



«宏观经济学»期末考试试卷 A 卷姓名:学号:成绩:一、名词解释(每题4分,共20分)1、凯恩斯流动性陷阱2、菲利普斯曲线3、货币政策4、挤出效应5、名义GDP二、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1、在四部门经济中,GDP是指()的总和。









A.净出口=40亿元B.NDP=4400亿元C. GDP=3800亿元D.GDP=4800亿元10、按百分比计算,如果名义GDP上升()价格上升的幅度,则实际GDP将()。



一、单项选择第十二章国民收入核算1.下列关于GDP说法正确的是(③)①一年内一个国家范围内的所有交易的市场价值②一年内一个国家范围内交换的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值③一年内一个国家范围内生产的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值④一年内一个国家范围内交换的所有商品和劳务的市场价值2.某人收入为1000元,个人所得税200元,政府补助150元,则个人可支配收入为(②)① 1350元② 950元③ 650元④ 1050元3.下列将计入当年GDP的一项是(③)①某人花10万元购买一辆二手汽车②面包厂购买的面粉③某企业当年生产没有卖掉的20万元产品④家庭妇女在家从事家务劳动4.如果一个社会体系的消费支出为9亿元,投资支出为1.2亿元,间接税为1亿元,政府用于商品和劳务的支出为2.5亿元,出口额为 3亿元,进口额为1.8亿元,则下列正确的是(①)① GDP为13.9亿元② GDP为12.9亿元③ NDP为13.9亿元④ NDP为12.9亿元5.一国的GNP小于GDP,说明该国公民从国外取得的产值( B )外国公民从该国取得的产值。

A、大于B、小于C、等于D、可能大于也可能小于6.今年名义GDP大于去年的名义GDP,说明( D )A、今年的物价水平一定比去年高了B、今年生产的物品和劳务总量一定比去年增加了C、今年的物价水平和实物产量水平一定都比去年提高了D、以上三种说法都不一定正确。

7.在一般情况下,国民收入核算体系中,数值最小的是( C )A、国民生产净值;B、个人收入;C、个人可支配收入;D、国民收入8、一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值根据价格变化调整后的数值被称为( B )A、国民生产净值;B、实际国内生产总值;C、名义国内生产总值;D、潜在国内生产总值9、在统计中,社会保险税增加对( D )项有影响。




宏观期末试题及答案宏观经济学期末试题及答案一、选择题1. 宏观经济学主要研究的是()。

A. 个体经济行为B. 产业内部关系C. 市场行为D. 全球经济关系答案:D2. 下列哪种货币供应渠道不属于央行的操作渠道?A. 存款准备金政策B. 开放市场操作C. 货币市场操作D. 贴现贷款操作答案:C3. 当一个国家的货币供应量增加时,该国家的物价水平通常会()。

A. 上升B. 下降C. 保持不变D. 波动答案:A4. 经济增长率的计算公式是()。

A. (GDPt - GDPt-1)/GDPt-1 × 100%B. (GDPt-1 - GDPt)/GDPt-1 × 100%C. (GDPt - GDPt-1)/GDPt × 100%D. (GDPt-1 - GDPt)/GDPt × 100%答案:A5. 下列哪种货币政策工具可以用于调控通货膨胀?A. 货币供应量B. 货币利率C. 外汇储备D. 货币市场利率答案:B二、简答题1. 请解释货币的三个职能。





2. 请解释通货膨胀对经济的影响。





















宏观经济学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 宏观经济学研究的是()。

A. 单个经济个体的行为B. 市场价格的变动C. 整体经济运行规律和宏观经济政策D. 企业的生产管理2. GDP的计算方法主要包括()。

A. 支出法、收入法、生产法B. 供给法、需求法、市场法C. 学问法、技术法、法律法D. 税收法、财政法、社会法3. 通货膨胀对经济的影响主要包括()。

A. 提高流动性,减少债务负担B. 降低实际利率,刺激投资C. 降低购买力,导致物价上涨D. 增加进出口,改善贸易顺差4. 央行采取货币紧缩政策的目的是()。

A. 刺激经济增长,促进就业B. 降低通货膨胀压力C. 扩大货币供应,增加消费D. 促进消费升级,提高人民生活水平5. 短期经济波动主要是由()引起的。

A. 消费者需求的变化B. 政府宏观调控的效果C. 经济周期的波动D. 外部环境的变化二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. 宏观经济学研究的三大核心变量是()、()和()。

7. 当央行降低存款准备金率时,货币供应量()。

8. 名义利率等于实际利率加上()。

9. 通货膨胀率的计算公式是()。

10. 净出口等于出口减去()。

三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)11. 请简述宏观经济学研究的基本问题是什么?12. 什么是经济增长?列举两个促进经济增长的因素。

13. 请解释货币的三个职能分别是什么?14. 列举并解释四个影响经济增长的要素。

15. 描述央行在宏观经济调控中的作用和手段。

四、论述题(共40分)16. 请论述中国宏观经济面临的主要问题及应对策略。

参考答案:一、选择题答案:1. C2. A3. C4. B5. C二、填空题答案:6. GDP、失业率、通货膨胀率7. 增加8. 通货膨胀率9. 通货膨胀率=(今年物价指数-去年物价指数)/去年物价指数×100%10. 进口三、简答题答案:11. 宏观经济学的基本问题包括经济增长、就业与失业、通货膨胀与通货紧缩、国际收支平衡等。

























3.是什么因素可能引起总需求曲线向左移动?三、应用题(每小题5分,共20分)假设今年的货币供给是5 00亿美元,名义GDP是10万亿美元,而真实GDP是5万亿美元。








每题3分,共15分)1.国内生产总值2.平衡预算乘数 3 •流动性偏好 4 •基础货币 5 •充分就业1. 国内生产总值:一个国家或地区在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(物品和劳务)的市场价值。

