6 - 14 Key Technical Research of Design of Cryogenic Chamber of Superconductor Magnet




标准比对低温阀门关键性能国内外标准技术差异分析■ 吴超俊1 缪克在1* 胡志涛1 方 威2 张 帆1(1. 浙江省泵阀产品质量检验中心;2. 苏州西玛流体科技有限公司)摘 要:为了研究低温阀门关键性能与结构,本文对比了GB/T 24925—2019、BS 6364-1984(R1998)、ISO 28921-1:2022、MSS SP-134-2012等国内外标准在适用范围、主要技术指标、测试方法的区别以及由此产生的影响。


阐述了国标GB/T 24925—2019规定的低温试验过程未区分硬密封与软密封阀座泄漏率以及阀座泄漏率测量的局限性,通过理论分析验证说明了阀座泄漏率准确测量与换算方法,为低温阀门性能提升以及国标的完善与修订提供技术指引。

关键词:低温阀门,关键性能,低温性能试验,阀座泄漏率DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2024.09.028Analysis of Technical Differences between Domestic and Foreign Standards for Key Performance of Cryogenic ValvesWU Chao-jun1 MIAO Ke-zai1* HU Zhi-tao1 FANG Wei2 ZHANG Fan1(1. Zhejiang Inspection Center of Pump and Valve Product Quality; 2. Suzhou SEARCHST Co., Ltd.)Abstract:In order to study key performance and structure of cryogenic valves, the paper compares the differences in application scope, main technical indexes, test methods and influence of domestic and foreign standards such as GB/T 24925-2019, BS 6634-1984 (R1998), ISO 28921-1:2022, and MSS SP-134-2012. The application conditions, typical product classification, typical valve shell materials, typical structure characteristics and common standards classification at home and abroad for cryogenic valves are summarized. The temperature range of cryogenic valves, the structural design features of extended neck and the temperature critical point for cryogenic performance test are pointed out. The low temperature test process stipulated in GB/T 24925-2019 does not distinguish between hard seals and soft seals in terms of the leakage rate of valve seats, and the measurement of leakage rate of valve seats, which is expounded as shortcomings. The paper explains the accurate measurement method and conversion method of valve seat leakage rate through theoretical analysis and verification, which provides technical guidance for the improvement of cryogenic valve performance as well as the development and revision of national standards.Keywords: cryogenic valve, key performance, cryogenic performance test, valve seat leakage rate0 引 言低温阀门广泛应用于LNG、LO2、LN2、乙烯、丙烯等低温制冷工况领域,起到流通、截断、调节等关键作用,其典型结构特征为具有伸长颈部阀盖、部分带有隔离滴盘等结构。



97《文件上可见指印鉴定技术规范》解析刘丹妮 关颖雄(华东政法大学)摘 要:司法鉴定行业技术标准体系在不断完善,各学科专业领域的技术标准也在更新和充实。

SF/T 0142-2023《文件上可见指印鉴定技术规范》是在SF/Z JD0202001-2015《文件上可见指印鉴定技术规范》的基础上,结合鉴定实际情况进行充实和完善所形成的指印鉴定技术体系新成果。


关键词:司法鉴定,标准化,文件上可见指印鉴定,SF/T 0142-2023DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5698.2024.04.016Analysis of the Specification for Forensic Examination ofFingerprints on Questioned DocumentsLIU Dan-ni GUAN Ying-xiong(East China University of Political Science and Law )Abstract: The technical standards system of the forensic science industry is constantly improving, and the technical standards of professional fields in various disciplines are also updated and enriched. SF/T 0142–2023, Specification for forensic examination of fingerprints on questioned documents is a new achievement of the fingerprinting identification technology system based on SF/Z JD 0202001–2015, Specification for forensic examination of fingerprints on questioned documents, and the actual situation of identification. Based on the practice of forensic examination of fingerprints on questioned documents, the paper compares the 2023 edition and the 2015 edition of the standard, analyzes the changes of basic structure and main content, and gives the overall evaluation of the 2023 edition and the key points for its application, so as to help users better understand and apply the standard.Keywords: forensic science, standardization, forensic examination of fingerprints on questioned documents, SF/T 0142-2023基金项目:本文是重庆市高校刑事科学技术重点实验室(西南政法大学)开放基金资助课题“法庭科学手印检验术语标准化研究” (项目编号:XKZDSYS2019-Y2)的阶段性成果。



