• In a sense, every insurance contract is a gamble. • From the standpoint of the economy as a whole, the role of insurance is not to eliminate the risks inherent in life but to spread these risks around more efficiently. • It is easier for 10,000 people to bear 1/10,000 of the risk than for one person to bear the entire risk himself.
• The markets for insurance suffer from two types of problems that impede their ability to spread risk.
– Adverse selection: A high-risk person is more likely to apply for insurance than a low-risk person because a highrisk person would benefit more from insurance protection. – Moral hazard: After people buy insurance, they have less incentive to be careful about their risky behavior because the insurance company will cover much of the resulting losses.
课程的英文词汇(一)雕塑艺术欣赏Appreciation of Sculptural Art调节装置Regulati on Equipme nt 动态规戈U Dyn amic Programmi ng 动态无损检测Dy namic Non-Destruction Measureme nt动态信号分析与仪器Dyn amic Sig nal An alysis & Apparatus锻压工艺Forg ing Tech no logy锻压机械液压传动Hydraulic Tran smissi on in Forg ing Machi nery 锻压加热设备Forgi ng Heat ing Equipme nt锻压设备专题Lectures on Forg ing Press Equipme nts锻压系统动力学Dy namics of Forgi ng System锻造工艺Forg ing Tech no logy断裂力学Fracture Mecha nics对外贸易概论In troduction to I nter natio nal Trade多层网络方法Multi-Layer Network Tech nology多目标优化方法Multipurpose Optimal Method多项距阵Multi-Nomi nal Matrix多元统计分析Multi-Variate Statistical An alysis发电厂Power Pla nt发电厂电气部分Electric Eleme nts of Power Pla nts法律基础Fun dame ntals of Law法学概论An In troducti on to Scie nee of Law法学基础Fun dame ntals of Scie nee of Law翻译Translation翻译理论与技巧Theory & Skills of Tran slation泛函分析Fun cti onal An alysis房屋建筑学Architectural Design & Con struction非电量测量Non-Electricity Measureme nt非金属材料Non-Metal Materials非线性采样系统No n-Li near Sampli ng System非线性光学No n-Lin ear Optics非线性规划Non-Li near Programmi ng非线性振荡Non-Lin ear Ocsillatio n非线性振动No n-Lin ear Vibratio n沸腾燃烧Boili ng Combustion 分析化学An alytical Chemistry 分析化学实验An alytical Chemistry Experime nt分析力学An alytical Mecha nics风机调节Fan Regulation风机调节.使用.运转Regulatio“‘Application & Operation of Fans风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-Variate Moveme nt Theory & Design of Fa ns风能利用Wind Power Utilization腐蚀电化学实验Experime nt in Erosive Electrochemistry复变函数Complex Variables Fun cti ons复变函数与积分变换Fun cti ons of Complex Variables & In tegral Tra nsformatio n复合材料力学Compou nd Material Mecha nics傅里叶光学Fourier Optics概率论Probability Theory概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process钢笔画Pen Draw ing 钢的热处理Heat-Treatme nt of Steel钢结构Steel Structure 钢筋混凝土Rein forced Con crete 钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Rei nforced Con crete & Brick Structure钢砼结构Rei nforced Con crete Structure 高层建筑基础设计Desig ning bases of High Rising Buildi ngs高层建筑结构设计Desig ning Structures of High Risi ng Buildi ngs高等材料力学Adva need Material Mecha nics高等代数Adva need Algebra 高等教育管理Higher Education Ma nageme nt高等教育史History of Higher Educatio n高等教育学Higher Educati on高等数学Adva need Mathematics 高电压技术High-Voltage Tech no logy高电压测试技术High-Voltage Test Tech nology高分子材料High Polymer Material高分子材料及加工High Polymer Material & Porcess ing高分子化学High Polymer Chemistry高分子化学实验High Polymer Chemistry Experime nt高分子物理High Polymer Physics高分子物理实验High Polymer Physics Experime nt高级英语听说Adva need En glish Liste ning & Speak ing高能密束焊High En ergy-De nse Beam Weldi ng高频电路High-Fre nque ncy Circuit 高频电子技术High-Fre nque ncy Electr onic Tech no logy高频电子线路High-Fre nque ncy Electro nic Circuit高压测量技术High-Voltage Measureme nt Tech no logy高压测试技术High-Voltage Testi ng Tech no logy高压电场的数值计算Numerical Calculatio n in High-Voltage Electr onic Field高压电器High-Voltage Electrical Applia nces 高压绝缘High-Voltage In sulati on 高压实验High-Voltage Experime ntati on 高压试验技术High-Voltage Experime ntati on Tech no logy工程材料的力学性能测试Mecha nic Test ing of Engin eeri ng Materials工程材料及热处理Engin eeri ng Material and Heat Treatme nt工程材料学Engin eer ing Materials工程测量Engin eeri ng Survey ing 工程测试技术Engin eeri ng Test ing Tech ni que工程测试实验Experime nt on Engin eer ing Test ing工程测试信息In formatio n of Engin eeri ng Testi ng工程动力学Engin eer ing Dyn amics 工程概论Introduction to Engineering 工程概预算Project Budget 工程经济学Engin eeri ng Econo mics 工程静力学Engin eer ing Statics 工程力学Engin eeri ng Mecha nics 工程热力学Engin eeri ng Thermod yn amics 工程项目评估Engin eeri ng Project Evaluati on工程优化方法Engin eeri ng Optimizati onal Method工程运动学Engin eeri ng Kin ematics 工程造价管理Engin eeri ng Cost Man ageme nt工程制图Graphi ng of Engin eeri ng 工业分析In dustrial An alysis 工业锅炉In dustrial Boiler 工业会计学In dustrial Accou nti ng 工业机器人In dustrial Robot 工业技术基础Basic In dustrial Tech nology工业建筑设计原理Pr in ciples of I ndustrial Buildi ng Desig n工业经济理论In dustrial Econo mic Theory工业经济学In dustrial Econo mics工业企业财务管理In dustrial En terprise Fi nan cial Man ageme nt工业企业财务会计Accou nti ng in In dustrial En terprises工业企业管理In dustrial En terprise Man ageme nt工业企业经营管理In dustrial En terprise Admin strative Man ageme nt工业社会学In dustrial Sociology 工业心理学In dustrial Psychology 工业窑炉In dustrial Stoves 工艺过程自动化Tech nics Process Automati on公差Common Difference 公差技术测量Tech ni cal Measureme nt with Com mon Differe nee公差与配合Common Difference & Cooperati on 公共关系学Public Relatio ns 公文写作Docume nt Writ ing 古代汉语An cie nt Chi nese古典文学作品选读Selected Readi ngs in Classical Literature固体激光Solid State Laser 固体激光器件Solid Laser Eleme nts固体激光与电源Solid State Laser & Power Un it固体物理Solid State Physics 管理概论In troducti on to Man ageme nt 管理经济学Man ageme nt Econo mics 管理数学Ma nageme nt Mathematics 管理系统模拟Man ageme nt System Simulation管理心理学Man ageme nt Psychology管理信息系统Man ageme nt In formati on Systems光波导理论Light Wave Guide Theory光电技术Photoelectric Tech no logy 光电信号处理Photoelectric Sig nal Process ing光电信号与系统分析Photoelectric Sig nal & Systematic An alysis光辐射探测技术Ray Radiatio n Detection Tech nology光谱Spectrum 光谱分析Spectral An alysis 光谱学Spectroscopy 光纤传感Fibre Optical Sen sors 光纤传感器Fibre Optical Sen sors 光纤传感器基础Fu ndame ntals of Fibre Optical Se nsors光纤传感器及应用Fibre Optical Se nsors & Applicati ons光纤光学课程设计Course Design of Fibre Optical光纤技术实验Experime nts in Fibre Optical Tech no logy光纤通信基础Basis of Fibre Optical Commu ni catio n光学Optics 光学测量Optical Measureme nt 光学分析法O ptical An alysis Method光学计量仪器设计Optical In strume nt Gauge Desig ning光学检测Optical Detection 光学设计Optical Desig n 光学信息导论In troducti on of Optical In fomatio n光学仪器设计Optical In strume nt Desig ning光学仪器与计量仪器设计Optical In strume nt & Gauge In strume nt Desig ning光学仪器装配与校正Optical In strume nt In stallation & Adjustme nt广播编辑学Broadcast Editi ng广播新闻Broadcast Jour nalism广播新闻采写Broadcast Jour nalism Collectio n & Compositi on广告学Advertiseme nt 锅炉燃烧理论Theory of Boiler Combusti on锅炉热交换传热强化Boiler Heat Excha nge,C on dction & Inten sification锅炉原理Pri nciples of Boiler 国际金融Intern ati onal Finance 国际经济法In ter nati onal Econo mic Law国际贸易Intern ati onal Trade 国际贸易地理In ter natio nal Trade Geography国际贸易实务In ter natio nal Trade Affairs国际市场学In ter natio nal Market ing国际市场营销In ter natio nal Market ing国民经济计划Natio nal Eco nomical Pla nning国外社会学理论Overseas Theories of Sociology过程(控制)调节装置Process(Control) Adjustment Device 过程调节系统Process Adjustme nt System过程控制Process Con trol过程控制系统Process Con trol System海洋测量Ocea n Survey ing海洋工程概论In troducti on to Ocea n Engin eeri ng函数分析Fun cti onal An alysis焊接方法Weldi ng Method焊接方法及设备Weldi ng Method & Equipme nt焊接检验Weldi ng Testi ng焊接结构Weldi ng Structure焊接金相Weldi ng Fractography焊接金相分析Weldi ng Fractography An alysis焊接冶金Weldi ng Metallurgy焊接原理Fun dame ntals of Weldi ng焊接原理及工艺Fu ndame ntals of Weldi ng & Tech nology焊接自动化Automation of Weldi ng汉语Chinese汉语与写作Chi nese & Composition 汉语语法研究Research on Chin ese Grammar汉字信息处理技术Tech no logy of Chin ese In formati on Process ing毫微秒脉冲技术Millimicroseco nd Pusle Tech ni que核动力技术Nuclear Power Tech nology合唱与指挥Chorus & Co nduction合金钢Alloy Steel宏观经济学Macro-Eco no mics宏微观经济学Macro Micro Eco nomics红外CCD Infrared CCD红外电荷耦合器In frared Electric Charge Coupler红外探测器In frared Detectors红外物理In frared Physics红外物理与技术In frared Physics & Tech nology红外系统In frared System红外系统电信号处理Process ing Electric Sign als from In frared Systems厚薄膜集成电路Thick & Thin Film In tegrated Circuit弧焊电源Arc Weldi ng Power弧焊原理Arc Weldi ng Prin ciples互换性技术测量基础Basic Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt互换性技术测量Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt互换性与技术测量Eleme ntary Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt互换性与技术测量实验Experime nt of Excha ngeability Measureme nt Tech no logy画法几何及机械制图Descriptive Geometry & Mecha ni cal Graph ing画法几何与阴影透视Descriptive Geometry,Shadow and Perspective化工基础Eleme ntary Chemical In dustry化工仪表与自动化Chemical Meters & Automati on化工原理Pri nciples of Chemical In dustry化学Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reacti on Engin eeri ng化学分离Chemical Decompositi on 化学工程基础Eleme ntary Chemical Engin eeri ng化学计量学Chemical Measureme nt 化学文献Chemical Literature 化学文献及查阅方法Chemical Literature & Co nsulti ng Method化学粘结剂Chemical Felter 环境保护理论基础Basic Theory of En vir onmental Protection 环境化学Environomen tal Chemistry 环境行为概论In troducti on to En vir onmen tal Behavior换热器Thermal Tran sducer回旧分析与试验设计Temperi ng An alysis and Experime nt Desig n回转式压缩机Rotary Compressor回转压缩机数学模型Mathematical Modeli ng of Rotary Compressors会计学Accou ntancy会计与财务分析Accou ntancy & Finan cial An alysis会计与设备分析Accou ntancy & Equipme nt An alysis会计原理及外贸会计Prin ciples of Accou ntancy & Foreig n Trade Accou ntancy会计原理与工业会计Prin ciples of Accou ntancy & In dustrial Accou ntancy活力学En ergy Theory 活塞膨胀机Pist on Expa nder 活塞式制冷压缩机Pisto n Refrigera nt Compreessor活塞式压缩机Pisto n Compressor活塞式压缩机基础设计Basic Design of Pisto n Compressor活塞压缩机结构强度Structural Inten sity of Pisto n Compressor活赛压机气流脉动Gas Pulsation of Pisto n Pressor货币银行学Curre ncy Banking 基本电路理论Basis Theory of Circuit基础写作Fun dame ntal Course of Compositi on 机床电路Machi ne Tool Circuit 机床电器Mach ine Tool Electric Applia nee 机床电气控制Electrical Con trol of Machi nery Tools机床动力学Machi ne Tool Dyn amics 机床设计Machi ne Tool desig n 机床数字控制Digital Con trol of Machi ne Tool机床液压传动Machi nery Tool Hydraulic Tran smissi on机电传动Mecha ni cal & Electrical Tran smissi on 机电传动控制Mecha ni cal & electrical Tran smissi on Control机电耦合系统Mecha ni cal & Electrical Combi natio n System机电系统计算机仿真Computer Simulation of Mecha nic/Electrical Systems机电一体化Mechanical & Electrical Integration机构学Structuri ng 机器人Robot机器人控制技术 Robot Con trol Tech nology机械产品学 Mecha nic Products机械产品造型设计Shape Design of Mecha ni cal Products 机械工程控制基础 Basic Mecha nic Engin eeri ng Con trol机械加工自动化 Automation in Mecha nical Worki ng机械可靠性 Mecha ni cal Reliability机械零件 Mecha ni cal Eleme nts 机械零件设计 Course Exercise in Mach inery Eleme ntsDesig n 机械零件设计基础 Basis of Machi nery Eleme nts Desig n机械设计 Mecha ni cal Desig ning 机械设计基础 Basis of Mecha nical Desig ning 机械设计课程设计 Course Exercise in Mecha ni cal Desig n机械设计原理 Prin ciple of Mecha ni cal Desig ning 机械式信息传输机构 Mecha ni cal Informati on Tran smissi on Device机械原理 Pr in ciple of Mecha nics 机械原理和机械零件 机械原理及机械设计 机械原理及应用 机械原理课程设计机械原理与机械零件 机械原理与机械设计 机械噪声控制 机械制造概论 机械制造工艺学 机械制造基础 机械制造基础(金属工艺学)Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing (Meta机械制造系统自动化 Automation of Mecha ni cal Man ufacture System 机械制造中计算机控制Computer Con trol in Mecha nical Man ufacture机制工艺及夹具 Mecha ni cal Tech no logy and Clamps积分变换 In tegral Tran sformatio n积分变换及数理方程In tegral Tra nsformation & Mathematical Equati ons 积分变换控制工程In tegral Tran sformatio n Control Engin eeri ng 积分变换与动力工程 In tegral Tran sforms & Dyn amic Engin eer ing激光电源 Laser Power Devices激光焊 Laser Weldi ng激光基础 Basis of Laser激光技术 Laser Tech no logy激光加工 Laser Process ing激光器件 Laser Devices激光器件与电源 Laser Devices & Power Source激光原理 Pri nciples of Laser激光原理与技术 Laser Prin ciples & Tech nology极限分析 Limit An alysisMecha nism & Mach inery Mecha ni cal Desig ningMecha ni cal Prin ciple & Mecha ni cal Applicati onsCourse Exercise of Mecha ni cal Pri nciple Mecha ni cal Prin ciple and Mecha ni cal Eleme nts Mecha ni cal Pri nciple and Mecha ni cal Desig Con trol of Mecha ni cal Noise In troducti on to Mecha ni cal Man ufacture Tech no logy of Mecha ni cal Man ufacture Fun dame ntal of Mecha ni calMan ufacture集合论与代数结构Set Theory & Algebraical Structure技术管理Tech no logical Man ageme nt 技术经济Tech no logical Economy 技术经济学Tech no logical Econo mics 技术市场学Tech no logical Marketi ng 计量经济学Measure Econo mics计算方法Computatio nal Method 计算机导论In troducti on to Computers计算机导论与实践In troduction to Computers & Practice计算机辅助设计CAD计算机辅助设计与仿真Computer Aided Design & Imitatio n计算机辅助语言教学Computer-Aided Lan guage Teachi ng计算机辅助制造Computer-Aided Ma nufacturi ng计算机概论In troducti on to Computers计算机绘图Computer Graphics计算机基础Basis of Computer Engin eer ing计算机接口技术Computer In terface Tech no logy计算机接口与通讯Computer In terface & Commu ni cati on计算机局域网Regio nal Network of Computers计算机控制Computer Co ntrol ing计算机设计自动化Automation of Computer Desig n计算机实践Computer Practice计算机数据库Computer Database 计算机算法基础Basis of Computer Algorithm计算机图形显示Computer Graphic Demon strati on计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机网络C omputer Networks计算机系统结构Computer Architecture计算机语言处理Computer Lan guage Process ing计算机原理Pri nciple of