解读文本,挖掘文化含义——阅读课Communication——No Problem?的片段分析

分别给两组 学生分别 写着 T o n y C a r c i a和 J u l i a S mi 凼及 T o n y C a r c i a和 J u l i a S mi t h的纸条 , 根据 所赋予 的身份 , 进行 表演 . 要求观看的 同学说 出每一位同学表演 的分别是文章中 的哪一位 。由于情景表演更生动 、 更趣味地表 现了文章 的中
景 .讲述了来 自几个不 同国家的学生 由于文化背景 的差异 , 在初次见面时相互 问候是 的方 式迥然不 同 . 而造成的一些小 误会 . 形象地表 明了身体语言 和文化背 景的 密切联系 。 结合 本文的 内容 , 本人尝试从文化视角解读 、 处理 本阅读课 , 构造 具有丰富文化 内涵的课堂 。本文笔者选取 了本课的几个片段
c a t i o n ——N o培养跨文化意识 。 2 . 培养学生的阅读技能 。
二、 教 学 思 路
( 2 ) Wh y d i d t h e y h a v e p r o b l e m s i n c o m mu n i c a t i o n ? 弓 I 导学 生从文化角度思考 问题 , 培养跨文化意识 。
这一段文章是关于约旦人 和法 国人问候的不同风俗。在 学习 了这一段的文 字含义后 . 要求学生运用所学 习的跨文化
知识 . 推断
Ac c o r d i n g t o t I l e i n f o r ma t i o n.啪 “ I”ma l e o r f e ma l e ? Wh y ?
加 以说明。
案 例描 述 授课内容和教学 目标
的c u l t u r a l c o n f l i c t s i n b o d v l a n g u a g e . 学生笑声 中感受 了文化 差异在身体语言方面 的体现 。 设计 意图 : 通过文本 内容 的情 景表演 , 使学生对身体语 言在文化方面的差异有更直观 的感知。
2019年高中英语人教必修四 Unit4 Communication no problem阅读[课件] (共14张PPT)
![2019年高中英语人教必修四 Unit4 Communication no problem阅读[课件] (共14张PPT)](
Who are they and where do they come from?
Tony Garcia Julia Smith Akira Nagata George Cook Ahmed Aziz Darlene Coulon
Columbia Britain Japan Canada Jordan France
American countries
Do not stand _ve_r_y_c_l_o_s_e_to others or touch _s_tr_a_n_g_e_r_s when they meet.
_A_p_p_ro__ac_h__others closely and are more likely to_t_o_u_c_h_t_h_e_m_.
we know how to behave correctly
No problem? and properly in different countries.
Successful communication?
No problem!
If not, you will have difficulties.
Unit 4 Body Language
Communication: No problem?
1.How many international students are there in the story? Six 2.Who are they and where do they come from?
Scanning Describe the two mistakes
scanning Fill in the table according to Para4:

Unit 4 BODY LANGUAGECOMMUNICATION, NO PROBLEM?阅读课教学设计一、教学设计思路教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》的基本理念为:在进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力的同时,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,逐步培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。
Communication No problem阅读课教学设计

教学设计设计教师:教学年级:高中一年级课题名称:Communication: No problem?阅读课教材版本:人教版授课时间:45分钟(一)学生分析我所教高一学生普遍年龄是16、17岁,他们已具备了之直觉思维和抽象思维能力,正处于发展、培养创造性思维能力的最佳时期和智力的向高水平发展的关键时期,他们又极强的好奇心和求知欲,但学生基础知识相当糟糕,因为他们多数初中都是混过来的,有的根本就没学英语,另外他们认为英语学习枯燥,学习英语的毅力和耐心都比较差,遇到困难退缩不前不做深入思考,大多不愿作长期艰苦的砖研,很少反思自己的学习情况。
(二)教材分析本单元以Body Language——“体态语”为中心话题,具体涉及什么是“体态语”,如何理解“体态语”,以及“体态语”的跨文化性等。
学生也可以结合自己在语言交际中所遇到的实际例子来进一步理解Communication: No problem?(交际,毫无问题可言吗?)这一主题。
课后COMPREHENDING 包括八个问题(前5个旨在检查学生对阅读材料细节的理解,6~7旨在引导学生对“体态语”的意义及文化差异的思考,第8个检查学生能否通过细节进行推理判断),通过对来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的六个角色对待男女不同性别所使用的“体态语”异同的(学生在老师指导下的自我或小组讨论后的)归纳,进一步熟悉和掌握“体态语”在不同语言文化交际中的作用和意义。

