



O.D.P. 开式电机 (IP23)
ppm 百万分之一
IRN90-160K-OF 与 IRN125-200H-OF
确认维修人员接受过足够的培训,现职,并阅读过 《维修手册》。
表示如果忽视所出现的危险,将会导致严重伤害、死亡或财 产损失。
表示如果忽视所出现的危险,则可能导致严重伤害、死亡或 财产损失。
5.2 安全预防措施
压缩空气和电都很危险。在对空压机进行任何维修之前,一定 要切断、锁住和标记电源并将空压机中的压力全部释放。
操作过程中所有保护措施必须到位,并将门 / 盖关闭。
本担保不包括腐蚀、磨损或正常损耗。性能担保仅限于本公司建议内已经说明的部分。除满足性能担保责任限于具体检测的情况 外,本公司的担保方式和期限以上文为依据。
本公司以上述方式及期限对任何明显或潜在的非达标设备的修正,将构成本公司履行对该非达标设备的全部责任,不管该责任的 依据是合同、担保过失、赔偿还是与该设备有关或由该设备产生的严格责任或其他责任。



DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.DM9000AEthernet Controllerwith General Processor InterfaceDATA SHEET(中文数据手册)PreliminaryVersion: DM9000A-DS-P03Apr. 21, 2005目录1. 概述 (5)2. 模块图 (5)3. 特性 (5)4. 引脚配置 (6)4.1(16位模式) (6)4.2(8位模式) (7)5. 引脚描述 (7)5.1处理器接口 (7)5.1.1 8位模式引脚 (8)5.2 EEPROM接口 (8)5.3时钟引脚 (9)5.4 LED接口 (9)5.5 10/100 PHY/Fiber (9)5.6其他 (10)5.7电源引脚 (10)5.8捆绑引脚列表(Strap pins table) (10)6. 控制和状态寄存器列表 (10)6.1网络控制寄存器(NCR) (12)6.2网络状态寄存器(NSR) (13)6.3发送控制寄存器(TCR) (13)6.4数据包1发送状态寄存器1(TSR I) (13)6.5数据包2发送状态寄存器2(TSR II) (14)6.6接收控制寄存器(RCR) (14)6.7接收状态寄存器(RSR) (15)6.8接收溢出计数寄存器(ROCR) (15)6.9背压阈值寄存器(BPTR) (15)6.10流控制阈值寄存器(FCTR) (16)6.11接收/发送流控制寄存器(RTFCR) (16)6.12 EEPROM与PHY控制寄存器(EPCR) (17)6.13 EEPROM与PHY地址寄存器(EPAR) (17)6.14 EEPROM与PHY数据寄存器(EPDRL/EPDRH) (18)6.15唤醒控制寄存器(WCR) (18)6.16物理地址(MAC)寄存器(PAR) (18)6.17多播地址寄存器(MAR) (19)6.18通用目的控制寄存器(GPCR) (19)6.19通用目的寄存器(GPR) (19)6.20 TX SRAM读指针地址寄存器(TRPAL/TRPAH) (20)6.21 RX SRAM写指针地址寄存器(RWPAL/RWPAH) (20)6.22厂家ID寄存器(VID) (20)6.23产品ID寄存器(PID) (20)6.24芯片版本寄存器(CHIPR) (20)6.25发送控制寄存器2(TCR2) (20)6.26操作测试控制寄存器(OCR) (21)6.27特殊模式控制寄存器(SMCR) (21)6.28即将发送控制/状态寄存器(ETXCSR) (22)6.29校验和控制寄存器(TCSCR) (22)6.30接收校验和控制状态寄存器(RCSCSR) (22)6.31内存数据预取读命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MRCMDX) (23)6.32内存数据读命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MRCMDX1) (23)6.33内存数据读命令寄存器(地址加1)(MRCMD) (23)6.34内存数据读地址寄存器(MRRL/ MRRH) (23)6.35内存数据写命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MWCMDX) (23)6.36内存数据写命令寄存器(地址加1)(MWCMD) (24)6.37内存数据写地址寄存器(MWRL/ MWRH) (24)6.38发送数据包长度寄存器(TXPLL/TXPLH) (24)6.39中断状态寄存器(ISR) (24)6.40中断屏蔽寄存器(IMR) (24)7.EEPROM格式 (25)8.PHY寄存器描述 (26)8.1基本模式控制寄存器(BMCR) (27)8.2基本模式状态寄存器(BMSR) (28)8.3 PHY ID标识符寄存器#1(PHYID1) (29)8.4 PHY ID标识符寄存器#2(PHYID1) (29)8.5自动协商通知寄存器(ANAR) (30)8.6自动协商连接对象寄存器(ANLPAR) (31)8.7自动协商扩展寄存器(ANER) (32)8.8 DAVICOM指定配置寄存器(DSCR) (33)8.9 DAVICOM指定配置和状态寄存器(DSCSR) (34)8.10 10BASE-T配置/状态(10BTCSR) (36)8.11掉电控制寄存器(PWDOR) (36)8.12指定配置寄存器(SCR) (37)9. 功能描述 (38)9.1 主机接口(HI) (38)9.2 直接内存访问控制(DMAC) (38)9.3 数据包发送(PT) (38)9.4 数据包接收(PR) (38)9.5 100Base-TX操作 (39)9.5.1 4B5B编码器 (39)9.5.2扰频器(Scrambler) (39)9.5.3 并--串转换 (39)9.5.4 NRZ码到NRZI码转换 (39)9.5.5 NRZI码到MLT-3码转换 (39)9.5.6 MLT-3驱动 (39)9.5.7 4B5B编码 (40)9.6 100Base-TX接收器 (40)9.6.1 信号检测 (41)9.6.2 自适应补偿 (41)9.6.3 MLT-3到NRZI解码 (41)9.6.4 时钟复原模块 (41)9.6.5 NRZI 到NRZ (41)9.6.6 串-并转换 (41)9.6.7 扰频器 (41)9.6.8 编码组对齐模块 (41)9.6.9 4B5B解码 (42)9.7 10Base-T操作 (42)9.8 冲突检测 (42)9.9 载波检测 (42)9.10 自动协商 (42)9.11 省电模式 (42)9.11.1 掉电模式 (43)9.11.2 降低发送损耗模式 (43)10 DC与AC电器特性 (43)10.1 最大绝对额定值 (43)10.1.1 工作条件 (43)10.2 DC电器特性(VDD=3.3V) (44)10.3 AC电器特性与时序 (44)10.3.1 TP接口 (44)10.3.2 晶振/振荡时钟 (44)10.3.3 I/O读时序 (45)10.3.4 I/O写时序 (45)10.3.5 EEPROM接口时序 (46)11应用说明 (46)11.1网络接口信号接线 (46)11.2 10Base-T/100Base-TX自动MDIX应用 (47)11.3 10Base-T/100Base-TX无自动MDIX变压器应用 (47)11.4电源退偶电容 (47)11.5地平面布局 (48)11.6电源平面分割 (49)11.7铁氧体磁珠选择指导 (50)11.8晶振选择指导 (50)12封装信息 (50)13订购信息 (52)DM9000A翻译人:许建华、刘煜、程志成2009-9-1版权:翻译版权归作者三方所有,不得随意传播。



DK/DKM 多回转系列 DK/DKM 多回转系列
2 产品特点
1 全中文菜单 高分辨率的点阵式液晶显示,以超大数字实时显示阀门的开度大小,以全中文显示操作菜单,并 根据工作情况实时汉字显示报警信息、工作状态:高亮度LED发光管指示阀门的开、关极限位置。
2 非侵入设计,免开盖调试 DK/DKM多回转系列智能型电动执行器的现场操作采用了非侵入式的双层结构设计。旋钮操作由 磁钢和隔离在机壳内的霍尔传感器来实现。 工作参数设置、系统状态查询均可通过“操作旋纽” 或 “红外设定器”完成,无需打开电气罩,使得环境中的灰尘、潮气等有害物质不能进入执行器 的内部,极大的提高了电气控制部分的可靠性和安全性。
3 箱体双密封,双防护设计 箱体静配合处配有 O 型圈、 动配合处配有骨架油封,箱体达到IP68 的防护等级(常规为IP67, 如需IP68请在订货时说明)。电气接线箱设计采用了双密封结构,即使现场接线期间移去接线端 盖也能起到密封作用,能有效阻止灰尘、潮气等物质对执行器内部元件的损害。防爆型箱体可适 合于IIA、IIB、IIC级 T1-T4 级爆炸性气体环境的1、2区场所等危险作业环境工作。如需防爆功 能,请在订货时说明。
公司秉承“质量第一、信誉第一、用户至上”的宗旨,积极推行并通过了IS09001;2000 质量管理体系认证,并严格按照标准进行生产。所有产品均通过国家权威机构检测并认证,关 键的机械零部件采用国际一流的加工中心制造,所有电路板的焊接均采用进口全自动贴片焊接 设备加工,拥有一批经验丰富、不断追求创新的高素质研发人员,强大的售后服Байду номын сангаас队伍。这些 都为“DEM”这个品牌的质量、性能等提供的强大的支持与保证。
D K / D K M多 回 转 系 列 智 能 型 电 动 执 行 器

Quidway Eudemon 200E-C&200E-F 防火墙 硬件描述(V100R002_01)

Quidway Eudemon 200E-C&200E-F 防火墙 硬件描述(V100R002_01)
3.2 主板.................................................................................................................................................................3-6 3.2.1 功能和特性............................................................................................................................................3-6 3.2.2 面板........................................................................................................................................................3-7 3.2.3 技术指标................................................................................................................................................3-8
1.2.1 产品外观................................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2.2 接口编号方法........................................................................................................................................1-4 1.3 设备参数.........................................................................................................................................................1-5 1.4 环境要求.........................................................................................................................................................1-5 1.4.1 储存环境................................................................................................................................................1-6 1.4.2 运输环境................................................................................................................................................1-8 1.4.3 运行环境..............................................................................................................................................1-10





