® resistance films to achieve the precise ratio performance Caddock Tetrinox® MG 650 Caddock Tetrinox resistance films to achieve thesource precise ratio performance ® resistance and stability required by highly accurate amplifier circuits, reference Caddock's Micronox films are the ofvoltage Preconditioning for Power and Voltage Ratings and stability required by highly accurate amplifier circuits, reference and stability required by highly accurate amplifier circuits,voltage voltage reference MG 655 Now with Extended Resistance Range to 10,000 Megohms and Additional Mode
功率表IT9120系列用户指南型号:IT9121E版本号:V1.4声明© Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd. 2019根据国际版权法,未经Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd. 事先允许和书面同意,不得以任何形式(包括电子存储和检索或翻译为其他国家或地区语言)复制本手册中的任何内容。
手册部件号IT9121E-402288版本第1版,2019 年12月12日发布Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd.商标声明Pentium是Intel Corporation在美国的注册商标。
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µV/oC pA pA µA dB
60 55 10 7 4.95 4.9 4.25 4.8 4.1
dB V/mV V
4.95 4.55 3.7
Low Level Output Voltage (Vid = -1V)
40 350 1400
50 100 500 150 750
Symbol VCC Vicm Supply Voltage Common Mode Input Voltage Range
Value 2.7 to 16 VCC -0.2 to VCC++0.2
Unit V V
. . . . . . . . .
Notes :
6、投标人逐项响应技术规范专用部分中“1 标准技术参数表”、“2 项目需求部分”和“3 投标人响应部分”三部分相应内容。
目录1 总则 (1)1.1 一般规定 (1)1.2 投标人应提供的资质文件 (1)1.3 投标人应提供的技术文件 (1)1.4 标准与规范 (3)2 结构及其它要求 (3)2.1 铁心及绕组 (3)2.2铭牌 (3)2.3电气一次接口 (4)2.4 电气二次接口 (5)2.5 土建接口 (5)2.6 安装要求 (6)3 试验 (6)3.1 例行试验 (6)3.2 型式试验 (6)3.3 特殊试验 (7)3.4 现场试验 (7)4 技术服务、工厂检验和监造 (7)4.1 技术服务 (7)4.2 工厂检验和监造 (7)1 总则1.1 一般规定1.1.1投标人应具备招标公告所要求的资质,具体资质要求详见招标文件的商务部分。
IS 设置峰值电流引脚。 GND 芯片地。 FB 原边反馈引脚。 VDD 芯片的工作电源正端,外部对地接 10uF-100uF 的电容。 OC 芯片内部高压功率管的漏极引脚。
供电电压 VDD ………………………………………………………………
供电电流 VDD ………………………………………………………………
最小 典型 最大 单位
4.7 6
4.5 4.7 5
3.3 3.6 3.9 V
10 20 30 mA
--- --- 1000 mS
650 700 V
700 mA
120 125 130 ° C
深圳东科半导体有限公司 Http: TEL:4008-781-212
l 全电压输入 85V—265V。 l 内置 700V 高压开关功率管。 l 芯片内集成了高压恒流启动电路,无需外部加启动电阻。 l 专利的原边反馈控制算法,无需辅助绕组。 l 专利的自供电技术,无需外部绕组供电。 l 内置 PWM 振荡电路,并设有抖频功能,保证了良好的 EMC 特性。 l ±2%恒压电压精度,±5%恒流精度。 l 过温、过流、过压以及短路保护。 l 4KV 防静电 ESD 测试。
DK912——12W 原边反馈恒流、恒压电源芯片
项目 电源电压 VDD 启动电压 VDD 关闭电压 VDD 电源电流 启动时间 功率管耐压 功率管最大电流 峰值电流保护 温度保护
测试条件 AC 输入 85V------265V AC 输入 85V------265V AC 输入 85V------265V VDD=5V,Fb=0.8V AC 输入 85V Ioc=1mA VDD=5V VDD=5V VDD=5V
热镀锌 标准及中外牌号对照表
研究表明: 目前这种屋面系统在大多数情况下期望达到超过30年甚至更长年限的使用寿命,且无须进行主体维修。
1. 彩色镀铝锌钢板的基材为质轻而高强力的钢材。
2. 经连续式热浸处理后,在钢板的两面形成镀铝锌合金层,经20年的不同环境、实地试验证实了在同样环境下,镀铝锌钢板比镀锌钢材耐用四倍以上。
3. 在镀铝锌钢材上涂上一层化学皮膜,在化学皮膜上再涂覆上极耐腐蚀的环氧基树脂底漆,增加防腐蚀功能。
4. 面层覆涂上耐侯性极佳的有色涂覆特殊强化学聚酯,确保镀铝锌钢板能在使用多年后仍能保持自己的原有色彩和光泽,底部则涂上一层浅灰色涂料使钢板更加美观。
冷连轧薄钢板及钢带Q/BQB 402-1999代替Q/BQB 402-97≥0.30~≤0.40>0.40~≤0.60>0.60~≤0.80>0.80~≤1.00>1.00~≤1.20>1.20~≤1.60>1.60~≤2.00>2.00~≤2.50>2.50~≤3.0>3.0~≤3.5±0.025±0.035±0.045±0.05±0.06±0.07±0.08±0.10±0.11±0.14±0.035±0.045±0.05±0.06±0.07±0.08±0.09±0.11±0.12±0.15-±0.05±0.05±0.06±0.07±0.08±0.09±0.11±0.12±0.15±0.04±0.05±0.06±0.07±0.08±0.10±0.12±0.14±0.16±0.17±0.05±0.06±0.07±0.08±0.09±0.11±0.13±0.15±0.17±0.19-±0.07±0.08±0.09±0.10±0.11±0.13±0.15±0.17±0.19/冷轧系列产品【产品牌号及标准】宝钢企业标准相当国外标准说明标准号牌号标准号牌号一般用Q/BQB403Q/BQB402St12SPCCDIN1623JISG3141St12SPCC冰箱等家电外壳、油桶、钢家俱等一般成形加工用。
