

同性恋英语PPT 2

同性恋英语PPT 2

A noun refer to women who identify
themselves or who are characterized by others as having the primary attribute of female homosexuality(同性恋)
6.With taking special measure, the infection of disease can be effectively controlled.
7.Love is not a crime.
8.People are somehow misled by the present view towards LGBT.
目前同性婚姻合法的国家有10个, 分别是荷兰、比利时、西班牙、加拿大、 南非、挪威、瑞典、葡萄牙、冰岛以及 阿根廷。
Now Amercia, France, Holand, Sweden, German have built the laws for marriage between homosexualities.
Flims and songs
• There are a growing number of films and songs about them, such as: • Films:暹罗之恋The Love of Siam 罪孽天使Heavenly Creatures 《断背山》Brokeback Mountain 《指匠情挑》Fingersmith • Songs :爱不分、如果的事 • beautiful 、I Kiss A Girl
An adjective
describe characteristics of an object or activity related to female same-sex desire.



2c Put the phrases in order according to the
passage. Then use them to retell the story.
__6__ snake went into the forest __2__ put up our tents and cooked food __8__ learned a useful lesson __4__ saw a snake and shouted to parents for help __7__ snakes can’t hear but can feel things moving __5__ my dad jumped up and down in his tent __1__ took a bus to a small village in India __3__ told stories under the moon, then went to sleep
8. She was really ________ to cross the
rope way.
1. --What did they do over the weekend?
--They _________ to a movie.
A. went
【辨析】before 意为“在……之前”,其后 可以跟一个时间的点;表示“在某个时间点
e.g. I usually go to school before seven. 我常在七点钟前去上学。

CISM Courses and Lectures Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscripts with L ATEX 2ε

CISM Courses and Lectures Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscripts with L ATEX 2ε

CISM Courses and Lectures:Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscriptswith L A T E X2εAdriano Pascoletti*‡and Carlo Tasso†‡*Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,University of Udine,Udine,Italy †Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,University of Udine,Udine,Italy‡CISM,International Centre for Mechanical Sciences,Udine,ItalyAbstract This document specifies the formatting requirements forfinal manu-scripts that are to be published in the series CISM Courses and Lectures.It alsoexplains how template and stylefiles can be used.Specific instructions for theeditor(s)of the volume are also included.1Overview of Manuscript Preparation and DeliveryCISM Lecture Notes are published by SpringerWienNewYork.The preparation of the manuscript is completely based on electronic tools.No paper has to be produced by the authors.The default text processing system to use for preparing the manuscript is L A T E X2ε.When the electronic manuscript is ready,please transform it in PDF format.Re-member to include all the fonts in your PDFfile and use only Type1or TrueType fonts.Please avoid the embedding of(resolution-dependent)Type3fonts.If your paper exceeds4MB,please split it into two or morefiles,each smaller than4Mb.Authors should send their contributions to the editor(s)of the volume.Editors should collect all the papers and prepare a two-page preface and a table of contents,both according to the templatefiles available via the CISM web site.Please remember that each contribution should start on a right(recto)page,right pages have odd page numbers,and thefirst contribution should start on page1.Transform the preface and the table of contents in PDF format as well.When the whole manuscript is ready,editor(s)should use the CISM ftp server for sending the PDFfiles to CISM.Please contact Mrs.Monica Del Pin(M.DelPin@cism.it)who will provide you a user-name,a password and the precise URL to use.CISM printing office will send to the editor(s)a draft version of the cover and of the first pages of the volume,to be checked and approved for printing.For further questions about the use of the template and stylefiles,problems related to PDFfiles,etc.,you can send an e-mail to the CISM printing office(ciscud31@nettuno.it).1The templatefiles werefirst developed for he CISM sponsored conference UM971 (Jameson et al.,1997),further refined for the UM99conference(Kay,1999).Authors who have access to the printed proceedings of UM97or UM99(CISM volumes no.383and407 respectively)can see how the resulting volume is to look.Alternatively,individual UM97 and UM99papers can be downloaded from the on-line proceedings(/). 2Using the Template and Style FilesIn addition to the instructions that you are now reading,templatefiles for L A T E X2εare available via the CISM Web site.Probably all authors will be able to prepare their manuscripts using one of the templatefiles.If you can do so,the basic strategy is to copy the templatefile and replace the text in it with the text for your own manuscript, using the examples of formatting given in the templatefiles.3Following the InstructionsSome contributed volumes include individual papers that deviate visibly from the pre-scribed style.In a coherent,well-edited volume,this sort of deviation is not acceptable. In the interests of all authors and readers,the editor(s)will check eachfinal manuscript. In order to do this,each author should send a preliminary copy of his/her manuscript to the editor(s).If a manuscript deviates noticeably from the prescribed style,the au-thors will be asked by e-mail or fax to make the necessary adjustments and to resend their manuscript on short notice.If you anticipate any difficulties with this arrangement, please contact the editor soon.Font.If you like Times you may use the times package,but only in conjunction with the mathtimes package for typesetting mathematics:mixing Computern Modern Roman fonts for mathematics and Times for text produces unpleasant pages.Running heads.Running heads will be added to each page by the publisher,so please dont add them yourselves except perhaps temporarily for your own convenience during manuscript preparation.Please,use short running heads.Page numbers.The page numbers will be placed in the header by the publisher,nev-ertheless the stylefile inserts page numbers—starting from one—centered at the bottom of each page:they may help you and are needed by the publisher.3.1Formatting the Beginning of the ManuscriptTitle,authors,and institutes.Note that each author’s address includes only the institution,the town,the two-letter abbreviation of the state(if the address is in the U.S.),and the country.Note also that acknowledgements to colleagues and funding 1We thank Anthony Jameson from the Department of Computer Science,University of Saarbr¨u cken,Germany,for his effort in preparing the original version of the templatefiles.2agencies come in a footnote to the authors’names,not in a separate section of the text. Such a footnote is generated by\thanks{...}.As is usual in English,the major words in the title are to be capitalized.Specifically: Do not capitalize:–conjunctions(and,or,but);–articles(the,a,an);–prepositions of fewer than four letters(like of and for).Do capitalize all other words,including:–words of the above types if they come at the beginning of a heading or after a colon or a dash;–other short words,wherever they come(like Is and Not);–prepositions with four or more letters(like During and With);–words that occur as the second part of a hyphenated compound(as in Real-Time). Abstract.The length of the abstract should not exceed150words.3.2Formatting the Main TextThe package CCLAuthor provides three levels of headings correponding to the usual section,subsection and subsubsection of the article document class.First-level headings.These headings are entered by means of\CCLsection{...}or \CCLsection*{...}for unnumbered headings.Second-level headings.\CCLsubsection{...}places a numbered second-level head-ing,\CCLsubsection*{...}an unnumbered one.Third-level headings.They are entered by means of\CCLsubsubsection{...};the heading at the beginning of this paragraph is an example of this type of heading.There is no numbering and no extra capitalization of major words.The heading ends with punctuation.The subsequent text continues on the same line.3.3Other Formatting ElementsFigures.Figures must be clear and very neat,so we recommend a resolution of600 dpi at least.Center eachfigure horizontally,and place the caption after thefigure(e.g. see Figure1).Note that there is no extra capitalization of words infigure captions and that each caption ends with a period.Capitalize the word Figure in all in-text references that include numbers(e.g.,“see Figure1”).Example:commands used for inserting Figure1.\begin{figure}[htbp]\centering\includegraphics{samplefig.mps}\caption{A simple...}\label{fCCL} \end{figure}3Figure1.A simple directed graph on three vertices.Tables.Center each table horizontally,and place the caption before the table(e.g.see Table1).Note that there is no extra capitalization of words in table captions and that each caption ends with a period.Capitalize the word Table in all in-text references that include numbers(e.g.,“see Table1”).Table1.Average page length for manuscripts.Category No.of pagesPapers10/lecture(average)Example:commands for Ta-ble1.\begin{table}[htbp]\centering\caption{Average...}\begin{tabular}{|r|l|}\hlineCategory&No.of pages\\\hlinePapers&10/lecture\\&(average)\\\hline\end{tabular}\label{tCCL}Lists.L A T E X2εputs a considerable amount of vertical space between consecutive list items.The CCLAuthor package removes the extra space and produces tighter lists by de-fault.One can get the standard L A T E X2εlist spacing with the command\defaultlists before the list environment.3.4References to LiteratureThe general method used is that of giving the name(s)of the author(s)and the year, using parentheses.The templatefile is set up for the plainnat style.Some typical usages are shown below:\citet{CG91}investigated...givesCharniak and Goldman(1991)investigated...4...is well known\citep{CG91}.givesis well known(Charniak and Goldman,1991).\citet[chap.~11]{Fagin:ea95}proved...givesFagin et al.(1995,chap.11)proved...In two influential articles,\citet{Rich79,Rich89}discussed...givesIn two influential articles,Rich(1979,1989)discussed...A recent study\citep{Fagin:ea95}suggests...givesA recent study(Fagin et al.,1995)suggests...It is claimed\citealp[see][p.2]{Fagin:ea95},and\citealp{CG91})that... givesIt is claimed(see Fagin et al.,1995,p.2,and Charniak and Goldman,1991)that... The bibliography generated by the plainnat style looks like the following one. BibliographyE.Charniak and R.Goldman.A probabilistic model of plan recognition.In Proceedingsof the Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence,pages160–165,1991.R.Fagin,J.Y.Halpern,V.Moses,and M.Y.Vardi.Reasoning About Knowledge.MIT Press,1995.A.Jameson,C.Paris,and C.Tasso,er modeling-Proceedings of the Inter-national Conference UM97,Chia Laguna,Italy,June2–5,1997,CISM Courses and Lectures no.383,1997.Springer Verlag,Wien-New York.J.Kay,er modeling-Proceedings of the International Conference UM99,Banff, Canada,June20–24,1999,CISM Courses and Lectures no.407,1999.Springer Verlag, Wien-New York.er modeling via stereotypes.Cognitive Science,3:329–354,1979.E.Rich.Stereotypes and user modeling.In A.Kobsa and W.Wahlster,editors,UserModels in Dialog Systems.Springer,1989.5。



