

S750 G2连接网络基本操作2

S750 G2连接网络基本操作2

S750 G2 设置网络连接










备注重要: 1、连接CORS之前确保第一步的网络设置成功,可以正常登录网页。



H3C S7500交换机产品培训V2.0

H3C S7500交换机产品培训V2.0

31XX 流水号在3100~3199之间的版本; 支持第三代引擎,支持S7502设备,所有S7500系列产品的应用程 序使用同一个文件; 支持所有GEBus上行的业务板和XGBus上行的业务板; 主机软件和Bootrom的版本需要匹配。其对应关系可见各版本配套 发布的“版本说明书”。
S7500 分布式软件结构
Configuration management Equipment management
Configuration Proxy Equipment Management
log/ Alarm/ Diagn ose



配电盒 电源模块

S7506、S7506R交换机只需2个电源模块即可保证系统的正常工作, 但交换机提供有3个电源模块的槽位,实现了电源模块的2+1冗余备份。

S7506R升级软件版本必须整机重启而不能通过主备倒换升级,因 为业务板必须通过重启来重新加载新版本软件。 版本升级时,要注意主机软件和Bootrom之间必须配套;配套关 系可以查看各版本的版本说明书;
Bootrom为引擎和业务板启动时需要的驱动软件。启动并注册成 功之后,Bootrom对设备的正常运行没有影响。因此,只要 Bootrom版本能够保证单板启动即可,不必保持Bootrom版本为 最新版本。

S750G2 GIStar培训流程

S750G2 GIStar培训流程










(图九)(图十)选择我们所编辑的坐标系统(图十一)点击“下一步”,进入记录条件界面,此界面下可以对“状态限制”“PDOP限制”“HRMS 限制”“VRMS限制”进行设置,其中“状态限制”必须选择“差分3D”(图十二),其他限制值越小越好(注:其他的限制条件一般情况下保持默认值就行)。



RED-D-ARC EEX350ii IM764-A 操作手册说明书

RED-D-ARC EEX350ii IM764-A 操作手册说明书

OPERATORʼS MANUAL Red-D-Arc Spec-Built Welding Equipment This RED-D-ARC welder is built to RED-D-ARC Extreme Duty design specifications by Lincoln Electric.Safety Depends on YouThis welder is designed and built with safety in mind.However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thoughtful operation on your part.DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, most importantly, think before you act and be careful.1-800-245-3660AUG 06Jan, 07Mar. ʻ93vvThank Youfor selecting a QUALITY product. We want you to take pride in operating this product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!K857 remote to the 14-pin wire feeder connector on the front of the EX350i.PARALLEL OPERATIONThe EX350i are operable in parallel in CC mode. For best results, the currents of each machine should be reasonably well shared. As an example, with two machines set up in parallel for a 400 amp procedure, each machine should be set to deliver approximately 200 amps, not 300 amps from one and 100 amps from the other. This will minimize nuisance shutdown conditions. In general, more than two machines in parallel will not be effective due to the voltage require-ments of procedures in that power range.To set machine outputs, start with output control pots and arc control pots in identical positions. Use the output control pots to balance the currents and main-tain the desired voltage or current. The arc control pots should be kept identical on the two machines.5.THERMAL• This status light indicates when the power source has been driven into thermal overload. If the output terminals were "ON", the "ON" light will blink indicating that the out-put will be turned back on once the unit cools down to an acceptable temperature level. If the unit was operating in the "REMOTE" mode, the trigger will need to be opened before or after the thermal has cleared and closed after the machine has cooled down to an acceptable tempera-ture to establish output.6.CONTROL-REMOTE / LOCAL• Two status lights indicate the location of output control as pre-determined by the power sources auto-configure sys-tem.• The LOCAL display will be lit when control is at the power source.• The REMOTE display will be lit when a remote pot/control is detected.These O utput Control configurations can be overridden (switched) with the CO NTRO L push button. When changed, the unit will power up in the configuration it was in when it was last powered down.Hidden Middle Control Panel – Process Set Up Panel7. WELD MODE SELECT -The Mode Control button selects from the following welding modes. CC-STICK SOFT:The Stick Soft process features continuous control ranging from 5 to 425 amps. This mode was intended for most SMAW applications, and Arc Gouging.• Arc Gouging: Setting the output of the Stick Soft mode to 425 amps will enable the arc-gouging mode. The actual output current will depend on the size of carbon used. The recommended maximum size carbon is 5/16".• The Hot Start control regulates the starting current at arc initiation. Hot Start can be adjusted from min-imum (0), with no additional current added at arc start, to maximum (10), with double the preset cur-rent or 425 amps (max of machine) added for the first second after arc initiation.• The Arc Control regulates the Arc Force to adjust the short circuit current. The minimum setting (-10) will produce a "soft" arc and will produce minimal spatter. The maximum setting (+10) will produce a "crisp" arc and will minimize electrode sticking.CC-STICK CRISP: The Stick Crisp mode features continuous control from 5 to 425 amps. This mode was intended primarily for pipe welding applications.• The Hot Start control regulates the starting current at arc initiation. Hot Start can adjust starting current up or down by 25% of the preset value. The recom-mended setting for Hot Start is 5 where the initial current is equal to the preset current.• The Arc Control regulates the Arc Force to adjust the short circuit current. The minimum setting (-10) will produce a "soft" arc and will produce minimal spatter. The maximum setting (+10) will produce a "crisp" arc and will minimize electrode sticking.WELD MODE DETAILS:AUXILIARY POWER• 115VAC, 42VAC and 24VAC power is available from the two 14-pin amphenols on the rear of the unit. These supplies are intended to supply power for auxiliary equipment like wire feeders and the TIG Module.• 115VAC supply is rated at 2 amps and is protected by a 2.5 amp breaker located by the amphenol.• 42 VAC supply is rated at 5.5 amps and is protected by a 10 amp breaker located by the amphenol.• 24 VAC supply is rated at 5.5 amps and is protected by a 10 amp breaker located by the amphenol. LIMITATIONS• The EX350i is not recommended for processes other than those listed.• The EX350i can only be used with the recommend-ed equipment and options.RECOMMENDED PROCESSESProperly equipped, the EX350i supports GMAW, FCAW, SMAW, GMAW-P, GTAW and CAC-A processes for a variety of materials, including mild steel, stainless steel, cored wires, and aluminum.OPTIONS / ACCESSORIES• K2176-1Twist-Mate to Lug Adapter• K1764-1Inverter and Feeder Cart• K1557Swivel Kit• K1702-1Dual Cylinder Kit (For K1764-1)• K1838-2Valet Style UndercarriageWelding Cable Connectors:• K852-70 1/0-2/0 cable• K852-95 2/0-3/0 cable•K857Remote Output Control 25ft.• K814 Arc Start Switch• K963-[ ]Hand Operated Amptrol• K870Foot Operated AmptrolNote: All of the above remote controls have a 6-pin MS-style connector, a K864 or K876 adapter is need-ed to connect them to the 14 pin wire feeder MS-style connector. (See Diagram in Section F-1)K930-2 TIG ModuleK428 LN-25 Wire Feeder with meters*K449LN-25 Wire Feeder *K617-1 LN-742 Wire Feeder W/2 Roll Drive K618-1LN-742 Wire Feeder W/4 Roll Drive K440-2LN-7 GMA Wire FeederK567-2LN-7 GMA Wire Feeder W/4 Roll Drive K1559-1LN-10 Bench Model (CV)K1564-1LN-10 Generic 16ft. Boom Package K1499-1DH-10 Bench ModelK1521-1DH-10 Generic 16ft. Boom Package K1853-1Cobramatic*Not recommended for pulse weldingFIELD INSTALLED OPTION• K1762-2 TIG Gas Control Kit• K1763-1 Advanced Process Panel QUICK DISCONNECT PLUGSA quick disconnect system is used for the welding cable connections. The K852-70 is designed to accept a welding cable size of 1/0 to 2/0.1.Remove 25mm (1 in.) of welding cable insulation.2.Slide rubber boot onto cable end. The boot endmay be trimmed to match the cable diameter.Soap or other lubricant will help to slide the boot over the cable.3.Slide the copper tube into the brass plug.4.Insert cable into copper tube.5.Tighten set screw to collapse copper tube. Screwmust apply pressure against welding cable. Thetop of the set screw will be well below the surface of the brass plug after tightening.6.Slide rubber boot over brass plug. The rubberboot must be positioned to completely cover allelectrical surfaces after the plug is locked into the receptacle.25 mm1 in.WELDING CABLEBOOTTRIMET CREWBRA L GCO ER T BEThis Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PRO BLEM (SYMP-TO MS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine is exhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” lists the obvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Authorized Field Service Facility.HOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEService and Repair should only be performed by Factory Trained Personnel. Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.。



