



Working Peak Reverse Voltage: 5.0 - 170 Volts Power Dissipation: 400 WattsTV04A5V0 Thru TV04A171FeaturesIdeal for surface mount applications Easy pick and placePlastic package has Underwriters Lab. flammability classification 94V-0 Typical IR less than 1uA above 10VFast reponse time: typically less 1nS for uni-direction, less than 5nS for bi-directiona, from 0 V to BV min.Mechanical dataCase: JEDEC DO-214AC molded plastic Terminals: solderable per MIL-STD-750,method 2026Polarity: Cathode band denoted Mounting position: AnyApprox. weight:0.064 gram Maximum Ratings and Electrical CharactericsRating at 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%Characteristics Peak Power Dissipation on 10/1000uS Waveform (Note 1, Fig. 1)Peak Pulse Current of on 10/1000uS Waveform (Note 1, Fig. 3)Steady State Power Dissipation at T L =75 C (Note 2)Peak Forfard Surge Current, 8.3mS SingleHalf Sine-Wave Superimposed on RatedLoad, Uni-Directional Only (Note 3)Maxinum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 25.0A for Uni-Directional only (Note 3 & 4)Operation Junction T emperature Range Storage Temperature RangeSymbolP PPMI PPM P M(AV)I FSM VF Tj T STGNote: 1. Non-Repetitive Current Pulse, per Fig. 3 and Derated above T A=25 C, per Fig. 2. 2. Mounted on 5.0x5.0mm Copper Pads to Each T erminal. 3. Lead T emperature at TL=75 C per Fig. 54. Measured on 8.3 mS Single Half Sine-Wave for Uni-Directional Devices Only.5. Peak Pulse Power Waveform is 10/1000uS.Value 400 See Table 1 1.040 3.5 -55 to +150 -55 to +150UnitsWatts A WattsAVolts C CRating and Characteristic Curves (TV04A5V0 Thru TV04A171)Fig. 1 - Reverse CharacteristicsFig. 2 - Pulse Derating Ciurve0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10000Pulse Width, t d (uS)P e a k P u l s e P o w e r , P P P M (K W )0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175Ambient Temperature,T A ( C)P e a k p u l s e P o w e r (P p p ) o r C u r r e n t (I p p )D e r a t i n g i n P e r c e n t (%)Fig. 4 - Typica l Junction CapacitanceJ u n c t i o n C a p a c i t a n c e , C j (p F )Breakdown Voltage,V BR (Volts)1.0 10 100 1,000Fig. 5 - Steady State Power Derating CurveLeadt Temperature,T L ( C)S t e a d y S t a t e P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n , P M (A V ), W a t t sFig. 6 - Maxinum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current (Uni- Directional Only)P e a k F o r w a r d S u r g e C u r r e n t , I F S M (A )100503010Number of Cycle at 60Hz1.41.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0Fig. 3 - Pulse WaveformTime, t (mS)0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0P e a k P u l s e C u r r e n t , I P P M ( %)Table 1. Specification1) Suffix K Denotes 10% tolerance devices, suffix J denotes 5% tolerance devices.2) Suffix B after part number to specify bi-directional devices.3) For bi-directional devices having VR of 10 volts and under, the IR limit is double.。



