action english 2006(080-089)


Action English (235)

Action English (235)

Action English (235)Nicolas Cage 尼古拉斯.凯奇生于:1964年1月7日出生地:Long Beach, California, USA人物简介:虽然身为大导演柯波拉的侄子,不过尼可拉斯凯吉可没有因此而得以平步青云,仍然是靠著自己一步一脚印,花了一段摸索期,才能在竞争激烈的影坛奠定今天的一切。








action english2005(92-98)笔记

action english2005(92-98)笔记

action english2005(92-98)2005.92fade 渐变ID1.I could not get into the club last night because I forgot my ID. The bouncer(酒吧保安)thought I was underage(未成年).2.Your need to show your ID when you borrow a book from the library.Someone has to pay for it. (=to be punished for sth.)1.If we get caught, someone is going to have to pay for it.2.Why should I pay for your mistakes?Things get out of hand. (=out of control)1.The soccer match got out of hand when people started fighting.2.My dog gets out of hand when other dogs are around. Be careful.2005.93first take 一场戏的第一个镜头dumb 傻1.My brother is so dumb; he thinks New York is the capital of America.2.I am not dumb; I know that bike is only worth $20. The front wheel is broken!It would be easier for you if there was an angle. (=try get sth. by indirect means)1.By being nice to the boss, John was working an angle to get a promotion.2.I tried calling her every day, but that angle does not seem to work. She still won’t go outwith me!You cannot figure out how to play him. (操纵某人、玩骗某人)1.My girlfriend is playing me. She does not love me. She just wants my money.2.We have to play this salesman just right, so we can get a good deal on the new car.a look-alike1.Saddam uses many look-alikes(替身) to take his place and protect him from his enemies.2.I have a pair of jeans that look exactly like yours. If I wore them, we’d be look-alikes! 2005.94parallelism 平行主义go way back (=know each other for a long time)1.My friend Amy and I go way back. We have been friends since elementary school.2.My grandfather and his friends go way back, they were in the Army together duringWorld War II.a-number-one hot shot (=the most powerful or important person)1.After Cobey dunked 3 basketballs in a row, everyone thought he was the team’sa-number-one hot shot.2.She thinks she is the a-number-one hot shot just because she is on television.if I take you out (=kill you)1.The assassin(刺客) was sent to take out the President.2.If that guy does not keep his mouth shut, we will have to take him out.I would not play ball, so they set me up. (play ball=cooperate)1.If you play ball during the meeting, I will help you out with anything you want.2.Are you going to play ball or do I have to ask someone else for help?2005.95tempo 节奏ETA with contact point: three minutes. (预计到达时间)1.The plan’s ETA is 8:45 this evening.2.Just got a call from the office. I told them our ETA was 12 on leave 得到批准休假1.I was going to go to Hawaii next week, but I could not get my leave.get all rowdy (1.nosiy; 2.get out of control)1.The football match was incredibly rowdy.2.After a few beers, he always becomes very rowdy.thinking you all that形容东西:特别、与众不同形容自己:对自己评价非常高形容别人:可能是褒,可能是贬1.He kept on thinking about his new car, but actually it is not all that.2.After winning that game he definitely thought he was all that.2005.96underwater film 水下摄影We don’t light up until the fat lady sings.1.We should not really make any plans until the fat lady sings.2.My boss said, you are not finished with today’s work until the fat lady sings. Then youcan go home.Ship all banged up. (1.damaged; 2.cannot work properly)1.My bike’s pretty banged up. It is very old.Who is the man? 是谁这么棒?(只用于男人)1.I really like Michael Jordan, he is the man.2.He scored three goals——he is the man!3.You are the man!Where you at? (=Where are you?)1.She gave me directions but I just could not find where she was at.2005.97freeze frame 定格Can you give me a hand?1.I was lucky, my brother gave me a hand with my homework last night.2.My friend’s boat was broken so I stopped to give him a hand.Let’s pick it up! (=improve/ do sth. faster)1.If you want to get into Harvard you are gonna need to pick up your work.2.Since he has been training every day, his football skills have been picked up.We are on a tight schedule. (=no time to waste)1.I was going to see sightseeing when I passed through Chicago but my schedule was tootight.2.I am worried about completing the project. I think the schedule was too tight.I’ve got something I’ve got to handle.1.I don’t think I could handle having more than two children.2.He had to leave the party early to handle some problem at work.2005.98youth film 青春影片I have no idea.1.I had no idea it was your birthday yesterday.2.I wish I had studied more mathematics because I have got no idea how to do my taxes.You are about to get a crash course. (速成班)1.Before taking up her job in Paris, she took a one-month crash course in French.2.He only took a crash course in sailing so I don’t think he likes to sail too far from the shore.I have been dying for some payback.1.Since his enemies got him put in jail he has been looking for payback.2.He attacked me, now I want payback.I won’t let you down. (=disappoint sb.)1.I specifically asked you to get here by 12:30. Now you are an hour late. You really let medown.2.He is going to bring me back a present from Mexico, I am sure he won’t let me down.。

情报セキュリティ 2006年4月21日(金)

情报セキュリティ 2006年4月21日(金)

辞書と,選ばれる傾向をもとに,パスワードを発見する方法 を「辞書攻撃」という
ツールが存在する ブルート・フォース・アタックと別の方法で見つかってしまう!

q q q
文字種や字数の制限があれば,それに従う UNIXのパスワードでは,英数字と記号を織り交ぜて, 6文字以上8文字以内にする 自分は思い出しやすいものにする 長ければいいってもんでもない 辞書攻撃で破られるようなパスワードは使用しない パスワードをメモしない(?) あちこちの認証システムで同一のパスワードにしない(?)

敵対者が同じ認証方法を所有する:UNIXのパスワードクラック いくらでも試せる 敵対者は認証方法を所有しない:Webサーバ,銀行ATM 失敗するとペナルティ

ブルート・フォース・アタック(brute-force attack,総当り法) 辞書攻撃

ショルダーハッキング(shoulder hacking)
パスワードを入力しているのを肩越しに見て,打鍵を記憶する こと 対策:後ろの人に見せない

キーロガー(key logger)
q q
キーボードからの入力を監視して記録するソフトウェア 対策:他人も使うコンピュータを使う際に注意する

数字のみ<英数字<英数字と記号 1文字増えるとパスワード空間がうんと大きくなる


00Greek that of the eastern half.
00230Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.
00240The Roman writer Horace(:e0lQCQMR65-8t^ WlN0) said captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive 0
00The world s first vast interior space.NLu
N,{ Colosseum('Yt珐) is an enormous.2)Yvsb_q_gRb
00410Sculpture(QX) She-wolf(
00; Father of History ! Herodotus ! war(between Greeks and Persians)
00This war is called Peleponicion wars. ZSWTY嬒d 3
00fH[ v^l g_洺0
00; The greatest historian that ever lived. ( geggO'YvS[) ! Thucydides ! war (Sparta Athens and Syracuse)
00200The burning of Corinth in 146 B.C. Marked Roman conquest of Greece.
00210The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (Wl_ g ^Jvh)
00220From 146 B.C. Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire.

Action English

Action English

Action EnglishMar.7, 20071.SlangSharp mouth 说话刻薄;很会用词That’s too…(eg。

rich)for my blood 太。

(如,贵)了我承受不起2. PhrasesMisty-eyed 热泪盈眶的Dinner is on me. 我请客。

Mar.8, 20071.SlangAir sth./sb. Out 把某事或某人拿到户外去透透气2. PhrasesAs I see fit 照我说的做,听我的指示Someone’s bite is worse than one’s beat 刀子嘴,豆腐心;敢说不敢做Mar.9, 20071.SlangA piece 一件东西,很珍贵的,或印象深刻的,如,艺术品,也可以是垃圾(piece of junk)e.g. It’s a piece, don’t call it a gun.2. PhrasesSomeone is cooking 终于转入正题了,这正是我想知道的Be in a slump 处于低潮,心情不好Mar.10, 20071.SlangTake it away. 该你上场了,看你的啦。

Night owl 夜猫子morning person 早起的人2. PhrasesMind 留心,小心That’s that. 就这样吧,就这么多了,不用别的了,不用考虑其他的了。

Mar.12, 20071.SlangThe sight 遇见未来的能力;预感很准2. PhrasesLay in on thick 夸大其词。

过分渲染Singularly 独一无二的;非常出众的Mar.13, 20071.SlangThrew money on…把金钱浪费在。

A run for money 事情没有想象的那么简单;需要费大的精力做。

2. PhrasesBe sacked 被解雇It (really) says sth./ It is (really) saying sth. 这很能说明问题(后常加if。



AnalysisonEnglis...第一篇:Analysis on English and Chinese advertising language universals分析英汉广告语言的共性摘要:本英国硕士论文从消费心理入手研究了广告语言对消费者几种消费心理的影响,指出英汉广告语言的共性必须是善于捕捉人们的心理活动,在创意上通过语言、形象的渲染,来博得消费者的认同与共鸣。