第18卷第4期2006年12月弹道学报Jour nal of BallisticsVo l.18N o.4Dec.2006收稿日期:2006-01-10基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(10572115);国防基础科研基金项目作者简介:车竞(1977- ),男,助理研究员,博士生,研究方向为飞行器设计、空气动力学.类乘波体飞行器气动加热的工程计算方法车 竞1,2,唐 硕1,何开锋2(1.西北工业大学航天学院,西安710072;2.中国空气动力研究与发展中心,四川绵阳621000)摘要:针对类乘波体总体优化设计的需要,采用参考温度法和经验公式,计算了类乘波体飞行器在助推段和巡航段的气动加热.利用气动加热、蒙皮表面热辐射以及蒙皮内部热传导建立了热流量方程,求出了机身驻点和机翼前缘在助推段的温度-时间历程,以及巡航段内机身机翼迎风面中心线上的温度分布.结果表明,助推段驻点温度上升很快,在巡航一段时间后温度逐渐达到平衡;沿机身方向边界发生转捩,转捩区内温度增加,高马赫数可推迟转捩点,大攻角则提前转捩点.该方法可应用于高超声速类乘波体飞行器的概念研究和多目标优化设计.关键词:高超声速;类乘波体飞行器;参考温度;气动加热;工程计算中图分类号:V 211.3;V 411.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-499X(2006)04-0093-04Engineering Calculation of Aerodynamic Heating for Quas-i waverider VehicleCH E Jing 1,2,T ANG Shuo 1,H E Ka-i feng 2(1.College of Astronau tics,Northw estern Polytechnical U nivers ity,Xi .an 710072,C hina;2.China Aerodynam ics Resear ch and Developm ent Cen ter,M ian yang 621000,Ch ina)Abstract:Aiming at the need of integ ral optim ization desig n of quas-i w averider v ehicle (QWV),its aerodynam ic heating at boo sted and cruise periods w as studied based on refer -ence temperatur e and ex perience formula.With the aerodynam ic heating ,therm al radiation and heat conduction of skin,heat flow rate equatio n w as built.By so lving this equation,the w all tem perature -time relationship o f body stag nation and w ing leading edge at boosted per-i od,the w all tem perature distributio n o f w indw ard side of bo dy and w ing center line at cruise period w er e obtained.The r esults show that the temperature o f body stagnatio n reg io n in -creases rapidly at bo osted period,and it w ill come to balance after entering cruise period.A -lo ng body ax is dir ection,boundary lay er transition appears,w hich increases w all tem pera -ture.A high M ach number can postpone transition position,and big angle of attack w ill ad -vance the transition position.T his method can be applied to pre -research and m ult-i objective optimization desig n of hypersonic QWV.Key words:hy perso nic;QWV;reference tem perature;aerodynam ic heating ;eng ineer ing ca-l culation乘波体构型以较高的升阻比成为高超声速飞行器的典型构型,但这种构型伴随着严重的气动加热.在乘波体构型的基础上,对飞行器外形进行适当修形以提高它的总体性能,这就是所谓的类乘波体飞行器.在这类高超声速飞行器的概念研究和多目标优化设计阶段,须要预测它的气动加热情况.虽然目弹道学报第18卷前已有用求解NS方程来预测高超声速飞行器热环境的CFD程序,如NA SA Lang ley研究中心的LAU RA[1],但是这种方法复杂费时,因此需要发展一套简捷、快速而有效的工程计算方法.本文从飞行器概念研究和多目标优化设计的角度出发,研究了类乘波体构型的高超声速飞行器气动加热的工程计算方法.采用参考温度法和经验公式,利用气动加热、蒙皮表面热辐射以及蒙皮内部热传导建立热流量方程,计算了机身驻点和机翼前缘非定常热过程的气动加热,以及机身、机翼迎风面中心线上有攻角、有边界层转捩时的定常热过程气动加热,得到了助推段飞行器驻点和机翼前缘的温度时间历程以及巡航段机翼机身迎风面中心线上的温度分布.1气动加热计算在工程上,常用牛顿公式来计算对流产生的热流量q A:q A=A T$T=A T(T r-T w)(1)式中,A T为热交换系数,T r和T w分别为恢复温度和壁面温度.T r=T][1+0.5(C-1)r Ma2]](2)式中,r为恢复因子,层流时r=Pr;湍流时r=3P r.C为比热比,P r为普朗特数,带下标]的参数为远方来流参数.边界层内的温度是变化的,所以在求解A T时用到的参数也是变化的.为简化问题,工程上提出了参考温度法.1.1参考温度法参考温度法即引入一个确定的参考温度,把边界层内变化的空气特性参数用参考温度下不变的参数来代替.参考温度有多种,其中应用最广的是Ecker t(埃克特)参考温度:T*=T e+0.5(T w-T e)+0.22(T r-T e)(3)式中,带下标e的参数为边界层外缘气流参数.1.2机身热流密度零攻角时,机身表面热流可以表示为q A c=0.332(Pr*)-2/3(Re*)-0.5c*p Q*v e(T r-T w)q A t=0.0296(Pr*)-2/3(Re*)-0.2c*p Q*v e(T r-T w)Re tr[Re[1070.185(Pr*)-2/3(lg Re*)-2.584c*p Q*v e(T r-T w)107[Re[109式中,下标c代表层流,t代表湍流.R e和R e tr分别为雷诺数和转捩雷诺数,c p为定压比热,Q为气体密度,v e为边界层外缘气流速度.带上标*的参数为参考温度下的气流参数,文献[2,3]给出了P r*和c*p的计算公式和拟合曲线.驻点热流采用Fay-Riddle公式:q A s=0.76Pr-2/3(Q s L s)0.5(h s-h w)(d v e/d x)s 式中,(d v e/d x)s为驻点速度梯度,文献[4]建议采用下述公式计算,其精度高于修正牛顿公式,即: (d v e/d x)s=v]1.85Q]/Q s/R0;下标s代表驻点,R0为驻点曲率半径,Q s为正激波后驻点气流密度;L s为驻点气流的粘性系数;h s、h w分别为驻点和壁面的焓.有攻角A时,可采用等价锥法计算攻角的影响.在中心线上,H k=A+H,式中,H为半锥角,H k为等价半锥角(局部攻角).这样,求有攻角热流就变为求零攻角等价锥面的热流.根据门格勒变换,在锥面上,雷诺数中的特征长度应有相应改变,即(Re x)zhui=½x Q v/L, (Re x)zhui为锥面上以x为特征长度的雷诺数,v为气流速度.层流时,½x=x/3;湍流时,½x=x/2.1.3机翼热流密度若不考虑机身对机翼的影响,机翼前缘驻点线上的气动加热可近似按后掠圆柱前缘的热流计算公式进行计算[5]:q A s=A T(T r-T w)A T=H c w Pr-0.54(Q L)0.5w+c p(d v/d x)slH c w=[1+1.5(H c wo)3.5T w/T]o]H c woH c wo=0.0014(T]o/T no)2.113-0.0109(T]o/T no)1.113+0.516(T]o/T no)0.113式中,下标w+代表机翼,sl代表机翼前缘驻点;T]o 和T no分别为来流总温和垂直于前缘方向的动能转化为热能相应的总温;T]o=T](1+0.2Ma2]);T no= T](1+0.2Ma2]cos2V w0),V w0为机翼前缘后掠角.粘性系数可按Sutherland公式计算,气体密度由状态方程确定.对于机翼迎风面上的气动加热,必须考虑后掠角V w0对攻角A和马赫数M a的影响.当有攻角时,等效后掠角V w q、等效攻角A q和等效来流马赫数M a n]分别为A q=arctan(tan A/co s V w0)V w q=arcsin(sin V w0cos A)M a n]=M a]cos V w01.4边界层外缘气流参数的确定计算气动加热,必须先对边界层外缘气流参数94第4期车竞,等类乘波体飞行器气动加热的工程计算方法进行计算.在工程上常采用改进二次激波膨胀波方法与修正牛顿理论相结合的经验公式[6].C p e=C p max sin2H kC p max=10.7M a2]5.76Ma2]5.6Ma2]-0.83.5@2.8Ma2]-0.42.4-1p e=p](1+0.7Ma2]C p e)sin H c=(1.2sin2H k+M a-2])0.5Q e/Q]=6Ma2]sin2H c/(5+M a2]sin2H c)T e/T]=(7M a2]sin2H c-1)(Ma2]sin2H c+5)/(36M a2]sin2H c)M a2e=5[T](1+0.2Ma2])/T e-1]u e=20.0467M a e T e式中,C p为压力系数,p为总压,H c为激波角.1.5边界层转捩边界层的转捩是在一个区间内进行的,因此需要给出转捩区的热流计算公式.引进间隙因子#,转捩区热流为q A tr=(1-#)q A1+#q A2#=0.5{1+tanh[5(x-x1)/$x tr-2.5]}式中,下标1表示转捩区开始位置,2表示转捩区结束位置,tr表示转捩.转捩区长度$x tr=x2-x1. q A1、q A2分别为x1、x2处的热流.$x tr/x1=[60+4.68M a1.92e1]Re-1/2tr文献[7]的转捩准则为Re tr=105.37+0.2326Ma e-0.004015Ma2e2热流量方程飞行器在高空以高超声速飞行时,表面与外界环境不断地进行热交换.除了气动加热以外,蒙皮表面热辐射和蒙皮内部热传导也是主要的热交换形式. 2.1表面热辐射飞行器表面向外辐射的热流量q r=E R T4w,式中,R为波尔兹曼常数,E为蒙皮向外辐射系数.2.2蒙皮内部的热传导蒙皮外表面向内部进行的热传导为q K= -K(5T/5y),K为材料的导热系数,y为从蒙皮表面到内部的坐标刻度.计算该热传导将用到蒙皮内的热传导方程.Q m c(5T/5t)=5(Q m5T/5y)/5y,Q m为材料密度,c为材料比热.令D为蒙皮厚度,沿厚度方向对该式进行积分,可得到:q K=-(K5T/5t)|y=0=Q m c D(5T/5t)2.3热流量方程根据以上分析,可建立飞行器飞行时的热流量方程:q A(T w)-E R T4w=Q m c D(d T w/d t),q A(T w)可根据位置和来流情况采用前述方法进行计算.当飞行器巡航飞行时,蒙皮表面将达到某一平衡温度.此时d T w/d t=0,迭代求解此式,可得到壁温T w.3算例作为算例的类乘波体高超声速飞行器如图1所示.本文计算了助推段机身驻点和机翼前缘的温度时间历程以及巡航段机翼和机身迎风面中心线上的温度分布.助推段飞行速度M a=1.5~6.0,飞行高度h=10~25km,飞行时间t[50s.计算结果见图2~图6.图5、图6中的x/b(z)为归一化弦长.图1类乘波体高超声速飞行器外形图2机身驻点和机翼前缘的温度-时间关系图3攻角与机身迎风面中心线上温度的关系95弹道学报第18卷图4马赫数与机身迎风面中心线上温度的关系图5 马赫数与机翼迎风面1/4展长处温度的关系图6 后掠角与机翼迎风面1/4展长处温度的关系4 结束语飞行器以高超声速飞行,表面气动加热十分严重,对它的快速预测,在飞行器的概念研究和多目标优化设计阶段显得尤为重要.本文采用工程方法计算了某一类乘波体飞行器在助推段非定常热过程和巡航段定常热过程的气动加热,给出了温度分布和时间历程.从计算结果可以看出,助推段壁温上升很快,在巡航一段时间后,温度才达到平衡;沿机身方向发生边界层转捩,促使壁温升高;高马赫数可推迟转捩点,而大攻角(对上表面指绝对值)则提前转捩点,并增加壁温;机翼前缘后掠角增大可以降低气动加热程度.本文的计算简捷、快速,与相关文献[3,8~11]的研究结果一致,可应用于同类飞行器的概念研究和多目标优化设计.参考文献[1] Greene F A.Vis cous equilibrium com putations us ing programLAURA,AIAA91-1389[R].1991.[2]徐敏,严恒元.飞行器空气动力工程计算方法[M 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公司高层职位的英文缩写:CEO:ChiefExecutiveOfficer首席执行官CFO:ChiefFinancialOfficer首席财务官COO:ChiefOperatedOfficer首席运营官CTO:ChiefTechnologyOfficer首席技术官CIO:ChiefInformationOfficer首席信息官CRO:ChiefRiskOfficer首席风险官艺术总监CAOchiefArtisticofficer首席品牌官CBOchiefbrandofficer首席文化官CCOChiefCulturalOfficer开发总监CDOchiefDevelopmentofficer首席执行官CEOChiefExecutiveofficer首席财务官CFOChieffinanceofficer人事总监CHOChiefHumanresourceofficer 首席信息官CIOchiefinformationofficer 首席知识官CKOchiefknowledgeofficer首席市场官CMOchiefMarketingofficer首席谈判官CNOchiefNegotiationofficer 首席营运官COOchiefOperationofficer公关总监CPOchiefPublicrelationofficer 质量总监CQOchiefQualityofficer销售总监CSOchiefSalesofficer首席技术官CTOchiefTechnologyofficer评估总监CVOchiefValuationofficerGM:GeneralManager总经理VP:VicePresident副总裁FVPFirstVicePresident第一副总裁AVP:AssistantVicePresident副总裁助理HRD:HumanResourceDirector人力资源总监OD:OperationsDirector运营总监MD:MarketingDirector市场总监OM:OperationsManager运作经理PM:ProductionManager生产经理、ProductManager产品经理、ProjectManager 项目经理注:这里面变化比较多,要结合谈话时的背景来判断究竟是指哪种身份BMBranchManager部门经理DMDistrictManager区域经理RMRegionalManager区域经理广告公司职位英文对照:AAD〔AssociatedAccountDirector〕——副客户总监AAD〔AssociatedArtDirector〕——副美术指导ACD〔AssociatedCreativeDirector〕——副创作总监AD〔AccountDirector〕——客户服务总监、业务指导AD〔ArtDirector〕——美术指导在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督AE〔AccountExecutive〕——客户执行、客户服务、客户主任;预算执行者,负责广告代理商和广告主之间的一切有关业务,观念,预算,广告表现之联系AM〔AccountManager〕——客户经理AP〔AccountPlanner〕——客户企划分策略企划和业务企划两种ASM〔AreaSaleManager〕——大区销售经理CD〔CreativeDirector〕——创作总监、创意总监、创意指导CD的前身,不是撰稿人便是美术设计,因为积累了丰富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导CGH〔CreativeGroupHead〕——创意组长〔ComputerVisualizer〕——计算机绘图员CW〔Copywriter〕——撰稿人DCS〔DirectorofClientService〕——客户主管ECD〔ExecutiveCreativeDirector〕——执行创意总监FA〔FinishArtist〕——完稿、画师〔FinishArtistGroupHead〕——完稿组长GAD〔GroupAccountDirector〕——客户群总监GCD〔GroupCreativeDirector〕——创意群总监GMD〔GeneralManagingDirector〕——总经理MD〔MediaDirector〕——媒体指导、媒介部经理SAD〔SeniorArtDirector〕——高级美术指导SCW〔SeniorCopywriter〕——高级文案〔CopyDirector〕——文案指导〔MediaSupervisor〕——媒介主任、媒介总监〔MediaPlanner〕——媒介策划〔PlanningDirector〕——企划指导〔PlanningSupervisor〕——企划总监〔PrintProductionManager〕——平面制作经理〔ProductionManager〕——制作经理〔ResearchSupervisor〕——调查总监〔StudioManager〕——画房经理、作业室经理〔TrafficControlSpecialist简称Traffic〕——制管人员〔TrafficCoordinator〕——平面制作统筹〔TVProducer〕——制片〔Visualizer〕——插图家、插画师、绘图员、视觉设计〔VisualizerGroupHead〕——视觉设计组长〔Artist〕——正稿员President总裁Vice-President副总裁AssistantVP副总裁助理ExecutiveMarketingDirector市场行政总监GeneralManager总经理BranchManager部门经理ProductManager产品经理ProjectManager项目经理RegionalManager区域经理ProductionManager生产经理TransportationManager运输经理ApplicationsProgrammer应用软件程序员ComputerOperator电脑操作员ComputerOperationsSupervisor电脑操作主管HardwareEngineer硬件工程师ComputerTechnician电脑技术员MISManager管理信息系统部经理DevelopmentalEngineer开发工程师OperationsAnalyst操作分析DirectorofInformationServices信息服务主管LANAdministrator局域网管理员SystemsAnalyst系统分析ManagerofNetworkAdministration网络管理经理SystemsEngineer系统工程师ProductSupportManager产品支持经理SystemsProgrammer系统程序员VPSales销售副总裁VPMarketing市场副总裁SeniorAccountManager高级客户经理TelemarketingDirector