Unit2周练( 时间:60分钟总分:100 分)姓名班级成绩一、词组翻译.(30分)1.更加努力学习___________________ 2.较少的广告3.举行一场重要比赛________________ 4.在阅读周期间___________________5.学习一门外语______ _______________6.帮助新学生更多了解学校7. 仔细倾听我的问题8.给我提供帮助9. 结束的比以往早些10.做早操11.放假7天________________________ 12.至多13. 暑假14.选学科学15.有很多时间参加课外活动________________二、词汇运用.(10分)1.Swimming is one of ______________ ( health ) activities .2.They get together ___________ (watch)the moon3.He is a ___________(honest)boy.4.Wang Hao spends half an hour (practise) (day) English every day.5.Among my friends, Leo does his homework_________ (careful).6. Daniel likes playing computer games. He always plays __________ (好) of all.7.Who walks ____________(远), Tom or Jim?8. My father does exercise at __________(少) 2 hours every day.9.We can’ draw as _________________ ( better ) as Mary does .10.Lily goes to the country to see his grandparents (two) a month.三、单项选择.(15分)( )1. Why come and play basketball with us?A. not youB. don’tC. not toD. not( )2.--- does Mary usually go to the Buddy Club? --- Once a week.A. How oftenB. How longC. How farD. How much ( )3. My cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 Middle School.A. 3th GradeB. 3 GradeC. Grade 3D. Grade 3rd( )4. He always looks . Now he’s looking at his new drawing.A. happy; happilyB. happy; happyC. happily; happilyD. happily; happy(((()8.I know you are shorter than your brothers, but you run ____________.( ) 9. We didn’t have a nigh t ______ these days because of too much work.A toB offC fromD during( ) 10.It ____ my uncle a lot of money to buy the car.A spendsB costsC takesD buys( ) 11. The dog is _______. You should be careful with it.A. politeB. impoliteC. friendlyD. unfriendly( ) 12. ---How ________ he looks!---Yes. He is sitting there ________, not knowing what to do.A. sad,B. sadly, sadC. sadly, sadlyD. sad, sad( ) 13. ---________ they are talking to each other!---Yes. They are really happy to see each other.A. What excitedB. How excitedC. What excitedlyD. How excitedly( )14.This is an _______ question. You can answer it _______.A. easy, easyB. easily, easilyC. easy, easilyD. easily, easy( ) 15. The sun shone _______ and we felt very _______.A. bright, happyB. brightly, happilyC. brightly, happyD. bright, happily。

Unit 2 Extended reading -高二英语课件(译林版2020选择性必修第一册)

Unit 2 Extended reading -高二英语课件(译林版2020选择性必修第一册)

The first-ever performance of Symphony No. 9
Beethoven's attitude in face of the loss of hearing
Beethoven's reputation and achievements Beethoven's life journey before his late twenties Introduction to Symphony No. 9
As a teenager E__n_jo_y_i_n_g_a__r_e_p_u_ta_t_i_o_n_ a_s__a_w__o_n_d_e_r_fu_l_y_o__u_n_g_ m__u_s_i_c_ia_n____________
Not long after
_B_e_in_g__a_p_p_r_e_c_ia_t_e_d__ _fo_r_h_i_s__p_ia_n_o_______ _p_e_rf_o_r_m_a_n_c_e_s____
The music moves through technically difficult sections
w_it_h__ea__s_e___ , showing his genius as a composer.
About the fourth movement
All the different variations are connected into final jo_y_f_u_l _c_h_o_r_u_s__.
Read paragraph by paragraph and finish the following exercises.
1. Read para. 1 and answer the questions.



小学上册英语第2单元寒假试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ______ is a famous scientist.2.The Apollo program was aimed at landing humans on the ______.3. A _______ is an example of a flowering plant.4.What is the capital of Paraguay?A. AsunciónB. Ciudad del EsteC. EncarnaciónD. Pedro Juan CaballeroA5.What kind of animal is a frog?A. MammalB. ReptileC. AmphibianD. FishC6.The bicycle has ______ (two) wheels.7.I have _____ of friends in my class. (lots)8. A chemical reaction can be classified based on the changes it causes in ______.9.What do you call a person who designs clothes?A. Fashion designerB. TailorC. SeamstressD. All of the aboveD10.What do we call the small, fleshy part of a fruit that surrounds the seed?A. FleshB. SkinC. PulpD. Seed coatC11.My aunt has a great sense of ____ (humor).12.The ancient Romans used _______ in their architecture. (混凝土)13.What do you call the act of making food ready for eating?A. CookingB. PreparingC. BakingD. GrillingB14.They are _____ a cake for the party. (baking)15.Chemical reactions can be classified as ________ or endothermic.16.She loves to _______ (travel) overseas.17.How many colors are there in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 818. A __________ is a natural reservoir of water.19.What do you call a group of birds?A. FlockB. SchoolC. PackD. Colony20.Which animal is known for its stripes?A. ZebraB. LeopardC. CheetahD. TigerA21.The Earth's ______ has a profound effect on the environment.22.In winter, I wear a ______.23.The _____ (植物保护) is important for biodiversity.24.Which insect produces silk?A. AntB. FlyC. ButterflyD. Silkworm25.We have a ______ (快乐的) family tradition for holidays.26.We have a ________ (community) to support us.27.The weather is _____ (nice/bad) today.28.The smallest unit of an element is called an _____.29.The __________ (历史的回顾) reflects our journey.30.The Earth's crust is primarily composed of igneous and ______ rocks.31.The parrot can be very _________ (调皮).32.I saw a ________ in the tree branches.33.Which of these is not a vegetable?A. CarrotB. PotatoC. AppleD. TomatoC34.The stars are _______ (在天空中).35.My favorite animal is a _______ (大象).36.We use _______ to measure temperature.37.What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?A. CrustB. MantleC. CoreD. ShellA38.Which of these is a frozen treat?A. CakeB. Ice CreamC. CookieD. Pie39.What is the capital of France?A. LondonB. ParisC. RomeD. Berlin40.The Moon has phases that change in a ______ cycle.41.The stars are ______ in the night sky. (visible)42.What is the name of the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh?A. The Starry NightB. The ScreamC. Girl with a Pearl EarringD. The Persistence of MemoryA43.I like to eat _____ for breakfast. (cereal)44.The ________ (生态教育课程) teaches sustainability.45.I have a toy _______ that can spin and dance to music.46.My mom reads ____ (books) every night before sleep.47.ts are _____ (有毒) and should not be touched. Some pla48.My grandma enjoys making ____.49.The Earth's crust is shaped by both internal and external ______.50.What is the name of the famous artist known for his "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon"?A. Pablo PicassoB. Henri MatisseC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude MonetA51.The _____ (蜗牛) carries its home wherever it goes.52.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. TwoB. FourC. ThreeD. OneA53.What do we call a small, round fruit that is usually red?A. AppleB. CherryC. RaspberryD. Strawberry54.Plants help to prevent ______ (土壤侵蚀) by holding the soil in place.55.The chemical symbol for xenon is _____.56.The _____ (street/road) is busy.57.What do we call the liquid that falls from the sky?A. RainB. SnowC. HailD. All of the aboveD58.I enjoy _______ (playing) soccer with my friends.59. A prism can separate light into different ______.60.I write stories in my ___ (notebook).61.scientific research) informs climate policies. The ____62.I enjoy having _________ (玩具聚会) where we showcase our favorite toys.63.I have ________ (three) apples.64.I want to _____ (visit) historical sites.65.The _____ (水果收成) happens in late summer.66.I like to ___ (ride) my scooter.67.What is the opposite of hot?A. WarmB. CoolC. ColdD. FreezingC68.The flamingo's color comes from its _________ (饮食).69.The capital of Uzbekistan is __________.70.What is the capital of Georgia?A. TbilisiB. YerevanC. BakuD. AnkaraA71.What is the capital of Cyprus?A. NicosiaB. LimassolC. LarnacaD. PaphosA Nicosia72.In a chemical reaction, energy can be absorbed in the form of _____.73.My uncle is a __________. (程序员)74.The rabbit's favorite treat is ______ (水果).75.What is the smallest unit of life?A. OrganB. TissueC. CellD. SystemC76.Certain plants are ______ (抗逆性强) and thrive in harsh conditions.77.Which season comes after winter?A. SpringB. SummerC. FallD. Autumn78.What is the process of a seed developing into a plant called?A. GerminationB. PropagationC. CultivationD. GrowthA79.In a chemical reaction, the products may have different properties from the _____.80. A __________ is a series of events that lead to a major geological change.81.My friend is very ________.82.数一数,选一选。

新视野大学英语第三版第三册 unit 1 Section B讲解

新视野大学英语第三版第三册 unit 1 Section B讲解

way through high school. (Para. 2) 解释:
normal kids during his childhood, Les was sent to
the classes specially set up for those with learning
1. Why was Les Brown placed in special
education classes? (Para. 2)
Because of his overactive behavior and nonstop talking as a child, Les was placed in special education classes for the learning disabled all the way through high school.
Background information
2. What is special education?
Special education refers to educational services for disabled students and students who have difficulty learning at the usual rate.
1. Who is Les Brown?
Les Brown is a motivational speaker, former Ohio politician, popular author, radio DJ, and former host of The Les Brown Show. As a politician, he is a former member of the Ohio House of Representatives. As a motivational speaker, he uses the catch phrase, “It’s possible,” and teaches people to follow their dreams as he learned to do.