美国学者 Lewis 曾提出过“注意(Attention)、兴趣(Interest)、欲望(Desire)、行动(Action)”原则,这一原则揭示了广告实现其效果的心理过程,认为广告要实现其效果,必须能够引起消费者的注意,激发其兴趣,唤起其购买欲望,最终引导消费者作出购买选择。









action english2005(29-35)笔记

action english2005(29-35)笔记

action english 2005年(29-35)2005.29nativity 圣诞演出the nativity scene 关于圣诞、耶稣降生的演出Give me a hand! (= help me)1.Wow, the table is so heavy. Can you give me a hand moving it?2.Hey man, come on, give me a hand with this math problem.The dope was whining about his suitcase.dope = stupid person1.Hey, you dope, it is your mother tongue.2.John is a dope. You don’t have to follow his directions.whining = complain 类似抱怨时发出的声音,可怜巴巴的声音1.Hey, will you stop whining?2.-Hey, what’s got into him?-He thinks it is too hot to play football. Well, he is whining about the weather.You are completely helpless.1.New born babies are completely helpless.2.Well, I won’t cook your dinner, but you are not helpless. You can cook for yourself. 2005.30pan 摇镜头Are you nuts? (= are you crazy? 1.疯了吗?2.有病啊你!)1.Hey, don’t put your hands in the tiger cage. Are you nuts?2.What? Quit college? Are you nuts? How would I get a good job?That is freaky looking.freaky = strange/ informal/ casual 很奇怪freaky looking 看起来很奇怪1.Hey, that guy has some really freaky looking hair.2.Wow, those are freaky looking shoes!I mean, what the heck is it, anyway?Before you explain sth. further, you can say, ’I mean’.1.Hey, that is a freaky dress! I mean, it looks strange.2.My boss is really stupid. I mean he is the king of idiots.the heck 带点语气、感情1.The house is a mess. What the heck happened here?2.You are fired! Get the heck out of my face/ my office!producer 制片人It is just that I got a little bit sidetracked. (= to be distracted 偏离轨道了,分神了)1.Peter thought he would go to college right after high school. But he got sidetracked. Hespent four years in the army first.2.Hey, I am sorry I didn’t have time to buy your book. You know, there was a sale going onat the CD store. I got sidetracked.Why don’t you come up with your own sound?come up with = find/ solve/ think of1.I couldn’t find your brother. All I could come up with is some footprints.2.Well, I’ve been working on this problem for hours, and haven’t come up with a solution.3.Hey, it is a great idea, but I didn’t come up with it by myself.Well yeah, you could, if you could keep up. But you know, you can’t keep up.keep up = move very fast/ stay near sth. or sb.1.Could you talk a little slower? I can’t keep up.2.Hey, he is driving very fast, but we can keep up.Pull yourself together, you are embarrassing me.pull yourself together = calm down, relax/ 重新找回你自己,做回你自己,振作起来1.Stop screaming. Pull yourself together, OK? The car didn’t hit me.2.I know your dog died, and you are sad. But that was three years ago! Pull yourself, OK?Pull yourself together and go to work.2005.32epic movie 史诗片Do you know you didn’t even give them a good bang at the end of songs? To let them knowwhen to clap.bang = v.重击某物的动作/ n. surprise1.Don’t bang. Don’t bang the door.2.That suspense movie gave me a big bang at the end. I never would have expected such afreaky(曲折的、奇妙的) ending.You nearly gave me a heart-attack!People say this about sth. that really scares them.1.He was okay, but I thought he was dead. He nearly gave me a heart-attack.2.My girlfriend loves sky-diving. Every time I see her do it, it gives me a heart-attack.But it was an accident.1.Hey, sorry, I broke your CD player. But it was an accident.2.Hey, Derek was in a bad car accident yesterday.cast 选演员/ 一部电影中的全体演员casting director 负责挑选演员的导演talent scout 星探Are you thick in the head? (= stupid)1.You are going to steal a car. Are you thick in the head?2.Hey, I am sure Jim doesn’t understand. You know, he is a little thick.I will miss you, Jane.miss = 想念、怀念/ 错过1.I am homesick. I miss my family.2.I don’t have a car right now. I really miss driving.3.Sorry, I am terribly sorry I missed your birthday party. I was terribly sick.4.Hey, is that program over already? Did I miss it?Well, I suppose we should say goodbye.I suppose = I think/ I guess1.If I am not going to work, I suppose I should call the boss and tell him.2.What? You don’t like my idea? I suppose you have a better one.C’mon Trek! Step on it!If you want sb. to move faster, you can say ‘step on it’. (很熟的人之间,亲人之间用) 1.Hey, you are gonna be late for the movie. Step on it, OK?2.Hey man, I can’t wait all day. Could you step on it?2005.34action 开机cut 停机No, take it. If you didn’t give it everything you’ve got, then I don’t want it. (= just to try asmuch as possible)1.If you give it everything you’ve got, the team will win the game.2.Don’t worry about it. I am sure if you give it everything you’ve got, you will pass it.just in case 以防万一1.Well, it may be sunny outside, but bring an umbrella just in case if it rains.2.I brought some extra money just in case you don’t have enough.This is a standoff. (僵持不下,不是表示平局)1.Two guys are equally strong. The fight ended in a standoff.2.Sally and Jeff both have excellent arguments so the debate ended in a standoff.平局:tied1.The score is two to two, the game is tied.wide screen 宽银屏(= letter box)Movie screen 16:9TV screen 4:3You could have shut me down, but you blinked, Mm?shut me down = defeat meshut sb. down 打败shut sth. down 关闭,使……倒闭1.Jane is a very good chess player so she shut me down easily.2.That company is doing illegal things so the police shut it down.You are missing the bigger picture.bigger picture: the full truth of a situationIf someone understands ‘the bigger picture’, he understands the complexity and the real truth behind a situation.有发展的眼光看问题,从全局做判断。

action english2005(127-133)笔记

action english2005(127-133)笔记

action english2005(127-133)2005.127The scheme of yours is failed. 阴谋、诡计1.She has figured out a scheme to get us in to the movies for free.It is a standoff. 僵局、两方都不同意让步1.Both sides would not give in. The debate ended in a standoff.An odd play for the trade federation. 反常态的行为举止1.It was an odd play for you to vacation in Thailand you don’t even like to swim.2.Everyone thought that it was an odd play for her to quit her job--they did not know shefound a better one.Let’s split up. (=break apart)1.That couple split up after 25years of marriage.2.If we want to find Angela, we should split up. It will be faster that way.2005.128you overdid it1.The doctor said I could play tennis if I did not overdo it.they would not dare1.I would not dare borrow my sister’s car without asking; she’d kill me.2.He would not dare lie to his mother--she always knows when he is lying.They cannot afford to kill her. 代价太大1.I cannot afford to fail the test; it is worth 50% of my grade.2.They cannot afford to fire him; he is a good employee.the senate will side with us 偏袒我们1.The mayor decided to side with the workers in the strike.2.If the judge sides with me, I win the case!2005.129The reading is off the chart. 破了谁的记录1.His marks were off the charts. Nobody has ever scored that high on the test.2.She is the fastest swimmer on the team. Her time is off the charts.That human being is out of his mind.1.You must be out of your mind to lend him money. He will never pay you back.2.You must be out of your mind to go jogging today. It is 37 degrees outside!The crowds are going nuts. (very excited/happy or sad)1.The audience is going nuts. Their team just won the game.2.My husband is going nuts because I spent $500 on a pair of shoes today.2005.130it is a hard life1.Being a famer is a hard life. You have to work all day and all night.2.She has a hard life. She supports her whole family and goes to school at night.They will not go along with you this time. (agree/cooperate)1.Please go along with us on this. Why are you being so difficult?2.I will go along with you this time, but if you are wrong, I will never trust you again.see through you, we can 看透一个人的本质1.I would see through him, I knew he was a liar.2.Mom saw through me. She knew I skipped school today.2005.131dialogue 对话I must go do as nature intended. 人本能的要求1.Every weekend I drink beer as nature intended.Put their house on the market.1.I put all of my old textbooks on the market for the new students.I have made us a nest egg. 积蓄1.His parents saved money for him since he was six so he would have a nice nest egg by the time he was 25.2005.132scene 场景You have no staying power.1.Her long resume with numerous jobs indicated that she had no staying power at anyparticular company.2.Tom was very passionate about his relationships at first, but he had no staying powerand they ended very quickly.I did not get it.1.It was as if he was a genius--he got everything the first time we explained it to him.It gets underneath my skin. (annoy 使浑身不自在)1.The crying baby on the airplane got under my skin and I could not wait to land.2.His bad habit of spitting got under my skin so badly that I finally had to say it.2005.133director’s cut 导演剪切版I get the picture. (understand the whole situation)1.After meeting his parents, Julie got the picture about her boyfriend.2.Once the managers explained all aspects of the project, I got the picture and understandmy role much better.He knew what he was doing.1.When it comes to planning large events, she knows what she is doing.2.That team always wins. They really know what they are doing.You lost your birthright. 应该继承的财产1.As the oldest son, I will get the family farm as a birthright.2.The prodigal son claimed his birthright early and left home.。



