电文开始 变频器站地址(10 进制数:10 位) 变频器站地址(10 进制数:个位) 传送要求 要求命令
查询(读出) 选择(写入) 高速应答选择(写入)*1 报警复位
基本功能 端子功能 控制功能 电动机 1 高级功能 电动机 2 选件 设定数据 监视数据
功能号码(10 进制数:10 位) 功能号码(10 进制数:个位) 未使用(固定空位) 数据位 1(16 进制数:1000 位) 数据位 2(16 进制数:100 位) 数据位 3(16 进制数:10 位) 数据位 4(16 进制数:个位) 电文结束 校验和 1(16 进制数:10 位) 校验和 2(16 进制数:个位)
项目 物理电平 传送距离 推荐电缆 连接台数 传送速度 同步方式 传送方式 传送协议 字符代码 字符长 停止位长 帧长 奇偶校验 错误检查方式
FRENIC 5000G11S/P11S RS485 通信接口
规范 EIA RS485(和 RS232C 主机连接时,应使用通信电平变换器) 最大 500 米 24AWG 屏蔽双绞线 主机一台,变频器 31 台(站号:01~31,广播:99) 19200,9600,4800,2400,1200 [BPS] 起始—停止同步 半双工 查询/选择,广播 ASCII 7 位 8 位, 7 位可选 1 位, 2 位可选 一般传送 16 字节固定,高速传送 8 或者 12 字节 偶数,奇数或不用 校验和(BCC),超限错误,帧错误
值 16 进制 01H 30H~33H39H 30H~39H 05 H
52 H 57 H 41 H 45H
46 H 45 H 43H 50 H 48H 41H 6FH 53 H 4D H 30H~34 H 30H~39H 20 H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H 03 H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H
1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)The Model 2110 5½-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter combines a compelling price with a comprehensive set of capabilities, superior measurement accuracy, and high speed for a broad range of applications. It features 15 measurement functions and 7 math functions and has dual-line display capability, which allows it to display two different measurements concurrently. The Model 2110 is an unbeatable value for production, R&D, and test engineers, scientists, and students making a wide variety of measurements in portable, bench, and system applications.High Accuracy, Abundant Capabilities, Low CostThe Model 2110 provides precision and a rich set of capabilities at a value price. It has 0.012% one-year basic DC voltage accuracy and 0.020% one-year basic resistance accuracy up to the 100k W range.The Model 2110 provides a wide number of measurement ranges and functions:• DC voltage: 0.1V, 1V, 10V, 100V, and 1000V • AC voltage: 0.1V, 1V, 10V, 100V, and 750V • DC current: 10mA, 100mA, 1A, 3A, and 10A • AC current: 1A, 3A, and 10A• Two- and four-wire resistance: 100W , 1k W , 10k W , 100k W , 1M W , 10M W , and 100M W • Frequency: From 10Hz to 300kHz• Capacitance measurement: 1nF, 10nF, 100nF, 1µF, 10µF, 100µF• Thermocouple measurement: J-, R-, S-, T-, E-, N-, B-, C-, and K-type thermocouples • Temperature (RTD and NTC Thermistor) measurements• Diode measurement • Continuity test• Programmable A-D converter and filter settings for signal to noise optimization. Additionally, seven mathematical operations can be performed on measurement readings: percentage, average, min/max, NULL, limits, mX+b, dB, and dBm testing.SpeedAt 5½ digits, the Model 2110 delivers up to 200 readings/s via the USB remote interface. At the fast 4½-digit setting, it reads up to 50,000 readings/s and up to 30,000 readings/s into the buffer, making it ideal for production and monitoring applications in which speed is c ritical.5D I G I T A L M U L T I ME T E R S & S Y S T E M S1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)SimplicityThe Model 2110 is operational and intuitive to use right out of the box. The functions on the front panel are user friendly and easy to read. Its KI-Tool and KI-Link software allow users to quickly con-trol the instrument over GPIB (if equipped) or USB, record measurements, and display time-series L o w -c o s t 5½-d i g i t D M M f o r s y s t e m , b e n c h , o r p o r t a b l e a p p l i c a t i o n s All accessories, such as start-up software, USB cable, power cable, and safety test leads, are included with the Model 2110.KI-Tool simplifies basic measurement applications through every setup and graphical data representation.1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)SpecificationsDC CHARACTERISTICSDC VOLTAGEAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°C Range Resolution InputResistance 100.000 mV 1 µV 10 M W 0.012 + 0.0040.001 + 0.00051.00000 V 10 µV 0.012 + 0.0010.0009 + 0.000510.0000 V 0.1 mV 0.012 + 0.0020.0012 + 0.0005100.000 V 1 mV 0.012 + 0.0020.0012 + 0.00051000.00 V10 mV 0.02 + 0.0030.002 + 0.0015DCI (DC CURRENT)Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution ShuntResistance 10.0000 mA 0.1 µA 5.1 W 0.05 + 0.0200.005 + 0.002100.000 mA 1 µA 5.1 W 0.05 + 0.0100.005 + 0.0011.00000 A 10 µA 0.1 W 0.150 + 0.0200.008 + 0.0013.0000 A 100 µA 0.1 W 0.200 + 0.0300.008 + 0.00110.0000 A 100 µA 5 m W 0.250 + 0.0500.008 + 0.001RESISTANCE 2Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 100.000 W 1 m W 1 mA 0.020 + 0.0200.003 + 0.0005 1.00000 k W 10 m W 1 mA 0.020 + 0.0030.003 + 0.0005 10.0000 k W 100 m W 100 µA 0.020 + 0.0020.003 + 0.0005 100.000 k W 1 W 10 µA 0.020 + 0.0020.003 + 0.00051.00000 M W 10 W 1 µA 0.030 + 0.0040.005 + 0.000510.0000 M W 100 W 0.1 µA 0.200 + 0.0040.05 + 0.0005100.000 M W 1 k W0.1 µA2.000 + 0.0050.5 + 0.0005DIODE TESTAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 1.0000V 10 µV1 mA0.020 + 0.0300.002 + 0.0005CONTINUITYAccuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C Temperature Coefficient 0°–18°C & 28°–40°CRange Resolution Test Current 1000W 10 m W1 mA0.020 + 0.0200.002 + 0.00051. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up.a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.b. Input bias current <30pA at 25°C.c. Measurement rate set to 10 PLC.2. Specifications for 4W ohms mode. For 2W ohms, use zero null or subtract lead resistance from displayed reading.a. Maximum lead resistance 10% of range per lead for 100W and 1k W ranges; add 1k W per lead for all other ranges.MEASUREMENT NOISE REjECTION DC (60Hz/50Hz) at 5.5 DIGITS CMRR: 120dB for 1k W unbalance in LO lead.NMRR: 60dB for line frequency ±0.1%.TEMPERATURE (THERMOCOUPLE) CHARACTERISTICSThermocoupleType Range Accuracy 1 ±°C1 Year, exclusive of lead accuracyB 600 to 1800°C 1.5C 0 to 2300°C 1.5E –250 to 1000°C 1.5J –200 to 1200°C 1.0K –200 to 1350°C 1.0N –200 to 1300°C 1.0R 0 to 1750°C 1.5S 0 to 1750°C 1.5T–250 to 400°C1.51. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up; a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.RTD and NTC Thermistor Measurements: Accuracy ±0.8˚C, 1 year, exclusive of leadaccuracy. PT100, D100, F100, PT385, PT3916, SPRTD (R-Zero, A4, B4, Ax, Bx, Cx, and Dx), NTCT (A, B, and C), and user-definable RTD.CAPACITANCE CHARACTERISTICSRange Test Current Accuracy 1±(% of reading + % of range)1 Year, 23° ±5°C1.000 nF 10 µA2.0 + 0.801. Specifications valid after two hour warm-up.a. ADC set for continuous trigger operation.b. Null enabled.2110Model 2110 rear panel.。