电话销售总监SalesAdministrator销售主管Telemarketer电话销售员RegionalSalesManager地区销售经理Tele-Interviewer电话调查员RegionalAccountManager地区客户经理Salesperson销售员SalesRepresentative销售代表MerchandisingManager采购经理SalesManager销售经理MarketingConsultant市场顾问SalesExecutive销售执行者MarketingAssistant市场助理SalesAssistant销售助理MarketingandSalesDirector市场与销售总监RetailBuyer零售采购员MarketResearchAnalyst市场调查分析员Manufacturer’sRepresentative厂家代表PurchasingAgent采购代理AssistantAccountExecutive客户管理助理MarketingManager市场经理AdvertisingManager广告经理MarketingIntern市场实习AdvertisingCoordinator广告协调员MarketingDirector市场总监AdvertisingAssistant广告助理AccountManager客户经理AccountRepresentative客户代表AccountingPayableClerk应付帐款文员AccountingAssistant会计助理AccountingManager会计经理AccountsReceivableClerk应收帐款文员AccountingClerk会计文员CertifiedPublicAccountant注册会计师SeniorAccountant高级会计ChiefFinancialOfficer首席财务官AuditManager审计经理CollectionsOfficer收款负责人ActuarialAnalyst保险分析员Auditor审计师JuniorAccountant初级会计LoanAdministrator贷款管理员ManagementAccountant管理会计BillingClerk票据文员BillingSupervisor票据管理员Bookkeeper档案管理StaffAuditor审计员BookkeepingClerk档案管理助理BudgetAnalyst预算分析TaxAccountant税务会计CreditAnalyst信用分析CreditManager信用管理经理Vice-PresidentofAdministrationandFinance财务行政副总裁FinancialAnalyst财务分析Vice-PresidentofFinance财务副总裁FinancialConsultant财务顾问FinancialManager财务经理FinancialPlanner财务计划员VPHR人力资源副总裁AssistantVPHR人力资源副总裁助理HRDirector人力资源总监Compensation&BenefitManager薪酬福利经理StaffingManager招聘经理TrainingManager培训经理BenefitsCoordinator员工福利协调员EmployerRelationsRepresentative员工关系代表Payroller工资专员TrainingCoordinator培训协调员TrainingSpecialist培训专员HRSupervisorTraining培训主管Vice-PresidentofAdministration行政副总裁AdministrativeDirector行政总监OfficeManager办公室经理FileClerk档案管理员AdministrationAssistant行政助理Receptionist接待员GeneralOfficeClerk办公室文员Secretary秘书OrderEntryClerk订单输入文员Operator接线员Typist打字员visitingprofessor客座教授计算机/互联网/通讯Technology/Internet首席技术执行官CTO/VPEngineering技术总监/经理TechnicalDirector/Manager信息技术经理ITManager信息技术主管ITSupervisor信息技术专员ITSpecialist项目经理/主管ProjectManager/Supervisor项目执行/协调人员ProjectSpecialist/Coordinator系统分析员SystemAnalyst高级软件工程师SeniorSoftwareEngineer软件工程师SoftwareEngineer系统工程师SystemEngineer高级硬件工程师SeniorHardwareEngineer硬件工程师HardwareEngineer通信技术工程师CommunicationsEngineerERP技术/应用顾问ERPTechnical/ApplicationConsultant 数据库工程师DatabaseEngineer技术支持经理TechnicalSupportManager技术支持工程师TechnicalSupportEngineer品质经理QAManager信息安全工程师InformationSecurityEngineer软件测试工程师SoftwareQAEngineer硬件测试工程师HardwareQAEngineer测试员TestEngineer网站营运经理/主管WebOperationsManager/Supervisor网络工程师NetworkEngineer系统管理员/网管SystemManager/Webmaster网页设计/制作WebDesigner/Production技术文员/助理TechnicalClerk/Assistant销售Sales销售总监SalesDirector销售经理SalesManager区域销售经理RegionalSalesManager客户经理SalesAccountManager渠道/分销经理Channel/DistributionManager渠道主管ChannelSupervisor销售主管SalesSupervisor销售代表SalesRepresentative/Executive销售工程师SalesEngineer医药代表PharmaceuticalSalesRepresentative保险代理InsuranceAgent销售助理SalesAssistant/Trainee商务经理BusinessManager商务专员/助理BusinessExecutive/Assistant销售行政经理SalesAdmin.Manager销售行政主管SalesAdmin.Supervisor售前/售后技术服务经理TechnicalServiceManager售前/售后技术服务主管TechnicalServiceSupervisor 售前/售后技术服务工程师TechnicalServiceEngineer 售后/客户服务非技术经理CustomerServiceManager售后/客户服务非技术主管CustomerServiceSupervisor 售后/客户服务非技术专员CustomerServiceExecutive经销商Distributor市场/公关/广告Marketing/PR/Advertising市场/广告总监Marketing/AdvertisingDirector/VP 市场/营销经理MarketingManager市场/营销主管MarketingSupervisor市场/营销专员MarketingExecutive/Communication 市场助理MarketingAssistant/Trainee产品/品牌经理Product/BrandManager产品/品牌主管Product/BrandSupervisor市场通路经理TradeMarketingManager市场通路主管TradeMarketingSupervisor促销经理PromotionsManager促销主管PromotionsSupervisor促销员PromotionsSpecialist市场分析/调研人员MarketAnalyst/ResearchAnalyst 公关/会务经理PublicRelationsManager公关/会务主管PublicRelationsSupervisor公关/会务专员PublicRelationsExecutive媒介经理MediaManager媒介人员MediaSpecialist企业/业务发展经理BusinessDevelopmentManager企业策划人员CorporatePlanning广告策划/设计/文案AdvertisingCreative/Design/Copywriter 财务/审计/统计/金融Finance/Accounting/Banking财务总监CFO/FinanceDirector/VP财务经理FinanceManager财务主管/总帐主管FinanceSupervisor会计经理/会计主管AccountingManager/Supervisor会计Accountant/AccountingTrainee出纳员Cashier财务/会计助理Finance/AccountingAssistant财务分析经理/主管FinancialAnalysisManager/Supervisor财务分析员FinancialAnalyst成本经理/成本主管CostAccountingManager/Supervisor成本管理员CostAccountingSpecialist审计经理/主管AuditManager/Supervisor审计专员/助理AuditExecutive/Assistant税务经理/税务主管TaxManager/Supervisor税务专员TaxExecutive证券经纪人StockBroker投资顾问InvestmentAdvisor注册分析师CertifiedInvestment/FinancialAnalyst投资/基金项目经理InvestmentManager融资经理/融资主管TreasuryManager/Supervisor融资专员TreasurySpecialist行长/副行长President/Vice-President/BranchManager风险控制RiskManagement进出口/信用证结算Trading/LCOfficer清算人员SettlementOfficer外汇主管ForeignExchangeSupervisor高级客户经理/客户经理SeniorRelationshipManager客户主管/专员RelationshipSupervisor/Executive信贷/信用调查/分析人员Loan/CreditOfficer银行柜台出纳BankTeller统计员Statistician生产/营运/工程Manufacturing/Operations/Engineering工厂经理/厂长Plant/FactoryManager总工程师/副总工程师ChiefEngineer项目经理/主管ProjectManager/Supervisor项目工程师ProjectEngineer营运经理OperationsManager营运主管OperationsSupervisor生产经理/车间主任ProductionManager/WorkshopSupervisor生产计划协调员ProductionPlanningExecutive/Officer生产主管/督导/领班ProductionSupervisor/TeamLeader技术/工艺设计经理/主管Technical/IndustrialDesignMgr./Spvr.技术/工艺设计工程师Technical/IndustrialDesignEngineer实验室负责人/工程师LabManager/Engineer工程/设备经理Engineering/FacilityManager工程/设备主管Engineering/FacilitySupervisor工程/设备工程师Engineering/FacilityEngineer电气/电子工程师Electrical/ElectronicsEngineer机械工程师MechanicalEngineer机电工程师Electrical&MechanicalEngineer维修工程师MaintenanceEngineer质量经理QAManager质量主管QASupervisor质量工程师QAEngineer质量检验员/测试员QAInspector认证工程师CertificationEngineer安全/健康/环境经理/主管Safety/Health/EnvironmentManager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师Safety/Health/EnvironmentEngineer工程绘图员ProjectDraftingSpecialist机械制图员DraftingSpecialist化验员LaboratoryTechnician技工Technician/EngineerTrainee电工Electrician服装打样/制版Clothing/ApparelSampleProduction行政/人事/后勤Admin./HR/SupportServices行政/人事总监Admin/HumanResourcesDirector人事经理HumanResourcesManager人事主管HumanResourcesSupervisor人事专员HumanResourcesSpecialist人事助理HumanResourcesAssistant招聘经理/主管RecruitingManager/Supervisor薪资福利经理/主管Compensation&BenefitsMgr./Supervisor薪资福利专员/助理Compensation&BenefitsSpecialist/Assistant培训经理/主管TrainingManager/Supervisor培训专员/助理TrainingSpecialist/Assistant行政经理/主管/办公室主任AdminManager/Supervisor/OfficeManager 行政专员/助理AdminStaff/Assistant经理助理/秘书ExecutiveAssistant/Secretary前台接待/总机Receptionist后勤OfficeSupport资料管理员Information/DataManagementSpecialist电脑操作员/打字员ComputerOperator/Typist高级管理SeniorManagement首席执行官/总经理CEO/GM/President副总经理DeputyGM/VP/ManagementTrainee总监Director合伙人Partner总裁/总经理助理CEO/GM/PresidentAssistant物流/贸易/采购Logis./Trading/Merchand./Purch. 物流经理LogisticsManager物流主管LogisticsSupervisor物流专员/助理LogisticsSpecialist/Assistant物料经理MaterialsManager物料主管MaterialsSupervisor采购经理PurchasingManager采购主管PurchasingSupervisor采购员PurchasingSpecialist/Staff外贸/贸易经理/主管TradingManager/Supervisor 外贸/贸易专员/助理TradingSpecialist/Assistant 业务跟单经理MerchandiserManager高级业务跟单SeniorMerchandiser业务跟单Merchandiser助理业务跟单AssistantMerchandiser仓库经理/主管WarehouseManager仓库管理员WarehouseSpecialist运输经理/主管DistributionManager/Supervisor 报关员CustomsSpecialist单证员documentationSpecialist船务人员ShippingSpecialist快递员Courier理货员WarehouseStockManagement文字/艺术/设计Writer/Editor/CreativeArtist/Designer 编辑/作家/撰稿人Editor/Writer记者Journalist/Reporter校对/录入Proofreader/DataEntryStaff排版设计LayoutDesigner艺术/设计总监Creative/DesignDirector影视策划/制作人员EntertainmentPlanning/Production 导演Director摄影师Photographer音效师Recording/SoundsSpecialist演员/模特/主持人Actor/Actress/Model/MC平面设计/美术设计GraphicArtist/Designer纺织/服装设计Clothing/ApparelDesigner工业/产品设计IndustrialDesigner工艺品/珠宝设计Artwork/JewelryDesigner科研人员ResearchSpecialistStaff科研管理人员ResearchManagement科研人员ResearchSpecialistStaff律师/法务Legal律师Lawyer法务人员LegalPersonnel律师助理Paralegal/LegalAssistant书记员CourtClerk教师Professor/Teacher教师ProfessorTeacher教学/教务管理人员Education/SchoolAdministrator 助教TeachingAssistant讲师Lecturer家教Tutor医疗/护理Medicine/Nursing医生中、西医MedicalDoctor医学管理人员Healthcare/MedicalManagement医药技术人员MedicalTechnician药库主任/药剂师Pharmacist护士/护理人员Nurse/NursingPersonnel临床协调员ClinicalCoodinator临床研究员ClinicalResearcher麻醉师Anesthesiologist心理医生Psychologist/Psychiatrist医药学检验ClinicalLaboratory咨询/顾问Consultant专业顾问SeniorConsultant咨询总监ConsultingDirector/Partner咨询经理ConsultingManager咨询员Consultant公务员Official在校学生Student应届毕业生GraduatingStudent实习生Intern/Trainee培训生Trainee/Intern培训生Trainee服务Service美容/健身顾问ExerciseCoach/FitnessTrainer 餐饮/娱乐经理BanquetServicesManager宾馆/酒店经理ReceptionManager领班Supervisor服务员ServiceStaff营业员/收银员/理货员ShopClerk/Salesperson 厨师Chief/Cook导游TourGuide司机Chauffeur/Driver保安Security寻呼员/话务员PagingOperator建筑/房地产Construction/RealEstate建筑工程师Architect结构/土建工程师StructuralEngineer电气工程师ElectricalEngineer给排水/暖通工程师Drainage/HVACEngineer工程造价师/预结算BudgetingSpecialist建筑工程管理ConstructionManagement工程监理EngineeringProjectSupervisor室内外装潢设计Decorator城市规划与设计UrbanDesign/Planning建筑制图CADDrafter施工员ConstructionCrew房地产开发/策划RealEstateDevelopment/Planning 房地产评估RealEstateAppraisal房地产中介/交易RealEstateAgent/Broker物业管理PropertyManagement翻译Translator英语翻译EnglishTranslation日语翻译JapaneseTranslator德语翻译GermanTranslator法语翻译FrenchTranslator俄语翻译RussianTranslator西班牙语翻译SpanishTranslator朝鲜语翻译KoreanTranslator其他语种翻译OtherLanguageTranslator 兼职PartTime。