Service ManualTOP NEXTORDER NO. MKE0307850C1B2Multi Media DisplayPT-50LC13© 2003 Matsushita Kotobuki Electronics Industries LTD. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law.TOP NEXT12.2 MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LISTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTDefinition of Parts supplier:1.Parts with mark "MKA" in the Remarks column are supplied from MKA.2.Parts without mark in the Remarks column are supplied from MKE.MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS5Page 2 of 366Page 3 of 35TOP PREVIOUS NEXT12.3.1 TV STAND (TY-50LC13C) TOP PREVIOUS NEXTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTPage 1 of 112.3.2 LAMP UNITTOP PREVIOUS NEXTNOTE:The Lamp Unit (TY-LA1000) is not supplied as a replacement part. It is sold separately. To purchase a replacement, call the Panasonic accessory department.TOP PREVIOUS NEXT12.4 ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LISTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTDefinition of Parts supplier:1.All parts are supplied from MKE.12.4.1 FRONT JACK C.B.A. 12.4.2 TUNER C.B.A.12.4.3 AUDIO AMP C.B.A. 12.4.4 OPERATION C.B.A. 12.4.5 NETWORK C.B.A. 12.4.6 COVER SWITCH C.B.A.12.4.7 THERMISTOR 1 C.B.A.12.4.8 THERMISTOR 2 C.B.A. TOP PREVIOUS NEXT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDASSEMBLYRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks E10 LSXY0508 MAIN C.B.A. E.S.D. RTL E20 LSEP3088A POWER C.B.A. RTLE30 LSEB3087A BALLAST C.B.A. NRE40 LSEP3094A FRONT JACK C.B.A. RTLE50 LSXY0509 REAR JACK C.B.A. RTLE60 LSEP3095A TUNER C.B.A. E.S.D. RTL E70 LSEP3092A AUDIO AMP C.B.A. RTLE80 LSEP3096A OPERATION C.B.A. RTLE90 LSEP3097A NETWORK C.B.A. RTLE100 LSEP3098A COVER SWITCH C.B.A. RTLE120 LSEP3099A1 THERMISTOR 1 C.B.A. RTLE130 LSEP3100A THERMISTOR 2 C.B.A. RTLPage 1 of 212.4.1 FRONT JACK C.B.A.TOP PREVIOUS NEXTDIODESRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksD3901 B0BD6R200002 DIODE ZENER 6.2VRESISTORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksR3901 ERJ6ENF75R0V MGF CHIP 1/10W 75R3902 ERJ6ENF75R0V MGF CHIP 1/10W 75R3903 ERJ6ENF75R0V MGF CHIP 1/10W 75R3904 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3905 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3906 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3907 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3908 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3911 ERJ6GEYJ750V MGF CHIP 1/10W 75R3912 ERJ6GEYJ750V MGF CHIP 1/10W 75R3913 ERJ6GEYJ750V MGF CHIP 1/10W 75R3914 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R3915 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3916 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3917 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R3918 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R4801 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R4802 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R4803 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R4804 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100PIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksP3901 LSJA0469 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,5VP3902 LSJA0470 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,5VJACKSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksJK3901 K1FB115A0015 D-SUB MINI JACK SOCKETJK4801 K1U412A00008 S-JACK SOCKETJK4802 K2HC103A0017 EARPHONE JACK SOCKETMISCELLANEOUSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks751 J0KA00000044 FERRITE CORE752 LSLQ0307 FERRITE CORE TOP PREVIOUS NEXT12.4.2 TUNER C.B.A.TOP PREVIOUS NEXTINTEGRATED CIRCUITSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksIC6501 D750066-330 IC, CMOS STANDARD LOGIC E.S.D.IC7501 AN5832SA-E1V IC, LINEARTRANSISTORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksQ7002 2SB1218A0L TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7002 B1ADCF000063 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7002 B1ADCF000075 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7101 2SB1218A0L TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7101 B1ADCF000063 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7101 B1ADCF000075 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7501 2SB1218A0L TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7501 B1ADCF000063 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7501 B1ADCF000075 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7502 2SB1218A0L TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7502 B1ADCF000063 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ7502 B1ADCF000075 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPRESISTORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksR6502 ERJ6GEYJ223V MGF CHIP 1/10W 22KR6507 ERJ6GEYJ223V MGF CHIP 1/10W 22KR6511 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR6516 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KR6518 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6519 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6520 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6521 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6522 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6523 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6524 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R6525 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR6526 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6527 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR6528 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR6529 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR6530 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR6531 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR6532 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KPage 2 of 4R6534 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R6536 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R7001 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7002 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7003 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7004 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7007 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7008 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R7009 ERJ6GEYJ331V MGF CHIP 1/10W 330R7010 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7011 EVMEGSA00B23 VARIABLE 2KR7012 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7101 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7102 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7103 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7104 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7105 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7106 ERJ6GEYJ271V MGF CHIP 1/10W 270R7107 ERJ6GEYJ102V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1KR7501 ERJ6GEYJ222V MGF CHIP 1/10W 2.2KR7502 ERJ6GEYJ222V MGF CHIP 1/10W 2.2KR7503 ERJ6GEYJ273V MGF CHIP 1/10W 27KR7504 ERJ6GEYJ223V MGF CHIP 1/10W 22KR7505 ERJ6GEYJ273V MGF CHIP 1/10W 27KR7506 ERJ6GEYJ223V MGF CHIP 1/10W 22KR7508 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R7509 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KR7510 ERJ6GEYJ101V MGF CHIP 1/10W 100R7511 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KR7512 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R7513 ERJ6GEYJ332V MGF CHIP 1/10W 3.3KR7514 EVNCYAA03B14 VARIABLE 10KR7516 ERJ6GEYJ563V MGF CHIP 1/10W 56KR7517 ERJ6GEYJ182V MGF CHIP 1/10W 1.8KCAPACITORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksC6501 ECJ2VF1H103Z C CHIP 50V 0.01UFC6502 ECJ2VC1H101J C CHIP 50V 100PFC6503 ECEA0JKA101I ELECTROLYTIC 6.3V 100UFC6504 ECJ2VF1H104Z C CHIP 50V 0.1UFC6505 ECJ2VC1H101J C CHIP 50V 100PFC7001 ECJ2VB1H222K C CHIP 50V 0.0022UFC7002 ECA0JM102B ELECTROLYTIC 6.3V 1000UFC7003 ECJ2VB1H222K C CHIP 50V 0.0022UFC7004 ECJ2VC1H330J C CHIP 50V 33PFC7007 ECJ2VB1H102K C CHIP 50V 1000PFPage 3 of 4C7008 ECJ2VF1H103Z C CHIP 50V 0.01UFC7009 ECEA1CKA100I ELECTROLYTIC 16V 10UFC7101 ECJ2VB1H222K C CHIP 50V 0.0022UFC7102 ECA0JM102B ELECTROLYTIC 6.3V 1000UFC7103 ECJ2VB1H222K C CHIP 50V 0.0022UFC7107 ECJ2VB1H102K C CHIP 50V 1000PFC7501 ECJ2VF1H103Z C CHIP 50V 0.01UFC7502 ECEA1HKA2R2I ELECTROLYTIC 50V 2.2UFC7503 ECEA1CKA100I ELECTROLYTIC 16V 10UFC7504 ECEA1HKAR33I ELECTROLYTIC 50V 0.33UFC7505 ECEA1HKA3R3I ELECTROLYTIC 50V 3.3UFC7507 ECJ2VB1C104K C CHIP 16V 0.1UFC7508 ECJ2VB1E223K C CHIP 25V 0.022UFC7509 ECEA0JKA101I ELECTROLYTIC 6.3V 100UFC7510 ECEA1HKA2R2I ELECTROLYTIC 50V 2.2UFC7513 ECEA1CKA100I ELECTROLYTIC 16V 10UFC7514 ECJ2VB1E104K C CHIP 25V 0.1UFC7515 ECJ2VF1H103Z C CHIP 50V 0.01UFC7516 ECJ2VB1H333K C CHIP 50V 0.033UFC7517 ECJ2VB1C224K C CHIP 16V 0.22UFC7518 ECEA1HKA2R2I ELECTROLYTIC 50V 2.2UFC7519 ECJ2VB1E104K C CHIP 25V 0.1UFC7520 ECEA1HKAR33I ELECTROLYTIC 50V 0.33UFCOILSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksL7001 VLQSAB7D100K COIL 10UHL7101 VLQSAB7D100K COIL 10UHL7501 ELESN101KA COIL 100UHCRYSTAL OSCILLATORRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksX6501 EFOEC4004T4 CRYSTAL OSCILLATORPIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksP7002 LSJA0465 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,P7003 LSJA0466 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,33VMISCELLANEOUSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks756 ENG36714GF MAIN TUNER,UHF/VHF NR757 ENG36712GF SUB TUNER,UHF/VHF NR758 LSJA0468 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,5VPage 4 of 4 TOP PREVIOUS NEXTPage 1 of 312.4.3 AUDIO AMP C.B.A.TOP PREVIOUS NEXTINTEGRATED CIRCUITSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksIC4501 C1AA00000660 IC, LINEARIC4503 C0CAAKE00013 IC, LINEARTRANSISTORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksQ4501 2SD0601AHL TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4501 B1ABCF000011 TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4501 B1ABCF000106 TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4504 2SD0601AHL TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4504 B1ABCF000011 TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4504 B1ABCF000106 TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4505 2SD0601AHL TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4505 B1ABCF000011 TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPQ4505 B1ABCF000106 TRANSISTOR SI NPN CHIPDIODESRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksD4501 MAZ40510MF DIODE ZENER 5.1VD4501 HZS5C2TD DIODE ZENER 5.1VD4501 HZS5C3TD DIODE ZENER 5.1VD4504 MA2C16700E DIODE SID4504 B0AAEL000001 DIODE SIRESISTORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksR4501 ERJ6GEYJ472V MGF CHIP 1/10W 4.7KR4502 ERJ6GEYJ153V MGF CHIP 1/10W 15KR4503 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KR4504 ERX1SJ4R7P METAL FILM 1W 4.7R4505 ERX1SJ4R7P METAL FILM 1W 4.7R4506 ERJ6GEYJ153V MGF CHIP 1/10W 15KR4507 ERJ6GEYJ153V MGF CHIP 1/10W 15KR4508 ERJ6GEYJ333V MGF CHIP 1/10W 33KR4509 ERJ6GEYJ333V MGF CHIP 1/10W 33KR4510 ERJ6GEYJ471V MGF CHIP 1/10W 470R4511 ERJ6GEYJ471V MGF CHIP 1/10W 470R4512 ERJ6GEYJ471V MGF CHIP 1/10W 470R4513 ERJ6GEYJ471V MGF CHIP 1/10W 470R4525 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0Page 2 of 3R4526 ERJ6GEYJ821V MGF CHIP 1/10W 820R4527 ERJ6GEYJ472V MGF CHIP 1/10W 4.7KR4543 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R4544 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R4545 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0R4546 ERJ6GEY0R00V MGF CHIP 1/10W 0CAPACITORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksC4501 ECA1VM102B ELECTROLYTIC 35V 1000UFC4502 ECA1VM102B ELECTROLYTIC 35V 1000UFC4503 ECEA1CKA100B ELECTROLYTIC 16V 10UFC4504 ECQB1H104KF3 POLYESTER 50V 0.1UFC4505 ECQB1H104KF3 POLYESTER 50V 0.1UFC4506 ECJ2VB1E473K C CHIP 25V 0.047UFC4507 ECJ2VB1E473K C CHIP 25V 0.047UFC4508 ECJ2VB1E683K C CHIP 25V 0.068UFC4509 ECJ2VB1E683K C CHIP 25V 0.068UFC4510 ECEA1HKN010B ELECTROLYTIC 50V 1UFC4511 ECEA1HKN010B ELECTROLYTIC 50V 1UFC4512 ECJ2VF1H104Z C CHIP 50V 0.1UFC4513 ECJ2VF1H104Z C CHIP 50V 0.1UFC4514 ECA1HM100B ELECTROLYTIC 50V 10C4516 ECEA1CKA100B ELECTROLYTIC 16V 10UFC4526 ECEA1CKN100B ELECTROLYTIC 16V 10UFC4527 ECEA1CKN100B ELECTROLYTIC 16V 10UFC4528 ECEA1EKA4R7B ELECTROLYTIC 25V 4.7UFPIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksP4501 K1KA03A00008 CONNECTOR 3PP4503 K1KA04A00192 CONNECTOR 2PP4505 LSJA0473 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,5VRELAYRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksRL4501 K6B2AGA00038 RELAYMISCELLANEOUSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks83 TMM5439-1 CLAMPER417 XYN3+K10 SCREW W/WASHER,STEEL438 XTW3+10J TAPPING SCREW,STEEL714 VMTS0035 CUSHION,RUBBER759 LSSC0634 HEAT SINKPage 3 of 3 TOP PREVIOUS NEXT12.4.4 OPERATION C.B.A. TOP PREVIOUS NEXTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTTRANSISTORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksQ6701 2SB1218A0L TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ6701 B1ADCF000063 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ6701 B1ADCF000075 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ6702 2SB1218A0L TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ6702 B1ADCF000063 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPQ6702 B1ADCF000075 TRANSISTOR SI PNP CHIPDIODESRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksD6701 B3AGA0000072 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE GREENRESISTORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksR6702 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KR6703 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KR6704 ERJ6GEYJ391V MGF CHIP 1/10W 390R6705 ERJ6GEYJ221V MGF CHIP 1/10W 220R6706 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KR6707 ERJ6GEYJ103V MGF CHIP 1/10W 10KPIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksP6701 LSJA0472 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,5VSWITCHESRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksSW6701 EVQ11G05R SWITCH PUSHSW6702 EVQ11G05R SWITCH PUSHSW6703 EVQ11G05R SWITCH PUSHSW6704 EVQ11G05R SWITCH PUSHSW6705 EVQ11G05R SWITCH PUSHPage 1 of 112.4.5 NETWORK C.B.A. TOP PREVIOUS NEXTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTCAPACITORSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksC4551 F2J1J3R3A003 ELECTROLYTIC 63V 3.3UFPIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksP4551 K1KA02A00229 CONNECTOR 2PP4552 K1KA02A00188 CONNECTOR 2PP4553 K1KA02A00008 CONNECTOR 2PPage 1 of 112.4.6 COVER SWITCH C.B.A. TOP PREVIOUS NEXTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTPIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksP2912 LSJA0476 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUGSWITCHESRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksSW2911 K0L1BA000070 SWITCH PUSHPage 1 of 1TOP PREVIOUS NEXTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTRESISTORSRef. No.Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks R2811 D4CA35030002 THERMISTERPIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks P2811 K1KA02A00096 CONNECTOR 2PMISCELLANEOUSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks 761 LSJA0477 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,TOP PREVIOUS NEXTTOP PREVIOUS NEXTRESISTORSRef. No.Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks R2821 D4CE31330001 THERMISTORPIN HEADERSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks P2821 K1KA02B00051 CONNECTOR 2PMISCELLANEOUSRef. No. Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks 762 LSJA0478 CONNECTOR CABLE W/PLUG,OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAMOVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAMPT-50LC13POWER SUPPLY BLOCK DIAGRAMPT-50LC13VIDEO SIGNAL PATH I BLOCK DIAGRAM (1/2)VIDEO SIGNAL PATH I BLOCK DIAGRAM (1/2)PT-50LC13MAIN VIDEO SIGNAL SUB VIDEO SIGNAL VIDEO SIGNAL(MAIN/SUB)CARD Y/PB/PR SIGNALSIGNAL PATHSD/PC CARD SIGNAL PROCESS BLOCK DIAGRAMAUDIO SIGNAL PATH BLOCK DIAGRAMAUDIO SIGNALSYSTEM CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAMOPTICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM9.2. INTERCONNECTION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM INTERCONNECTION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMIMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE:COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY THE SIGN HAVE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS IMPORTANT FOR SAFETY.WHEN REPLACING ANY OF THESE COMPONENTS,USE ONLY THE SPECIFIED PARTS.THERMAL FUSE UNIT REPLACEMENT NOTE:CAUTION: FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE HAZARD,REPLACE ONLY WITH THE SAME TYPE NUMBER LSJA0464-FE (115 ).ATTENTION: POUR UNE PROTECTION CONTINUE LES RISQUES D’ INCENDIE N’ UTILISERQUE DES FUSIBLE DE MÉME TYPE NUMÉRO LSJA0464-FE (115 )MAIN C.B.A.REAR JACK C.B.A.POWER C.B.A.LCD DRIVE C.B.A.LCD PANEL (RED)LCD / PRISM UNIT LCD PANEL (GREEN)LCD PANEL (BLUE)(6 Pins)P6001P6305P6701OPERATION C.B.A.(36 Pins)(36 Pins)(36 Pins)P2001P6701(9 Pins)P2501P5302(20 Pins)P3602P3404P3601P3403(18 Pins)(18 Pins)O I N 1 L -C HO I N 1E O I N 1P O N E N T O I N 1 L -C HP O N E N T O I N 1 R -C HP O N E N T O I N 2 L -C HP O N E N T O I N 2 R -C HC O M P O N E N T I N 1C O M P O N E N T I N 2P2002P200314(8 Pins)P2302P2302 USED FOR ADJUSTMENT OF LCD DRIVE C.B.A.P6001 USED FOR ADJUSTMENT AT FACTORY ONLY UHF/VHF MAIN TUNERUHF/VHF SUB TUNERPIN PIN(25 Pins)UHF/VHF INPIN (25 Pins)TUNER C.B.A.P7002P3501P7002 (8 Pins)P7003P6003P7003 (13 Pins)FRONT JACK C.B.A.AUDIO IN 3 R-CHAUDIO IN 3 L-CH VIDEO IN 3S-VIDEO IN 3RGB IN 2P3901P5501P3901(14 Pins)P3902P3502P3902(12 Pins)P O N E N T O I N 3 L -C HP O N E N T O I N 3 R -C HP O N E N T O I N 4 L -C HP O N E N T O I N 4 R -C HC O M P O N E N T I N 3C O M P O N E N T I N 4RGB IN 1BALLAST C.B.A.P1305P6002P1305 (4 Pins)P805P1302P1303P1301P1001P1007P3401P1007 (14 Pins)LAMP UNITP1306THERMAL FUSEUNITRGB AUDIO IN 2RGB AUDIO IN 1DVI INDVI AUDIO IN R-CHDVI AUDIO IN L-CH (4 Pins)P6006P6006 USED FOR ADJUSTMENT AT FACTORY ONLY (4 Pins)P6007P6007 USED FOR ADJUSTMENT AT FACTORY ONLY(8 Pins)P6301P6301 USED FOR ADJUSTMENT AT FACTORY ONLY P1302(2 Pins)P1301(5 Pins)(4 Pins)P2305P2305 USED FOR ADJUSTMENT AT FACTORY ONLYF001115 (239 F)(1 Pin)758PT-50LC13NOTE:FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT NOTES,REFER TO BEGINNING OF SCHEMATIC SECTION.NOTE: For placing a purchase order of the parts,be sure to use the part number listed in the parts list.Do not use the part number on this diagram.NOTE:PARTS MARKED "PT" ARE NOT USED.NOTE:THE LAMP UNIT IS NOT SUPPLIED AS A REPLACEMENT PART.WHEN REPLACING, REPLACE THE LAMP UNIT WHICH IS SUPPLIED AS A OPTIONAL ACCESSORY.RE HAZARD,0464-FE (115 ).RISQUESNOTE:FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT NOTES,REFER TO BEGINNING OF SCHEMATIC SECTION.LCD PANEL (RED)LCD / PRISM UNIT LCD PANEL (GREEN)LCD PANEL (BLUE)(3 Pins)FAN 4P1006P1008P1008 (8 Pins)P2901(3 Pins)ns)ns)ns)FAN 1P2902(3 Pins)FAN 2P2903O O U T R -C HO O U T L -C HO O U TE O O U TO I N 2 R -C HO I N 2 L -C HO I N 2E O I N 2O I N 1 R -C HO I N 1 L -C HO I N 1E O I N 1THERMISTOR 1 C.B.A.P2303P2811(2 Pins)SED FOR MENT OF E C.B.A.THERMISTOR 2 C.B.A.P2304P2821(2 Pins)COVER SWITCH C.B.A.P2306P2912P2912(2 Pins)(3 Pins)FAN 3P2904P O N E N T O I N 4 L -C HP O N E N T O I N 4 R -C HP4503P4553P2901(4 Pins)NETWORK C.B.A.P4552(2 Pins)SPEAKER (R-CH)WOOFER P4551(2 Pins)SPEAKER (R-CH)TWEETER P4553NETWORK C.B.A.P4552(2 Pins)SPEAKER (L-CH)WOOFER SPEAKER P3603P4505P4505(6 Pins)AUDIO AMP C.B.A.P80473AC CORD P1009P1010P1011P4501LAMP UNITTHERMAL FUSEUNITP1009 (3 Pins)761762(4 Pins)P2305P2305 USED FOR ADJUSTMENT AT FACTORY ONLYF001115 (239 F)PROJECTION UNITTV/TUNER UNITFAN CASE UNIT9.3. FRONT JACK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FRONT JACK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMR39070R3906PT[3216]FL390512375[F ]R 3902PT[3216]FL39031230R3908JK3901K1FB115A0015PT[3216]FL3904123PT[2012]FL390212375[F ]R 3903PT[3216]FL390112375[F ]R 3901P390114GND13RGB2_R_AUDIO 12GND11RGB2_L_AUDIO 10GND9RGB2_V 8GND 7RGB2_H 6GND 5RGB2_B 4GND 3RGB2_G 2GND 1RGB2_R N N C D 6.2F D 39010R39040R3905R4803R4804PT[2012]FL4803123FL4804123PTD4803PTD4804PT[2012]FL4802123R4802PT[2012]FL4801123R4801100R3918PTD3913P T C 3561100R3914P TC 356275R 3913PTD3912PTD3911PTD4801PTD4802PT[2012]FL3913123PT[2012]FL3912123R3916R3917R3915PT[2012]FL391112375R 391175R 3912P390212GND11LINE3_R_AUDIO 10GND9LINE3_L_AUDIO 8GND7LINE3_V 6GND 5LINE3_C 4GND 3LINE3_Y 2L3_S_IN_L 1L3_CPS_NOSIG_L SUB_H/P_G SUB_H/P_O SUB_H/P_G SUB_H/P_OSW_IN_L SW_OUT_L H/P_IN_L AMP_GND H/P_IN_R SW_IN_R SW_OUT_RJK4802K2HC103A00172134576CSYNC(MAC2)212GREEN BLUE GND I2C SCKNCVSYNC 6BLUE RETURN 5108I2C DATA RED RETURN HSYNC 1315NC 41114RED 9GREEN RETURN 37GND 1Y CJK4801K1U412A00008TO REAR JACK C.B.A. P3502RGB IN 2AUDIO IN3(R)AUDIO IN3(L)VIDEO IN3S-VIDEO IN3RGB AUDIO IN2TO MAIN C.B.A.P5501SUB VIDEO SIGNALVIDEO SIGNAL(MAIN/SUB)AUDIO SIGNAL(6.2V )9.4. NETWORK/THERMISTOR 1/THERMISTOR 2/OPERATION/COVERSWITCH SNETWORK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMC45513R3/63VR4551PTP45511AMP_GND 2SP_OUT_L_TW P45521AMP_GND 2SP_OUT_L_WF P45531AMP_GND2SP_OUT_L J4551WA5TO L-CH SPEAKER (TWEETER)TO L-CH SPEAKER (WOOFER)TO AUDIO AMP C.B.A.P4503P4503-3P4503-4AUDIO SIGNALNETWORK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMC45513R3/63VR4551PTP45511AMP_GND 2SP_OUT_R_TW P45521AMP_GND 2SP_OUT_R_WF P45531AMP_GND 2SP_OUT_RJ4551WA5TO R-CH SPEAKER (TWEETER)TO R-CH SPEAKER (WOOFER)TO AUDIO AMP C.B.A.P4503P4503-1P4503-2AUDIO SIGNALTHERMISTOR 1 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMTHERMISTOR 2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMP281112R2811D4CA35030002THERMO_3THERMO_4TO LCD DRIVEC.B.A. P2303TEMPERATURE SENSORP282112R2821D4CE31330001THERMO_2THERMO_1TEMPERATURE SENSORTO LCD DRIVE C.B.A. P2304IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE:COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY THE SIGN HAVE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS IMPORTANT FOR SAFETY.WHEN REPLACING ANY OF THESE COMPONENTS,USE ONLY THE SPECIFIED PARTS.COVERK021LAOPERAGND STBY5V P_LED_G P_LED_R SCAN2SCAN1SCAN0KEY_IN1KEY_IN0TO MAINC.B.A. P6305(FOR L-CH SPEAKER)(FOR R-CH SPEAKER)LSJB3100LSJB3097LSJB3097LSJB3099PT-50LC1368VERSWITCH SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSNOTE:FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT NOTES,REFER TO BEGINNING OF SCHEMATIC SECTION.NOTE: For placing a purchase order of the parts,be sure to use the part number listed in the parts list. Do not use the part number on this diagram.NOTE:PARTS MARKED "PT" ARE NOT USED.COVER SWITCH SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSW2911K0L1BA0000702134P291212J2911PTCOVER SW GNDTO LCD DRIVEC.B.A. P2306LAMP COVER SWOPERATION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMD6701B3AGA000007213210KR 670210K R 670610KR 670310K R 6707Q67022SB1218A 2SB1218A Q6701SW6701EVQ11G05R SW6702EVQ11G05R SW6705EVQ11G05R SW6703EVQ11G05R SW6704EVQ11G05R P67019GND 8STBY5V 7P_LED_G 6P_LED_R 5SCAN24SCAN13SCAN02KEY_IN11KEY_IN0R 6704390R 6705220CH_DOWNCH_UPVOL_UPVOL_DOWNPOWERRGTO MAIN C.B.A. P6305(LED DRIVE)(LED DRIVE)POWER LEDNETWORK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM THERMISTOR 1 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM THERMISTOR 2 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMOPERATION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM COVER SWITCH SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMPT-50LC13LSJB3098LSJB3096689.5. AUDIO AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AUDIO AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMR450615KR4510470R 4511470R450715KC45011000/35V C45021000/35VD4501MA4051-M R 450215KR45014700Q45012SD601ARS R 450310KC 450310/16VP45011+Vs 2GND 3-VsC 45040.1C 45050.1R450833K R450933K C45060.047[KB]C45070.047[KB]R 4512470R 4513470C 45090.068[K B ]C 45080.068[K B ]C45120.1C45130.1R 45054R 7R 45044R 7C45111/5C45101/50V[N]C 451410/50VC 451610/16V R4524PTR4525C 452610/16V [N ]Q45042SD601ARS Q45052SD601ARS R4526820R 45274700D 4504M A 167IC4503TA78M12S 132C 45284R 7/25VP45034SP_OUT_L 3AMP_GND2SP_OUT_R 1AMP_GNDP4502PT7SW_IN_L 6SW_OUT_L 5H/P_IN_L 4AMP_GND 3H/P_IN_R 2SW_IN_R 1SW_OUT_R R4528PT R4529PTR4530PTR4531PTR 4539R 4540P T R 4541P T C4535PT C4534PT C 452710/16V [N ]R4545R4546R 4547P TR 4548P TJ4504PTJ4505PTRL4501ALA2PF12126345IC4501TDA7265GND-Vs-Vs+VsE R X 1S J 4R 7PE R X 1S J 4R 7P100/6.3V100/6.3V 01234567891010(AUDIO AMP)AUDIO SIGNAL(TO POWER C.B.A.)TO NETWORK C.B.A. P4553SWITCHING AUDIO MUTE-ONSWITCHING AUDIO MUTE-ONSWITCHING AUDIO MUTE-ONP1011P1010P1009(+12V REG.)+--+(5.1V)+12V REG.(FOR L-CH SPEAKER)TO NETWORK C.B.A. P4553(FOR R-CH SPEAKER)69NOTE:FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT NOTES,REFER TO BEGINNING OF SCHEMATIC SECTION.NOTE: For placing a purchase order of the parts,be sure to use the part number listed in the parts list. Do not use the part number on this diagram.NOTE:PARTS MARKED "PT" ARE NOT USED.6R 451047R 45114707R450833K R450933K C45060.047[KB]C45070.047[KB]R 4512470R 4513470C 45090.068[K B ]C 45080.068[K B ]P T C 4520C45111/50V[N]C45101/50V[N]R4517PT P T C 4521R4521PT C 4523P T R4520PT R4516PT C4522PT C 452610/16V [N ]P45051AMP_L_AUDIO2AUDIO_G3AMP_R_AUDIO 4AUDIO_G5AMP_MUTE_L 65VIC4502PT12345891067C 4518P T C 4519P T R 4519P T R 4518P T R 4532P T R4533PT Q4506PT Q4507PT R 4534P T R 4535P T R4536PT R 4537P TR 4538P T R 4539P T R 4540P T R 4541P T Q4508PT C 4529P T R 4542P T R45440R45430C 4530P TC 4531P T C4532PT C4533PT C4535PT C4534PT C4536PT C 452710/16V [N ]J4502PTJ4501WA7.5GNDVCCPOWER_G3.3VPRE_G POWER ON_H MUTE_L2SD601A1K10K2SD601A33047K 222SB710ARS10/16V 10/16V47K47K22/6.3V1/50V [N ]1/50V [N ]100/6.3V100/6.3V010K 27000.1[K B ]0.1[K B ]2R72R77891010TO REAR JACK C.B.A. P3603+--+LSJB3092AUDIO AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMPT -50LC13LINK TO VOLTAGE CHARTPT-50LC13699.6. TUNER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM TUNER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMC 75053R 3/50V R 70101K IC7501AN5832SA 1234567891027282930313219202122232425261112131415161718C 75182R 2/50VC 7511P TC 75190.1[K B ]C 751310/16V22KR 7504C 75160.033[K B ]C70080.01R 7507P T R75120C 75150.01C 7509100/6.3VC7005PT C 75040.33/50V U7101ENG36712GF ENG36708GY 654321Q70022SB1218A Z7001LSJA0468P7001PT1ESD GNDC 750310/16V 27K R 7505WA5R7515C 7512P TC70021000/6.3V R 7009330C 75200.33/50VR 750910KC 75140.1[K B ]C700433P2SB1218A Q7502C 75022R 2/50V1800R7517C 7506P TC70012200PC 75080.022[K B ]R751656K 1000P[KB]C7007L 71010.01C 7501C 75102R 2/50VC 75070.1[K B ]R 70011KL 700110UC7006PT R 70041K2200R 7502R 751110K2SB1218A Q7501R 7513330022KR 75062200R 7501C 75170.22[K B ]R 70071K27K R 7503TP7503WA10100R 7510100R 7508PTD7501PTD7502TP7501WA10TP7502WA10R 6512P T R 6509PT R650622K R6507PT R6503P T R 6510PTR65081KR 6511PT R650122K R6502PT R6504PT R6505W A 5L 6501P70028GND7M_TNR_R_AUDIO 6GND5M_TNR_L_AUDIO 4GND3S_TNR_VIDEO 2GND1M_TNR_VIDEO 100UL750110KB R75141KR 70021KR 7003C71012200P C70032200P PTQ7001P T R 7005P TR 7006R 70080C 700910/16VC 7010P T TP7001VJES0005TP7101WA102K BR 7011R 70121K D750066-330IC65011244142J7501WA5J 7502P TU7001ENG36714GF 25242322212019181716151413121110987654321C E5V2R 2/50V A F CMAIN_TUNER(N C )G N D[A G C ]S I F _O U TG N D2TNRI F O U T180KG N D 10KB G N DF M -A N TI F I N33V22005VR F -O U TL O C KN C R F -I NG N D N CS D O U TG N DG N DV I D E O O U TF M -A N T C L O C KT -D A T A[B T ]50KBN C G N DSUB_TUNEA U D I O O U TV S ST N R 1_D E F E A T _H X T 1X T 2P 40MAIN TUNER VIDEO LEVEL(UHF/VHF MAIN TUNER)(UHF/VHF SUB TUNER)(BUFFER)TO REAR JACK C.B.A. P3501(BUFFER)(BUFFER)SEPARATIONMTS/SAPSIGNAL PROCESSTUNERMICROCONTROLLERLINK TO I/O CHARTPT-50LC1370。