一、语法选择题1. Le professeur a donné des conseils très utiles à sesétudiants. Le mot "utiles" est le complément d'objet direct de la phrase. Vrai ou Faux?A. VraiB. Faux2. Quelle est la différence entre "aller" et "être" comme verbes d'auxiliaire pour le passé composé?A. "aller" est utilisé avec les verbes réfléchis.B. "être" est utilisé avec les verbes à sens négatif.C. "aller" est utilisé pour exprimer l'action en cours.D. "être" est utilisé pour les verbes pronominaux.二、词汇填空题3. Le film est très intéressant, je l'ai trouvé _______ (非常) amusant.4. Elle a _______ (完成) son travail avant la fin de lajournée.三、阅读理解题Texte:Les vacances d'été sont arrivée s et les familles sepréparent pour leurs voyages. Certains choisissent de partir en camping, d'autres préfèrent les hôtels confortables. Les enfants s'amusent à la plage ou dans les parcs, tandis que les parents profitent du calme et de la beauté des paysages.Questions:5. Que font les enfants pendant les vacances d'été?A. Ils jouent au football.B. Ils vont à la plage ou dans les parcs.C. Ils lisent des livres.D. Ils étudient.6. Que préfèrent faire les parents pendant les vacances?A. Jouer avec les enfants.B. Profiter du calme et de la beauté des paysages.C. Faire du shopping.D. Visiter les musées.四、完形填空题Dans le texte suivant, il manque des mots. Choisissez la meilleure option pour combler les blancs.Les vacances d'hiver sont l'occasion de faire du ski et du snowboard. Beaucoup de personnes aiment cette saison pour ses activités _______ (7). Les stations de ski sont souventsituées dans des régions montagneuses où il y a beaucoup de neige. Les amateurs de nature peuv ent également profiter de la beauté des paysages _______ (8). Cependant, il est important de prendre des précautions pour se protéger du froid intense.Options pour le blanc (7):A. relaxantesB. sportivesC. culturellesD. artistiquesOptions pour le blanc (8):A. variésB. épuisantsC. enneigésD. historiques五、翻译题7. 将下列句子从法语翻译成中文:"Je suis très heureux de vous rencontrer à nouveau."8. 将下列句子从中文翻译成法语:"春天是播种的季节,也是万物复苏的时候。



考生姓名:___________学号层次专业Part I Vocabulary and Structure(40 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. You may keep the book a further week _____ no one else requires it.A) as if B) even if C) even though D) provided that2. The old machine won’t ______ properly if you don’t oil it regularly.A) affect B) effect C) function D) practice3. He says what he thinks, ___other people’s feelings.A. despite of B) in view of C) in charge of D) regardless of4. What _______ you from joining us last night?A) prevented B) encouraged C) urged D) forbade5. I’m sorry to _____ you, but can you direct me to the railway station?A) worry B) bother C) upset D) hurry6. When you do not understand a word, you can look it ____ in this dictionary.A) on B) with C) for D) up7. Miss White said she met him ______ chance yesterday morning.A) with B) by C) for D) through8. My husband and I __________ conflicting opinions on this matter.A) make B) hold C) keep D) take9. Friendly _________between different peoles facilitate the cultural and economicinterchange.A)contests B) contents C)contacts D) concerts10. I _______ aside my overcoat and took out my summer clothes.A) make B) take C) set D) bring11. He ____ his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God.A) intended B) extended C) included D) excluded12. Please _____ sure that the house is locked before you leave.A) make B) take C) do D) let 13. The audience ________ the play very much and time and again clapped loudly.A) enforced B) engaged C) enhanced D) enjoyed14. The children are ______ computer games.A) addicted to B) attempted to C) adopted to D) associated to15. Their traveling expenses amount _________ seven hundred dollars.A) for B) with C) to D) about16. You’ll have to work harder to ______ up with the top students in your class.A) catch B) take C) hold D) make17. Shall I ________ you up at the airport tomorrow morning?A) send B) pick C)see D) look18. The accident resulted ______ three people being killed.A) in B) from C) to D) for19. The managing director’s only _____ was how to improve the quality of their products.A) concern B) confirm C) conclude D) confess20. I’m not particular ________ my clothes; I don’t mind what I wear.A) in B) with C) about D) for21. What do you ____ to do about the problem now that this solution has failed.A) attempt B) think C) pretend D) intend22. We have ______ for a new secretary but we haven’t had any replies yet.A) advertised B) advised C) announced D) noticed23. I’ve _________ for the job and I hope I’ll get it.A) appointed B) applied C) presented D) succeeded24. It is on the top shelf, out of _________.A) distance B) reach C) touch D) arrive25. Would you _______ holding this box for me while I open the door?A) like B) matter C) mind D) object26. He is _________ dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.A) carrying B)fitting C) bearing D)wearing27. Sixty per cent of television viewers chose him as their ______ actor.A) popular B) preferred C) favorite D) favored28. It’s the ____ in this country to go out and pick flowers on the first day of spring.A) use B) custom C) habit D) normal29. You’d better add it up. I’m no good at ________.A) counters B) characters C) summaries D) figures30. I’d like to take ______ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.A) profit B) benefit C) advantage D) occasion31. The bank is offering a ______ to anyone who can give information about the robbery.A) compensation B) prize C) reward D) fee32. New problems are always _____in the factory.A) raising B) going up C) waking up D) coming up33. You must ______ facts and not run away from the truth.A. look B) sight C) see D) face34. Everyone else was killed in the accident. I was the only one to _____.A) relieve B) survive C) alive D) outlive35. I _______ you that the goods will be delivered next week.A) confirm B) assure C) undertake D) insist36. No one imagined that the apparently _____ businessman was really a criminal.A) respectful B) respective C) respectable D) reverent37. It was n’t an accident. He did it on ______.A) reason B) determination C) purpose D) intention38. I _____ of his course of action, so I told him to go ahead.A) accepted B) agreed C) approved D) consented39. He fell in love with her at first ______.A) scene B) sight C) view D) look40. We finally______ an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining.A) reached B) arrived C) did D) foundPart II Cloze ( 20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits intothe passage. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center. Everyone can live longer by allowing 41 a little fun, according to research 42 in London. Two independent scientific studies found that, 43 background and circumstances, everyone 44 to have the same “pleasure quota.”However, different 45 of people get their pleasure in different ways. Researchers asked 46 4,000 people in eight countries 47 their level of enjoyment from 13 everyday activities 48 sex, a glass of wine, a 49 of chocolate, tea or coffee or watching TV. “There is 50 wealth of evidence to suggest 51 the cumulative effect of these little pleasure and happy moments can make us all 52 longer,” they said. People on 53 incomes get 54 fun out of simple everyday pleasures 55 eating a chocolate bar or watching television while those earning over US $ 100,000 a year prefer 56 out as an enjoyment. _57___ advised us that no matter 58 our personal circumstances are, we can and should try to introduce as 59 happy moments as possible 60 our lives.41. A. himself B. herself C. oneself D. themselves42 A. published B. publishes C. publish D. to publish43. A. in addition to B. regardless of C. despite of D. according to44. A. bound B. leads C. tends D. manages45. A. ages B. sexes C. numbers D. groups46. A. over B. of C. from D. to47. A. to examine B. to assess C. to assign D. to assist48. A. including B. included C. include D. to include49. A. set B. number C. piece D. kind50. A. some B. plenty C. a D. the51. A. what B. which C. it D. that52. A. live B. to live C. lives D. lived53. A. high B. low C. less D. more54. A. few B. a few C. more D. lots55. A. as B. of C. with D. such as56. A. eating B. to eat C. eat D. rather eat57. A. Scientists B. Doctors C. Researchers D. Sociologists58. A. how B. what C. which D. whatever59. A. many B. much C. more D. most60. A. to B. on C. with D. intoPart III Reading Comprehension ( 20 points)Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneLike most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. One discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addresed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago bout delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post officeif we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.”61. At first the author looked upon life as a process of getting. He formed this view of lifebecause _________A. other people were selfish.B. he thought it exciting to get from others.C. of his early education.D. of his character62. The author wrote a note of appreciation to the post office because _________.A. he knew what such a note would mean to the post officeB. he had discovered giving-away made life more excitingC. he believed he would get something back by doing soD. the postman delivered an important letter in time63. When the author needed a post-office box _________.A. many had applied for post-office boxes before himB. he asked to put his name on a waiting listC. he tried to see the postmasterD. he wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation64. The postmaster promised ________.A. to make a new post-office box for the authorB. to let the author have a post-office boxC. to include the author’s name on the listD. to deliver the author’s mail to his home65. The postmaster interfered because __________A. he overheard their conversation.B. he had received a lot of complaints for lack of boxes.C. he was thankful for the letter the author had written.D. he was proud of their good service.Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:Passage TwoPeople living on parts of the south coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of large hotel and several houses discovered, to their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight. While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether, sliding down the cliff and into the sea.Erosion of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people, forecasting the year in which their homes will be swallowed up by the hungry sea.Angry owners have called on the Government to erect sea defenses to protect their homes. Government surveyors have pointed out that in most cases, this is impossible. New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go further along the coast, shifting the problem from one area to another. The danger is likely to continue, they say, until the waves reach an inland area of hard rock which will not be eaten as limestone is. Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England. You can get a house for knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home.66. What is the cause of the problem that people living on parts of the south coast ofEngland face?A. The disappearance of hotels, houses, and gardens.B. The experts’ lack of knowledge.C. The rising of the sea level.D. The washing-away of limestone cliffs.67. The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England ______.A. will soon become a problem for people living in central EnglandB. has now become a threat to the local residentsC. is quickly changing the map of EnglandD. can be stopped if proper measures are taken68. The experts’ study on the problem of erosion can_________.A. lead to its eventual solutinoB. provide an effective way to slow it downC. help to prevent it from worseningD. warn people whose homes are in danger69. It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion because _________.A. it is too costly and will endanger neighbouring areasB. the government is too slow in taking actionC. they will be easily knocked down by waves and currentsD. house agents along the coast do not support the idea.70. According to the author, when buying a house along the south coast of England,people should ________.A. be aware of the potential danger involvedB. guard against being cheated by the house agentC. take the quality of the house into considerationD. examine the house carefully before making a decisionPart IV. Translate following 5 sentences into Chinese ( 5 points)71. A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmaspresent.72. The government has just begun their annual campaign to stop drunken driving.73. In some countries traditional methods of farming have survived to the present day.74. Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solvetheir personality problems.75. In this big department store, staff get 20% discount on all goods during Christmasseasons.Part V. Guided Writing ( 15 points)Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition inabout 120 words. The title of your composition is given. The following points mayserve as a guide.Your role: a tour guideYour audience: a group of foreign touristsYour introduction should include:1. some welcoming words2. The schedule for the day3. A description of the place the tourist will be visting(e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.)Your should make the introduction interesting and the arrangements for the day clear to everybody.A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction考生姓名:___________学号层次专业Part I Vocabulary and Structure ( 40 points)1.[A] [B] [C] [D]2. [A] [B] [C] [D]3. [A] [B] [C] [D]4. [A] [B] [C] [D]5. [A] [B] [C] [D]6.[A] [B] [C] [D]7. [A] [B] [C] [D]8. [A] [B] [C] [D]9. [A] [B] [C] [D]10. [A] [B] [C] [D] 11.[A] [B] [C] [D] 12. [A] [B] [C] [D] 13. [A] [B] [C] [D] 14. [A] [B] [C] [D] 15. [A] [B] [C] [D] 16.[A] [B] [C] [D] 17. [A] [B] [C] [D] 18. [A] [B] [C] [D] 19. [A] [B] [C] [D] 20. [A] [B] [C] [D] 21.[A] [B] [C] [D] 22. [A] [B] [C] [D] 23. [A] [B] [C] [D] 24. [A] [B] [C] [D] 25. [A] [B] [C] [D] 26.[A] [B] [C] [D] 27. [A] [B] [C] [D] 28. [A] [B] [C] [D] 29. [A] [B] [C] [D] 30. [A] [B] [C] [D] 31.[A] [B] [C] [D] 32. [A] [B] [C] [D] 33. [A] [B] [C] [D] 34. [A] [B] [C] [D] 35. [A] [B] [C] [D] 36.[A] [B] [C] [D] 37. [A] [B] [C] [D] 38. [A] [B] [C] [D] 39. [A] [B] [C] [D] 40. [A] [B] [C] [D]Part II Cloze (20 points)41.[A] [B] [C] [D] 42. [A] [B] [C] [D] 43. [A] [B] [C] [D] 44. [A] [B] [C] [D] 45. [A] [B] [C] [D] 46.[A] [B] [C] [D] 47. [A] [B] [C] [D] 48. [A] [B] [C] [D] 49. [A] [B] [C] [D] 50. [A] [B] [C] [D] 51.[A] [B] [C] [D] 52. [A] [B] [C] [D] 53. [A] [B] [C] [D] 54. [A] [B] [C] [D] 55. [A] [B] [C] [D] 56.[A] [B] [C] [D] 57. [A] [B] [C] [D] 58. [A] [B] [C] [D] 59. [A] [B] [C] [D] 60. [A] [B] [C] [D]Part III Reading Comprehension (20 points)61.[A] [B] [C] [D] 62. [A] [B] [C] [D] 63. [A] [B] [C] [D] 64. [A] [B] [C] [D] 65. [A] [B] [C] [D] 66.[A] [B] [C] [D] 67. [A] [B] [C] [D] 68. [A] [B] [C] [D] 69. [A] [B] [C] [D] 70. [A] [B] [C] [D]Part IV Translation (5 points)71.________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 72.________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 73.________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________74.________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 75.________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________VI. Writing: (15 points)A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________。