深圳市金凯进光电仪器有限公司文件类别:一级文件名称:质量手册生效日期:2013年5月8日发行编号: / 受控标识:质量手册文件编号:Aa-1-02-A1编制熊志审核皮志雄批准熊敏发放日期 2013-05-82013—05—8发布 2013—06—1实施0.1质量手册目录01质量手册目录 (1)02质量手册批准书 (3)03任命书 (4)04公司概况 (5)1质量手册说明 (7)2 组织机构 (9)3 质量管理体系活动职责分配 (11)4 质量管理体系 (14)4.1 总要求 (14)4.2 文件要求 (16)4.2.1总则…………………………………………………………………………………………………4.2.2质量手册……………………………………………………………………………………………4.2.3文件控制 (19)4.2.4记录控制 (24)5 管理职责 (27)5.1 管理承诺 (27)5.2 以顾客为关注焦点 (27)5.3 质量方针 (28)5.4 质量策划 (29)5.4.1质量目标………………………………………………………………………………………………5.4.2质量管理体系策划……………………………………………………………………………………5.5 职责、权限和沟通 (30)5.5.1职责和权限…………………………………………………………………………………………5.5.2管理者代表…………………………………………………………………………………………5.5.3内部沟通……………………………………………………………………………………………5.6 管理评审 (37)5.6.1总则……………………………………………………………………………………………………5.6.2评审输入………………………………………………………………………………………………5.6.3评审输出………………………………………………………………………………………………6.1 资源提供 (40)6.2 人力资源 (41)6.2.1总则…………………………………………………………………………………………………6.2.2能力、培训和意识…………………………………………………………………………………6.3 基础设施 (45)6.4 工作环境 (48)6.5 质量信息 (50)7 产品实现 (54)7.1 产品实现的策划 (55)7.2 与顾客有关过程( (59)7.2.1与产品有关的要求确定…………………………………………………………………………………7.2.2与产品有关要求的评审…………………………………………………………………………………7.2.3顾客沟通…………………………………………………………………………………………………7.3 设计和开发 (64)7.3.1设计和开发策划…………………………………………………………………………………………7.3.2设计和开发输入…………………………………………………………………………………………7.3.3设计和开发输出…………………………………………………………………………………………7.3.4 设计和开发评审 (71)7.3.5设计和开发验证…………………………………………………………………………………………7.3.6设计和开发确认…………………………………………………………………………………………7.3.7设计和开发更改…………………………………………………………………………………………7.3.8 新产品试制 (74)7.3.9试验控制…………………………………………………………………………………………………7.4 采购 (77)7.4.1采购过程…………………………………………………………………………………………………7.4.2采购信息…………………………………………………………………………………………………7.4.3采购产品的验证…………………………………………………………………………………………7.4.4采购新设计和开发的产品..........................................................................................7.5 生产和服务提供 (81)7.5.1生产服务提供的控制……………………………………………………………………………………7.5.2生产和服务提供过程的确认……………………………………………………………………………7.5.3标识和可追溯性…………………………………………………………………………………………7.5.4顾客财产…………………………………………………………………………………………………7.5.6 关键过程 (88)7.5.7交付………………………………………………………………………………………………………7.5.8交付后的活动…………………………………………………………………………………………7.6 监视和测量设备 (91)7.7 技术状态管理 (94)8 测量、分析和改进 (97)8.1 总则 (97)8.2 监视和测量………………………………………………………………………………………………8.2.1 顾客满意 (99)8.2.2 内部审核 (103)8.2.3 过程监视和测量 (107)8.2.4 产品监视和测量 (109)8.3 不合格品 (113)8.4 数据分析 (116)8.5 改进………………………………………………………………………………………………………8.5.1 持续改进 (120)8.5.2 纠正措施 (123)8.5.3预防措施 (125)8.5.4不良成本 (125)图1质量管理体系模式图(5.4.1) (131)图2产品实现过程图(7.1) (132)图3合同评审流程图(7.2) (133)图4生产工艺流程图 (134)表1 程序文件目录 (135)表2 质量手册会签表 (136)表3质量手册更改记录 (137)0.2《质量手册》批准书深圳市金凯进光电仪器有限公司质管办,依据GB/T19001—2008《质量管理体系—要求》(ISO9001:2008,IDT) 和GJB9001B—2009标准要求和国家颁布的法律法规,结合公司实际,编制完成了《质量手册(2013版/E版)》,通过审订正式批准颁布。
Sales and Cor p o r ate Offi ce1717 Chicago Av e n ueRiverside, California 92507-2364Phone: (951) 788-1700Fax: (951) 369-1151Applications Engineering 17271 North Umpqua Hwy.Roseburg, Oregon 97470-9422Phone: (541) 496-0700 Fax: (541) 496-0408e-mail: caddock@ • web: For Caddock Distributors listed by country see /contact/dist.html© 2004 Caddock Electronics, Inc.C ADKDOC Resistor Pairs and Quads with Ratio Characteristics for Precision Analog CircuitsType T912 and T914 Precision Resistor Networks are constructed with Cad d ock Tetrinox ® resistance fi lms to achieve the precise ratio performance and stability required by highly accurate amplifi er circuits, voltage reference circuits, and precision bridge circuits.• Ratio Tolerance - from 0.1% to 0.01%.• Ratio Temperature Coeffi cient - 10 ppm/°C, 5 ppm/°C or 2 ppm/°C.• Absolute Temperature Coeffi cient - 25 ppm/°C.• Ratio Stability of Resistance at Full Load for 2,000 hours - within 0.01%.