K1A* 22TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C1462 C1742 C1942 CK44A CJK53B CJK53B2 CJK56B2K1B* 23TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32C1861 C1862 C1863 C1941 C2143 C2145 C2161CK56B2K1C TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2162 C2163 C2263K1D* 24TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C1865 C1865Y C2165 C2165Y C2168 C2169 C2185K1G TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2164 C2166 C2167 C2168K1H TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2165P C2165TK1L* 31TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-38491-32 C2165P C2165T C2169F C5602K1M* 25TC9012F-0110-49 C2165A C2165E C2166 C2169K1Q* 31TC9012F-011TMP47C433AN-3888(CH01003)1-90 P2119 P2219 2169A 2169KVTF9012FCH01001(TMP47C433AN-3877)0-99 C2160A C2169FTF9012FCH01001(TMP47C433AN-3878)0-99 C2169FK2A M50560-001PM50431-101SP0-29CK40 CK47A CK47A1 CK49A CK51A CK51B1CK53A CK56A CK56B2 C1842K2B M50462PM50436-560SP1-30 C1842 C2124 C2141 C2142K3A SAA3010T0-89K3B* 35SAA3010TPCA84C640 0-89C2191 C2191A C2191C C2191D C2192 C2192AC2192AV C2193 C2193A C2193AV D2115 D2188C2591 C2591A C2591V C2591AZ C2591AVC2592AV C2592P C2595 C2991K3D* 33 SAA3010TCH05001(PCA84C841P/177)0-89C2115 C2192 C2591A V2591V C2591AV C2591AZC2592A C2592AE C2593 C2594 D2521 D2522 D2523D2525 D2526 C2939AE C2963 C2991EC2992 C2992AE C2993 C2995 C2966 D2962AD2963A D2965 D2965AK3E* 35SAA3010TCH05002 0-89 C2962 C2965 C2966 D2115A D2117AK3H* 35SAA3010TCH05002 0-89C2526A K2521 K2525 D2521A D2523A D2962AD2963A D2965AK4A* 28TC9028P-012TMP47C1238ANU068(CH01002)0-99C2188 C2588 C2588A C2588V C2588K C2588PC2588PI C2588PKC2919 C2939KE C2939KS C2939KV C2988 C2988PC2988V C3419K4BK4B TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU3530-39(0-99)C2518 C2919P C2919PS C2919PK C2919PI C2920PNC2939KV C2939KS C2919KE C2939AEC3418P C3418PS C3418PN C3418PS C3418PBC3418PK C3418PSI C3419PNK4C* 35TC9028P-012TMP47C1238ANV068Z0-99 C2166 C2589P C2919P1 C2988 C2988VK4D* 34TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AN-U3810-99C2588P C2589F C2919F C2919P C2919FKC2919PB C2919PK C2919PN C2919PS C2919PVC2920PN C2939KS C2988P C3418PS C3418PK C3418PN 画中画K4PK4J TC9028P-012CH01002(TMP47C433AN-3878)0-99 C3418PD C3419PDK4K5 0TC9028P-012CH01002(47C433AN-3884)0-39(0-99)C2588PV画中画K4NK5B* 31LC7462M34300N4-628SP0-32 C2151 C2151A C2153K5C* 30LC7461MCH04001-5553(M34300N4-624SP)0-39 C2151C C2151Z(CH04001-5B46)0-39 C1851 C1951 C2152K5D* 28LC7461-8103CH04001-5B41(LC864012V)1-90B1818 B1918 B2111 B2112 B2113 B2115 B2116C1851K C1951KV(CH04001-5C25)1-90 C2151KV C2152KV C2153 C2155 C2156K6C*28LC7461 0-99 P2119K6C-1*28LC7461 0-99K6C-3*280-99 P2119BK6D*31LC7461 0-99K6EK6F*26K6G*25CHT0405 0-99 R2115AEK6I*24CHT0405 R2518AEK6LCHT0405-5J77R2119B R2132FB K7A*39C2966 画中画K7BK8A*30K8B*0-99 R2519N28K8D*28K9C*24K9D*29K10B*259012GO 0-99K10G 31CHR120 1K10F *28K11B *39TC9028F-022TMP87CM38N-1A22CHT08080-99R2112T R2113T 25B16 2521FD 2526FD 2527FD2528FD D2598A G2573 G2585 R2586D 2931FD2936FD 2938D 2939FD D2983 D2986 D2983S G29D66G2978 G2983 G2983A G2985 G2988 R2983DR2986D PF29D18 PF29D9 PF34D8 G3480 G3478G3488 R3418TK11G *37TMP87CM38NCHT08180-2352526FD G2573 T2981 R2938D 2988 G29D9 G29D1829D82M 29D85 29SD81 34D18K11F*280-99K12A *29CHT0406( LC863316)21K13 21K17 21K18 21K23 21K31 21K32K12D *29K12FY-1 TC9012F-011 C1842 C1843 C1844 CJK51B1 CJK51B2 CJK47A1 CJK51A CJK51B CJK53B2 CJK56B2 Y-2Y-3 TC9012F-011 CJK53B2 CJK56B2Kk1 Kk2 Vk1 Vk4M50560 M50431-101SP 0-29 CJK44A29键*1-3027键*0-43K4B CH02002(TMP47C1238AN-U377)0-99 C2588KCH04T1218 H29K60CH04001-5B411-90B1818 B1918 B2111 B2112 B2113 B2115 B2116 C1851K C1951KV CH04001-5B46 C1851 C1951 C2152CH04001-5B53C2151C C2151ZCH04001-5C25 1-90 C2151KV C2152KV C2153 C2155 C2156CH06001(MN1871274) *42N2516 N2918 R2118N R2518NCHT0403 0-99 A2528BCHT0403-5H60-59 A2116 A2119 R2117AE R2118AE1LC864512VCHT0405-5J7R2119B R2131FB7CHT0406( LC80-254 21K13 21K17 21K18 21K23 21K31 21K32 63316)CHT0410-5P7G2136K G2501 G2911B8CHT0503 R2918DCHT0504 R2918DCHT0601(MN1N2516 N2918 R2118N R2518N 871274)*42CHT0605(MN1N2516 N2918 R2118N R2518N 29N18 871274)*42CHT0606 PF29E18CHT0608 PF25E8 PF29E8CHT08030-99 G2966 43P18 51P18TMP87CP38NCHT08070-99 R2113T R2117T 25B16 G2521TMP87CP38NCHT0808(CHT0818)0-99 G2966TMP87CP38NCHT0818TMP87CN38N0-235 G29D9 29SD83 CHT0819TMP87CH38N0-99 2131FPCHT0827TMP87CM38N-3592CHT1201 (KS88C8324) G2573 43PT18 43PT28A 51PT18 51PT18A 51PT28ACHT1202(KS88C8324N)0-99 G29D8AK11G*CHT0818 0-235 21 2510B 29E6 G29D9 PF29D9P87C66 DT2000 51PDT18TMP87CM36 C2920PNTMP87CS38N 51PT28A彩电机型遥控器型号频道号发射CPU备注21K3225K18 CHT0405 LA76810A 51PT28AA2528B CHT0403D2522A CH0502DP2988DP2998DP4388DP4888DP5188DT2000DT2000AC2119C2160A TMP47C433AN-3878 C2162C2165F CH01001C2166C2168A 1-32 TMP47C433AN-3849 C2169F K1L 1-32 CH01001C2169KV CH01003C2170 0-49 TMP47C837NC2588A K4A 0-39 TMP47C1238ANU068 C2588K K4B 0-99 CH02002C2588P TMP47C1238ANU068 C2588PV K4KC2588PZ TMP47C1238ANU068 C2589C2919PC2919PKC2991E K3D 0-89 SAA3010T PCA84C841P/177 TDA1521A OM8361 BSC69PCK53ACJK53B TMP47C433AN-3844D2962A 0-89 SAA3010T CHT05002 D2963A 0-89 SAA3010T CHT05002G29E6G2911G2911BG2966G2988N2516 MN1871274 N2918 MN1871274PF29DT18PF29DT18BPF29E8PF34DT18R2513D CHT0503R2918NR2918D CHT0504T2981dnq2008-12-24 20:24:42遥控器型号整机型号遥控器型号整机型号遥控器型号整机型号K1A C1462 C1742 C1942 C2145 C1402CK44A CJKJ53B2CJKJ56B2 CTV130K1B C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C1861 C1862 C1863 C1941 C2143 C2163K1C C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C2161 C2162 C2163K1D C2165 C2165A C2165AY C2165C C2165E C2167 C2168A V2169AK1E C1462-21K1F C1462-01K1I C2165PIK1J C1462-02K1G C2164K1H C2165PKDT6E CHD29166KDT6H CHD34166K1L C1742A C2165F C2166 C2166A C2166C C2166K C2166KV C2167FC2168F C2169FK1M C2170K1P C1942A C2145AK1Q C2165K C2165KV C2167K C2167KF C2167KV C2169T C2169K C2169KV P2116 P2119 K2B C2141 C2142K3B C2192A C2192AV C2192MK3D C2191 C2191C C2191D C2191E C2191M C2193A C2193AV C2193M D2111K3D C2595 D2521 D2991D2522 D2523 D2526D2592 D2598 C2991C2991E C2992C2993C2993A C2995 D2963 D2965 D2965MAD2111A D2115 D2116 D2117 D2118C2591 C2592 C2592A C2592AE C2592AV C2593K3E C296XA (X=1,2,3,5,6) D2960 D2961 D2966K3H D2115A D2116A D2117A D2118A C2192 D2598AC2193 D2521A D2522AD2523AD2526AK4A C2188 C2588A C2588IC2588K C2588V C2588ZC2589 C2589V C2589ZC2988K4B C2518K4C C2588P C2588PZC2988P C3418PKK4D C2918PN C2918PS C2919PC2919PS C2919PN C2919PIC2919I C2939A/AE/KE/KS/KVG2958 C3418/KV C2919PV/PKC3418PB/PS/PN G2958A/AEK4P C2588PK C2588PV C2588PIK4N C3419PD/D C2919PD C2920PDC2920PN C2939DG2958A C3419PN/PBK4N-1 C3419MEK5B C2151 C2151AK5C C1851 C1951 C2151C C2151Z C2152K5D B1818 B1819 B2111 B2112 C1951B2113 B2115 B2116 B2117 C2161C1851K C1853 C18J3 C1951KK5D C2151K C1918 C2151KV C2152K/KV C2153 C2155K6C A2116 A2117AV C2191AVP2119AVK6C-1 A2117 P2119A C2191AP2119B P2119MA P2119K6C-3 P2119BK6D A2528 A2528BK6D-1 A2528AVK6D-2 A2528MEK6E A2118 A2118MEK6F A2116B A2117B A2120BP2119BC P2119BD P2111AR2112A R2112AE