配线产品介绍 (中文)
配线产品系列中心机房子系统1.GPXKA-Z 型光纤总配架医用在新建机房独立光纤跳接场,现有机房独立光纤跳接场。
产品采用传统MDF 式的线缆管理方式、即直列模块部分为外线侧,提供室外光缆固定、汇流、熔接、与终端功能,横列模块部分为内线侧,提供室内光缆的终端、调度与管理功能。
名称型号尺寸容量备注音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W260*D482内线128外线100选配告警单元,保安单元等音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W400*D482内线192外线200音频部件JPXK-A100H90*533*D482内线256外线300音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W711*D482内线384外线400音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W1020*D482内线512外线6007.数字单元体应用环境:西门子或NEC 制式,19英寸安装,适用于综合柜,提供同轴电缆的成端和调度。
速度 mm/s
CG1YB20 -200 测定条件 水平横向 无负荷测 定压力 0.1 MPa 3.0 0 -3.0
平均速度 2.36mm/s 平均速度 2.12mm/s 速度波形 动作方向 OUT 动作方向 IN 位移波形
缸径 (mm) 32 40 50
O1 螺纹
M6 x 1.0 10 M6 x 1.0 10 M8 x 1.25 14
M10 x 1.5 18 M12 x 1.75 22 M12 x 1.75 22
H螺纹有效深 C
U H螺纹有效深 C 4-øN 通孔 8-øO 沉孔
Q 2-P F (接管口径) (Rc, NPT, G)
M10 x 1.5 103 M16 x 2.0 132 M20 x 2.5 156
17.5 13.5 17.5 13.5
C D M2Y L 40
内置磁环 无记号 未内置 内置 D
磁性开关个数 无记号 2个 1个 S n个 n
行程 双 (参见 作 左表) 用 动 作 方 式
无记号 TN
无记号 无磁性开关 *可用磁性开关型号 参见P.1.31。 *未内置磁环无此项 杆端螺纹
磁性开关个数 无记号 2个 1个 S n个 n
B 通孔(标准型)
A 两端螺孔 L 脚座型 F 杆侧法兰型
注)这里所说的“输出电压”,由于内藏的压力传感器的特性以及其所连接的计测器件,电气回路的负载阻 抗的变化,多少有些变动,请注意。
■ 设定方法
! 注意
设定各参数时,中间出现误操作,或 LED 显示异常时,请切断电源,重新启动。
ITV1000-※1 ITV2000-※1 ITV3000-※1
值此,谨对您选购 SMC 公司的产品表示诚挚的谢意。请仔细阅读本使用说明书,相信必将有助于您 正确使用本产品。为以防万一,请您一定好好保管此说明书。
这里所描述到的,是提请您正确安全的使用本产品,以防止对您自身和他人造成危害和损害的各种 注意事项。请结合 ISO 4414, JIS B 8370 以及其他的相关安全规则,务必遵守。
因可能发生由于误配线而导致破损的情况,请使用时注意。 请使用容量足够大,脉动小的直流电源。
1 茶 供给电源 2 白 输入信号 3 青 GND (COMMON) 4 黑 显示输出
注)电缆也有右弯出线型的。右弯出线型电缆端子 向左(SUP 口侧)出线。端子不能回转,请绝对 不要任意旋转端子。
配线图 电流型
3. 未使用显示输出时,因可能导致误动作,请注意不要将显示输出端子与其他的电线相接触。 4. 本产品,在出厂前已经对各项规格参数进行了调整。请顾客一定避免无目的的拆卸,零件的拆装等,以
防导致故障。 5. 为避免干扰信号引起的误动作,请执行下述对策。
1)请在交流电源线中加入在线滤波器,除去电源噪声。 2)请尽量将电动机及动力电源线等强电设施,同本产品及与本产品相联的配线相隔离,使本产品不受 干扰信号的影响。 3)针对诱导负载(诸如电磁阀,继电器等),请一定实施负载缓冲对策。 6. 由于右弯出线型电缆端子不能回转,请绝对不要任意旋转端子。
Performance Characteristics T=25o C unless otherwise specified MeasurementsJParameters Symbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units Anode to Cathode Breakdown Voltage V(BR)V GK=-5, I A=1mA 1400V Anode-Cathode Off-State Current i D V GE=-5V, V AK=1200V T C=25o C<10100uAT C=150o C2501000uA Gate-Cathode Turn-On Threshold Voltage V GK(TH) V AK=V GK, I AK=1mA 0.7V Gate-Cathode Leakage Current I GK(lkg)V GK=+/-20V500nA Anode-Cathode On-State Voltage V T I T=32A, V GK=+5V T C=25o C 1.5 2.0V(See Figures 1,2 & 3)T C=150o C 1.3 1.5V Input Capacitance C ISS6nF Turn-on Delay Time t D(ON)0.2uF Capacitor Discharge50100nS Rate of Change of Current dI/dt T J=25o C, V GK= -5V to +5V75kA/uSec Peak Anode Current I P V AK=800V, RG=4.7Ω3500A Discharge Event Energy E DIS L S= 7nH (See Figures 4,5 & 6)32mJ Turn-on Delay Time t D(ON)0.2uF Capacitor Discharge50100nS Rate of Change of Current dI/dt T J=150o C, V GK= -5V to +5V110kA/uSec Peak Anode Current I P V AK=1200V, RG=4.7Ω4000A Discharge Event Energy E DIS L S= 7nH (See Figures 4,5 & 6)70mJ Junction to Case Thermal Resistance RAnode (bottom) side cooled (Note 1.)0.08o C/WθJCJunction to Case Thermal Resistance RCathode-Gate (top) side cooled (Note 2.) 1.5o C/WθJCNotes:1. Case Exterior Assumed to be 0.002" of 63sn/37pb solder applied directly to Anode. (See Figure 7.)2. Case Exterior Assummed to be 0.002" of 63sn/37pb solder applied directly to cathode bond area of thinPak. (See Figure 7.) Typical Performance Curves (unless otherwise specified)Figure 1. On-State Characteristics Figure 2. On-State CharacteristicsFigure 3. Predicted High Current On-State CharacteristicsFigure 4. Turn-On Delay Characteristics Figure 5. Turn-On Delay Characteristics R G=4.7Ω - 500Ω, T J=25o C R G=4.7Ω & 50Ω, T J=25o C & 150o CFigure 6. 0.2uF Discharge Pulse Performance Characteristics (See Figure 9.)Figure 7. Transient Thermal Impedance ResponseA2. Calculation of Pulses to Failure for Intermediate/Long Pulse Widths(Bottom) Side Interface(Top) Side InterfaceDevice Junction。
125~300 8~25
20~63 32~100
07年8月 06年8月 06年8月 06年8月 06年8月 07年8月
说明:1.中国四版06年1月份正式印刷完成,06年8月份第一次增印,改动10页,07年8月份第二次增印,改动15页, 07年11月第三次增印,改动18页。
缸径(mm) 中文样本编号 英文样本编号 日文样本编号 页号
页数 P3.55 P4.25 P4.26
错误内容 可换件型号错误 数值表示错误 型号表示错误、易造成选型错误
P4.34 P4.42
词汇更正、录入错误 型号表示不清、易造成选型错误
P4.64 P4.70
词汇更正、录入错误 追加系列
P4.102 型号表示内容错误
P4.110 型号表示内容错误
P5.09 数值表示错误
CA2系列 ( ~ )
。 。
除A54外 仅A54 BT-04 BT-06 BT-08
表② 连接口径
型号 ZH05B ZH07B ZH10B ZH13B ZH05D ZH07D ZH10D ZH13D ZH15D ZH18D ZH20D 连接(快换接头/螺纹拧入) SUP VAC EXH ø6/Rc 1 8 ø8/Rc 1 8 ø6/Rc 1 8 ø6/Rc 1 8 ø8/Rc 1 8 ø10/Rc 1 4 ø12/Rc 3 8 ø12/Rc 3 8
记号 06 08 10 12 01 02 03
尺寸 ø6 ø8 ø10 ø12 Rc 1 8 Rc 1 4 Rc 3 8
形式 快换接头 快换接头 快换接头 快换接头 螺纹拧入 螺纹拧入 螺纹拧入
表① 连接形式的组合
主体形式 盒型 (内置消声器) 直接配管型 (无消声器) ① ② ③ ① ② ③ SUP 快换接头 快换接头 螺纹拧入 快换接头 快换接头 螺纹拧入 VAC 快换接头 螺纹拧入 螺纹拧入 快换接头 螺纹拧入 螺纹拧入 EXH — — — 快换接头 快换接头 螺纹拧入
1 方向控制阀,速度控制阀等相关元件应参见各自样本的注意 事项。
1 要定期对真空过滤器和消声器进行清洗。
过滤器及消声器的孔眼被堵, 真空发生器的性能便降低。 在粉尘多的 场合,应使用处理流量大的真空过滤器。
型号 · 规格 · 最大吸入流量/空气消耗量
型号 ZH05B□ ZH07B□ ZH10B□ ZH13B□ ZH05D□ ZH07D□ ZH10D□ ZH13D□ ZH15D□ ZH18D□ ZH20D□ 喷嘴 直径 ømm 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 主体形式 *最高真空度 kPa S型 L型 最大吸入流量 /min(ANR) S型 L型 5 8 12 20 24 34 40 70 5 8 12 20 24 34 40 70 55 75 65 110 85 135 空气消耗量 /min(ANR) S型 · L型 13 23 46 78 13 23 46 78 95 150 185
MMDP With Dip Solder Contacts