主机接口只有两个寻址口(addressing port),一个是索引口(index Port),另一个是数据口(data port)。










接下来的13K 字节用作接收包的缓冲区。


类似的,在读存储器操作时,当IMR 的第七位置一时,如果存储器地址增量到达接收缓冲区的末尾(16K)时将强置为0x0C00。

9.3数据包传输有两个传输包,依次是INDEX I和INDEX II,可以被同时保存到发送SRAM中。



传输的起始地址是00H,软件复位或者硬件复位后,当前包是INDEX I。

首先使用DMA 口写数据到TX SRAM,然后写字节数到的字节数寄存器,即发送包长度寄存器(0FCH/0FDH)。

NOV 1-14英寸钢管配件数据表说明书

NOV 1-14英寸钢管配件数据表说明书

Data Sheet1-14 in. Fittings and Accessoriesmanufactured from both epoxy and vinyl ester resins. Thesefittings and adhesives provide the same corrosion resistance and temperature ratings as the compatible grade of pipe. Press molded fittings are manufactured from a resin-rich compound which is corrosion resistant throughout the fitting wall. Hand layup fittings have a 100 mil resin-rich corrosion barrier. Epoxy RB fittings are color-coded brown; Z-CORE fittings are dark green or black; CL for the most severe services, they are suitable for the broad range of chemicals shown in the Chemical Resistance Guide . All 1-14 in. fittings are available with either a socket fitting or flanged type connection for easy field assembly. Adapters to iron pipe threads are also available.Order by figure (Fig.) number prefixed with CL for vinyl ester, RB for epoxy and ZC for Z-Core followed by construction type (if applicable), diameter, and outlet sizes.Example: Fig. 34C HLU 3x2PM - Represents Press Molded Fittings HLU - Represents Hand Layup FittingsCentricast™ Piping SystemsIndexAccessories ..............................................................................................19Adhesives .................................................................................................18Assembled fitting dimensions .............................................................14Centriclamp .............................................................................................13Couplings ...................................................................................................3Crosses .....................................................................................................11Elbows ........................................................................................................7End caps .....................................................................................................4Flanges .......................................................................................................6Floor drains . (12)How to read flanged or reducer fittings .............................................17Laterals .....................................................................................................11Maintenance repair kits .........................................................................19Nipples .......................................................................................................3Pipe support/wear pad .........................................................................12Pressure ratings ........................................................................................2Reducers ....................................................................................................5Saddles .......................................................................................................4Special configuration . (17) (17)Tees ...........................................................................................................10Threaded adapters ..................................................................................3Threaded inserts (4)200200-220020012532002001254150150100615015010081501501001015015075121501507514125150-Pressure Rating of CL Vinyl Ester Fittings up to 200°F based on Weldfast™ CL-200 and/or CL-200QS Adhesive Uninsulated PipingReduce pressure by 25% for 175°F to 200°F operating temperatures.200200300--220020030012532002002001254150150150100615015015010081501501501001015015015075121501501507514125150150--Pressure Rating of RB Epoxy Fittings up to 225°F based on Weldfast ZC-275 Adhesive Uninsulated PipingFor insulated and/or heat traced piping systems, use 100% ofuninsulated piping recommendations up to 200°F and reduce these ratings 50% for 200°F to 250°F operating temperatures. For uninsulated CENTRICAST PLUS RB-2530 piping, reduce these ratings 30% for 225°F to 250°F operating temperatures.Pressure Rating of ZC Epoxy Fittings up to 225°F basedon Weldfast ZC-275 Adhesive Uninsulated Piping200200300--220020030012532002002001254150150150100615015015010081501501501001015015015075121501501507514125150150--For insulated and/or heat traced piping systems, use 100% of uninsulated piping recommendations up to 225°F and reduce these ratings 25% for 225°F to 275°F operating temperatures. For uninsulated ZC piping, reduce these ratings 25% for 250°F to 275°F operating temperatures.Note: Quotations for specially fabricated higher pressure fittings are available on request.AInner Coupling13-0.53-0.534- 1.044- 1.58-4.410-13.214-17.211.024 1.4342.06 6.5898.8101228180.5281.13 1.968 5.0180.5281.13 1.968 5.0Threaded Adapters2 1.0341.461.61*30.740.734 1.542.9Fig. 14 SocketFig. 29S*Iron Pipe Thread x Socket*Available on order only - nonreturnable. †CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZC.Fig. 30 RSR Repair CouplingFig. 2 Iron Pipe Thread1 x blank*-0.1-0.22 x blank*-0.43 x blank*2- 33S Insert0.924 1.244 3.7812.410*4215Fig. 13 Pipe SaddleNote: For Threaded Outlets or Cement Socket Outlets greater than one size reduction, see Assembled Fittings section. Figure 13 weights based on blank saddle. Saddles available in CL and RB only.* Available on order only - nonreturnable † CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZC22XX0.4482XX2.6692X X4.810X X23.112XX32.8Fig. 33Insert SocketReducer inserts which reduce greater than two pipe sizes are available on order only.Reducer inserts 8 in. and larger which reduce greater than one pipe size may have areduced pressure rating. Consult factory for specific recommendations.2 x x 2220.64 x 3230.76 x 222 3.56 x 424 2.28 x 227.48 x 337.18 x 6 3.510 x 2220.910 x 4417.910 x 613.812 x 2234.912 x 3333.112 x 622.912 x 816.912 x 1012.1Fig. 34C Concentric Tapered Socket, Hand LayupConstruction2 x 1632.01.23 x 26 1.94 x 22.64 x 3 2.96 x 3 6.88 x 41110.78 x 6119.510 x 81411.512 x 81617.214 x 121522.82 x 16 2.86 3.463 x 26 5.24 x 376 x 3910.18 x 41118.58 x 61120.210 x 81235.512 x 81446.914 x 12** Available on order only - nonreturnable (1) See Fig. 18 for flange dimensions.†CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZCFig. 34F Concentric Tapered Socket+4 x 2511.54 x 354 1.66 x 4951 5.58 x 4529.58 x 617.310 x 62413.712 x 8162416.812 x 1014420.0Fig. 35C Eccentric Tapered Socket3 x 2 6.24 x 218.2 6 x 3910.06 x 49112.08 x 411216.18 x 611119.710 x 812135.212 x 814246.4Fig. 35F Eccentric Tapered FlangedFlanges5-1.1362.549 4.289.910161-1421-45.512-15 1.32 x 16 1.43 x 263.34 x 29 6 x 2117.66 x 3118.06 x 4118.88 x 217.68 x 416.08 x 613.410 x 816127.312 x 81617149.9Flanges meet O.D. bolt circle diameter, number of holes, and bolt hole diameter dimensions for ANSI B16.1 125 lb. cast iron sizes 1-72 in. and ANSI B16.5 lb. steel for 1 in.-24 in. diameters.* Available on order only - nonreturnable (1) See Fig. 18 for flange dimensions.† CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZCFig. 18 and Fig. 18L * Flange SocketFig. 18R * Reducer Socket4.7625 + 1.5875Flange Lip+Fig. 18M* Flange Metric SocketFig. 22 Blind Flange251115851422.22534.9254-12 mm 401501101830.16338.1004-16 mm 5021651251850.8004-16 mm 8032001601830.16350.8008-16 mm 15062792412350.8008-20 mm 20083432352.38860.3258-20 mm 250104063502377.788106.36312-20 mm 300124834002377.788106.36312-20 mm10.65 1.2261.8363.06118.2816.6121917149.1Fig. 21/24/25* Van Stone Flange36124912Elbows0.63 2.44 3.5812.0Fig. 255C 90° Short Radius Elbow, SocketFig. 257C 90° Long Radius Elbow, Socket61.52 1.932.2493.6813.810422.81422441.0HLU ConstructionSizes 1 in. - 6 in. PM Construction 8 in. HLU Construction* Available on order only - nonreturnable (2) Maximum Iron Pipe Thread size = 1 in. † CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZCFig 22S Iron Pipe TappedFig. 255S* 90 ° Short Radius Elbow, Flange x SocketFig. 255F 90 ° Short RadiusElbow, Flanged11.151.926 3.3365.1611682511.853.3264.4368.3681120.88936.412121719173.454.2265.24914.661117.11016152.612191719172.2Fig. 257F 90 ° Long Radius Elbow, FlangedFig. 257S* 90 ° Long Radius Elbow, Flange x Socket* Available on order only - nonreturnable ** Tolerance exception - Fig. 257F x 14 - A ±1⁄8 † CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZC562.826 3.34998.561114.41016149.7121719165.214*2122105.112-1110.7333* 2.1665*7.0887.71212414144Fig. 265F 45° Short Radius Elbow, Flanged12.1265.43366.661120.38-23.812-171917714-2111512-111.326 3.23634.9611513.78--15.912-171914-57.514-214-7012-1Fig. 265S* 45° Elbow, Flange x Socket* Available on order only - nonreturnable † CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZCFig. 265C 45° Short Radius Elbow, Socket275C x 10275C x 12A±Tolerance ExceptionB ±C±Fig. 275C Tee, Socket1570.84*80.9311 3.4413 5.36-8-1611.28--15.512--438.814--440.82967.6311612.6413919.06-8-161132.710-11-221619012-12-2419117125Fig. 275F Tee, Flanged11 3⁄161.52.2263.9 5.8367.010.66 -116819.327.58--22.228.912-191174-95140Fig. 275S* Tee, Flanged x Socket6 in. PM available in CL only* Available on order only - nonreturnable †CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZC1/81/81/42 2.03 3.74118613.910451.712469.1267.64919.061132.7101611121219171152Note: Reducing Laterals and crosses are available on request.Fig. 266F* Lateral, Flanged* Available on order only - nonreturnable.† CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZC4 5.5616815.7815.510445.6269.33613.961681157.5818971.712241219171170Fig. 266C Lateral SocketFig. 285C Cross, SocketFig. 285F* Cross, FlangedF I D GH AE + in. > 0Fig. 391 Pipe Support*Available on order only - nonreturnable.124346481214*Fig. 203 Sealable Floor DrainDP 316 SS insert 3 places on “D” bolt circleFig. 33C Reducer Insert required for 6x2, 6x3, 12x4 and 12x6 sizes.6 x 22676 x 4626712 x 481412 x 88814Floor Drain 203FD Equipment Drain203EDSealable Drain Standard ConfigurationsNote: Standard outlet straight socket. 2- 6 in. FNPT outlet available on request.Sealable Drain Dimensional Data21501505033331501507534261501501504418150125175448Fig. 36* End Adapter20.5350.76 2.2Fig. 38* SS Clamp310.747511.281215.5* Available on order only - nonreturnable.† CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZCFig. 39* Blind Flange354682Physical Data0.72 x 14 1.33 x 2 1.64 x 2 2.76 x 4 5.48 x 47.810.81.13 2.64 3.6Assemble using Fig. 14 Socket Coupling and Fig. 33 Reducer BushingAssemble using Fig. 6S Adapter and Fig. 14 Socket Coupling2 2.04 4.96 6.510423.912433.9 1.82 2.54 6.569.3482XV XV XV X XV X V V S S 692XV XV XV XV XV XV W W S V S 810½2XV XV XV XV XV XV W W S V V S 1013½XV XV XV XV XV XV W W S V V V S X=Fabricated using Fig 13 Cement Socket Outlet Pipe Saddle and Fig 33SThreaded Bushing Insert.V=Fabricated using Fig 13 Cement Socket Outlet Pipe Saddle and Fig 33 Socket Reducer Bushing Insert.S=Standard Pipe Saddle, no fabrication needed.Fig. 244* Nipple Flange Iron Pipe ThreadFig. 13* Pipe SaddleXV=Fabricated using Fig 13 Cement Socket Outlet Pipe Saddle, Fig 33 Socket Reducer Bushing and Fig 33S Threaded Bushing Insert.W=Fabricated using Fig 13 Cement Socket Outlet Pipe Saddle and 2 or more Fig 33 Socket Reducer Bushing Inserts.Assemble using Fig. 18 Socket Flange and Fig. 6S Iron Pipe AdapterAssemble using Fig. 18 Socket Flange and Fig. 17 Pipe Stub* Available on order only - nonreturnable. † CL weight, multiply by 1.07 for RB, 1.1 for ZC24666118124574 x 366 x 49 6 x 4910 x 812 x 10161Fig. 265CR 45° Reducer, SocketFig. 265FR* 45° Reducer, Flanged233658--12--453 x 266 x 498 x 6-1112 x 10-161Assemble using Fig. 255C Elbow and Fig. 33 Reducer BushingAssemble using Fig. 257C Elbow and Fig. 33 Reducer BushingAssemble using Fig. 255C Elbow and Fig. 33 Reducer Bushing, Fig. 17 Pipe Stub and Fig. 18 Socket FlangeAssemble using Fig. 257C Elbow, Fig. 33 Reducer Bushing, Fig. 17 Pipe Stub and Fig. 18 Socket FlangeAssemble using Fig. 265C Elbow and Fig. 33 Reducer BushingAssemble using Fig. 265F Elbow and Fig. 33 Reducer Bushing, Pipe Stubs and Fig 18 Socket Flanges6 in. PM available in CL only * Available on order only - nonreturnable.35 1.74 2.28 6.3 148Fig. 37* Adapter Nipple6 in. PM available in CL only* Available on order only - nonreturnable.(3) Reductions beyond one pipe size for reduced pressure applications are available. (See Fig. 33)573 x 264 x 366 x 498 x 6-1110 x 8-12 x 10-161 Fig. 275CR* Reducer, SocketAssemble using Fig 275C and Fig 33 Reducer Bushing45° ELBOW Fig. 265C90° SHORT or LONG RADIUS ELBOWFig. 255CFig. 275CFig. 266C CROSS Fig. 285CA CB A BACBDAA CB1---1---348-12-10---12---14--18----Special Configuration FittingsContact NOV Fiber Glass Systems for Details• 2 in. thru 12 in. Long Turn Tee, Flanged, Fig 267F• Odd degree elbows, 15, 221/2, 30 & 60 degree • 2 in. thru 12 in. 45° Double Y Branch, Socket, Fig. 268C • 5D Socket & Flanged Elbows • 2 in. thru 12 in. 45° Double Y Branch, Flanged, Fig. 268F • Sump Fittings• 2 in. thru 12 in. 90° Double Y Branch, Socket, Fig. 269C • 4 in. thru 10 in. Reducing Lateral, Socket, Fig. 266CR • 2 in. thru 12 in. 90° Double Y Branch, Flanged, Fig. 269F• 2 in. thru 12 in. Fig 267F Long Turn Tee, Socket, Fig. 267CThe sequences illustrated should be used when describing fitting outlets. Drawings or sketches showing outlet types, locations, sizes and dimensional requirements are required for more complicated fitting configurations.Pipe Stop to Fittings’ Center Line DimensionsHow to Read Flanged or Reducing FittingsTEECROSS(A x B x C)(A x B x C x D)Order for Z-Core epoxy piping systems. Weldfast ZC-275 adhesive can also be used to bond RB and CL pipe and fittings. Usage should be limited to applications recommended for both Z-Core product and the pipe and fittings grade being used.Contents:Adhesive (Part A) Hardener (Part B)Wooden Stir Stick Plastic Putty KnifeFabrication Instructions108 2 in. connections 5 3 in. connections 3 4 in. connections 2 6 in. connections 18 in. connections 10 in. connections 12 in. connectionsWeldfast CL-200-QS Part “C”Accelerator used with WELDFAST CL-200 to provide a quick set vinyl ester adhesive. Joints fabricated with this quick set adhesive can be made and quickly cured in as little as one hour (at room temperature) compared to 24 hours (at room temperature) for conventional adhesives.Contents:Adhesive (Part A) CatalystWooden Stir Stick Plastic Putty Knife Fabrication Instructions Order for CL-2030 and CL-1520 vinyl ester piping systems.For complete instructions refer to fab Bulletin D4210 included ineach kit of WELDFAST CL-200.108 2 in. connections 5 3 in. connections 3 4 in. connections 2 6 in. connections 18 in. connections 10 in. connections 12 in. connections 14 in. connectionsWeldfast ZC-275 Epoxy Adhesive for Adhesive Socket Joints For complete instructions, refer to fab Bulletin D4090 included in each kit of WELDFAST ZC-275 Adhesive.Weldfast CL-2004 - 8 inches C 10 - 14 inches D 16 - 20 inchesESilicone Rubber Heat Blanket*Strap Clamp Kit*For Heat Curing 1-20 in. connections * Available on order only - nonreturnable.Fiber Glass Systems17115 San Pedro Avenue, Ste. 200, San Antonio, Texas 78232, USAPhone: 210 477 7500 Fax: 210 477 7560accuracy and reliability of its contents, NOV Inc. in no way assumes responsibility for liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use of information and data herein nor is any warranty expressed or implied. Always cross-reference the bulletin date with the most current version listed at the web site noted in this literature.。