2005.174Care to do the honors Mickey?1.Why don’t you do the honors and open the bottle of champagne for us all?2.I will do the honors and open the present.Two and a half years of undercover work. 秘密的1.The police have to work undercover to capture the drug dealers.2.James Bond works undercover to get secret information from his enemies.Well, so long. 再见(要分别好一阵子)1.I will see you when you return to Beijing, so long.2.Take care and so long, I hope you have a good trip.2005.175Don’t throw it all away. 你浪费了机会1.He has a great success until he threw it all away gambling.2.You could do so much with your life. So don’t quit school and throw it all away.……till the end of his days1.He lived in the same apartment till the end of his days.2.My grandparents were married till the end of their days.I keep a low profile. 低调high profile 高调1.I was late for work today. I should keep a low profile so the boss does not notice.2.Dave is keeping a low profile until his exam is over. He really wants a good grade. 2005.176Be my guest. 你是我的客人、你想做什么就做什么吧1.If you think you can do the job, be my guest and give it a try.2.-Can I try your new badminton racket?-Sure, be my guest.I have to hand it to ya. (I have to congratulate you.)1.I have to hand it to ya, I mean that is a great party.2.I don’t know how you meet so many girls, I have to hand it to ya.You really came through. (help somebody when they really need)1.My brother really came through when he lent me the money to pay for college.2.Thanks for driving me to work this morning, you really came through. I would have beenlate!They do not know any better. 不太懂事1.Don’t punish my son for stealing, he does not know any better.2.You cannot get mad at the dog for ruining your shoes, he does not know any better.Welcome to the club. 同病相怜1.Your girlfriend dumped you? Welcome to the club, mine dumped me last week.2.I hope my band gets famous. Welcome to the club--who does not want to be a rockstar?I hate it when negotiations get sour. 变酸、引申为:变得让人不愉快1.The game got sour when all the players started yelling at the referee.裁判2.The date got sour when my ex-girlfriend showed up last night.2005.178I did not catch it. 没听清、没听明白1.-What did the weather report say?-I did not catch it.2.-What was her name again?-I did not catch it when she was introduced.we are on it 1.我们马上就去做;2.我们已经在做、很快就要做完了1.The boss asked us if we could finish the report by 5pm, I told him we were on it.2.-Did you remember to call your mother?-No, but I will get on it.You are a bigger pain in the nock than I thought. 让你头痛、气恼、不舒服1.Her sister is a pain in the neck, she is always stealing Nancy’s clothes.2.I really wish my ex-boyfriend would stop calling me. He is such a pain in the neck. 2005.179You are a sneak. (sb. who does things around you 但不经过你的同意、鬼鬼祟祟)1.You threw me a surprise party? You are such a sneak.2.You sneak! How did you get into the movies without paying?good for a laugh (amusing 很风趣、很有意思)1.My uncle is always good for a laugh. He tells funny stories.2.The movie is worth seeing, it is good for a laugh.Wow, heavy, a pilot and a philosopher. 很深刻、深沉1.The book I am reading is heavy, it is making me think seriously about my life.2.Duran is a heavy guy, he is always talking about philosophy.Do you want it sugar coated? 粉饰1.I told Jessica what happened, but I had to sugar coat it. She does not like to hear badnews.2.Don’t sugar coat the truth, tell me everything.It is like trying to find a flea on an elephant’s ass.1.Trying to find you in a crowd is like trying to find flea on an elephant’s ass, it isimpossible!2.This studio is hard to find! I feel like I am trying to find a flea on an elephant’s ass. 2005.181piss it away (waste sth.)1.My father thinks I am pissing my life aways because I am in a rock band.2.I could have gone to Sydney, but I pissed all my money away gambling.I gave them any blessing.1.They wanted to get married, so I gave them my blessing. They make a lovely couple.他们再合适不过了2.When she quit her job for a better one, I gave her my blessing. It was a goodopportunity for her.Never looked back. 从不后悔1.After I moved to Beijing, I never looked back. I love it here.2.I quit the band and never looked back. I made it as a rock star on my own. 2005.182give me a hand1.Could you give me a hand and pass me the scissors? I cannot reach them myself!2.Why don’t you give Dad a hand with garbage? It looks heavy.What’s the deal here? (What’s going on?/ What happened?)1.You said you’d pick me up at 10 and it is now 11, what’s the deal?2.What’s the deal, are you coming to the party or not?Let’s be smart about this. 看仔细了,放聪明一点、实际一点1.You have to be smart about the kinds of friends you make. Not everyone is honest.2.If you want to be a famous actress, you have to be smart about it and take good roles. 2005.183Got it.1.I cannot quite seem to get this math problem.2.I want you to come home right after school, got it?keep track of time 掌控时间1.I have to be somewhere at 8pm so I’d better keep track of time.2.Joe cannot keep track of time and he is often late for important meetings.I don’t want it to slip away.溜走了、没感觉1.I think I am going to try to slip away from this party early tonight so I can have a goodrest.2.As we get older, time seems to slip away much faster.。



ACTION ENGLISH 1MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典sound engineer, a person who make sound better 录音师AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语Rumo(u)r has it that…据说……;人们都说……例句:Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy. 人们都说安迪是个棒小伙。

Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer. 人们都说那个录音师很难相处.Rumour has it that Jean’s getting married again. 人们都说吉恩又要结婚了。

Rumors have it that there will be a change in the Cabinet. 谣传内阁将改组。

Rumour has it that he is going to resign. 据说他将辞职。

CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白The BeachMy name is Richard.So what else do you need to know?Stuff about my family or where I’m from.None of that matters.Not once you cross the ocean and cut yourself loose.Looking for something more beautiful something more exciting and yet, I admit something more dangerous.After 18 hours in the back of an airplane three dumb movies, two plastic meals, six beers and absolutely no sleep, I finally touched down in Bangkok.‘Hey, how about you? You want to go to the waterfall? Cheap for you, come on.’‘Hey, you need somewhere to stay?’‘I’ll be fine. I’ll find my own place, thanks.’‘What do you want, man?’And this is it. Bangkok, good time city, gateway to southeast Asia.Where dollar and Deutschmarks.Get turned into counterfeit watches and genuine scars.‘It’s a good time, boys? Girls? This is where the hungry come to feed. You wanna drink snake blood?‘Wait a minute. Did you say snake blood?’‘Oh yeah.’‘No, thanks.’‘What is wrong with snake blood?’‘I just don’t like the idea.’‘Or maybe you scared? Afraid of something new?’‘No, I just don’t like the idea, that’s all.’‘Ha ha! Like every tourist. You are all the same just like America.’So never refuse an invitation.Never resist the unfamiliar.Never fall to be polite.‘Gentlemen, that was excellent.’Never outstay your welcome.Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience.And if hurts it’s probably worth it.重点词句:None of that matters. 无关紧要。


• 培训机构简介
上海洛基国际英语是在上海最强的成人培训基地,主要 是以上海为基地面向全国学员提供培训和服务。自洛基国 际英语培训中心成立以来,先后在上海和全国和地举办英 语强化集训营和夏令营100多期以及在线网络课程-天才计 划课程,已经培训了近万名来自全国各地的学员和部分来 自日本、韩国和香港的学员,取得了丰硕成果,让很多人 摆脱了聋哑英语的痛苦。
全国一流 超级讲师团队
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
charley老师 charley老师 英语语音雕刻法主讲人 英语考试研究专家 魔术英语》 《魔术英语》发明人
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
• 培训流程
客户需求分析 入学水平测试 设计班级方案
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
洛基国际英语是一个真心为客户解决问题,用心负责的企业。 洛基国际英语是一个真心为客户解决问题,用心负责的企业。 我们的服务理念就是“用心,真诚,物超所值” 我们的服务理念就是“用心,真诚,物超所值”,希望通过你 对我们足够的了解,我们双方给予对方相互的机会。 对我们足够的了解,我们双方给予对方相互的机会。 我们提供“教练,教法,教材”你给予你的支持和努力! 我们提供“教练,教法,教材”你给予你的支持和努力! 我们一定保证英语之路如康庄大道直至成功! 我们一定保证英语之路如康庄大道直至成功! 敬候佳音!! 敬候佳音!!

al Offences Act 2006

al Offences Act 2006

The Bill becomes Law!!
Assent in July 2006 Establishment of Multi-sectoral Task Force on Multithe Implementation of the Act in 2007 Amendments made in September 2007 Development of official curriculum in place Evaluation of first TOT done –challenges in attitude of judicial and police officers
Equality Bill Motion of 2000 Referendum on the New Constitution for Kenya 2005. (Women's right to represent right+affirmative action+Inheritance. Domestic Violence (Family Protection) Bill (Shelved in 1996)
Partnerships & networking
Parliamentary Process



