意志之于成功重要的原因英语作文The Power of WillpowerMy mom always tells me that if I want to be successful, I need to have willpower. At first, I didn't really understand what she meant. Willpower? What's that? It sounded kind of boring and not very fun at all. But then my teacher Mrs. Johnson explained it to our class, and I realized how incredibly important willpower really is!Willpower means having the strength and determination to keep going after your goals, even when things get tough. It means not giving up just because you feel like quitting or the task seems too hard. With willpower, you ignore distractions and push through obstacles until you achieve what you set out to do.Let me give you some examples to help explain willpower better. Let's say you really want to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels. The first few times you try, you probably fall over and get scraped knees. It's frustrating and you feel like just giving up. But if you have willpower, you don't let those setbacks stop you. You get back up, brush yourself off, and try again and again until finally you've mastered it!Or let's say you decide to try out for the school play, even though you've never acted before and you're kind of nervous about it. During the auditions, you mess up some of your lines and feel embarrassed. Your friends are making fun of you for even trying out. It would be so easy to just quit and not have to deal with that anymore. But if you use your willpower, you ignore what your friends say, practice your lines over and over, and go back and audition again until you get a part.Those are just little kid examples, but willpower is hugely important for grown-ups too when they want to achieve big goals in their lives and careers. My dad says that's how he finally lost all that weight a few years ago after struggling for so long. He used his willpower to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine, even when he really felt like quitting and just eating ice cream on the couch. Now he's so much happier and has more energy to do fun things with me!I've also seen willpower at work with my older sister Jessica. She's always wanted to be a doctor ever since she was little. But the path to becoming a doctor is really long and hard - you have to study like crazy, take super difficult tests, go to many years of school, and rack up a ton of student debt. A lot of people drop out along the way because it's just too overwhelming. But notmy sister. She has insane willpower! Whenever I call her, she's always pulling an all-nighter at the library, determined to get straight A's. She's currently in her third year of medical school, and as exhausted as she is, she refuses to give up on her dream. That's willpower in action!My teacher Mrs. Johnson says that willpower works kind of like a muscle. The more you exercise it and push yourself to get through difficult situations, the stronger it becomes. So even little acts of willpower, like making yourself clean your room when you don't feel like it, or staying inside to finish your homework instead of going out to play, make a big difference. Those small decisions to push through difficulty rather than quit build up your "willpower muscle" for when you'll really need it later in life.The crazy thing is, scientists have actually studied people's brains when they use willpower, and it shows significant activity happening in the prefrontal cortex area. That's the part of your brain for planning, decision making, and self-control. When you flex your willpower to overcome temptations or stay on track despite obstacles, those prefrontal cortex neurons are firing like crazy! It's sort of like a mental workout.Not surprisingly then, studies have found that people with more willpower tend to be happier, get better grades, have more success at work, and live longer, healthier lives. That's because they're able to motivate themselves to do what's needed, even when it's difficult and unpleasant. People with low willpower struggle to stay focused, make impulsive and unwise decisions, and are more likely to become discouraged and give up easily.。
2沙普塔隆的爪子5饥肠辘辘的基特斯6加瑞克·帕德弗特的赏金7剿灭狗头人8潜行者的交易9清理荒野10谢申克的救赎11悬赏河爪豺狼人12西部荒野人民军13西部荒野人民军14西部荒野人民军15回音山调查行动16葛拉德的饮料17奥达曼的蘑菇18盗贼兄弟会19萨瑞尔祖恩20黑石氏族的威胁21回音山清剿行动22猪肝馅饼23乌萨苟斯的爪子24萨杜布拉的头颅25石爪山的困境26必修的课程27必修的课程28湖中试炼29湖中试炼30海狮试炼31水栖形态32异种蝎的威胁33林中的群狼34不速之客35卫兵托马斯36杂味炖肉37失踪的卫兵38杂味炖肉39托马斯的报告40鱼人的威胁45罗尔夫的下落46悬赏鱼人47金砂交易48琥珀酒49琥珀酒50琥珀酒51琥珀酒52保卫边境53琥珀酒54去闪金镇报到55摩本特·费尔56守夜人57守夜人58守夜人59布甲和皮甲60狗头人的蜡烛61送往暴风城的货物62法戈第矿洞63水之召唤64遗失的怀表65迪菲亚兄弟会66斯塔文的传说67斯塔文的传说68斯塔文的传说69斯塔文的传说70斯塔文的传说71回复托马斯72斯塔文的传说74斯塔文的传说75斯塔文的传说76玉石矿洞77收集蜜糖78斯塔文的传说79斯塔文的传说80斯塔文的传说81送回蜜酒82腐化之巢83红色亚麻布84比利的馅饼85丢失的项链86比利的馅饼87金牙88公主必须死!89止水湖上的桥90干烤狼肉串91所罗门的律法92赤脊山炖肉93黑蟹蛋糕94法师的眼线95斯温的复仇96水之召唤97斯塔文的传说98斯塔文的传说99阿鲁高的愚行100水之召唤101惩罚图腾102西部荒野的豺狼人103长明的灯塔104海岸上的威胁105啊,安多哈尔!106年轻的恋人107给威廉·匹斯特的信109向格里安·斯托曼报到110昆虫研究111托米的祖母112收集海藻113昆虫研究114梅贝尔的隐形水115暗影魔法116旱季117雷霆啤酒118马掌119回复弗纳120送往暴风城的信121送往暴风城的信122雏龙的鳞片123收货人124豺狼人的乱吠125丢失的工具126群山中的嚎叫127卖鱼128悬赏:黑石氏族129免费的午餐130寻访草药师131水仙诉衷情132迪菲亚兄弟会133食尸鬼假人134食人魔盗贼135迪菲亚兄弟会136杉德尔船长的宝藏138杉德尔船长的宝藏139杉德尔船长的宝藏140杉德尔船长的宝藏141迪菲亚兄弟会142迪菲亚兄弟会143送往西部荒野的信144送往西部荒野的信145送往夜色镇的信146送往夜色镇的信147猎杀收货人148来自夜色镇的货物149幽灵的发丝150鱼人偷猎者151老马布兰契152清理海岸153红色皮质面罩154归还梳子155迪菲亚兄弟会156收集腐败之花157幽灵的发丝158僵尸159僵尸酒160给镇长的信161水坝危机162异种蝎的威胁163乌鸦岭164斯温的货物165隐士166迪菲亚兄弟会167我的兄弟……168收集记忆169通缉:加塞尔佐格170新的威胁171联盟孤儿的看护者* 172儿童周173森林里的狼人174仰望星空175仰望星空176通缉:霍格177仰望星空178塞欧克瑞图斯的坠饰179矮人的交易180通缉:范高雷中尉181仰望星空182巨魔洞穴183猎杀野猪184法布隆的地契185猎虎186猎虎187猎虎188猎虎189血顶巨魔的耳朵190猎豹191猎豹192猎豹193猎豹194猎龙195猎龙196猎龙197猎龙198列兵索尔森的补给物资199水坝危机200书呆子赫罗德201调查营地202库尔森上校203以彼之道还施彼身204库尔森的药物205巨魔巫术206麦佐斯207库尔森的秘密208王牌猎人209劈颅巨魔的獠牙210克拉兹克的烹调锅211啊,安多哈尔!212冷餐会213恶性竞争214红色丝质面罩215丛林中的秘密216蓟皮熊怪的麻烦217保卫国王的领土218被窃取的日记219失踪人员220水之召唤221森林里的狼人222森林里的狼人223森林里的狼人224保卫国王的领土225饱经风霜的墓碑226恶狼成群227摩根·拉迪莫尔228摩拉迪姆229幸存的女儿230斯温的营地231女儿的爱232金格的货物233寒脊山谷的送信任务234寒脊山谷的送信任务235灰谷狩猎236战车的燃料237保卫国王的领土238金格的货物239西泉要塞240基特斯的美餐243进入沙漠244豺狼人的入侵245蜘蛛的威胁246审时度势247完成狩猎248监视249莫甘斯250水坝危机251翻译亚伯克隆比的信252翻译好的信件253藏尸者的妻子254掘墓255雇佣兵256通缉令:卓克苏尔257自豪的猎人258猎人的挑战261血色之路262模糊的人影263保卫国王的领土264至死方休265继续搜寻266调查旅店267穴居人的威胁268回复斯温269寻求指引270被诅咒的舰队271维林的报复272海狮试炼273挖掘场的补给品274水坝危机275大地上的脓疱276践踏之爪277火焰管制278水坝危机279海中的鱼人280水坝危机281夺回雕像282森内尔的观察站283水坝危机284继续搜寻285搜寻雕像286归还雕像287霜鬃巨魔要塞288第三舰队289被诅咒的船员290解除诅咒291森内尔的报告292帕雷斯之眼293净化帕雷斯之眼294奥莫尔的复仇295奥莫尔的复仇296奥莫尔的复仇297收集石像298挖掘进度报告299发现历史301向铁炉堡报告302铁环的火药303黑铁战争304艰巨的任务305寻找挖掘队306寻找挖掘队307肮脏的爪子308加文的爱好309护送货物310针锋相对311向马莱斯回报312马克格拉恩的干肉313灰色洞穴314保护牲畜315完美烈酒317贝尔丁的补给318艾沃沙酒319艾沃沙酒320艾沃沙酒321光铸铁322格瑞曼德·艾尔默323证明你的实力324丢失的铁锭325整装待发328隐藏的钥匙329找出内鬼!330巡逻时间表331向多伦报告332酒店的广告333哈兰需要供货334萨尔曼的针线包335名酿336名酿337一本破旧的历史书338荆棘谷的青山339荆棘谷的青山 - 第一章340荆棘谷的青山 - 第二章341荆棘谷的青山 - 第三章342荆棘谷的青山 - 第四章343关于坚韧的演讲344帕克斯顿修士345墨水短缺346克里斯托弗的书347瑞斯班矿石348荆棘谷热疫349荆棘谷热疫350老朋友351寻找OOX-17/TN!353雷矛的包裹354阿加曼德家族355与塞弗伦交谈356巡查后方357巫妖的身份358盗墓贼359亡灵卫兵的职责360向塞弗伦回报361未寄出的信件362闹鬼的磨坊363突然醒来364无脑的僵尸365悲伤之地366归还书籍367新的瘟疫368新的瘟疫369新的瘟疫370与血色十字军的战争371与血色十字军的战争372与血色十字军的战争373未寄出的信374死亡证明375死亡之寒376被诅咒者377罪与罚378卡姆·深怒379口渴的比格维兹380夜行蜘蛛洞穴381血色十字军382十字军信使383重要情报384啤酒烤猪排385捕猎鳄鱼386伸张正义387镇压暴动388鲜血的颜色389巴基尔·斯瑞德391监狱暴动392好奇的访客393往日的阴影394禽兽的首级395兄弟会的灭亡396觐见国王397干得好398悬赏:蛆眼399童年的记忆400贝尔丁的工具401等待希拉完工403戒备森严404腐烂的爪子405流浪的巫妖407悲伤之地408家族墓穴409证明忠诚410潜伏的阴影411巫妖归顺412自动净化装置413微光酒414卡德雷尔的酒415雷杰德的新酒416狗头人的耳朵417驾驶员的复仇418塞尔萨玛血肠419失踪的驾驶员420森内尔的观察站421证明你的价值422阿鲁高的愚行423阿鲁高的愚行424阿鲁高的愚行425邪恶的伊瓦426磨坊告急427与血色十字军的战争428失踪的亡灵哨兵429荒野之心430回到奎恩身旁431诱灵蜡烛432该死的石腭怪!433公众之仆434伏击!435护送埃兰德436铁环挖掘场437亡者农场438破旧渡口439线索440黛丽娅的戒指441拉林夫与幽暗城442突袭芬里斯岛443腐皮豺狼人的脓液444腐皮豺狼人的产生445给银松森林送信446图勒·鸦爪447致命的配方448给哈德瑞克的报告449亡灵哨兵的报告450致命的配方451致命的配方452焚木村中的伏击453搜寻乌鸦岭454恶战之后455丹奥加兹告急456自然的平衡457自然的平衡458森林守护者459森林守护者460支离破碎461密室463绿色守卫者464龙喉战旗465纳克罗什的优势466火岩矿石467迪恩·石轮的梦想468向巡山人罗克加报告469日常供货470搜寻软泥怪471学徒的职责472丹莫德的陷落473向斯托菲队长报告474击败纳克罗什475烦恼之风476瘤背熊怪的堕落477越境478地图与符记479调查安伯米尔480法师的头领481达拉尔的推理482达拉然的意图483唤醒圣物484小鳄鱼皮485找到OOX-09/HL!486大槌乌萨尔487达纳苏斯之路488赛恩的要求489寻求救赎!491给比索的魔杖492新的瘟疫493前往希尔斯布莱德丘陵494进攻的时机495意志之冠496受难药剂498拯救行动499受难药剂500破碎岭食人魔501痛苦药剂502痛苦药剂503高迪尔504破碎岭好战者505辛迪加刺客506布莱克摩尔的余孽507奥里登·匹瑞诺德508塔蕾莎的礼物509苦楚药剂510预备行动计划511密文信件512贵族之死513苦楚药剂514铁炉堡的译码者515苦楚药剂516博伦的巢穴517苦楚药剂518意志之冠519意志之冠520意志之冠521意志之冠522刺客的契约523男爵之死524苦楚药剂525更大的谜团526光铸铁锭527希尔斯布莱德之战528希尔斯布莱德之战529希尔斯布莱德之战530丈夫的复仇531维林的报复532希尔斯布莱德之战533秘密潜入535仆从瓦里克536清理海岸537黑暗议会538南海镇539希尔斯布莱德之战540保全书籍541希尔斯布莱德之战542向米尔顿回复543匹瑞诺德王冠544入室偷窃545达拉然巡逻队546死亡的纪念品547亨伯特的长剑549通缉:辛迪加成员550希尔斯布莱德之战551附有魔法的羊皮纸552赫尔库拉的复仇553赫尔库拉的复仇554解码高手555海龟汤556石雕557地缚护腕558珍娜的签名559法尔林的证据560法尔林的证据561法尔林的证据562升官之道563人事调动564损失惨重565巴图罗的雪人毛皮披风566通缉:瓦杜斯男爵567危险!568格罗姆高保卫战569格罗姆高保卫战570摩克萨尔丁的魔法571摩克萨尔丁的魔法572摩克萨尔丁的魔法573摩克萨尔丁的魔法574特种部队575供与求576海盗的眼睛577收集鳄鱼皮578海潮之石579暴风城图书馆580威士忌斯利姆的酒581耶尼库的下落582猎头行动583欢迎来到丛林584血顶之颅585奈兹里奥克586甘祖拉恩587鼻烟588耶尼库的命运589歌唱水晶590潜行者的交易591心灵之眼592拯救耶尼库593灵魂宝石594瓶中信595血帆海盗596染血的白骨项链597血帆海盗598裂骨项链599血帆海盗600风险投资公司601水元素602魔法分析603安斯雷姆的钥匙604血帆海盗605歌唱水晶碎片606吓唬病鬼607向马克基雷回报608血帆海盗609讨债行动610帅小伙子邓肯611海潮的诅咒613玛雷的腿8418铸造力量之石8416惰性天灾石616幽灵岛617一捆海蛇草8414驱散邪恶8415冰风岗621赞吉尔的秘密622向卡雷布下士回报623一捆海蛇草624科泰罗的谜题625科泰罗的谜题626科泰罗的谜题627克拉兹克的要求628刨花皮靴629暗礁海630瓶中信631萨多尔大桥632萨多尔大桥633萨多尔大桥634请求援助635山中的水晶636Legends of the Earth <NYI> 637苏利·巴鲁的信638巨魔之敌639激流堡符印640破碎的符印641索拉丁符印642被困的公主643阿拉索符印644托尔贝恩符印645托卡拉尔646托卡拉尔647马克里尔的月光酒648拯救OOX-17/TN!649寻找蜜酒650寻找蜜酒651禁锢之石652打开钥匙之石653密斯莱尔的盟友654塔纳利斯的样本655落锤镇656召唤大地公主657新的瘟疫?658新的瘟疫?659新的瘟疫?660新的瘟疫?661新的瘟疫?662深海打捞663法迪尔海湾664船长的复仇665水下宝藏666水下宝藏667水下伏兵668水下宝藏669水下宝藏670水下宝藏671邪恶的魔法672振奋精神673邪恶的魔法674振奋精神675振奋精神676落锤之战677短兵相接678短兵相接679短兵相接680真正的威胁681诺斯弗德农场682激流堡徽章683萨拉·巴鲁的请求684通缉:玛雷兹·考尔685通缉:奥图和法库雷斯特686国王的礼物687迷失者塞尔杜林688密斯莱尔的盟友689国王的礼物690马林的要求691证明实力692遗失的卷轴碎片693特雷莱恩的符咒魔杖694特雷莱恩的防御695学徒的魔法696进攻高塔697马林的要求698缺乏补给699缺乏补给700国王的礼物701迅猛龙的狡诈702迅猛龙的狡诈703烧烤秃鹰翅膀704阿戈莫德的命运705潜水采珍珠706黑龙之火707铁环挖掘场需要你!708黑盒子709化解灾难710研究石元素711研究石元素712研究石元素713至关重要的冷却剂714发条式什么什么仪715卢希恩的药水716有备无患717大地的震颤718饥肠辘辘719矮人的工具720一线希望721一线希望722铁趾的护符723铁趾的遗愿724铁趾的遗愿725亡者的警告726亡者的警告727远赴铁炉堡728远赴幽暗城729健忘的勘察员730黑海岸的麻烦事731健忘的勘察员732大地的震颤733搜集行动734不祥的感觉735星,手,心736星,手,心737禁断的知识738寻找阿戈莫德739莫达洛克741健忘的勘察员742灰谷狩猎743风怒鹰身人744准备典礼745土地之争747开始狩猎748毒水749被破坏的货车750继续狩猎751被破坏的货车752一件琐事753一件琐事754净化冰蹄之井755大地之母仪祭756雷角图腾757力量仪祭758净化雷角之井759蛮鬃图腾760净化蛮鬃之井761猎捕猛鹫762邪恶的使者763大地之母仪祭764风险投资公司765菲兹普罗克主管766马兹拉纳其767幻象仪祭768收集皮革769科多兽皮包770恶魔之伤771幻象仪祭772幻象仪祭773智慧仪祭775雷霆崖之旅776大地之母仪祭777不祥的感觉778不祥的感觉779大地封印780斗猪781纳拉其营地的危机782破碎的联盟783身边的危机784背信弃义的人类786科卡尔半人马的进攻787新的部落788小试身手789工蝎的尾巴790萨科斯791新的背包792邪灵劣魔793破碎的联盟794火刃奖章795大地封印804萨科斯805去森金村报到806黑暗风暴808明希纳的颅骨809雅克塞罗斯812救命如救火813寻找解毒剂815恐龙蛋大餐816丢失的孩子817生活所需的虎皮818沃纳尔大师819老陈的空酒桶821老陈的空酒桶822老陈的空酒桶823向奥戈尼尔报告824大地之环的耶努萨克雷825海底沉船826扎拉赞恩827骷髅石828玛高兹829尼尔鲁·火刃830将军的命令831将军的命令832燃影之眼833神圣的墓地834沙漠之风835保卫商路836拯救OOX-09/HL!837野猪人的进犯838通灵学院840部落的新兵841另一个能量源?842十字路口征兵843加恩的报复844平原陆行鸟的威胁845斑马的威胁846加恩的报复847迅猛龙的狡诈848菌类孢子850科卡尔首领851狂热的维罗戈852赫兹鲁尔·血印853药剂师扎玛854十字路口之旅855半人马护腕857众月之泪858打火钥匙860瑟格拉·黑棘861猎人之道862掘地鼠炖肉863逃跑864向药剂师金格回报865迅猛龙角866根须样本867鹰身强盗868蝎卵869偷钱的迅猛龙8350送信871野猪人的袭击872野猪人的头目873依沙瓦克874玛伦·星眼875鹰身人首领876塞瑞娜·血羽9705找回包裹878野猪人的内战879内奸880变异的生物881埃其亚基882伊沙姆哈尔883拉克塔曼尼884奥瓦坦卡885瓦希塔帕恩9360阿曼尼的入侵9766盘牙武器10689奥图里斯888被窃的货物889风之魂890丢失的货物891北方城堡的火炮892丢失的货物893野猪人的武器10509无上的荣耀895通缉:巴隆·朗绍尔896矿工的宝贝897收割者898逃离监牢899复仇的怒火901什么什么平衡器902什么什么平衡器903草原上的徘徊者905狂暴的镰爪龙906内奸907被激怒的雷霆蜥蜴908废墟之间910降帆靠港911前线之门913雷鹰的嘶鸣914尖牙德鲁伊915草莓冰激凌916树林蜘蛛的毒囊917树林蜘蛛的卵918林精的种子919林精的新芽920特纳隆的召唤921大地之冠922雷利亚·绿树923青苔之瘤924恶魔之种925凯恩的蹄印926有瑕疵的能量石927布满苔藓的心脏928大地之冠929大地之冠930发光的水果931发光的树叶932扭曲的仇恨933大地之冠934大地之冠935大地之冠936协助大德鲁伊937神谕林地938密斯特939萨瓦里克长笛940泰达希尔941培养心脏942健忘的勘察员943健忘的勘察员944主宰之剑945护送瑟瑞露尼947洞中的蘑菇948安努949暮光之锤的营地950向安努回复951玛塞斯特拉遗物952古树之林953亚米萨兰的毁灭954巴莎兰955巴莎兰956巴莎兰957巴莎兰958上层精灵的工具959港口的麻烦961正在冥想的安努962毒蛇花963永志不渝964骸骨碎片965奥萨拉克斯之塔966奥萨拉克斯之塔967奥萨拉克斯之塔968深渊之神969祝你好运970奥萨拉克斯之塔971深渊中的知识972水之灵契973奥萨拉克斯之塔974究根问底975玛艾里的容器976奥伯丁的补给品977雪怪计划!978月光羽毛979兰莎尔拉980新的泉水981奥萨拉克斯之塔982深不可测的海洋983传声盒827号984熊怪的威胁985熊怪的威胁986失踪的主人990灰谷之旅9806成熟的孢子992加基森水业公司993丢失的主人994杀出重围995偷偷溜走4221被腐化的迎风花997德纳兰的泥土1000新的边疆1001传声盒411号1002传声盒323号1003传声盒525号1004新的边疆1007远古雕像1008佐拉姆海岸1009卢泽尔1010巴斯兰的头发1011被遗忘者的病菌1012疯狂的德鲁伊1013乌尔之书1014除掉阿鲁高1015新的边疆1016元素护腕1017召唤者1018新的边疆1019新的边疆1020奥雷迪尔的药剂1021身陷危险的树妖!1022狼嚎谷1023莱恩的净化1024莱恩的净化1025先发制人1026莱恩的净化1027莱恩的净化1028莱恩的净化1029莱恩的净化1030莱恩的净化1031塞纳留斯的树枝1032猎杀萨特!1033月神之泪1034星尘废墟1035坠星湖1036嘿,水手!1037维琳德·星歌1038维琳德的日记1039贫瘠之地的港口1040藏宝海湾的航道1041商队通路1042卡尔文家族1043月神的镰刀1044问题的答案1045莱恩的净化1046莱恩的净化1047新的边疆1048深入血色修道院1049堕落者纲要1050泰坦神话1051沃瑞尔的复仇1052血色之路1053以圣光之名1054解除威胁1055莱恩的净化1057夺回焦炭谷1058金吉尔的森林魔法1059夺回焦炭谷1060写给金吉尔的信1061石爪之灵1062地精侵略者1063长者1064被遗忘者的援助1065塔伦米尔之旅1066无辜者之血1067返回雷霆崖1068伐木机1069深苔蜘蛛的卵9717孢子叶9719黑色阔步