IR2110(-1-2)(S)的PBF / IR2113(-1-2)(S)的PBF功能框图铅定义符号说明 V乙 SD LIN V DD脉冲 GEN [R小号 Q V SS UV 检测延迟 HV水平转移 V CC脉冲过滤 UV检测 V DD / V CC水平转移 V DD / V CC水平转移 LO V小号 COM [R小号 Q [R小号 RQ HIN HO V DD逻辑供应 HIN高端栅极驱动器输出(HO)的逻辑输入,同相 SD逻辑输入关闭 LIN低端栅极驱动器输出(LO) 的逻辑输入,IR2110同相 V SS逻辑地 V B高端浮动供应 HO高端栅极驱动输出 V S高端浮动供应回报 V CC低端供应 LO低端栅极 驱动输出 COM低端回报 关断时间与V CC / V BS 电源电压的关系图9A.关机时间与温度的关系 0 50 100 150 200 250 10 12 14 16 18 20大.典型. 0 50 100 150 200 250 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. 0 50 100 150 200 250 02 46 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 VDD电源电压(V)马克斯 .典型 图 9C. 关断时间与V DD IR2110电源电压的关系图10A.上升时间与温度的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C) 大.典型.图10B.打开上升时间与电压的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 12 14 16 18 20 V BIAS IR2110电源电压(V)大.典型.图11A.关闭下降 时间与温度的关系 0 10 20三十 40 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. V CC / V BS 电源电压(V) 图19B. V DD 电源电流与V DD 电压的关系图20A.逻辑“1”输入电流与温度的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度 (°C)大.典型. 图17B. V BS 电源电流与电压的关系 0 100 200 300 400 500 10 12 14 16 18 20 V BS 浮动电源电压(V)大.典型. 图 18A. V CC 电源电流与温度的关系 0 125 250 375 500 625 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. 图18B. V CC 电源电流与电压 的关系 0 125 250 375 500 625 10 12 14 16 18 20 V CC 固定电源电压(V)大.典型. 图19A. V DD 电源电流与温度的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. 0 10 20三十 40 50 60 02468 10 12 14 16 18 20 V DD 逻辑电源电压 PBF功能框图铅定义符号说明 V乙 SD LIN V DD脉冲 GEN [R小号 Q V SS UV检测延迟 HV水平转移 V CC脉冲过滤 UV检测 V DD / V CC水平转移 V DD / V CC水平转移 LO V小号 COM [R小号 Q [R小号 RQ HIN HO V DD逻辑供应 HIN高端栅极驱动器输 出(HO)的逻辑输入,同相 SD逻辑输入关闭 LIN低端栅极驱动器输出(LO)的逻辑输入,同相 V SS逻辑地 V B高端浮动供应 HO高端栅极驱动输出 V S高端浮动供应回报 V CC低端供应 LO低端栅极驱动输出 COM低端回报
电磁隔离用脉冲变压器作为隔离元件,具有响应速度快(脉冲的前沿和后沿),原副边的绝缘强度高,dv/dt 共模干扰抑制能力强。
1.IR2110引脚功能及特点简介(1)IR2110引脚管LO(引脚1):低端输出COM(引脚2):公共端Vcc(引脚3):低端固定电源电压Nc(引脚4): 空端Vs(引脚5):高端浮置电源偏移电压VB (引脚6):高端浮置电源电压HO(引脚7):高端输出Nc(引脚8): 空端VDD(引脚9):逻辑电源电压HIN(引脚10): 逻辑高端输入SD(引脚11):关断LIN(引脚12):逻辑低端输入Vss(引脚13):逻辑电路地电位端,其值可以为0VNc(引脚14):空端(2)IR2110的特点:(1)具有独立的低端和高端输入通道。
(4)逻辑电源的输入范围(脚9)5-15V,可方便的与TTL,CMOS电平相匹配,而且逻辑电源地和功率电源地之间允许有 V的便移量。
Applent AT2511 511C DC低电阻仪用户指南说明书
User’s GuideRev.A2FIRMWARE REVISIONSThis manual applies directly to instruments that have the firmware Rev.A.x AT2511/511C DC Low Resistance Meter~ @Applent Instruments Ltd. Address: Dangnan Industrial Zone, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China (PRC)Post Code: 213014Tel: 0086-0519-******** / 89966117 / 89966227 / 89966337Fax: 0086-0519-********SalesEmail:*****************TechEmail:****************2 AT2511/511C User’s GuideSafety Summarydisconnect the power cable.Please Contact Applent Instruments Incorporation sales representative for repair of the instrument. If you continue to operate without repairing the instrument, there is a potential fire or shock hazard forthe operator.●Instrument operates abnormally●Instrument emits abnormal noise, smell, smoke or a spark-like light during the operation.●Instrument generates high temperature or electrical shock during operation.●Power cable, plug, or receptacle on instrument is damaged.●Foreign substance or liquid has fallen into the instrument.The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific WARNINGS elsewhere in this manual may impair the protection provided by the equipment. In addition it violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument.Disclaimer The Applent Instruments assumes no liability for the customer'sfailure to comply with these requirements.GroundThe InstrumentTo avoid electric shock hazard, the instrument chassis andcabinet must be connected to a safety earth ground by thesupplied power cable with earth blade.DO NOTOperate In An ExplosiveAtmosphereDo not operate the instrument in the presence of inflammablegasses or fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in suchan environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.Keep AwayFrom LiveCircuitsOperating personnel must not remove instrument covers.Component replacement and internal adjustments must be madeby qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace componentswith the power cable connected. Under certain conditions,dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cableremoved. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power anddischarge circuits before touching them.DO NOTService Or Adjust AloneDo not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person,capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.DO NOTSubstitute Parts OrModify InstrumentBecause of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do notinstall substitute parts or perform unauthorized modifications tothe instrument. Return the instrument to an Applent Inc Sales andService Office for service and repair to ensure that safetyfeatures are maintained.Unpacking and Inspection3 CERTIFIACTION, LIMITED & LIMITATION OF UABILITYApplent Instruments, Inc. (shortened form Applent) certifies that this product met its published specifications at the timeof shipment from the factory. Applent further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the People’s Republic of China National Institute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institution’s calibration facility or by the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members.This Applent instrument product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period corresponding to the individual warranty