2 •平衡预算乘数:政府的收入和支出同时且以同数量变动时国民收入的变 动与政府收入支出变动的比率。

3 .流动性偏好:即对货币的需求,由于货币具有使用上的灵活性,人们宁 可牺牲利息收入而储存不生息货币来保持财富的心理倾向。

4. 基础货币:商业银行的准备金总额(法定的和超额的)加上非银行部门 持有的通货是存款扩张的基础,被称为基础货币。

5 .充分就业:在广泛的意义上指一切生产要素(包含劳动)都有机会以自 己意愿的报酬参加生产的状态。

1 •下列哪一项将不计入.当年的GDP ?()1.2 •在以支出法计算国内生产总值时,不属于..投资的是()。

A .某企业增加一笔存货;B .某企业建造一座厂房;C •某企业购买一台计算机;D •某企业购买政府债券。

2. ;3. 用收入法计算 GDP 时,不能计入 GDP 的是()A .政府给公务员支付的工资;B .居民购买自行车的支出;C .农民卖粮的收入;D .自有住房的租金。

A •当年整修过的古董汽车所增加的价值;C •一辆二手汽车按其销售价格计算的价值; B •—辆新汽车的价值;D •一台磨损的高尔夫球清洁机器的替换品。

3. B ;4. 当实际GDP 为1500亿美元,GDP 缩减指数为120时,名义国民收入为:()6.认为消费者不只同现期收入相关,而是以一生或可预期长期收入作为消费决策的消费理论是(6.7.由于价格水平上升,使人们持有的货币及其他资产的实际价值降低,导致人们消费水平减少,这 种效应被称为(9. 在下列情况下,投资乘数最大的是(A . 1100亿美元;B . 1500亿美元;C . 1700亿美元;D . 1800亿美元。



宏观经济学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 宏观经济学研究的主要对象是:A. 个人消费行为B. 企业投资决策C. 国民经济总体D. 货币市场2. 以下哪项不是国民收入核算中的四大经济指标之一?A. 国内生产总值(GDP)B. 国内生产净值(NDP)C. 国民生产总值(GNP)D. 国民收入(NI)3. 根据凯恩斯理论,以下哪项不是总需求的组成部分?A. 消费(C)B. 投资(I)C. 政府支出(G)D. 净出口(NX)4. 以下哪个因素不是影响总供给的因素?A. 生产技术B. 劳动投入C. 资本投入D. 消费者信心5. 菲利普斯曲线描述的是:A. 失业率与通货膨胀率之间的关系B. 失业率与经济增长率之间的关系C. 通货膨胀率与经济增长率之间的关系D. 经济增长率与投资之间的关系6. 以下哪个政策工具不是货币政策的组成部分?A. 调整利率B. 公开市场操作C. 调整货币供应量D. 财政支出7. 以下哪个理论不是属于新古典经济学派?A. 理性预期理论B. 有效市场假说C. 供给学派D. 货币学派8. 经济周期的四个阶段包括:A. 繁荣、衰退、萧条、复苏B. 增长、稳定、衰退、复苏C. 繁荣、稳定、衰退、萧条D. 增长、衰退、萧条、复苏9. 以下哪个不是经济增长的源泉?A. 技术进步B. 资本积累C. 人口增长D. 政策干预10. 以下哪个不是财政政策的类型?A. 自动稳定器B. 斟酌性财政政策C. 扩张性财政政策D. 紧缩性货币政策二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 解释什么是边际消费倾向(MPC)以及它在宏观经济政策中的作用。

2. 描述货币乘数的工作原理,并解释它对经济的影响。

3. 阐述经济衰退期间,政府可能采取哪些财政政策来刺激经济增长。

三、计算题(每题15分,共30分)1. 假设一个国家的GDP为1000亿美元,消费支出为600亿美元,投资支出为200亿美元,政府支出为150亿美元,净出口为-50亿美元。




A.消费、总投资、政府购买和净出口;B. 消费、净投资、政府购买和净出口;C. 消费、总投资、政府购买和总出口;D.工资、地租、利息、利润和折旧。





A.2/3;B.3/4;C.4/5;D.1;4.假设消费者在T年(退休前)时预计退休后每年可得额外的退休金10 000元,根据生命周期假说,该消费者与原来相比较,将()。

A.在退休前不改变,退休后每年增加10 000元消费;;B. 在退休前增加10 000元消费,退休后不再增加消费;C. 以T年起至生命结束每年增加消费10 000元;D. 将退休后可得到的退休金额均匀地用于增加T年以后的消费中。


7.若消费函数为C=40+0.8Yd,净税收T=20,投资I=70-400r,净税收增加10单位使IS曲线().A.右移10单位;B.左移10单位;C.右移40单位;D.左移40单位.8.中央银行有多种职能,只有()不是其职能.A.制定货币政策;B.为成员银行保存储备;C. 发行货币;D. 为政府赚钱9.利率和收入的组合点出现在IS曲线左下方、LM曲线的左上方的区域中,则表示().A.投资小于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给;B.投资小于储蓄,且货币供给小于货币需求;C.投资大于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给;D.投资大于储蓄,且货币需求大于货币供给.10.在下述何种情况下,会产生挤出效应().A.货币供给的下降提高利率,从而挤出了对利率敏感部门的私人支出;B.对私人部门税收的增加引起私人部门可支配收入和支出的下降;C. 政府支出增加使利率提高,从而挤出了私人部门的支出;D.政府支出的下降导致消费支出的下降。






2)一个农民种植了 1 蒲式耳小麦,并以1 美元的价格卖给磨坊主。

磨坊主把小麦磨成面粉,然后以3 美元的价格卖给面包师。

面包师用面粉制造面包,并以6 美元的价格卖给一个工程师,工程师吃了面包。

每个人的增加值是多少?GDP 是多少?[答案] 每个人的增值等于成品的价值减去每个人支付的原材料的成本。


GPD 是总的价值增量,即1+2+3=6刀。




K 是资本(机器数量)、L 是劳动(工人人数)、H 是人力资本(工人中大学毕业生人数)。








一、单选题(共15题,每题2分,共30分)1. (鼓励独立完成作业,严惩抄袭。


)哪一项计入GDP?()(第 二章,视频教学课件第7-9讲)A. 购买一辆用过的IH 自行车;B. 政府向低保户发放一笔救济金;C. 汽车制造厂买进10吨钢材;D. 银行向某企业收取一笔贷款利息试题编号是否评分:未评分 评价描述:***2. 一国的国内生产总值小于国民生产总值,则该国公民从国外収得的收入()外国国民 从该国取得的收入。

