



橡胶制品十五种常见试验测试项目和标准1.胶料硫化特性GB/T 9869—1997橡胶胶料硫化特性的测定(圆盘振荡硫化仪法)GB/T16584—1996橡胶用无转子硫化仪测定硫化特性ISO 3417:1991橡胶—硫化特性的测定——用摆振式圆盘硫化计ASTMD2084-2001用振动圆盘硫化计测定橡胶硫化特性的试验方法ASTM D5289-1995(2001)橡胶性能—使用无转子流变仪测量硫化作用的试验方法DIN53529-4:1991橡胶—硫化特性的测定——用带转子的硫化计测定交联特性。

2.橡胶拉伸性能GB/T528—1998硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力应变性能的测定ISO37:2005硫化或热塑性橡胶——拉伸应力应变特性的测定ASTMD412-1998(2002)硫化橡胶、热塑性弹性材料拉伸强度试验方法JISK6251:1993硫化橡胶的拉伸试验方法DIN 53504-1994硫化橡胶的拉伸试验方法。


4.压缩永久变形性能GB/T 7759-1996硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶在常温、高温和低温下压缩永久变形测定ISO815:1991硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶在常温、高温和低温下压缩永久变形测定ASTM D395-2003橡胶性能的试验方法压缩永久变形JIS K6262:1997硫化橡胶及热塑性橡胶压缩永久变形试验方法。



烘箱中橡胶老化—标准测试方法1.范围1.1 此测试方法包含了确定温度升高对硫化橡胶物理特性的影响的一种方法。








2.参考文件2.1ASTM标准:2D15 橡胶产品的化合物和样件制备的物理测试方法D412 硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶弹性体—拉伸测试方法D1349 橡胶—测试标准温度D3182 橡胶—材料,仪器,标准混合物混合程序、标准硫化板制备程序D3183 橡胶—产品中挑选测试件D3184 橡胶测试方法—NR(天然橡胶)评估D3185 橡胶测试方法—SBR(丁二烯橡胶)包括与油的混合D4483 橡胶和碳黑制造工业标准测试方法评估精确度E145 比重-对流和强制通风箱规范3.测试法方法概述3.1硫化橡胶在制定的温度升高中曝光一段时间,之后其物理特性是确定的。








5. 仪器5.1温度为70℃时可以使用测试方法E145中指定的类型ⅡB,温度更高时则有必要使用类型ⅡA。

5.1.1内部尺寸如下或者同等量:空气箱内部尺寸:最小 300×300×300mm(12×12×12英寸)最大 900×900×1200mm(36×36×48英寸)5.1.2试样垂直悬挂需要制定条款,试样之间不能相互碰触,也不能碰到老化箱侧面。

ASTM D573_2004

ASTM  D573_2004

烘箱中橡胶老化—标准测试方法1.范围1.1 此测试方法包含了确定温度升高对硫化橡胶物理特性的影响的一种方法。








2.参考文件2.1ASTM标准:2D15 橡胶产品的化合物和样件制备的物理测试方法D412 硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶弹性体—拉伸测试方法D1349 橡胶—测试标准温度D3182 橡胶—材料,仪器,标准混合物混合程序、标准硫化板制备程序D3183 橡胶—产品中挑选测试件D3184 橡胶测试方法—NR(天然橡胶)评估D3185 橡胶测试方法—SBR(丁二烯橡胶)包括与油的混合D4483 橡胶和碳黑制造工业标准测试方法评估精确度E145 比重-对流和强制通风箱规范3.测试法方法概述3.1硫化橡胶在制定的温度升高中曝光一段时间,之后其物理特性是确定的。








5. 仪器5.1温度为70℃时可以使用测试方法E145中指定的类型ⅡB,温度更高时则有必要使用类型ⅡA。


ASTM D类最新标准目录(一)

ASTM D类最新标准目录(一)