第17卷第6期2010年12月水土保持研究Resear ch o f Soil and Wat er Conser vation V ol.17,No.6Dec.,2010收稿日期:2010-03-26资助项目:水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室自主课题 城市面源污染模拟及控制研究 ( 2010-ZY -6 ) 作者简介:郭彬(1987-),女,山东人,学士,从事水文水资源与水环境方面学习和研究。

E -mail:fullofenergy3@gm 通信作者:唐莉华(1975-),女,重庆人,博士,从事水文水资源与水环境方面的教学和科研工作。

E -m ail:tanglh@ts 滨岸缓冲带截留污染物机理和效果的研究进展郭彬,汤兰,唐莉华,何威威(清华大学水利水电工程系,北京100084)摘 要:滨岸缓冲带是指与河流(包括湿地和湖泊)相邻的对污染物、沉积物和洪水具有一定缓冲功能的水陆生态系统交错带,是一种重要的控制面源污染和保护水体环境的方法。



关键词:滨岸缓冲带;作用机理;结构设计;截污效果中图分类号:X522;X173 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3409(2010)06-0257-06The Review on the Research for the Interception Mechanism andEffects of Riparian Buffer ZoneGU O Bin,TANG Lan,TANG L-i hua,H E We-i w ei(Dep ar tment of H y d raulic and H y dr op ow er E ngineer ing ,T s ing hua Univer sity ,Beij ing 100084,China)Abstract:Riparian buffer zo ne,usually adjacent to r iv er s (including w etlands and lakes),is r efer red to the dom ain betw een land and aquatic eco system w hich has buffering functio ns on pollutants,sediment and floo d.It is one of the most impo rtant measures for contr olling non -po int sour ce po llution and pr otecting w ater env-i r onment.A larg e amount of researches on different aspects of riparian buffer zone hav e been carried out.In order to g ive a detailed sum mary and systematical r ev iew ,a fr am ew or k of researches o n riparian buffer zone w as built up,w hich summ arized the previous research results o n the riparian buffer zo ne w ith its mechanism,structure,function and effect,as w ell as the practices and management.Futur e research frontiers are also pro posed based on the summ ar y and analysis.Key words:riparian buffer zone;mechanisms of actio n;desig n of str ucture;effect of pollutant interception 随着农业生产要求的不断提高,各种化学肥料被大量使用,造成了以氮、磷为典型污染物的农业面源污染,威胁到河流、湖泊等地表水体环境质量。

and Design

and Design

The JikesXen Java Server PlatformGeorgios GousiosAthens University of Economics and Businessgousiosg@aueb.grAbstractThe purpose of the JVM is to abstract the Java language from the hardware and software platforms it runs on.For this rea-son,the JVM uses services offered by the host operating sys-tem in order to implement identical services for the Java lan-guage.The obvious duplication of effort in service provision and resource management between the JVM and the operat-ing system has a measurable cost on the performance of Java programs.In my PhD research,I try tofind ways of min-imizing the cost of sharing resources between the OS and the JVM,by identifying and removing unnecessary software layers.Categories and Subject Descriptors C.0[General]:Hard-ware/software interfaces; C.4[Performance of Systems]: Performance Attributes; D.4.7[Operating Systems]:Orga-nization and DesignGeneral Terms Performance,LanguagesKeywords JVM,Performance,Operating System,Virtual Machine1.Background and MotivationThe raison d’ˆe tre of contemporary JVM s is to virtualize the Java language execution environment to allow Java pro-grams to run unmodified on various software and hardware platforms.For this reason,the JVM uses services provided by the host OS and makes them available to the executing program through the Java core libraries.Table1provides an overview of those services.The JVM is a software representation of a hardware ar-chitecture that can execute a specific format of input pro-grams.Being such,it offers virtual hardware devices such as a stack-based processor and access to temporary storage (memory)through bytecode instructions.The JVM is not a general purpose machine,though:its machine code includesCopyright is held by the author/owner(s).OOPSLA’07,October21–25,2007,Montr´e al,Qu´e bec,Canada.ACM978-1-59593-786-5/07/0010.support for high level constructs such as threads and classes,while memory is managed automatically.On the other hand, I/O is handled by the OS and access to I/O services is pro-vided to Java programs through library functions.The ob-servation that the JVM is both a provider and a consumer ofservices leads to the question of whether the JVM can assumethe role of the resource manager.Generic architectures sacrifice absolute speed in favor ofversatility,expandability and modularity.A question thatemerges is whether the services provided by the OS arestrictly necessary for the JVM to execute Java programsand,if not,what will be the increase in the performanceof the JVM if it is modified so as to manage the computingresources it provides to programs internally.Part of my workis to assess the necessity of certain services offered by the OS to the operation of the JVM and to measure their effect on the JVM performance,to get an estimate of the possible speedup that could be expected if the JVM replaced in the OS in the role of the resource provider/broker,in the context of purpose-specific systems.My initialfindings show that Java pays a large price to the OS for services it does not necessarily require.All standard OS s are designed for a specific purpose:to protect programs from accessing each other’s memory and to protect I/O re-sources from being accessed concurrently.As others have shown[2],if the execution environment is based on a type-safe language and therefore protects itself against invalid memory access,then memory protection,as it is currently implemented by OS s,is mostly unnecessary.My currently unpublishedfindings show that the mechanisms employed by JVM s to overcome the restrictions placed to them by the OS API s can deteriorate their performance,mainly when ex-ecuting memory and I/O intensive applications.2.Our ResearchThe specific question my research tries to answer is the fol-lowing:Can the performance of Java server platforms be improved by allowing them to manage directly the comput-ing resources they require?For the purposes of my research,I make the following assumptions—based on worked published by other re-searchers:Resources JVM System Library OS Kernel JikesXenCPU Java to Native Thread Map-ping Native to Kernel ThreadMappingThread Resource Alloca-tion,Thread SchedulingMultiplexing Java threadsto CPU s,Thread initializa-tionMemory Object Allocation andGarbage Collection Memory Allocation andDeallocation from theprocess address spaceMemory protection,PageTable Manipulation,Mem-ory AllocationObject Allocation andGarbage CollectionI/O Java to System Library I/OMapping,Protect Java frommisbehaving I/O Provide I/O abstractions System call handling,Uni-fied access mechanisms toclasses of devicesDriver infrastructure,I/OmultiplexingTable1.Resource management tasks in various levels of the Java execution stack and in JikesXen JVM•A JVM is able to manage efficiently computational re-sources by scheduling Java threads to physical processors internally.Multiprocessing can be implemented within the JVM very efficiently[1].•Virtual memory is deteriorating the performance of garbage collection[4]and thus it should be omitted in favor of a single,non-segmented address space.•A specially modified JVM can be run directly on hard-ware with minimal supporting native code[3],and there-fore the unsafe part of the system can be minimized down to a very thin hardware abstraction layer.To investigate my research question,I am in the pro-cess of designing and building the JikesXen virtual machine, which is a port of JikesRVM to the Xen VMM platform. JikesXen is based on a very thin layer of native code,the nanokernel,whose main purpose is to receive VMM inter-rupts and forward them to the Java space and also to initial-ize the VMM on boot.I use parts of the Xen-provided Mini OS demonstration operating system as the JikesXen nanokernel. The system itself is essentially a blob that lumps together the JikesRVM core image and stripped down version of the classpath which are already pre-compiled to native code dur-ing the JikesRVM build phase.JikesXen does not require a device driver infrastructure;instead,the Java core libraries will use the devices exported by the VMM directly,through adapter classes for each device.The adapter classes are also responsible to prevent concurrent access to shared resources, such as I/O-ports using Java based mutual exclusion prim-itives(e.g.synchronized blocks).It also implements other functionality relevant to the device class such as caching, network protocols,file systems and character streams.Ta-ble1presents an overview of the functionality of JikesXen as a resource manager.My work falls into the bare metal JVM research stream. But how does it differ from already existing approaches? The distinctive characteristic of my system is that it does not run directly on hardware.The use of the Xen VMM for taking care of the hardware intricacies,allows me to focus on more important issues than communicating with the hardware,such as providing a copy-less data path from the hardware to the application.Additionally,since all access to hardware is performed through the classpath,I plan to use the JVM locking mechanisms to serialize access to it. This will render the requirement for a resource manager, or a kernel,obsolete.Finally,my system’s focus being a single multithreaded application,I do not consider a full-fledged process isolation mechanism.Instead,we base our object sharing models on proven lightweight object sharing mechanisms(isolates[1]).3.ConclusionsMy work is in its early stages of development.I am currently constructing a build system that will compile the classpath and JikesRVM in a single binary image.I have already suc-ceeded in loading the JikesRVM boot image in the Xen hy-pervisor,but at the moment the system does nothing useful as important subsystems remain to be implemented. AcknowledgmentsThis work is partially funded by the Greek Secretariat of Re-search and Technology thought,the Operational Programme “COMPETITIVENES”,measure8.3.1(PENED),and is co-financed by the European Social Funds(75%)and by na-tional sources(25%)and partially by the European Com-munity’s Sixth Framework Programme under the contract IST-2005-033331“Software Quality Observatory for Open Source Software(SQO-OSS)”.References[1]Grzegorz Czajkowski,Laurent Dayn`e s,and Ben Titzer.Amulti-user virtual machine.In Proceedings of the General Track:2003USENIX Annual Technical Conference,pages 85–98,San Antonio,Texas,USA,ENIX. [2]Galen Hunt et al.An overview of the Singularity project.Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2005-135MSR-TR-2005-135,Microsoft Research,2005.[3]Georgios Gousios.Jikesnode:A Java operating system.Master’s thesis,University of Manchester,September2004. [4]Matthew Hertz,Yi Feng,and Emery D.Berger.Garbagecollection without paging.In PLDI’05:Proceedings of the 2005ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation,pages143–153,New York,NY, USA,2005.ACM Press.。



