slam 高斯牛顿法
slam 高斯牛顿法
高斯牛顿法(Gauss-Newton Method)是一种用于求解非线性最小二乘问题的迭代算法。
在SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)中,高斯牛顿法常用于估计机器人的位姿和环境地图。
在每次迭代中,高斯牛顿法计算当前估计值的导数,并构建一个雅可比矩阵(Jacobian Matrix)来表示函数的线性化。
在SLAM 中,高斯牛顿法用于估计机器人的位姿和环境特征的位置。
因此,在实际应用中,可能需要使用其他改进的算法,如Levenberg-Marquardt 方法,来克服这些问题。
高斯牛顿法是一种在SLAM 中常用的有效算法,用于估计机器人的位姿和环境地图。
高斯辅助粒子算法高斯辅助粒子算法(Gaussian Process Particle Filter,GPPF)是一种基于高斯过程的粒子滤波算法,其主要应用在非线性系统的状态估计和滤波问题中。
本文将对GPPF 算法的原理、优势以及应用进行详细介绍与分析。
一、GPPF算法的原理1.1 高斯过程高斯过程是一种用来描述随机函数的工具,其能够通过有限数据对一个未知函数进行建模和预测。
1.2 粒子滤波粒子滤波是一种适用于非线性、非高斯系统的状态估计方法,其基本思想是通过一组随机样本(粒子)来近似表示系统的后验概率分布。
1.3 GPPF算法GPPF算法将高斯过程和粒子滤波相结合,通过将高斯过程的非参数建模引入到粒子滤波的采样和更新过程中,能够有效地提高滤波算法的准确性和鲁棒性。
2.3 对系统动态的适应性由于高斯过程能够灵活地适应复杂的系统动态和非线性关系,GPPF算法能够在处理各种不确定性和复杂背景下,依然能够提供可靠的状态估计和滤波结果。
3.1 无人车辆定位与导航在无人车辆的定位与导航中,由于环境的复杂性和传感器数据的不确定性,传统的滤波算法往往难以满足实际需求。
高斯过程(Gaussian Processes)是概率论和数理统计中随机过程的一种,是多元高斯分布的扩展,被应用于机器学习、信号处理等领域。
高斯过程的超参数通常包括特征长度尺度(characteristic length-scale)和噪声水平(noise level)等。
在贝叶斯优化框架中,高斯过程的超参数可以通过最大化边缘似然函数(marginal likelihood function)来进行估计。
常用的核函数包括平方指数核(squared exponential kernel)和马顿核(Matern kernel)。
多目标跟踪中一种改进的高斯混合PHD滤波算法胡玮静;陈秀宏【摘要】The Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter is an algorithm for estimating multiple target states in clutter. An improved algorithm is proposed to resolve the missed detection problem and enhance the accuracy of the fil-ter while tracking close proximity targets. Under Gaussian mixture assumptions, the predication and update equations of the PHD filter are modified, which effectively solve the information loss problem of missed true targets. And then depend-ing on the weights of Gaussian components which decide whether the components can be utilized to extract states, the pro-posed algorithm avoids the components which have higher weights are merged and improves the tracking performance when the targets move closely. Simulation results show that the new algorithm has advantages over the ordinary one in both the aspects of filter precision and multi-target number estimation.%高斯混合概率假设密度(GM-PHD)滤波是一种杂波环境下多目标跟踪问题算法,针对算法中存在的目标漏检和距离相近时精度下降的问题,提出一种改进的高斯混合PHD滤波算法。
基于星-凸形随机超曲面模型的扩展目标GM-PHD滤波器魏帅;冯新喜;王泉【摘要】A Gaussian mixture PHD filter for extended target tracking based on star-convex random hypersurface model was proposed for the problem of joint estimation of the extended target shape and motion state.The proposed algorithm modelled the diffusion degree of measuration by using the star-convex random hypersurface model.Then,the extended targets were tracked by calculating and updating the measurement likelihood and innovation under the Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density framework.The simulation results showed that the proposed method could guarantee the tracking availability and feasibility and improve the estimated accuracy of extended target motion state as well as the target shape.%针对扩展目标联合估计运动状态和目标外形的问题,提出一种基于星-凸形随机超曲面模型的扩展目标高斯混合概率密度滤波算法.该算法利用星-凸随机超曲面模型对量测的扩散程度进行建模,在高斯混合概率假设密度的框架下,通过求解、更新递推量测模型下的量测似然、新息等参数来实现对扩展目标的跟踪.仿真实验表明,该算法在保证跟踪有效性和可行性的同时,提高了对扩展目标运动状态和目标外形的估计精度.【期刊名称】《弹箭与制导学报》【年(卷),期】2017(037)001【总页数】6页(P147-152)【关键词】星-凸形;随机超曲面模型;扩展目标;高斯混合概率密度【作者】魏帅;冯新喜;王泉【作者单位】空军工程大学信息与导航学院,西安 710077;空军工程大学信息与导航学院,西安 710077;空军工程大学信息与导航学院,西安 710077【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN953近年来,随着传感器分辨率的不断提高以及目标与传感器距离的不断缩小,扩展目标的跟踪问题已成为跟踪领域的研究热点[1-4]。
Gaussian 03还可以对周期边界体系进行计算。
将原子轨(AO)积分转换成分子轨道基的计算,可用的方法有in-core(将AO积分全部存在内存里),直接(不需储存积分),半直接(储存部分积分),和传统方法(所有AO 积分储存在硬盘上)。
使用CNDO, INDO, MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1,和PM3模型哈密顿量的半经验方法计算。
使用闭壳层(RHF),自旋非限制开壳层(UHF),自旋限制开壳层(ROHF) Hartree-Fock 波函数的自洽场SCF)计算。
双取代的耦合簇理论(CCD),单双取代耦合簇理论(CCSD),单双取代的二次组态相互作用(QCISD), 和Brueckner Doubles理论。
