



ESETRemote Administrator 4安装手册和用户指南ESET Remote Administrator 4版权所有 © 2010 ESET, spol. s r.o.ESET Remote Administrator 4 由 ESET, spol. s r.o. 开发有关更多信息,请访问 。



ESET, spol. s r.o. 保留未经事先通知即更改任何所述应用程序软件的权利。

全球客户服务中心:www.eset.eu/support北美客户服务中心:/supportREV. 6.9.2010目录 (5)简介1.......................................................................................................5新功能1.1 (7)程序架构1.2.............................................................8安装 ERA Server 和 ERA Console2 (8)要求2.1...............................................................8软件要求2.1.1 (8)性能要求2.1.2 (10)使用的端口2.1.3......................................................................................................11基本安装指导2.2...............................................................11环境概览(网络结构)2.2.1...............................................................12安装之前2.2.2...............................................................12安装2.2.3..............................................................12安装 E RA S erver集群模式安装2.安装 E RA Console2.2.3.2..............................................................13镜像2.2.3.3..............................................................14E RA S erver 支持的数据库类型2.2.3.4...............................................................14基本要求2. (15)数据库连接设置2. (16)通过现有数据库安装2.方案 - 安装在企业环境中2.3...............................................................16环境概览(网络结构)2.3.1...............................................................17安装2.3.2..............................................................17安装在总部2.3.2.1..............................................................17分公司:安装 E RA S erver分公司:安装 HTTP 镜像服务器2.3.2.3..............................................................17分公司:远程安装到客户端2.3.2.4 (17)企业环境的其他需求2.3.3.............................................................19使用 ERAC3.......................................................................................................19连接 ERAS 3.1......................................................................................................20ERAC - 主窗口3.2......................................................................................................21信息过滤3.3...............................................................21过滤器3.3.1...............................................................22右键菜单3.3.2...............................................................23查看模式3.3.3......................................................................................................23ERAC 中的选项卡3.4 (23)选项卡和客户端的一般说明3.4.1 (23)各个选项卡中的同步与信息3.4.2 (24)客户端选项卡3.4.3 (27)威胁日志选项卡3.4.4 (27)防火墙日志选项卡3.4.5 (27)事件日志选项卡3.4.6 (28)扫描日志选项卡3.4.7 (28)移动日志选项卡3.4.8 (28)隔离选项卡3.4.9 (29)任务选项卡3.4.10 (29)报告选项卡3.4.11 (29)远程安装选项卡3.4.12......................................................................................................29ERA Console 设置3.5...............................................................29连接选项卡3.5.1...............................................................29列 - 显示/隐藏选项卡3.5.2 (29)颜色选项卡3.5.3 (29)路径选项卡3.5.4...............................................................30日期/时间选项卡3.5.5 (30)其他设置选项卡3.5.6......................................................................................................31显示模式3.6 (31)ESET Configuration Editor 3.7...............................................................32配置分层3.7.1 (33)主要配置条目3.7.2.............................................................34安装 ESET 客户端解决方案4.......................................................................................................34直接安装4.1 (34)远程安装4.2 (36)要求4.2.1 (37)配置远程安装环境4.2.2...............................................................38远程推送安装4.2.3...............................................................40登录/电子邮件远程安装4.2.4...............................................................42自定义远程安装4.2.5...............................................................43升级4.2.6...............................................................43避免重复安装4.2.7 (44)安装在企业环境中4.3 (45)管理客户端计算机5 (45)任务5.1 (46)配置任务5.1.1 (46)手动扫描任务5.1.2...............................................................47立即更新任务5.1.3...............................................................47S ysInspector 脚本任务5.1.4...............................................................47恢复/删除隔离区任务5.1.5...............................................................47生成安全审核日志任务5.1.6...............................................................48显示通知任务5.1.7...............................................................48交互式任务5.1.8 (49)组管理器5.2 (49)静态组5.2.1...............................................................50参数组5.2.2...............................................................50Active Directory 同步5.2.3......................................................................................................51策略5.3 (51)基本原则和操作5.3.1 (51)如何创建策略5.3.2...............................................................52虚拟策略5.3.3...............................................................52策略树结构中策略的角色和用途5.3.4 (53)查看策略5.3.5...............................................................53导入/导出策略5.3.6...............................................................53向客户端分配策略5.3.7..............................................................53默认的主客户端策略5.3.7.1..............................................................54手动分配5.3.7.2..............................................................54策略规则5.3.7.3...............................................................55删除策略5.3.8...............................................................55特殊设置5.3.9...............................................................56策略执行方案5.3.10..............................................................56每个服务器都是一个独立单元,并在本地定义策略5.3.10.1.. (57)独立管理每个服务器 -在本地管理各个策略,但从上层服务器继承默认父策略5.3.10.2 (58)从上层服务器继承策略5.3.10.3 (59)仅从上层服务器分配策略5.3.10.4..............................................................59使用策略规则5.3.10.5..............................................................60使用组5.3.10.6 (60)通知5.4 (61)通知管理器5.4.1..............................................................65通过 S NMP 陷阱通知5.4.1.1 (65)规则创建5.4.2......................................................................................................66客户端的详细信息5.5 (67)集中化隔离区5.6.............................................................68防火墙规则合并向导6..............................................................69报告7 (71)示例报告方案7.1.............................................................72ESET Remote Administrator Server(ERAS) 设置8.......................................................................................................72安全8.1......................................................................................................72服务器维护8.2 (73)镜像服务器8.3 (73)镜像服务器的操作8.3.1 (74)更新类型8.3.2...............................................................74如何启用和配置镜像8.3.3...............................................................76NOD32 版本 2.x 的客户端镜像8.3.4......................................................................................................76同步8.4......................................................................................................78日志记录8.5 (78)许可证管理8.6......................................................................................................79高级设置8.7......................................................................................................79其他设置8.8.............................................................80ESET Remote AdministratorMaintenance Tool 9.......................................................................................................80ERA Server 信息9.1 (80)任务类型9.2...............................................................80停止 E RA S erver 9.2.1...............................................................80启动 E RA S erver 9.2.2...............................................................80数据库转换9.2.3...............................................................81数据库备份9.2.4...............................................................81数据库恢复9.2.5...............................................................81删除表单9.2.6...............................................................81安装新许可证密钥9.2.7 (81)修改服务器配置9.2.8.............................................................82故障排除10 (82)常见问题解答10.1...............................................................82将 E S E T Remote Administrator 安装到 Windowsserver 2000/2003 的问题10.1.1...............................................................82G LE 错误代码的含义是什么?10.1.2......................................................................................................82常见错误代码10.2 (82)使用 E S E T Remote Administrator 远程安装 E S E TS mart S ecurity 或 E S E T NOD32 Antivirus 时显示的错误消息10.2.1...............................................................83era.log 中常见的错误代码10.2.2......................................................................................................83如何诊断 ERAS 中的问题?10.3.............................................................84提示和技巧11 (84)计划任务11.1......................................................................................................86删除现有配置文件11.2......................................................................................................86导出和客户端 XML 配置的其他功能11.3......................................................................................................87用于笔记本电脑的组合更新11.4......................................................................................................88使用 ERA 安装第三方产品11.5.............................................................89ESET SysInspector12.......................................................................................................89ESET SysInspector 介绍12.1...............................................................89启动 E S E T S ysInspector 12.1.1......................................................................................................89用户界面和应用程序的使用12.2...............................................................89程序控件12.2.1...............................................................90E S E T S ysInspector 导航12.2.2 (91)比较12.2.3......................................................................................................92命令行参数12.3......................................................................................................93服务脚本12.4 (93)生成服务脚本12.4.1 (93)服务脚本结构12.4.2 (96)执行服务脚本12.4.3......................................................................................................96快捷键12.5......................................................................................................98系统要求12.6......................................................................................................98常见问题解答12.7.............................................................100ESET SysRescue13.......................................................................................................100最低要求13.1 (100)如何创建急救光盘13.2...............................................................100文件夹13.2.1...............................................................101E S E T Antivirus 13.2.2 (101)高级设置13.2.3...............................................................101可引导 US B 设备13.2.4...............................................................101刻录13.2.5......................................................................................................101使用 ESET SysRescue13.3...............................................................102使用 E S E T S ysRescue13.3.11. 简介ESET Remote Administrator (ERA) 是一款实用的应用程序,它允许您从一个中心位置管理联网环境(包括工作站和服务器)中的 ESET 产品。