ASTM D类最新标准目录( 一)D4-86(2004) 沥青含量试验方法D5-06e1 沥青材料的渗透性试验方法D6-95(2000)e1 油及沥青混合物加热损失试验方法D8-02 与道路和路面材料相关的术语D9-05 与木材相关的术语D12-88(1998) 未加工的桐油D13-02 松节油规范D16-03 与涂料、清漆、亮漆和有关产品相关的术语D20-03 路面焦油的蒸馏试验方法D25-99(2005) 圆木桩D29-98 虫胶树脂的抽样和试验方法D34-91(2003) 白颜料化学分析指南D36-95(2000)e1 沥青软化点试验方法(沥青软化点测定器)D38-94(2000)e1 木材防腐剂的抽样试验方法D41-05 铺屋面、防潮及防水用沥青底层D43-00 屋顶、防潮及防水材料用杂酚油底漆D49-83(2002) 铅丹的化学分析D50-90(2005) 含铁和锰的黄色、橙色、红色和褐色涂料的化学分析试验方法D56-05 泰格密闭闪点试验器测定闪点的试验方法D61-75(2004) 硬沥青的软化点的试验方法(水中方块试验法)D69-01 磨擦带的试验方法D70-03 半固态沥青材料的比重和密度的试验方法D71-94(2004) 固体硬沥青和地沥青的相对密度试验方法(变位法)D75-03 集料的抽样D76-99(2005) 纺织材料的抗拉试验机D79-86(2004) 氧化锌颜料D81-87(2003) 碱性碳酸盐铅白颜料D83-84(2002) 铅丹颜料D85-05 赭色颜料规范D86-05 大气压下石油产品蒸馏试验方法D87-04 石蜡熔点的试验方法(冷却曲线)D88-94(2005) 赛波特粘度的试验方法D91-02 润滑油的沉淀值试验方法D92-05a 用克利夫兰德开杯法测定石油产品的闪点和燃点的试验方法D93-02a 用潘斯基-马丁斯仪闭杯闪点测定器测定闪点的试验方法D94-02 石油产品的皂化值试验方法D95-05e1 蒸馏法测定石油产品及沥青材料中水的试验方法D97-05a 石油的倾点的试验方法D98-05 氯化钙D113-99 沥青材料的延展性的试验方法D115-02 电绝缘用含清漆试验溶剂的试验方法D116-86(2006) 电气设备用上釉陶瓷材料的试验D117-02 产自石油的电绝缘油的试验方法和规范导则D120-02a 橡胶绝缘手套D121-05 煤和焦炭术语D123-03 与纺织材料相关的术语D124-88(1998) 脱胶的豆油D126-87(2002) 含铬酸铅和氧化铬绿的黄、橙和绿色颜料的化学分析方法D127-05 石油蜡包括凡士林滴熔点的试验方法D128-98(2003)e1 润滑脂分析试验方法D129-00(2005) 石油产品中硫含量试验方法(通用氧弹法)D130-04e1 用铜条变色法检测石油产品对铜腐蚀性的测试方法D139-95(2001)e1 沥青材料浮选试验的检测方法D140-01 沥青材料的抽样D143-94(2000)e1 洁净木材小样品的试验D146-04 防水与屋面材料用沥青浸渍的油毡和编织物的抽样与试验方法D149-97a(2004) 固体电绝缘材料在工业电源频率下的介电击穿电压和介电强度的试验方法D150-98(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的(恒久电介质)的交流损耗特性和介电常数的测试方法D153-84(2003) 颜料比重测试方法D154-85(2001) 清漆试验D156-02e1 石油产品赛波特比测试方法(赛波特比色计法)D167-93(2004)e1 块焦比重和孔隙度的试验方法D168-94(2000) 杂酚油焦炭渣的测试方法D173-03 屋顶和防水材料用饱和沥青棉织物D176-00 电绝缘用固体充填化合物与浸渍剂的试验方法D178-01(2005) 橡胶绝缘垫子D185-84(1999 颜料,糊剂及涂料中粗颗粒的试验方法D187-94(2003)e1 煤油燃烧质量的测试方法D189-05 石油产品康拉孙残碳测试方法D197-87(2002) 粉煤的取样方法与细度试验方法D198-05a 结构尺寸木料静力试验法D202-97(2002)e1 电绝缘用未浸渍纸的抽样和试验方法D204-02 缝线的测试方法D209-81(2003) 灯黑颜料D210-05 骨炭颜料D211-67(2002) 铬黄和铬橙颜料D215-91(2002) 白色亚麻籽油涂料的化学分析D217-02 润滑剂针入度的测试方法D225-04 表面有矿物颗粒的沥青屋面板D226-06 铺顶和防水用沥青饱和有机毡D227-03 铺顶和防水用焦油沥青饱和有机毡D228-06 沥青屋面卷材,盖板和瓦的试验方法D229-01 电绝缘用硬质薄板及板材的试验方法D233-02 松脂的抽样和测试试验方法D234-82(1998) 生亚麻子油D235-02 矿物溶剂油(石油溶液油)(烃干洗溶液)规格D237-57(1997) 橙色紫胶和其他虫胶D240-02 弹式量热器测定液烃燃料燃烧热的试验方法D242-04 沥青铺路混合料用矿物填料D243-02 规定残渣渗透性测试方法D244-04 乳化沥青的测试方法D245-06 制定目测分等木材的结构等级及有关允许性能的规程D246-04 杂酚油和杂酚油-煤焦油溶液的蒸馏试验方法D256-06 塑料及电绝缘材料的抗冲击性的测试方法D257-99(2005) 绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导的试验方法D260-86(2001) 熟亚麻籽油D261-75(1999) 铁蓝颜料D262-81(1999) 群青蓝颜料D263-05 氧化铬绿颜料D267-82(2003) 黄青铜粉规格D268-01 涂料及其相关涂层和原料用挥发性溶剂及化学中间体的抽样和测试D269-97(2002) 松香和松香衍生物中不溶物的试验方法D276-00a 纺织品中纤维的鉴定方法(AATCC方法20)D279-02 颜料渗出的试验方法D280-01 颜料吸收的水份(及试验条件下挥发的其他物质)的测试方法D281-95(2002) 用刮刀磨损法测定颜料油吸附性的试验方法D283-84(1999) 一氧化铜和铜涂料化学分析试验方法D287-92(2006) 原油和石油产品API比重的试验方法(液体比重计法)D291-86(2002) 烟煤立方英尺重量的试验方法D293-93(2004) 焦炭筛析分析试验方法D295-99(2004) 电绝缘用棉质漆布的试验方法D297-93(2002)e2 橡胶制品的测试方法.化学方法D299-04e1 石棉纱的标准规范D301-95(2004) 可溶性硝化纤维素的试验方法D304-05 n-丁醇(丁醇)D305-84(2003) 黑色涂料中的溶剂萃取材料的试验方法D312-00 屋顶用沥青D315-95(2004)e1 机织石棉带的标准规范D319-04 合成的戊醇D322-97(2002)e1 蒸馏法测定汽油发动机废机油中汽油稀释剂的试验方法D323-99a 石油产品蒸气压力的测试方法D329-02 丙酮D330-93(2001) 2-丁氧基乙醇D331-05 2-乙氧基乙醇D332-87(2004) 白色颜料着色力的试验方法D333-01 透明漆和着色漆的试验方法D341-03 液体石油产品粘度-温度关系曲线图D344-97(2004) 用擦试外规评定法对涂料相对遮盖力的测试方法D345-02 道路和结构用氯化钙的抽样和试验方法D346-04e1 实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备D347-97 杂酚油和煤焦油的体积和比重修正表D348-00 电绝缘用刚性管的测试方法D349-99(2004) 电绝缘用层压圆棒的试验方法D350-01 电绝缘用经处理软套管的试验方法D351-97(2003) 天然白云母块及薄片目检质量分级D352-97(2003) 电绝缘用涂浆云母的试验方法D358-98 涂料耐大气老试验用木片规格D360-89(2001) 紫胶清漆规范D363-90(2000) 磷酸三甲苯酯规格D365-01(2005) 可溶性硝酸纤维素基溶液的试验方法D367-94(2000)e1 杂酚油中苯不溶物的测试方法D368-89(2002) 杂酚油及油质防腐剂比重的试验方法D369-84(2002) 杂酚油馏份与残渣比重的测试方法D370-02e1 油质防腐剂脱水作用的试验方法D372-00(2006) 电绝缘用经处理的软套管规格D374-99(2004) 固体电绝缘厚度的测试方法D374M-99(2005) 固体电绝缘厚度的标准测试方法(米制)D375-95(2004)e1 石棉粗砂的标准规范D378-00 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法D380-94(2006) 橡胶软管的测试方法D381-04 用喷射蒸发法测定燃烧中原在胶的测试方法D387-00 使用机械研磨机测定有色颜料主色和着力色的试验方法D388-05 用排列法测定煤的分类D390-92(1999) 海上,陆地及淡水中用木桩,电杆和木材的防腐处理用煤柏油杂酚油规程D391-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液D395-03 橡胶压缩永久变形特性的试验方法D396-05 燃料油规范D402-02 稀释沥青产品蒸馏的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Distillationof Cut-Back Asphalt ic (Bituminous) ProductsD409-02 粉碎机法测定煤炭可磨性的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Grindabilityof Coal by t he Hardgrove-Machine MethodD411-98(2003) 电绝缘用紫胶片试验方法 Standard Test Methods for ShellacUsed for Electrical I nsulationD412-98a(2002)e1 硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶和热塑合成橡胶的拉伸试验方法 Standard Test Methods f or VulcanizedRubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—TensionD413-98(2002)e1 橡胶特性-与软质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberPro perty—Adhesion to Flexible SubstrateD420-98(2003) 土壤粒度分析的测试方法 Standard Guide to SiteCharacterization for Engineering, Design, and ConstructionPurposesD421-85(2002) 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Practice for Dry Preparationof Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination ofSoil ConstantsD422-63(2002)e1 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Test Method forParticle-Size Analysis of Soils D425-88(2001) 土壤离心湿度当量试验方法 Standard Test Method for CentrifugeMoisture Equiva lent of SoilsD427-04 用水银法测量土壤收缩系数的测试方法 Test Method for Shrinkage Factors ofSoils by t he Mercury MethodD429-03e1 橡胶特性与硬质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberProperty—Adhesion to Rigid SubstratesD430-06 橡胶变质的动态疲劳试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberDeterioration-Dynamic FatigueD434-95 Standard Test Method for Resistance toSlippage of Yarns in Woven Fabrics Using a St andard SeamD440-86(2002) 煤的跌落粉碎试验 Standard Test Method of Drop ShatterTest for CoalD441-86(2002) 煤的滚筒试验 Standard Test Method of Tumbler Test for CoalD444-88(2003) 锌黄颜料(铬酸锌黄)的化学分析方法 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc YellowPigment (Zinc Chromate Yellow)D445-06 透明和不透明液体运动粘度的测试方法.(包括动态粘度的计算) Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity ofTransparent and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of DynamicViscosity)D446-06 玻璃毛细管运动粘度计操作说明书和规范 Standard Specifications and OperatingInstructi ons for Glass Capillary Kinematic ViscometersD448-03a 道路和桥梁建筑的集料尺寸分类 Standard Classification for Sizes ofAggregate for Roa d and Bridge ConstructionD449-03 防潮和防水用沥青规范 Standard Specification for AsphaltUsed in Dampproofing and WaterproofingD450-96(2006) 铺屋面,防潮与防水用硬煤沥青 Standard Specification for Coal-TarPitch Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and WaterproofingD451-91(2002) 沥青屋顶制品用粒状矿物铺面材料筛分分析试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing For Asphalt RoofingProductsD452-91(2002) 沥青层面制品表面修整用非粒状矿物的筛分试验方法 Standard Test Method for Si eveAnalysis of Surfacing for Asphalt Roofing ProductsD453-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液中焦油酸含量的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Tar Aci ds inCreosote-Coal Tar SolutionsD454-04 用加热及空气压力测定橡胶变质的试验方法 Standard Test Method for RubberDeteriorat ion by Heat and Air PressureD459-00 肥皂和其它洗涤剂的术语规范 Standard Terminology Relating toSoaps and Other Deter gentsD460-91(2005) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Che mical Analysis of Soaps and Soap ProductsD464-05 松脂油产品包括妥尔油和其他相关产品的皂化值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Saponification Number of Naval Store Products Including Tall Oil and Other Related ProductsD465-05 松脂制品包括妥尔油及其它相关产品酸值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Acid N umberof Naval Stores Products Including Tall Oil and Other RelatedProductsD470-05 电线和电缆用交联绝缘与套管的测试方法 Standard Test Methods for CrosslinkedInsulati ons and Jackets for Wire and CableD471-98e2 液体对橡胶性能影响的测试方法 Standard Test Method for RubberProperty-Effect of LiquidsD473-02 萃取法测定原油和燃料油中沉积物的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Sediment inCr ude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction MethodD476-00(2005) 二氧化钛颜料规范 Standard Classification for DryPigmentary Titanium Dioxide P roductsD478-02 锌黄(铬酸锌)颜料 Standard Specificationfor Zinc Yellow (Zinc Chromate) PigmentsD480-88(2003) 铝粉和铝粉浆的抽样和试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Testin g of Flaked Aluminum Powders and PastesD482-03 石油产品灰分的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Ash fromPetroleum ProductsD483-04 石油制植物喷洒油不磺化残渣的试验方法 Standard Test Method for UnsulfonatedResidu e of Petroleum Plant Spray OilsD490-92(2005) 道路柏油 Standard Specification for Road TarD494-04 Standard Test Method for Acetone Extraction ofPhenolic Molded or Laminated Products Standard TestMethod for Acetone Extraction of Phenolic Molded or LaminatedProductsD495-99(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的耐高压低电流干电弧性能的测试方法 Standard Test Method for High-Voltage, Low-Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid ElectricalInsulationD500-95(2003) 磺化油和硫化油的化学分析和试验方法D501-03 碱性洗涤剂的抽样和化学分析试验方法D502-89(2003) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法D509-05 松香分级和抽样试验方法D511-03 水中钙镁离子的测试方法D512-04 测定水中氯离子含量的试验方法D513-02 水中二氧化碳溶解量和总量的试验方法D516-02 水中硫酸铁的试验方法D517-98(2003) 沥青厚板材D518-99 橡胶变质表面龟裂的试验方法D519-04 羊毛条中纤维长度的试验方法D520-00(2005) 锌粉颜料规范D521-02 锌粉(金属锌粉)的化学分析试验方法D522-93a(2001) 用锥形心轴仪测定涂覆有机涂层延伸率的试验方法D523-89(1999) 镜面光泽的试验方法D524-04 石油产品中兰氏残炭的试验方向D525-05 汽油氧化稳定性的试验方法(诱导期方法)D528-97(2002) 纸和纸板的机器定向试验方向D529-04 沥青材料的加速风化试验条件和程序的测试方法(碳弧法)D531-00(2005) 普西和琼斯橡胶压缩试验方法D542-00 透明有机塑料的折射指数的试验方法D543-06 塑料耐化学试剂性能的试验方法D545-99(2005) 混凝土用预制伸缩缝纫填料的试验方法(非挤压和弹性型)D546-05 道路和铺砌材料用矿物填料筛分的测试方法D548-97(2002) 纸张水溶解酸碱度的试验方法D555-84(1998) 干性油试验D558-04 土壤水泥混合物的水分与密度关系的试验方法D559-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的湿润与干燥的试验方法D560-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的冻融试验方法D561-82(2003) 涂料用炭黑颜料D562-01(2005) 斯氏粘度计测定涂料稠度的试验方法D563-88(1996)e1 醇酸树脂和树脂溶液中苯酐含量的试验方法D564-87(2002) 液体涂料催干剂的试验方法D565-99(2005) 白色矿物油中可碳化物质的试验方法D566-02 润滑脂滴点的试验方法D570-98(2005) 塑料吸水率的试验方法D572-04 用加热法和氧化法进行的橡胶变质的试验方法D573-04 在空气烤炉中作橡胶变质的试验方法D575-91(2001) 橡胶压缩特性的试验方法D578-05 玻璃纤维丝D579-04 原织物玻璃纤维D580-04 机织玻璃纤维带D581-99 机织玻璃纤维套管的编织D584-96(2005) 原毛中羊毛含量实验室测试方法D585-97(2002) 纸张、纸板、纤维板和相关产品的单批取样和验收方法D586-97(2002) 纸中灰分含量的试验方法D589-97(2002) 纸的不透明度的测试方法D590-93(2002) 纸中石油蜡的测试方法D596-01 水分析结果的报告D600-90(2001) 液体涂料催干剂D601-87(1998) 奥气油(永久液体)D602-81(2003) 硫酸钡颜料规范D605-82(2003) 硅酸镁颜料(滑石)D607-82(2003) 湿磨云母颜料D608-05 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯D609-00 涂料、油漆以及改性涂料与相关涂料产品的测试用冷轧钢板的制备D610-01 涂漆钢表面锈蚀程度评价的试验方法D611-04 石油产品和烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点的试验方法D612-88(2004) 石蜡中可碳化物质的试验方法D613-05 十六烷法测定柴油燃料燃烧质量的试验方法D618-05 塑料及电绝缘材料的调理方法D619-99(2004) 电绝缘用硫化纤维的测试方法D622-99(2005) 汽车空气制动和真空制动系统用橡胶软管试验方法D623-99e1 橡胶特性-压缩中热的产生及挠曲疲劳的试验方法D624-00e1 橡胶的热塑性弹性的耐老化性的抗撕裂强度的试验方法D628-95(2004)e1 石棉套管的标准规范D629-99 纺织品定量分析试验方法D632-01 氯化钠D633-97(2005) 道路柏油的体积修正表D635-06 自承塑料在水平状态时的燃烧速率或者燃烧蔓延程度及燃烧时间的试验方法D638-03 塑料拉伸性能的试验方法D642-00(2005) 船用集装箱、组合件和单体加载的抗压缩能力的测试方法D643-97(2002) 用厦泊测试仪测试纸的折痕持久性的标准试验方法D644-99(2002) 用烘干法测定纸和纸板中水分的测试方法D645/D645M-97(2002) 纸和纸板厚度的测试方法D646-96(2001) 纸张及纸板的基本重量的试验方法(单位面积的重量)D648-06 在挠曲负荷下塑料的挠曲温度的试验方法D653-05 土壤、岩石和其内部所含液体的相关术语D660-93(2005) 外用漆龟裂程度评价方法D661-93(2005) 外用漆破裂程度评价的试验方法D662-93(2005) 外用漆侵蚀程度评价的试验方法D664-06 电位滴定法测定石油产品酸值的试验方法D665-06 水存在下抑制的矿物油防锈特性的试验方法D668-99(2004) 电绝缘用硬条和硬管尺度测量的测试方法D669-03 层压薄板与层压板的平行于层片的耗散系数和介电常数的试验方法D685-93(2002) 检测调理纸和纸制品D686-93(2002) 纸中矿物填料和矿物涂料的定性测试方法D689-03 纸张的内部耐撕裂的试验方法D692-00(2004) 沥青铺路砌混合用粗集料D693-03a 碎石路面用压碎集料D695-02a 硬质塑料抗压特性的试验方法D696-03 从-30摄氏度到30摄氏度的塑料线性热膨胀系数的试验方法D698-00ae1 实验室中用12000ft-lbt/ft(600KN-m/m)作用力测定土壤压力特性的试验方法D704-99(2004) 三氯氰胺甲醛模制化合物D705-99(2004) 脲甲醛模制化合物D706-05 乙酸纤维素模制和挤压化合物D707-05 醋酸丁酸纤维素模制与挤压料规格D709-01 层压热固材料D710-97(2002) 电绝缘用硫化纤维薄板、条和管D711-89(2004) 路标漆不粘着时间的试验方法D713-90(2004) 路标漆进行路面使用的试验方法D714-02e1 涂料起泡程度的试验方法D715-86(2003) 硫酸钡颜料分析的标准试验方法D716-86(2003) 评定云母颜料的标准试验方法D717-86(2003) 硅酸镁颜料分析的标准试验方法D718-86(2003) 硅酸铝颜料的分析标准试验方法D720-91(2004)e1 煤自由膨胀指数的试验方法D721-05 石油蜡含油量的试验方法D722-93(2002) 纸的抗油脂性标准试验方法D724-99(2003) 纸表面可湿性的测试方法(接触角法)D726-94(2003) 空气中无孔纸的透气性的测试方法D727-96(2001) 真空方法测定屋顶和地板油毡煤油值的试验方法D731-95(1999) 热固模塑料粉末的模塑指数的试验方法D732-02 用穿孔工具测量塑料剪切强度的测试方法D737-04 纺织纤维透气率的试验方法D740-05 丁酮规范D746-04 用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料的脆化温度的试验方法D747-02 用悬臂梁法对塑料表观弯曲系数的测试方法D748-00(2005)e1 固定式云母介电电容器用天然云母块和云母薄片D750-00 用碳弧型装置和风化装置对橡胶变质的测试方法D751-06 涂层织物的测试方法D763-01 未加工棕土和焙烧棕土颜料D765-87(2003) 未加工黄土和焙烧黄土颜料技术规范D768-01 黄色氧化铁的水合物D769-01 黑色合成氧化铁D770-05 异丙醇规范D772-86(2005) 外部涂料剂落程度评价的试验方法D774/D774M-97(2002) 纸张抗破碎强度的测试方法D776-92(2001) 干热对纸和纸板特性的影响的试验方法D777-97(2002) 经过处理的纸和纸板易燃性的标准试验方法D778-97(2002) 纸萃液(热萃取和冷萃取法)氢离子浓度(pH)的标准试验方法D779-03 纸、纸板和其他印刷材料用干烧指示器法测试耐水性的测试方法D780-95(2003) 纸印刷油墨渗透性的测试方法(蓖麻油试验)D784-03 电绝缘材料用橙色紫胶和其他印度虫胶D785-03 塑料和电绝缘材料的洛氏硬度的测试方法D787-96(2003) 乙基纤维模制和挤压化合物D788-05 甲基丙烯酸酯模制和挤压化合物的分类系统D789-06 聚酰胺相对粘度,熔点和含水量的测试方法D790-03 未增强和增强塑料及电绝缘材料的挠曲性的试验方法D792-00 用位移法测定塑料密度和比重(相对密度)的标准试验方法D800-05 工业用金属除垢剂化学分析试验方法D801-02 二聚戊烯抽样和测试的试验方法D802-02 松油抽样和测试的试验方法D803-03 妥儿油的测试试验方法D804-02 松脂制品包括妥儿油及相关产品的术语D806-00(2006) 掺土水泥混合物中水泥含量的试验方法D807-05 工业锅炉用水引起脆裂倾向的评价方法(美国矿业局的脆变检查器方法)D808-05 新的和使用过的石油产品中氯含量的试验方法(氧弹法)D813-06 测定橡胶龟裂扩展的试验方法D814-95(2005) 橡胶特性挥发性液体蒸汽渗透性的试验方法D816-06 橡胶胶水的试验方法D817-96(2004) 乙酸丙酸纤维素和醋酸丁酸纤维素的试验方法D820-93(2003) 含合成洗涤剂肥皂的化学分析试验方法D822-01 用经过过滤明光碳弧灯和水中曝光装置对涂料及相关涂层和材料上做的导电试验D823-95(2001) 色漆,清漆,喷漆及有关产品制成厚度均匀漆膜试片的方法D824-94(2002) 用皱文纸测定吸水率的测试方法D828-97(2002) 纸和纸板拉力破坏强度的测试方法D829-97(2002) 纸和纸制品湿抗拉断裂强度的标准试验方法D831-94(2004) 电缆及电容器油的气体含量的测试方法D832-92(2001)e1 低温状态下的橡胶试验D841-02 甲苯的硝化定级D843-06 硝化二甲苯D847-04 苯,甲苯,二甲苯,溶剂石脑油和类似的工业芳烃酸度的试验方法D848-03 工业芳烃的酸洗颜色的标准试验方法D849-05 工业芳烃对铜条腐蚀的标准试验方法D850-03 工业芳轻及相关物质的蒸溜法D852-02 苯凝固点的试验方法D853-04 工业芳烃中硫化氢和二氧化硫含量(定性)的标准试验方法D854-06 土壤比重的试验方法D857-02 水中铝含量的测试方法D858-02 水中锰含量的试验方法D859-05 水中二氧化硅的测试方法D861-01a 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度D865-99(2005) 橡胶的空气中加热变质试验方法(试管法)D866-99(2004) 电线及电缆用丁苯合成橡胶套D868-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度评价的试验方法D869-85(2004) 涂漆沉降程度评价试验方法D870-02 水浸渍法涂层耐水试验D871-96(2004) 测试乙酸纤维素的试验方法D873-02 航空燃料的氧化稳定性的测试方法D874-06 润滑油和添加剂中硫酸盐类灰分的测试方法D876-00 电绝缘用刚性氧化乙烯聚合物管的测试方法D877-02e1 用圆盘电极测定电绝缘液体介电击穿电压的试验方法D878-01e1 绝缘油中无机氯化物和硫酸盐的测试方法D880-92(2002) 船用集装箱的冲击试验的试验方法D882-02 塑料薄板材抗拉特性的试验方法D883-00 塑料相关术语D885-06 由人造有机纤维制成的轮胎帘子线,轮胎帘布和工业长纱线的测试D887-82(2003)e1 水沉积物抽样D888-05 水中溶解氧的试验方法D889-99(2004) 松香中油挥发性的试验方法D890-98(2003) 液体松脂中水含量的试验方法D891-95(2004) 液态工业化合物的比重,表观比重的测试方法D892-05 润滑油发泡特性的标准试验方法D893-05a 用过的润滑油中不溶物的试验方法D896-04 胶粘剂耐化学试剂粘法的试验方法D897-01e1 胶粘剂粘结力的抗拉性的测试方法D898-05 胶粘剂固体单位面积涂用重量的试验方法D899-00 单位面积涂用液体胶粘剂的重量的测试方法D902-00 电绝缘用挠性涂树脂玻璃布和玻璃布带的测试方法D903-98(2004) 胶粘剂粘结抗剥落或爆皮强度的试验方法D904-99(2005) 人造光(碳弧型)和自然光对胶粘剂试样的曝光D905-03 用压缩荷载法测定胶粘剂的抗剪切强度性能的试验方法D906-98(2004) 用拉力负荷法测定胶合板结构中胶粘剂剪切强度特性的试验方法D907-05e1 胶粘剂术语D909-01e1 增压进料法测定航空汽油抗震性的试验方法(联邦试验方法No.791b) D910-04a 航空汽油技术规范D912-81(1999) 防污涂料用氧化亚铜D913-03e1 路标漆耐磨程度的评价方法D914-00(2006) 乙基纤维的试验方法D918-99(2003) 纸和纸板的抗粘结性试验方法D919-97(2002) 纸和纸板的铜值测试方法D922-00a(2006) 非硬质聚氯乙烯管D923-97 电绝缘液体的抽样方法D924-04 电绝缘液体的损耗因数(或功率因数)和介电常数(电容率)的测试方法D925-06 橡胶特性.表面着色(接触、色移和扩散)的试验方法D926-04 用平行板法测量橡胶的塑性和弹性D928-03 碳酸氢钠D932-85(2002) 水和水沉积物中嗜铁细菌含量试验方法D933-84(2003) 水沉积物的检验和分析结果的报告方法D934-80(2003) 用X射线衍射法作水沉积物中结晶化合物的识别方法D937-04 石油脂的针入度试验方法D938-05 石油蜡(包括凡士林)凝固点的测试方法D942-02 氧弹法测定润滑脂氧化稳定性的试验方法D943-04a 防腐蚀矿物油氧化特性的试验方法D945-06 用机械示波器测定在压缩应力和剪切应力下橡胶特性的试验方法D946-82(2005) 路面建造用按贯入度级配的沥青膏D950-03 胶粘剂抗冲击强度的试验方法D951-99(2004) 用喷射法测定船运集装箱的耐水性的试验方法D952-02 薄板塑料和电绝缘材料粘结强度的试验方法D953-02 塑料支承强度的测试方法D955-00 模制塑料模型尺寸收缩率的测量方法D957-95(2006)e1 塑料生产用模型表面温度的测定D960-02a 生蓖麻油D961-86(2001) 脱水蓖麻油D962-81(2003) 涂料用铝粉和铝浆颜料D964-03 防污漆用铜粉D968-05 用落沙磨蚀法测定有机涂层耐磨性的试验方法D969-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度的实验室试验方法D971-99a(2004) 环法测定油水界面张力的试验方法D972-02 润滑脂和润滑油蒸发损失的测试方法D974-04 用颜色指示剂滴定法测定酸碱值的标准试验方法D975-06 柴油技术规范D976-04be1 馏分燃料正十六烷指数的计算方法D977-05 乳化沥青D979-01(2006)e1 沥青铺面混合料的取样方法D982-05 Standard Test Method for Organic Nitrogen in Paper andPaperboard D984-97(2002)。


