Variable-structure diagnostics approach achieving

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申请号:US1080764 5 申请日:2004 0323 公开号:US20050212523A1 公开日:20050929 专利附图:
摘要:The present invention provides a diagnostics methodology and embedded
electronic system that allows optimized low-frequency data sampling for EMA motoring subsystems in an operating vehicle. Each of the EMA motoring subsystems includes: an EMA; at least one motor for driving the EMA; and power controls for operating the motor, wherein the power controls includes a DSP controller for sampling and processing data at low-frequency sampling rates. The diagnostic methodology includes a method that has the steps of: determining an operational mode of the EMA motoring subsystem; selecting a sampling rate optimized for the determined operational mode; acquiring and processing data at the selected sampling rate; and analyzing the processed data to identify and classify a fault of the EMA motoring subsystem.
申请人:Jie Chang,Kirby Keller,Anhua Wang,Jiajia Zhang
地址:Park CA US,Chesterfield MO US,Thousand Oaks CA US,Los Angeles CA US
专利名称:Variable-structure diagnostics approach achieving optimized low-frequency data sampling for EMA motoring subsystem
发明人:Jie Chang,Kirby Keller,Anhua Wang,Jiajia Zhang