


spi 1936-1940
tp tq
on 1389-1394
prop 1589-1592
rp rq rr
spo 1943-1947
tr 2141-2168
ps 1597-159-2153
op 1395-1402
ru 1744-1755
sq 1951-1955
tw 2177-2181
qd qe qf
scr 1787-1792
sti 1980-1985
qg qh qi
sto 1985-1991
ty 2181-2182
pa 1429-1463
qj qk ql
se 1793-1828
str 1991-2006
pal 1429-1432
qm qn qo
cro 475-481
disc 565-569
act 18-21
bac 124-129
cf cg
cru 481-483
dise 569-570
ad 21-31
bal 134-137
ch 311-341
cry 483-484
disg 570-572
add 22-23
ban 137-141
cha 311-323
lp lq lr
nu 1365-1369
flo 777-781
han 920-927
it 1083-1084
ls lt
nv nw nx ny
fm fn
har 929-934
iu iv iw ix iy iz
lu 1206-1211
nz 1370

格兰富hydro Dig叠压供水

格兰富hydro Dig叠压供水

序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
描述 稳流罐 泵 控制柜 基架(槽钢) 入口总管(不锈钢) 出口总管(不锈钢) 止回阀 球阀或蝶阀 系统入口侧压力传感器/压力表 系统出口侧压力传感器/压力表 比例调节阀 隔膜罐
数量 1 2~6 1 1 1 1 1/每台泵 2/每台泵 1 1 1 1
当设备有副泵时,副泵的性能在曲线中以一条细 线表示,副泵的型号标示在其左下方。
所有曲线适用于50Hz系统,其公差符合ISO 9906 Annex A。
Hydro Dig
TM03 0989 1105
Hydro Dig
TM03 0990 1105
管网压力的存在,保证停电不停水。由管网直接 供水,来电后系统恢复正常;
格兰富集成变频器电机的一体化水泵,与控制器 总线式数字通讯,抗干扰性强,控制性能优越;
Hydro Dig
Hydro Dig
TM03 0991 1105
Hydro Dig
TM03 1066 1105
Hydro Dig
TM03 1067 1105
Hydro Dig
TM02 7556 3803
Hydro Dig
TM01 2771 3803
TM03 1068 1105
3.3 电气数据,重量和外形尺寸
2.7 使用范围



以下整理了微信中表情图⽚和字符串代码、替换关键字的对照表,以微笑为例,在微信聊天窗⼝中输⼊ /::) 会⾃动转换成微笑符号(电脑端不会转换),⽽输⼊ [微笑] 在发送时也会转换成,事实上/::Q抓狂[Scream]表情图⽚字符串代码替换关键字英⽂代码/::T吐[Puke]/:,@P笑[Chuckle]/:,@-D快乐[Joyful]/::d奇[Slight]/:,@o傲[Smug]/::g饿[Hungry]/:|-)累[Drowsy]/::!吓[Panic]/::L汗[Sweat]/::>⾼兴[Laugh]/::,@闲[Commando]/:,@f努⼒[Determined]/::-S骂[Scold]/:?疑问[Shocked]/:,@x秘密[Shhh]/:,@@乱[Dizzy]/::8疯[Tormented]/:,@!哀[Toasted]/:!!!⿁[Skull]/:xx打击[Hammer]/:bye bye[Wave]/:wipe汗[Speechless]/:dig抠[NosePick]/:handclap⿎掌[Clap]/:&-(糟糕[Shame]/:B-)恶搞[Trick]/:<>什么[Bah!L]/:@>什么 [Bah!R]/::-O累[Yawn]/:>-|看[Pooh-pooh]/:P-(难过[Shrunken]/::’|难过[TearingUp]/:X-)坏[Sly]/::*亲[Kiss]/:@x吓[Wrath]/:8*可怜[Whimper]/:pd⼑[Cleaver]/:⽔果[Watermelon]/:beer酒[Beer]/:basketb篮球[Basketball]/:oo乒乓[PingPong]/:coffee咖啡[Coffee]/:eat美⾷[Rice]/:pig动物[Pig]/:rose鲜花[Rose]/:fade枯[Wilt]/:showlove唇[Lips]/:heart爱[Heart]/:break分⼿[BrokenHeart]/:cake⽣⽇[Cake]/:li电[Lightning] ... other posts by Alan。



maintain a happy‎outlook on life‎—take an optimis‎t ic attitude tow‎a rds lifemaint‎a in a gloomy out‎l ook on life—tak‎e a pessimistic ‎a ttitude towards‎life cheerful—‎d elightful—happy‎instill—infuse—‎i noculate—inject‎reform—innovate‎—ameliorate—impr‎o veathlete—athl‎e tic—sportssti‎m ulate—motivate—‎p ropel—catalyse—‎a rouse—encourage‎—inspire—imbue--‎e voke adverse ef‎f ect—side effect‎—negative effect‎(effect—influen‎c e--impact)supe‎r vise ---inspect‎—oversee—discipl‎i ne—controla m‎u st –necessity—i‎n evitabilityen‎t ertaining –amus‎i nginteract wi‎t h –communicate ‎w ith –socialize ‎w ith ;peer—wor‎k mate—colleague ‎freedom—flexibi‎l ity/flexible—un‎r estricted—unres‎t rained—unbridle‎d—unconfined res‎t rict—limit—rest‎r ain—confine—bri‎d lehands-on exp‎e rience—practica‎l skillbe gear‎e d to –be target‎e d at—be prepare‎d for –be suitab‎l e to ---be comp‎a tible with well‎-rounded-----ove‎r allwell-being‎---health/health‎ybetter off—be‎wealthy/ rich‎p rotect—preserve‎—conservetalen‎t—gift—genius—en‎d owmentendowme‎n t—subsidize/sub‎s idy—allowance –‎f inancial/econom‎i c /monetary sup‎p ort endowment—p‎e nsionsubsidia‎r y—subordinated—‎a ttached—affliat‎e dsupportive—h‎e lpful—subsidiar‎y—auxiliarycel‎e brity—famouse p‎e ople –socialite‎paparazzi---do‎g packsjournal‎i st—reporter—new‎s man—corresponde‎n tmoral/moralit‎y—ethic/ethical—‎v irtuethe pres‎s—mediamilitar‎y ---army/war/we‎a ponordinary--‎-normal—common‎p rofuse—enough—s‎u fficient—ample—‎a dequate—affluen‎t—generous—multi‎t udinous—numero‎u s—innumerable—a‎s tronomical—coun‎t lessprofuse—e‎x travagant—waste‎f ul—luxury—lavis‎h/squanderisola‎t e/isolation---a‎l ien/alienation—‎e strange/estrang‎e ment—seclude/se‎c lusiondiffuse‎—transmit—spread‎—transpiretoler‎a nce---mananimit‎y—generositywe‎l l-known---famou‎s—renowned—notor‎i ous/notoriety—r‎e putatonoffend‎—violate—disobey‎—annoy—irritate—‎p rovokebetray/‎b etrayal---trait‎o rpopularity –‎i nterest/interes‎t ed—attention/fo‎c uscomfort –co‎n sole—sootheot‎h er than---apart‎fromsimilar/s‎i milarity—analog‎y—like/as---rese‎m ble/resemblance‎be associated w‎i th –be invovled‎in—be connected‎with –be linked‎with deserve—w‎o rth/worthwhile/‎w orthyrole mod‎e l –idolgrab—g‎r asp—catch---sei‎z e : eg—to grasp‎the opportuinty‎be content wit‎h—be happy with—‎b e pleased with—‎b e satisfied wit‎haccomplish—ac‎h ieve---attain –‎f ulfil—realize—a‎c tualizecharit‎a ble/charity –ph‎i lanthopy/philan‎t hropistdeviat‎e—devert—deflect‎—change—transfer‎dedication—dev‎o tion –contribut‎i on—effort—endea‎v or—striveembod‎y—contain—includ‎edistinct/dist‎i nction—differen‎t/differentiate/‎d iffer---vary/va‎r iety/various—di‎v ersity/diverse/‎diversify---dis‎t inguish—separat‎ediscreet—circ‎u mspect—reflecti‎v e—prude—cautiou‎s—careful—on pur‎p ose—deliberate—‎p onderrequire—‎r equest—ask—need‎–demandauthor‎i ty—municipal—go‎v ernment—state‎e xplore/explorat‎i on—exploit/expl‎o itaion—dig—exca‎v ate—develop/dev‎e lopmentchaos--‎-messy/mess—diso‎r derlack—short/‎s hortage—scarcit‎y/scarce—devoid‎p riceless—valuab‎l e—preciousval‎u eless—worhless—‎u seless—meaningl‎e sshumility/hu‎m ble—modest/mode‎s typassion/pass‎i onate—enthusias‎m /enthusiastic—‎i nterest—curious‎/curiosity—conce‎r n—focus--attent‎i on convey—expre‎s s—communicate—e‎m bodyignore/ig‎n orance/ignorant‎—neglect—overloo‎k—disregard—unde‎r value—underesti‎m ate—look down u‎p on/onoccur/occ‎u rences—happen/h‎a ppening---incid‎e nthappen to d‎o–coincide/coni‎n cidence—acciden‎t/accidental—run‎into/acrossper‎s everance/persev‎e ring---persist/‎p ersistence—insi‎s t/insistence—ad‎h ere/adherencee‎m phasize—stress—‎a ttach importanc‎e to –priority/p‎r ioritze—key poi‎n tspoil—overind‎u lgereward—awa‎r d—prize—incenti‎v e—bonus—subsidy‎—allowancepote‎n tial—would-be--‎-anticipation/an‎t icipate/anticip‎a torybring out‎the best in sb-‎--make sb reach ‎o ne‘s full poten‎t ialrehabilita‎t e/rehabilitatio‎n ---recover—rev‎i ve—revitalize—r‎e claimDemocrat‎i c:民主的--------im‎p artial : 公正的;c‎o nsolidate ---st‎r engthen---inten‎s ify—reinforce:加‎强communicate wi‎t h sb ----intera‎c t with sb –soci‎a lize with :与。


monarch [m n k] 君主 archbishop [ :t bi p] 大主教
skill 技艺
artist 艺术家
star 星
astronomy [ str n mi] 天文学
[ str l] 星的,形状的
to here 听
leg, legis lif, liv
law 法(律) to live 生活,生存
illegal [ili:g l] adj.违法的, 不合规定的 legislation [led islei n] n.立法, 法律的制定
lifetime 一生,alive 活着的
liquor [lik ] n.液体, 汁,
to produce,to cause
[d inetik] adj.遗传的, 起源的
step 步,级
degrade [digreid] v.(使)降级, (使)堕落, gradual [gr dju l] adj.逐渐的, 逐步的,
gram,graph to write,to make drawing 写,
strong 强的
enforce [inf :s] vt. 强制,强迫, 执行 effort [ef t] n.努力, 成就
earth, land 地球,土地
geology 地质学 hypogeum [haipoud i: m] n.地下室,
generate [d en reit] vt.产生, 发生
inflict [inflikt] vt.予以(打击等) conflict [k nflikt] n.斗争, 冲突 vi.抵触, 冲突 formulate 用公式表示,formation 形成,构成


ez 712
gi 856-861
ig 1014
ko kp kq
mv mw mx
gj gk
ih ii ij ik
kr ks kt
my 1323-1325
gl 861-868
il 1015-1017
ku kv kw kx
mz 1325
fa 713-736
gm gn
im 1017-1028
ky 1124
aw 119-121
can 279-283
dia 549-550
aa 1
ax 121
cap 283-286
cp cq
dig 554-556
ab 1-8
ay 121-122
car 287-295
cr 463-484
dim 557-558
sa 1756-1774
stan 1961-1965
ts tt
ov 1418-1426
star 1965-1969
tu 2168-2177
ow 1427
sc 1775-1793
stat 1969-1973
ox oy oz
qa qb qc
sca 1775-1779
ste 1974-1980
cus 492-493
dj dk dl
af 32-36
bb bc bd
chr 339-340
cut 493-496
dm dn
ag 36-41
be 153-176
ci 341-346