本章首先在柱坐标和球坐标系对二维和三维泛定方程分离变 量,导出著名的变系数常微分方程:贝塞尔方程和勒让德方程。
接着对常见的变系数线性微分方程进行分类,介绍了如何用 幂级数解法和弗罗贝尼乌斯级数解法求解正则奇点的二阶常微分 方程。
最后对常见的施图姆-刘维尔型微分方程的特征值和特征函 数的性质作了系统的介绍。
sin 9 ))| = sin 2 9 - 2 cos9 = (1 - x2 ) - 2x
(1- x2 ) - 2x + n(n + 1)-
y = 0 (5.1-21)
式(5.1-21)是常见的勒让德方程的一般形式, 称为连带勒让德方程。
令m = 0 ,得到
(2) 若p(x)和q(x)中至少有一个不满足(x _ x0 )p(x), (x _ x0 )2 q(x)在
x0点解析, 则x0称为方程(5.3-1)的本性奇点。在本性奇点附近, 方
x 程至少有一解在x0 有本性奇点,
而另一解可能是y =

但它往往是发散的, 这种情况在数理方程中不多见, 这里不讨论它。
p p + R,, 2
R,+ 入p2
= - = O,, 山
p2 + p + (入p2 - 山)R = 0
O,,+ 山O = 0



【 K e y w o r d s 】u p m i x ; 5 . 1 s u r o u n d s o u n d ; a c o u s t i c i ma g e p o s i t i o n i n g
1 引 言
近年 来 , 随 着 高 清 电视 、 家庭影院、 多媒 体计 算 机、 数字 信号处理 等 技术 的发 展 , 各 种 数字 视 听系统 层 出不 穷 , 极大地 提 高 了人们 对视 听 效果 的感 受 , 人
环境产 生的一种综合的整体 印象 , 包括 临场感 、 空间感和 温暖感 等。不 断增加 声音重放 系统的声道 数, 也就是 为 了
能够 将 这 些信 息 尽 可 能 多 的 予 以实 现 。
【 关键词 】上变换 ; 5 . 1 环绕声 ; 声像定位 【 中图分类号 】T N 9 1 2 . 2 7 【 文献标 志码 】A D OI : I O . 1 6 3 1 1 / j . a u d i o e . 2 0 1 5 . 0 3 . 1 3
音空 间位 置的感知 , 即声 源的方 向和方 位 。人耳 之所
以能感知声 音 的方位 , 是 因为其具有双 耳效应 。
双耳效应 : 人的双耳之间有—定的距离 ( 约2 0 c m) ,

个点声源偏离听者正前方时, 到达两耳 的声音便会有
所差别 , 听觉系统根据这些差别可以判断出声源 的方位 , 这 就是“ 双耳效应 ” 理论 。人耳 对声 源方 位 的判 断能
力是根 据声音到达 双耳的时 间差 、 声音 到达双耳 的强 度差、 声 音低 频分量 由于时 间差所 产生 的相位 差 、 人 头对 高频分量遮 蔽作用 的音色差 。 除了最 基本的方 向 、 响度 、 音 调和音色 以外 , 人耳 的听觉还包括反 映声音空 间特性 的 因素 , 即双 耳对 周