(第二章,视频教学课件第7-9讲) A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 等于D. 不能确定试题编号: 试题类型:单选题 标准答案:和* 试题难度:一般 试题解析:*** 考生答案:B 考生得分:*** 是否评分:未评分 评价描述:***3. 在一个有家庭、企业、政府和国外的部门构成的四部门经济中,GDP 是()的总和。

(第二章,视频教学课件第7-9讲)政府购买和净出口: 政府购买和净出口; 政府购买和总出口; 政府转移支付和净出口 试题编号:试题类型 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案考生得分 单选题 *** 一般D*** A. 消费、 B. 消费、 C. 消费、 D. 消费、 总投资、 净投资、 总投资、 总投资、试题类型 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案 考生得分 是否评分 评价描述4. 在两部门收入•支出模型中,如果边际消费倾向为0.8,那么自主支出乘数为()o (第 三章,视频教学课件第10-18讲)A. 1.6B. 2.5C. 5D. 4试题编号单选题***一般A*** 未评分试题类型 单选题 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案 一般 ***C考生得分:***是否评分 未评分评价描述***5.固定税制度下的自发支出乘数()变动税制下的自发支出乘数。

(第三章,视频教学课 件第10・18讲) A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 等于 D. 不能确定试题编号 试题类型 标准答案 试题难度 试题解析 考生答案 考生得分 单选题 *** 一般 ***C是否评分:未评分 评价描述:***6.当经济出现膨胀缺口时,以下可以使经济达到充分就业均衡水平的措施有()o (第三章,视频教学课件第10-18讲)A.增加白发消费B.增加计划投资C.提高边际消费倾向D.增加进口试题编号:试题类型:单选题标准答案:***试题难度:一般试题解析:***考生答案:D考生得分:***是否评分:未评分评价描述:***7.下列哪项不是人们持有货币的动机()0(第四章,视频教学课件第19・25讲)A.交易动机B.预防动机C.投机动机D.均衡财富试题编号:试题类型:单选题标准答案:***试题难度:一般试题解析:***考生答案:D考生得分:***是否评分:未评分评价描述:***& 利率和收入的组合点出现在IS曲线左下方,LM曲线右下方区域中,则表示()。



一、选择题(本题包含30小题,每题?分,共?分)1.Real GDPa.evaluates current production at current prices.b? evaluates current production at the prices that prevailed in some specific year in thepast?c.is not a valid measure of the economy's performance, since prices change from year toyear?d.is a measure of the value of goods only, hence, it excludes the value of services ?2.The steps involved in calculating the consumer price index include, in order:a.choose a base year, fix the basket, compute the inflation rate, compute the basket's cost,and compute the index ?b? choose a base year, find the prices, fix the basket, compute the basket's cost, andcompute the index?c.fix the basket, find the prices, compute the basket's cost, choose a base year andcompute the index?d.fix the basket, find the prices, compute the inflation rate, choose a base year andcompute the index?3.Suppose the price of a quart of milk rises from $1 to $1.25 and the price of a T-shirt rises from $8 to $ 10. If the CPI rises from 150 to 175 people will likely buya.more milk and more T-shirts ?b? more milk and fewer T-shirts ?c.less milk and more T-shirts?d.less milk and fewer T-shirts.4? Which of the following is correct?a.Countries with the highest growth rates over the last 100 years are the ones thathad the highest level of real GDP 100 years ago.b? Most countries have had little fluctuation around their average growth rates during the past 100 years ?得分评卷人分)[请单击此处编辑题目](每小题分,共。



宏观经济学试题及答案一、选择题1. 宏观经济学主要研究的是()。

A. 个体经济行为B. 企业经营策略C. 整体经济现象D. 货币政策制定答案:C2. GDP是指()。

A. 国民生产总值B. 国内生产总值C. 国内生产总值D. 国民生产总值答案:B3. 通货膨胀是指()。

A. 货币供应量增加B. 物价总水平持续上升C. 经济增速放缓D. 失业率上升答案:B4. 货币政策的主要目标是()。

A. 促进经济增长B. 控制通货膨胀C. 减少失业率D. 维持金融市场稳定答案:B5. 以下哪项不属于财政政策工具?A. 税收B. 政府支出C. 利率调整D. 国债发行答案:C二、填空题1. 宏观经济学中的总需求指的是一国或地区在一定时期内所有最终产品和服务的__________总和。

