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ymother is a teacher.She likes to watch TVand read book s. I am a student. I am a boy.I like to play on the computer. I am shorterthan myfatherand my mother. We like t oeat noodles.Welike togofor a walk after supper. We are ahappy family.
( )26.My father is a policeofficer.
( )27. My father is short.
() 28.My fatherlikes toplay football andcheckers.
( ) 29.My mother is ateacher.
()30.My motherlikesto watch TVand read books.
( )31.I am a student. I am a girl.
()32.I liketoplay on the computer.
()33.I amtaller than mymother.
( )34.We like to eatsoup.
( )35.We are ahappyfamily.

It is a sunny day this Sunday.Iusually go shopping with my m other onSunday. SometimesI climb mountains. That’sfun. But not this Sunday.Because the weather report says it’sgoing to rain next Sunday.I can’tclimb mountains inthe rain.I can’t go shopping either.So I want to read books at home.
()1What is the weather like thisSunday?
A .Itis Sunday.B.Itis fine. C.It is rainy.
()2Whatdoyou do on Sunday?
A.I climb hills. B .I go hiking. C .I readbooks.
() 3Can you climbmountains this Sunday?
A .Yes, I can. B.No, Ican’t. C.No,I’m not.
( )4Do you go shopping on Sunday?
A .Yes, I am.
B .Yes,I do.C.No, I’m not.
() 5 Whatdoyouwantto donext Sunday?
AIwant to read books.BI want to watch TV. C Iwantto go shopping.
Last holiday, I took a big trip with my aunt.We went to Australia by plane. It was in August.Weleft BeijingonAug3rd. It was winter inAustralia. But in Beijing,it was summer.I like there, because I likeplaying wi th snow. I went ice-skating there and took many pictures. I bought manypresents for my friends, too. I was excited , but I was tired, too. I should relax to go backto scho ol.
()1. Whom did I go on a big trip with?
A. My parents. B. My aunt.
()2. Whenwas mylast trip?
A. It was insummer. B. It wasin winter.
()3.What did I doin Australia?
A.I went ice-skating andbought presents. B. I playe dfootballandate goodfood.
()4.How did I go there?
A.Iwentby subway. B. I went by plane.
()5. How did I feel in the end?
A.I wasexcited,but sotired.B.I wassobored. 阅读理解5:判断下列句子是否符合短文意思,如符合请打√,否则打×.Today is February3rd. The weather is windy and cold.I get many cards today.They’re birthday cards.They’refrommy friends.Can you guess why?I wear my new redcoatand blue jeans.They’re very pretty.Mymother take meto thezoo.I cansee manyanimals. I’m very happytoday.
() 1.Mybirthday is February3rd.
( )2.It’swindy and snowy today.
()3.Ican see many trees at the zoo.
( )4.Ihaveanew coat.It’sblue.
( ) 5.I havemany birthday cards.

ZoomandZip are goodfriends. They are planning a trip(旅游).Zip is going to sunny Australia(澳大利亚)!It’s sowarm there. He canswim all day.Hehas anew bathingsuit(游泳衣)andsunglasses(太阳镜).But Zoo mdoesn’t likeswimming.He likes skating.So he is goingto Canada, It’s winterthere now.He can skateallday.He has winter coats(冬衣) andsome newice skates(滑冰鞋).
( )1.Theseason inAustralia and Canada isthe same. ()2.Zoom and Zip aregoing to Canada.
( )3. Zoomlikes swimming.
( )4.Ziphas a new bathing suit and sunglasses.()5.Zoomcan swim all day inCanada.
( )7.Zoom can skate allday inCanada.

Amy: Whatdayis it today?
Tom:It’sMonday. Hmm…Ilike Monday.
Amy: What do you have today?
Tom:Wehave math,science and art. What aboutyou? Amy:We have English and P.E. What do youhave tomorrow? Tom: We haveart and P.E. tomorrow.
Amy: Oh,great.
( ) 1. Tom has math, science and art on Monday.( ) 2. Tom hasartandP.E. on Monday.
( ) 3. Amy hasEnglishand P.E.today.
()4. Tomorrowis Tuesday.
( ) 5. Tom doesn’t like Mondays.

对的在括号内填“ T ”, 错的填“ F ”.
Jim is anEnglish boy. He comes toChina with his fatherand mother. Theycomeheretowork.Jimcomes hereto study.He isin No.5 MiddleSchool. Hegets upe arlyevery day. He isn’t late for school. He studies hard.H ecan read Englishwell.He often helps us with our English, and weoften help him with his Chinese.After class he l ikesplaying football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makesmany friends here.Weare gladto staywith him.On Sunday he often helps hismotherclean the house, mend something ordothe shopping. He likes Chinese food verymuch.。

He likesliving he re.Helikes Chinese studentsvery much. We all like h im, too.
( )1. Hegets uplate every day.
( )2. He oftenteaches us English.
()3. After class , he likes singing and playing basketball.( )4. On Sunday he often helpshis mother clean thehouse. ( )5. He doesn’t likeChinese food.

Liu Tao:Hi, Mike. Nice to see you.
Mike: Nice tosee you,too. Liu Tao.
Liu Tao:What dayis ittoday?
Mike:It’s Thursday. Whatlessons doyou have in thismorning?
Liu Tao: Wehave Maths, Chinese, Art,and Science.Mike:Oh, IlikePEvery much. But wedon’t havePE today.
Liu Tao: Wehave PEand Computer Studiesthisafternoon. Mike: Great! Do you like PE?
Liu Tao: No, I don’t.I like Englishverymuch.Tomorrow we will have an English lesson in the morning.
Mike:It’s time for class. Let’s go!
( )1. Liu Tao hasPE in the afternoon.
( )2.LiuTao hassix lessons today.
( )3. LiuTao doesn’t likeEnglish.
( )4. Liu Tao will have English lesson onFriday morning.

FourGood FriendsMary, Nancy,Ronand Kate are goodfr iends.Mary’sfavoritenumberis 3 andher favorite country is France.16 is Nancy’s number,and Americais herfavoritecountry. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favorite number.Whose favoritenumberis 60? Oh, itis Kate. Kate’s father works in Chinese food very much andtheyalso like Chinese people.Kate’s lucky number is6. All of them hopethat one daythey can t ravel the worldtogether.
1.What’s Mary’s favoritenumber?
2.What’s Nancy’s favorite country?
3.What’sKate’s father’s job?
4. DoesKate like Chinese food?

Look!This is apictureof Mr.Brown'tfamily.Theman ina biack coat isMr.Brown.The woman nearhimis Mrs.Brown,Thelittle girl inared coat is Sue. The tall boy behind her is Jim,her brother.The family is now inChina.Tomorrow is Children'sDay.MR brownwants tobu ysome presentsforhischildren. Sue wants a
new skirt,but Jim wants anewbike.How happy they are!。