UniTrans 5.1MMMfMMUniTrans 5.1 、3.0/ t2016/08/24©1.0 2012/12/102.0 2013/02/062.3 2013/05/162.4 2013/7/3 EzCast2.5 2013/7/232.6 2013/8/232.7 2013/12/12.8 2014/09/273.0 2016/08/24“【1. (1)2. (1)3. (3)4. (4)4.1 (5)4.2 y (6)4.3 (7)4.4 (7)4.5 (9)4.6 (9)4.7 (9)5. (10)6. UT5 (15)7. w (15)8. (16)9. FAQ (16)1.o 、UniTrans 5m UT5n o UT u pl t m u t n ylll yl tll o g gh5.1 UT o u pl、lll【ll BINARY2.UT t u h UT r o o 、 v 【 u h u r 【 o 【 C:\UT5h o UT5.exe h UT QQ o p306752972mr n g 128952085m n h - o ui UT5ID √ o p/wiki/ssesystem:software:ut-1 :-1pCPU 1GHz 4 2GHz t”512M 2G t40G 40G t2 》 2Windows XP m32 n Windows 2008 m32 64 nUT5 r r UT5 ID o ID UT5 PC IP h、UT5 y m g n y g r o o ho PC IP .18 o x LAN2 o PING LAN2 .1 IP 、PC IP h、 o UT5 ID = 4 +2000h m 111234o ID=1234+2000=3234nv o QQ u i UT5ID √ o UT5 IP m .18 n UT5 ID UT5 ID v、 2000h、 w UT QQ ho、 utconfig.xml pu or 4 hl、 p<Device Desc="XXXX"/>XXXX 、 HH y hl ED <7 <A p<Interface ID=”8888” Desc=" "IP="X.X.X.X" Port="9902" UCPort="9900"/> 8888 ED <7X.X.X.X ED A6 <Al 【 p<Service ID="8888" Desc=" " Path="C:\UT5\PRIVATE"/>8888 ED <7hh3.rp】p 【 o d UT5.exe eo o phttp:// o windows o 【 o pUT5 –debug、 h5 -r <8 o o x EDd4 \R]] YZ N NVWNOWRe o 、 PZYSVT bXW o0VY R\SNPR2r o <A <A r hH>= o 、<8 PZYSVT bXWor h ED o4.、 、 oo A6 ho p U [/ , /. V ]P3 1XNVYo , <A h1o t r o 1 o pll ylllll2r o 2 o u pl p yl / pl pl p PCl “ p “ “l pl pl pl pl pl p o o d e oh4.1lr 、 o 3 p3o r o 。


(2)当S1、S4闭合,S2、S3断开时,负载电压uo为正。 (3)当S1、S4断开,S2、S3闭合时,负载电压uo为负。
如图所示,设t1前S1、S4通,则uo和io均为正。 若在t1时刻断开S1、S4,合上S2、S3,则uo旳极性变负,但io 不能立即反向且仍维持原方向;
交直交变频电路由交直变换(整流)和直交变换两部分构成, 后一部分就是逆变。
3. 应用
多种直流电源,如蓄电池、干电池、太阳能电池等在向交流 负载供电时就需要逆变电路。
交流电机调速用变频器、不间断电源、感应加热电源等电力 电子装置旳关键部分都是逆变电路。
5.1 换流方式
5.1.1 逆变电路旳基本工作原理 5.1.2 换流方式分类
应用: 常用于几kW下列旳小功率逆变电源。 单相全桥、三相桥式都可看成若干个半桥逆变电路 旳组合。
5.2.1 单相电压型逆变电路
2. 全桥逆变电路
共四个桥臂,可看成两个 半桥电路组合而成。 两对桥臂交替导通180°。 输出电压和电流波形与半 桥电路形状相同,但幅值 高出一倍。 变化输出交流电压旳有效 值只能经过变化直流电压 Ud来实现。
5.1.2 换流方式分类
4. 逼迫换流 举例:
设置附加旳换流电路,给欲关断旳晶闸管逼迫施加 反向电压或反向电流旳换流方式称为逼迫换流 (forced commutation), 这一般是利用附加电容上储存 旳能量来实现,故也称为电容换流。

5.1 Unit 5 Reading(课件)-八年级英语上册同步精品课堂(牛津广州深圳沈阳通用)

5.1 Unit 5 Reading(课件)-八年级英语上册同步精品课堂(牛津广州深圳沈阳通用)

•A group of students from France come to Beijing on an educational exchange.
(F) Britain/London •Sarah has learnt a lot of Chinese while she is staying with her host family.
•Some students from Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing will visit London
in two months. (F)
next month
C Vocabulary C1.The words in italics explain the meanings of some words on page 67. Find these words to complete the sentences.
III. Scan the article and answer the following questions. What have the students done during the visit?
• learn to use chopsticks • learn a little Chinese • study with Chinese students • tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families • learn t’ai chi • learn a lot about Chinese culture and history • learn about Chinese painting • make many new friends

Espressif ESP32-C6-WROOM-1 技术规格书说明书

Espressif ESP32-C6-WROOM-1 技术规格书说明书

ESP32-C6-WROOM-1ESP32-C6-WROOM-1U技术规格书2.4GHz Wi-Fi6(802.11ax),Bluetooth®5(LE),Zigbee及Thread(802.15.4)模组内置ESP32-C6系列芯片,RISC-V32位单核处理器flash最大可选16MB23个GPIO,丰富的外设板载PCB天线或外部天线连接器ESP32-C6-WROOM-1ESP32-C6-WROOM-1U预发布v0.6乐鑫信息科技版权©20231模组概述1.1特性CPU和片上存储器•内置ESP32-C6芯片,RISC-V32位单核处理器,支持高达160MHz的时钟频率•ROM:320KB•HP SRAM:512KB•LP SRAM:16KBWi-Fi•工作在2.4GHz频段,1T1R•工作信道中心频率范围:2412~2484MHz•支持IEEE802.11ax协议:–仅20MHz非接入点工作模式(20MHz-onlynon-AP mode)–MCS0~MCS9–上行、下行正交频分多址接入(OFDMA),特别适用于高密度应用下的多用户并发传输–下行多用户多输入多输出(MU-MIMO),提升网络容量–波束成形接收端(Beamformee),提升信号质量–信道质量指示(Channel quality indication,CQI)–双载波调制(dual carrier modulation,DCM),提高链路稳定性–空间复用(Spatial reuse),提升网络容量–目标唤醒时间(TWT),提供更好的节能机制•完全兼容IEEE802.11b/g/n协议:–支持20MHz和40MHz频宽–数据速率高达150Mbps–无线多媒体(WMM)–帧聚合(TX/RX A-MPDU,TX/RX A-MSDU)–立即块确认(Immediate Block ACK)–分片和重组(Fragmentation and defragmen-tation)–传输机会(Transmission opportunity,TXOP)–Beacon自动监测(硬件TSF)–4×虚拟Wi-Fi接口–同时支持基础结构型网络(InfrastructureBSS)Station模式、SoftAP模式、Station+SoftAP模式和混杂模式请注意ESP32-C6在Station模式下扫描时,SoftAP信道会同时改变–802.11mc FTM蓝牙•低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth LE):通过Bluetooth5.3认证•Bluetooth mesh•高功率模式(20dBm)•速率支持125Kbps、500Kbps、1Mbps、2Mbps•广播扩展(Advertising Extensions)•多广播(Multiple Advertisement Sets)•信道选择(Channel Selection Algorithm#2)•功率控制(LE Power Control)•Wi-Fi与蓝牙共存,共用同一个天线IEEE802.15.4•兼容IEEE802.15.4-2015协议•工作在2.4GHz频段,支持OQPSK PHY•数据速率:250Kbps•支持Thread1.3•支持Zigbee3.0外设•GPIO、SPI、并行IO、UART、I2C、I2S、RMT(TX/RX)、脉冲计数器、LED PWM、USB串口/JTAG控制器、MCPWM、SDIO2.0从机控制器、GDMA、TWAI®控制器、片上JTAG调试功能、事件任务矩阵、ADC、温度传感器、通用定时器、看门狗定时器等模组集成元件•40MHz集成晶振•SPI flash天线选型•板载PCB天线(ESP32-C6-WROOM-1)•通过连接器连接外部天线(ESP32-C6-WROOM-1U)工作条件•工作电压/供电电压:3.0~3.6V•工作环境温度:–85°C版模组:–40~85°C–105°C版模组:-40~105°C1.2描述ESP32-C6-WROOM-1和ESP32-C6-WROOM-1U是通用型Wi-Fi、IEEE802.15.4和低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth LE)模组,功能强大,具有丰富的外设接口,可用于智能家居、工业自动化、医疗保健、消费电子产品等领域。