用无转子硫化仪测量橡胶性能硫化的标准试验方法 橡胶线的标准试验方法
Standard Test Methods for Rubber8212;Evaluation of IR (Isoprene Rubber) Standard Test Method for Rubber Chemicals-Wet Sieve Analysis of Sulfur Standard Practice for Rubber8212;Identification by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property8212;Heat Generation and Flexing Fatigue In Compression Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Evaluation of NBR (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber) Standard Practice for Evaluating Precision for Test Method Standards in the Rubber and Carbon Black Manufacturing Industries Standard Specification for Slicone Rubber Room Temperature Vulcanizing Low Outgassing Materials Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Vulcanization Using Rotorless Cure Meters Standard Test Methods for Rubber Thread



第 1 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of厦门必锐产品技术服务有限公司(业务范围)第 2 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 3 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 4 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 5 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 6 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 7 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 8 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 9 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 10 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 11 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 12 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 13 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 14 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 15 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 16 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 17 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 18 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 19 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 20 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 21 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 22 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 23 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 24 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 25 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 26 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 27 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 28 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 29 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 30 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 31 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 32 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 33 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 34 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 35 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 36 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope ofISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/3第37 页共37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation,。


ASTM D3896-2007
Standard Practice for Rubber From Synthetic Sources8212;Sampling
ASTM D624-2000(2007)
Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers
ASTM D1646-2007
Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Viscosity, Stress Relaxation, and Pre-Vulcanization Characteristics (Mooney Viscometer)
ASTM D5775-1995(2009)
Standard Test Method for Rubber from Synthetic Sources-Bound Styrene in SBR
ASTM D6814-2002(2008)
Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Vulcanization Using Rotorless Cure Meters
ASTM D2433-2007
Standard Test Methods for Rubber Thread



第 1 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of厦门必锐产品技术服务有限公司(业务范围)第 2 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 3 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 4 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 5 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 6 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 7 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 8 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 9 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 10 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 11 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 12 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 13 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 14 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 15 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 16 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 17 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 18 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 19 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 20 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 21 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 22 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 23 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 24 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 25 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 26 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 27 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 28 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 29 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 30 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 31 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 32 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 33 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 34 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 35 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 36 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope ofISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/3第37 页共37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation,。



烘箱中橡胶老化—标准测试方法1.范围1.1 此测试方法包含了确定温度升高对硫化橡胶物理特性的影响的一种方法。








2.参考文件2.1ASTM标准:2D15 橡胶产品的化合物和样件制备的物理测试方法D412 硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶弹性体—拉伸测试方法D1349 橡胶—测试标准温度D3182 橡胶—材料,仪器,标准混合物混合程序、标准硫化板制备程序D3183 橡胶—产品中挑选测试件D3184 橡胶测试方法—NR(天然橡胶)评估D3185 橡胶测试方法—SBR(丁二烯橡胶)包括与油的混合D4483 橡胶和碳黑制造工业标准测试方法评估精确度E145 比重-对流和强制通风箱规范3.测试法方法概述3.1硫化橡胶在制定的温度升高中曝光一段时间,之后其物理特性是确定的。