基于高斯混合PHD滤波的多目标状态提取方法刘益;王平;高颖慧【期刊名称】《计算机应用与软件》【年(卷),期】2016(033)011【摘要】Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density (GM-PHD)filter can effectively solve the problem of multi-target tracking un-der the condition of linear Gaussian model,while estimating the number of targets it also extracts the states of multi-target.The state extrac-tion precision of GM-PHD filter will drop down when it comes to the situation of closely spaced targets and too high clutter rate.In light of the performance degradation of GM-PHD in complex environments,we proposed an improved multi-target state extraction method of GM-PHD fil-ter.By modifying the update weight of Gaussian component and enhancing the merging criterion it reduces the interference caused by intensive targets and clutters.Simulation experimental results showed that the propose method is able to raise the precision of multi-target state estima-tion in different clutter environments.%高斯混合概率假设密度滤波(GM-PHD)方法可有效解决线性高斯模型下的多目标跟踪问题,在估计目标个数的同时提取多目标状态。
卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书
☰ Hydraulics
⌂ Cameron Hydraulic Data ☰
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ 1-3 Liquids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-3
Viscosity etc.
Steam data....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Liquid Flow.............................................................................. 1-4
Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-5 Pumping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-6 Volume-System Head Calculations-Suction Head. ........................... 1-6, 1-7 Suction Lift-Total Discharge Head-Velocity Head............................. 1-7, 1-8 Total Sys. Head-Pump Head-Pressure-Spec. Gravity. ...................... 1-9, 1-10 Net Positive Suction Head. .......................................................... 1-11 NPSH-Suction Head-Life; Examples:....................... ............... 1-11 to 1-16 NPSH-Hydrocarbon Corrections.................................................... 1-16 NPSH-Reciprocating Pumps. ....................................................... 1-17 Acceleration Head-Reciprocating Pumps. ........................................ 1-18 Entrance Losses-Specific Speed. .................................................. 1-19 Specific Speed-Impeller. .................................... ........................ 1-19 Specific Speed-Suction...................................... ................. 1-20, 1-21 Submergence.. . . . . . . . . ....................................... ................. 1-21, 1-22 Intake Design-Vertical Wet Pit Pumps....................................... 1-22, 1-27 Work Performed in Pumping. ............................... ........................ 1-27 Temperature Rise. . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-28 Characteristic Curves. . ...................................... ........................ 1-29 Affinity Laws-Stepping Curves. ..................................................... 1-30 System Curves.. . . . . . . . ....................................... ........................ 1-31 Parallel and Series Operation. .............................. ................. 1-32, 1-33 Water Hammer. . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-34 Reciprocating Pumps-Performance. ............................................... 1-35 Recip. Pumps-Pulsation Analysis & System Piping...................... 1-36 to 1-45 Pump Drivers-Speed Torque Curves. ....................................... 1-45, 1-46 Engine Drivers-Impeller Profiles. ................................................... 1-47 Hydraulic Institute Charts.................................... ............... 1-48 to 1-52 Bibliography.. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-53
高斯混合概率假设密度滤波器(Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter,GM-PHD Filter)是一种用于目标跟踪的概率滤波器,可用于估计多目标系统的状态和运动。
GM-PHD滤波器是在传统概率假设密度滤波器(PHD Filter)的基础上进行改进的。
为了解决这个问题,改进的GM-PHD滤波器引入了高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model,GMM)来建模多目标系统的状态和运动。
高斯过程回归(Gaussian process regression, GPR)是一种高效的机器学习技术,可以有效应用于大规模未标记数据。
PO -GPRMIP是一种改进的粒子群优化技术,其基本思路是使用粒子群,搜索优化GPR模型超参数自适应空间,以寻找最佳超参数值。
PO -GPRMIP涉及两个主要过程,即参数自适应优化和预测模型求解。
PO -GPRMIP的最终目标是最小化预测模型的负对数似然函数,以获得最佳的超参数值。
基于PO -GPRMIP方法,可以有效解决GPR模型超参数离散性问题,有效提高预测精度和拟合能力,从而使GPR模型更加有效和准确地应用于实际问题中。
The Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter:混合高斯PHD滤波器-PPT精选文档
state space
pk-1(xk-1| z1:k-1) fk|k-1(xk| xk-1) dxk-
K-1 gk(zk| xk) pk|k-1(xk| z1:k-1)
Bayes filter
pk-1(xk-1 |z1:k-1) prediction pk|k-1(xk| z1:k-1) data-update pk(xk| z1:k)
posterior (filtering) pdf of the state measurement histe-target) Filter
xk-1 state-vector
observation space
target motion
gk(Zk|X)pk|k1(X|Z1:k1)ms(dX )
Computationally intractable in general No closed form solution Particle or SMC implementation
[Vo, Singh & Doucet 03, 05, Sidenbladh 03, Vihola 05, Ma et al. 06]
the gaussian mixture phd filter:混合高斯phd滤波器 eeedepartment eee department uni versi ty melbourne uni versi ty melbourne austral .au/staff/bv/samsi, rtp, nc, usa, september2008 collaborators particularorder): mahler ma.w.k., panta vob.t., cantoni tuanh.d., baddeley bayes(single-target) filter bayes(single-target) filter multi-target tracking multi-target tracking system representation system representation random finite set bayesianmulti-target filtering random finite set bayesianmulti-target filtering tractable multi-target filters tractable multi-target filters probability hypothesis density (phd) filter probability hypothesis density (phd) filter cardinalized phd filter cardinalized phd filter multi-bernoulli filter multi-bernoulli filter conclusions conclusions outline outline bayes(single-target) filter bayes(single-target) filter state-vector target motion state space observation space markovtransition density measurement likelihood objectivemeasurement history posterior(filtering) pdf
高斯辅助粒子算法高斯辅助粒子算法(Gaussian Auxiliary Particle Filter,GAPF)是一种使用高斯辅助粒子的滤波算法,它在目标跟踪、定位和导航等领域有着广泛的应用。
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Fast communicationGaussian mixture PHD filter for jump Markov models based on best-fitting Gaussian approximationWenling Li a ,Ã,Yingmin Jia a ,ba The Seventh Research Division and the Department of Systems and Control,Beihang University (BUAA),Beijing 100191,ChinabKey Laboratory of Mathematics,Informatics and Behavioral Semantics (LMIB),Ministry of Education,SMSS,Beihang University (BUAA),Beijing 100191,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 11June 2010Received in revised form 17July 2010Accepted 9August 2010Available online 12August 2010Keywords:Multiple maneuvering targets tracking Probability hypothesis density filter Jump Markov systemBest-fitting Gaussian approximationa b s t r a c tA new Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density (PHD)filter is developed for tracking multiple maneuvering targets that follow jump Markov models.This approach is based on the best-fitting Gaussian approximation which has been shown to be an accurate predictor of the interacting multiple model (IMM)pared with the existing Gaussian mixture multiple model PHD filter without interacting,simulations show that the proposed filter achieves better results with much less computational expense.&2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe random finite set (RFS)approach to multi-target tracking has received considerable attention in recent years.By representing the multi-target state and multi-target measurement as random finite sets (RFSs),the finite set statistics (FISST)provides a rigorous Bayesian framework for multi-target tracking [1–3].Compared with the traditional association-based techniques [4–6],the difficulty caused by data association is avoided in the RFS formulation.However,the optimal multi-target Bayes filter is generally intractable due to the combinatorial nature of the multi-target densities and multiple set integrals.The probability hypothesis density (PHD)filter,which aims to recursively propagate the first order moment or the intensity function associated with the multi-targetposterior density,provides a computationally tractable alternative.Recently,two implementations of the PHD filter including the sequential Monte Carlo PHD (SMC-PHD)[7–10]and the Gaussian mixture PHD (GM-PHD)[11–16]have been developed.An added advantage of the GM-PHD filter is that it allows the state estimates