Philips 4K UHD LED Smart TV 70PUT7805 56 产品说明书

Philips 4K UHD LED Smart TV 70PUT7805 56 产品说明书

4K UHD LED Smart TV with Ambilight 3-sided• 178 cm (70")• DOLBY VISION and DOLBY ATMOS• Major HDR formats supported• P5 Perfect Picture Engine70PUT7805/56Discover new dimensions with the Philips Ambilight4K HDR Smart LED TVAdd new dimensions to your viewing with Philips Ambilight, setting the mood for movies, music or gaming. Picture quality is as brilliant as the content you love. This Philips Smart TV comes with built in a Alexa one touch Home button.BenefitsSlim design. Beautiful light.•4K UHD LED TV. Rich color, beautiful detail.•The magic of Ambilight. Only from Philips.Brilliant picture. The definition of beauty.•Philips P5 Engine. Whatever the source, always perfection.•Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. Cinematic vision and sound.Simply smart•Saphi Smart TV. The smart way to enjoy your TV.•One-button access to apps including Netflix and Prime Video.[field not found 'leaflet_type'] (2022, February 28)FeaturesP5 Perfect Picture EngineThe Philips P5 Perfect Picture Engine delivers an image as brilliant as thecontent you love. Details have noticeably more depth. Colours are vivid, while skin tones look natural. Contrast is so crisp you'll feel every detail. Andmotion is so smooth that you'll never lose sight of the ball, no matter how fast the play.Dolby Vision and Dolby AtmosSupport for Dolby's premium sound and video formats means the HDRcontent you watch will look-and sound-gloriously real. Whether it's the latest streaming series or a Blu-Ray disc set, you'll enjoy contrast, brightness, and color that reflect the director's original intentions. And hear spacious sound with clarity, detail, and depth.4K LED TVWith four times the resolution of conventional Full HD, Ultra HD lights up your screen with over 8 million pixels and our unique Ultra ResolutionUpscaling technology. Experience improved images regardless of the original content, and enjoy a sharper picture with superior depth, contrast, natural motion and vivid details.Ambilight 3-sidedWith Philips Ambilight every moment feels closer. Intelligent LEDs around the edge of the TV respond to the on-screen action and emit an immersive glow that's simply captivating. Experience it once and wonder how you enjoyed TV without it.Saphi Smart TVSAPHI is a fast, intuitive operating system that makes your Philips Smart TV a real pleasure to use. Enjoy one-button access to a clear icon-based menu.Quickly navigate to popular Philips Smart TV apps including YouTube, Netflix,and more.Specifications[field not found 'disclaimer_text']AmbilightAmbilight Version 3-sidedAmbilight FeaturesBuilt in Ambilight+hue Wall colour adaptive Lounge mode Game Mode Ambilight MusicPicture/Display Display4K Ultra HD LED Panel resolution 3840x2160Aspect ratio 16:9Pixel engineP5 Perfect Picture Engine Picture enhancementUltra Resolution HDR10+Dolby VisionHLG (Hybrid Log Gamma)User Interaction Remote Control with KeyboardSmart TV Features User Interaction SimplyShareScreen mirroring Program Pause TVUSB recording*SmartTV apps*Online video stores Open internet browser TV on demand Youtube Netflix TVEase of InstallationAuto detect Philips devices Network installation wizard Settings assistant wizardEase of Use One-stop smart menu button Onscreen usermanualFirmware upgrade-ableFirmware auto upgrade wizard Firmware upgradeable via USB Online firmware upgrade Screen Format AdjustmentsWide screen Basic - Fill Screen Fit to screen Advance - Shift Zoom, stretchVoice assistant*Amazon Alexa built-in RC with Mic.Processing Processing Power Quad CoreSoundOutput power (RMS)20WSound Enhancement5 Band Equalizer A.I. Sound Clear Dialogue Dolby AtmosDolby Bass Enhancement Dolby Volume Leveler Night modeSpeaker configuration 2x10W full range speakerConnectivityNumber of HDMI connections3Number of USBs 2Wireless connectionsDual Banddata subject to change 2022, February 28Bluetooth 4.2Wi-Fi 802.11n, 2x2, Dual band Other connectionsEthernet-LAN RJ-45Headphone out CVBS+Audio L/R inDigital audio out (optical)HDMI features 4KAudio Return ChannelEasyLink (HDMI-CEC)Remote control pass-through System audio control System standby One touch play HDCP 2.3Yes on all HDMIMultimedia Applications Video Playback FormatsContainers: AVI, MKV H264/MPEG-4 AVC MPEG-1MPEG-2MPEG-4WMV9/VC1VP9HEVC (H.265)Subtitles Formats Support.SMI .SRT .SSA .SUB .TXT .ASS Music Playback FormatsAAC MP3WAVWMA (v2 up to v9.2)WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)Picture Playback FormatsJPEG BMP GIF PNG360 photo HEIFSupported Display Resolution Computer inputs on all HDMIup to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @60Hz HDR supported, HDR10/ HLG Video inputs on all HDMIup to 4K UHD 3840x2160@60Hz HDR supportedHDR10/HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma)HDR10+/Dolby VisionTuner/Reception/Transmission Digital TV DVB-T/T2MPEG Support MPEG2MPEG4Video Playback PAL SECAMTV Program guide*8 day Electronic Program Guide Signal strength indica-tion YesTeletext1000 page Hypertext HEVC support YesPowerMains powerAC 110 - 240 V 50/60Hz Ambient temperature 5 °C to 35 °CPower Saving Features Auto switch-off timer Picture mute (for radio)Eco modeDimensions Box width 1757 mm Box height 1025 mm Box depth 181 mm Set Width 1581 mm Set Height 894 mm Set Depth86 mm Set width (with stand)1581 mm Set height (with stand)912.4 mm Set depth (with stand)299.4 mm Product weight 27.6 kg Product weight (+stand)28.2 kg Weight incl. Pack-aging32.7 kg VESA wall mount compatible 400 x 200 mmAccessoriesIncluded accessoriesRemote Control 2 x AAA Batteries Table top stand Power cordQuick start guideLegal and safety brochure * EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operator dependent.* The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. Specific DVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can be found in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For some operators Conditional Access and subscripction are required. Contact your operator for more information.* Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model, operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. For more details please visit:/TVRemoteapp.* Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For more details please visit: /smarttv.* Image depicted on the website are non-contractual pictures. Please always refer to the actual TV that are sold in the retail or stores.* Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of , Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon Alexa is available in selected languages and countries. Voice functions may be limited in some countriesdata subject to change 2022, February 28Version: 16.0.1EAN: 8718863027691© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective 。

Philips 4100系列Ultra Slim LED TV产品说明书

Philips 4100系列Ultra Slim LED TV产品说明书

Philips 4100 series Ultra Slim LED TV with Digital Crystal Clear98cm (39") LED TVDVB T/C/T2/T2-HD/S/S2 39PHS4112Ultra Slim LED TVwith Digital Crystal ClearStylish in design and great in value. The Philips 4100 TV with Digital Crystal Clear features HD picture quality, high contrast and clear sound reproduction. Experience effortless entertainment from this simple to use model.The right features presented elegantly•Slim, refined stands communicate lightnessA clear, vivid picture every time•Digital Crystal Clear for precision you’ll want to share•LED TV for images with incredible contrastTelevision viewing at your convenience•Two HDMI inputs and Easylink for integrated connectivity•USB for multimedia playbackHighlightsModern edge feet lookWhen setting out to create a new TV, our teams consider every aspect: from technology to design. Our new edge feet were engineered to create space beneath your TV where a traditional stand would normally sit, offering you a more immersive viewing experience. The effect? A TV that stands confidently with a nod to the future.Digital Crystal ClearFor natural looking pictures from any source, Philips created Digital Crystal Clear. Whether you’re indulging in your favorite shows, movies, the news, or are simply having a fewfriends over for a night in, you'll enjoy it all inoptimal contrast, color and sharpness.LED TVWith LED backlight you can enjoy low powerconsumption and beautiful lines combined withhigh brightness, incredible contrast and vibrantcolors.Two HDMI inputs with EasylinkAvoid cable clutter with a single HDMI cable tocarry both picture and audio signals from yourdevices to your TV. HDMI uses uncompressedsignals, ensuring the highest quality fromsource to screen. Together with PhilipsEasylink, you’ll need only one remote controlto perform most operations on your TV, DVD,Blu-ray, set top box or home theatre system.USB (photos, music, video)Share the fun. Connect your USB memory-stick, digital camera, mp3 player or othermultimedia device to the USB port on your TVto enjoy photos, videos and music with theeasy to use onscreen content browser.Issue date 2021-02-19 Version: 9.0.112 NC: 8670 001 45933 EAN: 87 18863 01305 2© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: LED HD TV•Panel resolution: 1366 x 768p•Aspect ratio: 4:3/16:9•Brightness: 260 cd/m²•Peak Luminance ratio: 65 %•Picture enhancement: Digital Crystal Clear •Diagonal screen size: 39 inch / 98 cmUser Interaction•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•Ease of Use: One-stop Home button •Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Hypertext•Electronic Program Guide*: 8days Electronic Program Guide•Screen Format Adjustments: Autozoom, Superzoom, Movie expand 16:9, Unscaled, 4:3, 16:9Sound•Output power (RMS): 16W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Clear Sound, Auto Volume Leveler, Bass Control, Smart SoundConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 2•Number of USBs: 1•Number of CVBS: 1•Other connections: Common Interface Plus (CI+), Digital audio out (optical), Antenna IEC75, Satellite Connector, Audio L/R in, Headphone out •EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby, One touch playMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9/VC1, HEVC (H.265)•Subtitles Formats Support: .SMI, .SRT, .SSA, .SUB,.TXT, .ASS•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNGSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz•Video inputs: 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz, up to1366x768pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/T2-HD/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAMPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Eu Energy Label power: 35 W•Annual energy consumption: 52 kW·h•Energy Label Class: A+•Standby power consumption: <0.3W•Off mode power consumption: 0.5•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer, Ecomode, Picture mute (for radio)•Presence of lead: Yes*•Mercury content: 0 mgDimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):982 x 628 x 150 mm•Set dimensions(W x H x D):889.1 x 511.8 x 88.5 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):889.1 x 571.6 x 194.02 mm•TV stand width distance: 729.11 mm•Product weight: 6.8 kg•Product weight (+stand): 6.88 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 9.55 kgAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, 2 x AAABatteries, Table top stand, Power cord, Quick startguide, Legal and safety brochure*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*This television contains lead only in certain parts or componentswhere no technology alternatives exist in accordance with existingexemption clauses under the RoHS Directive.。

Philips 7100系列 65英寸 4K UHD LED智能电视说明书

Philips 7100系列 65英寸 4K UHD LED智能电视说明书

Philips 7100 series4K UHD LED Smart TV164 cm (65") 4K Ultra HD LED TV DTMB65PUF71654K UHD Smart LED TVwith P5 Processing EnginePrecision engineering meets versatile design. The Philips 7100 TV combines a stunning 4K Ultra HD resolution with brilliants sound quality and minimalistic design. And with Smart TV, your entertainment options are virtually endless.Passionate about Picture Quality•4K Ultra HD is unlike any resolution you've ever seen beforeTelevision viewing at your convenience•USB for multimedia playbackA clear, vivid picture every time•Easy on your eyes without sacrificing colorRich sound. Feel more.•Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. Cinematic vision and sound.Slim TV. Clear sound.•Philips Sound Processing for accurate audio.Issue date 2020-09-24Version: 3.1.512 NC: 8670 001 69835EAN: 69 59033 85725 6© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Specifications4K UHD LED Smart TV164 cm (65") 4K Ultra HD LED TV, DTMBHighlightsUSB (photos, music, video)Share the fun. Connect your USB memory-stick, digital camera, mp3 player or other multimedia device to the USB port on your TV to enjoy photos, videos and music with the easy to use onscreen content browser.4K Ultra HDSee more. A Philips 4K UHD TV brings content to life with rich colors and crisp contrast. Images have more depth, and motion is smooth. Movies, shows, games, and more look great no matter the source.Dolby Vision and Dolby AtmosSupport for Dolby's premium sound and video formats means the HDR content you watch will look-and sound-gloriously real. Whether it's the latest streaming series or a Blu-Ray disc set, you'll enjoy contrast, brightness, and color that reflect the director's original intentions. And hear spacious sound with clarity, detail, and depth.DTS HDDTS HD optimizes sound processing by preserving the original sound content so that you can enjoy a better sound from your speakers with crystal-clear dialog.SoftBlue TechnologyStudies have shown the ultra-violet rays as well as blue light rays from LED display can cause eye damage and affect vision over time. Our SoftBlue LED technology uses a smart technology to reduce this harmful blue light without affecting the color or image of the display and at the same time it is easy onyour eyes.Picture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED •Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Picture enhancement: HDR10, Micro Dimming ProSmart TV Features•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop smart menu button, Onscreen usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Fit to screen, Zoom, stretch•SmartTV apps*: Online video stores, Social TVConvenience•Sleep timer •Teletext: EPGSound•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Auto Volume Leveler, Bass Control •Output power (RMS): 2x10WConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 3•Number of USBs: 2•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, CVBS+Audio L/R in, AV out, AV in, Digital audio out (optical)•Wireless connections: Bluetooth 4.2, Yes, Wi-Fi 802.11n, 2x2,Single band•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): One touch play, Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby•Number of AV connections: 1Multimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Containers: AVI, MKV, MPEG-1•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIFSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs on all HDMI: 4K Ultra HD 3840x2160@30Hz•Video inputs on all HDMI: up to 4K Ultra HD 3840x2160p, @ 24, 25, 30, 50, 60HzTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DTMB•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic Program Guide•HEVC supportPower•Mains power: 220V ~/ 50Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 45 °C •Standby power consumption: <=0.5W •Power consumption: 200 WDimensions•Box dimensions (W x H x D): 1600 x 995 x 174 mm•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1446 x 844 x 79 mm •Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D): 1446 x 908 x 279 mm •Product weight: 18 kg•Product weight (+stand): 18.4 kg•VESA wall mount compatible: 300 x 300 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Power cord, Quick start guide, Remote Control, Table top stand, Warranty Leaflet, 2 x AAA Batteries, Mini-jack to CVBS-L/R cable*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operator dependent.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited by broadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictions may apply.。