者1073失职+药剂=快乐1074失职+药剂=快乐1075马伦的卷轴1076西部荒野中的恶魔1077给加克希姆的特快专递1078完鳞归玛伦1079隐秘行动:A1080隐秘行动:B1081泰兰德的接待1082向塞恩希尔报告1083怒灵1084受伤的古树10508给沃雷塔尔的礼物1086地精空港1087塞纳留斯的遗产1088奥达努斯1089大兽穴1090格雷苏的要求1091向凯拉回报1092格雷苏的要求1093超级收割机60001094新的指示1095新的指示1096格雷苏1097艾尔默的任务1098影牙城堡里的亡灵哨兵1100亨里格的日记1101卡尔加·刺肋1102奥尔德的报复1104含盐的蝎毒1105硬化龟壳1106流放者马特克1107坚硬的尾鳍1108精铁碎片1109蝙蝠的粪便1110火箭车零件1111码头管理员迪兹维格1112给克拉维尔的零件1113狂热之心1114侏儒的货物1115车手的传闻1116沼泽中的梦境粉尘1117地精的谣言1118返回藏宝海湾1119赞吉尔的药剂和蠢人酒1120灌醉侏儒1121灌醉地精1122向菲兹巴布报告1123拉比恩·萨图纳1124废土1125南风村的灵魂1126塔中之巢1127蠢人酒1130梅洛的关注1131钢齿土狼1132菲欧拉·长耳1133通往阿斯特兰纳的旅途1134石爪山的双足飞龙1136霜喉雪人1137回复菲兹尔1138海中的水果1139意志石板1140奥萨拉克斯之塔1141钓鱼世家1142临终遗言1143奥萨拉克斯之塔1144进口商威利克斯1145疯狂的虫群1146疯狂的虫群1147疯狂的虫群1148虫群的样本1149信仰的试炼1150耐力的试炼1151力量的试炼1152知识试炼1153新的矿石样本1154知识试炼1159知识试炼1160知识试炼1164科娜塔一家1166莫格穆洛克的任务1167奥萨拉克斯之塔1168黑龙军团1169群龙之首1170奥妮克希亚的血脉1171奥妮克希亚的血脉1172奥妮克希亚的血脉1173挑战莫格穆洛克1175安全隐患1176减轻负重1177饿!1178地精赞助商1179防撞头盔1180地精赞助商1181地精赞助商1182地精赞助商1183地精赞助商1184虫群的消息1185壳中的东西…1186第十八个驾驶员1187拉泽瑞克的调整1188安全第一1189安全第一1190跟上节奏1191扎米克的困扰1192精铁矿石1193破碎的陷阱1194瑞兹尔的图表1195神圣之火1196神圣之火1197神圣之火1198寻找塞尔瑞德1199暮光之锤的末日1200黑暗深渊中的恶魔1201塞拉摩间谍1202塞拉摩码头1203加尔的剑1204泥石龟蟹汤1205死沼巨鳄1206加尔和蜘蛛眼1218沼泽蛙的腿1219兽人的报告1220维米斯队长1221蓝叶薯1222伊格纳兹的逃亡1238遗失的报告1239被斩下的头颅1240巨魔巫医1241失踪的使节1242失踪的使节1243失踪的使节1244失踪的使节1245失踪的使节1246失踪的使节1247失踪的使节1249失踪的使节1250失踪的使节1251黑色盾牌1252帕瓦尔·雷瑟上尉1253黑色盾牌1258还有螃蟹!1259帕瓦尔·雷瑟上尉1260摩根·斯特恩1261玛尔格的嘱托1262向佐尔报告1264失踪的使节1265失踪的使节1266失踪的使节1267失踪的使节1268可疑的蹄印1269帕瓦尔·雷瑟上尉1270伊格纳兹的逃亡1271盛筵1273盘问雷瑟1274失踪的使节1275研究堕落1276黑色盾牌1282微笑的吉姆1284可疑的蹄印1285戴林的下属1286背叛者1287背叛者1288维米斯的报告* 1289维米斯的报告* 1301詹姆斯·海厄尔1302詹姆斯·海厄尔1318戈多克食人魔的事务1319黑色盾牌1320黑色盾牌1321黑色盾牌1322黑色盾牌1323黑色盾牌1324失踪的使节1338卡尔·雷矛的订单1339巡山人卡尔·雷矛的任务1358给赫布瑞姆的样本1359给金格的货物1360失而复得1361雷戈萨·死门1362凄凉之地的科卡尔部族1363马森的请求1364马森的请求1365戴兹帕可汗1366悬赏半人马1367玛格拉姆部族1369破碎之泪1370偷取物资1371瓦鲁格的玩具1372真言药水1373盎格库尔1374杰恩可汗1375沙卡可汗1380赫鲁萨可汗1381赫鲁萨可汗1382奇怪的联盟1383真言药水1384突袭科卡尔1385野蛮外交1386突袭科卡尔部族1387悬赏半人马1388真言药水1389德莱尼水晶1390BETA Oops, We Killed Them Again.1391真言药水1392木棒诺博鲁1393加林的逃亡1394通过试炼1395守望堡的物资1396逼近的野兽1398晒干的流木1418尼卡·血痕1419捕猎山狗1420向赫格拉姆报到1421丢失的货物1422海中的威胁1423遗失的补给品1424泪水之池1425运送货物1426海中的威胁1427海中的威胁1428海中的威胁1429阿塔莱流放者1430新鲜的螃蟹腿1431联盟关系1432联盟关系1433联盟关系1434萨特的威胁1435灵魂的燃烧1436联盟关系1437瓦拉里尔的搜寻1438瓦拉里尔的搜寻1439寻找泰拉尼斯1440回复瓦拉里尔1442寻找科尔宝石1444向费泽鲁尔复命1445阿塔哈卡神庙1446预言者迦玛兰1447失踪的使节1448调查神庙1449去辛特兰的旅程1450狮鹫管理员1451拉普索迪·铁铲1452拉普索迪的卡利姆多鸡尾酒1453寻物公司的业务1454卡尼托的海难1455卡尼托的海难1456卡尼托的海难1457卡尼托的背包1458寻物公司的委托1459寻物公司的委托1462Earth Sapta1463Earth Sapta1464火焰灵契1465瓦拉里尔的搜寻1466寻物公司的委托1467寻物公司的委托1468儿童周1469拉普索迪的故事1470控制小鬼1471誓缚1472噬魂者1473虚空中的生物1474誓缚1475进入阿塔哈卡神庙1476纯洁者之心1477重要的补给1478哈加尔的召唤1479永恒之树1480堕落者1481堕落者1482堕落者1483菲兹克斯1484堕落者1485邪灵劣魔1486变异皮革1487清除变异者1488堕落者1489哈缪尔·符文图腾1490纳拉·蛮鬃1491智慧饮料1492码头管理员迪兹维格1498防御之道1499邪灵劣魔1501虚空中的生物1502索恩格瑞姆·火眼1503锻造好的钢锭1504誓缚1505老兵犹塞克1506甘鲁尔的召唤1507噬魂者1508盲眼卡祖尔1509多格兰的消息1510多格兰的消息1511肯兹格拉的伤药1512爱的礼物1513誓缚1515多格兰之囚1516大地的召唤1517大地的召唤1518大地的召唤1519大地的召唤1520大地的召唤1521大地的召唤1522火焰的召唤1523火焰的召唤1524火焰的召唤1525火焰的召唤1526火焰的召唤1527火焰的召唤1528水之召唤1529水之召唤1530水之召唤1531空气的召唤1532空气的召唤1534水之召唤1535水之召唤1536水之召唤1558巨石水坝1559闪光弹的制法1560图加的任务1578前线的补给1579小齿轮1580导电器1581刃叶的药剂1582月光外衣1598失窃的典籍1599开端1618赤脊山的补给1638战士的训练1639醉鬼巴特莱比1640击败巴特莱比1641圣洁之书1642圣洁之书1643圣洁之书1644圣洁之书1645圣洁之书* 1646圣洁之书1647圣洁之书1648圣洁之书1649勇气之书1650勇气之书1651勇气之书1652勇气之书1653正义试炼1654正义试炼1655白洛尔的矿石1656未完的任务1658稻草人的节日1661高贵之书1665巴特莱比的酒杯1666治安官哈迦德1667蛀牙杰克1678维吉雷克1679穆伦·雷矛1680托姆斯·深炉1681铁环营地1682灰铁武器1683沃鲁斯·邪蹄1684艾兰娜瑞1685加科因的召唤1686艾鲁拉的阴影1687幽灵灯塔1688苏伦娜·凯尔东1689誓缚1690废土的公正1691废土的公正1692铁匠玛希尔1693月神武器1698犹鲁斯·麦酒1699往返瑞斯班洞穴1700格瑞曼德·艾尔默1701弗伦的铠甲1702铸盾师1703玛希尔1704科罗莫特·钢尺1705燃烧之血1706格瑞曼德的铠甲1707收集水袋1708铁珊瑚1709科罗莫特的成果1710晒焦的蛋壳1711玛希尔的铠甲1712塞克隆尼亚1713召唤1714流放精华1715已宰的羔羊1716噬魂者1717加科因的召唤1718岛民1719格斗考验1738同心树1739誓缚1740索兰鲁克宝珠1758阴谋之书1778圣洁之书1779圣洁之书1780圣洁之书1781圣洁之书1782弗伦的铠甲1783圣洁之书1784圣洁之书。
中图分类号: B089.2文献标志码: A文章编号: 10012435(2017)03034306Key words: Dionysus; the will to power; the will to self-preservation;the tragedyAbstract:Dionysus in the Greek myth is the core of Nietzsche’s philosophy,out of which Nietzsche had abstracted his thoughts,such as the double-essence of Dionysus,which symbolizes the dualistic relation of the human and the world,and the eternal cycle of the world in survival and devastation,part and whole.This not only shows the Nietzsche’s character of philosophy,but also differs Nietzsche from Schopenhauer.Some differences can well be found in the thoughts on the will and the tragedy.According to Nietzsche,the will means unity of diversity and difference,sad and happy,while according to Schopenhauer it is at all the same,aimless and unhappy.As for tragedy Nietzsche maintains that Dionysus is the leading role and essence of the tragedy,but Schopenhauer hardly mentions Dionysus.尼采对叔本华的态度前后发生了很大的变化,后者从尼采青年时代的偶像和导师变成了尼采后来的批判对象。
maintain 保持prestige 声望whereby 其中nominate提名inhibit抑制patriotic爱国的pursuit追求dedication奉献endeavor努力transcend超越1. Most cities in the country have introduced "Clean AirZones" (whereby)factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.全国大多数城市都实行了“洁净空气区”,工厂和家庭只允许燃烧无烟燃料。
2. He knows that the (pursuit)of social status can consume vastamounts of his time and effort.他知道追求社会地位可以消耗他大量的时间和精力。
3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been foundto (inhibit)the spread of the disease.医生们感到困惑,因为到目前为止还没有发现能抑制这种疾病蔓延的药物。
4. We see many special education directors trying to (maintain)thequality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用少得多的钱和少得多的职员来维持他们的节目质量。
5. People there are told it is their (patriotic)duty to support thenational economy by buying their own products.那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱国责任。
情景导入 教学过程
养老护理员的专业知识,主要是指在实施护理工作中所表现 出的并决定了护理效果的,对老年人身心健康有明显、直接 影响的知识的总和。
A.只是一项繁杂的体力劳动B.只是一项要花费脑力 的劳动 C. 既是一项繁杂的体力劳动又需要花费脑力 D.以上说法均不对
2.养老护理员应Leabharlann 举止得当,体现在(D )。
A.热爱本职工作 B.树立“服务第一”的世界观
1)明确养老护理员应掌握的专业知识。 2)认真学习养老护理员的专业知识 3)注重知识与理论的结合 4)获取职业资格、持证上岗 5)上岗前,系统了解被护理者的现状
教学过程 教学检测
1.养老护理员的工作(C )。
01 职业性
职业道德的内容与职业实践活动紧密相连,反映着特定职业活 动对从业人员行为的道德要求。
职业行为过程,就是职业实践过程,只有在实践过程中,才能 体现处职业道德的水准。
在长期实践过程中形成的职业道德,会被作为经验和传统继 承下来。
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Company slogan here
1 4
效用概念 马歇尔经济学 理论的出发点 边际观念 重要结果: 消费者理论
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1 5
• 推理中一般价值问题引出替代原理,这反过 来又引起效用概念对生产成本加以规定性的 解释,就是和我们常说的机会成本基本相同。 用同样的方法分析生产者价值,呈现出另一 问题:财富分配理论。理论主要概念是边际 生产率概念。最后整个概念被概括为最大限 度满足学说