1. CRE的定义与原理CRE是一种重组酶系统,由Cre重组酶和loxP位点组成。




2. CRE的应用领域微生物学中,CRE被广泛用于基因组工程、基因表达调控、病毒病理研究等方面。

具体应用包括:- 基因敲除和基因突变:利用CRE的重组功能,可以靶向敲除或突变目标基因,从而实现研究该基因功能或解析其对生物体的作用。

- 基因表达调控:通过在目标基因上插入loxP位点,再利用CRE酶的活性,可以实现基因的激活或抑制,从而调控基因表达水平。

- 基因标记和追踪:结合荧光基因和CRE/loxP系统,可以标记特定细胞或组织,以追踪其在生物体内的分布和命运。

- 病原体研究:利用CRE/loxP系统,可以构建感染模型,研究病原体的致病机制、感染途径等,并探索相应的防治策略。

3. CRE的优势和局限性CRE/loxP系统在微生物学研究中具有以下优势:- 高度特异性:CRE酶对loxP位点的识别和结合具有高度特异性,因此可以实现准确的基因重组和操控。

- 灵活性:CRE/loxP系统可以在不同细胞类型和生物体中应用,且操作相对灵活,可以根据需要进行精细调整。

- 低毒性:CRE酶的表达对细胞或生物体的毒性较低,因此对被操作的生物体影响较小。

然而,CRE/loxP系统也存在一些局限性:- 依赖loxP位点:CRE/loxP系统必须在目标DNA上存在loxP位点才能发挥作用,因此需要在目标基因中进行插入或改造。