periods of its component products. The warranty period is 1 years and begins on the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Applent will, at its option, either repair or replace products that prove to be defective. This warranty extends only to the original buyer or end-user customer of a Applent authorized reseller, and doesnot apply to fuses, disposable batteries or to any product which, in Applent’s opinion, has been misused, altered, neglectedor damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling.For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by Applent. The buyer shall prepay shipping charges to Applent and Applent shall pay shipping charges to return the product to the Buyer. However, the Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to Applent from another country.Applent warrants that its software and firmware designated by Applent for use with an instrument will execute its programming instruction when properly installed on that instrument. Applent does not warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware, will be uninterrupted or error free.The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance.THIS WARRANTY IS BUYER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. APPLENT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER ARISING FROM BREACH OF WARRANTY OR BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, RELIANCE OR ANY OTHER THEORY.Applent Instruments, Inc.Changzhou,Jiangsu,The People’s Republic of China.Rev.C0 May, 20144 AT2511/511C User’s GuideContentsSafety Summary (2)CERTIFIACTION, LIMITED & LIMITATION OF UABILITY (3)Contents (4)Figure Contents (5)Table Contents (5)1. Unpacking and Inspection (6)1.1 Packing List (6)1.2 Power Supply Requirements (6)1.3 Setting up the Fuse (7)1.4 Environmental Requirements (7)1.5 Cleaning (7)2. Overview (8)2.1 Introduction (8)2.2 Models Introduction (8)2.3 Main Specifications (8)2.4 Features Overview (9)3. Start up (10)3.1 Front Panel (10)3.1.1 Front panel description (10)3.1.2 Keypad (10)3.1.3 Rear panel description (11)3.2 Power ON/OFF (11)3.2.1 Power up (11)3.2.2 Warm-up time (11)3.3 Connect to Device under Test (11)3.3.1 Connection of test side (11)3.4 Select Test Speed (12)3.5 Select Range (12)3.6 Clear Zero (13)3.7 SETUP Menu(only available for AT2511) (14)3.7.1 Turn on comparator (15)3.7.2 Uper and lower limit Setup (15)3.7.3 Beep Setup (15)3.7.4 How the comparator work (15)4. Specification (16)4.1 Technical Specifications (16)4.2 General Specifications (16)4.3 Dimension (17)Unpacking and Inspection5Figure ContentsFigure 3-1 Front panel (10)Figure 3-2 Rear panel (11)Figure 3-3 Definition of test terminal pin (11)Figure 3-4 Right way (13)Figure 3-5 Wrong way (14)Figure 3-6 Setup Menu (14)Figure 4-1 dimension (17)Table ContentsTable 1-1 Included Accessories (6)Table 3-1 Range no., reference Resistance and Range change process (13)Table 3-2 AT511C Range no., reference Resistance and Range change process (13)Table 4-1 AT2511 specification table (16)Table 4-2 AT511C specification table (16)6 AT2511/511C User’s Guide1.Unpacking and InspectionThank you for purchasing our product, please refer to this chapter before using the instrument.This chapter describes how to set up and start the AT2511/511C DC Low Resistance Meter.∙Packing List∙Power Supply Requirements∙Setting up the Fuse∙Environmental Requirements∙Cleaning1.1Packing ListAfter you receive the instrument, carry out checks during unpacking according to the following procedures.1.Check that the packing box or shock-absorbing material used to package theinstrument has not been damaged.2.Referring to Table 1-1, check that all packaged items supplied with the meter havebeen provided as per the specified optioned.Before using the instrument, please:Table 1-1 Included AccessoriesNAME QTY REMARKUser’s Manual 1AC Power Cord 1 220V/50HzFuse 20.5ASlow-BlowATL503 Kelvin Test Leads 1Test Report 1Product & Warranty Certification 1If there is damaged or shortage in accessories, please contact Applent Sales Department or retailer. 1.2Power Supply RequirementsConfirm that the power supplied to the AT2511/511C meets the following requirements:V oltage:198-252V ACFrequency:47.5-52.5HzConsumption:<15V ATo prevent electrical shock, please connect to GND.If users change power cord, please make sure reliable connection of GND.7Unpacking and Inspection1.3 Setting up the FuseA spare fuse is included with the accessories, the fuse is located on the instrument’s rear panel, pleaserefer to Rear Panel section in Chapter 3Please use the following fuse type :250V, 0.5A Slow-Blow1.4 Environmental RequirementsEnsure that AT2511/511C is operatd under the following environment:Temperature Range: 0︒C ~55︒C ,Humidity Range : <95%RH at 40︒C1.5 CleaningTo prevent electrical shock, disconnect the AT2511/511C power cable from the receptaclebefore cleaning.Use a dry cloth or a cloth slightly dipped in water to clean the casing. Do not attempt to clean the AT2511/511C internally.WARNING:Don’t Use Organic Solvents (such as alcohol or gasoline) to clean the Instrument.8 AT2511/511C User’s Guide2.OverviewThis chapter provides the following information:●Introduction●Models Introduction●Main Specifications●Features Overview2.1IntroductionThank you for purchasing AT2511/511C DC Low Resistance Meter.AT2511 is a resistance meter with high-cost performance and small volume, it is the upgradeversion of AT511A,1mΩ200.0 AT2511 has wider measurement range compared with previous products: 0.0~,kΩMax reading 5000 dgts. The fastest test speed is 10t/s and with stable reading. Theimproved full-automatic range test circuit, full-electronic switch make the possibility ofcompleting switch from the highest range to the lowest range.AT2511/511C adopts 0.8 inches highlight LED display, which makes the display clearer andeasier to operate.AT2511’s built-in sorting function enable users to perform upper and lower limit comparison.AT2511/511C