R2113AR2113AE R2117A/AE R2118A/AER2118MA 2117FA 2118FAK6G A2112B A2113B A2115BA2118B A2118BD A2121BA2122B R2115A/AER2116A/AE/MA2116FA R2121A R2122R2122A R2123AK6I R2518A/AE R2918A/AE A2528AA2528B R2517MA R2916AR2916AEK6K 29A18K7A G2966 G2966A G2966BG2966C PF29G88A G2967G2967A/C G2967B G2967CR2916G R2917G R2918GR2919G G3898 G3898A/CPF29G88 G3898MA G3899G3899A R3816G R3817GR3818G R3819GK7A-1 G2966ME PF29G88EAK7A-2 G2966BK7B C3419PT T3418/A/C 29ST81R2919TK8A N2918 N2516 N2519NR2519MA N2918AMK8A-AU N2516AU N2519ME N2918AUN2918MEK8B C2588D C2588E R2516N/FNR2518N/FN/MA 2516FN2518FN N2918A 2916FN2918FN R2916N/FNR2918N/FNK8C R2116N R2118 R2118N2116FN 2118FNK8D 25N16 25N18 29N1629N18K8G 43PT28A 51PT28AK9A D2965BTK9B C2995AK9C D2521B D2522B D2523BD2526B D2598A D2598BR2512D R2513D R2515DR2516DR2517DK9D D2961B D2962B D2963BD2965B D2966B R2912DR2913D R2916D R2917DR2918DR3418DK9E 29DT18 PF29DT18 51PDT1843PDT18 DP2998 DP3488DP3498 DP4888 DP4898K10A DVB-S1000K10A-1 DVB-C1000K10B R2112T R2113T R2115TR2117T 2126FB 2132FB21B26 25B15 2515FB29B38 2938FB 2131FB21B27 2127FB 21B282128FB T2115B T2116BT2117B T2118BK10C PF29E18QUOTE:K10F G2929/B G2521 G2510(B)G2935/B G2938 G2939/BG2526/B G2538 G2528/BG2928 G2933 G2529PF25B8 G2532 G2539G1430 G2130 PF21B8G2923/B G2936/BG2925/BG2136 G21K58(B) G2138G21K60(B) G21K6(B) G21K55(B)G21K59(B)G21K65(B) G21K68(B)G21K69(B) G25K66(B) G29K96(B)G25D19(B) G2132G2129G2521 PF21B50 G2125G2128 G2129 G2929 G2510(B)K10G PF29E18A PF25E8 G29E6G29E8 PF29E8K10L PF29B8 G2932 G2989(B)银珠G21K56(B) G29K60(B) SF2591EK11B C2588D 34D18 25D81A2939FD 2936FD 2931FD29SD81 29SD82 34SD8129D82M2526FD 29D852938FD R2518AE(D) 2528FD29ST82 29SD82 29D82M 29SD81 29D81 K11F G2573 G3478 G2988G2978 G2585 PF29D18G29D3 G2975 G25D19A G29D8A CV3478 PF29DIRK11G G3488 G3480 PF29D9 G2989 G2983A G29D9PF25D19 G29D8 PF3498(D)PF34G8(D) PF25D19 G25D19 G34SE G29D9K11LK11N G29S86(D) G25S86(D) G29S96(D)G/H29D80 G/H34D80 PF29D9(A)HPF3489DH/PF2919D H25S86DPF2589D H29S86 H/PF2519DK12A 21K16 21K15 21K18K12A 21K17 21K13 21K1221K31 21K32 21K2121K16 21K18K12D G2110 G2112 G2516 H2135W 25K18 G2501A G2101 H2123KG2911 G2908 G2913 H2119(KB)G2919 G2113 G2109 H2135KG2915 G2508 G2918 H2122KG2916 G2509G2112G2512 G2510 G2103G2111 G2102/A G2101/AG2902/AG2132(K) G2536(K)H25K66 G2136K G2156(K)G2138(K) G21K66 G21K55G21K59G21K68 G21K69G25K66 G29D8(K) G2932(K)G29K96 H2121K H2159WH2183KH2199KB(A) H2551KG2132(K) G2105K12F G1410G/H14K8 H14K8H1418K PF1518K H1498KK12G G2936(K) G29K36 H2159WPF29B8(K) H2123K G2536KH2199KB(A) G2136(K)G29K36H2535K H2599KB(A)H2583K H2598K H2135W(A)H2186W H2151KK12I G29K60新品G21K60 H2599KBG25K60 G21K60 H2599KBG/H25K60 G/H21K56G/H2K65H21K60 G/H29K60 G/H21K58PF21B50(K) PF2198KB H2999KBK12P PF2599K. PF2583K. PF2992. H2598KK15A PF29B50(F) PF29F50K16C G25S86 G/H29S86 H29S60G25S86 G/H29S96 SF2515(A)PF2115(A) PF3415SF3498ESF2598 SF2951F SF2599K16D PF2198 SF2198 SF2199 SF2151 PF2115 SF2115 SF2186 PF21B50SSF2119 SF2136 K16E SF2983 PF2983 PF2583SF2583K16F PF2183 SF2183K16G PF2139、SF2139 SF2539 SF2939 PF2539/2939 SF2539(A)K16H SF2139 PF2139K16J SF2998 SF2951F PF2598 PF2998PF2598(A) SF2598 SF3498 PF2115PF2515 SF2515 PF2986 SF2515(A)PF2915 SF2915 PF3415 SF3415SF2551 SF2951FK16K SF2939 PF2588 PF2539 SF2539 SF2539(A) PF2939 SF2939(A)SF2588 SF3488 SF3498 PF2998(A)PF2598(A) SF2598(A) PF2 986(A)SF3498 SF3411 SF3411F SF2911/FK16P SF2983 PF2983 SF2583 PF2992 PF2983AK16N SF2198 SF2198G PF2155K16Z SF2983 PF2983 PF2583 SF2583K18A N2918 B2516 R2519NR2519MA N2918AM KED1AY1 C1842-01 C1842-21 C1842-22M50560-001P C1842 C1843C1844 CK51ACJKJ51B1CK51B/B2Y-1 CJK51A CJK51B2 C1842-01C1842-21 C1842-22KT2A PF29C50 PF29C50(W) DP29C50/WDP29C88 DP29M88KT3A DP29H86KT5A DP29M88 DP2915 DP3415DP2998M DP3498MKT8A DP29R8 DP29R90KT8B DP2983KDT2A DP4366KDT5A CHD2998 CHD3498 CHD2983CHD2992 CHD2919 CHD2915CHD3415 CHD2918 CHD3418 CHD2988 CHD3488K18A-AU N2516AU 2519ME N2918AUN2918MEK18B PF2191E SF2191E SF1498ESF2170E PF2999 H2999KB SF1498EK18C PF2191E SF2191E R2118N2116FN 2118FN SF2115SF2198 PF2198 SF2151K18D 25N16 25N18 29N1629N18 PF3418E PF2918ESF2591E PF2518E SF2518EPF2991E SF2991E SF2918EPF2593E PF2591EK18E PF2118E PF2191E SF2118ESF2191E SF1498E(A) SF2191EK18K SF2191E(G)K18L SF2591E(G)K18G 43PT28A 51PT28A SF2191SK18I PF2193E PF2993E PF3493EPF2593EK18Z PF2191EK12R H2188K H2999KB(A) H2111KPF2123K PF2188KK12S PF2583K H2523K H2511K H2912KK16T PF3495 PF2995 PF2595PF29008 SF3495 SF2995K16Q PF2139 SF2139 PF2195K18H PF2518E PF2918E PF3418EPF2118EK18J PF2955E SF2566E SF2966ESF3466EKEX1A 21C32EUKH1A DH1020KTD1 PF1517D/DV PF2117D/DV PF2917D/DVKDT6A CHD3215 CHD3615 CHD2990CHD3490 CHD2990(A)KDT6B CHD2995 CHD3495KDT5B CHD2998(A) CHD3498(A) CHD3418CHD2983 CHD2918 CHD2992(A)dnq2009-2-08 19:19:15型号编码ICCPU(机芯)适用机型K Y 1M50560-001M50431(M11)C1842/3/4,CJK47A1/51A/51B,CJKJ51B1/51B2K Y 3TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(M11)CJK53B2,CJK56B2KI M5M504CK49A,CK53A,C2141/2C0462AP 36-56 0SP( M11)K 1 A TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C1462,C1742,C1942,CJK44A,CJK53B2,CJK56B2K 1 B TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C1861/2/3,C1941,C2141,C2143,C2161,C2262,C2162/3,C2166,C2169K 1 C TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C2162/3,C2263K 1 D TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C1865/Y,C2165/Y,C2168,C2169,C2185L1 L TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)C2165P/T/E/Y,C2166,C2169/F,C2167FK 1 Q TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)P2219,P2169AK 1 M TC9012-011TMP47C837(TA)K 1 H TC9012-011TMP47C433AN(TA)K 2M5056M50431(MCK40A,CK51A,CK53A,CK49AA0-00111)K 2 B M50462APM50436-560SP(M11)C2141,C2142K 3 D SAA3010TCH05001(TDA)C2115,C2191/A/C/D,C2192,C2521,C2588Z,C2591/A/V/AE/AV/AZ,C2593,C2592AE/AV,C2991/AE,C2992,C2993,C2995,C2966,C2594,C2595,C2963/A,D2965,C2939AE,D2522,D2962A,D2965AK 3E SAA3010TCH05002(TDA)D2122A,D2115A,D2116A,D2117A,D2118A,D2521A,D2522A,D2523A,D2526A,D2598A,D2961/A,D2962/A,D2963/A,D2965/A,D2966,D2968A,R2918DK 3 H SAA3010TCH05001(TDA)C2526/A,D2525,D2521,D2533A,D2192A,D2512AK 4 A TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C2188,C2588/A/K/V/Z,C2589,C2919,C2939KE/KS/KV,C2988/P,C3419K 4 B TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU353(NC-2)C2518,C3418P/PS/PSI/PNK 4 C TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C2588P/Z/PV,C2589P,C2919P1,C2988/vK 4 D TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU353(NC-2)C2588P,C2589P,C2919F/P/PB/PK/PN/PS/PV,C2920PN,C2939KS/KV/AE/KE,C2988P,C3418PK/PS/PN/KV,G2958K 4 K/ K TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C2588PV/K,C2589P,C2919P14PK 4L TC9028P-012TMP47C1638AU353(NC-2)C2919PN,K 4 N/ K 4J TC9028P-012TMP47C1238AN(NC-2)C3419D/PD,C2920PN/PD,C2919PD,G2939D,C3419PN/PB,K 5 B LC7461M34300N4-628(A3)C2151,C2152,C2153K 5 C LC7461M34300N4-628(A3)C2151Z,K 5 D LC7461M34300N4-628(A3)B2111,B2112,B2113,B2117,C1951K,B2115,2151KV,2152KVK 6 C LC7461LC864512(A6)P2119,A2119,A2116K 6 C-1LC7461LC864512(A6)A2117,A2118,C2191A,C2119A,P2119A,K 