- 重组效率有限:CRE/loxP系统的重组效率受到多种因素的影响,包括CRE酶的表达水平、loxP位点的位置等,可能存在一定的不可控性。



À cet égard, prép. in that respectÀ claire-voie, adv. a lattice (door)À grand renfort de, prép. with a lot ofÀ l'abri de safe fromÀ l'approche de, prép. upon the arrival of... À l'égard de towardsÀ l'envi de, prép. competing againstÀ l'épreuve de against the test ofÀ l'occasion as the case may beÀ la barbe fleurie white-beardedÀ nouveau again, once moreÀ peine hardly at allÀ petit feu, adv. at low heatÀ point, adv. to the point, in timeÀ proportion de... in keeping with...À propos (parler) at the right momentÀ propos, adv. fittingÀ regret against one's willÀ ses trousses ! follow him !À ses yeux in his opinionÀ son tour in its turnÀ souhait perfectÀ travers thanks toÀ votre intention especially for you Abasourdi, adj. flabbergastedAbâtardi, adj. bastardized, altered Abattre to fellAbattre to cut downAbbaye, UNE an abbeyAbîme, UN a chasmAborder to broachAborder qqn to come up to someoneAbrégé, adj. abridged, summed up Absoudre to forgiveAccablé de, adj. laden withAccabler to plagueAccoler to embraceAccord, UN a chord (music)Accourir to rush toAccroître to increaseAccueil, UN a greetingAcéré, adj. pointyAchéron a river from HellAchevé, adj. excellent, perfectAchever to finishAchever to killAcier, UN steelAdieu, UN goodbyeAdvenir to happenAffaibli, adj. weakened Affaiblissement, UN a weakening Affamé, adj. starvingAffecter to put on, to pretend to be Affermir to stabilizeAffirmer to claimAffligeant, adj. saddening, pitiful Affolé, adj. panickyAffranchi, adj. liberated Affront, UN an insultAfin de, prép. so thatAfin que, conj. in order toAgir to actAgneau, UN a lambAgreste, adj. of the fieldsAhuri, adj. surprised, baffledAïeul, UN a grandparentAigu, aiguë, adj. sharpAiguille, UNE a needle Aiguille, UNE a needle Aiguillon, UN a spur, a sting Aiguillon, UN a pokeAiguiser to sharpenAile, UNE a wingAimable, adj. loveableAimanté, adj. magnetizedAinsi que, conj. in the same way as Ainsi, adv. thusAinsi, adv. thusAirain, UN bronzeAisance, UNE easeAisselle, UNE an armpitAjouter foi à to believeAlgue, UNE algeaeAlléger to make lighterAlléguer to citeAlliance, UNE a wedding ring Allumette, UNE a match Allure, UNE speedAltéré, adj. thirstyAmant, adj. loverAme, UNE a soulAme-soeur, UNE the dreamlover Amiante, UNE asbestosAmollir to softenAmorcer to initiate, to startAmour parisien, UN Parisian love (for sale) Amour-propre, UN self-esteem Ampleur, UNE breadth, scope Angevin, adj. of Anjou (Loire valley) Angoisse, UNE anguishAnnoncer to publicizeApaiser to alleviate, to appease Aplomb, UN self-assuredness Apologue, UN a defenseAppliquer to applyApprentissage, UN apprenticeshipApprêter to get readyApprivoiser to tameApprofondir to dig intoAptitude, UNE an abilityAquilon, UN the North windArbitrer to arbitrateArc, UN a bowArchiprêtre, UN an archpriestArdeur, UNE heatArdoise, UNE slateArdoise, UNE slateArmer to knightArpent, Un an acre of landArracher to tear fromArrière-garde, UNE the rearArroser to waterArtichaut, UN an artichokeArticle, UN an itemAspirer à to strive forAsservi, adj. enslavedAssidu, adj. persistentAssiégeant, UN a siege holder Assiette, UNE position (obsolete) Assis, adj. located (obsolete)Assoiffé, adj. thirsty Assujettissement, UN subjectionAssuré, adj. strong, certainAssurer qqn de... to swear that... Astucieux, adj. cleverAtelier, UN a workshopAttaché, adj. rivetedAtteindre to reachAtteint de, adj. sick withAttelage, UN a team of oxenAttendri, adj. softenedAttendrir to soften Attendrissement, UN mellowness Attirance, UNE attractionAttiser to fan the flame ofAu demeurant as a matter of factAu fil de... as... unfold(s)Au loin in the distanceAu service de, prép. to excite, to feedAu surplus moreoverAu-delà de, prép. beyondAube, UNE dawnAube, UNE dawnAudacieux, adj. boldAumône, UNE almsAumônier, UN a chaplain Auparavant, adv. beforeAuprès de, prép. withAurore, UNE twilightAussi thereforeAussitôt immediatelyAutel, UN an altarAutodafé, UN a public burningAutrui the other peopleAux dépens de at the expense ofA varice, UNE miserlinessA vertir to warnA veu, UN an admissionA veugle, adj., un blindA veuglement, UN blindnessA vis, UN a warningA voir beau... However much...A voir beau... to ... in vainA voir pour pendant to result inA voir souvenance de to remember vaguely A vouer to reveal, to confideBadigeon, UN smear Badigeonner to smearBannir to bannishBanquette, UNE a settee Barbier, LE the barber Barbouiller to smear colour on Barde, UN a singer, a bardBaril, UN a barrelBarreau, UN a barBas-fonds, LES the dregs of society Bassesse, UNE low life Batailleur, adj. brawling Bataillon, UN an armyBatelière, UNE a ferrywomanBâtiment, UN a building Battement, UN a beating, a flutter Baudet, UN a donkeyBaux, DES rental agreementBéguin, UN a lace bonnetBéni, bénite, adj. holyBercail, LE the sheepfoldBercer to rockBergerie, LA the sheepfold Besogne, LA toilBêtise, LA stupidityBien, UN moneyBienfait, UN a boon, a good deed Bienfaiteur, UN a benefactor Biens, LES the estateBière, UNE a coffinBis, adj. brown-grey Blanchisseuse, UNE a laundressBlême, adj. pallidBlessé, adj. woundedBlesser to wound, to hurt Blessure, UNE a wound Blouse, UNE a rugged shirtBon ange, UN a guardian angel Bonbon, UN a candyBondir to jumpBord, LE the edgeBord, LE the edgeBordé de, adj. lined withBouffée, UNE a waft, a puff of smoke Bouleversé, adj. overwhelmed Bouquet, UN a bunchBramer to bellowBrasser to brewBraver to flirt withBrebis, UNE a eweBrebis, UNE a eweBrider to restrictBrigand, UN a highway thief Brise, LA a light windBrusque, adj. suddenBruyère, LA a moor, a fernBruyère, UNE a moorBuée, LA fog, mistBurlesque, adj. mock-heroicButin, UN a lootCabale, UNE a lobbyCachot, UN a prison cell Cailloutis, UN a cobblestone alley Cajoler to pamper, to coaxCalédonie, LA ScotlandCalfat, UN a caulking worker Cambouis, LE dirty oil Camisole, UNE a shirtCanaille, UNE a scoundrel Caniculaire, adj. sultryCanton, Un a neighbourhood (18th c.) Caprice, UN a whim, a fancy Carosse, UN a horse-drawn carriage Carreau, UN a window pane Carton, LE cardboard Cartonnage, LE cardboard supply Causer to speakCéder to give wayCeindre to buckleCéleste, adj. heavenlyCensé, adj. supposedCensure, LA censorshipCensure, la censorshipCependant meanwhileCependant nonethelessCerf, UN a deerCertes, adv. of courseCerveau, UN a brainCervoise, LA light beerChagrin, adj. sadChagrin, LE griefChagrin, LE bad temperChair, LA fleshChambrière, LA the chambermaidChampêtre, adj. of the fieldsChampignon, UN fungusChanceler to teeterChandelle, UNE a candleChantre, UN a singerChapitrer to berate, to talk toCharbon, LE coalCharbon, UN a coalCharge, UNE a load, a cartfulCharnel, adj. of the flesh, carnalCharrue, UNE a ploughChasse à courre, LA hunting (with horses and dogs) Chasser to chase outChasser au vol to go falcon-hunting Chasseresse, UNE a hunting woman Chassieux, adj. rheumyChâtier to punishChâtiment, UN a punishmentChâtré, adj. castratedChauffer to warm upChauffeur, UN a driverChaumière, UNE a little houseChauve, adj. baldingChauve-souris, UNE a batChemin, Un a path, a trackChêne, UN an oak treeChêne, UN an oak treeChérir to treasureChevaleresque, adj. chivalrousChevalet, UN an easelChevelure, LA hair, maneChèvre, UNE a goatChevreuil, UN a buck, a deerChicaner to quibbleChien de garde, UN a watchdogChimérique, adj. unrealChou, Un a cabbageChuchoter to whisperCi-dessus, adv. herebeforeCiboire, UN a chaliceCierge, UN a candleCil, UN an eyelashCitoyen, UN a citizenClair de lune, LE the moonlight Clairet, adj. light and clearClairon, LE clarionClarté, LA brightnessClarté, la clarityClause, UNE a sentenceClef, UNE a keyClerc, adj. educatedCloche, UNE a bellClore to closeClos, LE the enclosureClou, UN a nailCocarde, UNE a cockadeCochère, UNE porte a carriage entrance Cohorte, UNE a hordeCollation, UNE a brunchColle, LA glueCollet, UN a snareCollier, UN a necklaceColombe, UNE a doveCommander à to ruleCommère, UNE a step-mother (obsolete) Composé, adj. complexCompter pour rien to disregard Concevoir to think outConcevoir de to derive fromConfier to entrustConfit, adj. preservedConforme à in keeping with Conformer à to pattern after Conjugal, adj. connubialConnerie, LA bullshit, stupidityConquérant, UN a conqueror Conseil, UN a piece of advice Consentement, LE agreement Consentir to agreeConsoler to relieve, to alleviateConsommé, adj. deft, expertConstance, LA faithfulnessConstater to noticeConsumer to burnContempler to beholdContinuateur, UN a follower Contraignant, adj. constraining Contraindre to obligeContrarié, adj. thwartedContrarier to contradict, to preventContrée, UNE a regionConvaincu de, adj. convicted for Convalescence, LA convalescence Convive, UN a guestConvoiter to covetConvoiter to covetConvoitise, LA lustCoquet, adj. coquettish, appearance-conscious Cor, UN a hornCor, UN a hornCorbillard, UN a hearseCordelier, UN a franciscan friar Coriandre, LE cilantroCortège, UN a paradeCortège, UN a processionCouard, adj. cowardlyCouardise, LA cowardiceCoucher to sleepCoude, UN the elbowCouler to go byCoup de théâtre, UN a dramatic turn of event Coup du sort, UN a stroke of chanceCour, LA the yardCour, UNE a back yard (bricks)Courant d'air, UN a draughtCourbé, adj. bentCourber to bendCourroie, UNE a strapCourroux, LE wrathCouvent, UN a conventCouvercle, UN a lidCouvert, UN a grove, a clump Couverture, UNE a blanket (i.e. the leaves) Craie, LA chalkCraindre to fearCrainte, LA fearCrainte, UNE fearCraintif, adj. fearfulCrâne, UN a scullCraquer to break, to crackCréance, LA beliefCreuser to digCreuset, UN a melting potCriard, adj. loud, jarringCrier haro ! to inveigh againstCroisée, UNE a windowCroîtire to growCroix, LA the crossCroquer to eat up, to munchCruauté, LA crueltyCueillir to pick upCuir, LE leatherCuire to cookCuissot, UN a roasted thighCuivre, LE copperCuré, LE the priestCurieux, UN a looker-onCuvette, UNE a hollowCygne, UN a swanD'ailleurs, adv. by the way, as a matter of fact D'autant plus... que All the more... thatD'un trait in one shotD'usage, adv. perfunctoryDans le fond, adv. in the end Davantage, adv. moreDe bon coeur mirthfullyDe grâce ! Have mercy !De par because ofDe son vivant, adv. in her lifetimeDe surcroît on top of thatDébandade, UNE a disorderly posseDébattre to discussDébauche, LA debaucheryDéboucher sur to lead toDéboucher sur to lead toDécevant, adj. deceitfulDécharger to alleviateDéchéance, LA downfallDéchéance, LA the downfallDéchiré, adj. tornDécocher to shoot an arrowDécoloré, adj. colourlessDéconcerté, adj. at a lossDécrépitude, LA decrepitudeDécrocher to freeDéçu, adj. disappointedDédain, LE disregardDédier to dedicateDéfiance, LA insecurityDéfier to challengeDéfiguré, adj. disfiguredDéfilé, UN a narrow valleyDéfilé, UN a paradeDéfilé, UN a paradeDéfiler to paradeDéfricher to clearDégager to provide, to outlineDégager to freeDégobiller to pukeDélaisser to ignoreDélivrer to set freeDémasquer to expose, to unmask Demeure, UNE a house, a dwelling Demeurer to stayDemeurer to stayDénaturé, adj. adulteratedDénaturer to change nature Denier, UN a coin, moneyDénoncer to exposeDénué de without anyDénuement, LE wantDépense, UNE an outpourDépit, LE spiteDépiter to disappointDépliement, UN the unfoldingDéplorer to despair aboutDépositaire, UN a recipientDépourvu de, adj. deprived ofDéraciner to pull offDérision, LA mockeryDéroulé, adj. unfoldedDès lors, adv. ever since thenDésabusé, adj. disenchantedDescellé, adj. looseDésertion, LA abandonmentDésespoir, LE despairDésigner to signal, to point toDésormais, adv. nowDespotique, adj. tyrannicalDesséchant, adj. dessicating, uninspirational Désunir to partDétachement, LE distance, detachmentDétenir to have in hand, to keepDétourner to turn away, to avertDétourner to turn awayDétromper to disabuseDette, UNE a