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Company slogan here
1 3
• 马歇尔思想的主要特征是经验主义,他认为经济学研 究对象是属于具体现象范围的——是“对人们日常生 活事务的研究”。
尽管他有经验主义立场,但他建立在效用概念上的 经济学理论思想的重要性是不可怀疑的。作为研究 财富的科学的经济学概念里,效用必然处于中心位 置。也适用于“生产”,生产即是生产效用。马歇 尔被凯恩斯誉为“瓦特”,他的理论像发动机,解 决了很多问题。
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• 与行动相关的非科学的理论的范畴包括两类成分: 1.行动的终极目的; 2.在解释为什么追求这些目的时所诉诸的那些非经验实体以及在据 以对那些非科学的手段(如仪式)做出选择的标准中的某些成 分。 •帕累托把“手段-目的”关系链分为三个部分: 终极目的、终极手段与条件、中介部分(既是 手段也 是目的)。 • 社会行动系统是一个由若干条关系链错综复杂地相交形成 的“网络”,每一个具体行动都是一个交汇点。
Company name
学校要加大相关方面的教育投入力度,将大学生意志力训练作为大学生素质教育的一个重要部分纳入高校教学体系关键词:大学生意志力现状调查报告a survey and analysis of the college students’willpowerAbstract: Purpose A survey on the current situation of college students’willpower and the factors affecting it. Methods By questionnaire, it draws objectives as samples from several higher schools in Hefei so as to explore the factors that influence and restraint students’willpower development, meanwhile, to reflect the problems existing in it objectively. Results analysis The current situation of college students’willpower is far from optimistic, which shows nearly six in ten in poor condition. The development in the four elements of willpower is imbalance. Though, one of it, consciousness, has been much better than that during the time of middle school comparatively, the other three, decisiveness, persistence and self-restraint is to be strengthened. Thus, the environment of family, the education of school and the conduct of society are the main factors in developing college students’willpower. Conclusion For parents, the crucial need of strengthening college students’willpower should be attached with great importance, and a family environment should be set up to cultivate them with spirits of perseverance and independence from their early time. For schools, the input concerning education should be increased, and the training of college students’willpower as a vital part should be adopted into the system of higher school education.Key words: college students the willpower the current situation the survey一、前言意志是人自觉地确定目的,并根据目的支配、调节行动,克服困难,实现目的的心理过程。
磨炼意志的英语Willpower, the ability to control our thoughts and actions in pursuit of long-term goals despite immediate temptations, is a crucial attribute for personal development and success. It's not just about resisting unhealthy snacks or staying committed to a workout regimen; it's about persevering in the face of challenges and adversities that life inevitably throws our way. Here are some strategies to cultivate and strengthen our willpower:1. Set Clear GoalsHaving a clear vision of what we want to achieve is the first step towards building willpower. Define your objectives in specific and measurable terms. Know why these goals matter to you and how achieving them will improve your life.2. Break It DownLarge goals can be overwhelming, causing us to lose motivation before we even start. To avoid this, break down your goal into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate each small victory along the way. This approach makes progress more tangible and keeps ourwillpower from being depleted by the daunting nature of the end goal.3. Practice Self-ControlLike a muscle, willpower gets stronger with use. Start with small acts of self-control, such as resisting the urge to check your phone first thing in the morning or finishing a task before indulging in a distraction. These small exercises prepare you for more significant challenges down the line.4. Delay GratificationPractice delaying gratification by making yourself wait for rewards. For example, if you want to buy something, give yourself a set time before the purchase, during which you consider if it's truly necessary. This practice helps develop patience and reinforces the idea that good things come to those who wait.5. Manage StressChronic stress weakens our willpower by depleting our mental energy. Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. A mind atpeace is better equipped to make decisions aligned with our long-term goals.6. Stay OptimisticOptimism fuels willpower. When faced with obstacles, maintain a positive outlook on your ability to overcome them. Visualize success and remind yourself of past achievements when doubt creeps in.7. Surround Yourself with SupportThe company we keep can either boost or sap our willpower. Seek out friends and mentors who support your goals and hold you accountable. Being part of a community that shares similar aspirations provides encouragement and inspiration.8. Take Care of Physical HealthA healthy body contributes to a strong will. Ensure you're getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in regular physical activity. A tired and unwell body is less likely to muster the willpower needed to tackle challenging tasks.9. Reflect and LearnRegular reflection on your journey allows you to learn from your experiences. Analyze situations where you demonstrated strong willpower and those where you faltered. Understanding the factors that influence your self-control helps you to adapt and improve.10. Practice MindfulnessMindfulness, the art of being fully present in the moment without judgment, enhances our self-awareness and decision-making abilities. Through mindfulness practices like meditation, we become more attuned to our impulses and better equipped to direct our actions toward our goals.In conclusion, developing willpower is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and dedication. By implementing these strategies, we can gradually strengthen our willpower, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and determination. Remember, every small act of willpower is a step closer to the person we aspire to be.。
儿童心智成长的8大自然法则是:1)工作的法则2)独立的法则3)注意力的法则4)意志力的法则5)智能的发展6)想象力和创造力的发展7)情绪与精神生活的发展8)儿童生命成长的过程【PART 1】工作的法则(概念)工作---儿童有智力目的的活动;家长要注意观察儿童的活动时候有智力目的,比方说可以完成一系列的动作,连贯而有序;统合---儿童透过对外在环境的吸收,在内在建立一个有序的、平衡的、和谐的结构,这个过程被称为统合。
【PART 2】独立的法则生命的天性是趋于独立的。
