件=PC.台=TAI,套=SET,物料组(编码的前四位,注意大型工具为8800)除大型工具外必填产品组(备件、大型工具填52,设备也就是另购、低易品填55必须正确填写,导入系统后不能再修改)必填毛重(和净重一致)机械非标件必填净重(和毛重一致)机械非标件必填重量单位(KG)必填B0026502011058触摸屏GT1695M-XTBA PC650252KGB0026502211112CCLINK输入单元AJ65SBTB1-16D PC650252KGB002986501022067变频器FR-E740-0.4K PC640252KGB0026501110344位移传感器GYFC2-RP-140-Z51-BD-24S-M2P PC642952KGB0026502055519CPU模块Q02UCPU PC650252KGB0026502055520CPU模块Q06UDVCPU PC650252KGB0026501060681温度控制模块Q64TCTTN PC650152KGB0026501060682热电偶输入模块PC650152KGB0026502011065网络模块QJ71LP21-25PC650252KGB0026501122424数字调控KMS-A-R PC650152KGB0026502041787磁性开关AX115CE PC650252KGB0026502150129三菱PLC基板Q312B PC650252KGB0026502150130三菱PLC基板Q312DB PC650252KGB0026502150131三菱PLC基板Q35B PC650252KGB0026502150074三菱PLC基板Q38B PC650252KGB0026502150132三菱PLC基板Q38DB PC650252KGB0026502150133三菱PLC基板Q612B PC650252KGB0026502150134三菱PLC基板Q65B PC650252KGB0026502150135三菱PLC基板Q68B PC650752KGB0026435051844数字式调压调速装置THYROMAT,10BCCH260PC643552KGB0026501081790全数字可控硅转向调压调速装置功率单元TBTB,260A PC650152KGB0026435052041数字式调压调速装置THYROMAT,10BCCH100PC643552KGB0026501081791全数字可控硅转向调压调速装置功率单元TBTB,100A PC650152KGB0026501072507位移传感器GYcRP-90-M-CN PC650152KGB0026501072505位移传感器GYcRP-140-M-CN PC650152KGB0026501072506位移传感器GYcRP-750-M-CN PC650152KGB002986607041284起重及冶金用绕线转子三相异步电动机YZR-PC660752KGB002986607041283起重及冶金用绕线转子三相异步电动机YZR-PC660752KGB0025637170421电力液压制动器Ed300-50PC643452KGB0026430020064电力液压制动器Ed800-60PC643452KGB0026435020511电力液压制动器Ed500-60PC643452KGB0026435020509电力液压制动器Ed220-50PC643452KGB002986607041280起重及冶金用绕线转子三相异步电动机YZR-PC660752KGB002986607041281异步电动机YZR-PC660752KGB0026501122468数字显示数码管DD48-PC650152KGB0026606037410数码显示管底板DD48-MB1-PC660652KGB0026501122469数字显示数码管D3SZ-PC650152KGB0026606037411数码显示管底板DD9Z-MB1-PC660652KGB0026501041004热电偶WRGKK-33-1K290B161-2AR3/4PC650152KGB0026501041003热电偶WRR-8310-2M-500R200-PC650152KGB0026401013786气动插板阀QZF300PC640152KGB0026502230381磁性开关AX115CE,带底座PC650252KGB0026502230384限位开关D4C-3320PC650252KGB002986502230376定子调压装置10BCCH100A,380BSZ pc650252KGB002986502230377定子调压装置10BCCH260A,380BSZ pc650252KGB0026606037414定子调压装置控制板OA2011HS-pc660652KGB0026606037415定子调压装置显示面板OA1082S-pc660652KGB0026502041911旋钮开关BR-10-C-PKK-N-0PC650252KGB002986607019468三相异步电动机Y2-132S-4,B5TAI660752KGB002986607041238三相异步电动机Y2-112M-4,B5TAI660752KGB0029866070413150.6/4TAI660752KGB002986607041316三相异步振动电机AGY8-0.37/4TAI660752KGB002986402148846双色辐射温度计,WB-600D,输出4-20MA,测温范围800-1600TAI640252KGB0026501072518流量开关FT20NG12HDNRC3TAI650152KGB0026501072519流量开关FR120-025-3A-G-I-Q TAI650152KGB0026507062204称重传感器CZL-YB-2,载荷1t PC650752KGB0026507062205称重传感器CZL-YB-2,载荷2t PC650752KGB0026507062206称重传感器CZL-YB-2,载荷3t PC650752KGB0026507062207称重传感器CZL-YB-2,载荷PC650752KGB0026507062208称重传感器CZL-YB-2,载荷100t PC650752KGB0026507062234称重传感器CZL-YB-2,载荷6t PC650752KGB0026507062203称重显示仪PA8110A PC650152KGB0026507062209接线盒BJH-1C PC650752KGB0021102031287磁性开关D-M9B PC650252KGB0026501041025管道捆绑式热电阻PT100,两线制,尺寸:50mm*30mm PC650152KGB0026503010965功率表LM-80NRI,FSDC 4-20MA,量程:0-3000kw PC650352KGB002650301096620MA,量程:0-5000kw PC650352KGB0026402170338电磁阀DSG-01-3C4-D24-PC640252KGB0026402170339电磁阀VFR3340-5DZ-03-Q PC640252KGB0026403064816航空插头CN-SW-0-S,带5米引线SET640352KGB0025420020182加工厂矿棉炉盖热电偶固定件,JGCKUDQ-SET542052KGB0026502220407三相进线电抗器HSL119-ATV27,264A/0.108mH SET650252KGB0026502220408三相进线电抗器HSL220-ATV20,314A/0.05mH SET650252KGB0026502041950以太网络延长器ET6115PC650252KGB0026607041423三相异步电动机YTX3-90S-4,1.1KW,1435R/MIN,2.PC660752KGB0026501072603涡轮流量计LWQ-50B-GB,0-120m³/h,4-20MAPC650152KGB0026402052366电磁阀4V320-10,1.5-8kgf/cm²PC660752KGB0026502041963磁控开关CK-AD,开关电源PC650252KGB0026501072604涡轮流量计叶轮LWQ-50B-GBPC650152KGB0026502041973摇杆式遥控装置TM70/3HRPC650652KGB0026502041974遥控接收器TM70/3HRPC650652KGB0026506080001FA冷气机ENC-A1622EX,6PC643452KGB0026430020064电力液压制动器Ed800-60PC643452KGB002650105管道捆绑式热电阻(三线制50mm*30mm)PC650152KGB002电磁阀DSG-01-3C4-D24-70PC650152KGB002电磁阀VFR3340-5DZ-03-Q PC650152KGB0026501161095无励磁电动开关控制器JLK-PC650152KGB0026504100537变压器SU-1500,1500KVA,输出100V-240V PC650452KGB0026501161093电磁阀VS3145-045P PC650152KGB0026501182178磁环No.2P,位移传感器GYcRP-140-M-CN配件PC650152KGB0026606037469安全滑触线集电器JDU-Ⅱ-PC650152KGB0026505090081编码器电缆MR-J3ENSCBL50M-H PC650552KGB002650803网络摄像头DH-IPC-HF5200PC650852KGB0026501130935隔离器DGG-3100PC650152KGB0026428041088摆线针轮减速机BLY3-29-PC642852KGB0026606037472安全滑触线JDU-400PC660552KGB0026606037474安全滑触线外壳JDU-K,橙,尺寸PC660552KGB0026606037475安全滑触线外壳JDU-K,绿,尺寸PC660552KGB0026606037476安全滑触线悬吊夹JDU-X,19*26.5PC660552KGB0026606037473安全滑触线连接夹JDU-L,24*51*1PC660552KGB0026501141012智能道闸YS-DZ620PC640452KGB0026507062274速度传感器SZ-6,50mV/mm/s±5%,加配套插头带5m引线PC650752KGB0026501072643涡街流量计LUZ-050211112201,介质氮气,PC650152KGB0026502141039I/O单元32点转换端子台FA-TB32XY PC650252KGB002650509三菱端子台电缆FA-CBL20FM PC650552KGB002986501022068变频器FR-E740-0.75K PC640252KGB0026502030344AJ65SBTB1 -32DB0026504060241MR-J3-350B4B0026502210982MR-J3-40BB0026504010266MR-J3-60B4B0026504010269MR-J3-700B4B0026502054828Q03UDECPU B0026502130367Q61PB0026501021762Q64ADB0026501021763Q64DANB0026502010682Q64RDB0026502010854Q68ADIB0026501021244QD62B0026502140642QJ61BT11N B0026502030386QX41B0026502041521QY40PB0026502041522QY41P可用性检查(填写02)必填采购组(设备部填写)不填源清单(不填)ABC标识(按规定选择一个,注意大型工具、大型事故件应填写A,非标件全部填写B,标准件需要定制的市面上不容易买到的填写B,其他容易计划交货时间(设备部填写)评估级别(设备也就是另购3030/低易3040/大型工具3050/备件3060,填写四位数字)必填此列空置(分隔列)物料编码(此列不填)主机设备名称(必填)02B3060炉区氮气起泡枪柜触摸屏02B3060现场端子箱02B3060氮气起泡枪配电柜02B3060PN3低压室02B3060炉区电器柜02B3060PN1操作台02B3060PN3低压室02B3060PN3低压室02B3060炉区电器柜02B3060PN3低压室02B3060炉区气缸02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B3060制棉炉区电气柜02B306035T天车02B306035T天车02B306035T天车02B306035T天车02B3060中间包02B3060出渣门02B3060中间包02B306035t天车大车电机02B306035t天车主钩电机02B306035t天车02B306035t天车02B306035t天车02B306035t天车02B306035t天车副钩电机02B306035t天车小车电机02B3060炉区主控控制柜02B3060炉区主控控制柜02B3060炉区电极提升控制柜02B3060炉区电极提升控制柜02B3060炉壁02B3060炉盖02B3060炉区硅砂上料02B3060炉区气缸02B3060开孔机02C306032T天车02C306032T天车02C306032T天车02C306032T天车02B3060炉区控制盘02B3060硅砂上料1#刮板机02B3060硅砂上料2#刮板机02B3060AB炉振动给料机02B3060AB炉振动给料机02B3060炉区出渣口02B3060炉区水系统02B3060炉区水系统02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区称重02B3060炉区开口机02B3060炉区水分配器02B3060炉区电极提升02B3060炉区电极提升02B3060A炉开孔机02B3060A炉开孔机02B3060出渣口02B3060炉盖02B3060冷却风机02B3060冷却风机02B3060监控系统02B3060加油泵02B3060炉区02B3060硅砂上料02B3060硅砂上料02B3060炉区02B3060天车02B3060天车02B3060电器柜02B306035t天车02B3060炉区水分配器02B3060A炉开孔机02B3060A炉开孔机02B3060变压器02B3060中控室02B3060电炉02B3060滑动门02B3060天车02B3060电气柜02B3060矿棉02B3060电气柜02B3060天车02B3060天车02B3060天车02B3060天车02B3060天车02B3060天车02B3060提升机02B3060天车02B3060炉区02B3060电气柜02B3060电气柜02B3060AB炉振动给料机变频器主机(设备)台数(必填)单台装用量(必填)总装用量(必填)补充说明(需要对此备件加以说明的备注内容)可填写厂家规格型号(标准件必填)材质(非标件必填)可替换(可不填)备件控制类别(与评估级别要对应)填写设备/低易/大型工具/备件/大型事故件选其中一个)必填备件属性(填写磨损消耗件/检修件/事故件,从中选一项,)必填313MITSUBISHIGT1695M-XTBA备件检修件313MITSUBISHIAJ65SBTB1-16D备件检修件221MITSUBISHIFR-E740-0.4K备件检修件111SANTESTGYFC2-RP-140-Z51-BD-24S-M2P备件检修件515MITSUBISHI Q02UCPU备件检修件212MITSUBISHI Q06UDVCPU备件检修件414MITSUBISHI Q64TCTTN备件检修件111MITSUBISHI Q64TD备件检修件212MITSUBISHIQJ71LP21-25备件检修件13113M.SYSTEM KMS-A-R备件检修件15115TAIYO AX115CE备件检修件818MITSUBISHI Q312B备件检修件313MITSUBISHI Q312DB备件检修件111MITSUBISHI Q35B备件检修件414MITSUBISHI Q38B备件检修件313MITSUBISHI Q38DB备件检修件313MITSUBISHI Q612B备件检修件111MITSUBISHI Q65B备件检修件212MITSUBISHI Q68B备件检修件111美恒THYROMAT,10BCCH260A,380BSZ备件消耗件111美恒TBTB,260A,380B备件消耗件111美恒THYROMAT,10BCCH100A,380BSZ备件消耗件111美恒TBTB,100A,380B备件消耗件212SANTEST GYcRP-90-M-CN备件消耗件313SANTEST GYcRP-140-M-CN备件消耗件212SANTEST GYcRP-750-M-CN备件消耗件414佳木斯YZR-160L-6备件消耗件111佳木斯YZR-315M-10C备件消耗件414江西华伍制动器Ed300-50备件消耗件212江西华伍制动器Ed800-60备件消耗件111江西华伍制动器Ed500-60备件消耗件111江西华伍制动器Ed220-50备件消耗件111佳木斯YZR-225M-8C备件消耗件111佳木斯YZR-160M2-6备件消耗件30130IDEC