答案:购买2. 经济周期的四个阶段分别是:__________、复苏、过热和衰退。

答案:扩张3. 货币乘数效应是指在银行体系中,中央银行的货币供应量变化会通过银行信贷活动引起货币供应量更大幅度的__________。

答案:变动4. 国际贸易中,比较优势理论是由__________经济学家大卫·李嘉图提出的。

答案:英国5. 财政赤字指的是政府在一定时期内支出超过__________的情况。

答案:收入三、简答题1. 请简述宏观经济学的主要研究内容。



2. 货币政策有哪些主要工具?答:货币政策的主要工具包括公开市场操作、存款准备金率调整、再贴现率调整和直接信贷控制等。


3. 通货膨胀对经济有什么影响?答:通货膨胀会导致物价水平持续上升,购买力下降,影响消费者和企业的消费和投资决策。



1.In the United States real GDP is reported each quarter.a. These numbers are adjusted to make them measure at annual and seasonally adjusted rates.b. These numbers are adjusted to make them annual rates, but no adjustment for seasonal variations are made.c. These numbers are quarterly rates that have been seasonally adjusted.d. These numbers are at quarterly rates and have not been seasonally adjusted.2.The price of CD players increases dramatically, causing a 1 percent increase in the CPI. The price increase will most likely cause the GDP deflator to increase by a. more than 1 percent. b. less than 1 percent. c. 1 percent.d. It is impossible to make an informed guess without more information.3.If increases in the prices of U.S. medical care cause the CPI to increase by 2 percent,the GDP deflator will likely increase by a. more than 2 percent. b. 2 percent. c. less than 2 percent.d. All of the above are correct.4.The traditional view of the production process is that capital is subject to a. constant returns. b. increasing returns. c. diminishing returns.d. diminishing returns for low levels of capital, and increasing returns for high levels of capital.5.Which of the following is correct?a. Political instability can reduce foreign investment, reducing growth.6.Use the following table to answer the following question. Assume that the closing price was also the average price at which each stock transaction took place. Whatwas the total dollar volume of Gillette stock traded that day?a. $912,840,000b. $91,284,000c. $9,128,400d. $912,8407.Suppose that in a closed economy GDP is equal to 10,000, taxes are equal to 2,500 Consumption equals 6,500 and Government expenditures equal 2,000. What are private saving, public saving, and nationalsaving? a. 1500, 1000, 500 b. 1000, 500, 1500 c. 500, 1500, 1000d. None of the above are correct.8.Risk-averse people will choose different asset portfolios than people who are not risk averse. Over a longperiod of time, we would expect that a. every risk-averse person will earn a higher rate of return than every non-risk averse person. b. every risk-averse person will earn a lower rate of return than every non-risk averse person.c. the average risk-averse person will earn a higher rate of return than the average non-risk averse person.d. the average risk-averse person will earn a lower rate of return than the average non-risk averse person.9.The natural rate of unemployment is the精品文档a. unemployment rate that would prevail with zero inflation.b. rate associated with the highest possible level of GDP.c. difference between the long-run and short-run unemployment rates.d. amount of unemployment that the economy normally experiences.10.Suppose that the reserve ratio is 5 percent and that a bank has $1,000 in deposits. Its required reserves area. $5.b. $50.c. $95.d. $950.11.Suppose a bank has $200,000 in deposits and $190,000 in loans. It has a reserve ratio ofa. 5 percentb. 9.5 percentc. 10 percentd. None of the above is correct.12.The inflation taxa. transfers wealth from the government to households.b. is the increase in income taxes due to lack of indexation.c. is a tax on everyone who holds money.d. All of the above are correct.13.In 1898, prospectors on the Klondike River discovered gold. This discovery caused an unexpected price levela. decrease that helped creditors at the expense of debtors.b. decrease that helped debtors at the expense of creditors.c. increase that helped creditors at the expense of debtors.d. increase that helped debtors at the expense of creditors.14.Ivan, a Russian citizen, sells several hundred cases of caviar to a restaurant chain in the United States. By itself, this salea. increases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.b. increases U.S. net exports and decreases Russian net exports.c. decreases U.S. net exports and has no effect on Russian net exports.d. decreases U.S. net exports and increases Russian net exports.15.Suppose that the real exchange rate between the United States and Kenya is defined in terms of baskets of goods. Which of the following will increase the real exchange rate (that is increase the number of baskets of Kenyan goods a basket of U.S. goods buys)?a. an increase in the number of Kenyan shillings that can be purchased with a dollarb. an increase in the price of U.S. baskets of goodsc. a decrease in the price in Kenyan shillings of Kenyan goodsd. All of the above are correct.16.Use the (hypothetical) information in the following table to answer the next question.In real terms, U.S. goods are more expensive than goods in which country(ies)?a. Brazil and Mexicob. Japan, Sweden, and Thailandc. Japan and Swedend. Thailand.17.Which of the following would tend to shift the supply of dollars in foreign-currency exchange market of the open-economy macroeconomic model to the left?a. The exchange rate rises.b. The exchange rate falls.c. The expected rate of return on U.S. assets rises.d. The expected rate of return on U.S. assets falls.18.The real exchange rate equals the relativea. price of domestic and foreign currency.b. price of domestic and foreign goods.c. rate of domestic and foreign interest.d. None of the above is correct.精品文档19.In the open-economy macroeconomic model, if the supply of loanable funds increases, the interest ratea. and the real exchange rate increase.b. and the real exchange rate decrease.c. increases and the real exchange rate decreases.d. decreases and the real exchange rate increases.20.For the following question, use the graph below.The initial effect of an increase in the budget deficit in the loanable funds market is illustrated as a move froma. a tob.b. a toc.c. c to b.d. c to d.21.When the government spends more, the initial effect is thata. aggregate demand shifts right.b. aggregate demand shifts left.c. aggregate supply shifts right.d. aggregate supply shifts left.22.Suppose the economy is in long-run equilibrium. In a short span of time, there is a sharp increase in the minimum wage, a major new discovery of oil, a large influx of immigrants, and new environmental regulations that reduce electricity production. In the short run, we would expecta. the price level to rise and real GDP to fall.b. the price level to fall and real GDP to rise.c. the price level and real GDP both to stay the same.d. All of the above are possible.23.Suppose the economy is in long-run equilibrium. In a short span of time, there is a large influx of skilled immigrants, a major new discovery of oil, and a major new technological advance in electricity production. In the short run, we would expecta. the price level to rise and real GDP to fall.b. the price level to fall and real GDP to rise.c. the price level and real GDP both to stay the same.d. All of the above are possible.24.According to liquidity preference theory, the money supply curve isa. upward sloping.b. downward sloping.c. vertical.d. horizontal.25.When the Fed buys government bonds, the reserves of the banking systema. increase, so the money supply increases.b. increase, so the money supply decreases.c. decrease, so the money supply increases.d. decrease, so the money supply decreases.26.According to the theory of liquidity preference, an increase in the price level causes thea. interest rate and investment to rise.b. interest rate and investment to fall.c. interest rate to rise and investment to fall.d. interest rate to fall and investment to rise.27.If the stock market crashes,a. aggregate demand increases, which the Fed could offset by increasing the money supply.b. aggregate demand increases, which the Fed could offset by decreasing the money supply.c. aggregate demand decreases, which the Fed could offset by increasing the money supply.d. aggregate demand decreases, which the Fed could offset by decreasing the money supply.精品文档28.If the MPC = 3/5, then the government purchases multiplier isa. 5/3.b. 5/2.c. 5.d. 15.29.If the government raises government expenditures, in the short run, pricesa. rise and unemployment falls.b. fall and unemployment rises.c. and unemployment rise.d. and unemployment fall.30.If the long-run Phillips curve shifts to the left, for any given rate of money growth and inflation the economy will havea. higher unemployment and lower output.b. higher unemployment and higher output.c. lower unemployment and lower output.d. lower unemployment and higher output.