西南政法大学试卷(A 卷)2006 — 2007 学年第 二 学期课程 大学英语 专业 全校各专业平行班 年级 2005级本试卷共 10 页,满分 100 分;考试时间:120 分钟;考试方式:闭卷注意事项1、 本学期使用新机读卡,主观题与客观题的答案都填写在一张卡上,卡上准考证号一栏填学生完整的学号,请正确填写自己的学号,学号请按示范填写,填错或不填阅卷系统记录为零分。

示范如下:学号为2005111101, 填涂为:2、3、 选择题按对应编号,用铅笔将答案划在机读卡上。


4、 主观题作答时请一定在卡上写清楚每题对应的大编号与小编号。

5、 注意保持机读卡面清洁、无折叠、无污损,否则阅卷系统不能正常识别。

Part I Listening Comprehension (25%) Section ADirections: In this section, you’ll hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE . Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.1. A) The man refuses to listen to his doctor ’s advice. B) The man is under pressure from his wife. C) The man usually follows his wife ’s advice. D) The man no longer smokes.2. A) In a department store. B) In a bank. C) At a hotel. D) At a tourist bureau.3. A) Manager and clerk.B) College advisor and student. C) Architect and computer expert.D) Architect and mathematics department head. 4. A) The woman has been complaining too much.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -密-----------------封-----------------线-------------------内-------------------不---------------------要-----------------------答-------------------题------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 学生姓名:___________________ 学号 :_________________ 专业年级 :_________________ 考试教室:____________B) The woman’s headache will go away by itself.C) The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.D) The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor.5. A) She did poorly on the exam.B) She complained about the man making the highest mark.C) She often makes careless mistakes.D) She wanted the highest grade but got only the second highest.6. A) He may need to take an extra course.B) The degree will take a shorter time in the future.C) Degrees will be easier to finish next year.D) There is no regulation of the courses next year.7. A) At last he enjoys campus life.B) School has changed little since last year.C) He has many new friends.D) It’s easier to find his way around this year.8. A) He’s afraid to try some of the exercises himself.B) The physics class is only halfway over.C) The students aren’t in good physical condition.D) He doesn’t believe everything people say.Questions 9-12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) To choose a topic for a term paper.B) To get material not available at the main library.C) To type some research materials.D) To learn to use the computers there.10. A) A comparison of political journals and newspapers.B) The impact of TV on recent presidential election.C) The use of computers in calculating election results.D) An analysis of early presidential results.11. A) It is quite general.B) It should be changed.C) It’ll take a short time to find the relevant materials.D) It is closely related with information in a newspaper.12. A) He pays a little money to use it.B) He orders it from the publisher.C) He travels to that library to get it.D) He reads it in the graduate school library.Questions 13-15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. A) Abroad. B) To the seaside.C) To his mother. D) To the mountains.14. A) His wife. B) His mother. C) A friend. D) A nurse.15. A) Joining him and his wife for the holiday.B) Sending her sister’s children to their grandmother.C) Going to the mountains.D) Going for a tour abroad.Section BDirections: In this section, you’ll hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE.Passage OneQuestions 16-18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.16. A) She feels that they must offer more if they wish to attract students.B) She feels that they should cut back on graduate programs.C) She feels that they still maintain their usual sacred position in the eyes of the general public.D) She feels that they should not concern themselves with the needs of prospective students.17. A) She believes that students are more emotionally mature than they once were.B) She believes that students consider all colleges inferior.C) She believes that students realize that a college education is no longer important.D) She believes that students are aware of the fact that a college degree does not necessarily guaranteelong term job success.18. A) All private institutions will close down.B) Private institutions must meet society’s needs in some specified fields.C) Private institutions have to satisfy their customers.D) Private institutions have a greater future than the public ones.Passage TwoQuestions 19-21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A) 4,000 years ago. B) 3,000 years ago.C) 2,000 years ago. D) 1,000 years ago.20. A) The small bowl was put above the large bowl.B) The large bowl was put above the small bowl.C) The small bowl was put inside the large bowl.D) The large bowl consisted of two equal parts.21. A) Horsemen. B) Brass doors. C) Drops of water. D) Metal balls.Passage ThreeQuestions 22-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. A) In a fast-food restaurant. B) At a shopping center.C) At a country fair. D) In a bakery.23. A) Avoid eating any food. B) Prepare the right type of pie to eat.C) Wash his hands thoroughly. D) Practice eating a pie quickly.24. A) On the table. B) Behind his back.C) Under his bottom. D) On his lap.25. A) Looking sideways to see how fast your neighbour eats.B) Eating from the outside toward the middle.C) Swallowing the pie with water.D) Holding the pie in the right position.Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage OneWater projects in the United States gained a new rationale (根据) in the 1930’s as the nation suffered its worst economic depression and the Great Plains region suffered its worst drought in recorded history. As the economy sank into despair and unemployment rates increased, the political climate for direct federal government involvement in water projects improved. President Franklin Roosevelt’s first 100 days in office brought a number of new laws to deal with the severe economic depression that became known as the Great Depression. Two of these laws, the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 and the National Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA), had particular significance for water resource development.The natural pattern of Tennessee River was characterized by large spring flows that produceddestructive floods and low summer flows that restricted navigation. The intensity and frequency of the events discouraged development and contributed to persistent poverty in the valley. To counter these natural obstacles, the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 created Tennessee Valley Authority (TV A), a public agency with broad powers to develop the Tennessee River system in the interest of navigation, flood control, and national defense, and to promote development in the region, including authority to build dams and reservoirs and to generate and sell hydroelectric power. The TV A is a unique institution in that it brings all the water-related functions of the federal government of the single body. The TV A used its authority to transform the Tennessee River into one of the most highly regulated rivers in the world within about two decades. The TVA inherited the Wilson Dam, and by the beginning of the Second World War it had completed six additional multipurpose dams with power plants and locks for navigation. Investments in dams and hydropower facilities within the Tennessee Valley also received high priority during the war.The NIRA authorized the creation of the Public Works Administration to create jobs while undertaking work of benefit to the community. The NIRA also gave the United States President unprecedented powers to initiate public works, including water projects. The Public Works Administration provided loans and grants to state and local governments and to federal agencies for municipal waterworks, sewage plants, irrigation, flood control, and waterpower projects.26. All of following are mentioned as resulting from the Great Depression EXCEPT ______.A) an increase in unemploymentB) a change in political thinkingC) a new study of the history of droughtsD) a different approach to water projects27. It can be inferred from the passage that before the 1930’s the role of the federal government in waterprojects was _______.A) more limited than it was after 1930B) more important than its role in other conservation projectsC) restricted to the Great Plains regionD) designed to help with drought recovery28. The word “unprecedented” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to ______.A) not extensiveB) not existing beforeC) not used oftenD) not needing money29. Which of the following discouraged development of the Tennessee Valley prior to 1933?A) Laws imposed by the local government.B) The geographical features of the valley.C) The lack of suitable building materials.D) The effects of seasonal flows of the river.30. According to the passage, the Tennessee Valley Authority decided to ______.A) introduce rules to control the use of the Tennessee RiverB) build the Wilson DamC) reduce investment in hydropower facilities in the Tennessee ValleyD) increase the price of electricityPassage TwoWithin fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasantwastes would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that grounders and rollers break up everything that can be broken. Finally, the rubbish will pass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.The first full-scale giant recycling plants are, perhaps, fifteen years away. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.31. The phrase “be well on with…” (Para. 1) most probably means _______.A) have completed what was startedB) get ready to startC) have achieved a great dealD) put an end to32. What is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process described in Paragraph 3?A) Breaking up whatever is breakable.B) Sharpening metal bars.C) Separating light elements from the heavy ones.D) Sorting out small pieces of metal.33. What’s the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A) To deal with wastes in a better way.B) To protect the environment from pollution.C) To get raw materials locally.D) To get big profits from those plants.34. The first full-scale huge recycling plants ______.A) began to operate fifteen years agoB) will probably take less than fifteen years to buildC) will be built fifteen years laterD) will probably be in operation in fifteen years35. The passage is mainly about ______.A) a cheap way to get energyB) the location of recycling plantsC) new ways of recycling wastesD) the protection of city environmentPassage ThreeIn 1972, a century after the first national park in the United States was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries(国家海洋保护区)Program. The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats(栖息地)similar to that existing for land areas designated(指定)as national parks. The designation of an area a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may not be harmed or removed.The National Marine Sanctuary Program was created by the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. This authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to designate and manage areas of the marine environment with special national significance due to their conservation, recreational, ecological, historical, scientific, cultural, archeological, educational, or esthetic qualities as national marine sanctuaries. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after 1978. They range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System, managed by the United States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries(港湾). Outside the United States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves, and preserves. Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Carbbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas, whether as sanctuaries, parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.36. What does the passage mainly talk about?A) Various marine conservation programs.B) Differences among marine parks, sanctuaries, and reserves.C) International agreements on coastal protection.D) Similarities between land and sea protected environments.37. The passage mentions the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in paragraph 2 as an example of asanctuary that ______.A) is worth protectingB) covers a large areaC) is the largest one in AmericaD) was designated by the Secretary of Commerce38. According to the passage, all of the following are achievements of the National Marine SanctuariesProgram EXCEPT ______.A) the discovery of several new marine organismsB) the preservation of connections between individual marine speciesC) the protection of coastal habitatsD) the establishment of areas where the public can observe marine life39. Based on the passage, ______ is regarded as a threat to marine areas outside the United States.A) limitations in financial supportB) the use of marine species as foodC) variability of the climateD) increases in tourism40. The word “periphery” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.A) depthB) landmassC) outer edgeD) habitatPassage FourIt is all very well to blame traffic jams, the cost of petrol and the quick pace of modern life, but manners on the roads are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men become monsters behind the wheel. You might tolerate the odd road-hog, the rude and inconsiderate driver, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule.Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most coolheaded and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the tensions of motoring. A friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgement in response to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such acknowledgements of politeness are all too rare today.However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous. Typical examples are the driver who brakes violently to allow a car to emerge from a side street at some hazard to following traffic, when a few seconds later the road would be clear anyway; or the man who waves a child across a zebra crossing into the path of oncoming vehicles that may be unable to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they care to. It always amazes me that the highways are not covered with the dead bodies of these grannies.A veteran driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if motorists learnt to filter correctly into traffic streams one at a time without causing the total blockages that give rise to bad temper. Unfortunately, modern motorists can’t even learn to drive, let alone master the subtler aspects of roadsmanship. Years ago the experts warned us that the car-ownership explosion would demand a lot more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.41. Accoding to this passage, troubles on the road are primarily caused by _______.A) people’s attitude towards the road-hogB) the rhythm of modern lifeC) the behavior of the driverD) traffic conditions42. The sentence “You might tolerate the odd-hog… the rule.” (Para. 1) implies that _______.A) our society is unjust towards well-mannered motoristsB) rude drivers can be met only occasionallyC) the well-mannered motorist cannot tolerate the road-hogD) nowadays impolite drivers constitute the majority of motorists43. By “good sense” in paragraph 2, the writer means _______.A) the driver’s ability to understand and react reasonablyB) the driver’s prompt response to difficult and severe conditionsC) the driver’s tolerance of rude or even savage behaviorD) the driver’s acknowledgement of politeness and regulations44. Experts have long pointed out that in the face of car-ownership explosion, _______.A) road users should make more sacrificeB) drivers should be ready to yield to each otherC) drivers should have more communication among themselvesD) drivers will suffer great loss if they pay no respect to others45. In the writer’s opinion, _______.A) strict traffic regulations are badly neededB) drivers should apply road politeness properlyC) rude drivers should be punishedD) drivers should avoid traffic jamsPart III Vocabulary and Structure(10%)46. We need someone really ______ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.A) crucial B) realistic C) essential D) efficient47. Their refusal to compromise is a major _______ that stands in the way of further peace talks.A) obstacle B) complication C) entity D) hazard48. Under normal circumstances the body can _______ these naturally occurring substances into vitamins.A) convert B) render C) derive D) originate49. He should ______ what he’s good at, and not switch to something he knows nothing about.A) take on B) stick to C) go after D) live on50. Many social problems are caused by the uneven ______ of wealth.A) equality B) justice C) distribution D) volume51. The doctor ______ Billy’s operation with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger.A) went after B) followed up C) started up D) took on52. Obviously, no teacher has _______ patience. Even Larry, who is always kind and tolerant, lost histemper on that particular occasion.A) infinite B) definite C) spectacular D) plural53. His total worldly possessions ______ little more than the clothes he stood up in.A) amounted to B) settled for C) turned up D) came at54. Our director had ______ on the matter for a long time before he made the decision.A) hushed B) thrashed C) pondered D) suspended55. The United Nations was supposed to ______ the role of global peace-keeper.A) contend B) nurture C) carve D) undertakeChoose the words and expressions that are similar in meaning to the underlined parts. (找同义词) 56. If an object is suspended from any point on the vertical line passing through its center of gravity, theobject will remain stationary.A) secure B) flexible C) motionless D) hung57. According to a United States law passed in 1986, states participating in daylight saving timesimultaneously advance their clocks one hour on the last Sunday in April.A) conceptually B) systematically C) at the same time D) for a brief period58. The Hudson River School was the name of the first group of American artists to develop acharacteristic style of landscape paintings.A) territory B) scenery C) spectrum D) groundwork59. Some cells, such as epithelia, proliferate more rapidly when the body is asleep than when it is awake.A) cluster B) multiply C) adapt D) heal60. That morning, on Mount Tai, I saw the most spectacular sunrise in my life.A) adolescent B) mysterious C) opaque D) impressive61. However, the new law, once passed, will render the Bridlington agreement illegal by giving workersthe right to join unions of their choice.A) convert B) cancel C) make D) hold62. The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting essential services.A) appropriate B) fundamental C) equivalent D) sparkled63. The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City provoked shock and anger throughout the world.A) aroused B) tempted C) summoned D) enveloped64. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many obscurereferences.A) dazzling B) widespread C) plural D) unrecognizable65. Dr. Light, who is reputed to be one of the best surgeons in London, performed the operation andsuccessfully removed the tumor in her lungs.A) considered B) confessed C) thrilled D) perceivedPart IV Cloze(10%)Direction:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A),B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the one that best fits into thepassage.Part V Word Formation (5%)1.There is a _____ of two things that are important: culture and space. (combine)2.If he had failed in the old society, he would be _____ and pessimistic. (courage)3.But instead of liberating us, technology has _________us. (slave)4.They worked hard and finally achieved the ________result. (prospect)5.The opening speeches sounded more like _________of war than offerings of peace. (declare)Part VI Translation(20%)Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. It takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepared for five. And your prospects for success will be many times better.2. It may be that the Euro-centered American nation is declining as it gives way to a new pacific civilization that will include, but not be limited to, America.3. I’m struck that I am walking on one of the engineering wonders of the world.4. We need to develop a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species.5. The stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it. Choose the proper words and phrases in the box to translate the following sentences into English.6.除去毁灭性的洪水,饥荒也广泛存在,并已导致了各种各样的问题。