浙江酷睿电子有限公司 46英寸LED电视机说明书

浙江酷睿电子有限公司 46英寸LED电视机说明书

目录设置 ...................................................................................................................................46清洁光碟 ............................................................................................................................46提供配件 ............................................................................................................................47地区编码 ............................................................................................................................47连接电视机........................................................................................................................4849使用复合视频插孔(CVBS) .................................................................................................48使用色差视频插孔 (YPbPr) ...............................................................................................48使用RF调制器配件 ............................................................................................................49连接电源线 ..............................................................................................................................50 连接立体声系统 ......................................................................................................................51立体声系统有左/右Audio In的插孔 (51)连接数码AV接收器 .................................................................................................................51接收器有一个PCM,杜比数码或MPEG解码器 ...................................................................51前后面板 .................................................................................................................................52遥控器 .....................................................................................................................................53步骤1: 装入电池 ......................................................................................................................54使用遥控器操作本DVD机 ..................................................................................................54步骤 2: 搜索正确的收看频道 ...................................................................................................54步骤 3: 设置电视机模式 ..........................................................................................................55步骤 4: 选择对应的电视机制式 ...............................................................................................56步骤 5: 设置语言 .....................................................................................................................57画面显示语言(OSD) .......................................................................................................57声音,字幕,碟片选单语言 .....................................................................................................57适合播放的媒体类别 ...............................................................................................................58支援的文件格式 .................................................................................................................58开始碟片播放 ..........................................................................................................................59基本播放控制 ..........................................................................................................................59播放暂停 ............................................................................................................................59选择标题/章节/曲目 ...........................................................................................................59停止播放 ............................................................................................................................59影像播放操作方式 ...................................................................................................................60使用光碟目录 .....................................................................................................................60放大 ...................................................................................................................................60从最后停止点恢复播放 ......................................................................................................60慢放 ...................................................................................................................................60向前/向后搜索 ....................................................................................................................60查看碟片播放信息 ...................................................................................................................61使用OSD选单 ....................................................................................................................61标题/章节/曲目选择 ...........................................................................................................61时间搜索 ............................................................................................................................61声音/字幕 ...........................................................................................................................61角度 ...................................................................................................................................61时间显示 ............................................................................................................................62重复播放............................................................................................................................62目录查看音乐碟片播放信息 ...........................................................................................................63碟片时间 / 曲目时间 / 选择曲目 ..........................................................................................63重复 ...................................................................................................................................63DVD碟片特殊功能 ..................................................................................................................64标题播放 ............................................................................................................................64改变声音语言 ....................................................................................................................64字幕 ...................................................................................................................................64 VCD与SVCD碟片特殊功能 ...................................................................................................64播放控制 (PBC) .................................................................................................................64播放MP3/WMA/JPEG 影像光碟 .....................................................................................6566基本操作 ............................................................................................................................65播放选择 ............................................................................................................................65重复 ...................................................................................................................................65多角度效果播放功能(JPEG) ...............................................................................................66浏览功能(JPEG) ................................................................................................................66影像放大功能(JPEG) .........................................................................................................66同时播放MP3/WMA音乐和JPEG图片 ...............................................................................66播放卡拉OK光碟 .....................................................................................................................67基本操作 ............................................................................................................................67伴唱 ...................................................................................................................................67卡拉OK选单 ......................................................................................................................67使用通用设定页.................................................................................................................6869光碟锁码/解除锁码 ............................................................................................................68画面显示语言 .....................................................................................................................68睡眠 ...................................................................................................................................69音量 ...................................................................................................................................69使用音频设定页 ................................................................................................................6971类比输出 ............................................................................................................................70SPDIF设定 ........................................................................................................................70声音模式 ............................................................................................................................71夜间模式 – 打开/关闭.........................................................................................................71使用视频设定页 .................................................................................................................7274电视机制式 ........................................................................................................................72设置电视机型式 .................................................................................................................72电视机模式 ........................................................................................................................73画质设定 .......................................................................................................................7374使用初期设定页 .................................................................................................................7476声音/字幕/碟片选单语言 ....................................................................................................75年龄控制 ............................................................................................................................75PBC ...................................................................................................................................76MP3/JPEG 浏览 ................................................................................................................76密码变更 ............................................................................................................................76恢复出厂设定值 .................................................................................................................76软件升级 .................................................................................................................................77故障指南 ...........................................................................................................................7879规格说明 .................................................................................................................................80词汇 ................................................................................................................................81注意及安全信息危险!高压! 切勿拆开本系统,这会有触电的危险。

Hisense A6 Series 4K Ultra HD Smart TV 产品说明书

Hisense A6 Series 4K Ultra HD Smart TV 产品说明书

inchesWith four times more pixels (8.3 million) than standard high-definition TV’s, the Hisense A6Series 4K Ultra HD Smart TV is built to deliver bright colors and rich contrast. HDR* technology maximizes brightness, the UHD Upscaler brings lower resolution content as close to 4K as possible, and Motion Rate 120 keeps up with the fastest sports, movies and 4K gaming. This series also comes with tons of built-in apps via the Hisense Smart Platform (VIDAA OS), making it easier than ever to personalize your entertainment experience.more clear, more defined4K UltraHDDelivers more than four times the resolution of a regular 1080p high-definition screen. Along with over 8.3 million pixels, inside you’ll find a powerful full array LED backlight at work creating a sharper, more colorful picture.Gaming ModeEnjoy a better gaming experience. In Game Mode, input lag is significantly improved, so your commands from the controller are virtually instantaneous on the screen.Vidaa OSOpen a world of content through Hisense’s Vidaa OS smart platform. With hundreds of apps at your disposal, getting to your favorite TV show, movie, or game is simple and intuitive.Dolby Vision ™HDR and HDR10*Dolby Vision HDR and HDR10 transforms your TV into an entertainment powerhouse. The image technology fromcinemas, now brought together in the home, provide amazing realism that you'll see, hear, and feel like never before.Works with AlexaQuickly access entertainment and control your TV with an Alexa device that you already own. With the touch of your or a simple voice command, turn on and off the TV, change channels, and much more.Motion Rate 120Don’t struggle to keep your eye on the ball—enjoy fast-paced sports, movies and 4K gaming without the lag. Featuring Motion Rate image processing technology, the A6 series keeps the thrills coming by making it easy to follow fast-moving action.*HDR viewing experience will vary by model, content availability and internet connection.DTS® Virtual:X ™DTS Virtual:X bridges the gap between the DTS:X codec and the reality of so many consumers’ homes, allowing you to enjoy multi -dimensional sound regardless of room size, layout, or speaker configuration.DIMENSIONS/WEIGHTTV Dimensions (without the stand)44.0×25.4×2.9 inches (with the stand)44.0×27.9×8.9 inches TV Stand Width38.0×8.9 inch TV Weight (with the stand)22 lbsCarton Dimensions (WxHxD)49.2×30.6×5.4 inches Shipping Weight 30.6 lbDISPLAYActual Screen Size (Diagonal)50 in Screen Class 50 in Screen Type LCDT Y P E OF T V Smart TV Yes App Store Yes PICTURE QUALITY Screen Resolution 3840x2160Local Dimming No 4K Upscale Yes Motion Rate 120Aspect Ratio 16:9HDR*Yes (Dolby Vision HDR)Backlight Type Source Full Array LED AUDIOAudio Output Power (Watts)8Wx2LANGUAGES On-screen Display English/French/Spanish POWERPower Consumption 130W Standby Consumption <0.5WPower Supply (Voltage/Hz)AC 120V / 60HzCONNECTIVITY Wi-Fi Built In Yes (802.11ac 2.4GHz/5GHz)Bluetooth®No PORTS HDMI3 (2.0b inputs)Ethernet (LAN)Yes USB 2.02RF Antenna1RCA Composite Video Input 1L/R Audio Input for Composite1OTHER FEATURES Noise Reduction Digital Noise Reduction Parental Control Yes Closed CaptionYesSleep Timer Yes Works with Alexa YesAudio Enhancement DTS Virtual:X,WALL MOUNT VESA 200×300 / M6ACCESSORIES RemoteYesQuick Start Guide and/or User Manual Quick Start Guide is in the box/User Manual is available online Power Cable YesWARRANTY/UPC Warranty 1 yearUPC Code888143010977T E C H N IC AL S P E C IF IC AT ION SDigital Audio Output 1 Optical Earphone/Audio Output 1All product, product specifications, and data are subject to change without notice to improve reliability, function, design or otherwise. ©2020Hisense USA, All rights reservedHisense USA Corporation7310 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suwanee, GA,30024 1-888-935-8880*HDR viewing experience will vary by model, content availability and internet connection.inches。

Philips 6000和6400系列4K UHD Slim LED TV产品介绍说明书

Philips 6000和6400系列4K UHD Slim LED TV产品介绍说明书

Philips 6000 series 4K UHD Slim LED TV powered by Android™ with Pixel Plus Ultra HD126 cm (50")4K Ultra HD LED TVDual Core; 8GB & expandable DVB-T/C/S/S250PUK64004K UHD Slim LED TV powered by Androidwith Pixel Plus Ultra HDThe 6400 Series Ultra HD TV combines Pixel Plus Ultra HD, Dual Core processing and the power of Android to deliver fluid performance-beautifully. Slim lines, an elegant open stand, and loads of features complete the experience.Functional elegance•Swivel stand lets you enjoy TV from any angleA clear, vivid picture every time•4K Ultra HD: resolution like you’ve never seen it before •Natural Motion for fluid yet sharp moving images •Micro Dimming Pro for incredible contrast•Ultra Resolution converts any content into crisp Ultra HD •Pixel Plus Ultra HD: discover Ultra HD Picture Quality With Android your TV can do it all•Dual Core processing and Android OS for strong performance •Google Play™: your window to fun•Google Cast: unlock the full potential of your Smart TVHighlightsOpen metal swivel standA television with modern, refined lines deserves a stand that lifts it above the ordinary. That’s why the designers at Philips TV created this unique, open metal stand that not only integrates beautifully with your décor, it also lets you swivel the TV to adjust the viewing angle as well!4K Ultra HDUltra HD TV has 4 times the resolution of a conventional Full HD TV. With over 8 million pixels and our unique Ultra Resolution upscaling technology, you’ll experience improved images regardless of the original content. Enjoy improved sharpness, increased depth perception, superior contrast, smooth natural motion, and flawless details.Natural MotionYou love watching movies, but demand the best image possible. Natural Motion is our motion enhancement technology that resolves judder, providing you with a smooth moving image. Films are recorded at a limited frame rate of 24 frames per second resulting in judder. Natural Motion doubles the number of frames to 50 motion changes per second. This resolves judder, so all you see is a fluid, sharperimage.Micro Dimming ProMicro Dimming Pro optimizes the contrast onyour TV based on the light conditions in yourenvironment. A light sensor and specialsoftware analyze the picture in 6400 differentzones so you’ll enjoy incredible contrast andimage quality for a truly lifelike visualexperience-day or night.Ultra ResolutionUltra Resolution converts any content into asharper Ultra HD picture on screen. Advancedupscaling combined with Philips unique linethinning algorithms transform original pixelsinto better pixels. The result is a visibly morerefined image with finer lines, and greater,deeper details.Pixel Plus Ultra HDExperience 4K Ultra HD sharpness fromPhilips. Philips Pixel Plus Ultra HD engineoptimizes picture quality to deliver smooth,fluid images with incredible detail and depth. Sowhether you stream online or watch a DVD,you’ll enjoy sharper 4K images with brighterwhites and blacker blacks—every time andfrom any source.Dual Core + AndroidWith Android on your TV you'll navigate,launch apps and play videos in a way that issuper fast, super intuitive, and super fun. TheAndroid robot liberates the power of our DualCore processor to get things done with speedand ease.Google PlayGoogle Play™ has a rich catalogue of highquality games for all ages. Optimized for use onyour TV, they look as great as they play. Andthere’s no need to clutter up your house withyet another gaming console; with a universalUSB gaming control you can navigate and playwith ease.Google CastUse Google Cast together with your smartdevice* to harness the power of your PhilipsSmart TV. It lets you browse web sites,content and apps, and then ‘cast’ them to yourTV at the push of a button. Best of all, you cancontinue to use your smart device for otherthings even while the casted content is playingon your TV.Issue date 2022-07-14 Version: 6.3.112 NC: 8670 001 23622 EAN: 87 18863 00232 2© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Diagonal screen size: 50 inch / 126 cm•Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Brightness: 300 cd/m²•Picture enhancement: Pixel Plus Ultra HD, Natural Motion, 700 Hz Perfect Motion Rate, Micro Dimming Pro, Ultra ResolutionAndroid TV•OS: Android™ 5.1 (Lollipop)•Pre-installed apps: Google Play Movies*, Google Play Music*, Google Search, Voice Search, YouTube, Netflix*•Memory size(Flash): 8GB, extendable via USB storageSmart TV Features•User Interaction: MultiRoom client and server, SimplyShare, Wi-Fi Miracast certified*•Interactive TV:HbbTV•Program: Pause TV, USB recording*•SmartTV apps*: Online video stores, Open internet browser, Social TV, TV on demand, Youtube•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop smart menu button, Onscreen usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to screen, Advance - Shift, Zoom, stretch •Philips TV Remote app*: Apps, Channels, Control, NowOnTV, TV Guide, Video On Demand Sound•Output power (RMS): 20W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Clear Sound, Dynamic Bass Enhancement, Smart Sound Connectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 4•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Number of USBs: 3•Wireless connection: Dual Band, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi 802.11n 2x2 integrated•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, CommonInterface Plus (CI+), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Digitalaudio out (optical), Audio L/R in, Audio in (DVI),Headphone out, Service connector, SatelliteConnector•HDMI features: 4K, Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,One touch play•HDCP2.2:Yes on HDMI1Multimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1, HEVC•Subtitles Formats Support: .SMI, .SRT, .SSA, .SUB,.TXT, .ASS•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPS,PNG, PNS, BMS, MPOSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs on all HDMI: @60Hz, up to 4KUltra HD 3840x2160•Video inputs on HDMI2/3/4: @ 24, 25, 30Hz, up to4K Ultra HD 3840x2160p•Video inputs on HDMI1: @ 24, 25, 30, 50, 60Hz,up to 4K Ultra HD 3840x2160pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic ProgramGuide•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page HypertextPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Eu Energy Label power: 69 W•Annual energy consumption: 101 kW·h•Energy Label Class: A+•Standby power consumption: < 0.5 W•Off mode power consumption: < 0.3•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer,Light sensor, Picture mute (for radio)Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1240 x 740 x 131 mm•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1124 x 647 x 77 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1124 x 709 x 249 mm•Product weight: 13.3 kg•Product weight (+stand): 14.4 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 20.5 kg•Wall mount compatible: 400 x 200 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, 2 x AAABatteries, Tabletop swivel stand, Power cord,Quick start guide, Legal and safety brochure*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Android App offerings vary per country. For more details please visityour local Google Play Store.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*Google Cast functionality is subject to Google Cast Ready apps anddevices. For more details please visit Google Cast product page.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.*Compatibility depends on Wifi Miracast certification & Android 4.2or later. For more details please refer to your device documentation.。