1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the survey.
Questions 1.How often do you exercise?
Tina Every day
Bill Hardly ever
2.How often do you eat fruit?
3.How many hours do you sleep every night?
2 a Rank these activities according to how often
you think your classmates do them (I=most often, 6=least often)
watch TV go to themovies play computergames exercise or play sports use the Internet go campingin thecountry
Complete the pie charts.
4 times a week
2c Read the article again and answer the questions.
1.How many students do not exercise at all? 20% students do not exercise at all.
Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not
exercise at all!



小学上册英语第6单元期末试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous artist known for his "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon"?A. Pablo PicassoB. Henri MatisseC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet答案: A2.The ____ has a slender body and is often found in the grass.3.The _______ (Opium War) was fought between Britain and China in the 19th century.4.What do you call a baby dog?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CubD. Foal答案:B.Puppy5.听一听,圈出与你听到的句子相符的图片。

6.The _______ (小海豚) leaps joyfully out of the water.7.What is the primary purpose of a ruler?A. To drawB. To measureC. To cutD. To erase答案:B8.The ________ grows brightly in the sun.9.My favorite activity in the spring is ______ (种花).10.Chemicals can be found in our _____.11.What do you use to write on paper?A. PaintB. PencilC. BrushD. Chalk答案: B12.What is the name of the famous mountain in Japan?A. Mount FujiB. Mount EverestC. Mount KilimanjaroD. Mount McKinley答案:A.Mount Fuji13. A ____(network of organizations) collaborates on common goals.14.The __________ is known for its historical significance.15.What is the capital of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. BogotáD. Lima答案:A16.Trees provide shade and ______ (庇护) for many animals.17.The _____ (chrysanthemum) is a symbol of autumn.18.The pizza is very ___ (cheesy).19.The __________ (古代文明的成就) include advancements in writing and math.20.The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is ______.21.The _________ (玩具) shop is full of _________ (颜色鲜艳的) toys.22.My brother has a great sense of ____ (adventure).23. A dolphin jumps gracefully out of the _______.24.My brother loves playing __________ (电子游戏).25.The capital city of Nicaragua is __________.26.Friction can slow down a _______.27.I enjoy ______ my favorite songs. (singing)28.The ______ (小鹿) grazes in the open field, enjoying the warm ______ (阳光).29.There are five _____ (flowers) in the garden.30.What do we call the study of living things?A. PhysicsB. ChemistryC. BiologyD. Geography答案:C31.The _______ attracts various pollinators.32.I call my mother _____ (妈妈) in Chinese.33.The ________ is a lovely flower.34.The first successful airplane flight took place in _______. (1903年)35.The ______ (水果) of the apple tree is sweet.36. A beaker is a common piece of ______ glassware.37.The bird sings a beautiful _____.38.The ____ quacks and likes to swim in the water.39.I like to race my ________ (玩具名称) against others.40.The cow gives us ______ (牛奶). It is used to make ______ (奶酪).41.What is the capital of Belgium?A. BrusselsB. AntwerpC. GhentD. Bruges答案: A42.The chemical formula for ammonium sulfate is ______.43.The teacher tells a ______ (story).44.I found a ______ (漂亮的石头) while walking in the park. It has interesting ______ (图案).45. A mixture that has a variable composition is called a _______ mixture.46.My ________ (玩具名称) has a happy face.47.I enjoy creating my own games with my ________ (玩具名称).48. A rabbit can hop across the ______ (草地).49.We like to ________ together.50.My friend is a ______. He enjoys sports.51.I like to help my dad ________ (修理) things.52.历史上,________ (innovations) 常常引领着社会的变革。