debtDeuil, LE mourningDévoré, adj. eaten upDévorer to devourDévot, adj. devout, with true faithDévot, UN a devout ChristianDévouement, LE devotionDévouer to sacrificeDigne de, adj. worthy ofDigne, adj. worthyDiscipline, UNE a whipDispenser to distribute, to provide Dissiper to dispelDissuader to convince not toDistinguer to single outDistrait, adj. distractedDivertissant, adj. amusingDivulguer to public izeDocte, UN a knowledgeable manDon, UN a gift, the knack ofDonation, UNE a large giftDonner le jour à to give birth toDonner sur to open ontoDonner sur to look ontoDouloureux painfulDrap, UN a sheetDudit, de ladite... of the said...Duit, adj. led to (obsolete)Eau-forte, UNE acidÉbahi, adj. flabbergastedÉbène, UNE ebonyÉblouir to dazzleÉbranler to shakeÉcaillé, adj. flakingÉcarter to move awayÉchapper to be let outÉchapper to pass unnoticedÉchecs, LES chessÉclair, UN a flash, a thunderbolt Éclair, UN a thunderboltÉclair, UN a thunderboltÉclatant, adj. dazzlingÉclipse, UNE an eclipseÉclore to hatchÉclore to hatch, to be bornÉcluse, UNE a lockÉconduire to dismiss, to reject Écorce, UNE the barkÉcorcher to skinÉcoulement, UN the passingÉcrasement, UN a crushingÉcraser to crushÉcrevisse, UNE a crayfishÉcriteau, UN a notice boardÉcriture, UNE a handwritingÉcu, Un an escutcheonÉcume, UNE foamÉdenté, adj. toothlessÉdifiant, adj. moralizingÉdifié, adj. admirativeEffacer to eraseEffarouché, adj. scaredEffrayé, adj. scaredEffroi, UN horror, panicÉgal, adj. evenÉgards, LES regardsÉgards, LES considerationÉgaré, adj. lost, confusedÉgaré, adj. lostÉgarer to loseÉgrillard, adj. salacious, lewdÉlan, UN impetusÉlégiaque, adj. melancholyÉloigner de to move further fromEmbarrasser to hamperEmbraser to light upEmbrasser to encircle, to encompass Embuscade, UNE an ambushÉmerillon, UN a small falcon Emmerdements, LES damn troubleÉmoi, UN agitation, turmoilÉmoulu, adj. sharpÉmouvant, adj. movingÉmouvoir to move to tearsEmpêtré, adj. tangled upEmpire, UN attitude (obsolete) Empreinte, UNE an imprintEmprisonner to jailEmprunter to borrowÉmu, adj. movedEn cadence, adv. to the beatEn faux-bourdon, adv. droning, monotonous En grande pompe with pomp and circumstance En pâmoison passed outEn quenouille, adv. pruned into a spikeEn sa manière in his specialtyEn tant que... as a...En toute hâte with hasteEn toutes choses everywhereEn venir à... to get to the point of...Encaissé, adj. encasedEncens, UN incenseEncenser to incenseEncensoir, UN a censerEncensoir, UN a censer (church)Enchaîné, adj. in chainsEncre, UNE inkEncroûté, adj. scabbyEnfiler to takeEnfin at lastEnfoncer to break inEnfoncer to sink intoEngager à to encourage toEngrais, UN manure, fertilizerEnjoindre to orderEnlacer to tie togetherEnnui, UN a throe, a hardshipÉnoncer to put into wordsEnragé, adj. rabidEnroué, adj. hoarseEnsevelir to burryEnsigner à to teach someoneEnsorceler to bewitchEntendement, UN understanding Entonner to break into songEntouré, adj. surroundedEntr'ouvert, adj. half openEntrailles, LES the guts, the innards Entrave, UNE a tie, a rope, a taboo Entreprendre to undertakeEntretenir to speak toEntretenir to keep upEntretien, UN a meetingEntretien, UN the upkeep Envahisseur, UN an invaderEnvers et contre tous through thick and thin Envisager to considerÉpaisseur, UNE a thicknessÉpanoui, adj. blooming, radiantÉpargner to save, to spareÉpaule, UNE a shoulderÉperdu, adj. lostÉperon, Un a spurÉpervier, UN a hawkÉpine, UNE a thornÉpistolier, UN a letter-writerÉpouser to marryÉpouvanté, adj. horrifiedÉpoux, UN a husbandÉpris, adj. in love withÉpris, adj. infatuatedÉprouvé, adj. tired but relentlessÉprouver to feelÉprouver to testÉpuiser to empty ; to tireÉraillé, adj. wornErrant, adj. wanderingErrant, adj. wanderingErrant, adj. wanderingErrer to wander, to strollEscadron, UN a squadronEscamoter to hideEsclave, UN a slaveEscroc, UN a crookEspalier, UN a fruit tree against a wall Espoir, UN hopeEsprit, UN the mindEsquif, UN a skiff, a canoeEssaim, UN a host, a cloud Essuyer... to be a victim of...Estrade, UNE a stageÉtable, UNE a stableÉtablir to set upÉtaler to spread outÉtaler to spreadÉteint, adj. put out, extinctÉteint, adj. put outÉtendard, UN a flagÉtendue, UNE lengthÉterniser to prolongÉtincelle, UNE a sparkÉtoffer to stuff, to lineÉtole, UNE a stoleÉtonnant, adj. puzzlingÉtonnement, UN surprise, amazementÉtonner to astonishÉtourdir to stunÉtranger, adj. foreignEtre au goût de... to be agreable to... Etre aux écoutes to listen for noiseEtre bien aise to be contentEtre confronté à to come face to face with Etre de retour to be backEtre en faute to be at faultEtre fait pour to be meant toEtre sujet à to be likely toÉtroit, adj. narrowÉvadé, adj. runawayÉvangile, UN the GospelÉveillé, adj. awakeÉventail, UN a fanÉvier, UN a sinkÉviter to avoid, to shunExalter to glorifyExaminateur, UN a member of a jury Exempt de, adj. free fromExiger to demandExiger to demandExpier to atone forExpirer to dieExpirer to dieExprès, adv. on purposeExtrait, adj. taken from, excerptedFade, adj. tastelessFaïence, LA earthenwareFaillir to failFaire de l'ouvrage to work wondersFaire exprès to do sth on purposeFaire le service à to serve s.o.Faire plus long conte to waste timeFaire présent to give as a giftFaire preuve de to showFaire quelque figure to look somewhat attractive Faîte, LE the topFaits divers, LES events, news in briefFamélique, adj. starvingFarouche, adj. violent, fierceFarouche, adj. rebelliousFastueux, adj. luxury lovingFausseté, LA the wrongFaute de... in the absence of...Faute de... for lack of...Fauve, adj. tawnyFaux, adj. out of tuneFavorisé, adj. advantagedFée, UNE a witchFeignant de pretending toFeindre to counterfeitFeint, adj. apparent, feignedFendre to split openFêne, UNE a nutFer, UN a swordFéroce, adj. fierceFerveur, LA devotionFerveur, UNE sincerity, enthusiasmFesse, UNE a buttockFesser to spankFeu d'artifice, UN fireworksFiancé, adj. engagedFictif, adj. ficticious, fictionalFiévreux, adj. feverish Figure, LA the face Figure, UNE a faceFilet, UN a web Firmament, LE the sky Fistule, UNE a fistula, a boil Flamand, adj. Flemmish Flamber to burn Flamboyer to blaze Flamme, UNE a passion Flanc, LE the sideFlanc, UN the flank, the side Flatteur, adj. flatteringFlèche, UNE an arrowFléchir to bendFlétri, adj. shriveled Fleuri, adj. floweryFleurir to bloomFlot, UN a waveFlots, LES the waters Flots, LES the watersFoi de... upon my faith as a... Foi, LA faithFoin, LE hay Fondement, UN a basisForçat, UN a convict Force, adv. manyForfait, UN an infamy Forfanterie, LA bragging Forge, LA a smithyFort, adv. veryFosse, UNE a large hole Fossoyeur, UN an undertaker Foudre, LA thunder Foudroyer to strike down Foule, UNE a crowd Fourbe, adj. treacherous Fourberie, LA treachery Fourchu, adj. forked Fournir to provide Fracas, UN a roar, a din Fracasser to break, to smash Frayeur, LA fearFripon, UN a rascalFrisé, adj. curlyFrissonner to shiverFrissonner to shiverFrissonner to shiverFroissé, adj. vexed, hurtFroncer to creaseFrondeur, adj. rebellious Frottement, LE the rubbingFrotter to rub, to polishFuir to fleeFulgurer to thunderFumeux, adj. smokyFunèbre, adj. ghastlyFunèbre, adj. ghastlyFuneste, adj. lethalFurieux, adj. madGager to betGaiement, adv. gaily, happilyGaieté, LA happiness, mirthGaîté, LA cheerfulnessGaleux, adj. scabbyGallois, adj. WelshGaloche, UNE a clogGant, UN a gloveGarant, UN proof, guarantee (obsolete) Garde-manger, UN a food pantry Garder to preventGardien, UN a wardenGaule, UNE a stickGaulois, adj. of GaulGazon, LE grassGéant, UN a giantGémir to moanGémir to moan, to wailGémir to moan, to groanGémissant, adj. moaningGésir to lie on the groundGlaïeul, UN a gladioliGlaner to pick upGlas, LE the bell tollGloire, LA gloryGlouton, adj. gluttonousGommé, adj. rubbed offGond, UN a hingeGond, UN a hingeGorge, LA the throatGorge, UNE a bosomGorgée, UNE a sipGoudron, LE tarGoupil, LE a foxGourmand, adj. greedyGoutte, UNE a dropGouverner to leadGraal, UN a cupGrâce à thanks toGrange, UNE a barnGrange, UNE a barnGrangée, UNE a barnfulGras, adj. greasy, sewageGrave, adj. solemnGraver to engraveGravure, UNE an engraving Greffier, UN a clerkGrêle, adj. slender, sicklyGrêle, adj. small, weakGrêle, LA hailGrelot, UN a jingle bell Grenadier, UN a pomegranate treeGrès, LE sandstoneGrève, LA the shoreGrève, LA the shoreGribouillé, adj. doodled, scribbled Griffe, UNE a clawGriffe, UNE a clawGriffon, UN a griffinGriffonner to jot downGrillagé, adj. with a wire mesh around Grimace, UNE a faceGrincer to creakGrincer to creakGrincer to creakGrossièreté, LA rudenessGuêpe, UNE a waspGuérir to healGuérison, LA healingGueule, LA the ugly mugHache, UNE an axeHaine, LA hatredHaïr to hateHaire, UNE a coarse shirtHaleine, UNE breathHaleine, UNE breathHampe, LA the hiltHanap, UN a cupHanche, UNE a hipHanche, UNE a hipHangar, UN a shedHanter to hauntHapper to snatchHarangue, UNE a speechHarceler to harassHardiesse, LA boldnessHaut fait, UN a high deedHéberger to provide room and boardHélas ! Alas ! Woe the day !Hêtre, UN a beechHeurter to hit, to knockHirondelle, UNE a swallowHonte, LA shameHonteux, adj. ashamedHors de... beside...Hors, adv. outsideHostie, UNE a hostHôte, UN a hostHôte, UN a guestHuer to booHurlement, UN a cryHurler to shoutHymen, UN a marriageIdolâtre, UN an adorerIf, UN a spruce treeIgnoble, adj. despicableIl est question de... ... is talked aboutIl s'agit de to turn out to beIl y a moyen que... there is a possibility that... Impasse, une a dead endImperceptible, adj. impossible to encompass Imperlé, adj. unalloyedImpitoyable, adj. ruthlessImplorer to call toImposer à to impressImprimer to printImputer to chargeIn extremis at the last minuteIn-folio, adv. large-leafedInachevé, adj. unfinishedIncliné, adj. bent forwardIncolore, adj. colourlessIncommodé, adj. bothered Inconsolable, adj. disconsolate Incurable, adj. which cannot be cured Indien, adj. sunrise sideIndigène, UN a localIndigne de, adj. unworthy of Indiscutablement doubtlessly Indocile, adj. disobedientIndompté, adj. untamedIndubitable, adj. which cannot be doubted Induit par, adj. resulting fromIneffaçable, adj. indellibleInégal, adj. unbalancedInexpérimenté, adj. unexperienced Infaillible, adj. infallibleInfortuné, adj. unluckyIngrat, adj. graceless, meanInjuste, adj. unfairInouï, adj. unheardInquiétude, UNE discomfort, worries Insensé, adj. crazy, foolish Insolation, UNE sun-strokeInsolent, adj. rude, boorishInterdit, adj. dumbfounded Interrompu, adj. chopped upIntestin, adj. inner, internalIntrus, UN an intruderInusable, adj. hard-wearing Invective, UNE a scathing criticism Inviter à to offerIrrépressible, adj. irresistibleIssu de, adj. born ofIvoire, UN ivoryIvrogne, UN, adj. drunkardIxion, UN a mythical monsterJadis once upon a timeJadis, adv. a long time agoJadis, adv. long agoJaillir to spring upJalousie, UNE a slatted blind Jardinet, UN a little gardenJe ne sais quoi, UN somethingJet d'eau, UN a fountainJeter bas to throw downJeter son bonnet So ends the story Joindre to associateJonquille, UNE a daffodilJoug, LE the nooseJoug, LE the yokeJoug, LE the yokeJouir de to take advantage ofJouir de to relish, to take advantage of Jouir de to enjoyJouissance, LA pleasureJoujou, UN a toyJudiciaire, adj. legalJuger sur to judge fromJument, UNE a mareJurer to swearJurer to jar, to look uglyJuriste, UN a lawyerJusque, prép. untilL'emporter sur to win over, to outweigh La tête me tourne I'm dizzyLabeur, UN hard work Labourable, adj. ploughable Laboureur, UN a ploughmanLâche, UN a cowardLai, UN a short poemLaine, LA woolLaisse, UNE a medieval stanza Langueur, UNE weaknessLanguir to pine awayLanier, UN a male falcon Lanterne, UNE a lanternLard, LE fatLargeur, UNE the widthLarron, UN a thief, a scoundrel Larve, UNE a larvaLas, adj fatigued, wearyLas, adj. wearyLassé, adj. bored。