2006高考英语作文As an English teacher, I would provide a sample essay that could be written for a 2006 high school entrance examination (Gaokao) English composition prompt. Here's a hypothetical example of what such an essay might look like:In today's globalized world, the ability to communicateacross languages is more important than ever. English, being the most widely spoken second language, plays a pivotal rolein international communication, business, and academia. This essay aims to discuss the significance of learning Englishand how it can benefit individuals in various aspects of life.Firstly, English is the language of the internet. With the majority of online content being in English, mastering this language opens up a world of information and resources. Students who are proficient in English can access a wealth of knowledge that is not available in their native language,thus enhancing their learning experience and broadening their horizons.Secondly, English is the lingua franca in the business world. Many multinational corporations use English as their primary mode of communication. Therefore, having a good command of English can significantly improve one's career prospects. Itallows individuals to work in an international environmentand collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds.Thirdly, English is essential for academic advancement. Many prestigious universities around the world require English proficiency for admission. Students who wish to pursue higher education abroad must be proficient in English to succeed in their studies and research.Moreover, learning English fosters cultural exchange. Itallows individuals to interact with people from different cultures, understand their perspectives, and appreciate their traditions. This cultural exchange enriches one's life and promotes mutual understanding and respect among people from different parts of the world.In conclusion, learning English is not just about academic achievement; it is a gateway to a world of opportunities. It enables individuals to access information, advance in their careers, pursue higher education, and engage in meaningful cultural exchanges. Therefore, it is crucial for students to invest time and effort in learning English to prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities of the future.This essay is structured to address the prompt by outliningthe importance of learning English in various contexts and providing reasons to support the argument. It is written in a formal tone, which is appropriate for a high school entrance examination essay.。



joint action共同行动;联合行动;
4.In story /play故事,戏剧 5.Exciting events激动人心的事
speak louder than words Out of action不能工作,失去作用,停 止运转 e.g. Jon is out of action for weeks with a broken leg.
1.[U] a situation in which sth is happening or a lot of things are being done活动,热闹状况,活跃 e.g.. The street were noisy and full of activity.
[U] the way that sb behaves ,especially towards other people (行为,举止,态度) e.g. His behavior towards her was becoming more and more aggressive. consumer behavior消费者行为;消费者行为 学;消费行为;客户行为学 behavior pattern行为模式;流型;行为范型; 行为型
1.Sth that sb does 行为,行动,所为 an act of kindness/generosity act as充当;担任;担当;扮演 w 法律,法案 legal act法律行为;法令举动 Reform Act改革法案;改革法 Recovery Act复苏法案;复兴法案;经济复苏法案 bankruptcy act破产法;破产法例;破产法案 3. Pretending假装 Don’t take her seriously . It is all an act. 4.In play/entertainment戏剧,娱乐



