七年级英语下册Unit 6 Outdoor fun复习教案 新版牛津版




七年级英语下Unit6OutdoorfunReading教案(新版牛津版)Unit6outdoorfunTeachingobject:Todeveloptheabilitytoinferthegeneraleaningfrothetit leandthecontext.Toreviseandexpandvocabularyinthecontextstoryandcons ervation.Toreinforcestudents’abilitytositextforoveralleaningandscanfordetailsTopayattentiontothetieorderoftheactionsduringtherea dingprocedureToencouragethestudentstobebraveandoptiistic,iaginat iveandcreative.Teachingephasis: Todeveloptheabilitytoinferthegeneraleaningfrothetitleandthecontext.Teachingdifficulties:Toreinforcestudents’abilitytositextforoveralleaningandscanfordetails Teachingprocedure:Step1.Pre-readingar-upGoodorning,boysandgirls.Areyoureadyfortheclass?Ihop eecanhaveapleasanttietogether.Doyouthinso?It’sasunnyday,right?Noit’sspring.Ithinspringisagreattieforoutdooractivities, youno,beingoutside,enjoyingthesunshineandthefreshai r,nearthebeautifullaesandhills,that’sgreat.hatoutdooractivitiesdoyoulie?hatdoyoulieabou tit?teachsoeneordsandphrasesyounoyfavoriteoutdooractivities?Iliejoggingintheorn ing.It’sgoodforourhealth.Thisorning,Ienthoeafterjoggingasu sual.Ipushedthedoor,butitdidn’tove.Thedoorasloced.SoIneedaey.Iputyhandintoypocett ofindit.Butitasn’tthere.Thereasnothingbutabigholeinypocet.Ididn’tnoticethat.Theeyandyobilephoneustgothroughit.Ilost the.hatcanIdo?Lucily,Isaoneofyneighborspassingby.So Iasedhiforhelptocallyhusband.Then,atlastIgotinandth angod,Iasn’tlateforthisclass.Looattheseords,I’sureyoucanreadtheloudly,right?introduceoutdooractivitiesarefun,butit’sapitythatedon’thaveuchtieforit.earesobusy.Butecanstillreadstories oratchoviesaboutit.Today,eilllearnanexcitingstoryto gether.Doyounothenaeofthestory?adventure:anexciting journey,onderland,aorldfullofonders.canyoutellussoe thingaboutit?Hereisaposter.AliceisalovelyEnglishgir l.Shehasalotofideas.Sheentintoaonderland..Inthisfan tasyorld,anialscantal,driningcanaeyourbodybeesaller andsaller,eatingapieceofcaecanaeyougrobiggeratonce, allthethingsarestrangehere.Aliceetalotofpeopleandan ials.Thehiterabbit---inacoat,ithaatchThebluecaterpillar-----hosoesapipeonaushrooThecheshirecat-----alaysearsaverybigsileThehatter-----theanithahatThearchhare-----adasaarchhareThequeenofhearts------Step2.hile-readingSiingTheyarestrange,right.Doyouanttotaealooatthisonderla nd?Nolet’sbeginouradventureithAlice.openyourboos,turntopage7 0,readitquiclytoseehathappened.Findtheanserstothese questionsquicly.Iillgiveyou2inutes.ScanningAfterreading,ourfriendSionadesoenotesonp72.Let’schecthenotesforhi,TorF,youshouldreadthenotesfirst, thenthestory,payattentiontothedetails.Findhichlinet herightansersarein.ill3inutesbeenough?close-reading⑴.readpara1&2carefully,andanserthreequestions.youc andiscussingroupsifnecessaty.IfyouereAlice,hatillyoudohenyouseesuchastrangeanial?hatdidAlicedo?Let’scontinuereading.⑵.readpara3,puttheactionsintotherightorder.Harearesoeactions,buttheyareintherongorder.Let’sreadpara3andputtheintherightorder.ecanseethathentellingstoriesecanusetheorderoftie.Taeturnstoretellthestory.⑶Thenhat’sinthehole?hathappenednext?Let’satchashortvideo,hodidAlicefeelinthelonghole?hatdid shesee?Didshegetoutofthehall?Fillintheblansaccordingtopara4-5Step3.Post-readingGrouporSupposeAliceasn’taloneinthehall,shefoundtoofherfriendstheretoo.orin agroupofthree,aeaconversation.youcantalliethis…hey,Alice.…...Assoepairstotalinfrontoftheclass.asuarhathappenednext?DidAlicegettothelovelygarden?younoy oucansurelyhaveyourondreas,youcandecidehereitgoesfr ohere.Solistentoyourheart,althoughdistantdreasareno treal,ourheartsaretrue,ifereallyant,nothingillstopu s.Sojustbeyourself.eepyouriaginationandcreativity.B ecause……Step4.HoeorAfterclass,Iouldlieyoutosearchfororeinfo rationaboutthestory.教后感:。