• Shelf Life Stability of Ratio for 6 Months - within 0.005%.Both the T912 and the T914 are available in 14 standard resistance values between 1K and 1 Megohm. Caddock's high thru-put manufacturing capabil-ity assures that prototype and large-volume production quantities are available either from stock or within 6 weeks after receipt of order.Specifi cations:Absolute Tolerance: ±0.1% for all resistors.Absolute Temperature Coeffi cient: 25 ppm/°C referenced to +25°C, ΔR taken at 0°C and +70°C.Ratio Tolerance: Options for ratio tolerance are provided as shown in the Ordering Information panel.Ratio Temperature Coeffi cient: Options forratio temperature coefficient are provided as shown in the Ordering Information panel.Voltage Rating: 30 volts DC or RMS AC ap p lied to R 1, R 2, R 3 and R 4.Power Rating: 0.10 watt applied to R 1, R 2, R 3 and R 4 (not to exceed rated voltage).Package Power Rating: Type T912, 0.20 watt. Type T914, 0.40 watt.Storage Temperature: -55°C to +105°C.Insulation Resistance Between Isolated Pins: Pin 2 to Pin 3, Pin 4 to Pin 5, or Pin 6 to Pin 7, 1,000 Megohms, minimum.Dielectric Strength Between Isolated Pins: 50 volts RMS AC.Custom Model T912 and T914 Precision Resistor NetworksFor applications requiring non-standard resistance values, the T912 and T914 custom confi gurations can include these special features:• Mixed resistance values with a maximum ratio of 250-to-1. (Example: 1 Megohm and 4 K)• Absolute TC as low as 15 ppm/°C.• Ratio TC as low as 2 ppm/°C.• Custom voltage ratings.• Matched resistors of any special value between 1 K and 2 Megohms.Contact our Applications Engineering for performance, price, and availability of thesecustom resistor networks.Standard Type T912 and Type T914 Precision Resistor NetworksIn addition to the 14 standard equal value models of the Type T912 and T914, the Type T912 can also be ordered with:• 10:1 Resistance Ratio - for use in amplifi er gain-setting.Type T912 and T914 Precision Resistor Networks28_IL117.1004元器件交易网。
Eaton PDG23F0150P9YLPower Defense Globally Rated, Frame 2, Three Pole, 150A,25kA/480V, PXR25 LSIG Motor Protection w/ Modbus RTU, CAM Link, ZSI and Relays, Standard Terminals Load Only (PDG2X3TA225)Eaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDG23F0150P9YL 78667990727688.9 mm 152.4 mm 104.6 mm 1.82 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant IEC 60947-2CSAUL 489CCC MarkedProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications150 AComplete breaker 2Three-polePD2 Global Class A PXR 25 Motor Protection LSIGModbus RTU and CAM Link600 Vac600 VStandard Terminals Load Only25 kAIC at 480 Vac 18 kAIC Icu/ 15/13 kAIC Ics/ 37.8 kAIC Icm @525V South Africa (IEC)25 kAIC @480V (UL) 35 kAIC @240V (UL)25 kAIC Icu/ 25 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC) 20 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 42 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC) 10 kAIC Icu @250 Vdc 10 kAIC Icu @125 Vdc 14 kAIC @600V (UL/CSA)35 kAIC Icu/ 35 kAIC Ics/ 73.5 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC) 25 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC)Eaton Power Defense PDG23F0150P9YL 3D drawingAmperage Rating Circuit breaker frame type Frame Number of poles Circuit breaker type Class Trip TypeCommunicationVoltage rating Voltage rating - max TerminalsInterrupt rating Interrupt rating range3D CAD drawing packageApplication notesConsulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Xpert Protection Manager x64Power Xpert Protection Manager x32BrochuresPower Defense technical selling bookletPower Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 2 product aidCatalogsPower Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuit breakersMolded case circuit breakers catalogCertification reportsPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65PDG2 CB reportPDG4 CB reportPDG4 CCC certificationEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersInstallation instructionsPower Defense Frame 2 global terminal shield, 3 pole - IL012330EN Power Defense Frame 2 bell alarm switch instructions - IL012154EN Power Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm Switch Instructions (IL012154EN).pdf Power Defense Frame 1-2-3-4 IP door barrier assembly instructions -IL012278ENPower Defense Frame 2 screw terminal_end cap kit, 225A, 3 pole instructions - IL012258EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Assy With Interlock Version Instructions (IL012138EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2253W instructions - IL012243EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA150RF instructions - IL012244EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 box terminal (steel), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012234EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 box terminal (aluminum), 225A, 3 pole instructions - IL012235EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012237EN H03Power Defense Frame 2/3/4/5/6 voltage neutral sensor module wiring instructions – IL012316ENPower Defense Frame 2 locking devices and handle block instructions - IL012149ENPower Defense Frame 2 clamp terminal (steel), 20A, 3 pole instructions - IL012246EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 shunt trip UVR instructions - IL012130EN Power Defense Frame 2 handle mech variable depth rotary handle instructions - IL012136ENPower Defense Frame 2 handle mech direct rotary handle instructions - IL012134ENPower Defense Frame 1 IEC and Frame 2 Rotary Mechanism with NFPA Handle Attachment Instructions (IL012260EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 50A, 3 pole instructions - IL012236EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 PDG2 and PDC(E)9 breaker instructions -IL012106ENPower Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2256W instructions - IL012242EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 150A, 3 pole instructions - IL012238EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA225RF instructions - IL012245EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal kits - PDG2X1TA225K instructions- IL012239EN H01Installation videosPower Defense Frame 2 TMTU Aux, Alarm, ST and UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 withTMTU, Shunt Trip_UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm with PXR Animated Instructions.pdf.rh Power Defense Frame 2 Locking Devices and Handle Block Animated Instructions.pdf.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Handle Mech Variable Depth Rotary Handle Animated Instructions.rhMultimediaPower Defense Frame 2 Aux, Alarm, Shunt Trip, and UVR How-To Video Power Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaPower Defense molded case circuit breakers Power Defense BreakersEaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safety Power Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To Video Power Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To Video Eaton Specification Sheet - PDG23F0150P9YL Power Defense time current curve Frame 2 - PD2Molded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker health Intelligent circuit protection yields space savings Intelligent power starts with accurate, actionable data Making a better machineSingle and double break MCCB performance revisited Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniques Molded case and low-voltage breaker healthSpecifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。