6 C-3TC9028,D6122-001CH0402-5H01,LC864525(A6)P2119BK LC LC86A2116,A2117,A2118,R2112A,R2113A/AE,R2115A,A2528B,R2518A6 D 74614512(A6)/AE,R2916A/AE,R2918A/AEK 6E LC7461CHT0405(A6)R2116A/AE,R2117A/AE,R2118A/AE,R2120AE,R2112AE,R2113AE/FA,R2115AE,K 6F LC7461CH0403(A6)2113FA,2116FA,2117FA,2118FA,2120FA,2121FA,21A12,21A21,K 6 G LC7461CH0401(A6)2116AE/FA/FE,2120FA,2110FA,R2115AE,R2116AEK 6I LC7461CH0408(A6)2918FA,29A18,R2518A/AE,R2918AEK 7 A D6125GTMP87CP38N(NC-6)G2965/C,G2967/A/B/C,G2966/A/B/C,G3898,G3899,PF29G88/A,PE2988A,PF34G8K 7 B D6122GCHT0810,CHT0813(NC-6)T2981/A/C,T2982/A/C,T2981S,C2919PT,R3418T,34ST18,34T88K 8 A TC9012CHT0605(CN-5)R2918NK 8 B TC9012CH06001(CN-5)N2516A,N2518,N2916,N2918,R2516N,R2518N,R2519N,R2916N,2516FN,2518FN,2519FN,2916FN,2918FN,25N16,25N18,25N19,29N18,29N19K 8 D TC9012CHT0605(CN-5)25N16,25N18,29N16,2518N,2918NK 8 G TA9028A-023TMP87PS38N(CH-10)43PT18,43PT28/A,51PT18,51PT28/AK SA CHT0R2512D,R2513D,R2913D,D2598A/B,R2515D,R2516D,R2517D,D259 C A3010503(TDA)22B,D2521B,K 9 D SAA3010CHT0504(TDA)K 9E SAA3010P87C766(PDT-6)43PDT18,51PDT18,65PDT18,K 9F SAA3010P87C766(PDT-6)DP4388,DP4388(01),DP4388A,DP4389,DP4888,DP5188,DP5188(01),DP5188A,DP5189,DP6188K 10 B TC9012-011CHT0807,CHT0819(NC-9)R2122T,R2113T,R2115T,R2117T,R2127/T,R2120BF,2128FB,2126FB,2127FB,2131FB,2132FB,R2526FB,21B26,21B36,21B27,2938FB,2118FB,T2115B,T2116B,T2117B,T2118B,21B28,25B15,2108PF,29B38,K 10 F TC9012-011CHT0819,CHT0827(NC-9)G1430,G2101,G2108/PF,G2122,G2125,G2127,G2128,G2129,G2130,G2136,G2501,G2502,G2510(B),G2521,G2523,G2526,G2529,G2532,G2536,G2538,G2539,G2911,G25D19(B),G29D3(B),G2923,G2926(B),G2925,G2929,G2936(B),G2938(B),G2939(B),G2985(B),G2585(B),G21K59(B),PF21B8,PF21B50,H21K68(B),PF25B8K10 C/ K 10 G TC9012-011CHT0608(CN-11)PF25E8,PF29E8,PF29E18,PF29E18,PF29E6,G29E6,G29E8K 10 L TC9012-011CHT0827NC-9)H25K60(B),G2989(B),PF29B8,G2989(B),G21K56(B),G29K60(B),G2932K 11 B TC9028-023CHT0808(CH-10)D2983,D2986,R2583,R2586/D,R2938D/FD,R2983D,R2986D,2132FD,2521FD,2526FD,2527FD,2528FD,2931FD,2935FD,2936FD,2938FD,2939FD,29D82M,29D85,29SD83,2983/SD,34D18,29ST85,29D18A,29SD81,29SD82,34SD81,R2518AE(D),K 11TC902CHT1202(CC2018,PF29D18,G3478,G2975,G29D3,G2988,G29D8A,G25D19A,G2585,G2573,G2985,G2578,G2983,G2978F8-012H-10)K 11 G TC9028-012CHT1201(CH-10)G3488,G3480,G2989,G2983(A),G29D9,G29D8,PF29D9,PF29D19(A),PF25D19,G25D19K11PPF2918DK 11 N TC9028-012CH12T1004(CH-10)H34D80,H3489D,PF29D18A,PF2919D,H25S86(D),PF3489D,PF2989D,PF29D9A,PF2589D,H29S86D,H2919D,PF2999D,H29D80K 12 A PT1222CHT0406(CN-12)21K12,25K18,21K32,21K38,21K31,21K23,21K21,25K19,29K19,21K15K 12 B TC9028-023TMP87PS38N(CN-12)21K17,21K13,21K12,21K31,21K32,21K21K 12 D PT1222CHT0410-5P78(CN-12)G2105,G2501A,G2536(K),G2110,G2132(K),G2102,G2108,G2109,H21K66,G2165K,H2165(K),H21K68,H2135K,H21K69,G2138(K),H21K55,G1410,H2551K,G29D8(K),G2911/B,G2916,29D9(K)K 12 G PT1222CHT0416(CN-12)G29K369,G2936(K),G2136(K),H2135W,H2535K,H2599KB(A),H2151K,H2186W,H2583K,H2598K,K 12 I PT1222CH04T1220-50G2(CN-12)H29K60,H25K60,H21K60,H2599KB,H2119KB,H2199KB,H2999KB,G29K60,G21K60,K 12 S CHR1502CH04T1229(CN-12)PF2583K,H2532K,K2912K,H2511K,H2912K,H2523KK CH CH04PF2599K,12 P R1502T1219(CN-12)K 12 R CHR1502CH04T1219(CN-12)H2111K,H2999KBA,PF2188K,H2111K,H2188KK13ASF2166KK 15 A CHR0203CHT0831(NC-15)PF29F50K 16 C SAA3010CH05T1602(CH-16)PF2998,PF2915,PF2515,SF2598,H25S86,SF2515(A),PF2986,SF3498F,SF2998,PF3415,SF2915,PF2598,SF3415,SF2551,SF2951F,SF2599,H29S86K 16 D SAA3010CH05T1604(CH-16)SF2198,SF2115,SF2199,SF2151,S2119,PF2198,PF2115,SF2186,SF2136K 16 E SAA3010CH05T1607(CH-16)PF2983,SF2983,SF2583K 16 F SAA3010CH05T1609(CH-16)PF2183,SF2183K 16 G SAA3010CH05T1601(CH-16)SF2939,SF2539K 16 H SAA3010CH05T1603(CH-16)SF2139,PF2139,SF2151,SF2186,SF2199,SF2119K 16 J CHR1502CH05T1619(CH-16)SF2515(A),PF2598/A,PF2515,PF2998,PF2986,PF2986(A),SF2951F,SF2598/A,SF3498F,SF2998,P/SF2915,P/SF3415,SF2551,SF/PF2139,SF/PF2951FK 16 N CHR1502CH05T1606(CH-16)PF21118,PF21156,PF2155,SF2136(F09),SF2183(F04),SF2186(F04),SF2198(F04),SF2199(F04),SF2198GK 16 Q CHR1502CH05T1607(CH-16)PF2195,SF2139,PF2139,SF2111K 16 K CHR1502CH05T1608(CH-16)PF2939,SF2588,SF2939(A),SF2911,SF3411F,PF2588,PF2539,SF2539/A,SF2511,SF3488,SF3498,K 16 P CHR1502CH05T1606(CH-16)PF2992,PF2983K 16 T CHR1502CH05T1605(CH-16)PF3495,PF2995,PF2595,SF2911/F,SF3411/F,PF2992K 16 Z CHR1502CH05T1620(CH-16)SF2583,PF2583,PF25156,PF25158,PF2539(F05),PF2588(F06),SF2983,PF2983K 18 B CHR0203CH08T0601(NC-18)SF2170E,SF1498E,K 18 D CHR0203CH08T0604(NC-18)SF2591E,PF2591E,PF3418E,SF3418E,PF2593E,PF2518E,PF/SF2918E,PF/SF2991EK CH CH08PF2193E,PF2118E,SF2191E18 E R0203T0608(NC-18)K18JPF2955E,SF2566E,SF2966E,SF3466EK18IPF2193E,PF2993E,PF2593EK18KSF2191EGK18ZPF2191E,SF2591E(G)K18GSF2191SK P T3 A CHD3891,SHD4388,CHD4390,CHD4391,CHD3891A,HP3891A,HP4 368,HP4388/A,HP4390/A,HP4391A,HP4388A/B,HP5168,HP5188/A, HP5189,HP5190/A,HP6188,HP7088KPT3BHPW6588K P T3 C KP4395,KP5195,KPT7A,CHD38A1,CHD38C1,CHD4351,CHD4375, CHD4395,CHD4890,CHD5175,CHD5188,CHD4388,CHD3851,CHD 3852,CHD5188KPT7BCHD4011W,CHD4311W,CHD5115W,KPT7DLP5131,JP5131,DLP6531,DLP5132,DLP5131WKPT7DCHD5116W, KP T7 H CHD4391S,CHD43D5S,CHD51D5S,CHD4369S,CHD5169S,CHD389 1S,CHD5175S,CHD4375SKPT7ECHD5195 KP T7 I CHD4352,CHD43B5,CHD51B5,CHD55B5W,CHD56B5,CHD57B5W ,CHD61B5,CHD65B5W,CHD70B5KPT7JDLP6131,DLP6531W,LCD5131WKPT6AJP6125,JP7025,JP5185,JP5195,JP5625, KD T5 A CHD3418,CHD2919,CHD3488,CHD2918,CHD2983,CHD3498/A,CH D2998/A,CHD3415/A,CHD2939KDT6ACHD3490/A,CHD3215,CHD3615,CHD2990/AKDT6BCHD2995,CHD3495D T5 B CHD2998(A),CHD3498(A),CHD3418,CHD2983,CHD2918,CHD299 2(A)KDT6HCHD29158,CHD25158,CHD29100C,CHD29168,CHD34100C,K 22 A CHD34200,CHD32200,CHD32218,CHD34218,CHD34188,CHD2918 8,CHD29200KT2ADP29C50KT5ADP2998/M,DP29M88,DP29M86,DP3498M,DP3415Y K 1电子鱼缸YG2900KT D 1卧室之星PF1517DV,PF2117DV,PF2917DVKLC3BCHD-170B3dnq2009-2-18 21:58:37长虹遥控器与整机型号对照表遥控器型号整机型号K1A C1462 C1742 C1942 C2145 C1402CK44A CJKJ53B2CJKJ56B2 CTV130K1B C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C1861 C1862 C1863 C1941 C2143 C2163K1C C1742-01 C1742-21 C1742-22 C2161 C2162 C2163K1D C2165 C2165A C2165AY C2165C C2165E C2167 C2168A V2169AK1E C1462-21K1F C1462-01K1IC2165PIK1JC1462-02K1GC2164K1HC2165PK1LC1742A C2165F C2166 C2166A C2166C C2166K C2166KV C2167FC2168F C2169FK1MC2170K1PC1942A C2145AK1QC2165K C2165KV C2167K C2167KF C2167KV C2169T C2169K C2169KV P2116 P2119K2BC2141 C2142K3BC2192A C2192AV C2192MK3DC2191 C2191C C2191D C2191E C2191M C2193A C2193AV C2193M D2111K3D C2595 D2521 D2991D2522 D2523 D2526D2592 D2598 C2991C2991E C2992 C2993C2993A C2995 D2963 D2965 D2965MAD2111A D2115 D2116 D2117 D2118 C2591 C2592 C2592A C2592AE C2592AV C2593K3E C296XA (X=1,2,3,5,6) D2960 D2961 D2966D2115A D2116A D2117AD2118A C2192 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A2528AA2528B R2517MA R2916AR2916AEK6K29A18K7AG2966 G2966A G2966BG2966C PF29G88A G2967G2967A/C G2967B G2967CR2916G R2917GR2918GR2919G G3898 G3898A/CPF29G88 G3898MA G3899G3899A R3816G R3817GR3818G R3819GK7A-1 G2966ME PF29G88EAK7A-2G2966BK7BC3419PT