Philips 6000 系列 4K UHD Slim LED TV 产品说明书

Philips 6000 系列 4K UHD Slim LED TV 产品说明书

Philips 6000 series 4K UHD Slim LED TV powered by Android™ with Pixel Plus Ultra HD139 cm (55")4K Ultra HD LED TVDual Core; 8GB & expandable DVB-T/T2/C55PUT64004K UHD Slim LED TV powered by Androidwith Pixel Plus Ultra HDThe 6400 Series Ultra HD TV combines Pixel Plus Ultra HD, Dual Core processing and the power of Android to deliver fluid performance-beautifully. Slim lines, an elegant open stand, and loads of features complete the experience.Functional elegance•Swivel stand lets you enjoy TV from any angleA clear, vivid picture every time•4K Ultra HD: resolution like you’ve never seen it before •Natural Motion for fluid yet sharp moving images •Micro Dimming Pro for incredible contrast•Ultra Resolution converts any content into crisp Ultra HD •Pixel Plus Ultra HD: discover Ultra HD Picture Quality With Android your TV can do it all•Dual Core processing and Android OS for strong performance •Google Play™: your window to fun•Google Cast: unlock the full potential of your Smart TVHighlightsOpen metal swivel standA television with modern, refined lines deserves a stand that lifts it above the ordinary. That’s why the designers at Philips TV created this unique, open metal stand that not only integrates beautifully with your décor, it also lets you swivel the TV to adjust the viewing angle as well!4K Ultra HDUltra HD TV has 4 times the resolution of a conventional Full HD TV. With over 8 million pixels and our unique Ultra Resolution upscaling technology, you’ll experience improved images regardless of the original content. Enjoy improved sharpness, increased depth perception, superior contrast, smooth natural motion, and flawless details.Natural MotionYou love watching movies, but demand the best image possible. Natural Motion is our motion enhancement technology that resolves judder, providing you with a smooth moving image. Films are recorded at a limited frame rate of 24 frames per second resulting in judder. Natural Motion doubles the number of frames to 50 motion changes per second. This resolves judder, so all you see is a fluid, sharperimage.Micro Dimming ProMicro Dimming Pro optimizes the contrast onyour TV based on the light conditions in yourenvironment. A light sensor and specialsoftware analyze the picture in 6400 differentzones so you’ll enjoy incredible contrast andimage quality for a truly lifelike visualexperience-day or night.Ultra ResolutionUltra Resolution converts any content into asharper Ultra HD picture on screen. Advancedupscaling combined with Philips unique linethinning algorithms transform original pixelsinto better pixels. The result is a visibly morerefined image with finer lines, and greater,deeper details.Pixel Plus Ultra HDExperience 4K Ultra HD sharpness fromPhilips. Philips Pixel Plus Ultra HD engineoptimizes picture quality to deliver smooth,fluid images with incredible detail and depth. Sowhether you stream online or watch a DVD,you’ll enjoy sharper 4K images with brighterwhites and blacker blacks—every time andfrom any source.Dual Core + AndroidWith Android on your TV you'll navigate,launch apps and play videos in a way that issuper fast, super intuitive, and super fun. TheAndroid robot liberates the power of our DualCore processor to get things done with speedand ease.Google PlayGoogle Play™ has a rich catalogue of highquality games for all ages. Optimized for use onyour TV, they look as great as they play. Andthere’s no need to clutter up your house withyet another gaming console; with a universalUSB gaming control you can navigate and playwith ease.Google CastUse Google Cast together with your smartdevice* to harness the power of your PhilipsSmart TV. It lets you browse web sites,content and apps, and then ‘cast’ them to yourTV at the push of a button. Best of all, you cancontinue to use your smart device for otherthings even while the casted content is playingon your TV.Issue date 2019-08-30 Version: 6.3.112 NC: 8670 001 23627 EAN: 87 18863 00237 7© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Diagonal screen size: 55 inch / 139 cm•Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Brightness: 300 cd/m²•Picture enhancement: Pixel Plus Ultra HD, Natural Motion, 700 Hz Perfect Motion Rate, Micro Dimming Pro, Ultra ResolutionAndroid TV•OS: Android™ 5.1 (Lollipop)•Pre-installed apps: Google Play Movies*, Google Play Music*, Google search, Voice Search, YouTube, Netflix*•Memory size(Flash): 8GB, extendable via USB storageSmart TV Features•User Interaction: MultiRoom Client and Server, SimplyShare, Wi-Fi Miracast Certified*•Interactive TV:HbbTV•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•SmartTV apps*: Online Video Stores, Open Internet Browser, Social TV, TV on Demand, Youtube•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop Smart Menu button, Onscreen Usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to Screen, Advance - Shift, Zoom, Stretch •Philips TV Remote app*: Apps, Channels, Control, NowOnTV, TV Guide, Video On Demand Sound•Output power (RMS): 20W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Clear Sound, Dynamic Bass Enhancement, Smart Sound Connectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 4•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Number of USBs: 3•Wireless connections: Dual Band, Wi-Fi Direct,Wi-Fi 802.11n 2x2 integrated•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, CommonInterface Plus (CI+), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Digitalaudio out (optical), Audio L/R in, Audio in (DVI),Headphone out, Service connector•HDMI features: 4K, Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,One touch play•HDCP2.2:Yes on HDMI1Multimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1, HEVC•Subtitles Formats Support: .SMI, .SRT, .SSA, .SUB,.TXT, .ASS•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPS,PNG, PNS, BMS, MPOSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs on all HDMI: @60Hz, up to 4KUltra HD 3840x2160•Video inputs on HDMI2/3/4: @ 24, 25, 30Hz, up to4K Ultra HD 3840x2160p•Video inputs on HDMI1: @ 24, 25, 30, 50, 60Hz,up to 4K Ultra HD 3840x2160pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/C•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic ProgramGuide•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page HypertextPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Eu Energy Label power: 67 W•Annual energy consumption: 98 kW·h•Energy Label Class: A+•Standby power consumption: < 0.5 W•Off mode power consumption: < 0.3 W•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer,Light sensor, Picture mute (for radio)Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1413 x 825 x 131 mm•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1239 x 712 x 79 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1239 x 773 x 266 mm•Product weight: 15.3 kg•Product weight (+stand): 17.8 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 24.3 kg•VESA wall mount compatible: 400 x 200 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, 2 x AAABatteries, Tabletop swivel stand, Power cord,Quick start guide, Legal and safety brochure*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Android App offerings vary per country. For more details please visityour local Google Play Store.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*Google Cast functionality is subject to Google Cast Ready apps anddevices. For more details please visit Google Cast product page.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.*Compatibility depends on Wifi Miracast certification & Android 4.2or later. For more details please refer to your device documentation.。



PhilipsLED TV with Pixel Plus HD117 cm (46")Full HD 1080p digital TV46PFL5605HEntertainment comes to lifewith brilliant LED picture performanceGreat LCD picture quality on an ultra-thin 117 cm (46") screen - the Philips 5000 Series 117 cm (46") 46PFL5605 LED TV. Live the moment as if you were there with Pixel Plus HD and an impressive invisible sound.High definition giving you brilliant detail•Full HD TV with Pixel Plus HD for better details and clarity •Brilliant LED images with low power consumption•100 Hz LCD, 2 ms performance for superb motion sharpness •HD Natural Motion for ultra-smooth motion in Full HD movies Rich and clear sound.•2.1 system 40 W surround sound (2 x 10 W RMS, virtual 20 W)*•Hear every word with Clear SoundComplete digital connectivity made simple•Seamless connectivity with 3 HDMI inputs and Easylink •USB for fantastic multimedia playback•Integrated Digital DVB-C/T Tuner for digital cable reception Greener every day•LED TVs up to 40% more energy efficient than normal LCD TVs •0 W Power Consumption when switched offHighlightsPixel Plus HDPixel Plus HD offers the unique combination of ultimate sharpness, natural detail, vivid colours and smooth natural motion. Artefacts and noise in any sources, from multimedia to standard definition TV, and also in highly compressed HD are detected and reduced, ensuring that the picture is clear and razor-sharp.LEDThe most advanced LED lighting technology in this TV combines an eye-catching minimalistic design with stunning image quality as well as the lowest power consumption in its category. On top of that, LED lighting technology does not contain any hazardous materials. Thus, with LED backlight you can enjoy low power consumption, high brightness, incredible contrast, sharpness and vibrant colours.100 Hz LCD, 2 ms response time 100 Hz LCD creates extreme motionsharpness. The Double Frame Rate Insertion increases the sharpness of motionreproduction to more than twice that ofconventional LCD, resulting in a performance with a response time of 2 milliseconds. Now you can enjoy clear images even with fast on-screen motion.HD Natural MotionPhilips invented HD Natural Motion tominimise juddering effects that are visible withmovie-based picture content. The award winning algorithm estimates motion in the picture and corrects juddering movements in both broadcast and recorded movie material (such as DVD and Blu-ray Disc). The resulting smooth motion reproduction and excellent sharpness take the viewing experience to a higher level.2.1 sound system 40 W*Virtual 2.1 speaker system for an incredible 40 W sound (2 x 10 W + 20 W Virtual Power*). *This virtual 2.1 speaker system manages power intelligently to deliver twice the original power supplied and produces an excellent bass. Enjoy the purity and detailed sound with the additional dome tweeter which delivers uncompromised sound in a slim invisible speaker design.USB (multimedia)The USB connector allows access to jpeg photos, MP3 music and video files on most USB sticks (USB memory-class device). Plug the USB into the slot on the side of the TV and access the multimedia content using the easy on-screen content browser. You can now view and share your videos, photos and music.Zero watt power consumptionEnjoy savings on your electricity bill by using the built-in power switch on this TV. This leadsto no power consumption, without having tounplug the power cord from the wall.Matching home theatre experience Take your home cinema experience tothe next level with the Philips SoundHub home theatre 5000 series. Bring every detail to life, and experience fullyimmersive, crystal clear surround sound. Enquire more about this uniquecombination today at EU Eco LabelThe Philips eco-designprocess aims to create products that areincreasingly eco-friendly. Our efforts have beenrecognised and Philips has been awarded the EU Eco Label (Eco flower) for themajority of its models because of their high energy efficiency, ultra low standby powers (up to 50% less than the requiredEU Eco Label level), absence of hazardous substances (e.g. lead) and design for easierrecycling.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How? They offer a significantenvironmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — Energy efficiency, Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight, Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.Issue date 2022-04-26 Version: 7.2.712 NC: 8670 000 60081 EAN: 87 12581 52617 7© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Aspect ratio: Widescreen•Brightness: 450 cd/m²•Dynamic screen contrast: 500,000:1•Response time (typical): 2 ms•Viewing angle: 176º (H)/176º (V)•Diagonal screen size: 46 inch / 117 cm •Display: LCD Full HD, direct LED backlight •Panel resolution: 1920 x 1080p•Picture enhancement: Pixel Plus HD, Active Control + Light sensor, Colour Enhancement, 100 Hz Clear LCD, Digital Noise Reduction, Dynamic contrast enhancement, Luminance Transient Improver, MPEG artefact reduction, 2D/3D noise reduction, 1080p 24/25/30 Hz processing, 1080p 50/60 Hz processing, HD Natural Motion, LED backlight Display•Screen enhancement: Anti-Reflection coated screen•Peak Luminance ratio: 65 %•Colour cabinet: High gloss black deco front with black cabinetSupported Display Resolution •Computer inputs: up to 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz •Video inputs: up to 1920 x 1080p, 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 HzSound•Output power (RMS): 40 W virtual, Invisible Sound •Sound Enhancement: Auto Volume Leveller, Incredible Surround, Treble and Bass Control, Clear Sound•Sound System: Mono, Nicam Stereo, Stereo Convenience•Child Protection: Child Lock+Parental Control •Clock: Sleep Timer•Connection Enhancement: Easy link•Ease of Installation: Channel installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard, Device connection wizard, Auto detect Philips devices, Auto Programme Naming, Autoinstall, Programme Name, Sorting•Ease of Use: Smart Picture, Smart Sound, On-screen User manual, EasyLink, Favourite programme selection, Mozaïc channel grid, One-stop experience button, One-stop Home button •Electronic Programme Guide: Now + Next EPG*•Screen Format Adjustments: Auto Format, SuperZoom, Movie expand 16:9, Widescreen, unscaled(1080p dot by dot)•Teletext: 1200-page Hypertext•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgradewizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB•Multimedia: USB autobreak-in, USB media browserMultimedia Applications•Multimedia connections: USB memory class device•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG•Music Playback Formats: MP3•Video Playback Formats: Codec support:, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4Tuner/Reception/Transmission•Aerial Input: 75 ohm coaxial (IEC75)•TV system: PAL I, PAL B/G, PAL D/K, SECAM B/G,SECAM D/K, SECAM L/L', DVB COFDM 2K/8K•Video Playback: NTSC, SECAM, PAL•Digital TV: DVB Terrestrial*, DVB-T MPEG4*,DVB-C MPEG4*•Tuner bands: Hyperband, S-Channel, UHF, VHFConnectivity•Ext 1 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS in, RGB•Ext 2: YPbPr in, Audio L/R in•VGA-in: PC input, D-sub 15•HDMI1:HDMI v1.4(Audio Return Ch.)•HDMI2:HDMI v1.3•Front/Side connections: HDMI v1.3, USB•Other connections: Headphone out, CommonInterface Plus (CI+)•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): One touch play, EasyLink,Pixel Plus link (Philips), Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby•Audio Output - Digital: Coaxial (cinch)•Summary: 3 x HDMI, 1 x USB, 1 x SCARTPower•Green label: ECO label certified•Ambient temperature: 5°C to 35°C•Mains power: 220-240 V ~ ;50-60 Hz•Power consumption (typical): 109 W•Standby power consumption: < 0.15 W•Off mode power consumption: < 0.01 W•Annual energy consumption: 159.14 kW·h•Presence of lead: Yes*•Power Saving Features: 0 Watt Power-off switch,Light sensor, Eco modeDimensions•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1122 x 685 x 87 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1122 x 731 x 268 mm•Weight incl. Packaging: 26.4 kg•Product weight: 17.9 kg•Product weight (+stand): 21.3 kg•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1349 x 773 x 198 mm•VESA wall mount compatible: 300 x 300 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Tabletop swivel stand, Quickstart guide, Registration card, Warranty Leaflet,Remote Control, 2 x AAA Batteries, Safety/legalinstructions, Software declaration*8 days EPG, service not available in all countries*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscription are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Typical on-mode power consumption measured according toIEC62087 Ed 2.*Energy consumption in kWh per year based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*This television contains lead only in certain parts or componentswhere no technology alternatives exist in accordance with existingexemption clauses under the RoHS Directive.。

