



Figure 33: WRITE Burst Followed by PRECHARGE – WL = 1, BL = 4Transitioning dataAuto PrechargeBefore a new row can be opened in an active bank, the active bank must be precharged using either the PRECHARGE command or the auto precharge function. When a READ or WRITE command is issued to the device, the auto precharge bit (AP) can be set to enable the active bank to automatically begin precharge at the earliest possible mo-ment during the burst READ or WRITE cycle.If AP is LOW when the READ or WRITE command is issued, then normal READ or WRITE burst operation is executed and the bank remains active at the completion of the burst.If AP is HIGH when the READ or WRITE command is issued, the auto precharge func-tion is engaged. This feature enables the PRECHARGE operation to be partially or com-pletely hidden during burst READ cycles (dependent upon READ or WRITE latency),thus improving system performance for random data access.READ Burst with Auto PrechargeIf AP (CA0f) is HIGH when a READ command is issued, the READ with auto precharge function is engaged.These devices start an auto precharge on the rising edge of the clock BL/2 or BL/2 - 2 +RU(t RTP/t CK) clock cycles later than the READ with auto precharge command, which-ever is greater. For auto precharge calculations, see the PRECHARGE and Auto Pre-charge Clarification table.I DD SpecificationsTable 4: 64 Meg x 16 I DD Specifications1Gb: x16, x32 Automotive Mobile LPDDR2 SDRAM I DD Specifications。



国际整流器IR IRF3205S/LHEXFET® Power MOSFET*先进的加工技术Thermal Resistance*极低的导通阻抗V DSS = 55V*动态的dv/dt等级R DS(on) = 8.0mΩ*175°C运行温度I D = 110A*充分的雪崩等级TO-262 D2Pak IRF3205LIRF3205S描述来自国际镇流器公司先进的HEXFET R功率金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管,利用先进的处理技术达到每个硅片极低的导通阻抗。





最大额定参数参数最大值单位I D @ T C = 25°C持续漏极电流,Vgs@10V110AI D @ T C =100°C持续漏极电流,Vgs@10V80AI DM脉冲漏极电流,390AP D @T C = 25°C功率消散200W线性额定降低因数 1.3W/°CV GS门极电压±20VI AR雪崩电流62AE AR重复雪崩能量20mJdv/dt二极管恢复峰值电压变化率 5.0V/nST J ,T STG工作节点温度和保存温度-55 to +175°C焊接温度,在10秒内300(假设为1.6mm)°C封装扭矩10 lbf•in(1.1N•m)参数典型值最大值单位RθJC节点到外壳——0.75°C/WRθJA接点到环境(PCB安装,稳定状态)——40参数最小典型最大单位测试条件V(BR)DSS~55————V V GS = 0V, I D = 250μAΔV(BR)DSS/ΔT J击穿电压的温度系数——0.057——V/°C参考为25°C,Id=25mAR DS(on)静态漏源导通电阻————8mΩV DS = V GS, I D = 250μAV GS(th) 门极开启电压 2.0—— 4.0 V VDS = 25V, ID = 62A . g fs 前向跨导 44—— —— s VDS = 25V, ID = 62A . I DSS漏源漏电流 —— —— 100 uA V DS =25V,V GS =0V,T J =150℃ —— —— -100 V DS =-20V Q g 总体门极电荷 —— —— 146 nCI D =62A V DS =44V V GS =10V,See Fig.6 and 13Q gs 门源电荷 —— —— 35 Q gd 门漏电荷 —— —— 54 t d(on) 打开延时 —— 14 —— nsV DD =28V I D =62AR G =4.5ΩV GS =10V,See Fig.6and 13t r 上升时间 —— 101 —— t d(off) 关断延时 —— 50 —— t f下降时间 —— 65 —— L D 内部漏极自感 —— 4.5—— nHBetween lead,6mm(0.25in) From packageAnd center of die contact L S内部源极自感——7.5——C ISS 输入电容量 —— 3247 ——pFVGS=0V VDS=25Vf=1.0MHz.See Fig.5C DSS 输出电容量 —— 781 —— C RSS 反向恢复时间 —— 211 —— E AS反向恢复电荷——1050 ○6 264mJ I AS =62A,L=138uH漏源极限和特征参数 最小 典型 最大 单位 测试条件I S持续源极电流(自身二极 管)—— —— 110AMOSFET symbol showing the integral reverse p-n junctiondiode.I SM脉冲源极电流(自身二极 管)—— ——390V SD 二极管前向压降 —— —— 1.3 V T J =25℃,I S =62A,V GS =0V 4 t rr 反向恢复时间 —— 69 104 ns T J =25℃,I F =62A di/dt=100A/us4Q rr 反向恢复电荷 —— 143215nct on前向恢复时间内在打开时间是可以忽略的(打开受控于L S +L D )○1 反复级别:脉宽小于最大值。






75M时钟(最大)VPP=9V快速读写电压页操作时间0.6ms擦出一个扇区时间0.6s整块擦除时间:标准23s,快速17s睡眠模式电流1uABP0,BP1,BP2硬件写保护选择位擦写次数可达100000次数据可保存20年目录1描述2信号描述数据输出数据输入时钟片选保护写保护,提高编程电压工作电压电源地3SPI协议4操作方法和时序页操作扇区的擦除和整块的擦写写检测和循环擦除快速编程和擦除操作激活,正常工作,睡眠模式状态寄存器保护方法保持条件5存储组织结构6操作说明写操作使能使能复位读器件ID读状态寄存器WIP位WEL位BP2,BP1,BP0位SRWD位写状态寄存器读数据操作快速读数据操作页操作扇区擦除操作整个器件擦除睡眠模式激活器件78原始状态9极限参数10DC和AC参数11硬件结构12编号13修订记录1 描述M25P32是32Mbit(4M*8)的串行flash存储器,具有增强写保护结构。

存取采用SPI 总线协议。



当V PPH 达到写保护或增强编程电压时即可进入此模式。

存储结构分为64个扇区,每个含有256页,每页256字节的宽度,所以整个器件可以看成有16384页组成(或者4194304个字节组成)整个器件的擦除(参考整块擦除说明),一次擦除一个扇区(参考扇区擦除说明)图1表1图22信号描述串行数据输出(Q)串行数据输入(D)图31.DU = Don’t use2.3 串行时钟信号2.4片选()当片选端输入为高时,那么取消选定器件,此时串行数据输出为高阻态,除非内部编程,循环对擦除、写寄存器进行操作,器件将工作在标准电源模式下(非睡眠模式)当器件片选信号拉低使能时,即器件进入正常工作模式。



Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsFEATURES• NEW SIZES FOR LOW PROFILE AND HIGH DENSITY DESIGN OPTIONS • EXPANDED CV VALUE RANGE• HIGH RIPPLE CURRENT• LONG LIFE • CAN-TOP SAFETY VENT• DESIGNED AS INPUT FILTER OF SMPS • STANDARD 10mm (.400") SNAP-IN SPACING NRLM SeriesSPECIFICATIONS(* 47,000µF add 0.14, 68,000µF add 0.35.)Notice for MountingThe space from the top of the can shall be more than (3mm) from chassis or other construction materials so that safety vent has room to expand in case of emer g en c y.Sleeve Color: DarkBlueCan Top Safety VentInsulation Sleeve and Minus Polarity Marking(4.0mm Leads Available As Option)D+1Max.L ± 26.3 ± 10.810(-)(+)MAXIMUM EX P AN S IONFOR SAFETY VENT Approx. 3.0mmRecommended PC Board Mounting Holes:10 ± .1∅= 2 ± 0.1D ∅ ± 0.5ChassisPC BoardPRECAUTIONSPlease review the notes on correct use, safety and precautions found on pages T10 & T11of NIC’s Electrolytic Capacitor catalog . Operating Temperature Range-40 ~ +85°C-25 ~ +85°C Rated Voltage Range 16 ~ 250Vdc 350 ~ 450Vdc Rated Capacitance Range 180 ~ 68,000µF56 ~ 680µFCapacitance Tolerance ±20% (M)Max. Leakage Current (µA)After 5 minutes (20°C)3 x C(µF)VMax. Tan δat 120Hz/20°C W.V. (Vdc)162535506380100160~450Tan δ max.0.50*0.40*0.350.300. VoltageW.V. (Vdc)162535506380100160S.V. (Vdc)2032446379100125200W.V. (Vdc)180200250350400450--S.V. (Vdc)220250300400450500--Ripple CurrentCorrection Factors Frequency (Hz)50601001205001K 10K ~ 50K -Multiplier at 85°C0.750.800.95 1.00 1.05 1.08 1.15-Low TemperatureStability (10 to 250Vdc)Temperature (°C)0-25-40-----Capacitance Change-5%-15%-30%-----Impedance Ratio 1.539-----Load Life Test2,000 hours at +85°CCapacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Shelf Life Test1,000 hours at +85°C (no load)Capacitance Change Within ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Surge Voltage Test Per JIS-C-5141 (table #6, #4)Surge voltage applied: 30 seconds"On" and 5.5 minutes no voltage "Off"Capacitance Change Within ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Soldering EffectRefer to MIL-STD-202F Method 210A Capacitance Change Within ±10% of initial measured valueTan δLess than specifi ed maximum value Leakage CurrentLess than specifi ed maximum valueRoHS Compliantincludes all homogeneous materials*See Part Number System for DetailsLarge Can Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsNRLM SeriesNRLM 222 M 50V 20X25 FRoHS compliant Case Size (mm) Voltage Rating Tolerance Code PART NUMBER SYSTEMLarge Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLM Series STANDARD PRODUCT LIST, CASE SIZE AND SPECIFICATIONS。



GENERALParameterDescription/ValueUnit Spectral ResponseWavelength of Maximum ResponsePhotocathodeWindow MaterialDynodeDirect Interelectrode Capacitances BaseSuitable Socketnm nm —mm dia.———pF pF ——400 to 1200800Ag-O-Cs 25Borosilicate glass Box-and-grid113.03.514-pin glass base E678-14C (supplied)MaterialMinimum Effective AreaStructureNumber of StagesAnode to Last Dynode Anode to All Other Electrodes PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBESR316, R316-02MAXIMUM RATINGS (Absolute Maximum Values)Information furnished by HAMAMATSU is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies or omissions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights are granted to any of the circuits described herein. © 1999 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.Subject to local technical requirements and regulations, availability of products included in this promotional material may vary. Please consult with our sales office.Supply Voltage: 1250Vdc, K: Cathode, Dy: Dynode, P: AnodeSpectral Response for Red to Near Infrared Detection28mm (1-1/8 Inch) Diameter, Ag-O-Cs Photocathode, 11-stage, Head-On TypeCHARACTERISTICS (at 25°C)VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION RATIO AND SUPPLY VOLTAGEParameterMin.Unit ParameterValue Unit Supply Voltage Average Anode Current Ambient Temperature15002500.01-80 to +50Vdc Vdc mA °CBetween Anode and Cathode Between Anode and Last DynodeCathode SensitivityAnode SensitivityGainAnode Dark Current at 4A/lm(after 30min. storage in darkness)Time ResponseElectrodes Ratio K Dy11Dy21Dy31Dy41Dy51Dy61Dy71Dy81Dy91111Dy10Dy11P Luminous (2856K)Radiant at 800nm (peak)Red/White Ratio(IR-D80A filter)Quantum Efficiency at 1.06µmLuminous (2856K)Radiant at 800nm (peak)Anode Pulse Rise TimeElectron Transit TimeR316R316-02R316R316-02R316R316-0210————0.045—————— × 105100020001050µA/lm mA/W ——%%A/lm A/W —nA nA ns ns—————————30005000——Typ.Max.PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES R316, R316-02Figure 1: Typical Spectral ResponseTPMH1208E02DEC. 1999Figure 2: Typical Gain CharacteristicsTPMHB0504EAFigure 3: Dimensional Outline and Basing Diagram (Unit: mm)TPMHA0016ECTACCA0004EASocket (supplied)(E678-14C)20040060080010001200WAVELENGTH (nm)0.0010.010.1110100C A T H ODE R A D I A N T S E N S I T I V I T Y (m A /W )Q U A N T U M EF F I C I E N C Y (%)SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)G A I Nat 25°C101102103104105106107500600700800100015001800HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., Electron Tube Center314-5, Shimokanzo, Toyooka-village, Iwata-gun, Shizuoka-ken, 438-0193, Japan, Telephone: (81)539/62-5248, Fax: (81)539/62-2205U.S.A.: Hamamatsu Corporation: 360 Foothill Road, P. O. Box 6910, Bridgewater. N.J. 08807-0910, U.S.A., Telephone: (1)908-231-0960, Fax: (1)908-231-1218Germany: Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH: Arzbergerstr. 10, D-82211 Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, Telephone: (49)8152-375-0, Fax: (49)8152-2658France: Hamamatsu Photonics France S.A.R.L.: 8, Rue du Saule Trapu, Parc du Moulin de Massy, 91882 Massy Cedex, France, Telephone: (33)1 69 53 71 00, Fax: (33)1 69 53 71 10United Kingdom: Hamamatsu Photonics UK Limited: Lough Point, 2 Gladbeck Way, Windmill Hill, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 7JA, United Kingdom, Telephone: 44(20)8-367-3560, Fax: 44(20)8-367-6384North Europe: Hamamatsu Photonics Norden AB: Smidesvägen 12, SE-171-41 SOLNA, Sweden, Telephone: (46)8-509-031-00, Fax: (46)8-509-031-01Italy: Hamamatsu Photonics Italia: S.R.L.: Strada della Moia, 1/E, 20020 Arese, (Milano), Italy, Telephone: (39)02-935 81 733, Fax: (39)02-935 81 741HOMEPAGE URL SHORT PIN。



The WRITE command is used to initiate a burst write access to an active row. The value on the BA[2:0] inputs selects the bank. The value on input A10 determines whether auto precharge is used. The value on input A12 (if enabled in the MR) when the WRITE command is issued determines whether BC4 (chop) or BL8 is used.
precharge is not selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses. The value on input A12 (if enabled in the mode register) when the READ command is issued determines whether BC4 (chop) or BL8 is used. After a READ command is issued, the READ burst may not be interrupted.
4Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR3L SDRAM Write Leveling
Write Leveling
For better signal integrity, DDR3 SDRAM memory modules have adopted fly-by topology for the commands, addresses, control signals, and clocks. Write leveling is a scheme for the memory controller to adjust or de-skew the DQS strobe (DQS, DQS#) to CK relationship at the DRAM with a simple feedback feature provided by the DRAM. Write leveling is generally used as part of the initialization process, if required. For normal DRAM operation, this feature must be disabled. This is the only DRAM operation where the DQS functions as an input (to capture the incoming clock) and the DQ function as outputs (to report the state of the clock). Note that nonstandard ODT schemes are required.