支持静态、动态和移动测量等 多种模式,满足不同场景的测 量需求。
设备采用人性化设计,操作界 面简洁明了,易于上手。
南方测绘手持gpss750g2采用了 坚固耐用的金属机身,内部配置 了高性能的处理器、内存和存储 器等硬件组件。
设备采用触摸屏操作,界面简洁 明了,主菜单包括测量、设置、 数据管理等多个选项,方便用户 进行操作。
南方测绘、手持gpss750g2培训 手册
• 设备简介 • 操作指南 • 高级功能与应用 • 维护与保养 • 问题解决与常见故障排除 • 安全注意事项
01 设备简介
南方测绘手持gpss750g2是一款集成了GPS定位、数据处理和输出等功能的高精度 测量设备。
该设备主要用于地形、地籍、道路、桥梁等领域的测量工作,具有携带方便、操作 简单、精度高等特点。
在存放设备时,应将设备放置在 平稳的台面上,避免设备倒塌或
在长时间不使用设备时,应定期 检查设备的电池、存储器等关键 部件是否正常,及时进行维护和
使用配套的充电器进行充 电,确保充电器的规格与 GPS设备相匹配,避免过 充或欠充。
避免将电池置于高温环境 中,尽量保持干燥,以延 长电池使用寿命。
定期备份GPS设备中的重要数据, 以防数据丢失。建议使用外部存
合理规划存储空间,及时清理无 用的数据,保证设备存储空间的

S750 产品手册HandCtrl(09年11月)

S750 产品手册HandCtrl(09年11月)

南方GPS 产品系列GPS手持数据采集系统系列软件——HandCtrl软件南方测绘仪器有限公司二○○九年十一月S750产品手册1S750产品手册1HandCtrl 软件操作流程1.1 打开HandCtrl 应用程序打开程序以后GPS 有一段搜星过程。


S750产品手册2 1.2相关设置1.2.1记录配置:设置做静态时候量取的GPS 天线高(做静态配有专门的外接天线)。

S750产品手册31.2.2 GPS 设置:设置GPS 的高度截直角,一般设置为5°—15°,根据具体实际情况进行设置。

1.2.3 实时设置S750产品手册4 选择中有3中方式:整合的SBAS、外部源和使用未改正的GPS1、整合的SBAS::使用星站差分,选择后小扳手的设置按键点进去,既可选择自动搜索或强制定制(指定差分卫星),在我国部分区域可使用此功能,一般需要选取定制,然后在可用的日本的MSAS卫星既前勾选,既129号和137号卫星,然后确定退出,如果当地区域能搜索到129和137号卫星,既可自动实现差分3D(不需要插手机卡)。



外部源的详细设置:点击后面扳手形状的设置按钮,进入外部源设置界面,S750产品手册5选择好类型和连接方式,输入ip 地址和端口点击获取(用户名和密码根据要连接的CORS 的接入要求设置,但注意不要重名。

高级里面的名称要输入cmnet ,如上既可)设置完参数后,点击“接入点”后面的“获取”,获取本IP 上的源列表,可将该IP 上所有的基准站编号及其对应的差分格式进行获取。

S750产品手册6 点击“确定”返回到外部源的主配置页面在接入点中,已将上一步获取的所有基准站编号及其发送的差分格式列出,选取需要连接的基站(注意,必须选取差分格式为RTD 的项,才能实现差分解算),点击上面的“确定”按钮,便会自动保存设置,再点“确定”退出设置界面。



目录一.面板按键说明 (2)二.主菜单说明 (3)三.操作说明 (7)四.面板自定义指示灯及功能键模板面板自定义指示灯及功能键模板........................................................第1313页页五. 热线服务 (14)一. 面板按键说明1.主菜单按钮2.运行灯3.装置故障指示灯 5.导航键4.自定义指示灯 6.返回键7.确认键9.DIGSI软件通讯口(232)10.功能键8.复位自定义指示灯按钮11.数字键二. 主菜单说明1控制菜单2设置菜单3. 测试/诊断操作说明三.操作说明1. 事件记录与故障报告查询A.你可以通过正常操作进入菜单查询事件记录(Event Log)如: 告警事件, 遥信变位(需在DIGSI软件里预先设置, 保护功能投退等以及事故记录(Trip Log), 具体操作如下:Menu Annunciation Event Log或Menu 01 01 ;Menu Annunciation Trip Log或Menu 01 02 .其中, 数字表示面板上的数字键.B.还可以通过面板快捷键查询上述信息: 按F1键进入事件记录,按F3键进入最后一次事故记录.事件报告内容示例如下:事故报告内容示例如2. 查看测量值通过菜单操作, , :A. 在正常显示情况下, 键和来查询所有测量一次值;B.可通过面板数字按键查看, 比如: Menu 02 11, 即可显示模拟量二次值;C.直接按F2键即可进入.L1 402.1A Max450.1AL2 401.2A Max421.2AL3 401.0A Max431.4AE 00.0A%IL VLN VLLL1100.0100.4100.1L2100.4100.3100.0L3100.1100.1100.43设置定值(例如设置过流定值)1)Menu() settingMAIN MENU 04/05---------------------------- -------------------------------Control -> 3>Setting -> 42) group ASETTING 04/07P.System Data 1 -> 03>Group A -> 04Active Group is A3) Diff.Prot.Group A 02/04P.System Data 2 -> 11>Diff.Prot -> 12Active Group is A4) 1201 Diff.Prot.Diff.Prot. 01/051201Diff.Prot>ONEditting Group A5) (000000)6) ON/OFF(/)7)ESC4)1202 I>>Diff.Prot. 02/041210 I-Diff>>1.5AEditting Group A8)9) ESC(Yes)(NO)(Escape) 4装置上分合闸操作Digsi1)Menu controlMAIN MENU 03/05---------------------------- ------------------------------->Control -> 3Setting -> 42) Breaker/Switch (/)CONTROL 01/05---------------------------- ------------------------------->Breaker/Switch -> 1Tagging -> 23) controlBREAKER/SWITCH 02/04---------------------------- -------------------------------Display -> 1>Control -> 24) BreakerCONTROL 01/03---------------------------- ------------------------------->Breaker -> ****Disc.Swit. -> ****5)Power Automation Ltd.7SD52 操作手册7)8)Continue1)Menu setting MAIN MENU 04/05 ---------------------------- ------------------------------Control -> 3 >Setting -> 4SETTING Osc. Fault Rec. >Setup/Extras Active Group is4)¡ ¢¡  Ü ÆÙØÅÌ"! ¨ ×ÐÖÕÔÜ ÈÇÆÙØÅÌÞÝ3)Date/Time SETUP/EXTRAS >Date/Time Clock Setup Active Group isÜ ÈÇÆÙØÅÌ2)Setup/Extras06/07 -> 09 -> 10 A01/07 -> 1 -> 2 AÜ ËÊÛÚÈÇÆÙØÅÌ×ÐÖÕÔÆÎÍÅÌ ËÊÉÈÇÆ5. 修改日期、时间 修改日期 日期、ð À¿Ü æå11 15ÞÝÜ ¨Ñ©À¿×ÐÖÕÔÆÎÍÅÜÀ¿ÙØÄÅÞÝ6)open() close(¨ ¦§)Ñ ¦»escape()Power Automation Ltd.7SD52 操作手册5)1)Menu setting MAIN MENU 04/05 ---------------------------- ------------------------------Control -> 3 >Setting -> 4SETTING Osc. Fault Rec. >Setup/Extras Active Group is3)MLFB/Version(MLFB)(BF-Nr)MLFB/VERSION MLFB 7HR6 BF-Nr. :01/04 7SD5225-4DB39 0410071667MLFB/VERSION Firmware: Boot System: P-Set:02/04 V04.31.07 V01.06.04 V04.30.115)IBS-ToolMLFB/VERSION Modul B: ----------IBS-Tool:03/04 V-----------V01.10.04¡ ¢¡  Ü4)(Firmware)210 )('&%$#úÈÇÆÙØÅÌÜ ' 76Ü ÈÇÆÙØÅÌ2)Setup/Extras06/07 -> 09 -> 10 AÜ ËÊÛÚÈÇÆÙØÅÌ6.查看订货号 查看订货号(MLFB)、产品序列号 和装置软件版本号 、产品序列号(BF-Nr)和装置软件版本号 和装置软件版本号(Firmware)'7654Ûû$#ú̸3ÐÄÖÕÔÆÎÍÅ×ÐÖÕÔÆÎÍÅÌ ËÊÉÈÇÆð êéÙØÆÙØÅÌ ù! Ñ êé $#ú̸3ÐÄÖÕÔÆÎÍÅ Ü ' ×ÐÖÕÔÆÎÍÅ ×ÐÖÕÔÆÎÍÅ ÄÅ12 15Power Automation Ltd.7SD52 操作手册面板自定义指示灯及按键模板 面板自定义指示灯及按键 四 面板自定义指示灯及按键模板1 指示灯定义模板 指示灯定义模板¡ ¢¡  8 8 8 88 8 8 81315Power Automation Ltd.7SD52 操作手册2五. 热线服务在操作和运行过程中如有任何疑问,请拨打西门子能源自动化 24 小时免费 服务热线, 固定电话用户请拨打: 800-8289887 移动电话用户请拨打: 400-8289887 或发送电子邮件至 each.support@.¡ ¢¡  CBA@98 CBA@98 CBA@98 CBA@9814 15¡ ¢¡  15 15r qp‡dki ogifev utnmldkvjti hg‰ˆ r fed™ — r‘ ‰ˆ‡†‰ˆ‚˜–ƒv •”““’ ‚ yx u rFEW qpihgfeWdcW bv `YXW V„ƒSR€PI wv Fts a UT Q HG ED注意事项!警警7SD52 操作手册Power Automation Ltd.。