5. 仪器5.1温度为70℃时可以使用测试方法E145中指定的类型ⅡB,温度更高时则有必要使用类型ⅡA。


ASTM D573-2004

ASTM D573-2004

Designation:D573–04Standard Test Method forRubber—Deterioration in an Air Oven1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D573;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1This test method covers a procedure to determine the influence of elevated temperature on the physical properties of vulcanized rubber.The results of this test method may not give an exact correlation with service performance since perfor-mance conditions vary widely.This test method may,however, be used to evaluate rubber compounds on a laboratory com-parison basis.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.(For specific precautionary statement,see Note1.)2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D15Methods of Compound and Sample Preparation for Physical Testing of Rubber Products3D412Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-plastic Elastomers—TensionD1349Practice for Rubber—Standard Temperatures for TestingD3182Practice for Rubber—Materials,Equipment,and Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Prepar-ing Standard Vulcanized SheetsD3183Practice for Rubber—Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from ProductsD3184Test Methods for Rubber—Evaluation of NR (Natural Rubber)D3185Test Methods for Rubber—Evaluation of SBR (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber)Including Mixtures With Oil D4483Practice for Evaluating Precision for Test Method Standards in the Rubber and Carbon Black Manufacturing IndustriesE145Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced-Ventilation Ovens3.Summary of Test Method3.1Specimens of vulcanized rubber are exposed to the deteriorating influence of air at specified elevated temperatures for known periods of time,after which their physical properties are determined.These are compared with the properties deter-mined on the original specimens and the changes noted.3.2Unless otherwise specified,the determination of the physical properties shall be carried out in accordance with Test Methods D412.3.3Except as may be otherwise specified in this test method,the requirements of Practices D3182and D3183shall be complied with and are made part of this test method.3.4In case of conflict between the provisions of this test method and those of detailed specifications or test methods fora particular material,the latter shall take precedence.4.Significance and Use4.1Rubber and rubber products must resist the deterioration of physical properties with time caused by oxidative and thermal aging.This test method provides a way to assess these performance characteristics of rubber,under certain acceler-ated conditions as specified.4.2Please refer to Annex A1for important information on standard compounds used for precision testing for accelerated test aging evaluation.5.Apparatus5.1Type IIB ovens specified in Test Method E145are satisfactory for use through70°C.For higher temperatures, Type IIA ovens are necessary.5.1.1The interior size shall be as follows or of an equivalent volume:1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11on Rubberand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.15on Degradation Tests.Current edition approved July1,2004.Published July2004.Originally approvedst previous edition approved in1999as D573–99.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.Interior size of air oven:min300by300by300mm(12by12by12in.)max900by900by1200mm(36by36by48in.) 5.1.2Provision shall be made for suspending specimens vertically without touching each other or the sides of the aging chamber.5.1.3The heating medium for the aging chamber shall be air circulated within it at atmospheric pressure.5.1.4The source of heat is optional but shall be located in the air supply outside of the aging chamber proper.5.1.5The temperature should be automatically recorded over the entire test period using a temperature-measuring device capable of measuring at the specified temperature to within61°C.Located in the upper central portion of the chamber near the center of the aging specimens.For apparatus not equipped with automatic recording capabilities,tempera-ture shall be measured with sufficient frequency to ascertain that the temperature limits specified in10.2are adhered to.5.1.6Automatic temperature control by means of thermo-static regulation shall be used.5.1.7The following special precautions shall be taken in order that accurate,uniform heating is obtained in all parts of the aging chamber: heated air shall be thoroughly circulated in the oven by means of mechanical agitation.When a motor-driven fan is used,the air must not come in contact with the fan motor brush discharge because of danger of ozone formation. shall be used as required to prevent local overheating and dead spots. thermostatic control device shall be so located as to give accurate temperature control of the heating medium. The preferred location is adjacent to the recording thermom-eter. actual check shall be made by means of maxi-mum reading thermometers placed in various parts of the oven to verify the uniformity of the heating.6.Sampling6.1The sample size shall be sufficient to allow for the determination of the original properties on three specimens and also on three or more specimens for each exposure period of the test.At least24h must elapse between completion of the vulcanization of the samples and the start of the aging test.6.2When minimum requirements are specified,one test on three dumbbells shall be considered sufficient.But if the results are below the specified requirements,two additional specimens shall be prepared from the original sample and tested.Should the results of either of these tests be below the specified requirements,the sample shall be considered to have failed to meet the specifications.7.Test Specimens7.1Dumbbell-shaped specimens prepared as described in Test Methods D412shall be considered standard.Their form shall be such that no mechanical,chemical,or heat treatment will be required after exposure.If any adjustments(for example,to thickness)are necessary,they should be performed prior to exposure.7.2The cross-sectional dimensions of test specimens for calculating the physical properties shall be measured prior to exposure in the aging chamber.Gage lines used for measuring elongation shall be applied after the specimens have been aged. Only specimens of similar dimensions having approximately the same exposed areas may be compared with each other. 8.Number of Test Specimens8.1At least three test specimens shall be used to determine the original physical properties of each sample and also three or more specimens of the same material for each exposure period of the test.8.2When minimum requirements are specified,one test shall be made for tensile strength and elongation.If the results are below the specified requirements,two additional specimens shall be prepared from the original sample and tested.Should the results of either of these tests be below the specified requirements,the samples shall be considered to have failed to meet the specifications.9.Tests of Unaged Specimens9.1The stress-strain properties or tensile strength and ulti-mate elongation and any other required properties of the original unaged specimens shall be determined within96h of the start of the aging period.Results on specimens that are found to be imperfect shall be discarded and retests shall be made.9.2When rubber compounds are to be tested for the purpose of determining compliance with specifications,it shall be permissible to determine the original properties required in9.1 simultaneously with the determination of the values after the first aging period even though the elapsed time exceeds96h.10.Procedure for Accelerated Aging10.1Place the specimens for aging in the oven after it has been preheated to the operating temperature.If possible,avoid simultaneous aging of a mixed group of different compounds. For instance,high-sulfur compounds should not be aged with low-sulfur compounds and those containing antioxidants shall not be aged with those having no antioxidants.Some migration is known to occur.10.2The operating temperature may be any elevated stan-dard temperature as shown in Practice D1349,as agreed upon. N OTE1—Caution:It should be noted that,for each10°C increase in temperature,the rate of oxidation may be approximately double.With rapid aging types of rubber or those containing or contaminated by certain oxidizing chemicals,the rate of oxidation may be catalyzed to such an extent as to become violent with increasing temperatures.10.3Start the aging interval at the time the specimens are placed in the oven and continue for a measured time interval. The selection of suitable intervals of aging will depend on the rate of deterioration of the particular material being tested. Intervals frequently used are3,7,and14days.10.4Use aging intervals such that the deterioration will not be so great as to prevent determination of thefinal physical properties.In experimental work,it is desirable to use a range of periods,while for routine tests of known materials,fewer intervals may beemployed.10.5At the termination of the aging interval,remove the specimens from the oven,cool to room temperature on aflat surface,and allow them to rest not less than16h nor more than 96h before determination of the physical properties.Apply the gage lines to the specimens for use in measuring elongations.11.Physical Tests of Aged Specimens11.1The tensile strength and ultimate elongation or the stress-strain properties of the specimens aged for different intervals shall be determined as the intervals terminate in the progress of aging,disregarding the fact that more specimens may still be aging.In determining the physical properties after aging,thefinal values shall be the median of results from three specimens except that under the following conditions two additional specimens shall be exposed and tested and the median of the values for thefive specimens shall be used: 11.1.1If one or more values do not meet the specified requirements when testing for compliance with specifications.11.1.2If referee tests are being made.After completion of the tests,the broken specimens shall be examined visually and manually and their condition noted.12.Calculation12.1Express the results of the aging test as a percentage of the change in each physical property(tensile strength,ultimate elongation,or tensile stress),calculated as follows:P5[~A2O!/O]3100(1) where:P=percentage change in property,O=original value,andA=value after aging.13.Report13.1Report the following information:13.1.1The results calculated in accordance with Section12, 13.1.2All observed and recorded data on which the calcu-lations are based,13.1.3Type of aging test,13.1.4Aging interval,13.1.5Aging temperature,13.1.6Duration,temperature,and data of vulcanization of the rubber,if known,13.1.7Dates of original andfinal determinations of physical properties,and13.1.8Dimensions of test specimens.14.Precision and Bias414.1This precision and bias section has been prepared in accordance with Practice D4483.Refer to this practice for terminology and other statistical calculation details.14.2A Type2(interlaboratory)precision was evaluated in 1974.Both repeatability and reproducibility are short term,a period of a few days separates replicate test results.A test result is expressed on the basis of a median value,as specified by Test Methods D412obtained on three determinations or measure-ments of the property or parameter in question.14.3Six different materials were used in the interlaboratory program,these were tested in three laboratories on two different days.These precision results were obtained for a variety of compounds prepared in accordance with Methods D15prior to its removal from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.Please see Annex A1for more details on this work.14.4The results of the precision calculations for repeatabil-ity and reproducibility for both percent tensile strength change and percent elongation change are given in Table1,in ascending order of material average or level,for each of the materials evaluated.14.4.1The precision of this test method may be expressed in the format of the following statements that use an appropriate value of r,R,(r),or(R),that is,that value to be used in decisions about test results(obtained with the test method). The appropriate value is that value of r or R associated with a mean level in the precision tables closest to the mean level under consideration at any given time,for any given material in routine testing operation.14.5Repeatability—The repeatability,r,of this test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated in the precision tables.Two single test results,obtained under normal test method procedures,that differ by more than this tabulated r(for any given level)must be considered as derived from different or non-identical sample populations.14.6Reproducibility—The reproducibility,R,of this test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated4Supporting data have beenfiled at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D11-1056.TABLE1Type2Precision Results—100°C AgingPart1—Percent Tensile Strength Change,48hMaterial orCompoundMean TestLevelWithinLaboratoriesBetweenLaboratoriesSr r SR RNR(1G)−56.6 3.289.28 5.9116.7 SBR(9B)−14.2 3.429.68 3.028.55 NBR(1F)−11.5 2.46 6.96 2.497.05 CR(2D)−10.6 3.8310.8 5.1114.5 OESBR(10B3)−7.6 2.34 6.62 5.5615.7IIR(2E)−1.1 3.479.82 3.7710.7 Pooled Values... 3.189.00 3.9011.04 Part2—Percent Change in Elongation,Average of48,96h AgingNR(1G)−55.6 5.0814.47.7922.0 SBR(9B)−48.3 5.3815.2 6.0917.2 OESBR(10B3)−40.5 3.209.06 5.1114.5 NBR(1F)−39.67.1020.17.1120.1CR(2D)−12.17.8522.29.0025.5IIR(2E)−6.2 2.567.24 3.9711.2 Pooled Values... 5.2014.7 6.5118.4N OTE1—The averaging of results for48and96h of aging gives an increased DF estimate of precision.N OTE2—Sr=within laboratory standard deviationr=repeatability(in measurement units)(r)=repeatability(in percent)SR=between laboratory standard deviationR=reproducibility(in measurement units)(R)=reproducibility(inpercent)in the precision tables.Two single test results obtained in two different laboratories,under normal test method procedures, that differ by more than the tabulated R(for any given level) must be considered to have come from different or non-identical sample populations.14.7The precision results indicate that the repeatability and reproducibility of both percent tensile strength change and percent elongation change are essentially the same.Also the value of r or R,or both,does not vary with the magnitude of percent elongation or percent tensile strength change.No values are given for(r)or(R)because of the near zero average values for some of the materials.14.8Bias—In test method terminology,bias is the differ-ence between an average test value and the reference(or true) test property value.Reference values do not exist for this test method since the value(of the test property)is exclusively defined by the test method.Bias,therefore,cannot be deter-mined.15.Keywords15.1accelerated aging;elevated temperature;oxidative ag-ing;rubber articles;rubber products;thermal agingANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1.FORMER TEST METHOD(D15)COMPOUNDS USED FOR PRECISION TESTINGA1.1IntroductionA1.1.1Testing to develop precision data was begun by some Subcommittees in D11prior to the removal of Methods D15,Compound and Sample Preparation for Physical Testing of Rubber Products.In this initial precision work,some of the standard compounds that were currently included in Methods D15were used.Since that time,these standard Methods D15 compounds have been either modified or removed from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.They were replaced by a series of new standards,for example,Test Methods D3184on NR,Test Methods D3185on SBR,and so forth.A1.1.2To provide a source of reference for the compounds removed from Methods D15,those compounds used in mea-suring precision,especially those used in Subcommittee D11.15,are included in Tables A1.1-A1.6taken directly from Methods D15.These tables are listed below.A1.1.3The formulations for the compounds in Tables A1.1-A1.6are placed in this test method temporarily.This test method is selected as a location since it is the most frequently used standard test for evaluating compounds for accelerated aging performance.A1.2Cure Times for CompoundsA1.2.1The cure times for compounds selected