2册第3课动词变位hacer做现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式suponer假设现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式preguntar问过去时虚拟式现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式现在时过去未完现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式olvidar忘记现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式molestar打扰现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式jugar玩现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式encender点燃;打开(电灯、电视机等)现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式gritar叫喊现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式poner放现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式salir出发,离开;出现现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式tener有,拥有,持有现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式traer带来现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式entender理解虚拟式现在时过去未完过去时过去时虚拟式现在时过去未完虚拟式现在时过去未完过去时现在时过去未完过去时虚拟式ir 去现在时 过去未完 过去时 虚拟式ser 是现在时 过去未完 过去时 虚拟式variar 不同现在时 过去未完 过去时considerar 认为现在时 过去未完 过去时poder 能够现在时 过去未完 过去时ganar 挣,赚;获得现在时 过去未完 过去时elogiar 赞扬现在时 过去未完 过去时hablar 讲现在时 过去未完 过去时creer 相信现在时 过去未完 过去时bastar足够现在时过去未完过去时recordar记住现在时过去未完过去时leer读现在时过去未完过去时命令式--- leamoslee leedlea leandar表示,致以;给现在时过去未完过去时命令式--- demosda daddéden evitar避免现在时过去未完过去时命令式--- evitemosevita evitadevite evitencontar讲(故事)现在时过去未完过去时encontrar位于,处于;找到现在时过去未完过去时dejar允许,让;留下现在时过去未完过去时deber 应该现在时 过去未完 过去时comprender 理解现在时 过去未完 过去时parecer 感觉现在时 过去未完 过去时preferir 偏爱,更喜欢现在时 过去未完 过去时acabar 刚刚现在时过去未完 过去时regar 给 --- 浇水现在时过去未完 过去时。



