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【摘要】 目的 了解安徽省项目地区全球基金项目两年执行情况,为后3年项目计划提供依据。方法 中期评估采用普查和分层整群抽样的方法,在我省8个示范区/全球基金艾滋病项目县分别对性工作者(普查)和感染者/病人、流动人口、居民、学生(分层整群抽样)等人群进行问卷调查。利用项目基线资料评价项目中期效果。结果 7336名调查对象的艾滋病知识平均知晓率是83.78%,其中暗娼90.17%、感染者/病人86.90%、流动人口82.61%、居民(重点乡镇)87.38%、居民(非重点乡镇)73.09%、居民(城镇)86.26%、中学生(83.24%)、吸毒
=904.32,P <0.001)。8个项目县平均知晓率分别为96.95%、92.26%、89.84%、88.32%、85.26%、81.70%、77.60%和77.11%(χ2=392.42,P <0.001)。暗娼最近1次与客人发生性关系时使用安全套的有
用安全套有639人(56.7%),最近3次每次都使用安全套的有572人(50.8%)。与基线相比,除了吸毒人群外,所有人群的艾滋病知识知晓率均有不同程度的提高;所有人群对10个艾滋病知识点的答对率都有所提高;暗娼和感染者/病人的安全套使用率有所提高。结论 我省项目地区居民的艾滋病相关知识知晓率和安全性行为形成率较项目启动时明显提高,但不同地区和不同人群的知识和行为不平衡,仍需要加大力度全面开展艾滋病健康教育和行为干预工作。
【关键词】 居民; 艾滋病; 知识; 行为
【中图分类号】R136.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-1040(2008)02-0081-04
A I D S knowledge and behav i or am ong resi den ts i n project area s i n Anhu i ,Ch i n a J I Guo -ping,WAN G Hua -dong,FEN G Chong,SU Jun,L EN G J ing,XU L e -feng (1.A nhui Provincial Center for D isease Prevention and Control,Hefei A nhui,230061,China;2.The Global Fund A I DS Program in A nhui,Hefei A nhui,230061,China )【Abstract 】 O bjecti ve To identify the p r ogress of A I D S p r oject supported by the Gl obal Fund in Anhui t o evaluate the p r oject effectiveness and p r ovide baseline for the future p r oject activities .M ethods A sa mp le fr om each of the eight dif 2ferent populati on gr oup s was taken using convenient sa mp le (commercial sex workers,CS W s )and stratified cluster sa m 2p ling method (all other gr oup s ).A structured questi onnaire was ad m inistered in gr oup students and face -t o -face t o other partici pants .The p r oject baseline data were used t o compared the m id -ter m effectiveness .Results Among 7336partici pants,the p r oporti on of knowing A I D S facts was 83.78%,with sex workers of 90.17%,peop le living with H I V /A I D S (P LWHA )of 86.90%,mobile populati on of 82.61%,rural residents in ep ide m ic t ownshi p s of 87.38%,rural residents in non -ep ide m ic t ownshi p s of 73.09%,county t own residents of 86.26%,m iddle school students of 83.
24%,drug users of 84.00%(χ2
=904.32,P <0.001).The p r oporti ons in the 8p r oject counties were 96.95%,92.
26%,89.84%,88.32%,85.26%,81.70%,77.60%and 77.11%res pectively (χ2
=392.42,P <0.001).The p r o 2porti on of CS W s using condom with clients at last intercourse was 84.4%,and 73.5%of the m used condom s consistently at last 3intercourses .The p r oporti on of P L WHA s using condom with s pouses was 56.7%at last intercourse and 50.8%of them used condom s consistently at last 3intercourses .Compared t o baseline,all gr oup s had a higher level of knowl 2edge excep t f or drug users,CS W s and P LWHA s had higher rates of using condom s .Conclusi on The residents in p r oject areas had a higher level of A I D S knowledge and safe sex behavi or compared t o the baseline and t o residents in non -p r o 2ject areas .However,different gr oup s in different p r oject counties had different levels of knowledge and behavi or .The A I D S educati on and interventi on should be i m p r oved comp rehensively .【Key words 】 Residents; H I V /A I D S; Knowledge; Behavi or
第三轮中国全球基金艾滋病项目支持的安徽省项目于2004年9月正式启动,分为两个阶段实施。I 期为2年(至2006年8月结束),II 期为3年(2006年9月至2009年8月)。安徽省有7个艾滋病流行