in the D11.15precision testing are as follows:Time,Temper-Compound min,ature,°C Polychloroprene(neoprene)30150Natural(1G)30145SBR(9B)50145OE–SBR(10B3)50145Butyl(2E)80150NBR(1F)40150A1.3Materials and MixingA1.3.1In the precision test programs that generated Type2 Precision data for D11.15standards,that is,that precision which includes compound weighing,mixing,and curing com-ponents of variation,a special testing procedure was employed.A common supply was set up for all the materials needed to prepare compounds in accordance with the tables of this Annex.All laboratories that participated in any interlaboratory program drew their materials from this common uniform supply;thus the within-materials source of variation was reduced to the lowest possible(practical)level.A1.3.2Mixes of the selected compounds were made on specified days(2days normally being selected)to determine within-laboratory variability as specified in Practice D4483.TABLE A1.1Type A—Standard Formulations for Styrene-Butadiene RubbersNBS9B SBR or OE-SBR100.00Zinc oxide370 3.00Stearic acid372 1.00Sulfur371 1.75Furnace black A37850.00TBBS384 1.00156.75 Batch factor 3.0A Current Industry Reference Black(IRB)may be used in place of NBS378, although slightly different results may be obtained.Weigh ingredients to nearest 0.1g for SBR and carbon black and to the nearest0.01g for otheringredients.TABLE A1.2Type A—Standard Formulations for Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Compounds(expressed on100Part Rubber Basis)Material NBS 10B1Non-OERubbers10B225-OilRubbers10B337.5-OilRubbers10B450-OilRubbers10B562.5-OilRubbers10B675-OilRubbersSBR100.00...............OE-SBR125.00137.50150.00162.50175.00 Zinc oxide370 3.00 3.75 4.12 4.50 4.88 5.25 Stearic acid372 1.00 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.63 1.75 Sulfur371 1.75 2.19 2.42 2.63 2.85 3.06 Furnace black A37850.0062.5068.7575.0081.2587.50 TBBS384 1.00 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.63 1.75156.75195.94215.55235.13254.74274.31 A Current Industry Reference Black(IRB)may be used in place of NBS378,although slightly different results may be obtained.TABLE A1.3Standard Formulas for Neoprene RubberCompounds AMaterial NBS StandardSample No.ID2DNeoprene W (100100)Magnesium oxide37644Stearic acid3720.51SRF carbon black382 (29)Zinc oxide370552-Mercaptoimidazoline...0.350.5 Phenyl beta naphthylamine37722Specific gravity(calculated) 1.29 1.39A For mill mixing,use33recipe weight.TABLE A1.4Standard Formulas for Butyl Rubber Compounds AMaterial NBS StandardSample No.IE2E3EButyl rubber388100100100 Zinc oxide370553Sulfur37122 1.75 Stearic acid372 (31)Benzothiazyl disulfide373...0.5...Tetramethyl thiuram-disulfide374111Channel black375...50...Oil furnace black(HAF type)378B (50)Specific gravity(calculated)0.97 1.12 1.13A For mill mixing,use23recipe weight.B IRB or Industry Reference Black may be used as a suitable alternative,but the same results may not be obtained.TABLE A1.5Standard Formula for Testing Carbon BlackMaterialNBS StandardSample No.IGNatural rubber A...100.00Stearic acid372 3.00Zinc oxide370 5.00Benzothiazyl disulfide3730.60Sulfur371 2.50Carbon black...50.00BSpecific gravity(calculated) 1.13A Available from the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.Specially selected Liberian crepe with600%modulus of7006100psi when tested in compound1A.B For all carbon blacks except FT and MT.For those blacks where75parts are used,the calculated specific gravity is1.19.TABLE A1.6Standard Formulas for Nitrile Rubber Compound MaterialNBS StandardSample No.IFNitrile rubber391100Zinc oxide3705Sulfur371 1.5Stearic acid3721Benzothiazyl disulfide3731Gas furnace black38240Specific gravity(calculated)1.18ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website 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ASTM化工标准目录(2004)(上)1 新制定标准涂料、塑料、橡胶及石油产品等D6943-03 工业防护涂料浸没试验规程D6990-03 船舶涂料系统污垢热阻和物理特性的评价规程D6989-03 溶剂基和水基油墨树脂溶液的制备规程D6976-03 橡胶避孕阴道隔膜规格E2313-03 一甘醇酯中醛的分光光度试验方法D6977-04 医用氯丁橡胶检验手套规格D6891-03 序列JVA火花点火发动机中评价汽车发动机油的试验方法D6969-03 分析用煅烧石油焦炭样品的制备规程D6970-03 分析用煅烧石油焦炭样品的收集规程D6973-03 在高压恒容叶片泵中标明石油水力流体耐磨性的试验方法D6974-03 液体燃料中能生活的细菌和霉菌的计数规程过滤和培养方法D6984-03 在序列ⅢF火花点火发动机中评价汽车发动机油的试验方法D 6986-03 航空燃料中游离水分、颗料和其它污染的试验方法目视检测法D6968-03 用气相色谱仪和原子发射检测装置同时测定天然气和气体燃料中硫化合物和微量烃的试验方法D6901-03 美术用的有色铅笔规格D6957-03 漆刷填充材料里卷曲物的测量规程D6979-03 聚氨酯原料的试验方法:多元醇碱度的测定方法,以氮百分率表示F2263-03 评价三通(T)的试验方法D6988-03 塑料薄膜试样厚度的测定指南D6866-04 用放射性碳和同位素比质量计分析自然分布区物质的生物基含量试验方法F2330-04 评价多层壁聚烯烃塑料管道对热氯化水的氧化稳定性试验方法2新修订标准第06卷涂料及有关涂层等D2065-03 在表面活性剂促进水分吸收条件下测定复合木材产品边棱性能的试验方法D2697-03 透明或着色涂料中不挥发分体积的测试方法D4827-03 胶乳中未反应单体的毛细管柱气相色谱测定方法D4834-03 涂料中铅含量的直接抽气原子吸收光谱测定方法D2066-03 糊状印刷油墨分散体的相对着色力测试方法D 5324-03 水型建筑涂料的检验指南D2803-03 金属有机涂层耐丝状锈蚀的试验指南D 5401-03 木制品用透明防水涂料的评价试验方法D 1640-03 室温下有机涂料干燥、老化或膜形成的试验方法D 5146-03 溶剂型建筑涂料的测试指南D1439-03 羧甲基纤维素钠的试验方法D1726-03 液体环氧树脂的可水解氯化物含量的试验方法D 5400-03 羟丙基纤维素的试验方法D5201-03 a 涂料及涂层配方物理常数的计算规程D2199-03 增速剂从乙烯基织物迁移至喷漆的测定方法D 5098-03 丙烯树脂乳液绘画漆规格D5722—03 用聚焦阳光和浸泡冷冻融化方法进行成批涂布压花硬质板的室外耐候性加速试验实施规程D6279—03 高光泽涂层耐擦伤性的试验方法D1078—03 挥发性有机液体馏程的试验方法D1613—03 用于涂料、清漆、喷漆及有关产品的挥发性溶剂和化学中间体中酸度的试验方法D1718—03 乙酸异丁酯(95%级)规格D2086—03 乙烯基乙酸酯和乙醛中酸度的试验方法D3130—03 乙酸正丙酯(96%级)规格D3728—03 乙酸2-乙氧基乙酯(99%级)规格D4835—03 丙二醇单甲醚乙酸酯规格第08卷塑料工艺D785—03 塑料及电绝缘材料洛氏硬度的测定方法D3895—03 用扫描差示热量法测定烯烃氧化诱导时间的试验方法D4662—03 聚氨酯原料的试验方法:多元醇的酸、碱值的测定D5491—03 用作模塑料及挤压料的回收聚乙烯薄膜原料的分类D5988—03 测定土壤中塑料材料或堆肥后残留塑料材料的有氧生物降解试验方法D1922—03 a 塑料薄膜和薄板抗撕裂扩展性的试验方法摆锤法D3262—03 玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂排污管规格D3517—03 玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂耐压管规格D3839—02ε1玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂管地下安装指南D2657—03 聚烯烃管及配件的热融接合规程D3035—03 基于控制外径聚乙烯(PE)塑料管(DrPR)规格F2019—03 用拉到原地玻璃增强塑料装置、原地固化热塑性树脂管进行现有管线及导管的修理规程F2513—03b 热塑性气体耐压管、软管及配件规格D1505—03 塑料密度测定方法密度梯度法D2343—03 增强塑料用玻璃纤维单纱,纱线和粗纱抗拉特性的试验方法D1622—03 硬泡沫塑料表观密度的测定方法D 3647—03 根据成分对增强塑料拉挤成型的型材分类的规程D 410l—03 b 聚丙烯注射及挤压材料规格D 3296—03 (FEP)氟化乙丙烯碳氟化合物管材规格D4000—03a 给定塑性材料的分类体系D4067—03 采用ASTM方法的增强和填充聚苯硫(PPS)注射模塑和挤压材料的分类体系D2291—03 玻璃树脂复合材料用环形试样的制备规程D4476—03 测定用纤维增强拉挤塑料棒抗弯性能的试验方法D4059—03 聚氨酯原材料的试验方法:异氰酸酯比重的测定方法D4878—03 聚氨酯原材料的试验方法:多元醇粘度的测定方法D5117—03 坚实的玻璃纤维增强挤拔料的染料渗透性试验方法D 5336—03 聚酞酰胺(PPA)注射模塑料规格D 5857—03 b 用ISO标准草案和方法的聚丙烯注射和挤压料规格D6289—03 测量模制热固性塑料由模型尺寸收缩的试验方法D 6778—03 聚甲醛(POM)模塑料和挤压料的分类D4661—03 聚氨酯原材料的试验方法:异氰酸酯中总氯量的测定方法D 5204—03 聚酰胺-酰亚胺模塑料及挤压料的分类体系D 3982—03 接触模压的玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂导管及通风橱罩的规格D 6864—03a 固体有色塑料壁板制品的颜色和外观稳定性规格F1807—03 SDK 9交联聚乙烯(PEX)管用的由铜卷曲环金属插入配件规格D256—03 塑料摆式抗冲击性的试验方法D638-03 塑料抗张性能的试验方法D3418-03 用扫描差示热量计测定聚合物转变温度的试验方法D4272-03 用锥体坠落器测定塑料薄膜耐总能量冲击的试验方法D2578-04 聚乙烯和聚丙烯薄膜润湿张力的试验方法D3307-04 全氟烷氧基(PFA) 碳氟化合物模塑料及挤压料规格D2241-04 聚氯乙烯额定压力管(SDR系列)规格D2513-04 热塑性气体耐压管、软管及配件规格F905-03 聚乙烯鞍型熔融接头质量检验规程F1335-04 高温设备用额定压力复合材料管和配件规格F3035-03a 依据控制外径的Dr-Br聚乙烯管规格D788-04 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯模塑料及挤压料的分类体系D3014-04 硬质热固性泡沫塑料在垂直状态时火焰高度、燃烧时间和重量损失的试验方法D 3159-04 改性ETFE—含氟聚合物模塑料及挤压料规格D3368-04 (FEP)氟化乙丙烯炭氟化合物树脂薄板及薄膜规格D4000-04 指定塑性材料的分类体系D4894-04 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)粒状模塑料及柱状挤压料规格D 5857-04 用ISO草案及方法的丙烯塑料注型料及挤压料规格D5946-04 采用水触角测量法对电晕处理过聚合物薄膜的试验方法D6339-04 间同(立构)聚苯乙烯模塑料及挤压料规格D2665-04 聚氯乙烯塑料排水、排污和通风管及配件规格F1803-04 依据控制内径的聚氯乙烯封闭异型重力管及配件规格D2103-03 聚乙烯薄膜及薄板规格D2457-03 塑料薄膜及固体塑料镜面光泽的试验方法D2732-03 测定塑料薄膜自由线性热收缩性能的试验方法D 4101-03 a 聚丙烯注塑料及挤压料规格D 3748-03 评价高密度硬质多孔塑料规程D1004-03 塑料薄膜及薄板抗撕裂(Graves撕裂)的试验方法D4549-03 聚苯乙烯及橡胶改性聚苯乙烯模塑料及挤压料(PS)规格D6338-03 高度交联热塑性硫化产品(HCT—PVS)分类体系D 5740-03 依照分类D4000书写材料标准的指南D 3679-03ε1硬质聚氯乙烯档板规格F794-03 受控内径的聚氯乙烯(PVC)异型动力污水管和配件规格F1281-03 交联聚乙烯/铝佼联聚乙烯(Pex-Al-pex)压力管规格F1282-03 聚乙烯—铝—聚乙烯(PE-A1-PE)复合压力管规格F949-03 光滑内壁聚氯乙烯(PVC)波纹污水管和配件规格D2665-02ε1聚氯乙烯(PVC)塑料排水管、废水管及通风管以及配件规格第09卷橡胶工业及其它D3568-03 橡胶评价乙烯-丙烯—二烯烃三元共聚物(EPDM)(包括用油混炼)的试验方法D3848-03 橡胶评价掺和炭黑的丙烯腈-丁二烯共聚物(NBR)的试验方法D5900-03 工业参比物质(IRM)的物理和化学特性规格D1417-03 a合成橡胶胶乳的试验方法D3566-03 在氯存在下用氧燃烧法测定橡胶溴含量的操作规程D2000-03 汽车用橡胶制品的分类体系D1510-03 炭黑的试验方法碘吸附值D1799-03 a 炭黑操作规程成包装运货物的采样D3765-03a 炭黑的试验方法十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)表面积D6915-03a 炭黑操作规程标准参比炭黑的评价D429-03 橡胶性能的试验方法与刚性基底的粘合性D6746-03 生橡胶及未硫化化合物的湿抗拉强度的试验方法D4821-03a 炭黑试验方法精确度和偏差的确认指南D 5817-03a 颗粒炭黑试验用总样的缩分、混合和干燥的操作规程F1364-03 使用校准设备验证干涉激光成象无损轮胎检验系统检验能力的规程D3767-03 橡胶尺寸的测量规程D1566-04 有关橡胶的术语D1646-04 橡胶试验方法用门尼粘度计测定粘度、应力松弛及预硫化性能的试验方法D2000-03a 汽车用橡胶制品分类体系D3493-04 炭黑试验方法压制样的油吸收值试验方法D1765-04 橡胶制品用炭黑分类体系D5230-04 炭黑试验方法自动单粒硬度D6602-03b 采样和检验炭黑的易排放物和、或其它环境颗粒物的操作规程D3194-04 天然橡胶塑性保持值(PRI)的试验方法D4483-03 橡胶及炭黑制造工业评价试验方法标准精确度的规程第15卷胶粘剂等D 5363-03 厌氧的单一成分胶粘剂规格D6005-03 测定地毯胶粘剂抗滑动性的试验方法D6471-03 汽车和轻型货车用最小预稀释到50体积乙二醇基发动机冷却剂溶液规格D6472-03 汽车和轻型货车用提浓回收乙二醇基发动机冷却剂规格E1226-00ε1可燃粉剂的压力和压力提高率的试验方法E2019-03ε1空气中尘雾最小点火能量的试验方法D6586-03 在水系中GAC上,用快速小型柱子试验预告污染物吸附的规程D6446-03 测定粒状和丸状活性炭快速硫化氢突破容量的试验方法D4995-04 电子级和脱脂级1,1,2-三氯1,2,2-三氟乙烷溶剂规格D 5248-04 再生1,1,2—三氯1,2,2—三氟乙烷规格D 5396-04 再生全氯乙烯规格D 5646-04 再生三氯乙烯规格D 905-03 在压缩负荷下粘合体剪切强度的试验方法D950-03 粘合体冲击强度的试验方法D 3167-03 a 胶粘剂抗浮辊撕裂性能的试验方法E180-03 工业和特殊化学品分析和检验用ASTM方法准确度的确定规程第05卷石油产品等D 341-03 液体石油产品粘度温度关系曲线图D 665-03 加抑制剂的矿物油水存在下防锈特性的试验方法D 910-03a 航空汽油规格D1319-03 液体石油产品中烃类型的试验方法荧光指示剂吸附法D1655-03a航空涡轮机燃料规格D1835-03a 液化石油气规格D1840-03 航空涡轮机燃料中萘烃的试验方法紫外线分光光度法D 2274-03 a 馏分燃料油氧化稳定性的试验方法加速法D2532-03 航空涡轮机润滑剂粘度及承受低温后粘度变化的试验方法D2887-03 石油馏分沸程分布的试验方法气相色谱法D2892-03a 原油的蒸馏试验方法15块理论塔板蒸馏塔法D2896-03 石油产品碱值的试验方法高氯酸电位滴定法D 3228-03 润滑油和燃料油中总氮的试验方法改进的克揶达法D 3427-03 石油空气释放性的试验方法D4171-03 燃料系统用的防冻剂规格D4294—03 石油和石油产品中硫的试验方法能量分散x射线荧光光度法D4422—03 石油焦炭分析中灰分的试验方法D4485—03a 发动机油的性能规格D4625—03 柴油燃料在43℃(110‘F)贮存稳定性的试验方法D4693—03 加脂润滑的车轮轴承低温扭矩的试验方法D4814—03a 汽车火花点火发动机燃料规格D4857—03 非弦外操舟机用二冲程汽油发动机润滑油最大限度减小环粘接和活塞沉渍物能力的试验方法D 5191—03 石油产品蒸气压的试验方法微量法D5275—03 含流体聚合物的燃料注入器剪叨稳定性试验(FISST)方法D5001—03 航空涡轮机燃料润滑性测定方法用球在圆柱体润滑性评价器(BOCLE)法D 5006—03 航空燃料中燃料系统醚型防冻剂的测定方法D 5704—03 a 人工传动装置和最终驱动轴用润滑油热及氧化稳定性的评价试验方法D5705—03 残留燃料油上方的气相中硫化氢测定方法D 5800—03 a 润滑油蒸发损失的试验方法阿科(Noack)法D 5862—03 二冲程循环涡轮增压6V92TA2柴油发动机中评价发动机油的试验方法D 6121—03a 评价准双曲面凿轮驱动轴用润滑剂在低速和高扭矩条件下承载能力的试验方法D6352—03 在174 ℃~700 ℃沸腾范围内用气相色谱法测定石油馏分的沸程分布的试验方法D 6377—03 测定原油蒸气压的试验方法:VPCRx(膨胀法)D6378—03 测定石油产品、烃和烃—氧化混合物的蒸气压(VPx)的试验方法(三级膨胀法)D6424—03 天然吸气的火花点火航空发动机辛烷值的实施规程D 6447—03 航空涡轮燃料氢过氧化值的试验方法伏安分析法D6557—03 评价汽车发动机油防锈性能的试验方法D 6593—03 a 在汽油为燃料的火花点火内燃发动机内,低温、轻负载的运行条件下,评价汽车发动机油抑制沉渍物形成的试验方法D6594—03 评价柴油发动机油在135℃腐蚀性的试验方法D6709—03 在序列Ⅷ火花点火发动机(CLR油试验发动机)中,评价汽车发动机油的试验方法D6751—03 a 中间馏分燃料用的生物柴油燃料掺油料B100规格D6812—03 汽轮增压和增加负荷的火花点火航空发动机的地面辛烷值实施规程D 6837—03 在序列VIB火花点火发动机中测量汽车发动机油对客车和轻型货车节约燃料效果的试验方法D 6897—03 a 液化石油气(LPG)蒸气压的试验方法(膨胀法)D2700—03b 火花点火发动机燃料的马达辛烷值的试验方法D1977—03 用氢氟酸/硫酸分解和原子光谱分析法测定FCC平衡催化剂中镍和钒的试验方法D3663—03 催化剂和催化剂载体表面积的试验方法D 3908—03 容量真空法测定有载体的铂催化剂氢化学吸附性能的试验方法D4164—03 成型催化剂及催化剂载体机械轻击的堆积密度试验方法D41S0—03 成型催化剂及催化剂载体的振动堆积密度试验方法D4222—03 用静态容量测定法测定催化剂和催化剂载体氮吸附和脱附等温线的试验方法D4512—03 细催化剂和催化剂载体颗粒及粉体的振动表观堆积密度试验方法D4567—03 连续流动法用氮吸附单点测定催化剂及催化剂载体比表面的试验方法D4781—03 细催化剂颗粒和催化剂载体颗粒机械轻击堆积密度的试验方法D4824—03 用氨化学吸附法测定催化剂酸度的试验方法D6175—03 挤出催化剂和催化剂载体颗粒径向压碎强度的试验方法D3907—03 用微活性试验法进行流化催化裂解(FCC)催化剂的试验方法D5154—03 测定(FCC)催化剂活性和选择性的微活性试验方法3新撤消标准涂料、塑料等D2571—95 木制家具用喷漆的试验指南D1347—72(1995) 甲基纤维素试验方法D1358—86(1995) 分光光度法测定脱水蓖麻油及其衍生物二烯值的试验方法D1466—86(1995) 涂料、清漆及有关物料中常用的液体油和脂肪酸的采样方法D1467—89(1995) 防护涂料中脂肪酸的试验方法D1615—60(1995) 醇酸树脂中甘油、乙二醇和季戊四醇的试验方法D1950—86(1995) 热聚合干性油中丙酮允许量的试验方法D1951—86(1995) 干性油和脂肪酸中灰分的试验方法D1952—86(1995) 定量测定干性油裂解的试验方法D1954—86(1995) 生亚麻子油中油脚的试验方法D1955—95(1995) 干性油凝胶时间的试验方法D1958—86(1995) 奥气油中氯仿不溶物的试验方法D1960—86(1995) 干性油加热损失的试验方法D1964—85(1995) 桐油质量的试验方法D1967—86(1995) 干性油加热后色度测定的试验方法D1983—90(1995) 甲基酯气液色谱法分析脂肪酸组分的试验方法D2078—86(1995) 脂肪族季铵氯化物碘值的试验方法D 3447—0l 卤化有机溶剂纯度的试验方法D4757—98 蒸气脱脂溶剂的标记规程D 5320—96(2000) 稳定的三氯乙烯和四氯乙烯中1,1,1—三氯乙烷及二氯甲烷含量的试验方法D 5223—03 发动机冷却剂级丙二醇规格D 5999—96再悬浮中胶粘剂无干扰的试验方法D2069—9L(1998) 海船用燃料规格D 3520—88(1998) 热处理液淬火时间的试验方法磁性淬火计法D5119—02 车用发动机油在CRC—L—38火花点火发动机中的评价方法D 5302—0l a 车用发动机油在火花点火内燃机中,用汽油作燃料、低温、轻负荷条件下,抑制沉渍物生成和磨损的评价试验方法D 5480—95(1999) 用气相色谱法测定发动机油挥发度的试验方法D 5533—98 车用发动机油在程序ⅢE火花点火发动机中的评价试验方法D 5844—98 车用发动机油抑制生锈的评价试验方法(程序ⅡD)D1848—88(1998) 室外用乳胶漆漆膜破裂特性记录的分类D284—88(1999) 氧化汞颜料的化学分析方法D604—81(1996)ε1硅藻土颜料的规格D 656—87(1999) 纯甲苯胺红调色剂规格D 719—91(1999) 硅藻土颜料的分析方法D 970—86(1999) 对位红和甲苯胺红颜料的试验方法D 3360—96 液体比重计法测定普通白色体质颜料粒度分布的试验方法2004年ASTM化工标准目录(中)1 新制定标准涂料、塑料、橡胶及石油产品等D7054-04 分布于北美涂料涂敷器用的延伸标杆警告标记规格D6865-04 丙烯腈苯乙烯丙烯酸酯(Asa)和丙烯腈乙丙二烯单体苯乙烯(Aes)塑料以及复合物的模塑料和挤压料分类体系D7026-04 通过炭同位素分析法确定物料生物基含量结果用的采样及报告指南D6954-04 在氧化和生物降解联合作用环境里降解的塑料曝露和试验指南D 7029-04 在180.0 ftiF(82.2 ffic)下测定不饱和聚酯及乙烯基酯反应性的试验方法F2389-04 压力分级聚丙烯(PP)管系统规格D7050-04 天然橡胶规程按照预示工艺性能的采样及捆包分类D7057-04 气相色谱法(外部标准)分析异丙苯的试验方法D7038-04 评价汽车齿轮润滑剂耐湿度腐蚀的试验方法D 7039-04 用单色波长分散X—射线荧光分光法测定汽油和柴油机燃料中硫含量的试验方法D 7044-04 可生物降解的耐火水力流体规格D 6985-04 燃料油中间馏分的规格海军用F 2331-04 测定用于热塑性螺纹管及配件材料的螺纹密封胶化学相容性的试验方法2新修订标准第06卷涂料及有关涂层等D2369-04 涂料挥发物含量的测试方法D3960-04 色漆和有关涂料中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量的测试方法D1725-04 树脂溶液粘度的测试方法D1353-03 色漆、清漆、喷漆及有关产品用挥发性溶剂中不挥发物质的测试方法D1720-03 硝酸纤维溶液中活性溶剂稀释比的试验方法D3329-03 气相色谱法测定甲基异丁基酮纯度的试验方法D1308-02ε1家用化学品对透明和着色有机面漆影响的试验方法D6132-04 用超声波仪表非破坏性测量应用有机涂料干膜厚度的试验方法D1641-04 清漆户外曝露试验实施规程D3258-04 用着色法的白色或近白色涂料涂膜孔隙率的试验方法D 3793-04 乳胶漆膜低温凝聚试验方法D 5068-04 评定用试漆刷具的制备规程D6488-04 关于印刷问题术语D6583-04 用矿物油吸附法的漆膜孔隙度试验方法D6901-04 美术彩色铅笔规格D4139-04 颜料挥发物和非挥发物含量测定指南D6687-04 印刷油墨载体及其成分的试验指南D1133-04 烃类溶剂的贝壳杉脂一丁醇值的试验方法D2380-04 甲醛溶液的甲醇含量试验方法D2379—04 甲醛溶液的酸度试验方法D2916—04 异佛尔酮规格D3548—04 丙烯酸乙酯规格D 3620—04 冰乙酸规格D4416—04 丙烯酸规格D5399—04 气相色谱法的烃类溶剂沸点分布试验方法第08卷塑料工艺D4877—04 聚氨基甲酸乙酯原料的试验方法:异氰酸酯中APHA色度的测定D6110—04 塑料切口试样耐却贝冲击的试验方法F1056—04 用于熔融套接聚乙烯管、管子及配件的熔融套接工具规格F1673—04 腐蚀性废料排泄系统用聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)规格F1807—04 Sdr9交联聚乙烯(PEX)管用的卷曲铜环金属内插件规格F1947—04 往现有排水管和通气管中安装折叠聚氯乙烯PVC管的操作规程F2023—04 评估交联聚乙烯(PEX)管道和系统对热氯化水抗氧化性能的试验方法D1238—04 测量热塑性塑料熔体流动速率挤压塑性仪法D1248—04 电线和电缆用聚乙烯塑料的挤压料规格D4895—04 用分散法生产的聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)规格D 5260—04 聚氯乙烯(PVC)均聚物和共聚物以及氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)化合物耐化学药剂性能的分类D5420—04 使用落锤冲击(Gardner冲击)法的扁平硬质塑料试样的冲击试验方法D 5675—04 含氟聚合物微粉规格D3679—04 硬质聚氯乙烯档板规格D4477—04 硬质未增塑聚氯乙烯拱腹规格D5813—04 就地固化的热固性树脂排污管规格D2774—04 热塑性压力管系统的地下安装规程F1974—04 聚乙烯/铝/聚乙烯和交链聚乙烯/铝/交链聚乙烯复合压力管用金属内插配件规格D746—04 塑料及弹性体脆化温度的试验方法用冲击法D 3262—04 玻璃纤维增强的热固性树脂排污管规格D3517—04 玻璃纤维增强的热固性树脂压力管规格D3754—04 玻璃纤维增强的热固性树脂耐压排污管及工业管规格D256—04 塑料抗摆锤冲击性的试验方法D789—04 聚酰胺(PA)相对粘度的测定方法D2115—04 聚氯乙烯组成的炉热稳定性规程D3012—04 用炉内的样本旋转器测定聚丙烯热氧化稳定性的试验方法D4101—04 聚丙烯注射及挤压料规格D4441—04 聚四氟乙烯水分散体规格D4889—04 聚氨基甲酸乙酯原料的试验方法:原料或改性异氰酸酯粘度的测定D4976—04 聚乙烯塑料模塑及挤压料规格D2665—04 a 聚氯乙烯(PVC)塑料排水、排污及通风管及配件规格F876—04 交联聚乙烯(PEX)管子规格F2098—04 固定Sdr 9交联聚乙烯管在金属内插配件上用的不锈钢夹子规格D1785—04 聚氯乙烯塑料管(40、80及120号表)的规格D2241—04 a 聚氯乙烯耐不同级别压力管、Sdr系列规格D2513—04a 热塑性塑料气体压力管、软管及配件规格D2837—04 获得热塑性管材流体静力学设计基础或热塑性管制晶压力设计基础的试验方法D3034—04 Psm型聚氯乙烯(PVC)污水管及配件规格F493—04 氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)塑料管及配件用液态粘固剂规格第09卷橡胶工业及其它D454-04 橡胶的试验方法用加热与空气加压的变质作用D 572-04 橡胶的试验方法用加热和加氧的变质作用D926-04 橡胶特性的试验方法用平行板法的塑性及复原性D2702-04 橡胶化学品用的规程红外线吸收特性的测定D3765-04 炭黑的试验方法CTAB(十六烷基三甲溴化铵)表面积D4821-04 炭黑导则试验方法精密度及偏差的确认D 750-04 用人工气候装置测定橡胶变质的试验方法第15卷胶粘剂等D896-04 粘合体耐化学试剂的试验方法D907-04胶粘剂的术语D1337—04 用稠度和粘结强度确定胶粘剂贮存寿命的试验方法D5656-04 拉伸载荷法测定胶粘剂剪切下应力—应变性能用的厚粘合金属搭接受剪节点的试验方法D6004-04 测定地毯胶粘剂的粘合剪切强度的试验方法D6105-04 为了粘接应用放电表面处理活化塑料的操作规程D853-04 工业芳烃中硫化氢和二氧化硫含量(定性)测定方法D2360-04 气相色谱法测定单环芳烃中痕量杂质的试验方法D 3792-04 邻二甲苯气相色谱分析方法D4734-04 精制苯-545规格—甲基苯乙烯(AMS)的毛细管气相色谱分析方法αD6144-04D 5159-04 颗粒活性炭的粉化磨损指南D 3878-04 复合材料术语D6484/D6484 M-04 聚合物基块复合层在制品空心抗压强度的试验方法D3943-04 新氧化铝基催化剂中总钼量的试验方法D4481-04 新氧化铝基催化剂中总镍量的试验方法D4782-04 用湿化学方法对分子筛催化剂内钯的试验方法E1064-04 有机溶液中水的试验方法库仑-费休滴定法E1615-04 用锌铁合金法的微量铁定量方法D2809-04 带有发动机冷却剂铝泵的空气腐蚀及磨耗的试验方法D4725-04 发动机冷却剂术语D5752-04 用于重载发动机的预装冷却剂中附加冷却添加剂(SCAs)的规格D847-04 苯、甲苯、二甲苯、溶剂石脑油和类似工业芳烃酸度的试验方法—甲基苯乙烯)规格αD6367-04 AMS(D2659-04 室外潮湿环境中结构层压木制品用胶粘剂规格D2867-04 活性炭中水分的试验方法第05卷石油产品等D86-04 常压下石油产品蒸馏方法D97-04 石油产品倾点的测试方法D664-04 石油产品的酸值试验方法电位滴定法D975-04 燃料柴油规格D2983-04 测定润滑油低温粘度的试验方法布鲁克菲耳德粘度计法D4683-04 在高温和高剪切速率下测定粘度的试验方法锥形轴承模拟器法D5188-04 燃料的汽液比温度试验方法真空室法D6304-04 测定石油产品、润滑油和添加剂中水分含量的试验方法卡尔费休滴定法D86-04 b 常压下石油产品蒸馏方法D445-04 透明和不透明液体运动粘度的试验方法及动力粘度的计算法D 611-04 石油产品及烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点测试方法D975-04 a 燃料柴油规格D4055-04 戊烷不溶物的膜过滤测试方法D4485-04 发动机润滑油性能规格D4806-04 汽车点火发动机燃料用的与汽油混合的变性燃料酒精的规格D5293-04 发动机油-5℃~-30℃表观粘度的试验方法冷启动模拟法D 5372-04 烷基导热液的评价指南D5481-04 高温高剪切速率下表观粘度的测试方法多孔毛细管粘度计法D5579-04 手动传动润滑剂热稳定性试验方法循环耐久性试验法D5704-04 主传动和主驱动轴用润滑油热及氧化稳定性的评价试验方法D 5769-04 成品汽油中苯、甲苯和总芳烃含量的色谱/质谱测定方法D6201-04 P2进样阀沉积物形成的无铅火花点火发动机燃料功率计评价试验方法D6304-04a 测定石油产品、润滑油及添加剂中水分含量的库仑—费休滴定法D6379-04 测定航空燃料和石油馏分中芳烃类的试验方法带有折射率检测的高效液相色谱仪D6593-04 低温和轻负荷条件下运行的以汽油为燃料的火花点火内燃发动机内抑制沉积物形成的汽车机油评价的试验方法D6594-04 135℃柴油机油腐蚀性的评价试验方法D6792-04 石油产品和润滑油试验室中质量系统的指南D6837-04 在序列VIB火花点火发动机中测定汽车机油对客车和轻负荷货车节能影响的试验方法D6838-04 Cummins M11高烟灰试验方法D6973-04 高压恒容量叶片泵中标明石油水力流体耐磨性的试验方法D6974-04 在液体燃料中能生活的细菌和霉菌的计数规程过滤和培养方法D130-04 石油产品对铜腐蚀的试验方法铜条法D938-04 石油蜡包括凡士林冻凝点的试验方法D943-04 加抑制剂矿物油氧化特性的试验方法D 1265-04 液化石油(LP)气取样规程手动法D2158-04 液化石油(LP)气中残留物的试验方法D2887-04 石油馏分沸程分布的试验方法气相色谱法D2893-04 极压润滑油氧化特性的试验方法D3227-04 汽油、煤油、航空气轮机燃料及馏分燃料中硫醇态硫含量的试验方法电位差法。