二、判断题(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)31.When an American doctor opens a practice in Bermuda, his production there is part of U.S. GDP.32.In countries where women are discriminated against, policies that increase their career and educational opportunities are likely to increase the birth rate.33.Michael Kramer found that world growth rates have increased as population has.34.Suppose a small closed economy has GDP of $5 billion, Consumption of $3 billion, and Government expenditures of $1 billion. Then domestic investment and national saving are both $1 billion.35.According to the efficient markets hypothesis, at any moment in time, the market price is the best guess of the company's value based on available information.36.According to the efficient markets hypothesis, stocks follow a random walk so that stocks that increase in price one year are more likely to increase than decrease in the next year.37.In the United States, blacks and whites have similar labor force participation rates, but blacks have a higher unemployment rate.38.According to the theory of efficiency wages, firms operate more efficiently if they can pay wages that are below the equilibrium level.39.In the months of November and December, people in the United States hold a larger part of their money in the form of currency because they intend to shop for the holidays. As a result, the money supply increases, cerise parousia.40.In the 1990s, U.S. prices rose at about the same rate as in the 1970s.41.According to the theory of purchasing-power parity, the real exchange rate defined as foreign goods per unit of U.S. goods will equal the domestic price level divided by the foreign price level.42.Net capital outflow represents the quantity of dollars supplied in the foreign-currency exchange market.43.If policymakers impose import restrictions on automobiles, the U.S. trade deficit would shrink.44.Most economists believe that classical theory explains the world in the short run, but not the long run.45.Because not all prices adjust instantly to changing conditions, an unexpected fall in the price level leaves some firms with higher-than-desired prices, and these higher-than-desired prices depress sales and induce firms to reduce the quantity of goods and services they produce.46.All explanations for the upward slope of the short-run aggregate supply curve suppose that output supplied increases when the price level increases more than expected.47.Both the multiplier and the investment accelerator tend to make the aggregate demand curve shift farther than the increase in government expenditures.48.During recessions, the government tends to run a budget deficit.49.If macroeconomic policy expands aggregate demand, unemployment will fall and inflation will rise in the short run.50.The analysis of Friedman and Phelps argues that any change in inflation that is expected has no impact on the unemployment rate.精品文档三、名词解释(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)51.diminishing returns:52.nominal exchange rate: 53.crowding-out effect: 54.stagflation:55.automatic stabilizers: 四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分)56.Why are property rights important for the growth of a nation's standard of living? 57.Suppose that you are a broker and people tell you the following about themselves. Whatsort of bond would you recommend to each? Defend your choices. a. "I am in a high federal income tax bracket and I don't want to take very much risk." b. "I want a high return and I am willing to take a lot of risk to get it."c. "I want a decent return and I have enough deductions that I don't value tax breakshighly."58.Draw a simple T-account for First National Bank of Me,which has $5,000 of deposits, a reserve ratio of 10 percent, and excess reserves of $300.59.What are the costs of inflation?60.Make a list of things that would shift the long-run aggregate supply curve to the right. 61.Illustrate the classical analysis of growth and inflation with aggregate demand andlong-run aggregate supply curves.62.Why do economists think that the wealth effect and exchange-rate effect are not very important factors inexplaining why aggregate demand slopes downward, at least in the United States?63.Describe the process in the money market by which the interest rate reaches its equilibrium value if it startsabove equilibrium.五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10 分)64. Assume the economy is in a recession. Explain how each of the following policies would affectconsumption and investment. In each case, indicate any direct effects, any effects resulting from changes in total output, any effects resulting from changes in interest rate, and the overall effect. If there are conflicting effects making the answer ambiguous, say so. a). a reduction in taxes; b) an expansion of the money supply. 65. In 1939, with the U.S. economy not yet fully recovered from the Great Depression, President Roosevelt proclaimed that Thanksgiving would fall a week earlier than usual so that the shopping period before Christmas would be longer. Explain this decision, using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.《宏观经济学》答题纸一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.精品文档11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.21. 22. 23. 24. 25.26. 27. 28. 29. 30.二、判断题(正确用“T”;错误用“F”;每小题 1分,共 20 分)31. 32. 33. 34. 35.36. 37. 38. 39. 40.41. 42. 43. 44. 45.46. 47. 48. 49.50.三、名词解释(每小题 2分,共 10 分)51.catch-up effect:52.depreciation: 53.capital flight:54.recession:55.automatic stabilizers:四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分;答题时请标明题号)精品文档五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10 分;答题时请标明题号)精品文档《宏观经济学》试卷B参考答案1.a2.d3.c4.c5.a6.b7.b8.d9.d 10.b 11.a 12.c 13.d 14.d 15.d 16.d 17.c 18.b 19.b 20.c 21.a 22.d 23.b 24.c 25.a 26.c 27.c 28.b 29.a 30.d31.F 32.F 33.T 34.T 35.T 36.F 37.T 38.F 39.F 40.F 41.F 42.T 43.F 44.F 45.T 46.T 47.T 48.T 49.T 50.T51.the property whereby the benefit from an extra unit of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases.52.the rate at which a person can trade the currency of one country for the currency of another.53.the offset in aggregate demand that results when expansionary fiscal policy raises the interest rate and thereby reduces investment spending.54.a period of falling output and rising prices.55.changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recession without policymakers having to take any deliberate action.56.Property rights are an important prerequisite for the price system to work in a market economy. If an individual or company is not confident that claims over property or over the income from property can be protected, or that contracts can be enforced, there will be little incentive for individuals to save, invest, or start new businesses. Likewise, there will be little incentive for foreigners to invest in the real or financial assets of the country. The distortion of incentives will reduce efficiency in resource allocation and will精品文档reduce saving and investment which in turn will reduce the standard of living.57. a. A municipal bond, because generally they have low credit risk and are notsubject to federal income tax.b. A junk bond. Because of their high risk, they have a high return.c. A corporate bond that isn't a junk bond. Because they have more risk thangovernment bonds and have no special tax treatment, they pay moderate ratesof return.58.First National Bank of MeAssets LiabilitiesReserves $800 Deposits $5,000Loans $4,20059.The costs of inflation include "shoeleather costs," the cost of reducing your money holdings to reduce your inflation tax; "menu costs," the costs of price adjustments; the costs of resource misallocation that result from the relative-price variability induced by inflation; the costs of inflation-induced tax distortions; the costs of confusion and inconvenience; and the costs associated with the arbitrary redistribution of wealth that accompany unexpected inflation.60.Examples in the text (or variations) include increased immigration, a decrease in the minimum wage, more generous unemployment insurance, an increase in the capital stock, an increase in the average level of education, a discovery of new mineral deposits, technology, and removal of barriers to international trade.61.See graph. Over time technological advances cause the long-run aggregate supply curve to shift right. Increases in the money supply cause the aggregate demand curve to shift right. Output growth puts downward pressure on the price level, but money supply growth contributes to rising prices.62.The wealth effect is not very important because it operates through changes in the real value of money, and money is only a small fraction of household wealth. So it is unlikely that changes in the price level will lead to large changes in consumption spending through this channel. The exchange-rate effect is not very important in the United States because trade with other countries represents a relatively small fraction of U.S. GDP.63. If the interest rate is above equilibrium, there is an excess supply of money. People with more money than they want to hold given the current interest rate deposit the money in banks and buy bonds. The increase in funds to lend out causes the interest rate to fall. As the interest rate falls, the quantity of money demanded increases, which tends to diminish the excess supply of money.64. a) 税收减少增加了储蓄的收益、减少了投资的成本,但税收减少对储蓄和投资的影响要视情况而定。