图1 Q8B10实物图图2 Q8B10内部结构


(SA4~ 9:TXD0~2
,011)被选 中
访问类型 高电平
是访问数据 端口;低电平 是访问地址 端口
字命令标志, 默认低电平 有效
当访问 外部数据存 储器是字或 双字宽度时, 被置位
中断请求信 号
高电平 有效,极性能 修改
37~53 56
双字模式,高 16 位数据引 脚
注意:以上介质无关端口都内部自带 60K 欧姆的下拉电阻 处理器接口引脚
处理器读命 令
低电平 有效,极性能 够被 EEPRO M 修改,详细 请参考对 EE PROM 内容 的描述
处理器写命 令
低电平 有效,同样能 修改极性
外部介质无 关接口发送 时钟
外部介质无 关接口发送 数据低 4 位
TXD[2: 0]决定内部 存储空间基 址:TXD [2: 0]) * 10H +
外部介质无 关串行数据 通信口时钟, 且与中断引 脚有关
该引脚 高电平时候, 中断引脚低 电平有效;否 则高有效
0 0 16 位
0 1 32 位
108 位
11未 定义
也做 LE D 模式选择 引脚

MC403 Power System及相关配件说明说明书

MC403 Power System及相关配件说明说明书

USA/ CanadaNEMA 5-15P AC male plugIEC 60320 C13 AC female connector SJT 18AWG*3C, 2m/78.7in (L)EuropeCEE 7/7 AC male plugIEC 60320 C13 AC female connector H05VV-F 0.75*3C, 2m/78.7in (L)JapanJIS C 8303 AC male plugIEC 60320 C13 AC female connector VCTF 0.75*3C, 2m/78.7in (L)AustraliaSAA power cord, AS3112 AC male plug, 10A IEC 60320 C13 AC female connector2m/78.7in (L)UKNEMA 5-15P AC male plugIEC 60320 C13 AC female connector H05VV-F 0.75*3C, 2m/78.7in (L)HARDWARE CHECKLISTUnpack the contents of the box and check that the following was included:One (1) MC403 Power SystemOne (1) MC403 instruction manualOne (1) 19” rack front panelTwo (2) pedalboard mounting bracketsTwenty (20) cables:F o u r (4) 2.1 x 5.5m m b l a c k r i g h t a n g l e t o s t r a i g h t, 1’ l o n gEight (8) 2.1 x 5.5mm black right angle to straight, 2’ longFour (4) 2.1 x 5.5mm black right angle to straight 3’ longTwo (2) 2.5 x 5.5mm red right angle to straight 4’ longOne (1) 2.1 x 5.5mm to 3.5mm black straight 2’ longOne (1) 2.1 x 5.5mm to 3.5mm black straight 3’ longOne (1) AC cord with appropriate connector for region of operation:DIRECTIONS(1) Set the red AC 115/230 input selector to your local AC voltage.(2) Plug the included AC power cord into the AC IN jack.(3) Connect the AC cord into a wall outlet.(4) Flip the ON/OFF switch to the ON position. A red LED on the rear panel will lightup to indicate the unit is active.(5) Read the OUTPUT GUIDE on the following pages to make sure you are using thecorrect output jacks and cables.(6) Connect pedals to the MC403 using supplied cables. The red LED aboveeach output jack will light to indicate that power is being supplied to theconnected pedal.(7) An AC THRU jack is located next to the AC IN jack to provide auxiliary powerto another device. DO NOT EXCEED 200 WATTS on AC THRU device!OUTPUT GUIDEBefore plugging anything into the MC403 Power System, check that the powerrequirements of the device match the output capabilities of the MC403.Specifically, you should check:(1) The device’s voltage requirement to match the MC403 output voltage.(2) Whether the device uses AC or DC.(3) The current requirement to not exceed the MC403’s MAX CURRENT spec.(4) The polarity when using DC power.The cables provided with the MC403support the industry standard positive (+)barrel and negative (-) center polarity.If you are unsure about what power your device requires,DO NOT PLUG THE DEVICE INTO THE MC403! The following list provides usageexamples for each of the output types available on the MC403.ADJUSTABLE DC OUTPUTS – Use 2.1 x 5.5mm black cables.Push the red button IN for the high voltage (10.5-15V) setting.Push the red button OUT for the low voltage (6.5-10.5V) setting.Rotate the black adjustment knob to fine tune the value.To simulate a dying battery tone on a transistor based distortion/fuzz/overdrive,set the red button OUT and rotate the adj. knob until desired tone is achieved.Radial™ Tonebone™ pedals requiring 15VDC, 400mA can be used with the redbutton IN and the adjustment knob rotated fully clockwise.9VAC OUTPUTS– Use 2.5 x 5.5mm red cables.Line 6® Stomp Modeler and POD® units (excluding Pocket POD®)9VDC OUTPUTS – Use 2.1 x 5.5mm black cables.MXR®, Crybaby®, Way Huge® Electronics pedals requiring Dunlop ECB-003Dunlop® UV1SC Stereo Chorus, JD4S RotovibeBoss® pedals requiring PSA-series adaptersElectro-Harmonix® pedals requiring 9DC-100 adapterMaxon® pedals requiring AC210N adapterIbanez® pedals requiring AC109 adapterRadial™ pedals requiring 9VDC, 40mA negative center adaptersLine6® ToneCore® series pedalsDigiTech® pedals requiring PSR200R18VDC OUTPUTS – Use 2.1 x 5.5mm black cables.MXR®, Crybaby® pedals requiring Dunlop ECB-004Dunlop® UV1 UnivibeFRONT PANEL & PEDAL BOARD BRACKET ASSEMBLYRemove the four screws on front of unit as indicated in Figure A for rack mountingor as in Figure B for pedalboard mounting. Place the brackets on the unit, line upthe holes, and replace screws to secure brackets. Use M3.0x0.5, L=8mm (max)screws if factory screws are lost.Figure B – Pedalboard MountFigure A – Rack Mount92503008461R E V CWARNING: READ THIS FIRST BEFORE OPERATING!(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) (9) (10) (11)(12)(13) (14)。


-40 ~ 85 -55 ~ 150
单位 V V mA V
MHz mA
°C °C
特性 电源电压
输出电压 输出电压
输入时钟频率 锁存信号(LAT)脉波宽度 数据信号(DCK)脉波宽度 串行输入数据(DAI) 的启动时间 串行输入数据(DAI) 的保持时间 锁存信号(LAT) 的启动时间 锁存信号(LAT) 的保持时间
Page 7
16 位 LED 恒流驱动芯片
未经授权而径予重制、复制、使用或公开本文件,行为人得被追究侵权之相关民刑事责任 Unauthorized reproduction, duplication, use or disclosure of this document will be deemed as infringement.

单位 V uA V
±0.5 %/V
*1 输出电流差异(通道与通道间)定义为”任意 Iout - 平均 Iout” 与 ”平均 Iout”的比率。平均 Iout =(Imax+Imin)/2 *2 输出电流差异(芯片与芯片间) 定义为任选两芯片之最大输出电流与最小输出电流的落差范围。 *3 IO 除外。VDD = Nhomakorabea5.0V
最小值 3.3
⎯ 5 ⎯ ⎯ 0.8VDD 0.0 ⎯ 15 15 10 10 10 10



DC24V、 12V、 6V、 5V、 3V/AC100V、 110V、 200V、 220V 直接出线式 L形插座式 M形插座式
G: 导线 长300mm L: 带导线 (长300mm) M: 带导线 MN: 不带导线 (长300mm)
DC24V、 12V AC100V、 110V、 200V、 220V
阀的 型号 流量特性 质量g 1→4/2(P→A/B) 4/2→5/3(A/B→EA/EB) L形、 W形 直接 M形 DIN形 M8 5、 3 4、 2 C[dm3/ 机能 1、 C[dm3/ 出线式 插座式 插座式 接头 (P、EA、EB) (A、 B) b Cv b Cv (s ・ bar)] (s ・ bar)] 单电控 101 104 125 129 2位 4.1 0.23 0.93 3.3 0.33 0.81 双电控 120 125 167 175 接管口径 中封式 3位 中泄式 中压式 63 67 83 101 SY7□20 -□-C8 单电控 1(P) 2位 双电控 通口 C8 ¿8 5、 3 3位 中泄式 (EA、 EB) 快换 通口 接头 中压式 1 8 2位 SY7□20 -□-C10 单电控 双电控 中封式 3位 中泄式 中压式 C10 ¿10 快换 接头 中封式
导线引出方式(D式的场合) 无记号 无指示灯及过电压保护回路 S 带过电压保护回路(无极性式) Z 带指示灯及过电压保护回路(无极性式)
※ 没有DOZ式。 ※ AC 的场合, 用整流器防 止过电压的发生, 故无 S 式。
WO: 接头 无电缆
※ LN、 MN式带2个导线插头。 ※ SY3000系列的DIN形插座式参见后附10。 ※ 符合DIN43650C 标准的 DIN 形插座式 [ Y 式 ] 也有。 详见 P.212。 ※ M8接头的接头电缆参见后附12。