a woman from Britain to a man: not too close, shake hands
to a woman: shakes hands, will get closer
a man from Japan the same to man and woman: bows.
Both apologize when Mr Cook’s moving hand touches the Japanese’s nose.
Moves very close to you when introduced, comes closer to ask you questions, nods at women.
body languages.
Part4(Pa6): Summary of body language.
character country
action(body language)
You Mr Garcia Julia smith Mr Cook a Japanese
Ahmed Aziz
If you want to buy a digital camera in Japan, how will you make yourself understood?
Scanning: Read through the passage and try to answer the following questions.
Part1(Pa1): You are sent to Pudong Airport to meet
business people.
Part2(Pa2&Pa3): Examples of learned or cultural

高中英语人教版选修四课文翻译人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4课文翻译Unit 4Body language―Reading―COMMUNICATION:NOPROBLEM交际:没有问题了吗The firt peron to arrive wa Tony Garcia from Colombia,cloely followed by Julia Smith from Britain。
After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I wa very urpried。
Tony approached Julia, touched her houlder and kiedher on the cheek! 托尼走进朱莉娅,摸了摸她的肩,亲了亲她的脸!She tepped back appearing urpried and put up her hand, a if in defence。
I gueed that there wa probably a major miundertanding。
Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in miling, together with George Cook from Canada。
A theywere introduced, George reached hi hand out to the Japanee tudent。
必修四unit4 Reading communication:no problem 课件

C. People use body movements to send messages and
different body movements have different meanings. D. The importance of knowing customs.
Communication: No problem?
1)not 与all, both, every, each 及含every 的合成词连用时, 无论not位于这些词的前面还是后面,都构成部分否定, 意为“并非所有的… …都… …” 表示全部否定,要用none, neither, no one, nothing或no 等来表示或借用never, not…at all来进行全部否定。
Expressions preview
1.defend against 保卫……以免 2.on the contrary 相反地 the same way 以相同的方式 ease
舒适;快活; 总的来说;通常 likely to general
昨天我 represent 代表 ed马金中学去 迎接 greet 英国的一个 association 社团 到我们学校
communicate 交流 , 出于 curiosity 好奇 我们 approach 靠近 ed他们,但同时由于潜意识 ed自己,我们出现了 major 地 defend 保护 主要 misunderstanding truly 发生 的 误会 。 这是真实 的。
7. People from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.

COMMUNICATION:NO PROBLEM?Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. They were coming to study at Beijing University. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! She steppedback appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada. As they were introduced, George reached his hand out to the Japanese student. Just at that moment, however, Akira bowed so his nose touched George's moving hand. They both apologized - another cultural mistake!Ahmed Aziz, another international student, was from Jordan. When we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as I introduced myself. I moved back a bit, but he came closer to ask a question and then shook my hand. When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing through the door, she recognized Tony Garcia's smiling face. They shook hands and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, since that is the French customwhen adults meet people they know. Ahmed Aziz., on the contrary, simply nodded at the girls. Men from Middle Eastern and other Muslim countries will often stand quite close to other men to talk but will usually not touch women.As I get to know more international friends, I learn more about this cultural "body language". Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken "language" through physical distance, actions or posture. English people, for example, do not usually stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are morelikely to touch them. Most people around the world now greet each other by shaking hands, but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese, who prefer to bow.These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed. I have seen, however, that cultural customs for body language are very general - not all members of a culture behave in the same way. In general, though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads!沟通:没问题吗?昨天,另一个学生和代表我们学校学生会,去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。