Unit6 GrammarTeaching aims:1.Words: put up, tent2. Grasp the past tense sentence application, according to the situation, correctlyuse the past tense to talk about past events.3. Develop the students’ ability of conclusion and application.Teaching steps:Step 1 RevisionFill in the blanks with correct words.One sunny day, Alice _____ ___ the river and saw a rabbit in a coat passing by.The rabbit ____ a watch ____ ___ its pocket. Alice found it amazing! She ____ acrossthe field after the rabbit. The rabbit _______ ____ a big hole and she didn't wantto let it get away, so she jumped down the hole too. Alice _____ for a long timeand ____the ground. She found herself alone in a hall. The doors around were all______.The key on the table didn't ___ any of the doors. Then she _____ a small doorand _____ the key into it .The door _______. Alice _____ a lovely garden on the otherside. She _____ to go through the door, but she couldn't.Step 2 Warming upStep 3 Presentation1. Present some pictures of outdoor activity to get the students grasp the differences between the simple present tense and the simple past tense.He often goes camping. I go swimming every day.He put up a tent yesterday. I went swimming yesterday. She likes jogging. She likes skating.She jogged last Sunday. She skated last weekend.2. Present more examples:She sings happily. She listens to the radio.She sang happily. She listened to the radio.I am at school.I was at school.There are some boys on the playground.There were some boys on the playground.3. Show some pictures to present the negative sentence.My father and I went fishing yesterday.My father and I didn’t go boating yesterday.The students were in the classroom.The students were not on the playground.4. More examplesWe watched a film. The students visited the Palace Museum.We didn't watch a film. The students didn't visit the Palace Museum. They were in the classroom. There was a pencil in the bag.They weren't in the classroom. There wasn't a pencil in the bag. Step 4 Grammar: Simple past tenseWe use the simple past tense to make positive and negative sentences like this: We use the simple past tense to ask and answer questions like this:Step 5 Practice1. Millie is writing about what she and her friends did last weekend. Help her complete her article with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.Yesterday was Sunday. I (1) ______ the park and (2) ____ a good time. Simon did not (3) ____ football. He (4) _________ playing volleyball with his friend. Kitty likes shopping. She (5) ____ some shopping with her mum yesterday afternoon. Daniel did not (6) ___ out yesterday. He (7) ______ at home and (8) _____ some books.2. Sandy is asking Simon about his camping trip with his family. Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.Sandy: (1) ___ you and your family ___ (go) camping last week?Simon: No, we (2) _____. We (3) ____ (go) camping last month.Sandy: (4) ____ (be) it interesting?Simon: Yes, it (5) ____.Sandy: What (6) ____ you ___ (do) there?Simon: We (7) ____ (put) up our tent near a lake. My cousin Annie and I (8) _____ (be) very happy. We also (9) ______ (row) a boat on the lake.Sandy: (10) ____ you ____ (stay) outside all night?Simon: Yes, we (11) ___. The camping trip (12) ____ (be) really wonderful. Step6 ExercisesFill in the blanks.1). Her father _______ (read) a newspaper last night.2). ____ you ______ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?3). _____he ____ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he ______.4). —What ____ she _____ (find) in the garden last morning?—She _________ (find) a beautiful butterfly.5). It _______ (be) Ben's birthday last Friday6). We all _______ (have) a good time last night.7). He _______ (jump) high on last Sports Day.8). It _____ (be) the 2nd of November yesterday. Mr White _____ (go) to his office by car.9). Gao Shan _____ (put) the book on his head a moment ago.10). Don't _____ the house. Mum _______ it yesterday. (clean)句型转换1)Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _________ _________ her homework at home.2)He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)_________ he ______ ________ meat in the fridge?3)She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ __________ she _______ there?4)There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_________ there ___________ orange in the cup?Step7 HomeworkDo the workbook.。


2 Have some students read their own articles.
2 Have students answer the following questions.
(1) Did Alice drink the juice in the bottle?
(2) How did she feel ?
(3) What happened to her after she drank it?
3 Teacher provides some characters from the story and have students write what will happen next.
Step 4 Writing
1 T: It’s your turn now. Please work in groups of four and use your own ideas to write about what will happen to Alice next.
Unit 6 Outdoor fun
Teaching aims
To learn about Chinese kites from the listening material.
to complete different tasks with the obtained information.
To talk about a day out.
swim in the lake
Things we need
mobile phone
Then re peat the conversation after the tape.Try to imitate the tones and intonation !

七年级英语下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading教案新版牛津版

七年级英语下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading教案新版牛津版

七年级英语下Unit 6 Outdoor funReading教案(新版牛津版)Unit 6 Outdoor funTeaching object:To develop the abilgeneral meaningle andx2. To revise and expand vocabulaxand conservaTudents’ abilxt for overall meaning and scan for detailTo pay adactions during the reading proceduTo encouragudbe brave andaginative and creative.Teaching emphasis:To develop the abilgeneral meaningle andxTeaching difficulties:Tudents’ abilxt for overall meaning and scan for detailsTeaching procedure:Pre-reading(usic blass) 1.Warm-upGood morning, boys and girls. Are you readlass?I hope we can have a pleasagether. Do you? It’s a sunny day, right? Now it’s spring. Ig is a greautdoor activu know, being outsidg the sunshine andair, near the beautiful lakes and hills, that’sgreat. What outdoor activities do you like? What do you like about it?2.teaw words and phrau know my favorite outdoor activities? I like joggingg. It’s good for our health. Tg, I wafter jogging as usual. I pushed the door, but it didn’t move. The door was locked. So I need a key. I put my handd it. But it wasn’There wag but a big holI didn’at. The key and my mobilust go through it. I lWhat can I do? Luckily, I sawghbors passing by. So I askedlp to call my husband. Then, at last I got in and thank god, I wasn’t lalaLook awords, I’m sure you can read them loudly, right?duce AlwonderlandOutdoor activities are fun, but it’s aat we don’t have muWe are so busy. But we can still readwatch movies about it. Today, we will learn an excitinggether. Do you know the na? (Alice’s adventure in wonderland) adventure: an exciting journey, wonderland, a world full of wonders. Can you tell ug about it? Here is aAlice is a lovely English girl. She has a lot of ideas. She wa wonderland.. Iantasy world, animals can talk, drinking can makeyour body baller and smaller, eating aake can make you grow bigger aallgs are strangAla lle and animalThe white rabbit---in a coat, with a waThe blue caterpillar-----waa muTat-----always wears a very big smileThe hatter-----the man with a hatThe march hare-----mad as a March hareThe quarts------2.While-readinggThey are strange, right. Do you want to take a look at this wonderland? Now let’s begin our adventure with Alur books, turn to page 70, read it quicklwhat happened. Find the answququickly. I will give you 2 minu2. ScanningAfter reading, our friendad2. Let’T or F, you should readay adetails. Find which lght answers are in. Will 3 minutes be enough?lose-reading⑴.read para12 carefully, and answquu can discuss in grouaIf you were Alice, what will you do when you see such a strange animal?What did Alice do? Let’ue reading.⑵.read para3, put the aght ordHare aabut they awrong order. Let’s read para3 and pught ordWe caatwhen tellingwe can udTake tull⑶ Then what’le? What happened next? Let’s watch a short video, how did Alice feellong hole? What did?(brav)Did she get ouall? Fillblanks according to para4-Post-readingGroup wuppose Alice wasn’t alallund twdWork in a grouake a conversau can talk l… hey, Alice. …Aaalla2. a summaryWhat happened next? Did Alice glovely garden? You know you can surely have your own dreams, you can decide wglur heart, although distant dreams aal, our hearts are true, if we really wag will stop us. So just be yourselur imagination and creativity. Because……H omewAfter class, I would like you to seaation abou教后感:。