R32 R290 冷媒机 说明书

R32 R290 冷媒机 说明书

IMPORTANT NOTE:Read this manual carefully before installingor operating your new air conditioningunit. Make sure to save this manual forfuture reference.SAFETY MANUALPage 1 Read Safety Precautions Before Operation and InstallationIncorrect installation due to ignoring instructions can cause serious damage or injury.Safety Precautions13. When a FLAMMABLE REFRIGERANT is used, the requirements for installation space of appliance and /or ventilation requirements are determined according to-- the mass charge amount(M) used in the appliance,--the installation location,--the type of ventilation of the location or of the appliance.1.Installation (Space)- That the installation of pipe-work shall be kept to a minimum.- That pipe-work shall be protected from physical damage.- Where refrigerant pipes shall be compliance with national gas regulations.- That mechanical connections shall be accessible for maintenance purposes.- In cases that require mechanical ventilation, ventilation openings shall be kept clear of obstruction.- When disposing of the product is used, be based on national regulations, properly processed.2. Servicing- Any person who is involved with working on or breaking into a refrigerant circuit should hold a current valid certificate from an industry-accredited assessment authority, which authorises their competence to handle refrigerants safely in accordance with an industry recognised assessment specification.3. Maintenance and repair requiring the assistance of other skilled personnel shall be carried out under the supervision of the person competent in the use of flammable refrigerants.4. Do not use means to accelerate the defrosting process or to clean, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.5. The appliance shall be stored in a room without continuously operating ignition sources (for example: open flames,an operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater)6. Be more careful that foreign matter(oil, water,etc) does not enter the piping. Also, when storing the piping, securely seal the opening by pinching, taping, etc.7. Do not pierce or burn.8. Be aware that refrigerants may not contain an odour.9. All working procedure that affects safety means shall only be carried by competent persons.10. Appliance shall be stored in a well -ventilated area where the room size corresponds to the room area as specifiec for operation.11. The appliance shall be stored so as to prevent mechanical damage from occurring.12. Joints shall be tested with detection equipment with a capability of 5 g/year of refrigerant or better, with the equipment in standstill and under operation or under a pressure of at least these standstill or operation conditions after installation. Detachable joints shall NOT be used in the indoor side of the unit(brazed, welded joint could be used).③ Page 2 ④m = 2,5 x (LFL) x h x (A)The maximun charge in a room shall be in accordance with the following:max max min (5/4)01/2 A = (M/(2,5 x (LFL) x h ))min min (5/4)002223or the required minumum floor area A to install an applicance with refrigerant charge M(kg) shall be in accordance with following:Where.m is the allowable maximum charge in a room, in kg;M is the refrigerant charge amount in appliance, in kg;A is the required minimum room area, in m ;A is the room area, in m ;LFL is the lower flammable limit, in kg/m ;h is the release height, the vertical distance in metres from the floor to the point of release when the appliance is installed;h = (h inst+h rel) or 0,6 m whichever is higherh rel is the release offset in metres from the bottom of the appliance to the point ofreleaseh inst is the installed height in metres of the unitReference installed heights are given below:0.0 m for portable and floor mounted;1.0m for window mounted;1.8m for wall mounted;2.2m for ceiling mounted;If the minimum installed height given by the manufacturer is higher than the referenceinstalled height, then in addition A min and m max for the reference installed height have to be given by the manufacturer. An appliance may have multiple reference installed heights. In this case, A min and m max calculations shall be provided for all applicable referenceinstalled heights.For appliances serving one or more rooms with an air duct system, the lowest opening of the duct connection to each conditioned space or any opening of the indoor unit greater than 5 cm , at the lowest position to the space, shall be used for h 0. However, h 0 shall not be less than 0,6 m. A min shall be calculated as a function of the opening heights of the duct to the spaces and the refrigerant charge for the spaces where leaked refrigerant may flow to,considering where the unit is located. All spaces shall have a floor area more than A min .2③ Page 3④Table.1-1Table.1-2Max Refrigerant Charge (kg)Min. Room Area (m )2 The maximun charge in a room and the required minumum floor area to install anapplicance, please refer to the “Owner’s Manual & Installation Manual” of the unit.For specific information on the type of gas and the amount, please refer to the relevant label on the unit itselfNOTE 1 This formula cannot be used for refrigerants lighter than 42 kg/kmol.NOTE 2 Some examples of the results of the calculations according to the above formula are given in Tables 1-1 and 1-2.NOTE 3 For factory sealed appliances, the nameplate on the unit itself marked the refrigerant charge can be used to calculate A min .NOTE 4 For field charged products, calculation of A min can be based on the installed refrigerant charge not to exceed the factory specified maximum refrigerant charge.③ Page 4④Information Servicing1. Checks to the area 3. General work area 4. Checking for presence of refrigerant5. Presence of fire extinguisherIf any hot work is to be conducted on the refrigeration equipment or any associated parts, appropriate fire extinguishing equipment shall be available to hand. Have a dry power or CO2 fire extinguisher adjacent to the charging area.2. Work procedure All maintenance staff and others working in the local area shall be instructed on the nature of work being carried out. work in confined sapces shall be avoided. The area around the work space shall be sectioned off. Ensure that the conditions within the area have been made safe by control of flammable material.Prior to beginning work on systems containing flammable refrigerants, safety checks are necessary to ensure that the risk of ignition is minimised. For repair to the refrigerating system, the following precautions shall be complied with prior to conducting work on the system.Works shall be undertaken under a controlled procedure so as to minimise the risk of a flammable gas or vapour being present while the work is being performed.Technical personnel in charge of operation, supervision, maintenance of air-conditioning systems shall be adequately instructed and competent with respect to their tasks.Works shall be undertaken with appropriate tools only (In case of uncertainty, please consult the manufacturer of the tools for use with flammable refrigerants)The area shall be checked with an appropriate refrigerant detector prior to and during work,to ensure the technician is aware of potentially flammable atmospheres. Ensure that the leak detection equipment being used is suitable for use with flammable refrigerants, i.e. no sparking,adequately sealed or intrinsically safe.7. Ventilated areaEnsure that the area is in the open or that it it adequately ventilated before breaking into the system or conducting any hot work. A degree of ventilation shall continue during the period that the work is carried out. The ventilation should safely disperse any released refrigerant and preferably expel it externally into the atmosphere.6. No ignition sourcesNo person carrying out work in relation to a refrigeration system which involves exposing any pipe work that contains or has contained