0.140 [3.56]
B DIAMETER 0.030 ± 0.001 [0.762 ± 0.025] 0.025 ± 0.001 [0.635 ± 0.025]
0.105 [2.67] 0.030 [0.762] R Typ. (5 thru 9) 0.105 [2.67]
0.105 [2.67]
8 [11.89] 0.690 [17.53]
0.562 [14.27] 0.790 [20.07]
Dip Solder HOOD
Current Rating: Model MM22 = 5 amps. Model MM24 = 3 amps. Breakdown Voltage: At sea level: 2000 V RMS. At 70,000 feet: 500 V RMS.
Short Turnable Screwlocks (SK030)
0.540 [13.72] 0.160 [4.06] 0.030 [0.762] Wide x 0.040 [1.02] Deep Typ. 0.140 [3.56]
Turnable Screwlocks (SK)
0.950 [24.13]
0.780 0.532 [19.81] [13.51]
0.625 [15.88] 0.880 [22.35]
对于气动电磁阀,电磁头的绝缘种类常用的有B种或E种, 特殊用途的有F种,高温用途的有H种。
A种 E种 B种 F种 H种
允许温升值℃(JIS B8375)
65以下 80以下 90以下 115以下 140以下
最高使用温度℃(JIS C4003)
ISO5599/Ⅱ SIZE 1 ISO5599/Ⅱ SIZE 2 ISO5599/Ⅱ SIZE 3
注) VSS阀最大使用压力为16bar、最低使用温度为-20℃
Cv: 1.7 Cv: 3.2 Cv: 1.6 Cv: 3.6
Cv: 2 Cv: 4 Cv: 5.4
Cv 1.0 ~4.0 直接配管型 底座配管型 橡胶密封
VT301/315/325系列 VP3/5/700系列
线圈电流过大,发热增加而烧坏 电压大、行程大的AC电磁头烧坏的可能性大;
电磁头线圈通电后发热,温度随之升高, 当发热和散热达到平衡后,线圈温度保持在恒定值(温升值)
温升值是采用电阻法来测定线圈内部温度 JIS Z8704 温度的电气测定法 现场用温度计测线圈表面温度,比内部温度大约低20℃
COM Express Type 10 Mini Carrier CCG022 用户指南说明书
COM Express® Type 10 Mini CarrierCCG022Connect Tech Inc.Tel:519-836-129142 Arrow Road Toll:800-426-8979 (North America only) Guelph, Ontario Fax:519-836-4878N1K 1S6 Email:********************************************Table of ContentsTable of Contents (1)Preface (4)Disclaimer (4)Customer Support Overview (4)Contact Information (4)Limited Product Warranty (5)Copyright Notice (5)Trademark Acknowledgment (5)ESD Warning (6)Revision History (6)Introduction (7)Product Features and Specifications (7)Part Numbers / Ordering Information (8)Product Overview (9)CCG022 Block Diagram (9)Connector Summary & Locations (10)CCG022 Top View (10)CCG022 Bottom View (10)Jumper Summary (11)Detailed Feature Pinouts and Functional Descriptions (12)COM Express Module (12)Display Outputs (13)LVDS Video Connector (13)LVDS Backlight Power Connector (14)HDMI Video Connector (15)USB (16)USB 2.0 Port Connectors (16)USB 3.0/2.0 Port Connectors (16)10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE) Connector (17)Software Support for the Intel 82574 (17)Serial (18)RS-232/485 Connector (18)RS-232/485 Jumper Configuration (19)J1 – RS-232/485 Jumper Block (19)Serial Line Modes (19)Examples (19)Audio (20)Software Support for the CS4207 (20)microSD Card Connector (21)mini PCIe & mSATA Slots (22)Dual Function mini PCIe mSATA Slots (22)Half and Full Length mini PCIe / mSATA module Installation (23)Standoff and Screw Assembly Details (23)CCG022 – External Hard Drive Installation (24)mini pcie / mSATA Connector Pinout (25)System Miscellaneous (26)System Connector (26)J2 – System Jumper Block (26)Input Power & Control (27)RTC Battery (27)Typical Hardware Installation Procedure (28)On-board Indicator LED (28)Power Consumption and Thermals (29)Current Consumption (29)Thermal Properties (30)Mechanical Drawings & Models (31)Cable Kits (32)CCG022 Cable Kit - CKG044 –“Full” Cable Kit (32)Appendix A – COM Express Signal/Pinout Connection Details (33)PrefaceDisclaimerThe information contained within this user’s guide, including but not limited to any product specification, is subject to change without notice.Connect Tech assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from any technical ortypographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between the product and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact the Connect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties. In the event that the reseller is unable to resolve your problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you. Our support section is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on our website at:/support/. See the contact information section below for more information on how to contact us directly. Our technical support is always free.Contact InformationMail/CourierConnect Tech Inc.Technical Support42 Arrow RoadGuelph, OntarioCanada N1K 1S6Email/Internet********************************************Note:Please go to the Resource Center or the Support Center on the Connect Tech website for productmanuals, installation guides, device driver software and technical tips.Submit your technical support questions to our customer support engineers via the Support Center on the Connect Tech website.Telephone/FacsimileTechnical Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:Toll Free: 800-426-8979 (North America only)Telephone: 519-836-1291 (Live assistance available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST,Monday to Friday)Facsimile: 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)Limited Product WarrantyConnect Tech Inc. provides a two-year Warranty for the COM Express® Type 10 PC Connector Carrier Board.Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working order during the warrantyperiod, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product at no charge, provided that theproduct has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non-Connect Tech Inc. authorizedmodification or repair.You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech Inc. businesspartner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned to Connect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. with an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured and packaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. willreturn this product by prepaid ground shipment service.The Connect Tech Inc. Limited Warranty is only valid over the serviceable life of the product. This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product if available or to retract the Warranty if no replacement is available.The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under no circumstances willConnect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or otherincidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, such product. Copyright NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect Tech Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Connect Tech, Inc.Copyright © 2017 by Connect Tech, Inc.Trademark AcknowledgmentConnect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners.Not listing all possible trademarks or copyright acknowledgments does not constitute a lack ofacknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this document.ESD WarningElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuitboard assemblies including Connect Tech COM Expresscarrier assemblies, it is recommended that ESD safetyprecautions be observed. ESD safe best practices include,but are not limited to:•Leaving circuit boards in their antistatic packaginguntil they are ready to be installed.•Using a grounded wrist strap when handling circuitboards, at a minimum you should touch a groundedmetal object to dissipate any static charge that may bepresent on you.•Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas, whichmay include ESD floor and table mats, wrist strapstations and ESD safe lab coats.•Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpeted areas.•Try to handle the board by the edges, avoiding contactwith components.Revision HistoryIntroductionProduct Overview CCG022 Block DiagramConnector Summary & Locations CCG022 Top ViewCCG022 Bottom ViewDetailed Feature Pinouts and Functional DescriptionsCOM Express ModuleThe processor and chipset are implemented on the COM Express Type 10 CPU module, which connects to the COM Express carrier via a Tyco fine pitch stacking connector.Display OutputsLVDS Video ConnectorThe COM Express carrier provides dual 18 or 24 bit LVDS display channels via P9, which are connected directly from the COM Express module.[1] –+5V_VCC_PNL– This voltage can be enabled or disabled to the display via Jumper J2 position B.[2] –BKLT Control– This signal can be connected to the COM Express backlight control pin or to GND via Jumper J2position C and D.LVDS Backlight Power ConnectorThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier is equipped with a LVDS backlight inverter power supply connector. This power supply is designed to power HDA700LPT-GHL (or similar screen type) which has 13 parallel strings of 3 series white LEDS. Each white LED has a Vf of approximately 3.3V.HDMI Video ConnectorThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier features a HDMI connector.USBUSB 2.0 Port ConnectorsThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier has 2 external USB 2.0 ports. Each of these are directly sourced from the COM Express Type 10 module and do not go through any external hubs or bridges.USB 3.0/2.0 Port ConnectorsThe maximum configuration for a Type 10 COM Express Modules allows for 2 USB 3.0 Ports with integrated USB 2.0 Ports. However most modules currently on the market only expose a single USB 3.0 Port. The USB3.0 signals are sourced from the COM Express Module, and run through a Pericom SemiconductorPI3EQX7502AIZDE re-driver.Over current protection, power supply filtering and ESD protection is also provided.10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE) ConnectorThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier features dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet Ports.GBE Port 1 is coming directly from the COM Express module.GBE Port 2 is coming from an Intel 82574 PCIe PHY Controller located on the carrier.Software Support for the Intel 82574Additional drivers will be needed to properly operate the GBE Port 2 on the COM Express carrier.These drivers can be downloaded directly from Intel website from the below link:/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Ethernet+Components&Produc tLine=Ethernet+Controllers&ProductProduct=Intel%C2%AE+82574+Gigabit+Ethernet+ControllerSerialThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier provides 2 asynchronous serial ports. Each of these ports are derived directly from the COM Express Type 10 SER1 and SER2 connections. These ports are hardware selectable through he means of jumpers to RS-232 or RS-422/485RS-232/485 ConnectorRS-232/485 Jumper ConfigurationBelow is a listing of the 3 main configurations of jumper settings for the serial ports on the carrier board.Positions A & B set the line mode, while positions C – F set BIAS termination for RS-485 signaling.J1 – RS-232/485 Jumper BlockSerial Line ModesExamplesAudioThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier features HD Audio capabilities care of the Cirrus Logic CS4207 Codec device. From the codec 1 input (microphone) and 1 output (headphone) are available.Software Support for the CS4207The audio codec used on the carrier board is the CS4207 from Cirrus Logic.Additional drivers will be needed to properly operate audio on the COM Express carrier. Some downloadable ldrivers can be found below.https:///products/cs4207/Linux Driver: Included in kernels 2.6.30 and up.microSD Card ConnectorThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier provides a Micro SD Card Slot at P3. This Micro SD Card slot sources the SDIO interface from the COM Express modules GPIO pins.