世伟洛克 卡套管数据说明书

世伟洛克 卡套管数据说明书

卡套管数据卡套管表面光洁度众多 ASTM 规格涵盖了上述要求, 但它们在表面加工上常常没有非常详细的叙述。

例如, 有一个通用卡套管规格, ASTM A450 中说明如下:11.直度和光洁度11.1 加工过的卡套管应相当直, 并具有无毛刺的光滑末端。


表面缺陷 (注) 可通过磨削去除, 只要保持光滑的曲面, 且壁厚不得减少至小于本规格或产品规格所允许的范围。






在与硬度达到 200 HV 和 90 HRB 的卡套管一起使用时, 世伟洛克不锈钢卡套管接头已成功地通过重复测试。


除了所提到的之外, 可允许的压力额定值是从如 ASME B31.3 工艺管道中所规定的 S 值中计算得出的。



卡套管处理良好的处理可以极大地减少卡套管上的划痕, 保护由可靠的卡套管制造商所提供的优良表面光洁度。

■ 卡套管绝不能从管架上拖出或从粗糙的表面上拖过。

■ 割管器或钢锯应保持锋利。

在割管器的每次旋转或钢锯的每个行程中, 不要切得过深。

■ 卡套管末端应去除毛刺。


目录卡套管的选择 .................................... 1卡套管处理 ..................................... 1供气服务 ....................................... 2卡套管安装 ..................................... 2建议可允许工作压力表碳钢卡套管 ................................... 3不锈钢卡套管 ................................. 5铜质卡套管 ................................... 7铝质卡套管 ................................... 9合金 400 卡套管 .............................. 10合金 C-276 卡套管 ............................ 11合金 20 卡套管 ............................... 12合金 600 卡套管 .............................. 132 级钛质卡套管 ............................... 14合金 2507 超级双向卡套管 ...................... 15合金 825 卡套管 .............................. 16合金 625 卡套管 .............................. 17合金 6Mo 卡套管 .............................18高温系数 .. (20)卡套管的选择当与正确选择的世伟洛克® (Swagelok ®) 卡套管接头结合使用时, 正确选择, 处理和安装卡套管对获得可靠的管道系统至关重要。



DM0 5
Enter Series Code: (up to 4 Characters) Series included: DM05, DM10, DM12, DM15, DM19, DM20, DM30, DM42.
Enter characteristic code: ( 1 Character)
Temperature Range
Code O = -55 to +125 C
Vibration Grade
Standard Grade = 3 (see catalog for details)
S = Saha
Bulk Ammo Pack Tape & Reel
(Formerly Sold as RS Components 124-XXX series)
Designation M - 6
M - 12
Capacitance Range in pF Maximum Capacitance in the rated voltage 350 VDC
22 - 68 68
Quick Reference Guide
DM Series General Specifications by Case Size
MIL STYLE - Discontinued
0 to +70
± (0.05% + 0.1pF)

FETCO XTS-1000热水泵说明书

FETCO XTS-1000热水泵说明书

FETCO®, and Driven To Pioneer Innovation™ are trademarks or trade names of Food Equipment Technologies Company.© 2009 Food Equipment Technologies CompanyPart # P113 REV. 001 User’s GuideTable of ContentsContact Information ...................................................2 Specifications.............................................................2 Dimensions................................................................3 Installation (4)Operating Instructions.................................................6 Programming..............................................................7 Wiring Diagrams.........................................................8 Parts . (10)Hot Water Dispensers Hot Water DispensersMaritime Versions Maritime VersionsRated IP44Contact Information Contact InformationFETCO®Food Equipment Technologies Company 600 Rose RoadLake Zurich • IL • 60047-0429 • USA Internet: Service & Support:Hours: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Central, Monday - Friday Phone: (800) 338-2699 (US & Canada)(847) 719-3000Fax: (847) 719-3001Email:********************* SpecificationsSpecificationsMaritime Versions with IP44 Ingress Protection RatingWater RequirementsPressure: 20-75 psigMinimum Flow Rate: 1.5 gpm Water TemperatureFactory Setting: 96°C / 205°FRange: 82° - 98°C / 180° - 208°FWeights & CapacitiesModel Weight (empty) Water tank Capacity. Weight (full)HWB-5 44 lbs. 5 Gallons 85 lbs.HWB-10 66 lbs. 10 Gallons 149 lbs.Electrical Configuration and Heating EfficiencyHWB-5Electrical Heater Voltage Maximum Hourly Heating Capacity* (gallons) Config. Code Configuration (AC) Phase Wires KW Amp Draw Cold Water Hot WaterH05041MIP 1 X 3.0 KW 220 1 ph. 2 + ground 2.5 11.6 6.2 14.4240 1 ph. 2 + ground 3.0 12.6 7.4 17.2HWB-10Electrical Heater Voltage Maximum Hourly Heating Capacity* (gallons) Config. Code Configuration (AC) Phase Wires KW Amp Draw Cold Water Hot WaterH10031MIP 2 X 3.0 KW 220 3 ph. 3 + ground 5.0 11.6 12.5 28.8240 3 ph. 3 + ground 6.0 12.6 14.9 34.3*Heating capacity is based on factory setting - 96°C / 205°F23Dimensions DimensionsHWB-5HWB-104Installation Installation(For Qualified Service Technicians Only)Keys To A Successful InstallationElectrical:• The power switch has a built-in circuit breaker. To reset it, turn to the “OFF” position, and then back to the“ON” position.• The wiring diagram for the dispenser is located on the inside of the cover.Plumbing:• The water line must be flushed thoroughly prior to connecting it to the dispenser to prevent debris fromcontaminating the machine. An in-line water filter is strongly recommended.• Verify that the water line will provide at least 1.5 gallons per minute before connecting it to the dispenser. • The end of the vent tube must be open to the air, not connected to anything or submerged in liquid.General:• The installation must comply with applicable federal, state, and local codes having jurisdiction at yourlocation.• Utilize only qualified beverage equipment service technicians for installation. A Service Company Directorymay be found on our web site, .• Do not adjust the thermostat settings unless absolutely necessary. They are set at the factory for optimumperformance.Installation InstrucionsSetup1. Before placing the unit, verify that it will fit in the space intended for it, and that the counter or table will support its’ weight.2. Place the unit on its back and screw in the legs.3. Place the unit on the counter or stand.4. When the unit is in position, level it front to back as well as side-to-side byadjusting the legs.5. Mark the surface of the counter with the location of the mounting holes in the legs.6. Drill ¼” diameter holes in the counter and secure the legs to the counter with bolts and nuts (not included).Water Connection1. The water inlet is a 3/8” male flare fitting.2. The dispenser can be connected to cold or hot water. Cold water is preferred for best flavor, but hot water will allow for faster recovery times. Use of an in-line water filter is strongly recommended.3. Install a shut off valve near the unit to facilitate service. If an in-line water filter is used, it should be installed after the water shut off valve and in a position to facilitate filter replacement.4. Flush the water supply line and filter before connecting it to the unit.5. Verify that the water line provides at least 1.5 GPM, and that the water pressure is between 20 and 75 psig.Vent Tube Connection1. Condensation and steam from the water tank is discharged from the 3/8-inch hose barb fitting on the back of the unit.2. Attach a hose (not provided) to the fitting and run it to a drain, sink or a container. The end of the vent tube must be open to the air, not connected to anything or submerged in liquid.Electrical Connection1. Verify that the actual voltage at the electrical service connection is compatible with the specifications on the unit’s serial number label.2. The temperature and water tank fill level are pre-set at the factory. There is no need to turn off the heaters during the installation process. The control board disables the heaters until the tank is full of water. The heating process will start automatically when the tank has filled.Warning: Legs are to beadjusted only forleveling the unit. Do not extend them higher thannecessary.3. A terminal block is provided for connecting the incoming power wires. Consult local codes to determine if a cordand plug can be installed, or if the unit must be hard wired.4. A fused disconnect switch or circuit breaker on the incoming power line must be conveniently located near theunit, and its location and markings known to the operators.5. The body of the unit must be grounded to a suitable building ground. A groundlug is provided next to the power terminal block. Use only 10 gauge copperwire for grounding.6. Electrical connections must be secured in-place within the unit to meetnational and local standards.7. Connect the incoming power wires to the terminal block in accordance withapplicable codes.HWB HWB--WIREWIREHWBHWB--WIRE220220--240V240VFinal Setup1. Turn on the incoming water supply line and inspect both inside and outside of the unit for leaks in all fittings andtubes.2. Turn on the incoming power line and the power switch3. Within 6 seconds, the water tank will begin filling until the probe at the top of the tank senses the water. The fillvalve will pulse off and on while the tank is filling. The heaters will be disabled until the water probe at the top of the tank senses water.4. Review the programming instructions and make any necessary adjustments.5. Re-attach the cover after one final inspection for leaks.Operator TrainingReview the operating procedures with everyone who will be using the unit. Pay particular attention to the following areas:1. Demonstrate the hot water faucet.2. Demonstrate the shut off valve behind the faucet, and review the safetywarning at right.3. Show the location and operation of the water shut off valve and the circuitbreaker for the unit. Warning: Do not disassemble thefaucet without first closingthe shut-off valve behindthe faucet.Extremely hot water.May cause serious burns.Warning: To preventelectrical shock,this unit must beproperly grounded.5Operating InstructionsOperating InstructionsTurn the power switch to the ON position. The power switch will illuminate to indicate that the dispenser has power and is operating.When the ready light illuminates, the dispenser is fully up to temperature and ready to dispense hot water through the faucet. The amount of time required to gain full operating temperature will vary depending on the electrical configuration, and the temperature of the incoming water.Safety Precautions:•Do not hang containers or any other object from the faucet or faucet guard.