人教版八年级英语上册课件 Unit1Section B 1a-1e(共15张PPT)

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B:It was exciting.
A:How were the stores?
B:They are expensive.
A:How were the people there?
B:They were really friendly.
A:How was the food?
B:It was delicious.
Where did they go on vacation?
went to the beach went to the museum went to the Great Wall
went to New York City
went to the mountains
How was their vacation?
Retell Lisa's vacation
great good (5 pt.) (4 pt.)
not bad (3 pt.)
try harder (2 pt.)
Pronunciation and intonation (语音语调) Fluency(流畅度)
Proper volume (合适的音量)
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?
Section B 1a-1e
Language Goal
To listen about Lisa’s vacation.
To learn to ask and answer questions about Lisa’s vacation. A: How was...? B: ....
1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks.
What did Lisa say about…? her vacation _g_r_e_a_t the fun park _e_x_ci_t_in_g_ the stores _e_x_p_e_n_s_iv_e the people _fr_i_e_n_d_ly_ the food _d_e_li_c_io_u__s
A:What did she do there?
B:She went to a fun park.
A:Did she buy anything for her best friend? B:Yes, she did.
A:How was the vacation?
B:It was great.
A:How was the fun park?
Write a diary about what you did on your vacation.
总结反思XX部队个人思想报告_2 XX部队个人思想汇报 这篇《XX部队个人思想汇报范文》,是 特地,希望对 大家有 所帮助 ! 尊敬的连队党支部: 针对近期连队训练以及管理教育实际,结合自 身这半 年来的 思想及 工作现 实表现 情 况。将自己的思想情况向党支部汇报 如下: 一、思想方面 近期自己思想上比较稳定,能够端正服 役态度,将自己 的思想 行为与 党支部 保持高 度 一致,积极参加各级各类教育,认真听讲 、课后 及时写 出心得 体会作 为一名 党员,积 极学习党的创新理论知识,用党的理论 武装自 己的头 脑。认 真执行 和落实 上级的 各 种指示精神。存在的不足:对党的理论 知识宣 传工作 做的还 不够,平时考 虑个人 问 题较多。 二、工作方面 作为一名教练班长,日常工作中能够带 领全班 人员积 极完成 好部队 赋予的 各项任 务, 切实按照自身的工作职责来抓管理,认 真对照 自身职 责,抓好 本班的 训练和 各项建 设 。积极参加各类大型活动。对各类大 型活动 做到积 极参加 主动请 缨。存 在的不 足: 工作标准把握还不够好,存在标准不高 的现象,自己的 工作方 法及思 路不够 清晰,有 时在完成任务 过程中有打折扣,搞变通的现象。 三、作风方面 在作风方面,能够坚持好军容风纪,树立 工作作 风,坚 持良好 的精神 面貌,高 昂的
Find mistakes
terrible expensive exciting
delicious boring cheap
Lisa went to Hong Kong with her family. What does Hong Kong look like? Let’s have a look!
great exciting interesting
How was their vacation?
terrible boring
How was the car?
cool expensive cheap
1a Match the words with the pictures below.
1. _f_ delicious 3. _c_ exciting 5. _b_ terrible 2. _a_ expensive 4. _e_ cheap 6. _d_ boring

1c Listen. Lisa is talking about her vacation. Answer the questions.
1. Where did Lisa go on vacation? __S_h_e__w_e_n_t_t_o_H__o_n_g__K_o_n_g_._____________ 2. Did she do anything special there? What? ___Y_e_s,_s_h_e__w_e_n_t_t_o_a__f_u_n_p_a_r_k_.__________ 3. Did she buy anything for her best friend? ___Y_e_s,_s_h_e__d_id_._______________________ 4. Did Lisa like her vacation? ___Y_e_s_, _sh_e__d_i_d_. ______________________
1e Ask and answer questions about Lisa’s vacation. Begin your questions with:
.Where did …? .What did…? .Did she …? .How was …? .How were …?
A:Where did Lisa go on vacation? B:She went to Hong Kong.