to be extracted from the posterior intensity in a much more efficient and reliable manner than the SMC-PHD filter [13].For tracking maneuvering targets,the jump Markov model or the switching multiple model approach has shown to be highly effective [17].Multiple model PHD filters,which can be considered as natural extensions of the SMC-PHD and the GM-PHD have been proposed [18–20].It should be mentioned that the existing Gaussian mixture multiple model PHD filters are not interacting [18].In other words,the elemental filters for different models work independently which is similar to the mechanism of the autonomous multiple model approach [17].As stated in [18],how the PHD filter approach can be extended to the interacting multiple model (IMM)remains an interesting and challenging problem in both theory and practice.In this work,thisContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/sigproSignal Processing0165-1684/$-see front matter &2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2010.08.004ÃCorresponding author.Tel.:+861082338683;fax:+861082316100.E-mail addresses:lwlmath@ (W.Li),ymjia@ (Y.Jia).Signal Processing 91(2011)1036–1042difficulty is circumvented by using the best-fitting Gaussian(BFG)approximation since it has been shown to be an accurate predictor of the IMM performance[21].In this paper,we propose a novel Gaussian mixture implementation to the PHDfilter that accommodates jump Markov models.The basic idea of this approach is to approximate the multi-model prior probability density function with a BFG distribution at each recursion.Thus, the multiple model estimation for jump Markov linear system(JMLS)is reverted to the single model estimation for a linear Gaussian system.Then the GM-PHDfilter can be directly applied to the approximated linear Gaussian system.The key advantages of the proposed algorithm over the existing Gaussian mixture multiple model PHD filter are twofold.First,more accurate estimates can be expected since the BFG approximation is in close agree-ment with the performance of the IMM estimator.Second, much less computational expense is consumed as the resultingfilter requires single model estimation.Simula-tion results are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach in terms of tracking accuracy and computational cost.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section2 gives a brief review of the multi-target tracking model and the PHDfilter.Section3introduces the BFG approximation and summarizes the proposed GM-PHD filter.The performance of the proposedfilter is evaluated by a numerical example in Section4.Conclusion is drawn in Section5.2.Multi-target tracking with the PHDfilterIn the multi-target tracking scenario,the aim involves the joint estimation of an unknown and time-varying number of targets as well as their individual states from a sequence of noise-corrupted measurements.In addition, the number of measurements may also vary as not all targets generate measurements and the existence of clutter.More importantly,the orders of the states and the measurements bear no significance.Thus,it is natural to represent the multi-target state and multi-target measurement as two RFSs[1]X k9f x k,1,...,x k,nkg&Xð1ÞZ k9f z k,1,...,z k,mkg&Zð2Þwhere x k,1,...,x k,nk2X are the target states,z k,1,...,z k,mk 2Z are the received measurements.X&R n and Z&R pdenote the state and observation space,respectively.n k and m k denote the number of targets and the number of received measurements at time k,respectively.From the FISST theory,thefirst order moment of an RFS X on X is a non-negative function nðxÞwith the property that for any measurable subset S&XZSnðxÞdx¼Zj X\S j PðdXÞð3Þwhere PðdXÞis the probability distribution of X,and nðxÞis called as the PHD or the intensity function.Moreover,theNomenclatureBFG best-fitting GaussianEKF extended KalmanfilterFISSTfinite set statisticsGM Gaussian mixtureIMM interacting multiple modelOSPA optimal subpattern assignmentPHD probability hypothesis densityRFS randomfinite setSMC