13、如果边际储蓄倾向为0.3,投资 支出增加60亿元,这将导致均衡收入 GDP增加(D)。 A.20亿元; B.60亿元; C.180亿元; D.200亿元
14、假定某经济社会的消费函数 C=30+0.8Yd,净税收即总税收减去转移 支付后的金额Tn=50,投资i=60,政府购买 性支出g=50,净出口即出口减进口以后 的余额为nx=50-0.05y,试求:(1)均衡 收入;(2)在均衡收入水平上净出口余 额;(3)投资乘数
17、某一经济体在五年中,货币速度为10%, 而实际国民收入增长速度为12%,货币流通 速度不变,这五年期间价格水平将(B)。 A.上升 B.下降 C.不变 D.上下波动
根据简单国民收入决定的理论,如果由于某 种原因,经济的目前收入偏离并高于均衡收 入水平,经济会如何调整重新实现均衡?( C) A. 价格上升 B. 价格下降 C. 企业减产以减少非意愿存货 D. 企业增加雇佣工人
已知某小国在封闭条件下的消费函数为 C= 305+0.8Y,投资函数为 I=395-200r,货币的需求 函数为 L=0.4Y-100r,货币供给 m=150。 (1)定出 IS 曲线和 LM 曲线的方程; (2)计算均衡的国民收入和利息率; (3)如果此时政府购买增加 100,那么均衡国民收入会增加多少? (4)计算(3)中的政府购买乘数; (5)写出乘数定理中的政府购买乘数公式,利用这一公式计算(3)中的乘数; (6)比较(4)和(5)的结果是否相同,请给出解释。
5.如果利率和收入都能按照供求状况自动 调整,那么当利率和收入的组合点处于 IS线右上方、LM线左上方时,下面情况 会发生(D)。 A.利率上升收入下降 B.利率上升收入增加 C.利率下降收入增加 D.利率下降收入减少



宏观经济学期末考试试卷及答案宏观经济学期末考试试卷及答案 A 卷一、名词解释题本题型共5题。

每题2分共10分将答案写在答题纸上1国民生产总值 2. 消费函数 3. 充分就业 4 经济周期 5. 菲利普斯曲线二、单项选择题本题型共30题。


每题1分共30分1、今年的名义国内生产总值大于去年的名义国内生产总值说明 A.、今年物价水平一定比去年高了B、今年生产的物品和劳务的总量一定比去年增加了C、今年的物价水平和实物产量水平一定都比去年提高了D、以上三种说法都不一定正确。

2、一国的国内生产总值小于国民生产总值说明该国公民从外国取得的收入外国公民从该国取得的收入 A.、大于B、小于C、等于D、可能大于也可能小于。

3、两部门的均衡是A: IS B: IGST C: IGXSTM D: ADAS。



5、在货币总量不变条件下当物价上升货币投机需求减少利率上升从而抑制投资需求和居民信贷消费需求导致产出的下降这种效应被称为 A. 净出口效应 B. 利率效应 C.实际余额效应 D.财富效应。

6、总需求曲线向下倾斜的原因之一是 A. 随着价格水平下降家庭的实际财富下降他们将增加消费 2 B. 随着价格水平上升家庭的实际财富下降他们将减少消费 C.随着价格水平下降家庭的实际财富上升他们将减少消费 D. 随着价格水平上升家庭的实际财富上升他们将增加消费。


A: 上移B: 下移C: 不变D: 无联系。

8、假设银行利率为6在下列几项投资中投资者应该选择 A.类投资的平均资本收益率最高的是 2 B.类投资的平均资本收益率最高的是 5 C.类投资的平均资本收益率最高的是8 D.无法确定。