ASTM-D类最新标准目录(一)ASTM D类最新标准目录( 一)D4-86(2004) 沥青含量试验方法D5-06e1 沥青材料的渗透性试验方法D6-95(2000)e1 油及沥青混合物加热损失试验方法D8-02 与道路和路面材料相关的术语D9-05 与木材相关的术语D12-88(1998) 未加工的桐油D13-02 松节油规范D16-03 与涂料、清漆、亮漆和有关产品相关的术语D20-03 路面焦油的蒸馏试验方法D25-99(2005) 圆木桩D29-98 虫胶树脂的抽样和试验方法D34-91(2003) 白颜料化学分析指南D36-95(2000)e1 沥青软化点试验方法(沥青软化点测定器)D38-94(2000)e1 木材防腐剂的抽样试验方法D41-05 铺屋面、防潮及防水用沥青底层D43-00 屋顶、防潮及防水材料用杂酚油底漆D49-83(2002) 铅丹的化学分析D50-90(2005) 含铁和锰的黄色、橙色、红色和褐色涂料的化学分析试验方法D56-05 泰格密闭闪点试验器测定闪点的试验方法D61-75(2004) 硬沥青的软化点的试验方法(水中方块试验法)D69-01 磨擦带的试验方法D70-03 半固态沥青材料的比重和密度的试验方法D71-94(2004) 固体硬沥青和地沥青的相对密度试验方法(变位法)D75-03 集料的抽样D76-99(2005) 纺织材料的抗拉试验机D79-86(2004) 氧化锌颜料D81-87(2003) 碱性碳酸盐铅白颜料D83-84(2002) 铅丹颜料D85-05 赭色颜料规范D86-05 大气压下石油产品蒸馏试验方法D87-04 石蜡熔点的试验方法(冷却曲线)D88-94(2005) 赛波特粘度的试验方法D91-02 润滑油的沉淀值试验方法D92-05a 用克利夫兰德开杯法测定石油产品的闪点和燃点的试验方法D93-02a 用潘斯基-马丁斯仪闭杯闪点测定器测定闪点的试验方法D94-02 石油产品的皂化值试验方法D95-05e1 蒸馏法测定石油产品及沥青材料中水的试验方法D97-05a 石油的倾点的试验方法D98-05 氯化钙D113-99 沥青材料的延展性的试验方法D115-02 电绝缘用含清漆试验溶剂的试验方法D116-86(2006) 电气设备用上釉陶瓷材料的试验D237-57(1997) 橙色紫胶和其他虫胶D240-02 弹式量热器测定液烃燃料燃烧热的试验方法D242-04 沥青铺路混合料用矿物填料D243-02 规定残渣渗透性测试方法D244-04 乳化沥青的测试方法D245-06 制定目测分等木材的结构等级及有关允许性能的规程D246-04 杂酚油和杂酚油-煤焦油溶液的蒸馏试验方法D256-06 塑料及电绝缘材料的抗冲击性的测试方法D257-99(2005) 绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导的试验方法D260-86(2001) 熟亚麻籽油D261-75(1999) 铁蓝颜料D262-81(1999) 群青蓝颜料D263-05 氧化铬绿颜料D267-82(2003) 黄青铜粉规格D268-01 涂料及其相关涂层和原料用挥发性溶剂及化学中间体的抽样和测试D269-97(2002) 松香和松香衍生物中不溶物的试验方法D276-00a 纺织品中纤维的鉴定方法(AATCC方法20)D279-02 颜料渗出的试验方法D280-01 颜料吸收的水份(及试验条件下挥发的其他物质)的测试方法D281-95(2002) 用刮刀磨损法测定颜料油吸附性的试验方法D283-84(1999) 一氧化铜和铜涂料化学分析试验方法D287-92(2006) 原油和石油产品API比重的试验方法(液体比重计法)D291-86(2002) 烟煤立方英尺重量的试验方法D293-93(2004) 焦炭筛析分析试验方法D295-99(2004) 电绝缘用棉质漆布的试验方法D297-93(2002)e2 橡胶制品的测试方法.化学方法D299-04e1 石棉纱的标准规范D301-95(2004) 可溶性硝化纤维素的试验方法D304-05 n-丁醇(丁醇)D305-84(2003) 黑色涂料中的溶剂萃取材料的试验方法D312-00 屋顶用沥青D315-95(2004)e1 机织石棉带的标准规范D319-04 合成的戊醇D322-97(2002)e1 蒸馏法测定汽油发动机废机油中汽油稀释剂的试验方法D323-99a 石油产品蒸气压力的测试方法D329-02 丙酮D330-93(2001) 2-丁氧基乙醇D331-05 2-乙氧基乙醇D332-87(2004) 白色颜料着色力的试验方法D333-01 透明漆和着色漆的试验方法D341-03 液体石油产品粘度-温度关系曲线图D344-97(2004) 用擦试外规评定法对涂料相对遮盖力的测试方法D345-02 道路和结构用氯化钙的抽样和试验方法D346-04e1 实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备D347-97 杂酚油和煤焦油的体积和比重修正表D348-00 电绝缘用刚性管的测试方法D349-99(2004) 电绝缘用层压圆棒的试验方法D350-01 电绝缘用经处理软套管的试验方法D351-97(2003) 天然白云母块及薄片目检质量分级D352-97(2003) 电绝缘用涂浆云母的试验方法D358-98 涂料耐大气老试验用木片规格D360-89(2001) 紫胶清漆规范D363-90(2000) 磷酸三甲苯酯规格D365-01(2005) 可溶性硝酸纤维素基溶液的试验方法D367-94(2000)e1 杂酚油中苯不溶物的测试方法D368-89(2002) 杂酚油及油质防腐剂比重的试验方法D369-84(2002) 杂酚油馏份与残渣比重的测试方法D370-02e1 油质防腐剂脱水作用的试验方法D372-00(2006) 电绝缘用经处理的软套管规格D374-99(2004) 固体电绝缘厚度的测试方法D374M-99(2005) 固体电绝缘厚度的标准测试方法(米制)D375-95(2004)e1 石棉粗砂的标准规范D378-00 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法D380-94(2006) 橡胶软管的测试方法D381-04 用喷射蒸发法测定燃烧中原在胶的测试方法D387-00 使用机械研磨机测定有色颜料主色和着力色的试验方法D388-05 用排列法测定煤的分类D390-92(1999) 海上,陆地及淡水中用木桩,电杆和木材的防腐处理用煤柏油杂酚油规程D391-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液D395-03 橡胶压缩永久变形特性的试验方法D396-05 燃料油规范D402-02 稀释沥青产品蒸馏的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Distillationof Cut-Back Asphaltic (Bituminous) ProductsD409-02 粉碎机法测定煤炭可磨性的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Grindabilityof C oal by the Hardgrove-Machine MethodD411-98(2003) 电绝缘用紫胶片试验方法 Standard Test Methods for ShellacUsed for El ectrical InsulationD412-98a(2002)e1 硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶和热塑合成橡胶的拉伸试验方法 Standard Test Meth ods for VulcanizedRubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—TensionD413-98(2002)e1 橡胶特性-与软质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Ru bberProperty—Adhesion to Flexible SubstrateD420-98(2003) 土壤粒度分析的测试方法 Standard Guide to SiteCharacterization for En gineering, Design, and ConstructionPurposesD421-85(2002) 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Practice for Dry Preparationof Soil Sa mples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination ofSoil ConstantsD422-63(2002)e1 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Standard Test Method forParticle-Size Analys is of SoilsD425-88(2001) 土壤离心湿度当量试验方法 Standard Test Method for CentrifugeMoistur e Equivalent of SoilsD427-04 用水银法测量土壤收缩系数的测试方法 Test Method for Shrinkage Factors ofSoil s by the Mercury MethodD429-03e1 橡胶特性与硬质基底粘附性的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberPro perty—Adhesion to Rigid SubstratesD430-06 橡胶变质的动态疲劳试验方法 Standard Test Methods for RubberDeterioration-Dynamic FatigueD434-95 Standard Test Method for Resistance toSlippage of Yarns in Woven Fabrics Using a Standard SeamD440-86(2002) 煤的跌落粉碎试验 Standard Test Method of Drop ShatterTest for Coal D441-86(2002) 煤的滚筒试验 Standard Test Method of Tumbler Test for CoalD444-88(2003) 锌黄颜料(铬酸锌黄)的化学分析方法 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc YellowPigment (Zinc Chromate Yellow)D445-06 透明和不透明液体运动粘度的测试方法.(包括动态粘度的计算) Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity ofTransparent and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of Dyn amicViscosity)D446-06 玻璃毛细管运动粘度计操作说明书和规范 Standard Specifications and OperatingI nstructions for Glass Capillary Kinematic ViscometersD448-03a 道路和桥梁建筑的集料尺寸分类 Standard Classification for Sizes ofAggregate for Road and Bridge ConstructionD449-03 防潮和防水用沥青规范 Standard Specification for AsphaltUsed in Dampproofi ng and WaterproofingD450-96(2006) 铺屋面,防潮与防水用硬煤沥青 Standard Specification for Coal-TarPitch Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and WaterproofingD451-91(2002) 沥青屋顶制品用粒状矿物铺面材料筛分分析试验方法 Standard Test Method for SieveAnalysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing For Asphalt RoofingProductsD452-91(2002) 沥青层面制品表面修整用非粒状矿物的筛分试验方法 Standard Test Method for SieveAnalysis of Surfacing for Asphalt Roofing ProductsD453-94(2000)e1 杂酚油-煤焦油溶液中焦油酸含量的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Tar Acids inCreosote-Coal Tar SolutionsD454-04 用加热及空气压力测定橡胶变质的试验方法 Standard Test Method for RubberDet erioration by Heat and Air PressureD459-00 肥皂和其它洗涤剂的术语规范 Standard Terminology Relating toSoaps and Oth er DetergentsD460-91(2005) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplinga nd Chemical Analysis of Soaps and Soap ProductsD464-05 松脂油产品包括妥尔油和其他相关产品的皂化值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Saponification Number of Naval Store Products Including Tall Oil and Other Relate d ProductsD465-05 松脂制品包括妥尔油及其它相关产品酸值的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for A cid Numberof Naval Stores Products Including Tall Oil and Other RelatedProductsD470-05 电线和电缆用交联绝缘与套管的测试方法 Standard Test Methods for Crosslinked Insulations and Jackets for Wire and CableD471-98e2 液体对橡胶性能影响的测试方法 Standard Test Method for RubberProperty-E ffect of LiquidsD473-02 萃取法测定原油和燃料油中沉积物的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Sedimen t inCrude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction MethodD476-00(2005) 二氧化钛颜料规范 Standard Classification for DryPigmentary Titanium Dioxide ProductsD478-02 锌黄(铬酸锌)颜料 Standard Specificationfor Zinc Yellow (Zinc Chromate) Pig mentsD480-88(2003) 铝粉和铝粉浆的抽样和试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Samplingand Testing of Flaked Aluminum Powders and PastesD482-03 石油产品灰分的测试方法 Standard Test Method for Ash fromPetroleum Produ ctsD483-04 石油制植物喷洒油不磺化残渣的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Unsulfonate dResidue of Petroleum Plant Spray OilsD490-92(2005) 道路柏油 Standard Specification for Road TarD494-04 Standard Test Method for Acetone Extraction ofPhenolic Molded or Laminat ed Products Standard TestMethod for Acetone Extraction of Phenolic Molded or Lami natedProductsD495-99(2004) 固体电绝缘材料的耐高压低电流干电弧性能的测试方法 Standard Test Metho d forHigh-Voltage, Low-Current, Dry Arc Resistance of Solid ElectricalInsulationD500-95(2003) 磺化油和硫化油的化学分析和试验方法D501-03 碱性洗涤剂的抽样和化学分析试验方法D502-89(2003) 肥皂和其它洗涤剂粒度的试验方法D509-05 松香分级和抽样试验方法D511-03 水中钙镁离子的测试方法D512-04 测定水中氯离子含量的试验方法D513-02 水中二氧化碳溶解量和总量的试验方法D516-02 水中硫酸铁的试验方法D517-98(2003) 沥青厚板材D518-99 橡胶变质表面龟裂的试验方法D519-04 羊毛条中纤维长度的试验方法D520-00(2005) 锌粉颜料规范D521-02 锌粉(金属锌粉)的化学分析试验方法D522-93a(2001) 用锥形心轴仪测定涂覆有机涂层延伸率的试验方法D523-89(1999) 镜面光泽的试验方法D524-04 石油产品中兰氏残炭的试验方向D525-05 汽油氧化稳定性的试验方法(诱导期方法)D528-97(2002) 纸和纸板的机器定向试验方向D529-04 沥青材料的加速风化试验条件和程序的测试方法(碳弧法)D531-00(2005) 普西和琼斯橡胶压缩试验方法D542-00 透明有机塑料的折射指数的试验方法D543-06 塑料耐化学试剂性能的试验方法D545-99(2005) 混凝土用预制伸缩缝纫填料的试验方法(非挤压和弹性型)D546-05 道路和铺砌材料用矿物填料筛分的测试方法D548-97(2002) 纸张水溶解酸碱度的试验方法D555-84(1998) 干性油试验D558-04 土壤水泥混合物的水分与密度关系的试验方法D559-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的湿润与干燥的试验方法D560-03 压实的掺土水泥混合物的冻融试验方法D561-82(2003) 涂料用炭黑颜料D562-01(2005) 斯氏粘度计测定涂料稠度的试验方法D563-88(1996)e1 醇酸树脂和树脂溶液中苯酐含量的试验方法D564-87(2002) 液体涂料催干剂的试验方法D565-99(2005) 白色矿物油中可碳化物质的试验方法D566-02 润滑脂滴点的试验方法D570-98(2005) 塑料吸水率的试验方法D572-04 用加热法和氧化法进行的橡胶变质的试验方法D573-04 在空气烤炉中作橡胶变质的试验方法D575-91(2001) 橡胶压缩特性的试验方法D578-05 玻璃纤维丝D579-04 原织物玻璃纤维D580-04 机织玻璃纤维带D581-99 机织玻璃纤维套管的编织D584-96(2005) 原毛中羊毛含量实验室测试方法D585-97(2002) 纸张、纸板、纤维板和相关产品的单批取样和验收方法D586-97(2002) 纸中灰分含量的试验方法D589-97(2002) 纸的不透明度的测试方法D590-93(2002) 纸中石油蜡的测试方法D596-01 水分析结果的报告D600-90(2001) 液体涂料催干剂D601-87(1998) 奥气油(永久液体)D602-81(2003) 硫酸钡颜料规范D605-82(2003) 硅酸镁颜料(滑石)D607-82(2003) 湿磨云母颜料D608-05 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯D609-00 涂料、油漆以及改性涂料与相关涂料产品的测试用冷轧钢板的制备D610-01 涂漆钢表面锈蚀程度评价的试验方法D611-04 石油产品和烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点的试验方法D612-88(2004) 石蜡中可碳化物质的试验方法D613-05 十六烷法测定柴油燃料燃烧质量的试验方法D618-05 塑料及电绝缘材料的调理方法D619-99(2004) 电绝缘用硫化纤维的测试方法D622-99(2005) 汽车空气制动和真空制动系统用橡胶软管试验方法D623-99e1 橡胶特性-压缩中热的产生及挠曲疲劳的试验方法D624-00e1 橡胶的热塑性弹性的耐老化性的抗撕裂强度的试验方法D628-95(2004)e1 石棉套管的标准规范D629-99 纺织品定量分析试验方法D632-01 氯化钠D633-97(2005) 道路柏油的体积修正表D635-06 自承塑料在水平状态时的燃烧速率或者燃烧蔓延程度及燃烧时间的试验方法D638-03 塑料拉伸性能的试验方法D642-00(2005) 船用集装箱、组合件和单体加载的抗压缩能力的测试方法D643-97(2002) 用厦泊测试仪测试纸的折痕持久性的标准试验方法D644-99(2002) 用烘干法测定纸和纸板中水分的测试方法D645/D645M-97(2002) 纸和纸板厚度的测试方法D646-96(2001) 纸张及纸板的基本重量的试验方法(单位面积的重量)D648-06 在挠曲负荷下塑料的挠曲温度的试验方法D653-05 土壤、岩石和其内部所含液体的相关术语D660-93(2005) 外用漆龟裂程度评价方法D661-93(2005) 外用漆破裂程度评价的试验方法D662-93(2005) 外用漆侵蚀程度评价的试验方法D664-06 电位滴定法测定石油产品酸值的试验方法D665-06 水存在下抑制的矿物油防锈特性的试验方法D668-99(2004) 电绝缘用硬条和硬管尺度测量的测试方法D669-03 层压薄板与层压板的平行于层片的耗散系数和介电常数的试验方法D685-93(2002) 检测调理纸和纸制品D686-93(2002) 纸中矿物填料和矿物涂料的定性测试方法D689-03 纸张的内部耐撕裂的试验方法D692-00(2004) 沥青铺路砌混合用粗集料D693-03a 碎石路面用压碎集料D695-02a 硬质塑料抗压特性的试验方法D696-03 从-30摄氏度到30摄氏度的塑料线性热膨胀系数的试验方法D698-00ae1 实验室中用12000ft-lbt/ft(600KN-m/m)作用力测定土壤压力特性的试验方法D704-99(2004) 三氯氰胺甲醛模制化合物D705-99(2004) 脲甲醛模制化合物D706-05 乙酸纤维素模制和挤压化合物D707-05 醋酸丁酸纤维素模制与挤压料规格D709-01 层压热固材料D710-97(2002) 电绝缘用硫化纤维薄板、条和管D711-89(2004) 路标漆不粘着时间的试验方法D713-90(2004) 路标漆进行路面使用的试验方法D714-02e1 涂料起泡程度的试验方法D715-86(2003) 硫酸钡颜料分析的标准试验方法D716-86(2003) 评定云母颜料的标准试验方法D717-86(2003) 硅酸镁颜料分析的标准试验方法D718-86(2003) 硅酸铝颜料的分析标准试验方法D720-91(2004)e1 煤自由膨胀指数的试验方法D721-05 石油蜡含油量的试验方法D722-93(2002) 纸的抗油脂性标准试验方法D724-99(2003) 纸表面可湿性的测试方法(接触角法)D726-94(2003) 空气中无孔纸的透气性的测试方法D727-96(2001) 真空方法测定屋顶和地板油毡煤油值的试验方法D731-95(1999) 热固模塑料粉末的模塑指数的试验方法D732-02 用穿孔工具测量塑料剪切强度的测试方法D737-04 纺织纤维透气率的试验方法D740-05 丁酮规范D746-04 用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料的脆化温度的试验方法D747-02 用悬臂梁法对塑料表观弯曲系数的测试方法D748-00(2005)e1 固定式云母介电电容器用天然云母块和云母薄片D750-00 用碳弧型装置和风化装置对橡胶变质的测试方法D751-06 涂层织物的测试方法D763-01 未加工棕土和焙烧棕土颜料D765-87(2003) 未加工黄土和焙烧黄土颜料技术规范D768-01 黄色氧化铁的水合物D769-01 黑色合成氧化铁D770-05 异丙醇规范D772-86(2005) 外部涂料剂落程度评价的试验方法D774/D774M-97(2002) 纸张抗破碎强度的测试方法D776-92(2001) 干热对纸和纸板特性的影响的试验方法D777-97(2002) 经过处理的纸和纸板易燃性的标准试验方法D778-97(2002) 纸萃液(热萃取和冷萃取法)氢离子浓度(pH)的标准试验方法D779-03 纸、纸板和其他印刷材料用干烧指示器法测试耐水性的测试方法D780-95(2003) 纸印刷油墨渗透性的测试方法(蓖麻油试验)D784-03 电绝缘材料用橙色紫胶和其他印度虫胶D785-03 塑料和电绝缘材料的洛氏硬度的测试方法D787-96(2003) 乙基纤维模制和挤压化合物D788-05 甲基丙烯酸酯模制和挤压化合物的分类系统D789-06 聚酰胺相对粘度,熔点和含水量的测试方法D790-03 未增强和增强塑料及电绝缘材料的挠曲性的试验方法D792-00 用位移法测定塑料密度和比重(相对密度)的标准试验方法D800-05 工业用金属除垢剂化学分析试验方法D801-02 二聚戊烯抽样和测试的试验方法D802-02 松油抽样和测试的试验方法D803-03 妥儿油的测试试验方法D804-02 松脂制品包括妥儿油及相关产品的术语D806-00(2006) 掺土水泥混合物中水泥含量的试验方法D807-05 工业锅炉用水引起脆裂倾向的评价方法(美国矿业局的脆变检查器方法)D808-05 新的和使用过的石油产品中氯含量的试验方法(氧弹法)D813-06 测定橡胶龟裂扩展的试验方法D814-95(2005) 橡胶特性挥发性液体蒸汽渗透性的试验方法D816-06 橡胶胶水的试验方法D817-96(2004) 乙酸丙酸纤维素和醋酸丁酸纤维素的试验方法D820-93(2003) 含合成洗涤剂肥皂的化学分析试验方法D822-01 用经过过滤明光碳弧灯和水中曝光装置对涂料及相关涂层和材料上做的导电试验D823-95(2001) 色漆,清漆,喷漆及有关产品制成厚度均匀漆膜试片的方法D824-94(2002) 用皱文纸测定吸水率的测试方法D828-97(2002) 纸和纸板拉力破坏强度的测试方法D829-97(2002) 纸和纸制品湿抗拉断裂强度的标准试验方法D831-94(2004) 电缆及电容器油的气体含量的测试方法D832-92(2001)e1 低温状态下的橡胶试验D841-02 甲苯的硝化定级D843-06 硝化二甲苯D847-04 苯,甲苯,二甲苯,溶剂石脑油和类似的工业芳烃酸度的试验方法D848-03 工业芳烃的酸洗颜色的标准试验方法D849-05 工业芳烃对铜条腐蚀的标准试验方法D850-03 工业芳轻及相关物质的蒸溜法D852-02 苯凝固点的试验方法D853-04 工业芳烃中硫化氢和二氧化硫含量(定性)的标准试验方法D854-06 土壤比重的试验方法D857-02 水中铝含量的测试方法D858-02 水中锰含量的试验方法D859-05 水中二氧化硅的测试方法D861-01a 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度D865-99(2005) 橡胶的空气中加热变质试验方法(试管法)D866-99(2004) 电线及电缆用丁苯合成橡胶套D868-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度评价的试验方法D869-85(2004) 涂漆沉降程度评价试验方法D870-02 水浸渍法涂层耐水试验D871-96(2004) 测试乙酸纤维素的试验方法D873-02 航空燃料的氧化稳定性的测试方法D874-06 润滑油和添加剂中硫酸盐类灰分的测试方法D876-00 电绝缘用刚性氧化乙烯聚合物管的测试方法D877-02e1 用圆盘电极测定电绝缘液体介电击穿电压的试验方法D878-01e1 绝缘油中无机氯化物和硫酸盐的测试方法D880-92(2002) 船用集装箱的冲击试验的试验方法D882-02 塑料薄板材抗拉特性的试验方法D883-00 塑料相关术语D885-06 由人造有机纤维制成的轮胎帘子线,轮胎帘布和工业长纱线的测试D887-82(2003)e1 水沉积物抽样D888-05 水中溶解氧的试验方法D889-99(2004) 松香中油挥发性的试验方法D890-98(2003) 液体松脂中水含量的试验方法D891-95(2004) 液态工业化合物的比重,表观比重的测试方法D892-05 润滑油发泡特性的标准试验方法D893-05a 用过的润滑油中不溶物的试验方法D896-04 胶粘剂耐化学试剂粘法的试验方法D897-01e1 胶粘剂粘结力的抗拉性的测试方法D898-05 胶粘剂固体单位面积涂用重量的试验方法D899-00 单位面积涂用液体胶粘剂的重量的测试方法D902-00 电绝缘用挠性涂树脂玻璃布和玻璃布带的测试方法D903-98(2004) 胶粘剂粘结抗剥落或爆皮强度的试验方法D904-99(2005) 人造光(碳弧型)和自然光对胶粘剂试样的曝光D905-03 用压缩荷载法测定胶粘剂的抗剪切强度性能的试验方法D906-98(2004) 用拉力负荷法测定胶合板结构中胶粘剂剪切强度特性的试验方法D907-05e1 胶粘剂术语D909-01e1 增压进料法测定航空汽油抗震性的试验方法(联邦试验方法No.791b) D910-04a 航空汽油技术规范D912-81(1999) 防污涂料用氧化亚铜D913-03e1 路标漆耐磨程度的评价方法D914-00(2006) 乙基纤维的试验方法D918-99(2003) 纸和纸板的抗粘结性试验方法D919-97(2002) 纸和纸板的铜值测试方法D922-00a(2006) 非硬质聚氯乙烯管D923-97 电绝缘液体的抽样方法D924-04 电绝缘液体的损耗因数(或功率因数)和介电常数(电容率)的测试方法D925-06 橡胶特性.表面着色(接触、色移和扩散)的试验方法D926-04 用平行板法测量橡胶的塑性和弹性D928-03 碳酸氢钠D932-85(2002) 水和水沉积物中嗜铁细菌含量试验方法D933-84(2003) 水沉积物的检验和分析结果的报告方法D934-80(2003) 用X射线衍射法作水沉积物中结晶化合物的识别方法D937-04 石油脂的针入度试验方法D938-05 石油蜡(包括凡士林)凝固点的测试方法D942-02 氧弹法测定润滑脂氧化稳定性的试验方法D943-04a 防腐蚀矿物油氧化特性的试验方法D945-06 用机械示波器测定在压缩应力和剪切应力下橡胶特性的试验方法D946-82(2005) 路面建造用按贯入度级配的沥青膏D950-03 胶粘剂抗冲击强度的试验方法D951-99(2004) 用喷射法测定船运集装箱的耐水性的试验方法D952-02 薄板塑料和电绝缘材料粘结强度的试验方法D953-02 塑料支承强度的测试方法D955-00 模制塑料模型尺寸收缩率的测量方法D957-95(2006)e1 塑料生产用模型表面温度的测定D960-02a 生蓖麻油D961-86(2001) 脱水蓖麻油D962-81(2003) 涂料用铝粉和铝浆颜料D964-03 防污漆用铜粉D968-05 用落沙磨蚀法测定有机涂层耐磨性的试验方法D969-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度的实验室试验方法D971-99a(2004) 环法测定油水界面张力的试验方法D972-02 润滑脂和润滑油蒸发损失的测试方法D974-04 用颜色指示剂滴定法测定酸碱值的标准试验方法D975-06 柴油技术规范D976-04be1 馏分燃料正十六烷指数的计算方法D977-05 乳化沥青D979-01(2006)e1 沥青铺面混合料的取样方法D982-05 Standard Test Method for Organic Nitrogen in Paper andPaperboard D984-97(2002)。