Philips 4000系列超级薄智能LED电视产品说明书

Philips 4000系列超级薄智能LED电视产品说明书

Philips 4000 seriesUltra Slim Smart LED TV with Digital Crystal Clear81 cm (32")Full HD 1080p DVB-T/C/S/S232PFL4268KDiscover a step beyond viewingWith Smart Ultra Slim LED TVEasily connect to a world of online content with the Philips 4208 series Smart LED TV with integrated Wi-Fi. Enjoy extremely clear, vivid pictures from any source thanks to Digital Crystal Clear. Feel connected to entertainment.A world of online content at your fingertips •Skype™ for easy voice and video calls on your TV •Integrated Wi-Fi to connect easily to the world online •Smart TV—a world of online entertainment•Simply share photos, music and movies through DLNA Control how you share and record on the big screen •MyRemote app—control your TV with your phone or tablet Experience the next dimension in entertainment•Full HD LED TV—brilliant LED images with incredible contrast •200Hz Perfect Motion Rate (PMR) for clear motion sharpness •Digital Crystal Clear to enhance picture quality •Two USB slots for generous multimedia access•Three HDMI inputs and Easylink for integrated connectivity •Feel the power of 20W RMS and Incredible SurroundHighlightsSkype™ TV video calls*Add a new dimension to your calls and share experiences with the people that matter to you, wherever they are. With Skype™ on your TV, make voice and video calls from your living room. Just plug the optional Philips TV camera (PTA317) into your TV and enjoy excellent video and sound quality from the comfort of your couch.Integrated Wi-FiIntegrated Wi-Fi on your Philips Smart TV makes connecting to your home network quick and easy, allowing you to access a world of content or share wirelessly at home. Smart TV online appsExplore the boundaries that lie beyond traditional TV. Rent and stream movies, videos, games and more, directly onto your TV from online video stores. Watch catch-up TV from your favorite channels and enjoy a rich selection of online apps with Smart TV. Connect to family and friends with Skype™ or social networking. Or... just browse the Internet!SimplyShare TVShare photos, music, videos and movies through DLNA using your smartphone, tablet or computer and enjoy them on the big screen. Sharing made simple.Full HD LED TVPicture quality matters. Regular HDTVs deliver quality, but you expect the best. Imagine breathtakingly crisp detail paired with high brightness, incredible contrast, sharp motion definition, realistic colors and a true to life picture—as well as low power consumption. Well, look no further. Full HD LED delivers more detail than standard HDTVs. And more detail in the image means a more intenseviewing experience for you.200Hz PMRFor picture movement that looks precise,smooth and natural, Philips created PMR—ourstandard for measuring moving imagesharpness. Perfect Motion Rate is thecombined result of our unique videoprocessing, number of frames per second andrefresh rate of each frame, perfection indimming capabilities, and backlightingtechnology. A higher PMR number contributesto higher contrast and better motionclarity—which means a superior image for you.Digital Crystal ClearEnjoy extremely clear pictures from anysource. This package of picture innovationsdigitally adjusts and optimizes picture quality tooptimal contrast, color and sharpness levels.Two USB (photos, music, video)With Two USB Slots you can keep a hard discconnected for USB recording and Pause TV soyou’ll always have control of your personalprogramming. The convenient extra USB portmeans connecting a Skype™ camera oraccessing any jpeg photos, mp3 music or videofiles stored on your USB-storage devices willnever interfere with your recording.Three HDMI with EasylinkAvoid cable clutter with a single cable to carryboth picture and audio signals from yourdevices to your TV. HDMI uses uncompressedsignals, ensuring the highest quality fromsource to screen. Together with PhilipsEasylink, you’ll need only one remote controlto perform most operations on your TV, DVD,Blu-ray, set top box or home theatre system.20W RMS Incredible SurroundCreate a lifelike sound stage. Powerfulamplifiers and Incredible Surround let youexperience total surround sound with greaterdepth and width of sound to complement yourrich viewing experience.MyRemote*Control your TV and record on the go withouta remote control using one easy app.Transform your tablet or smart phone into auniversal remote with all the options of youroriginal remote plus extra features like textentry. The SimplyShare function beamscontent onto your TV. Stay up to date byrecording your favorite programs on-the-gousing MyRemote recording. Simply flip throughthe content on the TV Program Guide tochoose which shows to record and view later.A Smart TV deserves a truly smart app.Smart TVSmart TV-a world of online apps, videosto rent and catch-upExplore the boundaries that lie beyondtraditional TV. Rent and stream movies,videos, games and more, directly ontoyour TV from online video stores. Watchcatch-up TV from your favorite channelsand enjoy a rich selection of online appswith Smart TV. Connect to family andfriends with Skype™ or socialnetworking. Or... just browse theInternet!Issue date 2022-06-03 Version: 3.0.412 NC: 8670 000 97846 EAN: 87 12581 66824 2© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: LED Full HD•Diagonal screen size: 32 inch / 81 cm•Panel resolution: 1920x1080p•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Brightness: 350 cd/m²•Dynamic screen contrast: 500,000 : 1•Picture enhancement: Micro Dimming, 200Hz Perfect Motion Rate, Digital Crystal Clear Smart TV•Interactive TV: HbbTV*•SmartTV apps*: Catch-up TV, Netflix*, Online apps, Online Video stores, Open Internet browser, YouTube•Social TV: Facebook, Skype, Twitter•TV programe guide*: 8 day Electronic Program GuideUser Interaction•Wireless interaction: SimplyShare, Wi-fi Miracast Certified*, Wifi integrated, MultiRoom Client*, PC In Monitor•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop Home button, Onscreen Usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Autofill, Autozoom, Movie expand 16:9, Super Zoom, Unscaled, Widescreen•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Smart Text•My Remote App*: Control, MyRemote Recording, Simply Share, TV GuideSound•Output power (RMS): 24W•Sound Enhancement: Auto Volume Leveler, Clear Sound, Incredible SurroundConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 3•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Number of USBs: 2•Wireless connection: Integrated Wi-Fi 11n •Other connections: Antenna IEC75, CI+1.3 certified, Common Interface Plus (CI+), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Headphone out, Digital audio out(coaxial), Audio L/R in, Satellite Connector•HDMI features: Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,Plug & play add to Homescreen, Auto subtitle shift(Philips), Pixel Plus link (Philips), One touch playMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WMA (v2 upto v9.2)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEGSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz•Video inputs: 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz, up to1920x1080pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAMPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Energy Label Class: A•Eu Energy Label power: 38 W•Annual energy consumption: 55 kW·h•Standby power consumption: < 0.3 W•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer, Ecomode, Picture mute (for radio)•Off mode power consumption: < 0.3Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):800 x 530 x 133 mm•Set dimensions(W x H x D):738 x 450.8 x 35.5 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):738 x 501 x 185 mm•Product weight: 7.1 kg•Product weight (+stand): 8.5 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 10.4 kg•Compatible wall mount: adjustable 200 x 100mmAccessories•Included accessories: Power cord, RemoteControl, 2 x AAA Batteries, Quick start guide,Legal and safety brochure, Warranty Leaflet, Tabletop stand*MyRemote app and related functionalities varies per TV model andcountry, as well as smart device model and OS. For more detail,please visit: /TV.*Compatibility depends on wifi miracast certification Android 4.2 orlater. For more details please refer to your device documentation.*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Philips TV camera (PTA317) is sold separately.*For smart TV app, visit /TV to discover the servicesoffering in your country*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.。

Philips 7100系列65英寸4K超高清Android TV说明书

Philips 7100系列65英寸4K超高清Android TV说明书

Philips 7100 series4K Ultra Slim TV powered by Android TV™ with Ambilight 3-sided and PixelPrecise Ultra HD 164 cm (65") 4K Ultra HD LED TV DVB-T/T265PUT71014K Ultra Slim LED TV powered by Android TV with Ambilight 3-sidedAmazing TV starts with 4K Ultra HD picture quality and Ambilight. Enjoy the beautifully crafted Philips 7100 Series for an incredible entertainment experience with rich sound. And with Android TV, you can enjoy more right from your couch.Crafted Lightness•Ambilight changes the way you look at TV forever•Finishing touches: a TV that looks as great as it performs•Metallic open ribbon stands in a premium sandblasted finishPassionate about Picture Quality•4K Ultra HD is unlike any resolution you’ve ever seen before•Experience better contrast, color & sharpness with HDR Plus•The new integrated HEVC standard to enjoy high quality 4k•Enjoy a vivid picture with Pixel Precise Ultra HD•Premium Color provides incredible color enhancementExhilarating. Limitless. Powered by Android•Google Play store and Philips app gallery: look beyond TV•Unleash the power of Quad Core and integrated AndroidThin TV - Big sound•Hear every detail with DTS Premium SoundHighlightsAmbilight 3-sidedYou’ve created a home that’s more than just a house, so why not choose a TV that is warm and inviting too? Philips unique Ambilight technology makes your screen much wider—and your viewing experience more immersive—by emitting an extra wide glow from three-sides of your TV screen onto the surrounding wall. Color, vibrancy and excitement move beyond the screen and into your living room to bring you a viewing experience beyond the ordinary.Authentic materialsYour home represents your style. Our designers chose subtle, sophisticated colors and quality finishes like polished chrome to create a TV design that blends seamlessly with your interior.DTS Premium SoundGreat TV speakers demand a powerful processing engine that preserves the purity of the original audio content. DTS Premium Suite is designed to deliver the experience consumers have come to expect from high end sound processing: immersive surround with deep, rich bass and crystal clear dialog that’s delivered at maximum volume levels and without any fluctuations, clipping, ordistortion.TV ContentThe Google Play store and Philips app gallerygo beyond traditional TV programming tobring you a big online collection of movies, TV,music, apps and games. 16GB of expandablememory means there’s plenty of room to storeall your favorite content and to install moreapps.High Dynamic Range PlusHigh Dynamic Range Plus is a new videostandard. It redefines in-home entertainmentthrough advances in contrast and color. Enjoya sensory experience that captures the originalrichness and liveliness, yet accurately reflectsthe content creator's intent. The end result?Brighter highlights, greater contrast, a broaderrange of colors and detail like never before.HEVC support for 4k broadcastThe new integrated HEVC standard allow youto enjoy high picture quality 4k resolutionbroadcast.Metallic open ribbon standsExperience the beautiful design of these openribbon stands. Their slim legs have beenperfectly shaped for a clean, architectural lookcombined with just the right amount ofcurvature. And with a unique dark chromefinish, they’ll keep you enthralled with theirelegance.Pixel Precise Ultra HDThe beauty of 4K Ultra HD TV is in savoringevery detail. Philips Pixel Precise Ultra HDengine converts any input picture into stunningUHD resolution on your screen. Enjoy asmooth, yet sharp moving image andexceptional contrast. Discover deeper blacks,whiter whites, vivid colors and natural skintones – every time, and from any source.Premium ColorPhilips Premium Color combines a wide colorgamut panel enhanced by 85% with 4 Trillioncolors processing. With so much more colorresolution and brilliant saturated colors, you’llforget you’re looking at a screen at all.Quad Core + AndroidPhilips Quad Core processor meets the powerof Android to deliver an exciting gamingexperience. And with Android on your TVyou'll navigate, launch apps and play videos in away that is super fast, super intuitive, and superfun.Issue date 2018-04-27Version: 6.4.212 NC: 8670 001 39001EAN: 87 18863 00984 0© 2018 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Diagonal screen size: 65 inch / 164 cm •Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Picture enhancement: Micro Dimming Pro, Perfect Natural Motion, Ultra Resolution •Brightness: 400 cd/m²•Pixel engine: Pixel Precise Ultra HDSound•Output power (RMS): 30W•Sound Enhancement: Clear Sound, Smart Sound •Sound Features: Triple ring technologyConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 4•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Number of USBs: 3•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, Headphone out, Audio L/R in, Digital audio out (optical),Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Service connector, Audio in (DVI)•HDMI features:Audio Return Channel, 4K•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): System standby, One touch play, Remote control pass-through, System audio control•HDCP 2.2: Yes on HDMI1, Yes on HDMI2•Wireless connections: Dual Band, Wi-Fi 11n 2x2 integratedMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Containers: AVI, MKV, HEVC, MPEG-1, WMV9/VC1•Subtitles Formats Support: .SRT, .SMI, .SUB, .TXT •Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA (v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEGSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs on HDMI1/2: up to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @60Hz•Computer inputs on HDMI3/4: up to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @30Hz, up to FHD 1920x1080 @60Hz•Video inputs on HDMI1/2: up to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @60Hz•Video inputs on HDMI3/4: up to 4K UHD3840x2160 @30Hz, up to FHD 1920x1080 @60Hz Tuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic Program Guide•HEVC support•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Hypertext•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAMPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz •Standby power consumption: <0.3•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C •Off mode power consumption: 0.5 W•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer, Light sensor, Picture mute (for radio)Dimensions•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1452.9 x 848.02 x 67.2 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D): 1452.9 x 912.6 x 263.3 mm •Product weight: 28.05 kg•Product weight (+stand): 28.85 kg •Weight incl. Packaging: 38.5 kg •Box dimensions (W x H x D): 1570 x 985 x 160 mm•VESA wall mount compatible: 400 x 200 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, Table top stand, Power cord, Quick start guide, Legal and safety brochure, 2 x AAA BatteriesAmbilight•Ambilight Features: Ambilight Music, Built in Ambilight+hue, Game Mode, Lounge mode, Wall colour adaptive•Ambilight Version: 3 sidedAndroid•Memory size: 16GB, extendable via USB storage •OS: Android™ 5.1 (Lollipop)•Pre-installed apps: Google Play Movies*, GooglePlay Music*, Google search, YouTube •Memory size to install apps: 8GBProcessing•Processing Power: Quad CoreSmart TV Features•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop Smart Menu button, Onscreen Usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Interactive TV: HbbTV•Philips TV Remote app*: Apps, Channels, Control, NowOnTV, TV Guide, Video On Demand •Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•Remote Control: with Keyboard•Screen Format Adjustments: Advance - Shift, Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to Screen, Zoom, Stretch •SmartTV apps*: Online Video Stores, Open Internet Browser, Social TV, TV on Demand, Youtube•User Interaction: MultiRoom Client and Server, SimplyShare*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operator dependent.*Android App offerings vary per country. For more details please visit your local Google Play Store.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365 days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how the television is used.*Cloud Gaming offering depends on game providers.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. Specific DVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can be found in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For some operators Conditional Access and subscripction are required. Contact your operator for more information.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*Google Cast functionality is subject to Google Cast Ready apps and devices. For more details please visit Google Cast product page.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model, operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. For more details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For more details please visit: /smarttv.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited by broadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictions may apply.*Please be informed that your Netflix HDR function in your TV currently can be supported via HDMI and USB only. The Netflix HDR broadcast via your Internet/DLNA will be fully available via IP software push.Y Pb Pr - L RHDMI 4ARC/MHLHDMI 3ARCUSB 2USB 3AUDIO INDVIHDMI 1ARCHDMI 2ARCUSB 1TV ANTENNA NETWORKDIGITAL AUDIO OUTSATELLITECOMMON INTERFACEConnectionsSideRear。