Unit 6 Outdoor funStep 4: Task proceduresPart A:1. Reading(1) Ask students to skim the text to identify any words they don’t know .(2) Ask students to guess the meaning of the unknown words from the context .(3) Explain the meaning by giving examples .(4) Ask students to list as many adjectives as they can find . Then ask them to add other adjectives that teachers may use to describe students .(5) Ask students to study the notes for the parents’ meeting . Then ask them to find information from the report card to fill in as many gaps as possible .2 . Listening(1) Play the recorder and ask students to complete Mr Wu’s notes .(2) Play the recorder again to enable students to check their answers .(3) Ask some students to read out their answers .3 . WritingA: Complete the profile of Suzy :(1) Ask students to use information from the report card and notes to complete Suzy’s prof ile .(2) Ask them to guess the meaning of the new words : grade,result,high .(3) Read it and work out the way of writing a profile .(Group work )B: Wri te a profile :(1) Divide the class into groups . Ask them to write a profile .(2) Invite some groups to show their results .3. Speaking ( Part B )(1) Listen and answerCan Millie dance ? What about Sandy ?What can Sandy do ?(2) Listen and read(3) Read in pairs(4) Make similar dialogues and act out their own dialogues .Step 5 : Assignm ent1.Oral work : Make a dialogue about talking about what you can and ca nnot do .2.Written work : Write a profile o f your friend .The Eighth PeriodContent:Main task1. Learn to write a recommendation letterTeaching aims : 1. Learn to write a recommendation letter2.To develop students’ ability of writing .Language focus: a five-year-old boy, lose one’s way, hear fromTeaching procedures :Step 1: Warming upA chain talk .eg: A: Can you tell me what you can do and cannot do ?B: I can sing but I can’t sing well. Can you tell me wh at you can do and cannot do ?C: I can dance well but I can’t swim…….Step 2 : Free talkeg :Who can get the Most Helpful Student Award ? Why ?Step 3 : Pre-task preparationPresent some new words : chairpe rson,thoughtful,lose,hear fromStep 4 : Task procedures:1.Learn how to write a recommendation letter(1) Listen and answer (Part 1)Q: What award would he like to recommend Chen Dan ?What is Chen Dan good at ?What’s his personality ?What did he do ?(2 )Explain the w ords above.(3)Read it carefully and put the numbers i n the correct boxes .(4)Read it again and find out the key aspects of the content of the letter .(Group work )(5)Conclusion about how to write a recommendation letter.2. Write a recommendation letter (Group work )(1) Ask students to plan the things they want to say about their chosen person as outlined in Part B1.(2) Complete the letter . ( Each writes one paragraph. )(3) Invite some groups to read out their letters .Step 5 : AssignmentWrite a recommendation letter.Exercises。

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun TASK教案 新版牛津版

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun TASK教案 新版牛津版

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun TASK教案(新版牛津版)Unit 6 Outdoor funTeaching aTo learn aboulistening materiallete dasks wbtained informaTo talk about a day ouLeading-T: Alice in Wonderland is a famouWe reada paReading. Do you like it? Do you’s exciting? What do you think will haAlice?2 T: You have so many good ideas. They are all very exciting. I’ll tell you what actually haAl2 PresentaT: Txt paRead it and tell me. What did Alable?2 Have students answllowing qu(1) Did Alice dubottle?(2) How didl ?(3) What happenedadrank it?(4) What did she decide to do then?(5) What didget?(6) Could she reaable?(7) What didundable?3 Play the tape and have studdT: Please repeat aape and pullowingdPreparaT: Alice found a noteunder te table near the cake. What diday?2 T: What will Alice do next? Why? Look at the quPart B. Please discuwures in Part A2 on pag----in the Warring StadLu Ban----Mozi’s studai lun----astern Han dynaarco Polo----an Italian man/visited Chinaury Listen and match eawvent in Part A2listen again and fillblanks in Part AquabouWhen didle begin to ma? Who mad?What did Lu Ban use to ma?When did people begin to use paa?What did Marco Polo do avisited China?Wa is famous for makingw?Listen and fillable:A day outFeelingso excitedWha t we can doflWhat we can’t doswlakeThings we needmobilTaversation aape.Taand intonation !group work:grouur and answwith your own ideaTeavidaraand have students write what will happen nexWriting1 T: It’s your turn now. Please work in grou ur and use your own ideas to write about what willhaAlice next.2 Havudents readwn articles。