只有强大的意志力才能成功的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Only Strong Willpower Leads to SuccessHey guys! Have you ever thought about what it takes to be successful? Well, let me tell you a little secret - it's all about having a strong willpower! Yep, that's right! In order to achieve your goals and dreams, you need to have the determination and perseverance to overcome any obstacles that come your way.First of all, having a strong willpower means that you have the ability to stay focused on your goals, even when things get tough. You need to have the mental strength to push through challenges and setbacks, and keep your eyes on the prize. It's like when you're playing a video game and you have to defeat the final boss - you can't give up halfway through, you have to keep going until you reach the end!Secondly, having a strong willpower also means that you have the discipline to work hard and do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. This might mean studying extra hard for a test, practicing your soccer skills every day, or waking up early togo jogging. It's all about putting in the effort and never giving up, no matter how hard things may seem.And finally, having a strong willpower means that you have the resilience to bounce back from failures and keep moving forward. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, but it's how you handle those mistakes that determines your success. Instead of giving up when things go wrong, use it as a learning experience and come back even stronger next time.So, remember guys, success is not just about talent or luck, it's about having a strong willpower and never giving up on your dreams. With determination, perseverance, and resilience, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and keep pushing forward, because only strong willpower leads to success!That's all for now, see you next time! Keep working hard and never give up!篇2Title: Only Strong Willpower Leads to SuccessHey guys, have you ever wondered what it takes to be successful in life? Well, let me tell you a little secret - it's all about having strong willpower!Willpower is like a superpower that helps you stay focused, motivated, and determined to achieve your goals. Without it, it's easy to get distracted, give up, or lose sight of what you want.Think about it - when you have a big test coming up, or a project to finish, or a goal to reach, it's your willpower that keeps you going. It's that little voice inside your head that says, "I can do this!" even when things get tough.But building willpower isn't always easy. It takes practice, patience, and perseverance. You might face obstacles, setbacks, or even failure along the way. But that's okay! Because with strong willpower, you can overcome anything that comes your way.So, how do you strengthen your willpower? Well, here are a few tips:1. Set clear goals: Know what you want to achieve and why it's important to you. This will help you stay focused and motivated.2. Stay positive: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Remember, you are capable of great things!3. Be consistent: Keep pushing yourself, even when you feel like giving up. Remember, every small step counts towards your success.4. Surround yourself with supportive people: Having friends, family, or mentors who believe in you can boost your confidence and keep you motivated.Remember, guys, success doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and a lot of willpower. But with determination and perseverance, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. So, keep pushing yourself, stay focused, and never give up. Because only strong willpower leads to success!篇3Title: Only strong willpower leads to successHey guys! Today let's talk about the importance of having a strong willpower in order to be successful. Willpower is like a superpower that helps us overcome obstacles, stay focused, and achieve our goals. Without strong willpower, it's easy to give up when things get tough or when we face challenges.One example of strong willpower is when we have a goal in mind and we are determined to achieve it no matter what. For example, if we want to do well in school, we need to have the willpower to study hard, stay focused, and not get distracted by other things. It's not always easy, but with determination and willpower, we can reach our goals.Another example is when we face obstacles or setbacks. It's easy to get discouraged and give up when things don't go our way. But with strong willpower, we can push through the hard times and keep going until we succeed. Remember, success doesn't come easy, and it's important to have the willpower to keep going even when things get tough.In conclusion, having a strong willpower is essential for success. It helps us stay focused, overcome challenges, and achieve our goals. So let's all work on strengthening our willpower and never give up on our dreams. With determination and willpower, we can achieve anything we set our minds to. Keep going, guys! You got this!篇4Having a strong willpower is super important if you want to be successful. It's like having a superpower that helps you stay focused and motivated no matter what obstacles come your way.First of all, having a strong willpower means you have the determination to achieve your goals. It's like having a big dream and not giving up until you reach it. When things get tough, you don't just throw in the towel and walk away. You keep pushing yourself and never give up.Secondly, having a strong willpower helps you to stay disciplined. This means you are able to control your actions and stick to your plans. It's like having the ability to say no to distractions and temptations, and stay on track with what you need to do. Whether it's studying for a test or practicing for a big game, having willpower helps you stay focused and make progress.Lastly, having a strong willpower gives you the resilience to bounce back from challenges. Life is full of ups and downs, and there will be times when things don't go your way. But with a strong willpower, you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. It's like having a never-give-up attitude that helps you overcome setbacks and come back even stronger.In conclusion, having a strong willpower is key to achieving success. It helps you stay determined, disciplined, and resilient in the face of obstacles. So, if you want to be successful, remember to strengthen your willpower and never give up on your dreams. Success is within your reach, you just need to believe in yourself and keep pushing forward.