flammable refrigerant shall use any sources of ignition in such a manner that it may lead to the risk of fire or explosion. All possible ignition sources, including cigarette smoking, should be kept sufficiently far away from the site of installation, repairing, removing and disposal, during which flammable refrigerant can possibly be released to the surrounding space. Prior to work taking place, the area around the equipment is to be surveyed to make sure that there are no flammable hazards or ignition risks. NO SMOKING signs shall be displayed.,,,,④③ Page 5●●●●●●●●9. Checks to electrical devices8. Checks to the refrigeration equipmentWhere electrical components are being changed, they shall be fit for the purpose and to the correct specification. At all times the manufacturer s maintenance and service guidelines shall be followed.If in doubt consult the manufacturer s technical department for assistance. The following checks shall be applied to installations using flammable refrigerants:,,the charge size is in accordance with the room size within which the refrigerant containing parts are installed;the ventilation machinery and outlets are operating adequately and are not obstructed;if an indirect refrigerating circuit is being used, the secondary circuits shall be checked for the presence of refrigerant; marking to the equipment continues to be visible andlegible.marking and signs that are illegible shall be corrected;refrigeration pipe or components are installed in a position where they are unlikely to be exposed to any substance which may corrode refrigerant containing components, unless the components are constructed of materials which are inherently resistant to beingcorroded or are suitably protected against being so corroded.Repair and maintenance to electrical components shall include initial safety checks and component inspection procedures. If a fault exists that could compromise safety, then no electrical supply shall be connected to the circuit until it is satisfactorily dealt with. If the fault cannot be corrected immediately but it is necessary to continue operation, and adequate temporary solution shall be used. This shall be reported to the owner of the equipment so all parties are advised.Initial safety checks shall include:that capacitors are discharged: this shall be done in a safe manner to avoid possibility of sparkingthat there no live electrical components and wiring are exposed while charging, recovering or purging the system;that there is continuity of earth bonding.,10. Repairs to sealed components10.1 During repairs to sealed components, all electrical supplies shall be disconnected from the equipment being worked upon prior to any removal of sealed covers, etc. If it is absolutely necessary to have an electrical supply to equipment during servicing, then a permanently operating form of leak detection shall be located at the most critical point to warn of a potentially hazardous situation.10.2 Particular attention shall be paid to the following to ensure that by working on electrical components, the casing is not altered in such a way that the level of protection is affected. This shall include damage to cables, excessive number of connections, terminals not made to original specification, damage to seals, incorrect fitting of glands, etc.Ensure that apparatus is mounted securely.the purpose of preventing the ingress of flammable atmospheres. Replacement parts shall be in accordance with the manufacturer s specifications.NOTE: The use of silicon sealant may inhibit the effectiveness of some types of leak detection equipment. Instrinsically safe components do not have to be isolated prior to working on them.④③ Page 611. Repair to intrinsically safe componentsDo not apply any permanent inductive or capacitance loads to the circuit without ensuring that this will not exceed the permissible voltage and current permitted for the equipment in use. Intrinscially safe components are the only types that can be worked on while live in the presence of a flammable atmosphere. The test apparatus shall be at the correct rating.Replace components only with parts specified by the manufacturer. Other parts may result in the ignition of refrigerant in the atmosphere from a leak.12. CablingCheck that cabling will not be subject to wear, corrosion, excessive pressure, vibration, sharp edges or any other adverse environmental effects. The check shall also take into account the effects of aging or continual vibration from sources such as compressors or fans.13. Detection of flammable refrigerantsUnder no circumstances shall potential sources of ignition be used in the searching for or detection of refrigerant leaks. A halide torch(or any other detector using a naked flame)shall not be used.14. Leak detection methodsThe following leak detection methods are deemed acceptable for systems containing flammable refrigerants. Electronic leak detectors shall be used to detect flammable refrigerants, but the sensitivity may not be adequate, or may need re-calibration.(Detection equipment shall becalibrated in a refrigerant-free area.) Ensure that the detector is not a potential source of ignition and is suitable for the refrigerant. Leak detection equipment shall be set at a percentage of the LFL of the refrigerant and shall be calibrated to the refrigerant employed and the appropriate percentage of gas (25% maximum) is confirmed. Leak detection fluids are suitable for use with most refrigerants but the use of detergents containing chlorine shall be avoided as the chlorine may react with the refrigerant and corrode the copper pipe-work.If a leak is suspected ,all naked flames shall be removed or extinguished. If a leakage of refrigernat is found which requires brazing, all of the refrigerant shall be recovered from the system, orisolated(by means of shut off valves) in a part of the system remote from the leak . For appliances containing FLAMMABLE REFRIGERANTS, oxygen free nitrogen(OFN) shall then be purged through the system both before and during the brazing process.●●●●●15. Removal and evacuation When breaking into the refrigerant circuit to make repairs - or for any other purpose-conventional procedures shall be used, However, for FLAMMABLE REFRIGERANTS it is important that best practice is followed since flammability is a consideration. Opening of the refrigerant systems shall not be done by brazing. The following procedure shall be adhered to:remove refrigerant; purge the circuit with inert gas; evacuate; purge again with inert gas; open the circuit by cutting or brazing .④③ Page 7 ●●●●●●●16. Charging proceduresIn addition to conventional charging procedures, the following requirements shall be followed: Works shall be undertaken with appropriate tools only (In case of uncertainty, please consult the manufacturer of the tools for use with flammable refrigerants)Ensure that contamination of different refrigerants does not occur when using charging equipment. Hoses or lines shall be as short as possible to minimize the amount ofrefrigerant contained in them. Cylinders shall be kept upright. Ensure that the refrigeration system is earthed prior to charging the system with refrigerant. Label the system when charging is complete(if not already). Extreme care shall be taken not to overfill the refrigeration system. Prior to recharging the system it shall be pressure tested with OFN. The system shall be leak tested on completion of charging but prior to commissioning. A follow up leak test shall be carried out prior to leaving the site.The refrigerant charge shall be recovered into the correct recovery cylinders. For appliances containing FLAMMBLE REFRIGERNATS, the system shall be “flushed” with OFN to render the unit safe. This process may need to be repeated several times. Compressed air or oxygen shall not be used for puring refrigerant systems.For appliances containing FLAMMABLE REFRIGERNATS, flushing shall be achieved by breaking the vacuum in the system with OFN and continuing to fill until the working pressure is achieved, then venting to atmosphere, and finally pulling down to a vacuum. This process shall be repeated until no refrigerant is within the system. When the final OFN charge is used, the system shall be vented down to atmospheric pressure to enable work to take place. This operation is absolutely vital if brazing operations on the pipe-work are to take place.Ensure that the outlet for the vacuum pump is not closed to any ignition sources and there is ventilation available.