

火星(MARS)系列 5GigE 数字相机应用说明书

火星(MARS)系列 5GigE 数字相机应用说明书





© 2020中国大恒(集团)有限公司北京图像视觉技术分公司版权所有网站:http://销售信箱:************************销售热线:************转8068支持信箱:**************************支持热线:400-999-7595首先感谢您选用大恒图像产品,火星(MARS)系列5GigE接口数字相机是我公司最新推出的产品,它具有高分辨率、高清晰度、高传输带宽、低噪声等特点。

相机采用了5GigE网络接口,向下兼容GigE 网卡,支持Power over Ethernet(PoE,兼容IEEE802.3af标准),安装、使用方便。



1. 概述 (1)1.1. 系列概述 (1)1.2. 型号名称说明 (1)1.3. 5GigE介绍 (1)1.4. 遵循的标准 (2)1.5. 相关文档及软件下载 (2)2. 注意事项及认证声明 (3)2.1. EMI、ESD注意事项 (3)2.2. 使用环境注意事项 (3)2.3. 相机机械安装注意事项 (3)3. 安装指南 (4)3.1. 主机端准备 (4)3.1.1. 用户软件组成 (4)3.1.2. 用户软件接口 (4)3.2. 相机供电 (5)3.3. 相机驱动安装 (6)3.3.1. 系统要求 (6)3.3.2. 驱动安装 (6)3.4. 相机IP配置 (6)3.5. 打开相机采集 (7)4. 性能参数 (8)4.1. 重要参数解释 (8)4.1.1. 关于光谱响应图 (8)4.2. MARS-1231-46G5C-P、MARS-1231-46G5M-P (8)4.2.1. 参数列表 (8)4.2.2. 光谱响应图 (9)5. 机械尺寸 (11)5.1. 相机尺寸 (11)5.3. 固定块尺寸 (12)6. 滤光片及镜头 (13)6.1. 滤光片规格参数及响应图 (13)6.2. 镜头选型参考 (14)6.2.1. HN-2M 系列 (14)6.2.2. HN-5M 系列 (15)7. 电气接口 (16)7.1. LED灯状态 (16)7.2. 网口 (16)7.3. IO接口 (16)7.3.1. Line0(光耦隔离输入)电路 (17)7.3.2. Line1(光耦隔离输出)电路 (19)7.3.3. GPIO2/3(双向)电路 (21) Line2/3配置成输入管脚 (21) Line2/3配置成输出管脚 (23)8. 功能定义 (25)8.1. I/O控制 (25)8.1.1. 配置输入引脚 (25)8.1.2. 配置输出引脚 (26)8.1.3. 读取引脚状态 (27)8.2. 图像采集控制 (28)8.2.1. 开始采集/停止采集 (28) 开始采集 (28) 停止采集 (29)8.2.2. 采集模式 (30)8.2.3. 触发模式切换 (30)8.2.4. 连续采集及其配置 (31)8.2.5. 软触发采集及其配置 (31)8.2.6. 外触发采集及其配置 (32)8.2.7. 设置曝光 (33)8.2.8. 交叠曝光和非交叠曝光 (35)8.3.1. 增益 (37)8.3.2. 像素格式 (37)8.3.3. ROI (40)8.3.4. 自动曝光和自动增益 (41) 自动曝光自动增益ROI设置 (41) 自动增益 (42) 自动曝光 (43)8.3.5. 自动白平衡 (43) 自动白平衡ROI (43) 自动白平衡调节 (44)8.3.6. 测试图 (44)8.3.7. 参数组 (46)8.3.8. 用户自定义名称 (48)8.3.9. 时间戳 (48)8.3.10. 像素抽样 (49)8.3.11. 黑电平 (51)8.4. 图像处理 (52)8.4.1. 坏点校正 (52)8.5. 图像传输 (52)8.5.1. 最大帧率 (52)8.5.2. 包长 (53)8.5.3. 包间隔 (53)8.5.4. 预留带宽 (54)9. 软件工具 (55)9.1. IP配置工具 (55)9.1.1. 界面 (55)9.1.2. 使用说明 (56) 枚举 (56) 自动配置IP (56) 显示信息 (57) 修改相机IP地址 (57) 修改相机IP配置方式 (58) 修改用户自定义名称 (59) 复位设备和重连设备 (59)9.1.3. 注意事项 (59) IP地址格式检查 (59) 用户自定义名称长度限制 (60) 提示信息 (60)9.2. 帧率计算工具 (62)10. 常见问题处理 (64)11. 版本说明 (66)12. 联系方式 (67)12.1. 销售联系方式 (67)12.2. 技术支持联系方式 (67)1. 概述1.1. 系列概述火星(MARS)家族的MARS-G5-P系列数字相机是由大恒图像自主研发的全新产品,性能出色、功能强大、价格实惠、安装、使用方便,支持Power over Ethernet (PoE,兼容IEEE802.3af 标准)。




全数字高清图像处理器使用说明书目录目录 (I)一、安全注意事项 (1)二、产品简介 (2)2.1系统连接图 (2)2.2技术参数 (2)2.3产品尺寸(单位MM) (3)2.4产品特点 (3)2.5主要功能 (5)三、硬件结构及操作说明 (7)3.1产品立面图 (7)3.2前面板结构图 (7)3.3后面板结构图 (8)3.4硬件操作说明 (9)四、软件操作说明 (10)4.1软件安装 (10)4.2软件启动 (10)4.3窗口的相关操作 (12)4.3.1 打开窗口 (12)4.3.2 改变窗口大小及位置 (12)4.3.3 窗口菜单操作 (12)4.3.4 窗口清空 (14)4.3.5 窗口新建 (15)4.3.7 改变窗口层次 (15)4.4模式存储与调用 (16)4.4.1 模式存储 (16)4.4.2 模式调用 (16)4.4.3 模式循环 (17)4.5信源管理 (18)4.6亮度对比度调整 (18)4.75W模块(部分型号适用) (19)4.8其它功能设置 (19)4.8.1 设置 (20)4.8.2 信源 (20)4.8.3 模块 (21)五、RS232通信端口和内场景调用协议 (21)5.1RS232连接 (21)5.2内场景调用协议代码 (22)六、常见故障排除与维护 (23)一、安全注意事项危险设备内有高压,非专业人员不得打开机箱盖,以免发生危险。

警告1、本设备严禁遭受水滴或水溅,严禁将任何化学品或液体洒在本设备上或置于设备附近;2、为预防火灾,本设备禁止靠近火源;3、为了保持通风良好,本设备面板周围至少应保持≧20cm 的空隙;4、本设备如发出怪异噪音、怪味或冒烟,应立即拔掉电源插头,并与设备供应商联系;5、严禁带电拔插DVI 信号线缆。



1 美国 PALL 滤器、滤膜、层析填料、超滤、超纯水系统; 2 美国 BIO-RAD 蛋白、核酸纯化试剂、电泳耗材、PCR 耗材、层析柱及介质; 3 美国 Thermo(原芬兰雷勃)移液器;Nalgene-NUNC 消耗品; 4 上海天能电泳系统、凝胶图像系统; 5 厦门锐思捷纯水系统、超纯水系统; 6 杭州博日 PCR 仪、恒温金属浴等生命科学仪器; 7 北京京君龙磁力搅拌器、摇床等。



暂定版AW- MC AW- MC一体化高清摄像机AW-HE120W (白色)1/3英寸全高清U.L.T.※ 3MOS 图像传感器能够以高灵敏度、信噪比和分辨率实现稳定画质拍摄。