1. What is the purpose of language? The purpose of language is to communicate with other people.
2. How can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak? Give an example. I can use body language to communicate with someone if I can’t speak.
Read the following statements. Choose a phrase and act it out without speaking. Can your partner guess what you are trying to communicate?
“Hello” “Goodbye” “Come here”
3. There are many different ways to greet someone using words. How many ways can you think of to greet someone if you cannot speak?
Ways to greet someone without words: smile, wave, shake hands, hug, kiss, etc.
Look at the picture and the title of the passage on page 26. What do you think the topic will be?
精品最新 高中英语人教必修四 Unit4 Communication no problem阅读[课件] (共14张PPT)
![精品最新 高中英语人教必修四 Unit4 Communication no problem阅读[课件] (共14张PPT)](
Most people around the world
Bow Shake hands
Part 1. (para. 1)
Part 2 (para. 2 &3 )
Examples of cultural “body language”.
Part 3. (para. 4 )
Part 4. (para. 5)
People in different countries have different body language.
Summary of body language.
Supposing you are Tony Garcia or George Cook, how should you behave correctly and properly? Make up your own dialogue
• 1. Surf the internet to find more sayings about cultures difference .
• 2. Read this passage aloud
we know how to behave correctly
No problem? and properly in different countries.
Successful communication?
No problem!
If not, you will have difficulties.
American countries
Do not stand _ve_r_y_c_l_o_s_e_to others or touch _s_tr_a_n_g_e_r_s when they meet.
Communication No problem

to women
Darlene woman Coulon from
shake hands people she and kiss twice knows on each cheek
Country/ Area
Ways to greet each other
shake hands, do not stand very close to others or touch strangers when they meet
Read the passage again and then answer the following questions.
1. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. Two university students meet the international students in the airport.
Part 4. (Para. 5) Summary of body language.
II. How do different international students behave when they greet people? Complete the chart with information from the passage.
2. How can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak? Give an example. We can use body language to communicate with someone if we can’t speak.
Communication:No Problem教学设计

教学设计Communication:No Problem? 【Teaching Objective】(1)Students can understand the passage by focusing on some details and keywords in the passage.(2)Students can know the importance of respecting different cultures. 【Teaching Steps】Step 1: Lead-inShow a piece of song:If you are happyStep2: Pre-readingBody language refers to one way of communication using:eye contactfacial expressionsgesturesposturesStep3: While-reading1.Structure analyzingCommunication: No Problem?Part1: backgroundPart2: problem-noticing Part3: problem-analyzing Part4: problem-solving Para1 Para2-3 Para4 Para52.Careful reading(1)BackgroundQ: What can we know from the first paragraph?A.These international students took a train to Beijing.B.I would take these students first to the canteen.C.It was their first time to go to Beijing.I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.(2)Problem-noticing(1)Am I a male or a female?I’m a male.(2)Another group:Darlene Coulon and Tony GarciaThey shook hands and then kissed each other twice on the cheek.(3)Was there any problems?No. French and Colombia share the same greeting customs.(3)Problem-analyzingWhich sentence can tell us the reason of these problems?Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.Problems occur because of different cultures.(4)Problem-solving1.Are these behaviors good or bad?They are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed.2.What can we do to solve the problem?Study international customs to avoid difficulties in cultural crossroads. Step4 Post-readingDiscussionIf you meet a foreigner who wants to shake hands with you and kiss you on the cheek, what countries might he come from?Will you feel uncomfortable? What will you do?When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Step 5 Homework。
人教新课标版必修四Unit4 Communication no problem导学案

Unit 4 Body languageCommunication: no problem(A 版)Name: _________ Class: __________词汇运用Part 1 学习词汇1.greet vt. _____;_____;_____1). The teacher on duty greet us with a smile at the school gate every day.2).We greeted the New Year happily.3). We are greeting the president on the street.4). We send greetings to the old teachers on every Christmas Eve.总结归纳:__________________________________________________请完成下列习题。
1). We greeted our teachers _________ flowers and cards in the classroom ,which can send our deep ___________ to them on this special day.2). 售货员用微笑和每一个进店里的顾客打招呼。
_________________________________________________ 2. represent vt.__________; ___________1). The competition attracted over 500 players who represent 8 different countries. 2). The red color commonly represents danger.3). Can you represent the beauty of mountain tai.4). Our monitor is the representative of our class.请完成下列练习1). The dove_____________________.(象征和平)2).I suggest that we make Mr. Jeffrey _____________ . (作为我们的代表)3). He ___________ (自我描述)himself as a scientist.4). 她把自己描绘成世界上最好的母亲。

1.What are the two mistakes?
The first misunderstanding
▲ Tony Garcia (Colombia) / Julia Smith (Britain)
The second mistake
▲ George Cook (Canada) / Akira Nagata (Japan)
Why does the author use more facts here?
The author uses more facts to prove his conclusion. More countries are mentioned here to prove that the cultural difference is a worldwide phenomenon.
Why does the author use more facts here?
English People....People from places like spain,Italy or South American countries....Most people around the world....But some cultures....
In 1998, a newly married American couple went to New Zealand for their honeymoon. They rented a car and toured until they missed a stop sign. A police officer pulled them over. They explained that they were new in town and didn't know about the local traffic so were given a warning instead of a ticket. As a "thank you" gesture, the husband gave the "thumb up" sign. The police officer called for back up and hand cuffed the American man. (A "thump up" is seen as a rude gesture in New Zealand .)