●●●●17. DecommissioningBefore carrying out this procedure, it is essential that the technician is completely familiar with the equipment and all its detail. It is recommended good practice that all refrigerants are recovered safely or safely vented(For R290 refrigerant models). Prior to the task being carried out, an oil and refrigerant sample shall be taken.In case analysis is required prior to re-use of reclaimed refrigerant. It is essential thatelectrical power is available before the task is commenced.a) Become familiar with the equipment and its operation.b) Isolate system electricallyc) Before attempting the procedure ensure that:mechanical handling equipment is available, if required, for handling refrigerant cylinders; all personal protetive equipment is available and being used correctly;the recovery process is supervised at all times by a competent person; recovery equipment and cylinders conform to the appropriate standards.④③ Page 818. LabellingEquipment shall be labelled stating that it has been de-commissioned and emptied ofrefrigerant. The label shall be dated and signed. Ensure that there are labels on theequipment stating the equipment contains flammable refrigerant.19. RecoveryWhen removing refrigerant from a system, either for service or decommissioning, it isrecommended good practice that all refrigerants are removed safely.When tranferring refrigerant into cylinders, ensure that only appropriate refrigerantrecovery cylinders are employed. Ensure that the correct numbers of cylinders for holding the total system charge are available. All cylinders to be used are designated for therecovered refrigerant and labelled for that refrigerant(i.e special cylinders for therecovery of refrigerant). Cylinders shall be complete with pressure relief valve andassociated shut-off valves in good working order.Empty recovery cylinders are evacuated and, if possible, cooled before recovery occurs.The recovery equipment shall be in good working order with a set of instructionsconcerning the equipment that is at hand and shall be suitable for the recovery offlammable refrigerants. In addition, a set of calibrated weighing scales shall be available and in good working order.Hoses shall be complete with leak-free disconnect couplings and in good condition. Before using the recovery machine, check that it is in satisfactory working order, has beenproperly maintained and that any associated electrical components are sealed to prevent ignition in the event of a refrigerant release. Consult manufacturer if in doubt.The recovered refrigerant shall be returned to the refrigerant supplier in the correctrecovery cylinder, and the relevant Waste Transfer Note arranged. Do not mix refrigerants in recovery units and especially not in cylinders.If compressors or compressor oils are to be removed, ensure that they have beenevacuated to an acceptable level to make certain that flammable refrigerant does notremain within the lubricant. The evacuation process shall be carried out prior to retruning the compressor to the suppliers. Only electric heating to the compressor body shall be employed to accelerate this process. When oil is drained from a system, it shall be carried out safely.d) Pump down refrigerant system, if possible.e) If a vacuum is not possible, make a manifold so that refrigerant can be removed from various parts of the system.f) Make sure that cylinder is situated on the scales before recovery takes place.g) Start the recovery machine and operate in accordance with manufacturer s instructions.h) Do not overfill cylinders. (No more than 70% liquid volume. The liquid density of the refrigerant with a reference temperature of 50°C).i) Do not exceed the maximum working pressure of the cylinder, even temporarily.j) When the cylinders have been filled correctly and the process completed, make sure that the cylinders and the equipment are removed from site promptly and all isolation valves on the equipment are closed off.k) Recovered refrigerant shall not be charged into another refrigeration system unless it has been cleaned and checked.④③ Page 920. Venting of HC Refrigerant (R290)Venting may be carried out as an alternative to recovering the refrigerant. Because HC refrigerants have no ODP and negligible GWP, under certain circumstances it may beconsidered acceptable to vent the refrigerant. However, if this is to be considered, itshould be done in accordance with the relevant national rules or regulations, if theypermit.In particular, before venting a system, it would be necessary to: Ensure that legislation relating to waste material has been considered Ensure that environmental legislation has been considered Ensure that legislation addressing safety of hazardous substances is satisfied typically less than 500 g. taking placeThe hose must be of sufficient length and diameter such that it will extend to at least 3 m beyond the outside of the buildingThe venting should only take place on the certainty that the refrigerant will not get blown back into any adjacent buildings, and that it will not migrate to a location below ground level A device is used to raise the hose discharge at least 1 m above ground level and so that the discharge is pointed in an upwards direction (to assist with dilution)The end of the hose can now discharge and disperse the flammable fumes into the ambient air. There should not be any restriction or sharp bends within the vent-line which will hinder the ease of flow.The hose should be regularly checked to ensure that there are no holes or kinks in it, that could lead to leakage or blocking of the passage of flowWhen carrying out the venting, the flow of refrigerant should be metered using manifold gauges to a low flow rate, so as to ensure the refrigerant is well diluted. Once the refrigerant has ceased flowing, if possible, the system should be flushed out with OFN; if not, then the system should be pressurised with OFN and the venting procedure carried out two or more times, to ensure that there is minimal HC refrigerant remaining inside the system.CAUTION: Risk of fireExplanation of symbols displayed on the indoor unit or outdoor unit④③ Page 101. Transport of equipment containing flammable refrigerantsCompliance with the transport regulations2. Marking of equipment using signsCompliance with local regulations3. Disposal of equipment using flammable refrigerantsCompliance with national regulations4. Storage of equipment/appliancesThe storage of equipment should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.5. Storage of packed (unsold) equipmentStorage package protection should be constructed such that mechanical damage to the equipment inside the package will not cause a leak of the refrigerant charge.The maximum number of pieces of equipment permitted to be stored together will be determined by local regulations.21. Transportation, marking and storage for unitsWarning: low burningvelocity material(For products containing R32 refrignentcomply with the IEC 60335-2-40:2018standard only)The design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. Consult with the sales agency or manufacturer for details. Any updates to the manual will be uploaded to the service website, please check for the latest version.SAFETY MANUAL-R32(R290)-B1612220000305120210909此书适用机型:1. 所有R32/R290冷媒机型使用。