DD48-F31NBR备件消耗件616IDEC DD48-MB1-4备件消耗件616IDEC D3SZ-F31N-R备件消耗件24124IDEC DD9Z-MB1-4备件消耗件2918川仪2816川仪515无锡雪浪QZF300备件消耗件15115TAIYO AX115CE备件检修件616欧姆龙D4C-3320备件检修件11110BCCH100A,380BSZ备件磨损消耗件11110BCCH260A,380BSZ备件磨损消耗件212OA2011HS-01备件磨损消耗件212OA1082S-04备件磨损消耗件5315SEIKO BR-10-C-PKK-N-0备件检修件111江苏泰隆Y2-132S-4,B5备件消耗件111江苏泰隆Y2-112M-4,B5备件消耗件616江苏海安万力振动机械公司AGY12-0.6/4备件消耗件16116江苏海安万力振动机械公司AGY8-0.37/4备件消耗件313北京科海龙华工业自动化仪表有限公司WB-600D备件消耗件72172上海百纳FT20NG12HDNRC3备件消耗件72172上海百纳FR120-025-3A-G-I-Q备件消耗件339余姚太平洋CZL-YB-2备件消耗件236余姚太平洋CZL-YB-2备件消耗件133余姚太平洋CZL-YB-2备件消耗件248余姚太平洋CZL-YB-2备件消耗件248余姚太平洋CZL-YB-2备件消耗件3412余姚太平洋CZL-YB-2备件消耗件13113余姚太平洋PA8110A备件消耗件13113余姚太平洋BJH-1C备件消耗件122CKD D-M9B备件检修件72172太原奥特曼PT100备件检修件111CKD LM-80NRI备件检修件111CKD LM-80NRI 备件检修件616SCM DSG-01-3C4-D24-70备件检修件414SCM VFR3340-5DZ-03-Q 备件检修件717备件消耗件2816备件消耗件111秦皇岛市华盛隆电气有限公司HSL119-ATV27备件消耗件111秦皇岛市华盛隆电气有限公司HSL220-ATV20备件消耗件23123爱藤ET6115备件检修件212常州市海皇传动机械厂YTX3-90S-4备件检修件212河北宏业永泰流体机械股份有限公司LWQ-50B-GB 备件检修件515CHAO YUE 4V320-10备件检修件1025CK-AD 备件检修件212河北宏业永泰流体机械股份有限公司LWQ-50B-GB 备件检修件111意凯西TM70/3HR备件检修件111意凯西TM70/3HR备件检修件30130APISTE ENC-A1622EX备件检修件212江西华伍制动器Ed800-60备件消耗件72172太原奥特曼PT100备件检修件616YUKEN DSG-01-3C4-D24-70备件检修件414SMC VFR3340-5DZ-03-Q备件检修件211辽宁金立电力电气有限公司JLK-718备件检修件211SWALLOW SU-1500备件检修件236SMC VS3145-045P备件检修件717SANTEST No.2P备件检修件414上海浦飞滑道电器厂JDU-Ⅱ-400备件检修件30130三菱MR-J3ENSCBL50M-H备件检修件23123爱华DH-IPC-HF5200备件检修件32132重庆四联DGG-3100备件检修件212常州市拓洋减速机BLY3-29-2.2备件检修件32132上海浦飞滑道电器厂JDU-400备件检修件32132上海浦飞滑道电器厂JDU-K备件检修件32132上海浦飞滑道电器厂JDU-K备件检修件32132上海浦飞滑道电器厂JDU-X备件检修件32132上海浦飞滑道电器厂JDU-L备件检修件4312杭州骏鹏科技有限公司YS-DZ620备件检修件428江阴众和电力仪表有限公司SZ-6备件检修件212河南开封仪表LUZ-050211112201备件检修件20240三菱FA-TB32XY备件检修件20240三菱FA-CBL20FMV备件检修件717MITSUBISHIFR-E740-0.75K备件检修件使用寿命(单位是天,只填写数字)有则填写供应周期(可不填)消耗定额(每年预计消耗量)最低储备定额(为保生产运行的安全库存,即在备件订货周期内该备件可能的消耗量)最高储备定额(备件的最高库存量,即每次订货需要补充到的数量)可修复(可修复/不可修复/不确定,从中选一项,)必填通用属性(通用/专用,从中选一项)必填制造属性(不必填写)结构属性(不必填写)365111不可修复通用366111不可修复通用365111不可修复通用365111不可修复通用365111不可修复通用365111不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365111不可修复通用365113不可修复通用365844不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用366112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用365844不可修复通用3653310不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用150224不可修复通用150224不可修复通用3655510不可修复通用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500121不可修复专用500111不可修复专用500151020不可修复专用500151020不可修复专用500336不可修复专用500336不可修复专用500336不可修复专用500448不可修复专用500448不可修复专用500448不可修复专用500112不可修复专用500112不可修复专用365111不可修复通用36510520不可修复通用365111不可修复通用365111不可修复通用365214不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365313不可修复专用365313不可修复专用365111不可修复专用365111不可修复专用365211不可修复通用365211不可修复通用365211不可修复通用365211不可修复通用365211不可修复通用365211不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365113不可修复通用500112不可修复专用36510520不可修复通用365214不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365214不可修复通用365727不可修复通用365448不可修复通用365223不可修复通用365211不可修复通用365448不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365448不可修复通用365448不可修复通用365448不可修复通用365448不可修复通用365448不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365223不可修复通用365112不可修复通用365224不可修复通用365224不可修复通用365112不可修复通用使用属性(不必填写)图纸状况(竣工图/不完整图/装配图/外形图/无图/草图/临时图,从中选一项)非标件必填图号(非标件必填,没有图号的非标件拒绝维护编码)备注(其他需要说明的)不填否申请编码者(必填)申请者单位(必填)是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是王劲财加工厂矿棉是邓赟加工厂矿棉。
人民电器 RDCPS系列控制与保护开关电器 产品说明书
313RDCPS 系列控制与保护开关电器RDCPS 系列控制与保护开关电器,主要用于交流50Hz ( 60Hz )、额定工作电压至400V 、主体额定电流自1A 至125A 、智能控制器可调工作电流自0.4A 至125A 、控制电机功率自0.05KW 至55KW 的电力系统中接通、承载和分断正常条件下(包括规定的过载条件)的电流或电压,也能够接通、承载一定时间和分断规定的非正常条件下(如短路、欠压等)的电流或电压。
□ 周围空气温度:上限值不超过+40℃;下限值不低于-5℃;日平均值不超过+35℃;当周围 空气温度超出以上范围,用户可与我公司协商。
□ 海拔:安装地点的海拔高度不超过2000米。
□ 大气条件:大气相对湿度在周围空气温度+40℃时不超过50%;在较低温度下可以有较高的 相对湿度。
月平均最低温度为+25℃时,该月的平均最大相对湿度为90%,由于温度变化发 生在产品上的凝露必须采取措施。
□ 污染等级:3级□ 安装类别:III 类(690V 系统)、IV (380V 系统)类□ 控制电源电压应在(85%~110%) Us 的波动范围内正常工作条件产品概述选型指南主电路的参数主电路主要由于主体和智能脱扣器构成,这两部分是构成可以应用的RDCPS 产品的最少配置。
主体额定电流in 、约定发热电流Ith 、额定绝缘电压Ui 、额定频率、额定工作电压Ue 以及可选的智能控制器的额定工作电流Ie 范围或控制功率范围见表1、表2。
主要技术数据表1主电路的基本参数314注:□ 瞬时保护参数li 不可调,其值整定在16le电机用产品其短延时保护整定参数ls 可调范围为6lr~12lr □ □ 配电用产品其短延时保护整定参数Is 可调范围为3lr~6lr □ 以上功率范围参考Y 系列三相异步电动机的技术参数 □如有特殊要求时请生产厂家联系表2 主电路的主要参数315RDCPS 系列控制与保护开关电器RDCPS保护特性曲线1.0l r 1最小1.2l r 1最小1.0l r 1最大1.2l r 1最大6l r 1(l r 2最小)12l r 1(l r 2最16l r 1±1520l r 1±20I c s I(A)RDCPS电动机保护时间-电流特性0.1s 0.01s 0.001s1.05l r 1最小1.30l r 1最小1.05l r 1最大1.30l r 1最大3l r 1(l r 2最小)6l r 1(l r 2最大)16l r 1±1520l n ±20%I c sI(A)RDCPS 配电保护时间-电流特性用于电动机控制(使用类别:AC-42、AC-43、AC-44)的动作特性316智能脱扣器主要技术参数□ 起动延时在RDCPS 起动时间内,只对缺相、断相、过压、欠压、欠流、短路、漏电及三相不平衡进行保护,以避免RDCPS 启动大电流和过电流的保护;整定时间为 ( 1~99 ) 秒内之间选择;□ 过压及欠压保护只对辅助电源电压进行保护,以确保线圈与智能控制器正常工作;过压保护:当辅助电源电压超过设定值时(出厂整定在120%Us ),动作时间≤10秒;欠压保护:当辅助电源电压低于设定值时(出厂整定在85%Us ),动作时间≤10秒;□ 反时限过载长延时保护用户根据负载电流I 设定智能脱扣器的额定工作电流Ie ,使负载电流I 在80~100%Ie 之间,动作时间应根据负载特性设定,过流倍数与动作时间特性见表四,反时限过载长延时保护特性曲线出厂设定在F1表3 RDCPS反时限过载长延时保护动作特性用于配电线路负载(使用类别:AC-40、AC-41)的动作特性□ 欠流保护欠流保护:是根据最小电流与额定电流的比值来判断是否启动欠流保护(出厂设定在0),可以对不能空载的电机进行保护;也可以避免用户未根据负载电流I 设定RDCPS 智能脱扣器的工作电流Ie ,从而导致电机不在RDCPS 的保护范围内。
艾登5SC UPS产品说明书
Eaton 5SC1500IEaton 5SC UPS, 1500 VA, 1050 W, Input: C14, Outputs: (8) C13,TowerGeneral specificationsEaton 5SC UPS5SC1500I743172045171150 mm210 mm410 mm15.2 kg 2 yearCE Marked TUV IEC/EN 62040-1 UL 1778IEC/EN 62040-2 CEEACcTUVusProduct Name Catalog Number UPC Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty Compliances Certifications60 HzSine wave1050 W0.7TowerBlackNoC14184 V240 V50 HzEaton Intelligent Power ProtectorUser replaceableLead-acid maintenance-free (replaceable) 97Eaton UPS and battery servicesEaton 5SC UPS - 500/3000VA - DatasheetEaton UPS Services Quick Guide 2021EU DoC Eaton 5SCEaton 5SC UPS - 500i/750i/1000i/1500i - Installation and user manual (multiple languages)Secondary frequency - max Output waveformWattageOutput power factorForm factorEnclosureIncludes network card Input connectionInput voltage - minOutput voltage - max Secondary frequency - min Software compatibility Battery replacement Battery typeEfficiencySpecial features BrochuresCompliance information Manuals and user guidesAutomatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) Delivers clean sinewave outputLCD display for real-timestatus and measurementsReliable and affordable UPSfor tower servers,networking and storageSaves space with a compacttower designFully integrates with EatonIntelligent Power Managersoftware1 USB port + 1 serial port1 USB port + 1 serial portAdvanced BatteryManagement (ABM)technology to increasebattery lifetimeConstruction typeFree standing modelOutput voltage - min220 VColorBlackExtended battery capabilityNoOutput voltage range230 V (+6%/-10%)TopologyLine-interactiveBTU RatingOnline: 211Runtime at half load13 minInput nominal voltage230V default (220/230/240V)Input frequency range45-55 Hz (50 Hz system), 55-65 Hz (60 Hz system)Input voltage - max276 VVoltage typeACBattery managementABM or constant voltage charging method (user selectable), automatic battery test, deep discharge protectionAuto shutdown functionYesNumber of Outputs C138VA rating1500 VAPotential free switch contactNoReceptacle(8) C13Phase (input)1Package contentsUSB cableSerial cable(2) IEC-IEC cablesQuickstart guideSafety instructionsNoise level<40 dB at 1 meterFeed type1Runtime graphView runtime graphUser interfaceLCD DisplayBattery quantity3Voltage230VTemperature range0-90% non-condensingCommunicationUSB port (HID compliant) Serial port (RS232)Relative humidity0-90% non-condensingRack mounting kitNoOutput frequency50/60 HzRuntime at full load5 minType of interfaceOtherPrimary frequency - min45 HzBattery rating12 V / 9 AhTypeUPSOutput nominal voltage230V default (220/230/240V)Expansion slotsNoInput voltage range184-276 VNominal frequency50-60 HzPrimary frequency - max65 HzAltitude2000 mEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