adopts superior low current test feature, it is quite suitable for measuringresistance that is sensitive for test current, such as platinum thermistor, cooper thermistor, PTCceramic thermistor, wire type DC resistance, DC resistance for current protective device, etc.AT2511/511C is also suitable for testing various kinds of contact resistance, transformers,inductors, motors, deflecting coiling resistance, welding contact conductor resistance, the metalriveting resistance of vehicles, boats, airplanes, printed circuit lines and crack detection and soon.2.2Models IntroductionModel Resistance Range Range parator AccuracyAvailable 0.2%RangesAT2511 0.01mΩ-200.0kΩ 8AT511C 0.1mΩ-50.00k 6 Ranges None 0.3%2.3Main SpecificationsThe AT2511/511C technical specifications, including the basic technical specifications ofthe instrument and equipment testing allows. These specifications are in the instrumentfactory can achieve.Reference: Please refer to Chapter 4 for complete technical specifications.Overview9●Basic accuracy:0.2% (AT2511) 0.3% (AT511C)●Maximum display digits: 5000●8 ranges AUTO and Manual(AT2511)Provide resistance range 0.01mΩ~ 200.0kΩ, full-electronic switch control, no limitation for lifetime, complete switching range instantly.●Test speed:Fast:10t/s Slow:3t/s●Enhanced Shock resistance protection2.4Features Overview●0.8 inches big characters and highlight LED display●Full-automatic measurement and provide manual range●Comparator function(AT2511)●Short-circuit zero adjust for each range10 AT2511/511C User’s Guide3.Start upThis chapter provides the following information:●Front Panel Summary●Rear Panel Summary●Power ON/OFF●Connect to Device under Test3.1Front Panel3.1.1Front panel descriptionFigure 3-1 Front panel1 Display Window 0.8 inches LED displaymeasuring result2 Function Indicator Range Number, Test Speedand AUTO Range Indicator3 Power Switch Down:ON; Up:OFF.Key4 Functionkey5 DirectionTerminal6 Tested7 Comparison Indicator(AT511C NONE)3.1.2KeypadAUTO Switch AUTO and Manual RangeWhen AUTO indicator is lit, it means range is AUTO.speedtestSPEEDSelectcomparatorSETUP(AT2511).forMenuSETUPSetupStart up11Clear Perform short-circuit zero calibration.3.1.3Rear panel descriptionFigure 3-2 Rear panel1 RS232C。
SMC 延时阀VR2110 说明书
延时阀 VR2110页码 1. 安全注意事项 1~82. 用途 93. 规格 94. 型号表示方法 95. 动作样式 106. 特性 10~117. 外形尺寸图 12安全注意事项此处所示的注意事项是为了确保您能够安全正确的使用本产品,预先防止对您和他人造成危害和损伤而制定的。
不论哪种都是与安全相关的重要内容,故在遵守国际规格(ISO/IEC)、日本工业规格(JIS)※1)以及其他安全规则※2)的同时,也必须遵守此项内容。*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industrial robots -- SafetyJIS B 8370: 空气压系统通则JIS B 8361: 油压系统统则JIS B 9960-1: 机械类的安全性、机械的电气装置(第1部:一般要求事项)JIS B 8433-1993: 产业用操作机器人-安全性等*2) 劳动安全卫生法等注意 误操作时,可能会使人受伤,或使物品发生破损。
警告 误操作时,可能会使人死亡或者受重伤。
危险 紧急危险的情况,若不回避将会造成死亡或重伤的可能。
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IR2110(-1-2)(S)的PBF / IR2113(-1-2)(S)的PBF功能框图铅定义符号说明 V乙 SD LIN V DD脉冲 GEN [R小号 Q V SS UV 检测延迟 HV水平转移 V CC脉冲过滤 UV检测 V DD / V CC水平转移 V DD / V CC水平转移 LO V小号 COM [R小号 Q [R小号 RQ HIN HO V DD逻辑供应 HIN高端栅极驱动器输出(HO)的逻辑输入,同相 SD逻辑输入关闭 LIN低端栅极驱动器输出(LO) 的逻辑输入,IR2110同相 V SS逻辑地 V B高端浮动供应 HO高端栅极驱动输出 V S高端浮动供应回报 V CC低端供应 LO低端栅极 驱动输出 COM低端回报 关断时间与V CC / V BS 电源电压的关系图9A.关机时间与温度的关系 0 50 100 150 200 250 10 12 14 16 18 20大.典型. 0 50 100 150 200 250 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. 0 50 100 150 200 250 02 46 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 VDD电源电压(V)马克斯 .典型 图 9C. 关断时间与V DD IR2110电源电压的关系图10A.上升时间与温度的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C) 大.典型.图10B.打开上升时间与电压的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 12 14 16 18 20 V BIAS IR2110电源电压(V)大.典型.图11A.关闭下降 时间与温度的关系 0 10 20三十 40 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. V CC / V BS 电源电压(V) 图19B. V DD 电源电流与V DD 电压的关系图20A.逻辑“1”输入电流与温度的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度 (°C)大.典型. 图17B. V BS 电源电流与电压的关系 0 100 200 300 400 500 10 12 14 16 18 20 V BS 浮动电源电压(V)大.典型. 图 18A. V CC 电源电流与温度的关系 0 125 250 375 500 625 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. 图18B. V CC 电源电流与电压 的关系 0 125 250 375 500 625 10 12 14 16 18 20 V CC 固定电源电压(V)大.典型. 图19A. V DD 电源电流与温度的关系 0 20 40 60 80 100 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125温度(°C)大.典型. 0 10 20三十 40 50 60 02468 10 12 14 16 18 20 V DD 逻辑电源电压 PBF功能框图铅定义符号说明 V乙 SD LIN V DD脉冲 GEN [R小号 Q V SS UV检测延迟 HV水平转移 V CC脉冲过滤 UV检测 V DD / V CC水平转移 V DD / V CC水平转HIN HO V DD逻辑供应 HIN高端栅极驱动器输 出(HO)的逻辑输入,同相 SD逻辑输入关闭 LIN低端栅极驱动器输出(LO)的逻辑输入,同相 V SS逻辑地 V B高端浮动供应 HO高端栅极驱动输出 V S高端浮动供应回报 V CC低端供应 LO低端栅极驱动输出 COM低端回报
Electrical Connection
Drain Current, ID -- mA
Drain Current, ID -- mA
Drain Current, ID -- mA
40 m
Ta =
0 --6 --5 --4 --3 --2 --1 0 ITR01963 --6 --5 --4 --3 --2 --1
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Company
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN
81001 TS IM TA-1526 No.7021-1/5
Parameter [FET] Drain-to-Source Voltage Gate-to-Drain Voltage Gate Current Drain Current Allowable Power Dissipation [TR] Collector-to-Base Voltage Collector-to-Emitter Voltage Emitter-to-Base Voltage Collector Current Collector Current(Pulse) Base Current Collector Dissipation [Common Ratings] Total Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature PT Tj Tstg 600 150 --55 to +150 mW °C °C VCBO VCEO VEBO IC ICP IB PC 55 50 6 150 300 30 200 V V V mA mA mA mW VDSX VGDS IG ID PD 40 -40 10 75 400 V V mA mA mW Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Contact Rating QA Silver (UL/CSA) QF Silver (VDE)* QH Silver (High current)*
Lamp Rating (NONE) No lamp 7 125 VAC neon 8 250 VAC neon
Dimensions are shown: Inch (mm) Specifications and dimensions subject to change
NOTE: For the latest information regarding RoHS compliance, please go to: /rohs.
NOTE: Specifications and materials listed above are for switches with standard options. For information on specific and custom switches, consult Customer Service Center.
DT Series Miniature Double Pole Rocker Switches
.049 (1,3)
NOTE: No VDE approval of this option.