1 k 值试验test for k value of complete car2 s 形辐板s-type wheel plate3矮侧板low side4矮端板low end5 爱车点car caring point6百叶窗louver7 摆块cen teri ng block8 摆块吊cen teri ng block han ger9 板梁式钢结构plate girder type steel structure10 半夜灯eve ning lamp11 包间式卧车corridor compartment type sleeping car12背负运输车piggyback car13 比面积specific floor area14 比容积specific volume15 闭锁位置locked position of coupler16 边走边卸阀ballast flow control valve17 变摩擦式减震装置variable frictio n type sn ubb ing device18 变位阀changeover valve19 拨叉poking fork20 波纹地板corrugated floor21 波形辐板corragated wheel plate22 播音连接器public address coupling23 播音装置public address system24 薄壁筒体结构thin-shelled tubular structure25 不摘车修in-train repair26 采暖装置heating system27 餐车洗池sink28 餐室dining room29 残车率rate of bad order cars30 侧灯side lamp31 侧架弹簧承台side frame spring seat32 侧架立柱side frame column33 侧架上弦杆side frame top chord34 侧架上斜弦杆side frame top oblique chord35 侧架下弦杆side frame bottom chord36 侧架下斜弦杆side frame bottom oblique chord37 侧梁side sill38 侧门side door39 侧排油阀side oil outlet valve40 侧墙side wall41 侧墙包板side sheathing42 侧倾车体tilting type car body43 侧柱side post44 侧柱连铁side post connecting rail45 侧柱内补强in side rei nforceme nt of side post46 茶桌tea table47 长大货物车oversize commodity car48 常摩擦式减震装置con sta nt fricti on type sn ubb ing device49 车长阀caboose valve50 车底电线管electric wire conduit underneath the car51 车底数nu mber of allocated passe nger trains52车电分线盒junction box53 车顶冰箱冷藏车overhead brine tank refrigerator car54 车顶侧梁roof cant rail55车顶端横梁roof end rail56 车顶横梁roof cross beam57车顶弯梁carline58车顶纵梁purline59 车端冰箱冷藏车ice-bunker refrigerator car60 车端缓冲器end-of-car cushioning device61 车钩复原装置coupler centering device62 车钩缓冲装置压缩与拉coupler & draft gearr unnin g-i n & runnin g-out63 车钩间隙coupler slack64车钩连接线coupling line65 车钩轮廓coupler con tour66 车钩三态作用three states of coupler operation67 车钩托梁coupler carrier68 车钩中心线高度height of coupler center from top of rail69 车号nu mber of car70 车辆报废限度car condemning limit71 车辆标记lettering and marking of car72 车辆长距比ratio of car body length to length between truck c73 车辆厂修car repair in works74车辆冲击试验car impact test75 车辆大修car heavy repair76 车辆定距length between truck centers77车辆动力学试验car dynamics test78 车辆段检修台位利用率rate of utilizati on of repair positi ons in car dep79 车辆段修car repair in depot80 车辆分散供电separate power supply system for car81 车辆辅修car auxiliary repair82 车辆高度height of car83车辆构造速度desig n speed of car84 车辆横向lateral directi on of car85 车辆互撞car collision86 车辆集中供电centralized power supply systemfor car87 车辆计算长度calculated length of car88 车辆技术履历薄technical record book of car89 车辆检修率rate of cars under repair90 车辆检修设备car repair facilities91 车辆检修停留时间down time for holding cars for repairing92 车辆检修限度car repair limit93 车辆检修在修时间down time for car under repair94 车辆交直流供电ac-dc power supply for car95 车辆年修car yearly repair96 车辆平均长度average length of car97 车辆强度试验car strength test98 车辆全长length over pulling faces of couplers99 车辆全轴距wheelbase of car100 车辆设计规范specifications for design of cars101 车辆修理厂car repair works102 车辆运营car operation103 车辆运用维修car operation and maintenance104 车辆运用限度car road service limit105 车辆制检car brake examination106 车辆制造厂car manufacturing works107 车辆中修car medium repair108 车辆轴检car journal and box examination109 车辆装卸修car repair before loading or after unloading 110 车辆纵向longitudinal direction of car111 车辆最大高度maximum height of car112 车辆最大宽度maximum width of car113 车辆最大容许速度maximum permissible speed of car114 车轮不圆wheel out of round115 车轮厂car wheelset repair factory116 车轮静平衡检验car wheel static balanee test117 车轮扣环retaining ring of tire118车轮贴靠flanging119 车轮直径wheel diameter120 车上给水装置water supply equipment with roof tank121 车上水箱roof water tank122 车体侧倾装置car body tilting device123 车体长度len gth over ends of body124 车体骨架body frami ng125 车体宽度width over sides of car body126 车体内长len gth in side car body127 车体内高height in side car body128 车体内宽width in side car body129 车体内中心处高度height in side car body from floor to roof cen ter 130 车体弯曲振动试验test of vibratio n caused by carbody bending 131 车下电气插座car power receptacle132 车下给水装置water supply equipment with lower tank 133 车下水箱lower water tank134 车种type of car135 车轴超声探伤ultrasonic inspection for axle136 车轴电磁探伤magnetic particle inspection for axle 137 车轴发电机控制箱axle gen erator con trol box138 车轴模拟试验台axle an alogy test machi ne139车轴弯曲bent axle140 承载鞍adapter141 乘座舒适度riding comfortableness142 充电插头charging plug143 冲便阀flush valve144 冲击座striker145 抽液管座unioading pipe connection146 厨房kitchen147 厨房车kitche n car148 储藏室storage room149 传动轴transmission shaft150 窗间板pier sheath ing151 窗卷帘win dow bli nd152 窗框wi ndow sash153 窗帘wi ndow curtain154 窗锁win dow sash lock155 窗台wi ndow sill156 床头灯berth lamp157 炊事室cooking room158 垂直动载荷vertical dynamic load159 垂直载荷vertical load160 从板follower161 大横梁cross bearer162 大气压式采暖装置atmospheric pressure steam heati ng equipme nt 163大气压式暖汽调整阀vapor regulater164 大腰带waist rail165单侧踏面制动single shoe brake166 单车试验single car test167 单车试验器single car testing device168 单管逆变器in dividual in verter169 单管荧光灯si ngle tube fluoresce nt lamp170 单筒壁灯single cylindrical shade wall lamp171 单线制single wire system172单元制动brake unit173 单轴转向架single-axle truck174 弹簧动挠度dynamic spring deflection175 弹簧刚度spring stiffness176 弹簧静挠度static spring deflection177 弹簧摩擦式缓冲器spring frictio n draft gear178 弹簧柔度spring flexibility179 弹簧托板spring plank180 弹簧托梁spring plank carrier181 弹簧悬挂装置spring suspension182 弹性定位轮对elastically positioned wheelset 183 弹性旁承elastic side bearing184 弹性止挡elastic bolster guide185 刀把梁lowered draft sill186导框式转向架pedestal truck187 导热系数coefficient of thermal conductivity188 低摩合成闸瓦low friction composite brake shoe 189 底架un derframe190 底架长度length over end sills191 底架宽度width over side sills192 地板面高度height of floor from rail top193地板面积floor area194 地板排水装置floor draining device195 第二系悬挂secondary suspension196 第一第二系弹簧挠度比ratio of spri ng deflecti ons of primary & sec on dary 197 第一系悬挂primary suspension198 点火器spark lighter199 电动水泵electric water pump200 电加热器electric heater201 电加湿器electric moistening device202 电空制动装置electropneumatic brake equipment 203 电力电缆及连接器power supply cable & coupling 204 电气系统electric system205 电热采暖装置electric heating equipment206 电热管tubular electric heating element207 电扇electric fan208 电站列车车组power plant car train-set209 调梁设备beam straighte ning equipme nt210 叠板弹簧laminated spring211 丁形离水阀tee trap212 顶车lift one end of car213 顶车座jacking pad214 顶灯ceiling lamp215 顶盖座hatch cover seat216 定期修periodic repair217 定压风缸constant pressure reservoir218 动板movable plate219 动力试验车dynamometer car220 动力系数coefficient of dynamic force221 毒品车poison car222 渡板gangway foot plate223 端部塞门end cock224 端接管pipe nipple225 端梁end sill226 端门end door227 端墙包板end sheathing228 端柱end post229 段修循环系数circulating factor of repair in depot230 对角撑diagonal brace231 蹲式便器eastern type toilet232 多次磨耗车轮multiple wear wheel233 多轴转向架multi-axle truck234 二三压力混合机构composite two and three-pressure equalizing system 235 二位侧right side of car236 二位端"a" end of car237 二压力机构two-pressure equalizing system238 二轴车two-axle car239 二轴转向架two-axle truck240 发电室power plant compartment241 翻板platform trap door242 防尘板dust guard243 防尘板座dust guard seat244 防滑器anti-skid device245 放风阀vent valve246 非踏面制动off tread braking247 非运用车系数coefficient of cars not in service 248 非粘着制动non-adhesion braking249 分检室mail sorting room250 分配阀试验台distributing valve test rack251 粉末货物车powdered goods car252 风挡vestibule diaphram253 风挡缓冲板vestibule diaphram buffer plate 254 风挡面板vestibule diaphram face plate255 风动石碴漏斗车pneumatic ballast hopper car 256 风口air port257 风轮fan258 扶手hand hold259 辐板plate260 辐板径向裂纹radial crack in plate261 辐板孔plate hole262 辐板圆周裂纹circumferential crack in plate 263 辅助梁floor stringer264 附加风缸supplementary reservoir265 畐U风缸auxiliary reservoir266 干摩擦式轴箱定位装置dry frictio n type jour nal box positi oning device 267干燥器dryer268 甘蔗车sugar cane car269 杆件member270 刚性定位轮对rigidly positioned wheelset271 杠杆上拉杆lever connecting rod272 高度调整阀leveling valve273 高鹅头弯管high level bend274 高级包房卧车superclass corridor compartment type sleeping car275 高摩合成闸瓦high friction composite brake shoe276 高压罐车high pressure tank car277 隔热棚车insulated box car278 给气调整阀pressure regulating valve279 给水调整阀water supply governer valve280 给水风缸water supply air reservoir281 给水减压阀pressure reduc ing valve282 给水系统water supply system283 工具室tool room284 钩耳coupler pivot lug285 钩肩coupler horn286 钩颈coupler neck287 钩舌coupler kn uckle288 钩舌销knu ckle pivot pin289 钩身coupler sha nk290 钩锁coupler lock291 钩锁销coupler lock lift292 钩体coupler body293 钩头正面coupler front face294 钩腕外臂coupler guard arm295 钩尾coupler tail296 钩尾销draft key297 构架侧梁truck side sill298 构架端梁truck end sill299 构架辅助梁truck auxiliary transom300 构架横梁truck transom301 构架纵梁truck Iongitudinal sill302 构件structural member303 固定杠杆truck dead lever304 固定轴距rigid wheelbase305固定座椅fixed seat306 挂瓦室jour nal beari ng babbit metal li ning room307罐车容积计表tank volume table308 罐端板tank head309 罐体tank310 罐体鞍座tank saddle311 罐体长度length of tank312 滚动圆tread rolling circle313 滚动轴承故障自动检测automatic roller bear ing defect detectio n 314 滚动轴承间roller bearing shop315 滚圈rolling ring316 滚柱轴承试验台roller beari ng test sta nd317过滤器filter318 合造客车composite passenger car319 恒温膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve320 桁架式钢结构truss type steel structure321 横带rail322 横向拉杆lateral connecting rod323 横向稳定性lateral stability324 红外线轴温检测所in frared journal temperature detecti on point325 红外线轴温探测系统in frared jour nal temperature detecti on system 326 后从板座rear draft lug327 后挡板back shield328 呼叫装置call butt on329 滑阀slide valve330 缓冲杆buffer rod331 缓冲梁buffer beam332 缓冲器反弹draft gear recoil333 缓冲器能量吸收率rate of energy absorbed by draft gear334 缓冲器容量draft gear capacity335 缓冲器箱体draft gear housing336 缓冲器行程draft gear travel337 缓冲器预紧力draft gear initial compression338 缓冲器阻抗力draft gear reaction force at rating travel339 缓解部release portion340 缓解阀release valve341 簧上重量suspended weight342 簧下重量non-suspended weight343 回风道air return duct344 活顶盖removable hatch cover345 活动中梁底架underframe with sliding center sill346 活动座椅self-folding seat347 活鱼车live fish car348 货车保有量number of freight cars on hand349 货车技术交接所freight car technical condition handing-over post 350 货车脚蹬sill step351 货车门锁door latch货车内墙板 lining 货车上侧梁 top chord 货车上开门 upward swing door 货车洗刷所 freight car washing point 货车下开门 downward swing door 货车摇枕挡 column guide 货车站修所 freight car repairing point 货物积累损伤指数 rate of accumulated freight damage 货物列车检修所 freight train inspection and service point 货物列车区段检修所 transit freight train inspection and service point 货物列车一般检修所 freight train ordinary inspection and service poin 货物列车主要检修所 freight train main inspection and service point 机械保温车辆段 mechanical refrigerator car depot 机械冷藏车组 mechanical refrigerator car group 机械通风装置mechanical ventilation equipment 基础制动装置foundation brake rigging 集尘器 dirt collector 集中式逆变器 centralized inverter 挤轨 gage widening 技术整备 technical servicing加速制动阀部 accelerated application valve portion 加温车 heater car352 353 354355356357358359360 361 362 363 364 365366367368369370371372373374 加温套steam jacket375 家禽车poultry car376 架车jack up car body377 间壁partition378 减压中继阀reduction relay valve379减振器试验台damper test stand380 减振指数damping index381 检衡车weigh bridge test car382 降压电阻step dow n resista nee383 降压气室pressure reducing reservoir384 交流感应子发电机in ductor type alternator 385 角灯corner lamp386 角柱corner post387 教育车education car388 接线端子connection terminal389 接线盒conn ection box390 截断塞门cut-out cock391 解钩装置uncoupling device392 紧急部emerge ncy porti on393 紧急风缸emergency reservoir394 紧急制动阀emergency brake valve395 进风道air in let duct396 进气阀air inlet valve397 净制动率net braking ratio398 静强度试验台static strength test rack399 俱乐部车club car400 聚液窝liquid trap401 均衡风缸equalizing reservoir402 均衡杠杆equalizing lever403 均衡拉杆equalizing pull rod404 卡带tank band405 开敞式卧车open type sleeping car406 开锁位置lockset position of coupler407 抗挤出稳定性stability against forcing out during train bucklin 408 抗倾覆稳定性stability against overturning409 抗脱轨稳定性stability against derailment410 可钉地板nailable floor411 可躺座椅reclining seat412 客车摆门spring butt rocking door413 客车保有量number of passenger cars on hand414 客车隔门partition door415 客车技术整备所passenger train technical servicing point 416 客车脚蹬entrance door step417 客车脚蹬门vestibule entrance door418 客车门锁door lock419 客车内墙板panel420 客车配属辆数number of allocated passenger cars421 客车上侧梁cant rail422 客车摇门swing door423 客车整备库coach servicing shed424 客车轴温报警passenger car journal temperature warning425 客货车厂段修规程regulations for passenger/freight car repair in fa 426 客室passenger room427 客室通道aisle428 客厅车saloon car429 空车empty car430 空调客车air