摄像机采用IP 协议进行远程控制,通过高性能云台,提供多角度摄像。


新一体化高清摄像机,IP 控制 1080P 视频格式精彩瞬间 即时呈现※ U.L.T=超亮度技术。

AW-HE120K (黑色)11ADH0805广告主: 松下电器(中国)有限公司 北京市朝阳区景华南街5号远洋光华国际C 座5层 广告经营者:天津富士印商贸有限公司 天津市河西区恒华大厦1号楼905室 印刷日: 2011年8月 有效期: 1年〔营业、技术服务〕北京市朝阳区景华南街5号远洋光华国际C 座5层邮政编码:100020电话:(010)6562-6688传真:(010)6562-6186〔技术服务、维修〕北京技术服务中心北京市朝阳区景华南街5号远洋光华国际C 座5层邮政编码:100020电话:(010)6562-6688传真:(010)6562-6185济南技术服务中心济南市二环东路3218号发展大厦B 座6层D 室邮政编码:250012电话:(0531)8190-8189传真:(0531)8190-8189广州市流花路中国大酒店商业大楼13楼邮政编码:510015电话:(020)8667-2130 (020)8667-2131传真:(020)8669-5225广州技术服务中心广州市流花路中国大酒店商业大楼13楼邮政编码:510015电话:(020)8667-0381传真:(020)8669-5225上海市陆家嘴环路1000号恒生银行大厦11楼邮政编码:200120电话:(021)3866-7799传真:(021)3866-7011上海技术服务中心上海市陆家嘴环路1000号恒生银行大厦11楼邮政编码:200120电话:(021)3866-7799传真:(021)3866-7011AW-HE120MC[常规※1: 当选择1080 /59.94p 、1080/50p 、480/59.94p 和576/50p 时,SDI 和模拟分量上的输出信号分别是1080/59.94i 、1080/50i 、480/59.94i 和576/50i 。







E-Vision系列 WXGA 6000, WXGA 7000 XGA 6000, XGA 7000

E-Vision系列 WXGA 6000, WXGA 7000 XGA 6000, XGA 7000

E-Vision系列WXGA 6000, WXGA 7000 XGA 6000, XGA 7000高亮度数字投影机DP (Digital Projection)Digital Projection 公司总部,地址:Greenside Way, Middleton, Manchester M24 1XX, UK. 英国注册号:2207264电话:+44 (0) 161 947 3300传真:+44 (0) 161 684 7674电子邮箱:****************************.uk网址:Digital Projection中国办事处北京中国北京市朝阳区小营路19号财富嘉园C座1202室电话:(86*************传真:(86*************上海中国上海市中山西路1800号兆丰环球大厦4楼B座电话:(86*************传真:(86*************广州中国广州市河区体育西路101号维多利广场A座2105室电话:(86*************传真:(86*************电子邮箱:************************.cn网址:重要信息目录用户手册中指示标识 (3)合格声明 (4)电子和物理规格 (5)注意事项 (5)安装指示 (6)操作指示 (7)遵循国际标准 (7)RF interference (7)噪音 (7)欧洲废弃电气和电子设备(WEEE)指令 (7)用户手册包括投影机操作、连接、安装的完整信息,详细内容参看CD光盘。





合格声明认证指令2004/108EC电磁兼容性指令.2006/95/EC低压设备指令.认证产品大屏幕数字投影机此认证首次应用于:E-Vision WXGA 600 2011年12月E-Vision WXGA 7000 2011年12月E-Vision XGA 600 2011年12月E-Vision XGA 7000 2011年12月认证详情产品不仅符合以上EU指令,还符合以下标准:EN 55022: 2006+ A1:2007 -信息技术设备无线电干扰特性限值和测量方法;EN 55024: 1998+ A1:2001+ A2:2003 -信息技术设备抗干扰特性限值和测量方法;EN 60950-1: 2006/A11:2009 -包括电子商务设备在内的信息技术设备安全的详尽说明。


Image-Pro® Plus 6.0 (for Windows™) 参考指南
Media Cybernetics, 公司 8484 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 495-3305, 传真 (301)495-5964 MAN 41N60000 20060130
2. 如果Media不能交送在制作方面无瑕疵的程序介质以供更换,您可以通过向购买处或Media退还本产品及一份发票副本的方式终止
打印输出程序介质中的产品文档。如果您打印输出本程序介质中的文档的任何部分,则您必须在任何本产品文档的副本中复制和包括本版权声明 。
在无Media许可的情况下,将本产品或本产品的任何部分并入到其它软件中,或使用本产品或本产品的任何部分进行开发,或对产品进行其它修 改或其它派生行为。

SAKI 操作手册

SAKI 操作手册
VI-1 启动&退出系统………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 VI-1-1 启动系统…………………………………………………………………………………………………20 VI-1-2 退出系统………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
I-3 技术工艺
- 利用线性扫描系统的高速检查 - 彩色摄像系统 - 同轴顶部照明 - 自动数字补光 - 远焦距镜头 - 全内存快速运行环境
Operation manual |
Operation Manual
II 手册导读
手册组织结构 这本手同的组织如下: 请这本手册时请参考左边的标记. 你阅读本手册前请先了解这些标记
该符号提示禁止条款。 细节描述印刷在该符号附近。
该符号提示强烈要求条款(危险警告包括在内)。 细节描述印刷在该符号附近。
该符号提示接触带有该符号的部件将会降低机器的性能或者造成人员伤害。 细节描述印刷在该符号附近。
II 导读 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
III 安全提示……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
IV 产品概况与技术 …………………………………………………………………………………………………9
VI-2 从数据库中打开一个检测程序…………………………………………………………………………………24 VI-3 操作流程…………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

新图 Fit-M 阳图热敏型 CtP 版说明书

新图 Fit-M 阳图热敏型 CtP 版说明书

新图: 更好的解决方案● 此手册印刷所用版材 : 新图 Fit- M 阳图热敏型 CtP 版成都新图印刷技术有限公司位于四川省成都市新都工业开发区,专注于计算机直接制版 (CtP) 版材的研发、生产和技术服务。

并已获取ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证及 ISO 14001:2004 环境管理体系认证。

成都新图印刷技术有限公司地 址 :中国 成都 新都工业开发区邮 编 :610500电 话 :+86 28 8396 8355 传 真 :+86 28 8396 5355 电子邮件:********************新图拥有强大的自主研发实力,一流的生产设施,完善的质量保障体系和专业的销售服务网络,确保向用户提供稳定优质的产品,更为用户创造更多产品附加值:● 专业的销售和技术支持团队● 高效的配送和服务网络● 产品供应及时● 印前、制版及印刷相关技术交流● 产品和服务的不断创新和提高● FIT -M [1.0] [中文]-201202阳图热敏型CtP 版XingraphicsXingraphics25±1℃补充量 * * : Arto-R显影75~90ml/m 2 动态补充75~90ml/hr 静态补充2,000m 2 或 1 个月,以先到者为准* 有关Arto-D/ Arto-R 的详细使用条件请咨询新图技术人员。