•Do not disassemble the faucet without closing the shut-off valve located behind the faucet.Operating PrinciplesWhen hot water is drawn from the faucet, the fill valve pulses on and off every few seconds to slowly refill the tank. (See %FV setting in the Programming section.)By controlling the flow of incoming water, the amount of cold water entering the tank is synchronized with the rate at which the water can be heated. This ensures an uninterrupted supply of hot water. When dispensing water at a rate that exceeds the unit’s capacity to heat, the flow of water out of the faucet will be diminished to maintain the proper temperature.MaintenanceQuarterly:•Inspect all fittings and hoses for leaks.•Inspect inside of tank for lime deposits. De-lime tank and probes if necessary. This procedure should be done by a qualified service technician.6ProgrammingProgrammingThe display shows the current water tank temperature in ° Celsius whenin normal operating mode.Temperature may be set in either Celsius or Fahrenheit.Service note: Whenever the digital temperature probe is replaced, it will be necessary to reprogram all settings on the control board.Remove the top cover of the unit.The control board is located on the left side near the front.Turn the power switch ON.Press and hold the SET button for 3 seconds.Temperature setting in °C will be displayed and °C indicator lamp will be lit.To adjust, press and release SET quickly to advance one degree at a time.Range: 82-98 °CPress and hold SET for 3 seconds.Temperature setting in °F will be displayed and °F indicator lamp will be lit.To adjust, press and release SET quickly to advance one degree at a time.Range 180-208 °FOnly the last 2 digits of the temperature will be displayed.Example: 185°°F is displayed asPress and hold SET for 3 seconds. The fill valve % will be displayed and the %FV indicator lamp will be lit.To adjust, press and release SET quickly to advance one percent at a time.Refer to the chart below for the proper setting for your model and voltage.Range: 15% – 100%.The unit will automatically return to normal operating mode after 30 seconds without programming activity.Select the model and actual voltage to determine the correct %FV settingfor step 5.Heater Actual %FV Model Configuration Voltage Phase SettingHWB-5 1 X 3000 watt 220 1 ph. 15240 1 ph. 17 HWB-10 2 X 3000 watt 220 3 ph. 28240 3 ph. 33TEMPERATURE CONVERSION°C °F82 18083 18183 18284 18384 18485 18585 18686 18787 18887 18988 19088 19189 19289 19390 19490 19591 19692 19792 19893 19993 20094 20194 20295 20395 204 9620597 20697 20798 208 factory setting 96°C / 205°F78Wiring Diagrams Wiring DiagramsHWB-59HWB-1010Parts PartsFigure 1 – HWB-5 – Main AssemblyITEM # QTY PART # DESCRIPTION1 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE2 2 03496 COVER, DRAIN OPENING, HWB'S, 304SS3 1 104042 ASSEMBLY, TANK HWB-2005 (SEE FIG. 2)4 1 13083 SHANK REAR HWB-2000'S5 1 84007 NUT, 3/4-16 HEX JAM6 1 34007 VALVE, BALL, 1/2" HWB-20007 1 13082 SHANK FRONT HWB-2000'S8 1 71036 C - RING9 1 31045 NUT, UNION 1-1/8 HEX10 1 71078 FAUCET, HWB-200010 1 71035 FAUCET SEAT CUP, ES10 1 71079 FAUCET UPPER ASSEMLBY, RED HANDLE, HWB11 1 24012 GASKET, S-53 FILL VALVE12 1 31078 FITTING, S-53 FILL VALVE INLET13 1 03074 BRACKET, S-5314 4 82020 SCREW, S-53 FILL VALVE15 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE16 1 31117 LOCKNUT 1/4"-18 NPT17 1 25107 TUBE, 5/8"OD X 3/8"ID X 4.5"LG,COLD WATER, HWB-200518 2 86007 CLAMP, HOSE, .593"-.656" DIA RANGE19 1 25108 TUBE, 1/2"OD X 1/4"ID X 7.0"LG VENT. HWB-200520 1 102213 ASSEMBLY, DIGITAL TEMP. PROBE, 12.0"LG/34"LG WIRE21 1 102222 ASSEMBLY, WATER LEVEL PROBE, HWB-200022 1 45085 OVERLAY, HWB-200523 1 58006 LAMP, BREW 120VAC24 1 52076 BREAKER,CIRCUIT 120VAC ROCKER SWITCH 6 AMP25 8 83076 WASHER,#8 SCREW SIZE, CUSHION AND SEALING26 2 29020 SPACER, HOT WATER VALVE27 1 102221 ASSEMBLY, HEAT SINK HWB-200528 1 108013 ASSY. BOARD, CONT.& SOFT, HWB-2000, 230VAC29 4 15007 STANDOFF, MALE-FEMALE, THREADED HEX 4-40-1/2"30 1 65002 CONNECTOR, COPPER LUG31 1 22077 INSULATION, TANK FRONT, HWB-200532 1 22078 INSULATION, TANK BACK, HWB-200533 2 22079 INSULATION, TANK, SIDE, HWB-2005/201034 1 22092 INSULATION, TANK TOP, HWB-200535 1 44004 LABEL GROUND36 1 402141 HARNESS, LOW AMP, HWB-200537 1 22076 INSULATION, TANK BOTTOM, HWB-200538 1 402142 HARNESS, HIGH AMP, HWB-5, IP44, HALOGEN FREE39 1 102223 ASSEMBLY, WATER LEVEL PROBE, HWB-2000, CBS-70'S40 1 401370 WIR.DIAG., HWB-5, L1, L2+GRND,240VAC, 1 HTR41 1 58086 BOOT, PROTECTIVE, NEON LAMP, IP4442 1 52093 BOOT, PROTECTIVE, POWER SWITCH, IP4443 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE44 4 73021 LEG, INSERT, ADJ. FOOT S/S FLANGED W/ HOLES45 1 002461 WELDMENT, COVER, HWB-5, 304 S.S.46 1 402145 GROUND WIRE, HALOGEN FREE47 1 52050 TERMINAL BLOCK48 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE49 1 57059 FILL VALVE, S53, .75GPM, 240V EXPORT1112Figure 2 – HWB-5 – Tank Assembly, Part # 104042ITEM # QTY PART # DESCRIPTION 1 1004027 WELDMENT, TANK HWB-2005 2 153071 THERMOSTAT, SINGLE SHOT, 25A 3 N/AN/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE 4 N/AN/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE 5 531117 LOCKNUT 1/4"-18 NPT 6 1107004 ASSEMBLY, HEATER, IMMERSION, 3000W/240VAC 7 124002 O-RING, TANK COVER 8 1102013 ASSEMBLY, TANK COVER 9 1102224 ASSEMBLY, TANK DRAIN, HWB-2000 101 32067 TUBE, 3/8"OD X 13.0LG COLD WATER INLET HWB-200013Figure 3 – HWB-10 – Main AssemblyITEM # QTY PART # DESCRIPTION1 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE2 1 104044 ASSEMBLY, TANK HWB-2010 (SEE FIG. 4)3 1 22107 INSULATION, TANK BOTTOM, HWB-20104 1 102223 ASSEMBLY, WATER LEVEL PROBE, HWB-2000, CBS-70'S5 1 102213 ASSEMBLY, DIGITAL TEMP. PROBE, 12.0"LG/34"LG WIRE6 1 102222 ASSEMBLY, WATER LEVEL PROBE, HWB-20007 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE8 2 03496 COVER, DRAIN OPENING, HWB'S, 304SS9 8 83076 WASHER,#8 SCREW SIZE, CUSHION AND SEALING11 1 84007 NUT,3/4-16 HEX JAM12 1 13083 SHANK REAR HWB-2000'S13 1 34007 VALVE, BALL, 1/2" HWB-200014 1 13082 SHANK FRONT HWB-2000'S15 1 71036 C - RING16 1 31045 NUT, UNION 1-1/8 HEX17 1 71078 FAUCET, HWB-200017 1 71035 FAUCET SEAT CUP, ES17 1 71079 FAUCET UPPER ASSEMBLY, RED HANDLE, HWB18 4 29020 SPACER, HOT WATER VALVE19 2 102221 ASSEMBLY, HEAT SINK HWB-200522 1 108013 ASSY. BOARD, CONT.& SOFT, HWB-2000, 230VAC24 4 15007 STANDOFF, MALE-FEMALE, THREADED HEX 4-40-1/2"25 1 52050 TERMINAL BLOCK26 1 65002 CONNECTOR, COPPER LUG27 1 44004 LABEL GROUND28 1 57059 FILL VALVE, S53, .75GPM, 240V EXPORT29 1 24012 GASKET, S-53 FILL VALVE30 1 31078 FITTING, S-53 FILL VALVE INLET31 1 03074 BRACKET, S-5332 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE34 1 31117 LOCKNUT 1/4"-18 NPT36 1 25107 TUBE, 5/8"OD X 3/8"ID X 4.5"LG,COLD WATER, HWB-200537 1 25108 TUBE, 1/2"OD X 1/4"ID X 7.0"LG VENT. HWB-200538 2 86007 CLAMP, HOSE, .593"-.656" DIA RANGE39 1 45086 OVERLAY, HWB-201040 1 52076 BREAKER,CIRCUIT 120VAC ROCKER SWITCH 6 AMP41 1 52093 BOOT, PROTECTIVE, POWER SWITCH, IP4442 1 58086 BOOT, PROTECTIVE, NEON LAMP, IP4443 1 58006 LAMP, BREW 120VAC44 1 24061 GRIP, FLAT, RED 0.25 X 2 X 1.12545 1 402144 HARNESS, HIGH AMP, HWB-10, IP44, HALOGEN FREE46 1 402143 HARNESS, LOW AMP, HWB-10, IP44, HALOGEN FREE47 1 002465 WELDMENT, COVER, HWB-10, 304 S.S., IP-4448 4 82020 SCREW, S-53 FILL VALVE49 1 22108 INSULATION, FRONT, TANK, HWB-201050 2 22079 INSULATION, TANK, SIDE, HWB-2005/201051 N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE54 1 22109 INSULATION, TANK BACK, HWB-201055 1 22093 INSULATION, TANK, TOP, HWB-201057 1 402145 GROUND WIRE, HALOGEN FREE58 4 73021 LEG, INSERT59 1 401368 WIRING, DIAGRAM HWB-20101415Figure 4 – HWB-10 – Tank Assembly, Part # 104044ITEM # QTY PART # DESCRIPTION 11 004028 WELDMENT, TANK HWB-2010 21 53071 THERMOSTAT, SINGLE SHOT, 25A 3N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE 4N/A N/A NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE 55 31117 LOCKNUT 1/4"-18 NPT 62 107004 ASSEMBLY, HEATER, IMMERSION, 3000W/240VAC 71 24002 O-RING, TANK COVER 81 102013 ASSEMBLY, TANK COVER 91 102224 ASSEMBLY, TANK DRAIN, HWB-2000 10 1 32067 TUBE, 3/8"OD X 13.0LG COLD WATER INLET HWB-2000。