小学上册英语第二单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.How many months are in a year?A. TenB. TwelveC. EightD. Six2.The first successful test of an atomic bomb was in _______.3. A coyote is a wild ________________ (动物).4.My ________ (玩具名称) is sparkly and shiny.5.My mom reads me a ______ (book) at night.6.What do we call a large structure built to hold water?A. DamB. BridgeC. TunnelD. Wall7.My favorite game to play during recess is ________ (跳绳) with my friends.8.What is the capital city of Italy?A. RomeB. FlorenceC. MilanD. Venice9.What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. KangchenjungaC. Mount EverestD. KilimanjaroC10.I enjoy writing ________ (信件) to my pen pal.11.The ______ (植物保护) is important for sustainability.12.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?A. FishB. BirdC. SnakeD. DogB13.At night, the stars are very ______ (明亮).14.The __________ (历史的文化背景) enrich understanding.15.What do you use to write on paper?A. BrushB. PencilC. ScissorsD. Ruler16.The capital of the Dominican Republic is __________.17.The first person to climb Mount Everest was _______ Hillary.18.War was a period of intense ________ (竞争). The Cold19.The study of the Earth's interior is essential for understanding ______.20.My sister is _______ than I am.21.My favorite cartoon is _______.22.The _______ (The Korean War) was fought between North and South Korea.23.I enjoy going on field ______ (旅行) with my classmates. It’s a chan ce to learn outside the classroom.24. A solid has a ______ shape and volume.25.What do you call the place where you go to watch movies?A. CinemaB. TheaterC. MuseumD. Library26.What is the name of the famous mountain in Oceania?A. Mount CookB. Mount KosciuszkoC. Mount TaranakiD. All of the above27.The _____ (猴子) is very intelligent and resourceful.28.I enjoy ___ (hiking) in the mountains.29.How many days are there in a week?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 830.The puppy is _____ with its toys. (playing)31.The __________ is a large desert in the southwestern United States. (莫哈维沙漠)32.The _____ (自行车) is fast.33.My ________ (玩具名称) helps me learn to count.34.The capital of Uzbekistan is _______.35.What is the opposite of "day"?A. NightB. MorningC. EveningD. AfternoonA36.The __________ (花蜜) attracts bees and butterflies.37.I love celebrating cultural festivals, especially __________.38.I love to plant _____ (花) in my garden.39.The rain makes everything _____ (wet/dry).40.What is the capital city of Madagascar?A. AntananarivoB. ToamasinaC. AntsirananaD. Mahajanga41.The _____ of a planet determines its seasons.42.My uncle is a __________ (教学顾问).43.n _________ (滑行) silently. Snakes c44.The turtle is very _________. (安静)45.It is ___ today. (hot)46. (3) is known for its deserts and wildlife. The ____47.What do we call a building where you can see movies?A. TheaterB. MuseumC. LibraryD. StadiumA48.The _____ (小鸟) fluffs its feathers in the cold.49.What is the name of the famous American actor known for his role in "The Dark Knight"?A. Christian BaleB. Heath LedgerC. Michael CaineD. Gary OldmanA50.The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the _______ War.51.Star formation occurs in regions of space called molecular _______.52.What is the shape of a basketball?A. SquareB. RectangleC. CircleD. TriangleC53.What is the name of the famous artist known for his "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon"?A. Pablo PicassoB. Henri MatisseC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude MonetA54.What do we call the process of turning a liquid into a solid?A. FreezingB. SolidifyingC. CondensingD. HardeningA55.She wears a _____ (裙子) to the party.56.The _____ (草) is very green and soft.57.What do you call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. Tropic of CancerD. Tropic of Capricorn58.The capital of the Philippines is ________.59.I think toys help us express our ________ (名词) and emotions.60. A ___ (小鹦鹉) can mimic human speech.61.__________ are used to indicate the concentration of a solution.62.I like to tell stories with my __________ (玩具名).63.The ______ helps protect the body from diseases.64.The stars are ________ in the sky.65.He is playing with his ___. (toys)66.Making a ______ (切花) arrangement can beautify your home.67.I often help my parents with _______ (任务) around the house. It makes me feel _______ (情感).68.aquifer) stores groundwater. The ____69. A ____ is known for its loud, distinctive call at night.70.The main type of carbohydrate is ______.71.Which month comes after March?A. FebruaryB. AprilC. MayD. JuneB72.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington,C. Los AngelesD. ChicagoB73.What do you call a story from the past?A. FictionB. HistoryC. MythD. Legend74. A __________ is a measure of the concentration of a solution.75.I like to ______ (参与) in community projects.76.The __________ is known for its stunning beaches.77.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?A. ChameleonB. DogC. CatD. HorseA78.I believe that everyone can make a difference. Small actions can lead to big changes.I try to do my part by __________ in my community.79. A butterfly drinks nectar with its long ______ (舌头).80.What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?A. DubaiB. Abu DhabiC. SharjahD. AjmanB81.What do we call the liquid that makes up blood?A. PlasmaB. SerumC. CytoplasmD. Lymph82.The atomic mass of an element is the sum of its ______ and neutrons.83.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A. Snow WhiteB. Sleeping BeautyC. CinderellaD. Little Red Riding HoodC Cinderella84.The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games every _____ years.85.Distillation separates mixtures based on their ________ points.86.What do we call the main character in a story who opposes the protagonist?A. HeroB. VillainC. MentorD. SidekickB Villain87.The _____ (向日葵) grows towards the sun.88.Which animal is known for having a long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. BearB89.What is the traditional food eaten on Thanksgiving in the USA?A. PizzaB. TurkeyC. HamburgerD. Tacos90.The ocean is a beautiful place to explore. I love swimming and looking for ______ (贝壳) on the beach.91.What is the name of the famous wizard in literature?A. MerlinB. GandalfC. Harry PotterD. Dumbledore92.I want to _____ (play/read) a game.93. A ______ (狼) is very clever and cunning.94.The capital of Chile is _____.95.How many continents are there in the world?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8C96.The butterfly lands softly on the _______ (蝴蝶轻轻落在_______上).97.He is a good _______ (学生).98.An electric circuit can be open or ______.99.The capital of Georgia is _______.100. A squirrel collects ______ for winter.。



小学上册英语第二单元真题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the largest ocean?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. Pacific答案: D2.The gas that makes soda bubbly is ______.3. A chemical reaction that forms new substances is called a ______ reaction.4. A __________ is a place that is protected by law.5.She is ________ (kind) to her friends.6.The largest mammal in the ocean is the ______.7.She loves to play ___. (games)8.seas) are smaller than oceans but still large bodies of water. The ____9.The _____ (小鸡) chirps happily as it explores the farm. 小鸡在农场探索时愉快地鸣叫。

10.My dad is an amazing __________ (修理工).11.In the evening, I help my mom ________ (做饭). We prepare a delicious ________ (晚餐) together.12.The chemical symbol for nitrogen is ______.13.What is the capital of Haiti?A. Port-au-PrinceB. Santo DomingoC. NassauD. San Juan答案: A. Port-au-Prince14.The sunflowers are ___ (tall).15.Which insect has colorful wings?A. AntB. ButterflyC. FlyD. Beetle答案:B16.The milk is in the ___. (fridge)17.She is _____ (learning/teaching) new words.18.My toy ________ can transform into a robot.19.The _____ (lattice) supports climbing plants.20.What do we call the process of recycling materials?A. ReuseB. RecoveryC. Waste managementD. All of the above答案:D. All of the above21.Which month has 28 days?A. All of themB. JanuaryC. FebruaryD. April答案: C22.The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is ______.23.The _____ (跳棋) game is fun.24.I enjoy watching ________ (动画片) on weekends.25.Listen and number.(听音标号。



8.每天 eevveerryy ddaayy 9.有空 be frreeee 10.用互联网,上网 uusseetthheeIInntetrenrnetet 11.摇摆舞 swswininggddaancnece 12.打网球 ppllaayytteennnniiss 13.上舞蹈课和钢琴课 hhaavveeddaance and piano lessons 14.熬夜;睡得很晚 sstatayyuupplalatete
13./maInd /mind n.头脑;心智 14./tə'ɡeðə(r) /together adv.在一起;共同 15./'mæɡə'ziːn /magazine n.杂杂志志;;期期刊刊 16./haʊ'evə(r)/hhoowweevveerr adv.然然而而;;不不过过 17./'ɔːlməʊst /almost adv.几乎;差不多 18./les /less adv.较较少少;;较较小小 adj.& pron.较较少少的的;;更更少少的的 19./pɔInt /ppooiinnt n.得得分分;;点点v.指指;;指指向向
22.一点儿也不 not…at allt all 23.在某人的业余时间 iinn oonnee''ss freferetiemtieme 24.一周四到六次 four to six timems easwaewekeek 25.放松的最好方法 tthheebbeessttwwayatyotroerlaelxax 26.去看牙医 ggoo ttoo tthhee ddentiesnttist 27.多于 more th an an 28.去购物 ggoo sshhooppppiing ng
二、词汇拓展 1.一 num.one → 一次;曾经 adv.onnccee 2.二 num.two →两次;两倍 adv.twiccee 3.忙的;满的;充满的 adj.fulll →eemmppttyy//hhuunnggrryy(反义词) 4.(使)摆动;摇摆 v.swingg →(过去式)swunngg 5.健康;人的身体(或精神)状态 n.healtthh→健康的 adj.heaalltthhyy 6.写作 v.wrriittee→wroottee(过去式) →作家;作者 n.wwrriiter 7.没有一个;毫无 pron.nonnee→alll (反义词) 8.消失;灭亡;死亡 v.die e→ddiieedd (过去式)→ddyying(现在分词)



