude towards it. The pursuit说这个地方既奇怪又可爱的原因之一,就是 of a better spiritual experience那些爬满树木的攀缘玫瑰。它们垂下的长蔓 形成了轻轻摇曳的帘幕,处处都纠结在一起, is human beings will never abandon. This book tells us 要不然就缠绕到一条探出很远的枝条上。玫 瑰枝条从这棵树匍匐到那棵树,搭成一座座 that as long as we love life, full 赏心悦目的桥。现在,枝条上没有叶片也没 of confidence in life, our life 有玫瑰花,玛丽不知道它们是不是还活着, must be brilliant and beautiful.但它们灰褐色的细枝和小树杈,看起来就像 But more important is to have 一件朦胧的斗篷,覆盖住这里的一切--墙壁, 树木,甚至褐色的草--它们从扣结处垂下, a healthy and upward heart, to 沿着地面铺开。这让一切看起来都格外神秘。 be pure, cheerful, happy. 玛丽早就想到,这里一定和其他未被长久遗 弃的花园不一样,而且的确,这里与她此生 10 所见的任何地方都不一样。
“这儿真静啊!”她低声说道,“太静了!” 然后她停下脚步,享受着此刻的安宁。知更鸟早 已飞上树梢,一动不动地看着玛丽,连翅膀都不拍一 下,纹丝不动地坐着: “怪不得这里那么安静,”她又开口小声地说, “我是十年里第一个在这儿说话的人。” "It's quiet in here!" She whispered, "It's quiet!" Then she stopped and enjoyed the peace of the moment. The Robins had already flown up the treetops, looking at Mary motionless, not even flapping their wings: "No wonder it's so quiet here," she said softly, "I was the first person to speak here in ten years." ”
Surrounded by the wall, sunny, lofty blue sky in the Misselthwaite Manor area seems more bright and gentle than on the moor. The robins flew down from the treetops and sometimes bounced around her, and then followed her from the tree to the tree. It raved, a busy look, as if to be her guide. Everything was so fresh and silent that Mary seemed to be hundreds of miles apart from others. For some reason, she felt no loneliness. The only trouble was, she wanted to know if the roses were dead, or some were still alive, and they might grow leaves and buds when the weather warmed. She did not want the garden to be lifeless, and if it could flourish and bloom thousands of roses everywhere, how good would it be!
It showsetermines his or her life, it can be very beautiful, and it can be very miserable, depending entirely on your attitude towards it. The pursuit of a better spiritual experience is human beings will never abandon. This book tells us that as long as we love life, full of confidence in life, our life must be brilliant and beautiful. But more important is to have a healthy and upward heart, to be pure, cheerful, happy. 15
本书讲述了一个叫玛丽的小姑娘和一个 叫迪肯的小男孩开辟秘密花园的故事。 This book tells the story of a little girl named Mary and a little boy called Dickon to open a secret garden.玛丽的父 母被一场可怕的瘟疫夺去了生命,玛丽成为 了一个孤儿,不得不被送往她姑父克拉文的 庄园。 Mary's parents were killed by a terrible plague, Mary became an orphan and had to be sent to her uncle Craven's manor.
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她从门边离开,蹑手蹑脚地向里走,生怕会吵醒谁。好在她脚下有草, 这让她的脚步悄无声息。她从一扇树木间的灰色拱门下走过,像是童话一 般。她仰视着搭成拱门的枝蔓。 “真不知道它们是不是都枯死了,”她说道,“这个花园死了吗?我希 望它没有。” 假如她是本-威瑟斯塔夫,她就能靠观察知道树木是不是还活着,可她 只能看到褐色灰色的小枝丫,上面没有任何叶芽的影子,哪怕只是一星半 点。She walked away from the door and crept in for fear of waking someone. Fortunately she had grass under her feet, which made her footsteps silent. She walked through a gray arch between trees, like a fairy tale. She looked up at the branches of the arches. "I don't know if they're all dead," she said, "Is this garden dead?" I hope not. "If she were Ben-Witherstaff, she could see whether the trees were still alive, but she could only look at the little brown Gray branches, which had no shadow of any buds, even if only stint." 不管怎么说,她已经置身于这座奇妙的花园里了,而且她可以随时从常 青藤下的门走进来,她觉得发现了一片真正属于自己的小天地。In any case, she was in this wonderful garden, and she could come in from under the Ivy, and she felt that she had found a real place of her own.
该能花者的英是一跟知斯环 有生蕾有困里如副随更韦抱 多气。些扰。此忙她鸟特在 好勃她还是可新碌从从庄围 !勃可活,不鲜的这树园墙 ,不着她知而样棵梢一之 到想,想为又子树飞带中 处这天知什沉,飞下似, 都个气道么默仿到来乎阳 绽花转那,,佛那,比光 放园暖些她玛是棵时在明 出是时玫丝丽在树而荒媚 成死还瑰毫仿做。在原, 千气可是不佛她它她上高 上沉能不觉与的叽周更远 万沉会是得他导叽围加的 朵的长真孤人游喳蹦鲜蓝 玫,出死单相。喳跳亮天 瑰它叶了。隔一地,温在 ,要子,惟几切叫时柔米 那 是 和 或 一 百 都 嚷 而 13 。瑟 ,
要但 信 告 灵 全 它 它 纯更 心 诉 体 取 可 展 真重 , 了 验 决 以 示 、要 我 我 是 于 无 的 开的 们 们 人 你 比 是 朗是 的 只 类 对 美 人 、要 生 要 永 它 好 的 快有 活 热 远 的 , 态 乐一 就 爱 不 态 也 度 。颗 一 生 会 度 可 如 健定活舍。以何 康是,弃追非决 向灿对的求常定 上烂生。美悲人 的美活这好惨的 心好充本的,生 ,的满书心完活 , 。