(19)Language as a System of SymbolsOf all systems of symbols(符号), language is the most highly developed. It has been pointed out that human beings, by agreement, can make anything stand for anything. Human beings have agreed, in the course of centuries of mutual(相互的)dependency, to let the various noises that they can produce with their lungs, throats, tongues, teeth, and lips systematically stand for certain happenings in their nervous systems. We call that system of agreements language.There is no necessary connection between the symbol and that which it stands for. Just as social positions can be symbolized by feathers worn on the head, by gold on the watch chain, or by a thousand other things according to the culture we live in, so the fact of being hungry can be symbolized by a thousand different noises according to the culture we live in. However obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not so obvious as they seem except when we take special pains to think about the subject. Symbols and the things they stand for are independent of each other, yet we all have a way of feeling as if, and sometimes acting as if, there were necessary connections. For example, there are people who feel that foreign languages are unreasonable by nature; foreigners have such funny names for things, and why can磘 they call things by their right names? This feeling exhibits itself most strongly in those English and American tourists who seem to believe that they can make the natives of any country understand English if they shout loud enough. Like the little boy who is reported to have said: “Pigs are called pigs because they are such dirty animals,” they feel that the symbol is inherently(内在地) connected in some way with the things symbolized.1. Language is a highly developed system of symbols because human beings ______.A. have made use of language for centuriesB. use our nervous systems to support languageC. have made various noises stand for any eventsD. can make anything stand for anything by agreement2. What can we conclude from Paragraph 2?A. Different noises may mean different things.B. Our culture determines what a symbol stands for.C. The language we use symbolizes our social positions.D. Our social positions determine the way we are dressed.3. In Paragraph 3, “take special pains” probably means “_____”.A. try very hardB. take our timeC. are very unhappyD. feel especially painful4. The example of the little boy is used to show that _____.A. adults often learn from their youngB. “pig” is a dirty word because pigs are dirtyC. words are not connected with the things they stand forD. people sometimes have wrong ideas about how language works(20)Jane Austen, a famous English writer, was born at Steventon, Hampshire, on December 16,1775, and died on July 18, 1817. She began writing early in life, although the prejudices of her times forced her to have her books published anonymously ( 匿名 ).But Jane Austen is perhaps the best known and best loved of Bath磗 many famous local people and visitors. She paid two long visits here during the last five years of the eighteenth century and from 1801 to 1806, Bath was her home. Her deep knowledge of the city is fully seen in two of her novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, which are largely set in Bath. The city is still very much as Jane Austen knew it, keeping in its streets and public buildings the well-ordered world that she described so well in her novels. Now the pleasure of learning Jane Austen磗 Bath can be enhanced (增强)by visiting the Jane Austen Center in Gay Street. Here, in a Georgian town house in the heart of the city, you can find out more about Bath in Jane Austen磗 time and the importance of Bath in her life and work.The Center has been set up with the help and guidance of members of the Jane Austen Society. After your visit to the Center, you can look round the attractive shop, which offers a huge collection of Jane Austen related books, cards and many specially designed gifts. Jane Austen quizzes are offered to keep the children busy.You can also have walking tours of Jane Austen磗 Bath, which is a great way to find out moreabout Jane Austen and discover the wonderful Georgian city of Bath. The tour lasts about one and a half hours. The experienced guides will take you to the places where Jane lived, walked andshopped.1. Jane Austen paid two long visits to Bath________.A. in her early twentiesB. in her early teensC. in her late twentiesD. in her late teens2. What can we learn about Bath from the passage?A. Bath has greatly changed since Jane Austen磗 death.B. The city has changed as much as Jane Austen knew it.C. Bath remains almost the same as in Jane Austen磗 time.D. No changes have taken place in Bath since Jane Austen磗 time.3.The author writes this passage in order to________.A. attract readers to visit the city of BathB. ask readers to buy Austen磗 booksC. tell readers about Jane Austen磗 experienceD. give a brief introduction to the Jane Austen Society4. It takes you about one and a half hours________.A. to get to the JaneAustenCenter in Gay StreetB. to buy Jane Austen related books, cards and giftsC. to find a guide to take you to the CenterD. to look around the city of Bath on foot。



牛津初中英语词汇表activity / / n. 活动(7A)(019)FUN WITH ENGLISH (7A~9B) actor / / n. 男演员(8B)(063)actress / n. 女演员(9A)(077)actually / / adv. 实际上(8B)(004)注:本表不收录有关指示语、语法讲解和课题(Project) 中的生词。

括adjective / / n. 形容词(8B)(036)号中所标数字为该词条在本教科书中首次出现时的页码。

单词音标admire / / vi.钦佩, 羡慕以Oxford Advanced Learner ’s Dictionary (Sixth Edition) 为依据。

