
Football matches attract billions of spectators and are one of the
largest sports events in the world.
Football has had a profound impact on the economy, culture, and politics, becoming a bridge connecting different countries and
English classroom football
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目 录
• Introduction to Football • The Relationship between
English and Football • Football match analysis • Design of English Classroom
Football Activities • Exploration of Football
Introduction to Football
The Origin and History of Football
Football originated in China and can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, when it was called "Cuju".
Football games in English classrooms
Organize classroom football games
Teachers can use English classroom time to organize students to play simple football games, such as playing football, guarding the goal, etc., to increase the fun and interactivity of the classroom.

Football and Cup Tournaments
FIFA World Cup
Football clubs have become major global brands, generating bills of daughters in revenue each year
The World Cup, held every four years, is the most watched sporting event in the world, with an estimated global audience of over 3.5 billion people
The competition was first held in 1930 and has since grown to become the most watched and followed event in the world, with bills of fans tuning in to watch the action live or on TV
How to position players to minimize the opponent's scoring opportunities
Offer Tactics
Set Pieces
How to take corners, free kicks, and penalties effectively

一 中央体育政府有绝对权威
光பைடு நூலகம்时刻
拥有上下五千年悠久历史的中华民族在古代曾经创造出了辉煌的历史文明,我国的传 统文化是有着深厚的人文、哲学、政治、经济与军事的历史积淀的。儒家思想中所提 倡的“天行健,君子以自强不息”的精神,“君子和而不同”的团结协作精神;道家 的辩证法思想中包含的“强与弱”既对立又相互转化的道理;兵家的避实就虚、扬长 补短、知己知彼、百战不殆的战略战术思想;墨家的“不暇暧席”以“自苦为极,坚 忍不拔”的吃苦精神等等,这些都对我国的足球文化建设以及足球运动的发展有着极 好的借鉴意义。然而先哲们的教诲我们究竟继承了什么?
中国足协犹如一名赌术低劣的赌徒,每每把胜利的希望寄托在起 一把好牌和对手的失误上。 ——球迷语 中国足球这些年最大的功绩是培养了中国球迷的抗打击能力和忍 受劣质产品的能力。 ——球迷语
国足1:5输给泰国队 被彻底扒光中 国足球“底裤”,球迷彻底伤了心!
• 北京时间6月15日晚,国足在合肥进行了一 场热身赛,对手是主要以U23球员组成的泰 国国家队。比赛开场后中国突然崩盘,上 下半场被对手连灌5球1-5惨败泰国,创下 国足有史以来与泰国比赛的最大输球比分。
亚运会 1978年 第三名 1982年 复赛失利 1986年 复赛失利 1990年 复赛失利 1994年 亚军 1998年 第三名 2002年 复赛失利 2006年 四分之一决 赛失利
4 5 6 7 8
每次比赛,国足总 是不出意外地让人 失望

Football heal the wound. War could destroy a country, but never a boy’s dream.
War can’t deftes us.
The richer for me, the better for you
Football players can be very rich .For example, Eto’o,an Afirican football player who plays for the football club Moscow,has a yearly salary of more than 23,000,000Euro, that means his weekly salary has reached 40,000,000Euro. Another famous player David Beckham,has a yearly salary of 400,000,000,even richer than the U.N. president,Michael Obama.
More than football
“Football isn’t just football.”In some areas in the world,football is a kind of religion,a kind of belief.
In some poor countries,football is the only joy which the children could afford.
Some football clubs in England, Italy and Spain,are more than a kind of club.They have the greatest players and coaches in the world,and they also have the biggest groups of football fans and a long history.Sometimes, a club could even become a faith,or a party.

As football is widely followed in China, triumph
by the national team is considered to be a source of
national pride. Around 300 million people tuned in to
– 年轻的中国足球第一次冲击
– 现在可能已经很少有人能够记起戴麟经的名字, 正是他率领张宏根、哈增光、方纫秋、年维泗、张俊 秀等一干热血青年吹响了中国人冲击世界杯的号角。 而如今在世界足球版图上不值一提的印度尼西亚,在 那个年代里也成为新中国足球一座不可逾越的大山。 1957年,年轻的中国足球与世界杯足球赛(第六届) 有了第一次亲密接触。
• In accordance with the rules of the competition at that time both sides need to win through the playoffs qualified decision. Was held in Yangon, the additional race, the Chinese team 0-0 draw with rivals, a result of the cumulative goal difference has been out less. China and the World Cup the first time to say goodbye.
• The main national team line-up in 1980 in Saudi Arabia "rescue" of New Zealand at this stage of the competition, the goal difference advantage of the Chinese team in their own end of the race early after the dissolution of the identity of that second round will be confirmed; Unexpectedly, Saudi Arabia last war inconceivable to Team New Zealand 5 lost a net ball, so that the latter points, goal difference and are the same as the Chinese team. China and New Zealand by the team to carry out additional knockout, resulting in re-convened with the Chinese team lost to Team New Zealand 1:2, The third and eventually the group was lost by the wayside. Cooked ducks fly watch, the excellent performance of their injected arm for the people, although the impact of failed, but the people see hope for the future, "out of Asia, into the world," the slogan shouting from all over the whole of China.