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一、[请单击此处编辑题目] (每小题分,共分)一、选择题(本题包含30小题,每题?分,共?分)1.Real GDPa. evaluates current production at current prices.b. evaluates current production at the prices that prevailed in some specific year inthe past.c. is not a valid measure of the economy's performance, since prices change from yearto year.d. is a measure of the value of goods only, hence, it excludes the value of services.2.The steps involved in calculating the consumer price index include, in order:a. choose a base year, fix the basket, compute the inflation rate, compute the basket'scost, and compute the index.b. choose a base year, find the prices, fix the basket, compute the basket's cost, andcompute the index.c. fix the basket, find the prices, compute the basket's cost, choose a base year andcompute the index.d. fix the basket, find the prices, compute the inflation rate, choose a base year andcompute the index.3.Suppose the price of a quart of milk rises from $1 to $1.25 and the price of a T-shirt rises from $8 to $10. If the CPI rises from 150 to 175 people will likely buya. more milk and more T-shirts.b. more milk and fewer T-shirts.c. less milk and more T-shirts.d. less milk and fewer T-shirts.4.Which of the following is correct?a. Countries with the highest growth rates over the last 100 years are the ones thathad the highest level of real GDP 100 years ago.b. Most countries have had little fluctuation around their average growth ratesduring the past 100 years.c. The ranking of countries by income changes substantially over time.d. Over the last 100 years, Japan had the highest real GDP growth rate, and now has the highest real GDPper person.5.Using the production function and notation in the text, K/L measuresa. natural resources per worker.b. human capital per worker.c. output per worker.d. physical capital per worker.6.Index fundsa. typically have about the same rate of return as more actively managed funds.b. typically have lower rates of return than more actively managed funds.c. contain the stocks and bonds from a single Standard Index Classification of industry.d. typically have higher rates of return than more actively managed funds.7.In a closed economy, national saving equalsa. investment.b. income minus the sum of consumption and government expenditures.c. private saving plus public saving.d. All of the above are correct.8.At which interest rate is the present value of $162.24 two years from today equal to $150 today?a. 4 percentb. 5 percentc. 6 percentd. None of the above are correct to the nearest penny.9.Which of the following is incorrect?a. Frictional unemployment is inevitable in a dynamic economy.b. Although the unemployment created by sectoral shifts is unfortunate, in the long run such changes leadto higher productivity and higher living standards.c. At least 10 percent of U.S. manufacturing jobs are destroyed every year.d. In a typical month more than 5 percent of workers leave their jobs.10.Use the balance sheet for the following question.Last Bank of Cedar BendAssets LiabilitiesReserves $25,000 Deposits $150,000Loans $125,000If the reserve requirement is 10 percent, this banka. is in a position to make a new loan of $15,000.b. has less reserves than required.c. has excess reserves of less than $15,000.d. None of the above are correct.11.Which of the following lists ranks the Fed's monetary policy tools from most to least frequently used?a. discount rate changes, reserve requirement changes, open market transactionsb. reserve requirement changes, open market transactions, discount rate changesc. open market transactions, discount rate changes, reserve requirement changesd. None of the above lists ranks the tools correctly.12.A decrease in the money supply creates an excessa. supply of money that is eliminated by rising prices.b. supply of money that is eliminated by falling prices.c. demand for money that is eliminated by rising prices.d. demand for money that is eliminated by falling prices.13.Given a nominal interest rate of 6 percent, in which case would you earn the lowest after-tax real rate of interest?a. Inflation is 4 percent; the tax rate is 25 percent.b. Inflation is 3 percent; the tax rate is 20 percent.c. Inflation is 2 percent; the tax rate is 15 percent.d. The after-tax real interest rate is the same for all of the above.14.In recent years, U.S. net capital outflow wasa. positive and net exports were negative.b. positive and net exports were positive.c. negative and net exports were negative.d. negative and net exports were positive.15.If a country has business opportunities that are relatively attractive to other countries, we would expect it to havea. both positive net exports and positive net capital outflow.b. both negative net exports and negative net capital outflow.c. positive net exports and negative net capital outflow.d. negative net exports and positive net capital outflow.16.On behalf of your firm, you make frequent trips to Hong Kong. You notice that you always have to pay more dollars to get enough local currency to get your hair styled than you have to pay to get your hair styled in the United States. This isa. inconsistent with purchasing-power parity, but might be explained by limited opportunities forarbitrage in hairstyling across international borders.b. consistent with purchasing-power parity if prices in Hong Kong are rising more rapidly than prices inthe United States.c. consistent with purchasing-power parity if prices in Hong Kong are rising less rapidly than prices in theUnited States.d. None of the above is correct.17.Ceteris paribus, if the Canadian real interest rate were to increase, Canadian net capital outflowa. and net capital outflow of other countries would rise.b. and net capital outflow of other countries would fall.c. would rise, while net capital outflow of other countries would fall.d. would fall, while net capital outflow of other countries would rise.18.If a government increases its budget deficit, then the real exchange ratea. and domestic investment rise.b. and domestic investment fall.c. rises and domestic investment falls.d. falls and domestic investment rises.19.Which of the following is the correct way to show the effects of a new import quota?a. shift the demand for loanable funds right, the supply of dollars for foreign exchange right, and thedemand for dollars leftb. shift the demand for loanable funds right, and the supply of dollars for foreign exchange leftc. shift the demand for dollars for foreign exchange leftd. None of the above is correct.20.A large and sudden movement of funds out of a country is calleda. arbitrage.b. capital flight.c. crowding out.d. capital mobility.21.Aggregate demand shifts right when the governmenta. raises personal income taxes.b. increases the money supply.c. repeals an investment tax credit.d. All of the above are correct.22.If people want to save more for retirementa. or if the government raises taxes, aggregate demand shifts right.b. or if the government raises taxes, aggregate demand shifts left.c. aggregate demand shifts right. If the government raises taxes, aggregate demandshifts left.d. aggregate demand shifts left. If the government raises taxes, aggregate demandshifts right.23.n the mid-1970s the price of oil rose dramatically. Thisa. shifted aggregate supply left.b. caused U.S. prices to fall.c. was the consequence of OPEC increasing oil production.d. All of the above are correct.24.Liquidity refers toa. the relation between the price and interest rate of an asset.b. the risk of an asset relative to its selling price.c. the ease with which an asset is converted into a medium of exchange.d. the sensitivity of investment spending to changes in the interest rate. 25.When the interest rate increases, the opportunity cost of holding moneya. increases, so the quantity of money demanded increases.b. increases, so the quantity of money demanded decreases.c. decreases, so the quantity of money demanded increases.d. decreases, so the quantity of money demanded decreases.26.Which of the following properly describes the interest rate effect?a. As the money supply increases, the interest rate falls, so spending rises.b. As the money supply increases, the interest rate rises, so spending falls.c. As the price level increases, the interest rate falls, so spending rises.d. As the price level increases, the interest rate rises, so spending falls.27.An increase in government spending initially and primarily shiftsa. aggregate demand right.b. aggregate demand left.c. aggregate supply right.d. neither aggregate demand nor aggregate supply.28.The reduction in demand that results when a fiscal expansion raises the interest rate is called thea. multiplier effect.b. crowding-out effect.c. accelerator effect.d. Riccardian equivalence effect.29.One determinant of the natural rate of unemployment is thea. rate of growth of the money supply.b. minimum wage rate.c. expected inflation rate.d. All of the above are correct.30.An increase in the expected rate of inflation shiftsa. only the short-run Phillips curve right.b. only the short-run Phillips curve left.c. both the short-run and long-run Phillips curves to the right.d. both the short-run and long-run Phillips curves to the left.