(NONE) NO LAMP 7 125 VAC 33kΩ NEON 8 250 VAC 150kΩ NEON
Dimensions are shown: Inch (mm)
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
00813-0100-4029,版本 AA
2005 年 7 月
罗斯蒙特 2110
• 确保液体处于规定的温度和压力范围之内 (见技术规格)。
安装套件的信息,请参阅第 9 页“备件和附 件”。
电子元件 连接 21 至 264 V 交流(50/60 Hz)/直流电源 的标准双芯电缆用于将 2110 与负荷进行串联 连接并实现直接负荷开关。输出充当简单的单刀 单掷(SPST)开关,随液体的出现而改变。作 为选项,可使用 24V 直流固态 PNP 输出,作 为可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)的直接接口。
罗斯蒙特 2110
00813-0100-4029,版本 AA
2005 年 7 月
选择罗斯蒙特 2110 开关
罗斯蒙特 2110 液位开关包括开关外壳、储罐连 湿件材料为 316 不锈钢,音叉可采用较短的长度 接件和音叉。只有储罐连接件和音叉属于湿件。 或半延伸长度。欲了解音叉的长度,请参阅第 8
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
罗斯蒙特 2110
电磁隔离用脉冲变压器作为隔离元件,具有响应速度快(脉冲的前沿和后沿),原副边的绝缘强度高,dv/dt 共模干扰抑制能力强。
Features•Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation•Fully operational to +500 V or +600 V•Tolerant to negative transient voltage, dV/dt immune•Gate drive supply range from 10 V to 20 V•Undervoltage lockout for both channels•3.3 V logic compatible•Separate logic supply range from 3.3 V to 20 V•L ogic and power ground ±5V offset•CMOS Schmitt-triggered inputs with pull-down•Cycle by cycle edge-triggered shutdown logic•Matched propagation delay for both channels•Outputs in phase with inputs•RoHS compliantDescriptionHIGH AND LOW SIDE DRIVERProduct SummaryV OFFSET (IRS2110)500 V max.(IRS2113)600 V max.I O+/- 2 A/2 AV OUT10 V - 20 Vt on/off (typ.)130 ns & 120 nsDelay Matching (IRS2110) 10 ns max.(IRS2113) 20 ns max. 1The IRS2110/IRS2113 are high voltage, high speedpower MOSFET and IGBT drivers with independenthigh-side and low-side referenced output channels. Pro-prietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologiesenable ruggedized monolithic construction. L ogic in-puts are compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL out-put, down to 3.3 V logic. The output drivers feature ahigh pulse current buffer stage designed for minimumdriver cross-conduction. Propagation delays arematched to simplify use in high frequency applications.The floating channel can be used to drive an N-channelpower MOSFET or IGBT in the high-side configurationwhich operates up to 500 V or 600 V.IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbFIRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbFPackages14-L ead PDIPIRS2110 and IRS211314-L ead PDIP(w/o lead 4)IRS2110-1 and IRS2113-116-L ead PDIP(w/o leads 4 & 5)IRS2110-2 and IRS2113-216-L ead SOICIRS2110S andIRS2113SData Sheet No. PD60249 2IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbFRecommended Operating ConditionsThe input/output logic timing diagram is shown in Fig. 1. For proper operation, the device should be used within the recommended conditions. The V S and V SS offset ratings are tested with all supplies biased at a 15 V differential.S S BS Note 3: When V DD < 5 V, the minimum V SS offset is limited to -V DD.Absolute Maximum RatingsAbsolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage param-eters are absolute voltages referenced to COM. The thermal resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured 3IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbFDynamic Electrical CharacteristicsV BIAS (V CC , V BS , V DD ) = 15 V, C L = 1000 pF, T A = 25 °C and V SS = COM unless otherwise specified. The dynamic electrical characteristics are measured using the test circuit shown in Fig. 3.Static Electrical CharacteristicsV BIAS (V CC , V BS , V DD ) = 15 V, T A = 25 °C and V SS = COM unless otherwise specified. The V IN , V TH, and I IN parameters are referenced to V SS and are applicable to all three logic input leads: HIN, LIN, and SD. The V O and I O parameters are referenced to COM and are applicable to the respective output leads: HO or LO.Functional Block Diagram4IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbF Lead Assignments14 Lead PDIPIRS2110/IRS211316 Lead SOIC (Wide Body) IRS2110S/IRS2113S14 Lead PDIP w/o lead 4 IRS2110-1/IRS2113-1 16 Lead PDIP w/o leads 4 & 5 IRS2110-2/IRS2113-25 6IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbFFigure 1. Input/Output Timing DiagramFigure 2. Floating Supply Voltage Transient TestCircuitFigure 3. Switching Time Test Circuit Figure 4. Switching Time W aveform DefinitionFigure 6. Delay Matching W aveform DefinitionsFigure 5. Shutdown W aveform DefinitionsSFIRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbF 8IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbFFigure 10A. Turn-On Rise Timevs. TemperatureFigure 10B. Turn-On Rise Time vs.Voltage101214161820Figure 11A. Turn-Off Fall Time vs. Temperature01020304050-50-25255075100125T u r n -O f f F a l l T i m e (n s )T u r n -O f f F a l l T i m e (n s )Temperature (o C )-50-25255075100125V BIAS Supply Voltage (V)Temperature (o C )IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbFFigure 11B. Turn-Off Fall Time vs. Voltage 01020304050101214161820T u r n -O f f F a l l T i m e (n s ) o g i c "1" I n p u t T h r e s h o l d (V )T u r n -O f f F a l l T i m e (n s )L o g i c “1” I n p u t T h r e s h o l d (V )V BIAS Supply Voltage (V)Temperature (o C ) 10IRS2110(-1,-2,S)PbF/IRS2113(-1,-2,S)PbFFigure 16A.Offset Supply Current vs. Temperature-50-25255075100125Figure 17A. V BS Supply Current vs. Temperature0100200300400500-50-25255075100125V B S S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )V B S S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )Temperature (o C)Temperature (o C)分销商库存信息:IRIRS2110SPBF IRS2110PBF IRS2113PBF IRS2113STRPBF IRS2110STRPBF IRS2113SPBF。