Computer Engin eer ing计算机在化学中的应用Application of Computer in Chemistry计算机组成原理Pr in ciples of Computer Composition计算力学Computatio nal Mecha nics 计算力学基础Basis of Computatio nal Mecha nics 计算流体Fluid Computatio n继电保护新技术New Tech no logy of Relay Protection继电保护原理Prin ciples of Relay Protection继电保护运行Relay-Protected Operation 检测技术Measureme nt Tech ni que 检测系统动力学Detection System Dyn amics检测与控制Detection & Co ntroli ng简明社会学Con cise Sociology 简明世界史Brief World History 减振设计Vibrati on Absorpti on Desig ningPurPoison 2006-03-15 14:56课程的英文词汇(三)解析几何介质波导介质测量介质光学An alytic Geometry Medium Wave Guide Medium Measureme nt Medium Optics金属X 射线学Metal X-Ray Analysis 金属材料焊接Metal Material Weldi ng金属材料学Metal Material Scie nee金属材料与热处理Metal Material & Heat Treatme nt金属腐蚀与保护Metal Erosion & Protecti on金属腐蚀原理Prin ciples of Metal Erosion金属工艺学Metal Tech nics金属焊接性基础Eleme ntary Metal Weldability金属焊接原理Prin ciples of Metal Weldi ng金属机械性能Mecha nical Property of Metal金属力学性能Metal Mecha nic Property金属切削机床Metal Cutti ng Machi ne Tool金属切削原理及刀具Prin ciples of Metal Cutti ng & Cutters金属熔焊原理Prin ciples of Metal Molte n Weldi ng金属熔焊原理及工艺Prin ciples of Metal Molte n Weldi ng & Tech ni que金属熔炼Metal Melt ing 金属塑性成形原理Pri nciples of Metal forming金属物理性能Physical Property of Metal金属学Metallography 金属学与热处理Metallography & Heat Treatme nt金属学原理Pri nciples of Metallography金相分析Metallographic An alysis 金相技术Metallographic Tech ni ques近代光学测试技术Modern Optical Testi ng Tech nology近代光学计量技术Modern Optical Measur ing Tech nology近代经济史Moder n History of Econo mics近代物理实验Lab of Modern Physics近世代数Modern Algebra 晶体管原理Pri nciples of Tran sistors晶体光学Crystallographic Optics 精密测量技术Tech no logy of Precisi on Measureme nt精密电气测量Precise Electric Measureme nt精密合金Precise Alloy 精密机械CAD CAD for Precision Machinery 精密机械课程设计Course Design forPrecision Mach in ery精密机械零件Precisi on Machi nery Eleme nts精密机械设计基础Eleme ntary Precisio n Mach inery Desig n精密机械学Precisi on Machi nery精细有机合成Mi nute Orga nic Syn thesis经济地理Econo mical Geography 经济法Law of Economy 经济法学Law of Economy 经济分析基础Basis of Econo mic An alysis经济控制论Econo mical Cyber netics经济社会学Econo mic Sociology经济新闻Econo mic News经济学说史History of Econo mics经济学原理Pri nciples of Econo mics经济预测Economic Predicting经济预测与管理奖惩Eco no mic Predict ing & Man ageme nt经济原理Pr in ciples of Economy 经济运筹学Econo mic Operati on Research经济增长理论Theory of Eco no mic Growth 经营管理Operati on Man ageme nt经营管理学Operatio n Ma nageme nt静力学Statics 纠错编码Error Correction of Codi ng决策分析An alysis of Policy Mak ing 绝缘在线检测In sulation Live Test ing军事理论Military Theory 抗干扰技术An ti-Jam ming Tech ni que科技翻译Scie ntific En glish Tran slati on 科技管理Tech no logical Man ageme nt 科技史History of Scie nee & Tech no logy 科技史及新技术知识Historry of Scie nee & Kn owledge of New Tech ndogy科技写作Scie ntific Writi ng 科技新闻Scie ntific News 科技英语Scie ntific En glish 科技英语基础Eleme ntary Scie ntific En glish科技英语阅读Read ings of Scie ntific En glish科技与社会Scie nee & Society科学方法论Scie ntific Methodology科学技术史History of Scie nee & Tech nology科学计量Scie ntific Measureme nt科学社会学概论In troduction to Scie ntific Socialism科学社会主义Scie ntific Socialism科学思维方法Methods of Sci netific Thi nki ng科学学Scientology 可计算性Calculability 可靠性Reliability 可靠性及故障诊断Reliability & Error Diag no sis可靠性技术导论In troduction to Reliability Tech nology可靠性数学Reliable Mathematics可靠性物理Reliability Physics可逆式机组Reversible Machi nery Group可逆式水力机械Reversible Hydraulic Machi nery空气调节与通风Air Regulation & Ven tilation空气动力学Aerod yn amics控制电机 Electrical Machi nes for Con trol控制工程 Con trol Engin eeri ng控制工程基础 Basis of Control Engin eeri ng控制理论 Theory of Co ntrol控制理论基础 Eleme ntary Theory of Co ntrol控制理论基础与水轮机调节 Eleme ntary Theory of Con trol & Water Turbi ne Regulat控制系统设计 Co ntrol System Desig n 控制系统数字仿真 Con trol System Digital Imitatio n口译 Oral Intepretation 口语实践 Oral Practice 快速阅读 Fast Readi ng 劳动工资管理 Ma nageme nt of Labor Wages 乐理 Music Theory 雷达原理 Pr in ciples of Radar 雷电静电及环境 Radar Static Electricity & En viro nment 冷冻干燥技术 Freeze Drying Tech ni que 冷冻技术 冷库设计 离散数学 Cen trifugal Pumps & Axial PumpsCen trifugal Compressor Imitati on Cen trifugal Compressor Inten sityPrin ciples of Cen trifugal Compressors伦理学Ethics 论文写作 Thesis Writing 论文指导 Thesis Supervisi on 螺杆压缩机 SpiralLobe Compressor 逻辑设计 Logic Desig n逻辑学 Logic Theory马克思主义原理 Pr in ciples of Marxism马列(社会学)原著选读 Selected Readings of Marx's & Lenin's Original Wor 马列哲学原著选读 Selected Readi ngs of Marx's & Le nin's Origi nal Wor马列主义原理 Prin ciples of Marxism & Lenin ism马氏规划 Marte nsitic Pla nning脉冲功率放大 Pulse Power Mag ni ficati on脉冲与数字电路 Pulse & Digital Circuit毛泽东思想哲学研究 Research on Mao Zedon g's Thi nking Philosophy理论力学 Theoretical Mecha nics 力热学 Mecha nics & Thermology 力学,热学 Mechanics & Thermology力学性能测试 Mecha nics Performa nee Testi ng 两相流动和传热Two-phase Flow & Thermal Con duction 量子力学 Quantum Mecha nics 劣质煤燃烧与利用Tin pot Coal Combustion & Use 零件设计 Eleme nt Desig n 领导科学 Leadership Scie nee流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculatio n of Flow Field流态化工程 Fluidizati on Engin eeri ng 流体力学 六朝文论 鲁迅研究 轮机概论Fluid Mecha nics Articles of Six Dyn asties Research on LU XunIn troducti on to TurbinesRefrigerati on Tech ni queRefrigerati ng House DesignDiscrete Mathematics 离心泵与轴流泵 离心式压缩机模拟离心式压缩机强度 离心式压缩机原理煤粉燃烧技术及测量技术Coal Power Combustion & Tech nology and Measureme nt美国文学作品选读Selected Readi ngs of America n Literature美术粉彩Art Powder Pai nt美术室外建筑写生Outdoors Architectural Sketch美术素描Art Sketch美学概论In troducti on to Aesthetics秘书学Secretary Scie nee 密圭寸技术Seali ng Tech nology 免疫学Immu nity敏感元件及材料Se nsors & Materials明清小说研究Research on NOVELS OF mING & Qi ng Dy nasties名篇赏析Appreciati on of Master Pieces模糊数学Fuzzy Mathematics模具计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Design of Models模拟电子技术An alog Electr onics Tech ni que模拟电子技术基础Basic An alog Electro nics模拟电子线路An alog Electrical Circuitry模拟集成电路An alog In tegrated Circuitry模式识别Matrix Recog nition 模型辨识Model Dist in guish 磨削原理Prin ciple of Grin di ng and Cutti ng 耐腐蚀非金属材料Erosio n-Resisti ng No n-metallic Materials内燃机测试技术IC En gi ne Test Tech nology内燃机调节IC En gi ne Regulation内燃机动力学IC En gi ne Dyn amics内燃机概论In troduction to IC Engine内燃机排气净化Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas内燃机设计IC En gi ne Desig n内燃机原理Pri nciples of Intern al-Combusti on Engine内燃机制造工艺学IC Man ufacturi ng Tech nology能源工程En ergy Source Engin eeri ng扭转振动Torque Vibrati on排压力波计算Computati on of Pressure Extracti on Wave配位化学Coord in ation Chemistry疲劳断裂力学Fatigue Fracture Mecha nics偏微分方程Partial Differe ntial Equation偏微分方程数值解Numerical Solution of Partial Differe ntial Equation评报Commentary Report 评论写作Comme ntary Writing 普通化学Gen eral Chemistry 普通生物学General Biology 普通物理Gen eral Physics 普通物理实验Lab of General Physics企业供销管理Man ageme nt of En terprise Supply & Sales企业管理En terprise Man ageme nt企业管理与技术经济En terprise Man ageme nt & Tech no logical Economy企业经营经济学En terprise Man ageme nt Econo mics企业社会学En terprise Sociology企业生产物流Productive Physical Distributi on of En terprise企业物流Physical Distribution of Enterprise 气阀原理Pri nciples of Air Valves气固两相流Dual-Phrase Distribution of Gas % Solid 气体放电及应用Gas Discharge &Application气体激光器Gas Laser Devices 气体制冷机Gas Refrigerator 气压传动Pn eumatic Tran smissi on 汽车驾驶技术D rivi ng Skills汽轮机调节Steam Turhi ne Adjustme nt 汽轮机调节与仿真Steam Turhi ne Adjustme nt & Simulation汽轮机热力特性Steam Turbi ne Thermal Property汽轮机原理Pr in ciples of Steam Turbi ne 汽轮机振动Steam Turbi ne Vibrati on 钎焊Soldering 强电流技术Str ong Curre nt Tech nology 青年伦理学Ethics for Youth 青年社会学Sociology for Youth 情报检索In formati on Searches 全过程设计Whole Process Desig n 燃气轮机Steam Turbi ne Engin es 燃烧理论Theory of Combustio n 燃烧学Combusti on 热处理工艺Tech no logy for Heat ing Process ing 热处理设备Equipme nt for Heat ing Process ing 热处理设备设计Desig n of Heat Treatme nt Equipme nt热处理新工艺New Tech no logy of Heat Treatme nt热处理原理Pri nciples of Heat ing Process ing 热处理原理及工艺Pri nciples & Tech no logy for Heat ing Process ing热工测量及仪表Thermal Measureme nt & Meter热工过程自动调节Thermal Process Automatic Adjustme nt热工设备 Thermal Equipme nt热力发电厂 Thermal Power Statio ns热力发动机 Thermal Motors热力机械测试技术 Thermo-Mecha nic Measureme nt Tech ni que热力机械测试技术课程设计Course Design for Thermo-Mecha nic Measureme nt Tech niq ue热力学 Thermodynamics热力学与统计物理 Thermody namics & Statistical Physics热物理测量及实验技术Measureme nts & Experime nts of Thermal Scie nee 热物理量测技术 Measureme nts of Thermal Scie nee人工智能 Artificial In tellige nce人和自然 Man & Nature人口经济方法 Eco no mical Method for Populati on人体生理 Human Physiology日本物流 Material Flow of Japa n日语阅读 Japa nese Read ing熔焊原理及工艺 Pr in ciple & Tech nique of Melt ing and Weldi ng熔炼原理 Pri nciple of Melt ing容错与诊断 Tolera nce & Diag no sis容积式压缩机数学模型 Mathematical Model of Displaceme nt Compressor 软件工程 Software Engin eeri ng软件技术基础 Basis of Software Tech ni que软件开发工具与环境 Tools & En vir onment for Software Developi ng 弱信号检测 Test ing of Feeble Sig nals色彩Color色谱 Color Spectrum摄影技巧 Tech ni ques for Photography涉外企业管理 Enterprise Administration Concerning Foreign Natio社会调查的理论与方法 Theories & Methods for Social In vestigati on 社会调查方法 Methods for Social In vestigatio n社会工作 Social Work社会统计分析与 SYSTAT 应用 Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application 社会统计学 Social Statistics社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems社会心理学 Social Psychology 社会学概论 In troduction to Sociololgy社会学简论 Brief I ntroduction to SociologyCurre nt Issues in Theories of Socilolgy Research on Problems of Sociology Research Methods of Sociology Finance of Socialism 社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 D iscussion on Political & Eco nomic Systems in Socialism审计学 Scie nce of Audit ing社会学理论专题 社会学问题研究 社会学研究方法 社会主义财政学课程的英文词汇(四)生产管理Admini strati on of Man ufacturi ng 生产过程计算机控制Computer Con trol in Man ufacturi ng Process生产过程自动化Water-Turbi ne Engine生理学Physiology 生命科学与无机化学Life Scie nee and In orga nic Chemistry生物工程产品Bio-e ngin eeri ng Products生物工程导论In troducti on to Bio-e ngin eer ing生物化学Biochemistry 生物化学工程Biochemical Engin eeri ng生物化学及实验Biochemistry Experime nt生物检测技术Measureme nt for Biotech ni que生物控制论Biocybernetics 生物流变学Biorheology 生物物理Biophysics 生物学专题Curre nts Issues in Biology 生物医学超声学Biomedical Superso nics失效分析In validati on An alysis 诗歌美学Aesthetics of Poetry 时间序列Time Seque nee 实变函数Fun cti ons of Real Variable实验分析Experime ntal An alysis 实验力学Experime ntal Mecha nics 实验力学基础B asis of Experime ntal Mecha nics实验流体Experime ntal Flow ing Object 实验应力分析An alysis of Experime ntal Stress 世界近现代经济史Modern History of World Eco nomy世界近现代史Modern History of the World世界文化史History of World Culture 世界政治经济与国际关系World Politic Ecomo ny &ln ter natio nal Relatio nship适应控制系统Adaption Co ntrol System市场学Scienee of Market 市场研究Research on Market 市场预测Market Predicting 输入输岀设计原理Pr in ciple of I nput and Output Desig ning书法Handwriting 数据结构Data Structure 数据库概论In troduction to Database 数据库基础Basis of Database 数据库技术Tech ni que of Database 数据库设计与分析Design & An alysis of Database数据库系统原理Prin ciples of Database System数据库应用Applicati on of Database数据库原理及应用Pri nciple & Applicatio n of Database数控机床Digit Con trol Machi ne Tool 数控技术Digit Co ntrol Tech ni que 数理方程Mathematical Equati ons数理方程积分变换In tegral Tran smissi on of Mathematical Equati on数理方程与特殊函数Equatio ns of Mathmatical Physics & Special Fun ctio ns数理逻辑Mathematical Logic 数理统计Mathematical statistics 数量经济Quan tity Econo mics 数学分析Mathematical An alysis 数学规划Mathematical Pla nning 数学模型Mathematical Mode ning 数学物理方法Method of Mathematical Physics数值电路Digital Circuit 数值分析Numerical An alysis 数值计算Digital Computatio n 数字测量技术Digital Measur ing Tech ni que数字测量实验技术Experime ntal Tech ni que of Digital Measuri ng数字测试实验技术Experime ntal Tech ni que of Digital Test ing数字电路Digital Circuit 数字电路及微机原理Digital Circuit & Computer Pr in ciples数字电视Digital Televisio n 数字电子基础Fun dame ntal Digital Electio nics数字电子技术Digital Electr on ic Tech ni que数字电子技术基础Fun dame ntal Digital Electro nic Tech ni que数字电子技术设计与实验Experime nt & Design of Digital Electro n Tech ni que数字电子线路Digital Electrical Circuitry数字电子与微机原理Digital Electr on ics & Prin ciple of Microcomputer数字仿真Digital Simulation 数字化测量技术Digital Measuri ng Tech ni que数字控制及微机控制技术Digital Control & Microcomputer Co ntrol Tech ni que数字逻辑Digital Logic 数字图象处理Digital Image Process ing数字系统逻辑设计Logical Design of Digital System数字系统设计Design of Digital System数字信号处理Digital Sig nal Process ing双曲线方程Hyperbolic Equati on水电能源学Scie nee of HydrOelectric En elgy水电站过渡过程的特殊问题Special Problems in the Tran sition of a Hydropower Station 水电站计算机控制C omputer Co ntrol in Hydropower Station水电站经济运行Econo mic Operati on in Hydropower Stati on水电站控制系统分析An alysis of Control System in Hydropower Stati on水电站自动化Automation of Hydropower Stati on水动力学Water Dyn amics水机工艺结构分析Tech nics Structure An alysis of Hydraulic Mach in ery水力机械测试技术Test Tech ni que of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械的汽蚀Gas Etchi ng of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械调节Adjustme nt of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械强度计算Inten sity Calculatio n of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械原理Pri nciples of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械制造工艺及结构分析Man ufactur ing Tech ni que & Structure An alysis