** Note this SD card slot will ONLY operate if the COM Express module provides the SDIO interface over the GPIO pins. Some COM Express modules may have this as a BIOS setting, others will be strictly a hardware option. See below for the SDIO / GPIO mapping **mini PCIe & mSATA SlotsDual Function mini PCIe mSATA SlotsThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier has a standard mini PCIe slot and a special dual purpose functionality mini PCIe / mSATA slot. The dual purpose slot can accept either a mini PCIe module or an mSATA SSD module. These slots have special circuitry that allows for the selection between connecting PCIe lanes or SATA lanes.Each slot is also provided with a USB 2.0 connection in addition to the PCIe as per the mini PCIespecification; see below for a block diagram of the slots functionality.Standard mini PCIe Slot Block Diagram (U19)Note: SIM card is only connected to the “left” mini pcie Slot 1PCIe / SATA Dual Functionality Diagram (U12)** Selection between mSATA and mini pcie is done via Jumper J2 position E. (ON = mini pcie, OFF = mSATA)Half and Full Length mini PCIe / mSATA module InstallationThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier’s mini pcie / mSATA slots are designed for easy ruggedized selection between full and half-length modules. This is done via the installation of M2.5 threaded standoffs.Standoffs and screws are provided with the shipping configuration of the carrier board. Below are someexamples of how the various modules sizes can be installed.Two Half Length Modules Installed One Full Length mini pcieModule InstalledOne Full Length mSATAModule InstalledStandoff and Screw Assembly DetailsBelow is a diagram of how the standoffs and mounting hardware should be installed. If the screw mount type standoffs is not preferred a solder-in standoff is also available.CCG022 – External Hard Drive InstallationThe CCG022 model only has a single mSATA link, so if an external 2.5” (or other) drive is needed, this can be ****************************************************************************************** configuration.mini pcie / mSATA Connector PinoutSystem MiscellaneousSystem ConnectorThis system control header can be used to connect power button, reset button, PC speaker, I2C device and monitor other power rails.J2 – System Jumper BlockInput Power & ControlThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier accepts a single input to power all of the on board devices.All intermediate voltages are derived from this input. Most COM Express Type 10 module can accept a wide input voltage range, however the on-board power supplies on CTI’s carrier ca n only accept up to a maximum +14V.RTC BatteryThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier allows for an external RTC battery to be connected. This battery should be a 3V DC battery, and it will hold all BIOS settings including date and time. Some COM Express modules may have the RTC battery on the module so in this case this connector can be leftdisconnected.Connect Tech provides a Battery with cable assembly in any of the “Full” or “Starter” cable kits, please see the Cable Section of this manual for more details. If this battery is not sufficient for the application, a different battery cable can be designed.For further information about RTC battery selection and life time estimation, see Application Note 00009 CTIN-00009 /pdf/CTIN-00009.pdfTypical Hardware Installation Procedure1.Ensure all external system power supplies are off.2.Install the COM Express module. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s direction for properheatsink/heatspreader installation and any other cooling instructions from the manufacturer.3.Install the necessary cables for the application. At a minimum, this would include:a)Power cable to the input power connectorb)Connect a video display cablec)Keyboard and mouse via USBd)mSATA Hard Drive or bootable USB4.Connect the power cable to power supply5.Ensure your power supply is in the range of +8V to +14V DC6.Switch on the power supplyOn-board Indicator LEDThe COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier has 1 on-board indicator LED.See below for a diagram of where the LED is located.Power Consumption and ThermalsCurrent ConsumptionBelow are some examples of actual measurements taken with the COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier running in various test configurations. Some values will change depending on what COM Express module is installed, please refer to the module manufactures manual for full details on the current consumption of the particular module you are using.Note [1]: COM Express Type 10 Module used for measurements - Intel Atom E3815 CPUNote [2]: Input voltage for all tests above was +12VThermal PropertiesAll components on the COM Express Type 10 PC Connector Carrier rare rated to a maximum operating temperature of -40°C to +85°C. The carrier has been fully tested to run in both extremes in an environmental test chamber with 125 CFM of airflow.Below are thermal images of the carrier. System details:•booted into a Linux OS, idle,•23.4 degrees Celsius open-air environment (lab setting)•Intel Atom E3815 type 10 module installed•Images captured after 30 minutes in above system stateTOP VIEWSIDE VIEWSMechanical Drawings & ModelsA complete 3D STEP Model file of carrier board can be downloaded here:/ftp/3d_models/CCG022_3D_MODEL.zip 2D Mechanical Dimensioned DrawingCable KitsThe following table summarizes the carrier’s available cable kits from Connect Tech. These cable kits all include breakout cables to PC type panel mountable connectors. These cables can be used for production deployment or for lab bring-up and test purposes.CCG022 Cable Kit - CKG044 –“Full” Cable KitAppendix A – COM Express Signal/Pinout Connection Details The following table summarizes the COM Express Type-10 Mini Carrier’s COM Express signal/pinoututilization. From this table you will be able to see which COM Express signals have been used and where they are connected to on the carrier. No Connection pi ns are noted as “NC”, pull-ups as “PU”, and pull-downs as “PD”.。
SMC KK 系列接头
R 3/4 1 1/4 KKA8S-06M•10M•12M
1/4 R1 1/4 1/2 KKA9S-10M•12M•14M
主体尺寸 接管口径
Rc 1/8 KKA3S-01F
Rc 1/4
Rc 3/8
Rc 1/4 KKA4S-02F
Rc 3/8
Rc 1/2
*KKA7.8,9不带 单向阀,需商谈 。
主体尺寸 KKA3
液体泄漏量 (cm3/每次分拆)
空气混入量 (cm3/每次分拆)
0.1 0.1 0.2
液体泄漏量: 接头每次分拆时内部液体泄漏量。
空气混入量: 接头每次接合时外部空气混入量。
两边配有单向阀 一边配有单向阀
插头: 插座:
带有单向阀 带有单向阀
插头: 插座:
没有单向阀 带有单向阀
插头: 插座:
没有单向阀 没有单向阀
插头 KKA3P-01F KKA4P-02F KKA6P-04F KKA3P-01M-1 KKA4P-02M-1 KKA6P-04M-1 KKA3P-01M-1 KKA4P-02M-1 KKA6P-04M-1
0.30 0.80
注) 2位单电控、4/2→5/3 (A/B→R1/R2)的值。
适合缸径 (mm)
只要压一下手动按钮,插座的引出方向便可由上方变更成侧向。 由侧向变为上方的场合,不用手动操作按钮。
S 组件 (串行传送)
F P T 组件 (D型辅助插座)
组件 (扁平电缆插座)
组件 (端子台盒)
L 组件 (导线引出)
M 组件 (多针插座)
保护构造 可对应IP67
● 为了配线作业及维护容易,6种方式已标准化,4种方式的保护构造对应IP67。 ● 对S组件,有输入输出形式。(网关单元除外)
·N1: ø1/8"
·N3: ø5/32"
·N7: ø1/4"
·NM: 混合
无记号 无端板 2 电源M12插头(最大供给电流 2A) 3 电源7/8英寸插头(最大供给电流 8A)
60 (与本公司原来产品相比降低
0.95 高压(1MPa、间隙密封):
VQC1000/2000 系列
SM-14S M C系列阀门电动装置使 用 说 明 书天津百利二通机械有限公司TIANJIN BAILI ERTONG MACHINERY CO.,LTD.目 录第一部分 SMC系列普通型产品使用说明第二部分 SMC系列整体型产品使用说明第三部分 SMC系列隔爆型产品使用说明第四部分 SMC-04~SMC-2低温型产品使用说明第一部分 SMC系列普通型产品使用说明1.概述SMC系列多回转型阀门电动装置(以下称电动装置)用于驱动控制阀瓣作直线运动的闸阀、截止阀、隔膜阀等多回转阀门。
2.基本技术参数产品符合GB/T24923-2010《普通型阀门电动装置技术条件》2.1动力电源:380V、50Hz(特殊订货可提供220V、415 V、440 V、460 V、480 V、660 V、690 V,50Hz、60Hz)三项正弦交流电(根据用户要求,某些规格可提供单相220V电源的电动机)。
SMC 产品说明书
Other SettingsSummary of Product partsSimple Setting ModeTroubleshootingNote: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2015 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPANPhone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Specifications/Outline with Dimensions (in mm)Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) formore information about the product specifications and outline dimensions.PS※※-OMS0008-A InstallationMounting with bracketMount the bracket to the body with mounting screws (Self tapping screws:Nominal size 3 x 8L (2 pcs)), then set the body to the specified position.∗: Tighten the bracket mounting screws to a torque of 0.5±0.05 Nm.Self tapping screws are used, and should not be re-used several times.∗: The panel mount adapter can be rotated through 90 degrees for mounting.•Bracket A (Part No.: ZS-46-A1)•Bracket B (Part No.: ZS-46-A2)Mounting with panel mount adapterMount part (a) to the front of the body and fix it. Then insert the body with (a)into the panel until (a) comes into contact with the panel front surface. Next,WiringWiring connectionsConnections should be made with the power supply turned off.Use a separate route for the product wiring and any power or high voltagewiring. Otherwise, malfunction may result due to noise.If a commercially available switching power supply is used, be sure toground the frame ground (FG) terminal. If the switching power supply isconnected for use, switching noise will be superimposed and it will not beable to meet the product specifications. In that case, insert a noise filtersuch as a line noise filter/ferrite between the switching power supplies orchange the switching power supply to the series power supply.How to use connectorstraight out.OUT1NCNCDC(-)PipingTightening the connection threadFor connecting to the body (piping specification: -M5)After hand tightening, apply a spanner of the correctsize to the spanner flats of the piping body, and tightenwith a 1/6 to 1/4 rotation.As a reference, the tightening torque is 1 to 1.5 Nm.