Standard Test Method 橡胶特性的标准试验方法.相对抗磨性(皮考磨损机法)
Abrasion Resistance by
包括混合物和油的 SBR(苯乙烯合金橡胶)的橡胶评估 Standard Test Methods
传统硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体的撕裂强度的标准试验 Standard Test Method
标准号 ASTM D573-2004(2010) ASTM D413-1998(2007) ASTM D5670-1995(2009)
ASTM D3566-2003(2009) ASTM D2229-2010 ASTM D2228-2004(2009) ASTM D3185-2006 ASTM D3896-2007 ASTM D624-2000(2007) ASTM D3484-2006 ASTM D813-2007 ASTM D3767-2003(2008) ASTM D5406-1993(2006) ASTM D1025-2010 ASTM D5774-1995(2009) ASTM D454-2004(2010) ASTM D7121-2005 ASTM D6909-2010
时间:2011-9-8 19:24:00
Standard Test Method
Air Oven
Standard Test Method 橡胶的标准试验方法.加氢丁腈橡胶(HNBR)中残余不
Residual Unsaturation 饱和的红外分光光度法的标准试验方法
and Air Pressure




1. 硅布物理性能测试标准:
- ASTM D4595:用于测定硅布强度、断裂伸长率、撕裂强度和撕裂伸长率的标准测试方法。

- ASTM D3776:用于测定硅布的纤维含量和纤维质量的标准测试方法。

- ISO 527:用于测定硅布的拉伸性能的国际标准测试方法。

2. 硅布电气性能测试标准:
- IEC 60331:用于测定硅布在火灾条件下的耐火性能的国际标准测试方法。

- ASTM D2671:用于测定硅布绝缘管的电气性能,如击穿电压和电阻的标准测试方法。

- UL 510:用于硅布绝缘带材的电气性能测试和认证的标准。

3. 硅布耐热性测试标准:
- ASTM D573:用于测定硅布在不同温度下的热稳定性的标准测试方法。

- ISO 1887:用于测定硅布在高温条件下的尺寸变化的国际标准测试方法。





ASTMD5733标准概述ASTMD5733标准是美国化学协会(ASTM International)制定的一项标准。










以下是测试的一般流程:1. 准备试样根据标准的要求,准备符合规格的试样。


2. 将试样浸入冻融循环液将试样放入冷冻循环液中,使其完全浸没。


3. 进行冻结循环将试样置于恒定温度下,使其冻结。


4. 进行解冻循环将试样从冻结状态解冻。


5. 观察和测量性能变化在冻融循环过程中,观察和测量试样的性能变化,如尺寸变化、强度变化等。


6. 记录和分析数据将观察和测量到的数据记录下来,并进行分析。







1. ASTM F2493-05:聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)制品的标准规范,主要用于高温应用。

2. ASTM D573:橡胶和弹性材料粘度的标准试验方法。

3. ASTM D1418:弹性材料阻尼特性的标准试验方法。

4. ASTM D412:橡胶制品的分类和规格。

5. ASTM D395:硬质橡胶的硬度试验方法。

* ASTM F2493-05(Standard Specification for Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Sheet, and Film for High-Temperature Applications)。


* GB/T 10767-2008《聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)薄膜试验方法》该标准规定了聚四氟乙烯薄膜的分类、规格、技术要求、试验方法等内容,包

* GB/T 10768-2008《聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)涂料试验方法》该标准规定了聚四氟乙烯涂料的分类、规格、技术要求、试验方法等内容,包括颜色与外观、固体含量、粘度、干燥时间、附着力等性能指标。

* GB/T 10769-2008《聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)板材试验方法》该标准规定了聚四氟乙烯板材的分类、规格、技术要求、试验方法等内容,包括尺寸允许偏差、表面质量、密度、。





























ASTM D257-07 中文版绝缘材料直流电阻和电导测试.…ASTMD绝缘材料直流电阻或电导的标准试验方法本标准是以固定代号D发布的。











本试验方法包括以下章节:试验方法或步骤章节计算13设备和试验方法的选择7清洗固体样本10.1 样本的状态调节11屏蔽电极的有效面积附录X2电极系 6绝缘电阻或电导材料的影响因素附录X1湿度控制11.2 液体样本和电池9.4精度和偏差15 电阻或电导测量步骤12 引用文件 2 报告14 抽样8 重要性和用途 5 样本安装10 试验方法摘要 4 术语 3 绝缘电阻体积电阻和表面电阻或电导测量用试验样本9 典型测量方法附录X3本标准并没有完全列举所有的安全声明如果有必要根据实际使用情况进行斟酌。