conditioned passenger car431 空气包tank dome432 空气调节装置air conditioning equipment433 空气控制装置pneumatic control device434 空气预冷装置air precooler435 空气真空两用制动装置air and vacuum dual brake equipment436 空气制动装置air brake equipment437 空气自动控制装置automatic air control device438 空重车制动装置empty/load brake equipment439 空重车转换塞门empty and load changeover cock440 空走距离idling stopping distanee441 空走时间idling braking time442 控制电缆连接器control cable eoupli ng443 控制室control cabin444 控制箱control box445 扣车条件specified conditions for detaining cars446 库检exam ination in depot447 快速接头quick coupling448 拉板式轴箱定位装置tie-plate type jour nal box positi oning device 449 拉杆toggle arm450 拉杆式轴箱定位装置tie-rod type journal box positi oning device 451 拉钩检查距离car spacing for uncoupled inspection452 拉门sliding door453 冷藏加温车refrigerator and heater car454 冷冻板冷藏车freezing-plate refrigerator car455 冷凝器conden ser456 冷凝器风道condenser air concentrator457 冷铸铁轮chilled cast iron wheel458离水格子floor rack459 连接拉杆cylinder lever connecting rod460 联合集尘截断塞门combi ned dirt collector and cut-out cock461 链子钩screw coupling462 两系悬挂two stage suspension463 了望车observatio n car464 了望窗observatio n win dow465 列车管train pipe466 歹V车尾部风压反馈train rear end air pressure feedback467 歹V车员室attendants room468 列车制动简易试验train brake simplified test469列车制动溜放试验coasti ng braki ng test470列车制动全部试验train brake overall test471列车制动试验器train brake tester472 歹V车纵向动力Iongitudinal dynamic force of train473 歹V检train exam in atio n474 临界阻尼critical damping475 临界阻尼值critical damping value476 临修temporary repair477 临修线temporary repair siding478 零担办公车office car for peddler train479 流线型车体streamli ned car body480 漏斗hopper481 漏斗门风手动传动装置pn eumatic/ma nual hopper door operat ing device 482 旅客列车检修所passenger train inspection and service point483 旅客疲劳时间passenger fatigue time484 轮对存放场wheelset storing yard485 轮对动平衡检验wheelset dynamic balance test486 轮对内侧距distance between backs of wheel flanges 487 轮毂wheel hub488 轮毂长度hub length489 轮毂厚度hub thickness490 轮毂孔wheel hub bore491 轮毂孔直径hub bore diameter492 轮毂破裂burst hub493 轮毂松动wheel loose on axle494 轮毂直径hub diameter495 轮箍厚度tire thickness496 轮辋wheel rim497 轮辋宽度rim width498 轮辋烧伤burnt rim499 轮辋辗出spread rim500 轮心wheel center501 轮缘垂直磨耗vertical flange502 轮缘高度flange height503 轮缘厚度flange thickness504 轮重减载率rate of wheel load reduction505 轮装盘形制动wheel-mounted disc brake506 轮座wheel seat507 螺杆式制冷压缩机screw type refrigerati on compressor 508落锤试验drop test509 毛巾杆towel hanging rod510 每延米重量load per meter of track511 门滑轮door guide roller512 门孔宽度width of door opening513 门柱door post514迷宫式密圭寸labyrinth seal515 密封圈seal ring516 密接式车钩tight-lock coupler517 膜板diaphragm518 膜式空气弹簧diaphragm type air spring519 摩擦制动friction braking520 磨擦板friction plate521磨擦式减振器snubber522 磨耗板wearing plate523 磨耗型踏面worn profile tread524 母车car with axle gen erator525 木前枕wooden strut526 内顶板ceili ng527 内端墙in side end wall528 内构架转向架inside-frame truck529 内梯manhole ladder530 囊式空气弹簧bellows type air spring531 挠度裕量系数coefficient of spring deflection reservation 532 扭杆弹簧torsion bar spring533 暖汽端阀train pipe end valve534 暖汽软管heater hose535 暖汽软管连接器heater hose coupler536 暖汽支管heater branch pipe537 暖汽主管heater train pipe538 爬轨climb on rail539 排风道air exhausting duct540 排气风扇exhaust fan541 盘形缓冲器side buffer542 旁承承载side bearing loading543 旁承间隙side bearing clearance544 旁承载荷load on side bearing545 旁承支重转向架side bearing truck546 旁弯sidewise bending547 刨花车wood chip car548 配电柜electric power distribution cabinet549 配电盘switch board550平板地板flat floor551 平均减速度average retardation rate552平稳性指标riding index553 迫导向径向转向架forced-steeri ng radial truck554 气密性air-tightness555.牵弓丨钩hauling hook556 牵引梁draft sill557 前从板座front draft lug558 钳形梁sch nabel559 墙板压筋flute or rib on sheathing560 球芯折角塞门ball type angle cock561 球形滚子轴承spherical roller bearing562 球形心盘spherical center plate563 球形轴箱定位装置ball type jour nal box positi oning device 564 曲梁式转向架curved-beam truck565 全车振动试验台full car vibratio n test rig566 全金属客车all metal passenger car567 全幵位置full open position of coupler568 裙板apro n569 燃煤独立温水采暖装置coal-bur ning heater type hot water heat ing equipme570 燃煤温水锅炉coal-burning heater571 燃油独立温水置oil-bur ning heater type hot water heati ng equipme n 572 燃油温水锅炉oil burning heater573 热泵heat pump574 热风采暖装置hot air heating equipment575 热工试验室heat engineering laboratory576 热裂纹thermal crack577 人孑L盖man hole cover578 塞入门plug door579 塞入门导轮door guide wheel580 三大件转向架three-piece truck581 三压力机构three-pressure equalizing system582 三轴转向架three-axle truck583 散热管radiator584 散装水泥车bulk cement car585 砂石车gravel car586 上鞍tank an chor587 上防跳台top operation anticreep ledge588 上幵窗uplifti ng win dow589上拉杆top rod590上挠度camber591 上旁承body side beari ng592 上墙板cornice sheath ing593 上心盘body cen ter plate594 上作用车钩top operation coupler595 深盆辐板deep dish wheel plate596 绳栓rope lug597 实制动距离actual stopping distanee598 实制动时间actual braking time599 市郊客车suburban passenger car600 室温控制器room thermostat601 手动水泵hand water pump602手制动机ha nd brake603 手制动链轮ha nd brake sheave wheel604 手制动曲拐ha nd brake bell cra nk605 梳妆架comb rack606双侧踏面制动clasp brake607 双层轿车平车double deck sedan car608 双管荧光灯double tube fluoresce nt lamp 609 双联杠杆toggle linkage610 双室风缸two-compartment reservoir611 双筒壁灯double cyli ndrical shade wall lamp 612 双线制two wire system613 双向风缸two way cylinder614 水盘drip pan615 水位表water level gage616 水温控制器water temperature regulater617 水箱验水阀water tank test cock618 四用广播机four-function public address equipment 619 四轴车four-axle car620 伺服疲劳试验机servo fatigue testing machine621 送风道air delivery duct622 塑料轴瓦头plastic wearing end for plain bearing 623 隧道摄影车tunnel photographing car624 缩短装置shortening device625 锁紧中心销lock ing cen ter pin626 踏面剥离shelled tread627 踏面擦伤flat sliding628 踏面基点tread taping point629踏面磨耗tread wear630踏面清扫器tread cleaner631 踏面外形tread con tour632 踏面锥度tread conicity633 台位利用系数utility factor of the position634 套车telescopi ng635 特等卧室superclass bedroom636 梯ladder637 提升阀poppet valve638 天窗skylight639 跳轨jump on rail640 停驻制动parking braking641 通风车ventilated box car642 通风器ven tilator643 通过最小曲线半径mi nimum radius of curvature n egotiable 644 通气口vent645 通用货车general-purpose freight car646 椭圆弹簧elliptic spring647 外顶板roof sheet648 夕卜端门gangway door649 外端墙outside end wall650 弯形止阀bend stop valve651 往复式制冷压缩机reciprocati ng type refrigerati on compressor 652 尾灯tail lamp653 尾框coupler yoke654 温水采暖装置hot water heating equipment655 温水箱hot water tank656 稳定性安全系数safety factor of stability 657 稳定运行工况steady running condition卧室 bedroom 无导框式转向架 non-pedestal truck 无间隙 牵弓丨杆 slackless drawbar 无摇动台式转向架 truck with no swing bolster 无摇枕转向架 bolsterless truck 无中梁底架 underframe without center sill 五通塞门five-way cock 雾化杯 atomiz ing cup 雾化轮 atomizi ng wheel 吸入压力调节阀 suction pressure regulating valve 席另H 灯 car class indicating lamp 洗罐棚 tank washing shed 洗罐设备 tank washing equipment 洗罐线 tank washing siding 洗罐站 tank washing point 洗面间 washing room 洗面器wash basin 洗手器wash bowl 下垂 droop ing 下防跳台 rotary operation anticreep ledge 下幵窗 dropp ing win dow658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679下墙板wain scot sheath ing680 下心盘truck center plate681 下作用车钩bottom operation coupler682 下作用水阀under lever faucet683 限压阀limiting valve684 相对摩擦系数relative friction coefficient685 相对阻尼系数damping factor686 橡胶弹性导柱式轴箱定rubber elastic guide post type journal box positio 687 橡胶垫rubber pad688 橡胶堆rubber-metal pad689 橡胶缓冲器rubber draft gear690 橡胶摩擦式缓冲器rubber friction draft gear691 小横梁crosstie692 小卖部snack counter693 小腰带window lintel694 斜对称载荷diagonally symmetrical loading force695 斜楔wedge696 心盘面自由高free height of center plate wearing surface from r697 心盘载荷load on center plate698 心盘座center filler699 行李室baggage room700 修车库freight car temporary repairing shed701 修车台位长度length of repair position702 修车线repair siding703 蓄电池箱storage battery box704 循环挡板circulating baffle plate705 压紧装置pinch device706 压块pressing block707 压力风缸pressure reservoir708 压力主管pressure pipe709 压式水阀compression faucet710 延长杆extension rod711 摇枕弹簧bolster spring712 摇枕挡bolster guide713 摇枕挡间隙bogie bolster play714 摇枕吊bolster hanger715 摇枕吊轴swing hanger cross beam716 液力气动式缓冲器hydropneumatic draft gear 717 液面高度指示牌liquid level indicating plate 718 液压式缓冲器hydraulic draft gear719 一次磨耗车轮one-wear wheel720 一体从板座rear draft check casting721 一体构架转向架rigid frame truck722 一位侧left side of car723 一位端"b" end of car724 一系悬挂single stage suspension725 移动杠杆truck live lever726 邮政间post office compartment定位装727 油导筒式轴箱置oil guide cylinder type journalbox positioning de728 油分离器oil extractor729 油卷lubricating roll730 油线室journal box packing room731 有箍车轮tired wheel732 有效容积effective volume733 有中梁底架underframe with center sill734 鱼腹梁fish-belly sill735 雨檐eaves736 圆柱滚子轴承cylindrical roller bearing737 圆锥滚子轴承tapered roller bearing738 阅读灯reading lamp739 匀质列车even mass train740 允许轴载荷allowable load on journals of same axle741 运行过渡工况transitional running condition742 运行品质riding quality743 运用考验service test744 载荷比例阀load proportional valve745 载荷传感阀load sensor valve746 载重load ing capacity747 闸片brake lining748 闸瓦背brake shoe back749 闸瓦插销brake shoe key750闸瓦间隙自动调节器automatic slack adjuster 751 闸瓦试验台brake shoe inertia dynamometer 752 闸瓦托brake head753 闸瓦压力brake shoe pressure754 摘车修car detached repair755 粘着制动adhesion braking756 站修repair track maintenance757 站修线repair track in stati on758 涨圈式密封piston ring type seal759 照明稳压器illumination voltage stabilizer 760 照明装置illumination equipment761 折叠座椅folding seat762 真空缸vacuum chamber763 真空制动装置vacuum brake equipment764 枕梁body bolster765 枕形壁灯pillow shaped wall lamp766 蒸发器evaporator767 蒸汽采暖装置steam heating equipment768 整备品重量servicing weight769 整备线配置系数allocation factor of service track770 整体承载结构monocoque structure771 直辐板straight wheel plate772 直角截止阀angle shut-off valve773 直接进入阀direct admission valve774 直通截止阀through shut-off valve775 直通空气制动装置straight air brake equipme nt776 直通制动管direct air brake pipe777 直压式采暖装置direct pressure steam heating equipment 778直压式暖汽调整阀car pressure regulater779 纸浆车pulp car780 制动安定性service stability781 制动倍率leverage ratio782 制动不衰竭性in exhaustibility783 制动初速in itial speed at brake applicati on784制动缸后杠杆auxiliary lever785制动缸活塞行程piston travel786制动缸前杠杆cylinder lever787制动缸压力保持阀retai ning valve788 制动杠杆传动效率brake riggi ng efficie ncy789 制动管路brake pipi ng790 制动检修所brake inspection point791 制动梁槽钢brake beam compression channel 792 制动梁弓形杆brake beam tension rod793 制动梁拉杆brake beam pull rod794 制动梁下拉杆brake beam bottom rod795 制动梁支柱brake beam strut796制动灵敏度_ sen sitivity797 制动率braking ratio798制动软管hose799制动软管连接器brake hose coupling800 制动时间braking time801 制动室brake repair room802 制动衰竭性exhaustibility803 制动稳定性insensitivity804 制动系统brake system805 制动效率brake efficiency806 制动支管brake branch pipe807制动支管三通branch pipe tee808制动主管brake pipe809制动柱塞spool810 制冷加温装置refrigeration and heating equipment 811 中间试验in termediate test812 中间体pipe bracket813 中梁ce nter sill814中梁悬臂部overha ng815 中磷闸瓦medium phosphor cast iron brake shoe 816 中心排油阀central oil outlet valve817 中央缓冲器central draft gear818 中央楔块center wedge819 终夜灯whole night lamp820 重车loaded car821轴承端盖roller beari ng end cap822 轴颈journal823 轴颈后肩journal back fillet824 轴颈中心距distanee between journal centers825 轴领end collar826 轴身axle body827 轴瓦垫jour nal beari ng wedge828 轴温journal temperature829 轴箱承台side frame pedestal bearing boss830 轴箱弹簧journal box spring831 轴箱弹簧支柱journal box spring guide post832 轴箱挡axle box guide833 轴箱导框side frame pedestal834 轴箱导框间隙axle box play835 轴箱盖journal box lid836 轴箱后盖journal box rear cover837 轴箱前盖journal box front cover838 轴箱体journal box body839 轴载荷load on axle journals840 轴中央部axle center841 轴装盘形制动axle-mounted disc brake842 注水口filling pipe end843 贮液桶liquid receiver844 柱插stake pocket845 转臂式轴箱定位装置rocker type journal box positioning device 846 转动车钩煤车rotary dumping coal car847 转动式车钩rotary dump coupler848 转动座椅rotating seat849 转换塞门cut-out cock850 转向架侧架truck side frame851 转向架对角线truck frame diagonal852 转向架构架truck frame853 转向架换装所truck changing point854 转向架基础制动truck brake rigging855 转向架扭曲刚度truck rigidity against distorsion856 转向架式车bogie car857 转向架摇枕truck bolster858 转向架制动组件truck-mounted brake assembly859 转向架组全轴距wheelbase of combination truck860 转向线turn-around wye861 装货口hatch862 装卸检修所inspection and service point for car before loadin 863 子车car without axle generator864 自导向径向转向架self-steering radial truck865 自动高度调整装置automatic leveling device866 自动空气制动装置automatic air brake equipment867 自然通风装置natural ventilation equipment868 自由车轮independent wheel869 自重系数ratio of light weight to loading capacity870 总容积total volume871 总重gross weight872 走板running board873 走廊corridor874 走行装置running gear875 阻尼系数damping coefficient876 组合式转向架combination truck。