T3418/A/C 29ST81R2919TK8AN2918 N2516 N2519NR2519MA N2918AMK8A-AUN2516AU N2519ME N2918AUN2918MEC2588D C2588E R2516N/FNR2518N/FN/MA 2516FN2518FN N2918A 2916FN2918FNR2916N/FNR2918N/FNK8CR2116N R2118 R2118N2116FN 2118FNK8D25N16 25N18 29N1629N18K8G43PT28A 51PT28AK9AD2965BTK9BC2995AK9CD2521B D2522B D2523BD2526B D2598A D2598BR2512D R2513D R2515DR2516D R2517DK9DD2961B D2962B D2963BD2965B D2966B R2912DR2913D R2916D R2917DR2918D R3418DK9E29DT18 PF29DT18 51PDT1843PDT18 DP2998 DP3488DP3498 DP4888 DP4898K10ADVB-S1000K10A-1DVB-C1000K10BR2112T R2113T R2115TR2117T 2126FB 2132FB21B26 25B15 2515FB29B38 2938FB 2131FB21B27 2127FB 21B282128FB T2115B T2116BT2117B T2118BK10CPF29E18K10FG2929/B G2521 G2510(B)G2935/B G2938 G2939/BG2526/B G2538 G2528/BG2928 G2933 G2529PF25B8 G2532 G2539G1430 G2130 PF21B8G2923/B G2936/B G2925/BG2136 G21K58(B) G2138G21K60(B) G21K6(B) G21K55(B)G21K59(B) G21K65(B) G21K68(B)G21K69(B) G25K66(B) G29K96(B)G25D19(B) G2132 G2129G2521 PF21B50 G2125G2128 G2129 G2929 G2510(B)PF29E18A PF25E8 G29E6G29E8 PF29E8K10LPF29B8 G2932 G2989(B)银珠G21K56(B) G29K60(B) SF2591EK11BC2588D 34D18 25D81A2939FD 2936FD 2931FD29SD81 29SD82 34SD8129D82M 2526FD 29D852938FD R2518AE(D) 2528FD29ST82 29SD82 29D82M 29SD81 29D81K11FG2573 G3478 G2988G2978 G2585 PF29D18G29D3 G2975 G25D19A G29D8A CV3478 PF29DIRK11GG3488 G3480 PF29D9 G2989 G2983A G29D9PF25D19 G29D8 PF3498(D)PF34G8(D) PF25D19 G25D19 G34SE G29D9K11L鱼八景(新)K11NG29S86(D) G25S86(D) G29S96(D)G/H29D80 G/H34D80 PF29D9(A)HPF3489D H/PF2919DH25S86DPF2589D H29S86 H/PF2519DK12A21K16 21K15 21K18K12A21K17 21K13 21K1221K31 21K32 21K2121K16 21K18K12DG2110 G2112 G2516 H2135W 25K18 G2501A G2101 H2123KG2911 G2908 G2913 H2119(KB)G2919 G2113 G2109 H2135KG2915 G2508 G2918 H2122KG2916 G2509 G2112G2512 G2510 G2103G2111 G2102/A G2101/AG2902/A G2132(K) G2536(K)H25K66 G2136K G2156(K)G2138(K) G21K66 G21K55G21K59 G21K68 G21K69G25K66 G29D8(K) G2932(K)G29K96 H2121K H2159WH2183K H2199KB(A)H2551KG2132(K) G2105K12FG1410G/H14K8 H14K8H1418K PF1518K H1498KK12GG2936(K) G29K36 H2159WPF29B8(K) H2123K G2536KH2199KB(A) G2136(K) G29K36H2535KH2599KB(A)H2583K H2598K H2135W(A)H2186W H2151K。
本次易容网为大家推荐比较常用的MLCC国巨 | Yageo品牌的料号CC1210KKX7R9BB105的相关参数
ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSecure Digital HostSDH Data Length Register (SDH_DATA_LGTH)The SDH_DATA_LGTH register contains a 16-bit value for the number of data bytes to be transferred before generating the DAT_END event. The value loaded to this register is copied into the SDH_DATA_CNT register when the data path state machine is enabled and starts the transfer.SDH Data Control Register (SDH_DATA_CTL)The SDH_DATA_CTL register controls the data path state machine. The state machine becomes enabled once the DTX_E bit is set. The direction of the transfer is determined by DTX_DIR . If the DMA channel is to be used for the data transfer then the DTX_DMA_E bit must be set. Otherwise the SDH FIFO would only be accessible through the core. For block transfers, the block length must be specified by DTX_BLK_LGTH , where the block length is2DATA_BLK_LGTH . After a data write, data cannot be written to this regis-ter for five SCLK cycles.Figure 27-13. SDH Data Length Register 15141312111098765432100000000000000000SDH Data Length Register (SDH_DATA_LGTH)DATA_LENGTH(Number of bytes to transfer)Reset = 0x0000Read0xFFC03928ADSP-BF54x Blackfin Processor Hardware ReferenceSecure Digital Host SDH_RESPONSE20xFFC0391C R 32-bit “SDH Response Registers (SDH_RESPONSEx)” on page 27-59SDH_RESPONSE30xFFC03920R32-bit “SDH Response Registers (SDH_RESPONSEx)” on page 27-59SDH_DATA_TIMER 0xFFC03924R/W 32-bit “SDH Data Timer Register(SDH_DATA_TIMER)” onpage 27-60SDH_DATA_LGTH 0xFFC03928R/W 16-bit “SDH Data Length Register(SDH_DATA_LGTH)” onpage 27-61SDH_DATA_CTL 0xFFC0392C R/W 16-bit “SDH Data Control Register(SDH_DATA_CTL)” on page 27-61SDH_DATA_CNT 0xFFC03930R 16-bit “SDH Data Counter Register(SDH_DATA_CNT)” on page 27-62SDH_STATUS 0xFFC03934R 32-bit “SDH Status Register(SDH_STATUS)” on page 27-63SDH_STATUS_CLR 0xFFC03938W1A 16-bit “SDH Status Clear Register(SDH_STATUS_CLR)” onpage 27-65SDH_MASK00xFFC0393C R/W 32-bit “SDH Interrupt Mask Registers(SDH_MASKx)” on page 27-66SDH_MASK10xFFC03940R/W 32-bit “SDH Interrupt Mask Registers(SDH_MASKx)” on page 27-66SDH_FIFO_CNT 0xFFC03948R 16-bit “SDH FIFO Counter Register(SDH_FIFO_CNT)” on page 27-68SDH_FIFOx0xFFC03980R/W 32-bit “SDH Data FIFO Register(SDH_FIFO)” on page 27-69SDH_E_STATUS0xFFC039C0R/W1C 16-bit “SDH Exception Status Register (SDH_E_STATUS)” on page 27-69SDH_E_MASK 0xFFC039C4R/W 16-bit “SDH Exception Mask Register(SDH_E_MASK)” on page 27-70Table 27-10. SDH Functional Registers (Cont’d)RegisterNameAddress Type Access Description。
TC-M21 TC-M21A TX-21TM TC-21TIZ TX-21T1EE TC-21L1PX TC-21L1R TC-21L1RA TC-21L1EE TC-21L1RA TC-14L1RA
TC-33V30H YC-33V30HA TX-33V30X TX-33N30XE TC-29V30X TC-29V30H TX-29V30XE TC-29V30R TC-29V30RA TC-25V30H TX-25V30X TC-25V30R TC-25V30RA
2975SHC 2975SP 2975SH
3350DC 3350DH
3370UXP 3370UH 3370UE
KV-LX34T80 KV-LX34T90
KV-EF29M80 KV-EF29M90 KV-EF29M31 KV-EF296M61 KV-EF29M91
贴片电容和其它贴片电子元器件一样,按封装类型(也就是体积的大小)可分为0402(1.0×0.5)、 0603(1.6×0.8)、0805(2.0×1.2)、 1206(3.2×1.6)、 1210(3.2×2.5)、 1812(4.5×3.2)等。
例:0805 CG 102 J 500 N T
CA T24C 161/162(16K),CAT24C081 /082(8K) CAT24C041/042(4K),CAT24C021/022(2K)I2C串行CMOS E2PROM,精确的复位控制器和看门狗定时器控制电路特性•数据线上的看门狗定时器(仅对CA T24Cxxl)籲可编程复位门槛电平籲高数据传送速率为400KHz和I2C总线兼容• 2.7V至6V的工作电压•低功耗CMOS工艺籲16字节页写缓冲区籲片内防误擦除写保护籲高低电平复位信号输出——精确的电源电压监视器——可选择5V、3.3V和3V的复位门槛电平•100万次擦写周期•数据保存可长达100年•8脚DIP或SOIC封装•商业级、工业级和汽车温度范围概述CA T24Cxxx是集E2PROM存储器,复位微控制器和看门狗定时器三种流行功能与一体的芯片。
CAT24C161/162 (16K),CAT24C081/082 (8K),CA T24C041/042 (4K)和CAT24C021/022 (2K)以I2C是串行CMOS E2PROM器件。
CA T24Cxxx 另一特点是16字节的页写缓冲区,提供8脚DIP和SOIC 封装。
CA T24Cxxx的复位功能和看门狗定时器功能保证系统出现故障的时候能给CPU —个复位信号。
CA T24Cxxx 的2脚输出低电平复位信号,7脚输出高电平复位信号。
绝对最大参数工作温度:-55°C〜125°C贮存温度:-65°C〜15°C各管脚承受对地电压:-2.0V〜Vcc+2.0V VCC对地电压范围:-2.0V〜7.0V 最大功耗: 1.0W管脚焊接温度(10S): 300 °C输出短路电流:100mA管脚配置]V C C ]RESET方框图表一直流操作特性表二上电时序管脚介绍WP:写保护将该管脚接Vcc,E2PRON就实现写保护(只读)。
bbc bircher ag xl-cp42ax xl-cp49ax xl-cp56ax xl-cp
1XL-CP42Ax / XL-CP49Ax / XL-CP56Ax / XL-CP56Bx / XL-CP74Ax / XL-CP80Ax / XL-CP80Bx / XL-CP99Ax原版安装说明书应用1安全说明2部件概览中文390273E 02/22• 在将设备投入运行之前,应先彻底阅读本操作说明,并保留本操作说明以便将来参考。
• 除了规定的应用,不得将本产品用于其他用途。
• 安全触边的组装和安装以及更改或加装安全触边的调试只能由经过相关专业培训和授权的人员进行。
• 请注意遵守当地所有相关的电气安全规定!• 不遵守这些安全预防措施可能会导致传感器或者物体损坏、人员重伤或者死亡。
• 设备制造商有责任实施风险评估,并安装符合适用的本地、国家及国际规章和安全标准、法律和法规以及机械指令 2006/42/EC(如适用)的系统。
• 对于您的应用,始终将安全功能视作一个整体,切勿认为仅关系到系统的某一部分。
• 安装人员应负责测试系统,以确保系统满足所有适用的安全标准。
开始安装或组装之前,必须采取以下安全措施:• 确保不会接通设备/装置的电源!• 确定电源已断开!• 遮挡或拧下带电的相邻零件!• 接通电源之前,作为预防措施,请检查接线以防止任何会影响与本产品相连之设备的损坏或故障。
• 如果您要离开安装现场,请确保产品工作正常且安装正确。
安全触边安全监控器安全触边系统是按照标准 EN ISO 13856-2设计并满足其要求的压敏保护装置,安全触边系统由安全触边和安全监控器组成。
本说明书介绍了 XL 系列信号发生器的组装和安装。
按照 EN ISO 13856-2 标准使用本安全触条的信号发生器,需要使用由 BBC Bircher AG 指定的并经过规定的合格评估程序的安全监控器(信号处理器和输出监控装置)。
2SC2235中文资料(toshiba)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
音频功率放大器应用 驱动级放大器的应用
• 为了补充2SA965.