S750 快速上手指南

S750 快速上手指南

S750 快速上手指南一、简介S750高精度测量型手持GPS的操作系统为WINDOWS CE 5.0 ,与原小博士导航型GPS有本质的区别。




程序的路径为“我的设备\flash disk\handproj.exe”或者是“我的设备\handproj.exe”在该路径下面双击handproj.exe 运行测量程序,同时桌面上也生成快捷方式,以后作业直接双击桌面上Handproj 快捷方式即可打开测量程序。


第一步、打开handproj 手簿工程之星软件,第二步、新建工程,设置好投影参数,求转换参数,具体如下:一、新测区首次作业。


1、新建工程(输入作业名、输入坐标系、输入中央子午线、投影面高)2、"工程"->"新建"->输入作业名->"ok">选择坐标系(如Beijing54)->"下一步"->输入中央子午线(沧州市117,也可以输入手簿显示的当前经度开机等状态为差分3D 的时候点击查看当前经度)、投影面高(如甲方没提供,默认即可)->"确定"3、手簿工程之星主界面状态栏显示差分3D ,PDOP小于4, RMS小于1.000时,分别到两个已知点上按"3" 测量(输入点名、移动站天线高), 手持机默认设置是接受SBAS信号,手簿主机信号条左侧有S表示,如果不是S的话,就点:设置菜单-----实时设置---差分源选择SBAS----确定即可。



S750 G2 使用手册
5.1.3 坐标系统设置....................................................................... 35 5.1.4 实时设置 .............................................................................. 36 5.2 调试网络 ......................................... 40 5.3 创建文件,进行作业................................ 41 5.4 坐标转换 ......................................... 48
2.2 开机使用 .......................................... 7 2.2.1 开机 ........................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 关机 ........................................................................................ 8
2.3 与电脑的连接....................................... 8 2.4 校正触摸屏......................................... 8 2.5 重新启动 S750 G2 主机............................... 8
1.1 产品指标 .......................................... 1 1.2 产品特点介绍....................................... 3 1.3 配置单 ............................................ 4



南方GPS 产品系列GPS手持数据采集系统使用手册南方测绘仪器有限公司二○○八年十一月S750产品手册1目 录第一章 产品简介 (1)1.1 产品指标 (1)1.2 产品特点介绍 (3)1.3 配置单 (5)第二章 基本校验 (6)2.1 准备工作 (6)2.2 开机使用 (8)2.3 与电脑的连接 (8)2.4 校正触摸屏 (8)2.5 重新启动 S750主机 (9)第三章 初步了S750主机 (10)3.1 外观 (10)3.2 键盘区 (12)第四章 S750的软件界面 (14)4.1 状态 (14)4.2 图形 (17)4.3 数据 (18)4.4 配置 (25)4.5 工具 (31)第五章 S750主机使用 (33)5.1 参数设置 (33)5.2 调试网络 (41)S750产品手册2 5.3 创建文件,进行作业 (42)5.4 坐标转换 (49)5.5 动态后差分数据处理 (49)第六章 基站操作 (55)6.1 CORS 基站设置(不带狗) (55)6.2 CORS 基站设置(带狗) (57)附 联系方式 (59)S750产品手册1第一章 产品简介SOUTH S750是广州南方测绘仪器有限公司第一代GPS 手持数据采集系统,其采用国际知名品牌的GPS 定位模块及主板,性能卓越的掌上型电脑(PDA ),将其融合为具有人体工程学设计的一体化三防主机,能满足移动数据采集在恶劣环境中所需的高性能,坚固和耐久的综合要求。

S750主机使用WindowsCE 5.0操作系统,包含了易于用户掌握使用的,人性化的软件组件。


1.1 产品指标(1)系统:● 操作系统:Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 5.0● 处理器:Intel PXA-270 520MHz XScale, 32 bit RISC CPU ● 内存储器:128MB RAM /128MB M-System 闪存、SD 记忆卡扩展槽(2)媒体:● NVIDIA GoForce4000 多媒体芯片● 集成扬声器、麦克风,支持录音及回放● 480x640分辨率,3.6英寸Full VGA 彩色液晶显示器,TFT 触摸屏 ● 全数字键盘录入,软键盘字符录入(3)数据通讯:● 完整的RS232● USB On-The-Go (USB 1.1)● 802.11b/g 无线LANS750产品手册2 ● 蓝牙1.2、Class II 标准● 内置GPRS/GSM 通讯模块(选配)(4)GPS 指标:● 接收机:L1,C/A 码,带载波相位平滑● 通道:单频,12通道,并行跟踪(双通道SBAS 跟踪)● 重捕获时间:<1s● 数据更新率:1Hz ,可设置(最大20Hz )● 冷启动:30s ~45s● EVEREST 多路径抑制技术(5)定位精度(典型值):● 实时差分改正:亚米级(CEP )(外部源修正或SBAS )● 后差分处理:亚米级(CEP )● 静态:水平5mm+1ppm ,高程10mm+1ppm(典型值要求最少能锁定5颗卫星,PDOP 小于6,SNR 最小值为39dBHz ,且有合理的多路径条件等)(6)协议:● 完全支持SBAS(MSAS\WAAS\EGNOS)● 数据I/O ,NMEA-0183(GGA 、ZDA 、GLL 、RMC 、GSA 、GSV 、VTG ),TSIP● 修正量I/O 协议:RTCM2.3(1、3、9)(7)物理:● 尺寸:284mm x 95mm x 37mm● 重量:0.73kg (带电池)S750产品手册3(8)电气:● 电池:3.7V ,2700mAh ,可拆卸● 在线充电:AC100-240~,0.5A ,50-60Hz(9)工作环境:● 湿度:5%~95% RH 非凝结状态● 操作温度:-10摄氏度到+50摄氏度(14华氏度到122华氏度) ● 存储温度:-40摄氏度到+60摄氏度(-40华氏度到140华氏度) ● 防水防尘等级IP65,完全保护从各个方向的冲水及扬尘,防震动及撞击1.2 产品特点介绍(1)专业的GPS 模块国际专业品牌测量型GPS 天线及定位主板,采用最新的ASIC 芯片和COAST 专利算法,比导航型主板搜星更迅速稳定,定位更精确可靠。


3. 生成报告
Q: 测绘仪器如何进
Q: 数据处理软件如
Q: 是否可以使用测
1. 数据处理软件
2. 格式转换

MSR G2产品培训

MSR G2产品培训

Data Plane

Infrastructure Plane
管理平面:对外提供设备的管理接 口,通过管理平面,实现人机交互


系统架构为多核处理器设计 多任务抢占式调度机制
业 务 平 面
虚拟化 处理模块 配置管 理模块
256MB 1
USB 2.0
USB Console 以太口
1 2 x 1GE
外部模块 性能
DSIC 转发性能
1 1Mpps

MSR 36系列产品介绍
MSR 36-10
MSR 36-20
MSR 36-40
MSR 36-60

3G天线 外部模块 其他接口 性能 转发性能
- - 300Kpps
- 1个SA接口 (同异步串口) 300Kpps

MSR 26系列产品介绍
MSR 26-30
属性 处理器 基本特性 核
MSR 26-30 PowerPC 800MHz 2
内置CF卡 Console /AUX
SPU – 200/300
内存 2G 2G 2G 转发性能 7.5Mpps 12.5Mpps 36Mpps 加密性 能 4Gbps 9Gbps 28Gbps
USB 2,支持3G扩展 2,支持3G扩展 2,支持3G扩展
VPM 2 2 2

MSR 56 规格参数
属性 处理器 核 内存 基本特性 内置CF卡 外置CF卡 风扇 电源类型 冗余电源 Console Aux 固定口 USB 2.0 USB Console 以太口 SIC 外部模块 DSIC HMIM DHMIM 6 1 MSR56-60 MIPS 2GHz 2 标配2G,最大4G 512MB 0/4G 1可热插拔 4可热插拔 AC/DC/PoE N+1 1 1 1 ,仅支持U盘 1 面板1 GE口,用作管理口 8 2 MSR56-80