Traducción del manual original 1Documentos aplicablesTodos los documentos disponibles sobre el producto è/pk.Observar los documentos aplicables:–Instrucciones motor –Instrucciones eje2Seguridad 2.1Instrucciones de seguridad–Montar el producto solamente en aquellos componentes cuyo estado sea se­guro.–Limpiar los ejes. El cubo de acoplamiento [17] solo se agarrará sin desliza­miento en un gorrón que esté seco y libre de grasa. –Respetar la alineación del cubo de acoplamiento [17].–Apoyar la combinación:–en caso de componentes de motor pesados o de gran saliente–en caso de vibraciones fuertes y cargas de choque y de masas excéntri­cas–Realizar un recorrido de referencia de los ejes después de soltar o de girar elmotor.–Seleccionar elementos de fijación necesarios. El conjunto incluye los elemen­tos de fijación máximos necesarios.–Respetar los pares de apriete. Si no hay indicaciones especiales, la toleranciaes de ± 20 %.2.2Uso previsto 2.2.1UtilizaciónConexión en paralelo de un eje con un motor.2.2.2Ejes y motores admisiblesFallo funcional y daños materiales por sobrecarga.Las magnitudes de salida del motor no deben superar los valores admisibles de los componentes empleados.Valores admisibles è /catalogue.•Limitar en consecuencia las magnitudes de salida del motor.•Deducir el eje y el motor de los códigos de interfaz.Ejemplo: EAMM­U­...­T42­60P T42: acoplamiento de eje 60P : acoplamiento de motor Acoplamiento de ejeEje 1)T42EGSC­BS­60, ELGC­BS­60, EPCC­BS­60T46ELGC­BS­801) Mini carro EGSC­BS, eje de accionamiento por husillo ELGC­BS, cilindro eléctrico EPCC­BSTab. 1Acoplamiento de motorMotor 1)55A EMMS­AS­55, motor de otras marcas 58AA Motor de otras marcas 60AA Motor de otras marcas 60AB Motor de otras marcas 60PA Motor de otras marcas 60RMotor de otras marcasAcoplamiento de motorMotor 1)60RAMotor de otras marcas70A EMMS­AS­70, motor de otras marcas70AA Motor de otras marcas 80PAMotor de otras marcas 80PB Motor de otras marcas 85AAMotor de otras marcas1) Servomotor EMM...­ASTab. 2La cualificación de los motores de otras marcas con acoplamiento mecánico apro­piado utilizados en la combinación es responsabilidad del usuario.Su representante local de Festo le podrá indicar cuáles son los motores válidos de otras marcas è /sp.2.3Cualificación del personal técnicoEl montaje solo debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado. 3Información adicional–Accesorios è /catalogue.4Cuadro general del producto 4.1Suministro1Cuerpo (1x)2Tornillo (4x)5Correa dentada (1x)6Disco para correa dentada de eje (1x)7Tapa (1x)8Tornillo (3x)10Tornillo (4x)15Disco para correa dentada de mo­tor (1x)16Tornillo prisionero (1x)17Cubo de acoplamiento (1x)18Anillo de retención (2x)19Estrella de elastómero (2x)20Anillo deslizante (2x)Fig. 1 Suministro30Manguito reductor (4x)Fig. 2 Complemento con EAMM­U­...­60PA/60R/70AA/85AA 5Montaje 5.1Ensamblaje5.1.1Premontaje del acoplamientoFig. 3 Instalar el anillo deslizante, lado del motor8096426EAMM-U-...-T...-...A/P/R-3Conjunto paralelo80964262019­01[8096429]Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Alemania+49 711 347­1.Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [K] del acoplamiento [17] del la­do del motor.2.Desenroscar el tornillo prisionero [16].Fig. 4 Deslizar el cubo de acoplamiento del lado del motor •Insertar el cubo de acoplamiento [17] con el taladro apropiado en elgorrón [C].Fig. 5 Alinear el cubo de acoplamiento del lado del motor 1.Respetar la distancia (Y).2.Apretar el tornillo prisionero del lado del motor [16].Fig. 6 Instalar el anillo deslizante, lado del eje •Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [L] del cubo de acoplamiento [P]del lado del eje.5.1.2Alineación de acoplamientoAlineación defectuosa del acoplamientoSi la dimensión Y está mal ajustada, se produce un mayor desgaste de la correa y puede provocar el contacto mecánico entre disco para correa dentada y cuerpo y tapa.•Respetar la distancia.Fig. 7 Alineación del cubo de acoplamiento EAMM-U-Y ±0,3[mm]65­T42­55A 23,865­T42­58AA 19,865­T42­60AA 19,865­T42­60AB 19,865­T42­60PA22,865­T42­60R 22,865­T42­60RA 22,887­T46­70A 23,887­T46­70AA 23,887­T46­80PA41,587­T46­80PB 41,587­T46­85AA26,8Tab. 35.1.3Conexión motor y ejeFig. 8 Fijar el disco para correa dentada del lado del motor1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el ex­terior, en el disco para correa dentada [15].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [15] junto con la estrellade elastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [17].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [N] del cubo deacoplamiento [17].Fig. 9 Fijar el disco para correa dentada por el lado del eje1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el ex­terior, en el disco para correa dentada [6].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [6] junto con la estrella deelastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [P].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [C] del cubo deacoplamiento [P].Fig. 10 Fijar el cuerpo al eje•Fijar el cuerpo [1] al eje con los tornillos [10].Fig. 11 Posicionamiento del motor •Posicionar el motor en el cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.Fig. 12 Colocar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligera­mente.2.Colocar la correa dentada [5] primero en el disco para correa dentada [15] y,después, en el disco para correa dentada [6].Con el EAMM­U­T...­60PA/60R/70AA/85AA se requieren los manguitos reducto­res [30].Fig. 13 Colocar el manguito reductor •Montar los manguitos reductores [30] en los orificios de fijación del motor.Fig. 14 Fijar el motor •Fijar el motor con los tornillos [2] al cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse pero no se puede inclinar más.5.1.4Tensado de la correa dentadaExcesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Cargas radiales inadmisibles o rotura del eje.Elevado desgaste de la correa dentada, así como de los cojinetes del eje y del mo­tor.•Evítese una excesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Se recomienda que la pretensión de la correa dentada sea reducida.La correa dentada [5] estará tensada cuando los ramales [D] discurran más o me­nos en paralelo:–Destensada: y > x–Tensada: y L1 … 1,05 xFig. 15 Ramales de la correa dentadaFig. 16 Tensar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor hasta que sobre la correa dentada [5] se ejerza la fuerzaelástica Fv.2.Apretar los tornillos [2].EAMM-UFuerza elástica Fv[N]6527 (6087)45 (100)Tab. 4 Fuerza de tensión admisible de la correa dentada 5.1.5Montaje de la tapaFig. 17 Montar la tapa •Antes de la puesta en funcionamiento: fijar la tapa [7] con los tornillos [8] alcuerpo [1].5.2Instalación 5.2.1Soporte de la combinación de eje y motorFig. 18 La combinación debe soportarse sin crear tensiones •Apoyar la combinación libre de tensiones para evitar daños.6Durante el funcionamiento Riesgo de lesiones al tocar superficies calientes.El juego de montaje del motor se calentará debido al calor generado por el motor.•No tocar el juego de montaje del motor durante el funcionamiento ni inmedia­tamente después.Riesgo de lesiones por movimiento inesperado de componentes en caso de fallo de la correa dentada.•Cumplir las medidas de seguridad complementarias.7Mantenimiento 7.1Comprobación de la correa dentadaLa correa dentada [5] es una pieza de desgaste è /spareparts. probar la correa dentada [5] periódicamente:–cuando se cumplen los plazos de mantenimiento de la máquina –cuando se sustituye un eje2.Sustituir la correa dentada [5] cuando aparezcan los siguientes indicios dedesgaste:–fuerte acumulación de partículas de desgaste en la carcasa –grietas en el dorso de la correa dentada–hilado de tracción de fibra de vidrio visible en la base de los dientes7.2Sustitución de la correa dentadaFig. 19 Desmontar la correa dentadaEn caso de montaje en posición vertical o transversal:•Respetar las instrucciones de seguridad correspondientes incluidas en las instrucciones del eje.1.Retirar los tornillos [2].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.2.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligera­mente.3.Retirar la correa dentada [5] de los discos para correa dentada [6] y [15].8Especificaciones técnicas8.1Tamaño de tornillos y pares de aprieteEAMM-U-[2] [Nm][8] [Nm][10][Nm][16][Nm] 65­T42­55A M5x206M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­58AA M4x163M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60AA M4x163M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60AB M4x163M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60PA M4x203M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60R M4x203M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60RA M4x203M4x103M4x103M4x12487­T46­70A M5x206M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­70AA M5x206M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­80PA M6x4010M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­80PB M6x4010M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­85AA M5x256M5x126M6x2010M4x124 Tab. 5。