(记忆方法归纳)一、词中词或复合词fibre;n. 纤维;fire 头;[助记]:纤维fibre去掉b就变成火;火中加上b就烧成“纤维”diet ;n.mineral ;n. 矿物、矿石:mine(我的) 矿中有矿石ralf ever[助记]:人人都曾经ever发过烧;function ;:吃了这种-ction保健品有“快乐”fun的功能function.; fun eral葬礼nutrition 富有营养的;digest ;vt. 消化;dig+est;stomach胃助记:胃就像“挖地”dig一样蠕动,消化食物。

s team ;n. 蒸气,蒸;组/队team地蒸steam。

--eam;stream;scream;dream;team;(小溪、尖叫、梦想、队、组);boil;;.peach ;n.chemical;adj.sleepy;mushroom....;蘑菇;mush软块;〔美国〕玉米面粥+room;boil...; oil;油mix....【植物;植物学】莴苣。

.....ful;spoon;调羹;汤匙;lettuce;...ture;mix;混合spoon二、谐音peel 剥“皮”“peel”;soft:索芙特;不含酒精的;软(饮料);salad n. 色拉;bacon :培根爱吃咸肉bacon;bar n. 棒,吧,酒吧;fue“油”燃料三、组块或换字记忆-acepace n. 步调;race 比赛/种族;necklace 项链;face 脸/面对;surface 表面;-eanbean 豆;pea 大豆;beancurd豆腐;mean 意思是,意味着;吝啬的;lean倾斜;clean, ocean, pean;感恩歌,赞美歌;-aingain 获得;增加;brain n. 头脑,大脑;main 主要的;pain 收获;entaintain娱乐;No pains no gains.不劳无获。




条件性基因敲除 CKO条件性基因敲除(Conditional Knockout)是指将某个基因的修饰限制于小鼠某些特定类型的细胞或发育的某一特定阶段,实现对小鼠基因组的时空特异性修饰。

应用•胚胎致死性基因的研究•研究靶基因在特定组织或细胞中的功能•研究靶基因在特定时期或阶段发挥的作用优势•多功能的基因敲除模型,可与不同工具鼠灵活搭配使用•明确了目的基因缺失的细胞类型或缺失发生的特定时间,更加客观而系统地研究目的基因在不同组织器官发生、发育或疾病发生、治疗过程中的作用与机制•克服了重要基因完全敲除后的胚胎致死或过早死亡,研究表明约有 1/3 的基因纯合敲除后会导致小鼠胚胎期死亡或出生期死亡•避免由于全身性敲除目的基因可能引发的其它基因的代偿,导致基因敲除后没有明显表型改变为什么拥有条件性基因敲除小鼠模型更容易发高分文章?一篇好文章,意味着我们需要一个好故事。


而 CKO 除了可以明确目的基因的缺失在特定组织或细胞类型之中发生,还可以限制发生的特定时间。

与普通的 KO 相比,CKO 无疑提供了更精准确凿的不在场证明。

这样的故事当然也就更有说服力,再也不怕 reviewer 质疑啦!完美!不过,如果你看到这里就满心欢喜,小编只能说:TOO YOUNG TOO SIMPLE!条件性基因敲除美丽的背后可是暗藏玄机呢!条件性基因敲除的这些坑,你踩过几个?组织特异性 Cre 其实没那么特异?我用的 GFAP-Cre 和你用的 GFAP-Cre 不一样?原来 Cre 小鼠用雌鼠和用雄鼠还不一样?我的 CKO 小鼠为什么基因还没被敲除?Cre 小鼠也会不育?广泛表达的 Cre 在所有组织表达不一样高?诱导型 Cre 其实会漏?下面就让小编来给你填土埋坑!文末有彩蛋哦,可别等不及直接拉到最后看,错过前面的干货就可惜了~组织特异性 Cre 真的那么特异吗?师兄,应该是肝脏特异表达的 Cre,怎么好像在脑里也有表达?唉,理想是丰满的,而现实往往是骨感的。




下面小编整理了一些高中英语阅读中常见的单词,有兴趣的朋友可以阅读参考了解一下哦!高中英语阅读理解常见词汇篇11. individual a. 个别的,单独的 n. 个人,个体2. personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的3. calculate vt. 计算,核算4. personnel n. [总称]人员,员工;人事部门5. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋6. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋7. the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋8. the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋9. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予10. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的11. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭12. acid n. 酸,酸性物质 a. 酸的;尖刻的13. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢14. balcony n. 阳台15.campus n. 校园16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递19.transplant v. 移植20.transport vt. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输工具21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下 n. 燕子25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的33.boundary n. 分界线,边界34.brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车)35.catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的37.vain n. 徒劳,白费38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流51.tidy a. 整洁的',整齐的52.trace vt. 追踪,找到 n. 痕迹,踪迹53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛55.wax n. 蜡56.weave v. 织,编57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会64. battery n. 电池(组)65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物67. career n. 生涯,职业68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管69. vertical a. 垂直的70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度73. exterior n. 外部,外表 a. 外部的,外表的74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的75. petrol n. 汽油76. petroleum n. 石油77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽79. decent a. 像样的,体面的80. route n. 路;路线;航线81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏 n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟82. sake n. 缘故,理由83. satellite n. 卫星84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度85. temple n. 庙宇86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,87. tend vi.易于,趋向88. tendency n.趋向,趋势89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 n. 极端90. undergo v. 经历,遭受91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套 v. 设陷阱捕捉97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的98. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器99. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的100. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学101. organ n. 器官,风琴102. excess n. 过分,过量,过剩103. expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出104. expend v. 消费105. expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费106. expense n. 开销,费用107. expensive a. 花钱多的;价格高贵的108. expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀109. expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀110. private a. 私人的,个人的高中英语阅读理解常见词汇篇21.anyone['eniwn]pron.任何人2.anywhere['eniwe(r)]adv.任何地方n.任何(一个)地方3.wonderful['wndfl]adj.精彩的;极好的4.few[fju]adj.很少的;n.少量5.most[mst]adj.最多的;大多数的`;6.something['smθ]pron.某事物;7.nothing(=not…anything)['nθ]pron.没有什么n.没有8.myself[ma'self]pron.我自己9.everyone['evriwn]pron.每人;人人10.y ourself[j'self]pron.你自己;你亲自11.h en[hen]n.母鸡;雌禽12.b ored[bd]adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的13.d iary['dari]n.日记;日记簿(keepadiary)14.s eem[sim]vi.似乎;好像15.s omeone['smwn]pron.某人;有人16.q uite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词)17.o f course[vks]当然18.a ctivity[k'tvti]n.活动;活跃19.d ecide[d'sad]v.决定;选定20.t ry[tra]v.尝试;设法;努力21.b ird[bd]n.鸟;禽22.p aragliding['prɡlad]n.空中滑翔跳伞23.b icycle['baskl]n.自行车24.b uilding['bld]n.建筑物25.t rader['tred(r)]n.商人;商船26.w onder['wnd(r)]v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑27.d ifference['dfrns]n.差异;不同28.t op[tp]n.顶部;顶29.w ait[wet]v.等;等待(waitfor)30.u mbrella[m'brel]n.伞;雨伞31.w et[wet]adj.湿的;雨天的32.b elow[b'l]prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面33.a s[z]conj.如同;像...一样34.e nough['nf]adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地35.d uck[dk]n.鸭肉;鸭36.h ungry(反full)['hɡri]adj.饥饿的;渴望的37.f eel like(doingsth.)想要38.d islike[ds'lak]v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感39.高中英语阅读理解常见单词篇340.d ad = daddy n. (口语)爸爸,爹爹41.d aily a. 每日的;日常的 ad. 每天 n. 日报42.d ance n.& vi. 跳舞43.d anger n. 危险44.d angerous a. 危险的45.d are v.& aux. (后接不带 to 的不定式;主要用于疑问,否定或条件句)敢,敢于46.d ark n. 黑暗;暗处;日暮 a. 黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的47.d ate n. 日期;约会48.d aughter n. 女儿49.d ay n. (一)天,(一)日;白天50.d ead a. 死的;无生命的51.d eaf a. 聋的52.d eal n. 量,数额;交易53.d ear a . 亲爱的`;贵的54.d eath n. 死55.D ecember n. 12 月56.d ecide v. 决定;下决心57.d ecision n. 决定;决心58.d eep a. 深 ad. 深;深厚59.d egree n. 程度;度数;学位60.d elicious a. 美味的,可口的61.d entist n. 牙科医生62.d epend vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于63.d escribe vt. 描写,叙述64.d esk n. 书桌,写字台65.d evelop v. (使)发展;(使)发达;(使)发育;开发 vt. 冲洗(照片)66.d evelopment n. 发展,发达,发育,开发67.d ialogue ( 美 dialog) n. 对话68.d iary n. 日记;日记簿69.d ictionary n. 词典,字典70.d ie v. 死71.d ifference n. 不同72.d ifferent a. 不同的,有差异的73.d ifficult a. 难的;艰难的;不易相处的74.d ifficulty n. 困难,费力75.d ig (dug, dug) v. 挖(洞、沟等);掘76.d inner n. 正餐,宴会77.d irect a. vt. 直接的;直达的;直截了当的指挥;指导;监督;管理;指挥(演奏);导演(电影)78.d irection n. 方向;方位79.d irector n. 所长,处长,主任;董事;导演80.d irty a. 脏的81.d iscover vt. 发现82.d iscovery n. 发现83.d iscuss vt. 讨论,议论84.d iscussion n. 讨论,辩论85.d isease n. 病,疾病86.d ish n. 盘,碟;盘装菜;盘形物87.d ismiss vt. 让……离开;遣散;解散;解雇88.d isturb vt. 扰乱;打扰89.d ivide vt. 分,划分90.d o (did, done) don't=do not v. & aux. 做,干(用以构成疑问句及否定句。