/ **补充量设置与显影机设计、结构、运行状态及用户实际版材用量有关。

25~30seconds 阳图热敏型CtP 版稳定性强 :先进的生产技术和严格的品质控制管理, 确保产品性能的稳定一致, 保证印品的高质量和稳定性。

设备应用范围扩大,制版质量稳定,完美适用于800~850nm 的制版设备。





Leica TS15
版本 3.1 中文
购买 祝贺您购买了 Leica TS15。 本手册包括了重要的安全指南,可指导您安全地安装并使用仪器。 详情请参见 "6 安全指 南 "。 请您在使用本产品之前仔细阅读用户手册。 仪器标识 仪器的型号和序列号标注在仪器标签上。 请将仪器型号和序列号填写在下面。当您需要与经销商或 Leica Geosystems 授权的维修部 门联系时,将会用到这些信息。 类型: 序列号: 符号 _______________ _______________
7.9 7.10
7.11 7.12 7.13 8 索引
TS15, 目录
一般性描述 主要组件
TS15 共同术语,描述全站仪 Leica Viva Series。 组件 TS15 仪器 描述 • • • • 一款可进行测量,计算以及采集数据的全站仪。 包含多种不同精度级别的仪器。 集成 GNSSGNSS 系统,可构成 SmartStation。 结合多功能的 CS10/CS15 外业手簿实现遥控测量。
本手册中的符号含义: 类型 描述 表示一个可能遇到的危险情形,如果不加以避免,将导致严重伤害 甚至死亡事故。 表示潜在的或操作不当所致的危险情况,如果不加以避免,将造成 伤亡或严重损害。 表示潜在的或操作不当所致的危险情况,如果不加以避免,将造成 伤亡或严重损害 表示潜在的或操作不当所导致的危害,如果不加以避免,将导致轻 微的人身伤害或明显的设备、经济损失和环境的损害。 表示在实际使用中必须注意的重要章节,以便能够正确、有效地使 用该仪器。


UltraCam 数码航摄仪系列产品 蓝皮书
Microsoft Vexcel 简介 ............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
概述.................................................................................................................................................... 39 UltraMap 技术特点 ........................................................................................................................... 40
UltraCamXp WA (wide-angle) 广角大幅面数码航摄仪 .................................................................. 20
概述.................................................................................................................................................... 20 UltraCamXp WA ............................................................................................................................... 21 特性.................................................................................................................................................... 21 UltraCamXp WA 技术参数............................................................................................................... 21 UltraCamXp WA 影像产品展示....................................................................................................... 24

CAREL pCOxs 说明书

CAREL pCOxs 说明书

pCOxs manual -cod.+030220345-rel.1.0-18.03.03
简介 1. 总体特性..................................................................................... 4
1.1 pCOxs..................................................................................... 4 1.2 程序..................................................................................... 4 2. 硬件结构..................................................................................... 5 2.1 设备和附件代码............................................................................ 7 2.2 输入/输出说明............................................................................. 9 3. 用户手操作器................................................................................. 10 3.1 LCD显示屏对比度的调节..................................................................... 10 3.2 墙壁安装或面板安装4×20LCD显示屏.......................................................... 10 3.3 墙壁安装或面板安装LED显示屏............................................................... 10 3.4 墙壁安装或面板安装LCD图形显示屏........................................................... 10 3.5 面板安装4×20LCD显示屏.................................................................... 11 3.6 面板安装LCD图形显示屏..................................................................... 11 3.7 3个数码LED显示,32×72..................................................................... 11 3.8 pCO手操器的按键........................................................................... 11 3.9 图形显示屏字符的特性和功能................................................................ 12 4. 安装................................ 14 4.1 pCOxs的安装固定........................................................................... 14 4.2 所用电源.................................................................................. 14 4.3 安装条件.................................................................................. 14 4.4 模拟量输入连接............................................................................ 15 4.5 开关量输出连接............................................................................ 17 4.6 0/10V模拟量输出连接....................................................................... 17 4.7 PWM模拟量输出连接......................................................................... 17 4.8 开关输出连接.............................................................................. 18 4.9 用户手操器的安装.......................................................................... 18 4.10 安装用于图形显示手操器的程序存储器EPROM.................................................. 19 5. pLAN局域网................................................................................... 20 5.1 设置pCO1地址.............................................................................. 21 5.2 设置手操器地址............................................................................ 21 5.3 专用和共用手操器.......................................................................... 21 5.4 pLAN电气连接.............................................................................. 22 5.5 在pLAN局域网中远距离安装手操器............................................................ 24 5.6 plAN局域网的技术说明...................................................................... 26 6. MP 总线网.................................................................................... 26 7. 可选卡....................................................................................... 27 7.1 用于维护和监视用的RS485串行卡............................................................. 27 7.2 用于是Modem管理的RS232串行卡.............................................................. 27 7.3 时钟卡.................................................................................... 28 7.4 用于4×20LCD显示屏或6个LED显示屏的串行打印卡.............................................. 28 7.5 用于图形显示器的串行打印卡,PCOSERPRN0..................................................... 28