The reference is responsible for enforcing the rules of the game and communicating with the players and observers The language used by references is a combination of cultures, whiskles, and words
The English Premier League is the most popular and competitive leadership system in the world, known for its high level of play, star players, and global fan base Other notable leadership systems include the Spanish La Liga, Italian Series A, German Bundesliga, French Ligue 1, and Brazilian Campeonato Brasileiro Series A
Stadium and player positions
The football stage is the place where the game is played It includes the field, the stands, and the facilities for players and observers
Major events such as the World Cup and European Championship

中国足球英语作文Over the past few decades, Chinese football has undergone significant transformations, both in terms of domestic development and international engagement. This essay aims to explore the evolution of Chinese football, its current state, and the potential for future growth.Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge the historical context of football in China. Traditionally, football has not been the most popular sport in the country, with sports like table tennis and badminton holding a stronger cultural foothold. However, with the rise of China as a global economic power, there has been a concerted effort to elevate the status of football within the nation.The Chinese Super League (CSL) was established in 2004 and has since become a platform for the development of Chinese football talent. The league has attracted international attention and investment, with many high-profile players and coaches joining Chinese clubs. This has not only improved the quality of the league but also provided a competitive environment for local players to thrive.In recent years, Chinese football has also made strides on the international stage. The national team, despite facing numerous challenges, has been working to improve its FIFA ranking. The Chinese Football Association (CFA) has implemented various strategies to enhance the game'spopularity and performance, including the development of youth academies and the promotion of football in schools.Moreover, China's bid to host the FIFA World Cup in thefuture is a testament to the country's commitment to becoming a football powerhouse. Hosting the World Cup would not only elevate the profile of Chinese football but also provide a significant boost to the nation's infrastructure and international relations.However, there are still challenges to overcome. The development of a strong grassroots football culture iscrucial for the long-term success of the sport in China. Additionally, addressing issues such as match-fixing and corruption within the league is essential to maintain the integrity of the sport and the trust of fans.In conclusion, Chinese football has made considerable progress in recent years, and there is a clear vision for its future development. With the right investments in infrastructure, talent development, and governance, Chinese football has the potential to become a dominant force both domestically and internationally. The journey may be long and filled with obstacles, but the passion for the sport in China is growing, and with it, the hope for a successful football future.。
中国足球 英语作文

中国足球英语作文Chinese football has been gaining more attention in recent years. With the increasing investment in football infrastructure and the development of youth training programs, the future of Chinese football looks promising.However, the national team's performance still lags behind top footballing nations. The lack of a strong football culture and the dominance of other sports like basketball and table tennis have hindered the growth of football in China.The Chinese Super League has attracted many international stars in recent years, which has raised the level of competition and increased the popularity of football in China. This has also provided more opportunities for young Chinese players to learn from top international talents.Despite the challenges, there is a growing sense ofoptimism about the future of Chinese football. The government's support for the sport and the increasing grassroots participation indicate that Chinese football is on the right track for future success.In conclusion, Chinese football has made significant progress in recent years, but there are still challenges to overcome. With continued investment and development, the future of Chinese football looks bright.。

Tell you a sJeusctrelikte! the song
sings: Give me freedom,give me fire,unify us,make us feel proud,when I get older,I will be stronger.
Another meaning of football is teamwork.
Of course,fun is also one of the reasons why so many people like it.
DO you know who are they?
They are football superstar
I have in mind the football icon is
Samuel Eto’o
He was top scorer in the
Football unites us.
Sometimes, football is
violent, sometimes, football can
be complicated , sometimes,
football hurts.But no matter how
history of mallorca club, Cameroon's top scorer

and stars love football and
play it.
At the same time, football has become a tool of earning money and gaining glory. Nowadays, more and more people make a living by football, including agents, players and proprietors(经营者).Football could create great economic benefit.Some great football associations like the FIFA,can influence the whole football world and make great decision which might be powerful.
football introductoin the power to change the world
伯纳乌球场 皇家马德里
Football is an ancient sport, has a long history, originated from the ancient Chinese a kind of ball game "Cuju", then spread to Europe by Arabs, where the modern football developed.Many countries will be vying for "country ball".