0 °C to 82 °C [32 °F to 180 °F]
Operating temperature range
-40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F]
Storage temperature range
-40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F]
Pressure Sensors Low-Cost, Stainless Steel, Isolated Sensors
19 mm Series
FEATURES • Low cost • Rugged, isolated stainless
steel package • Small size • Reliable semiconductor
Characteristic Zero pressure offset Full-scale span (2) Full-scale span (3 psi and 5 psi “K” units only) (2) Pressure non-linearity (3) Pressure hysteresis (3) Repeatability Temp. effect on span (4) Temp. effect on offset (4) Temp. effect on span (0 psi to 3 psi and 0 psi to 5 psi only) (4) Temp. effect on offset (0 psi to 3 psi and 0 psi to 5 psi only) (4)

汤姆森汤姆森2023年1月Danfoss Char-Lynn 水力马达零件手册说明书

汤姆森汤姆森2023年1月Danfoss Char-Lynn  水力马达零件手册说明书

DanfossChar-Lynn®January2023 Hydraulic MotorsGeneral Purpose S Series Motors008009010 AX439468016023en-0001012Char-LynnGeneralPurposeMotorsS Series MotorsRef.No.13Ref.No.16Ref.No.19(6pt.Drive)Drive Geroler ®Screw,Cap Ref.No.18Width mm [in.]Washer Seal(L)mm [in.]59[3.6]22250-0008632-02310,2[.40]14488-000**16294-15038,1[1.50]38,1[1.50]74[4.5]22250-0008632-02410,2[.40]14488-000**16294-15041,1[1.62]97[5.9]616-0008632-00313,2[.52]14488-000**16294-162120[7.3]22251-0008632-00916,5[.65]N/A 16294-17544,4[1.75]47,8[1.88]146[8.9]22252-0008632-02020,1[.79]N/A 16294-188159[9.7]8664-0008632-00421,8[.86]N/A 16294-20050,8[2.00]53,8[2.12]185[11.3]22189-0008632-00525,4[1.00]N/A N/A 16294-212231[14.1]22190-0008632-02531,7[1.25]N/A N/A 16294-23860,5[2.38]69,8[2.75]293[17.9]22253-0008632-02640,4[1.59]N/A N/A 16294-275370[22.6]22191-0008632-02750,8[2.00]N/A16294-31279,2[3.12]Length mm [in.]80,0[3.15]80,0[3.15]81,8[3.22]86,2[3.40]89,9[3.54]91,7[3.61]95,8[3.77]102,1[4.02]110,5[4.35]121,2[4.77]Ref.No.13Ref.No.16Ref.No.19(6pt.Drive)Drive Geroler ®Screw,Cap 3/r [in 3/r]Ref.No.18Width mm [in.]Washer Seal(L)mm [in.]69[4.2]602-0008632-0029,7[.38]14488-000**16294-15038,1[1.50]95[5.8]616-0008632-00313,2[.52]14488-000**16294-16241,1[1.62]160[9.7]8664-0008632-00421,8[.86]N/A 16294-20050,8[2.00]184[11.7]8664-0008632-00525,4[1.00]N/A 16294-21253,8[2.12]229[14.0]8664-0008632-00631,7[1.25]N/A 16294-23860,5[2.38]277[16.9]8634-0008632-00738,1[1.50]N/A 16294-26266,5[2.62]369[22.5]8634-0008632-00850,8[2.00]6901-004N/A 16294-31279,2[3.12]Length mm [in.]76,2[3.00]81,8[3.22]91,7[3.61]91,7[3.61]91,7[3.61]107,4[4.23]107,4[4.23]Ref.No.YYSpacer Width mm [in.]N/A N/A 6901-0026901-009N/A N/A 3,6[.14]7,9[.31]14,0[.55]Ref.No.YY Spacer N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ 3/r [in 3/r]-010Design Code-008/-009Design Code3116292-088Screw,Cap (6Point (E10)Drive 5/16-24x 7/8)4Ref.No.Design Code/Part Number DescriptionQuantity 4N/A Washer,Backup 159057-001Seal,Pressure 169091-001Seal179086-001Seal 3158636-000Plate,Spacer 1161721774-001Cap,End (No Port)17462-000Race,Thrust Bearing 17537-000Bearing,Thrust Needle17360-001Shaft,Output (1in.Dia.Straight with Woodruff Key Slot)189Housing,Manifold Ports (5/16-18UNC)1114*GerolerShaft,Output (SAE 6B Splined)1Shaft,Output (1in.Dia.Straight with .315Dia.Crosshole)Shaft,Output (1in.Dia.Straight with .406Dia.Crosshole)11Shaft,Output (7/8in.Dia.SAE B 13T Splined)Shaft,Output (1in.Dia.Tapered )111Shaft,Output (7/8in.Dia.Straight SAE B Straight )7360-0027360-0077360-0088631-001Housing,7/8-14O-ring Ports 1Housing,1/2NPTF Ports113*Drive 17360-0167360-0177360-0188631-0028631-0037463-000Flange Mounting (2Bolt)12Flange Mounting (4Bolt)3/8-16UNC 1Flange Mounting (2Bolt SAE B)Flange Mounting (4Bolt Magneto)117464-0008281-0008717-000Flange Mounting (4Bolt)M10x 1,5121501-0007360-024Shaft,Output (25mm Dia.Straight)1Housing,Manifold Ports (M8x 1.5)18631-00721774-002Cap,End (with Drain Port 7/16-20O-ring)139121-002Seal,Exclusion 1X X X X X 21774-003Cap,End (with Drain Port G 1/4(BSP))19072-003Plug/O-ring (7/16-20Drain Port)19170-002Plug/Packing ring (G 1/4(BSP)Drain Port)1250003-904O-ring for 7/16-20Drain Port Plug 1X 2016292-08822002-0009057-0149091-0019086-0018636-00021774-0017462-0007537-0007360-001*7360-0027360-0077360-0088631-001*7360-0167360-0177360-0188631-0028631-00322000-00122000-00222000-00422000-00522000-0067360-0248631-00721774-0029121-00221774-0039072-0039170-002250003-90416292-08822002-0009057-0149091-0019086-0018636-00021774-0017462-0007537-0007360-001*7360-0027360-0077360-0088631-001*7360-0167360-0177360-0188631-0028631-00322000-00122000-00222000-00422000-00522000-0067360-0248631-00721774-0029121-00221774-0039072-0039170-002250003-9047Screw,Cap (6Point (E10)Drive 5/16-24)19***YYSpacer1***-010-009-00818Seal,Washer7***128985-000†Plug 1N/AN/A1115007-000†O-ring 1N/A N/A Continued on Back Page14193-000Key,Woodruff (1in.Dia.Straight Shaft)1Key,Straight (for 7/8in.Dia.Shaft)Nut (for Tapered Shaft)Key,Woodruff (for Tapered Shaft)11114193-00014391-00414381-00014462-006Key,Straight (for 25mm Dia.Shaft)114193-00014193-00014391-00414381-00014462-00614193-00014193-00014391-00414381-00014462-00610Housing,(G 1/2(BSP))18631-0068631-0068631-006X 3/r [in 3/r]Product Number 103-xxxx74[ 4.5]97[ 5.9]159[9.7]231[14.1]59[ 3.6]185[11.3]103-1537-1034-1035-1538-1539-1036-1037-1038103-1540-1026-1027-1541-1542-1028-1029-1030103-1543-1042-1043-1544-1545-1044-1045-1046103-1552-1082-1083-1553-1554-1084-1085-1086103-1555-1074-1075-1556-1557-1076-1077-1078103-1558-1090-1091-1559-1560-1092-1093-1094103-1570-1010-1011-1571-1572-1012-1013-1014103-1573-1002-1003-1574-1575-1004-1005-1006103-1576-1018-1019-1577-1578-1020-1021-1022103-1579-1058-1059-1580-1581-1060-1061-1062103-1582-1050-1051-1583-1584-1052-1053-1054103-1585-1066-1067-1586-1587-1068-1069-1070Ports 7/8-14O-ring1/2NPTFManifold *7/8-14O-ring 1/2NPTF Manifold *7/8-14O-ring 1/2NPTF Manifold *7/8-14O-ring 1/2NPTF Manifold **5/16-18Threaded Mounting HoleShaft 1in.Straight w/Woodruff Key1in.SAE 6B Splined 1in.Straight w/Woodruff Key1in.SAE 6B SplinedMounting2Bolt Flange4Bolt Flange293[17.9]-1039-1031-1047-1087-1079-1095-1015-1007-1023-1063-1055-1071370[22.6]-1040-1032-1048-1088-1080-1096-1016-1008-1024-1064-1056-1072120[7.3]146[8.9]ProductNumbers—SSeriesEachOrderMustIncludetheFollowing:HowtoOrderReplacementParts 1.Product Number 2.Date Code 3.Part Name4.Part Number5.Quantity of Parts*See Chart on Page 2**Usedwith 12Point Cap Screws Only (Replacement Screws are 6Point (E10)Drive,no Seal Washer Required).Base Block Mounting Kit (1/2NPTF Ports (Manifold Mount Motors Only))123-1007123-1007123-1007MountingKit Base Block Mounting Kit (7/8-14O-ring Ports (Manifold Mount Motors Only))123-1008123-1008123-1008Seal,O-ring (2)15058-00015058-00015058-000Screw,Cap (5/16-18Thread (4))267512-019267512-019267512-019Screw,Cap (M8x 1.5)Thread (4))14474-00314474-00314474-003Seal Kit (Buna N)—Contains Parts Indicated by X60533-000Seal Kit (Viton)—Contains Parts Indicated by X (Part No.s Differ from those Shown)60534-00060539-00060546-00060539-00060546-000N/A—Not ApplicableContinued from Page 3†—Does not apply to some -008motorsA BRef .No.Design Code/Part Number Description-010-009-008XLabel information:1.Country of origin 2.Brand name 3.Product number 4.Serial number 5.Date codeLabel identification:Danfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market as well as the marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile electrification.Go to for further product information.We offer you expert worldwide support for ensuring the best possible solutions foroutstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Products we offer:•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。

卡萨帝家用燃气快速热水器 JSQ25-13CV3BWU1说明书

卡萨帝家用燃气快速热水器 JSQ25-13CV3BWU1说明书






12关于本产品的安全注意事项................................3本产品的安装方法. (5)热水器安装示意图 ...................................5安装注意事项 .......................................6一、主机的安装 .....................................6二、燃气管的安装 ...................................6三、热水管的安装 ...................................7四、冷水管的安装 ...................................7五、回水管的安装 .. (7)六、排烟管的墙式安装7...............................七、排烟管的窗式安装 ...............................8本产品外观及部件介绍 (8)内部结构图 .........................................8整机尺寸图.........................................9 电气原理图 .........................................9本产品的主要功能介绍 (10)控制屏 ..............................................101. 启动/停止热水器 ..............................112. 温度设定 ......................................113. 热水即开即用功能 ..............................124. 本产品的日常保养与维护 (13)热水器的清洁 ......................................13有疑问?先看这儿!.....................................14(若对热水器有疑问,请先按本章内容检查处理。



E(大型) • 型号: RSB-903H/W
• 尺寸(mm) : 900(W)x750(D)x850(H) /72㎏
• 燃气连接 :1/2”(15A)
• 燃气消费量 : △ LPG : 0.8 Kg/h △ LNG : 9,500 Kcal/h
• 燃气连接:¢9.5(HOSE END) • 内部空间 : 500 * 400(mm) • 燃起消费量 : △ LPG : 1.0 Kg/h △ LNG : 12,300Kcal/h
• 压电式自动点火
• 紫外线BURNER(陶瓷) • 点火手柄在正面使用更加方便 • 可调烤网,支撑台的高度(约 300mm) • 采用了耐久性性良好的不锈钢材料 • 可调火力(强,弱)
• 燃气连接 ::¢9.5(HOSE END)
• 燃气消费量 : △ LPG : 1.0 Kg/h △ LNG : 12,500Kcal/h
• 压电式自动点火
• 点火手柄在正面使用更加方便 • 采用了耐久性性良好的不锈钢材料 • 可调火力(强,弱) • 紫外线BURNER(陶瓷) • 可调烤网,支撑台的高度(约105mm上下移动)
• 压电式自动点火
• 点火手柄在正面使用更加方便 • 采用了耐久性性良好的不锈钢材料 • 可调火力(强,弱) • 紫外线BURNER(陶瓷) • 可调烤网,支撑台的高度(约105mm上下移动)
R&D本部 開發3室
•产品名 : 燃器烤炉(下火式) • 型号 : RG-640F
• 尺寸(mm) : 770(W)x630(D)x275(H) /21㎏
•使用电压: AC 220V 50Hz , AC 220V 60Hz (單相) • 燃气连接 :¢9.5(HOSE END) • 额定耗电量: 16W • 燃气消费量 : △ LPG : 1.08 Kg/h △ LNG : 13,000 Kcal/h

Panasonic PUMP 7019 用户手册说明书

Panasonic PUMP 7019 用户手册说明书

Operating temperature
Approx. 850 ~ 1245mm (33.5”~ 49”) Approx. 2m (6.6ft)
Operating voltage Fuse
Diesel, DEF(AdBlue), Water, Kerosene, Antifreeze, Windshield washer uid, Mild detergents, Agricultural chemicals, Light oils.
ǫ3, RED
10-3 FUSE
Discharge hose
Speci cations (MODEL: 7019)
Delivery volume Suction pipe length Discharge hose length
Applicable liquids
Approx. 28liters (7 Gallons) at Water
DC19.2V Ni-Cade
※ Read all instructions and precautions before use.