Ranger 250 GXT 操作手册说明书

Ranger 250 GXT 操作手册说明书

Operator’s ManualRegister your machine: https:///locatorAuthorized Service and Distributor Locator: /locatorFor use with machines having Code Numbers:11400, 11420, 11493, 11667,11668, 11736, 11737, 11792,11793, 11799, 11800, 12095,12096, 12201, 12202, 12539,12652Need Help? Call 1.888.935.3877 to talk to a Service Representative Hours of Operation:8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (ET) Mon. thru Fri.After hours?Use “Ask the Experts” at A Lincoln Service Representative will contact you no later than the following business day.For Service outside the USA:Email:*********************************Save for future referencePRODUCTREGISTRATIONRegistering your product only takes a few minutes, ensures your qualification for available warranties and allows you toreceive updates and information on your product.Follow the QR code below to register.https:///product_registration-5SAFETYlong life, aluminized steel.1Output rating in watts is equivalent to volt - amperes at unity factor.Output voltage is within +/-10% at all loads up to rated capacity. When welding available auxiliary power will be reduced.With the engine off, connect the electrode and work cables to the studs provided. These connections should be checked periodically and tightened if neces-sary. Loose connections will result in overheating of the output studs.When welding at a considerable distance from the welder, be sure you use ample size welding cables.Listed below are copper cable sizes recommended for the rated current and duty cycle. Lengths stipulated are the distance from the welder to work and back to the welder again. Cable sizes are increased for greater lengths primarily for the purpose of minimizingInternal combustion engines are designed to run in a level condition which is where the optimum perfor-mance is achieved. The maximum angle of operation for the engine is 15 degrees from horizontal in any direction. If the engine is to be operated at an angle,provisions must be made for checking and maintain-ing the oil at the normal (FULL) oil capacity in the crankcase in a level condition.When operating at an angle, the effective fuel capacity will be slightly less than the specified 12 Gal. (45 L).LIFTINGThe Ranger ®250 GXT weighs approximately 646lbs.(293kg) with a full tank of gasoline. A lift bail is mounted to the machine and should always be used when lifting the machine.necessary. For maximum rating, de-rate the welder output 3.5% for every 1000 ft. (305m) above 3000 ft.(914m). If operation will consistently be at altitudes above 5,000 ft. (1525m), a carburetor jet designed for high altitudes should be installed. This will result in better fuel economy, cleaner exhaust and longer spark plug life. It will not give increased power.Contact your local authorized engine service shop for high altitude jet kits that are available from the engine altitudes below 5000 ft. This will result in the engine running too lean and result in higher engine operating temperatures which can shorten engine life.------------------------------------------------------------------------MUFFLER OUTLET PIPEUsing the clamp provided secure the outlet pipe to the outlet tube with the pipe positioned such that it will direct the exhaust in the desired direction. Tighten using a 9/16” socket or wrench.Certain Electrical devices cannot be powered to this Product. See Table A.2TABLE lllELECTRICAL DEVICE USE WITH THIS PRODUCTType Common Electrical Devices Possible ConcernsResistive Heaters, toasters, incandescent NONElight bulbs, electric range, hotpan, skillet, coffee maker.Capacitive TV sets, radios, microwaves, Voltage spikes or high voltage appliances with electrical control. regulation can cause the capaci-tative elements to fail. Surgeprotection, transient protection,and additional loading is recom-mended for 100% fail-safe oper-ation. DO NOT RUN THESEDEVICES WITHOUT ADDI-TIONAL RESISTIVE TYPELOADS. Inductive Single-phase induction motors, These devices require large drills, well pumps, grinders, small current inrush for starting. refrigerators, weed and hedge Some synchronous motors may trimmers be frequency sensitive to attainmaximum output torque, butthey SHOULD BE SAFE fromany frequency induced failures.Capacitive/Inductive Computers, high resolution TV sets, An inductive type line condition-complicated electrical equipment. er along with transient andsurge protection is required, andliabilities still exist. DO NOTUSE THESE DEVICES WITHTHIS PRODUCTThe Lincoln Electric Company is not responsible for any damage to electrical components improperly connected to this product.A-8INSTALLATIONSTANDBY POWER CONNECTIONS1. Install a double pole, double throw switch between the power company meter and the premises disconnect.Switch rating must be the same or greater than the customer’s premises disconnect and service overcurrent protection.2. Take necessary steps to assure load is limited to the capacity of the Ranger ®250 GXT by installing a 50 amp 240V double pole circuit breaker. Maximum rated load for the 240V auxiliary is 42 amperes. Loading above 42 amperes will reduce output voltage below the allowable -10% of rated voltage which may damage appliances or other motor-driven equipment.3. Install a 50 amp 120/240V plug (NEMA type 14-50) to the Double Pole Circuit Breaker using No. 8, 4 conductor cable of the desired length. (The 50 amp 120/240V plug is available in the optional plug kit.)4. Plug this cable into the 50 amp 120/240Vreceptacle on the Ranger ®250 GXT case front.*Each duplex receptacle is limited to 20 amps.**Not to exceed 50A per 120VACbranch circuit whensplitting the 240 VAC output.OPERATION*When welding with MIG wire instead of self-shieldedcore wire, weld starts can be improved by setting the idle mode to “HIGH”.SUMMARY OF WELDING PROCESSESCONTROL ELECTRODETROUBLESHOOTINGThis Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMP-TOMS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine is exhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” lists the obvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.HOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEService and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel.Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________KEYPART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY P-1087-A INDEX OF SUB ASSEMBLIES AR P-1087-B.2MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AR 1P-1087-C CASE FRONT - UPPER AR 2P-1087-D CASE FRONT - LOWERAR 3P-1087-E BASE/FUEL TANK/BATTERY ASSEMBLY AR 4P-1087-F ENGINE ASSEMBLYAR 5P-1087-G BLOWER BAFFLE ASSEMBLY AR 6P-1087-H STATOR/ROTOR ASSEMBLY AR 7P-1087-JCOVERS & CASE BACK ASSEMBLYARP r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .P-1087-A.jpgP r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEYPART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 9SS20462SPARK ARRESTOR CLAMP 19SG8872FALL CAMO WRAP1P r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .No ImageP r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 9SG3666-48CASE FRONT ASSEMBLY 11A 9SG3860-12CASE FRONT 13A 9SG3593TOP BEZEL19SS24738-1SCREWS FOR THERMOPLASTICS 74A 9SG3594-1RIGHT BEZEL19SS24738-1SCREWS FOR THERMOPLASTICS 25A 9SG3594-2LEFT BEZEL19SS24738-1SCREWS FOR THERMOPLASTICS 27A9SS7525-21CHOKE CONTROL 19SS25335CHOKE CABLE BUSHING 19SS9262-120PLAIN WASHER 189SS25686SWITCH 1219SG6782-1NAMEPLATE 1239ST10491-1KNOB 19ST13483-7O RING 01119SG4810-4HARNESS 125A 9ST10812-119POTENTIOMETER125B 9SS18280POTENTIOMETER SPACER 1269SS25718SWITCH HANDLE 1299SM22209FUEL/HOUR METER 1509ST14659-1FASTENER BUTTON 19SS9225-66SELF TAPPING SCREW457A 9SM17013-3SELECTOR SWITCH & MTG ASBLY 19ST9187-9#10-24HLN258A 9SM16493CONTROL HANDLE 29SS8025-78SELF TAPPING SCREW259A9SM17014-1ARC POLARITY SWITCH & MTG ASBLY 19ST9187-9#10-24HLN2P r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .P-1087-C.jpgP r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 6A 9SM13900OUTPUT TERMINAL ASBLY 26B 9ST3960FLANGE NUT26C 9SS8025-91SELF TAPPING SCREW 46D 9SCF000344HEX HD SCREW 26E 9SS9262-1PLAIN WASHER 26F 9SE106A-15LOCKWASHER211A 9SM20585CIRCUIT BREAKER 50A 2 POLE 111B9SS24911-2COVER CIRCUIT BREAKER 2 POLE 19ST10082-30SEMS SCREW 49ST4291-ALOCKWASHER 4129ST12287-38CIRCUIT BREAKER 3139SS22061-2SEALING BOOT 3149SM18861RECEPTACLE COVER 115A9SS18907-2RECEPTACLE-SINGLE 19ST9695-3LOCKWASHER 49SCF000042#8-32HN4169SS21088RECEPTACLEGASKET 2179SM16996RECEPTACLE COVER118A 9SS20184RECEPTACLE-DUPLEX (20A-125V)218B 9SS9225-63THREAD FORMING SCREW (CUTTING)418C 9ST11525-1SPEED NUT#10-244199ST9187-11/4-20HJLN 1209SCF0000171/4-20HN 1229SL12790RATING PLATE 125A 9ST10800-39SWITCH-TOGGLE 127A 9SS25928ADAPTER PLATE 19SS8025-98SELF TAPPING SCREW 2289SS8025-96SELF TAPPING SCREW 2319SS17062-10CABLE CONNECTOR CAP 1359SM20463-1AMPHENOL PC BD ASBLY 1369SS22061-4SEALING BOOT151A 9SS25669OUTPUT STUD COVER PLATE 251B 9SS9225-66SELF TAPPING SCREW 4569SM20007OUTPUT STUD COVER2P r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .P-1087-D.jpgCase Front - Lowerr i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 19SG3870-3BASE12A 9SL11147-2ENGINE SUPPORT (KOHLER)12B 9SS9225-68THREAD FORMING SCREW (CUTTING)69SL12164-6FUEL TANK ASBLY 14A 9SG4457-6FUEL TANK 14B 9SM20302FUEL SENDER 14C 9SS19565-4FUEL FITTING ASBLY 14D 9SS19563RUBBER PLUG 14E 9SS28521RATCHET FUEL CAP 14F 9SM22694REMOTE VENT VALVE 14G 9SS28522RUBBER PLUG 15A 9SL12329-2STATOR SUPPORT15B 9SS9225-68THREAD FORMING SCREW (CUTTING)679SM9399-13BATTERY 18A9SS22018BATTERY BRKT 19ST11827-68CARRIAGE BOLT 29ST9187-161/4-20 HLN 29SS8070-20BATTERY CABLE 19SS8070-11BATTERY CABLE19SS20191-1BATTERY TERMINAL COVER 19ST14654CAP-PLASTIC 1109SG4003-2FUEL TANK BRACE 111A 9SL12326-3REACTOR ASBLY 19SS9225-66SELF TAPPING SCREW213A 9SL9036-3CHOKE COIL AND LAMINATION ASSEMBLY 19SS9225-68THREAD FORMING SCREW (CUTTING)417A 9SM20393ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP KIT 117B 9SS25778FUEL PUMP BRACKET117C 9SS9225-68THREAD FORMING SCREW (CUTTING)417D 9SS9262-98PLAIN WASHER 217F 9ST10642-275FLEX TUBE 217H9ST13777-7HOSE CLAMP 49ST10642-321FLEX TUBE1P r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .P-1087-E.jpgr i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 1A 9SM25643ENGINE11B 9SS24344-1RUBBER MOUNT21C 9SCF0001963/8-16X2.50HHB-FULL-GR5-1817/129SS9262-120PLAIN WASHER 21E 9SS9262-47PLAIN WASHER 41F 9SE106A-16LOCKWASHER 29SCF0000673/8-16HN 22A9SG3574-4MUFFLER ASBLY19SM16999-1GASKET-EXHAUST MANIFOLD 29SM16980-1OUTLET PIPE ELBOW1P r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .P-1087-F.jpgr i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 19SG4730-1BAFFLE139SL11411-1BRIDGE RECTIFIER 17A 9SL12198-1CONTROL PC BD ASBLY 17B 9SS8025-100SELF TAPPING SCREW 3109ST12380-1BUSHING3179SS9225-68THREAD FORMING SCREW (CUTTING)2P r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .P-1087-G.jpgr i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 1A 9SL10825ROTOR & SHAFT ASBLY 11B 9SS20110-3CENTERING WASHER 11C 9ST14843-3SPECIAL HEX HD BOLT 11D 9SS18044-9TOLERANCE RING 11E 9SL9033BLOWER 11F 9SS9262-149PLAIN WASHER 11G 9SM9300-85BEARING 12A 9SG3849-1FIREWALL 12B9ST12380-1BUSHING 19ST12380-6BUSHING 19ST14882-1DOOR BUMPER25A9SM16158BRUSH & BRUSH HOLDER ASBLY 19SG2114BRUSH HOLDER CARTRIDGE 19SS19480BRUSH ASBLY 29SS19475BRUSH CLIP29ST11862-44COMPRESSION SPRING 29SS19474BRUSH29SM16157BRUSH ASBLY RETAINER 15B9SM18925BRUSH HOLDER 19SS8025-91SELF TAPPING SCREW 29SCF0000151/4-20X1.00HHCS 29SE106A-2LOCKWASHER 29SCF0000171/4-20HN 26A9SS24344-1RUBBER MOUNT26B 9SCF0001963/8-16X2.50HHB-FULL-GR5-1817/126C 9SS9262-47PLAIN WASHER 46D 9SCF0000673/8-16HN 26E 9SS9262-120PLAIN WASHER 26F 9SE106A-16LOCKWASHER27A9SG2618-11STATOR FRAME ASBLY 19ST8833-10HEX HD CAP SCREW 29SE106A-4LOCKWASHER 28A 9SS20752SOLENOID ASBLY 18B9SS8025-91SELF TAPPING SCREW3P r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .KEY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 9A9SS20848PULL WIRE 19SS21177BRACKET19SS21015BUSHINGLINKAGE RETAINING 2109ST6778SPRING 1119SS21020PLUNGER 1129SS9262-98PLAIN WASHER 1139ST9187-11/4-20HJLN 115A9SS24305HOSE CLAMP19SS9225-26THREAD FORMING SCREW (ROLLING)19SS9262-121PLAIN WASHER 19SE106A-14LOCKWASHER 19ST10642-242FLEX TUBE1r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .P-1087-H.jpgP r i n t e d 10/13/2016 a t 14:49:14. P r o d u c e d b y E n i g m a .。