MODBUS RTU 中文使用说明书
1.1 和安全有关的术语·····················································································································3
P-SERIES 轻工业用途挂吊式冷气泵系列产品说明书
Indoor Model Outdoor ModelCooling Capacity Rated (Cooling Range)Heating Capacity Rated at 47° F (Heating Range)CEILING CASSETTE PRO-HEATIndoor Model PLA-A30EA7PLA-A36EA7PLA-A42EA7Outdoor ModelCooling Capacity Rated (Cooling Range)Heating Capacity Rated at 47° F (Heating Range)Heating Capacity Rated at 17° F Indoor Model Outdoor ModelCooling Capacity Rated (Cooling Range)Heating Capacity Rated PUY/PUZIndoor Model Outdoor ModelCooling Capacity Rated (Cooling Range)Heating Capacity Rated at 47° F (Heating Range)Heating Capacity Rated at 17° FCONTROLSLine Sets15 feet - 1/4" x 3/8" 1/2" insulation 30 feet - 1/4" x 3/8" 1/2" insulation 50 feet - 1/4" x 3/8" 1/2" insulation 65 feet - 1/4" x 3/8" 1/2" insulation 15 feet - 1/4" x 1/2" 1/2" insulation 30 feet - 1/4" x 1/2" 1/2" insulation 50 feet - 1/4" x 1/2" 1/2" insulation 65 feet - 1/4" x 1/2" 1/2" insulation 100 feet - 1/4" x 1/2"15 feet - 3/8" x 3/4"50 feet - 3/8" x 3/4"10 feet - 3/8" x 5/8"BACnet ® and MODBUS ® InterfacePAC-UKPRC001-CN-1USNAP Interface PAC-WHS01UP-EThermostat Interface PAC-US444CN-124VAC 5VA TransformerVPL24-210Touch MA Controller TAR-CT01MAU-SBSimple MA Controller TAC-YT53CRAU-J Deluxe MA Controller TAR-40MAAU-AM-Net Control Interface for Nv-SeriesMAC-334IF-ECondensate Removal Accessories Sauermann Condensate Pump 115VAC Sauermann Condensate Pump 230 VAC Blue Diamond Maxi Blue Pump 115VAC Blue Diamond Maxi Blue Pump 230VAC Blue Diamond Micro Blue Dual VoltageElectrical AccessoriesSeparate Power Terminal Block (For MVZ or SVZ)30 Amp, 600 Volt, Three-pole AC Disconnect Black 30 Amp, 600 Volt, Three-pole AC Disconnect WhiteMini-Split Wire14 Gauge 4 wire Mini-Split Cable 50' roll 14 Gauge 4 wire Mini-Split Cable 250' roll 16 Gauge 4 wire Mini-Split Cable 50' roll 16 Gauge 4 wire Mini-Split Cable 250' rollOutdoor Unit Stands and Wall Brackets Single Fan outdoor unit stand 12” Height Single Fan outdoor unit stand 18” Height Single Fan outdoor unit stand 24” Height Double Fan outdoor unit stand 12” Height Double Fan outdoor unit stand 18” Height Double Fan outdoor unit stand 24” Height Wall Mounting BracketWall Mounting Bracket Stainless SteelPipe Adaptors and Connectors Adaptor: 5/8” X 3/4”Adaptor: 3/8” X 1/2”Adaptor: 1/2” X 3/8”Adaptor: 1/2” X 5/8”Adaptor: 1/4” X 3/8”Adaptor: 3/8” X 5/8”Flare Connection for two branch boxes Brazed Connection for two branch boxesOne Indoor RoomOutdoor Unit© 2020 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice.SKU: TR_RS_0869_02_20_PIT Extender PAC-WHS01IE-EWireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor for kumo cloudPAC-USWHS003-TH-1Outdoor Air Temperature SensorC7089U1006/U Wireless Interface 2PAC-USWHS002-WF-2kumo station®TAC-WHS01HC-E Note: Requires a transformerWireless RedLINK RemoteController and RecieverMHK2kumo touch TMMHK2。
灵活变幻的斜屋顶空间 -“室内百叶窗帘”
灵活的光线调节 可根据室内的光线要求,电控调节百叶
果。 节能
V-CHN/TSS/Electric control system/060214
V-CHN/TSS/Electric control system/060214
提前确定并安装完毕。 电控产品的安装应在室内装饰后期进行,以确保开关或控制板能一次安
应有必要的安全防护脚手架,以利于安装操作。 具体穿线图请见附件。
V-CHN/TSS/Electric control system/060214Leabharlann 电控操作马达-WMU 100
最大15厘米的开启行程 链条脱离装置并带有安全锁设置 (非紧急出口) 颜色:白色 RAL 9016
24 伏直流电动操作马达
V-CHN/TSS/Electric control system/060214
0-20米 21-40米 0.75平方 1.50平方
外围三芯护套线,各种控制部件与控制单元的连线 0-20米 21-40米 41-60米 61-90米
V-CHN/TSS/Electric control system/060214
0.25平方 0.50平方 0.75平方 1.00平方
SCC40 自动螺杆机组智能控制器使用手册大连冷冻机股份有限公司2005 年3月目录目录 (1)SCC40开启式螺杆机组智能控制器技术特点及功能 (3)1.预备知识 (4)1.1.操作面板介绍 (4)1.1.1.按键功能 (5)1.1.2.控制状态指示灯 (6)1.1.3.各窗口显示内容 (7)1.2 外部接线检查 (9)2.技术条件 (9)3.操作 (10)3.1.手动操作 (10)3.1.1.手动开机 (10)3.1.2.手动增载 (10)3.1.3.手动减载 (10)3.1.4.手动停机 (10)3.2.自动操作 (11)3.2.1.控制设定点 (11)3.2.2.自动控制 (12)单台机组的自动控制 (12)多台机组联网的自动控制过程 (13)4.报警及保护功能 (14)4.1.模拟量报警及故障停机 (14)4.2.开关量故障停机 (15)4.3.启动时可能发生的停机故障 (16)5.SCC40控制器输入输出信号 (17)6.控制板上的保险丝和状态指示灯 (20)7,SCC40控制器通讯 (22)8.配套使用的扩展模块 (24)8.1.MGO355 8路开关量输入扩展模块 (24)8.1.2.SCC40 8路开关脸输入扩展模块操作 (25)8.2.MG0101温度输入扩展模块 (26)9.开启式螺杆机组-主要的设置/调试参数 (28)附图1-开启式螺杆机组控制台配线图 (38)SCC40开启式螺杆机组智能控制器技术特点及功能:1. 技术特点●本控制器是由英国嘉德(GUARDIAN)国际控制公司集欧、美多家制冷公司产品的优点,针对“冰山”螺杆机组的特点开发的专用微电脑控制器。
3 EN
4 FB1
FB2 21
6 SS1
SS2 19
ILIM2 18
8 BST1
BST2 17
DRVH2 16
11 DRVL1
DRVL2 14
Thermal Resistance Junction to Case TSSOP-24 MLP-24
Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient TSSOP-24 MLP-24
Note: This device is ESD sensitive. Use of standard ESD handling precautions is required.
power good output Synchronous Buck topology with voltage mode
control Out of phase operation to reduce cost of input
capacitor 10V internal regulator for gate driver to deliver
Electrical Connection
Drain Current, ID -- mA
Drain Current, ID -- mA
Drain Current, ID -- mA
40 m
Ta =
0 --6 --5 --4 --3 --2 --1 0 ITR01963 --6 --5 --4 --3 --2 --1
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Company
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN
81001 TS IM TA-1526 No.7021-1/5
Parameter [FET] Drain-to-Source Voltage Gate-to-Drain Voltage Gate Current Drain Current Allowable Power Dissipation [TR] Collector-to-Base Voltage Collector-to-Emitter Voltage Emitter-to-Base Voltage Collector Current Collector Current(Pulse) Base Current Collector Dissipation [Common Ratings] Total Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature PT Tj Tstg 600 150 --55 to +150 mW °C °C VCBO VCEO VEBO IC ICP IB PC 55 50 6 150 300 30 200 V V V mA mA mA mW VDSX VGDS IG ID PD 40 -40 10 75 400 V V mA mA mW Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
框架电流(AF) 32 50 63 100 125 160 250 400 630 800
以紧凑的外形实现UL489 480V的额定值
孪生断路器跃上新台阶 符合IEC和 地方标准
增加了全球通用的框架规格 符合世界主要地区的认证和 标准
内部附件的种类 AF α-TWIN 400 26 630 800
GLOBAL TWIN发展历史 易于使用
固定触头 符合RoHS指令 • 采用无铅(Pb)焊锡。 • 未使用六价铬(Cr6+)(125~800AF) 触头材料无镉化 塑壳式 断路器 分励脱扣装置 欠压脱扣装置 辅助开关 报警开关
(JIS),使得该领域的全球化趋势更加明确。 富士电机基于上述“孪生断路器系列”,以全球用户为对象, 开发、拓展了适应各国标准并取得认证的各种产品,其产品 种类丰富多彩。为了进一步满足市场需求,始终积极推进基 本技术的革新,开发出了全球通用的MCCB/ELCB产品,即 “G-TWIN”系列。
1990年 “孪生断路器”
Molded Case Circuit Breakers
JIS 产品
CE标记(TÜV) + CCC认证 + JIS
UL标记(cUL)+ CE标记(TÜV)+ CCC认证 + JIS
IEC 60947-2 EN 60947-2(CE标记) GB 14048.2(CCC) JIS C 8201-2-1 JIS C 8201-2-2