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Designation:D573–04Standard Test Method forRubber—Deterioration in an Air Oven1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D573;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1This test method covers a procedure to determine the influence of elevated temperature on the physical properties of vulcanized rubber.The results of this test method may not give an exact correlation with service performance since perfor-mance conditions vary widely.This test method may,however, be used to evaluate rubber compounds on a laboratory com-parison basis.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.(For specific precautionary statement,see Note1.)2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D15Methods of Compound and Sample Preparation for Physical Testing of Rubber Products3D412Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-plastic Elastomers—TensionD1349Practice for Rubber—Standard Temperatures for TestingD3182Practice for Rubber—Materials,Equipment,and Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Prepar-ing Standard Vulcanized SheetsD3183Practice for Rubber—Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from ProductsD3184Test Methods for Rubber—Evaluation of NR (Natural Rubber)D3185Test Methods for Rubber—Evaluation of SBR (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber)Including Mixtures With Oil D4483Practice for Evaluating Precision for Test Method Standards in the Rubber and Carbon Black Manufacturing IndustriesE145Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced-Ventilation Ovens3.Summary of Test Method3.1Specimens of vulcanized rubber are exposed to the deteriorating influence of air at specified elevated temperatures for known periods of time,after which their physical properties are determined.These are compared with the properties deter-mined on the original specimens and the changes noted.3.2Unless otherwise specified,the determination of the physical properties shall be carried out in accordance with Test Methods D412.3.3Except as may be otherwise specified in this test method,the requirements of Practices D3182and D3183shall be complied with and are made part of this test method.3.4In case of conflict between the provisions of this test method and those of detailed specifications or test methods fora particular material,the latter shall take precedence.4.Significance and Use4.1Rubber and rubber products must resist the deterioration of physical properties with time caused by oxidative and thermal aging.This test method provides a way to assess these performance characteristics of rubber,under certain acceler-ated conditions as specified.4.2Please refer to Annex A1for important information on standard compounds used for precision testing for accelerated test aging evaluation.5.Apparatus5.1Type IIB ovens specified in Test Method E145are satisfactory for use through70°C.For higher temperatures, Type IIA ovens are necessary.5.1.1The interior size shall be as follows or of an equivalent volume:1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11on Rubberand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.15on Degradation Tests.Current edition approved July1,2004.Published July2004.Originally approvedst previous edition approved in1999as D573–99.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.Interior size of air oven:min300by300by300mm(12by12by12in.)max900by900by1200mm(36by36by48in.) 5.1.2Provision shall be made for suspending specimens vertically without touching each other or the sides of the aging chamber.5.1.3The heating medium for the aging chamber shall be air circulated within it at atmospheric pressure.5.1.4The source of heat is optional but shall be located in the air supply outside of the aging chamber proper.5.1.5The temperature should be automatically recorded over the entire test period using a temperature-measuring device capable of measuring at the specified temperature to within61°C.Located in the upper central portion of the chamber near the center of the aging specimens.For apparatus not equipped with automatic recording capabilities,tempera-ture shall be measured with sufficient frequency to ascertain that the temperature limits specified in10.2are adhered to.5.1.6Automatic temperature control by means of thermo-static regulation shall be used.5.1.7The following special precautions shall be taken in order that accurate,uniform heating is obtained in all parts of the aging chamber: heated air shall be thoroughly circulated in the oven by means of mechanical agitation.When a motor-driven fan is used,the air must not come in contact with the fan motor brush discharge because of danger of ozone formation. shall be used as required to prevent local overheating and dead spots. thermostatic control device shall be so located as to give accurate temperature control of the heating medium. The preferred location is adjacent to the recording thermom-eter. actual check shall be made by means of maxi-mum reading thermometers placed in various parts of the oven to verify the uniformity of the heating.6.Sampling6.1The sample size shall be sufficient to allow for the determination of the original properties on three specimens and also on three or more specimens for each exposure period of the test.At least24h must elapse between completion of the vulcanization of the samples and the start of the aging test.6.2When minimum requirements are specified,one test on three dumbbells shall be considered sufficient.But if the results are below the specified requirements,two additional specimens shall be prepared from the original sample and tested.Should the results of either of these tests be below the specified requirements,the sample shall be considered to have failed to meet the specifications.7.Test Specimens7.1Dumbbell-shaped specimens prepared as described in Test Methods D412shall be considered standard.Their form shall be such that no mechanical,chemical,or heat treatment will be required after exposure.If any adjustments(for example,to thickness)are necessary,they should be performed prior to exposure.7.2The cross-sectional dimensions of test specimens for calculating the physical properties shall be measured prior to exposure in the aging chamber.Gage lines used for measuring elongation shall be applied after the specimens have been aged. Only specimens of similar dimensions having approximately the same exposed areas may be compared with each other. 8.Number of Test Specimens8.1At least three test specimens shall be used to determine the original physical properties of each sample and also three or more specimens of the same material for each exposure period of the test.8.2When minimum requirements are specified,one test shall be made for tensile strength and elongation.If the results are below the specified requirements,two additional specimens shall be prepared from the original sample and tested.Should the results of either of these tests be below the specified requirements,the samples shall be considered to have failed to meet the specifications.9.Tests of Unaged Specimens9.1The stress-strain properties or tensile strength and ulti-mate elongation and any other required properties of the original unaged specimens shall be determined within96h of the start of the aging period.Results on specimens that are found to be imperfect shall be discarded and retests shall be made.9.2When rubber compounds are to be tested for the purpose of determining compliance with specifications,it shall be permissible to determine the original properties required in9.1 simultaneously with the determination of the values after the first aging period even though the elapsed time exceeds96h.10.Procedure for Accelerated Aging10.1Place the specimens for aging in the oven after it has been preheated to the operating temperature.If possible,avoid simultaneous aging of a mixed group of different compounds. For instance,high-sulfur compounds should not be aged with low-sulfur compounds and those containing antioxidants shall not be aged with those having no antioxidants.Some migration is known to occur.10.2The operating temperature may be any elevated stan-dard temperature as shown in Practice D1349,as agreed upon. N OTE1—Caution:It should be noted that,for each10°C increase in temperature,the rate of oxidation may be approximately double.With rapid aging types of rubber or those containing or contaminated by certain oxidizing chemicals,the rate of oxidation may be catalyzed to such an extent as to become violent with increasing temperatures.10.3Start the aging interval at the time the specimens are placed in the oven and continue for a measured time interval. The selection of suitable intervals of aging will depend on the rate of deterioration of the particular material being tested. Intervals frequently used are3,7,and14days.10.4Use aging intervals such that the deterioration will not be so great as to prevent determination of thefinal physical properties.In experimental work,it is desirable to use a range of periods,while for routine tests of known materials,fewer intervals may beemployed.10.5At the termination of the aging interval,remove the specimens from the oven,cool to room temperature on aflat surface,and allow them to rest not less than16h nor more than 96h before determination of the physical properties.Apply the gage lines to the specimens for use in measuring elongations.11.Physical Tests of Aged Specimens11.1The tensile strength and ultimate elongation or the stress-strain properties of the specimens aged for different intervals shall be determined as the intervals terminate in the progress of aging,disregarding the fact that more specimens may still be aging.In determining the physical properties after aging,thefinal values shall be the median of results from three specimens except that under the following conditions two additional specimens shall be exposed and tested and the median of the values for thefive specimens shall be used: 11.1.1If one or more values do not meet the specified requirements when testing for compliance with specifications.11.1.2If referee tests are being made.After completion of the tests,the broken specimens shall be examined visually and manually and their condition noted.12.Calculation12.1Express the results of the aging test as a percentage of the change in each physical property(tensile strength,ultimate elongation,or tensile stress),calculated as follows:P5[~A2O!/O]3100(1) where:P=percentage change in property,O=original value,andA=value after aging.13.Report13.1Report the following information:13.1.1The results calculated in accordance with Section12, 13.1.2All observed and recorded data on which the calcu-lations are based,13.1.3Type of aging test,13.1.4Aging interval,13.1.5Aging temperature,13.1.6Duration,temperature,and data of vulcanization of the rubber,if known,13.1.7Dates of original andfinal determinations of physical properties,and13.1.8Dimensions of test specimens.14.Precision and Bias414.1This precision and bias section has been prepared in accordance with Practice D4483.Refer to this practice for terminology and other statistical calculation details.14.2A Type2(interlaboratory)precision was evaluated in 1974.Both repeatability and reproducibility are short term,a period of a few days separates replicate test results.A test result is expressed on the basis of a median value,as specified by Test Methods D412obtained on three determinations or measure-ments of the property or parameter in question.14.3Six different materials were used in the interlaboratory program,these were tested in three laboratories on two different days.These precision results were obtained for a variety of compounds prepared in accordance with Methods D15prior to its removal from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.Please see Annex A1for more details on this work.14.4The results of the precision calculations for repeatabil-ity and reproducibility for both percent tensile strength change and percent elongation change are given in Table1,in ascending order of material average or level,for each of the materials evaluated.14.4.1The precision of this test method may be expressed in the format of the following statements that use an appropriate value of r,R,(r),or(R),that is,that value to be used in decisions about test results(obtained with the test method). The appropriate value is that value of r or R associated with a mean level in the precision tables closest to the mean level under consideration at any given time,for any given material in routine testing operation.14.5Repeatability—The repeatability,r,of this test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated in the precision tables.Two single test results,obtained under normal test method procedures,that differ by more than this tabulated r(for any given level)must be considered as derived from different or non-identical sample populations.14.6Reproducibility—The reproducibility,R,of this test method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated4Supporting data have beenfiled at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D11-1056.TABLE1Type2Precision Results—100°C AgingPart1—Percent Tensile Strength Change,48hMaterial orCompoundMean TestLevelWithinLaboratoriesBetweenLaboratoriesSr r SR RNR(1G)−56.6 3.289.28 5.9116.7 SBR(9B)−14.2 3.429.68 3.028.55 NBR(1F)−11.5 2.46 6.96 2.497.05 CR(2D)−10.6 3.8310.8 5.1114.5 OESBR(10B3)−7.6 2.34 6.62 5.5615.7IIR(2E)−1.1 3.479.82 3.7710.7 Pooled Values... 3.189.00 3.9011.04 Part2—Percent Change in Elongation,Average of48,96h AgingNR(1G)−55.6 5.0814.47.7922.0 SBR(9B)−48.3 5.3815.2 6.0917.2 OESBR(10B3)−40.5 3.209.06 5.1114.5 NBR(1F)−39.67.1020.17.1120.1CR(2D)−12.17.8522.29.0025.5IIR(2E)−6.2 2.567.24 3.9711.2 Pooled Values... 5.2014.7 6.5118.4N OTE1—The averaging of results for48and96h of aging gives an increased DF estimate of precision.N OTE2—Sr=within laboratory standard deviationr=repeatability(in measurement units)(r)=repeatability(in percent)SR=between laboratory standard deviationR=reproducibility(in measurement units)(R)=reproducibility(inpercent)in the precision tables.Two single test results obtained in two different laboratories,under normal test method procedures, that differ by more than the tabulated R(for any given level) must be considered to have come from different or non-identical sample populations.14.7The precision results indicate that the repeatability and reproducibility of both percent tensile strength change and percent elongation change are essentially the same.Also the value of r or R,or both,does not vary with the magnitude of percent elongation or percent tensile strength change.No values are given for(r)or(R)because of the near zero average values for some of the materials.14.8Bias—In test method terminology,bias is the differ-ence between an average test value and the reference(or true) test property value.Reference values do not exist for this test method since the value(of the test property)is exclusively defined by the test method.Bias,therefore,cannot be deter-mined.15.Keywords15.1accelerated aging;elevated temperature;oxidative ag-ing;rubber articles;rubber products;thermal agingANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1.FORMER TEST METHOD(D15)COMPOUNDS USED FOR PRECISION TESTINGA1.1IntroductionA1.1.1Testing to develop precision data was begun by some Subcommittees in D11prior to the removal of Methods D15,Compound and Sample Preparation for Physical Testing of Rubber Products.In this initial precision work,some of the standard compounds that were currently included in Methods D15were used.Since that time,these standard Methods D15 compounds have been either modified or removed from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.They were replaced by a series of new standards,for example,Test Methods D3184on NR,Test Methods D3185on SBR,and so forth.A1.1.2To provide a source of reference for the compounds removed from Methods D15,those compounds used in mea-suring precision,especially those used in Subcommittee D11.15,are included in Tables A1.1-A1.6taken directly from Methods D15.These tables are listed below.A1.1.3The formulations for the compounds in Tables A1.1-A1.6are placed in this test method temporarily.This test method is selected as a location since it is the most frequently used standard test for evaluating compounds for accelerated aging performance.A1.2Cure Times for CompoundsA1.2.1The cure times for compounds selected in the D11.15precision testing are as follows:Time,Temper-Compound min,ature,°C Polychloroprene(neoprene)30150Natural(1G)30145SBR(9B)50145OE–SBR(10B3)50145Butyl(2E)80150NBR(1F)40150A1.3Materials and MixingA1.3.1In the precision test programs that generated Type2 Precision data for D11.15standards,that is,that precision which includes compound weighing,mixing,and curing com-ponents of variation,a special testing procedure was employed.A common supply was set up for all the materials needed to prepare compounds in accordance with the tables of this Annex.All laboratories that participated in any interlaboratory program drew their materials from this common uniform supply;thus the within-materials source of variation was reduced to the lowest possible(practical)level.A1.3.2Mixes of the selected compounds were made on specified days(2days normally being selected)to determine within-laboratory variability as specified in Practice D4483.TABLE A1.1Type A—Standard Formulations for Styrene-Butadiene RubbersNBS9B SBR or OE-SBR100.00Zinc oxide370 3.00Stearic acid372 1.00Sulfur371 1.75Furnace black A37850.00TBBS384 1.00156.75 Batch factor 3.0A Current Industry Reference Black(IRB)may be used in place of NBS378, although slightly different results may be obtained.Weigh ingredients to nearest 0.1g for SBR and carbon black and to the nearest0.01g for otheringredients.TABLE A1.2Type A—Standard Formulations for Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Compounds(expressed on100Part Rubber Basis)Material NBS 10B1Non-OERubbers10B225-OilRubbers10B337.5-OilRubbers10B450-OilRubbers10B562.5-OilRubbers10B675-OilRubbersSBR100.00...............OE-SBR125.00137.50150.00162.50175.00 Zinc oxide370 3.00 3.75 4.12 4.50 4.88 5.25 Stearic acid372 1.00 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.63 1.75 Sulfur371 1.75 2.19 2.42 2.63 2.85 3.06 Furnace black A37850.0062.5068.7575.0081.2587.50 TBBS384 1.00 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.63 1.75156.75195.94215.55235.13254.74274.31 A Current Industry Reference Black(IRB)may be used in place of NBS378,although slightly different results may be obtained.TABLE A1.3Standard Formulas for Neoprene RubberCompounds AMaterial NBS StandardSample No.ID2DNeoprene W (100100)Magnesium oxide37644Stearic acid3720.51SRF carbon black382 (29)Zinc oxide370552-Mercaptoimidazoline...0.350.5 Phenyl beta naphthylamine37722Specific gravity(calculated) 1.29 1.39A For mill mixing,use33recipe weight.TABLE A1.4Standard Formulas for Butyl Rubber Compounds AMaterial NBS StandardSample No.IE2E3EButyl rubber388100100100 Zinc oxide370553Sulfur37122 1.75 Stearic acid372 (31)Benzothiazyl disulfide373...0.5...Tetramethyl thiuram-disulfide374111Channel black375...50...Oil furnace black(HAF type)378B (50)Specific gravity(calculated)0.97 1.12 1.13A For mill mixing,use23recipe weight.B IRB or Industry Reference Black may be used as a suitable alternative,but the same results may not be obtained.TABLE A1.5Standard Formula for Testing Carbon BlackMaterialNBS StandardSample No.IGNatural rubber A...100.00Stearic acid372 3.00Zinc oxide370 5.00Benzothiazyl disulfide3730.60Sulfur371 2.50Carbon black...50.00BSpecific gravity(calculated) 1.13A Available from the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.Specially selected Liberian crepe with600%modulus of7006100psi when tested in compound1A.B For all carbon blacks except FT and MT.For those blacks where75parts are used,the calculated specific gravity is1.19.TABLE A1.6Standard Formulas for Nitrile Rubber Compound MaterialNBS StandardSample No.IFNitrile rubber391100Zinc oxide3705Sulfur371 1.5Stearic acid3721Benzothiazyl disulfide3731Gas furnace black38240Specific gravity(calculated)1.18ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website 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