Simple, Speedy & Compact.From Paper to PDF in one touch!Minimize unevenness in image quality with “VI technology”Automatically cropping of several documents with “Multiple Document Detection”Shorten operating timewith “Page Turning Detection”Correct distortion and curviness of books with “Book Image Correction”Various functions for making your daily work easier and simpler©2019 PFU Limited Printed in some country 2017.12 U-110 SZX-50K7■General Specifications■ScanSnap SV600 System Requirements ■Included itemsSpecifications are subject to change without notice.Description ScanSnap SV600Image sensor Lens reduction optics / color CCD x 1Light source (White LED + lens illumination) x 2Scanner typeOver Head system, simplex scanning Scanning modesColor, grayscale, monochrome,Automatic (color, grayscale, monochrome detection)“Better mode” or “Best mode”: 3 seconds / pageDocument thickness 30 mm (1.18 in.) or lessSelect one of the below.1. Normal scan: Press "Scan" button for every page2. Timed Interval Scanning (Timed Mode)3. Page turning detectionUSB2.0 / USB1.1 (connector: B Type)Image processing functionsPower consumption Operating mode: 20 W or lessSleep mode: 2.6 W or lessAuto Standby (Off) mode: 0.4 WDocument size Normal modeBetter mode Best modeExcellent mode Dimensions ( W x D x H )210 x 156 x 383 mm Device weight 3 kg (6.613 lb)Environmental compliance ENERGY STAR ® / RoHS Driver Specific driver (Does not support TWAIN / ISIS™)Operation environmentTemperature: 5 to 35 °C (41 to 95 °F)Relative humidity: 20 to 80 % (Non-condensing)Optical resolution●AC cable ● AC adapter ● Safety Precautions ● USB cable ● Background Pad ●Extenders (x2)Description Part numberRemarksPA03950-0352Cleaner F1100 ml bottleFor cleaning the glass, camera, lamp etc of the scanninghead.PA03950-0419Cleaning Wipe1 pack (24 packets)Wet tissue with “cleaner F1”.For cleaning the glass, camera, lamp etc of the scanning head.This scanner is designed to digitize materials that can be reproduced lawfully, in accordance with applicable copyright regulations and other laws. ScanSnap users are responsible for how they use this scanner. It is imperative that ScanSnap users comply with all applicable local rules and laws, including, without limitation, copyright laws when using this scanner.PFU Limited, a Fujitsu company, has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR ® guidelines for energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR ® is a registered trademark of the United States.Scanning speed (A3 landscape ) *2How to start scanning *6Deskew by text on document,Auto paper size detection, Auto image rotation, Auto color detection, Book image correction , Multiple document detection *8*9Interface *7Power requirement AC 100 to 240 V, 50 / 60 HzMagnification in vertical scanning(length)±1.5%Auto mode *3Horizontal scanning: 285 to 218 dpi, Vertical scanning: 283 to 152 dpi *1Color / Grayscale: 150 dpi, Monochrome: 300 dpi 3 seconds / page *4Color / Grayscale: 200 dpi, Monochrome: 400 dpi 3 seconds / page *4Color / Grayscale: 300 dpi, Monochrome: 600 dpi 3 seconds / page *4Color / Grayscale: 600 dpi, Monochrome: 1,200 dpi3 seconds / page *4Automatically recognizes document size, A3(landscape), A4(landscape), A5(landscape),A6(landscape), B4(landscape), B5(landscape),B6(landscape), Post card, Business card,Double Letter(landscape), Letter, Legal(landscape) and Customized size (Max: 432 x 300 mm (17.0 x 11.8 in.), Min: 25.4 x 25.4 mm (1 x 1 in.))*5*1 Optical resolution differs due to different scanning angle on the same document. *2 Scanning speed may vary due to the system environment used. *3 Switch between “Better mode” and “Best mode” depends on the length of the document. A4 (portrait): 200 dpi, A6 size or below: 300 dpi *4 Time between actual start of scanning (scanning pad) and finish scanning. *5 For documents of thickness over 5 mm, the maximum document size is 400 × 300 mm. *6 When performing continuous scanning, time is needed for the scanning head to return to its original position. *7 Compatible with USB 3.0 port but connection will run as USB 2.0 speed. *8 Automatically correct distortion caused by the curve of an opened book or magazine. *9 Digitize multiple documents by automatically cropping several documents in one scan.■Cleaning MaterialsABBYY and FineReader are trademarks of ABBYY Software, Ltd. which may be registered in some jurisdictions. ABBYY™ FineReader™ Engine ©ABBYY. OCR by ABBYY Evernote is a registered trademark or trademark of Evernote Corporation. Google and Google Drive are registered trademarks or trademarks of Google Inc. Intel, Pentium, and Intel Core are registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. ISIS™ is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States. Mac, macOS, and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Kofax and Power PDF are trademarks or registered trademarks of Kofax Limited in the United States and other countries. ScanSnap, the ScanSnap logo and ScanSnap Home are registered trademarks or trademarks of PFU Limited in Japan. Other company names and product names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of the respective companies.Be sure to carefully read all safety precautions prior to using this product and use this device as instructed.For more ScanSnap related information, visit our website at : /ph /scanners Do not place this device in wet, moist, steamy, dusty or oily areas. Using this product under such conditions may result in electrical shock, fire or damage to this product.Safety Precautions■OptionDescriptionPart numberRemarksPA03641-0052Background Pad Set in front of the scanner when scanning. One pad is bundled with the scanner.*■Software●Windows ®Recommended operating systemsCPU *3Memory capacity *3Disk capacity *4Display resolution Windows ® 10 (32-bit / 64-bit) *1Windows ® 8.1 (32-bit / 64-bit)*1Windows ®7 (32-bit / 64-bit)Intel ® Core™ i5 2.5 GHz or higher4 GB or more1,024 x 768 pixels or higher 3.8 GB or more of free hard disk spaceRecommended operating systemsCPU *2Memory capacity *2Disk capacity Display resolutionmacOS v.10.12.4 or later Intel ®Core™ i5 2.5 GHz or higher8 GB or more1,024 x 768 pixels or higher2.0 GB or more of free hard disk space●MacHardwarerequirements *2Hardwarerequirements *1ScanSnap Home *1Windows ®macOSKofax Power PDF Standard *2Kofax Power PDF Standard for Mac *2ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap TM*1 Operate Windows in desktop mode. *2 The ScanSnap device may not work if the connected computer does not meet these requirements. *3 Scanning speeds may drop if the recommended CPU, memory capacity and USB 1.1 requirements are not met. *4 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 or later must be installed. If it is not installed, it is installed with ScanSnap Home. Up to 4.5 GB of disk space is required for the installation. *Please refer to the ScanSnap website for the latest support information of the driver and applications. Compatibility may differ depending on the software's version. *Thesystem requirements may change depending on the duration of support and the support policy of the companies that make the software.*1 The ScanSnap device may not work if the connected computer does not meet these requirements. *2 Scanning speeds may drop if the recommended CPU, memory capacity and USB 1.1 requirements are not met.*Please referto the ScanSnap website for the latest support information of the driver and applications. Compatibility may differ depending on the software's version. *The system requirements may change depending on the duration of support and the support policy of the companies that make the software.*1 ScanSnap Home installation requires a computer and Internet. Activation is also necessary for software use. Please visit the company website for download information. https:///g-support/en *2 Please refer to the included license certificate to download the software.VI technology*(*VI technology: V ersatile I maging technology)*The maximum document size will be 400 x 300 mm when the thickness of the document is over 5 mm*Maximum document thickness is 30 mm (1.18 in.)You can scan newspaper, magazines or books directly without cutting or damaging it.No more hassle to cut or fold documents larger than A4 size such as newspaper and magazines, simply position the documents and they can be scanned directly without any extra effort.Digitize anything with easeConvenient for book scanningA New Perspectiveon scanningWide auto focus area (even the focusing distance has changed)Deep depth of field lensProduce steady imagesCCD linear image sensorMaintain same brightness without affecting by the surroundingHigh directivity LED lampOverhead structureScan anything from business cards to A3 size (landscape)* documentsNot only books or magazines, but also documents with sticky notes can be scanned directly without any difficulty.No problemin scanning thick documents *With “VI technology”, scanning can be performed without touching the document. You do not need to worry that documents such as crayon or oil paintings, pencil writings or photos will be damaged by touching.No need to worry about your delicate documents or books30 mm(1.18 in.)A3 Size3 SecondsEquipped with “VI technology” which combines Deep depth of field lens, CCD linear image sensor and High directivity LED lamp, SV600 is able to minimize unevenness in image quality and generate smooth image even scanning from a distance.*Due to the characteristics of overhead scanner, the image quality is different from the past ScanSnap series.Please confirm the image quality of SV600 from Scan-S n a p we b s i te b efo re making purchase.Scan by moving the headYou can continuously scan multiple pages smoothly.Step 1Page Turning DetectionAutomatically detect when the page is turned.Timed ModeYou can set the time to start scanning after the "Scan" button is pressed.(When continuous scanning) you can set the time interval before the next scanning to begin.ScanSnap Home – Powerful software that integrates all document productivity featuresSV600’s start up time is so quick; scanning is ready in only 3 seconds after switching on the scanner. Furthermore, less than 3 seconds are needed for scanning large A3 size documents. This high speed scanning let you enjoy stress free scanning.Fast start up time and scanning speed lead to time saving and efficiencySV600 is compact and you can use your work space efficiently as you only need space to place document when scanning. Unlike flatbed scanner, it will not occupy your valuable desk space all the time.Compact design that does not occupy much work spaceWith only one touch and one scan, the “Multiple Document Detection” function is able to crop several documents at the same time when positioning in the scanning area. You can save time and hassle by placing several business cards, photos, newspaper clippings and other documents at once and let SV600 does the cropping intelligently for you.Automatically cropping of several documents with “Multiple Document Detection”**Up to 10 documents can be cropped as long distances between documents are over 15 mm.Book Image Correction ‒ Automatically correct distortion caused by the curve of an opened book. You can confirm and fine tune the scanned images on the preview dialog after scanning.Step 2Book Image CorrectionCan easily correct distortion of the document.Point Retouch functionFinger images scanned while suppressing the document can be corrected with ease.ScanSnap Home combines all your favorite functions into one and is the ultimate platform to utilize scanned data in various ways. Easily manage, edit and utilize data from documents, business cards, receipts and photos with the software. You can scan large volumes of documents of various types, from color photos to double-sided landscape documents with a host of intelligent automatic image processing functions.*Data can be transferred to ScanSnap Home from ScanSnap Organizer, ScanSnap receipt and CardMinder.Quickly find that recipe or meeting agenda that you stored last week with easy access tags.Create an original album and share important memories with your family and friends.Contact whoever you need right away with the software organizing captured data according to company name and much more.Keep track of your spending habits each month so that you can check back whenever you desire.。

AXIS P11系列网络摄像机说明书

AXIS P11系列网络摄像机说明书

数据表AXIS P11系列网络摄像机具有成本效益的高性能高清固定摄像机系列AXIS P11系列网络摄像机系列,室内适用,包含AXIS P1125–Z,AXIS P1126–Z,AXIS P1125–ZL和AXIS P1126–ZL四款摄像机。