Eaton PDF34FH250P5DNPower Defense Globally Rated 100% UL, Frame 3, Four Pole,250A-High, 25kA/480V, PXR25 ARMS LSIG w/ Modbus RTU, CAM Link and Relays, No TerminalsEaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDF34FH250P5DN 786679575628109.1 mm 257.1 mm 182.9 mm 7.68 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant IEC 60947-2CCC MarkedProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications250A High Override Complete breaker 3Four-pole (100% N)PD3 Global (100% UL) Class APXR 25 LSIG w/ARMS Modbus RTU and CAM Link600 Vac600 V100% neutral protectionNo Terminals25 kAIC at 480 Vac35 kAIC Icu/ 35 kAIC Ics/ 73.5 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC)14 kAIC @600V (UL/CSA)20 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 42 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC) 25 kAIC @480V (UL)25 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC)10 kAIC Icu @250 Vdc18 kAIC Icu/ 5 kAIC Ics/ 37.8 kAIC Icm @525V South Africa (IEC)25 kAIC Icu/ 25 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC) 35 kAIC @240V (UL)Eaton Power Defense MCCB PDF34FH250P5DN 3D drawingPower Xpert Protection Manager x64Consulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersStrandAble terminals product aidPower Defense technical selling bookletPower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense brochureMolded case circuit breakers catalogPower Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuitAmperage RatingCircuit breaker frame type FrameNumber of poles Circuit breaker type ClassTrip Type CommunicationVoltage ratingVoltage rating - maxProtectionTerminalsInterrupt rating Interrupt rating range 3D CAD drawing package Application notes BrochuresCatalogsbreakersCertification reportsPDG3 UL authorization 100-400aPDG3 UL authorization 250-600a TMTUInstallation instructionsPower Defense Frame 3 Breaker Instructions (IL012107EN).pdf MultimediaPower Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoEaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safetyPower Defense molded case circuit breakersPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To VideoPower Defense BreakersSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Specification Sheet - PDF34FH250P5DNTime/current curvesPower Defense time current curve Frame 3 - PD3White papersIntelligent power starts with accurate, actionable dataImplementation of arc flash mitigating solutions at industrial manufacturing facilitiesIntelligent circuit protection yields space savingsMaking a better machineMolded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker healthMolded case and low-voltage breaker healthSafer by design: arc energy reduction techniquesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
HD 115 HD FIRE PROTECT PVT. LTD. 压力计技术数据说明书
PRESSURE GAUGETECHNICAL DATAMODEL HDP, HDP-1, HDP-2DIAL SIZE HDP & HDP-1 - 90mm (3.5”)HDP-2 - 100 MM (4”) CONNECTION 1/4” BSPT (Standard Supply)1/4” NPT (Optional)RANGE HDP - 0 to16 Kg./Sq.Cm& 0-250 PSIHDP-1 - 0 to 21 Kg./Sq.Cm& 0-300 PSIHDP-2 - 0 to 21 Kg./Sq.Cm& 0-300 PSI BURDON TUBE & HDP & HDP-1 - Phosphorus WETTED PARTS Bronze Burdon T ube &Brass moving partsHDP-2 - MonelDIAL TYPE White backgroundblack graduation scalewith dual reading inKg./ Sq.Cm and PSICASE AND BAZEL Polished Stainless Steel Casewith positive seal againstweather, moisture & dust.HDP-2 is Glycerine filled. MOUNTING DirectWINDOW Hardened GlassACCURACY +/- 2% of FSD formiddle half of scaleWEIGHT (Approx) 0.3 Kg for HDP & HDP-10.8 Kg for HDP-2 APPROVALS HDP - UL ListedHDP-1, HDP-2 - UL Listed &(FM Approved) REFERENCE UL 393, NFPA-13 STANDARD FM CLASS NUMBER 2311 ORDERING Specify connection & Model INFORMATIONDESCRIPTIONPressure Gauges are specifically designed for Fire Sprinkler Services. Model HDP & HDP-1 has corrosion resistant polished stainless steel case and Bazel andBrass wetted parts. Model HDP-2 is having Monel internal and Glycerine filled for sea water application. The dial has pressure reading in KG/SQCM and PSI. The gauge window is hardened glass.The pressure gauge must be mounted by square provided for spanner grip on the socket and not by turning the case. T urning of case will damage the gauge. Use PTFE tape around male threads of the gauge for sealing. Pressure gauge must be mounted in vertical position and isolated with valve or cock. The pressure gauge must be handled with due care. For best results , the storage as well as any further shipment be made in original packing only.MODEL:HDPMODEL:HDP-1MODEL:HDP-2LIMITED WARRANTYHD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. hereby referred to as HD FIRE warrants to the original purchaser of the fire protection products manufactured by HD FIRE and to any other person to whom such equipment is transferred, that such products will be free from defect in material and workmanship under normal use and care, for two (2) years from the date of shipment by HD FIRE. Products or Components supplied or used by HD FIRE, but manufactured by others, are warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty. No warranty is given for product or components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, unauthorized repair , alteration or un-maintained. HD FIRE shall not be responsible for system design errors or improper installation or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by buyer or buyer’s representatives.HD FIRE will repair or replace defective material free of charge, which is returned to our factory, transportation charge prepaid, provided after our inspection the material is found to have been defective at the time of initial shipment from our works. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential loss, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly from the use of the product including damages for injury to person, damages to property and penalties resulting from any products and components manufactured by HD FIRE. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or labour charges or expense in making repair or adjustment to the product. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or charges sustained in the adaptation or use of its engineering data & services. In no event shall HD Fire’s product liability exceed an amount equal to the sale price.The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties and representation whether expressed, implied, oral or written, including but not limited to, any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such other warranties and representations are hereby cancelled.NOTICE :The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest publication standards of NFPA or other similar organisations and also with the provision of government codes or ordinances wherever applicable.The information provided by us is to the best of our knowledge and belief, and consist of general guidelines only. Site handling and installation control is not in our scope. Hence we give no guarantee for result and take no liability for damages, loss or penalties whatsoever , resulting from our suggestion, information, recommendation or damages due to our product.Product development is a continuous programme of HD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. and hence the right to modify any specification without prior notice is reserved with the company.D-6/2, ROAD NO. 34, WAGLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THANE 400 604, INDIA.• TEL: + (91) 22 2158 2600 • FAX: +(91) 22 2158 2602•EMAIL:***************• WEB: HD FIRE PROTECT PVT . LTD.Protecting What Matters Most to YouThe pressure gauge, which is visibly damaged, should not be installed. It is recommended that the pressure gauges must be inspected regularly for possible corrosion or damage.The gauge must be periodically calibrated as per requirement of NFPA/TAC or as per local authority having jurisdiction.CAUTION1) 2) Do not tighten the gauge by holding dial. Always use spanner to tighten.Note: Pressure guages are mass calibrated, hence individual calibration certificate in not provided.HDP。