1.Product profile1.1General descriptionGeneral-purpose Zener diodes in a SOD323(SC-76) very small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.1.2Features1.3ApplicationsI General regulation functions1.4Quick reference data[1]Pulse test: t p ≤300µs;δ≤0.02.[2]t p =100µs; square wave; T j =25°C prior to surge[3]Device mounted on an FR4Printed-Circuit Board (PCB), single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint.PZUxBA seriesSingle Zener diodesRev. 01 — 19 September 2008Product data sheetI Non-repetitive peak reverse power dissipation: P ZSM ≤40WI Low reverse current I R range I Total power dissipation: P tot ≤320mW I Small plastic package suitable for surface-mounted design I T olerance series:B:approximately ±5%;B1,B2,B3:approximately ±2%I AEC-Q101 qualifiedI Wide working voltage range:nominal 2.4V to 36V (E24range)Table 1.Quick reference data Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit V F forward voltageI F =100mA[1]-- 1.1V P ZSM non-repetitive peak reverse power dissipation [2]--40W P tottotal power dissipationT amb ≤25°C [3]--320mW2.Pinning information[1]The marking bar indicates the cathode.3.Ordering information[1]The series consists of 97types with nominal working voltages from 2.4V to 36V .[2]/DG: halogen-freeTable 2.PinningPin Description Simplified outlineGraphic symbol1cathode [1]2anode21006aaa15221Table 3.Ordering informationType numberPackage NameDescriptionVersion PZU2.4BA to PZU36BA [1]SC-76plastic surface-mounted package; 2leadsSOD323PZU2.4BA/DG to PZU36BA/DG [1][2]4.MarkingTable 4.Marking codesType number[1]Marking code Type number[1]Marking codeB B1B2B3B B1B2B3PZU2.4*A X8---PZU2.4*A/DG Y8---PZU2.7*A X9XA XB-PZU2.7*A/DG Y9YA YB-PZU3.0*A XT XU XV-PZU3.0*A/DG YT YU YV-PZU3.3*A XW XX XY-PZU3.3*A/DG YW YX YY-PZU3.6*A XZ MC MD-PZU3.6*A/DG YZ NC ND-PZU3.9*A ME MF MG-PZU3.9*A/DG NE NF NG-PZU4.3*A MM MN MP MR PZU4.3*A/DG NM NN NP NRPZU4.7*A MS MT MU MV PZU4.7*A/DG NS NT NU NVPZU5.1*A MW MX MY MZ PZU5.1*A/DG NW NX NY NZPZU5.6*A LF LG LH LK PZU5.6*A/DG RF RG RH RKPZU6.2*A LL LM LN LP PZU6.2*A/DG RL RM RN RPPZU6.8*A LR LS LT LU PZU6.8*A/DG RR RS RT RUPZU7.5*A LV LW LX L Y PZU7.5*A/DG RV RW RX RYPZU8.2*A LZ CR CS CT PZU8.2*A/DG RZ ER ES ETPZU9.1*A CU CV CW CX PZU9.1*A/DG EU EV EW EXPZU10*A VA VB VC VD PZU10*A/DG WA WB WC WDPZU11*A VE VF VG VH PZU11*A/DG WE WF WG WHPZU12*A VK VL VM VN PZU12*A/DG WK WL WM WNPZU13*A VP VR VS VT PZU13*A/DG WP WR WS WTPZU14*A--VU-PZU14*A/DG--WU-PZU15*A VV VW VX VY PZU15*A/DG WV WW WX WYPZU16*A VZ X1X2X3PZU16*A/DG WZ Y1Y2Y3PZU18*A X4X5X6X7PZU18*A/DG Y4Y5Y6Y7PZU20*A XC XD XE XF PZU20*A/DG YC YD YE YFPZU22*A XG XH XK XL PZU22*A/DG YG YH YK YLPZU24*A XM XN XP XR PZU24*A/DG YM YN YP YRPZU27*A XS---PZU27*A/DG YS---PZU30*A MH---PZU30*A/DG NH---PZU33*A MK---PZU33*A/DG NK---PZU36*A ML---PZU36*A/DG NL---[1]* = B: tolerance series B, approximately±5%* = B1, B2, B3: tolerance series B1, B2, B3: approximately±2%5.Limiting values[1]t p =100µs; square wave; T j =25°C prior to surge[2]Device mounted on an FR4PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint.[3]Device mounted on an FR4PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated, mounting pad for cathode 1cm 2.6.Thermal characteristics[1]Device mounted on an FR4PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated and standard footprint.[2]Device mounted on an FR4PCB, single-sided copper, tin-plated, mounting pad for cathode 1cm 2.[3]Soldering point of cathode tab.7.Characteristics[1]Pulse test: t p ≤300µs;δ≤0.02.Table 5.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit I F forward current-200mAI ZSMnon-repetitive peak reverse current[1]-see Table 8and 9P ZSM non-repetitive peak reverse power dissipation [1]-40W P tot total power dissipation T amb ≤25°C[2]-320mW [3]-490mW T j junction temperature -150°C T amb ambient temperature −55+150°C T stgstorage temperature−65+150°CTable 6.Thermal characteristics Symbol ParameterConditions Min Typ Max Unit R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambient in free air[1]--390K/W [2]--255K/W R th(j-sp)thermal resistance from junction to solder point[3]--55K/WTable 7.CharacteristicsT j =25°C unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin Typ Max Unit V Fforward voltage[1]I F =10mA --0.9V I F =100mA--1.1V[1]f =1MHz; V R =0V[2]t p =100µs; square wave; T j =25°C prior to surgeTable 8.Characteristics per type; PZU2.4BA to PZU5.6B3A and PZU2.4BA/DG to PZU5.6B3A/DG T j =25°C unless otherwise specified.PZUxBASelWorking voltage V Z (V)Differential resistance r dif (Ω)Reverse currentI R (µA)Temperature coefficient S Z (mV/K)Diode capacitance C d (pF)[1]Non-repetitivepeak reverse current I ZSM (A)[2]I Z =5mA I Z =0.5mA I Z =5mA I Z =5mA MinMax Max Max Max V R (V)Typ Max Max 2.4B 2.3 2.61000100501−1.645082.7B 2.5 2.91000100201−2.04408B1 2.5 2.75B22.65 2.93.0B 2.8 3.2100095101−2.14258B1 2.8 3.05B22.953.23.3B 3.1 3.510009551−2.44108B1 3.1 3.35B23.25 3.53.6B 3.4 3.810009051−2.43908B1 3.4 3.65B23.55 3.83.9B 3.7 4.110009031−2.53708B1 3.7 3.97B23.874.104.3B 4.01 4.4810009031−2.53508B1 4.01 4.21B2 4.15 4.34B34.28 4.484.7B 4.42 4.98008021−1.43258B1 4.42 4.61B2 4.55 4.75B34.69 4.95.1B 4.84 5.37250602 1.50.3300 5.5B1 4.84 5.04B2 4.98 5.2B35.14 5.375.6B 5.31 5.92100401 2.5 1.9275 5.5B1 5.31 5.55B2 5.49 5.73B35.675.92Table 9.Characteristics per type; PZU6.2BA to PZU36BA and PZU6.2BA/DG to PZU36BA/DG T j=25°C unless otherwise specified.PZUxBA Sel WorkingvoltageV Z(V)Differential resistancer dif(Ω)ReversecurrentI R(nA)TemperaturecoefficientS Z(mV/K)DiodecapacitanceC d(pF)[1]Non-repetitivepeak reversecurrentI ZSM(A)[2]I Z=5mA I Z=0.5mA I Z=5mA I Z=5mAMin Max Max Max Max V R(V)Typ Max Max 6.2B 5.86 6.5380305003 2.7250 5.5B1 5.86 6.12B2 6.06 6.33B3 6.26 6.536.8B 6.477.146020500 3.5 3.4215 5.5B1 6.47 6.73B2 6.65 6.93B3 6.867.147.5B7.067.8460105004 4.0170 3.5B17.067.36B27.287.60B37.527.848.2B7.768.6460105005 4.6150 3.5B17.768.1B28.028.36B38.288.649.1B8.569.5560105006 5.5120 3.5B18.568.93B28.859.23B39.159.5510B9.4510.5560101007 6.4110 3.5 B19.459.87B29.7710.21B310.1110.5511B10.4411.56601010087.41083 B110.4410.88B210.7611.22B311.111.5612B11.4212.6801010098.41053 B111.4211.9B211.7412.24B312.0812.613B12.4713.968010100109.4103 2.5 B112.4713.03B212.9113.49B313.3713.96[1]f =1MHz; V R =0V[2]t p =100µs; square wave; T j =25°C prior to surge14B213.7014.3080101001110.4101215B 13.8415.528015501111.4992B113.8414.46B214.3414.98B314.8515.5216B 15.3717.098020501212.497 1.5B115.3716.01B215.8516.51B316.3517.0918B 16.9419.038020501314.493 1.5B116.9417.7B217.5618.35B318.2119.0320B 18.8621.0810020501516.488 1.5B118.8619.7B219.5220.39B320.2121.0822B 20.8823.1710025501718.484 1.3B120.8821.77B221.5422.47B322.2323.1724B 22.9325.5712030501920.480 1.3B122.9323.96B223.7224.78B324.5425.5727B 25.128.915040502123.473130B 283220040502326.666133B 313525*********.7600.936B343830060502733.0590.8Table 9.Characteristics per type; PZU6.2BA to PZU36BA and PZU6.2BA/DG to PZU36BA/DG …continued T j =25°C unless otherwise specified.PZUxBASelWorking voltage V Z (V)Differential resistance r dif (Ω)Reverse currentI R (nA)Temperature coefficient S Z (mV/K)Diode capacitance C d (pF)[1]Non-repetitivepeak reverse current I ZSM (A)[2]I Z =5mA I Z =0.5mA I Z =5mA I Z =5mA MinMaxMaxMax Max V R (V)Typ Max MaxT j =25°C (prior to surge)T j =25°CFig 1.Non-repetitive peak reverse power dissipation as a function of pulse duration; maximum valuesFig 2.Forward current as a function of forward voltage; typical valuesT j =25°C to 150°C V Z =2.4V to 4.3VT j =25°C to 150°C V Z =4.7V to 12VFig 3.Temperature coefficient as a function of working current; typical valuesFig 4.Temperature coefficient as a function of working current; typical values006aab21510210103P ZSM (W)1t p (s)10−410−210−3V F (V)0.610.8mbg781100200300I F (mA)00600−2−3−1mgl2732040I Z (mA)S Z (mV/K)−55mgl2744812I Z (mA)S Z (mV/K)4.71211109. j =25°C V Z =2.4V to 4.3VT j =25°C V Z =4.7V to 12VFig 5.Working current as a function of working voltage; typical valuesFig 6.Working current as a function of working voltage; typical valuesT j =25°C V Z =13V to 36VFig 7.Working current as a function of working voltage; typical values006aab24610−110−2101102I Z (mA)10−3V Z (V)054231V Z(nom) (V) =−110−2101102I Z (mA)10−3V Z (V)01410128624V Z(nom) (V) =−110−2101102I Z (mA)10−3V Z (V)10403020V Z(nom) (V) = 1318202224273033361415168.Test information8.1Quality informationThis product has been qualified in accordance with the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) standard Q101 - Stress test qualification for discrete semiconductors , and is suitable for use in automotive applications.9.Package outline10.Packing information[1]For further information and the availability of packing methods, see Section 13.Fig 8.Package outline SOD323(SC-76)03-12-17Dimensions in mm0.250.100.450.152.72.3 10.Packing methodsThe indicated -xxx are the last three digits of the 12NC ordering code.