of Hyd raulic Mach inery水力机械制造工艺学Man ufacturi ng Tech ni que for Hydraulic Machi nery水力学Hydraulics水轮机Water-Turbine Engine水轮机调节Water-Turbi ne En gi ne Adaption水轮机调节系统Adaptive System of Water-Turbi ne Engine水轮机水力设计Hydraulic Design of Water Engine水轮机原理及水力设计Prin ciples of Water-Turbi ne En gi ne & Design of Water En gine水轮机原理与CAD Prin ciple of Water-Turbi ne Engine & CAD水轮水力设计Hydraulic Design of Water Engine水现代控制理论Modern Theory of Water Con troli ng水质稳定技术Stability Tech nique of Water Quality思想教育Virtue Educatio n 素描Pencil Sketch 速冻技术Tech ni que of Speed Freez ing 塑性力学Plastic Macha nics 算法语言Algorithmic Lan guage随机过程Stochastic Process & Time Series An alysis 随机运筹学Ran domized Operati onal Research 锁相技术Phase Lock Tech ni que 谈判技巧Negotiation Skills唐宋诗词Poetry & Prose of Tang & Song Dyn asties 陶瓷材料学Scie nee of Ceramic Material 陶瓷工艺原理Pri nciple of Pottery Tech nology特种泵Special Pump 特种加工工艺Special Worki ng Tech no logy特种压缩机Special Compressor 特种铸铁Special Cast ing Iron特种铸造Special Processes of Metal Casti ngs体育Physical Education天线原理Prin ciple of Antenna 铁磁学Ferromag netics 铁电半导体Ferro-Electric Semic on ductor 铁电材料与器件Ferro-Electric Material and Eleme nt铁电压电材料与器件Ferro-Voltage Electric Material and Eleme nt铁氧体材料Ferrite Material听说训练Practice on Liste ning & Speak ing 通风机Ventilator 通信电子线路Electro nic Circuit of Commu ni catio n通信原理Prin ciple of Commu ni cati on 通讯写作专题Curre nt Issues on Report Writ ing 同步控制原理Pr in ciple of Syn chro nic Control统计Statistics 统计计算Experime nt of Applied Physics 统计检查与质量控制Statistic Check and Quality Con trol统计物理Statistical Physics 统计信号分析An alysis of Statistical Sig nal统计学Statistics 统计学原理Prin ciple of Statistics统计学原理与工业统计Prin ciple of Statistics & In dustrial Statistics统计原理Statistics 投入产岀分析An alysis of I nput and Output投入产岀技术In put and Output Tech ni que透平机械三元流动Three-dime nsio nal Flow of Turbi ne Machi nery透平膨胀机Turbi ne Expa nsion Engine 透平式压缩机特性模拟An alog of Performa nee of Turbi ne Compressor透平压缩机强度Ten sile of Turbi ne Compressor图论Graph Theory 图论算法Algorithm on Graph Theory 图论与组合Graphi ng & Group ing图论与组合优化Graphi ng & Optimal Group ing土力学与地基Soil Mecha nics and Fou ndati ons托福测试Test of En glish as a Foreig n Lan guage 拓朴学Topology 夕卜部设备讲座Lectures on Peripherial Equipme nt夕卜部设备维修Repairme nt of Peripheral Equipme nt外国古代建筑史History of Western An cie nt Architecture夕卜国文献阅读Readi ngs of Foreig n Literature夕卜国文学史History of Foreig n Literature夕卜国文学作品选译Selected Tran slati ons of Foreig n Literary Works外国物流Foreig n Material Flow 外国物资管理Overseas Material Man ageme nt外国新闻事业史History of Overseas Jour nalism夕卜贸会计Foreig n Bus in ess Accou ntancy 夕卜贸英语Foreig n Bus in ess En glish 夕卜设概论Introduction to Peripheral Equipment 夕卜设实验Experime nt on Peripheral Equipme nt 往复泵及其它类型泵Reciprocat ing Pump & Other type Pumps微波测量技术Microwave Measureme nt Tech ni que微波电路计算机辅助设计CAD of Microwave Circuit微波技术Microwave Tech ni que 微波技术基础Basis of Microwave Tech ni que。
1、Construction industry 建筑业2、High-rise apartments 高层公寓3、Institution and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设4、Oligopoly 垄断,供过于求5、Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设6、Infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设7、Residential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设8、Take charge 负责9、Single-family house 独户住宅10、Professional consultant 专业征询人士11、General contractor 总承包商12、Mission-oriented 以目的(任务)为导向的13、Continuity 连续性14、Indispensable 不可或缺的15、Common-place 常见的16、Schedule 进度17、Maximization 最大化18、Communication 沟通19、Certification 认证20、Distinguish 区别,区分21、Predetermined 预定的22、Ingredient 组成部分,成分23、Linear programming 线性规划24、Trade off 均衡,权衡25、Delineation 叙述,说明26、Utilization 使用27、Integration 综合,整合28、Shop drawings 施工图,安装图29、Simultaneously 同时的30、Prebid site 投标前现场31、Nominated subcontractor 指定分包商32、Prequalified 预审合格33、An manual of professional practice 专业人员从业手册34、Risk-reward 风险和回报35、Structural design 结构设计36、Specialized subcontractor 专业分包商37、Work package 工作包38、Construction planning 施工计划39、Technical feasibility 技术可行性40、Construction operations 施工作业41、Structural or foundation details 结构或基础的具体情况42、Ingenuity and creativity 灵活性和发明性43、Construction constractors 施工承包商44、Monitoring and control 监督和控制45、Facility design 设施设计46、Estimate stage 估算阶段47、Evaluation stage 评估阶段48、equity partners 股权伙伴49. 、specifications and drawings 技术规范和图纸50.、Placing concrete on site 现场浇混凝土1、Job-site productivity 工地生产率2、Contractual agreements 协议3、Safety consciousness 安全意识4、Labor productivity 劳动生产率5、Foreign operations 国外施工6、Labor efficiency 劳动效率7、Infrastructure 基础设施8、Linear interpolation 线性内插9、Labor jurisdictions 劳动仲裁10、Non-productive activities 非生产性活动11、On-site 现场12、Labor characteristics 劳动力的特性13、Security sensitivity 安全敏感性14、Recognized strength 公认的实力15、Processing plant 加工厂16、Logistic problems 后勤问题17、Drilling platform 钻井平台18、Building construction 建筑施工19、Material procurement and delivery 材料采购和运送20、Bulk materials 大宗材料21、Overlapping and rehandling 搭接和再解决22、Semi-processed 半加工的,半成品的23、Concrete mix 混凝土拌和物24、Steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱25、. bills of quantity 工程量清单26、. minutes of the conference 会议纪要27、the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价28、reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用29、.Hierarchical structure 层级结构30、Critical path scheduling 关键线路进度控制程序31、.bonus and penalty clauses 奖励和处罚条款32、lump-sum agreement 总价协议33、.written authorization 书面授权34、unit-price agreement 单价协议35、Bids and quotations 投标和报价36、Off-the-shelf material 现货材料37、Earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖38 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告39、. conditions of contract 协议条件40、Construction supervision 施工监督41、Freight delivery 货品运送44、Slippage or contraction 延误或提前45、.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益46、.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值47、changes clause 变更条款49、prequalification 资格预审49、limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标50、Unit Cost of Estimetion 单位估价1、Cost estimation 成本估算2、Cost engineering 工程估价3、Profitability 赢利4、Production function 生产函数5、Statistical inference 记录推断6、Construction equipment 施工机具7、General office overhead 总部管理费8、The cost engineer or estimator 估算师9、Cost control 成本控制10、Empirical cost inference 经验成本推论法11、Allocation of joint costs 综合成本的分摊12、Bill of quantities 工程量清单2、Cooling system 冷却系统3、Heat exchanger 热互换器4、Slabs and beams 楼板和梁5、Furnaces 锅炉6、Plus ancillary items 辅助设备7、Formwork 模板8、Detailed Estimates 具体估算9、Preliminary Estimates 具体估算10、Subcontractor Quotations 分包报价11、Construction Procedures 施工方法12、Factored Estimate Formula 系数估算公式13、Reinforcing bars 钢筋14、Building foundation 建筑物基础1、Economic evaluation 经济评价2、Sensitivity 灵敏度3、Planning horizon 规划周期4、Project alternative 备择项目5、Opportunity cost 机会成本6、Financial investment 金融投资7、Minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率8、Social rate discount 社会折现率9、Investment consideration 投资分析10、Decision maker 决策者11、Cash flow profile 钞票流分布形态12、Net annual cash flow 年净钞票流13、Capital project 资本项目14、Socially desirable programs 社会公益项目15、The Office of Management and Budget 财政部门16、Government agency 政府部门17、linear programming线性规划18、network analysis 网络分析19、Under ordinary circumstances, 在通常情况下20、best price/performance characteristics最优性价比特性21、an acceptable quality levelallowable可接受的质量水平22、a allowable fraction of defective items.可接受的缺陷比例23、ill structured棘手的24、critical ingredients关键因素25、identified as被看作为26、the rate of return资本回收率 cash flow 净钞票流量28.financing options 融资方式29.project finance 项目融资30.negative cash balance 负钞票结余31.profit measure 利润指标值32.private corporations 私营股份制公司33.Public agencies 公告机构34 instructions to bidders 投标人须知35 . conditions of contract协议条件36.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值37.Capital recovory factor 资金回收因子38.Benefit cost ratio 收益费用比39.Profitability index 赚钱指数40. prequalification 资格预审41. bidding documents 招标文献42. domestic contractor 国内承包商43.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益44.Adjusted internal rate of capital 调整后的内部收益率45.Return on investment 投资收益46. international competitive bidd ing 竞争性国际招标47limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标48.national competitive bidd ing 国内竞争性招标49 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告50 substantially responsive 实质性响应1. changes 工程变更2. contract awards 协议授予3.changes clause 变更条款4.publicly financed priject 公共项目融资5.extra work 附加工作6.the prime contractor 主承包商7. pre-construction sercices 施工前服务8.reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用9. overhead and profit 管理费和利润10.Construction planning 施工计划11. chioce of technology 施工技术的选择12.The definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义13.Normative problem 规范性问题14.Cost control 成本控制15.Schedule control 进度控制16.Critical path scheduling procedure关键线路进度控制程序17.Job shop scheduling procedure 工作现场进度控制程序18.Datebases and information systes m 数据库和信息系统19.The duration of the activity 工作活动的连续时间20.Placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土21 Placing forms 支设模版22. Installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋23. Pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土24.Finishing the concrete 混凝土养护25. Removing forms 模版拆除26.Position forms on the cleanning station 在清理场合码放模版27. Hierarchical structure 层级结构28.fixed fee 固定费用29.overhead and profit 管理费和利润30.job shop scheduling procedure 现场进度控制程序31.change order 变更单32.cost –plus-fee agreement成本加费用协议33.quantity takeoff 工程量清单34. prequalification 资格预审35、decomposed into 分解为36.From the viewpoint of从某个角度看37.responsible for 对某事负责38.superior to 优于。
People hold many financial assets. The most important currency, savings accounts, government securities, stocks and funds.2.对货币需求的不同于对其他商品的需求。
Demand for money is different from the demand for other goods. Holding currency because of its indirect value rather than direct value.3.人们持有货币的最重要的原因是需要偿付账单或购买商品。
People hold money the most important reason is the need to pay the bills or buy goods.4.行业中,商业银行以手头现金或在中央银行存款的形式持有准备金。
Industry, commercial Banks in the form of cash or deposits with the central bank to hold reserves.5.一般来说,商品货币本身具有内在的价值。
Generally speaking, the commodity currencies of itself has intrinsic value. Due to the inherent value of commodity money, the government there would be no need to again to ensure that the value of it.第二单元1.外汇是指以外币表示的用于清偿国际交易的资产The foreign exchange refers to used for liquidation international trading assets denominated in foreign currencies.2.外汇市场是世界上最大、流动性最强的市场之一The foreign exchange market is one of the largest and most liquid market in the world 3.中央银行用其巨额的外汇储备来稳定货币市场The central bank with its huge foreign exchange reserves to stabilise the currency markets4.货物和服务贸易的盈余或赤字反映了一国经济的竞争力Goods and services trade surplus or deficit reflects a country's economic competitiveness5.如果一国通货膨胀水平很高或人们预期通货膨胀水平会提高,那么通常该国货币会贬值。
三. Government at a Glance 政府一览
❖ 可以从法律框架、政府规模、支出构成和 收 入构成四个方面一览美国政府的财政经济活 动。
1. 法律框架 The Legal Framework
❖Federal government 联邦政府 Federal Constitutional provisions ❖Article 1, Section 8 ❖Article 1, Section 9 ❖16th Amendment ❖5th Amendment
Public Finance is nothing else than a sophisticated discussion of the relationship between the individual and the state. There is no better
The State constitutions
❖ Local governments 地方政府
Derive power to tax and spend from the States 从法律角度看,地方政府征税和开支权力是由州 政府赋予
Fiscal independence of local governments
2008年 《公共经济学》 杨志勇 张馨 编著 清华大学出
版社 《公共部门经济学》 [美]约瑟夫·E·斯蒂格利茨
中国人民大学出版社 《公共部门经济学》 [英]C·V·布朗和P·M·杰克逊
中国人民大学出版社 《公共部门经济学》 [加]罗宾·鲍德威和[美]大卫·
威迪逊 中国人民大学出版社
• In keeping with this position, Buffett, along with other wealthy Americans such as William Gates, Sr., and George Soros, has long been an outspoken critic of moves to repeal the estate tax, a tax levied on large estates upon the death of their owners.
Taxes on Risk Taking and Wealth
• Buffett has argued that allowing children to inherit all of their parents’ riches causes them to be spoiled and sapped of all motivation, and keeping the tax in force helps to preserve America’s meritocracy.
5 of 32
Taxes on Risk Taking and Wealth
• Second, individuals can also be taxed not only on the return from their savings in each period but on the amount of wealth they have accumulated through past savings.
Public Finance and Public Policy JoCnoaptyhraignhGt ©rub2e0r10FWifthorEthdiPtiuobnlisCheorpsyright © 2016 Worth Publishers
3. What is the effect of those interventions on economic outcomes?
4. Why do governments choose to intervene in the way that they do?
• Impressive results:
• Immunization rates never higher than 70% prior to outbreak.
• Rose to 90% by 1995.
• Government intervention clearly reduced this negative externality, discussed in Chapters 5 and 6.
• Economics generally presumes that markets deliver efficient outcomes, so why should government do anything?
• Primary motive for government intervention is therefore market failure.
Public Finance and Public Policy Jonathan Gruber Fifth Edition Copyright © 2016 Worth Publishers
o The “anti-vaccine” movement has taken root, resulting in large pockets of nonimmunized children in some areas.