降压斩波电路 (Buck Chopper)
全控型器件 若为晶闸管,须 有辅助关断电路。
负载 出现 旳反 电动 势
L io R
VD uo
负载供电,负载电压uo=E,负 载电流io按指数曲线上升。
高; 6. 直流电源采用不可控三相整流时,电网功率因数高。
5.2.3 多相多重斩波电路
➢ 基本概念 多相多重斩波电路
在电源和负载之间接入多种 构造相同旳基本斩波电路而
相数 重数
一种控制周期 中电源侧旳电
5.2.3 多相多重斩波电路
电路构造:相当于由3个 降压斩波电路单元并联 而成。
t t t
c) 电流断续时旳波形
图5-1 降压斩波电路得原理图及波形
5.1.1 降压斩波电路
ton ton toff
E ton T
ton——V通旳时间 toff——V断旳时间 a--导通占空比
5.2.1 电流可逆斩波电路
V1和VD1构成降压斩波电路,电动机 为电动运营,工作于第1象限。
V2和VD2构成升压斩波电路,电动机 作再生制动运营,工作于第2象限。 uo

Denon天龙 全新5.1声道家庭影院扬声器SYS-2020

Denon天龙 全新5.1声道家庭影院扬声器SYS-2020

自高 度 风 2 0 1 5 年 正 式 引 入 Qu i n t e t(五 重 奏 )五 重 奏 系 列 ,反 应 及 销 售 都 是 屡 创 佳 绩 的M C 唱 头 杰作 ! 而 同 系 列 的 Ou i n t e t B l a c k( 夜 黑 ), 以 价 论 声 , 更 是 超 值 之作 ,卖 出数 量 是 同 类 型 中 的一 支独 秀。 由于 2 0 1 6 年 物 料 供 应 商 的 多 次 延 误 和 部 份 零 件 停 产 关 系 ,令 销 售 极 佳 的Ou i n t e t B I a c k 一 直缺 货 多 时。 高 度 风 为 了 延 续 此 型 号 , 推 出 第 二 版 Qu i n t e t B l a c k S ( 夜 黑 S),特 别 选 用 更 强 化 的 S a p p h i r e 蓝 宝 石 作 为 针 杆 ,构
不 同 气 派 和 特 色 , 轻 易 地 与 多 类 型 空 间 房 间 融 合 ,月
作 , 使 针 头 能 更 有 效 地 拾 取 到 更 精 细 的 信 号 。 再 加 上 采 用 S h i b a t a 柴 田 全 裸 式 钻 石 针
和 精 确 度 极 高 的 线 圈 设 计 , 令 唱 头 拥 有 大 过
扬 声 器 统 一 黑 色 的 哑光 外观 设计 , 极 具 触 感 ,让 扬 声 器 尽 在 画面 之外 ,摒弃 了老大 笨粗 的设计 ,观影 的过程 可 以更好士 【
面 ,从 专 业 影 院 获 得 的 设 计 理 念 ,让 用 户 获 益 。 环 绕 音 响 采 用 设计 ,整体 外 观 和 谐 统 一 ,加 之特 殊 的 多 边 形 设 计 ,这 是 简 单
全方位或局部 声频 的解决 方案。产 品设计心 思熟虑 , 同声 学 条 件 需 要 ,例 如 录 音 室 、 B a n d 房、室内体育锤 另 外 为 配 合 室 内 家 居 设 计 ,E ZA c o u s t i c s 更 拥 调 的 吸音板 E Z F a b r i c P a n e l 及 加入油 画 效果 外饰 的E De c o ¥ u E Z A r t P a n e l ,而且油 画 图案超过5 O 多款选 书