sequential Monte CarloUKF unscented Kalmanfilterc cut-off of OSPACov covariance operatorE expectation operatorf single-target transition densityF k r,G k r system transition matrices of model r h single-target measurement likelihood J k number of Gaussian terms for n kJ kþ1j k number of Gaussian terms for n kþ1j k J max maximum number of Gaussian terms m k number of measurements at time k M number of target motion modelsM k+1r event that model r is effect at[k,k+1) n k number of targets at time kp order of OSPAp k+1,r probability of the event M k+1rp D,k detection probability at time kp S,k target-survival probability at time k Q k r covariance matrix of w k for model rr k discrete-time Markov chainR k covariance matrix of measurement noise S measurable subsetT Th pruning thresholdU Th merging thresholdv k measurement noise at time kw k process noise at time kw Th weight thresholdx k,i i th target state at time kX k multi-target state at time kz k,j j th measurement at time kZ k multi-target measurement at time kbk j kÀ1intensity of the spawned RFS at time k gkintensity of the birth RFS at time ke k expectation of the state vector x kk k intensity of the clutter RFS at time kl c average number of clutter pointsp ij transition probability of Markov chainn k j kÀ1predicted intensity at time kÀ1n k posterior intensity at time kY k covariance matrix of the state vector x k S k covariance matrix of w k for BFG model F k system transition matrix of BFG modelA jump Markov modelB BFG modelP probability measureX,Z randomfinite setsW.Li,Y.Jia/Signal Processing91(2011)1036–10421037integral yields an expected number of elements in X that present in S and the corresponding highest peaks give the state estimates of the elements.The PHD filter propagates the intensity functions of multi-target RFSs recursively under the following as-sumptions [13]:(1)Each target evolves and generates measurementsindependently of one another.(2)The clutter RFS is Poisson and is independent of targetgenerated measurements.(3)The predicted multi-target RFSs are Poisson.An RFS X is Poisson means that the distribution of thecardinality of X is Poisson with mean N ¼Rn ðx Þdx and the elements in X are independent and identically distributed with probability density n ðx Þ=N .It can be seen that the statistics of the Poisson RFS can be completely characterized by its first order moment or the intensity function n ðx Þ.To be specific,given the posterior intensity n k À1ðx Þat time k À1,the predicted intensity n k j k À1ðx Þis calculated byn k j k À1ðx Þ¼Z½p S ,k ðx Þf ðx j x Þþb k j k À1ðx j x Þ n k À1ðx Þd x þg k ðx Þð4Þand the posterior intensity n k ðx Þis updated asn k ðx Þ¼½1Àp D ,k ðx Þ n k j k À1ðx ÞþXz 2Z p D ,k ðx Þh ðz j x Þn k j k À1ðx Þk kðz ÞþR p D ,k ðx Þh ðz j x Þn k j k À1ðx Þd x ð5Þwhere f ðÁjÁÞand h ðÁjÁÞare the single-target transitiondensity and likelihood function,respectively.k k ðÁÞdenotes the intensity of the clutter RFS,b k j k À1ðÁj x Þdenotes the intensity of the spawned target RFS,and g k ðÁÞdenotes the intensity of the spontaneously birth target RFS.p S ,k (x )and p D ,k (x )are the probabilities of the target-survival and the detection given a state x ,respectively.3.GM-PHD filter based on BFG approximation 3.1.JMLS with BFG approximationConsider the following target motion model with Markovian switching:x k þ1¼F k ðr k þ1Þx k þG k ðr k þ1Þw k ðr k þ1Þð6Þwhere x k 2R n is the target state at time k ,F k (r k +1)and G k (r k +1)denote the transition matrices of model r k +1.r k +1specifies the target motion model which is in effect during the time interval [k ,k +1).w k (r k +1)is the additive zero-mean white Gaussian noise with covariance Q k (r k +1).We assume that the target motion can switch between M models.The evolution of motion models follows a discrete-time homogeneous Markov chain with known transition probability p ij ¼Pr f r k þ1¼j j r k ¼i g .The objective is to express the dynamics of the JMLS (6)with the BFG approximation x k þ1¼F k x k þw kð7Þwhere w k is a zero-mean white