R5F21276SDFP R5F21276SJFP R5F21276SKFPR5F21276SNFP R5F21282DSP R5F21282JSP R5F21282KSPR5F21282NSP R5F21282SDSP R5F21282SJSP R5F21282SKSPR5F21282SNSP R5F21284DSP R5F21284JSP R5F21284KSPR5F21284NSP R5F21284SDSP R5F21284SJSP R5F21284SKSPR5F21284SNSP R5F21292DSP R5F21292JSP R5F21292KSPR5F21292NSP R5F21292SDSP R5F21292SJSP R5F21292SKSPR5F21292SNSP R5F21294DSP R5F21294JSP R5F21294KSPR5F21294NSP R5F21294SDSP R5F21294SJSP R5F21291SJSPR5F21294SKSP R5F21294SNSP R5F212A7SDFA R5F212A7SDFP。



Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsFEATURES• LONG LIFE (105°C, 2000 HOURS)• LOW PROFILE AND HIGH DENSITY DESIGN OPTIONS • EXPANDED CV VALUE RANGE• HIGH RIPPLE CURRENT• CAN-TOP SAFETY VENT • DESIGNED AS INPUT FILTER OF SMPS• STANDARD 10mm (.400") SNAP-IN SPACING NRLMW SeriesSPECIFICATIONSNotice for MountingThe space from the top of the can shall be more than (3mm) from chassis or other construction materials so that safety vent has room to expand in case of emer g en c y.Sleeve Color: Dark BlueCan Top Safety VentInsulation Sleeve and Minus Polarity Marking(4.0mm Leads Available As Option)D+1Max.L ± 26.3 ± 10.810(-)(+)MAXIMUM EX P AN S IONFOR SAFETY VENT Approx. 3.0mmRecommended PC Board Mounting Holes:10 ± .1∅= 2 ± 0.1D ∅ ± 0.5ChassisPC BoardPRECAUTIONSPlease review the notes on correct use, safety and precautions found on pages T10 & T11of NIC’s Electrolytic Capacitor catalog . Operating Temperature Range-40 ~ +105°C -25 ~ +105°C Rated Voltage Range 10 ~ 250Vdc 450Vdc Rated Capacitance Range 180 ~ 68,000µF 56 ~ 470µF Capacitance Tolerance ±20% (M) at 120Hz, +20°CMax. Leakage Current (µA)After 5 minutes (20°C)3 x C(µF)VMax. Tan δat 120Hz/20°CW.V. (Vdc)10162535506380100 ~ 400450Tan δ max.0.550.450.350.300. VoltageW.V. (Vdc)10162535506380100160S.V. (Vdc)132032446379100125200W.V. (Vdc)180200250400450----S.V. (Vdc)220250300450500----Ripple Current Correction Factors Frequency (Hz)50601001205001K 10K ~ 50K --Multiplier at 85°C16 ~ 100Vdc0.930.950.99 1.0 1.05 1.08 1.15--160 ~ 450Vdc0.750.800.95 1.0 1.20 1.25 1.40-Low Temperature Stability (10 to 250Vdc)Temperature (°C)0-25-40------Capacitance Change -5%-10-30%------Impedance Ratio 1.539------Load Life Test 2,000 hours at +105°C Capacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of initial measured valueTan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Shelf Life Test 1,000 hours at +105°C(no load)Capacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Surge Voltage TestPer JIS-C-5141 (table #6, #4)Surge voltage applied: 30 seconds "On" and 5.5 minutes no voltage "Off"Capacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Soldering EffectRefer toMIL-STD-202F Method 210ACapacitance ChangeWithin ±10% of initial measured valueTan δLess than specifi ed maximum value Leakage CurrentLess than specifi ed maximum valueRoHSCompliantincludes all homogeneous materials *See Part Number System for DetailsLarge Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLMW SeriesLarge Can Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsNRLMW SeriesNRLMW 471 M 250V 30X35 FRoHS compliant Case Size (mm) Voltage Rating Tolerance Code Capacitance Code SeriesPART NUMBER SYSTEM。



CLA.S S 尺寸规 0201
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国内外压敏电阻型号及参数压敏电阻220V电压的电路国内型号:MYG14K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)22V左右的电路国内型号:MYG14K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)。


英文名称叫“Voltage Dependent Resistor”简写为“VDR”, 或者叫做“Varistor"。





目录[]1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用压敏电阻有什么用?压敏电阻的最大特点是当加在它上面的电压低于它的阀值" UN"时,流过它的电流极小,相当于一只关死的阀门,当电压超过UN时,流过它的电流激增,相当于阀门打开。





O第二纸盒给纸组件 (AR-M205)O第二纸盒给纸组件AR-RP6 MODEL目 录为确保安全性、可靠性,更换部品务必使用正规品。



SHARP CORPORATION部 品 手 册1234■外观给纸组件输送组件包装及附属品索引数码复合机选购件双面原稿输送器(RSPF)1外观1外观3输送组件3输送组件4包装及附属品4包装及附属品AR-D24单层纸盒AR-D25双层纸盒MODEL目 录为确保安全性、可靠性,更换部品务必使用正规品。



SHARP CORPORATION部 品 手 册123456■单层纸盒外观 (AR-D24)单层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D24)双层纸盒外观 (AR-D25)双层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D25)250页纸盒组件包装材料及附属品索引数码复合机选购件进纸组件1单层纸盒外观 (AR-D24)1单层纸盒外观 (AR-D24)2单层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D24)2单层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D24)4双层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D25)4双层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D25)5250页纸盒组件5250页纸盒组件6包装材料及附属品6包装材料及附属品■索引– 12 –COPYRIGHT © 2003 BY SHARP CORPORATION版权所有 翻印必究夏普办公设备(常熟)有限公司上海经营部中国上海浦东新金桥路28号新金桥大厦1601室 2003年10月中国印刷。



