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How is English developed?
Between about Spoken in E__n_g_la_n_d__ and based _A_D_4_5_0_ and1_1_5_0__ more on G__e_rm__a.n
Between about _A_D_8_0_0and _11_5_0_
meeting. 问题在会议中被提出来了。
The problem came up in the meeting.
The sun came up. • 不曾出现过这个问题。 • The question never came up. • 他靠近并和我们打招呼。 • He came up and said hello to us. • 春天草会再度发芽。 • The grass will come up again in the
By the 1_9_t_hcentury Settled by two d_i_c_t_io_n_a_r_ie_s
How is English developed?
Spoken in countries such as
China,_I_n_d_ia__, _S_i_n_g_a_p_o_r_e,
• A. came about
B. came across
• C. came up
D. come on
• 2. ---How did it ___ that you made such a silly mistake?
• ---I myself ha来自en’t figured it out yet.
be different from be the same as 3. go to the pictures/ movies/ cinema 4. by underground/ subway
5. official adj. 官方的,正式的 official language official news n. 政府官员
_M_a_l_a_y_s_ia_ andS_o_u__th__A_f_ri_c_a as a
foreign or second language
In a word, English is c_h__a_n_g_in_g_ and d__e_v_e_lo_p_i_n_gover time and is spoken __a_ll_o__v_e_r ___ the world.
We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got ___ 60. (98.上海)
A. more than B. more of C. as much as D. so many as
2. In some important ways they are very different from one another. 在某些重要方面, 它们彼此有些差异。
Noah Webster Born: October 16, 1758 Died: May 28, 1843 When Noah was 43, he started writing the first American dictionary. He did this because Americans in different parts of the country spelled, pronounced and used words differently.
up late. He came to work late because of
getting up late.
7. Native English speakers can understand each
other even if they don’t speak the same kind of
1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English in the world?
你知道世界上不止有一种英语吗? more than one +名词单数, 后面的谓 语动词用单数。 More than one student wantsto go swimming.
• 1.在……中担任角色,在……中起作用 _p__la__y__a__ro__le__/p_art in
• 2.充分利用
ma_k_e__g_o__o_d_/_f_u_ll__use of
• 3.因为,由于 • 4.信不信由你
_b_e_c_a__u_s_e__o__f __ b_e_l_ie__v_e__i_t _o_r__n_ot
In the 1_7_t_h_ century Used by more people as the result of thev_o_y_a_g_e_s_ to conquer other
parts of the world
Later in the1_8_t_h century
Began to be spoken in _A_m__e_ri_ca and A__u_s_tr_a_lia
• 5.走近,上来
• 6.例如,像这种的
• 7.以……为根底 • 8.与……不同 • 9.即使;尽管 • 10.大量的,许多
b__e__b_a_s__e_d__o_n__ b_e__d_i_f_fe__re__n_t_f_r_om e_v_e_n__i_f/_e_v__e_n__t_hough a__(l_a_r_g_e__)_n__u_m__ber of
Even if the road is full of difficulty, I will
8. come up 上来, 走近; 被提出; 〔植物〕发芽; 〔太 阳〕升起 come up to sp 上某地来 come up with 提出 想出
He came up with a good idea in the
D_a_n__is_h__and _F_r_e_n_c_henriched the English l_a_n_g_u_a_g_eand especially
its v_o_c_a_b__u_la_ry
At the end of _1_6_th__ century
About _f_i_v_e_t_o_s_e_v_e_n__m_i_ll_io__n people spoke English
come across 偶然遇到,发现,被理解 come about 发生 come true 实现 come back 回来, 恢复记忆 come on 催促, 快速运动;得了吧 come out 出现,出版,开花 come in 进来 come over 从一地到另一地
• 1. His car ____ the terrible traffic jam, so he had to call off his appointment with his doctor.
Complete the Following summary.
English is a _la_n_g_u_a_g_e_ _sp_o_k_e_n_all around the world. For more than 375million people in countries such as _A_u_s_tr_a_li_a and _C_a_n_a_d_a_, English is their m__o_th_e_r_ t_o_n_g_u_e_. Another 375 million people _L_e_a_r_n _E_n_g_li_sh_ as a second language. However, most people learn English at school as a _f_or_e_ig_n_ _la_n_g_u_a_ge_. The English language _is_also _u_s_ed_ by most international organizations as their working language, as well as in international _t_ra_d_e_ and _t_o_ur_i_sm__. Most foreigners visiting China are either_b_u_s_in_e_s_sm__en_ or _to_u_r_is_t_s . If they cannot _s_p_e_a_k_ Chinese, they use _E_n_g_li_sh_ to communicate with Chinese people. In global culture, for example the Internet or popular music, English is widely used. In the future we will be speaking Chinese with our_p_e_o_p_le__, but we will be _u_s_in_g___ English with people around the world for our work.
2. From AD 450 to 1150, English
sounded more like_____?
A. French
B. Chinese
C. German
D. Russian
3. Shakespeare’s English was spoken around ______?
A. 1400’s B. 1150’s C. 450’s D. 1600’s
adj. native land 祖国,故土 native language 本族语言,母语
be native to The giant panda is native to Sichuan. n. 土著居民
study the habits of the natives even if= (even though) 尽管;即使
4. Which country has the fastest growing number of English speakers in the world?
A. Australia B. China C. India D. Britain
Two important persons
Samuel Johnson Born: September 18, 1709 One of the English language’s most profound influences.
• A. bring about
B. come about
• C. come across
D. come on
9. actually/in fact/as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上
An important official will visit our school.
officer n. 军官
He is an officer in the army.
6. because of后边加名词或动名词短语 because是连词, 所以后边跟句子 He came to work late because he got
1.Which of the following statement is true? A. Languages always stay the same B. Languages change only after wars C. Languages no longer change D. Languages change when cultures change