[1]Type number Package DescriptionPacking quantity 300010000PZU2.4BA to PZU36BA SOD3234mm pitch, 8mm tape and reel-115-135PZU2.4BA/DG to PZU36BA/DG分销商库存信息:NXPPZU5.1BA,115PZU24BA,115PZU6.2B2A,115 PZU7.5B3A,115PZU3.9B1A,115PZU20B1A,115 PZU10BA,115PZU11BA,115PZU12BA,115 PZU13BA,115PZU15BA,115PZU16BA,115 PZU18BA,115PZU2.4BA,115PZU2.7BA,115 PZU20BA,115PZU22BA,115PZU27BA,115 PZU3.0BA,115PZU3.3BA,115PZU3.6BA,115 PZU3.9BA,115PZU30BA,115PZU33BA,115 PZU36BA,115PZU4.3BA,115PZU4.7BA,115 PZU5.6BA,115PZU6.2BA,115PZU6.8BA,115 PZU5.1B1A,115PZU10B1A,115PZU10B2A,115 PZU10B3A,115PZU11B1A,115PZU11B2A,115 PZU11B3A,115PZU12B1A,115PZU12B2A,115 PZU12B3A,115PZU13B1A,115PZU13B2A,115 PZU13B3A,115PZU14B2A,115PZU15B1A,115 PZU15B2A,115PZU15B3A,115PZU16B1A,115 PZU16B2A,115PZU16B3A,115PZU18B1A,115 PZU18B2A,115PZU18B3A,115PZU2.7B1A,115 PZU2.7B2A,115PZU20B2A,115PZU20B3A,115 PZU22B1A,115PZU22B2A,115PZU22B3A,115 PZU24B1A,115PZU24B2A,115PZU24B3A,115 PZU3.0B1A,115PZU3.0B2A,115PZU3.3B1A,115 PZU3.3B2A,115PZU3.6B1A,115PZU3.6B2A,115 PZU4.3B1A,115PZU8.2B1A,115PZU8.2B2A,115。
台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
防雷器 电流互感器 24v模块
YF-M-380/40 50/5. 24v
箱内配置 断路器 多功能表 漏电保护器 断路器
XKM1-160N/100A/4P PMC-43M HS-L810S TLB2-32D20/3 TLB2L-32C16/4/0.003
YF-M-380/40 75/5. 24v
箱内配置 断路器 双电源开关 多功能表 漏电保护器 断路器
XKM160N/80/4P xkqe-125/4Y-80 PMC-43M HS-L810S XCPS-100D/18.5/7.5 TLB2L-63D25/3 TLB2L-32C16/4 TLB2L-32C16/4
台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
电流互感器 24v模块
箱内配置 断路器 多功能表 漏电保护器 断路器
XKM1-100N/40A/4P PMC-43M HS-L810S XCPS-45/11KW TLB2-32D20/3 TLB2L-32C16/4/0.003 XKM1-100N/100A/4P
XKM63N/40/4P xkqe-63/4Y-40 PMC-43M XCPS-45B/7.5KW XCPS-45B/0.75KW TLB2-32C16/4 TLB2-63C40/4
电机控制产品 xStart C 系列说明书
1324目录通断和保护接触器式继电器DILA..C 接触器DILM..C 过载继电器ZB..C电动机保护断路器PKZMC接触器式继电器DILA..C 接触器DILM..C过载继电器ZB..C电动机保护断路器PKZMC1接触器式继电器DILA..C目录系统概览 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .本体DILA..C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .辅助触点模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .操作电压 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .特性曲线,触点行程图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4极触点多种组合约定发热电流(I th )16A 交流与直流操作的产品尺寸相同直流操作的产品内置浪涌抑制器••••接触器式继电器DILA..C1.接触器式继电器DILA..C说明1211.1接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览311.1接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览4系统概览本体AC 或DC 操作电磁系统AC DC 可以扩展到8对触点反向互锁触点模块化系统螺钉连接和卡装手指接触防护螺钉端子第5页起抑制电路用于直流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路(所有直流型均内置)用于交流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路第32页起辅助触点模块23, 42或4极反向互锁触点第7页起124 – 400V, 50, 60, 50/60 Hz0.8 – 1.1 × U c 24 VA/3.4 VA 24 – 220 V DC0.8 – 1.1 × U c 于24 V :0.7 – 1.3 × U c 无附加辅助触点模块环境温度+40°C 3W/3W11.2接触器式继电器DILA..C本体5接线方式:螺钉端子触点N/O = 常开N/C = 常闭带反向互锁触点的本体额定工作电流AC – 15220 V230 V240 VI e约定发热电流,敞开,于60°CI th代码序号触点序号380 V400 V415 VI e11.2接触器式继电器DILA..C本体6DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILA-40C(220-230V50Hz)114842DILA-31C(220-230V50Hz)114852DILA-22C(220-230V50Hz)114862DILA-40C(24VDC)114847DILA-31C(24VDC)114857DILA-22C(24VDC)1148671件1件1件可以组合辅助触点模块标准包装说明AC 操作型号订货号操作电压220-230V50HzDC 操作型号订货号操作电压24VDC附件1 抑制器2 辅助触点模块操作电压页数32711触点编号,符合EN 50011线圈端子标记,符合EN 50005直流操作的接触器式继电器具有一个内置的保护电路。
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05001181Rev3October 2005DRAFT Accelar ™10Gbps 850nm XFP Transceiver ModulePL-XXL-SC-S45-21Picolight’s MSA compliant 10Gbps 850 nm XFPtransceiver is a cost-effective, high-reliability opto-electronic (O/E) device that transmits and receivesstandard compliant high-speed serial 10 Gbps optical andelectrical signals. The Picolight design provides a singleproduct solution for the OIF SONET OC-192 VSR4-4,IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-SR, and 10GFC opticalinterconnects that are used in Telecommunication, DataCommunication, and Storage Area Network applications.The transceiver features a Picolight 850 nm VerticalCavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) and a PINphotodiode. The XFI electrical interface uses 10 Gbpsdifferential data channels for communications to themodule as specified in the 10 Gigabit Small Form FactorPluggable Module MSA. The transceiver’s MSA compliant “hot-z-pluggable” mechanical design offers the system designer the smallest footprint 10 Gbps solution and enables the highest density front-panel designs with up to 16 10G ports per line card. The PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 is another 10Gbps product in Picolight’s Accelar product line of 850nm transceivers targeted at short reach (<400 meter) applications.Key benefits •Industry-wide XFP MSA form factor •Standard compliant optical specifications •Superior thermal performance •Denser I/O implementation •Excellent EMI performance•Multivendor availability •High reliability•In-house precision alignment Applications•10 Gigabit Ethernet (LAN PHY) IEEE802.3 ae 10GBASE-SR •OIF - SONET OC-192 VSR •10G Fibre Channel opticalinterconnects •Cross-connect switches•Router interconnect •MAN aggregation links •Computer cluster cross-connect•Custom high-speed data pipes HighlightsCompliant to Ethernet, OIF (SONET) and FiberChannel 10 Gbps Specifications. Simplifies supplychain.Hot pluggable enables real-time in-field system upgradesSerial XFI electrical interface enables flexible routing for line cards and backplanes of up to 8inches over PCB traces System monitoring and component mapping via I 2C management interfaceDesign based on high volume optoelectronicspackagingProven supply chain and reliable long-termsupply based on Picolight’s reliable VCSELs andPIN diodes>400 meter reach over enhanced multimode fiberDRAFT Ordering InformationPart Number:Description:Contact Information:PL-XXL-SC-S45-21850nm XFP duplex LC receptacled 10 Gigabit transceiver module with beige, plastic bail Picolight Incorporated4665 Nautilus Court South Boulder, CO80301Tel:303.530.3189E-mail:sales@ Web site:PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 Features and Specification Highlights:•Incorporates a directly modulated 850nm Picolight oxide VCSEL •Low power consumption (< 2.0 W max.)•Mechanical design features compliant with XFP MSA v 3.1•Center-pull bail mechanism for consistent installation and removal •0°C To 70°C case temperature operating range•9.95 Gbits/s to 10.75 Gbit/s serial optical and electrical interface•LC receptacled optical connector •Durable plastic bail delatchmechanism•30 pin XFP compatible connector •System and line-side loopback modes•Loss of Signal (RX_LOS) Indicator •Transmitter Disable (TX_DIS) pin •Power Down (P_Down) pin.