(When replacing the piping adapter ZS-39-N∗, tighten itusing the same method.)Piping specification: -01, -N01After hand tightening, hold the hexagonal spanner flatsof the pressure port with a spanner, and tighten with 2 to3 rotations.As a reference, the tightening torque is 3 to 5 Nm.When tightening, do not hold the Z/ISE20 body with aspanner.Default settingsWhen the pressure exceedsthe set value, the switch will beturned on. When the pressurefalls below the set value by theamount of hysteresis or more,the switch will be turned off.The default setting is to turn onthe pressure switch when thepressure reaches the centre of the atmospheric pressure and upper limit of therated pressure range. If this condition, shown to the right, is acceptable, then keepthese settings.Error indication functionThis function is to display error location and content when a problem or error has occurred.than above are displayed, please contact SMC.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more informationabout troubleshooting.button between1 and 3 sec.button between3 and 5 sec.∗:The outputs will continue to operate during setting.∗:If a button operation is not performed for 3 seconds during the setting, the display will flash.(This is to prevent the setting from remaining incomplete if, for instance, an operator were to leaveduring setting.)∗:3 step setting mode, simple setting mode and function selection mode settings are reflected eachother.[3 step setting mode (hysteresis mode)]orsetting can be changed in the same way.button once when the item toThe set value on the sub display (right) willstart flashing.orbutton and can be reduced withbutton.buttons are pressed and held simultaneously for 1second or longer, the set value is displayed as [- - -], and the set value will bethe same as the current pressure value automatically (snap shot function).button.button to complete the setting.The Pressure switch turns on within a set pressure range (from P1L to P1H) duringwindow comparator mode.Set P1L, the lower limit of the switch operation, and P1H, the upper limit of theswitch operation and WH1 (hysteresis) following the instructions given above.(When reversed output is selected, the sub display (left) shows [n1L] and [n1H].)∗:Setting of the normal/reverse output switching and hysteresis/window comparator modeswitching are performed with the function selection mode [F 1] OUT1 setting.valuePeak/bottom value indicationbutton inmeasurement mode.Snap shot functionbuttons for 1second or longer simultaneously. Then, the set value of the sub display (right)shows [- - -], and the values corresponding to the current pressure values areautomatically displayed.Zero-clear functionbuttons are pressed for 1 secondor longer simultaneously, the main display shows [- - -], and the reset to zero.The display returns to measurement mode automatically.Key-lock functionTo set each of these functions, refer to the SMC website(URL ) for more detailed information, or contact SMC.button between 1 and 3 seconds inmeasurement mode. [SEt] is displayed on the main display. Whenthe button is released while in the [SEt] display, the current pressurevalue is displayed on the main display, [P_1] or [n_1] is displayed onthe sub display (left), and the set value is displayed on the subdisplay (right) (Flashing).or button to set the(The snap shot function can be used.)or button to set the(The snap shot function can be used.)or button, the delay time of the switch output can be selected.button for 2 seconds or longer to complete the OUT1 setting.∗:If the button is pressed for less than 2 seconds, the setting will be returned to P_1.In the window comparator mode, set P1L, the lower limit of the switch operation,and P1H, the upper limit of the switch operation, WH1 (hysteresis) and dt1 (delaytime) following the instructions given above.(When reversed output is selected, the sub display (left) shows [n1L] and [n1H].)Function selection modebutton between 3 and 5seconds, to display [F 0]. Select todisplay the function to be changed[F]. Press and hold the buttonfor 2 seconds or longer in functionselection mode to return tomeasurement mode.∗:Some products do not have all the functions. If no function is available or selected due toconfiguration of other functions, [- - -] is displayed on the sub display (right).Names of individual partsRefer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL )for more information about panel cut-out and mounting hole dimensions.Pressure Setting3 Step Setting Mode(URL ) for more detailed information, or contact SMC.MaintenanceHow to reset the product after a power cut or forcible de-energizingThe setting of the product will be retained as it was before a power cut orde-energizing. The output condition is also basically recovered to that before apower cut or de-energizing, but may change depending on the operatingenvironment. Therefore, check the safety of the whole installation before operatingthe product. If the installation is using accurate control, wait until the product haswarmed up (approximately 10 to 15 minutes).Safety InstructionsBefore UseDigital Pressure SwitchZSE20(F)/ISE20Thank you for purchasing an SMC ZSE20(F)/ISE20 Series Digital PressureSwitch.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure youunderstand its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy forfuture reference.Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/orequipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and mustbe followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safetyregulations.OperatorSwitch ONAt normal output Switch OFFSet valueP_1HysteresisH_1TimePressureOther parameter settingsDefault settingThe default setting is as follows.If no problem is caused by thissetting, keep these settings.。