七年级英语下册Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案 新版牛津版

七年级英语下册Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案 新版牛津版

Unit 6 Outdoor funTeaching aims and demands:1.To be able to learn. about the names of the outdoor activities .2.To be able to talk about their favourite outdoor activities;3.To master the usage of the new words.Important points and difficult points:1.To be able to plan some outdoor activities.2.To learn how to talk about outdoor activities.Teaching procedure:Step1 .RevisionDiscussion(T asks the students to say the outdoor activities and tells the others their favourite outdoor activities)T:What outdoor activities do you know? Can you say their names? Which one do you like best?Step 2 .PresentationShow some pictures and ask : Do you know these outdoor activities?(Learn the new words about outdoor activities)Finish Part A----Look at Part A on Page69.Write the correct letters in the boxes.Tell Ss to ask and answer questions about the outdoor activitiese.g.Do you want to go camping? Who will go camping with you? What kind of place /weather is good for camping?What should people bring if they want to go camping?Step3 .Practise Part BListen to the tape and answer the questions:What outdoor activities would Amy like to try ?What about Daniel?Repeat after the tape and try to find out why they like the two activities ? Read the conversation .Explanation.Ss make dialogues to talk about the outdoor activities they would like to try and the reason.Step4 Presentation ( comic strips)1. Eddie and Hobo are doing an outdoor activity. Look at the picture,and tell me what it is.2. Listen to the tape with questions1)Does Eddie thinks the bag is heavy?2)Does Hobo think so ?3. Listen again, answer more questions:1).How does Eddie feel? 2).What does Eddie want Hobo to do? 3).Does Eddie complain too much?Ss read after the tape recorder.Step5. ProductionWork in groups to practise the conversation and add some new expressions then ask them to act it out.Step6.Sum-upGo through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson..Step 7. Homework1.Review the contents of this lesson.2. Write a short passage about outdoor activities.7B unit 6 outdoor fun reading1Teaching material: Oxford English 7B unit 6 outdoor fun reading1Teaching object:1. To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from the title andthe context.2. To revise and expand vocabulary in the context story and conservation.3. To reinforce students’ ability to skim text for overall meaning andscan for details4. To pay attention to the time order of the actions during the readingprocedure5. To encourage the students to be brave and optimistic, imaginative andcreative.Teaching emphasis:To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from the title and the context.Teaching difficulties:To reinforce students’ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for detailsTeaching procedure:Step1.Pre-reading(enjoy some music before the class)1.Warm-upGood morning, boys and girls. Are you ready for the class? I hope we can have a pleasant time together. Do you think so? It’s a sunny day, right?Now it’s spring. I think spring is a great time for outdoor activities, you know, being outside, enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air, near the beautiful lakes and hills, that’s great. What outdoor activities do you like? What do you like about it?2.teach some new words and phrasesYou know my favorite outdoor activities? I like jogging in the morning.It’s good for our health. This morning, I went home after jogging as usual.I pushed the door, but it didn’t move. The door was locked. So I needa key. I put my hand into my pocket to find it. But it wasn’t there. Therewas nothing but a big hole in my pocket. I didn’t notice that. The key and my mobile phone must go through it. I lost them. What can I do? Luckily,I saw one of my neighbors passing by. So I asked him for help to call myhusband. Then, at last I got in and thank god, I wasn’t late for this class.Look at thes e words, I’m sure you can read them loudly, right?3.introduce <Alice in the wonderland>Outdoor activities are fun, but it’s a pity that we don’t have much time for it. We are so busy. But we can still read stories or watch movies about it. Today, we will learn an exciting story together. Do you know the name of the story? (Alice’s adventure in wonderland) adventure: an exciting journey, wonderland, a world full of wonders. Can you tell us something about it? Here is a poster. Alice is a lovely English girl. She has a lot of ideas. She went into a wonderland.. In this fantasy world, animals can talk, drinking can make your body become smaller and smaller, eating a piece of cake can make you grow bigger at once, all the things are strange here. Alice met a lot of people and animals.The white rabbit---in a coat, with a watchThe blue caterpillar-----who smokes a pipe on a mushroomThe Cheshire cat-----always wears a very big smileThe hatter-----the man with a hatThe march hare-----mad as a March hareThe queen of hearts------Step2.While-reading1. SkimmingThey are strange, right. Do you want to take a look at this wonderland? Now let’s begin our adventure with Alice. Open your books, turn to page 70, read it quickly to see what happened. Find the answers to these questions quickly. I will give you 2 minutes.2. ScanningAfter reading, our friend Simon made some notes on p72. Let’s check the notes for him, T or F, you should read the notes first, then the story, pay attention to the details. Find which line the right answers are in. Will 3 minutes be enough?3. close-reading⑴.read para1&2 carefully, and answer three questions. You can discuss in groups if necessaty.If you were Alice, what will you do when you see such a strange animal? What did Alice do? Let’s continue reading.⑵.read para3, put the actions into the right order.Hare are some actions, but they are in the wrong order. Let’s read para3 and put them in the right order.We can see that when telling stories we can use the order of time. Take turns to retell the story.⑶ Then what’s in the hole? What happened next? Let’s watch a short video, how did Alice feel in the long hole? What did she see?(brave, optimistic) Did she get out of the hall? Fill in the blanks according to para4-5 Step3.Post-reading1. Group workSuppose Alice wasn’t alone in the hall, she found two of her friends there too. Work in a group of three, make a conversation. You can talk like this…hey, Alice. …...Ask some pairs to talk in front of the class.2. a summaryWhat happened next? Did Alice get to the lovely garden? You know you can surely have your own dreams, you can decide where it goes from here. So listen to your heart, although distant dreams are not real, our hearts are true, if we really want, nothing will stop us. So just be yourself. Keep your imagination and creativity. Because……Step4.HomeworkAfter class, I would like you to search for more information about the story and watch the film.I really had a great time enjoying English today, thanks for your attention. Goodbye, boys &girls.Period 3 Reading (2)Teaching aims and demands:To master the usage of the important words and expressions.To be able to retell the story.To be able to use what they learn to describe what will happen to Alice. Important points and difficult points:1. The usage of some important words and expressions.2. To be able to use what they learn to describe what will happen to Alice. 教学时数:第3课时一、预习导学. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. Oh d ! What should I do?2. The door is l .So you can’t get in.3. Please wait for the bus on the s of the street.4. Her parents are out, so she is a at home today.5. Don’t cross the busy street from here, or a car may h you.二、Teaching procedure:Step1 RevisionFill in the blanks to go over the information in the text .Finish some exercises or choose some of the homework to check the answer. Step 2 PresentationAsk and answer:Where did Alice sit ?Who did she sit with?Why did the rabbit surprise Alice?Why did Alice jump down the hole?Where the doors locked or unlocked?What did she find on the table?What could Alice see on the other side when the small door opened?If you saw such a rabbit, would you follow it like Alice did?Step 3 DiscussⅠ. Discuss language points1.) Alice sat by a river with her sister. by prep. “在……旁边,靠近”She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. by adv. “经过”2.)She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事”3.) How amazing! 感叹句:How + adj / adv +主语+谓语!What +adj+n. +主语+谓语!4. )Alice stood up and ran across the field. across the field “穿过田地”5.)She found herself alone in a long, low hall.find oneself … “发觉自己(处于某种状态)” 后加形容词或地点状语alone “独自的”,相当于“by oneself, on one’s own”6.)Alice tried to go through the door.Ⅱ. Read the important phrases and sentences on the blackboard together.Ⅲ.Discuss in groups and try to understand the usage of the phrases andsentences on the blackboard.( Make notes and be ready to give the explanation to the whole class.) Step 4 Practise1. Have a competition to see which group can give more and better explanation.2. The others give the additions .Step 5 Consolidation7B Unit6 Outdoor funPeriod 4 GrammarTeaching aims and demands:1.To know the structure of the simple past tense.2.To learn how to make positive sentences correctly.3.To learn how to make negative sentences correctly.4. To learn how to use the simple past tense to ask and answer questions correctly.I mportant points and difficult points:1.How to use the simple past tense to talk about yhe things in the past.2.Can use them correctlyTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warm-upTell Ss to answer some question s in the story” Down the rabbit hole”to review the rules of thesimple past tenseStep 2 PresentationⅠ、Sentence transformation.(Fill in the blanks and change the sentences into positive sentences.)1.Alice (be)outside one sunny day.2.Mary (be) at home yesterday.3.We (be ) in Beijing last week4.Alice down a hole after the rabbit(jump).5.We always (go) to Shanghai when I was a child.6.she (come) back at 10p.m. yesterdayⅡ、Get the students to discuss the rules.1)be 动词一般过去时句式。