•Module De-select, Module Absent, and Module Not Ready pins•XFI compatible electrical interface, 1 differential channel operating at up to10.75 Gbit/s•Bit error rate < 1x10-12•I2C interface with XFP-compliant diagnostic functions•5V, 3.3V, and 1.8V power supplies •IEC 60825-1 Class 1 laser eye safe •FCC Class B compliant•ESD Class 2 per MIL-STD 883 Method 3015PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 Mechanical Module Electrical Pin DefinitionOctober 2005Page 2 of 1705001181Rev305001181Rev3Page 3 of 17October 2005DRAFTSection 1Functional descriptionThe PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 850 nm VCSEL-based 10 Gigabit XFP transceiver is a full duplex serialelectric, serial optical device with both transmit and receive functions contained in a single module. It is designed to be compliant with OIF OC-192 VSR4-4, IEEE 802.3ae/D5 10GBASE-SR (300 m), and 10 G Fibre Channel specifications. The transceiver is also fully compliant with the XFP 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module Revision 3.1, Multi-Source Agreement. This device is the ideal solution for high density, cost effective 10Gbps 850nm multimode-mode fiber (mmf) interconnects. A block diagram of the PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 transceiver is shown in Figure 1 below.The PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 XFP transceiver has several low-speed interface connections including a 2-wire serial interface. These connections include; module not ready (Mod_NR), module deselect (Mod_DeSel), Interrupt, transmitter disable (TX_DIS), module absent (Mod_ABS), receive loss (RX_LOS), and power down/reset (P_Down/RST).Figure 1PL-XXL-LC-L45 XFP transceiver block diagramTwo loopback modes are available through the two-wire serial interface. The loopback modes are useful to facilitate stand-alone testing. In system loopback mode, data recovered from the system side transmit interface is re-directed to the system side receive interface. This facilitates system side test and debug. In network loopback mode, data recovered from the line side receive interface (optics) is looped to the line side transmitter output back to the fiber.TransmitterThe transmitter path converts 9.95, 10.3, 10.5, or 10.75 Gbps NRZ electrical data to a standardcompliant optical signal. The transmitter accepts a 100 Ohm differential 40 mV peak-to-peak to 1000 mV peak-to-peak 10Gbps CML electrical signal on TD- and TD+ pins. This performance exceeds the XFI “Ziffy” specification in the XFP MSA revision 3.1 specification and provides over 300 mm (12inches) reach on improved FR4 material (loss tangent of 0.016) and offers greater flexibility to system integrators for host board layout.Inside the module, the differential signals pass through a signal conditioner with equalization that compensates for losses and deterministic jitter present on the input data stream. A reference clock input (RefCLK+, RefCLK-) is used by the internal PLL to determine line rate and signal lock condition. The Tx clock circuit provides a lock alarm output, failure to lock results in Mod_NR asserted. The output of the Tx signal conditioner is input to the laser driver circuit which transforms the small swing digital voltage to an output modulation and bias current that drives a directly modulated 850nmVCSEL. The optical signal is engineered to meet the IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-SR, 10 GFC and OIF OC-192 VSR4-4 specifications. Close-loop control of the transmitted laser power over temperatureOctober 2005Page 4 of 1705001181Rev3DRAFTand voltage variations is provided through the module’s microcontroller circuitry. An LC connectorized receptacle provides the mechanical interface to the single-mode fibre plant.ReceiverThe receiver converts incoming arbitrarily encoded serial 9.95, 10.3, 10.5, or 10.75 Gbps NRZ optical data into serial XFI electrical data. An LC connectorized receptacle provides the mechanical interface to the single-mode fibre plant. A high speed PIN photodiode converts the optical signal into a current which is converted to a voltage in a high-gain transimpedance amplifier. The amplified signal is passed to a signal conditioning IC that provides clock and data recovery. Loss of signal, and signal lockdetection is included in the receive circuitry that is reflected in the Mod_NR status pin. The recovered data is output on the RD+ and RD- pins as a 100 Ohms 250mV peak-to-peak CML signal. The output signal meets the OIF OC-192 VSR4-4, IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-SR and 10 GFC specifications.Low Speed SignallingLow speed signalling is based on low voltage TTL (LVTTL) operating at a nominal voltage of 3.3V SCL/SDA: Two wire Serial interface clock and data line. Hosts should use a pull-up resistor connected to Vcc 3.3V on the two-wire interface SCL (clock), SDA (data), and all low speed outputs.Mod_NR: Output pin. When asserted high indicates that the module has detected a condition that renders Tx and or Rx data invalid.Mod_DeSel: Input pin. When held low by the host the module responds to 2-wire serial communication commands. When high the module does not respond to or acknowledge any 2-wire interface communication from the host.Interrupt: Output pin. When low indicates possible module operational fault or a status critical to the host system.TX_DIS: Input pin. When asserted high the transmitter output is turned off.Mod_ABS: Input pin. Asserted high when the XFP module is absent and is pulled low when the XFP module is inserted.RX_LOS: Output pin. Asserted high when insufficient optical power for reliable signal receptionP_Down/RST: Multifunction input pin. The module can be powered down or reset by pulling the low-speed P-Down pin high. In power down mode no data is transmitted on the optical Tx or the electrical Rx path. The reset pulse is generated on the falling edge of the P-Down signal. Following reset, the internal PLL’s must reacquire lock and will cause a Mod_NR failure.05001181Rev3Page 5 of 17October 2005DRAFTSection 2Application schematicsRecommended MSA connections to the PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 transceiver are shown in Figure 2 below.Figure 2Application schematic for the PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 transceiverPower supply filtering is recommended for the PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 module. To limit wide band noise power, the host system and module shall each meet a maximum of 2% peak-to-peak noise whenmeasured with a 1MHz low pass filter. In addition, the host system and the module shall each meet a maximum of 3% peak-to-peak noise when measured with a high pass filter from 1MHz-10MHz.A typical board-to-board application using a XAUI based MAC/Framer ASIC is shown below in Figure3. High-speed serial 10Gbps ASICs will eliminate the need for the SER-DES IC. However, the XAUI implementation offers greater flexibility in layout as the XFI interface is limited to reaches of 8 inches, while the XAUI interface can span over 50 inches on the host PCBA.Figure 3Board-to-board XFP application diagramSection 3Technical dataTechnical data related to the 10Gbps 850nm XFP Transceiver includes:•Section 3.1Pin function definitions below•Section 3.2XFP/XFI Reference model compliance points on page9•Section 3.3Absolute maximum