Who Will Pay for the Failure of Chinese Football?Not long ago, the Chinese Men National Soccer Team has lost another match of the World Cup qualifying tournament, qualifying situation is slim. Football as the world's first movement, it’s charm and influence far greater than the football itself. The outcome of a football match is not only related to a team's performance, but also related to the whole social emotions, which is an important social problem. Therefore, who should be bear the consequences of it in the end? The answer is Chinese Football System.A period of time, the Chinese football match result is always unsatisfactory. In the World Cup and the Olympic Games, the Asian Cup and other important national games, the Chinese Men National Soccer Team has frustrated over and over again, greatly dampened the enthusiasm and expectations of the majority of fans. As the main culprit of problems of Chinese football, the Chinese system mainly has the following problems.On the one hand, Chinese football has not found a clear development goals, and has not formed a style suitable for their own characteristics. They blindly introduce the mode of other countries, spending a large price to introduce foreign coaches and unconditionally sacrifice their own advantages. On the other hand, the football talent reserve of our country is poor. The academic burden is getting heavier and heavier for Children, and there is no time and space to play football. They spend too much time in remedial classes, not on the pitch.In a word, if we want to change the present situation of Chinese football, it is the principal task to solve the above two problems. Only in this way, can we make the Chinese football become a proud movement for Chinese people.。

国足需要引进高水平教练和团队,提 高教练培训和执教水平,为球员提供 更好的指导和培训。
国足应该加强与世界强队的交流与合 作,学习先进的足球理念和技战术, 提高自身的竞争力。
中国足球队开始参加国际足球赛事,如远东运动会和奥运会 。
中国足球队唯一一次参加世界杯是在唯一一次参加世界杯1958年,该届世界杯该队没有进过球, 没有进过球,也没有进过球,该届世界杯该队没有进过球。
国足比赛是国内媒体关注的焦点,每次比赛都会有大批记者报道,比赛结果和 过程会直接影响社会舆论。
国足比赛期间,社交媒体上关于国足的话题热度极高,球迷和网友们会热烈讨 论比赛和球员表现。
国足比赛对体育产业有巨大的带动作用,门票收入、转播权销售、赞助商投资等 都为国足的发展提供了经济支持。
对国足现有球员的能力进 行全面评估,包括技术、 战术和心理层面。
分析国足球员的年龄结构 ,了解球队的年轻化程度 和经验水平。
关注球员的伤病情况,评 估伤病对球队的影响和恢 复状况。
评估教练团队的能力和执教风格,以 及他们对球队的战术安排和人员管理 。
分析教练团队与球员之间的关系,以 及他们之间的沟通和协作状况。
了解教练团队的经验和背景,包括他 们在国内外足球领域的执教经历和成 就。
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54 72 84 81 100 93
9 8 11 8 11 13
17 15 47 34 35 43
1 1 4 1 2 2
120 100 80
60 40 20 0
Rank of China and Japan
19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09
China Japan
Apparently, there are many differences between China and Japan about football. As a club of China, there are always 30 football matches in a year, while 50 football matches for a Japanese club. Football players in China will not have more experience than that of Japan.
In China, there are only 30 thousand young people registered by Chinese Football Association (CFA) . But in Tokyo, the number is 80 thousand.
Rank in Asian 3
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
66 76 55 37 88 75 54 63
4 8 8 6 10 9 5 7
31 21 14 20 57 38 34 22
1 1 1 2 6 3 3 2
1.Introduction 2.Case-Study
Two Questions
1.Have you seen a player shoot the ball to his own goal in a football match?
As football fans, we should understand and support Chinese football sincerely .
If so, Chinese football will be success in the near future!
We should make further improvement on the quality of CSL, cultivation of multiple qualifications of football players and particularly the young players. The outside should also treat rationally: As the government, it should strengthen the diplomacy of the football with other countries. As the media, it should report objectively.
It’s worthy of noting that Japanese football team is the top 16 of the World Cup Final in 2002. Why?
years 1993 Rank in world 53 Rank in Asian 5 Rank in world 43
And the cultivating system of young athletes is imperfect. The government pays less money for them. So the young football players have less enthusiasm. But the outside pays much attention to the scores. The media doesn’t report objectively just for its own benefit. And we should not attempt to hasten the pace and hope for quick success.
Chinese football team reached the World Cup finals for the first time in 2002 Word Cup and it lost the total three matches.
Japanese football team reached the World Cup final for the first time in 1998 and they also lost the total three matches. Chinese football team has never entered the World Cup finals since 2002. Differently, Japan’s football team entered the World Cup finals in 2006 Word Cup and 2010 Word Cup.
A joke
One day, three coaches from Korea, Japan and China were in front of the God together. They had the same question that how long their native football team would win the World Cup. In a moment, the God said: Korea needs 50 years. Then the Korean cried and said: I could not see it. Then the God said: Japan needs 100 years. And then the Japanese cried and said: I could not see it. At last, The Chinese could not wait for asking at that case: what about us? Then the God cried and said: I could not see it!
CSL, Chinese Football Association Super League, is of low quality. It expresses not only in players, but also in participators and managers. Besides, the problem of "match fixing" in Chinese is increasing seriously. So Chinese football has many difficulties and problems in development.
On the other hand, China has paid more attention to it. What’s more, even the leaders remarked that Chinese football is hopeful in public. Because of the situation we had remarked, the police had began to investigate now.
2. Have you seen that a football fan kneeled down just for the boss of a football team.
1.How do you think the past of Chinese football?
2.How do you think the further of Chinese football? Or, do you think Chinese football can be success?