最新七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun全单元教案 (新版)牛津版

最新七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun全单元教案 (新版)牛津版

Unit 6 Outdoor fun课题Unit 6 Outdoor fun ---Welcome to the unit课时第一课时执教时间复备人教学目标1. 知识目标:Know different kinds of English names about outdoor fun.2. 技能目标:. Talk about your favourite outdoor fun in English.教学重点Know different kinds of English names about outdoor fun.教学难点Talk about your favourite outdoor fun in English.教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测Step2:展示目标Step3:课堂导学与互动任务一:Lead-inDifferent kinds of outdoor activities:任务二:Listen and answerDaniel and Amy are talking about outdoor activities. Listento their conversation and find out :1. What are their favourite outdoor activities?2. Why do they like the two activities?任务三:Work in groups and talk about what activities to dothis weekend. E.g.A: What outdoor activity would you like to try?B: I would like to go jogging.A: Why?B: Because I want to keep healthy and fit. What about you?A:I would like to…B: What do you like about camping?A: I think…任务四:Language points:任务五:Eddie and Hobo are also doing an outdoor activity.Listen and answer:1.What are they doing?2.Does Eddie like it? What about Hobo?Language points:Step4:总结提升 Pratice再备Step5:当堂反馈Step6:课后拓展Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue教学反思课题Unit 6 Outdoor fun ---Reading 1课时第二课时执教时间复备人教学目标1. 知识目标:1. Master the new words and phrases.2. Learn something about the story by using different kinds of reading skills.3. Pay attention to the order of narrating a story.2. 技能目标:Learn about the simple past tense.教学重点Learn something about the story by using different kinds of reading skills.教学难点Pay attention to the order of narrating a story.教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测Step2:展示目标Step3:课堂导学与互动任务一:Lead-in1. Do you read this book or watch the movie?2. Show some pictures one by one. Talk about the story.任务二:Listen and answerWhat did Alice do one sunny day?2. Who did Alice run after?3. What could Alice see on the other side when the small door opened?4. Did Alice go through the small door?任务三:Complete Part B1,B2 on Page 71 and B3 on Page 72.任务四:Watch a video and Retell the story between Alice andthe rabbit.任务五:Complete Part B4 on Page 72.Fill in the passage about the story.Step4:总结提升归纳重点短语和句型Step5:当堂反馈Step6:课后拓展Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue再备教学反思课题Unit 6 Outdoor fun ---Reading 2课时第三课时执教时间复备人教学目标1. 知识目标:1. Master the new words and phrases.2. Learn something about the story by using different kinds of reading skills.3. Pay attention to the order of narrating a story.2. 技能目标:Learn about the simple past tense.教学重点Learn something about the story by using different kinds of reading skills.教学难点Pay attention to the order of narrating a story.教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测Step2:展示目标Step3:课堂导学与互动任务一:复习课文Talk about the story between Alice and a rabbit任务二:Work with your group members and try to answer these questions:1. What did Alice see?2. What surprised Alice?3. Where did Alice find herself?4. Was it a key for any of the doors?5. Why Alice did not go through the door?任务三:Interview Have students prepare some questionsin groups first, then each group can suggest one to be the interviewer and interview other students任务四:Language points任务五:practiceStep4:总结提升_____________________________________________________Step5:当堂反馈Step6:课后拓展Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue再备教学反思课题Unit 6 Outdoor fun ---Grammar课时第四课时执教时间复备人教学目标1. 知识目标:1. Master the new words and phrases.2. Learn to use the simple past tense.2. 技能目标:Learn to use the simple past tense correctly.3. 情感目标:Learn to use the simple past tense to describe what happened to us in the past..教学重点Learn to use the simple past tense.教学难点Learn to use the simple past tense.教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测Step2:展示目标Step3:课堂导学与互动任务一: Lead-inShow the students a picture and ask the students to work out therule of the simple past tense.动词过去式的构成任务二:Practice 见课件1.We always (go) to Shanghai when I was achild.2. They (not go) to school last Wednesday,they (have) a match.3. Mike (drive) to Nanjing three days ago, he (not, take) a train there.4. She seldom (arrive) home late after work,but she (come) back at 10p.m. yesterday.任务三:Finish Page 74 Part A,B.Step4:总结提升Step5:当堂反馈Step6:课后拓展Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue再备教学反思课题Unit 6 Outdoor fun --- Integrated skills 课时第五课时执教时间复备人教学目标1.知识目标:学习单词: wood, period, century, excited, mobile phone dynasty ,Italian,province,学习词组:make a bird out of wood, use bamboo to make kites, century, become famous for, from then on学习句子:It’s dangerous to swim in the lake. Now everything is ready. Shall we go?2. 技能目标:能通过听力材料获取有关风筝的信息。