篇5Title: Only Strong Willpower Leads to SuccessHey guys, today let's talk about how important willpower is for achieving success. Willpower is like a superpower that helps us overcome obstacles and reach our goals. It's what drives us to keep going, even when things get tough.First of all, having a strong willpower means having the determination to never give up. When we face challenges or setbacks, it's easy to feel discouraged and want to quit. But with willpower, we can push through the tough times and continue working towards our dreams. It's like having a never-give-up attitude that helps us stay motivated and focused on our goals.Secondly, willpower helps us stay disciplined and make good choices. It helps us resist temptations and distractions that could derail us from our path to success. Whether it's saying no to thatextra piece of cake or staying focused on studying instead of playing video games, having strong willpower allows us to make the right choices that will lead us to success.Moreover, having strong willpower can also help us persevere through failure. Failure is a natural part of the journey to success, and it's how we respond to failure that determines our outcome. With strong willpower, we can learn from our mistakes, bounce back from setbacks, and keep moving forward towards our goals.In conclusion, having strong willpower is essential for achieving success. It helps us stay motivated, make good choices, and persevere through challenges. So let's work on strengthening our willpower, and who knows – maybe we'll become unstoppable in pursuing our dreams! Remember, where there is a will, there is a way!篇6Having strong willpower is super duper important if you want to be super successful in life. It's like having a superpower that helps you overcome challenges and reach your goals.First of all, when you have strong willpower, it's like having a super cool superhero cape that helps you stay focused on whatyou want to achieve. This means you won't get distracted by all the fun stuff like playing video games or watching TV when you should be studying or practicing for a big test.Also, having strong willpower helps you keep pushing yourself even when things get tough. Like when you're trying to learn a new skill, like playing soccer or painting, it can be really hard at first. But if you have strong willpower, you won't give up easily. You'll keep practicing and trying until you get better and better.And when you face obstacles or setbacks, having strong willpower helps you stay positive and motivated. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself or giving up, you'll find a way to overcome the challenge and keep going. It's like having a never-give-up attitude that helps you bounce back stronger than ever.So, if you want to be super successful in life, remember to pack your bags with lots of strong willpower. It'll be your secret weapon to conquer any challenge that comes your way. So keep believing in yourself and never stop chasing your dreams! You got this!篇7Title: Only Strong Willpower Leads to SuccessHey guys! Today I want to talk to you about how important willpower is if you want to be successful. Willpower means having the determination to keep going even when things get tough. It's like having a superpower that helps you achieve your goals.Imagine you have a big test coming up and you haven't studied much. It's easy to just give up and say you'll never pass. But if you have strong willpower, you'll push yourself to study hard, even when you feel like quitting. And guess what? You'll probably do better on the test because you didn't give up!Willpower is also important when you face obstacles in life. Maybe you want to learn how to play the guitar, but it's really hard at first and you feel like giving up. If you have strong willpower, you'll keep practicing and eventually become a great guitarist. It's all about having the determination to keep going, even when things seem impossible.Successful people didn't get where they are by luck. They worked hard and never gave up, even when things seemed impossible. They used their willpower to push through challenges and reach their goals. So remember, if you want to be successful, you need to have strong willpower.Stay determined, keep pushing yourself, and never give up. With strong willpower, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and you'll be unstoppable! Success is within your reach, so go out there and make it happen!篇8Title: Only Strong Willpower Leads to SuccessHey guys, have you ever wondered what it takes to be successful in life? Well, I'm here to tell you that the key to success is having strong willpower.Willpower is like a superpower that helps us stay focused on our goals and overcome any obstacles that come our way. It's what gives us the strength to keep going when things get tough and never give up on our dreams.Think about all the successful people you know - athletes, scientists, artists, entrepreneurs. They all have one thing in common: they have strong willpower. They didn't achieve success overnight; they worked hard, stayed determined, and never let anything stand in their way.I remember the story of Thomas Edison, who failed over a thousand times before finally inventing the lightbulb. Imagine ifhe had given up after a few tries - we'd still be living in the dark! But his strong willpower kept him going, and he eventually succeeded.So how can we develop our willpower? It's simple - set goals for yourself, make a plan to achieve them, and stay disciplined in your efforts. Whenever you feel like giving up, remind yourself of why you started in the first place and keep pushing forward.Remember, success is not just about talent or luck; it's about having the determination to never give up. So next time you face a challenge, just remember that only with strong willpower can you achieve greatness. Believe in yourself, stay focused, and never lose sight of your dreams. Success is waiting for you, so go out there and grab it with both hands!