肘节接头用销子 适合缸径¿20,¿25,¿32
!": CM2
CM2W B 缸径 - 行程
CM2R A 缸径 - 行程
CM2Q B 缸径 - 行程
CM2 B 缸径 P- 行程
CM2H B 缸径 - 行程
空气 (不给油*) 双作用 1.0 MPa 0.05 MPa 无磁性开关: -10℃~70℃,带磁性开关: -10℃~60℃ 50~750 mm/s 橡胶缓冲/气缓冲
+1.4 0
1/ 8 1/ 4
C DM2 H L 40 F 150 A J
内置磁环 无记号 无内置磁环 D 形式 无记号 压缩空气式 H 气液联用式 内置磁环 配管方式 无记号 螺纹配管 F 杆侧耳轴型 无杆侧耳轴型 耳环一体型 无凸台基本型 无凸台杆侧法兰型 无凸台杆侧耳轴型 内置快换接头 *气液联用式仅螺纹配管 U T E BZ FZ UZ 缸径 20 25 32 40 ¿20mm ¿25mm ¿32mm ¿40mm 行程
1/ 8 1/ 8
1/ 8 1/ 4
C D M2 B 32 F
内置磁环 无记号 无内置磁环 D 内置磁环 缸径 安装形式 B L F G C D 基本型 轴向脚座型 杆侧法兰型 无杆侧法兰型 单耳环型 双耳环型 U T E BZ FZ UZ 杆侧耳轴型 无杆侧耳轴型 单耳环一体型 无凸台基本型 无凸台杆侧法兰型 无凸台杆侧耳轴型 20 25 32 40
0.4kV配电箱(SMC)技术规范广东电网公司配网0.4kV SMC开关箱订货技术协议书二0一0年三月1.范围本技术条件适用于广东电网公司10kV及以下配网工程对0.4kVSMC开关箱的招标通用订货,是相关设备通用订货合同的技术条款。
供方提供的产品应满足本技术条件书规定的技术参数和要求以及如下的专用标准:GB/T14048-1993 《低压开关设备和控制设备总则》GB7251-1997 《低压成套开关设备和控制设备》DL/T791-2001 《户内交流充气式开关柜选用导则》GB3096-1993 《城市区域环境噪声标准》J B/T7770-1995 《不饱和聚酯玻璃纤维增强塑料》GA132-96 《材料产烟毒性分析》GB 4208—1993 《外壳防护等级(IP代码)》3. 主要技术条件3.1 环境条件3.1.1 周围空气温度最高温度: 45℃(24小时内平均值≤35℃)最热月平均温度:35℃最低温度: -10℃最大日温差: 25K3.1.2 海拔高度: ≤1000m3.1.3 环境湿度: 日平均相对湿度不大于95%日平均水蒸汽压力值不超过2.2kPa月平均相对湿度不大于90%月平均水蒸汽压力值不超过1.8kPa3.1.4 地震烈度:8度3.1.5 污秽等级:四级(含地级)3.1.6 安装场所:户外3.2 工程条件3.2.1 系统概况a. 系统额定电压:0.4kVb. 系统额定频率:50Hzc. 系统中性点接地方式:接地。
3.2.2 新建或扩建、改造工程。
3.3 设备的主要参数本次采购的0.4kV SMC开关箱,其技术参数除应满足应遵循的主要标准外,还应满足以下要求:3.3.1 0.4kVSMC开关箱主要技术参数1、额定电压0.4kV;2、额定电流:按图纸要求3、额定短路开断电流50kA;4、额定短时耐受电流(1S)50kA;5、额定峰值耐受电流105kA;6、工频耐压2500V;7、外壳防护等级:400KVA以下的变压器配电箱按IP33;400KVA及以下按IP438、操作方式:就地手动分合;9、结线方式:按图纸要求10、要求箱内安装的电流互感器的准确度级别均为0.2S级。
2200 2210 2220系列 说明书
2 调试 ............................................................................................................... 3
2.1 预热时间................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 显示对比度调节....................................................................................................... 4 2.3 关机程序................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 2223 型变送器的标气要求 ...................................................................................... 4
杆侧 气缸通口TP
R□LQB 缸径 -B□ 后退方向锁,右侧配管(虚线为左侧配管) . . = = .TH .TH ⑤ ① ④ ② ③
= .Max. T1
杆侧 气缸通口TP
无杆侧 气缸通口TP
⑥ ⑧ ⑦
= .Max. T2
= .T3
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 名 称 带锁带气缓冲的薄型气缸 PT弯头 节流阀 PT三通 金属体速度控制阀 弯头 旁通管 防火花罩 数量 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 型号
47.5 57.5 67.5
19 26 26
!"#$ !"=E
%/ F
!": RQ
安装件型号 CQ-L032
63 80 100
CQ-L040 CQ-L050 CQ-L063 CQ-L080 CQ-L100 30~100 40~100 40~100 81.2 95 111 55 63.5 76 29 33.5 42 18 20 22 43.5 53.5 53.5 11 13 13
旁通配管 无记号 无
带旁通配管右配管 (防止落下)
L 带旁通配管左配管 (防止落下)
外形尺寸图 (毫米) ¿32(非常停止)
PL锁开放通口 加压状态下锁开放 55 22.5 9
锁方向 F 前进方向锁 B 后退方向锁
非 常 停 止
*1台气缸应订购2只脚座。 *脚座型、法兰型附本体安装螺钉。 *双耳环型附耳环用销轴,弹性挡圈, 本体安装螺钉及垫圈。
SMC压力传感器的详细资料 @日本SMC传感器、压力开关压力传感器是工业实践中最为常用的一种传感器。
1 PSE510-R06 一般气体用,使用压力范围0 - 1MPa,φ6快接管2 PSE511-R06 一般气体用,使用压力范围 - 101 - 0KPa,φ6快接管3 PSE512-R06 一般气体用,使用压力范围0 - 100Ka,φ6快接管4 PSE510-M5 一般气体用,使用压力范围0 - 1MPa,M5螺纹接口5 PSE511-M5 一般气体用,使用压力范围 - 101 - 0KPa,M5螺纹接口6 PSE512-M5 一般气体用,使用压力范围0 - 100Ka,M5螺纹接口7 PSE510-01 一般气体用,使用压力范围0 - 1MPa,1/8螺纹接口8 PSE511-01 一般气体用,使用压力范围 - 101 - 0KPa,1/8螺纹接口9 PSE512-01 一般气体用,使用压力范围0 - 100Ka,1/8螺纹接口SMC压力传感器的详细资料 @日本SMC传感器、压力开关10 PSE530-M5 一般气体用,适用于高压环境,M5螺纹接口11 PSE531-M5 一般气体用,适用于真空环境,M5螺纹接口12 PSE532-M5 一般气体用,适用于低压环境,M5螺纹接口13 PSE533-M5 一般气体用,适用于复合压环境,M5螺纹接口14 PSE530-R06 一般气体用,适用于高压环境,φ6减径插杆15 PSE531-R06 一般气体用,适用于真空环境,φ6减径插杆16 PSE532-R06 一般气体用,适用于低压环境,φ6减径插杆17 PSE533-R06 一般气体用,适用于复合压环境,φ6减径插杆18 PSE530-R07 一般气体用,适用于高压环境,1/4减径插杆19 PSE531-R07 一般气体用,适用于真空环境,1/4减径插杆20 PSE532-R07 一般气体用,适用于低压环境,1/4减径插杆21 PSE533-R07 一般气体用,适用于复合压环境,1/4减径插杆液位压力传感器压力传感器的种类繁多,其性能也有较大的差异,如何选择较为适用的传感器,做到经济、合理的使用。
59 66 66 80 81
1/4行程 223 1/4行程 245 1/4行程 262 1/4行程 315 1/4行程 344
40 50 63 80 100
153 37.5 168 44 182 52.5 218 59.5 246 69.5
40 50 63 80 100
20~500 20~600 20~600 20~750 20~750
140 无气压时弹簧锁紧 0.25MPa 或以上 0.2MPa 或以下 0.25~0.7MPa 双向
磁性开关个数 无记号 S n 2个 1个 n个
无记号 TN
行程 / 磁性开关型号表
锁紧形式 弹簧锁 100 ± 0.5 活塞速度(mm/s) 300 ± 1.0
50~1000 mm/s 气缓冲
+1.4 ~250 +1 0 ,251~1000 0 ,1001~1500 +1.8 0
使用活塞速度(mm/s) 100 300 500 1000 停止精度(mm) ±0.3 ±0.6 ±1 ±2 条件: 水平安装, 0.5MPa,电磁阀安装在锁通口 上, 允许负载的上限。
型号表示方法 基本型:
125 160
10Hale Waihona Puke 500行程D D
带磁性开关 0℃~60℃,不带磁性开关 0℃~70℃ 50~500mm/s 气缓冲
~ 250: 0 , 251 ~ 1000: 0 , 1001 ~ 1500: 0 , 1501 ~ 1600: 0