(TA = 25°C)
集电极 - 发射极电压
发射极基极电压 集电极电流 基极电流 集电极耗散功率 结温 存储温度范围
100 ms*
10 ms*
30 Collector current I
*: Single nonrepetitive 10
pulse Ta = 25°C
5 Curves must be derated
3 linearly with increase in
澳柯玛C12-P 酷睿—Y电动车技术参数
澳柯玛C12-P 酷睿—Y技术参数
Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 2,5:17447720101A74477201017447720101T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 7447720101Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-TI of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects. Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals might result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties. •Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations might have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.•Please be aware that products provided in bulk packaging may get bent and might lead to derivations from the mechanical manufacturing tolerances mentioned in our datasheet, which is not considered to be a material defect.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi001.0012019-07-17DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI Radial Leaded Wire WoundInductor ORDER CODE7447720101SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi001.0012019-07-17DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI Radial Leaded Wire WoundInductor ORDER CODE7447720101SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
OMRON FC25A FC25B截面距离传感器商品说明书
1Real-time 3D sensing of distance to humans or objects•Ambient light immunity equivalent to 100,000 lx, allowing measure-ment even in bright places. *1•High output accuracy of ±2% (2 m) for compensated signals. *2•Long life of approx. 5 years under continuous driving thanks to OMRON’s unique circuit design and heat emission design. *3•With interference prevention function *4*1.The accuracy of product specifications is not guaranteed.*2.According to OMRON’s evaluation method*3.The result of reliability acceleration test at the ambient temperature of 20°C and thehumidity of 65%RH, not the product warranty period.*4.Up to 17 ID settings can be made depending on the command.When this function runs, the accuracy of product specifications is not guaranteed for settings other than ID=8 (default).Part Number StructureType■Body [Dimensions ➜P .6]Product-related materials, such as:• Datasheet• User’s Manual (Manual No.: E596-E1)• Evaluation Software • Sample Codecan be downloaded from the following website:https:///product-detail?partNumber=B5L●Definition of terms used in this document“The Product”: Refers to B5L-A2S-U01-010, consisting of “Device” and “SDK”.“The Product” as described herein refers to the entirety or part of its composition.“Device”: Refers to 3D TOF sensor module.“SDK”: Refers to User’s Manual, Evaluation Software and Sample Code.“NIR”: Near infrared radiation.Refer to “Precautions” on page 7.B5L-A @ @-@01-@ @ @(1)(1) Light source2: LED NIR 940 nm(2)(3)(2) Angle of viewS: 90°(3) CommunicationU: USB2.0(4) NIR transmission filter010: Available (Built-in)(4)2B5L3D TOF Sensor ModuleRatings/Specifications■Ratings*1.Standard mode/exposure time setting=850 (default)*2.With no condensation or icing *3.With no condensation■Specifications*4.Distance accuracy and repeating accuracy are obtained under the following conditions:• Based on OMRON’s measurement environment • Ambient temperature: 25°C• Standard mode/LED light projecting frequency ID=8 (default)*5.Target object: Reflectance ratio 70% (white paper)• Distance accuracy: Average of 100 measurements (10,000 pieces of data in total) at the central part (10×10 pixels) 2 m away from this product• Repeating accuracy: Standard deviation of 100 measurements (10,000 pieces of data in total) at the central part (10×10 pixels) 2 m away from this product Standard mode/exposure time setting=850 (default)*6.Time from power ON until communication is possible *7.Time from power ON until performance becomes stable■Communication specifications■Operation mode*8.HDR function: A function that changes the shutter speed and performs the measurement multiple times.ItemSpecificationsLight sourceLED NIR 940 nm Power supply voltage VDC24+/-10%Power consumption (current consumption)Average during measurement: 0.3 A *1Maximum: 3 A (Reference) *1Ambient temperature Operation: 0 to +50°C *2Storage: -20 to +60°C *2Ambient humidityOperation/storage: 35 to 85%RH or less *3Tightening torque of mounting hole0.91 to 1.37 N·mVibration (durability)10 to 150 Hz, 50 m/s 2, complex amplitude of 0.7 mm or less Scanning 3 times each in X, Y , Z directions for 8 min Impact (durability)300 m/s 2 3 times each in X, Y , Z directions Appearance Approx. 103×64.3×43.1 mmApprox. 108.6×64.3×43.1 mm (including the Connector)Protective structure IEC60529 IP10WeightApprox. 305 gMaterialsFrame: die-cast aluminumCover: polycarbonate (PC)Filter: acrylic resin (PMMA)Heat sink: aluminumItemSpecificationsMeasurement distance 0.5 to 4 m Detection resolution Approx. 0.3°Horizontal detection range (angle of view)87° or above Vertical detection range (angle of view)67° or aboveDistance accuracy ±2% (±4 cm) or less *4*5at 2 m central part 10×10 pixels Repeating accuracy 1% (2 cm) or less *4*5at 2 m central part 10×10 pixels Frame rate Approx. 10 fps *4Starting time 30 seconds or less *6Warm-up timeApprox. 30 minutes *7ItemSpecificationsFunction Receive commands from the host and return execution results.InterfaceUSB2.0 CDC classCommunication protocolUnique specifications. Refer to User’s Manual (Manual No.: E596-E1) for details.Operation modeContentsStandard mode Turn on the HDR function *8, and calculate the distance from two measurements.High-speed modeTurn off the HDR function *8, and calculate the distance from one measurement.3B5L3D TOF Sensor Module■Specifications of output dataNote 1.Refer to User’s Manual (Manual No.: E596-E1) for details.Note 2.When the form of orthogonal coordinate or orthogonal coordinate rotation is specified, the distance data will be outputted in the form of PCD (Point Cloud Data).■Data output order■ Data output directionData is output in the order of 76799 to 0 from the lower right to the upper left of the 320×240 image.■Field of viewData nameDescriptionDistance dataIndicate the 3D distance between B5L ’s coordinate origin and the target object Distance data in the form of orthogonal coordinate Xo, Y o, Zo: XYZ coordinates with the coordinate origin as the originDistance data in the form of orthogonal coordinate rotation Xr, Yr, Zr: Orthogonal coordinates after rotating around axes Xo, Y o, Zo at an angle set by the command Distance data in the form of polar coordinate r, θ, φ: Polar coordinates based on orthogonal coordinates Amplitude dataLight-receiving sensitivity of each pixel when LED is illuminated 16 bits (256 gradations)ZoYoXoYrZrXrPolar coordinate formOrthogonal coordinaterotation formOrthogonal coordinateformPixel 0321……032012240319320…7679976798…7648076479240 p i x e l320 pixel300 pixel (87° or above): Image sensor size : Lens image circle: Photography range4B5L3D TOF Sensor ModuleConnector Pin Configuration and Connection Structure■Connection structureNote 1.To be certified by standards on radiated emission intensity limits (CISPR22 Class A, etc.), carry out confirmation and countermeasures for products into whichthe product is assembled.Countermeasures against noise on connection wires are estimated to reduce the emission noise level.Make the decision after fully evaluating the cable used and the routing of GND (connection with FG, etc.).Note 2.Consideration should be given to creepage distance, etc., so that no static electricity will be applied to the frame part other than the light projecting and receiving surfaces.Also separate the mounting hole of the product from FG.■ConnectorPower connector: S2P-VH (manufactured by JST Connector)(Recommended mating connector)Housing: VHR-2M or VHR-2N (manufactured by JST Connector)Contact: SVH-21T -P1.1 (manufactured by JST Connector)USB connector: MicroUSB T ype BUSB2.0 standard compliant (Vbus rating: 0.5 A or less)This sensor is a USB device. The power source of Vbus should be supplied from the host side.Supply power source: The Product alone is not compliant with the requirements on fire-proof enclosure. Therefore, when it is assembled, use a supply power source that meets IEC 62368-1 LPS (conditions of limited power source).Name of each partThe Product The Customer's system+24VGNDVbus D+D-GND CaseSGFGSGPower cableUSB cableM i c r o U S B2S P -V HL i g h t -p r o j e c t i n g & r e c e i v i n g s i d ePin numberSignalDescription1Vcc Power source DC24 V±10% 3 A 2GNDGround (0 V)ItemContentsLED for operation confirmationInitial stateStarting/running: light on, Abnormal: flickering Light off by command is possible when running Starting: light on, Running/abnormal: light offPower connectorSideHeat sinkEmitter5B5L3D TOF Sensor ModuleCharacteristic data (reference value)●Influence of sunlightConditions:Target: white PP film Angle: 0°Measurement distance: 2 mIllumination: 100,000 lx or above with sunlight present●Distance accuracyConditions:Target: reflectance ratio 70% (white paper)Angle: 0°●Distance accuracy in angle directionConditions:Target: reflectance ratio 70% (white paper),reflectance ratio 15% (grey paper)Angle: -43.5°, 0°, +43.5°Measurement distance: 0.5 m, 2 m, 4 m Ambient temperature: 25°CPrecautions on the principle of TOF sensor•The Product projects light and measures the distance according to the phase difference from the reflected light.In addition, the measurement takes time in order to accumulate the received light.As a result, the measurement may not be performed correctly under the following conditions:•Objects with high reflectance ratio (mirrors, objects with luster, etc.), objects with low reflectance ratio (black objects, etc.), transparent objects (glass, plastics, etc. with high transmission rate)•Objects at a distance more than (light speed/light source modulating frequency)/2 (approx. 12.5 m) (short distance measured).•Obstacles other than the target object for measurement are set.•The Product or the target object for measurement moves or vibrates.0.511.522.5Without sunlightWith sunlightM e a s u r e d v a l u e (m)0123456701234567M e a s u r e d v a l u e (m )Distance (m)-60-40-200204060Angle (°)M e a s u r e d v a l u e (m )1234570%15%B5L3D TOF Sensor Module Dimensions Please visit our CAD Data website, which is noted on the last page.(Unit: mm)B5L-A2S-U01-0106B5L3D TOF Sensor Module PrecautionsMake sure to read these precautions for a safe use of the Product.•The contents included are to ensure proper use of the Product and prevent harm and/or property damage to the user or other people.•Warnings and cautions are defined as follows.●Definition of Warning and Caution"Damage" indicates property damage to a building, produc-tion line, household goods, other products, livestock, pets, etc.●Examples of indicationsRegarding the use or handling of the ProductDo not use the Product for safety of life or crime prevention purposes.Do not use the Device on automobiles or othervehicles, including bikes as it may result in acci-dents.Regarding the prevention of fire, electric shock, etc.The following will result in fire, electric shock, injury or dam-age if ignored.Do not touch the Device or any connected cableduring a lightning storm.Do not use the Device if it is cracked or damaged.Do not insert foreign objects in the connector or inthe holes on the various parts of the Device.Do not use the Device in bathrooms or any otherplace where it may get in contact with water.Do not touch the Device or any connected cablewith wet hands.Do not touch the electrode at the side opening ofthe Device during power-on.Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the Device.Turn the power off and stop using the Product ifyou notice any anomaly, including foul odor,heating, distortion or discoloration to the Device during use.Install the cables for connecting the Device in a waythat would not put strong force on them, including making sure they are not crushed in a door.Regarding the prevention of accident or injuryThe following will result in accident or injury if ignored.Do not touch sharp parts or the exposed interiorof the Device that was damaged.Regarding the use or handling of the ProductMake sure to follow the warnings and cautions indicated in this document when using theProduct.Regarding installationThe following will result in accident, injury or damage if ignored.Do not install the Device in an unstable location.Install the cables in a safe way, out of the way ofhands or feet.Regarding heatingThe following will result in burns if ignored.The Device may produce heat.Do not touch it during power-on or shortly after powering it off.Denotes a potentially hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, may result in minor, moderate orserious injury, or death.It may also result in serious damage.Denotes a potentially hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury,or damage.Indicates forbidden actions.Indicates required actions.7B5L3D TOF Sensor ModuleCheck the Product for physical damage upon opening its package. It is recommended to wear gloves when opening the package. Follow the indications listed below for a safe use of “the Product”.(1) Installation EnvironmentThere is potential internal deterioration and damage of internal parts of the Device.•Do not use “the Product” in conditions exceeding the ratings for temperature and humidity.•Do not use “the Product” in an environment where condensation occurs.•Do not use “the Product” in an environment subjected to water, oil or chemicals spills.•Do not use “the Product” in an environment subjected to corrosive, combustible or explosive gas.•Do not use “the Product” in an environment where dust, salt or iron powder are present.(2) Power Supply and WiringThe following will result in fire if ignored.•Make sure there is no faulty wiring of I/O terminals, etc.•Do not connect the DC power supply terminal to AC power.•Do not connect “the Product” to DC voltage above the rated capacity.•Do not reverse-connect the DC power supply.•Make sure to turn the Device off before removing cables.•Make sure to check the Device and the connector pins for distortion or physical damage before connecting the Device to the Connector.•Check the cables for physical damage.(3) Others•Treat “the Product” as industrial waste when disposing of it.•Use the M4 screws on the fixing holes on the Device when fixing it.•Make sure not to twist, bend or break the Device when fastening the screws. The following will result in accident or deterioration if ignored.•Install “the Product” with attention being paid to dust prevention so that foreign objects will not enter during use. The following will result in short circuit or long-term reliability decline due to foreign objects if ignored.•For safety’s sake, installation and wiring should be performed by professional technicians.•Do not drop “the Product” during installation and use. The following will result in accident or deterioration if ignored.•Install “the Product” after confirming that there are no people around under the place of installation.Observe the following precautions to prevent failure to operate and malfunctions, and to prevent adversely affecting the performance and function of “the Product”.•Store the Device at a temperature of -20°C to +60°C and a relative humidity level of 35% to 85%.•Do not touch the board mounted parts with bare hands. Discharge any static electricity from the user before use.•Take proper measures against static electricity by using an antistatic wrist strap, etc. before handling “the Product”.•Make sure to properly ground the connector's earth terminal in order to prevent malfunction due to noise.•Do not use “the Product” in places where the surrounding temperature goes above the rating range.•Do not use “the Product” in a location where it would be subjected to direct sunlight.•Do not use “the Product” in a location subject to excessive inductive or power supply noise, such as in strong magnetic or electric fields.•Do not use “the Product” in a location where it would be subjected to strong UV light.•Do not use “the Product” in a location where it would be subjected to radiation.•Sufficiently evaluate the electrical characteristics of any connection to the Device.•If the Customer designs such structures as NIR transmission filter and installs them in front of the light-projecting part or the light-receiving part, the detection performance will deteriorate due to NIR light transmittance. Therefore, design with margins giving consideration to deviation and other factors.•The Customer should choose the power cable and USB cable after fully validating their applicability.•Do not strongly pull the cable connected to the Device.•Do not reversely insert the Connector.•Do not forcibly insert any non-standard connector.•Do not touch the light-projecting part or the light-receiving part. Clean the light-projecting part or the light-receiving part if fouled. Clean with a soft and dry cloth, avoiding damage to the light-projecting part or the light-receiving part. Never use volatile solvents such as benzine and thinner or chemical wipers, etc.•In order to improve long-term reliability of the Device, pay sufficient attention to heat emission during installation.•Install “the Product” at a sufficient distance from surrounding heat generating parts.•When installing “the Product”, do not block the top surface, side surface and heat sink surface of the Device. Otherwise, heat cannot be emitted.•“The Product” generates heat during operation. Since the surrounding temperature rises due to heating, sufficient consideration should be given to heat emission so that the surrounding temperature will not go above the rating temperature range. In addition, do not fix “the Product” upside down.•In case of instantaneous stop or power outage, when power is restored, make sure to use “the Product” after resetting.•If abnormality occurs in received data, restart the power or reset.•Do not peel off the QR code label. Otherwise, lot tracing of “the Product” will become impossible.•Do not use “the Product” under conditions where it would be subjected to strong interfering light.•If multiple units of “the Product” are used simultaneously, measurement may not be performed correctly due to the influence of NIR light transmitted from sources other than the Device.•Before using “the Product”, fully confirm if “the Product” can be used at the actual installation location.1) Since “the Product” is intended for assembly into otherdevices, single units of “the Product” are not certified byvarious standards in each country.2) “The Product” is not used for crime prevention and does notguarantee safety.3) “The Product” has face detection function. As such, theCustomer shall take proper care of privacy, portrait right,copyright or any other rights of people.4) “The Product” cannot be used for purposes that cause hazardor damage to people's life, body and asset.Do not do or allow any third party to do the following to the “Firmware” contained in “the Product” (built-in software for operating the Device) and “SDK”.(a)Withdrawal of the “Firmware” from the “Device”(b)Reverse engineering of “Firmware” and “SDK”, includingdisassembling and decompiling, etc.T echnical information provided by OMRON is treated as OMRON’s confidential information. Do not disclose to any third party.Precautions for Safe UsePrecautions for Correct UsePrecautions for Correct UseProtection of intellectual assets8Please check each region's Terms & Conditions by region website.OMRON CorporationElectronic and Mechanical Components CompanyRegional ContactCat. No. E597-E1-010720(0720)Americas Euro p ehttps:/// http://components.omron.eu/ Asia-Pacific China https://.sg/ https:///Korea Ja p anhttps://www.omron-ecb.co.kr/ https://www.omron.co.jp/ecb/In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.© OMRON Corporation 2020 All Rights Reserved.CSM_1_1_0720。
电子空调 CM 102E 产品说明书
CM 102EValid as of E12ME0404 up toE12ME0601Electrical unit X CM 102EVoltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 X1Control panel2 X2Electrical installation3 X3Clima Plus4 X4Steam generator, Bypass5 X5Hot air heating6 X6Motor and fan wheel7 X7Interior cabinet8 X8Door9 X9Water supply, quenching box10 X10Hand shower13 X13Exterior cabinet14 X14MiscellaneousCM 102EElectrical unit X Table of contentsVoltage: 3 AC 208V 60Hz1 Control panel (3)1.A Control panel (4)2 Electrical installation (5)2.A Contactor assembly (6)3 Clima Plus (7)4 Steam generator, Bypass (8)4.A Pump connection spout cpl (9)4.B Venting valve for steam generator (10)5 Hot air heating (11)6 Motor and fan wheel (12)7 Interior cabinet (13)7.A Interior cabinet (14)7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gaskets (15)7.C Air baffle (16)8 Door (17)8.A Door (18)9 Water supply, quenching box (19)10 Hand shower (20)13 Exterior cabinet (21)13.A Exterior cabinet (22)14 Miscellaneous (23)Electrical unit X 1 Control panel 11 Control panel Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X1.A Control panel1 87.00.001Control panel insert with overlayElectrical unit X 1.A Control panel 11 Control panel Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 42.00.004 Control pcb Index "ME"2 1104.0121Hex nut M4 self locking3 10.00.355Spacer black4 2020.0400Fixing device for cable harness5 16.00.282Dial6 40.02.087 Buzzer6 3006.0107 Buzzer7 5110.1028 Gasket poti hot air, core temperature8 40.00.464Potentiometer CT9 16.00.387Mounting device f.sealing + sealing lip10 1306.0218Washer A4,311 1103.0122Hex nut M3 self-locking12 5110.1029Gasket mode switch13 5110.1027Distance plate for front panelElectrical unit X 2 Electrical installation 22 Electrical installation Voltage3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X2.A Contactor assembly1 4007.0620Membrane DGC 292 4007.0621Membrane DGC 363 40.00.453Solid state relais4 10.00.507Pan head screw Torx 5/16" T205 10.00.444Raised countersunk head screw Torx M4x86 1106.0803Hex combination nut M6 galv7 10.00.239EJOT PT-Screw Torx 4x108 1105.0121Hex combination nut M5 galv9 42.00.007 External memory10 40.01.072Cable entry11 1104.0801Cage nut M412 10.00.243Spacer M4x813 1104.0120Hex nut M414 10.00.112Cable clip short15 10.00.111Cable clip long17 10.00.471Cable clip d10-12mm18 40.00.338Sicotronic-terminal *screw typ*20 40.01.285Fixing device f. cable guide21 1106.0160Hex nut M622 1206.0120Tooth lock washer A6,423 40.00.472Bus cable 1.3mElectrical unit X 2.A Contactor assembly 22 Electrical installation Voltage3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.01.329Dry up protector 160°2 3014.0302Hex nut M10 for dry-up protector3 40.01.482Safety temperature limiter 365°C4 3014.0327Hex nut M10x1,05 40.01.559 Contactor CL09A300M6-M6 3101.1008Cooling fan7 10.00.238Screw Torx 4x508 40.00.278Halogen transformer9 40.01.613Varistor10 10.00.240Screw Torx 3x2011 4001.1233Terminal block yellow/green 35mm²12 2005.0106Protective grid for cooling fan13 40.01.562Installation rail for Contactor 115mm13 40.00.518Installation rail for Contactor 95mm14 10.00.239EJOT PT-Screw Torx 4x1015 10.00.111Cable clip long16 40.01.588Fuse SC-8A 10x3817 40.01.487Fuse holder 2pol18 40.00.212Cable buzzer18 40.01.475Cable clock switch USA18 40.00.240Cable contactor-SSR18 40.01.284Cable control harness18 40.00.235Cable control SSR18 40.00.205Cable level electrode18 40.00.219Cable SC pump18 40.00.236Cable solenoid valveElectrical unit X 3 Clima Plus 33 Clima Plus Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 22.00.324Safety valve2 22.00.214 Hose d50x2022 22.00.213 Hose d50x2103 2066.0531Hose clamp ø564 2001.0124Compression springElectrical unit X 4 Steam generator, Bypass 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 8354.1320X4.A Pump connection spout cpl.B 8354.1304X4.B Venting valve for steam generator1 3002.0402Filling level electrode 90 mm2 44.00.173 Steam generator insolated3 1106.0803Hex combination nut M6 galv4 44.00.295Heating element5 44.00.279Gasket f. heating element6 2066.0519Hose clamp 35,6mm7 2066.0526Hose clamp ø46mm8 44.00.207 Emptying pump9 1006.0762Hex screw M6x1010 1306.0222Washer A6,4x15x1,511 44.00.232Fixing device f. pump steam generator12 44.00.216Drain hose steam generator13 2066.0518Hose clamp 30mm14 40.00.291Thermocouple steam generator15 1104.0122Hex combination nut M4 galv16 2112.1006Steam hose 50x7mm17 2066.0504Hose clamp 40-60mm18 2066.0506Hose clamp 20-32mm19 1105.0120 Hex nut M520 1205.0120 Tooth lock washer A5,321 2920.1300Level elektrode insert23 10.00.414Cable strap black 120°24 44.00.280Gasket f. heating element+Level elektrode insertElectrical unit X 4.A Pump connection spout cpl. 