Intent 熊涛加热器型号912-B文档说明书
Klimat58787516S40,V4001-Petrol30618095-1Diesel3730340-1 20000excl.AT Petrol30618095-1 -99excl.2.0T AT,T4AT Petrol30618095-1 +Time controlling the heater,see p.3.Digital timer,type43544554-3 A fuel-driven parking heater ensures that the car is warm when you need it,irrespective of where it is parked.Starting an engine that is already warm means:•the car will emit less noxious exhaust gases.•the passengers sit in a warm car,reducing the risk of catching a cold,•there is no need to scrape ice from windows,•the car consumes considerably less fuel,•engine wear is reduced.A new generation of heater has been introduced in the912-B.This heater is lighter and smaller than previous heater091-B. The control module is optimised for efficient combustion.AccessoriesRemote start TP41,see p.4.8787516S40,V40Digital timer for time setting or manual starting(direct start)and for switching the heater off.Easy to set,even in the darkas the LCD display is back-lit.The timer displays a24hoursetting and can be used as a clock.Digital timer,type43544554-3Functions:Digital timer,type4•Installed in the glove compartment.•Setting the departure time.The timer reads the temperatureand calculates the start time of the heater to reach thecorrect temperature for departure.•Two start times can be preprogrammed.•Start and shut-off.The heater switches off after one hourif not switched off manually.•LEDs which indicate if the timer is active and if the heateris operating.•Can be combined with remote start,see p.5(SE and NOonly).•No other timer is required.Replacement partsInstructionmanualDigital timer,type45929571-78787514Remote start8685694-5The heater can be controlled using the remote control with areceiver in the car and a small transmitter.The remote control can be indispensable on cold winter dayswhen you do not want to go out to the car to switch on theheater Easy to carry due to its small design.The heater is started by a short button press and is connectedfor a pre-set time.If the heater is to be disconnected at anearlier time,simply press the off-button on the remote control.Suitable for both fuel-driven and electric heaters.Technical dataRange TP41Up to600m if unimpededFrequency434MHzBattery transmitter Three x micro1.5V/AAA/LR03Transmitter dimensions114x50x24mm-20–+60°COperating temperaturetransmitterOperating temperature,-40–+75°CreceiverImportantSuitable only with digital timer,type4.8787514S40,V40Receiver SE3729605-0NO3730078-7Warm and environmentally friendly car by means of atelephone call!A product that enables you to make even betteruse of your fuel heater.It is often the case that a departure timehas been forgotten to be set.Perhaps the time of departure isnot known.You can now phone your car,for example,on theway to the airport just before takeoff.When you arrive your carwill be warm.You only need to take out your phone and call!You can switch off the heater in the same way.The system is based on a Mini-call receiver connected to thedigital timer,type4.Only function on certain markets.It is possible to retrofit on cars already equipped with a heater.ImportantSuitable for all cars with a fuel-driven heater and digi-tal,type4.8787613S40,V4001-Relay8685637-4This accessory allows you to set a start and a stop time for anelectric engine or passenger compartment heater.Facts and Advantages•No other timer is required.