七年级英语下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Grammar教案新版牛津版

七年级英语下Unit 6 Outdoor fun Grammar教案新版牛津版

七年级英语下Unit 6 Outdoor funGrammar教案(新版牛津版)utdoor funTeaching Aims:知识与能力:1. To leaw words and useful ex2.To graaapplication, accordingualy uaalk about past evTo develudents’ abillusion and applica过程与方法: Task-based method.Teaching importance:To leaw words and useful exTeaching difficulties:To ule paave and negati vⅠ. Learning aims:To leaw words and useful ex2.To learn to ule paave and negativTo talk about thingast by usingle paII. Self-learningTo preview P78 and know about the usagle pave and negativIII. Class activLead-Wle pallowing verbs.get stand hear leave put write teach have spend 2. Puutdoor activity to gudents grasp the dbetwlandle paHgoes camping. I go swimming every day. He put up aday. I went swimming yesterdalikes jogging. She likes skatinggged last Sundaated lastweekend2 Presentawuve and negativather and I wg yesterdaather and I didn’t go boating yesterdaThe students wlaThe students wlaygroundWe watched a film. The students visited the Palace MuseuPrallie is writing about what she andds did last weekend. Hellete Part A2. Finish Part BLanguag).have a good同义短语:have fulf2).go out 外出3).stay aay 表示停留或继续处在某一状态 ,呆在外面4).lalast + 表示时间的词用于过去时5).put up our tent 搭我们的帐篷put up 搭,竖立6).row a boalake我们昨天在湖上划船了。

七年级下册英语Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案牛津版

七年级下册英语Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案牛津版

七年级下册英语Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案(牛津版)七年级下册英语Unit 6 Outdoor fun教案(牛津版)Unit 6 Outdoor fun Welcome to the unit & Comic strip Teaching aims: 1. To know different outdoor activities. 2. To understand the characteristics of different outdoor activities. Teaching steps: Step 1 Presentation Get the students to talk about the outdoor activities they know. Present new words and some important phrases by multimedia to introduce outdoor activities. Teach the new words. Step 2 Practice Daniel and Amy found some pictures of outdoor activities. Help them write the correct letters in the boxes. a camping b cycling c jogging d riding e skating f swimming Keys: c, f, e, d, a, b Step 3 Discussion T: What outdoor activity do you like? Get the students to talk about their favorite outdoor activities. Step 4 Listening and answer the questions. 1. Daniel and Amy are talking about outdoor activities. Listen to the conversation and answer the question. Daniel: What outdoor activity would you like to try? Amy: I want to go riding. Daniel: Why? Amy: I love horses and I really want to ride one. What about you? Daniel: I want to go camping. Amy: What do you like about camping? Daniel: I like being outside, near beautiful lakes and hills.2. Answer the questions. What outdoor activity does Amy like? What does Daniel like about camping?3. Dialogue practice. A: What outdoor activity would you like to try? B: I want to… A: Why?/ What do you like about…? B: I like/love…What about you? A: I want to… Step 5 Comic strip 1. Listen and answer: Do Eddie and Hobo both have a good time? 2. Read the dialogue. 3. Dialogue performance. Step 6 Language points 1. Hurry up, Eddie. hurry up 快点 e.g. _____________ (赶快), or we will be late. 2 I’m tired. be tired 累的 e.g. I ___________ (累的) when I dance. 同义短语: get tired feel tired 我爸爸下班后总是觉得累。

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

Unit 6 Outdoor fun integrated skills教学目标:1.能了解更多有关动物的知识。



教学重点: 能从听了材料中获取相关信息。

教学设计:Step 1 Lead in1.复习本单元学过的户外活动:What outdoor activity would you like to try ?鼓励学生表述理由。

2.教师说:If you have free time , you can try all these acti vities . They’re very exciting . I want to fly kites with my family this Saturday .同时展示几幅风筝图片,问学生以下问题:(1)Do you like flying kites ?(2) Where do you usually fly kites ?(3) Who often goes with you ?(4)What do these kites look like ?(5)What are they made of ?3.及时板书对话中出现的新知识,结合语境为学生解释。

S tep II 听力1. 让学生看A1部分的图片,预测听力内容:Look at the pictures on page 75.What does the first /second /third / fourth kite look like ?让学生试着描述风筝的形状。

2. 听录音并完成A1部分的练习:The students are telling Mr Wu about their kites. Listen to the tape and write the correct names under the kites .3. 通过提问的方式检验学生的完成情况。