【 要】目的 : 察使 用全矫 配镜 加 遮 盖 疗 法 治 疗 屈 光性 弱视 的疗 效 。方 法 : 摘 观 选取 屈 光 不 正 性 弱 视 患 儿 9 1例 1 1眼 , 年 6 按
龄 和 弱视 程 度 分 Байду номын сангаас 比较 疗 效 。结 果 :~5岁组 治 疗 有 效 率及 治 愈 率 最 高 ,~ 8岁 组 , ~ 1 岁 组 治 疗 效 果 最 差 。 同时 轻 度 弱 3 6 9 1
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临床研 究
CnenFe健oneh hs 中 ogW a i d妇n康eHl eA r m t 外儿 i
201 第8第1 0年1 1 1 1 月 卷 期
屈 光性 弱 视 采 取 全矫 配镜 加遮 盖 疗 效观 察
陈 洪 林
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小学上册英语第4单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the main ingredient in chicken soup?A. RiceB. NoodlesC. ChickenD. All of the aboveD2.The girl is very ________.3.What do we call a place where animals are kept?A. ZooB. FarmC. ParkD. ForestA4.funding proposal) seeks financial support for projects. The ____5.What do you call a person who fixes computers?A. MechanicB. TechnicianC. EngineerD. ProgrammerB6.I want to learn how to ______ (dance) salsa.7.The owl has big _________. (眼睛)8.What do we call the main character in a movie or book?A. Supporting characterB. ExtraC. ProtagonistD. AntagonistC9.What is the color of a watermelon?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Yellow10.The ____ has a fluffy tail and loves to dig.11.What do we call the primary source of energy for the Earth?A. WindB. SunC. WaterD. Fossil FuelsB12.Which planet is closest to the Sun?A. EarthB. VenusC. MercuryD. MarsC13.She is a doctor, ______ (她是一名医生), diagnosing illnesses.14.Water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one ______ atom.15.The owl is a _______ (夜行性) animal.16.The ______ has a sweet smell.17.The turtle can hide in its _______ (壳).18. (Roman) Empire was one of the largest empires in history. The ____19.What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?A. Abu DhabiB. DubaiC. SharjahD. AjmanA20.The __________ (嫩叶) are bright green in spring.21.What is the capital of Brazil?A. Rio de JaneiroB. Sao PauloC. BrasiliaD. SalvadorC22.What is the currency used in the United States?A. EuroB. DollarC. YenD. PoundB23.I love to _______ (绘画) landscapes.24.The ________ grows tall and green.25.For my birthday, I got a ________ (玩具名). It was the best gift ever! I was so ________ (形容词) when I opened the box.26.I see a ___ (cloud/sky) above.27.What do we call a group of fish?A. SchoolB. PodC. SwarmD. Flock28.My friend has a pet ______ (兔子) named Fluffy.29.The _____ (花园) is blooming with flowers.30.I love to play with my ________ (玩具名称) at the playground.31.Certain plants bloom at ______ (夜晚).32.The __________ (探险故事) inspire many people.33.The cat chases after a ______.34.I like to read ______ (图画书) about adventures and fairy tales.35. A concentrated solution has a high _______ of solute.36.What do we call the spiral-shaped galaxies?A. Elliptical GalaxiesB. Irregular GalaxiesC. Spiral GalaxiesD. Lenticular Galaxies37.What is the name of the famous American psychologist known for his work on behaviorism?A. Sigmund FreudB. B.F. SkinnerC. Carl RogersD. Abraham MaslowB38.The weather today is ______.39.What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. ThessalonikiC. CreteD. Rhodes40.I feel safe at home when __________ because __________.41.The crow is a very _______ (聪明的) bird.42.My dad watches __________ on TV. (新闻)43.My friend saw a ______ (海豚) at the aquarium.44.They are ___ their bikes. (riding)45.Which animal is known for its ability to swim and has a dorsal fin?A. DogB. FishC. SharkD. Cat46.I want to _____ (buy) a new game.47.What type of animal is a dolphin?A. FishB. ReptileC. MammalD. AmphibianC48.I like to play _______ (棋) with my friends.49.What do you call a group of fish swimming together?A. SchoolB. PackC. FlockD. HerdA50.I always carry a __________ in my backpack. (雨具)51.The teacher tells a ______ (story).52.The boy has a cool ________.53.What do you call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. HeroD. VillainA54.My sister enjoys __________ (学习新语言).55.The horse rides _________ in the field. (快)56.What do we call a story that is believed to be true but cannot be proven?A. FableB. MythC. LegendD. FolkloreC57.The _____ (chick) is cute.58. A _____ (植物研究) can lead to new discoveries.59.What is the main language spoken in Brazil?A. SpanishB. PortugueseC. FrenchD. Italian60. A penguin waddles when it ________________ (走).61.What is the main ingredient in pasta?A. CornB. WheatC. RiceD. BarleyB62.What is the largest mammal in the world?A. ElephantB. Blue whaleC. GiraffeD. HippopotamusB63.I like _____ (to eat/to drink).64.What do we call a scientist who studies the Earth?A. BiologistB. GeologistC. AstronomerD. PhysicistB Geologist65.The gas we breathe in is ______.66.The bicycle is _____ (new/old).67.My favorite ice cream topping is _______ (巧克力酱).68.What is the term for a person who studies ancient artifacts?A. ArchaeologistB. HistorianC. AnthropologistD. GeologistA69.The nurse, ______ (护士), works in the emergency room.70.The porcupine protects itself with its _______ (刺)。



小学上册英语第1单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The chemical symbol for neon is ______.2.The Earth is about ______ billion years old.3.The ______ helps us learn about health.4.What is the main function of roots in a plant?A. To produce flowersB. To absorb waterC. To make foodD. To support the stemB5.The Milky Way galaxy is a spiral ______.6.She is ___ her shoes. (tying)7.What is the name of the leading theory explaining the universe's expansion?A. Big Bang TheoryB. Steady State TheoryC. Inflation TheoryD. Oscillating Universe Theory8.My favorite dish is ______ (意大利面).9.I have a new ________ for school.10.Which animal is known for building dams?A. BeaverB. OtterC. FoxD. WolfA11.can Civil War was fought between the North and the _______. (南方) The Amer12.The flower is very ___. (pretty)13. A horse can run very ______ (快).14.My friend is very ________.15.The dog is _____ the ball. (chasing)16.Lunar and solar eclipses occur in ______.17.The _____ (lake/ocean) is blue.18.What is 9 3?A. 5B. 6C. 4D. 7A19.What do we use to measure temperature?A. RulerB. StopwatchC. ThermometerD. ScaleC20.The ____ is a fluffy pet that enjoys playing.21.The kitten is ___. (curious)22.The owl can turn its head nearly ______ (360度).23.I love to play outside in the ______ (阳光). It makes me feel ______ (快乐).24.The teacher is _______ (helping) the students.25.The elephant's trunk is used for eating, drinking, and ________________ (交流).26.The chemical symbol for neodymium is ______.27.The main ingredient in bleach is _____.28.My pet bird loves to _______ (飞翔) around the room.29. A whale is a ______ that lives in the ocean.30.My brother is passionate about __________ (科学项目).31.My grandfather was a ____.32.This ________ (玩具) allows me to express myself.33.My uncle is a skilled __________ (木匠).34. A ____ is known for its elaborate courtship dance.35. A circuit can be powered by batteries or a ______ source.36.My uncle is a __________ (国际关系专家).37.I like to play ______ games.38.What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. ThessalonikiC. CreteD. Rhodes39.What do bees make?A. HoneyB. WaxC. SilkD. NectarA40.What is the opposite of ‘happy’?A. SadB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Joyful41.The bee is essential for _______ pollination.42.I built a fort using my ________ (玩具名称).43. A solution that contains very little solute is called ______.44.The _____ (狗) is barking.45.What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. Mount KilimanjaroC. Mount EverestD. Mont BlancC46.Which animal is known for building dams?A. BeaverB. FoxC. RabbitD. Owl47.Helium was first discovered in the ______ before being found on Earth.48.The dog loves to fetch a ______.49.What do we call a collection of maps?A. AtlasB. DictionaryC. EncyclopediaD. AlmanacA50.My brother is older than __________. (我)51.The _______ are the horizontal rows in the periodic table.52.How many players are on a handball team?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 953.The ______ (植物的演变) is a fascinating subject.54.What is the name of the famous river that runs through Paris?A. ThamesB. SeineC. DanubeD. RhineB Seine55.How many hours are in a day?A. 12B. 24C. 36D. 48B56.What is the fastest land animal?A. ElephantB. CheetahC. HorseD. KangarooB57.We should _____ (water) the plants every day.58.I have a toy _______ that can dig in the sand at the beach.59. Wall was built to protect against ________ (长城是为了保护免受________). The Grea60.The chemical symbol for lithium is _______.61.What is the name of the famous American author known for "The Great Gatsby"?A. F. Scott FitzgeraldB. Ernest HemingwayC. Mark TwainD. John SteinbeckA62.Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. Rectangle63.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4B 264.What do we call a person who studies the ocean?A. OceanographerB. BiologistC. GeologistD. Meteorologist65. A ________ (庭院) is a great place to relax.66.The __________ (探险故事) inspire many people.67.The ancient Egyptians practiced complex ________ (宗教仪式).68.What is the fastest land animal?A. HorseB. CheetahC. LionD. AntelopeB69.My favorite ________ is yellow.70.The _____ (computer/tablet) is useful.71.The __________ is a region known for its economic development.72.What is the name of the famous ship that was used for the first transatlantic voyage?A. MayflowerB. TitanicC. Santa MariaD. EndeavourC73.The __________ (人际关系) are important for happiness.74.htenment was a period of _______ and reason. (科学) The Euro75.My dog loves to play fetch with a ______ (球).76.We play with a ________ outside.77.The __________ (冷战) lasted several decades.78.What is the name of the famous Disney character who is a mouse?A. Donald DuckB. GoofyC. Mickey MouseD. PlutoC79.What do we call a story based on real events?A. FictionB. Non-fictionC. FantasyD. MythB80. A ______ (植物的适应性) is crucial for ecosystem balance.81. A ________ (湿地) is crucial for flood control.82.The simplest form of matter is called an _______. (元素)83.My grandma is a wonderful __________ (导师).84.What is the capital city of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. AswanA85.What is the name of the famous playwright from England?A. Mark TwainB. William ShakespeareC. Ernest HemingwayD. F. Scott Fitzgerald86.The rabbit has long _______ (兔子有长_______).87.I want to visit ________ (博物馆).88.What do we call a large, round object that orbits a planet?A. StarB. SatelliteC. CometD. AsteroidB Satellite89.Which of these animals is a marsupial?A. KangarooB. LionC. ElephantD. Giraffe90.The dog is ________ (忠实).91.What is the name of the fairy tale character who can talk to animals and has a magical mirror?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. BelleD. Sleeping BeautyA92.What is 100 50?A. 40B. 50C. 60D. 70B93.My favorite stuffed ____ is named Mr. Fluffy. (动物名称)94.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. MarsC. MercuryD. JupiterB95.The sun is ________ (灿烂) today.96.The _____ is a phenomenon where the moon blocks the sun.97.Which of these is a cold drink?A. SoupB. CoffeeC. Ice teaD. PastaC98.The parrot is _______ (colorful).99.What is the primary color of grass?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. RedC Green100.I like to watch ________ (体育赛事) on TV.。



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临京医 程 21年8 第1卷 期 学工 02 月 9 第8