•Can be combined with remote start,see p.4.ImportantC not be combined with Fuel-driven heater912-B,912-D.Op.no.S40,V40With an electrical engine block heater and cabin heater,thecar is warm to sit in when it is cold outside.Starting an already warm engine subjects the engine toless wear,uses far less fuel and therefore reduces harmfulemissions.Information for the230-volt systemIt is a complete kit,consisting of a heater element whichisfitted to the engine and a small front hatch.The smalldimension of the front hatch ensures:•Simpler installation.Drilling a single hole•No sawing or other machining required.•Separate kits for the front engine block heater socket notrequired.•It is easier to position both aesthetically and ergonomically.•Simple design.The system can be supplemented easily with the passengercompartment connector socket.ImportantThe ideal preheating time with an electric engineheater is2-3hours.This is enough to raise the tem-perature of the engine to30-50°C above the outsidetemperature.After that the temperature does notincrease and the electric current(and your money)isused only to maintain the temperature.Output:500W.878765287656S40,V40Complete kitEU,230V()Petrol engines00-excl.GDI9162171-4GDI9499644-4 -99excl.GDI30883201-3 GDI9499644-4 Turbo30883202-1 Diesel engines01-8682350-7 -009499645-1 US,CA,110VPetrol engines(grounded switch)8670956-5Accessory(230V EU,()Passenger compartment connector socket,incl.Y connector GDI,turbo,diesel9499646-9 Petrol9499646-9 Passenger compartment unit,1500/600W9451735-6 (see p.9.)Connection cable2.5m(included in the above kits)9451508-7 5m9451649-9 Remote start TP41(see p.4.)Digital timer(see p.6.)8789991S40,V40,US,CA1500/600W9451735-6 The passenger compartment unit is placed on thefloor by the passenger seat.One of two power settings can be selected,1500or600 watt.The output is adjusted automatically to suit the outside temperature to minimise energy consumption.Facts and Advantages•Connected to the passenger compartment connector socket or other grounded socket.•Approved for use in moist environments and at low temperatures.•Suitable in combination with an electric engine heater.•The passenger compartment unit should not be left inside the passenger compartment while the car is being driven, since it may cause injuries during sudden braking or if the car is involved in an accident.•Unnecessary idling is avoided if windows are defrosted.This also reduces damage to the environment.The following power settings should be used,depending on the fuse size:Current supply fused with6A(1320W)Up to600W,also in combination with engine block heaters. Current supply fused with10A(2200W)Up to maximum setting1500W,also in combination with engine block heaters.Replacement partsThermal fuse kit9481278-1 ImportantFan heaters designed for use indoors must not be used in cars.7789991S40,V4001-30664131-7Fits tyre dimensions:•195/60R15•205/55R15•205/50R16Max.speed:50km/hour.A snow chain specially developed for larger tyre dimensionsThis type of snow chain has the advantage of not beingfittedon the inside of the tyre and does not take up the spacerequired by larger tyres.TÜV approved.Facts and Advantages•One pair,ready tofit.•Easy tofit.