其中,AXIS P1125-Z,AXIS P1125-ZL可提供HDTV1080p分辨率的图像;AXIS P1126-Z,AXIS P1126-ZL更可提供高达400万像素的超高质量图像。


AXIS P1125-ZL和AXIS P1126-ZL两款摄像机带有内置红外照明,红外照射距离可达20米。


>HDTV1080p和400万像素视频>安讯士Zipstream和H.265,节省带宽和存储>设计紧凑、灵活>I/O、音频、红外AXIS P11系列网络摄像机摄像机图像传感器1/3”逐行扫描RGB CMOS 镜头变焦镜头:2.8–10毫米,F1.6水平视角:97.0°-33.0°垂直视角:53.0°-18.6°日夜自动可拆卸式红外滤光片最低照度彩色:0.2lux、F1.6黑/白:0.04lux、F1.6AXIS P1125–ZL ZL,,AXIS P1126–ZL ZL::红外照明开启时0lux 快门时间1/91000s 至1/6s平移/倾斜/变焦数字PTZ视频视频压缩H.264(MPEG-4Part 10/AVC)Main和High格式H.265Motion JPEG分辨率AXIS P1125–Z,AXIS P1125–ZLZL:1920x1080至320x240AXIS P1126–Z,AXIS P1126–ZLZL:2688x1520至320x240帧速率在1080p分辨率下高达50/60fps,电源线频率为50/60Hz在400万分辨率下高达25/30fps ,电源线频率为50/60Hz 视频流提供多个可独立配置的H.264、H.265和Motion JPEG 格式的视频流采用安讯士Zipstream技术可控制的帧速和带宽VBR/CBR H.264、H.265多视点视频流多达8个可独立裁剪的视图区域图像设置压缩、颜色、亮度、锐度、对比度、白平衡、背光补偿、图像成像、旋转-包括走廊模式、文本和图像叠加、隐私遮罩、旋转:0°,90°,180°,270°、WDR :高达120dB(取决于场景)、曝光控制、曝光区域、低照度下的微调行为音频音频流双向全双工音频压缩AAC LC 8/16/32/48kHz、G.711PCM 8kHz、G.726ADPCM 8kHz 可配置的比特率音频输入/输出外部麦克风输入或线路输入、线路输出网络安全密码保护、IP 地址过滤、HTTPS a 加密、IEEE 802.1X a 网络访问控制、摘要式身份验证、用户访问日志、集中式证书管理支持的协议IPv4/v6、HTTP、HTTPS、SSL/TLS、QoS Layer 3DiffServ、FTP、CIFS/SMB、SMTP、Bonjour、UPnP TM 、SNMPv1/v2c/v3(MIB-II)、DNS、DynDNS、NTP、RTSP、RTP、TCP、UDP、IGMP、RTCP、ICMP、DHCP、ARP、SOCKS、SSH系统集成应用程序编程接口用于进行软件集成的开放API,包括VAPIX ®和AXIS 摄像机应用平台,规格可从 上获取ONVIF ®Profile S 和ONVIF ®Profile G, 中的规格智能分析AXIS Video Motion Detection 4、主动防篡改报警、音频侦测支持AXIS 摄像机应用平台,能够安装第三方应用,请参见/acap事件触发分析、前端存储事件、外部输入、音频级别、计划时间事件动作文件上载:FTP、SFTP、HTTP、HTTPS、网络共享和电子邮件通知:电子邮件、HTTP、HTTPS 和TCP 外部输出激活录制视频至前端存储、播放音频剪辑报警前和报警后视频缓冲PTZ 预设、轮巡、叠加文本白天/夜间切换、状态LED 激活WDR 模式发送SNMP 陷阱AXIS P1125–ZL ZL,,AXIS P1126–ZL ZL::红外照明开/关数据流事件数据常规外壳颜色:白色NCS S 1002-B材质:塑料上盖,铝质机身可持续性不含PVC存储器512MB SDRAM,256MB 闪存电源AXIS P1125–Z,AXIS P1126–Z :以太网供电(PoE)IEEE 802.3af 2类,最大3.5WAXIS P1125–ZL,AXIS P1126–ZLZL:以太网供电(PoE)IEEE 802.3af 3类,最大7.2W接口RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoEI/O:4针2.5毫米接线端子,用于两个可配置的输入/输出线路输入,线路输出12V DC/24VAC电源接口照明LED AXIS P1125–ZL,AXIS P1126–ZLZL:先进的红外补光技术采用节能、使用寿命长的850纳米红外LED,覆盖范围达20米,具体取决于场景存储支持microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC 卡支持SD 卡加密支持录制到网络附加存储(NAS)有关SD 卡和NAS 的建议,请参见 工作条件0°C 到55°C湿度10-85%RH(非冷凝)认证型检报告尺寸157x 73x 48毫米(长x 宽x 高)重量AXIS P1125–Z,AXIS P1126–Z :270g AXIS P1125–ZL,AXIS P1126–ZL :275g所含附件安装指南、Windows 解码器单用户许可证、AXIS T91A11支架视频管理软件AXIS Companion、AXIS Camera Station、AVMS、安讯士的应用开发合作伙伴的视频管理软件可在/techsup/software 上获得质保有关安讯士3年保修和安讯士延保选项,请参见/warrantya.本产品包括由OpenSSL Project 开发的用于OpenSSL 工具包的软件。