铁道货车通用技术条件GB/T5600-2006铁道货车通用技术条件carfreight railway Generaltechnical specification for 目次前言引言范围1规范性引用文件2 一般要求3 材料要求4 制造要求5 涂装与标记6 各车种要求7 通用敞、棚、平车技术要求规范性附录)附录A(专用货车技术要求规范性附录)附录B(罐车通用技术要求规范性附录)附录C(机械冷藏车通用技术要求)附录D(规范性附录前言。

GB/T5600-1997〈〈铁道货车通用技术条件》本标准代替与前版标准相比,本标准的主要内容变化如下:——一般要求中,新增了结构、运用、安全性等方面的内容;——材料要求中,取消了各类铸件、锻件、焊丝、弹簧等的材质要求,新增耐大气腐蚀钢、不锈钢、铝合金、铸钢件、涂料及其他金属、非金属的材质要求;——车体制造要求、转向架、制动装置、车钩缓冲装置、落成要求、涂装标记等按现车结构和新标准进行了修订;A “通用敞、棚、平车技术要求”;一一新增了附录B “专用货车技术要求”;一一新增了附录C “罐车通用技术要求”;一一新增了附录D “机械冷藏车通用技术要求”。

一一新增了附录〈铁道货车检查与试验GB/T5601 本标准规定了铁道货车的基本要求,铁道货车的检查与试验规则见。


D附录、附录B附录C 本标准的附录A本标准由铁道部提出。












GB/T 5163烧结金属材料(不包括硬质合金)可渗性烧结金属材料密度、含油率和开孔率的测定GB/T 1551硅单晶电阻率的测定直排四探针法和直流两探针法GB/T 13298金属显微组织检验方法GB/T 16535精细陶瓷线热膨胀系数试验方法顶杆法GB/T 6569精细陶瓷弯曲强度试验方法GB/T 38389ITO 化学分析方法SL 499钻孔应变法测量残余应力的标准测试方法GB/T 8170数值修约规则与极限数值的表示和判断3术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。


3.2相对密度relative densityITO 表观密度与理论密度的比值。

ITO 质量百分比In 2O 3:SnO 2=90:10时,ITO 理论密度以7.155g/cm 3计算。

ITO 质量百分比In 2O 3:SnO 2=93:7时,ITO 理论密度以7.143g/cm 3计算。

ITO 质量百分比In 2O 3:SnO 2=95:5时,ITO 理论密度以7.134g/cm 3计算。

ITO 质量百分比In 2O 3:SnO 2=97:3时,ITO 理论密度以7.131g/cm 3计算。

ITO 质量百分比In 2O 3:SnO 2=98:2时,ITO 理论密度以7.115g/cm 3计算。

ITO 质量百分比In 2O 3:SnO 2=99:1时,ITO 理论密度以7.103g/cm3计算。

DL_T 5227-2005《火力发电厂辅助系统(车间)热工自动化设计技术规定》

DL_T 5227-2005《火力发电厂辅助系统(车间)热工自动化设计技术规定》

P 61备案号:J441-2005匿喟中华人民共和国电力行业标准PDL/T 5227 - 2005火力发电厂辅助系统(车间)热工自动化设计技术规定Technical rule of thermal power automation design for auxiliary system (shop) of fossil fuel power plant 2005-02-14发布2005-06-01实施中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会发布DL /T 5227 - 2005前言 (Ⅱ)1 范围......., (1)2规范性引用文件 (2)3 总则…………………………………………………“34忱控技术要求…………………………………………………….45监控项目…………………………………………………..10条文说明…,.………………………………………………….29DL/T 5227 - 2005__王上.—JL.刖p本标水根据原电力T业部《关于下达1997年度电力行业标准制、修订计划项n的通知》(综科教[1998] 28号文)的要求编制的。







1 范围DL/T 5227 - 2005本标准规定了凝汽式和供热式、自各电厂、燃气轮机等火力发电』一‘辅助系统(午I间)的自动化设计要求。



DL/T 5227 - 20052 规范性引用文件下列文件.I-的条款通过本标水的引用而成为本标准的条款。















危险化学品的危险等级标准表危险化学品基准量危险指数与外部安全防护距离对照表编辑:新乡市朱振尧高级工程师2014.9.13百度文库•好好学习.天天向上百度文库•好好学习.天天向上2. 确左危险化学品基准量。


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最终火灾/爆炸校正因子的汁算公式如下:p=FF X x FF2 x FF3(2)式中:FFx——取决于危险化学品的物理状态:当危险化学品为固体或粉末、液体时,FFi=l:当危险化学品为气体时,FFi=0.1;百度文库•好好学习.天天向上FFi—取决于危险化学品生产、储存装置距厂区边界的距离:当危险化学品生产、储存装置距厂区边界的距离小于或等于30米时,FFT:当危险化学品生产、储存装巻距厂区边界的距离大于30米时,FF2=3.FF、—取决于危险化学品装置的类型:当装置类型为生产装置时,FF F O.3:当装置类型为地而储存装宜时,FFi当装苣类型为地下储存装置时,FF3=10O最终人员健康校正因子的计算公式如下:P=FH X X FH2X FH,式中:FHx——取决于危险化学品的物理状态:当危险化学品为固体时,阳尸3:当危险化学品为液体或粉末时,FH\=1:当危险化学品为气体时,FH1=0.1:FH2—取决于危险化学品生产、储存装垃距厂区边界的距离:当危险化学品生产、储存装置距厂区边界的距藹小于或等于30米时,FHi当危险化学品生产、储存装巻距厂区边界的距离大于30米时,FH2=30FH,—取决于危险化学品装置的类型:当装置类型为生产装置时,F"0・3;当装宜类型为地面储存装置时,FHi当装置类型为地下储存装置时,"7尸10。