小学上册英语第2单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.plants can lead to advancements in ______ (农业). Sublimat2.The Earth's surface temperatures can vary greatly due to ______.3.His favorite movie is a ________.4.Some frogs can change ______.5.The chemical formula for table salt is _______.6.Chemical reactions can be balanced using ______.7.The chemical formula for gallium nitride is _____.8.n Tea Party was a protest against __________ (税收) by the British government. The Bost9.An example of a physical change is _______. (冰块融化)10.The owl uses its keen hearing to locate ______ (猎物).11.The __________ is a major city known for its art and culture. (巴黎)12.What do we call a young male sheep?A. EweB. RamC. LambD. KidB13.I enjoy playing games with my _________ (玩具朋友).14.I see a _____ (彩虹) in the sky.15.What is the main language spoken in Spain?A. PortugueseB. SpanishC. CatalanD. ItalianB16.What is the primary color that mixes with yellow to create orange?A. RedB. BlueC. GreenD. PurpleA17.What do we call a baby sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal18.The weather is very ___. (nice)19.My mother is a _____ (作家) and publishes books.20.I have a collection of toy _____ from different places.21.The ancient Chinese built the Great Wall to prevent _____.22.The ________ (car) is red and fast.23.The author writes _____ (小说) about adventure.24.The ________ (形态) of leaves varies widely.25.What is the name of the famous mountain in Antarctica?A. Mount VinsonB. Mount EverestC. Mount McKinleyD. Mount Elbrus26.What do we call the young of a lion?A. CubB. CalfC. PupD. KittenA27.The jaguar is a _________ predator. (强大的)28.The Earth's crust is made up of both ______ and liquid layers.29.The teacher gives us ___ (homework/assignments).30.I like to play ______ (角色扮演) games with my friends. We create our own stories and adventures together.31.The body of water between the USA and Mexico is the __________.32.What do you call a baby jackal?A. KitB. PupC. CalfD. Cub33.What do we call a plant that grows in water?A. Aquatic plantB. Terrestrial plantC. CactusD. Fern34.The ______ is the part of the brain that controls emotions.35.What is the term for a group of fish?A. SchoolB. PackC. FlockD. ColonyA36.My _____ (父母) are very supportive.37.The cake is ______ (yummy)!38.The _____ (生命) of a plant begins as a seed.39. A ____ has long whiskers and enjoys scurrying about.40.What do we call a person who studies the behavior of people?A. PsychologistB. SociologistC. AnthropologistD. All of the above41.Birds lay ______ to have baby birds.42.The _____ (果实) from berry bushes is nutritious.43.At school, we learn many subjects like ________ (数学), ________ (英语), and________ (科学). I especially like ________ (英语) class.44.What is the name of the famous composer known for his symphonies?A. BeethovenB. MozartC. BachD. ChopinA45.The _______ of a sound wave is determined by its frequency.46.What do we use to brush our teeth?A. SoapB. ToothbrushC. TowelD. Comb47.The chemical formula for ammonium bromide is __________.48.What is the capital of Syria?A. DamascusB. AleppoC. HomsD. LatakiaA49.The chemical formula for aluminum hydroxide is _____.50.What do you call the sound made by a rooster?A. MooB. QuackC. Cock-a-doodle-dooD. Bark51.My mom says I should take good care of my _________ (玩具), so they last longer.52.I call my grandpa __________. (爷爷)53.Which animal is known for its ability to hop?A. FrogB. HorseC. SnakeD. FishA54.I see a _____ (cat/dog) in the garden.55.What is the opposite of 'light'?A. BrightB. HeavyC. DarkD. Clear56.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to rotate once?A. YearB. MonthC. DayD. HourC57.Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and _______.58.The _____ (老鹰) soars high in the sky, searching for food. 老鹰在天空中翱翔,寻找食物。

Lab 2

Lab 2

Lab 2VelocityOverviewIn this lab, we will explore the relationship between the position function and the velocity function of a moving object. In the lectures, we have seen that the velocity function v(t) is the derivative of the position function s(t) (and therefore s(t) is an antiderivative ofv(t)). We will be examining these statements in this lab by using a motion detector to measure the velocity and position of a person walking.Vocabulary used in this lab•Distance: This is the distance an object is from the motion detector. The words distance and position will be used interchangeably in this lab.•Displacement: This is “change of position,” that is, the difference between the initial and terminal coordinates the object. Displacement can be either positive or negative. (Think about what the difference between positive and negativedisplacement is.)•Velocity and speed: The important thing to note here is that velocity can be either positive or negative, depending on whether motion is in the positive ornegative direction. But speed = |v(t)| is never negative: it is the absolute value of the velocity. For example, a car’s speedometer is measuring speed and alwaysreads positive, regardless of the direction you’re traveling.•Total distance traveled: Perhaps this is best illustrated by an example. If you walk 2 meters forward and then 2 meters backward then your displacement willzero (the initial and terminal positions are the same so therefore the difference of coordinates is zero). But, you actually traveled 4 meters. In this case, the totaldistance traveled would be 4 meters. The “total distance traveled” is nevernegative.Mathematics for this labThe mathematics that we will need is the relationship between displacement and velocity: •Displacement is equal to the definite integral of velocity v(t) over a time interval.•Total distance traveled is equal to the definite integral of speed |v(t)|over a time interval.These ideas are discussed in the textbook on pages 374-375.Materials•Computer with Vernier computer interface.•Vernier motion detector. This will plug into the LoggerPro computer interface.•Separate “Lab Report 2” sheet. This is what you will turn in. It is due one week after your scheduled lab day, by 4:30 pm, in the Mathematics Office (Cupples I,room 100).Comments on the Motion DetectorThe motion detector works by emitting short bursts of ultrasonic sound waves. You will hear a clicking sound when the detector is operating. The detector “listens” for the ech o of these ultrasonic waves returning to it. The motion detector measures the time it takes for the sound waves to make the trip from the detector to the object and back to the detector. Knowing the speed of sound, the detector is then able to calculate the distance to the object.The specifications on the detector state that it has a minimum range of 0.4 m. and a maximum range of 6.0 m. The detector seems to work best if there is a smooth flat surface for the sound waves to bounce off of.Practically speaking, this means that as you collect data•Your motion needs to be parallel to the sensor and not perpendicular to it (i.e., you will need to walk either away from or towards the sensor, or both).•You will probably want to be holding a book or piece of cardboard in the sensor’s “line of sight” while you walk.•If neighboring lab teams are moving while you are collecting data, your motion detector might pick up their motion as well. You will have to cooperate with your neighboring teams so that your motion detector is only picking up data from your walking.•It is very important that the motion detector does not move. (What would the motion detector measure if it was moving?)ProcedureThe first thing to do is get the computer and motion detector ready.Connect the motion detector to the Dig/Sonic 2 port of the Lab Pro. Make sure the Lab Pro is connected to the USB port of the computer. (It is likely that these have already been done for you.)•Set the detector upright on the edge of the desk, facing out in a direction in which you have a clear path at least 2 m. long.•Open the LoggerPro program. You will want to select “Lab Pro USB” for the port in the Setup Interface. It is possible (hopefully not likely) that LoggerProwill not recognize the hardware. If this happens, unplugging the Lab Pro andplugging it back in should take care of the problem.•Open the experiment file for this lab. (Click on the “Open” button and open the file labeled “lab2_velocity.” (It is possible that LoggerPro will complain aboutthis file – just ignore any complaint and click “OK.”)•At this point, you should be able to collect distance and velocity data. Try playing around with the motion detector by pressing the “collect button” on thetoolbar. (For example: turn the sensor to face the nearest wall and collect data—what happens? Turn the sensor around and collect data by moving your handback-and-forth in front of it.) When you start collecting data, notice that velocity and distance data is graphed and the actual data appears in a table to the right ofthe graphs. Notice also that each time you start collecting new data, the data from the previous run is cleared. (Another way to clear recently collected data is toselect Data, Delete Run from the menu.)You are now ready to start collecting data that you will analyze.•Decide who will monitor the computer (and hit the collect button) and who will be the “mover”—the mover will create distance and velocity data bywalking back and forth in front of the motion detector.•Your goal is to generate a data set that exhibits both positive and negative velocity during the five seconds of movement.•There is a limited amount of free space in the lab for straight-line movement, so you will have to coordinate your data collection with your neighbors.Make sure you have a clear path before you start collecting your data.•The mover should take an initial position standing in front of the motion detector, holding a book or a piece of cardboard in the detector’s “line ofsight.” This will help to make a smoother velocity graph as you collect thedata.Before beginning, note the mover’s initial position. When the datacollection stops, the mover should remain in position while his/her partnernotes the terminal position. (An acceptable method to note these positionsis to put a marker, like a pen, on the floor where the mover’s feet start.)Measure and write down these positions (number of meters in front of thesensor); you’ll need this information later. (There will be a tape measurein the lab for you to measure the distances. You’re not looking for greataccuracy—just something in the right ballpark. Remember that 1 meter isapproximately 3.28 feet.).•Click on the “Collect” button and gather the data. When the mover hears the motion detector making the clicking sound, s/he should start moving along astraight line in front of the motion detector. Remember your goal to createdata with positive and negative velocity.After collecting your distance and velocity data, you should make sure your data looks “reasonable”: for example,•Is the graph of the velocity reasonably smooth?•Does the distance data in the table look like what you were expecting? Do the distances more-or-less match up with what you noted for the initial and finalpositions?•Is the velocity positive and negative when you were expecting it to be positive and negative?•If your data looks questionable, collect another set of data. (The good news is that it doesn’t take much time to collect another data set if necessary.) •If your data looks good, save it so that you can finish your report after the lab period if necessary. (If you didn’t bring a diskette, you could e-mail the datato yourself.)At this point, you are ready to analyze your data.•You should have two graphs –position (labeled “Distance vs. Time”) and velocity (labeled “Velocity vs. Time). You should print both of these graphs and also the table: activate each graph or table window before you print (so that youget a nice printout of each one separately).•Click on the “Examine” button (Analyze – Examine in the menu). This should allow you to more easily read both the graph and the data (watch what happenswhen you move the mouse to the graphs and the data table). Using this, answer#1-3 on Lab Report 2.DisplacementWe want to calculate the displacement of the mover after 5 seconds. We can do this in three different ways:a) by having LoggerPro estimate the integral of the velocityfunction v(t) for 0 <= t <= 5b) by using our data and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Part II) to evaluate the same integralc) by using the measurements we made “by hand” during the data collection process.In detail:a) Using LoggerPro to estimate the integral of the velocity:•Click on the left-hand side of the velocity graph (Time=0) and drag the black line across to the right-hand side of the graph. While you are doing this, the values in the table window should be highlighted. Make sure you actually click on thegraph on not outside the graph (otherwise you will see the pop-up box asking you about the y-axis and y-scale).•Click the Integral button or choose Analyze – Integrate from the menu. A floating box with LoggerPro’s estimate of the value of the integral appears in the Veloci ty graph window. Note the units in this box: m/s * s, which is just meters (theseconds cancel out); don’t misread the units as “m/sec2” !! Print a copy of thegraph with the box. Record this value in #4a on the Lab Report.b) According the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Part II), we can compute the integral of v(t) over the time interval [0,5] using an antiderivative. In this situation, the numeric result can be worked out using subtracting two numbers taken from your data tables. In the Lab Report #4b state what numbers you are using and give the resulting value for the integral.c) Finally, calculate the displacement using the distances from the sensor that you measured during the data collection process. Record the result of the calculation in Lab Report #4c.In Lab Report #4d, you are asked to offer some reasons why the results in a), b) and c) are (probably) not equal.Total Distance TraveledTo find the total distance traveled, we need to integrate the speed |v(t)| during our 5 second time interval. To have LoggerPro do this,we need the speed data—so we create it in a new column:•Activate the velocity graph window by clicking on the velocity graph. Select View – Graph Options from the menu.•Modify the Graph Title by typing “Speed/” before Velocity. It should now read Speed/Velocity vs. Time. Click Apply, then click OK.•Select Data - New Column, Formula from the Data menu. The New Column window will appear.•Under the Options tab, in the Labels section, type “Speed” for Long Name, “sp”for Short Name and “m/s” for Units.•Click the Definition tab. In the Equation box, enter the formula(abs(“Velocity”)). You can (and should) do this by selecting “abs()” from the Functions list followed by selecting “Velocity” from the Variables list.•Click Try New Column. If it new data looks as it should (how should it look?), then click “OK”.•Notice that the new graph (Speed) coincides with the original velocity graph when the velocity is positive. How do these graphs compare when velocity is negative? •Click on the left-hand side of the speed/velocity graph (Time = 0) and drag the black line across to the right-hand side of the graph. All of the values in the table window should be highlighted.•Click the Integrate button. An Integral Selection window appears. Remove the check next to Velocity by clicking in its box. Make sure that Speed is checked.Click OK.• A floating box with LoggerPro’s estimate of the value of the integral appears in the Speed/Velocity graph window. Print a copy of the graph with the box. Report the total distance traveled on Lab Report, #5.Answer #6 and #7 on the Lab Report sheet.。