LAUREL ELECTRONICS, INC.4-20 mA & Serial Data Output Transmitter for Dual Channel Pulse Totalizer InputFeatures•4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V or -10V to +10V transmitter output, 16 bits, isolated•RS232 or RS485 serial data output, Modbus or Laurel ASCII protocol, isolated•Dual 120 mA solid state relays for alarm or control, isolated•Two independently field-scalable pulse input channels•Up counting from zero to preset value using positive scale factor•Down counting from preset to zero using negative scale factor•Inputs from NPN or PNP proximity switches, contact closures, digital logic, ormagnetic pickups down to 12 mV, pulse rates to 1 MHz•Analog output resolution 0.0015% of span (16 bits), accuracy ±0.02% of span•5V, 10V or 24V dc transducer excitation output, isolated•Universal 85-264 Vac / 90-300 Vdc or 10-48 Vdc / 12-32 Vac powerDescriptionThe Laureate pulse input totalizer transmitter accepts twoindependently scalable input channels from a wide range of pulsesources, such as NPN or PNP proximity switches, contactclosures, digital logic, magnetic pickups down to 12 mV, or ACvoltages to 250 Vac. Input pulse rates can be as high as 1 MHz.With a Standard Main Board, the transmitter output can bescaled to track total (such as gallons) or rate (such as gallons perminute). Square root extraction is standard.With an Extended Main Board, the transmitter can also:•Count up to a preset or down from a preset to zero. Suchapplications typically utilize the transmitter’s two solid staterelays, which are standard. External reset of totals is via aspecial three-position screw terminal connector.•Perform custom-curve linearization on rate or total, forexample to extend the range of transducers. Exceptionallyaccurate custom-curve linearization is provided by a curvi-linear spline fit with up to 180 data points.•Combine channels A and B arithmetically so that thetransmitter output tracks A+B (e.g., sum of two flows or totals),A-B (e.g., difference of two flows or totals), AxB (e.g., horse-power as product of force and RPM), A/B (ratio of two flow ortotals), and A/B-1 (draw or relative elongation of materialbetween rollers).The dual-channel signal conditioner used for pulse detectionaccepts inputs from proximity switches with PNP or NPN output,TTL or CMOS logic, magnetic pickups, contact closures, andother signals from 12 mV to 250 Vac. Jumper selections provideoptimum operation for different sensor types and noise condi-tions. A built-in 5V, 10V or 24V dc excitation supply can powerproximity switches and other sensors, and eliminate the need foran external power supply.Standard features of Laureate transmitters include:•4-20 mA, 0-10V or -10V to +10V analog transmitter output,isolated, jumper-selectable and user scalable. All selectionsprovide 16-bit (0.0015%) resolution of output span and 0.02%output accuracy of a reading from -99,999 to +99,999 countsthat is also transmitted digitally. Output isolation from signaland power grounds eliminates potential ground loops.•Serial communications output, isolated. User selectableRS232 or RS485, half or full duplex. Three protocols are userselectable: Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, or Laurel ASCII.Modbus operation is fully compliant with Modbus Over SerialLine Specification V1.0 (2002). The Laurel ASCII protocolallows up to 31 Laureate devices to be addressed on thesame RS485 data line. It is simpler than the Modbus protocoland is recommended when all devices are Laureates.•Dual solid state relays, isolated. Available for local alarm orcontrol. Rated 120 mA at 130 Vac or 170 Vdc.•Transducer excitation output, isolated. User selectable5V@100 mA, 10V@120 mA or 24V@50 mA.•Universal 85-264 Vac power. Low-voltage 10-48 Vdc or12-32 Vac power is optional.Easy Transmitter programming is via Laurel's InstrumentSetup Software, which runs on a PC under MS Windows. Thissoftware can be downloaded from our website at no charge. Therequired transmitter-to-PC interface cable is available from Laurel(P/N CBL04).SpecificationsPulse InputSignal Types GroundingChannel A Frequency Channel B Frequency Minimum Signal Maximum Signal Noise FilterContact Debounce AC, pulses from NPN, PNP transistors, contact closures, magnetic pickups. Common ground for channels A & B0.005 Hz to 1 MHz0.005 Hz to 250 kHzNine ranges from (-12 to +12 mV) to (+1.25 to +2.1V)250 Vac1 MHz, 30 kHz, 250 Hz (selectable)0, 3, 50 ms (selectable)Analog Output (standard)Output Levels Compliance, 4-20 mA Compliance, 0-10V Output Resolution Output Accuracy Output Update Rate Output Isolation 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10 Vdc, -10 to +10Vdc (user selectable) 10V (0-500Ω load)2 mA (5 kΩ load)16 bits (65,536 steps)0.02% of output spanProgrammed gate time + 30 ms + 0-2 signal periods250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 minute testSensor Excitation Output (standard)Output Levels Output Isolation 5V@100 mA, 10V@120 mA, 24V@50 mA (jumper selectable) 50V from signal groundDual Relay Output (standard)Relay Type Load Rating Two solid state relays, SPST, normally open, Form A 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 VdcSerial Communications (standard)Signal TypesData RatesOutput Isolation Serial Protocols Modbus Modes Modbus Compliance Digital Addressing RS232 or RS485 (half or full duplex)300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 baud250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testModbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Laurel ASCIIRTU or ASCIIModbus over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002)247 Modbus addresses. Up to 32 devices on an RS485 line without a repeaterPower InputStandard Power Low Power Option Power Frequency Power Isolation Power Consumption 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc10-48 Vdc or 12-32 VacDC or 47-63 Hz250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test 2W typical, 3W with max excitation outputMechanicalDimensions MountingElectrical Connections 129 x 104 x 22.5 mm case35 mm rail per DIN EN 50022 Plug-in screw-clamp connectorsEnvironmentalOperating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity Cooling Required 0°C to 55°C-40°C to 85°C95% at 40°C, non-condensingMount transmitters with ventilation holes at top and bottom. Leave 6 mm (1/4") between transmitters, or force air with a fan.PinoutMechanicalApplication Examples of Totalizing Meters and TransmittersCombining Two TotalsA+B, A-B, A/B and AxB arithmetic functions are available with the Extended totalizing transmitter. A+B can sum two totals, while A-B subtracts the outflow total from inflow total. A/B ratio applied to two totals helps assure the proper mixing of components.Up or Down Counting with PresetA single Laureate dual-channel totalizing transmitter will handle two repetitive fill operations by counting from zero up to a preset, or down from a preset to zero. The dual relay option is required.Machine ON Time and UtilizationAn easy way to measure the ON time of machines is to count AC line cycles and scale the total to hours. To displaymachine utilization or duty cycle in percent, use the Extended totalizing transmitter. Connect Channel A to switched AC and Channel B to the AC line, and apply a 100 multiplier to the A/B ratio.Custom Curve LinearizationThe Extended version of the Laureate dual channel totalizing transmitter can transmit scaled rate or total for the same channel at the push of a button, and alarm both the rate and total. The Extended version can also do curve linearization, thereby extending the working range and accuracy of flow transducers.Ordering GuideCreate a model a model number in this format: LT60FR, CBL04Transmitter Type LT Laureate 4-20 mA & RS485 Transmitter Main Board6 Standard Main Board 8 Extended Main BoardWith Standard Main Board: Scalable to ±999,999 for frequency, rate, square root of rate, up or down total, period, A-to-B time interval.With Extended Main Board: Above, plus rate and total simultaneously, ratio (A/B), draw (A/B-1), other arithmetic functions (AxB, A+B, A-B), phase angle, stopwatch, up/down counting, batching operation, linearization of nonlinear inputs.Power 0 Isolated 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc 1 Isolated 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc Input Type FR Dual-Channel FrequencyAccessoriesCBL04 RS232 cable, 7ft. Connects RS232 screw terminals of LT transmitter to DB9port of PC.CBL02 U SB to RS232 adapter cable. Combination of CBL02 and CBL04 connectstransmitter RS232 terminals to PC USB port.。

R instrum R320数字指示器通信手册(软件版本1.2及以上)说明书

R instrum R320数字指示器通信手册(软件版本1.2及以上)说明书

Rinstrum R320 communications ManualR320Digital IndicatorCommunicationsManualFor use with Software Versions 1.2 and aboveR300-603-1001.INTRODUCTION (5)1.1.Intended Audience (6)1.2.Scope (6)1.3.The Manuals Set (6)1.4.This Communications Manual (6)1.5.Document Conventions (6)2.CONNECTING TO THE R300 SERIES (7)2.1.rin-LINK (7)2.1.1.rin-LINK Activation (7)2.1.2.rin-LINK Communications Settings (8)2.2.RS-232 Connection (8)2.2.1.Direct Personal Computer Link (RXD, TXD, GND) (8)2.2.2.RS-232 Communications Settings (8)2.3.rin-LINK vs RS-232 (9)3.GETTING STARTED (10)ing ViewR300 (10)3.2.Protocol Summary (10)3.3.Reading Gross Weight as Literal Value (11)3.4.Read Gross Weight as Final Value (11)3.5.Setting Values (11)3.6.Remote Key Press (11)4.PROTOCOL OVERVIEW (12)4.1.Message Structure (12)4.1.1.Address Field (13)mand Field (13)4.1.3.Register Id Field (14)4.1.4.Optional Parameters (14)4.1.5.Return Value (14)4.1.6.CRC Calculation (14)4.2.Error Handling (14)4.3.Register Types (15)4.4.Permissions (16)4.4.1.Register Access (16)4.4.2.Calibration and Configuration Counters (17)5.REGISTER OPERATIONS AND PROPERTIES (18)5.1.Register Operations (18)mon Properties (18)5.2.1.Type (18)5.2.2.Menu Text (18)5.2.3.Full Text (18)5.2.4.Permission (19)5.3.Type Specific Properties (19)5.3.1.RangeMin, RangeMax (19)5.3.2.Final Value (20)5.3.3.Literal Value (20)5.3.4.Default Value (20)5.3.5.Execute (20)5.3.6.Read Items (21)6.READING STATUS AND ERROR CODES (22)6.1.REG_SYSTEM_STATUS (22)6.2.REG_SYSTEM_ERROR (23)7.REMOTE KEY INTERFACE (24)7.1.Operation (24)7.2.Key-Codes (24)7.2.1.Physical Codes (24)7.2.2.Example (25)7.2.3.Logical Keys (25)8.EXECUTE FUNCTIONS (26)8.1.Calibration (26)8.1.1.Span (27)8.1.2.Linearisation (28)8.2.Save Settings to EEPROM (28)9.STREAMING (29)9.1.Basic Operation (29)9.2.Registers Available to Stream (29)9.3.Example (30)10.ADVANCED TYPE HANDLING (TYPE_MENU) (31)11.APPENDIX – PROGRAM CONSTANTS (32)11.1.Register Types (32)mands (32)11.3.Error Codes (33)11.4.Register Identifiers (33)11.5.Key Codes (35)11.6.Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal Conversion (36)11.7.Setup and Calibration Errors (37)11.8.Glossary Terms (38)11.9.List of Figures (38)11.10.List of Tables (38)12.INDEX (39)This is a “Table of Contents preview” for quality assuranceThe full manual can be found at /estore/catalog/ We also offer free downloads, a free keyboard layout designer, cable diagrams, free help andsupport. : the biggest supplier of cash register and scale manuals on the net。