2.7Ω Low Voltage SPDT Analog Switch in 6-pin SOT363FeaturesWide Power Supply Range: 1.8V to 5.5V High Bandwidth: 300MHz High Off-Isolation:84dB at 1MHz 51dB at 10MHzOn-Resistance: 2.7Ω(typ) at 5.0V Fast Switching Timet on = 12.0ns; t off = 5.0ns TTL/CMOS Compatible Break-Before-Make Switching Rail-to-Rail Signal Range Operation Temperature Range:-40℃ to 85℃Lead (Pb) Free SOT363-6 PackageApplicationsWireless Handsets MP3 PlayersPortable Electronic Devices Relay Replacement PDAsAudio & Video Signal Routing PCMCIA Cards Computer Peripherals ModemsPin ConfigurationE NB VCCBA1GND A2DescriptionThe BL1551 is a Single Wide-Bandwidth, fast single-pole double-throw (SPDT) CMOS switch featuring an On-Resistance of 2.7 ohm at V CC =5.0V and wide power supply range from 1.8V to 5.5V. It can be used as an analog switch or as a low-delay bus switch. The 300MHz high bandwidth performance supports the high frequency application.Break-before-make function for both parts eliminates signal disruption during switching from preventing both switches being enabled simultaneously.Block DiagramA1A2E NB VCC BFunction Table ENB Function 1A1 Connected to B 0 A2 Connected to BPin DescriptionPin NameType Description VCC PWR Power Supply GND Ground Ground B Input/Output Data Port A1Input/Output Data Port A2 Input/OutputData Port ENBInputLogic Control SignalSSS: production idABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSParameter Symbol Min Max Units DC Supply Voltage V CC-0.3 6 VDC Switch Voltage V A1/ V A2/ V B-0.3 V SUP + 0.3 VDC Input Voltage V ENB-0.3 V SUP + 0.3 VContinuous Current I(A1/A2/B)-200 +200 mAPeak Current(1)I PEAK(A1/A2/B)-300 +300 mA Operating Temperature Range T A-40 85℃Notes:(1) Pulsed at 1ms, 50% duty circle(2) Stress beyond above listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may lead permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only and operations of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications are not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(3) Control input(V ENB) must be held HIGH or LOW, and mustn’t be floated.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSDC Supply Voltage (V CC) …………………………………………….1.8V to 5.5VSwitch Input Voltage (V S) ………………………………………………...0V to V CCControl Input Voltage (V ENB)……………………………………………. 0V to V CCOperation Temperature (TA)……………………………………..-40℃ to +85℃ORDERING INFORMATIONMODELPIN-PACKAGESPECIFIEDTEMPERATURERANGEPACKAGEMARKINGPACKAGEOPTIONBL1551 SOT363 - 6 - 40°C to +85°C Asss (1) Tape and Reel, 3000WHERE(1):“sss” IS 3 DIGITS PRODUCTION IDSIZE OF ALL OTHER CHARACTERS = 20 milCOLOUR: LASER MARKINGDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ +2.7V SupplyGuaranteed Limit Parameter Symbol ConditionsMin. Typ.(1)Max.UnitAnalog SwitchAnalog Signal Range V A1/V A2/V B0 V CC V A1 On-Resistance R ON(A1)V CC = 2.7V; I B =-10mA ; V A1=1.5V 5.5 ΩA2 On-Resistance R ON(A2)V CC = 2.7V; I B =-10mA ; V A2 =1.5V 5.5 ΩA1 On-Resistance Flatness(2)R FLAT(A1)V CC = 2.7V; I B =-10mA ; V A1 =1.5V 2.3 ΩA2 On-Resistance Flatness(2)R FLAT(A2)V CC = 2.7V; I B =-10mA ; V A2 =1.5V 2.3 ΩOn-Resistance Match BetweenChannels(3)△R ONV CC = 2.7V; I B =-10mA ;V A2 /V A1=1.50.15 1 ΩA1 or A2 Off Leakage Current I OFF(A1) orI OFF(A2)V CC = 3.6V; V A1 or V A2 = 3V, 0.3V;V B = 0.3V, 3 V0.01 1 uAB On Leakage Current I ON(B)V CC = 3.6V; V A1 or V A2 = 3.3V, 0.3V;V B = 0.3V, 3.3 V or floating0.01 1 uADigital I/OInput Voltage High V IH Minimum High Level Input Voltage 1 V Input Voltage Low V IL Maximum Low Level Input Voltage 0.5 V Input Leakage Current I ENB V ENB = 0 or Vcc 0.01 1 uANote:(1) Typical characteristics are at +3V supply and +25°C(2) Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on resistance asmeasured over the specified analog signal ranges.(3) △R ON= R ON(MAX) - R ON(MIN), between A1 and A2 .DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS @ +2.7V SupplyGuaranteed Limit ParameterSymbolConditionsMin. Typ. (1)Max.UnitAC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTurn-On Timet ONV CC = 2.7V; V A1 or V A2 = 1.5V, R L = 300Ω; C L = 35pF, V IH =1.5V,V IL =0V17.0nsTurn-Off Time t OFF V CC = 2.7V; V A1 or V A2 = 1.5V, R L = 300Ω; C L = 35pF, V IH =1.5V,V IL =0V 9.0 nsBreak-Before-Make Time t BBM V CC = 2.7V; V A1 or V A2 = 1.5V,R L = 300Ω; C L = 35pF15.0 ns NC OFF Capacitance C OFF(A1) f = 1MHz 5.5 pF NO OFF Capacitance C OFF(A2) f = 1MHz 5.5 pF NC ON Capacitance C ON(A1) f = 1MHz 15.5 pF NO ON CapacitanceC ON(A2)f = 1MHz15.5pFADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS3dB Bandwidth f 3dB Signal = 0dBm, R L = 50Ω, C L = 5pF 300 MHz f = 1MHz -84 dB Off Isolation (2)V IsoR L = 50Ω, C L = 5pF, Signal = 0dBmf =10MHz-51dBSupplyPower Supply RangeV cc1.85.5VNote:(1) Typical characteristics are at +3V supply and 25°C (2) Off Channel Isolation = 20log 10 [(V A1\A2)/V B ]DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ +5.0V SupplyGuaranteed Limit Parameter Symbol ConditionsMin. Typ.(1)Max.UnitAnalog SwitchAnalog Signal Range V A1/V A2/V B0 V CC V A1 On-Resistance R ON(A1)V CC = 5.0V; I B =-10mA ; V A1=3.5V 2.7 ΩA2 On-Resistance R ON(A2)V CC = 5.0V; I B =-10mA ; V A2 =3.5V 2.7 ΩA1 On-Resistance Flatness(2)R FLAT(A1)V CC = 5.0V; I B =-10mA ; V A1=3.5V 0.8 ΩA2 On-Resistance Flatness(2)R FLAT(A2)V CC = 5.0V; I B =-10mA ; V A2 =3.5V 0.8 ΩOn-Resistance Match BetweenChannels(3)△R ONV CC = 5.0V; I B =-10mA ;V A2 /V A1=3.50.15 ΩA1 or A2 Off Leakage Current I OFF(A1) orI OFF(A2)V CC = 5.5V; V NO or V NC = 4.5V, 1.0V;V COM = 1.0V, 4.5 V0.01 1 uAB On Leakage Current I ON(B)V CC = 5.5V; V A1 or V A2 = 4.5V, 1.0V;V B = 1.0V, 4.5 V or floating0.01 1 uADigital I/OInput Voltage High V IH Minimum High Level Input Voltage 1 V Input Voltage Low V IL Maximum Low Level Input Voltage 0.5 V Input Leakage Current I ENB V ENB = 0 or Vcc 0.01 1 uANote:(1) Typical characteristics are at +5.0V supply and +25°C(2) Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on resistance asmeasured over the specified analog signal ranges.