第56卷 第2期 化 工 学 报 Vol 156 No 12 2005年2月 Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China ) February 2005研究简报Span 802Tween 80/液体石蜡/AM 2H 2O反相微乳液体系王风贺,夏明珠,雷 武,魏运洋,王风云(南京理工大学工业化学研究所,江苏南京210094)关键词:微乳液;电导率;Span 80;Tween 80;丙烯酰胺中图分类号:O 648114 文献标识码:A文章编号:0438-1157(2005)02-0368-04Inverse microemulsion system ofSp an 802Tween 80/liquid paraffin/acrylamide 2H 2OWANG Fenghe ,XI A Mingzhu ,LEI Wu ,WEI Y unyang ,WANG Fengyun(I ndust rial Chemist ry I nstitute ,N anj ing Universit y of Science and Technology ,N anj ing 210094,J iangsu ,China )Abstract :The reverse microemulsion system of Span 802Tween 80/liquid paraffin/acrylamide 2H 2O was p repared ,and t he effect s of n 2butanol ,NaCl ,NaAc were st udied wit h t he conductivity met hod.The stability of reverse microemulsion was reflected ,and t he information of it s dynamic process was obtained by measuring it s state changes continuously t hrough testing it s elect ronic co nductivity by using electrochemist ry.The result s showed t hat t he Span 802Tween 80/liquid paraffin/acrylamide 2H 2O system was most stable when t he HLB value app roached 715,and it s stability was enhanced when 510%(mass )NaCl or 10%(mass )NaAc was added into t his system.Key words :microemulsion ;conductivity ;Span 80;Tween 80;acrylamide 2004-04-12收到初稿,2004-08-02收到修改稿.联系人:王风云.第一作者:王风贺(1976—),男,博士研究生.引 言反相微乳液是将两种互不相溶的油相和水相在表面活性剂和助表面活性剂的作用下形成的各向同性的、热力学稳定的、透明或半透明、粒径在1~100nm 范围的W/O 型的分散体系.自从1943年Hoar 和Schulman [1]首先报道微乳液以来,关于微乳液的研究和应用就一直是人们研究的热点.反相微乳液法是近年来发展的一种制备纳米材料的新方法,由于其热力学稳定性高,粒径细小、均匀等特点,被广泛用来进行催化剂、半导体、超导体、磁性材料等的制备,特别是近年来兴起的药物的微胶囊化、无机纳米材料、水溶性高分子的制备和提高石油采收率等方面的应用[2~11].但是文献中多采用苯系衍生物为油相,乳化剂也多采用琥珀酸二异辛脂磺酸钠(AO T ),难于实现工业化生产. Received date :2004-04-12.Corresponding author :Prof.WAN G Fengyun.E -mail :wangfywater @yahoo 1com 1cn本文通过连续测定体系电导率的变化,制备了Span 802Tween 80/液体石蜡/AM 2H 2O 体系的反相微乳液,并研究正丁醇、NaCl 和NaAc 对体系的影响,为下一步反相微乳液聚合制备聚丙烯酰胺奠定了基础.1 实验部分111 药品与仪器药品:液体石蜡,Span 80,Tween 80,丙烯酰胺(AM ),正丁醇,氯化钠(NaCl )和乙酸钠(NaAc)均为分析纯;蒸馏水,自制.仪器:磁力搅拌器(7821型),电导仪(DDS2 11型),微量进样器(100μl),超级恒温装置. 112 实验[12]将一定质量比(HLB值)的Span80和Tween80溶解在液体石蜡中,形成油相;按一定浓度将AM溶解在蒸馏水中,形成水相[14].在100ml的烧杯中加入50ml的油相,置于磁力搅拌器中,恒温,搅拌.用微量进样器加入水相,形成反相(W/O型)微乳液.观察体系的导电情况,待体系的电导率稳定后,记录电导率[13,14].2 结果与讨论211 H LB值对反相微乳液体系的影响反相微乳液的稳定性主要依赖于吸附在油相表面上的非离子乳化剂分子的空间位阻效应.用于反相微乳液聚合的乳化剂按照亲水2亲油平衡(HLB)值的原则,一般应选择HLB=3~6.文献表明,将2种乳化剂复配使用的效果要比使用单一乳化剂好[15].本文根据不同Span80和Tween80的质量比配制具有不同HLB值的乳化体系,并研究了HLB值对微乳液形成时电导率的影响,见图1.Fig11 Influence of HLB value on reversemicroemulsion system(Because t here are more data examined,and some data are overlaped,so it is shown as t hicker line in Fig11.A similar phenomenon is shown in Figs12~41) HLB:◆15;■1319;▲1017;×917;●715;+413 由图1可知,随着HLB值的增大,体系增溶同样的水相时,电导率相应增大.当HLB值为715时,体系电导率的变化较小,而且体系的稳定性较好,有利于后续反相微乳液聚合稳定的进行.因此,本文以HLB值为715的微乳液体系作为下一步的研究对象.212 正丁醇对反相微乳液体系的影响图2为正丁醇对微乳液体系的影响.Fig12 Influence of n2butanol onreverse microemulsion systemn2butanol/(mass):◆0;■215;▲510;×10由图2可以看出,随着正丁醇含量的增大,体系的电导率的变化逐渐变小.因为中、长链的醇(如丁醇),也可视为助乳化剂.在2种乳化剂分子交替吸附于微乳液滴的表面上,丁醇的加入相当于在非离子型乳化剂之间又 入了另一种乳化剂分子,因此可以增强微乳液体系的稳定性[16].10% (质量)的正丁醇的电导率几乎没有变化,此时所形成的微乳液体系非常稳定,而且所增溶的水相也比较高,对后续的微乳液聚合而言,可以提高聚合物的固含量.213 电解质对体系的影响Holtzscherer等[17]的研究结果表明,具有盐析效应的电解质可以增加微乳液体系的稳定性.因此本文对NaCl、NaAc在微乳液形成过程中的作用进行了初步探讨.试验结果见图3、图4.Fig13 Influence of NaCl on reversemicroemulsion systemNaCl/%(mass):◆0;■215;▲510;×10由图3、图4可知,对Span802Tween80/液体石蜡/AM2H2O反相微乳液体系而言,加入・963・ 第2期 王风贺等:Span802Tween80/液体石蜡/AM2H2O反相微乳液体系Fig14 Influence of NaAc on reversemicroemulsion systemNaAC/%(mass):◆0;■215;▲510;×10510%(质量)NaCl或10%(质量)NaAc可以较好地增强体系的稳定性,说明具有盐析效应的电解质的存在可以使微乳液滴进一步细化,有助于微乳液体系的形成和稳定.此时应该是研究改性丙烯酰胺反相微乳液聚合比较合适的体系.3 结 论对Span802Tween80/液体石蜡/AM2H2O 体系:(1)当HLB值为715时,体系电导率的变化较小,体系稳定性较好,有利于后续反相微乳液聚合的研究;(2)丁醇的加入可以增强微乳液体系的稳定性,随着正丁醇含量的增大,体系的电导率的变化逐渐变小,10%(质量)的正丁醇所形成的微乳液体系非常稳定,而且所增溶的水相也比较高,对后续的微乳液聚合而言,可以提高聚合物的固含量;(3)加入510%(质量)NaCl或10%(质量)NaAc可以较好地增强体系的稳定性,说明具有盐析效应的电解质的存在可以使微乳液滴进一步细化,有助于微乳液体系的形成和稳定.符 号 说 明W———溶水量,μlσ———电导率,μS・cm-1References[1] Shao Qinghui(邵庆辉),Gu Guobang(古国榜),ZhangLijuan(章莉娟),Shen Peikang(沈培康).Presentsituation of research and application of microemulsionsystem and prospectives.J iangsu Chemical I ndust ry(江苏化工),2002,30(1):18—23[2] Zhang Qian(张乾),Fan Xiaodong(范晓东).Study oninverse microemulsion system of acrylamide preparation,polymerization and characterization.Chemical I ndust ry andEngineering(化学工业与工程),2001,18(12):316—322[3] Wang Min(王敏),Wang Yujun(王玉军),Zhu Shenlin(朱慎林).Composition and stability of W/O microemulsionfor preparation of BaSO4nanoparticles.J ournal ofChemical I ndust ry and Engi neeri ng(China)(化工学报),2003,54(10):1450—1454[4] Zhang Liyang(张立央),Yao Shanjing(姚善泾),GuanY ixin(关怡新).Diffusion and cut2off 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张敏华…………………………………………………………小波分析及其在化工信号分析处理中的应用及展望马丽萍 石炎福 余华瑞…………………………………………………高固液比生物催化体系的研究进展黄振龙 陈英文 沈树宝……………………………………………………………………细乳液聚合研究进展郭睿威 戚桂村 金启明 张建华…………………………………………………………………………新己烯生产技术评述徐泽辉 常 慧 黄亚茹 房鼎业…………………………………………………………………………茂金属催化剂负载化及负载机理的研究进展郝小明 刘 伟 代振宇 周 涵 景振华 汪燮卿…………………………研究开发基于WO 3表面改性TiO 2的制备及光催化性能研究王知彩 昝树财……………………………………………………………纳米SiO 2/Al 复合粒子的制备刘耀鹏 杨 毅……………………………………………………………………………………酒精生产过程用能状况的诊断和调优陶忠华 顾兆林 李 云 刘宗宽………………………………………………………水热合成制备超细氢氧化镁阻燃剂任鹏飞 陈建铭 宋云华 陈建峰…………………………………………………………应用技术流化床在生物物料热力干燥中的应用李建国 赵丽娟 潘永康 周 明………………………………………………………石油工业苯中含氮化合物的类型分析董荣芬 董忠杰 田松柏 王建伟 吴王锁……………………………………………HPL C 法测定豆粕中大豆异黄酮的含量王 松 丁 立 周荣琪………………………………………………………………气相色谱法测定维生素D 2中残留有机溶剂孙英北 邓 利 谭天伟……………………………………………………………专栏(石化科技与管理)TS 21/H 2O 2催化氧化体系在超临界CO 2中应用的研究刘郁东 郜 亮 朱 斌 林 民……………………………………磁稳定床反应器用于22乙基蒽醌加氢生产过氧化氢研究陈西波 孟 祥 慕旭宏 刘会洲…………………………………SIS 热塑性嵌段共聚物的生产方法及应用邓彦波……………………………………………………………………………………丁醇、辛醇生产技术与市场需求预测沈佩芝 任 诚……………………………………………………………………………化纤装置空调控制系统的研究与对策李 磊……………………………………………………………………………・173・ 第2期 王风贺等:Span 802Tween 80/液体石蜡/AM 2H 2O 反相微乳液体系。