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2118.1000Pump connection spout2 2120.1259Stop plug 10mm3 2066.0527Hose clamp ø14mm4 2066.0530Hose clamp ø16.4mm5 2062.0331Junction pressure hose GS 106 4005.0101Tie rap 145 mmElectrical unit X 4.B Venting valve for steam generator 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2062.0332Receptacle for ventilation valve SG2 2069.0108Ventilation valve3 2112.1310Form hose for ventilation of steam generator4 2066.0506Hose clamp 20-32mmElectrical unit X 5 Hot air heating 55 Hot air heating Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.305Mating flange f. heating assembly2 40.00.330Mating flange f. heating assembly3 40.00.258 Heating assembly4 40.00.269 Heating assembly5 10.00.109Hex screw M5x236 1106.0360Cap nut M6, high shape7 1306.0222Washer A6,4x15x1,58 40.00.332Gasket f. heating assembly9 40.00.331Gasket f. heating assemblyElectrical unit X 6 Motor and fan wheel 66 Motor and fan wheel Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2120.1306Spacer SW19x172 22.00.123Flange f. motor shaft gasket3 22.00.120Mounting support f. gasket flange4 22.00.083 Motor shaft gasket4 5001.0207 Motor shaft gasket5 1315.0101Copper washer 6x106 1106.0220Hex nut M6 flat7 22.00.192Fan weel d340x1358 1008.0763Hex screw M8x208 10.00.565 Hex screw M8x209 40.00.310Exhaust pipe below10 40.00.435Exhaust channel f. SSR11 40.00.274 Fan motor12 10.00.071Hex nut M812 1108.0260Hex nut M812 10.00.710Hex nut M8 w. locking13 1208.0260Spring washer B814 1008.1005Square necked mushroom head bolt 8x40Electrical unit X 7 Interior cabinet 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X7.A Interior cabinetB 40.00.091X7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gasketsC 22.00.296 X7.C Air baffle1 40.00.520 Screen interior cabinet sensor3 3024.0201Halogen bulb for interior cabinet 300°C4 40.00.227 Wiring interior light5 20.00.397Door gasket6 40.00.608 Meat probe sensor7 1315.0104Copper washer 16x20x1,58 10.00.422 Hex nut M169 3014.0162Sealing cone for thermocouple10 3014.0163Gasket sleeve with nipple11 40.00.395 Thermocouple interior cabinet12 2005.0308Outlet sieve15 10.00.070Hex nut M6Electrical unit X 7.A Interior cabinet 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.098Reflector f. interior light2 4001.1248 Porcelain connector 2-pin interior light3 2120.1277Base for sensor connection4 1603.0167 Tubular rivet 3,2x0.25x105 10.00.041Rivet nut M5 hexagon closedElectrical unit X 7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gaskets 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.093Outer gasket f. interior light2 40.00.094Inner gasket f. interior light3 40.00.095Glass pane f. interior light4 40.00.096 Gasket frame f. interior light5 10.00.682 Phillips countersunk-head screw M5x16Electrical unit X 7.C Air baffle 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 1304.0160Washer A4,32 1604.0167Rivet 4x103 22.00.332Air sucking ring f. air baffle4 2760.1370Latch hook for air baffle5 40.01.289Fixing clip core temp. cable6 1603.0168Rivet 3,2x8 A46 1603.0168Rivet 3,2x8 A4Electrical unit X 8 Door 88 Door Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 24.00.113X8.A Door1 24.01.100Spring clip f. door lock2 1005.2000Interlocking tooth screw M5x83 24.00.152Door handle4 24.00.176Door lock5 24.00.504Lock cover6 24.00.133Door mounting support top7 1008.0768Ornamental screw M8x168 1308.0160Washer A8,49 24.00.223Door mounting support bottom10 1006.1962Countersunk screw Torx M6x1611 10.00.090Cap f. Torx T3012 1006.0760Hex screw M6x1613 1106.0802Cage nut M614 24.00.137Door bolt15 10.00.099 Hex screw M8x1216 24.00.048Door bolt17 1008.0769Ornamental screw M8x3018 2001.0109Compression spring19 24.00.141Holding bracket f. door catch20 1306.0120Washer A6,421 24.00.142Door catch22 1308.0162Washer A8,423 24.01.200Pan head screw Torx M4x12 T2024 24.01.199Slotted pan head screw M6x45 *WDS*Electrical unit X 8.A Door 88 Door Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 24.00.200Inner glass pane2 24.00.147Sleeve for door bolt top3 24.00.146Door setting bolt4 24.00.502Fixing device f. magnet with magnetElectrical unit X 9 Water supply, quenching box 99 Water supply, quenchingVoltage 3 AC 208V 60HzboxItem no. Part no Reference Description1 54.00.220Exhaust pipe2 54.00.094Rubber form piece venting pipe3 40.00.287Thermocouple quenching4 50.00.316Single solenoid valve5 50.00.139Single solenoid valve6 50.00.071Water distribution hor. w/o roll guide con.7 50.00.070Water distribution hor roll guide con.8 50.00.086Locking plate f. water distribution9 50.00.078Non return valve DW16/DN1210 8664.1301T-fitting water connection11 5110.1024Gasket for G3/4" threaded joint12 54.00.228 Inspection lid f. quenching chamber13 5012.0566Gasket quenching chamber 0-ring14 54.00.225Clamping bar15 2016.0936Quenching nozzle 3.9 l/min16 50.00.085Plug-in spring f. hand shower roll guide17 2066.0205Hose clamp 8-16x9 mm SW 7mm18 2067.0050Pressure hose d10mm19 1900.0202Water filter20 2066.0516Hose clamp 60-80 mm21 2120.1277Base for sensor connectionElectrical unit X 10 Hand shower 1010 Hand shower Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 50.00.140 Hand shower roll guide2 50.00.174Connect. pipe f. hand shower roll guide3 50.00.130Hand shower4 50.00.156Clamp f. hand shower roll guide5 1107.0100Star lock ø46 50.00.279 Tulip for handshower7 50.00.298Tape f. tulip8 50.00.537Gasket f. connect.pipe hand shower roll guide9 50.00.538O-ring f. connect. pipe f. hand shower roll guideElectrical unit X 13 Exterior cabinet 1313 Exterior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X13.A Exterior cabinet1 8450.1310 Spacer ring1 22.00.354Spacer ring2 8455.1209 Vent cover2 22.00.353Vent cover3 1110.0800Cage nut M103 1110.0800Cage nut M104 2022.0101Grommet 18 mm5 12.00.205Upper part of pedestal6 12.00.206Lower part of pedestal7 1328.0102Safety washer A10,28 10.00.107Allen screw M10x309 5013.0100Edge protection profile12 16.01.146Bracket for door contact switch13 40.00.335 Door switchElectrical unit X 13.A Exterior cabinet 1313 Exterior cabinet Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 16.00.340Top cover2 1003.2265Countersunk self tapping screw 4,2x163 1104.0820Snap nut 4,2mm4 16.00.154Side panel right5 1603.0166Rivet 3,2x7,9 CNS closed6 16.00.155Side panel left7 10.00.102Hex self tapping screw B4,2x328 16.00.188Back panel9 16.00.299Front panel10 2002.0107Tension spring for front panel11 16.00.673 Air inlet filter12 2039.0331Cap for service door13 16.00.331Crossbar top14 5105.1028Gasket f. breather tube d=74mm15 16.00.360Cover f. RS232 interface16 10.00.103EJOT PT-screw KA 3.5x1017 16.00.338 Edge protection profile18 1004.2160Hex self tapping screw 4,2x1619 16.00.322Crossbar below f. tulip20 40.00.454Door switch 1.65m21 16.00.681Crossbar front panel22 50.00.296Clip f. drip collector23 50.00.300Drip collector24 50.00.303Bushing drip collector25 50.00.304 Drain drip collector25 50.00.557 Drain drip collector26 16.00.384Bracket for door contact switchElectrical unit X 14 Miscellaneous 1414 Miscellaneous Voltage 3 AC 208V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 60.12.003Hinging rack left2 60.12.004Hinging rack right3 10.00.448 Phillips countersunk-head screw M5x164 1008.0750Hex screw M5x166 1208.0160Tooth lock washer A8,412 42.00.030 Memory-Stick15 1105.0123Hex combination nut M417 4019.0008 Sticker Electric/Danger19 60.60.574Positioning support f. core sensor。
PowerBox 122 产品说明书
Instruction Manual PoWErBox 12Dear customer,congratulations on your decision to buy the PowerBox 12 - the switch backer! This compact product combines the performance features of our safety switch and a powerful battery backer in a single case which will fit in virtually any model.1. LAY-OUT AND CONNECTIONSThe actual enclosed switch is fitted with four floating-mount double contacts. Only the positive conductor of each pair is switched; all the negative terminals are connected together for additional security.All the backer components are soldered to a single circuit board. The cables to the backer are soldered directly (no kinks) to broad solder pads, and protected from the effects of vibration by means of a special supporting adhesive. The cables which exit the case are also protected from vibration and kinking by heat-shrink sleeving with internal adhesive.2. SWITCHING ON AND OFFThe switch positions are marked on the case: when the switch is moved towards the LED, it is in the ON position.The primary purpose of the integral three-color LED fitted to the switch case is to indicate the switched state of the PowerBox 12. However, it also changes colour to indicate the condition of the two batteries connected to the backer: if both bat-teries are in good order, the LED glows orange.3. INSTALLATIONPlease do not throw away the inner packaging immediately, as it includes a tem-plate for marking the switch aperture.Even though our product is very well protected from the effects of vibration, the switch should always be mounted in a part of the model relatively low in vibration. Please note that the GRP fuselage sides of a large power model are not suitable, as they are always subject to considerable vibration. You can remedy the situation by cutting a ply plate (2 - 3 mm thick) about 3 cm larger than the switch aperture, and gluing it in the appropriate place. The plate damps the vibration, and at the same time provides plenty of “meat” for the switch retaining screws to bite into.4. BATTERY TYPESIt is possible to use NiCd / NiMh batteries as well as LiPo / LiFePo batteries.It is only permissible to connect LiPo cells directly to the receiving system or the PowerBox 12 battery backer if all the electronic components, including the receiver and servos, are approved for use with a voltage of up to 8.4 Volt! If you need to bring down the voltage of a 2S LiPo to a normal value of 6.0 Volt then you need to use a voltage reducer; we recommend our linear voltage regulator for this purpose. It is simply connected between the receiver and the PowerBox 12. Two of these voltage regulators are required.5. SPECIFICATIONVoltage range: 4.0 – 9.0 VoltPower supply: 2 x 5s NiMH/NiCd, 2s LiPo, 2s LiFePo Output voltage: equal to the input voltageCurrent load: Peak 2 x 6ADropout voltage: 0.3VDimensions: 65 x 23 x 23 mmWeight: 35gTemperature range: -30° C to +75° CEMV approval: EN 55014-1:2006CE approval: 2004/108/EGWEEE Reg. No. DE 639 766 116. DIMENSIONS7. SERVICE NOTEWe are anxious to offer good service to our customers, and to this end we have set up a Support Forum which deals with all queries concerning our products. This relieves us of a great deal of work, as it eliminates the need to answer frequently asked questions time and again. At the same it gives you the opportunity to obtain help quickly all round the clock - even at weekends. All the answers are provided by the PowerBox Team, guaranteeing that the information is correct.Please use the Support Forum before you telephone us.You can find the forum at the following address:SERVICE ADDRESS PowerBox-Systems GmbH Ludwig-Auer-Straße 5D-86609 Donauwoerth Germany8. GUARANTEE CONDITIONSAt PowerBox-Systems we insist on the highest possible quality standards in the development and manufacture of our products. They are guaranteed “Made in Germany”!That is why we are able to grant a 24 month guarantee on our PowerBox 12 from the initial date of purchase. The guarantee covers proven material faults, which will be corrected by us at no charge to you. As a precautionary measure, we are obliged to point out that we reserve the right to replace the unit if we deem the repair to be economically unviable.Repairs which our Service department carries out for you do not extend the ori-ginal guarantee period.The guarantee does not cover damage caused by incorrect usage, e.g. reverse polarity, excessive vibration, excessive voltage, damp, fuel, and short-circuits. The same applies to defects due to severe wear.We accept no liability for transit dama-ge or loss of your shipment. If you wish to make a claim under guarantee, please send the device to the following address, together with proof of purchase and a de-scription of the defect:9. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONWe are not in a position to ensure that you observe our instructions regarding installation of the PowerBox 12, fulfil the recommended conditions when using the unit, or maintain the entire radio control system competently.For this reason we deny liability for loss, damage or costs which arise due to the use or operation of the PowerBox 12, or which are connected with such use in any way. Regardless of the legal arguments employed, our obligation to pay com-pensation is limited to the invoice total of our products which were involved in the event, insofar as this is deemed legally permissible.We wish you every success with your new PowerBox 12.Donauwoerth, December 2020。
Model Number Structure
Model Number Legend
(1) (2) (1) Rated Current
Degree of protection Durability *1 Mechanical Electrical IP67 10,000,000 operations min. 200,000 operations min. (1 A at 125 VAC, resistive load) 0.1 mm/s to 0.5 m/s (in case of plunger) 1 mm/s to 1 m/s (in case of roller lever) 120 operations/min 30 operations/min 50/60 Hz 100 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC) 100 mΩ max. 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min 1,500 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min
1 A at 30 VDC Without indicator With indicator Model Model
D4CC-3001 D4CC-3002 D4CC-3003 D4CC-3024 D4CC-3031 D4CC-3032 D4CC-3033 D4CC-3050 D4CC-3060 D4CC-4001 D4CC-4002 D4CC-4003 D4CC-4024 D4CC-4031 D4CC-4032 D4CC-4033 D4CC-4050 D4CC-4060
电子管代换资料国内外电子管代换常用型号管芯结构主要用途国外同类型号代备注5X4G 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流氧化物阴极5Z3P 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流5T4、5ц3C、CV1861、5R4GY、U52、CV1071、5V3、5AU4、5U4G氧化物阴极5Z4P 旁热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流*5B×1、*5ц4C,GZ30、CV2748、5Z4G/GT 氧化物阴极5Z1P 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流氧化物阴极5Z2P 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流5W4、5Y3G、80、U50 氧化物阴极5Z8P 旁热式双阳极二极管全波整流*5ц8C 氧化物阴极5Z9P 旁热式双阳极二极管全波整流*5ц9C 氧化物阴极6Z4 旁热式双阳极二极管全波整流*6ц4П、6B×4、6×4、6Z31 共阴极6Z5P 旁热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流*6ц5C 共阴极6H2 旁热式双阳极二极管检波、整流*6×2П、6AL5、C 氧化物阴极6C1 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大*6C1П、CV664、9002 氧化物阴极6C3 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大*6C3П 阴地三极管6C4 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大*6C4П 栅地三极管6C5P 旁热式三极管低频电压放大6C5GT、*6C5C、6C5 、CV1067、L63氧化物阴极6C6B 旁热式三极管低频电压放大5703、CV3917、*6C6Ь 氧化物阴极6C7B 旁热式三极管低频电压放大*6C7Ь 氧化物阴极6C12 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大EC88、5842 高S、低N6C31B-Q 旁热式三极管电压放大*6C31Ь-B 氧化物阴极6C32B-Q 旁热式三极管电压放大*6C32Ь-B 遥截止三极管6N1 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H1П、6AQ8、AA61、ECC40/82 氧化物阴极6N2 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H2П、6AX7、6A V7、ECC41 氧化物阴极6N3 旁热式双三极管高频电压放大*6H3П、6A8Q、2C51、ECC42 氧化物阴极6N4 旁热式双三极管低噪声电压放大ECC83、12A×7 高μ、低N6N5P 旁热式双三极管低频功率放大*6H13C、6AS7、CV2523、6NS7G/GT 低Ri6N6(T)旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H6П、E182CC、12BH7 、CV50427P 旁热式双三极管低频功率放大6H7、*H7C、6N7/G/GT 共阴极6N8P 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H8C*6H8M、6SN7、6F8G、CV181、QB65、ECC32 氧化物阴极6N9P 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H9C、6SL7、ECC35、6SC7、6CY7 高μ6N10 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H10M、12A V7A、E82CC、CV491 氧化物阴极6N11 旁热式双三极管宽带电压放大*6H23П、6DJ8、ECC84、E88CC、6922、CV2492 高S、低RI、N6N12P 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H12C、TS229、5687 氧化物阴极6N13P 旁热式双三极管低频功率放大*6H13C、6AS7、CV2523、6NS7G/GT 低内阻6N15 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H15П、6J6WA、6CC31、CV858 共阴极6N16B 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大氧化物阴极6N17B 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H17Ь、6112、CV5007 氧化物阴极6N21B-Q 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大氧化物阴极6N23 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大6DJ8、ECC88、PCC88 高μ低N 6J1 旁热锐止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж1П、6AK5、6BC5、EF40、EF95、CV850 高频管6J1B 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж1Ь、CV3929、61489、CK5702/7083 旁热式阴极6J2 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж2П、6AS6、CV2522、EF11/732、CV4011 旁热式阴极6J2B 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж2Ь、CK5639 旁热式阴极6J3 锐截止四极管宽带电压放大*6ж3П、EF96、CV848、6BC6、6AG5 束射四极管6J4 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж4、6136、6BX6、6AC7、EF94 旁热式阴极6J4P 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж4C、CV849、1852 旁热式阴极6J5 锐截止高频管宽带电压放大*6ж5П、EF80、CV2521、6F36、6AH6 高S、束射四极管6J7 旁热式阴极五极管低频电压放大 6*7 、OM5C、CV1056、CV1404、EF36、NR49、VR56、KTW61、EF37A、5A/157D、CV358、CV5080、OM5B、W310A、57、STR4141、低噪声N6J8 锐截止五极管低频电压放大CV2901、6SJ7、6CF8、6267、EF16、EF86、2729 低噪声N6J8P 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж8C、5693、EF6、EBC3、CV592 旁热式阴极6J9 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж9П、EF861 旁热式阴极6J20 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж20П 空间电荷栅6J23 高互导双五极管宽带电压放大*6ж23П 阴极框架栅6J23B-Q 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж23B-K 低振动噪声12J1S 锐截止五极管小功率放大*12ж1л 氧化物阴极6K1B 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大*6K16K3P 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大*6K3、6SK7、6K7、KTZ63、CV1074、6D6、6SG7 旁热式阴极6K4 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大*6K4П、6BA6、6DA6、EF89/93、5749、6K5 旁热式阴极6K5 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大同6K4 旁热式阴极12K3P 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大12K3、12SK7/GT 旁热式阴极2P2 输出四极管低频功率放大2П2П、DL92、1S4T、1L33、1L34 直热式阴极2P3 束射四极管低频功率放大3A4、1662、CV807、DL93 直热式阴极2P19B 五极管功率放大直热式阴极2P29 直热式五极管功率放大*2、*2П29л氧化物阴极4P1S 直热式阴极功率放大*4П1л、4L2D 五极管6P1 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П1П、6AQ5、6BW6、6L31、EL14、90 旁热式阴极6P3P 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П3C、*6л6C、6L6、6L6G/GT、1614、1619、1622 同型:1631、6TT3C6P4P 束射四极管低频功率放大旁热式阴极6P6P 旁热式束射四极管低频功率放大*6П2、*6П6C、6Φ6、1611、1613、1621、6K6、CV509、6V6GT、CV510、CV1912、CV511、6N6C、KT636P9P 旁热式五极管宽带功率放大*6П9C、CV569 氧化物阴极6P13P 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П13C(旁热)旁热式阴极6P14P 旁热式五极管宽带功率放大*6П14П、6BQ5、N709、EL84、CV2975、7320、6L40 氧化物阴极6P15P 旁热式五极管低频功率放大6CH6、6CW5、EL180、EL821、CV2127、12BY7A 氧化物阴极6P25B 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П25Ь、EL71、5902 氧化物阴极6P30B-Q 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П30Ь-B(旁热)氧化物阴极6P31B-Q 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П31Ь-B(旁热)氧化物阴极13P1P 输出五极管低频功率放大*13П1C 旁热式阴极6S6 高S五极管电压/功率放大*6Э1П(旁热)氧化物阴极6T1 高频双四极管推挽输出QM322、5656 旁热式阴极6A2 七极电子管TUNER变频CV453、EK90、X77、*6A2П、6BE5、5750 旁热式阴极6F1 三极-五极管变频/电压放大*6Φ1П、6BL8、6C16 旁热式阴极6F2 三极-五极管变频/电压放大6Φ2П、6U8、6GH、CV5065、ECF82、6BL8 旁热式阴极6G2P 双二极-三极管检波、电压放大*6Γ2、6SQ7、6SQ7GT/G 旁热式阴极WE300B 直热式三极管功率放大300B、4300A 古典式低内阻FU-5 直热式三极管低频功率放大T100-1、RK57、ML714、NU-150、CV2622、CV2768 F123A、GL805、HF150、CV25FU-7 旁热式四极管大S功率放大QV05-25、RK39、HY-61、QE06-50、CV124、807 5B/250A、807V、5S1FU-13 直热束射四极管功率放大*гY-13、813、4B13 TT10、QY2-100、QB2、250、CV278、4T100 CV1927、3874A、5C/100AFU-15 直热束射五极管中功率放大*гY-15 氧化物热子FU-17 双束射四极管中功率放大*гY-17、CV3517、6360、QQV03-10、QQV03/12 旁热式阴极FU-25 旁热束射四极管宽带功率放大1625、FD-25 氧化物阴极FU-29 双束射四极管宽带功率放大*гY-29、829B 旁热式阴极FU-31 直热式三极管宽带功率放大2T26、826、826“RCA” 钍钨阴极FU-32 双束射四极管宽带功率放大*гY-32、RS1019、TT20SRS4452、QQE03/20、P2-12 与FU-29类同FU-33 直热式三极管功率放大ES833、CV635、B142、3578、833A、5T33 钍钨阴极FU-46 旁热式五极管中功率放大QV06-20、P40、QE05/40、7212、6146、2B46 氧化物阴极FU-50 束射五极管宽带功率放大*гY-50、SRS552、P50/2 旁热式阴极FU-811 直热式三极管宽带功率放大*г-811、811A 钍钨阴极FU-250F 旁热式四极管宽带功率放大4C×250A 金属陶瓷型EL81 旁热式五极管功率放大6CJ6 氧化物阴极845 直热式三极管功率放大UV-845 Po≈100W6CY7 旁热式双二极管电压放大每组**管特性参数不同R g< 100kΩ6CX8 旁热式三极管-五极管电压放大和P-K分割比6U9、6F2靓高S18045 旁热式五极管小型功放作耳机放大有极佳表现Po> 1WFC4 旁热式三极管电压放大*гC4 金属陶瓷管6C22D 旁热式三极管电压放大5876 金属陶瓷管6550 旁热束射四极管功率放大KT88 氧化物阴极KT100 旁热束射四极管功率放大KT94 氧化物阴极PL81 旁热式五极管功率放大21A6 氧化物阴极EL34 旁热式五极管功率放大6CA7、KT66 氧化物阴极2A3 直热式三极管功率放大*2C4、AD1、6A3、6B4G、6C4C 211 直热式三极管功率放大FD422 直热式五极管功率放大2E226C33C-B 旁热式三极管功率放大。
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Although the information in this catalog has been carefully checked for accuracy, and is believed to be correct and current, no warranty, either express or implied, is made as to either its applicability to, or its compatibility with, specific requirements; nor does KEMET Electronics Corporation assume any responsibility for correctness of this information, nor for damages consequent to its use. All design characteristics, specifications, tolerances, and the like are subject to change without notice.
KEMET Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 5928, Greenville, S.C. 29606, (864) 963-6300
the lowest volumetric efficiency.
元器件交易网 Class II: Stable capacitors,
suitable for bypass or coupling applications or frequency discriminating circuits where Q and stability of capacitance characteristics are not of a major importance. Class II capacitors have temperature characteristics of ± 15% or less. They are made from materials which are ferro-electric, yielding higher volumetric efficiency but less stability. Class II capacitors are affected by temperature, voltage, frequency and time.
Ceramic Molded Standard/Axial & Radial Outline Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Part Number Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 - 19 Mil-PRF-20 Outline Drawings . . . . . Dimensions . . . . . . . . . Ordering Information . . Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . Part Number Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 - 25
temperature range of - 55°C to + 125°C (Also known as “NP0”). X7R: Class II, with a maximum capacitance change of ± 15% over an operating temperature range of - 55°C to + 125°C. Z5U: Class III, with a maximum capacitance change of + 22% - 56% over an operating temperature range of + 10°C to + 85°C. Specified electrical limits for these three temperature characteristics are shown in Table 1.
Ceramic Axial Tape & Reel Packaging Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Ceramic Radial Tape & Reel Packaging Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Ceramic Leaded Packaging Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Application Notes for Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 - 39
元器件交易网www.cecb2b. NhomakorabeaomCERAMIC
To find parts fast, visit CapacitorEdge at .
F-3101D 7/00
GR900 and MIL-PRF-123 High-Reliability Ceramic Capacitors are available. Refer to catalog F-3054 for detailed information. KEMET also manufactures Tantalum Leaded, and Surface Mount Capacitors — Tantalum and Ceramic. Refer to catalog F-3100 — Tantalum Leaded, and F3102 — Surface Mount for detailed information on these products.
Mil-C-11015 (CK) & Mil-PRF-39014 (CKR) Outline Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Part Number Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 - 31