Communication:Noproblemppt课件下载新课标版高一必修四简介:ppt制作课件制作色彩搭配非常好,内容设置难以搭配很合理,很适合做公开课的课件,练习了学生的个方面能力. 上传者:rachel231相关课件:Communication Workshop (Writing an Internet Page)简介:ppt制作简单方便的课件,方便大家实用。
必修二第四单元communication workshop. 上传者:lyn0595 「下载次数:1456」必修4 第四单元身势语第二课时:COMMUNICATIONS:NO PROBLEM?简介:ppt制作这是body language 这单元reading 部分的ppt,非常的具有条理. 上传者:gaomaimai 「下载次数:1207」简介:ppt制作本课讲的是因特网和远程交流,训练的是学生的阅读能力和扩大学生的词汇量。
. 上传者:6677543 「下载次数:421」The Internet and Telecommunications网络与通信(高一句子种类)简介:高一句子种类(The Internet and Telecommunications网络与通信) ppt制作本课件简单实用,把课本简介和阅读等融合到一起。
. 上传者:ynm368 「下载次数:394」必修1 module 6 The Internet & Telecommunications简介:ppt制作详细介绍了网络的危害,通过强烈的感官效果来告诫学生远离电脑游戏,通过多种题型的训练,强化学生的记忆. 上传者:dandan102599 「下载次数:618」必修4module3(Module 3 Body Language & Non-verbal Communication Reading and Vocabulary)简介:ppt制作本课件详细地讲述了本单元重点难点,包括语法以及知识点的讲解是老师课堂使用的好课件。
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Not all cultures greet each other the same way.
• What did the author learn about cultural “body language”?
Careful reading
What happened between Ahmed Aziz and the author? Why?
male or female
Men from Middle Eastern and other Muslim countries will often stand quite close to other men to talk but will usually not touch women. Ahmed Aziz is from Jordan and did such thing to the author.
Unit 4 Body language
What did I say?
Game: Act and Guess
Watch carefully and think:
What parts of the body are used to express feelings?
Game: Act and Guess
cultural customs body language
Fast Reading
Match the main idea of each part with lines.
Part 1. (Para.1) Part 2. (Para.2~3) Part 3. (Para.4) Part 4. (Para.5) Go to the Airport to meet some international students. <C> Different students have different greeting customs . <D>
“Hello!” “Come here!” “Go away!” “Ok!” “I’m sleepy.” “I’m surprised.” “You are great!” “I can’t move!”
What is body language? Body language is one form of nonverbal
Skimming: Read the two paragraphs quickly and catch the key information. • Para1: when: yesterday
• who: Another student, I, international students • where: The Capital International Airport • what: meet…greet… • Para5: key/important words:
Not all cultures greet each other the same way. <A>
Summary of body language. <B>
Careful reading
Para2-3 :Different students have different greeting custmunication without _____________. facial expressions Eye contact (眼神交流)or ___________,
gestures _________, postures and__________, or the
Julia Smith (Britain) George Cook The second mistake (Canada) Akira Nagata
bowed so his nose He ________ touched ________George’s _______ moving ________. hand
• At the end of the class, you will able to:
• Know more about cultural differences
Fast Reading
What is the passage mainly about?
What is the passage mainly about?
ways you stand, are different kinds of body language.
Reading :
Communication : No Problem?
Communication : No problem?
What do you think the passage will tell us?
How many international students here? Where are they from? How did they greet and what happened in the two paragraphs?
Find out the two cultural mistakes in Para2 Tony Garcia The first mistake (Columbia ) He approached Julia, ________ touched her _________and shoulder kissed her _____ _______ cheek on the ________. She ______ stepped ________ back surprised and put appearing _________ in defence up her hands, as if ___ _______. He ________ reached his hand ________ to the Japanese out student.