1.项目建议 (1)1.1项目建议概况 (1)1.2报价资料 (1)1.3合同技术用语 (1)1.4估算 (2)1.5可行性研究 (3)1.6业务范围 (3)1.7工厂分类与设计 (4)1.8设备 (4)1.9相关企业 (4)2.投标、合同2.1投标情况……………………………………………………2.2合同用语……………………………………………………2.3合同形式……………………………………………………3.支付、金融、财务…………………………………………3.1支付、金融……………………………………………………3.2财务…………………………………………………………4.采购、运输、保险………………………………………………4.1进出口手续…………………………………………………………4.2运输…………………………………………………………4.3保险…………………………………………………………4.4贸易条件…………………………………………………………4.5采购…………………………………………………………4.6包装…………………………………………………………5.项目执行费用管理…………………………………………5.1项目执行……………………………………………………5.2工程……………………………………………………5.3费用及工时管理………………………………………5.4费用分类5.5组织6.标准化、资料管理、法规、规格6.1标准化6.2资料管理6.3法规7.工厂系统图、设备布置图、配管图及材料统计7.1图纸、条件表7.2管道要素8.配管及一般设备设计8.1保温、保冷8.2防腐、涂漆8.3振动解析8.4耐震设计8.5应力分析8.6流体流动8.7噪音8.8设计条件9.塔、槽、换热器、加热炉9.1图面用语9.2容器9.3内件9.4主要附属品9.5换热器9.6加热炉10.转动机械10.1转动机械10.2转动机械性能10.3泵10.4压缩机、风机等10.5透平10.6冷冻机11.其它机器11.1搬运11.2粉碎11.3化学机械12.公用工程12.1锅炉、蒸汽及给水系统12.2蒸汽轮机12.3燃气轮机12.4电厂12.5水处理12.6水质13.化工操作及工厂装置名称13.1反应13.2吸收、吸附、分离13.3热交换13.4其它14.流体名称及流体的性质14.1流体名称14.2流体的性质14.3粉体特性15.操作15.1操作、维护15.2操作状态16.防灾和环保16.1消防设备16.2火灾16.3其它防火设备16.4电气防爆16.5危险场所、火灾、爆炸16.6化学设备、危险物、有害物16.7安全16.8公害17.原子能17.1一般17.2反应堆及核燃烧17.3原子能发电17.4放射性管理17.5原子能单位18.电气(含通信)18.1图面18.2电气一般18.3电源和配电18.4电气设备18.5控制、运行18.6接地18.7照明18.8通信18.9配线材料18.10电气施工18.11测定、试验19.仪表19.1图画19.2仪表控制19.3测试仪器19.4控制阀和安全阀19.5其它20.土建20.1图画、计算、规定20.2调查20.3建筑设计20.4土木设计20.5建筑设备设计20.6工程21.施工21.1一般工程21.2土木机械21.3起吊、搬运21.4试验、检查工具21.5通用工程器材21.6作业机械21.7木工机械21.8制罐、扳金机械21.9各种工程用工具21.10测量工具22.检验22.1检验及处理22.2压力试验22.3焊接、材料试验23.焊接、切割23.1焊接方式和种类23.2焊接设计24.材料及其损伤24.1金属材料24.2表面处理24.3材料性质24.4金相及加工24.5热处理24.6材料组织及缺陷24.7腐蚀及其它材料损伤24.8有机材料24.9无机材料25.分析25.1分析一般25.2分析器具25.3气体分析25.4电气分析25.5光度分析25.6分离分析25.7电磁分析25.8热分析25.9其它分析26.计算系统26.1情报处理26.2计算机语言26.3计算机处理1.项目建议1.1项目建议概况资格qualification预备资格prequalification商务条款与条件commecial terms and condition 商务commecial技术technical技术说明technical specification建议书proposal book资料费information price估价estimated price报价quoted price报价书quotation1.2报价资料工艺说明process description工艺特点process feature经验记载experience record工艺性能process peroformance 设备表equipment list说明、规定、规格specification 简要说明short specification条件图sketch drawing流程图flow diagram平衡图balance diagram方框图block diagramP&L图P&L diagram单线图single line diagram布置图layout平面布置图plot plan总图general plot plan附件appendix资料、文件documentation1.3合同技术用语保证guarantee性能保证performance时间保证time gaarantee交货保证delivery guarantee建造保证workmanship guarantee 生产能力capacity质量quality消耗量consumption原材料feedstock辅助原料sub-raw material产品product付产品by-product中间产品intermediate公用工程utility燃料fuel化学品chemical界区battery limits(界区)进料incoming(界区)出料outgoing界区条件battery limits condition (配管图)分界线match line工厂、装置plant设备equipment关键设备 critical equipment专利设备 proprietary equipment有位号设备itemized equipment无位号设备non-itemized equipment散装材料bulk material施工材料 material of construction仪表instrument备品备件spare parts建筑工具constrution aid(现场)居住设施accommmodation现场派遣espatriate运转率on stream factor运转天数(开工日)stream day系列train日历日calender day日历月calender month机械(试车)完工mechanical completion 试车 trial operation初次试车initial oeration开车start up注油oil in投料feed in首次出料first drop保证试运转guarantee test run装置验收plant acceptance移交turnover议定书protocol1.4估算估算estimate概算budgetary estimate推算slide幂指数power term(费用)分类、分项价格breakdown外汇foreign currency当地货币local currency可兑换货币convertible currency 专利费license fee专利权税royalty变动专利权税running royalty专有技术费knowhow fee基础设计费basic engineering fee 代理费agent fee手续费commission不可预见费contingency外汇风险exchange risk易货补偿compensation直接费用direct cost间接费用indirect cost项目管理费project expense现场管理费field expense一般管理费(上级管理费)overhead 利润profit生活费living expense出勤津贴daily allowance(出差)准备费outfit allowance劳务费labour cost基本工资base wage补偿费payroll burden福利费fringe benef i t1.5可行性研究可行性feasibility现场选定site selection(现场)位置location市场marketing可获利润率profitability生产成本production cost经营费operation cost可变成本variable cost不变成本fixed cost总投资total investment cost折旧费depreciation现金流量cash flow折现现金流量discount cash flow工况研究case study产权资本、自有资金equity建设资本利息interest during construction 1.6业务范围现场勘测site survey工艺设计process design基础设计basic engineering基础设计包basie design package详细设计detail engineering采购procurement海运ocean transportation陆运inland transportation安装erection work土建工作civil work施工construction work临时工作temporary work投料试车commissioning培训training(现场)指导supervisory servive顾问advisory servive初步设计preliminary project最终设计final project基础设施infrastruture上部结构superstructure软件software硬件hardware1.7工厂分类与设计处女地工厂grass root plant总厂integral plant分厂single plant成套装置package plant翻版(设计)厂copy plant生产厂commercial plant中试工厂pilot plant试验室规模装置bench scale unit石化总厂petrochemical complex下游(厂)downstream(工业)放大scale-up扩建expansion改建、更改modification镜象布置 mirror image设计余量overdesign降负荷运转turndown消除瓶颈debottlenecking工厂模型plant model1.8设备工艺装置process plant装置区内on site装置区外off site界区内inside battery limit界区外outside battery limit公用工程设施utility facility贮存设施storage facility辅助设施auxiliary facility衔接interconnection主变电所main substation发电设施power generation facility事故发电设施emergency power generation facility 水处理装置water treatment facility冷却塔cooling tower抽水设备water intakefacility海水淡化装置desallination facility仪表空气发生装置instrument air generation facility 惰性气体发生装置inert gas generation facility空分装置air separation facility罐区tank yard散装贮存设备bulk storage facility包装机械bag making facility制袋设备bag making facility装瓶设备bottling facility装货设施loading facility卸货设施unloading facility铁路侧线railway siding栈桥jetty行政办公室administration building维修车间maintenance shop中央化验室central laboratory内部通信设施intercommunication facility 广播系统public address system询呼设施paging facility消防设施fire fighting facility安全器具safety equipment生活设施colony公用设施townshop娱乐设施recreation facility1.9相关企业承包商contractor主承包商prime contractor分包商subcontractor直接雇用direct hire专利商licenser转专利者sub-licenser专利使用者licenser专利拥有者patent owner竞争者competitor国际财团consortium合作者collaborator买方(1)buyer(2)purchaser卖方seller厂商vendor制造商(1)maker(2)manufacturer业主owner顾问consultant技术顾问technical adviser用户user最终用户end user客户(1)customer(2)client代理商agent挂名人dummy2.1投标概况询价inquiry报价估价书quotation\estimation 投标、投标书bid \tender投标资料bid documents预审pre-qualification意向书letter of intent2.2合同用语协议agreement合同、契约contract注消cancellation约定consideration合同转让assignment of contract 不可抗力force majeure仲裁arbitration基本法governing law秘密条款(1)secrect clause(2)non-disclosure clause 预定损坏赔偿费liquidated damages 总赔偿额度total liability连带(债务)joint and several优先债权lien免除waiver保证guaranty担保warranty赔偿indemnity定义definition增额escalation罚款penalty支付条款penalty税金tax and duties侵犯专利patent infringement最高现额ceiling委任书power保证金bond2.3合同形式招标合同competitive bid contract议付合同negotiating contractFOB合同FOB-type contract成套承包合同(1)turnkey contract(交钥匙工程)(2)chef montage contract总付合同lump sum pri ce contract单价契约unit price contract正价加附加费合同cost plus fee contract预投标协议pre-bid agreement产品抵债products互购交易counterpurchase transaction3.支付、金融、财务3.1支付、金融支付条款、支付条件 payment terms延期付款 deferred payment留存款项、保留资金 retention money定期付款 schedule payment施工分期付款progressive payment付款交单D/P documents against payment承兑交单调D/A document against acceptaned 信贷、信用credit卖方信贷、供应商信贷supplier’s credit买方信贷buyer’s credit银行信贷bank loan财政、金融finance借款、借贷loan偿还reimburse,reimbursement保证书letter of guarantee信用证、信贷书letter of credit外汇兑换率exchange rate兑换单、汇票单据documentary vill of exchange 汇款,汇兑基金remittance3.2财务自然增长基数accrual basis资产负债表,决算表balance sheet损益报表P&Lprotit and loss statement4.采购、运输我、保险4.1进出口手续出口手续export license出口许可证变更E/L amendCOCOMcoordinating committee标准结算方法standard payment非标准结算方法non-standard paymentDBC draw-back cargo [DBC]出口申报银行expoet declaration custom出口申报单export declaration custom进口许可证import license进口申报单omport declaration保税区域bonded area关税import duty原产地证明书certificate of origin发票invoice4.2运输装箱单packing list提单bill of lading [B/L]指示提单order B/L直接提单straight B/L装运提单shipped B/L,on-board B/L备运提单received B/L船上收货单clean B/L装货通知单shipping order [S/O]交货单delivery order [D/O]空运货单airway bill海上运费同盟ocean freight目的地付费freight payable at destination出港前付费freight prepaid码头工人搬运费stevedorage空载运费dead freight船到港预定时间expected time of arrival[ETA] 船离港预定时间expected time of departure[ETD] 海关快速发货custom quidk dispatch [ODC]滞船费demurrage码头搬运商stevedore超尺寸运输over-dimension cargo [ODC]4.3保险海上保险marine cargo insurance现场指导失误保险supervisor’s risk insurance 4.4贸易条件出厂价(1)EX works(2)EX factory(3)EX mill海上交货FOB-named port of含保险海上交货4.5采购采购procurement厂家vendor厂家一览表vendor list市场价market price黑市价dark price现价up-to-date price level报价quotation偏差表deviation list到货时间rime of delivery支付方式(1)terms of payment(2)payment conditions(3)payment terms延缓支付deferred payment现金支付cash on delivery分期支付instalment payment预先支付down payment发货前支付advance payment到货后支付progress payment计划支付scheduled payment购买条件terms and conditions of purchase折价discount谈判、交涉negotiation澄清clarification购买意向intent to purchase比较表tabulation评标evaluation价格分析value analysis订购单purchase order支付方式method of payment现金cash支票check期票promissory note催货expediting跟踪系统follow-up system4.6包装包装packing防锈包装rust-proof packing防潮湿包装moisure-proof packing防水包装moisture-proof packing软包装shrink packing木箱wooden box板条箱crate框架箱framed box滑橇底座skid base码垛盘pallet侧板side plate吊具sling fitting花蓝螺丝turnbuckle钢带steel strapping角保护带edge protecter closure plate 防护角corner protecter板board合板plywood缓冲材料cushioning material通气孔盖ventilation cover超载superimposed load开包unpacking船上标志shopping mark注意标志care mark5.项目执行及费用管理5.1项目执行总图会议kick-off meeting项目研究会议project study meeting开工会议launching meeting项目报告project reporting审查会议screening meeting进展报告progress report协调过程coordination procedure变更指示change order认可approval复阅review5.2工程项目完工报告job close-out report项目执行报告job performance report完工汇编close-out book反馈系统feed back system项目设计条件project design information会签inter-department check工程设计engineering review工艺条件确认engineering checking工艺条件校核engineering checking项目完成指标审核表project performance check sheet 施工版approved for construction (AFC)设计变更error report技术文件technical data book管道材料工艺条件process data for piping mateial 荷载条件loading data关键路径法critical path method关键路径进度表critical path schedulingPERT program evaluation and review technique5.3费用及工时管理工程预算project control budget工时man-hour (M/H)工日man-day (M/D)人月man-month(M/M)考勤表time sheet工作号work number项目号job number前期项目号proposal number改进工作improvement work闲滞idle工时报告man-hour report项目工时汇总job man-hour report5.4费用分类费用分类code主帐major account分帐sub-account设备位号item number5.5组织指定assign借调on-loan项目成员project member项目经理project manager (PM)项目经理助理assistant project manager (APM)施工经理construction manger (CM)开车经理operation manager (OM)现场指挥field manger项目前期经理proposal manager估算员estimator原始购销员originator协调员coordinator项目设计协调员project design coordinator (PDC)6.标准化,资料管理,法规,规格6.1标准化标准化standardization标准,规格standard工程规定engineer specification项目特殊要求specific job requirement工程手册engineering specification标准图standard drawing工程用表格engineering form法规law and regulation法律law6.2资料管理情报管理information and documentation信息中心information center调研(追述)retrospective searching信息选择服务selective dissemination of information 情报跟踪current awareness检索效率retrieval efficiency资料documents原文献primary sources文献摘抄secondary sources连载刊物serials定期刊物periodieals(学会)纪要memoirs会报transactions会议论文conference paper会议记录proceedings索引期刊index journal文摘期刊abstract journal情报摘要informative abstracts提示文稿indicative abstracts图书目录book catalog标题目录standar总目录union catalog标准目录standard cutalog关键词keyword省略词stopwordKWIC索引keyword-in-context indexKWOC索引keyword-out-of context index顺序索引permuted index相关索引coordinate index主题分析subjecft analysis统计分类statistical classification国际十进分类法Universal decimal classification 借阅卡片visible card书卡book card档案系统filing system微缩复制microcopy微缩系统micro-system维缩片夹aperture card维缩卡片fiche film6.3法规高压气体取缔法high pressure gas control law消防法fire service law劳动安全卫生法industrial safety and health law 建筑基本法building standard law单位制system of units国际单位制international system of units7.系统图,设备布置图,配管图及材料统计7.1图纸,条件图工艺流程图process flow diagram (PFD)管道仪表流程图process piping & instrument公用流程图utility flow diagram框图block flow diagram公用工程介质平衡图utility balance diagram (UBD) 平面布置图plot plan立面布置图general arrangement总图general plot plan规划图planning drawing管道研究图piping study drawing管道布置图(配管图)piping arrangement drawing 分区图key plan管道走向研究图piping routing study drawing地下管道图underground piping drawing管道特殊管件图piping special parts drawing管架详图piping hanging drawing预制图prefabrication drawing参考图reference drawing通用图typical drawing制造厂图vendor’s drawing管道轴测图isometric piping drawing竣工图as-built drawing模型model管线表line schedule计算书calculation sheet图纸目录drawing schedule发图阶段issue stage版次revision number编号体系numbering system比例scale工厂北向plant north海平面标高over-sea mean level [OSL]标高elevation [EL]已有结构existing structure装货区loading area公用工程站utility station柱号column number净空headroom通道access way小通道cat way钢结构顶部标高top of structure elevation 管底标高bottom of piping elevation主管口径run size顶平偏心异径管eccentric reducer elevation 中心到面的距离center to face工作点标高working point elevation管架标注hanging marking冷拉cold spring管线记号line symbol管线接口line connection物流号stream NO.管线等级号(1)class designation(2)spec designation阀门号valve NO.等级分界specification break重要管道critical piping总管header pipe仪表管道instrument piping排放管道blowdown piping火炬气管道flare piping输送管线transfer line入口管线suction line排水管effluent line旁通管bypass line吹扫系统purge system放空接口vent connection软管接口hose connection双切断阀及排放阀double and bleeder污水沟sewer ditch冷凝液池condensate pit积水坑sump box漏斗drip funnel管段spool piece垫环spacer ring限流孔板restriction orifice流量喷咀flow nozzle液体混合用三通mixing tee喷头spray nozzle粗滤器strainer临时粗滤器temporary strainer疏水阀steam trap爆破膜 rupture disk蒸汽伴热管道steam-traced piping 夹套管道jacketed piping地下管道underground piping7.2管道要素钢管steel pipe螺纹端管threaded pipe法兰端管flanged pipe锻制swage光滑弯管smooth bendU型弯管U-bend弯管bending pipe波纹管膨胀节expansinon bellows 柔性管flexible pipe管件接头pipe fitting joint机械连接mechanical joint活套连接lapped joint环形垫连接ring type joint扩口接头flare type joint非扩口连接 flareless type joint 承插连接bell and spigot victaulic接头victaulic joint弯头elbow异径管reducer管接头coupling活接头union短管nipple法兰flange配对法兰companion flange法兰盖blind flange异径法兰reducing flange八字盲板(1)spectactle blind(2)reversible blind平板式法兰plate flange带颈法兰hubbed flange对焊法兰welding neck flange松套法兰lapped flange管端突缘stub end法兰面flange face垫片沟槽gasket groove满平面full face突面raised face大准槽面large tongue and groove face 双凹凸面double male & female face大凹凸面large male &female face金属垫片metallic gasket非金属垫片non-metallic gasket半金属垫片semi-metallie gasketO型环O-ring透镜垫lens ring对焊butt weld承插焊接socket weld滑套焊接slip-on weld焊接支管台weldolet插入环insert ring管帽cap材料表bill of material材料统计take-off管段表line bill of material估算汇总表estimation summary sheet备品备件表spare parts list报价单quotation sheet订货表purchase order schedule材料汇总表bill of material summary 状态报告status report分布报告distribution report价格、重量一览表cost & weight summary价格、重量汇总表cost & weight total定货管理表order control管道材料管理表piping material control sheet 元件代码item code标记号tag number标准形态standard shape轴测图isometric drawing管线号line reference批号batch reference管子下料表piping cutting list制做件表fabrication parts list组装件表erection part list固定架anchor滑动架resting support导向架guide限位架direction stop减振架dampener支架support管托shoe保冷管托cradle鞍座saddle耳轴turnnion吊架hanger刚性吊架rigid hanger弹簧吊架spring hanger恒力吊架constant hanger阀门valve截止阀globe valve闸阀gate valve针形阀needle valve球阀ball valve止回阀check valve隔膜阀diaphragm valve三通阀three-way valve角阀angle valve碟阀butterfly valve旋塞阀cock伸长杆操作extension stem-operation链操作chain-operated齿轮操作gear-operated扳手操作wrench-operated电动操作motor-operated阀芯trim阀盖bonnet焊接支管weld branch偏置offset焊缝根部间隙weld root gap现场调整后再下料和焊接cut and weld after adjusting 坡度slope工作点working point管架说明notes for piping hanging部门间校核版interdepartmental check print平端plain end坡口端beveled end管道联接图piping hook-up drawing管道图说明notes for piping drawing标题栏title block询价单piping requisition sheet8.