Unit 6 Outdoor funStep2 Reading1. warming up: Talk about danger and potential hazards at home. Ask if any students have ever had an accident at home. Talk about what to do in case of danger.2. Watch a set of pictures about a fire to present the new words:neighbor, smoke, fire, rush, dangerous, burn, hurt, pour, rush, save, blan ket, put out the fire3. Read the story and try to get some informati on. Then say T or F accordi ng to the tex t.1). Wang Fang helped her classmate out of a fire.2). Wang Fang’s neighbour is 79 years old.3). Mr Sun couldn’t get out because he hurt his arm.4). Wang Fang was afraid when she saw a lot of smoke.5). Wang Fang put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mr Sun out.6). The fire burned Wang Fang’s neck and leg.7). Wang Fang was in hospital for two months.8). Wang Fang said she was glad to help others and fire was not dangerous.4. Listen and read after the text and ask questions.1). How old is the brave girl?2). When did she help her neighbour out of a fire?3). How old is Mr Sun?4). Where was Mr Sun when there was a fire?5). Why couldn’t Mr Sun get out of his house?6). How did Wang Fang put out the fire?7). Did Wang Fang hurt herself?8). How long was Wang Fang in hospital?5. Discuss any problems about the text.6. Game :Write the definitions fromPartB1 on the cards. Mix up the cards and let each group guess the word and read out the word. One who gets the most cards is the winner.7. Have an interview.First fill in the blanks and read the conversation. Then have an interview in groups. One is Wang Fang, the others are the reporters.8. Discuss in groups. What does the writer think of Wang Fang? What do you think about her? Why do you thi nk so? What do you do when you meet the accident like this?Step3Assignment1. Recite the new words and read the text.2.Finish the exercises in the workbook.3.Prepare the interview for the brave girl.The Third PeriodContent:Reading 2Teaching aims:1. Further understanding the text.2. Learn more about fire safety.3.To use different suitable adjectives to describe people’s behavior and character.4.Introduce the use of the prefix un- and suffix –less to form opposites. Language points:Learn more about fire.Be careful with matches.Don’t leave the stove on.Don’t put anything hot into the rubbish bin.Keep long h air away from fire.Recommend sb for sth., think of sbTell sb to do sth, fall into waterBe grateful for sth/to sb,Teaching procedures:Step 1.RevisionRevise the vocabulary in the text by giving the definitions.Ask students to read the text after the tape again.Let students ask an d answer questions about the story.Revise the key words phrases and sentences .1. help sb out of a fire help with /(to)do sth.2. alone/lo nely eg:I often stay home alone on Sundays but I don’t feel lonely.3. hear sb do /doing sth; see do/ doingI often hear the girl next door play the pi ano in the morning.Last night when I was doing my homework, suddenly I heard someone shouting ”help! Help!”.4 a 79-year-old Mr Sun an 8-day holiday two-hour homework5.hurt The boy fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg. hurt by fire6.pour… over7. put out the fire put on/ up/down/ into/away8. be in hospital/be in the hospital Grandpa is ill badly today. Now he is hospital. His fater works in the hospital.9.It is important to be careful with fire. Be care with sth Children must be careful with matches.10.keep one’s life from danger keep … fro m I should keep my father from smoking.11.Thank you for joining us this evening.Step 2 Visit Wang Fang in hospitalFirst read the task to understand it.Read the dialogue to find out and correct the mistakes.Read the conversation in pairs.Act it out.Step3 An interviewDo it in groups. In each group one student can be Wang Fang, the others can be reporters to interview her. Then choose some groups to perform .Step4.Fire safetyRead the sentences and match the right pictu res.Read out the sentences.Notes: leave …on , keep away fromAsk stude nts to think of other ways about fire safety. Eg: Don’t run on the stairs. Don’t play on the road. Don’t lean out the window.Step5.Assignment:1. Revise what we learned from P74-76 and reme mber the new words.2. Do some exercises.The Fourth Period。



Unit6 Integrated skillsTeaching aims:1. Words and phrases: wood, period, dynasty, century, from then on, excited2. To know the history of Chinese kites.3. To feel the development of China and the beauty of Chinese culture. Teaching steps:Step 1 Revision请用正确动词形式填空。

1). I _________ (have) an exciting party last weekend.2). _______she _________ (practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _________.3) —What ________ Tom ________ (do) on Saturday evening?—He ________ (watch) TV and __________ (read) an interesting book.4.) They all ______ (go) to the mountains yesterday morning.5. She ___________ (not visit) her aunt last weekend.She ________ (stay) at home and _________ (do) some cleaning.Step 2 Presentation1) Show a picture of a kite and ask: Do you know who invented kites?What did the first kite in history look like?2) Present the pictures of Mozi, Lu Ban, Cai Lun and Marco Polo and introduce them.3) Teach the new words.Step 3 Listening1. The students are going to fly kites this weekend. Mr Wu is asking about their kites. Listen to their conversation. Write the students’ names under their kites.Keys: Millie, Simon, Amy, Daniel2. Mr Wu is telling the students about the history of kites. Listen to his talk. Match each person with the correct event. Write the letters in the boxes.a told people in the West all about kitesb found a new way to make paperc used bamboo to make kitesd made a bird out of woodKeys: d, c, b, a3. Listen to Mr Wu’s talk again. Help Millie write down what he said. You can use the information in Part A2.Kites have a long history in China. The Chinese began to make kites over _____ years ago. In the Warring States period, a famous man, _____, made a bird out of _____.That was the first kite in history. His student ________ used bamboo to make kites. In the Eastern Han dynasty, ________ found a new way to make paper, and then people began to use paper to make kites. In the ______ century, an Italian man called ___________ visited China.He told people in the _____ all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular _______ activity. Weifang, a city in Shandong Province, has become famous for making ____ from then on.Keys: 2000, Mozi, wood, Lu Ban, Cai Lun, 13th, Marco Polo, west, outdoor, kites Step 4 Speak up1. Amy and her cousin Shirley are going for a picnic. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.What can they do there?Can they go swimming?What should they remember to take?Keys: They can fly kites there.No, they can’t.They should remember to take the mobile phone.2. Conversation practiceWork in pairs and talk about a day out. Use Shirley and Amy’s conversation as a model.Step5 ExercisesFill in the blanks. Translate the sentences. Step 6 HomeworkDo the workbook.。