(8A)(021)adult / / / / n. 成人, 成年人英语汉语释义课本名和页码(7A)(028)A advantage / n.优势,优点, 有利条件(9B)(012)a bit / / 有点儿(8B)(005) adverb / / n. 副词(8A)(087)a.m. / / abbr. 上午(7A)(019) advertise / / vt.&vi. 做广告;登广告(8B)(059) abbreviation / / n. 缩写;缩写词(9A)(016) advertisement / / n. 广告(7A)(081)1ability / / n. 能力advice / / n. 建议;忠告,劝告(8A)(004)advise / / vt. 建议,劝告(8A)(014) (7B)(072)above / / prep. 在⋯⋯的上方(7B)(006) aeroplane /' / n. 飞机(9B)(054) absent /' / adj. 不在的,缺席的(9B)(058) affect / / vt. 影响(8B)(076)absorb / / vt. 吸收(9B)(024) afraid / / adj 担心,恐怕;害怕(7B)(015) accident / / n. 事故, 意外的事after / / prep. 在⋯⋯之后(7A)(008)(8A)(089) afterschool / / adj. 放学后(7A)(019)ache / / n. 痛,疼(7A)(085) afterwards / / adv. 后来,以后(7A)(096)achieve / / vt. 获得(9A)(040) again / ; / adv 再,又(7A)(010)achievement / / n. 成就;成绩;成功(9A)(079) agency / / n. 代理机构across / ? / prep. 穿过⋯⋯(7B)(044) (8B)(071)act / / vi. 表演(7A)(100) agent / / n. 代理人(8B)(034) act / / vi. n. 行为;举动(9A)(062) ago / / adv. 以前(7A)(093)action / / n. 行动(8A)(056) agree / / vi. 同意,赞同(8A)(013)active / / adj. 积极的(9A)(004) ahead / / adv. 提前,预先(9A)(052)aid / / n. 帮助(8B)(094) (7A)(067)aim / / n. 目的,目标(8B)(098) angel / / n. 天使(9A)(079)air / / n. 空气(7B)(022) angrily / / adv. 生气地, 愤怒地air conditioner / / 空调(7B)(009) (8A)(080)air conditioning / 空调系统(9B)(051) angry / / adj. 生气的,愤怒的(8A)(080)airport / / n. 机场(8A)(051) announce / / vt. 宣布, 宣告airport express / / 机场快线(9A)(060)(8B)(014) another / / adj. 另一个; 别的alien /' n. 外星人(9B)(012) (7B)(040)alike / / adj. 同样的,相像的(8A)(026) answer / / n. 答案(7A)(033)alive / / adj. 活着的(8A)(057) ant / / n. 蚂蚁(7B)(066)all over 到处,遍及(7B)(097) anybody / / pron. 任何人(7B)(058)all the time / / 始终、一直anyone / / pron. 任何人(7B)(061)(7A)(024) anyway / / adv. 无沦如何, 总之alltime / / adj. 空前的; 创记录的(9A)(091)2(8B)(040) anywhere / / adv. 任何地方almost / / adv. 几乎, 差不多(7B)(090)(8A)(004) appear / / vi. 出现(8B)(046)alone / / adj & adv. 独自, 单独appearance / / n. 外貌; 相貌(7B)(074) (7A)(012)along / ? / prep. 沿着(7B)(040) application form / / 申请表already / / 已经(8B)(012) (8A)(085)also / / adv. 也(7A)(020) April / / n. 四月(7A)(041)although / / conj. 尽管, 虽然area / / n. 地区,区域(7A)(080)(9B)(036) argue / / vi. 辩论, 争沦although / / conj. 虽然(8B)(008) (9A)(005)always / ? / adv 总是(7A)(009) arm / / n. 胳膊(7B)(074)amazing / / adj. 令人吃惊的, 惊人armchair / / n. 扶手椅(7B)(093)(7B)(056) armed force /' 武装力量amount / / n. 数量(9B)(056)around / / prep. 大约(9A)(014) attention / / n. 注意力(8B)(067) 在⋯⋯周围(7A)(100) attract / / vt. 吸引(9A)(078)arrest / / n.&vt. 逮捕(9A)(097) attraction / / n. 吸引人的事物arrival / / n. 到达(8A)(100) (9B)(039)arrive / / vi 到达(7B)(012) attractive / / adj. 有吸引力的art / / n. 美术;艺术(9A)(070) (9A)(080)article / / n. 文章(8A)(021) audience / / n. 听众;观众artist / / n. 艺术家(9A)(010) (8B)(063)as / ; / conj. 因为(8A)(095) August / / n. 八月(7A)(041) prep.&conj. 作为,当作;像⋯⋯(7A)(034) autorun / / n. 自动运行as usual / / 像往常一样,照例(8B)(046)(7B)(058) autumn / / n. 秋天秋季(7A)(041)Asian / ; / adj.&n.亚洲的;亚洲人的;亚洲人award / / n. 奖;奖品;奖金(7B)(077)(9A)(061) away / / adv. 向远处,离开(7B)(040)ask / / vt.问,请教(7A)(027)asleep / / adj. 睡着的(8B)(040) 3 Bassembly / / n. 晨会; 集会baby / / adj. 幼小的(7B)(063)(7A)(019) back / / n. 背,背面(7B)(070)astronaut / / n. 宇航员(9B)(008) background / / n. 背景(9A)(073)at birth / / 出生时(7B)(063) badly / / adv. 拙劣地,糟糕地;严重地(8A)(051)at least / / 至少(7B)(018) badminton / / n. 羽毛球(7A)(007)at once / / 立刻,马上(7B)(040) balance / / vt. 平衡(9A)(035)at present / / 目前; 现在balcony / / n. 阳台(7A)(078) (7B)(004)at the moment / / 此刻,现在(7A)(078) bald / / adj. 秃顶的;秃的(8B)(049)atmosphere /' (r)/ n. 大气,空气(9B)(014) ballet / / n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧(9A)(078)attack / / vt.&vi. &n. 攻击,进攻bamboo / / n. 竹子(8A)(060)(8A)(062) bamboo shoot / / n.竹笋(8A)(056)attend / / vi& vt 出席(9A)(060) bank card 银行卡(7A)(082)attacker / ( )/ n. 攻击者(9A)(097) barbecue / / n. 烧烤(7B)(051)bark / / vi. (狗)吠,叫(7B)(061) beginning / / n. 开始, 起初baseball / / n. 棒球(8A)(031)(8A)(036)basin / / n. 面盆(7B)(008) believe / / vt. 相信(7B)(067) basket / / n. 篮子(7B)(101) belong to / ? /属于(7B)(065) (篮球运动的)篮框(7A)(031) below / / prep. 在⋯⋯的下面basketball / / n.篮球(7A)(004) (7B)(009)bath / / n. 洗澡;浴室(7A)(094) benefit / / n. 好处;帮助浴缸;沐浴(7B)(008) (8B)(017)bathroom / / n. 浴室,卫生间b est / / adj.& adv 最好(的) (7A)(010)(7B)(014) better / / adj.&adv. 更好( 的) 、更好battery /' ; ' / n.电池(9B)(024) (7A)(024)be able to / / 能,能够(7B)(087) beyond / ? / prep. 超过(9A)(079)be born / / 出生,出世(7A)(004) bicycle / / n. 自行车(7B)(035)be fond of / ? / 喜欢(7B)(061) birdwatch / ? /vi. (在大自然中)观察, 研究野鸟(8A)(070)be good at 擅长于⋯⋯(7A)(011) birdwatcher / ? / n.观察野鸟的人(8A)(070)4be involved in / ? / 被卷入(9A)(111) birth / / n. 出生,诞生(8A)(085)be trapped / / 陷入困境birthplace / / n. 出生地(7A)(012)(8A)(091) biscuit / / n. 饼干(7A)(064)be used / / to 习惯于(8B)(074) bite / / vt.&vi. 咬(7B)(090)beach / / n. 海滩(7B)(004) black / / adj. (咖啡或茶)不加牛奶或奶油的(9A)(047)beak / / n. 喙(7B)(093) blame / / vt.责备(9A)(053)bear / / n. 熊(8A)(055) blanket / / n. 毯子(7B)(074) beauty / / n. 美,美丽(8A)(040) bleed / / vi. 流血,出血(9A)(096)because / / conj. 因为(7A)(020) blind / / adj. 瞎的,失明的(8B)(093)become / / vi. 成为;变得blindness / / n. 失明(8B)(076)(8A)(013) block / ? / n. 街区(8B)(004)beef / / n. 牛肉、牛排(7A)(067) blonde / ? / adj. (头发)金黄色的(9A)(032)before / / adv.& prep. 以前,在⋯以前;在⋯前面board / / n. 木板;黑板(8B)(019)(7A)(056) body / ? / n. 身体(8A)(090)begin / / vt.& vi. 开始(7A)(014) 正文;身体(8B)(052)尸体(9A)(096) British / / adj. 英国的(8A)(019) bomb / ? / n. 炸弹(8A)(090) broad / / adj. 宽的;宽大的(8A)(071)bone / / n. 骨头(7B)(066) broadcast / / vi.vt.&n. 广播;报导(9A)(059) bookshelf / / n. 书架(7B)(008) bronze / ? / n. 青铜制(艺术)品(7B)(032)bookshop / / n. 书店(7A)(075) broth ? / n. (鱼、肉或蔬菜)汤(9B)(059)bookworm / / n. 书虫; 书呆子brownish / / adj. 带棕( 或褐) 色的(9A)(050) (8A)(071)boot / / n. 靴,长筒靴(7A)(089) brush / / vt.&n. 刷;刷子(7B)(094)border /' (r)/ n. 边界;边境(9B)(039) bubble / / vi. 叫;泡泡(7B)(090)bored / / adj. 无聊的(8A)(004) buddy / / n. <口>好朋友;搭档(8A)(020)boring / / adj. 乏味的, 无聊的build / / vt. 建造,建筑(7B)(090)(7A)(092) builder /' (r)/ n. 建筑工人(9B)(067)borrow / ? / vt. 向另队借用; 借(7A)(014) building / / n. 建筑物, 楼房boss / ? / n. 老板,上司(9A)(111) (7B)(022)both / / pron. 两者的,双方的(7A)(024) bull / / n. 公牛(9A)(003)5bottle / ? / n. 瓶(7B)(037) bunch / n. (头发)束(7A)(005)bottom / ? / n. 底,底部(7B)(098) bunk beds / / 双层床(7B)(004) bow / / n. 蝴蝶结(8B)(023) burn / / vt. 烧伤;烧(7B)(074)bowl / / n. 碗(7A)(054) bush / / n. 灌木丛(7B)(058)brave / / adj. 勇敢的(7B)(074) business / / n. 企业;商行;工厂(8B)(060)bread / / n. 面包(7A)(056) businesslike / /adj. 有条不紊的高; 效的break into 闯入(9A)(097) (9A)(005)breath / / n. 呼吸(9A)(083) busy / / adj. 忙的,忙碌的(7A)(025)breathe / / vi.&vt. 呼吸(9A)(097) buy / / vt. 买(7A)(020)brick / / n. 砖;砖块(8A)(090) by / / prep. 通过,靠,用(表示通过某种方式)(7A)(044)bridge / / n. 桥(7B)(045) by oneself / / 独自, 单独bright / / adj. (颜色)鲜艳的;明亮的(7A)(073) (7B)(075)明亮的(7B)(056)C聪明的;伶俐的(9A)(097)bring / / vt. 带来,拿来(7A)(029) cage / / n. 鸟笼;笼子(7B)(093)calendar / / n. 日历(7B)(065) carefully / / adv. 仔细地,认真地,小心地call / / n. (一次)电话,通话(7B)(040)(7B)(058)vi. 喊,叫(7B)(076) careless / / adj. 粗心的(7B)(075) vt. 把⋯⋯叫做, 称呼(7B)(070) carrot / / n. 胡胡萝(7A)(062)calm / / vi. 平静下来,镇定下来(8A)(090) carry / / vt. 搬运,运输,携带(7A)(066) adj. 平静的;安静的(9A)(022) carton / / n. 纸盒,斗; 奶盒,糖果盒(7B)(028)calory / / n. 卡,卡路里(热量单位) (7A)(067) cartoon / / n.漫画, 卡通画; 卡通片camera / / 照相机,摄像机(8B)(060) (7A)(024)camel / / n.骆驼(7B)(066) carving / / n. 雕刻(7B)(033)camp / / n. (临时居住的)小屋或帐篷;营地(7B)(090) case / / n. 病例;案例(8B)(076)campfire / / n. 篝火(7B)(047) cashier / / n. 收银员(7B)(026)camping / / n. 野营, 露营cat / / n. 猫科动物(8B)(060)catch / / vt. 捉住,捕获;接住(7B)(040) (8A)(011)can / / n. 罐头;听(7A)(067) catwalk / / n. (时装表演时模特走的)天桥(7A)(097)cancer / / n. 癌症(9A)(079) cause / / n. 原因(9A)(054)6candle / / n. 蜡烛(7A)(049) vt. 引起,使发生(8A)(102)candy / / n. 糖果(7A)(036) cave / n. 洞穴(9B)(039)cannot / ? / modal verb can 的否定式(7A)(029) CD / / n. 光盘(7A)(015)capital / / n. 首都(7B)(003) CDROM / / n. 只读光盘存储器caption / /标题;说明;评语(8A)(005) (Compact Disccarbon dioxide / / 二氧化碳Reading Only Memory) (8B)(040)(9B)(014) celebrate / / vt.& vi .庆祝(7A)(034)card / / n. 卡,卡片(7A)(040) celebration / / n.庆祝(7A)(047)cardboard / / n. 硬纸板制的centaur / ( )/ n. [ 希神] 人首马身的怪物(7B)(090) (9A)(003)care / / vi. 介意,在乎(7B)(090) centimeter / / n. 厘米,公分(8A)(084)career / ( )/ n. 事业;职业center / / n. 中心(7A)(076)(9A)(078) century / / n. 世纪(7A)(088) careful / / adj. 仔细的,认真的,小心的certain /' / adj. 确信的; 无疑的(9B)(011)(7B)(072) certainly / / adv. 当然(8B)(033)certificate / / n. 证书(8B)(105) Chinese knot / ? / 中国结(9B)(037) chairperson / / n.主席(7B)(085) chip / / n. (常用复数chip s)薯条(7B)(027)chalk / / n. 粉笔(7B)(009) chocolate / ? / n. 巧克力(7A)(037) chance / / n. 机会(7B)(081) choose / / vt. 选择(7A)(097)change / / vt.& vi. 改变;变化(7A)(056) chopstick /' ? n. 筷子(9B)(037) channel / / n. 频道(8B)(038) Christmas / / n. 圣诞节(7A)(035) character / / n. 人物,特点; 性格, 品质citizen /' n. 公民, 市民(8A)(064) (9B)(055)characteristic/ / n. 特性; 特征city / / n. & adj. 城市的; 城市, 市(8A)(036)(9A)(004) clap / / vt. 鼓掌(8B)(023)charge / / vt. 指控,控告(9A)(097) clean / / adj. 干净的(7B)(096)charity / / n. 慈善; 慈善机构clearly / / adv. 清楚地(8B)(036) clever / / adj. 聪明的,伶俐的(7A)(004) (8B)(058)charm / / n. 魅力(9A)(078) click / / vt. 点击(8B)(046)chase / / vt. 追赶(7B)(090) climate / / n. 气候(9A)(023)7chat / / vi.& adj. 聊天闲谈(7A)(025) climb / / vt. 爬,攀爬,攀登(7B)(004)cheap / / adj. 便宜的(7A)(081) climber / / n. 登山者(8A)(045) check / / vt. 检查(8B)(019) climbing / / n. 攀登, 攀爬checking / n. 检验(9B)(032) (8A)(017)cheer / / vi. 欢呼,喝彩(8A)(046) clinic/ / n. 诊所;门诊部(9A)(095)cheerful / / adj. 令人快乐的; 快乐的close / / adj. 近的;密切的,亲密的(7B)(022)(7B)(082) closed / / adj. 关闭的; 封闭的cheers / / int. <英口>再见; 谢谢(9A)(016) (7A)(029)cheese / / n. 奶酪(7A)(067) closing / / n. 关闭; 结束chess / / n. 国际象棋(8A)(031) (8B)(005)chest / / n. 胸膛,胸部(9B)(024) clothes shop / / 服装店children / / n. 儿童(child 的复数形式) (7A)(075)(7A)(040) cloud / / n. 云(8A)(094) Children’s Day 儿童节(7A)(040) cloudy / / adj. 多云的(7B)(047) Chinatown / / n. 唐人街,中国城(7A)(046) club / / n. 兴趣、组,俱乐部(7A)(004)clue / / n. 线索(9A)(097) (9B)(018)cm / / abbr. 厘米; 公分(centimeter) (8A)(084) complete / / adj. 完整的(8B)(008) Co. / / n. (company 的缩写)公司(8B)(053) vt. 完成(7B)(052)coach / / n. 长途汽车(8A)(036) completely / / adv.十分地,完全地(9B)(014)coffee shop / ? ? / 咖啡馆;小吃部concert / ? / n. 音乐会(9A)(060)(8A)(035) conclusion / / n.结论(8B)(052)coffee / ? / n. 咖啡(9A)(047) condition / / n. 条件; 状况Coke / / n. 可口可乐(7A)(056) (8A)(100)cold / / adj. 冷的,寒冷的(7A)(037) conduct / vt.实施;进行collect / / vt. 收集(7A)(080) (9B)(012)college / ? / n. 大学(9A)(032) confident / ? / adj.有信心的;自信的(9A)(004)colour / ( )/ vt. 把⋯⋯涂颜色confirm / / vt.证实, 确定(9A)(031) (9A)(096)colourful / / adj. 色彩艳丽的congratulation / / n. 祝贺;庆祝(7A)(088) (7A)(065)8come from 从⋯⋯来,来自干⋯⋯(7A)(004) connect / / vi.&vt. 连接(8B)(046) Come on. 来吧。