配管及一般设备设计8.1保温、保冷绝热insulation设备绝热表equipment insulation schedule绝热符号insulation code保温设计design of cold insulation正常操作所用的保温insulation for stable operating人身防护personnel protection防火层fire-proofing防结露anti-sweat防冻winterizing防音sound protection保温材料hot insulation material保冷材料cold insulation material石棉asbesttos硅藻土diatomaceous earth岩棉rock wool玻璃棉glass wool碳酸镁magnesium carbonate硅酸铝calcium silicate珍珠岩perlite软木板cork boards毛毡hair felt泡沫聚氨酯foam polystyrene硬泡沫氨基甲酸乙酯rigid foam urethane硬泡沫橡胶rigid foam rubber玛碲脂mastic耐磨损材料anti-abrasion coating material 管壳lagging cloth铁丝网hexagonal wire netting填缝材料caulking material保护层(1)jacketing sheet(2)cover sheet波纹铝板corrugated galvanized sheet有色镀锌钢板precoated galvanized sheet搭板butt strapZ型接头Z-joint8.2防腐、涂漆色标colour-code孟塞尔色系Munsell notation管道识别色identification of piping system 防腐层external coating油漆paint清漆varnish防腐漆(1)anti-corrosive paint(2)rush-proof paint含铝漆aluminum paint底漆primer耐酸漆acid-proof paint耐碱漆acid-proof paint耐热漆alkali-proof paint测温漆thermo-paint表面处理surface preparation涂漆painting阴级保护cathodic protection8.3振动解析机械振动mechanical vibration自由振动free vibration强制振动forced vibration自励振动self-excited vibration固有频率natural frequency固有周期natural period波谷loop波峰node正弦振动sinusoidal oscillation非线性振动non-linear oscillation阻尼振动damped vibration监界阻尼critical damping衰减系数(1)attenuation constant(2)decay coefficinent(3)decay factor共振resonance扭曲振动torsional vibration挠性振动flexural vibration极限速度critical speed固有值characteristic value临界条件boundary condition弹簧系数spring constant惯性矩moment of inertia回转半径radius of gyration振动吸收装置dynamic vibration absorber 液压减振器hydraulic damper弹簧减振器(1)spring dampener(2)spring damper油压锁定oil lock8.4耐震设计固有振动方式natural frequency mode卓越周期predominant period横波transverse wave纵波longitudinal wave相对位移relative displacement质量比mass ratio静解析法static method修正静解析法corrected static method动解析法modal analysis时历响应解析法time history response analysis设计响应谱design response spectrum加速响应光谱acceleration response spectrum地板响应光谱floor response spectrum标准响应光谱standard response spectrum加速响应增幅比acceleration response amplitude ratio 刚性结构rigid structure柔性结构flexible structure长周期结构long-period structure刚性框架Rahmen rigid frame地震波earthquake accelerogram位移量记录displaecment record设计地震design seismic coefficient设计地震design seismic coefficient地震earthquake震源距离distance to centrum震中距离distance to epicenter震吸magnitude地震波显示仪seismoscope地震仪seismograph耐震等级seismic class基岩base rock8.5应力分析外力cxternal force内力internal force反作用力reaction force力偶 couple of force弯矩bending moment扭矩twisting moment应力stress弯曲应力bending stress扭曲应力torsional stress圆周应力hoop stress峰值应力peak stress一次应力primary stress二次应力secondary stress轴向应力axial stress重复应力repeated stress脉动应力pulsating stress交变应力alternating stress主应力理论principal stress theory最大剪切应力理论maximum shearing stress theory 残余应力residual stress热应力thermal stress热破坏thermal shock疲劳fatifue疲劳曲线S-N diagram疲劳极限(1)fatigue limit(2)endurance limit腐蚀疲劳corrosion fatigue蠕变creep蠕变疲劳creep fatigue尺寸效应size effect应力集中系数coefficient of stress concentration 形状系数shape coefficient缺口系数notch factor应力强度系数stress intensity factor几何惯性矩geometrical moment of inertia断面极惯性矩polar moment of inertie of area杨氏模量young’s modulus横向弹性系数modulus of transverse elasticity体积弹性系数modulus of volumetric elasticity泊松比poissor’s ratio弹性极限elastic limit屈服点yielf point拉伸强度tensile strength伸长elongation永久变形permanent set弹性flexibility弹性分析elsastic analysis弹性屈服elastic buckling塑性plasticity塑变滞后p;asticity hysteresis极限分析limit anslysis弹塑性分析elastic-plastic analysis疲劳分析fatigye analysis有限元法finite element method静荷载dead load8.6流体流动水锤water hammer急关rapid closure缓关slow closure冲击波shock液压振动acoustic vibration of liquid flow 脉动pulsation flow两相流rwo-phase flow气压振动acoustic vibration卡门涡街karman eddies颤动fluttering气蚀cavitation8.7噪音噪音(1)noise(2)undersired sound听力范围auditory sensation area掩蔽masking背景噪音background noise声强sound intensity声压sound pressure声压值sound pressure level噪声值(1)noise level(2)sound level噪声计sound level meter听觉校正回路weighting network音平loundness level音能sound power音能值sound power level总体值overall level90%范围90% range中间值medianNR数noise rating number频率分析器frequency analyzer倍频带octave band1/3的倍频带1/3 ocatave band波段值band level音场sound field方向性directivity方向系数directivity factor衍射diffraction声源sound source房间常数room constant吸音率sound absorption coefficient穿透损失transmission loss质量原理mass law8.8设计条件操作压力operating pressure最高操作压力maximum operating pressure操作温度operating temperature最高操作温度maximum operation temperature 温度基准base temperature腐蚀裕度corrosion allowance许容应力allowavle stress安全系数safety factor地理条件geolgical conditions9.塔、槽、换热器、加热炉9.1图画用语设备表 vessel schedule工程图 engineering drawing管口表 (1) nozzle chart(2) nozzle schedule管口方位 nozzle orientation予焊件图 clip schedule切线 tangent line (TL)焊缝线 weld line (WL)参照线 working line (WL)基准线 base line (BL)9.2容器容器 vessel塔 tower自支承塔 self-supported tower板式塔 tray tower填料塔 packed tower喷淋塔 spray tower槽、罐 drum贮罐 tank球罐 (1) spherical tank(2) ball tank浮顶罐 floating roof tank锥顶罐 cone roof tank拱顶罐 dome roof tank双壁罐 double wall tank湿式气柜 wet gas holder干式气柜 dry gas holder料仓 (1) silo(2) bin料斗9.3 内件内件 internal塔盘 tray泡罩塔盘 bubble cap tray筛板塔盘 perforated tray浮阀塔盘 valve tray单流向式塔盘 uni-flux tray波纹塔盘 ripple tray塔盘板 deck溢流堰 weir降液管 downcomer密封槽 seal pot取液槽 draw-off pot密封盘 seal pan塔盘支承环 tray support ring鲍尔环 pall ring泪孔 weep hole填料 packing拉希环 Rasching ring矩鞍形填料 intalox saddle分布器 distributor除沫器 demister进料挡板 feed deflector防涡流挡板 vortex breaker内筒 cartridge9.4 主要附属品壳体 shell变颈段 reducing section封头 head椭圆形封头 ellipsoidal head蝶形封头 (1) dished head(2) torispherical head半球形封头 hemispherical head锥形封头 conical head平封头 flat head加强圈 reinforcing ring夹套 jacket入孔 manhole手孔 hand hole检查孔 inspection hole接管 nozzle凸缘 pad nozzle锻制接管 forged nozzle补强板 reinforcing pad信号孔 tell-tale hole容器支座 vessel support裙座 skirt支腿 leg支耳 support lug底座 base block基础环 base ring筋板 gusset plate压环 compression ring鞍座 saddle模板 template通道 access opening套管 pipe sleeve连接板 lug予焊件 clip接地板 earth lug吊耳 lifting lug平台 platform梯子 ladder保温支承 insulation support吊柱 davit入孔绞链 manhole hinge放空口 vent nozzle呼吸阀 breather valve计量口 gauge hatch9.5 换热器换热器 heat exchanger换热面积 heat transfer area总传热系数 overall heat transfer coefficient境膜传热系数 film coefficient对数平均温差 logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMD)平均温差 mean temperature difference (MTD)污垢系数 fouling factor布管图 tube arrangement三角形排列 triangular arrange转角三角形排列 rotated triangular arrangement正方形排列 square arrangement转角正方形排列 rotated square arrangement最大布管图 outside tube limited管壳式换热器 sheet and tube heat exchanger固定管板换热器 fixed tube sheet heat exchanger浮头式换热器 floating head type heat exchangerU形管换热器 U-tube type heat exchanger釜式换热器 kettle type heat exchanger套管式换热器 double tube type heat exchanger冲洗式冷却器 irrigation cooler蛇管式换热器 coil type heat exchanger插管式换热器 bayonet type heat exchanger板式换热器 plate type heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器 spiral heat exchanger夹套式换热器 jacket type heat exchanger石墨换热器 graphite heat exchanger空冷式换热器 air-cooled heat exchanger换热管 tube折流板 baffle plate管箱 channel分程隔板 pass partition plate浮头 floating head防冲挡板 impingement baffle管束 tube bundle管板 tube sheet管子与管板的连接 tube-to-tube sheet joint 管接头 ferrule9.6 加热炉加热炉 direct-fired heater热负荷 (1) heat duty(2) heat release热损失 heat loss加热炉效率 efficient of heater热流率 heat flux管壁温度 tube skin temperature体积热负荷 volumetric heat release辐射段 radiant section对流段 convection section屏蔽段 shield section坝墙 bridge wall暴露墙 exposed wall屏蔽墙 shield section管支承 tube support炉管 (1) heater tube(2) furnace tube扩大表面管 extended surface tube联箱 (1) header(2) header box回弯头 return bend管群间连接管 crossover通风 draft烟道 flue烟道挡板 damper烟囱 stack烧嘴 burner过量空气 excess air风箱 wind box观察孔 (1) observation door(2) peep door检修孔 access door防爆门 explosion door吹灰器 soot blower油漆清车导轨 painter trolley陶瓷纤维 ceramic fiber耐火砖 fire brick保温耐火砖 insulation fire brick保温板 insulation board可铸耐火材料 castable衬里支撑 lining anchor炉臂横梁 lintel膨胀节 expansion joint10. 转动机械10.1 转动机械轴 shaft轴承 bearing轴承箱 bearing housing联轴节 shaft coupling滑轮 pulleyV形皮带(三角皮带)V-belt转动设备 turning equipment润滑 lubricating润滑油 (1) lubricating oil(2) lube oil密封 seal轴封 shaft seal填料 packing填料箱 stuffing box油膜密封 oil film seal油封 seal oil机械密封 mechanical seal齿轮 gear曲轴 crankshaft连杆 connecting rod。
book ReviewEconomic & Political Weekly EPW JULY 25, 2009 vol xliv no 3029A Practitioner’s Policy PerspectivesAshoka ModyAlong with the real pain that the global crisis has inflicted, another casualty is the professional com-petence and credibility of economists. Bankers and hedge fund managers may be reviled, but we know what they stand for and expect them to do what they did. We economists are supposed to serve a broader public good: our role is to protect the economy from the distortions, imbalan-ces, and bubbles that are – and were most recently – followed by severe dislocation. So why did we not see the mess hurtling in our collective faces? If we did see the risks, why then did we not speak louder about the dangers? And, why especially did we not espouse and work to institute policies that would have prevented or limi t ed the damage?The fact that some saw it coming and did warn of the dangers is even more of an indictment since what is transpiring today could have been and was visualised and arti c ulated. And yet the profession as a whole was either asleep at the switch or, worse, applauded the very dynamics that have proven so devastating. In a recent comment, Barry Eichengreen (2009) says that economists are subject to fads and trends because the penalties for departing from social norms are large. Hence, even though the tools and perspectives to question the prevailing normative view are available, the incentives to adopt them are minimal.In this context, pragmatic policymak-ing is at a premium, not least to buck the fashions to which we fall victims. Rakesh Mohan sees such pragmatism as the key role of a practising economist. It is in the practice of economics that the rubber, so to speak, hits the road, the theories are tested, the validity of parameters is as-sessed, and the cold reality of politics is faced. He speaks of the recurring conflicts in objectives faced by policymakers. In resolving these conflicts, he questions and prods, often pushing back on views widely held by academic and other practi-sing economists.In his practice, Mohan reports, the Eichengreen challenge was always present. But because the risk of being marginalised is high, bucking the orthodoxy requires clarity of perspective and determined per-sistence. Both of these are amply in view in this book, which brings the speeches Mohan delivered as deputy gover n or of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI ) from the early years of this decade, along with an extensive introduction and an “after word” that reports on the ongoing global finan-cial and economic crisis.The guiding thesis of the book is that the conduct of Indian monetary policy and the achievement of financial stability werecast within broader developmental priori-ties and, as such, were subordinate to them. Thus, the political process reached two crucial determinations:– Fiscal policy was to be a developmental tool.– “Inclusion” was a priority.Macroeconomic StabilityA developmental fiscal policy had far-reaching implications for the pursuit of macroeconomic policy and stability. Sizeable and recurring budget deficits became the norm, with few checks until the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM ) Act came into place in 2003. The Indian achievement is that macroeco n omic stability has been main-tained despite the large budget deficits. Although inflation has, at times, threat-ened to flare up, it has remained largely contained, espe c ia l ly when viewed against the experience of other develop-ing nations. Moreover, India’s current account deficit has been stayed in a rela-tively narrow range, rarely exceeding 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP ), and always significantly smaller than the fiscal deficit. In practice, therefore, Indian house-holds have entrusted their considerable savings to the government for investment in their futures.Monetary PolicyIn this setting, Mohan concedes that the RBI has essentially played second fiddle. Monetary policy has been dominated by fiscal considerations, although he specu-lates that this is changing as the FRBM is enforced. External stability has required that even as the capital account has beenMonetary Policy in a Globalised Economy by Rakesh Mohan (New Delhi: Oxford University Press), 2009; pp xx + 328, Rs ReviewJULY 25, 2009 vol xliv no 30 EPW Economic & Political Weekly30gradually liberalised, restrictions have been used to prevent sudden and large capital movements. The RBI ’s role has been to maintain the “grains of sand” in the wheels that interface India with interna-tional finance. Mohan views this balanc-ing of gradual liberalisation while yet re-straining the full operation of market forces as a valuable achievement.Although by his own account of fiscal dominance there has been limited basis to practise inflation targeting in India, Mohan’s has been one of the sceptical voices in this regard. That scepticism has gained ground internationally as the ongoing crisis has unfolded. The elegance of one obje c tive – an inflation target – for the central bank notwithstanding, the notion that a central bank can restrict itself to that single objective has increas-ingly been questioned. In various forms, central banks are engaged in supporting economic activity. And in tracing the sources of the current crisis, critics are bolder today in asserting that the run-up in asset prices (the asset price “bubble”) should have drawn quic k er attention with measures undertaken to deflate that bub-ble. While the critics of inflation targeting acknowledge that a central bank cannot pursue a multitude of objectives, practi-tioners, such as Mohan, think that a prag-matic balance can be achieved.Financial StabilityIf Mohan reveals his political predile-ctions, he comes closest to doing so in endorsing the notion of “financial inclu-sion”. In this, he appears to be guided by the literature that access to financial serv-ices can be a spur to growth. A policy and institutional framework that creates such access for the poor is, therefore, desirable since it addresses both growth and equality objectives. As a consequence, he sees India’s large financial apparatus through this lens. While ready to question orthodoxy in most contexts, he does not here explore alternative approaches to achieving inclu-sion nor to the possibility, as famously proposed by Joan Robinson, that finance follows enterprise.1Within the institutional framework that has thus evolved, with the very sizeable presence of public financial institutions, regulation and supervision of the financialsector have evolved in ad hoc ways. The details are many, but the theme is one of restricting banks’ risk-taking activities, guiding them instead to transfer house-hold savings to finance governmental acti v ities. As with the restrictions on the capital account, these restraints on banks, Mohan suggests, have been a pragmatic approach to maintaining sta-bility. He does acknowledge that India and the world are changing in ways that the restrictions that currently serve both developmental and stability objectives will increasingly need to accommodate more varied Indian needs and interna-tional trends and thus will, in the future, require more sophisticated approaches to achieving financial stability.For students of the Indian economy who also seek a special understanding of India’s monetary and financial policies, this book will be an invaluable guide. It presents a careful and current account of developments with an analytical eye, placed in the context and language of on-going international policy debates. For readers seeking to assess the pulse and rhythm of India’s ginger steps from the safety of domestic finance to the choppier waters of international finance, the book offers a calibrated prognosis. The discus-sion of broader international debates – on such matters as global imbalances –appears throughout the book and always provides a helpful summary.A book that is derived from speeches is hard to pull off. This one comes close. The sequencing is thematic and the cross- referencing is judicious and useful. But, in the end, speeches do not make for a snappy discussion of key policy trade-offs. The edge is lost in the effort to be compre-hensive and fair. A follow up should be the next project. I look forward to a more pointed but yet pragmatic perspective on the policy debates with, perhaps, a more personal angle and more vigorous ques-tioning of long-held beliefs, predilections, and premises that have informed Indian policy. Who better to deliver such a follow up than one embarking on a new career as a professor?Email:********************Note1 A “Finance Follows Enterprise” perspective wouldview education and decentralisation as the pri-mary motors of inclusion, with finance playing a facilitating role. See Mody (2005).ReferencesEichengreen, Barry (2009): “The Last Temptation ofRisk”, http://www. nationalinterest. org/ Article.aspx?id=21274, From the May/June 2009 issue of The National Interest .Mody, Ashoka (2005): “Quest for Inclusive Growth:Continuity and Constraints in Indian Economic Policies”, Economic & Political Weekly , 10 September .CALL FOR PAPERSInstitute of Development Studies Kolkata is planning to organize a national conference on Gender, Empowerment and the State to be held on 10 and 11 December 2009.This conference proposes to explore conceptual and empirical issues in defining and measuring empowerment, how the issue of gender is incorporated in State policies, the extent to which women are targeted in different schemes and programmes, and to what extent the State has succeeded in empowering women. Papers are invited on any of the following themes: (1) Conceptual and empirical issues in defining and measuring empowerment; (2) Role of the State in empowering women;(3) factors inhibiting participation of women in Government schemes; (4) Gender sensitiveness of Governments programmes and policies; (5) Targeting of women in Government programmes; (6) Means to increase participation of women in Government programmes; (7) Any other issues.Authors are requested to submit 300-word abstracts by 11 September 2009 to Dr. Zakir Husain (******************), Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, 1 Reformatory Street, Calcutta University Alipore Campus, 5th floor, Kolkata - 700 027. For details please visit our website .in . Shortlisted authors will be invited to submit full papers by 23 October 2009.The papers may be subsequently published in an edited volume. Outstation participants will receive AC III-tier rail fare and localaccommodation.。