bowens 灯光系统产品目录

bowens 灯光系统产品目录

Studio-In-A-BoxGemini 125 Two head Kit BC-235Studio Lighting Masterclass DVD BC-085TheGreatEscapeFor years photographerscould only dream of takingstudio quality images onlocation assignments or inremote environments.Now, that dream hasbecome reality.Bowens have developed asystem with advancedtechnology which allowsphotographers the completefreedom to use studiolighting anywhere.The Esprit Gemini rangepowered by its uniqueTravel-Pak system offersthe complete go-anywherepackage for today'sphotographer on the move.©2004 Photo by Reeve Banks PhotographySTUDIO QUALITY LIGHTING WHEREVER & WHENEVER YOU NEED IT!Location, location, location.If you are a busy photographer working in the studio or out on location, the Esprit Gemini offers the perfect lighting solution. Designed to operate from either mains or battery, the Gemini offers consistency, reliability and quality to ensure stunning results in any environment.Advanced technology and precision control.The Gemini range includes four models,125Ws, 250Ws, 500Ws, and the 750Ws version. The advanced circuitry in the Gemini can now offer power calibration in exact stops and 1⁄3rd stops, ideal for the digital photographer.Esprit Gemini units can offer a range of power from full to 1⁄32- that’s a five stop power range!(See page 13 for exact specifications) Being part of the Esprit range means you can be assured of the reliability and ease of use that the name ‘Esprit’has become known for.The heart of the Gemini system.Designed and developed to operate the Gemini system anywhere. The Travel-Pak provides portable power, 200 shots per charge at full power, wherever and whenever the photographer needs it.Quality and Durability.Like all Bowens products, the Gemini system is designed to withstand the rigours of studio and location work. The Esprit Gemini features larger handles and rotary dials for ease of use and the sturdy Travel-Pak is designed to work, even if standing in 75mm (3”) of water! As for weight,this is no problem either as the Gemini weighs just 3.4kg (Gemini 250 weighs 2.9kg) and the Travel-Pak only weighs 4.1kg, a winning combination!Esprit Gemini GM125More than powerful enough for small portrait use the Gemini GM125 features fully variable output offering precise exposure control. This model is also useful in larger studios as a top,back or hair light, being triggered from the main flash via the built in photo-cell. BW-3590Esprit Gemini GM250With the Gemini GM250 we can now offer a 250Ws unit with a 5 stop power range, from full to 1⁄32power offering the same versatility as the rest of the Esprit range. With this wide power range it can be used as a main light with a softbox or as a fill light, with a grid reflector and a honeycomb. The low sync voltage of only 5V makes this light the perfect tool for digital users.BW-3600Esprit Gemini GM500The 500Ws Gemini GM500 offers the photographer total versatility for product or portrait work. With a safe sync voltage of 5V and precise power calibration across the five stop range, the digital user can work in the knowledge that they will achieve total consistency and reliability. BW-3610Esprit Gemini GM750+The Gemini GM750+ is the top of the range in terms of power delivering an impressive 750Ws and featuring an amazing flash duration of just 1/2380 sec. This compact powerhouse can recycle to full power in just 1.2 secs. ideal for high fashion shoots. BW-3630Travel-PakCompact, Lightweight, Portable Power.Everything offered by the Bowens Travel-Pak. Thanks to this handy battery pack, your Bowens Esprit Gemini lights can leave the studio to go on location anytime, anywhere!Able to power two monoblocs simultaneously with a total power of up to 1500Ws, the Travel-Pak is capable of bringing a 500Ws unit to full charge as fast as 4.5 seconds, and can offer in excess of 200 flashes on a single charge.With a fast/slow charge option to prolong battery life as well as a stylish carry bag offering protection from the elements and up to 3 inches of water, no location photographer should be without this unique power pack.Dimensions - 180(l) x 120(w) x 175(h)mm Weight - 4.1kg BW-7630Esprit Gemini“the perfect go-anywhere lighting solution...”Esprit Digital DX SeriesThe Esprit Digital DX Series was designed and engineered forthe photographer who needs an increased level of lightingprecision. Whether it’s the fine power-output adjustments fora crucial transparency shot or the refined repeatability that’sso important with today’s digital imaging tools, the Digital DXSeries offers top performance and exceptional value formoney.Available in Three ModelsAll three models feature variable power adjustments andcompletely interchangeable reflector and accessory mounts.This makes them an amazingly versatile lighting system, nomatter how you combine them.Features:•Precision light-output adjustments to an accuracy of 1/10f-stop.•Power-control range of six f-stops, from full to 1/32.•A huge selection of reflectors and light control accessories.•A choice of three different models: 250, 500 and 1000Ws.•A built-in and switchable slave cell.•Units fire at 100% recharge for complete accuracy.•Full Infra-Red remote-control capabilities.•Three position modelling lamp settings: off, on at 100%brightness or in proportion to the flash power selected.•User-replaceable flash tubes.Esprit Digital DX250Perfect for small studios, location work or forportraits, the Digital DX250 is capable ofdelivering plenty of light for the portraitphotographer. It also has the advantage of anextended power range for the highest level ofcreative control. At minimum power the DigitalDX250 is capable of delivering just 7Ws ofpower. As well as being a perfect portrait light,the controllability of the unit makes it a great hairlight or background light. Although compact andlightweight, the DX250 is designed with a strongsteel casing to resist the rigors of studio life. Theadvanced circuitry delivers fast recycling times(1.2 sec.) and a very fast flash duration (1/1100sec.). In short, the DX250 is an exceptional flashunit that can prove invaluable in many studios.Esprit Digital DX500The 500Ws monobloc has been our mostpopular size for decades. The evolution of theDX500 brings a level of control and precision towhat has always been our best-selling product.Whether you need power for commercialapplications or the finesse of 1/10f-stop accuracyfor complete control, the DX500 is the perfectlighting solution. The DX range benefits ofpower accuracy, repeatability and full IR remote-control capability are all found on the DX500,which also boasts good flash duration andexcellent recycling speeds. No larger than theDX250 and weighing only a fraction more, theDX500 is the perfect complement to any studioand the foundation of a first-class lighting system- whatever your photographic specialisation.Esprit Digital DX1000The DX1000 is the heavyweight in the range - inperformance (it’s actually quite lightweight for it’spower level) the unit is capable of deliveringconsiderable amounts of power with precisionand control. Two f-stops brighter than theDX250, it is still capable of delivering flash of just28Ws - a gentle giant indeed! The DX1000 isperfect where high light output and hard work arethe order of the day. Fan cooled, the DX1000can deliver shot after shot, keeping up with themost demanding studio environments. Withresilient circuitry and robust design, this will be aclassic workhorse flash unit for years to come.The DX1000 is fitted with a three electrode flashtube giving impressive performance and flashduration at full power is just 1/1700 sec. The unitcan also recycle to full power in just over twoseconds. If you are looking for power andcontrollability, the DX1000 could be the perfectflash unit for your studio.Esprit Digital DX - Perfect, precision lighting.Esprit Digital DX“setting new standards in accuracy and repeatability”©2004 Photo by Reeve Banks PhotographyEsprit Digital 750PRO“a superior level of lighting for today’s digital world”Esprit Digital 750PRO Precision digital power controlRemote Triggering Esprit 1000Esprit 1500SpecificationsTwo Head KitsOur most popular kit configurations are the two-head kits. These appeal to photographers buying studio lighting for the first time as well as photographers looking for exceptional value for money. Typical two-head kits include two Esprit Gemini monolights with two Bowens lighting support stands. To control the light we include a Bowens Softbox and a silver/white umbrella, together with a wide-angle umbrella reflector.In our experience, this creates a very easy-to-use and effective two-light setup. The Softbox and umbrella are perfect for portraiture and many still-life applications. The kits include a sync lead for camera connection and all the power cables, modelling lamps and flash tubes. Everything