Philips 7000系列4K UHD超高清Android智能电视说明书

Philips 7000系列4K UHD超高清Android智能电视说明书

Philips 7000 series4K UHD Ultra Slim TV powered by Android™ with Ambilight 3-sided and Pixel Precise Ultra HD123 cm (49")4K Ultra HD LED TVQuad Core, 16GB & expandable Twin Tuner DVB-T/T2/C/S/S249PUS71704K UHD Ultra Slim LED TV powered by AndroidWith Ambilight 3-sidedUltra fast Quad Core processing meets Ultra Slim lines: the 7170 series UHD TV with the power of Android looks as fast as it operates. An elegant silver frame, pinch stand design, and Ambilight will further intensify your viewing experienceBeautiful attention to detail•Pinch stand: minimal design for the maximum impact •Finishing touches: a TV that looks as great as it performs •Ambilight changes the way you look at TV forever See every detail•4K Ultra HD: resolution like you’ve never seen it before •Natural Motion for fluid yet sharp moving images •Micro Dimming Pro for incredible contrast•Pixel Precise Ultra HD: discover vivid UHD Picture Quality With Android your TV can do it all•Unleash the power of Quad Core and integrated Android •Google Play™: your window to fun•Google Cast: unlock the full potential of your Smart TV•Twin Tuner lets you watch or record more than one program •Keyboard remote control makes texting easyHighlightsPinch StandOur innovative new stand gives the illusion that the metal feet on either side effortlessly elevate the set from the table. The impression is one of extreme lightness and pared-down elegance.Authentic materialsYour home represents your style. Our designers chose subtle, sophisticated colors and quality finishes like polished chrome to create a TV design that blends seamlessly with your interior.Ambilight 3-sidedYou’ve created a home that’s more than just a house, so why not choose a TV that is warm and inviting too? Philips unique Ambilight technology makes your screen much wider—and your viewing experience more immersive—by emitting an extra wide glow from three-sides of your TV screen onto the surrounding wall. Color, vibrancy and excitement move beyond the screen and into your living room to bring you a viewing experience beyond the ordinary.4K Ultra HDUltra HD TV has 4 times the resolution of a conventional Full HD TV. With over 8 million pixels and our unique Ultra Resolution upscaling technology, you’ll experience improved images regardless of the original content. Enjoy improved sharpness, increased depth perception, superior contrast, smooth natural motion, and flawless details.Natural MotionYou love watching movies, but demand the best image possible. Natural Motion is our motion enhancement technology that resolves judder, providing you with a smooth moving image. Films are recorded at a limited frame rate of 24 frames per second resulting in judder. Natural Motion doubles the number of frames to 50 motion changes per second. This resolves judder, so all you see is a fluid, sharperimage.Micro Dimming ProMicro Dimming Pro optimizes the contrast onyour TV based on the light conditions in yourenvironment. A light sensor and specialsoftware analyze the picture in 6400 differentzones so you’ll enjoy incredible contrast andimage quality for a truly lifelike visualexperience-day or night.Pixel Precise Ultra HDThe beauty of 4K Ultra HD TV is in savoringevery detail. Philips Pixel Precise Ultra HDengine converts any input picture into stunningUHD resolution on your screen. Enjoy asmooth, yet sharp moving image andexceptional contrast. Discover deeper blacks,whiter whites, vivid colors and natural skintones—every time and from any source.Google PlayGoogle Play™ has a rich catalogue of highquality games for all ages. Optimized for use onyour TV, they look as great as they play. Andthere’s no need to clutter up your house withyet another gaming console; with a universalUSB gaming control you can navigate and playwith ease.Google CastUse Google Cast together with your smartdevice* to harness the power of your PhilipsSmart TV. It lets you browse web sites,content and apps, and then ‘cast’ them to yourTV at the push of a button. Best of all, you cancontinue to use your smart device for otherthings even while the casted content is playingon your TV.Remote Control with KeyboardTake control. Our totally intuitive remotecontrol has all the usual perks like cursor keys,volume control and short cut buttons. Flip theremote over to access a full keyboard for easytext entry in any situation.Quad Core + AndroidPhilips Quad Core processor meets the powerof Android to deliver an exciting gamingexperience. And with Android on your TVyou'll navigate, launch apps and play videos in away that is super fast, super intuitive, and superfun.Ambilight 3 sidedAmbilight changes the way you look at TVforeverYou’ve created a home that’s more thanjust a house, so why not choose a TV thatis warm and inviting too? Philips uniqueAmbilight technology makes your screenmuch wider-and your viewing experiencemore immersive-by emitting an extrawide glow from three-sides of your TVscreen onto the surrounding wall. Color,vibrancy and excitement move beyond thescreen and into your living room to bringyou a viewing experience beyond theordinary.AndroidAndroid: for a faster, richer, more personal TV experienceWith Android on your Smart TV you’ll enjoy a fast processor and user-friendlyinterface. Its your launch control to endless content: from Google Play™, to Netflix, to an Internet Browser… and somuch more. There’s an easy to navigatemenu with direct links to your favorites.Issue date 2022-10-25 Version: 5.1.112 NC: 8670 001 23879 EAN: 87 18863 00324 4© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsAmbilight•Ambilight Version: 3-sided•Ambilight Features: Ambilight+hue, Game Mode, Built in Ambilight+hue, Wall colour adaptive, Wall Distance Adaptive, Lounge mode, Ambilight for 3D Picture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Diagonal screen size: 49 inch / 139 cm•Panel resolution: 3840x2160•3D: Passive 3D, 2 Player Full Screen Gaming*, 2D to 3D conversion, Auto 3D detection •Aspect ratio: 16:9•Brightness: 400 cd/m²•Picture engine: Pixel Precise Ultra HD •Picture enhancement: Natural Motion, 800 Hz Perfect Motion Rate, Micro Dimming Pro, Ultra ResolutionAndroid TV•OS: Android™ 5.1 (Lollipop)•Pre-installed apps: Google Play Movies*, Google Play Music*, Google Search, YouTube, Netflix*•Memory size(Flash): 16GB*, extendable via USB storageSmart TV Features•User Interaction: MultiRoom client and server, SimplyShare•Interactive TV:HbbTV•Program: Pause TV, USB recording*•SmartTV apps*: Online video stores, Open internet browser, Social TV, TV on demand, Youtube•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop smart menu button, Onscreen usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to screen, Advance - Shift, Zoom, stretch •Philips TV Remote app*: Apps, Channels, Control, NowOnTV, TV Guide, Video On Demand •Remote Control: with Keyboard Processing•Processing Power: Quad CoreSound•Output power (RMS): 20W•Sound Enhancement: Clear Sound, DTS PremiumSound, Smart Sound, Triple SurroundConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 4•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Number of USBs: 3•Wireless connection: Dual Band, Wi-Fi 802.11n2x2 integrated•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, CommonInterface Plus (CI+), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Digitalaudio out (optical), Audio L/R in, Audio in (DVI),Headphone out, Service connector, SatelliteConnector•HDMI features: 3D, 4K, Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,One touch play•HDCP 2.2: Yes on all HDMIMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1, HEVC•Subtitles Formats Support: .SMI, .SRT, .SSA, .SUB,.TXT, .ASS•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPS,PNG, PNS, BMS, MPOSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs on all HDMI: @60Hz, up to 4KUltra HD 3840x2160•Video inputs on all HDMI: @ 24, 25, 30, 50, 60Hz,up to 4K Ultra HD 3840x2160pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Twin Tuner•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic ProgramGuide•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page HypertextPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Eu Energy Label power: 75 W•Annual energy consumption: 110 kW·h•Energy Label Class: A•Standby power consumption: <0.5W•Off mode power consumption: <0.3•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer,Light sensor, Picture mute (for radio)Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1185 x 740 x 131 mm•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1103 x 639 x 37 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1149 x 701 x 255 mm•Product weight: 13.6 kg•Product weight (+stand): 13.9 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 16.4 kg•Wall mount compatible: 300 x 300 mmAccessories•Included accessories: 4x Passive 3D Glasses,Remote Control, 2 x AAA Batteries, Table topstand, Power cord, Quick start guide, Legal andsafety brochure•Optional accessories: 3D glasses PTA417, 3Dglasses Game kit PTA436*Parents should monitor their children during 3D viewing and ensurethey do not experience any discomfort as mentioned above.Watching 3D is not recommended for children under 6 years of ageas their visual system is not fully developed yet.*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Android App offerings vary per country. For more details please visityour local Google Play Store.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*Cloud Gaming offering depends on game providers.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*Google Cast functionality is subject to Google Cast Ready apps anddevices. For more details please visit Google Cast product page.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.。

Philips 46PFL9705K LED TV产品说明书

Philips 46PFL9705K LED TV产品说明书

PhilipsLED TV with Ambilight Spectra 3 and Perfect Pixel HD Engine117 cm (46")Full HD 1080p DVB-T/C/S246PFL9705KAward winning performancewith Ambilight and the best picture qualityBe enthralled by the immersive power of Ambilight. Featuring the stunning Perfect Pixel HD engine, LED Pro and powerful sound, movies really come to life in your living room.Enlarge your viewing experience•Ambilight Spectra 3 intensifies the viewing experience Award winning TV pictures•Full HD with Perfect Pixel HD Engine for unrivalled clarity •Full HD 3D Ready for a truly immersive 3D movie experience •LED Pro for extreme contrast and brilliance •Bright Pro for true to life brightness•400Hz Clear LCD, 0.5ms for superb motion sharpness •Perfect Natural Motion for ultra smooth Full HD movies Be surrounded by powerful sound•Feel the atmosphere with 30W RMS and Incredible Surround In-built internet TV•Philips Net TV with Wi-Fi for online services on your TV •Online Premium videostores and TV shows on Demand •Wi-Fi MediaConnect to project your PC media files on TVHighlightsAmbilight Spectra 3Add a new dimension to your viewing experience with Ambilight Spectra 3. This patented Philips technology enlarges the screen by projecting a glow of light, on the 3 sides of the TV, from the back of the screen onto the surrounding wall. Ambilight adjusts automatically the colour and brightness of the light to match the picture, creating an immersive viewing experience. The walladaptive function ensures that the color of the light always matches the picture, no matter what the color of your wall is. Get the bigger picture with Ambilight.Perfect Pixel HD EngineExperience unrivalled sharpness and clarity with Perfect Pixel HD Engine. Each pixel of the picture is enhanced to better match thesurrounding pixels, for a more natural picture. The result is a unique combination ofsharpness, natural detail, vivid colors, superior contrast and smooth natural motion whatever you are watching. Clean and razor sharpimages result from artifact and noise detection and reduction in all content sources - from multimedia to standard TV. The Full HD screen with 1920 x 1080p pixels produces brilliant flicker-free progressive scan pictures with superb brightness.Full HD 3D Ready Be enthralled by 3D movies in your own living room with the Full HD 3D ready TV. Active 3D uses the latest generation of fast switching displays for real life depth and realism in full 1080x1920 HD resolution. Premium 3D movie releases on BluRay and upcoming 3D broadcast offers a wide and high qualitycontent selection. Your TV is ready for the Full HD 3D experience by adding a 3D compatible BluRay player or HD receiver, and theaccessory 3D upgrade kit (Philips PTA02). For family enjoyment with more than 2 viewers add as many 3D glasses as you wish (extension kit PTA03).LED ProEnjoy breathtaking pictures and use up to 50% less energy with Philips award winning LED Pro! Over 1000 LED's are operated selectively in a grid as a backlight for the display. They generate brilliant light in bright image areas, and are dimmed completely in dark areas, saving energy. Combined with the powerful Perfect Pixel HD Engine, the result is a stunning picture with extreme contrast, sharpness and vibrant color. With LED Pro black is black and white is bright.Bright ProExperience the thrill of images with true to life brightness and blazing contrast with Bright Pro. Building on Philips award winning LED Pro, it enables a boosted light output for sections of the image, while maintaining ink-black dark sections. This provides both the unparalelled brightness, while the advanced, smartprocessing achieves up to 50% less energy use.400Hz LCD, 0.5ms response timeEnjoy the fastest LCD TV from Philips. The 400Hz Clear LCD* brings the response time of LCD TV to an unprecendented level of 0.5ms, so even with the fastest action scene, you willenjoy superb motion sharpness.Matching home theatre experience Intensify your cinematic viewingexperience further with the matching and unique Philips Home Cinema system with Blu-Ray (HTS9520). The powerfulperformance lets you experience sound like in the cinema and embraces you completely with the unique Philips 360 sound performance. You now only need one remote control to operate both devices. Enquire more about this uniquecombination today!Issue date 2021-02-28 Version: 8.1.1012 NC: 8670 000 59603 EAN: 87 12581 52302 2© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Aspect ratio: Widescreen•Brightness: 500 cd/m²•Dynamic screen contrast: 10.000.000:1•Response time (typical): 0,5 (BEW equiv) ms •Viewing angle: 176º (H) / 176º (V)•Diagonal screen size: 46 inch / 117 cm •Display: LCD Full HD, 2D segmented LED backlight•Panel resolution: 1920x1080p•Picture enhancement: Perfect Pixel HD Engine, Perfect Natural Motion, Perfect Contrast, Perfect Colors, Wide color gamut display, Active Control + Light sensor, 2D/3D noise reduction, 400Hz Clear LCD*, Scanning backlight, Local dimming LED backlight, Segmented LED backlight, Bright Pro, LED Pro, Super Resolution, 3D TV prepared*•Screen enhancement: Anti-Reflection coated screen•Peak Luminance ratio: 65 %•Color processing: 2250 trillion colors 17bit RGB •3D:3D Ready*•Color cabinet: Silver Brushed Aluminium Ambilight•Ambilight Version: 3-sided•Ambilight Features: Ambilight Spectra 3, Lounge light mode in stand-by, 'Sunset' soft switch off, Wall colour adaptive•Dimming Function: Manual and via Light Sensor •Ambilight light system: LED wide color Supported Display Resolution •Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz •Video inputs: up to 1920x1080p, 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 HzSound•Output power (RMS): 2 x 15 W, Powerful Sound •Sound Enhancement: Auto Volume Leveler, Dynamic Bass Enhancement, Incredible Surround, Treble and Bass Control, Clear Sound •Loudspeaker types: 2 dome tweeters, 2 woofers Convenience•Ease of Installation: Channel installation wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard, Device connection wizard, Auto detect Philips devices, 2-in-1 Wallmount Stand •Ease of Use: Onscreen Usermanual, Touch controlbuttons, Favorite program selection, Mozaïcchannel grid, One-stop experience button, One-stop Home button•Electronic Program Guide: Now + Next EPG, 8dayElectronic Program Guide*•Screen Format Adjustments: Autofill (no blackbars), Autozoom (original format), (includes 4:3,14:9, 21:9), Super Zoom, Movie expand 16:9,Widescreen, unscaled (1080p dot by dot)•Teletext: 1200 page Hypertext•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgradewizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Onlinefirmware upgrade•Multimedia: DLNA media Browser, Net TVservices, USB media browser, Wi-FiMediaConnect*Multimedia Applications•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG•Music Playback Formats: MP3, WMA (v2 up tov9.2), AAC•Video Playback Formats: Codec support:, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1, Containers: AVI, MKV•Net TV: IncludedTuner/Reception/Transmission•Aerial Input: 75 ohm coaxial (IEC75), 75 ohm F-type•Video Playback: NTSC, SECAM, PAL•Digital TV: DVB Terrestrial *, DVB-T MPEG4*,DVB-C MPEG4*, DVB-S2 MPEG4 HD, MHEG,DVB-S HD+ support (Astra)•Reed-Solomon decoder support: complies to EN300 421•Tuner bands: Hyperband, S-Channel, UHF, VHF•Preset for satellites: Astra (19.2 °E), Astra (23.5°E), Astra (28.2 °E), Hotbird (13.0 °E), TürkSat(42.0 °E)•LNB: 1 to 4 LNBs supported, Band selection 22kHz, LNB current 300 mA max, Polarity selection14/18V, Tone burst mode•Input frequency range: 950 to 2150 MHz•Symbol rate: 2 to 45 Msymbols (SCPC & MCPC)Connectivity•Ext 1 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS in, RGB•Ext 2 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS in, RGB•Ext 3: YPbPr, Audio L/R in•VGA-in: PC input, D-sub 15•HDMI 1: HDMI v1.4 (Audio Return Ch.)•HDMI2:HDMI v1.3•HDMI3:HDMI v1.3•HDMI Side: HDMI v1.3•Front / Side connections: 2x USB, CommonInterface Slot (CI-CI+), SD-card (Videostore)•HDMI features: Audio Return Channel, Instaportfast HDMI switching•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): One touch play, Pixel Pluslink (Philips), Remote control pass-through, Systemaudio control, System standby, EasyLink•Other connections: Ethernet, Headphone out, S/PDIF out (coaxial), built in WiFi 802.11b/g/n-spec,Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, 3D TV connector•PC network link: DLNA 1.5 certified•Satellite antenna inteface: DiSEq 1.0•Summary: 4x HDMI, 1x USB, 2x SCART, 1xEthernet, Integrated Wi-FiPower•Green label: ECO label certified•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Power consumption (typical): 100.0 W•Standby power consumption: <0.15 W•Off mode power consumption: < 0.01•Annual energy consumption: 146.00 kW·h•Presence of lead: Yes*•Power Saving Features: 0 Watt Power-off switch,Light sensor, Eco mode, Picture mute (for radio),Auto switch-off timer, Eco settings menuDimensions•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1088 x 671 x 69 mm•Set dimensions with stand (H x D): 707 x 260 mm•Stand width: 500 mm•Product weight: 23 kg•Product weight (+stand): 25 kg•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1231 x 1040 x 338 mm•VESA wall mount compatible: 300 x 300 mm*400Hz Clear LCD displays 400 scenes per second by combiningadvanced 200Hz technology with scanning backlight @ 50%dutycycle.*8 days EPG, service not available in all countries*Net TV: Visit /smarttv to discover the servicesoffering in your country.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*3D TV requires Accessory PTA02 (Active shutter glasses andtransmitter, a 3D compatible source device, and 3D source material.*Typical on-mode power consumption measured according toIEC62087 Ed 2.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*This television contains lead only in certain parts or componentswhere no technology alternatives exist in accordance with existingexemption clauses under the RoHS Directive.。