《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲
《Public Finance》(双语)课程教学大纲(2003年制订,2006年修订)课程编号:110110中文名:公共财政课程类别:专业主干课前置课:西方经济学、财政学、大学英语后置课:学分:3学分课时:51课时主讲教师:任巧玲、郭晔、毛翠英等选定教材:Harvey S. Rosen: Public Finance, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002(节选).课程概述:本课程为财政学专业的专业主干课,本大纲适用于财政学本科专业。
各章教学要求及教学要点Chapter 1 Introduction课时分配:3课时教学要求:通过本章的学习使学生掌握财政学的内涵及其主要功能,并以此为基础把握两种主要的财政思想。
教学内容:1.1Introduction of Public FinancePublic finance, also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income.1.2 Public Finance and Ideology1. Organic view of governmentSociety is conceived of as a natural organism.Each individual is a part of this organism,and the government can be thought of as its heart. The individual has significance only as part of the community,and the good of the individual is defined with respect to the good of the whole. Thus,the community is stressed above the individual.2. Mechanistic view of governmentGovernment is not an organic part of society. Rather, it is a contrivance created by individuals to better achieve their individual goals.The individual rather than the group is at center stage.思考题:1. How is public finance defined?2. What are the ideological views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state?Chapter 2 Public Goods课时分配:12课时教学要求:通过本章学习使学生掌握公共品的界定和内涵,并以此为基础把握公共品的有效提供及其生产方面的基本观点。
会计职业道德外文的参考文献1、Kalampokis, Evangelos,Tambouris, Efthimios,Tarabanis, Konstantinos.A classification scheme for open government data: Towards linking decentralised data. International Journal of Web Engineering and T echnology . 20192、Borzacchiello Maria Teresa,Craglia Max.The impact on innovation of open access to spatial environmental information : a research strategy. International Journal of Technology Management . 20193、Olayiwola B,Victor A,Oluwatoyosi J,Ahmed I.Open Data Portals in Africa:An Analysis of Open Government Data Initiatives. African Journal of Library,Archives and Information Science . 20194、Rininta Putri Nugroho,Anneke Zuiderwijk,Marijn Janssen,Martin de Jong.“A comp arison of national open data policies:lessons learned”. Transforming Government:People,Process and Policy . 20195、Yang Dong-mou,Luo Jin,Wang Hui-ru,Xiang Jin.Open government data and increment of information:experience and enlightenment of Chinese Taiwan P.R.China. 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A Study on the Enthusiasm of Resident Participation on Regional Development in Different Nations: A Cultural Perspective[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Public Administration(5th)(Volume Ⅲ)[C]. 201918、Ma Rong,et al.Study on Population Migration and Ethnic Interaction in the Western Development. . 201919、Ma Rong.Classics of Western Ethnic Sociology:Study on the Relationship between Race and EthniC ity. . 201920、Jin Bing-hao.Theory of Ethnic Relations. . 201921、Ma Rong.National Sociology:Study of Ethnic Relations in Sociology. . 201922、Ma Rong.Thoughts on the Current Urban National Work. Northwest Ethnic Studies . 201923、Gao Xiang-dong,Yu Yun-jiang,Huang Zu-hong.Study on Urban Adaptation of Floating Population of Ethnic Minorities Based on Ethnic Factors and Institutional Factors. 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Comparison among Different Ethnic Groups Regarding Plays and Nature Experience in Memory by University Students in Tibet Highland in China[A]. 第十三届中日韩风景园林学术研讨会论文集[C]. 201929、Yangjie Lu. Procedure Standardization and Result Efficiency:the Method to Deal With the Ethnic Affairs[A]. Journal of Simulation(VOL.3,NO.4)[C]. 201930、Chua Bee Seok,Ferlis Bin Bahari,Lailawati Madlan,Jasmine Adela Mutang,Nur Farhana,Ardillah Aftar. Parents' Ethnic Socialization Practices,Ethnic Identity and Psychological Adjustment among Multi Ethnic Children in Sabah,Malaysia[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors[C]. 201931、XU Cai-ming,MIAO Ya,WANG Xi,YANG Ting,HU Min-min. Construction on the Social Management Functions of the EthnicTownship Government in China[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Public Administration(9th)(Volume Ⅱ)[C]. 201932、SHI Zheng-yi,HUANG Fang. An Analysis of Mass Incidents in China's Border Ethnic Regions: From Psychological, Legal and Developmental Perspective[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Public Administration(7th)(Volume Ⅰ)[C]. 201933、Changping Ke. The Harmonious Index System of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in Minority Nationality Regions in Yunnan Province[A]. Proceedings of 2019 2nd International Conference in Humanities,Social Sciences and Global Business Management(ISSGBM 2019 V27)[C]. 201934、LI Jun-qing. Public Service and Protection of Ethnic Minorities Culture-The Case of China[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Public Administration(7th)(Volu me Ⅰ)[C]. 201935、GAO Yanning,JIN Haihe. Study on the Mechanism Construction of the Social Stability in Frontier Ethnic Regions in China[A]. 2019公共管理国际会议论文集(第十届)(下)[C]. 2019 会计职业道德外文参考文献二:37、Habibie Ibrahim,Sally Johnson,Philip Gilligan. The Perceptions of the Malaysian Professional on Emotions in Decision-Making Processes[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities (TSSH-2019, Indonesia)[C]. 201938、Nur Saadah Mohd Shapri,Riza Sulaiman,Abdullah Bade. Collision Detection between Cloth and a Solid Object using Mass Spring Model and Bounding Volume Hierarchy[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Image Processing,Production and Computer Science (ICIPCS'2019);2019 International Conference on Chemical, Metallurgy and Environmental Engineering (ICCMEE-15);International Conference on Innovations in Civil and Structural Engineering (ICICSE'15)[C]. 201939、Mailin Misson,Bo Jin,Hu Zhang. Immobilized β-Galactosidase on Functionalized Nanoparticles and Nanofibers: A Comparative Study[A]. Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Environment, Chemistry and Biology[C]. 201940、Ak.Mohd Rafiq Ak.Matusin,Norazah Mohd Suki,Mahadimenakbar Mohamed Dawood,Fiffy Hanisdah Saikim. Activity and Support Factors Influencing Increased Value Of Invertebrates In Ecotourism[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Agricultural, Biological & Environmental Sciences(AABES-2019, Dubai)[C]. 201941、M.K.M Ali,J.V.H.Wong,J.Sulaiman,J.L.Juli,S.Md.Yasir. Improvement of Growth and Mass of Kappaphycus Striatum var. Sacol by Using Plant Density Study at Selakan Island in Semporna Malaysia[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Biological, Chemical and Environmental Sciences (BCES-2019, Penang)[C]. 201942、Syahriel Abdullah,Januarius Gobilik,Khim-Phin Chong. In vitro Antimicrobial Mode of Action of Cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers.Solid Phase Extract(SPE)against Selected Pathogens[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Civil,Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE-2019, Istanbul)[C]. 201943、Mohd.Asraff Amzani. Simulation Study of Online Game Performance over Mobile Ad-Hoc Network(MANET)[A]. Proceedings of Int'l Conf. on Advances in Science, Engg., Technology & Natural Resources (ICASETNR-2019, KotaKinabalu)[C]. 201944、Jia Hui Ong,Jason Teo. Exploring Mutation Space in the Interactive Evolution of an Android Arcade-type Game[A]. Proceedings of Int'l Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Energy and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAEME'2019, Kuala Lumpur)[C]. 201945、Murali Krishnan,Muralindran Mariappan. EEG-Based Brain-Machine Interface(BMI) for Controlling Mobile Robots: The Trend of Prior Studies[A]. International Scientific Academy of Engineering and Technology (ISAET)Conference Proceeding[C]. 201946、SURUGAU,L.Noumie,BERGSTR諱,Ed T.,GOODALL,David M Capillary array electrophoresis of peptides using UV imaging detector[A]. 13th Asian Chemical Congress Abstract Book (1)[C]. 201947、 A.J.,Olarewaju,N.S.V.,Kameswara Rao,M.A.,Mannan. Response of Underground Pipes Due to Underground Blast[A]. 2019国际农业工程大会亚洲论坛分会场论文集[C]. 201948、Rossita Shapawi,Saleem Mustafa,Ng Wing-Keong. Effects of dietary carbohydrate source and level on growth,feed utilization and body composition of the humpback grouper,Cromileptes altivelis[A]. Program & Abstracts of the 14th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition & Feeding[C]. 201949、Jedol Dayou,Ng Chee Han,Ho Chong Mun,Abdul Hamid Ahmad,Sithi V.Muniandy,Mohd.Noh Dalimin. ENTROPY APPROACH FOR BIOACOUSTICS SIGNAL ANALYSIS OF REPETITIVE NOTES[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry(ICBEC 2019)[C]. 201950、Jedol Dayou,Ng Chee Han,Ho Chong Mun,Abdul Hamid Ahmad,Sithi V.Muniandy,Mohd.Noh Dalimin. CLASSIFICATIONAND IDENTIFICATION OF FROG SOUND BASED ON ENTROPY APPROACH[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Life Science and Technology(ICLST 2019)[C]. 201951、Muralindran Mariappan,Vigneswaran Ramu,Thayabaren Ganesan,Brendan Khoo,Kumarheshan Vellian. Virtual Medical Instrument for OTOROB Based on LabVIEW for Acquiring Multiple Medical Instrument LCD Reading Using Optical Character Recognition[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology(ICBET 2019)[C]. 201952、Tiek Ying Lau,Wan Fen Joveen-Neoh,Ka Lung Chong. Molecular Detection of Plasmodium knowlesi in the Interior Division of Sabah,Malaysian Borneo[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Food Engineering and Biotechnology(ICFEB 2019)[C]. 201953、Muralindran Mariappan,Vigneswaran Ramu,Thayabaren Ganesan,Brendan Khoo,Kumarheshan Vellian. A Remote Navigation Methodology for a Four Wheel Rectangular Configured Holonomic Mobile Telemedicine Robot[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and T echnology(ICBET 2019)[C]. 201954、MohdFairusJalil,MaryatiMohamed,PatrickAndau,IsabelleLackma n-Ancrenaz,MarcAncrenaz,MichaelW.Bruford,BenoitGoossens. ORANGUTAN CONSERVATION GENETICS IN THE KINABATANGAN WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, SABAH, MALAYSIA: A DARWIN INITIATIVE FOR THE SURVIVAL OF SPECIES PROJECT[A]. Abstracts of the Xixth Congress The International Primatological Society[C]. 201955、Chiew, S. L.,Lum, M. S Accumulation of rishitin in tomatoafter elicited by silver nitrate[A]. Abstracts of the 1st International Conference on Plant Secondary Metabolism[C]. 201956、Horng Yuan Saw,Sivakumar Kumaresan,Jidon Janaun. Investigations on the Hydration Properties of Palm Kernel Cake Used as a Substrate for Solid State Fermentation[A]. Book of Abstracts of the 12th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(Vol 4 Biotechnology)[C]. 201957、Jacob Sow,Patricia Anthony,Chong Mun Ho. Empirical Study on the Market Economy Analysis for Online Auctions with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Bidder Agents[A]. The proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information and Intelligent Computing[C]. 201958、Norazah Mohd Suki,Norbayah Mohd Suki. Patient Satisfaction,Trust,Commitment and Loyalty toward Doctors[A]. The Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Sociality and Economics Development[C]. 201959、Suraya Sintang,Khadijah Mohd.Khambali,Azizan Baharuddin,Mahmud Ahmad. Interfaith Marriage and Religious Conversion:a Case Study of Muslim Converts in Sabah,Malaysia[A]. The Proceedings of 2019 2nd International Conference on Behavioral,Cognitive and Psychological Sciences[C]. 201960、Jason Miin-Hwa Lim. Recounting and Justifying Data Analysis Procedures in Experimental Studies:An Investigation into Research Reports on Language Education[A]. The Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Humanities,Society and Culture[C]. 201961、Venus Khim-Sen Liew,Ricky Chee-Jiun Chia. Revisiting Purchasing Power Parity of Papua New Guinea[A]. The Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Economics,Business and Management[C]. 201962、Suwaibah Zakaria,Chua Bee Seok,Agnis Sombuling,Mohd Sharani Ahmad,Shazia Iqbal Hashmi. Reliability and Validity for Malay Version of Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-Third Edition (Bayley-Ⅲ):Preliminary Study[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors[C]. 201963、Agnis Sombuling,Suwaibah Zakaria,Chua Bee Seok,Rosnah Ismail,Uichol Kim. Sadness from the Perspectives of Adolescents in Malaysia[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors[C]. 201964、Chua Bee Seok,Ferlis Bin Bahari,Lailawati Madlan,Jasmine Adela Mutang,Nur Farhana,Ardillah Aftar. Parents' Ethnic Socialization Practices,Ethnic Identity and Psychological Adjustment among Multi Ethnic Children in Sabah,Malaysia[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors[C]. 201965、Shazia Iqbal Hashmi,Chua Bee Seok,Murnizam Hj Halik,Carmella E.Ading. Mastery Motivation and Cognitive Development among Toddlers:A Developmental Perspective[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors[C]. 201966、Ferlis Bullare. Using Grounded Theory for Studying Meaningful Happiness among People with Physical Disabilities in Malaysia[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors[C]. 2019。
Public Finance公共财政学-英文版 (复旦 Li Du)
Subjects of ―Public Finance‖
The finance of public sector. Public sector – the government Finance – revenue and expenditure Not just relate to money(financial), but to the use of real resources Another label:public sector economics
―公共财政学” or ―公共经济学”
Why study ―Public Finance‖
Economic influences of fiscal revenue and expenditure ——Fiscal revenue as a percentage of GDP (textbook pp13) ——Effects of fiscal revenue and expenditure on behaviors or benefits of enterprises and households
A brief review for the study of public finance
1770s-1920s Public Finance 1930s-present Public Sector Economics (Modern Public Finance) In China
18th century,mercantilist Government should actively promote trade and industry
19th century
ch27 The Basic Tools of Finance
The financial system coordinates saving and investment. Participants in the financial system make decisions regarding the allocation of resources over time and the handling of risk. Finance is the field that studies such decision making.