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FEASIBILITY AND POTENTIAL OF CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER IN CHINAQu Hang, Zhao JunSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin UniversityTianjin 300072, Chinaquhang0922@, zhaojun@ABSTRACTThe Chinese power generation capacity is kept increasing to keep the pace with the rapidly growing economy, but the current coal-dominant power construction has resulted in serious environmental impacts as well as rapid depletion of the primary energy resources. The concentrating solar power (CSP) utilizes solar insolation to produce electric power, thus the non-renewable energy resources can be saved. CSP has already nearly 20 years´ experiences of commercial-scale operation in the United States, but it is still in the initial stage in China. The Chinese government aims to promote this technology as part of the solution. This paper presents a feasibility study of CSP in China from the angles of solar radiation resource, geography and nfrastructure, etc.. For comparison, perspectives of the three kinds of CSP including parabolic, tower and dish, are studied respectively to evaluate their potential in China. Also in this paper an overview of the current policies and measures in China to support the development of concentrating solar power is performed. From the study it is concluded that some areas in North-West can be selected as candidate to build the CSP plant, and parabolic and tower are two technologies with potential in China.1. INTRODUCTIONWith rapid development of economy, the energy demand has kept increasing in China. The commercial energy consumption in China had been increasing at an annual growth rate of 12% between 2002 and 2004, which is much higher than that of any developed country [1]. However, the gap between the energy demand and the generation capacity is still large. The Chinese per capita energy is only 1299 kg of coal equivalent (kgce) in 2003, which represents only 11.5 % and 22.9 % of those in the United States of America and Japan respectively [2], so China is still on the way of developing power generation.Coal, which represents 75.9% in the whole construction of power generation in 2005 [4], has caused serious environmental negatives. Air pollution in big cities, caused partly by coal-fired power plants, are creating severe health problem to the inhabitants. These local negatives are further accompanied by the increasing emissions of the greenhouse gas of CO2, which contributes the most to the global climate change. Concentrating solar power (CSP) is a solution for the above mentioned problems, and this technology represents a sustainable energy source with huge potential for China.2. CHINA’S ENERGY SITUATIONChina’s economy continues to rapidly expand. To meet the rising electricity demand, China would have to install as much as 635-860 GW of additional generation capacity by 2020, an amount comparable to EU’s total installed capacity in 2003 (Table 1) [4]. Energy has become one of the biggest challenges for the Chinese economy.5 SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS1725 TABLE 1: ELECTRI CI TY GENERATI ON FORECASTUNTIL 2020FORECAST 2005-2020Annual growth rate of GDP 6.6%Total electricity demand (TWh) 5337-6432Capacity to intall (GW) 635-860Most of the Chinese electricity generating capacity is based on coal-fired power plants. The dependence on coal has raised a lot of concern due to the numerous environmental problems mentioned above.As one of the energy sources, the increasing use of natural gas can reduce some negative environmental effects, but it will also contribute to climate changes through increased CO2-emissions. I n addition, China will depend largely on gas imports in the future, as the Chinese per capita natural gas reserve is only 5% of that of the world [5]. The only way to reduce the import dependency, and the environmental problems caused by combustion of fossil fuels, is to use indigenous renewable energy sources that are sufficiently available in China. Currently only hydro-power contributes significantly to the power generation in China. Except for the hydro-power plants which contribute 24.5% of the whole power generation in 2004, only very little (2860 MW) of the grid capacity is based on renewable energies. Generally biomass power plants account for the largest part of the non-hydro renewable electricity generation capacity. The wind energy has experienced a tremendous growth since mid of 1980s, from the installed capacity of 40 MW in 1991 to the capacity of around 800 MW by 2004. Wind power has a large potential in the coming years, and the potential of other renewable energies is also significant [6].3. V ARIOUS CSP SYSTEMSThe concentrating solar power (CSP) systems incorporate three different design alternatives: parabolic trough, power tower and dish/stirling. These systems are solar thermal concentrating devices: Direct normal insolation (DNI) is reflected and concentrated onto a receiver/absorber where it is converted to heat, then the heat is used to produce steam to drive a traditional Rankine power cycle [7].3.1 Parabolic TroughParabolic trough system is line-focusing, and it uses the mirrored surface of a linear parabolic concentrator to focus direct solar radiation to an absorber pipe running along the focal line of the parabola. The heat transfer fluid (HTF) inside the absorber pipe is heated and pumped to the heat exchanger, where steam is produced to drive the turbine to generate electricity. Normally a natural gas burner is used to produce steam at the time of insufficient radiation [8].Parabolic trough technology has demonstrated its ability to operate in a commercialized environment by the nine solar power plants in California. The accumulated 154 years’ operation experiences of indicate the low technical and financial risk in developing near-term plants [8].During the long term’s operation of the plants in California, The operation and maintenance procedures have been improved significantly. The Kramer Junction, one of the three sites locating the nine plants, has achieved a 30% reduction in operation and maintenance costs during the last 5 years [9]. Besides many detailed modifications, several major improvement works have been proceeding on, including direct steam generation (DSG) and I ntegrated Solar Combined Cycle System (ISCCS). Using direct solar steam generation, the HTF/Water Heat exchanger will no longer be required. Thus, by reducing investment costs and at the same time increasing system efficiency, a significant reduction of electricity generation cost is expected; ISCCS is a new design concept that integrates a parabolic trough plant with a gas turbine combined-cycle plant. The ISCCS has called much attention because it offers an innovative way to reduce cost and improve the overall solar-to-electric efficiency [10].3.2 Power TowerPower tower system is characterized by the centrally located large tower. A field of two-axis tracking mirrors (heliostats) reflects the solar radiation onto a receiver mounted on the top of the tower, where the solar energy is absorbed by a working fluid, then the heat is used to generate steam to power a conventional turbine. To maintain constant steam parameters at fluctuant solar irradiation or even at the time of no shining, the system canProceedings of ISES Solar World Congress 2007: Solar Energy and Human Settlement1726be integrated with a fossil back-up burner or a thermal storage unit [11]. 3.3 Dish/StirlingDish/Stirling system uses a parabolic dish concentrator to focus direct solar radiation to a thermal receiver, and a heat engine/generator unit located at the focus of the dish generates power. Typically, a Stirling engine is used; other designs use gas (Brayton) turbines. A hybrid operation using natural gas is also possible [12]. 