is then packed into a single lightweight yet sturdy carrying case, with casters, for easy transportation.Two Head Travel-Pak KitsTwo heads kits are also available complete with a Bowens Travel-Pak Battery, able to power two Esprit Gemini units simultaneously out on location.Three Head KitsIt is said that two heads are better than one. Well, when it comes to lighting,the more heads the better the result. Three heads and stands are the foundation of these popular sets. For lighting control we include a Bowens Softbox with two Bowens Silver/White Umbrellas and a pair of wide-angle reflectors designed to give a great degree of creative flexibility.G . Gemini 250/250/250 Kit.BW4345Contains: 3 Esprit Gemini 250 monolights, 3 Bowens compact lighting support stands, 2 Bowens 90cm Silver/White Umbrella, 1 60cm Bowens Softbox, 2 Wide-Angle Reflectors, 1 kit Bag, 1 Stand Bag, Power Cords,Sync Cord, Modelling Lamps & Flash Tubes.H . Gemini 500/500/500 Kit.BW4350As Kit G with the monolights replaced by 3 Esprit Gemini 500Ws units.The Softbox is upgraded to 100cm and the Umbrellas to 115cm.I . Gemini 750+/750+/750+ Kit.BW4355As Kit H with the monolights replaced by 3 Esprit Gemini 750Ws units.Studio & Location Lighting KitsA . Gemini 250/250 Kit.BW4300Contains: 2 Esprit Gemini 250 monolights, 2 Bowens compact lighting support stands, 1 Bowens 90cm Silver/White Umbrella, 1 60cm Bowens Softbox, 1 Wide-Angle Reflector, 1 kit Bag, Power Cords, Sync Cord,Modelling Lamps & Flash Tubes.B . Gemini 250/250 Travel-Pak Kit.BW4315As Kit A with the addition of a Bowens Travel-Pak Battery, with universal mains charger and connecting leads.C .Gemini 500/500 Kit.BW4305As Kit A with the monolights replaced by 2 Esprit Gemini 500Ws units.D . Gemini 500/500 Travel-Pak Kit.BW4320As Kit B with the monolights replaced by 2 Esprit Gemini 500Ws units.E . Gemini 750+/750+ Kit.BW4310As Kit A with the monolights replaced by 2 Esprit Gemini 750Ws units,the Softbox is upgraded to 100cm and the umbrella is bigger at 115cm.F . Gemini 750+/750+ Travel-Pak Kit.BW4360As Kit E with the addition of a Bowens Travel-Pak Battery unit.Two Head Digital DX KitsOur Esprit Digital DX monolights are also available as money-saving two-head kits. These value kits contain two Esprit Digital heads with two compact lighting stands. For lighting control we include a Bowens Softbox, a Silver/White Umbrella and a Wide-Angle Reflector. The kit together with Power Cords, Sync Lead, Lamps and Flash-tubes comes in a robust carry case for portability.J . Esprit Digital DX 250/250 Kit.BW4270Contains: 2 Esprit Digital DX 250 monolights, 2 Bowens compact lighting support stands, 1 Bowens 90cm Silver/White Umbrella, 1 60cm Bowens Softbox, 1 Wide-Angle Reflector, 1 kit Bag, Power Cords, Sync Cord,Modelling Lamps & Flash Tubes.K . Esprit Digital DX 500/500 Kit.BW4275As Kit J with the monolights replaced by 2 Esprit Digital DX 500 units.L . Esprit Digital DX 1000/1000 Kit.BW4280As Kit J with the monolights replaced by 2 Esprit Digital DX 1000Ws units. The Softbox is upgraded to 100cm and the Umbrellas to 115cm.“extra-value lighting kits for every type of photography”120°Wide Angle Umbrella Reflector Designed as a spill-kill or to be used with and to support umbrellas, this 15cm (6") reflector has a very wide, even coverage, making it perfect to spread light over broad areas. Its very small diameter creates hard shadows and high-contrast lighting. BW188550°Keylite ReflectorThis is a very high output 24cm (91/2") reflector that creates a highly specular result. It’s the perfect reflector to be used where maximum light output is required. It’s also a superb reflector for bouncing light off ceilings or simply to give the maximum possible depth of field. BW188675°Softlite ReflectorThis 15" matt-finished reflector is supplied with adouble diffuser cap that covers the flash tubeand modelling lamp for added softness. Thesoftest of Bowens’direct reflectors, it is perfectfor portraiture, beauty and small productphotography. The diffuser cap can be removed,making it an excellent large-diameter directreflector. BW1899Grid DiffuserThis is an accessory to the 75°Softlite Reflectorthat creates a unique lighting effect by includinga Perspex outer diffuser with a honeycomb gridin the centre. The Grid Diffuser gives a pool ofdirect light in the centre, surrounded by soft-diffused light. The ratio between the centre andedge is 3:1 - ideal for portrait applications.BW1866Reflector KitAn innovative lighting control outfit composed ofa reflector, snoot and four-leaf barn door, theBowens Reflector Kit represents exceptionalvalue for studio and location photographers. Theefficient reflector is optimised for light spread andhas a 60°coverage. The interchangeable snootand barn door attachments bayonet quickly ontothe main reflector, providing instant light control.BW1882High-Performance ReflectorThis 32cm reflector achieves the maximumamount of light output possible for lighting largegroups and bouncing light off of high ceilings.The efficient parabolic design delivers a narrow,bright beam of light with intense shadows andhigh contrast. A must where sheer power isrequired. BW18781236578109132456Supersoft 600 Diffuser for Sunlite 40Here is the ultimate soft beauty light. TheSupersoft 600 mounts directly into the front ofthe 40°Sunlite Reflector. Its super-large 600mm(231/2") front diameter reflector and unique three-layered diffusion design creates a large, soft lightsource that is completely even and deliversperfectly round catch lights for fashion andbeauty applications. The internal baffle is printedwith a precision designed light distributionpattern to reduce the centre brightness of thereflector. A double-layer front diffuser completesthe softening effect. BW1884Supersoft 600 KitThis complete kit includes the 40°SunliteReflector as well as the Supersoft 600 Diffuser,front diffuser screen and inner baffle.BW1868/8440°Sunlite ReflectorA43cm (17") white-painted reflector designed toreplicate sunlight for photographing items suchas architectural models. The white-paintedinterior of the Sunlite reflector helps to ensurethat an even light is delivered. BW1868Backlite ReflectorWith its 20 x 30.5cm (8 x 12") elliptical shape,this reflector produces an oval pool of light thatcan be used to create a natural vignette on abackground or other areas. Two fitted springclips allow colour gels to be fitted. BW2560•A set of colour gels including seven popularcolours, a neutral-density filter and two diffusersfor heightened lighting creativity is also availablefor the Backlite Reflector. BW255260°Grid ReflectorA good general purpose direct reflector with anefficient pebble finish. With its rolled rim andindent, this medium-angle reflector will hold an18cm (7") honeycomb. BW1863•The 60º Grid Reflector can also be purchasedas a kit containing a set of three honeycombs.BW1865Set of Three HoneycombsThis set is designed to be used with the GridReflector. The three sizes offer 1/8” (3.175mm),3/8” (9.525mm) and 1/4” (6.35mm) hole sizes, eachwith increasingly wide-angle spots of light.BW18647981011411Bowens Jetstream Wind MachineThe variable-speed Jetstream Wind Machinemakes special effects a breeze and adds asense of motion to your shots. It’s great forglamour shots or for controlling the smoke or fogon a set. For maximum gusts, turn the control tofull power and you’ll create 2500 RPM (940C.F.M) of controllable wind! Its remote operatingcable enables you to control speed levels fromup to 6m (20’) away, so you can go from a lightdraft to a gentle breeze to an intense blusterwithout leaving your camera. The Jetstreamfeatures a 5/8” mount to fit most light stands.Length:30.5cm (12”)Width:25cm (10”)Weight: 6.3kg (13.5lbs)Jetstream (240V) - BW2550Jetstream (117V) - BW2550BFresnel 200 Spot AttachmentThis 200mm Fresnel lens produces that classicHollywood-style of lighting unique to Fresnelspots. A built-in iris gives very tight control of thelight pool, making it ideal for productphotography. This versatile light is also good forclassic portraits and for precise control incommercial work.BW2914Universal Spot AttachmentThis unique light-head attachment features ahigh-quality optical system that allows theprojection of gobos, patterns and cut-outs on thebackground or onto the subject. It can also beused as a focusing spot to light very specificparts of the subject. The gobo holder (included)accepts standard M-size gobos.BW1880A Set of 12 M-sizegobos is available.BW1879.65°Maxilite ReflectorThis is a good general-purpose direct reflector withan even coverage and a high light output. Since ithas a small 20cm (8") diameter, the light it producesis moderately high in contrast. The stippled surfaceensures a smooth and even light distribution.BW1887Maxilite HoneycombsThese fit on to the front of the Maxilite Reflector anddeliver a very tightly