篇9Title: Only Strong Willpower Leads to SuccessHey guys, have you ever heard the saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way"? It means that if you have strong determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Let me tell you a story to help explain this.Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who wanted to become a great soccer player. He practiced every day, even when it was rainy or cold outside. Timmy's friends laughed at him and told him he would never make it because he was not very good at soccer. But Timmy didn't listen to them. He had a strong willpower to succeed.Timmy kept practicing and improving his skills. He never gave up, even when he faced challenges or setbacks. His hard work paid off, and he eventually made it to the school soccer team. His friends were amazed at how much he had improved and apologized for doubting him.Through Timmy's story, we can see that only strong willpower can lead to success. No matter how difficult things may seem, if we have the determination and perseverance to keep going, we can achieve our goals.So, let's remember Timmy's story and always believe in ourselves. With strong willpower, we can overcome any obstacle and reach our dreams. Stay strong and keep pushing forward, no matter what challenges come our way. Success is just around the corner if we never give up!篇10Title: Only Strong Willpower Leads to SuccessHey guys, do you know what it takes to succeed in life? It’s not just about being smart or talented, but having strong willpower. Willpower is like a superpower that helps you stay focused, motivated, and overcome challenges.First of all, having strong willpower means setting goals for yourself and sticking to them no matter what. It’s like having a target in mind and not giving up until you hit the bullseye. Whether it’s getting good grades in school, learning a new skill, or achieving your dream job, having a strong willpower will help you stay on track and reach your goals.Secondly, having strong willpower means staying disciplined and making good choices even when it’s hard. It’s like when you have a big test coming up, and you really want to play video games instead of studying. But if you have strong willpower, you’ll resist the temptation and focus on studying because you know it will pay off in the end.Furthermore, having strong willpower means bouncing back fro m failures and setbacks. It’s like when you fall off your bike while learning to ride, but you get back up and try again until you can ride without falling. Failure is just a stepping stone tosuccess, and with strong willpower, you can turn setbacks into opportunities to grow and improve.In conclusion, having strong willpower is the key to success in life. It gives you the strength to set goals, stay disciplined, and overcome challenges. So remember, if you want to achieve your dreams and reach your full potential, you need to develop and nurture your willpower. With determination and perseverance, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Stay strong, stay focused, and never give up on your dreams!。
七年级道德与法治下册 (青春的证明)青春时光教学课件(综合练习)
热心 公益
笔记 区
✓ 形成不同的理想, ✓ 规划青春路径, ✓ 思考自己如何走过青春之路。
Part2 飞翔的力量
想象你是一只振翅欲飞的雄 鹰,应该拥有怎样的羽翼才能 独立飞翔?把你想到的词语写 上去。
4.对漫画《年关》中领导干部的评价,恰当的是( A )
A.“行己有耻”,树立底线意识 B.意志薄弱,不能战胜自我 C.“止于至善”,检视自身不足 D.敢于说“不”,具有批判精神
5.钟扬:超越海拔六千米,抵达植物生长的最高极限,跋涉十六年, 把论文写满高原。倒下的时候双肩包里藏着你的初心、誓言和未了的心愿。 你热爱的藏波罗花,不屑于雕梁画栋,只绽放在高山砾石之间。
D 全场!”实现青春的梦想,需要我们(
A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.①②③④
5.很多学校设立“宏志班”,专门招收那些学习成绩优秀但家庭条件 困难的高中学生。这些学生“人穷志不短”,经过努力,顽强拼搏的他
3.霍金作为世界上最著名的科学家之一,被称为当今的爱因斯坦。然 而 21 岁时,霍金被诊断为患有肌萎缩侧索硬化症,后病情逐渐恶化,导致 全身瘫痪,不能言语。但是霍金的成就却像他研究的“黑洞”一样令人惊 叹。这启示青少年要( D )
A.随波逐流,回避各种竞争 B.善于逃避,为困难找借口 C.学会享受,不为生活所累 D.学会自强,磨砺坚强意志
人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册课件 Unit 3 SEA EXPLORATION Section B
1.manned adj.__有__人__控__制__的__;需__人__操__纵__的____
识记 阅读 词汇
2.submersible n.__潜__水__器__;可__潜__船___ 3.underwater adv.__在__水__下__ adj._水__下__的___
4.capsule n._胶__囊__;_太__空__舱__
基础词汇——语境记忆 1.profession n.职业;行业 【佳句背诵】Her abilities carried her to the top of her profession.[人物介绍] 她的才能使她在本行业中出类拔萃。 2.applaud vt.& vi.鼓掌 vt.称赞;赞赏 【佳句背诵】He started to applaud and the others joined in.[动作描写] 他开始鼓掌,其他人也跟着鼓起掌来。
疑问词+to do 【教材原句】 Zac grew up on a boat and learnt how to sail when he was four,which formed the foundation of his success. 扎克在船上长大,四岁时学会了航海,这奠定了他成功的基础。 (1)“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,疑问词包括 疑问代词(who,what,which)和疑问副词(when,where,how)。 (2)“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构可转换为从句。 【佳句背诵】As I’m not sure where to start with my project,I would appreciate aБайду номын сангаасy suggestions you may have.[求助信] 由于我不清楚我该从哪里开始我的研究,如能得到你们的建议我将十分 感激。
LH-《巫师2》序章 官方攻略指南+个人详尽图文攻略
---------------------------------目录 1 编者的话 2 序章 2 遵照国王意志第一部分 3 遵照国王意志第二部分 3----------------------------------------IntroductionWelcome to The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings official game guide.I’d like to thank my QA and Design colleagues for their help. It would have been very difficult to create this guide without it. A big “thank you” also goes to Adam, J.drzej and Przemek for their trust in my abilities and to Daniel for proofreading.If you have any questions or problems regarding the game, visit the game’s official website: .You’ll find captions in the descriptions of many quests. I marked short side quests strictly connected to the main quests in this manner.Advice on specific combats in-game is marked with the [Combat] tag.All decisions influencing the game’s story, as well as their consequences, are marked with the [Choice] tag.Items connected to quests are marked in bold, while numbers found throughout the text refer to map locations.Be warned about spoilers, have a nice read, and above all good fun with The Witcher 2!Marcin Majewski《巫师》,这部由当初名不见经传的波兰游戏公司精心制作的作品,发行后立即一鸣惊人,曾在当年世界诸多评选中获得了独占鳌头的年度最佳RPG游戏奖,并且众望所归,名符其实。