Retractable Grounding Assembly 750 Gen 2 安装手册说明书

Retractable Grounding Assembly 750 Gen 2 安装手册说明书

Installation InstructionsRetractable Grounding Assembly (RGA) 750 Gen 2Rev A, February 2021II 2 G Ex h IIB T4 GbManufactured for Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc.by Conductix, Inc. 10102 F St Omaha, NE 68127.IntroductionThe second generation RGA 750 is designed to create the lowest impedance connection betweenthe roof and shell of a floating roof tank by creating the shortest possible path between the two.This connection is obtained by keeping constant tension on the wide aluminum braided cable.The following manual outlines the procedures required for proper installation of an RGA. If acustom installation or installation on a closed roof tank is desired, please contact your LEC Sales Manager or Technical Support.In many cases, the RGA is sold in conjunction with LEC’s Dissipation Array System (DAS). AnLEC site supervisor is an important and critical part of the DAS installation. The Supervisor willassist the on-site contractor that will be responsible for installing the DAS. This assistanceincludes training the contractor in the nuances of the installation and thereby ensuring proper installation. Further, the Supervisor will be available to address any questions that may occurduring installation.Note: Review all documents and drawings prior to commencing work. The RGA can beinstalled on a tank during maintenance shutdowns or while the tank is in service. Follow allplant safety procedures and acquire necessary permits.6687 ARAPAHOE ROADBOULDER, COLORADO 80303 USA303/447-2828 FAX: 303/447-8122Equipment and Tools RequiredPneumatic Punch, Hand Punch or Drill to create 7/16” [11mm] diameter holes9/16” or Adjustable Wrench x 2Wire Wheel or BrushLectra ShieldNote: Tap set or welder may be required if tank has bolted foam damSupplied PartsPart Name QuantityReel, 316L Stainless Steel 1RGA Mount, 316L Stainless Steel 13/8” 316 Stainless Steel Bolt 23/8” 316 Stainless Steel Flat Washer 21,056/30 Braided Aluminum Cable80ft [24.4m]Cable Stop 1Handle 2Horizontal Bracket, Galvanized Steel 112” Flexible Aluminum Ground Strap 23/8” 316 Stainless Steel Bolt 103/8” 316 Stainless Steel Nut 103/8” 316 Stainless Steel Flat Washer203/8” 316 Stainless Steel Lock Washer10Installation Manual 1Preparing MaterialsInspect reel, cable, hardware, grounding straps, mount and wire guide. Contact your LEC representative or LEC Sales Manager and DO NOT INSTALL the RGA if any of the parts are missing or damaged.Figure 1: Boxed RGA from LECFigure 2: RGA AssemblyLayout and Tank PreparationIf an installation drawing with the RGA quantity and location is provided by LEC, mark the location(s) of where the RGA should be placed in accordance with the print. If a drawing is not provided, the RGAs should be equally spaced from each other according to API Recommended Practice 545, Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids, latest edition, which requires that bypass conductors be evenly spaced not more than every 100 ft. [30m] around the circumference of the tank with a minimum of two. For example, 4 RGAs (bypass conductors) would be required for one 100 ft. [30m] diameter tank. Each RGA would be placed 90º apart or roughly 78ft – 6 ½ in. [23.94m] on the circumference of the rim of the tank. Mark these locations. Ideally, the RGA will be placed on the highest possible location of the tank: the fire suppression/swash plate, because explosive gases must not be present immediately around the reel during regular use. If the RGA cannot be mounted on the fire suppression plate or directly to the tank wall, use the Horizontal Bracket.Note: Ensure that the RGA will not interfere with the tank roof when fully filled. Finally, if any obstacles or interferences are encountered, contact the LEC Sales Manager for assistance.1,056/30 CableReel Mount Handle Horizontal BracketHardwareWire GuideGround StrapsAttaching the RGA to the TankThe RGA can be mounted directly to the fire suppression plate/tank wall or to the tank lip using the supplied Horizontal Bracket. The drawing “RGA Mount”, located at the end of this document, illustrates the two mounting methods. This can be used as an aide to assist in determining which mounting option is best suited for your application: directly to the vertical tank wall or utilizing the supplied Horizontal Bracket to mount to the rim of the tank.Mounting the RGA directly to the Tank Wall – Create four (4) 7/16 in. [11mm] diameter holes in the tank wall according to Figure 3 below, RGA Mount – Hole Dimensions. Scrape paint and rust from around the drilled holes and under the RGAMount to bare metal. Apply Lectra Shield to both sides of the holes and all bare metal surfaces to prevent rusting. Using the supplied hardware, secure the RGA Mount and Reel assembly to the tank wall and apply Lectra Shield to the hardware after assembly. Alternately, the RGA Reel may first be separated from the Mount by removing the 3/8” bolts on either side of the Reel and the Mount may be attached to the tank wall separately from the Reel; see Figure 4, Mounting the RGA Mount to the Tank Wall.Figure 3: RGA Mount – Hole DimensionsFigure 4: Mounting the RGA Mount to the Tank WallMounting the RGA using the Horizontal Bracket – Two (2) 7/16” [11mm] diameter holes need to be made in the field on the tank lip using the Horizontal Bracket as a template. See Figure 5, Horizontal Bracket - Hole Dimensions. Scrape paint and rust from around the drilled holes and under the Horizontal Bracket to bare metal. Apply Lectra Shield to both sides of the hole and all bare metal to prevent rusting. Using the supplied hardware, secure the Horizontal Bracket to the tank rim angle and apply Lectra Shield to the hardware after assembly. Attach the RGA Mount and Reel assembly to the Horizontal Bracket. See Figure 6, Mounting the Horizontal Bracket to the Tank Rim Angle.Figure 6: Attaching the Horizontal Bracket to Tank Rim AngleFigure 5: Horizontal Bracket – Hole DimensionsGrounding and bondingFoam Dam Types – Two methods are commonly used to attach foam dams to floatingroofs, as illustrated below. The sketch on the left shows a typical foam dam which iswelded directly to the floating roof. It generally consists of an approximately ¼ in.[6.4mm] thick piece of steel, approximately 18 – 24 in. [457 – 610mm] tall, that is rolledto the approximate diameter of the tank and welded directly to the floating roof. Thesketch on the right shows a typical bolted foam dam connection which generally consists of a series of 18 – 24 in. [457 – 610mm] wide plates which are bolted to a welded portion of the floating roof. These foam dam plates are typically mounted over the primary and secondary seal fabric, as well as any gasket material, thereby resulting in unacceptablyhigh impedance between the foam dam and floating roof.Figure 7: Foam Dam TypesRGA straps MAY NOT be attached to a bolted foam dam as seal fabric and gasketmaterial prevent the establishment of an acceptable electrical connection between thestraps and tank roof. If the tank has a bolted foam dam, additional mounting hardwarewill be required and the bolted foam dam strap installation procedure below must befollowed.Regardless of foam dam type, the attachment point on the floating roof must alignvertically with the center of the braided cable wire, as shown in Figure 8. To facilitatevertical alignment, the RGA should be installed when the tank is at its fullest capacity. A ‘plumb bob’ or laser level can be used for best possible results (caution – a ‘plumb bob’ should only be utilized when the wind is calm). Maintaining vertical cable alignmentwithin +/- 12 in. [305mm] will minimize cable wear and maximize cable life.Figure 8: RGA Front View, Welded Foam Dam ShownWelded foam dam strap installation – If the foam dam is welded to the roof, as shown in Figure 9, then the instructions below should be followed in order to attach the RGA straps to the foam dam.Figure 9: Welded Foam Dam RGA InstallationLocate an attachment point to the welded foam dam that is vertically aligned with the RGA, then create two (2) 7/16 in. [11mm] diameter holes using the Ground Strap as a template, see Figure 10. Scrape paint and rust from around the drilled holes and under the ground strap mounting surfaces to bare metal. Apply Lectra Shield to both sides of the holes and all bare metal to prevent rusting.Figure 10: 12” Flexible Ground Strap EndBolted foam dam strap installation – If the foam dam is bolted to the roof, as shown in Figure 11, then the instructions below should be followed in order to attach the RGA straps to the tank roof.Figure 11: Bolted Foam Dam RGA InstallationLocate a level portion of roof that is vertically aligned with the RGA and sufficientlyinboard from the tank wall so that the RGA cable and straps will not rub against anyportion of the bolted foam dam as the tank roof rises and falls, as shown in Figure 11.The RGA cable and straps will be nearest to the lip of the foam dam when the tank is at its fullest and the roof is near the top of the tank.Scrape paint and rust on the roof to bare metal where the custom roof mount bracket (not included in standard RGA installation kit – bracket must be ordered separately) will beplaced. Weld the bracket all the way around to the tank roof. If welding is not possible, the bracket may be temporarily attached to the roof by drilling and tapping two (2) 3/8 in.holes, using the bracket as a template. If the bracket is bolted to the roof, it should bewelded in place during the next maintenance shutdown or when feasible to do so.Apply Lectra Shield to the welded or bolted connection to prevent rusting.Placing the RGA into serviceWhen the tank is ready to be placed into service, follow the steps below to finalize the installation:1.Turn the RGA reel back and forth to verify that the reel rotates freely and does not bind.2.Un-reel the RGA cable to the roof of the tank.3.Pull the cable out the intended travel distance and carefully allow it to rewind. Thisprocedure should be repeated five (5) to ten (10) times in order to prepare the springs for use.4.Secure the supplied Ground Straps to the tank and RGA cable, one on each side of thefoam dam or custom bracket and RGA Cable, with the supplied stainless steel hardware (see Figure 12).5.Confirm cable retraction by pulling the cable out and letting it retract back.6.Verify that all nuts and bolts are mechanically tight with clean electrical contact.Note: Do not remove or adjust the positon of the cable stop which is factory set 12”[305mm] from the end of the cable to prevent loss of pre-tension turns.joFigure 12: Ground Straps on Either Side of Welded Foam DamFinally, coat all mechanical ground connections with Lectra Shield. If you encounter any problems, contact the LEC Site Supervisor immediately or the LEC Sales Representative in the absence of a Site Supervisor.To maximize cable and strap service life, LEC recommends disconnecting the ground straps from the foam dam or custom bracket and allowing the cable to retract if the tank will be out of service for an extended period of time. The RGA Ground Straps should be reconnected before the tank is placed back into service. When reconnecting the Ground Straps remove any rust at the connection point to bare metal and apply Lectra Shield before and after securing the straps. Welding the Horizontal BracketThe Horizontal Bracket should be welded onto the tank lip during a maintenance shut down or when feasible to do so.Corrosion ProtectionFor the RGA to function properly LEC requires a coating of Lectra Shield, a corrosion inhibitor, to be applied to all mechanical grounding connections as described above. Lectra Shield can be purchased directly from LEC.∙Lectra Shield LEC Part #0000120 o LEC Approved Alternatives (if Lectra Shield is unavailable):▪Emerson & Cummings: ECCOCOAT CC 40 A▪Sanchem Inc.: N O-OC-IC SpecialUninstallIn the event that the RGA must be removed from the tank, the following steps should be followed. The tank should be at its fullest capacity to minimize stored energy in the springs. Unbolt the ground strap from the foam dam or custom bracket without allowing the spring motor to recoil. Next, carefully retract the strap to the reel. While supporting the Reel, either unbolt and separate the Reel from the Mount, or unbolt and separate the Reel and Mount assembly from the tank. The RGA horizontal bracket, if present, may then be unbolted from the tank. MaintenanceRGAs are often installed in corrosive environments. The more corrosive the environment, the more frequently inspection and maintenance must be performed. At a minimum, the following should be performed on an annual basis. LEC recommends an increase in the frequency of inspection/maintenance as conditions require.∙Remove build-up from RGA cable and reel.∙Keep the bearing well lubricated using Thomas & Betts Aluma-Shield PN M-53 or AP8, Sanchem Inc. NO-OX-ID “A-Special” or other electrically conductive lubricant.∙Visually inspect the Ground Straps for dirt, corrosion or tearing; if there is a tear in the strap, replace immediately.∙Visually inspect the RGA cable for dirt, corrosion or tearing; if there is a tear in the cable, call your LEC Sales Manager immediately.∙Ensure that all Ground Strap, Mount, and Horizontal Bracket nuts and bolts are mechanically tight. Tighten any loose hardware immediately.Replacement Parts∙12” Flexible Aluminum Ground Strap LEC Part #0010874 ∙12” Flexible Aluminum Ground Straps (x2) and 3/8” SS Hardware LEC Part #0010861 ∙80ft 1,056/30 Braided Aluminum Cable LEC Part #0010863 ATEX CertificationThe CE/Ex markings on the RGA signify the RGA’s compliance with the requirements of Directive 2014/34/EU involving potentially explosive atmospheres. The various markings are described below.II 2 G Ex h IIB T4 GbCE CE MarkEx Specific mark for explosion protectionII Equipment Group II: intended for use above ground, not for use in mines2Equipment Category 2: the equipment is protected against ignition hazards in normal operation where a gas is likely to occur under normal conditionsG Equipment is intended for exposure to explosive gasses and mists only(not protected against explosive dusts)Ex Explosion protectionh Concept of protection: Basic methodsIIB Atmosphere Group: Gas, vapors and mists. Ethylene class.T4In normal operation, the maximum surface temperature of the equipment will not exceed 275 deg. F (135 deg. C).Gb Equipment protection level: Zones 1, 2Technical SupportFor technical support please contact:Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc.6687 Arapahoe RoadBoulder, Colorado 80303 USAPHONE: (+1)303/447-2828FAX: (+1)303/447-8122。

