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1 How many days are in a week?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
2 What do you call a group of wolves?
A. Pack
B. Herd
C. Flock
D. Swarm
答案: A
3 The _____ (青蛙) can camouflage itself among leaves.
4 The movie starts _____ (at/in) PM.
5 My favorite holiday is ______ (春节) because we celebrate with family and have delicious ______ (食物).
6 What do we call a young cow?
A. Calf
B. Fawn
C. Kid
D. Lamb
7 We celebrate _______ (春节) with family and friends.
8 A _______ is a tool that helps to measure the pressure of gases.
9 A ________ (山谷) is often fertile and green.
10 How do you say "land" in Spanish?
A. Tierra
B. Terre
C. Erd
D. Terra
11 My sister loves __________ (参与学校活动).
12 I think it’s important to exercise regularly to stay ________ (健康).
13 My uncle is a ______. He enjoys traveling abroad.
14 My dad fixes ____ (cars) at his workshop.
15 A polymer is a large molecule made of _______ repeating units.
16 Plants release oxygen during ______.
17 The ______ (植物纤维) can be used for making clothes.
18 What is the soft, fluffy material used for stuffing pillows and jackets?
A. Cotton
B. Wool
C. Down
D. Polyester
19 I found a _______ (小蟋蟀) chirping in the grass.
20 The ocean is home to a variety of ______ ecosystems.
21 The chemical formula for sodium phosphate is ______.
22 The __________ (海洋) covers most of the Earth.
23 What do you call the king of the jungle?
A. Tiger
B. Elephant
C. Lion
D. Gorilla
24 A __________ can provide insights into natural disasters.
25 Certain plants can ______ (支持) healing properties.
26 In class, we learn about ________ and math.
27 The antelope runs quickly on the _______ (草原).
28 What is the name of the famous dinosaur known for its short arms?
A. T-Rex
B. Velociraptor
C. Stegosaurus
D. Brachiosaurus
29 My _______ (猫) loves to nap.
30 The ______ (生长) of plants requires proper care.
31 Which bird is known for its colorful feathers and can mimic sounds?
A. Sparrow
B. Parrot
C. Penguin
D. Eagle
32 I have a toy _______ that spins and plays music when you press a button.
33 What is 2 + 2?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
34 The fish is swimming in the ___ (lake/ocean).
35 The rabbit hops around the ______ (草地). It is searching for ______ (食物).
36 A ________ (小鸟) makes a nest in the tree every spring.
37 What do we call the small particles that make up matter?
A. Atoms
B. Molecules
C. Compounds
D. Elements
答案: A. Atoms
38 The Earth's atmosphere protects it from harmful ______.
39 The park is very ________.
40 What do we call the imaginary line dividing the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
A. Equator
B. Prime Meridian
C. Tropic of Cancer
D. Tropic of Capricorn
41 The concept of biomes categorizes ecosystems based on ______ conditions.
42 What is the name of the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas?
A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
C. Sublimation
D. Freezing
43 The _____ (狒狒) is a type of monkey found in Africa.
44 What do you call a baby wombat?
A. Joey
B. Kit
C. Pup
D. Calf
45 What is the capital of Greece?
A. Athens
B. Rome
C. Istanbul
D. Cairo
46 My favorite color is _______ (蓝色), and I like _______ (画画) with it.
47 A ______ is a type of experiment conducted in science.
48 What is the name of the fairy tale about a girl who visits her grandmother?
A. Sleeping Beauty
B. Little Red Riding Hood
C. Snow White
D. Cinderella
49 What is the capital of Canada?
A. Ottawa
B. Toronto
C. Vancouver
D. Montreal
50 The ______ (气候变化) poses challenges to plant survival.
51 What is the name of the famous waterfall located between Canada and the USA?
A. Angel Falls
B. Victoria Falls
C. Niagara Falls
D. Iguazu Falls
答案: C
52 The weather is _____ (nice/bad) today.
53 The garden is very _______ (美丽的).
54 We can _______ a fun project together.
55 The first successful heart transplant was performed by _______ Barnard.
56 My brother, ______ (我哥哥), enjoys playing soccer.
57 My friend is my best _______ who listens to my thoughts and feelings.
58 I have _____ (three/four) pets.
59 What do you use to write on paper?
A. Paint
B. Pencil
C. Brush
D. Clay
60 The dog is ________ at the door.
61 A __________ can be used to predict weather patterns.
62 The ______ helps regulate temperature in the body.
63 What is the capital of Sweden?
A. Oslo
B. Stockholm
C. Copenhagen
D. Helsinki
答案: B
64 I can ______ (利用) online tools effectively.
65 Did you see the _____ (小狗) playing with the kids?
66 What is the largest planet in our solar system?
A. Earth
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Saturn
67 Certain plants are known for their ______ (药用性质).
68 Kittens are baby _________ (猫).
69 What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
A. Tomato
B. Avocado
C. Pepper
D. Onion
70 Which animal is known for its ability to change color?
A. Chameleon
B. Frog
D. Lizard
71 I want to learn how to ______.
72 The _____ (pollen) helps plants reproduce.
73 I like to ______ (与家人一起) cook traditional meals.
74 The ________ is a small, bright creature.
75 I like to collect ________ shells.
76 Gravity is stronger on planets with more ______.
77 What do you call the place where you go to see movies?
A. Theater
B. Cinema
C. Auditorium
D. Gallery
78 The _____ (flowerbed) is filled with colorful blooms.
79 What do you call the study of weather?
A. Biology
B. Meteorology
C. Astronomy
D. Geography
80 I drink _____ (milk/paint) every day.
81 My dog loves to wag its ______ (尾巴).
82 What do you wear on your feet?
A. Hat
C. Shirt
D. Gloves
83 What is the main ingredient in pizza?
A. Bread
B. Rice
C. Pasta
D. Salad
84 The process of sublimation turns solid directly into ______.
85 My favorite fruit is ______. (apple)
86 A precipitate forms when two solutions _____ together.
87 The fish is _____ around the tank. (swimming)
88 A solution that can conduct electricity is called an ______.
89 What is the color of a typical pumpkin?
A. Blue
B. Orange
C. Green
D. Yellow
90 An example of a physical change is _______. (冰块融化)
91 The ancient Sumerians created one of the first _____.
92 The chemical symbol for iron is __________.
93 The _____ (果树) is heavy with fruit.
94 I like to watch ______ (星星) at night. They twinkle and make the sky look very ______ (美丽).
95 I love to ___ in the rain. (dance)
96 The density of an object is its mass divided by its ______.
97 The Earth's crust is being constantly ______ by natural forces.
98 The Oort Cloud is believed to be the source of long-period ______.
99 What do we call a series of events that happen in a story?
A. Plot
B. Theme
C. Setting
D. Character
100 The _____ (图书馆) is a great place to study.。