某复杂空间排烟系统设计宋晋 1 虞杰 1 张智信 1 肖龙洋 1 淏 姜予 2 1浙江工业大学工程设计集团有限公司2杭州电子科技大学自动化学院摘 要: 本文结合参与的贵州某中学工程实例, 详细介绍了在该项目中的某复杂空间建筑的防排烟设计, 结合现 行防排烟规范, 详细分析和介绍了保证建筑空间错落有致的情况下,如何有效设计防排烟系统, 并对相关问题进 行了探讨。

关键词: 防排烟 复杂空间 排烟口 防烟分区Design of Smoke Exhaust System in a Complex SpaceSONG Jin 1 ,YU Jie 1 ,ZHANG Zhi­xin 1 ,XIAO Long­yang 1 ,JIANG Hao­yu21Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group Co.,Ltd.2School of Automation,Hangzhou Dianzi UniversityAbstract:This article combined with the example of a middle school project in Guizhou that participated in,introduced the smoke prevention and exhaust design of a complex space building in this project in bined with the current smoke prevention and exhaust codes,this paper analyzes and introduces in detail how to effectively design the smoke prevention and exhaust system under the condition that the building space is uneven,and discusses the related issues.Keywords:smoke prevention,complex space,smoke exhaust outlet,smoke prevention zone收稿日期: 2020­1­13作者简介: 宋晋 (1989~), 女, 硕士, 工程师; 浙江省杭州市下城区潮王路18号浙江工业大学博文园 (300014); E­mail:****************目前公共建筑有较多大空间建筑的形态设计 [1]。