(3) △R ON= R ON(MAX) - R ON(MIN), between A1 and A2 .DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS @ +5.0V SupplyGuaranteed Limit ParameterSymbolConditionsMin. Typ. (1)Max.UnitAC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTurn-On Timet ONV CC = 5.0V; V A1 or V A2 = 3.0V, R L = 300Ω; C L = 35pF, V IH =1.5V,V IL =0V12.0nsTurn-Off Time t OFF V CC = 5.0V; V A1 or V A2 = 3.5V, R L = 300Ω; C L = 35pF, V IH =1.5V,V IL =0V 5.0 nsBreak-Before-Make Time t BBM V CC = 5.0V; V A1 or V A2 = 3.5V,R L = 300Ω; C L = 35pF8.5 ns NC OFF Capacitance C OFF(A1) f = 1MHz 5.5 pF NO OFF Capacitance C OFF(A2) f = 1MHz 5.5 pF NC ON Capacitance C ON(A1) f = 1MHz 15.5 pF NO ON CapacitanceC ON(A2)f = 1MHz15.5pFADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS3dB Bandwidth f 3dB Signal = 0dBm, R L = 50Ω, C L = 5pF 300 MHz f = 1MHz -84 dB Off Isolation (2)V IsoR L = 50Ω, C L = 5pF, Signal = 0dBmf =10MHz-51dBSupplyPower Supply RangeV cc1.85.5VNote:(1) Typical characteristics are at +5.0V supply and 25°C (2) Off Channel Isolation = 20log 10 [(V A1\A2)/V B ]TEST SETUP CIRCUITSVFigure1. Test Circuit for On ResisterFigure2. Test Circuit for BandwidthFigure3. Test Circuit for Off IsolationTest Circuit 4. Test Circuit for Switch TimesTest Circuit 5. Test Circuit for Break-Before-Make Time Delay, t DPACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS (SOT363-6) SOT363-6Dimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches SymbolMin Max Min MaxA 0.900 1.100 0.035 0.043A1 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.004 A2 0.900 1.000 0.035 0.039b 0.150 0.350 0.006 0.014c 0.080 0.150 0.003 0.006D 2.000 2.200 0.079 0.087E 1.150 1.350 0.045 0.053E1 2.150 2.450 0.085 0.096e 0.650TYP 0.026TYPe1 1.200 1.400 0.047 0.055 L 0.525REF 0.021REFL1 0.260 0.460 0.010 0.018 θ0°8°0°8°。
STN101050BL25 TVS 电阻电压保护器产品说明说明书
STN101050BL25 TVS Diode ESD suppressorProduct features• Protects one bi-directional I/O line• Low clamping voltage• Low operating voltage: 5.0 V• Low leakage current• Ultra low capacitance• Meets moisture sensitivity level (MSL) 3• Molding compound flammability rating:UL 94V-0• Termination finish: Ni/Pd/Au Applications• USB ports• Display port• Desktops, servers and notebooks• Digital visual interface (DVI)• Cellular phones• High definition multi-media interface (HDMI) Environmental compliance and general specifications• IEC61000-4-2 (ESD)•±25 kV (air)• ±25 kV (contact)• IEC61000-4-5 (Lightning) 5 A (8/20 µs) Pb HALOGENHFFREEST N10 1 050 B L25FamilyPackage (N10- DFN1006)Number of channels (1-1)Operating voltage (050- 5 V)Ordering part numberBi/Uni directional (B- Bi)Capacitance (L25- 0.25 pF)Pin out/functional diagram2Technical Data 11174Effective June 2023STN101050BL25 TVS Diode ESD suppressor/electronicsSTN101050BL25 ParameterSymbolValueUnitPeak pulse power dissipation on 8/20 μs waveform P pp 60W ESD per IEC 61000-4-2 (Air)ESD per IEC 61000-4-2 (Contact)V ESD +/-25 +/-25kVLead soldering temperature T L +260 (10 seconds)°C Operating junction temperature range T J -55 to +125°C Storage temperature rangeT STG-55 to +150°CElectrical characteristics(+25 °C)STN101050BL25 ParameterTest condition Minimum Typical Maximum Symbol (Units)Reverse working voltage --- 5.0V RWM (V)Reverse breakdown voltage I T = 1 mA 6.0--V BR (V)Reverse leakage current V RWM = 5 V --0.1I R (μA)Peak pulse current t p = 8/20 μs --5I PP (A)Clamping voltageI PP = 1 A, t p = 8/20 μs I PP = 3 A, t p = 8/20 μs I PP = 5 A, t p = 8/20 μs ---9.51012.5101113.5V C (V)V C (V)V C (V)Junction capacitanceV RWM = 0 V, f = 1 MHz-0.250.35C J (pF)Absolute maximum ratings(+25 °C, RH=45%-75%, unless otherwise noted)Mechanical parameters, pad layout- mm/inchesPart markingMillimetersInches DimensionMinimumTypicalMaximumMinimumTypicalMaximumA 0.450.500.550.0180.0200.022A10. 0.45 0.500.550.0180.0200.022C 0.95 1.00 1.050.0370.0390.041e 0.65 BSC 0.02 6BSCE 0.550.600.650.0220.0240.026L 0.05 REF 0.002 REFh0. Data 11174Effective June 2023STN101050BL25TVS Diode ESD suppressor /electronics Packaging information mm/inchesDrawing not to scale.Supplied in tape and reel packaging, 10,000 parts per 7” diameter reel (EIA-481 compliant)4Technical Data 11174Effective June 2023STN101050BL25 TVS Diode ESD suppressor/electronicsRatings and V-I characteristic curves(+25 °C unless otherwise noted)V- I curve characteristics (Bi-directional)Pulse waveform (8/20 µs)Pulse derating curve ESD waveformEatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States/electronics © 2023 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 11174June 2023Technical Data 11174Effective June 2023STN101050BL25TVS Diode ESD suppressor Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express writtenapproval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.Solder reflow profileT e m p e r a t u r eT LT PEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.Reference J-STD-020Profile featureStandard SnPb solderLead (Pb) free solderPreheat and soak • Temperature min. (T smin )100 °C 150 °C • Temperature max. (T smax )150 °C 200 °C • Time (T smin to T smax ) (t s )60-120 seconds 60-120 seconds Ramp up rate T L to T p 3 °C/ second max. 3 °C/ second max.Liquidous temperature (T l ) Time (t L ) maintained above T L183 °C60-150 seconds 217 °C60-150 seconds Peak package body temperature (T P )*Table 1Table 2Time (t p )* within 5 °C of the specified classification temperature (T c )20 seconds*30 seconds*Ramp-down rate (T p to T L ) 6 °C/ second max. 6 °C/ second max.Time 25 °C to peak temperature6 minutes max.8 minutes max.* Tolerance for peak profile temperature (T p ) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum.Table 1 - Standard SnPb solder (T c )Package thicknessVolume mm3 <350Volume mm3 ≥350<2.5 mm 235 °C 220 °C ≥2.5 mm220 °C220 °CTable 2 - Lead (Pb) free solder (T c )Package thicknessVolume mm 3 <350Volume mm 3350 - 2000Volume mm 3 >2000<1.6 mm 260 °C 260 °C 260 °C 1.6 – 2.5 mm 260 °C 250 °C 245 °C >2.5 mm250 °C245 °C245 °C。
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