Dwyer 温度 过程控制器 1 32 DIN 系列 32A 产品说明说明书

Dwyer 温度 过程控制器 1 32 DIN 系列 32A 产品说明说明书

VISIT OUR WEBSITES: • • .auSeries 32ASPECIFICATIONSSelectable Inputs: Thermocouple, RTD, DC voltage or DC current selectable.Display:Two 4-digit, 7 segment, 0.259 high (6.35 mm) LEDs.Accuracy: ±0.25% of span, ±1 least significant digit.Supply Voltage: 100 to 240 VAC, nominal, +10 - 15%, 50 to 400 Hz.single phase; 132 to 240 VDC, nominal, +10 - 20%.Power Consumption:5 VA maximum.Operating Temperature: 14 to 131°F (-10 to 55°C).Memory Backup: Nonvolatile memory. No batteries required.Control Output Ratings:Relay: SPST, 3A @ 240 VAC resistive; 1.5A @ 240 VAC inductive; Pilot duty rating: 250 VA, 2A @ 120 VAC or 1A @ 240 VAC.Switched voltage (non-isolated): 5 VDC @ 20 mA.Proportional current: 0 to 20 mADC scaleable into 600 Ohms max.Weight: 4 oz (114 g).Agency Approvals: CE, UL E83725.Front Panel Rating: NEMA 4X (IP66).Temperature/Process Controller1/32 DIN, Universal Input, Self-Tune, Fuzzy LogicSTANDARD FEATURES • Large dual display • Self-tune • Fuzzy logic • Universal input• Loop break protection • Peak/valley indication • Percent output indication • Illuminated keypad• 16 segment ramp/soak function • Auto/manual station function• Four password protected security levelsThe 32A Series temperature/process controllers set a new standard in 1/32 DIN power, flexibility and value. This group of controls offers the highest level of features in the most compact industry standard size. Ease of use is assured with the world’s first dual display 1/32 DIN temperature/ process controllers. The Series 32A offers universal input (10 thermocouple types, 4 RTD types,voltage and current), single or dual set point, alarm (optional), Fuzzy Logic, Self-Tune, Peak/Valley indication, Percent Output indication and Heater Break protection. Auto/Manual capability and 16 Segment Ramp and Soak with adjustable time base are also offered. Process protection features include open sensor protection, shorted sensor protection, input rate of change protection and loop break protection.Modbus ®is a registered trademark of Schrnieder AutomationACCESSORIESMN-1,Mini-Node ™USB/RS-485 converter LoveLinks III,Configuration software A-600,R/C snubberOPTIONS (Add to the end of the model number)-992,RS-485 Serial Communication -9502,12-24 VDC/VAC Power Input。


016:电压 006=6V 010=10V 016=16V 025=25V
±20% 1UF 20V 20% 1206
±20% 20% 1206
±20% 10UF 20% 1206
±10% 10% 1206
±10% 47UF 10% 1210
TAJ 1206
±20% 1UF 16V 20% 1206
例:TAJ B 106 K 016 RNJ
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Operating Temperature Range-40 ~ +85°C-25 ~ +85°C Rated Voltage Range10 ~ 250Vdc315 ~ 450Vdc Rated Capacitance Range180 ~ 82,000µF56 ~ 1,000µF Capacitance Tolerance±20% (M)
Max. Leakage Current (µA)
After 5 minutes (20°C)
3 x C(µF)V
Max. Tan δat 120Hz/20°C W.V. (Vdc)10162535506380100160~400420~450 Tan δ max.0.550.500.450.400.350.300.
Surge Voltage W.V. (Vdc)1016
2535506380100160180 S.V. (Vdc)132032446379100125200220 W.V. (Vdc)200220250315350385400420450-S.V. (Vdc)250270300365400435450470500-
Ripple Current Correction Factors
Frequency (Hz)50 (60)1205001K10K>-----Multiplier
at 85°C
10 ~ 100Vdc0.90 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15-----
160 ~ 250Vdc0.80 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.50-----
315 ~ 450Vdc0.80 1.00 1.20 1.25 1.40-----
Low Temperature Stability (10 to 250Vdc)
Temperature (°C)0-25-40-------Capacitance Change-5%-15%-30%-------Impedance Ratio 1.5312-------
Load Life Test 3,000 hours at +85°C Capacitance Change Within ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum value Leakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value
Shelf Life Test 1,000 hours at +85°C
(no load)Capacitance Change Within ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum value Leakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value
Surge Voltage Test
Per JIS-C-5141 (table #6, #4) Surge voltage applied: 30 seconds "On" and 5.5 minutes no voltage "Off"Capacitance Change Within ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum value Leakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value
Soldering Effect Refer to JISC5102.8.5Capacitance Change Within ±10% of initial measured value Tan δLess than specifi ed maximum value Leakage Current Less than specifi
ed maximum value
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series FEATURES
• LONG LIFE AT +85°C (3,000 HOURS)
1. Safety Vent:
The capacitors are provided with a pressure sensitive safety vent on the top of can. The vent is designed to rupture in the event that high internal gas pressure is developed by circuit mal f unc t ion or mis-use like reverse voltage.
2. Terminal Strength:
Each terminal of the capacitor shall withstand an axial pull force of 4.5Kg for a period 10 seconds or a radial bent force of 2.5Kg for a period
of 30 seconds.
NRLR 222 M 50V 20X25 S F
RoHS compliant
Lead Length (S=4mm, L=6mm)
Case Size (mm)
Voltage Rating
Tolerance Code
Capacitance Code
Please review the notes on correct use, safety and precautions found on pages T10 & T11
of NIC’s Electrolytic Capacitor catalog.
Notice for Mounting
The space from the top of the can shall be more than (3mm) from chassis or
Recommended PC Board Mounting Holes: Sleeve Color: Dark Blue
Can Top Safety Vent
Insulation Sleeve and Minus
Polarity Marking
L ± 2 4.0 ± 1
6.3 ± 1
∅= 2
includes all homogeneous materials
*See Part Number System for Details
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLR Series
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
NRLR Series
6.0mm - Optional Lead Length