controlled pool of illumination,creating a highly efficient spot effectBW1891- A3/8” (9.525mm) hole creates a widerangle spot effect.BW1892- A1/4” (6.35mm) hole creates a narrowerangle spot effect.Gel Filter Holder for MaxiliteAllows light to be gelled or coloured. BW2368• Maxilite Gel Set for BW2368. BW2364Four-Way Barn Door & Gel HolderAlso designed for use with the Maxilite to givegreater control of light output. BW2363Universal HoneycombsThese are designed to fit a wide range ofBowens reflectors. The adjustable fittings clipover the rim of the reflector.BW1861A- A3/8” (9.525mm) hole creates a widerangle spot effect.BW1861B- A1/4” (6.35mm) hole creates anarrower angle spot effect.Universal Clip-On Barn DoorsThese are a must for anyone using directreflectors to enable the spread of light to beprecisely controlled. BW186915°SnootFor creating a simple spot effect, this 10cm (4”)cone can also be used as a hair light, creating apool of illumination on the hair without spilling onto the face or background. BW1888Honeycomb for snootWhen even tighter light is required this clipssimply to the front of the snoot. BW1862MulticlipInvaluable to all photographers, the multiclip hasthousands of uses around the studio. BW1826121413151617121314151617181920181920Studio EssentialsBowens Lighting Support Light ShapingStrip WafersWafer Strip 100100 x 38 x 25cm (75 x 15 x 11”)Ideal where more contrast and a sharper edge to the shadows is required. BW1180Wafer Strip 140140 x 35 x 50cm (55 x 133/4x 193/4”)For longer coverage than the 100 Strip. BW1181Wafer Strip 200200 x 70 x 62cm (195 x 271/2x 241/2”)Full-length fashion with hard-edged lateral contrast. Good overhead light source to separate subjects from background. BW1184.All Strip Wafers are supplied with one full-width and one half-width front diffuser. The half-width diffuser provides an even sharper cut-off and harder edge to the shadows.Hexagonal WafersWafer Hex 100100 x 70 x 30cm (39 x 27 x 12”)Ideal for single head-and-shoulder portraits or for greater contrast on 3/4-length shots and fashion.BW1195Wafer Hex 140140 x 95 x 37cm (55 x 371/2x 141/2”)For single portraits or small groups where a natural vignette is required. BW1182Wafer Hex 180180 x 135 x 52cm (71 x 53 x 201/2”)A broad beautiful light for almost any subject.great for larger groups. BW1183Rectangular WafersWafer 5656 x 25 x 28cm (22 x 10 x 11”)Here is a compact soft box for small still life,either as a main or rim light. It also provides an exceptionally good hair light. BW1894Wafer 7575 x 50 x 28cm (30 x 193/4x 11”)This medium-sized soft box is great for still life,single portraits or for more contrast lighting in larger sets. BW1895Wafer 100100 x 75 x 35cm (40 x 30 x 14”)Our most popular size, this soft box is suitable for full-length portraits, small groups and product illustration. Still compact enough for location.BW1896Wafer 140140 x 100 x 50cm (53 x 40 x 193/4”)For full-length portraits and fashion, also good for larger sets. This unit is extremely soft because of its size. BW1897Wafer 200200 x 140 x 65cm (76 x 53 x 251/2”)An enormous soft light that is still lightweight enough to hang on Hi-Glide tracking or boom arms, the Wafer 200 is beautiful for full-length work, group portraits and large products.BW1898Flash and Light Head Adaptor RingsWafer soft boxes can be used with most major studio lighting systems. Simply attach the appropriate adaptor to the mounting rings supplied.BW1954 - Bowens/Calumet/Redwing BW1953 - Bowens L Type BW1955 - Balcar BW1956 - Multiblitz Large BW1961 - Multiblitz Small BW1957 - Elinchrom BW1958 - Broncolor Impact BW1959 - Broncolor Pulso BW1960 - Broncolor TA BW1962 - Courtnay BW1997 - HenselThe Wafer is probably the most innovative light bank on the market,producing a beautiful quality of light and offering a degree of control unmatched by similar products. Its range of shapes and sizes is almost as big as its range of accessories, making the Wafer suitable for a variety of work in all disciplines.Wafer light banks produce a crisp,smooth quality of light while their narrow profile and silver/white interiors with two interchangeable graduated inner baffles deliver unparalleled flexibility and control.The Wafer design is supplied with two internal Mylar baffles or screens, each printed with a special pattern to ensure the light distribution on the front cloth is absolutely even over its entire surface.These baffles also assist in controlling the colour temperature: one is white and the other is blue for more neutral tones.The front cloth of the Wafer is recessed to help control light spill. The resulting internal edge has a hook-and-loop lining, allowing an accessory honeycomb to be fitted to the front for additional directional control.The Wafer is supplied in a stowage pouch for convenient portability and includes the flash adaptor speed ring.Brand specific flash adaptor rings are available for every leading studio lighting system.Wafers are available as rectangles,which are by far the most popular and versatile. Hexagonal Wafers are especially good for portraiture whilst the strips, which produce much sharper cut-off, are popular with fashion photographers.W AFER ---The Wafer Light Bank SystemOval DiffuserA translucent fabric diffuser with black oval mask that converts rectangular light banks into ovals.Perfect for those shots where a rounded highlight or catch light is desirable.For Wafer 75 BW1196For Wafer 100 BW1977For Wafer 140BW1197Hex Oval DiffuserThese shaped diffusers for the Hex Oval soft boxes create a rounded catch light.For Wafer Hex 100 BW1194For Wafer Hex 140 BW1185For Wafer Hex 180 BW1186Wafer HoneycombsA lightweight, aluminiumhoneycomb on a frame is fitted into the recess at the front of the Wafer soft box. Ideal for product photography, giving a soft,controllable pool of illumination. For Wafer 75 BW1160For Wafer 100BW1161Wafer AccessoriesBowens SoftBoxesThe Bowens range of softboxes has beendeveloped to offer photographers the veryhighest-quality light source at a very modestcost. Their silver interior and shallowconstruction offers a high degree ofefficiency while a translucent diffuserensures even light distribution.If absolute evenness is critical for the largersizes, internal diffusers are available as anaccessory, as are carry bags for storage andlocation work.Each softbox comes supplied with a castingand Bowens ‘S-type’Adaptor. Each willaccept all Wafer adapters and can be usedwith most popular flash systems.Softbox 60x6060 x 60cm (231/2x 231/2”)Ideal for the small portrait or still life photographer.BW1660Softbox 60x8060 x 80cm (231/2x 31”)Rectangular shape perfect for portraiture.BW1665Softbox 100x80100 x 80cm (391/2x 31”)For larger portraits or when a softer light isrequired. BW1667Softbox 100x100100 x 100cm (391/2x 391/2”)Our most popular size, suitable for a wide range ofphotography. BW1680Softbox 140x100140 x 100cm (55 x 391⁄2”)Ideal for large group shots and commercialphotography as well as room sets and generalphotography where a very soft light is required.BW1685SoftStrip 100100 x 40cm (391/2x 153/4”)The narrow profile of the strip gives a muchsharper cut off, making it ideal for fashion andbeauty. BW1670SoftStrip 140140 x 40cm (55 x 153/4”)Perfect for full length fashion and beautyphotography. BW1690Soft Box AccessoriesInternal DiffuserClips into the centre of the softbox to giveabsolutely even illumination across thefront diffuser.BW1662- For Softbox 60x60BW1667- For Softbox 60x80BW1672- For Softstrip 100BW1677- For Softbox 100x80BW1682- For Softbox 100x100BW1687- For Softbox 140x100BW1692- For Softbox 140x140Carry BagsKeep your Softbox protected when onlocation work.BW1765 - For Softbox 60 & SoftStripBW1770 - For Softbox 100 & 140Octo 150Octo 150 is a unique large softbox which offers several non-traditional softbox features that will be of particular interest toportrait photographers.Unlike other large octagonal softboxes on the market, the Octo150 features a perfectly round front diffuser for perfectly roundcatch lights which are cleaner and more pleasing. Anotherdifference is that the light is mounted in the unit facing the rearcloth, away from the subject. This offers two distinctadvantages over traditional softboxes. The first advantage isthat the Octo 150 does not have extra layers of diffusion fabricbetween the light source and the front diffusion fabric making itan extremely efficient softbox that can be used even with smallflash units such as an Esprit 500.The other significant advantage of this design is the interiorsilvered and white surfaces which have been designed toensure optimum evenness of illumination on the cloth andbecause of this can be used close to the subject to producemaximum softness as well as maximum light output. BW1650 Bowens Professional SoftBox Series。



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