In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions:
What is "present value"? How can we use it to compare sums of money from different times? Why are people risk averse? How can risk-averse people use insurance and diversification to manage risk? What determines the value of an asset? What is the "efficient markets hypothesis"? Why is beating the market nearly impossible?
Because of diminishing marginal utility, a $1000 loss reduces utility more than a $1000 gain increases it.
国际投资法(英文)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新温州大学第一章测试1.The distinct elements of the Calvo Doctrine include().参考答案:the rights of foreign nationals are governed by host state law;host state courts have exclusive jurisdiction over disputes involving foreignnationals;foreign nationals are entitled to no better treatment thanhost state nationals2.According to the Hull Rule, the payment for the properties seized should be().参考答案:adequate;effective;Prompt3.China signed its first BIT in().参考答案:19824.The most common form of ad hoc arbitration is arbitration under().参考答案:UNCITRAL5.The theory underlying the principle of diplomatic protection is that an injuryto a state's national is an injury to the state itself.()参考答案:对第二章测试1.The types of dispute resolution mechanisms in IIAs are().参考答案:international arbitration for investor-state disputes;internationalarbitration for inter-state disputes2.In the most common type of choice of law clauses, the sources of law for theresolution of IIA disputes are().参考答案:the municipal law of the host state;general principles of international law;the provisions of the contract relating to the investment;the IIAitself3.Clause on the law applicable to the investment sometimes is called().参考答案:US clause4.Under the ICSID Convention, disregarding the applicable law may be a validground for annulment an award. ()参考答案:对5.The preparatory work of IIAs are the main means of interpreting IIAs.()参考答案:错第三章测试1.The regulatory mechanisms that host states can use to control the entry andoperation of foreign investment including().参考答案:Limit the form of foreign investments;Restrict the sectorspermitted;Complete ban on foreign investments2.Dominant IIA models with respect to admission and establishment include().参考答案:Pre-establishment model;Pre-entry model;Post-establishmentmodel;Post-entry model3.The express purpose of IIAs is to ().参考答案:promote and protect foreign investments4.Treaty titles and preambles do create rights or obligations. ()参考答案:错5.Under customary international law, a state is obliged to admit foreigninvestments.()参考答案:错第四章测试1.Which are non-discrimination treatment obligations?()参考答案:MFN treatment;National treatment2.National treatment reservations maybe made for ().参考答案:Protection of disadvantaged groups;Existing non-conformingmeasures;Government procurement3.When applying national treatment, the foreign investors and the comparingnationals should be in().参考答案:Like situation4.National treatment is a treat-based obligation.()参考答案:对5.National treatment is a kind of absolute treatment in nature. ()参考答案:错第五章测试1.The variations in MFN clauses include().参考答案:Unconditional MFN treatment;Conditional MFN treatment2.The common issues arise in applying MFN clause are ().参考答案:Comparing the treatment received by various foreign investors orinvestments;Identifying the relevant comparator3.Advantages granted under ( ) can be exempted from applying MFN treatment?()参考答案:Tax treaties;FTAs;Foreign aid programs4.MFN treatment means that the foreign investment or investor can get bettertreatment than a third state investment or investor. ()参考答案:错5.MFN treatment obligations are treaty-based obligations.()参考答案:对第六章测试1.Which of the followings is minimum standards of treatment?()参考答案:Fair and equitable treatment2.Which of the followings breach the minimum standards of treatment? ()参考答案:Denial of justice;Nationailty-based discrimination3.Legitimate expectations shall be unconditional and everlasting.()参考答案:错4.Minimum standards of treatment is only treaty-based obligation.()参考答案:错5.Minimum standards of treatment is contingent on the treatment of acomparator.()参考答案:错第七章测试1.Conditions for a lawful expropriation including().参考答案:For public purpose;In accordance with due process oflaw,;Accompanied by compensation;Non- discriminatory2.Exporting states normally prefer to the standard of compensation based on().参考答案:Fair market value3.Which is used to refer to an indirect expropriation that occurs as a result of aseries of measures taken over time that cumulatively have an expropriatory effect?()参考答案:Creeping expropriation4.Taxation may be expropriatory.()参考答案:对5.When identifying the factors of indirect expropriation, the intent of the stateis determinative. ()参考答案:错第八章测试1.Normally, the types of transfers include().参考答案:Payments;Initial investment;Capital gains;Reinvestment2.In which situation, the restrictions on fund transfer will be permissible?()参考答案:Penal offences;Tax collection;Bankruptcy3.Which of the followings are prohibited performance requirements?()参考答案:Increasing local employment level;Promoting the use of domesticallymanufactured products4.The prohibitions on performance requirements don’t apply if theperformance requirement does not distinguish between foreign anddomestic investors. ()参考答案:错5.Confidential business information should be provided under therequirements of notification and due process. ()参考答案:错第九章测试1.The clause that requires host states observe any obligations or commitmentsundertaken towards investments is referred to ().参考答案:Umbrella clause;Observance of undertakings clause2.The umbrella clause enshrine the principle of ().参考答案:pacta sunt servanda3.The applicable law for determining the scope and effects of the undertakingsis ().参考答案:Host state law4.According to umbrella clauses, breach of contractual obligations will elevateto treaty breach. ()参考答案:对5.Contractual undertakings are not covered by umbrella clauses.()参考答案:错第十章测试1.In IIA treaty practice, the categories of exceptions and reservations include().参考答案:Reservations for specific sectors;Essential securityexceptions;Exceptions for future measures;Exceptions for existing non-conforming measures2.Circumstances that can preclude wrongfulness for conducts of the host stateinclude ().参考答案:Force majeure;Countermeasures;Necessity;Consent3.In case the host state breached the IIA, the home state is entitled to consentto the breach and waive the IIA claim.()参考答案:错4.If the security exception clause is self-judging, the state will be exemptedfrom fulfilling the treaty obligations. ()参考答案:错5. A reservation in an IIA is different from a reservation to a treaty .()参考答案:对第十一章测试1.The dimensions of scope of investment tribunal jurisdiction include().参考答案:Personal jurisdiction;Territorial jurisdiction;Subject matterjurisdiction;Temporal jurisdiction2.Which of the followings are known as arbitration without privity? ()参考答案:Host States consent to arbitrate in bilateral investment treaties;Host States offer arbitration in their domestic legislation3.Measures taken to control parallel proceedings include ().参考答案:Consolidation;Waiver clause;Stay of proceedings;Fork-in-the-roadprovision4.In applying the fork-in-the-road provision, the identical test should be met,including().参考答案:The identical object;The identical cause of action;The identical parties to the dispute5.Normally, states are free to terminate investment treaties.()参考答案:对。
银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考前冲刺训练试卷附带答案单选题(共20题)1. You can only be sure of()you have at present;you cannot be sure of something()you might get in the future.A.That;whatB.What;/C.Which;thatD./;that【答案】 B2. 商业银行的贷款,按照贷款保全方式可分为()。
A.长期贷款和短期贷款B.信用贷款和担保贷款C.企业贷款和个人贷款D.正常贷款和关注贷款【答案】 B3. The size of the audience, ______ we had expected, was well over one thousand.A.whomB.asC.whoD.that【答案】 B4. The majority researcher tend to use the methods which are______or consistent with their prior work.A.feasibleB.probableC.possibleD.capable【答案】 A5. 资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company.A.on the letterheads and the social media platformC.advertisements on TVD.All of above【答案】 D6. Passage 7A.sarcasticB.tolerantC.skepticalD.supportive【答案】 D7. 资料:Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big information technology companies plan to announce a new standards-setting group for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large networks programmable in much the same way that individual computers are.A.It deviates from the traditional InternetB.It is meant to help with the storing and processing of information on computersC.It is an initiative of Nick McKeown and his colleaguesD.It will trigger new innovations in the field of cloud computing【答案】 C8. 资料:Samsung’s Notebook 7 Spin is a stylish,versatile work machine with power to spare.The 2-in-1 notebook’s performance is impressive,and its versatile folding design is legitimately useful.Unfortunately,the system’s shallow keyboard and lackluster battery life curtail its productivity potential a bit.A.Versatile folding design,a slim look,keyboardB.Versatile folding design,a slim look,battery lifeC.Versatile folding design,a slim look,keyboard and battery lifeD.Versatile folding design,a slim look,system’s roomy display and hardware 【答案】 D9. 在期权交易中,如果你预测某种股票的价格会上涨,则应()。
Public Finance and Public Policy Jonathan Gruber Fifth Edition Copyright © 2016 Worth Publishers
7 of 51
Excerpts from Inaugural Speeches and
the U.S. Deficit
“[This budget plan] puts in place one of the biggest deficit
deficit. This deficit was eroded and turned to a surplus in the 1990s,
but by 2001 the United States was back in deficit again.
Public Finance and Public Policy Jonathan Gruber Fifth Edition Copyright © 2016 Worth Publishers
“Unrestrained government spending is a dangerous road to
deficits, so we must take a different path.” President George
W. Bush
• Deficit in first year in office (2001): –1.3% of GDP (surplus)
Chapter 1 Finance3. fill in the blanks(1) The primary goal of corporate finance is to maximize (is maximizing)corporate value while managing the firm’s financial risks.公司金融的主要目的是在管理公司金融风险的同时最大化公司价值。
(2)Financial mathematics is the study of financial data with the tools of mathematics, mainly statistics.金融数学是使用数学工具,主要是统计,来研究金融数据。
(3)Capital, in the financial sense, is the money that gives the business the power to buy goods to be used in the production of other goods or the offering of a service.按照金融学的观点,资本就是企业购买商品以生产其他商品或提供服务的货币资金。
(4)A cash budget is extremely important, especially for small business, because it allows a company to determine how much credit it can extend to customers before it begins to have liquidity problems.现金预算是十分重要的,尤其是对于小企业,因为现金预算能够让一个公司知道自己能够向客户提供多少贷款而不至于发生流动性风险。
(5)A bank aggregates the activities of many borrowers and lenders. A bank accepts deposits from lenders, on which it pays the interest.银行聚集了许多借方和贷方的活动。
Unified budget:The document which itemizes all the federal government’s expenditures and revenues.统一预算:联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出的文件。
Regulatory budget: an annual statement of the costs imposed on the economy by government regulations.管制预算:政府管制对经济产生的成本。
Entitlement programs:programs whose expenditures are determined by the number of people who qualify , rather than preset budget allocations.公民权利性计划:(是指有关社会保障、公共福利计划、农产品价格维持等法律规定受益人和收益数额的政府支出项目)项目的成本不是由固定的美元数额来决定,而是由符合条件的人的数量决定。
Substitution effect :the tendency of an individual to consume more of one good and less of another because of a decrease in the price of the former relative to the latter.替代效应:是指一中商品价格的变化所引起的使消费者调整该种商品与其他商品需求量比例的效应。
Income effect :the effect of a price change the quantity demanded due exclusively to the fact that the consumer’s income has changed收入效应:收入效应指由商品的价格变动所引起的实际收入水平变动,进而由实际收入水平变动所引起的商品需求量的变动。
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Cowles Foundationfor Research in Economicsat Yale UniversityCowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1618July 2007Updated January 2011THE BASIC PUBLIC FINANCE OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer and Alexander GaletovicThis paper can be downloaded without charge from theSocial Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection:/abstract=1001212An index to the working papers in theCowles Foundation Discussion Paper Series is located at:/T HE B ASIC P UBLIC F INANCEOF P UBLIC-P RIVATE P ARTNERSHIPSEduardo Engel Ronald Fischer Alexander GaletovicYale and NBER Chile los AndesThis version:January8,20111AbstractPublic-private partnerships(PPPs)have been justified because they release public funds or save on distortionary taxes.However,the resources saved by a government that does notfinance the upfront investment are offset by giving up future revenueflows to the concessionaire.If a PPP can be justified on efficiency grounds,the PPP contract that optimally balances demand risk,user-fee distortions and the opportunity cost of public funds has a minimum revenue guarantee and a revenue cap.The optimal contract can be implemented via a competitive auction with reasonable informational requirements.The optimal revenue guarantees,revenue sharing agreements and auction mechanisms are different from those observed in the real world.In particular,the optimal contract duration is shorter in demand states where the revenue cap binds.These results also have implications for budgetary accounting of PPPs,as they show that theirfiscal impact resembles that of public provision,rather than privatization.Keywords:Bundling,cost of public funds,Demsetz auction,minimum revenue guarantees,priva-tization,revenue and profit caps,scope of government,subsidies.JEL classification:H21,H54,L51,R42.1Engel:Department of Economics,Yale University,28Hillhouse Ave.,New Haven,CT06511.Fischer:Center for Ap-plied Economics(CEA),Department of Industrial Engineering,University of Chile,Av.República701,Santiago,Chile. Galetovic:Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales,Universidad de Los Andes,Av.San Carlos de Apoquindo 2200,Santiago,Chile.E-mails:eduardo.engel@,, We thank Maham Mela for research assistance,and Raj Chetty,Peter Diamond,Hadi Esfahani,Antonio Estache,John Friedman,Aldo González,James Hines,Mervyn Lewis,Guillermo Perry,Eduardo Saavedra,John Shoven,the editor,three anonymous referees,and participants at various conferences and workshops for insightful comments on an earlier ver-sion of this paper.We also thank the Corporación Andina de Fomento(CAF),the World Bank and the Instituto Milenio de Sistemas Complejos en Ingeniería(Chile)forfinancial support,and the Stanford Center for International Development for its hospitality.The views are our own and do not represent those of any of the above mentioned institutions.1Introduction and motivationThe use of Public-Private Partnerships(PPPs)to replace the public provision of infrastructure ser-vices has become increasingly common.Projects that require large up-front investments,such as highways,water and sewage,bridges,seaports and airports,hospitals,jails and schools are being provided via PPPs.The average annual value of€22,900million for PPP projects signed in Europe between2002and2006was three times the annual average over the preceding decade.Similarly, investment in PPPs in developing countries grew at an average annual rate of28.3%between1990 and1997,followed by a slowdown after the East-Asian crisis,and a new growth spurt beginning in 2003,reaching154,400million dollars during2008.2The main characteristic of a PPP,compared with conventional provision,is that it bundles in-vestment and service provision in a single long term contract.For the duration of the contract, which typically lasts several decades,the concessionaire manages and controls the assets,usually in exchange for user fees and government transfers,which compensate for investment and other costs.At the end of the concession,the assets revert to government ownership.3 As the economics of PPPs is still imperfectly understood,practice has run ahead of theory.Many practitioners and governments claim that PPPs relieve strained budgets and release public funds,4 while others suggest that PPPs are appealing becausefinance,investment and management is del-egated to privatefirms,which are more efficient.Despite these seemingly reasonable arguments, the experience with PPPs has been mixed.In some cases expectations have been met,but in many more cases contracts have been renegotiated in favor of the concessionaire,and sometimesfirms have been affected by regulatory takings(Guasch,2004).5The reason seems to be that the prof-itability of PPP projects is subject to large exogenous demand uncertainty,which is often not con-sidered properly when designing the contracts.This explains why renegotiations take place when demand is lower than expected,as well as the array of risk sharing agreements that are observed.The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the normative analysis of PPPs by answering two publicfinance questions.First,what is the structure of the optimal risk-sharing contract between a government and a privatefirm when there is substantial exogenous demand risk?Second,what is the impact of PPP’s on the government budget?In order to answer these questions we use a styl-2See Tables3and4in the appendix for details on PPP investments in Europe and developing countries.3There are several definitions for“Public-Private Partnership”.In this paper we mean an infrastructure project such that(i)assets are controlled by a privatefirm for a(possibly infinite)term;(ii)during the duration of the contract,the firm is the residual claimant,while the government is the residual claimant at the end of the concession,and(iii)there is considerable amount of public planning in the design of the project.Note that the claims in(ii)are ambiguous.We use the term“concession”as synonymous to PPP.4“The boom is good news for governments with overstretched publicfinances:many local and national authorities have found themselves sitting on toll roads,ports and airports that they can sell for billions of dollars to fund other public services.”Financial Times,July5,2007.5This does not mean that the traditional approach to infrastructure provision,with the government contracting a pri-vatefirm to build the project,would have done better.For an early evaluation of infrastructure PPPs,see Economic Planning Advisory Commission(EPAC)(1995),Final Report of the Private Infrastructure Task Force,Australian Govern-ment Publishing Service,Canberra.For more recent evaluations,see Engel et al.