同性恋英语篇一:Homosexuality 有关同性恋话题的英语调查文章College Students’ Attitudes towards HomosexualityHave you ever heard about homosexuality If your answer is yes, what’s your attitude towards this phenomenon Are youconservative,uncomfortable,or bound to accept it as a natural human traitDifferent people may have different attitudes, thinking, and behaviors towards homosexuality. Since students entered college with varying levels of knowledge and diverse perspectives on this topic, this research mainly focuses on the attitudes of college students towards homosexuality.A questionnaire that contains 14 questions involving the topic has been sent to 35 individuals to finish. After collecting thesefinished questionnaires, statistic excel forms were made so as to make the result of investigation more clear and vivid. More details and findings are as follows.What exactly is homosexuality Homosexuality includes female homosexuality and male homosexuality with a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex. When referring to the way that people know or learn about homosexuality, most of people know the homosexual phenomenon mainly via TV, movie, broadcasting station, Internet and other media programs. However, few people get it from educational lessons from both school and parents. Besides, about 40 percent of the respondents feel uncomfortable when exposed to a topic about homosexual. Based on the research, more than 50 percent of studentsconsider it as a natural phenomenon among which females are more likely to in favor of it contrast to males.When it comes to the reason of homosexuality, nearly 65 percent hold the view that it’s closely related to their living environment which may have an effect on their sexual orientation psychologically. Others believe that stress from society, improper educational methods from parents also contribute a bit to homosexuality.Nowadays, homosexuality is still a controversial topic. Naturally, some of people may not accept such a controversial moral and social phenomenon. More than 80 percent think that the main cause of people’s not accepting thehomosexuality is the factor of traditional concept and the limited time to accept the homosexuality.What if one of your best friends is a homosexual There is no doubt that the answers to this questions vary from person to person. As indicated by the statistics, about 50 percent take it for grantedthat it will have no influence on their friendship and they will support him or her, regarding it as his or her privacy.Meanwhile,about 70 percent hope that homosexual should be accepted by most of people in the future to create an equal society without discrimination in spite of the fact that it still has a long time to go until marriage of homosexuality is legal in China.According to the result of the questionnaire, the homosexuality is increasingly being viewed as something neutral or even good. Most of college students who are surveyed believed that homosexuality may be caused by living environment as human nature, hoping that homosexuality can be accepted with respect,compassion and rational understanding.——Created by Group2, EIP 6, STU(2022.12)【附:此报告由汕头大学医学院2022级临床医学本硕6班英语第2小组编写】篇二:英语口语_关于同性恋的On NOV 20,2022 ,a special wedding was held in a bar ofChangzhou ,Jiangsu Province. The groom named Zangzhen was about 40 years old while the bridge named Yingzi was just about 20. Look at these picture, you can guess it was a gay wedding ceremony. YES,it’s really a gay wedding. They exchanged their rings and done just as normal weddings. After the wedding, the couple became focus in gay area most because this was the first public gay wedding in Jiangsu and we were moved by their courage and determination, including me. So here, my topic is homosexuality.Homosexuality is defined as :a person who are interested in the same genders psychologically and physically, no matter whether such interest are reflected by real action.There are two factors that influence our sexual orientation. Oneis gene and the other is the environment surround us. That is to say, a change of gene may change our sexual orientation, and also a change of surroundings or sufferings.In china, there are special calls for homosexuality .Male homosexuality are called gay、tongzhi、duanbei、boli, female homosexuality are called lala、LES、lesebian.In recent years, more and more special clubs、bars and websitesfor homosexuality emerged. According to an international survey,the proportion of homosexuality reaches 2% to 5% in the whole population. Based on this , there are about 26 million to 65 million same gender lovers in china.Here are some famous homosexers. (Leonardo da Vinci longyang ). In a TV series called xunqingji, longyangjun is a gay. And zhangguorong, perhaps he is the most famous gay in china. But of course he was talent and one of the most excellent singers.Now some famous movies involves homosexuality. In Chinese 《霸王别姬》1993年《蓝宇》2001年《断臂山》2006年So How to deal with homosexuality. Societalattitudes toward homosexuality vary greatly in different cultures and different historical periods. All cultures have their own values regarding appropriate and inappropriate sexuality; some sanction same-sex love, while others disapprove of such activities.The 2022 Pew Global Attitudes Project: Should homosexuality be accepted by societyPeople in Africa and the Middle East strongly object to societal acceptance of homosexuality. But there is far greater tolerance for homosexuality in major Latin American countries such as Mexico and Brazil. Majorities in every Western European nation surveyed say homosexuality should be accepted by society. Americans are divided –49% accept while 41% disagree.World homosexuality lawsIn 1989, Denmark became the first country where homosexuality was legal. Then some countries began to acknowledge same sex marriage。

冀教版(三起)英语六年级上册 Unit 2 Lesson9

冀教版(三起)英语六年级上册 Unit 2 Lesson9
例句 — What's the temperature in Beijing today? 今天北京多少度? — It's 10 degrees below zero. 零下10摄氏度。
Groups work
2. Let's do it!
重点词汇2 teach (动词)教;讲授
单三形式 teaches 对应词 learn学习 名词 teacher老师
例句 My father teaches English. 我爸爸教英语。
Pair work
It's 12 degrees in London. It's windy. It's cool.
lesson /ˈlesn/ (名词)课
teach教 learn学习
例句 I have four lessons in the afternoon. 我下午有四节课。
详解 temperature表示“温度”,该句型用于问答温度。
句型结构:— What's the temperature? — It's + 数词 + degree (s).
例句 — What's the temperature? 多少度? — It's 30 degrees. 30摄氏度。
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