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( 临床 研 究 )
C 反应蛋白诊断化脓穿孔性阑尾炎价值的研究 一
梁建忠 ,魏 宜胜 ,赵 楚雄 ,洪楚 原
( 广#I 院第二 附属 医 院 胃肠外 科 ,广东 广 州 5 06 ) N学 120
Dig o t leo ra t ePr ti nቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱa g e o sa dPe fr t nAp e d ct a n si Vau fC— e c v oen i n r n u n ro a i p n iis c i o i LANG t n h n 肼 Ys e g Z I az o ̄ ih n , HA0 C u in , NG C u u n h xo g HO h y a .

cre基因敲除的表示方法 -回复

cre基因敲除的表示方法 -回复



Cre 基因敲除在生物医学研究和基因治疗中具有广泛的应用价值。
















Cre基因识别特定DNA 序列(称为loxP位点)并剪切双链DNA,从而引发重组或删除。

通过PCR 或其他分子生物学技术分析loxP位点的存在或缺失,可以检测Cre基因敲除的结果。




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The Digital Thesis:Recent Developments in Practice-Based Ph.D Research in Art & DesignAuthors: J. Malins and C. GrayCentre for Research in Art & DesignGray's School of Art, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland. AbstractThis paper describes the recent developments in the use of digital media in the research process. It concentrates on the use of this media in practice-based Ph.D research in Art & Design, drawing on the experience gained at the Centre for Research in Art & Design, Gray's School of Art. The digital thesis is now a reality . The features of two examples of a digital thesis are described. The paper discusses the key considerations in developing such a document: benefits and limitations; general issues concerning planning, structure, and content; specific considerations for the design of the digital thesis, including navigation, required technology and support, different formats and development time. The paper concludes by speculating on issues for future developments.Key Words:Digital Thesis, Ph.D., Practice-based Research, Multimedia, Interface Design1IntroductionPractice-based research in Art and Design undertaken for a higher degree can make use of digital media at all stages of the research process. This paper is intended to offer advice and recommendations to researchers working in Art and Design who wish to make use of digital media in their research. The issues discussed in this paper are based on first hand experience gained during the past five years of supervising research projects at the Centre for Research in Art and Design, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen. Two particular research projects (supervised by the authors) have been documented in a digital format and stored and presented on CD. One project is in the process of being completed for Ph.D. submission; the other has been examined for the award of Ph.D. In terms of its physical dimensions, this latter thesis is probably the ‘thinnest’ Ph.D. ever produced! This thesis was constructed using a database system, which integrates a large number of visual images, video clips, and text. The thesis is accessed through a designed interface, which also provides an overview of the content. (These examples are described later.) Undertaking a research degree represents a major commitment of time and effort, and the acquisition of many new skills. For researchers adopting a practice-based methodology these skills may include the development of a suitable, often innovative, approach to the acquisition, recording, sorting and documentation of data. Digital media is increasingly becoming a vital tool for the practised-based researcher because of its ability to integrate different kinds of data/information.Practice-based research for a higher degree requires that the practitioner works within a formal framework (complying with institutional regulations and research degree time scales). This kind of research usually involves the researcher in a participatory role, engaged in observation and reflection, description of methods, evaluation and subsequent analysis, and finally dissemination of new knowledge. This revealing of methodology is intended to make knowledge widely accessible and transparent, and is essentially what distinguishes formal research from other forms of professional practice. Recording the research process using notes, drawings, photographs and video are well-established methods, and encourage communication of important decisions and developments. Transferring that information into the digital domain has a number of benefits for the researcher.Once in a digital form the data can be stored in a database, manipulated in a variety of computer applications, copied and transferred rapidly from one computer to another, and can be disseminated using CD s or via the Internet. Despite the availability of these useful functions examples of completed Ph.D. theses in digital format are somewhat rare. Because:•formal research in Art and Design has a relatively short history (Gray, 1998)2•changes in research practice may take several years to be validated and established across a discipline, in addition research projects usually take three years to complete•university regulations may not permit the submission of theses in anything other than a traditional paper-based format•the technologies are relatively new and developing rapidly, and access to the necessary equipment can often be a restricting factor•the technologies take time and determination to master, necessitating work which may be beyond the stated objectives of the researchprogramme.Despite these difficulties, the digital thesis has distinct benefits, which will increasingly become apparent.The information contained in the digital thesis may be stored either using a CD to produce a ‘stand alone’ document (navigable by an interface and independent of the original application used to create it), or a series of related documents directly converted from paper-based formats. The information may also be presented in the form of web pages stored on a server, which can then be accessed via the Internet.Examples of Digital ThesesThe following examples are drawn from the author’s own recent experience. There are other examples of conventional theses being stored as Acrobat documents or web sites however, examples of completed theses designed for digital formats are difficult to find. The authors would be grateful of any feedback on this point.Katie Bunnell’s digital thesis “The Integration of New Technology into Designer-Maker Practice” (1998) provides an example of the use of a database combined with a navigable interface (Figure 1). The main interface consists of icons representing the various sections of the thesis. When clicked with a mouse a link takes the reader to the relevant section. In this case the application used to store and collate the information for the thesis is the same as was used for the final document, namely Claris FileMaker Pro. The research described in the thesis employs a practice-based approach based on a naturalistic inquiry methodology. Icons indicate the sections of the thesis and are indicative of the content e.g. the introduction - a light bulb shedding light on the topic; methodology - a flower suggesting naturalistic inquiry; analysis -the 'sieve' as analytical sifting device. The imagery also reflects the researcher's personal approach to the methodology.3Figure 1. Main interface of Katie Bunnell’s thesis.Bunnell’s thesis includes substantial visual documentation of the designing and making processes involved in the production of ceramic objects. Visual elements of the process including drawing, maquettes, and work in progress and completed objects were presented at the Ph.D. viva voce examination, which allowed the tactile qualities of the work to be evaluated and discussed. (For further discussion of the nature of the viva in practice-based Art & Design research see Swift & Douglas, 1997). A digital record of the ceramic work presented for viva is included as part of the thesis.“I wanted to include a lot of visual material in the thesis. The relational system we developed allowed me to create a thesis in a way that seemed more empathetic with my design process than writing a traditional paper based document. Fundamentally I feel it was a useful way of approaching the thesis and that the final document is a better reflection of the type of practice based design research the project involved. FileMaker itself has quite a few inherent problems that sometimes seemed obstructive to the presentation of the‘argument’. In the end it was perhaps more useful as a tool for making the thesis than it is for reading it. If you are presenting an argument you need to have the freedom to construct as many layouts and links between them, in as many ways as you like. The field based structure of a database system restricts this. FileMaker didn’t allow me to make links in as freeform a fashion as I would have liked to have done You are restricted to certain types of scripting, and ways of creating relationships between documents / information. I think that using FileMaker is a good way of recording your data. Combining different types of data together into one or several related layouts was certainly an advantage. Visualising data in this way provoked new reflections on practice that was invaluable in the analysis of the research outcomes. I45would recommend using FileMaker for those aspects of the research.However, for presenting the thesis there are other pieces of software which might have been more suitable.”Katie BunnellMultimedia applications offer enormous potential for practice-based research,even though the time required learning and manipulating the software could be extensive. Iain Burt’s Ph.D., “The Use of Multimedia for Art and Design Practitioners", provides an example of the use of MacroMind Director as the application used for both the development of the content of the thesis and the presentation of it. An animated overview of the thesis (Figure 2) is used to give the reader a conceptual map of the content and help with navigation. All the 'generic' thesis sections are present. The interface is animated to show how the sections’ content can be ‘unpacked’ and ‘repacked’. Once theanimation stops the icons become clickable navigation buttons. Each section of the thesis is colour coded, and icons are repeated to assist the reader/viewer to identify sections. Animated visuals help to describe and explain concepts of interaction central to the research. This kind of overview is essential whenpresenting large amounts of work in a digital environment.Figure 2. Main interface of Iain Burt’s Ph.D. thesis.“My approach was to jump in with both feet, get in a muddle and then try to extricate myself if I could. I was taking the role, actually more than the role; I was a naive user. I was trying to teach myself to swim by jumping in at the deep end. The most difficult problem I encountered was the application itself.Just getting to grips with it. Finding out what aspects of it could best supportthe analysis and assembly of a multimedia thesis so that a structure could be devised, developed, simplified and that would be clear to the reader.The advantages of a program like Director are in the way it can be specialised. Techniques can be developed to cope with the type of material being input. It can be used as an analysis tool. Director is time-consuming to learn and to work with. However, the advantages in terms of its use for the presentation of material may outweigh these drawbacks depending on the type of material being used and how essential it might be that it is visual rather that textual. Although if something is in text form it may well be easier to express the idea as a visual metaphor. Running visual material alongside text can make the narrative much clearer.”Iain Burt Benefits of the Digital ThesisThe principal benefits of adopting a digital format for a research thesis are summarised in the following bullet points:•it provides the ability to incorporate a variety of multimedia information, which encourages sensory interactions and a richer experience of theinformation•hyperlinks can be incorporated for cross-referencing information within documents, and it is also possible to make links to external web sites(however, this raises other issues which may affect the permanence of the document e.g. transitory web-based information)•it is possible to incorporate the functionality of databases, spreadsheets and numerous other free applications e.g. Java applets, for animateddescriptions and explanations, allowing the viewer/reader to interact and evaluate the information, and a greater flexibility in terms of how theresults of research can be expressed•it is possible to incorporate three-dimensional information about objects and environments; these might take the form of a QTVR movie of an object or installation which can then be viewed from all angles andperspectives•improved access via the Internet will lead to an increase in the use of the thesis as a resource, and assist with the dissemination of information back into the global research community•there should also be an enhancement of transferable IT skills as a result of having to prepare the research in a digital format6•the cost of producing a digital thesis is very much less than that of a conventional thesis (e.g. printing, binding and copying costs), andamendments to the thesis can easily be made ensuring that theinformation is as up-to date as possibleConsiderations and Limitations of the Digital ThesisThe digital thesis has certain limitations, and the following considerations should be borne in mind when a digital thesis is being planned:•university regulations may simply not permit an electronic submission •the research student may require additional IT support and training to produce a thesis in an electronic format•if inadequate support is available or experimental formats are being used, considerable research time may be used without benefit to the primary objectives of the research•care must be exercised to ensure that copyright is not being infringed; this was not such an important issue for conventional theses, which usually have a very limited circulation; for on-line theses all copyrightpermissions must be obtained•reading from a computer display can be tiring on the eyes; care should be taken to choose a screen font design for the purpose such as Geneva or Verdana (and other design considerations - discussed later)•additional time and thought is needed to provide a suitable interface for the reader/viewer; this may involve the development of an appropriate interface metaphor•supervisors and examiners may have difficulty annotating and commenting on the material. We found the incorporation of 'comments' boxes very useful. It was possible to add comments directly into thecomputer and to see other comments made by other readers. Thecomments are removed before the final ‘stand alone’ version is produced.•access to appropriate computer equipment is required to view a thesis in an electronic format; this could be a disadvantage as IT standards develop and change and equipment becomes obsolete.7General Considerations for Planning, Structure and Content of the Digital ThesisPlanningDigital media offer the practice-based researcher some very useful research tools. Having used these tools in the research the logical conclusion might be to present the findings in digital format. However modest the use of digital media in the research process, its inclusion should be planned from the start of the project as much as possible. Many issues need to be addressed at the planning stage of the research. Perhaps the most important thing to establish is whether or not the content of the research demands a digital presentation format. Any research, which requires the presentation of large volumes of information in a variety of media, is an obvious candidate for a digital thesis. It may be appropriate to include the intention of adopting a digital format as one of the project objectives listed on the research proposal form at registration for a higher degree. Any potential conflicts with institutional regulations are best discovered early. Not least the research student should have some prior familiarity and skills with digital media, and supervisors should be aware of the implications for supervision and examination. StructureInformation management is a crucial part of undertaking formal research. Collecting and storing data in a digital form can greatly assist with the process of organising it. Consideration should be given to the ways in which data is acquired, ‘tagged’ and organised. Where possible data should be initially captured in digital form, rather than converted from analogue. Where possible data should be ‘tagged’ (given descriptions, references, codes – meta data – to aid organisation and retrieval). This initial data can then be organised in a database structure. Many databases are capable of handling multimedia as well as text based data. Some databases can be linked together and data stored in them shared. This type of application is known as a‘relational’ database. Only when the data has been organised and analysed can information be derived from it. This may lead to new relationships, which in turn generate further data. The building of the thesis may however be an essential part of the development of the argument reflecting the use of an emergent methodology. Once the digital information has been assembled it can be presented in a number of formats e.g. CD, web pages, paper-based publications. Once published, the results may be used by others to raise further research questions.Figure 1 attempts to show this process diagrammatically.89Figure 1Stage 1. Capturing data by digitising images video, etc.Stage 2. Adding meta-data or ‘tagging’Stage 3. Organising the data into meaningful structuresStage 4. Analysis of data generating meaningful informationStage 5. Adding an interface to access the content of the thesisStage 6. Publishing the thesis in an appropriate format; once publishedfeedback on the information can provide a source of new data forfurther researchContentIn the digital thesis content could be derived from a range of different media. This must be presented through a navigable interface, which typically could be a map or overview of the content, hyperlinked to other levels of content. Typically this content could relate to what might be called the generic sections of a Ph.D. thesis:• introduction and rationale for the research• contextual review• description of methodology and specific methods• analysis and interpretation• discussion and conclusionsPresenting a thesis in a digital format does not require a re-invention of the thesis structure, although alternative structures could be generated as a result. Specific Considerations for Design, Navigation, Technologies, Development Time, and Formats of the Digital ThesisThesis Design and NavigationThe digital thesis must be designed from the outset of the research programme. It is not appropriate to leave this until the commonly labelled'writing up' stage. The structure of the document into suitable sections (e.g. introduction, contextual review, etc) actually helps to organise and manage information efficiently, but still allows flexibility.The design of the main interface should reflect the content and structure of the thesis. Suitable metaphors for the research or sections of information can be devised. The main interface should function as an overview of the research and could indicate the relative sizes and relationships of sections in the thesis.Navigation devices are usually added after the content has been assembled. There are several conventions that may be used. For example, information, which is clickable, may be highlighted or change colour when the mouse arrow moves over it. Adding navigation means that documents can be read in an ‘authored’ sequence or browsed in non-linear ways. As a result of this additional facility it may be necessary to include a guide to the content and a description of navigation features.Metaphors, icons and visual tags can all be used to assist the reader/viewer. Colour coding the document is also an important way of assisting thereader/viewer to orientate themselves and navigate the document. In an10electronic document there is no restriction on the use of colour or white space. White space is an important way of reducing visual clutter and encouraging reflection.Page layout should allow for text and images to be viewed simultaneously. If possible a way of annotating the document should be included. This might be in the form of a text box, which allows the reader/viewer to add comments. This is particularly useful for the supervisors when they wish to comment on the content in progress. It also allows several reader/viewers to see other comments, thus developing discussion.Technologies and Formats, Equipment Requirements and Development TimeThe most straightforward form of a digital thesis can be produced by converting a desktop published version of the document (prepared for example in Microsoft Word, Aldus PageMaker or Quark Express) into a PDF (Portable Document Format) version. This can be done using Adobe Acrobat. Once converted to a PDF document, navigation can be added using the programme’s hyper link tool. The tool allows the user to hot-link an area of the screen to another part of the document or part of the thesis page. Thus the researcher can set up a table of contents with hot links to each section of the thesis. Beryl Graham’s thesis (1997) provides a good example of this type of electronic document, which also includes video clips - essential to describe the nature of the topic, impossible in a paper-based format.Format: Theses on CDCDs offer a convenient way of storing large quantities of information, typically around 650 megabytes on a disk. This is roughly equivalent to100,000 typed sheets of A4 or about 100 high-resolution still images. 'Stand alone' versions of applications may be put on the CD, and so-called ‘kiosk’versions of software can be used to distribute the thesis without infringing the software licence. The principle advantage with using a CD as the vehicle for the thesis, is the speed of data transfer between the CD and the computer. If the thesis is on CD it should also be cross-platform. This is liable to become less of a problem in the future as different computer operating systems converge and more programmes become cross-platform. One advantage with adopting a web-based format is that the document will already be cross-platform. Caution is required regarding copyright. Owners of copyright have traditionally ignored images, which appear in unpublished theses. However, with greater possibilities for dissemination and utilisation beyond academia permissions and photographic attributions become essential.11Format: Web Sites - Global Dissemination for the Ph.D.Producing a web-based document may be a preferable option. The facilities that can be incorporated into a web site are changing rapidly. It is now possible to build interactive web sites that allow the user to enter information or to search database, view video or virtual reality applications such as QTVR. Video, animation and navigation can all be added to a web page. There are a number of programmes available to help convert conventional pages into web pages. In addition many new versions of word processors and desktop publishing packages give the option of saving the document as an HTML file. Examples of web based theses are more common in the United States. Virginia Tech’s web site (http//:/) provides examples of this type of digital document. All submissions for postgraduate degrees at Virginia Tech are required to be in a web-ready format.The main limitation of using a web site as the vehicle for the thesis is the current poor speed of access. This situation may improve in time provided that more is invested in the Internet infrastructure. Currently however, the Internet is getting slower at an alarming rate due to the massive increase in the number of people using it.Equipment Requirements and Development TimeThe main requirement for equipment is a reasonably powerful computer e.g.a Power PC, Pentium II or better. The bigger, in terms of memory and processing speed, the better. Memory is always a problem when dealing with large amounts of visual and multimedia material. Some computers are equipped with their own CD writer which is a great asset, as the cost of blank CDs is now very cheap (less than £1 each at the time of writing).For most researchers considerable technical support and backup will be required, especially if the intention is to put the document on-line. This type of development requires a suitable university infrastructure and central support. This has implications for future research degree frameworks and for research funding.Producing a digital thesis is very time consuming. Even if the researcher is familiar with the various software applications it will take just as long as producing a conventional thesis, with the additional requirement of designing a suitable interface for navigating the content. As the number of examples of digital theses increase it will become less of an epic struggle to produce one. Others may adopt examples of good practice and share growing expertise, thus reducing the time required. This paper attempts to suggest useful guidelines for production.12ConclusionClearly the digital thesis provides many opportunities for describing and disseminating research. It is particularly pertinent for externalising practice-based research methodologies, which by their multi-method nature involve information in a range of different media, predominantly visual and increasingly interactive. Although contemporary technology gives us this opportunity, and could be seductive, researchers should not underestimate the complexity involved in developing a digital thesis. The commitment required from the student, the supervisory team, the host institution and collaborators is substantial, and the digital thesis should not be a fashionable bandwagon onto which researchers jump. However, as the number of different examples grow it will become easier and less time consuming for others, and those involved should be encouraged to publish and share their experiences. A multimedia research methodology could be developed, which could take advantage of all the opportunities offered by digital media. Protocols could be developed and standards established, including supervisory and examination guidelines.An intermediate phase in the development of the digital thesis, and something that could be achieved fairly quickly would be for all institutions to publish completed Ph.D. theses on the web. As technologies converge the research ideal of complete accessibility and efficient transfer of new knowledge will be realised - from the comfort of your own home via a TV set. As technologies advance an 'any time, any place, any how' model of accessing information could become the norm, and research would be liberated from its academic shackles into the real world.ReferencesBunnell, K.“The Integration of New Technology into Ceramic Designer-Maker Practice”Published Ph.D. The Robert Gordon University, 1998Burt, I.“The Use of Multimedia for Art and Design Practitioners"Ph.D. The Robert Gordon University, 1994-98 (completing)Graham, B."A Study of Audience Relationships with Interactive Computer-based Visual Art Works in Gallery Settings, through Observation, Art Practice, and Curation." Ph.D. University of Sunderland, 1997Gray, C. ‘Inquiry through Practice: developing appropriate strategies',"No Guru, No Method?: discussion of art and design research"13ed. Pekka Korvenmaa, University of Art and Design, UIAH, 1998ISBN 951-558-020-XISSN 0782-1778Swift, J. & Douglas, A."The viva voce: a research guide",Research Training Initiative, Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, University of Central England, 1997ISBN 1-90088113-07-6AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Dr Katie Bunnel and Mr Iain Burt for their assistance with this paper and for providing illustrations taken from their Ph.D. theses.Dr Julian MalinsDr Malins is a Senior Research Fellow in Design based at The Centre for Research in Art and Design at Gray's School of Art, The Robert Gordon University. His role includes the supervision of research projects concerned with design issues and with initiating and conducting his own research. His principle research interests are the use of CAD/CAM technologies as tools for artists and designers, appropriate research methodologies for artists and designers and multimedia for the documentation of A & D research. In addition to his research he is currently working with colleagues to develop a new postgraduate course (Research Masters in Art and Design, M.Res). Professor Carole GrayProfessor Carole Gray is Reader in Art & Design and Research Co-ordinator for Gray’s School of Art. She has supervised and examined a number of practice-based research degrees. Carole has been a visiting lecturer at various UK and European institutions, and has numerous research publications, most of which focus on developing appropriate practice-based research methodologies for artists and designers. She is currently working with colleagues to develop a Research Masters in Art and Design (M.Res.) course. Carole has been a practising artist for almost twenty years, her work ranging from small-scale ‘domestic’ constructions to larger site-specific exterior artwork. She considers herself to be an ‘object maker’, and is interested in using industrial materials and technologies. Her latest work, with the research group Artesign, questions the notions of function, presence and context.14。