MeCaCorr 750 双组件系统应用说明书

MeCaCorr 750 双组件系统应用说明书

MIXING INSTRUCTIONSThis is a two-component system. COMPLETE U NIT MU ST BE MIXED AND APPLIED AT ONE TIME. DO NOT MIX PARTIAL QU ANTITIES FROM CONTAINERS OR PROPER RATIOS MAY NOT BE OBTAINED. Ensure product temperature is between 68-85°F (20-30°C), pre mix Resin Part A and Hardener Part B individually, be sure that any settled material at the bottom of the can is dispersed. Slowly pour the contents of the hardener into the resin while mixing slowly.Pour a quarter of the hardener into the resin at one time and mix, once dispersed add the remainder of the hardener in small increments while mixing until the full content has been added. Mix for 2 minutes until a uniform color and consistency is achieved. To ensure complete mixing, scrape sides and bottom of container and continue mixing for an additional 1 minute. If a mechanical drill with Jiffy mixer is used, mix at slow rpm speed. Excessive mixing speed will induce air into the mixture and is not recommended.APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONSOnce mixed, begin application immediately - no induction time is needed. This product will have a short working pot life and will develop exothermic heat due to the polymeric reaction. Contents of the container may be portioned off into smaller containers to maintain pot life. The product may be applied by brush or roller. Work the material into the surface profi le to completely wet out the substrate surface to ensure proper adhesion. No reducing or thinning of the material is permitted.MECASPRAY CARTRIDGE SPRAY SYSTEMRefer to the MeCaSpray instructional video and reference guide before use. Preheat the cartridge tubes to 130-140°F, (55-60°C) do not exceed 158°F (70°C). Shake the cartridge tube to ensure that if any settling occurs that it is redispersed into the product. Set the plungers to a 2:1 ratio. Use the low fl ow (gray tip) static mixer without check ball valve (white base). Begin the spray application with a minimum inlet air pressure of 80 psi (5.5 bar). Purge the product through the static mixer to ensure that both resin and hardener components are properly dispensed and that the cartridge plunger depth in equal between both components. The air supply to the atomizer should be set to 3 or 4, too much atomization air will increase the surface roughness. Set the plunger speed to medium (4) on the dial. Stand a minimum 16 inches (40 cm) from the surface while spraying. Before spraying on target, always trigger the gun off target until well mixed material in achieved.SURFACE PREPARATIONEnsure that surface is clean, dry and uncontaminated. Precleaning of the surface is necessary to remove oil, wax or other foreign contaminant which may contaminant the abrasive media and impregnate itself into the blast profi le. Always check for ionic salt contamination (chlorides and sulfates) and neutralize the surface as required. Proceed only if the substrate temperature is 5°F (3°C) above the dew point temperature and that the relative humidity is below 85% during surface preparation and coating application. Abrasive blast with clean angular abrasive media. For steel surfaces, blast to a Near White Metal Blast (SSPC-SP10; NACE 2; SA 2.5) with a minimum 3 mils (75 μm ) depth profi le. Blow down the surface before applying the coating to ensure it is free of dust and other loose contaminants.Pitting Filling/Irregular Welds – Irregular surface roughness caused by welding or corrosion shall be resurfaced with a polymeric metal rebuild compound such as the MeCaFix series by MeCaTeC. Overcoating of the repair area may require roughening of the repair compound before applying the top coat material. Refer to application instructions for the repair compound.Salt Water Service - It is highly recommended that where the substrate has been exposed to salt water immersion that the surface is abrasive blasted, allowed to sit for 12 hours, followed by high pressure water jetting with a neutralization solution before re-blasting for the application of the coating.SINGLE LEG AIRLESS AND PLURAL COMPONENT SPRAY APPLICATIONConsult with Castolin Eutectic for the system guide and set up recommendation for the use of single leg airless and heated plural component equipment for the application of this material.SPRAY APPLICATIONPrior to full coating application, stripe all continuous welds and edges by brush. Apply coating wet on wet to striped areas. Apply the coating at no more than 20 mils (500 μm ) per pass. Apply the coating to the specifi ed thickness in a crisscross multipass technique.Mixing Ratio Volume 2 part Resin (A) : 1 part Hardener (B)Weight1.88 part Resin (A) : 1 part Hardener (B)INSPECTIONImmediately following the application of the coating, visually inspect for pinholes and areas of missed coating. These areas can be repaired immediately if the coating is tacky to touch.Further inspection is to be performed once the coating has cured. Visually inspect the coating for discoloration, pinholes, uncured coating, blisters, and other visual defects. Mechanical removal and reapplication may be required depending on the defect type.Where the coating is to be used for immersion service or service where corrosion protection is required, discontinuity testing in accordance with relevant ASTM standards must be performed. The minimum recommended voltage is 2000 volts or 100 volts/mil based on the average coating thickness.CURING PERFORMANCEFOR CHEMICAL SERVICE THE COATING MU ST CU RE FOR A FULL 7 DAYS. Force curing for 6 hours at 120°F (50°C) may be used to expedite chemical service. Spray temperature and substrate temperature will affect the coating cure time. The warmer the temperature the faster the reaction speed.STORAGE & CLEAN UP1) Use commercial solvents (Xylene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone) to clean tools immediately after use.2) Once the coating is dry, the material must be abraded off.3) Keep containers tightly sealed. For cleanup, use M.E.K. or a 50:50 blend of M.E.K. and Xylol.4) Long time storage should be between 50°F (10°C) and 80°F (27°C).DO NOT FREEZE.5) Use product within 2 years of receiving. Once theproduct lid is opened it must be resealed tightly. The shelf life will be reduced to 3 months.Cartridge tubes have a 1 year shelf life. Separation may occur, preheat and shake cartridges well before use.SAFETYBefore using any products, please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Follow standard confi ned space entry and work procedures, if appropriate.Wear eye safety protection and full skin protectionincluding chemical resistant gloves. Use NIOSH approved respirator where mist occurs.Before applying this product, please refer to the Technical Data Sheet.Statement of Liability: Due to variations inherent in speci fi c applications, the technical information contained herein, including any information as to suggested product applications or results, is presented without representation or warranty, expressed or implied. Without limitation, there are no warranties of merchantability or of fi tness for a particular purpose. Each process and application must be fully evaluated by the user in all respects, including suitability, compliance with applicable law and non-infringement of the rights of others, and Eutectic Corporation and its a ffi liates shall have no liability in respect thereof.EUTECTIC CORPORATIONN94 W14355 Garwin Mace Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 USA Tel.: +1 (800) 558-8524EUTECTIC CANADA 428, rue Aimé-Vincent Vaudreuil-Dorion, Québec J7V 5V5 CanadaTel.: +1 (800) 361-9439R E V 05:10/2019YOUR RESOURCE FOR PROTECTION, REPAIR AND JOINING SOLUTIONSCuring Schedule 50°F 77°F 86°F 10°C 25°C 30°C Pot Life 45 minutes 25 minutes 25 minutes Dry to Touch 5 hours 2 hours 1.5 hours Dry to Handle 12 hours 8 hours 4 hours Full Load Exposure 16 hours 12 hours 8 hours Max. Recoat Time36 hours24 hours18 hours。

750-504 025-800 4DO 24V DC 0.5A T R 产品说明书

750-504 025-800 4DO 24V DC 0.5A T R 产品说明书

750-504 / 753-504146I/O -S Y S T E M4-Channel Digital Output Module DC 24 Vshort-circuit protected; high-side switchingDelivery without Mini WSB markerDO 2 Data contacts24 VDO 4Power jumper contacts0 VDO 4 DO 2 Status DO 10 V24 V24 VDO0 VDO 2 DO 3DO 4750-50412345678The connected load is switched via the digital output from the control system.All outputs are electronically short-circuit-protected.Each output is electrically isolated from the bus by use of optocouplers.DescriptionItem no.Pack. unit 4DO 24V DC 0.5A 750-504101)4DO 24V DC 0.5A/T750-504/025-0001(Operating temperature -20 °C ... +60 °C)4DO 24V DC 0.5A/R*750-504/000-80014DO 24V DC 0.5A/T/R*750-504/025-8001(Operating temperature -20 °C ... +60 °C)4DO 24V DC 0.5A (without connector)753-504101)* /R: Interference-free for safety function applications (see manual)1)Also available individuallyAccessoriesItem no.Pack. unit753 Series Connectors 753-11025Coding elements 753-150100Miniature WSB Quick marking system plain 248-5015with marking see full Line Catalog 08/09Volume 3, Section 1ApprovalsSeries 750 and 753Conformity marking 1r UL 5084 r ANSI/ISA 12.12.01Class I, Div. 2, Grp. ABCD, T4750 Series(Produktvarianten auf Anfrage)4 EN 60079-15I M2 / II 3 GD Ex nA IIC T4Marine applicationssee "Approvals Overview" in section 1Technical DataNo. of outputs4Current consumption (internal)7 mAVoltage via power jumper contacts DC 24 V (-25 % ... +30 %)Type of loadresistive, inductive, lamps Switching frequency (max.) 1 kHzOutput current (max.)0.5 A, short-circuit protected Inductive load switch off energy dissipation W (max.)0.3 J; L max = 2 x W max / I 2Current consumption typ. (field side)15 mA / module + charge Isolation500 V system/supply Internal bit width 4 bitsWire connection CAGE CLAMP ®Cross sections0.08 mm² ... 2.5 mm² / AWG 28 ... 14Stripped lengths, 750/753 Series 8 ... 9 mm / 0.33 in 9 ... 10 mm / 0.37 in Width 12 mm Weight49.5 gEMC 1-Immunity to interference acc. to EN 50082-2 (1996)EMC 1-Emission of interference acc. to EN 50081-1 (1993)EMC marine applications - Immunity to interference acc. to Germanischer Lloyd (2003)EMC marine applications - Emission of interferenceacc. to Germanischer Lloyd (2003)WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KGSubject to design changes 01.04.2009Postfach 2880 - D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 - D-32423 Minden Phone:+49(0)571/887-0E-Mail:*************Fax: +49(0)571/887-169 。