Unit 6 Outdoor funGrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know the structure of the simple past tense;2. learn how to make negative sentences correctly;3. learn how to use the simple past tense to ask and answer questions correctly.II. Teaching contentsNew phrases: at home, put up, the camping tripIII. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyHow to use the simple past tense to talk about the things in the past.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inFind the secret wordT: Boys and girls, I have a secret word. You can get it by finishing the word puzzle. Look at the pictures and get the suitable words one by one.T: Well done. Look! What’s the secret word?S: Rabbit.T: Yes. It’s Mr Rabbit.【设计意图:利用猜词游戏,复习本单元部分词汇的同时,得出“兔子”这个秘密单词,为下文的开展做好铺垫。

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun Task教案 (新版)牛津版

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun Task教案 (新版)牛津版

Unit 6 Outdoor funTaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn how to make an outline before writing;2. choose suitable words and structures for an article;3. write about what they think will happen to Alice next.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: sweet, become, enough, decide, enter, towards, forget,reach, climb, fail, a little, too ... to2. New sentences: She was too small to reach the key.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Learn how to make an outline before writing.2. Choose suitable words and structures for an article.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up1. RevisionT: Look at the pictures and describe what happened to Alice.S: One Sunny day, Alice sat by a river with her sister. Then she heard a sound.She looked up and saw a rabbit passing by. She stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit. Then she jumped down a hole after the rabbit. She fell fora long time. At last she found herself in a hall. She noticed a small door andshe could see a lovely garden on the other side, but she couldn’t go through the door, because she was too big.2. Lead-inT: Do you want to learn more about Alice’s adventure? Now, listen to the tape and get more information.【设计意图:通过复习已学内容的方式,导入本课主题,让学生逐步进入状态。

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1. by adv. 经过, (在…旁边;不迟于;通过…方式 prep. ). 例句:
a. Suddenly, he heard someone walk by quickly. 译:
b. There’re some chi ldren playing by the river. 译:
c. By 1935, there’re about 2,000 TVs in use. 译:
d. You can learn English by listening to songs. 译:
e. They went to England by plane last month. 译:
2. excited adj. (人) 激动的; ex citing adj. 令人激动的, 常用来说明修饰事物。

a. 昨天的比赛令人激动。

___________ match ________ ___________.
b. 学生们听到这个令人兴奋的消息很激动.
The students ______ all very _____ when they _____ the ____news.
3. notice vt. 觉察到,注意到(感官动词) notice n. 通知(名词)
notice sb. do sth. 注意到某人干了某事 notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正
a. 刚才我注意到Lily锁上了门。

I ______ Lily _________ the door _______
b. 我注意到一个穿红衣服的男孩正经过。

I _____ a boy ____ _____ _____ ______. (二)重点句型:
1. Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door, so she decided to enter the garden.
形容词/副词 + enough to do sth. 足够...去干某事
a. 这个男孩壮得足够去搬这个箱子。

The boy is ______ ______ ______ ______ the box.
b. 她年龄够大可以去上学了。

She is ________ __________ _____ go to school.
2. He found a new way to make paper. 译:_________________________________。

a way to do sth. 一个做某事的方法(动词不定式做后置定语)
a. He tries to find a good way to learn English. 译:

_________ is ______ best ________ ______ learn English.
3. Alice had to go back to the table, but she was too small to reach the key.
too + 形容词/副词+ to do sth. 太...而不能做某事= not +形容词/副词+ enough to do sth.
a. 这个男孩太胖了而跑不快。

The boy is ______ _______ ______ _______ fast.
b. 你太小了不能上学。

You are _______ _________ ______ go to school.
= You are _______ _______ enough ______ go to school.
c. 他太矮了,够不到树上的苹果。

He is ______ _____ ____ _____ the apples ____ the tree.
= He is ____ ____ enough ______ ____the apples ______ the tree.
d. 那张床太小了,Alice 不能睡在上面。

The bed is____ ____ for Alice _____ _____ on it
= The bed _______ _______ enough for Alice _____ _____ on it.
4. It's dangerous to swim in the lake. 译:______________________________________。

It's + 形容词 + (f or sb) + to do sth. --- (对某人来说)做某事是...的

_______ ______ _____us _____ _________English well. 写出下列短语:
2. 站起身,起立
3. 逃脱,离开
4. 通过
5. 搭,竖立
6. 从那时起
7. 手机
8. 一点,少许
9. 太…而不能…
选择题: ( ) 1. Hello! I'm very glad to see you. When ______ you ______ here? (2012山东青岛)
A. did; arrive
B. will; arrive
C. have; arrived
D. are; arriving
( ) 2. Paul and I ______ tennis yesterday. He did much better than I. (2012北京)
A. play
B. will play
C. played
D. are playing
( ) 3. Don’t drive so fast! We must slow down when we drive ______ the tunnel (隧道). A. past B. across C. over D. through
( ) 4.The cat jumped into the house_________ the window. A. in B. across C. through D. near
( ) 5. Tom__________ his head on the wall. A. is hiting B. hitting C.hit D. hitted
( ) 6.Alice_________ into a rabbit hole. A.falling B. fall C. falled
( ) 7..He________ and_______ a sound.
A. heard; listened
B. listened; heard
C. listened; heared
D. heard; listened to
( ) 8. Reading English newspapers ______good for your study.
A. are
B. is
C. have
D. has

1. After I e_______ the zoo, I found many lovely animals.
2. It ’s dangerous __________(swim) in the lake.
3. Can you think of a new way _________(help) the poor?
10. 沿着这条路一直走 11. 落地 12. 发觉自己(处于某种意外的状态) 13. 走过森林 14. 跑过田野 15. 越来越小 16. 决定做某事 17. (做)某事失败 18. 够着那钥匙
4. She seldom (arrive) late , but she (come) back at 10p.m. yesterday.
5.We are so __________(excite) to hear the good news.
6.Kitty and I (be not) happy because of the bad weather this morning.
7.We always (go) to Shanghai when I was a child.
8. He likes being _____ (独自) in the house.
9. She tried to drive the car, but she f______
10. Mike _______(决定)to study from now on .
1. 我看见她正在花园浇花。

_________________________the flowers in the garden.。