ratings on page9•Section 3.4Electrical characteristics on page9•Section 3.5Jitter Specifications on page10•Section 3.6Input Reference Clock Specifications on page12•Section 3.7Timing Requirement of Control and Status I/O on page12•Section 3.8XFP 2-wire interface protocol and Management Interface on page13•Section 3.9Optical characteristics* on page14•Section 3.10Optical link distances on page14•Section 3.11Regulatory compliance on page15•Section 3.12PCB layout on page15•Section 3.13Connectors on page15DRAFT October 2005Page 6 of 1705001181Rev305001181Rev3Page 7 of 17October 2005DRAFT3.1Pin function definitionsTable 1Transceiver pinout on host boardTable 2Pin descriptions Pin no.Type Name Description1GND 1Module Ground2VEE5Not Used; may be left unconnected (Optional -5.2V Power Supply)3LVTTL-I Mod_Desel Module De-select; When held low allows the module to respond to 2-wire serial interface commands”4LVTTL-O Interrupt 2Interrupt; Indicates presence of an important condition which can be read over the serial 2-wire interface5LVTTL-I TX_DIS Transmitter Disable; Transmitter Laser Source Turned Off6VCC5+5V Power Supply7GND 1Module Ground8VCC3+3.3V Power Supply9VCC3+3.3V Power SupplyOctober 2005Page 8 of 1705001181Rev3DRAFT 10LVTTL-I SCL 2Two Wire Interface Clock11LVTTL-I/O SDA 2Two Wire Interface Data Line12LVTTL-O Mod_Abs 2Indicates Module is not present. Grounded in the Module13LVTTL-O Mod_NR 2Module Not Ready; Indicating Module Operational Fault14LVTTL-O RX_LOS 2Receiver Loss Of Signal Indicator15GND 1Module Ground16GND 1Module Ground17CML-O RD-Receiver Inverted Data Output18CML-O RD+Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output19GND 1Module Ground20VCC2+1.8V Power Supply.21LVTTL-I P_Down/RST Power down; When high, requires the module to limit power consumption to 1.5W or below. Serial interface must be functional in the low power mode. Reset; The falling edge initiates a complete reset of the module including the serial interface, equivalent to a power cycle.22VCC2+1.8V Power Supply23GND 1Module Ground24PECL-I RefCLK+Reference Clock Non-Inverted Input, AC coupled on the host board25PECL-I RefCLK-Reference Clock Inverted Input, AC coupled on the host board26GND 1Module Ground27GND 1Module Ground28CML-I TD-Transmitter Inverted Data Input29CML-I TD+Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input30GND 1Module Ground1. Module ground pins (GND) are isolated from the module case and chassis ground within the module2. Shall be pulled up with 4.7K-10Kohms to a voltage between3.15V and 3.45V on the host boardTable 2Pin descriptionsPin no.Type Name Description05001181Rev3Page 9 of 17October 2005DRAFT3.2XFP/XFI Reference model compliance points3.3Absolute maximum ratings (CW operation unless otherwise stated)Parameter Symbol Ratings UnitStorage Temperature T st -55 to +125°COperating case temperature T op 0 to 70°CRelative Humidity RH 5 to 95 (non-condensing)%3.4Electrical characteristics (T op = 0°C - 70°C case, CW operation unless otherwise stated)Parameter Symbol Min Typ.Max Unit NotesSupply currents and voltagesVoltage 1Vcc 1 3.1355 3.3 3.465V With Respect to GNDVoltage 2Vcc 2 4.75 5.0 5.25VVoltage 3Vcc 3 1.75 1.8 1.95VPSSupply Current 1Icc 1300400mASupply Current 2Icc 25560mASupply Current 3Icc 31015mA VPSLow speed control and sense signals (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Outputs (Interrupt, Mod_NR, RX_LOS)V OL 0.00.4V Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at host side of connector. IOL(max)=3mAV OH host_Vcc-0.5host_Vcc+0.3V Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at host side of connector.Inputs (TX_DIS, P_Down/RST)V IL -0.30.8V Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at XFP side of connector. IIL(max)=-10uAV IH 2.0Vcc+0.3V Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at XFP side of connector. IIL(max)=10uAOctober 2005Page 10 of 1705001181Rev3DRAFT 3.5Jitter Specifications SCL and SDA Inputs V IL -0.3Vcc*0.3Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at XFP side of connector. IIL(max)=-10uAV IH Vcc*0.7Vcc3+0.5Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at XFP side of connector. IIL(max)=10uATransmitter Input (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Data input baud rate nominal 9.9510.312510.75GBdData input bit rate tolerance +/-20ppm SONETData input compliance C internally AC coupled signals Data input Differential Impedance R I 80100120ΩReceiver Output (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Data output baud rate nominal 9.9510.312510.75GBdData output compliance B internally AC coupled signals Data output bit rate stability +/-20ppmReference clock (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Reference clock rate nominal 155161168MHzReference clock differential voltage V O-DIFF 6401600mV Externally AC coupled signals Reference clock bit rate stability +/-20ppmParameter Symbol Min Max Unit NotesTransmitter electrical input jitter from host at B (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Total Non-DDJ Jitter 0.41UI(p-p)Total jitter less ISITotal Jitter TJ 0.61UI(p-p)Eye Mask X10.305UI Mask coordinate X1=0.205 if total non-DDJ is measuredEye Mask Y160mVEye mask Y2410mV 50 mV is allocated for multiple reflectionsReceiver electrical output jitter to host at C (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Deterministic Jitter DJ 0.18UI(p-p)Includes jitter transferred from the optical receiver during any valid operational input condition.Total Jitter TJ 0.34UI(p-p)Sinusoidal Jitter Tolerence SJ See Figure 4, Figure 5Eye Mask 0.17UIEye Mask 0.42UIEye Mask 170mV3.4Electrical characteristics (continued)(T op = 0°C - 70°C case, CW operation unless otherwise stated)Parameter Symbol Min Typ.Max Unit NotesDRAFTFigure 4XFI Host Receiver Telecom Input Sinusoidal Jitter ToleranceFigure 5XFI Host Receiver Input Datacom Sinusoidal Jitter Tolerance Eye Mask 425mVTelecom module transmitter (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Meets the requirements of SONET GR-253Jitter Transfer Bandwidth BW 8MHz PRBS 2^31-1, OC-192 sinusoidal jitter tolerance maskJitter Peaking 0.03dB Freq. < 120 KHz for loop liming1dB Freq. > 120 KHz (does not apply to CMU mode)Module Jitter Generation at Optical Output.10mUI(RMS)Measured 50 KHz-80MHz. Includes jitter that istransferred from the host.100mUI(p-p)Telecom module receiver (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Jitter Transfer Bandwidth BW 8MHz PRBS 2^31-1, OC-192 sinusoidal jitter tolerance maskJitter Peaking 0.03dB Freq. < 120 KHz for loop liming1dB Freq. > 120 KHz (does not apply to CMU mode)Datacom module transmitter and receiver (detailed specification in XFP MSA v3.1 at )Meets the requirements of IEEE802.3ae and 10GFC in addition to the above SONET specificationsJitter Transfer Bandwidth BW 8MHz PRBS 2^31-1, Data or scrambled 64B/66B as detailed in IEEE 802.3ae Clause 52Jitter Peaking 1dB Frequency >50 KHzParameter Symbol Min Max UnitNotesDRAFT3.6Input Reference Clock Specifications3.7Timing Requirement of Control and Status I/O Parameter Symbol Min Typ.Max Unit Notes Clock differential input impedance Zd 80100120ΩDifferential input clock amplitude 6401600mV AC coupled PECLReference clock duty cycle 4060%Reference Clock Rise/Fall time Tr/Tf 2001250ps 20%-80%Reference clock frequency f0Baud/64MHzRMS random jitter σ10ps up to 100 