二、判断题(本题包含20小题,每题?分,共?分)T 31.If nominal GDP is 10,000 and real GDP is 8,000 the GDP deflator is 125.F 32.International data on the history of real GDP growth rates shows that the rich countriesget richer and the poor countries get poorer.T 33.One of the reasons that African countries may have grown slower than other countries is that many have high barriers to trade.F 34.When the U.S. government is in debt, it follows that they have a deficit.F 35.The future value of $1 saved today is $1/(1 + r).T 36.The market for insurance is one example of reducing risk by using diversification.F 37.Someone who is without work but is not looking for work would be counted asunemployed by the BLS.T 38.Union workers earn about 10 percent to 20 percent more than similar workers who do not belong to unions.F 39.Because of the multiple tools at its disposal, the Fed is precise in its control of themoney supply.T 40.Inflation distorts savings because people pay taxes on their nominal rather than their real interest income.T 41.In an open economy, U.S. national savings can be less than U.S. investment.F 42.If the real interest rate were above the equilibrium rate, there would be a shortage ofloanable funds.T 43.Although trade policies do not affect a country's overall trade balance, they do affect specific firms and industries.T 44.When output rises, unemployment falls.F 45.The explanations for the slopes of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curvesare the same as the explanations for the slope of demand and supply curves forspecific goods and services.T 46.A decrease in the price level makes consumers feel wealthier, so they purchase more. This logic helps explain why the aggregate demand curve slopes downward.T 47.In liquidity preference theory, an increase in the interest rate decreases the quantity of money demanded, but does not shift the money demand curve.T 48.In principle the government could increase the money supply or government expenditures to try to offset the effects of a wave of pessimism about the future of the economy.F 49.In the long run, the natural rate of unemployment depends primarily on the growth rate of the moneysupply.F 50.A policy change that reduced the natural rate of unemployment would shift both the long-runaggregate-supply curve and the long-run Phillips curve left.三、名词解释(本题包含5小题,每题?分,共?分)51.human capital:52.exports:53.trade policy:54.aggregate-demand curve:55.crowding-out effect:四、简答题(本题包含8小题,每题?分,共?分)56.Why is productivity related to the standard of living? In your answer be sure to explain what productivity and standard of living mean. Make a list of things that determine labor productivity.57.Draw and label a graph showing equilibrium in the market for loanable funds.58.Founders of the Federal Reserve were concerned that the Fed might form policy favorable to one part of the country or to a particular party. What are some ways that the organization of the Fed reflects suchconcerns?59.Suppose that monetary neutrality holds. Of the following variables, which ones do not change when the money supply increases?a. real interest ratesb. inflationc. the price leveld. real outpute. real wagesf. nominal wages60.The long-run trend in real GDP is upward. How is this possible given business cycles?What explains the upward trend?61.Discuss what economists believe is different about the long and short run.62.Suppose that consumers become pessimistic about the future health of the economy, andso cut back on their consumption spending. What will happen to aggregate demandand to output? What might the president and Congress have to do to keep outputstable?63.Why and in what way are fiscal policy lags different from monetary policy lags?参考答案1.b2.c3.d4.c5.d6.d7.d8.a9.d 10.c 11.c 12.d 13.a 14.c 15.b 16.a 17.d 18.c 19.d 20.b 21.b 22.b 23.a 24.c25.b 26.d 27.a 28.b 29.b 30.a31.T 32.F 33.T 34.F 35.F 36.T 37.F 38.T 39.F 40.T 41.T 42.F 43.T 44.T 45.F 46.T 47.T 48.T 49.F 50.F51.the knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and experience.52.goods and services that are produced domestically and sold abroad.53.a government policy that directly influences the quantity of goods and services thata country imports or exports.54.a curve that shows the quantity of goods and services that households, firms, and the government want to buy at each price level.55.the offset in aggregate demand that results when expansionary fiscal policy raises the interest rate and thereby reduces investment spending.56.The standard of living is a measure of how well people live. Income per person is animportant dimension of the standard of living and is positively correlated with other things such as nutrition and life expectancy that make people better off. Productivity measures how much people can produce in an hour. As productivity increases, people can produce more (and use less to produce the same amount) and so their standard of living increases.The factors that determine labor productivity include the amounts of physical capital (equipment and structures), human capital (knowledge and skills), and natural resources available to workers, as well as the state of technological knowledge insociety.57.Market for Loanable Funds58. 1. The president appoints the Board of Governors, but the Senate must approve them.2. The seven members of the Board of Governors serve 14-year terms, so it is unlikelythat a single president will have appointed most of them.3. The Federal Reserve has 12 regional banks.4. The presidents of the regional banks serve on the FOMC on a rotating basis. 59. a. real interest ratesd. real outputd. real wages60.There are occasional short-lived periods of negative real GDP growth. However, in most years real GDP increases. The years of increase are more frequent and the increases large enough that over long periods of time real GDP increases despite the occasional declines. The long-run upward trend in real GDP is due to increases in the labor force and capital stock, and advances in technological knowledge.61.Most economists believe that in the long run, real variables are not affected by nominal variables. So, forexample, changes in the money supply do not change real variables in the long run. However, mosteconomists believe that nominal variables to do change real variables in the short run.62.As consumers become pessimistic about the future of the economy, they cut their expenditures so thataggregate demand shifts left and output falls. The president and Congress could adjust fiscal policy to increase aggregate demand. They could either increase government spending, or cut taxes, or both.63.The fiscal policy lags are mostly a matter of waiting to implement the policy. By the time the president andCongress can agree to and pass legislation changing expenditures or taxes, the recession may have ended.The Federal Reserve can act to change the money supply quickly, but it may take some time before the effects of an increase in the money supply work their way through the economy.。