个人介绍【个人信息】1. 名字name2. telephone3. 号码;数字number4. 地址address5. 年龄age6. 生日birthday7. 经验;经历experience8. 描述describe9. 个人的personal 10. 背景background11. 结婚;婚姻marriage12. 天生的born【外貌】1. 身高height2. 高的tall3. 矮的short4. 苗条的slim5. 瘦的thin6. 胖的fat7. 圆形的round8. 英俊的handsome9. 漂亮的beautiful/pretty10. 丑陋的ugly11. 强壮的strong12. 年长的old13. 年轻的young14. 中等身材medium build【性格】1. 外向的outgoing2. 幽默的humorous3. 严肃的serious4. 羞怯的;腼腆的shy5. 安静的quiet6. 诚实的honest7. 活泼的lively8. 勤奋的hardworking9. 聪明的clever/smart 10. 勇敢的brave11. 懒惰的lazy12. 笨的;愚蠢的stupid 13. 耐心的patient14. 粗心的careless15. 小心;谨慎careful16. 友好的friendly17. 善良的kind18. 优秀的;极好的excellent 19. 可爱的lovely/cute20. 自信的confident21. 精力充沛的energetic22. 慷慨的generous23. 富有创造力的creative【职业】1. 音乐家musician2. 歌手singer3. 艺术家artist4. (女)演员actress/actor5. 教师teacher6. 医生doctor7. 经理manager8. 商人businessman9. (女)警察policewoman/policeman 10. 司机driver11. (女)服务员waitress/waiter 12. 飞行员pilot13. 农民farmer14. 记者reporter15. 护士nurse16. 工程师engineer17. 科学家scientist18. 厨师cook19. 军官officer20. 邮递员postman21. 秘书secretary22. 士兵soldier23. 演讲者;说话者speaker24. 老板boss25. 总统;主席president26. 领袖;领导者leader27. 牙医dentist◆谚语类1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。
中国医学伦理学Chinese Medical Ethics2021年2月Feb. 2021第34卷第2期Feb. 34 No. 2突发公共事件中应急救援一线护理人员心理危机管理董晓燕82,陶贵彦82**,张 莉82,赵 娟2,刘建妮2*基金项目:兰州大学第一医院2012年度院内基金“在职护士灾害护理现状和能力培养研究” (PyyynP212-18)* * * 通信作者,E - mail : 522754037@qq. com(1兰州大学护理学院,甘肃 兰州730002,20335315&@qq. com ; 兰州大学第一医院骨科,甘肃 兰州730002)〔摘要〕护理人员是突发公共事件应急救援力量的重要组成部分,也是心理危机的主体人群之一。
结合 国内外文献对突发公共事件中应急救援一线护理人员心理危机的应激源、应激表现、测量工具、预防和干预策略进行综述,旨在为应急救援一线护理人员的心理危机管理提供参考。
〔关键词〕突发公共事件;应急救援;护理人员;心理危机管理〔中图分类号〕R395 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕1002 -8565(2222)02 -0273 -05DOI :10. 10222/3- issn. 1002 -8565.2022.02. 28Psychologicai Crisit ManagemenS of Firsh - Line Rescue Nurset in 卩111)10 EmergencietDONG Xiaoyaa 1,, TAO Guiyaf ,ZHANG Ln ,,ZHAO Juurf ,IU Jiannf(2 C o I /pc op Nursing ,Lanzhou University , Lanzhou 739000 , Hiinn , E - matt :h833531526@ qq. com ;2 Department of O'rthopgfo, thr First Hospital ep Lanzhou UnaersPy , Lanzhou 739000 , China )Abstrrct : Nursing staU is an important part of the emergence rescoe force in pudllc emergepcies : anf also oneof the main yrofps of psyckoPyicat cUsis. Combined with domestlc and foreiyn literature , this paper summaUzeb the stress soorces : stress manifestations : mpsumment tools : prevention anf intemention strateyies of psyckoPficat cUsis of fmt - One nurses in emergence rescoe in pudllc emergepcies : aimed to pmvife reference ffr fiml - Onenorses ' psyckoPoicot cUsis manayemebt in emergence rescoe.Keywords : Pudllc Emergence ; Emergence Rescoe : Nurses : PsyckoPficat CUsis Manayemebt突发公共事件是指突然发生、危及公共安全的自然或人为紧急事件,包括自然灾害、灾难事故、社会安全事故及公共卫生事件[1]。
八年级英语志愿者服务要求练习题20题含答案解析1.If you want to be a volunteer, you should have a kind _____.A.heartB.heartsC.handsD.handsome答案解析:A。
kind 修饰可数名词单数,且“有一颗善良的心”用have a kind heart。
B 选项hearts 是复数,不符合;C 选项hands 是“手”,与题意不符;D 选项handsome 是形容词“英俊的”,也不符合题意。
2.V olunteers often do a lot of _____ work.A.helpfulB.helpfullyC.helpD.helps答案解析:A。
work 是名词,需要用形容词修饰,helpful 是形容词“有帮助的”;B 选项helpfully 是副词;C 选项help 是动词或名词;D 选项helps 是动词的第三人称单数形式。
3.We need more people to join our volunteer _____.A.activityB.activitiesC.activeD.actively答案解析:B。
volunteer activities 表示志愿者活动,是可数名词复数形式;A 选项activity 是单数;C 选项active 是形容词“积极的”;D 选项actively 是副词。
4.V olunteers should be _____ to help others.A.willingB.willC.willinglyD.wills答案解析:A。
be willing to do sth. 表示愿意做某事;B 选项will 是名词“意志”或助动词;C 选项willingly 是副词;D 选项wills 是名词“遗嘱”。
深圳中学英才班入学考试试卷一、语文部分(30分)(一)基础知识(10分)1. 给下列加点字注音(2分)“狡黠”的“黠”(xiá)。
2. 下列词语书写完全正确的一项是(2分)A. 安详和蔼甘败下风(错,应为“甘拜下风”)B. 抉择脉搏世外桃源。
3. 请写出“静谧”的近义词和反义词(3分)近义词是“安静”,反义词呢,“喧闹”就很合适。
4. 用“人声鼎沸”造句(3分)学校的操场在举行运动会的时候人声鼎沸,同学们的欢呼声、加油声交织在一起,仿佛要把天空都震破了。
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• lufengju2736@ • 密码: fengjulu 密码:
坚定性表现为长时间地相 信自己的决定的合理性, 信自己的决定的合理性, 并坚持不懈地克服困难, 并坚持不懈地克服困难, 为执行决定而努力。 为执行决定而努力。 ※ 与坚定性相反的是摇摆不
定和刚愎执拗。 定和刚愎执拗。
3. 果断性
果断性表现为善于在复杂 的情境中迅速而有效地采 取决定和执行决定。 取决定和执行决定。 ※ 与果断性相反的是优柔 寡断和鲁莽。 寡断和鲁莽。
(一)良好意志品质的特征 1. 独立性 表现为自主选择决定和采取行动, 表现为自主选择决定和采取行动,并愿意对自己 的行为所产生的结果负责, 的行为所产生的结果负责,深信这样的行为是切 实可行的。 实可行的。 ※ 与独立性相反的是盲从与独断。 与独立性相反的是盲从 从作出决定过渡到执行决定,在时间上往 从作出决定过渡到执行决定, 往因具体情况的不同而有所区别。 往因具体情况的不同而有所区别。 第一,有时在作出决定之后就立即过渡 立即过渡到执 第一,有时在作出决定之后就立即过渡到执 行决定阶段。 行决定阶段。 第二,有时在执行决定的过程中, 第二,有时在执行决定的过程中,已经确立 起来的决心和信心也可能会发生动摇 发生动摇。 起来的决心和信心也可能会发生动摇。
由于在意志行动中人们常常具有两个以上的目标, 由于在意志行动中人们常常具有两个以上的目标, 而这些目标不可能同时实现,因而形成了冲突。 而这些目标不可能同时实现,因而形成了冲突。 遇到的问题越重要, ※ 遇到的问题越重要,而可供选择的方案又都具有 充分理由时,冲突就越深刻。 充分理由时,冲突就越深刻。 ※ 冲突总是伴随着不良的情绪体验
总之,认识、 总之,认识、情绪情感和意志三者密切 联系、彼此渗透。 实际生活中的心理活动, 联系、彼此渗透。 实际生活中的心理活动, 既包括认识过程又包括情绪情感过程, 既包括认识过程又包括情绪情感过程,同时 又不能离开意志过程的参与。 又不能离开意志过程的参与。
意志行动有其发生、 发展和完成的历程。 意志行动有其发生 、 发展和完成的历程 。 这一过程大致可以分为两个阶段: 这一过程大致可以分为两个阶段: (一)采取决定阶段 (二)执行决定阶段
这通常在下列情况下发生: 这通常在下列情况下发生: 行动的目的和实现行动的方式、 ① 行动的目的和实现行动的方式、方法比较 明确具体。 明确具体。 ② 完成行动的主客观条件已经具备。 完成行动的主客观条件已经具备。 ③ 行动要求不失时机地去完成。 行动要求不失时机地去完成。
这通常发生在下列情况下 : (1)遇到的困难需要付出很大的努力,但这与个 遇到的困难需要付出很大的努力, 体消极的个性品质或兴趣爱好发生矛盾。 体消极的个性品质或兴趣爱好发生矛盾。 (2)暂时受到压抑的期望又重新抬头,产生了新 暂时受到压抑的期望又重新抬头, 的心理冲突。 的心理冲突。 (3)产生了新的期望、新意图和方法,并同预定 产生了新的期望、新意图和方法, 目的发生矛盾。 目的发生矛盾。 (4)遇到新情况和新问题,而人又缺乏应付新情 遇到新情况和新问题, 况和新问题的知识和技能。 况和新问题的知识和技能。
这是意志行动的开始阶段, 这是意志行动的开始阶段,它决定意志行动 的方向,是意志行动的动因。 的方向,是意志行动的动因。 ※ 这个阶段一般包含确定目的、制订计划、 这个阶段一般包含确定目的、制订计划、 作出决策等环节。 作出决策等环节。 ※ 这个阶段伴随着不同程度的心理冲突。 这个阶段伴随着不同程度的心理冲突。
4. 自制性
自制性是善于根据既定目的 自制性是善于根据既定目的 和要求, 和要求,自觉控制约束自己 的心理和行为。 的心理和行为。 ※ 与自制性相反的是任性和 怯懦。 怯懦。
1.树立正确目标 1.树立正确目标 2.参加实践活动 2.参加实践活动 3.运用集体力量 3.运用集体力量 4.加强自我修养 4.加强自我修养
这是意志行动的完成阶段,它使内心的期望、 这是意志行动的完成阶段,它使内心的期望、 计划付诸实施,以达到某种预期目的。 计划付诸实施,以达到某种预期目的。 ※ 这是意志行动的最重要环节。 这是意志行动的最重要环节。 ※ 从作出决定过渡到执行决定,在时间上 从作出决定过渡到执行决定, 往往因具体情况的不同而有所区别。 往往因具体情况的不同而有所区别。
简述意志的含义和基本特征。 1. 简述意志的含义和基本特征。 试述意志与认识、 2. 试述意志与认识、意志与情绪情感的 关系。 关系。 谈谈你对意志过程的理解。 3. 谈谈你对意志过程的理解。 良好的意志品质有哪些特征? 4. 良好的意志品质有哪些特征?怎样培 养良好的意志品质? 养良好的意志品质?
第七章 意志
一、意志概述 二、意志过程 三、意志品质及其培养
(一)什么是意志 意志是人为了一定的目的, 意志是人为了一定的目的,自觉地组织自 己的行为, 并与克服困难相联系的心理过程。 己的行为, 并与克服困难相联系的心理过程。 意志行动是受意志支配的行动。 意志行动是受意志支配的行动。
(二)意志行动的特征 1、自觉的目的性 、 2、与克服困难相联系 、 3、以随意行动为基础 、
1、意志以认识过程为前提 2、意志给认识过程以很大影响
1、情绪情感可成为意志行为的动力或阻力。 情绪情感可成为意志行为的动力或阻力。 2、意志也可以调控情绪和情感,使情绪服从理智。 意志也可以调控情绪和情感,使情绪服从理智。
意志行动通常表现为接近或回避某一目标, 意志行动通常表现为接近或回避某一目标,据此可 以把心理冲突分成四种类型。 以把心理冲突分成四种类型。 1.双趋冲突 两个目标的吸引力都很大, 1.双趋冲突—两个目标的吸引力都很大,但不能同 双趋冲突— 时得到 2.双避冲突 两个目标都想避开, 2.双避冲突—两个目标都想避开,但只能避开一个 双避冲突— 3.趋避冲突 对于同一个目标,既好而趋之, 3.趋避冲突—对于同一个目标,既好而趋之,有恶 趋避冲突— 而避之。 而避之。 4.双重趋避冲突 多个目标, 4.双重趋避冲突—多个目标,每个目标对自己既有 双重趋避冲突— 利又有弊。 利又有弊。