Gaussian random vectorwith covariance matrix S k ,i.e.,w k $N ð0,S k Þ.In other words,we want to replace the JMLS (given by (6)and referred to as ‘‘A ’’)with a single BFG distribution (given by (7)and referred to as ‘‘B ’’).F k and S k are determined such that the distribution of x k has the same mean and covariance under each model,i.e.,E f x k j A g ¼E f x k j B g ð8ÞCov f x k j A g ¼Cov f x k j B gð9ÞSimilar to the calculation in [21],the system matrix F k and the covariance matrix S k of w k can be determined as follows.For simplicity,we denote F k (r ),G k (r )and Q k (r )byF k r ,G k r and Q k r,respectively.First,using the total probability theorem,we have E f x k þ1j A g ¼X M r ¼1E f x k þ1j M r k þ1,A g Pr f M r k þ1j A g¼X M r ¼1p k þ1,r F rk E f x k j A gð10Þwhere M r k +1denotes the event that model r is in effectduring the sampling period [k ,k +1)and p k +1,r is the probability of the event M r k +1.On the other hand,it follows from (7)that E f x k þ1j B g ¼F k E f x k j B gð11ÞHence,comparing (10)with (11)yieldsF k ¼X M r ¼1p k þ1,r F rkð12ÞNext,it can be easily shown that [22]Cov f x k þ1j A g ¼E f Cov f x k þ1j M r k þ1,A ggþCov f E f x k þ1j M rk þ1,A ggð13ÞwhereE f Cov f x k þ1j M r k þ1,A gg¼X M r ¼1p k þ1,r ½F r k Cov f x k j A g½F r k T þG r k Q r k ½G r k Tð14ÞCov f E f x k þ1j M rk þ1,A gg ¼X M r ¼1f p k þ1,r F r k E f x k j Ag E f x k j A g T ½F r k TgÀF k E f x k j A g E f x k j A g T F T kð15ÞDefinee k 9Ef x k j A gð16ÞY k 9Cov f x k j A gð17ÞSubstituting (16)and (17)into (14)and (15),we can thenobtainY k þ1¼X M r ¼1p k þ1,r f F r k ½Y k þe k e T k ½F r k T þG r k Q r k ½G r k T gÀF k e k e T k F Tkð18Þe k þ1¼F k e kð19ÞOn the other hand,it follows from (7)that Cov f x k þ1j B g ¼F k Cov f x k j B g F T k þS kð20ÞW.Li,Y.Jia /Signal Processing 91(2011)1036–10421038Hence,comparing(13)with(20)yieldsS k¼Y kþ1ÀF k Y k F Tkð21ÞUp to now,we have obtained the recursive formula for calculating the system matrix F k and the covariance matrix S k.In other words,the multiple model estimation for JMLS(6)can be reverted to the single model estimation for linear Gaussian system(7)by using the BFG approximation.3.2.GM-PHDfilter based on BFG approximationAssume that the state dynamics and measurements of each target can be modeled asfðx k j x kÀ1Þ¼Nðx k;F kÀ1x kÀ1,S kÀ1Þð22Þhðz k j x kÞ¼Nðz k;H k x k,R kÞð23Þwhere F kÀ1¼P Mr¼1p kþ1,r F rkand S kÀ1¼Y kþ1ÀF k Y k F T kare calculated by the above BFG approximation at each stage.H k and R k denote the measurement matrix and the covariance matrix of the measurement noise,respectively. Note that H k and R k do not evolve with time according to the switching parameter r k.This is reasonable since the measurements from the sensors remain the same with respect to the system states.The target-survival probability p S,k and the detection probability p D,k are both state independent,and the intensities of the birth and spawning RFSs are Gaussian mixturesg k ðxÞ¼X J g,kj¼1w j g,kNðx;m j g,k,P j g,kÞð24Þbk j kÀ1ðx j xÞ¼X J b,kl¼1w l b,kNðx;F l b,k xþd l b,k,Q l b,kÞð25Þwhere J g,k,w j g,k ,m j g,kand P j g,kare given parameters thatdetermine the shape of the birth intensity.J b,k,w lb,k ,F lb,k,d lb,kand Q lb,kare given parameters thatdetermine the shape of the spawning intensity.It should be mentioned that these intensities are not assumed to be mode-dependent as in[20]since the JMLS has been replaced by the linear Gaussian system.Based on the PHD recursion(4)and(5),we summarize the proposed algorithm.BFG approximation step:Given the mode probability p k,i,the mean e k and the covariance Y k,determine the matrices F k and S kp kþ1,r¼X Mi¼1p ir p k,ið26ÞF k¼X Mr¼1p kþ1,r F rkð27ÞY kþ1¼X Mr¼1p kþ1,r½F rkðY kþe k e T kÞ½F r k TþG r k Q r k½G r k T ÀF k e k e T k F T kð28ÞS k¼Y kþ1ÀF k Y k F Tkð29Þe kþ1¼F k e kð30ÞPrediction step:Given that the posterior intensity n kðxÞis a Gaussian mixturen kðxÞ¼X J kj¼1w jkNðx;m jk j k,P jk j kÞð31Þwhere J k is the number of Gaussian terms for n kðxÞat time k.Then the predicted intensity is also