MHzReference clock frequency tolerance Δf -100+100ppmParameter Symbol Min Max Unit Notes TX_DIS assert time t_off 10μsec Rising edge of TX_DIS to fall of output signal below 10% of nominal TX_DIS negate time t_on 2msec Falling edge of TX_DIS to rise of output signal above 90% of nominal Time to initialize t_init 300msec From power on or from power falling edge of P_Down/RSTInterrupt assert delay Interrupt_on 200msec From occurrence of the condition triggering Interrupt.Interrupt negate delay Interrupt_off 500μsec From clear on read Interrupt flags P_Down/RST assert delay P_Down.RST_on 100μsec From power down initiationMod_NR assert delay Mod_NR_on 1msec From occurrence of fault to assertion of Mod_NRMod_NR negate delay Mod_NR_off 1msec From clearance of signal to negation of Mod_NRP-Down reset time 10μsec Min. length of P-Down assert to initiate resetRX_LOS assert delay t_loss_on 100μsec From Occurrence of loss of signal to assertion of RX_LOSRX_LOS negate delay t_loss_off 100μsec From Occurrence of loss of signal to assertion of RX_LOS2-wire serial bus timing is described in Chapter 4 of XFP MSA v3.1DRAFT3.8XFP 2-wire interface protocol and Management InterfaceThe Picolight PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 module incorporates a XFP compliant 2-wire management interface which is used for serial ID, digital diagnostics, and certain control functions. It is modeled on the SFF-8472 Rev 9.3 specification modified to accommodate a single 2-wire interface address. In addition to the basic I2C read/write functionality the modules supports packet error checking that, when enabled, allows the host system to confirm the validity of any read data. Details of the protocol and interface are explicitly detailed in the MSA. Please refer to the MSA for design reference.Figure 6XFP 2-wire serial digital diagnostic memory mapDRAFT3.9Optical characteristics*(T case = 25°C, CW operation unless otherwise stated)Parameter Symbol Min Typ.Max Unit NotesTransmitterSignal speed 9.9510.312510.75GbpsSignal tolerance +/-100ppmAverage Optical Power P Avg -3.19-2.76-2.22dBmExtinction Ratio Er 3 5.5 6.0dBTriple trade off curve compliance Triple trade off curves define OMA, Spectral Width and Center Wavelength (any two parameters fix the third)OMA (Optical modulation amplitude)OMA 380437776uW RMS Spectral Width Δλ0.350.45nmCenter Wavelength λp 840850860nmRelative Intensity Noise RIN 12OMA -128dB/HzReceiverSignal Speed 9.9510.312510.75GBdWavelength λp 840860nmReturn Loss 12.0dBAverage receive power -1.0dBmStressed Rx Sensitivity OMA S S -7.5dBmBit Error Ratio BER 10-12Without FEC* See IEEE P802.3ae Media Access Control (MAC)Para meters, Physical Layer, and Management Parameters for 10 Gb/s Operation for complete specifica-tion3.10Optical link distancesData Rate Fiber Type Modal Bandwidth @ 850nm (MHz-km)Worst case distance range specified (m)Typical range (m)9.95-10.3125 Gbps 62.5/125um MMF 160 2 - 2662.5/125um MMF 200 2 - 3350/125um MMF 400 2 - 6650/125um MMF 500 2 - 8250/125um MMF 2000 2 - 300>400DRAFT3.11Regulatory complianceThe PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 complies with common ESD, EMI, Immunity, and Component requirements and specifications (see details in Table 3 on page 15).ESD, EMI, and Immunity are dependent on the overall system design. Information included herein is intended as a figure of merit for designers to use as a basis for design decisions.3.12PCB layout Recommended PCB layout is given in XFP MSA v 3.13.13ConnectorsFiberThe XFP module has a duplex LC receptacled connector.ElectricalThe electrical connector is the 30-way, two row PCB edge connector. Customer connector is Tyco/AMP Part No. 788862C or equivalent.Table 3Regulatory compliance Feature Test Method PerformanceLaser Eye Safety IEC 60825-1 Amendment 2 (2001-01)IEC 60825-2 1997Class 1 laser safe.Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) to electrical pinsMIL-STD 883C; Method 3015.4Class 1 (> 1 kV)Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) to optical connector IEC 61000-4-2: 1999Withstand discharges of 15 kV using a “Human Body Model” probeElectromagnetic Interference (EMI)FCC Part 15 Subpart J Class B CISPR 22: 1997EN 55022: 1998 Class B VCCI Class INoise frequency range: 30 MHz to 10 GHz. Good system EMI design practice required to achieve Class B margins.Immunity IEC 61000-4-3: 1998Field strength of 3 V/m RMS, from 10 MHz to 1 GHz. No effect on transceiver performance is detectable between these limits.Component UL 1950CSA C22.2 #950IEC 60950: 1999DRAFTSection 4Related informationOther information related to the 10Gbps 850nm XFP Transceiver includes:•Section 4.1Package and handling instructions below•Section 4.2ESD discharge (ESD) below•Section 4.3Eye safety on page 174.1Package and handling instructionsConnector coversThe PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 is supplied with an LC duplex receptacle. The connector covers supplied protect the connector during standard manufacturing processes and handling by preventingcontamination from dust, aqueous solutions, body oils, or airborne particles.Note:It is recommended that the connector plug remain on whenever the transceiver opticalfiber connector is not inserted.Recommended cleaning and de-greasing chemicalsPicolight recommends the use of methyl, isopropyl and isobutyl alcohols for cleaning.Do not use halogenated hydrocarbons (e.g. trichloroethane, ketones such as acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate, MEK, methylene chloride, methylene dichloride, phenol, N-methylpyrolldone).Flammability The PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 housing is made from aluminum.4.2ESD discharge (ESD)HandlingNormal ESD precautions are required during the handling of this module. This transceiver is shipped in ESD protective packaging. It should removed from the packaging and otherwise handled in an ESD protected environment utilizing standard grounded benches, floor mats, and wrist straps.Test and operationIn most applications, the optical connector will protrude through the system chassis and be subjected to the same ESD environment as the system. Once properly installed in the system, this transceiver should meet and exceed common ESD testing practices and fulfill system ESD requirements.Typical of optical transceivers, this module’s receiver contains a highly sensitive optical detector and amplifier which may become temporarily saturated during an ESD strike. This could result in a short burst of bit errors. Such an event might require that the application re-acquire synchronization at the higher layers (e.g. Serializer/Deserializer chip).4.3Eye safetyThe PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 is an international Class 1 laser product per IEC 60825-1 Amendment 2(2001) and IEC 60825-2 1997. The PL-XXL-SC-S45-21 is an eye safe device when operated withinthe limits of this specification.Operating this product in a manner inconsistent with intended usage and specification may result inhazardous radiation exposure.C AUTION!Tampering with this laser based product or operating this product outside the limits of this specificationmay be considered an act of “manufacturing,” and will require, under law, recertification of the modifiedproduct with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (21 CFR 1040).DRAFT。