电脑主控板 CNE 汇通公司依马祥欣壁挂炉主要部件介绍

电脑主控板 CNE 汇通公司依马祥欣壁挂炉主要部件介绍
规范,精密的工艺制造,庞大的产品系列,是全世界高档冷暖设备必选的配件供 应商。 IMIT(意大利)专为汇通公司依马祥欣生产的流量开关,经过近三年的运行,质量可 靠,反应灵敏,计量准确,不愧为值得信赖的产品。
电脑主控板 CNE
3、 防冻功能: a.在关机状态下壁挂炉启动强制防冻功能:如果用户忘记开机,当水温达到 8℃ 时,壁挂炉强行启动,这种功能避免了用户由于疏忽而造成壁挂炉冻坏,暖气 片及管路冻裂的事故。 b.正常防冻:壁挂炉功能钮置于热水档时,具有防冻功能,即当暖气水温或卫 生热水水温降至 5℃时,壁挂炉自动启动,将水温加热至 30℃后停止加热,而 水泵继续运行。 防冻功能是在户内无人或不需供暖,但又必须保证室内各种设备不被冻坏的情况
通公司依马祥欣壁挂炉在-9℃时,正常防冻每天耗气 0.5M3 左右。(上述数据取自三
4、 报警鸣叫功能:这是一个独特的功能。当出现故障后,锅炉除了灯光显示外,同
汇通公司依马祥欣壁挂炉采用世界著名的德国 EBM 风扇
有着密切的关系,只有当风扇功率与燃烧器功率 热交换器的功率达到最佳匹配时,才能让燃烧系 统得到最高的燃烧效率,换热系统得到最大的换 热效率。由欧洲最大的风扇专业制造商德国 EBM 工厂生产的风扇,采用过热预压技术和优质钢材 制造的 H 绝缘等级的风扇,采用滚筒式设计,减 少磨擦噪音,风压恒定,具有耐高温、长寿命、 低噪音的功效。风扇、热交换器、燃烧器最佳配 合是壁挂炉热效率、环保、安全的保证。
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1 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Section Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867Quick Reference GuideSAHA DESIGNATIONDM 05DM 10DM 12DM 15MIL STYLE - Discontinued-CM 04-CM 05CAPACITANCE RANGE pF1 to 390 1 to 390 1 to 25001 to 1200MAXIMUM50 V DC 390820-2500CAPACITANCE 100 V DC 20039025002000IN pF IN THE 300 V DC 1203608202000RATED 500 V DC -250430750VOLTAGE 1000 V DC*----INDICATED MAXIMUM L 0.2700.3900.4130.490NOMINALW 0.2500.3800.4330.420DIMENSIONS IN T 0.1900.2200.2200.240INCHES B 0.1200.1410.2000.234MAXIMUM L 6.869.9110.4912.45NOMINALW 6.359.6511.0010.67DIMENSIONS IN T 4.83 5.59 5.59 6.10mmB3.053.585.085.94SAHA DESIGNATIONDM 19DM 20DM 30DM 42MIL STYLE - DiscontinuedCM 06-CM 07-CAPACITANCE RANGE pF1 to 8200680 to 12,0005100 to 20,00016000 to 82000MAXIMUM50 V DC ----CAPACITANCE 100 V DC 820012000-82000IN pF IN THE 300 V DC 6800120002000068000RATED 500 V DC 5100100002000051000VOLTAGE 1000 V DC*4700-1200030000INDICATED MAXIMUM L 0.7100.8200.830 1.470NOMINALW 0.5900.6300.9200.920DIMENSIONS IN T 0.3700.4500.4500.450INCHES B 0.3440.4380.438 1.063MAXIMUM L 18.0320.8321.0837.34NOMINALW 14.9916.0023.3723.37DIMENSIONS IN T 9.4011.4311.4311.43mmB8.7411.1311.1327.00DM Series General Specifications by Case SizeM SeriesGeneral Specifications(Formerly Sold asRS Components 124-XXX series)MMR & MMA Series General SpecificationsSAHA Designation M - 6M - 12Capacitance Range in pF 22 - 6882 - 220MaximumCapacitance in 68220the rated voltage 350 VDCSAHA Designation M - 37M - 50Capacitance Range in pF 270 - 560680 - 10000MaximumCapacitance in 56010000the rated voltage 350 VDCSAHA Designation MMR B - 1MMR B - 2MMR L - 1MMR E - 1MMR E - 2Capacitance Range (pF) 4 - 1,500750 - 2,500 4 - 1,500 4 - 6,0004,001 - 10,000Maximum 100 V DC 1,5001,5001,5006,00010,000Capacitance in 350 V DC 7501,5007504,0007,500the rated voltage 750 V DC -----SAHA Designation MMR A - 1MMR A - 2MMR A - 3MMR A - 4MMR S - 1Capacitance Range (pF) 4 - 7,500 4 - 15,0002,001 - 27,0003,501 - 40,000 4 - 60,000Maximum 100 V DC 7,50015,00027,00040,00060,000Capacitance in 350 V DC 5,00010,00015,00020,00050,000the rated voltage 750 V DC 1,0002,0003,5005,000-SAHA Designation MMA 10MMA 15MMA 20MMA 30Capacitance Range (pF)10 - 5,10010 - 1,00010 - 2,700560 - 43,000Maximum 300 V DC 5,100--43,000Capacitance in 500 V DC 3801,0002,70030,000the rated voltage----MMR Series (Equivalent to: ASHCROFT (GB) and JAHRE (D) Molded Radial)MMA Series (Equivalent to: ASHCROFT (GB) and JAHRE (D) Molded Axial)* Available as special part.CAPACITORS330 - 430Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Section 2150 ±5%500V SAHATYPE 1MICA CAPACITOR - PART NUMBERING SYSTEMSample Part Number: DM05FA151J-CA Description: DM05 Series, 150pF, 100 Volt, 5% in Ammo Pack, Inside Crimped.(See Special Specifications Sheet)Rev D - 2/993 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Section Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SAHA MICA CAPACITORSThe SAHA Mica capacitors meet the required commercial specifications and the EIA requirements. The CMO series capacitors also meet the military specifications MIL-C-5. The actual specifications and dimensions of the capacitors are mentioned under each series in the catalog.CAPACITANCEThe capacitance of mica capacitors is measured at 1 M Hz ±10% for capacitance values up to 1000 pF and at 1 K Hz ±10% for capacitance values above 1000 pF. The capacitance value when measured at 25 °C shall be with in the tolerance specified.DISSIPATION FACTORThe dissipation factor for mica capacitors are measured at 1MHz for values up to 1000 pF and at 1 KHz for values above 1000 pF. The values shall remain within the specified values.The variation pattern of dissipation factor for different values of capacitance are also shown in the Figure 3.INSULATION RESISTANCEThe insulation resistance is measured at 50 ±5 V for capacitors with rated voltage of 50 V DC and at 100 ±10 V for capacitors with higher voltage rating. The insulation resistance thus measured at 25 °C shall meet the specified limits. The variation of insulation resistance for different capacitance values at 25 °C is shown in Figure 1. After certain tests listed below the insulation resistance value changes and these values are plotted in Figure 2. Figure 4indicates the variation pattern of insulation resistance with capacitance value at different temperature conditions.WITHSTANDING VOLTAGEThe mica capacitors are designed to withstand higher voltage than the rated voltage for limited time. These capacitors shall withstand 200% of the rated voltage for 1 to 5 seconds when applied with a limiting surge current value of 50 mA.VIBRATION GRADEThe capacitors shall be subjected to a harmonic motion having an amplitude of 1.5 mm and the frequency which is varied between the limits of 10 and 55 Hz. The entire frequency range from 10 to 55 Hz and then back to 10 Hz shall be traversed in approximately 1 minute and the motion shall be applied for a period of 1hour in each of the three mutually perpendicular directions. After testing, when the electrical measurements are performed:1.The insulation resistance shall be more than 30000 M Ohms for capacitance value up to 10000 pF. Please refer to Figure 2 for acceptable variation pattern for Insulation Resistance for values above 10000 pF.2.The dissipation factor shall be within the original specified limits. Please also refer to Figure 3 for variation pattern of dissipation factor with respect to capacitance value.3.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±1% or ±1 pF whichever is greater.SOLDERING HEAT RESISTANCEBoth leads of the capacitors shall be immersed in molten solder at a temperature of 270°C for 3 to 4 seconds. After the test the capacitors shall meet the initial requirements of the Withstanding voltage and the Capacitance change shall not exceed ±0.55 or ±1 pF.MOISTURE RESISTANCECapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40 ±2 °C at 90 to 95 % relative humidity for 240 ±8 Hours. After the test:1.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance values as furnished in Figure2.2.The dissipation factor shall be within 1.5 times the original specified limits. Please also refer to Figure 3 for variation pattern of dissipation factor with respect to capacitance value for original limits.3. The capacitance change shall not exceed ±3% or ±1 pF whichever is greater.MOISTURE RESISTANCE LOADINGCapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40±2 °C at 90 to 95% relative humidity with rated voltage for 500 Hours. After the test the samples are maintained at normal temperature and relative humidity for a period of 4 to 24 hours. When tested after this;1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 24.The dissipation factor shall be within 2 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±5% or ±1 pFPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFIGURE 1FIGURE 2FIGURE 3FIGURE 5FIGURE 4Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Section 4FIGURE 6FIGURE 7FIGURE 8MOISTURE RESISTANCE LOADINGCapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40±2 °C at 90 to 95% relative humidity with rated voltage for 500 Hours. After the test the samples are maintained at normal temperature and relative humidity for a period of 4 to 24 hours. When tested after this;1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 24.The dissipation factor shall be within 2 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±5% or ±1 pFLIFE TESTThe capacitor samples shall be subjected to a temperature of 125 °C with 150% of rated voltage for 2000 hours. After the test :1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the original requirements of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 1.4.The dissipation factor shall be within 1.5 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±3% or ±1 pF(whichever is greater) for characteristic "C" and ±2.5 ±1pF (whichever is greater) for characteristic D, E and F.)OTHER TYPICAL VARIATION PATTERNSSome typical variation patterns for selected values during heat resistance load life test and moisture proof load life tests as listed below are illustrated in Figures 8 through 10.1.Insulation resistance Vs. time for heat resistance load life test and moisture proof load life tests (Figure 8).2.Capacitance change in percentage Vs. time (Figure 9).3.Dissipation factor Vs. time (Figure 10).Other variation patterns and characteristic for selected values as listed below are furnished as Figures 11 through 141.Capacitance change Vs. frequency (Figure 11)2.Capacitance change Vs. time(Figure 12)3.Dissipation factor change Vs. frequency(Figure 13)4.Insulation resistance Vs. temperature (Figure 14)FIGURE 9FIGURE 10FIGURE 11FIGURE 12FIGURE 13FIGURE 145 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Section Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867DM SERIESINTRODUCTIONSAHA Mica capacitors have been designed to meet the exacting physical, electrical and environmental requirements of the MIL-C-5 and RS-153 specifications. Careful selection of raw materials, starting with the finest available grade of India Ruby Mica, and the constant monitoring of all equipment and processes,provides an overall uniform level of quality consistent with today's most sophisticated electronic equipment.Ideal for Tuning, Timing, Filtering and Coupling Circuits.FEATURES•Low loss and high stability•Available in very close tolerances •Suitable for precision applications •Wide range of operating temperatureGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSCAPACITANCE RANGE:1 pF to 82,000 pF VOLTAGE RATING:50 V DC to 500 V DC (Higher voltage capacitors can also be custommade) TEMPERATE RATING:- 40 to + 150 °C CASE SIZES:DM 05 to DM 42 INSULATION RESISTANCE:100,000 M Ohms minimum at 25°C for capacitance up to 10,000 pF. Please refer to characteristic curve for values above the range. DISSIPATION FACTOR <0.1% at 1 M Hz for values between 100 to 1,000 pF <0.2 at 1K Hz for values above 1,000 pF. Please refer to characteristic curve for values above the range.LIFE TEST DETAILS:Capacitors shall withstand 1.5 times the rated DC voltage at 125 °C for 2000 hours. After the test:1. Capacitance change shall not exceed 1% of the initial value or 1 pF, which ever is greater.2. Dissipation Factor shall be within 1.5 times the original limits.3.Insulation Resistance shall meet the initial specified requirements.4.There shall be no remarkable change in the appearance and the marking shall remain legible.DimensionCASE CODE DM05DM10DM12DM15DM19DM20DM30DM42 B 3.05 3.57 5.00 5.958.7311.1111.1126.99± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8C0.400.400.500.600.800.801.001.00DimensionCASE CODE DM05DM10DM12DM15DM19DM20DM30DM42 B 0.1200.1410.1970.2340.3440.4380.438 1.063± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031C0.0160.0160.0200.0250.0320.0320.040.04#26#26#24#22#20#20#18#18Case Capacitance Range in pF Equivalent Size Standard MIL MIL Series DM05 1 to 390-None DM10 1 to 820 1 to 390CM 04DM12 1 to 2,500-None DM15 1 to 2,500 1 to 390CM 05DM19100 to 8,200 430 to 4,700CM 06DM20680 to 12,000 -None DM305,100 to 20,000 5,100 to 20,000CM 07DM4216,000 to 82,000-NoneLEAD DIMENSIONS IN INCHESLEAD DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERSCASE SIZE Vs. CAPACITANCE RANGELL" = 1.25" min.Dimension "R" = 0.078" max. for DM 05 TO DM 15 and 0.125"max. for DM 19 to DM 42LL" = 30 mm min.Dimension "R" = 2.0 mm max. for DM 05 TO DM 15 and 3.2 mm max. for DM 19 to DM 42DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Section 6VOLTAGE100 V DC50 V DCW max.T maxLmax.W max.T max3. 6.864.83 3.053.05 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.865.08 3.053.566.86 5.08 3.053.56 6.86 5.08 3.05CAPACITANCE VOLTAGE VALUE in pF300 V DC 100 V DC50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 0.2700.1900.11015C 0.2700.1900.12018 - 20C0.2700.2000.12022 - 24C 0.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12027E 0.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12030 - 33E 0.2700.2000.1300.2700.2000.12036E 0.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.12039E 0.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12043E 0.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12047-51E 0.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12056E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12062E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.12068E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.12075 - 82E 0.2700.2300.1600.