a Gaussian mixturewith the formn kþ1j kðxÞ¼n S,kþ1j kðxÞþn b,kþ1j kðxÞþgkþ1ðxÞð32Þwhere g kþ1ðxÞis given by(24),andn S,kþ1j kðxÞ¼p S,kþ1X J kj¼1w jkNðx;m jS,kþ1j k,P jS,kþ1j kÞð33Þn b,kþ1j kðxÞ¼X J kj¼1XJ b,kþ1l¼1w jkw l b,kþ1Nðx;m j,l b,kþ1j k,P j,lb,kþ1j kÞð34Þm jS,kþ1j k¼F k m jk j kð35ÞP jS,kþ1j k¼F k P jk j kF TkþS kð36Þm j,lb,kþ1j k¼F l b,kþ1m jk j kþd l b,kþ1ð37ÞP j,lb,kþ1j k¼F l b,kþ1P jk j k½F l b,kþ1TþQ l b,kþ1ð38ÞUpdate step:Given that the predicted intensity can berepresented as the form ofn kþ1j kðxÞ¼XJ kþ1j ki¼1w ikþ1j kNðx;m i kþ1j k,P i kþ1j kÞð39Þwhere J kþ1j k is the number of Gaussian terms for n kþ1j kðxÞat time k.Then the posterior intensity is updated asn kþ1ðxÞ¼ð1Àp D,kþ1Þn kþ1j kðxÞþXz2Z kþ1n D,kþ1ðx;zÞð40Þwheren D,kþ1ðx;zÞ¼XJ kþ1j ki¼1w ikþ1ðzÞNðx;m ikþ1j kþ1ðzÞ,P ikþ1j kþ1Þð41Þw ikþ1ðzÞ¼p D,kþ1w ikþ1j kq ikþ1ðzÞk kþ1ðzÞþp D,kþ1P J kþ1j kl¼1w lkþ1j kq lkþ1ðzÞð42Þq ikþ1ðzÞ¼Nðz;^z ikþ1j k,H kþ1P ikþ1j kH Tkþ1þR kþ1Þð43Þm ikþ1j kþ1ðzÞ¼m ikþ1j kþK ikþ1ðzÀ^z ikþ1j kÞð44Þ^z ikþ1j k¼H kþ1m ikþ1j kð45ÞP ikþ1j kþ1¼ðIÀK ikþ1H kþ1ÞP ikþ1j kð46ÞK ikþ1¼P ikþ1j kH Tkþ1ðH kþ1P ikþ1j kH Tkþ1þR kþ1ÞÀ1ð47ÞRemark1.It is worthwhile here to compare the proposedalgorithm with the GM-PHDfilter.The prediction step and W.Li,Y.Jia/Signal Processing91(2011)1036–10421039the update step are the same as those of the GM-PHD filter[13,20].The main difference lies in the fact that the system matrix and the noise covariance matrix are computed recursively by using the BFG approximation. As the number of Gaussian components increases without bound,the pruning and merging scheme is required,see [13]for more details.Remark2.Note that the BFG approximation is restricted to the linear dynamic models but places no such requirement on the measurement equation.Thus it is possible to handle nonlinear measurements by using nonlinearfilters such as the extended Kalmanfilter (EKF)or the unscented Kalmanfilter(UKF).Indeed,in the target tracking community,the target dynamics are often described by a linear kinematics model,and measurements are nonlinear with respect to the system states.4.SimulationsThis section presents a numerical example to compare the performance and the computational cost of the proposedfilter with that of the Gaussian mixture multiple model PHDfilter without interacting.Tracking model:Consider a two-dimensional scenario with an unknown and time-varying number of targets, which is similar to the example provided in[20].The state x k¼½p x,k_p x,k p y,k_p y,k T of each target consists of position (p x,k p y,k)and velocityð_p x,k_p y,kÞcomponents.The target dynamics is described by the following coordinated turn model:x k¼1sinðo TÞo0À1Àcosðo TÞo0cosðo TÞ0Àsinðo TÞ1Àcosðo TÞo1sinðo TÞo0sinðo TÞ0cosðo TÞ266666664377777775x kÀ1þT22T0T20T2666666437777775w kÀ1ð48Þwhere o denotes the turn rate and T=1is the sampling time period.Three models corresponding to different turn rates are used.Model1is a coordinated turn model with a turn rate of01/s and the standard deviation of noise is5m/s2. Model2is a coordinated turn model with a clockwise turn rate of31/s and the standard deviation of noise is20m/s2. Model3is a coordinated turn model with a counter-clockwise turn rate of31/s and the standard deviation of noise is20m/s2.The switching between three models is governed by afirst order Markov chain with known transition probability matrixP¼0:80:10:10:10:80:10:10:10:8264375ð49ÞThe measurement consisting of range and bearing is given byy k¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðp x,kÀs xÞ2þðp y,kÀs yÞ2qarctan½ðp x,kÀs xÞ=ðp y,kÀs yÞ2435þv kð50Þwhere[s x,s y]is the location of the sensor,and themeasurement noise v k is assumed to be zero-mean whiteGaussian with R¼diag f1002ðp=180Þ2g.The sensor islocated at[35,À60]km.The average number of clutterreturns per unit volume is taken as l c¼0:347ðrad kmÞÀ1over the region½Àp=2,p=2 rad½0,22 km,which gives anaverage of24clutter points per scan.In this work,the UKFis used to handle the nonlinearity of the measurement.It is assumed that targets