Hisense R62G Roku TV 4K 商品说明书

Hisense R62G Roku TV 4K 商品说明书

Roku 4K ULTRA HD TVModel:55R62GDolby Vision™ & HDR10 are cinema-inspired technologies that add ultra vivid imaging, brightness, contrast, colour and detail that bringsentertainment to life right before your eyes. The Hisense R62G Roku TVtransforms your TV viewing experience by combining these two technologies with impressive 4K picture quality.Start with quick access to nearly endless entertainment. At the touch of a button, you’re in control of adigital library with more than 150,000 free and premium entertainment options across thousands ofchannels. Get access to the mostpopular apps such as Disney+, AppleTV, Netflix and so much more.150,000+ Movies& TV episodes.With the Roku TV mobile app,activate private listening to redirect the sound from your TV directly to your headphones. Great for those who don’t want to wake the whole household during a late night movieor those who just want a moreintimate experience with theirentertainment.All product,product specifications, and data are subject to change without notice to improve reliability,function, design or otherwise. ©2020Hisense Canada Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.FULLY LOADED WITH ENTERTAINMENTStream movies and TV episodes in stunning 4K Ultra-HD picture quality with Dolby Vision™ & HDR10. The Hisense R62G Series TV displays better brightness, colour, and contrast than ever before. Whether you are hosting a movie night, or you just want to binge watch tv episodes -your Hisense Roku TV is fully loaded with the most popular apps and streaming channels to fulfil your entertainment desires. Built with simplicity in mind, the easy-to-use Hisense Roku TV remote allows for one-touch access to top streaming apps.Did you know:The Roku TV mobile app for your iOS and Android devices allows you to control and cast media directly to the TV.The R62G Series TV features a slim minimalist design with a bezel-less frame. This means less bezel and more picture while streaming yourfavourite content.DIMENSIONS/WEIGHT CONNECTIVITY TV Dimensions(Without the stand)48.5”W ×28.0”H ×2.9”D WiFi Built in 802.11 ac Dual Band (2.4/5 GHz)TV Dimensions (With the stand)48.4”W ×30.4”H ×8.9”D Ethernet Yes TV Weight with stand 25.4lbsBluetoothNoCarton Dimensions 53.7”W ×34.0”H x 6.0”D PORTS Shipping Weight38.6 lbsHDMI3 x HDMI 2.0 inputs (1 x ARC/CEC)DISPLAYEthernet (LAN)1Actual screen size (diagonal)54.6”USB 1 (USB 2.0)Screen class 55”RF Antenna1Screen typeFlat / Bezel-less Digital Audio Output1 x OpticalTYPE OF TV Headphone/Audio Output 1Smart TV Yes (Roku TV)OTHER FEATURES Built-in Apps YesNoise Reduction Yes Web BrowserNoParental Control Yes Works with Amazon Alexa Yes, Roku OS v.9.3 and laterClosed Caption Yes Works with Google AssistantYes, Roku OS v.9.3 and later Sleep TimerYesPICTURE QUALITY WALL MOUNT Screen resolution 3840 x 2160VESA200mm x 300mm Local Dimming No ACCESSORIES 4K UpscalerYesRemoteYesMotion Rate / Response time MR120 / 8ms Battery2Aspect Ratio 16:9Quick Start Guide and/or User Manual Quick Start Guide(User Manual is available online)HDR*Dolby Vision | HDR10Power CableYesBacklight Type SourceFull Array WARRANTY/UPC AUDIOWarranty 1 year (in-home)Audio output power (Watts)8W x 2UPC Code888143009643Audio technologiesDTS Studio Sound™LANGUAGES On-Screen DisplayEnglish/French/Spanish POWERPower Consumption 130W Standby Consumption <0.5WPower Supply (Voltage/Hz)AC 120V, 60Hz55R62G SPECIFICATION SHisense Canada Co., Ltd 2283 Argentia Rd, Suite 16Mississauga ON L5N 5Z21-855-344-7367*HDR viewing experience will vary by model,content availability and Internet connection.Product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.。

Hisense H4F FHD Smart Roku TV 说明书

Hisense H4F FHD Smart Roku TV 说明书

For binge-watchers on a budget, the Hisense H4F FHD Smart Roku TV is a dream come true. It’s the smart TV technology that offers a wealth of content and eye-popping 1080p quality.Be sure to call your spot on the couch. The H4F is born ready with the built-in Roku™ TV platform, your private portal to more than 5,000 channels and 500,000 movies and TV episodes. So, no matter how many people you have in your house, there are more than enough must-sees and OMGs to go around.And whether you’re five episodes into the latest season or leveling up in your favorite game, advanced technologies like Motion Rate processing and Game Mode make the most of your fast-action viewing experience. Minimal lag or shaking. Maximum oohs and aahs. The H4F doesn’t hold back, inside or out.Plus, to make the decision even easier, we made the H4F even simpler. It packed with built-in Wi-Fi and faster search. Just connect to the Internet, activate and find your favorite show.With a rich picture and smart features made so easily attainable, it’s hardThe Stream Machine Roku TV ContentYou can enjoy easy access to 5,000+ channels – and 500,000movies and TV episodes – with Roku TV™. But endless streaming is only the beginning. An intuitive interface and simplified remote help you get the most out of your current cable or satellite subscription. Or, cut the cord altogether while still catching live news, sports and more in striking high resolution. Whatever your setup, the H4F Roku TV makes every day a great day to experience the entertainment you love and discover must-see shows. Motion RateBlinked and you missed it? Think again. The H4F is built with motion in mind. Motion Rate image processing makes it so you can keep your eye on the ball, chase scene, or multi-player battle. Gamers see lag times drop and viewers see all the key moments in live sports or action movies. Captivating scenes grab your attention – and keep it with clear motion. Game ModeGame Mode offers super-low latency that reduces input lag, sosignals travel faster from your fingers to movement on screen. Fast responses to each button press make sure the action in video games is processed quickly and you finish at the top of the leaderboard.DTS TruSurround SoundWhat good is a beautiful picture if the sound is tinny and thin? You’ll be blown away by the full and detailed sound of the integrated DTS Trusurround™ sound.Fast and Easy SearchEnjoy fast and easy Universal Search that discovers content far and wide, then displays it all in one place. Simply name a title, actor or director to find movies and shows featuring their work. That’s all the H4F needs to tell you which items are free or premium, then point you to where to watch—including on-demand or live TV. It’s just as fun as it sounds.Works with Google AssistantThe H4F works with Google Assistant through a Google-enabled device that you already own. Simply use your voice to control your TV from your couch and enjoy your new best friend!Works with AlexaThe H4F works with Alexa through an Alexa-enabled device that you already own. Using your voice to power on and off your TV, change channels, and other TV-related tasks, is just as fun as it sounds.DIMENSIONS/WEIGHTTV Dimension (Without the stand)35.6”L x 20.4”H x 3.2”W(With the stand)35.6”L x 22.1”H x 8.0”WTV Weight ( Without the stand)12.8 lbs(With the stand)13 bsTV Stand Width 30.5”L x 8.0”WCarton Dimensions (WxHxD)40.1L x 24.8”H x 5.7”W Shipping Weight18.5 lbsDISPLAYActual screen size (diagonal)39.6”Screen class40”Screen type FlatTYPE OF TVSmart TV Yes, Roku Operating System App store Yes, 5000+ streaming channels PICTURE QUALITYScreen resolution1080pLocal Dimming No4K Upscaler NoMotion Rate120Aspect Ratio16:9HDR* NoBacklight Type Source Full ArrayAUDIOAudio output power (Watts)7W x 2LANGUAGESOn-Screen Display English/French/Spanish POWERPower Consumption70WStandby Consumption<0.5WPower Supply (Voltage/Hz)AC120V, 50/60Hz CONNECTIVITYWiFi Built in802.11 ac (2x2)Bluetooth®NoPORTSHDMI3Ethernet (LAN)NoUSB1RF Antenna1RCA Composite Video Input1L/R Audio Input for Composite1RCA Component Video Input No L/R Audio Input for Component NoDigital Audio Output 1 OpticalEarphone/Audio Output1OTHER FEATURESNoise Reduction YesParental Control YesClosed Caption YesSleep Timer YesWALL MOUNTVESA100x200 ACCESSORIESRemote YesQuick Start Guide and/or UserManualQuick Start Guide is in the box/User Manual is available online Power Cable YesWARRANTY/UPCWarranty 1 YearUPC Code819130025674TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAll product, product specifications, and data are subject to change without notice toimprove reliability, function, design or otherwise. ©2018 Hisense USA, All rights reservedHisense USA Corporation7310 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suwanee, GA, 300241-888-935-8880。

飞利浦7000系列4K UHD LED智能电视(58PUF72954K)说明书

飞利浦7000系列4K UHD LED智能电视(58PUF72954K)说明书

Philips 7000 series4K UHD LED 智能电视146 厘米(58 英寸)4K 超高清 LED 电视DTMB58PUF72954K 高清智能 LED 电视采用 P5 处理引擎精密工程符合多功能设计。

飞利浦 7200 电视将令人惊叹的 4K 高清分辨率与出色的音质及简约的设计巧妙融合。


观看电视,随心所欲•USB 连接让您可以欣赏多媒体内容随心掌控,乐在其中•只需轻触一下按钮即可访问腾讯应用宝和更多内容高清画质引人入胜•4K 高清呈现前所未有的分辨率饱满音效。




飞利浦 4K 高清电视,凭借丰富的色彩和清晰的对比度,可呈现栩栩如生的画面内容。




将 USB 记忆棒、数码相机、MP3 播放器或其他多媒体设备连接至电视的 USB 端口,便可以使用便捷的屏幕内容浏览器欣赏照片、视频和音乐。

DTS HD DTS HD 通过保留原始声音内容来优化声音处理,因此,您可以尽享扬声器出色的音效,水晶般清晰的对话。



发行日期 2023-08-05版本: 6.0.10EAN: 69 59033 85723 2© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.保留所有权利。


所有商标是Koninklijke Philips N.V. 或它们各自所有者的财产。

规格图片/显示•宽高比: 16:9•显示屏: 4K 超高清 LED•面板分辨率: 3840x2160•画面效果增强: HDR10, Micro Dimming Pro支持的显示分辨率•电脑输入均通过 HDMI 传输: 4K 高清3840x2160@30 赫兹•视频输入均通过 HDMI 传输: 高达 4K 超高清3840x2160p, @ 24、25、30、50、60Hz调谐器/接收/发送•数字电视: DTMB•视频播放: NTSC, PAL•支持 MPEG: MPEG2, MPEG4•电视节目指南*: 8 天电子节目指导•HEVC 支持智能电视功能•智能电视应用程序*: 在线视频商店, 社交电视•便于安装: 自动检测飞利浦设备, 设备连接向导, 网络安装向导, 设置辅助向导•易于使用: 一站式智能菜单按钮, 屏上用户手册•固件可升级: 固件自动升级向导, 可通过 USB 升级固件, 在线固件升级•屏幕格式调整: 适应屏幕, 缩放、拉伸多媒体应用•视频播放格式: H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, 兼容:AVI、MKV, MPEG-1•音乐播放格式: AAC, MP3, WMA-PRO(v9 和v10)•图片播放格式: JPEG, BMP, GIF便利性•图文电视: EPG•定时关机声音•输出功率 (RMS): 2x10 瓦•音效增强: 加宽环绕立体声, 自动音量调节器,低音控制连接•AV 接口数: 1•HDMI 接口数: 3•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): 单键式播放, 遥控器功能转移, 系统音频控制, 系统待机•USB 数量: 2•无线连接: Wi-Fi 802.11n,2x2,单频段, 蓝牙5.0•其它接口: 天线 IEC75, 以太网-LAN RJ-45, 数字音频输出(光纤), 音频 L/R 输入, AV 输出功率•主电源: 220V ~/ 50Hz•使用环境温度: 5 °C 至 45 °C•功耗: 150 瓦•待机功耗: &lt;=0.5 瓦附件•随附的附件: 电源线, 快速入门指南, 遥控器,桌架, 保修单, 2 节 AAA 电池尺寸•机身宽度: 1289 毫米•机身高度: 752 毫米•机身厚度: 86 毫米•产品重量: 14.3 千克•身机宽度(含桌架): 1289 毫米•机身高度(含桌架): 773 毫米•机身厚度(含桌架): 245 毫米•产品重量(含桌架): 14.6 千克•包装盒宽度: 1425 毫米•包装盒高度: 860 毫米•包装盒厚度: 160 毫米•可壁挂安装: 300 x 200 毫米*EPG 及其实际可视时间(长达 8 天)视国家/地区和运营商而定。

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Working Peak Reverse Voltage: 5.0 - 170 Volts Power Dissipation: 400 Watts
TV04A5V0 Thru TV04A171
Ideal for surface mount applications Easy pick and place
Plastic package has Underwriters Lab. flammability classification 94V-0 Typical IR less than 1uA above 10V
Fast reponse time: typically less 1nS for uni-direction, less than 5nS for bi-directiona, from 0 V to BV min.
Mechanical data
Case: JEDEC DO-214AC molded plastic Terminals: solderable per MIL-STD-750,
method 2026
Polarity: Cathode band denoted Mounting position: Any
Approx. weight:0.064 gram Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characterics
Rating at 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%
Characteristics Peak Power Dissipation on 10/1000uS Waveform (Note 1, Fig. 1)
Peak Pulse Current of on 10/1000uS Waveform (Note 1, Fig. 3)
Steady State Power Dissipation at T L =75 C (Note 2)
Peak Forfard Surge Current, 8.3mS Single
Half Sine-Wave Superimposed on Rated
Load, Uni-Directional Only (Note 3)Maxinum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 25.0A for Uni-Directional only (Note 3 & 4)
Operation Junction T emperature Range Storage Temperature Range
Note: 1. Non-Repetitive Current Pulse, per Fig. 3 and Derated above T A=25 C, per Fig. 2. 2. Mounted on 5.0x5.0mm Copper Pads to Each T erminal. 3. Lead T emperature at TL=75 C per Fig. 5
4. Measured on 8.3 mS Single Half Sine-Wave for Uni-Directional Devices Only.
5. Peak Pulse Power Waveform is 10/1000uS.
Value 400 See Table 1 1.0
40 3.5 -55 to +150 -55 to +150
Watts A Watts
Volts C C
Rating and Characteristic Curves (TV04A5V0 Thru TV04A171)
Fig. 1 - Reverse Characteristics
Fig. 2 - Pulse Derating Ciurve
0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10000
Pulse Width, t d (uS)
P e a k P u l s e P o w e r , P P P M (K W )
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Ambient Temperature,T A ( C)
P e a k p u l s e P o w e r (P p p ) o r C u r r e n t (I p p )D e r a t i n g i n P e r c e n t (%)
Fig. 4 - Typica l Junction Capacitance
J u n c t i o n C a p a c i t a n c e , C j (p F )
Breakdown Voltage,V BR (Volts)
1.0 10 100 1,000
Fig. 5 - Steady State Power Derating Curve
Leadt Temperature,T L ( C)
S t e a d y S t a t e P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n , P M (A V ), W a t t s
Fig. 6 - Maxinum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current (Uni- Directional Only)
P e a k F o r w a r d S u r g e C u r r e n t , I F S M (A )
Number of Cycle at 60Hz
1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Fig. 3 - Pulse Waveform
Time, t (mS)
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
P e a k P u l s e C u r r e n t , I P P M ( %)
Table 1. Specification
1) Suffix K Denotes 10% tolerance devices, suffix J denotes 5% tolerance devices.
2) Suffix B after part number to specify bi-directional devices.
3) For bi-directional devices having VR of 10 volts and under, the IR limit is double.。