•Spare links included.Replacement partsHandle3529438-8Protective cover3529448-8Adapter,21mm30623786-8ImportantStandard snow chains cannot be used on wheels oflarger dimensions due to lack of space(risk of dam-aging the wheel housing etc.).These chains must beused instead.7789991S40,V40Fits tyre dimensions:205/50R15,205/45R1630862800-7205/55R151********-7195/60R15US30889647-1Maximum speed50km/h.A snow chain with narrow links specially developed for largertyre dimensions for the S40,V40.Facts and Advantages•Extremely compact links(3.1x10;traditional dimensions4x12)which are heat treated to maintain the same servicelife as traditional snow chains.•Fast and easy installation using the ring mechanism.•Reversible for increased service life.•Packed in a durable bag;ready for use.ImportantStandard snow chains cannot be used on wheels oflarger dimensions due to lack of space(risk of dam-aging the wheel housing etc.).These chains must beused instead.1Can not be used on cars equipped with chassis kits.117789991S40,V40Fits tyre dimensions:01-205/50R1630889098-7175/65R1430816222-1185/65R143472033-4185/65R15,195/60R159166342-7195/55R1530816224-7The quick installation snow chains are made of high gradegalvanised steel.Facts and Advantages•Prepacked in plastic bag,with installation instructions.•Can befitted in a couple of minutes.ImportantStandard snow chains cannot be used on wheels oflarger dimensions due to lack of space(risk of damag-ing the wheel housing etc.)For suitable snow chains.12。
1. 安全事项....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 重要注意...............................................................................................................................1 1.2 承诺.......................................................................................................................................2 1.3 设备检查和运输说明...........................................................................................................2 2. 系统介绍...................................................................................................................................4 2.1 系统...................................................................................................................
更多产品信息,请访问互联网:目录第一章PCS-912型收发信机 (1)1 装置简介 (1)2 装置特点 (1)3 技术参数 (2)3.1机械及环境参数 (2)3.2额定电气参数 (2)3.3主要技术指标 (2)4 装置工作原理 (3)4.1基本工作原理 (3)4.2装置逻辑框图 (5)5 使用说明 (6)5.1指示灯说明 (6)5.2液晶显示说明 (7)5.3命令菜单使用说明 (11)5.4定值使用说明 (12)5.5插件和接口配线说明 (14)6 现场使用及维护说明 (18)6.1主要电气参数仪器定检 (18)6.2通道试验和3dB告警整定 (19)6.3装置运行说明 (20)6.4运行和故障诊断 (20)7 订货须知 (20)第二章PCS-913型旁路代用收发信机 (21)附录一电平的概念 (23)附录二装置机械尺寸 (24)第一章 PCS-912型收发信机1装置简介PCS-912型继电保护专用收发信机以输电线为通道媒介,可以远距离传送闭锁式保护信号,它可与高压线路保护配合,构成110KV-500KV系统的高频闭锁式保护。
装置完全按照DL/T 524-2002《继电保护专用电力线载波收发信机技术条件》的技术要求进行设计,主要特点有:l体积小,重量轻,仅一层19英寸4U机箱l采用了DSP+FPGA架构,保证了装置在数据处理上的实时性,由于使用了数字化手段,装置延迟精确。
20KN外墙保温砂浆保温材料试验机 保温材料万能试验机的使用说明书
二、本机适用标准:JC/T992-2006《墙体保温用膨胀聚乙烯板胶粘剂》JC/T993-2006《外墙外保温用膨胀聚乙烯板抹面胶浆》JC/T547-2005《陶瓷地砖胶粘剂》JG149-2003《膨胀聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统》JC890-2001《蒸压加气混凝土用砌筑砂浆与抹面砂浆》JC/T907-2002《混凝土界面处理剂》JG158-2004 《胶粉聚苯颗粒外墙外保温系统》DBJ01-38-2002《外墙外保温施工技术规程聚合物水泥砂浆胶粘剂》DBJ/T01-50-2002《外墙外保温施工技术规程柔性耐水腻子》三、产品简介:铂鉴牌20KN外墙保温砂浆保温材料电子万能试验机试验机是新型双空间电子万能试验机。
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® resistance films to achieve the precise ratio performance Caddock Tetrinox® MG 650 Caddock Tetrinox resistance films to achieve thesource precise ratio performance ® resistance and stability required by highly accurate amplifier circuits, reference Caddock's Micronox films are the ofvoltage Preconditioning for Power and Voltage Ratings and stability required by highly accurate amplifier circuits, reference and stability required by highly accurate amplifier circuits,voltage voltage reference MG 655 Now with Extended Resistance Range to 10,000 Megohms and Additional Models circuits