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.12091F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.130100 - 110F 0.2700.2400.1800.2700.2200.1500.2700.2000.130120F 0.2700.2500.1900.2700.2200.1600.2700.2000.130130F 0.2700.2300.1600.2700.2100.130150F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.140160F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.140170 - 180F 0.2700.2400.1800.2700.2100.140200F 0.2700.2500.1900.2700.2200.150220F 0.2700.2200.150240F 0.2700.2200.160270F 0.2700.2300.160300F 0.2700.2300.170330 - 360F 0.2700.2400.180390F0.2700.2500.190C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.05 ±0.8mmDM 05Mica CapacitorsDM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.120 ±0.031”DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.7 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Sections Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF300 V DC 100 V DC50 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 6.35 4.06 2.2915 - 20C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2922C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2924C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2927 - 36E 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2939E 6.35 4.57 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2943E 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.32 2.5447 - 51E 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5456 - 62E 6.35 4.57 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5468E 6.35 4.83 3.30 6.35 4.57 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5475 - 82E 6.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.5491F 6.35 4.83 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.79100F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.57 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79110F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.83 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79120F 6.355.334.326.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.32 2.79130F 6.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.32 2.79150F 6.35 4.83 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05160F 6.35 5.08 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05170 - 180F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.57 3.05200F 6.355.334.326.35 4.57 3.30220F 6.35 4.83 3.30240 - 270F 6.35 4.83 3.56300F 6.35 4.83 3.81330 - 360F 6.35 5.08 4.06390F6.35 5.33 4.32C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF300 V DC 100 V DC50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 0.2500.1600.09015 - 20C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09022C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.1000.2500.1600.09024C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09027 - 36E 0.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09039E 0.2500.1800.1100.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09043E 0.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.1000.2500.1700.10047 - 51E 0.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.10056 - 62E 0.2500.1800.1300.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.10068E 0.2500.1900.1300.2500.1800.1100.2500.1700.10075 - 82E 0.2500.1900.1400.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.10091F 0.2500.1900.1500.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.110100F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1800.1300.2500.1700.110110F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1900.1300.2500.1700.110120F 0.2500.2100.1700.2500.1900.1400.2500.1700.110130F 0.2500.1900.1400.2500.1700.110150F 0.2500.1900.1500.2500.1800.120160F 0.2500.2000.1500.2500.1800.120170 - 180F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1800.120200F 0.2500.2100.1700.2500.1800.130220F 0.2500.1900.130240 - 270F 0.2500.1900.140300F 0.2500.1900.150330 - 360F 0.2500.2000.160390F0.2500.2100.170C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sSCDM 05Mica CapacitorsSCDM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.05 ±0.8mmSCDM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.120 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Sections 8VOLTAGE100 V DCT maxLmax.W max.T max4.839.148.38 4.834.839.408.38 4.834.839.408.64 4.834.839.408.64 4.834.839.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 5.08CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.3600.3300.19020 - 24E 0.3600.3300.19027E 0.3700.3300.19030 - 36E 0.3700.3400.19039E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3600.3300.19043E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3700.3300.19047 - 68E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19075E 0.3700.3400.2000.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19082E 0.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19091 - 100F 0.3700.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.190110F 0.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.190120F 0.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.200130F 0.3800.3600.2000.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.200150F 0.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.200160F 0.3800.3600.2100.3800.3600.2000.3700.3500.200180F 0.3900.3700.2100.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.200200F 0.3900.3700.2200.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.200220F 0.3900.3700.2200.3900.3700.2100.3800.3600.210240 - 250F 0.3900.3800.2200.3900.3700.2200.3800.3600.210270F 0.3900.3800.2200.3800.3700.210300F 0.3900.3800.2200.3900.3700.210330F 0.4000.3900.2300.3900.3700.220360F 0.4000.3900.2300.3900.3800.220390 - 400F 0.3900.3800.220430 - 680F 0.4000.3900.230750 - 820*F0.4000.3900.230C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 10 / CM04Mica CapacitorsDM10CM04CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.57 ±0.8mmDM10CM04CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.141 ±0.031”* Available only in 50 V rating. Note: Values above 390 pF - available on special order only Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.9 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Sections Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867DM 12Mica CapacitorsDM12CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.0 ±0.8mmDM12CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.197 ±0.031SCDM 10Mica Capacitors* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.SCDM10CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.57 ±0.8mmSCDM10CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.141 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicateSUSCO Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Tel: 516-981-6690 Fax: 516-981-6867 SUSCO Engineers & Buyers Guide - Mica Section 10CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF 500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 11.439.14 4.3220 - 68E 11.439.14 4.3275 - 82E 11.439.14 4.5791 - 100F 11.689.14 4.57110 - 130F 11.689.40 4.57150 - 180F 11.689.40 4.83200F 11.689.65 4.83220 - 240F 11.689.65 5.08270 - 390F 11.949.91 5.33430F 11.949.91 5.3311.689.65 5.08470 - 510F 11.9410.16 5.5911.689.65 5.08560 - 620F 12.1910.41 5.8411.689.65 5.08680F 12.4510.67 6.1011.949.91 5.33750F 12.7010.926.3511.949.91 5.33820F 11.949.91 5.3311.949.91 5.33910F 11.9410.16 5.5911.9410.16 5.591,000F 12.1910.16 5.8412.1910.16 5.841,100F 12.4510.67 6.1012.1910.16 5.841,200 - 2,000F 12.7010.92 6.3512.4510.67 6.102,200 - 2,500*F12.4510.67 6.10C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 15 / CM05Mica Capacitors* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.4500.3600.17020 - 68E 0.4500.3600.17075 - 82E 0.4500.3600.18091 - 100F 0.4600.3600.180110 - 130F 0.4600.3700.180150 - 180F 0.4600.3700.190200F 0.4600.3800.190220 - 240F 0.4600.3800.200270 - 390F 0.4700.3900.210430F 0.4700.3900.2100.4600.3800.200470 - 510F 0.4700.4000.2200.4600.3800.200560 - 620F 0.4800.4100.2300.4600.3800.200680F 0.4900.4200.2400.4700.3900.210750F 0.5000.4300.2500.4700.3900.210820F 0.4700.3900.2100.4700.3900.210910F 0.4700.4000.2200.4700.4000.2201,000F 0.4800.4000.2300.4800.4000.2301,100F 0.4900.4200.2400.4800.4000.2301,200 - 2,000F 0.5000.4300.2500.4900.4200.2402,200 - 2,500*F0.4900.4200.240C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM15CM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.95 ±0.8mmDM15CM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.234 ±0.031DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.SCDM 15Mica CapacitorsCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 10.927.11 3.5620 - 68E 10.927.11 3.5675 - 100F 10.927.11 3.81110 - 160F 11.187.37 3.81180 - 200F 11.187.37 4.06220 - 270F 11.187.62 4.06300 - 390F 11.437.87 4.06430 - 470F 11.437.87 4.3211.187.37 3.81510F 11.437.87 4.5711.187.37 3.81560F 11.437.87 4.5711.187.62 4.06620F 11.438.13 4.8311.187.62 4.06680F 11.688.13 5.0811.437.62 4.06750F 11.688.135.3311.437.62 4.06820F 11.437.87 4.3211.437.87 4.06910F 11.437.87 4.5711.437.87 4.321,000F 11.438.13 4.8311.437.87 4.321,100F 11.688.13 5.0811.437.87 4.571,200 - 2,000F 11.688.13 5.3311.438.13 4.832,200 - 2,500*F11.438.13 4.83C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.4300.2800.14020 - 68E 0.4300.2800.14075 - 100F 0.4300.2800.150110 - 160F 0.4400.2900.150180 - 200F 0.4400.2900.160220 - 270F 0.4400.3000.160300 - 390F 0.4500.3100.160430 - 470F 0.4500.3100.1700.4400.2900.150510F 0.4500.3100.1800.4400.2900.150560F 0.4500.3100.1800.4400.3000.160620F 0.4500.3200.1900.4400.3000.160680F 0.4600.3200.2000.4500.3000.160750F 0.4600.3200.2100.4500.3000.160820F 0.4500.3100.1700.4500.3100.160910F 0.4500.3100.1800.4500.3100.1701,000F 0.4500.3200.1900.4500.3100.1701,100F 0.4600.3200.2000.4500.3100.1801,200 - 2,000F 0.4600.3200.2100.4500.3200.1902,200 - 2,500*F0.4500.3200.190C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.SCDM15CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.95 ±0.8mmSCDM15CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.234 ±0.031”DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 330F 16.2612.70 4.83360 - 470F 16.2612.95 5.08510 - 620F 16.5112.95 5.08680 - 910F 16.5112.95 5.331,000 - 1,100F 16.5113.21 5.591,200 - 1,300F 16.7613.21 5.591,500F 16.7613.21 5.841,600F 16.7613.46 5.841,800 - 2,000F 17.0213.46 6.102,200F 17.0213.46 6.352,400F 17.0213.72 6.602,700F 17.2713.72 6.863,000F 17.2713.977.113,300F 17.2713.977.3717.0213.72 6.603,600F 17.2714.227.6217.2713.72 6.863,900F 17.5314.227.8717.2713.72 6.864,300F 17.5314.488.3817.2713.977.114,700F 17.7814.738.8917.2713.977.375,100F 18.0314.999.40---5,600F 17.2714.227.876,200F 17.5314.228.1317.5314.227.876,800F 17.5314.488.3817.5314.488.137,500F 17.7814.488.648,200F17.7814.738.89C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 330F 0.6400.5000.190360 - 470F 0.6400.5100.200510 - 620F 0.6500.5100.200680 - 910F 0.6500.5100.2101,000 - 1,100F 0.6500.5200.2201,200 - 1,300F 0.6600.5200.2201,500F 0.6600.5200.2301,600F 0.6600.5300.2301,800 - 2,000F 0.6700.5300.2402,200F 0.6700.5300.2502,400F 0.6700.5400.2602,700F 0.6800.5400.2703,000F 0.6800.5500.2803,300F 0.6800.5500.2900.6700.5400.2603,600F 0.6800.5600.3000.6800.5400.2703,900F 0.6900.5600.3100.6800.5400.2704,300F 0.6900.5700.3300.6800.5500.2804,700F 0.7000.5800.3500.6800.5500.2905,100F 0.7100.5900.370---5,600F 0.6800.5600.3106,200F 0.6900.5600.3200.6900.5600.3106,800F 0.6900.5700.3300.6900.5700.3207,500F 0.7000.5700.3408,200F0.7000.5800.350C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 19 / CM06 Mica CapacitorsDM19CM06CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:8.73 ±0.8mmDM19CM06CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.344 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 240F 15.4911.43 3.30270 - 560F 15.4911.43 3.56620 - 820F 15.4911.68 3.81910 - 1,100F 15.7511.68 4.061,200 - 1,500F 15.7511.68 4.321,600 - 1,800F 15.7511.68 4.572,000 - 2,200F 16.0011.68 4.832,400F 16.0011.94 5.332,700F 16.0011.94 5.593,000F 16.0011.94 5.843,300F 16.0012.19 6.1016.0010.67 5.333,600F 16.2612.19 6.3516.0011.94 5.333,900F 16.2612.19 6.6016.0011.94 5.334,300F 16.5112.457.1116.0011.94 5.594,700F 16.5112.457.6216.0011.94 5.845,100F 16.7612.708.1316.0012.19 6.105,600F 16.2612.19 6.356,200F 16.2612.19 6.6016.2612.19 6.356,800F 16.2612.45 6.8616.2612.19 6.607,500F 16.5112.457.118,200F16.5112.457.62C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC300 V DC 100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 240F 0.6100.4500.130270 - 560F 0.6100.4500.140620 - 820F 0.6100.4600.150910 - 1,100F 0.6200.4600.1601,200 - 1,500F 0.6200.4600.1701,600 - 1,800F 0.6200.4600.1802,000 - 2,200F 0.6300.4600.1902,400F 0.6300.4700.2102,700F 0.6300.4700.2203,000F 0.6300.4700.2303,300F 0.6300.4800.2400.6300.4200.2103,600F 0.6400.4800.2500.6300.4700.2103,900F 0.6400.4800.2600.6300.4700.2104,300F 0.6500.4900.2800.6300.4700.2204,700F 0.6500.4900.3000.6300.4700.2305,100F 0.6600.5000.3200.6300.4800.2405,600F 0.6400.4800.2506,200F 0.6400.4800.2600.6400.4800.2506,800F 0.6400.4900.2700.6400.4800.2607,500F 0.6500.4900.2808,200F0.6500.4900.300C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sSCDM 19Mica CapacitorsSCDM19CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:8.73 ±0.8mmSCDM19CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.344 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.。