3.4 Comparison of Various SystemsWith capacity of 10-400 kW, the dish/stirling is rather small. I t does not enjoy the same economy of scale as the other two systems, so it is doubtful whether dish/stirling will ever play a role in a multi-GW grid connected systems. However, this system could play an important role in the decentralized part of the solar economy; parabolic trough and power tower are both centralized systems, and they are candidates for applications with grid connection. The tower is still immature and the large scale utilization of parabolic trough could be realized in near and mid-term [12].4. ASSESSMENT OF SITING FACTORS FOR THE CSP PLANTSThere are many technical and economical issues related to siting of the CSP plants, and they must be evaluated in detail before locating a real plant. 4.1 Solar Energy ResourcesChina belongs to those so-called sun belt countries. Fig.1 shows the Chinese map of direct normal insolation (DN I) [13]. Generally speaking, the solar resource is abundant in China, but greatly diverse in various regions. The direct normal solar radiation ranges from less than 2 kWh/(m 2·day) in part of the south-east to more than 9 kWh/(m 2·day) in part of the west.Concentrating solar power systems require high direct normal insolation (DN I) for cost-effective operation. Sites with excellent solar radiation can offer more attractiveFig. 1: The DNI map in China.levelized electricity prices, and this single factor normally has the most significant impact on solar system costs [14]. t is generally assumed that concentrating solar power systems are economic only for locations with DNI above 1800 kWh/ (m 2·a) (circa 5 kWh/ (m 2·day)) [15]. As can be seen from Fig. 1, most of the northern and the western parts in China can satisfy this requirement. Tibet has the best DN I resource, and part of Inner Mongolia, Sinkiang, Qinghai and Gansu also possess of enough DNI resource 4.2 Land Use and Land CoverExcept for the solar radiation, concentrating solar power plants require a large land to locate the solar field, approximately a land area of 20234 m 2 is required per megawatt of electricity [16]. As China is a very intensively populated country, the agricultural land and forest, which is needed for crop and biomass production for the growing population, should not be considered for siting power plants. Thus, only waste land, which is unsuitable for agricultural and residential use, can be taken into consideration.I t is estimated that China has 2.63 million km 2 of such wasteland. Most of the wasteland is located in the northern and the western China. Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Qinghai, with wasteland of 987,900 km 2 [16], and annual normaldirect solar radiation more than 1800 kWh/m 2 in most of the areas, seem to be especially suitable locations. Assuming just 1% of the whole wasteland is taken as5 SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS1727potential site for solar thermal power plants, an area of 26,300 km2 still remains. This indicates that the land availability will not become barrier in the future. Even if only power tower, the technology with the higher land area requirement, were used, 1300 GW of electricity generation capacity could be installed, about 2 times of forecast of the capacity to be installed until 2020 (Table 1).4.3 Other FactorsExcept for solar energy resources, land use and land cover, the other siting factors are not quite different compared with those of the traditional steam power plant. Land slope is an important characteristic during the siting investigation of a CSP plant. An overall slope of less than 1% is preferable; higher slope up to 3% is also acceptable, but will elevate the cost [14]. For comparison, a thermal fired plant requires a land slope of 1% to 3% [17]. Another siting issue is the water availability. The water used at a Rankine steam CSP plant is for the steam cycle, mirror washing, and mostly the cooling tower. If sufficient water is not available at the site, dry cooling system is another choice. However, the plant electricity cost can be raised by 10% in this case [14].Access to transmission line and natural gas pipeline are also important factors for selecting the sites. Transmission line costs can be very high, so proximity of potential CSP plant to the grid is very important. With fossil fuel, preferably natural gas, as supplement for the solar energy resource, the solar thermal power plants have the capacity to provide firm power to the grid. However, the last issue is significant, but not determinant [14].5. POLICIES AND MEASURES TO PROMOTE CSP IN CHINAChina’s energy policy target is to reach a 15.4 % renewable energy share by the year of 2020, and 27.5% in 2050 respectively [5]. The instruments to reach this goal range from the ‘Law of the People’s Republic of China on Renewable Energies’ [18] to the political and financial support of research and development of renewable energy sources. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China has listed CSP as an important research issue in the ‘Summary of National mid& long-Term Science and Technology Development Plan’ (2006—2020) [19].Technologies and cost are two major barriers to develop CSP in China. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, with RMB100 million (USD 12.9 million) from central governmental budget, is funding CSP research in order to resolve the critical problems and bring CSP to the position of successfully entering the market [19]. Also China has been active in many international research and development activities, to accelerate this process.Using current CSP technology, the electricity generation cost of 10 to 12 US cents/kWh is still higher than that of traditional thermal-fired plant [15]. However, further cost reduction can be expected for this new technology. Also, the Chinese government has carried out regulation on renewable power pricing to make solar power profitable [20]. Moreover, this ‘zero-emission’ technology offers tremendous environmental positives concerning CO2 and other emissions. Despite all these advantages, CSP is still a very expensive technology, so low capital cost is a precondition for the economic operation of this technology. Taking all these factors into consideration, it becomes obvious that CSP offers a cost-effective opportunity for the international cooperation against climate change. I n the context of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), formulated in the Kyoto Protocol, CSP technology can offer interesting investment opportunities for the industrialized countries, to provide the necessary capital to the developing countries. This would help to protect the highlighted climate change by reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gases, and in the meantime support the sustainable development of the industrializing countries with rapidly increasing electricity demand, especially China.6. CONCLUSIONSAs part of the solutions for the problems of increasing energy demand and growing environmental degradation, the CSP technologies offer interesting opportunities for China. These technologies can easily be adapted in the North-West of China, such as I nner Mongolia, due to the abundant solar radiation and large area of wasteland.Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress 2007: Solar Energy and Human Settlement1728Parabolic trough and power tower have more potential due to their capability of large scale grid connection. However, many technological and economical actions are needed to bring CSP to a market-ready position in China.7. REFERENCES(1) Q. Y . Wang, “Energy Status and Prospects in China”,China Coal 2005 (2), pp.22-27.(2) A. Tcrway, “Energy and Environment in China: TwoConstraints of Economic Growth”, World Environment2006 (4), pp. 71-77.(3) F. Kahrl, D. Roland-Holst, “China’s Carbon Challenge:nsights from the Electric Power Sector”, Berkeley,California, 2006.(4) S. Q. Zhao, Y . Z. Zhang, “Resources, Production andEnvironmental I ssues of Coal in China”,Environmental Protection 2006 (07A), pp. 53-57.(5) Y . X. 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