and precision bridge circuits. the Type MG Precision High Voltage Resistors' outstanding All power ratings and maximum operating voltage ratings circuits and precision bridge circuits. circuits and of precision bridge circuits. are for continuous duty.Stability These and ratings are based on precombination performance features: • Ratio from 0.1% to 0.01%. MG 660 Tolerance Temperature Coefficient as tight as 80 ppm/°C, Combined with Excellent Long-Term Precision Tolerances. • Ratio Ratio Tolerance Tolerance from 0.1% to 0.01%. • from 0.1% to 0.01%. stress voltage levels applied during the manufacturing ••• Single-resistor valuesCoefficient as high as 10,000 Megohms. Ratio 10 ppm/ ppm/ C, 5 5 ppm/ ppm/ Cor or22ppm/ ppm/ °C. MG 680 Temperature ® resistance Ratio Temperature Coefficient 10 °° C, °° C °process C. Caddock's Micronox films are the source of Preconditioning for Power and resistor Voltage performance Ratings to provide for stable even •Maximum Ratio Temperature Coefficient - 10 ppm/ °C, 5 ppm/ °C or 2 ppm/ °C. • continuous operating voltages as high as MG 710 • Absolute Temperature Coefficient 25 ppm/ ° C. the Type MG Precision High Voltage outstanding All power ratings and maximum operating voltage ratings • Absolute Temperature Coefficient - Resistors' 25 ppm/°C. under momentary overload conditions. volts ("-15" ratings). •48,000 Absolute Temperature Coefficient - Load 25 ppm/ °C. • Ratio of at Full Full for 2,000hours hours- -within within 0.01%. MG 712 Stability are for continuous duty. These60% ratings are than based precombination of performance features: Maximum operating voltages higher theon values • Ratio Stability of Resistance Resistance at Load for 2,000 0.01%. • Overvoltage capabilities of 150% of standard working • Ratio Stability of Resistance at Full Load for 2,000 hours - within 0.01%. stress levels during the manufacturing listed involtage the table may applied be specified by adding "-15" to the Shelf Life Stability of Ratio for 6 Months within 0.005%. ••• Single-resistor values as high as 10,000 Megohms. Shelf Life Stability of Ratio for 6 Months within 0.005%. voltages for Stability all models and values, (except "-15" ratings). MG 714 process to provide for stable resistor Note performance even Shelf Life of Ratio for 6 available Months -in within 0.005%.resistance model number (Example: MG750-15). that overload Both T912 T914 are 14 standard values ••Resistance Maximum continuous operating voltages as high as Both the the T912 and and the the T914 are available in 14 standard resistance values • Tolerances from ±1.0% to ±0.1%. under momentaryratings overload and overvoltage do conditions. not apply to the "-15" resistors. Both the T912 and the T914 are available in 14 standard resistance values MG 715 volts between 1,000 ohms and 1 Megohm. Caddock's high thru-put manufacturing 48,000 ("-15" ratings). between 1,000 ohms and for 1 Megohm. Caddock's range, high thru-put manufacturing •capability Temperature Coefficient, standard resistance of Maximum operating voltages 60% shown higher in than values Resistance for "-15" resistors thethe table are 1,000 ohms and 1 150% Megohm. Caddock's high thru-put manufacturing assures that prototype and large-volume production quantities are ranges capability assures that prototype and large-volume production quantities are •between Overvoltage capabilities of of standard working MG ppm/°C 716 80 in combination with resistance tolerances as listed"-15 in are the table may be specified by adding "-15" to t