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Vishay General Semiconductor3KASMC10 thru 3KASMC43ANew ProductDocument Number Surface Mount Automotive Transient Voltage SuppressorsHigh Temperature Stability & High Reliability ConditionsFEATURES•Patented PAR ® construction•Available in Unidirectional polarity only•3000 W peak pulse power capability with a10/1000 µs waveform •Excellent clamping capability •Very fast response time•Low incremental surge resistance•Typical I D less than 1.0 µA above 13 V rating•Meets MSL level 1, per J-STD-020C, LF max peak of 260 °C •Solder Dip 260 °C, 40 seconds•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/EC TYPICAL APPLICATIONSUse in sensitive electronics protection against voltage transients induced by inductive load switching and lighting on ICs, MOSFET, signal lines of sensor units for consumer, computer, industrial, automotive and telecommunication.MECHANICAL DATA Case: DO-214AB (SMC)Epoxy meets UL 94V-0 flammability ratingTerminals: Matte tin plated leads, solderable per J-STD-002B and JESD22-B102DHE3 suffix for high reliability grade (AEC Q101qualified)Polarity:Color band denotes cathode end*Patent #'s 4,980,315 5,278,094P a ten t ed *5,166,769 DO-214AB (SMC)MAJOR RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSV WM 10 V to 43 V P PPM 3000 W P D 6.0 W I FSM 200 A T j max.185 °CNote:(1) Non-repetitive current pulse, per Fig. 3 and derated above T A = 25 °C per Fig. 2(2) Measured on 8.3 ms single half sine-wave, or equivalent square wave, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minute maximumMAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERSYMBOL VALUE UNIT Peak pulse power dissipation with a 10/1000 µs waveform (1) (Fig. 3)P PPM Minimum 3000W Peak power pulse current with a 10/1000 µs waveform (1) (Fig. 1)I PPM see next tableA Peak forward surge current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave (2)I FSM 200A Power dissipation on infinite heatsink at T L = 75 °C (Fig. 6)P D 6.0W Maximum instantaneous forward voltage at 100 A (2)V F 3.5V Operating junction and storage temperature range T J , T STG- 65 to + 185°CDocument Number 88480Vishay General Semiconductor3KASMC10 thru 3KASMC43ANote:(1) Pulse test: t p ≤ 50 ms(2) Surge current waveform per Fig. 3 and derated per Fig. 2(3) All terms and symbols are consistent with ANSI/IEEE C62.35ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)DEVICE TYPEDEVICE MARKING CODEBREAKDOWN VOLTAGE V (BR) (1) AT I T(V)TESTCURRENT I T(mA)STAND-OFF VOLTAGEV WM (V)MAXIMUMREVERSE LEAKAGE AT V WM I R (µA)T J = 150 °C MAXIMUM REVERSE LEAKAGE AT V WM I D (µA)MAXIMUM PEAK PULSE SURGE CURRENT I PPM (2) (A)MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE AT I PPMV C (V)MIN MAX3KASMC103AW 11.113.6 1.010 5.05016018.83KASMC10A 3AX 11.112.3 1.010 5.05017717.03KASMC113AY 12.214.9 1.011 5.05014920.13KASMC11A 3AZ 12.213.5 1.011 5.05016518.23KASMC123BD 13.316.3 1.012 2.02013622.03KASMC12A 3BE 13.314.7 1.012 2.02015119.93KASMC133BF 14.417.6 1.013 2.02012623.83KASMC13A 3BG 14.415.9 1.013 2.02014021.53KASMC143BH 15.619.1 1.014 1.01011625.83KASMC14A 3BK 15.617.2 1.014 1.01012923.23KASMC153BL 16.720.4 1.015 1.01011226.93KASMC15A 3BM 16.718.5 1.015 1.01012324.43KASMC163BN 17.821.8 1.016 1.01010428.83KASMC16A 3BP 17.819.7 1.016 1.01011526.03KASMC173BQ 18.923.1 1.017 1.01098.430.53KASMC17A 3BR 18.920.9 1.017 1.01010927.63KASMC183BS 20.024.4 1.018 1.01093.232.23KASMC18A 3BT 20.022.1 1.018 1.01010329.23KASMC203BU 22.227.1 1.020 1.01083.835.83KASMC20A 3BV 22.224.5 1.020 1.01092.632.43KASMC223BW 24.429.8 1.022 1.01076.139.43KASMC22A 3BX 24.426.9 1.022 1.01084.535.53KASMC243BY 26.732.6 1.024 1.01069.843.03KASMC24A 3BZ 26.729.5 1.024 1.01077.138.93KASMC263CD 28.935.3 1.026 1.01064.446.63KASMC26A 3CE 28.931.9 1.026 1.01071.342.13KASMC283CF 31.138.0 1.028 1.01060.050.03KASMC28A 3CG 31.134.4 1.028 1.01066.145.43KASMC303CH 33.340.7 1.030 1.01556.153.53KASMC30A 3CK 33.336.8 1.030 1.01562.048.43KASMC333CL 36.744.9 1.033 1.01550.859.03KASMC33A 3CM 36.740.6 1.033 1.01556.353.33KASMC363CN 40.048.9 1.036 1.02046.764.33KASMC36A 3CP 40.044.2 1.036 1.02051.658.13KASMC403CQ 44.454.3 1.040 1.02042.071.43KASMC40A 3CR 44.449.1 1.040 1.02046.564.53KASMC433CS 47.858.4 1.043 1.02039.176.73KASMC43A 3CT47.852.81.0431.02043.269.4Document Number 3KASMC10 thru 3KASMC43AVishay General SemiconductorNote:(1) Mounted on minimum recommended pad layoutRATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES (T A = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERSYMBOL VALUE UNIT Thermal resistance junction to ambient air (1)R θJA 77.5°C/WThermal resistance Junction to leads R θJL18.3ORDERING INFORMATIONPREFERRED P/N UNIT WEIGHT (g)PREFERRED PACKAGE CODEBASE QUANTITYDELIVERY MODE 3KASMC10AHE3/57T 0.21157T 8507" Diameter Plastic Tape & Reel 3KASMC10AHE3/9AT0.2119AT350013" Diameter Plastic Tape & ReelFigure 1. Peak Pulse Power Rating Curve Figure 2. Pulse Power or Current versus Initial JunctionTemperatureFigure 3. Pulse WaveformFigure 4. Typical Junction Capacitance Document Number 88480Vishay General Semiconductor3KASMC10 thru 3KASMC43APACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS in inches (millimeters)Figure 5. Maximum Non-Repetitive/Peak Forward Surge CurrentFigure 6. Power Derating CurveLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayNoticeSpecifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies.Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Vishay's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。