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action english 2006(080-089)080know one’s stuff 对自己的……很拿手、很明白1.What’s that stuff on the floor? Don’t drink that stuff.2.Lisa is a great English teacher. She really knows her stuff.3.You cannot have a meeting with the boss unless you know your stuff.the field 实地1.You cannot just stay in the office all the time. To be a good salesman, you have to get outinto the field.2.The boss was not satisfied with your field work, but your paper work is just fine.He had a lot to live up to. 不辜负谁的期望1.My dad is very stern. I can never live up to his expectations.严厉2.In order to live up to their parents’ expectations, most of the kids have to study hard evenover vacations.081that uniform is a trip (=cool/funny)1.I love that movie! It is a trip!2.John is a real trip. I have never met such a funny guy.Far out! (=cool/amazing) 描述六十年代战争的事1.That dress has some pretty far out designs on it.2.That haircut is far out!Things got a little out of hand! (=control)1.The government deployed troops onto the streets to keep things from getting out of hand!2.I think the mess in the kitchen is getting a little out of hand. You should clean it up. 082imbecile n. stupid personmoron n.1.–Let’s stop arguing. I want to go and ask Joe’s opinion.-Don’t ask Joe’s opinion. He is a moron.2. I cannot believe the best man forget the ring at my wedding! What an imbecile!See if it grows on you.你开始喜欢……1.I did not like hip-hop at first but it grows on me.2.She can be a little annoying at first, but she grows on one’s respect to sb./one’s family 死者坟墓/死者家属1.This famous scientist passed away last week, many of the country’s leaders went to paytheir respects to his family.2.I just stopped by Jenny’s grandmother’s house to pay my respects.083sea legs 在船上生活、工作的能力1.I have never really tried out my sea legs. It is time I learned how to sail.2.My uncle got his sea legs very young, when he was in the navy.ain’t 否定词1.You ain’t gonna give me any trouble, are you?2.He ain’t a real doctor! He just tells people that!I am a man of my word. 我是说话算数的人1.I am a man of my word. I will help you locate the Action English Studio just like I said Iwould.2.Duran is a man of his word, he always keeps his promises.take my word for it 相信我1.I give you my word. 我向你许诺084confidence (=trust)1.President took his advisor into his confidence and told him what happened.gain one’s confidence = get trust from sb.2.I have gained the confidence of my boss. Now I will find out who he wants to fire!the treasure of Knights Templar圣殿骑士的财宝Freemasons 共济会waltz in somewhere 进入某地从容地、镇定地1.You cannot just waltz into my bedroom anytime you want! You should knock first!2.I have never seen such a bold thief. He waltzed in, took the diamonds and waltzed rightout.085tip sb. off1.The police were able to solve the robbery because of a telephone tip!2.The police must have been tipped off about the robbery.被别人告诉3.Don’t look suspicious! That will tip off the police!one step short of crazy 还差一点点、不够/ 几乎就要到了1.I am a little short of cash, can you help me out?2.We ran out of gas just short of town.3.The player said some terrible things to the referee but he stopped just short of swearing.086lost 没弄懂、没明白/ 不相信1.I am sorry, I lost you. Could you repeat that?2.I lost you when you said that China would win the World Cup!hunt down 非常辛苦地寻找1.I thought I’d lost my passport but I was able to hunt it down.2.Why isn’t Duran here? Do we have to go out and hunt him down?“John Hancock”签名1.Put your “John Hancock” on this document.2.Where’s my pen? I have to put my “John Hancock” on it.088feed 信号的接口1.There is something wrong with the feed from the cable TV.kook = a crazy person1.Do you know Steve? He is kind of an old kook, but he is harmless.2.In the States, each family has at least one kook.toss sb. sth. 抛给谁什么东西1.Toss me the book.2.That was a bad toss. Nobody could have caught that.I got hit in the stomach. The book flew out of my hand onto the sofa.1.I saw Johnny running home. He was flying! He is fast.089stay with the program= do what we planned/ follow the rules1.You cannot just run anywhere you want in soccer. You have to stay with the program.2.We had this all planned out. Stay with the program or we will be late!set sb. up 耍了某人、陷害某人1.If we do anything to change the status quo, we will make new enemies.2.Let’s not change the status quo. I am happy with our current situation.。