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电池及充电器: 主机采用内置电池; 充电器为直充式; 充满电需5小时。
1.3.2 使用前的准备工作
SD卡及SIM卡 需数据扩展可装SD卡; 需实时差分功能,安装 带GPRS功能SIM卡, 位置在主机下方,卡槽 为弹出/卡入式,通过插 入方式内推即可。

工 具
在工具选项中,内置 了坐标计算工具及常 用的工程计算工具。

进入一级菜单—注册, 可以查看软件注册日期 并进行注册。
2.2.5 注册

如注册日期已超出,需 在注册码一栏输入注册 码进行注册。
2.3.1 建立软件快捷方式
如需将Handstar的快捷 方式建立在桌面上(如 左图),可进行以下操 作:

2、在命令行选择“SOUTH OPEN”,点击“发送”
此命令即为开始连接命令,GPRS模块会重新启动 ,登陆服务器,在中间白色信息框中会显示其登 陆的状态,登陆成功后,上发GGA。
3.2.6 整合的SBAS

如不进行CORS差分, 可选择整合的SBAS。 点击右侧设置键,订制 129、137两颗卫星, 即可进入下一步操作, 创建工程、采集数据。

6、查看坐标。点击一级菜单工具,对应二级菜单 “测量点”,就可以看到该要素的点的坐标(线或 面类的话会显示采集该要素的点的坐标值)
3.2.9 数据导出

在“数据”菜单中选择“文件导出”可 导出多种格式,如下图: 所有数据文件被默认存 在:我的设备—Flash Disk—SurveyData,把 数据通过SD卡或是数据 线复制到电脑上。
1.7.1 电源设置

新机默认电源设置为省 电模式,一分钟后会自 动关机。用户可根据需 要对电源和背景进行设 置: 开始 设置 电源 (见右图)。
1.7.2 电源设置

进入电源选项后,点击 上方“高级”,可根据 需要来设置设备自动关 闭时间的长短。 右图,如果单击方格, 去掉“×”,表示不用 自动关闭功能,这样仪 器便不会自动关机。

此处是自动—距离间 隔来自动采集,比如 选择5米,表示每移 动5米,自动采集一 点。
3.2.2 GPS设置

此处端口以及波特 率默认COM3, 57600,不能改动。 高度截止角默认5度, 一般选在20度以下。

选择配置中的“实时 设置”。

1、整合的SBAS:使 用星站差分。
我们工作中使用的主要方式(详细讲解) 3、使用未改正的GPS:不使用差分信号, 相当于单点定位(不推荐使用) 4、精密单点PPP功能(少量无星站差分、 无CORS基站差分地区可以使用)
3.2.4 外部源
如需连CORS基站实现 差分,则选择外部源 选择类型和连接方法, 输入IP和端口,点击 获取,选择正确接入 点.
2.2.1 Handstar主 菜 单
一级菜单每个选项对 应有二级菜单。如 “状态”项对应的二 级菜单选项为卫星图、 卫星信息、接收机、 外部源等等。 选择以下几个常用菜 单做介绍。

进入“状态”下“平面” 查看点位信息,如右图。 PDOP三维坐标几何因子 HDOP二维坐标几何因子 VDOP 高程几何因子 查看此界面,可用于采 集坐标数据前的参考。
1.5.2 与电脑的连接
如右图,安装好的同步 软件,当手持机连接电 脑后会自动运行。点击 “浏览”,即可进入数 据管理界面,可进行数 据下载、软件安装删除 等操作。
1.6 重启S750 G2主机

热启主机:请使用系统 内部软件功能。 冷启主机:用触笔,轻 触“复位关机键”,成 功关机后,再开机即可。 重要提示:此键也可以 用于强制关机或重启
基本操作步骤至此已 完成, 详细步骤请参 考说明书


销售、服务热线400-7000-700 总部: 全称:广州南方卫星导航仪器有限公司 地址:广州市科韵路软件园建中路52号导航大厦首 层 电话:(020)22828899 传真:(020)228288998634 邮编:510665 网址:
2.3.5 建立软件快捷方式

以上操作完成后,在开 始菜单下方,就可找到 软件的快捷方式,从而 减少操作步骤。
第三部分:软件设置以及采集 数据—Handstar
开机,点击左下方开始键 下滑菜单,找到资源管理器

如Handstar快捷方式已设置到开始菜单,则 不需以上操作,直接进入软件即可。
客服电话:400 7000 700
1.1 初步了解S750G2主机--外观
1.2 产 品 配 置 单
序 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 项目名称 S750 G2主机 G2充电器 G2通讯电缆 布袋 光笔 光盘 包装箱 规格型号 Mobile 6.5 PSA15R050P PIU40 标准 标准 SOFT 标准 产地 中国 中国 中国 中国 中国 中国 中国 数量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.8 背景光设置

新机默认30秒后关闭背 光灯。如想设置背光灯 关闭时间,可进行如下 操作: 开始 设置 系统 背景光(右图) 对背景光关闭时间长短 进行设置即可。
第二部分:软件功能简单介 绍—Handstar
2.1 Handstar主界面

HandStar为S750 G2 基础软件,左图为 软件运行后的基础 界面。软件界面由 一级菜单(如左图 “状态”)、二级 菜单(如左图“星 图”)组成。


3、创建文件成功后, 点击工程—存储数据 ,如右图所示,进入 到元素采集界面下:

如果上一步选择的是 点类,点击“确定”, 即可完成此点位的采 集。

5、如果是线或面类, 在“选项”菜单下按“继 续”,会继续采集下一 点,当前线元素或面 元素采集完成后,选 “更新元素”,可以进 入下一元素采集。
3.2 软件设置

3.2.1 记录设置—要素记录形式
三种记录形式:手动、自动—时间、自动—距离; 可跟据需要来选择。手动存储较为简单,不做介绍。 记录设置—时间间隔

此处是在设置自动采 集情况下,时间间隔 来采集。比如选择 5S,表示每5秒自动 采集一点。 记录设置—距离间隔
2.3.2 建立软件快捷方式

Program Files
2.3.3 建立软件快捷方式

找到Handstar软件,触笔点击长按,选 择复制。
2.3.4 建立软件快捷方式

将上一步骤复制的软件 粘贴到对应路径: 资源管理器 我的设 备 Windows 开始菜单 程序, 在程序列表的最下方,触 笔长按屏幕空白处,选 择“粘贴快捷方式” , 即可完成操作。
1.4 开机、关机

按住绿色电源键,右下 角指示灯闪绿时,松开 绿色电源键,开机。 在屏幕激活状态下,长 按绿色电源键将关机。 短按绿色电源键将待机。
注意:待机状态下,只需按 一下绿色电源键,就能唤醒 屏幕,出现之前运行的界面。

1.5.1 与电脑的连接
S750 G2主机可以通 过USB连接线进行连 接通讯(见右图) 先在电脑上安装微 软ActiveSync连接软 件,需下载4.5以上 版本。

点击“接入点”后面的“获取”,获取 本IP上的源列表,可获取该IP上所有的 基准站编号及其对应的差分格式。
在获取的所有接入点中, 选取需要连接的基站(必 须选择正确)
点击“确定”完成与 基 准站的连接, 等待状态变为差分 3D,表示连接成功 并且操作正常。
3.2.5 调试网络

1、点击左上角配置按钮选择“状态”,选择 “外部源”
3.2.7 坐标系统设置

“坐标系统”中,点击要设置的椭球、投影、七参数、 四参数等项目后面的设置按钮,进行设置或直接输入。

注意:中央子午线一定要输入正确。 至此,所有设置均已完成,可开始采集数据。
3.2.8 创建文件,进行作业

1、新建工程,输入文件名,点击“创 建”

2、创建数据文件。创建 时确认天线高,如果不想 弹出该对话框,就在确认 后改为:决不