can appear or disappear inthe scene at any time.The spontaneous birth RFS isPoisson with the following intensity:gkðxÞ¼0:1½Nðx;m1g,P gÞþNðx;m2g,P gÞ ð51Þwherem1g¼½40,0,À50,0 Tm2g¼½30,0,À40,0 TP g¼diag f106,104,106,104gThe intensity of the Poisson RFS of spawn births isgiven bybk j kÀ1ðx j xÞ¼0:05Nðx;x,Q bÞð52Þwhere Q b¼diag f104,400,104,400g.Simulation results:In our simulations,the survival andthe detection probabilities are set to p S,k=0.99andp D,k=0.98,respectively.The pruning threshold has beentaken as T Th=10À7,the merging threshold U Th=5,theweight threshold w Th=0.5and the maximum number ofGaussian terms J max=10(see[13]for the meanings ofthese parameters).The criterion known as optimalsubpattern assignment(OSPA)metric is used for perfor-mance evaluation.The OSPA metric has been consideredas a much more natural and intuitive interpretation fordemonstrating the localization and cardinality errors inthe multi-target tracking community.Readers are referredto[23]for more details on the definition of the OSPAmetric.Fig.1shows the true trajectories of four targets with atypical frame of cluttered measurements.Target1startsat time k=1with initial position at[40,À50]km and endsat time k=100;Target2is spawned from target1at time50and ends at time90;Target3starts at time k=5withinitial position at[30,À40]km and ends at time k=85;Target4is spawned from target3at time25and ends attime60.To verify the performance of the proposedfilter,100Monte Carlo runs are performed with independentlygenerated clutter and measurements for each trial.Theposition estimates of the proposedfilter for one trialshown in Fig.2indicate that thefilter provides accuratetracking performance.The OSPA distance for p=2andc=200is shown in Fig.3,which suggests that theproposedfilter gives more reliable estimates thanthe existing Gaussian mixture multiple model PHDfilter without interacting.To assess the computationalrequirements of the proposed method,we compute theaveraged CPU time in MATLAB7.1on a2.80GHz4CPUPentium-based computer operating under Windows XP(Professional).The proposedfilter consumed approxi-mately4.5s per sample run over100time steps,while theW.Li,Y.Jia/Signal Processing91(2011)1036–10421040Gaussian mixture multiple model PHD filter consumed 48.8s.From the above comparisons,a modest conclusion can be drawn that the proposed tracking algorithm can achieve better performance with much less computa-tional expense.5.ConclusionA novel Gaussian mixture PHD filter for tracking multiple maneuvering targets with Markovian switching dynamics is developed by employing the BFG approximation approach.2.62.833.2 3.4 3.6 3.844.2−5.2−5−4.8−4.6−4.4−4.2−4−3.84x104X coordinate (m)Y c o o r d i n a t e (m )Fig.1.Measurement data (projected on the x -and y -axes)and target trajectories:‘‘3’’locations of target birth;‘‘&’’locations of target death.2.62.833.2 3.4 3.6 3.844.2−5.2−5−4.8−4.6−4.4−4.2−4−3.84x 104X coordinate (m)Y c o o r d i n a t e (m )Fig.2.Position estimates of the PHD-BFGUKF.W.Li,Y.Jia /Signal Processing 91(2011)1036–10421041The BFG approximation gives a measure that is in close agreement with the performance of the IMM estimator,which suggests that the proposed filter achieves more accurate results than the Gaussian mixture multiple model PHD filter without interacting.Moreover,the multiple model estimation is avoided and a low computational cost is expected.Simulations are presented to verify the theoretical results.AcknowledgementsThis work was jointly supported by the NSFC (60727002,60774003,60921001,90916024),the MOE (20030006003),the COSTIND (A2120061303),and the National 973Program (2005CB321902).References[1]R.Mahler,Statistical Multisource–Multitarget Information Fusion,Artech House,Norwood,MA,2007.[2]R.Mahler,Multitarget bayes filtering via first-order multitargetmoments,IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 39(4)(2003)1152–1178.[3]R.Mahler,PHD filters of higher order in target number,IEEETransactions on Aerospace and 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