(2003)and Grimsey and Lewis(2007).1ized model in which the government contracts a risk aversefirm to build,operate and maintain an infrastructure project.6,7The investment is upfront,there are no further costs and the demand for the project is perfectly inelastic,exogenous and stochastic.The concessionaire receives a combina-tion of state dependent user fees and subsidies(i.e.,direct transfers)as compensation for its efforts. Thus our model encompasses the range from conventional provision of infrastructure,in which the government pays for the project and thefirm collects no user fees,to the case of a traditional concession,in which thefirm’s only source of income is user fees.In standard fashion,we assume that there is a cost of raising public funds,so that a dollar in government revenues costs more than one dollar to society.This leads to ourfirst result,namely that contrary to common wisdom,PPPs do not release public funds even when totallyfinanced by user fees.The reason is that while privatefinancing reduces the need for current taxes,this is followed by a period where the government foregoes user fee revenues that are cashed in by the concessionaire.These revenues could have been received by the government and used to reduce distortionary taxes,so there is no net gain to the government in discounted value.Having shown that privatefinancing cannot justify a PPP raises the question of whether there exist other reasons to prefer them.Hart(2003)argued that the main characteristic of PPPs is that they bundle investment expenditure with life-cycle operation costs.8A PPP achieves the most ef-ficient mix of these costs and is therefore superior to conventional provision when the benefits of cost cutting investments during the building phase are not undone by the cost to users of lower service quality.9In this paper we focus on an alternative efficiency justification for PPPs,by considering the financial aspect of bundling in PPPs.We note that in a PPP thefirm can be compensated with a combination of user fees and subsidies,and assume that user fees are a more efficient way of putting money in the hands of the concessionaire,because the private sector pays lower overhead and has better incentives to control corruption.Agency problems faced by the budgetary authority when monitoring the government agency in charge of the resource transfer justify this assumption.In the presence of this second wedge,the optimal contract is characterized by two thresholds: a revenue cap and a minimum income guarantee.If discounted income is above the revenue cap, the contract ends when this cap is attained.On the other hand,if revenue never reaches the mini-mum income guarantee,thefirm is compensated with the st,in states with revenues between both thresholds,the concession has an infinite duration but thefirm does not receive a 6Martimort and Pouyet(2008)also assume a risk-averse concessionaire,see also Dewatripont and Legros[2005]and Hart[2003].Others are skeptical,and point out that privatefirms can use the capital market to diversify risks at least as well as the government(Hemmings[2006]and Klein(1997)).For a discussion of the controversy in economics see Brealey et al.(1997).Finally,note that similar results to the ones we derive are obtained by assuming a risk neutralfirm subject to expropriation risk(Engel and Fischer[2008]).7Note also thatfirms routinely ask for minimum revenues guarantees as part of PPP contracts because they consider demand risks to be excessive.Apparently,the same reason underlies the move in some European countries away from shadow toll contracts towards availability payments.8Bennet and Iossa(2006),Bentz et al.(2005),Martimort and Pouyet(2008)and Iossa and Martimort(2008).9See also Grout(1997).subsidy.The optimal contract does not provide full insurance to the concessionaire,even though the government could eliminate all risk for thefirm by remunerating it with any combination of user fees and transfers that add up to investment costs.The planner can improve on this contract,how-ever,by trading off increased risk for the concessionaire against lower subsidies.It can lengthen the term of the concession in high demand states,so that user fee revenues exceed investment costs,thus lowering the need for subsidies in low demand states.This is an improvement on full insurance because user fees foregone by the planner in high demand states are less valuable at the margin than subsidies required in low demand states;this wedge drives our results.Even though the optimal contract would appear to be difficult to implement,we show that it can be attained in a competitive auction.The government announces the probability density of the different states,and the wedge between the shadow cost of public funds and subsidies.Firms bid both a minimum income guarantee and a revenue cap.The government scores the bids according to a weighted average of expected payments to thefirm via user fees and subsidies,and chooses the one with the lowest score.Assumingfirms with identical costs and competition,the auction repro-duces the optimal revenues caps and guarantees.The auction neither requires the government to know investment costs nor the degree of risk aversion offirms.The simplicity of our results—both for the optimal contract and the auction that implements it—relies on the assumption that quality of service is contractible,which allows us to ignore moral hazard.That quality of service can be defined and enforced is arguably the case for the main types of PPP infrastructure in the transportation sector,a sector that accounts for84%of PPP investments in continental Europe,67%of which are roads.10For example,in the case of roads and highways the quality of service provided can be ascertained by independent third parties using equipments such as laser/inertial Profilometers,to measure roughness,unevenness,texture,surface skid resistance and rutting problems.Measures of the time needed to remove a broken down car are also easy to implement(see Engel et al.(2009)for details).And when seaports are contracted as a PPP,service standards,such as the time ships need to wait before obtaining a berth and the speed with which cargo is unloaded,can be specified and enforced.The optimal contract we derive in this paper has implications for the ongoing debate on whether PPPs should add to public debt or not.11We show that if demand risk is allocated optimally,the im-pact of a PPP on the intertemporal government budget is usually the same as under conventional provision of infrastructure.Most,or even all,risk is borne by the government and the concession-aire recovers the upfront investment in most states.By contrast,under privatization,assets and cashflows are transferred forever to a privatefirm in exchange for a one time payment.This means 10See Blanc-Brude et al.(2007).Also,in the case of the United States,where until recently PPPs played a smaller role than in many European countries,financing of transportation infrastructure via PPPs increased almost tenfold,on an an-nual basis,between2006-2008and the preceding decade(1996-2005).24,698million dollars of investment werefinanced in this sector via PPPs during the1996-2008period.11See,for example,Daniels and Trebilcock(1996,2000),Gerrard(2001),Savas(2000),and Starr(1988)that the link between the project and the public budget is permanently severed.Under a PPP this link continues to exist,even when the compensation to the concessionaire is derived solely from user fees.It follows that from a publicfinance perspective PPPs are much closer to conventional provision,and therefore should be accounted for in the same way.There is a growing literature on PPPs related to this paper.12Risk sharing between the govern-ment and the concessionaire has always been a concern among practitioners and policy makers. The standard prescription is that each risk should be allocated to the party best able to manage it.13Martimort and Pouyet(2008)study this problem in a moral hazard model where effort during investment affects both the quality of the infrastructure and its operating cost,and their analysis is extended in various directions by Iossa and Martimort(2008).Bentz et al.(2005),on the other hand, study a model with moral hazard in building and adverse selection in operation.Our paper,by contrast,studies the implications of the optimal allocation of demand risk,when subsidyfinance is less efficient than user-feefinance.We show that variable,state-contingent con-cession lengths are a key component of the optimal risk-sharing contract.In addition,we provide a rigorous foundation for minimum income guarantees and revenue caps and show that the optimal guarantees and caps bear little relation to observed guarantees and revenue sharing agreements.This paper is also related to the literature on franchise bidding pioneered by Chadwick(1859) and Demsetz(1968),according to which competition for a monopoly infrastructure project repli-cates the competitive outcome(see Stigler[1968],Posner[1972],Riordan and Sappington[1987], Spulber[1989,ch.9],Laffont and Tirole[1993,chs.7and8],Harstad and Crew[1999]and Engel et al.[2001]for papers within this tradition,and Williamson[1976,1985]for a criticism).We con-tribute to this literature by considering projects that require subsidies to make them feasible.Finally,in Engel et al.(2001),we studied the optimal private provision of infrastructure projects by solving a Ramsey problem with variable concession lengths.In that paper we assumed a“self-financing constraint,”which ruled out government transfers to the concessionaire.In the present paper,demand-contingent government subsidies play a central role,thus providing a framework to study the publicfinance of PPPs.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.Section2describes the model and presents the basic irrelevance result as well as the optimal contract.This section also contains extensions of the model to the case of price responsive demand,when there are operational and maintenance costs,as well as to the moral hazard case in which effort in the investment stage increases the like-lihood of higher demand.Section3shows that the optimal contract can be implemented with an auction with reasonable information requirements.Section4discusses the practical relevance of the results derived in the preceding sections.We document the increasing popularity offlexible term contracts similar to those suggested by the optimal contract we derive.We also examine the 12See Grimsey and Lewis(2004)for a survey,and Grimsey and Lewis(2005)for a collection of articles on PPPs. Vaillancourt-Rosenau(2000)and Akintoye et al.(2003)include useful collections of essays.13Irwin(2007,p.14)is more precise:each risk should be allocated to maximize project value,taking account of moral hazard,adverse selection and risk-bearing preferences.See also the discussion in Dewatripont and Legros(2005).implications of our results for thefiscal accounting of PPPs.Section5concludes and is followed by an appendix.2Model and optimal contractA risk-neutral benevolent social planner must hire a concessionaire tofinance,build and operate an infrastructure project with exogenous technical characteristics.There are no maintenance nor operation costs,the up-front investment does not depreciate,and the concessionaire is selected among manyfirms that can build the project at cost I>0.14Allfirms are identical,risk-averse expected utility maximizers,with preferences represented by the strictly concave utility function u.Demand uncertainty is summarized by a probability density over the present value of user fee revenue that the infrastructure can generate over its entire lifetime,f(v),with c.d.f.F(v).15This density is common knowledge tofirms and the planner,and is bounded from below by v min and from above by v max.Also,for simplicity we assume that v equals the discounted private willingness to pay for the project’s services.162.1Planner’s problemLet PS(v)denote producer surplus in state v,CS(v)denote consumer surplus in state v andα∈[0,1]be the weight that the planner gives to producer surplus in the social welfare function.17The planner’s objective is to maximize[CS(v)+αPS(v)]f(v)d v,(1)subject to the concessionaire’s participation constraintu(PS(v))f(v)d v≥u(0),(2)14That is,we ignore construction cost uncertainty and focus instead on demand uncertainty,which is considerably larger for many PPP projects.15We assume that the instantaneous user fee revenue process is“well behaved”,in the sense that the expected time for a v1-income trajectory—i.e.,a revenue trajectory with discounted value equal to v1—to reach a given threshold M is larger than for a v2-trajectory when M<v1<v2.This will be the case,for example,if all demand trajectories grow at the same rate and differ only in their initial values.It also holds for more general instantaneous revenue processes such as a Brownian motion.This assumption is used only when associating higher values of v with shorter contract terms when the optimal contract term isfinite.16In Appendix A of Engel et al.(2008)we show that this simplification does not affect the structure of the optimal PPP contract.17In many countries foreignfirms are important investors in PPPs,which impliesα<1.where u(0)is the concessionaire’s outside option.18Assuming that thefirm’s utility is concave in discounted profits simplifies the dynamic problems facingfirms and government.From a public finance perspective,this is all we need to determine the long runfiscal impact of PPPs and the optimal contract.To maximize(1)subject to(2),the planner chooses how much user fee revenue and subsidy the concessionaire should receive in each state v.Denote by R(v)the present value of user fee revenue collected by the concessionaire in state v,and by S(v)the present value of the subsidy it receives. HencePS(v)=R(v)+S(v)−I(3)Note that by“subsidy”we mean any cash transfer from the government to the private conces-sionaire.It may be the up-front payment made by the government with conventional unbundled provision(in which case S(v)is the same for all v),but it could also be a cash transfer made over time,contingent on v,to supplement revenue from the project under a Build-Operate-and-Transfer (BOT)contract(a so-called‘minimum revenue’or‘minimum income’guarantee).Since the concessionaire receives R(v)in state v,the government receives v−R(v),hence0≤R(v)≤v.If the term of the concession isfinite and v−R(v)>0,these funds can be used to reduce distortionary taxation elsewhere in the economy.Moreover,assuming that the willingness to pay is positive at all points in time,R(v)=v only if the concession lasts forever.Letting1+λ>1denote the marginal costs of public funds(see,e.g.,Dahlby,2008)we then haveCS(v)=[v−R(v)−(1+λ)S(v)]+λ[v−R(v)]=(1+λ)[v−R(v)−S(v)].(4)Thefirst term in the expression between equal signs,v−R(v)−(1+λ)S(v),is the difference between users’willingness to pay in state v and the amount transferred to the concessionaire,where the cost of the subsidy is augmented by the cost of the tax distortion required tofinance it.The second term,λ[v−R(v)],is the value of the reduction in distortionary taxes when the government collects v−R(v) in user fee revenue after the concession ends.As is traditional in economics,the expression for consumer surplus in(4)includes the social costs caused by tax collection.Nevertheless,it ignores the inefficiencies associated with disburs-ing those revenues,which are relevant when comparing PPPs with conventional provision.We present a simple model which goes beyond the standard costs of collecting taxes and adds admin-istrative and agency costs incurred when disbursing money.19These include standard overhead costs which are present in any organization as well as the additional inefficiencies of government agencies:overstaffing,the lack of a board to pressure management to control overhead,the need to follow and comply with rigid administrative procedures and controls imposed by the budget and 18This objective function assumes that the income of users is uncorrelated with the benefit of using the project,so that if users spend a small fraction of their incomes on the services of the project they will value the benefits produced by the project as if they were risk neutral.See Arrow and Lind(1970).19See Appendix C in Engel et al.(2008)for additional details.the comptroller’s offices,or even the diversion of public funds and outright corruption.20Our point is that the government has to disburse more than$1when it provides$1to the recipient.21 We assume that the social planner can allocate spending across n government agencies indexed by i=1,2,...,n.The surplus created when agency i spends G i on its best projects is S i(G i),withS i(0)=0,Si ≥0and Si<0.Nevertheless,to achieve G i dollars spent on projects the governmentagency i disburses G i+Z i(G i)in total,with Z i(0)=0,ζi≡Z i≥0and Z i<0.Let T be the total amount of taxes raised andΛ(T)the costs of the distortions caused by taxes,withλ≡Λ ≥0and Λ >0.The planner chooses(G i)ni=1and T to maximizeni=1S i(G i)−T−Λ(T)subject to the budget constraint T= ni=1[G i+Z i(G i)].Solving the planner’s allocation problemleads to:Si(G i)1+ζi=1+λ;i=1,2,...,n.This is a standard result,which can be traced back to Atkinson and Stern(1974).22Government should expand until the marginal benefit of spending an additional dollar equals the marginal cost of public funds,1+λ,and the marginal benefit of spending should be the same across agencies. But in addition,the marginal benefit of projects undertaken by agency i must be adjusted by the agency’s relative inefficiency,(1+ζi)−1to account for the fact that resources are spent and wasted when disbursing funds to projects.Agencies that use up more resources to disburse$1should spend less,ceteris paribus.We can now insert a PPP into this framework.In what follows,a PPP is assumed to be under-taken by one agency within the government.The project is small relative to the overall budget,so thatλandζare evaluated at the optimal resource allocation and can be assumed constant for the PPP agency.Substituting(3)and(4)in(1)shows that maximizing the planner’s objective function is equiva-lent to maximizing−[(1+λ)−α]R(v)f(v)d v−[(1+λ)(1+ζ)−α]S(v)f(v)d v,20As an example of excess overhead,consider the National Flood Insurance Program of the United States,which hands “[...]one-third of its collected premiums–equivalent to a50percent loading cost–tofinancial intermediaries who do not bear any risk.”In comparison,private insurance,with typical loading costs of20-30%,must pay for rate-making,product development and must hold capital against risk(see Michel-Kerjan[2010]).Also note that even though a diversion of public funds might be a transfer,it usually involves wasteful activities and expenditures to conceal it.Furthermore,a diversion of$1costs more than$1,because it isfinanced with distortionary taxation at the margin.21We assume there is no cost of collecting user fees.The results go through,with minor amendments,if the conces-sionaire’s cost of collecting user fees is less than or equal to both the government’s cost of collecting user fees and to the shadow cost of public funds.22See Dahlby(2008,Chapter2.2)for a recent exposition.and therefore to minimizing{[(1+λ)−α]R(v)+[(1+λ)(1+ζ)−α]S(v)}f(v)d v,(5)where we have droppedαI and(1+λ)v f(v)d v from the objective function because they do notdepend on the planner’s choice variables,R and S.In(5)the marginal cost of funds is scaled up by1+ζwhen the concessionaire receives subsidies, but not when it receives toll revenue.This captures the fact that toll revenues go directly into the concessionaire’s pocket.Thus,by remunerating the concessionaire with toll revenue,society avoids the costs incurred when disbursing subsidies.23,24Defining¯ζ≥0via:251+¯ζ=(1+λ)(1+ζ)−α1+λ−α,we have that the planner’s program can be written asmin{R(v),S(v)}{R(v)+(1+¯ζ)S(v)}f(v)d v.(6a)s.t.u(R(v)+S(v)−I)f(v)d v≥u(0),(6b)0≤R(v)≤v,(6c)S(v)≥0.(6d) 2.2Irrelevance resultIt is often claimed that PPPs relieve the public budget by substituting privatefinance for distor-tionary taxfinance.Does this argument make the case for PPPs?If we only consider the distortions associated with taxation,so thatζ=0,the planner’s objective described in(6a)is equivalent to minimizingR(v)f(v)d v+S(v)f(v)d v.The per-dollar cost of paying the concessionaire with either user fee revenues or subsidies is the same,so social welfare only depends on total transfers T(v)=R(v)+S(v)to the concessionaire, not on the division of payment between subsidies and user fee revenue.This is the insight behind the following result:23One might argue that the government has to incur in costs to monitor truthful reporting of toll revenues by the con-cessionaire.Nevertheless,these costs are likely to be negligible,for the concessionaire is monitored by investors and tax authorities.24For simplicity we have assumed that each dollar collected by the concessionaire(net of toll collection costs)ends in its pocket.Of course,privatefirm pays some overhead.But the parameterζis to be understood as capturing a relative difference between a private and a public bureaucracy.25From the definition of¯ζ,¯ζ>0⇐⇒ζ>0and¯ζ<0⇐⇒ζ<0.Furthermore,ζ=¯ζwhenα=0.。