Dynamix 1444机器人监控系统说明书

Dynamix 1444机器人监控系统说明书

To protect equipment, Dynamix 1444 measures and monitors a machine’s critical dynamic and position parameters and assures appropriate actions are performed, with the recision, reliability, and performance required by industry and regulatory standards.For general condition monitoring, the Dynamix 1444 monitors offer unprecedented signal processing and measurement capabilities allowing you the tools necessary to detect and identify the faults and status across all classes of industrial machinery. You can send information to plant-wide and enterprise-wide databases for storage and trending.With this information, you can take appropriate maintenance action, such as replacing worn-out components before they fail, protecting both production and equipment while reducing maintenance costs. The tight coordination between condition monitoring and the control system allows you to leverage existing investments in visualization and information solutions to improve machine builder and end user productivity and lower total cost of ownership. With Studio 5000™, you can deploy and maintain condition monitoring programming in the same design environment used for automation control.Rockwell Automation provides a set of examples. These examples are called the Dynamix™ Accelerator Toolkit that can aid or speed in the development of the required solution. The Dynamix Accelerator Toolkit includes sample logic and HMI faceplates for use in integrating a Logix controller with a Dynamix 1444 Series Dynamic Measurement Module, using a PanelView™ Plus for visualisation. The kit includes example applications, a Motor Blower application and a Motor Pump application, sample panel, power, and wiring diagram drawings for a typical Dynamix installation, and a Quick Start guide. If you chose (Option B) we will Pre-Load the Accelerator Toolkit for convenience and ease of Start Up.Benefits of the Dynamix 1444 Starter Kit.Need a flexible, scalable, IntegratedCondition Monitoring system that’s easy-to-use and affordable? Looking for easyconfiguration in a Pre-Wired form factor? Need a Pre-Engineered solution that willenable you to protect your key assets? TheDynamix 1444 starter kit is a discounted bundle of hardware or complete Pre-Wired solution that provides everything you need to get started. • The basic objective of a conditionmonitoring system is to detect faultsthat manifest as increased vibration.• The Dynamix™ 1444 Series system isdesigned to serve the protection andcondition monitoring requirements ofrotating and reciprocating industrialmachinery.• Dynamix 1444 allows you to leverageIntegrated Architecture to assesscurrent equipment health, predictpotential issues and help avoiddamage to critical machinery.• The 1443 Series of sensors offersa family of accelerometers andaccessories suitable for mostapplications. We include two Dualoutput AT type sensors output both acceleration and temperaturemeasurements.• Select the Loose Components (OptionA) at an affordable price to build intoyour next project/ Panel or choose thePre-Engineered (Option B) solution tostart Monitoring your key assets to getresults today.Dynamix ™ 1444 Starter Kit Discover the capabilities of the Dynamix 1444 Series systemPublication 1444-PP002A-EN-E – May 2017 Copyright ©2017 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Allen-Bradley, CompactLogix, FactoryTalk View ME, Studio 5000, RSLogix and PanelView are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Standard terms, conditions and warranty apply. Promotion valid until 22nd December 2017. Engineering software requires registration and activation. Rockwell Automationreserves the right to amend or terminate this offer at any time.Dynamix 1444 Promotional KitOption A (Components Only, Cat No - 1444-STRT10)5380 Controller and Accessories☐ 5069-L306ER with Terminals ☐ 1783-US5T ☐ 1606-XLE120EEPanelView Plus 7☐ 2711P-T7C22D8S (PV+7 STD, Touch Screen, 6.5”, TFT Color, DLR Ethernet, 24V DC)Dynamix 1444☐ 1 x 1444-DYN04-01RA with Spring Terminals☐ 1 x 1444-TB-A with Spring Terminals☐ 2 x 1443-ACC-AT-T (GP Accel and Temp,Top Exit, 100mV/g, 10mV/°C☐ 2 x 1443-CBL-MS3IBC-16SOption B (Cat No - 1444-STRT11)5370 Controller and Accessories☐ 5069-L306ER with Terminals☐ 1783-US5T☐ 1606-XLE120EEPanelView Plus 7☐ 2711P-T7C22D8S (PV+7 STD, Touch Screen, 6.5”, TFT Color, DLR Ethernet, 24V DC)Dynamix 1444☐ 1 x 1444-DYN04-01RA with Spring Terminals☐ 1 x 1444-TB-A with Spring Terminals☐ 2 x 1443-ACC-AT-T (GP Accel and Temp, Top Exit, 100mV/g, 10mV/°C☐ 2 x 1443-CBL-MS3IBC-16SInstalled & Wired in suitable Enclosure☐ Mounted, Wired, Connected with Electrical Schematics☐ Pre-Loaded with Dynamix Accelerator Toolkit。



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关键词 纤维素 纤维素酶 水解 目前,以石油、煤和天然气作为最基本的有机化工原料和燃料。
















辆的组装精度和减轻检修工作量, 明显 提高了工作效率。
在 U 61WZ 型 散装水 泥罐 车的转 K2 改造时, 底架调修中曾使用过本工艺, 操 作简单, 效果非常明显, 调修后心盘与水 平台 的间隙 由 2 mm 变 为 01 5 mm 以 下, 并成功地通过了线路动力学性能试 验。该工艺可推广到 G 17 型、G70 型等有 中梁的车型上, 尤其适用于段修等休车 时间短的检修作业中, 可以减少装备的 投入, 节省生产成本, 提高工作效率和产 品质量。
车钩组装时钩体、钩舌的钩耳孔位置度超差( 轴向 倾斜) , 导致车钩组装后钩舌销受力并且在运用中单独 承受冲击或牵引力。在运用中发现有钩舌销随钩舌一 起转动的现象, 证明组装 后的钩舌销处于受 力状态。 此外, 车钩牵引冲击间隙超差导致钩舌销过早受力, 车 钩的各牵引台和凸缘的磨耗又加剧了钩舌销的受力情 况, 最终导致钩舌销疲劳断裂。 3. 3 钩舌销的制造质量
( 3) 进一步加强对新造车钩的质量控制, 避免新 造车钩的钩耳孔位置尺寸公差超差, 从源头上消除钩
# 40 #
舌销单独承力的现象, 以提高钩舌销的使用寿命。提 高钩舌销的制造质量, 保证表面加工精度, 减少钩舌销 内部缺陷, 减少应力集中, 防止出现疲劳裂纹源。
( 4) 鉴于钩体牵引台磨耗后不易修复, 建议开展 非金属材料钩舌销的研制开发, 以提高钩舌销的柔性 和弹性, 避免钩舌销断裂事故的发生。
[ 1] 严隽耄. 车辆工程[ M ] . 北京: 中国铁道出版社, 2000. [ 2] 陈 宁. 塑料 在车 钩钩 舌销 上 的应 用[ J] . 国 外机 车 车辆 工 艺,
1997, 21( 6) : 21.
( 编辑: 颜 纯)
Austral ian Midwest Company L I Zh-i y ong



理工英语(含答案)题目:It is hard for any woman to resist ____ herself more beauty.A: make B: made C: making答案: C题目:It is _______ an interesting story that I want to read it again.A: so B: such C: many答案: B题目:Flowers grow well in a warm climate. Similarly, technology ____ in a harmonious society.A: is flourishing B: will flourish C: flourishes答案: C题目:I am really______by fresh ingredients, intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food.A: fascinated B: fabricate C: fancy答案: A题目:Oh. Dear! Ive lost my new watch._________________A: Im sad. B: Thats all right. C: What a pity!答案: C题目:Would you mind turning up the music?________ Dad is sleeping now.A: OK, Ill do it. B: Sorry, I can't do it. C: No, not at all.答案: B题目:I wonder if I could use your tablet tonight?________________ Im not using it right now. A: It doesnt matter. B: No, thank you. C: Sure, here you are.答案: C题目:Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer?_________________A: No, a portable 3D printer is more useful. B: I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one. C: Yes, I would not have a clumsy one.答案: B题目:He remotely controls my mobile phone _______ he can set up it for me.A: such that B: in order that C: in order to答案: B题目:__________ this multimedia product has some shortcomings, it has also some good points.A: While B: If C: Not only答案: A题目:Doctor,please let me know ____ you can reconstruct my face.A: what B: whether C: which答案: B题目:Some illegal traders care about nothing but_______.A: to make money B: making money C: made money答案: B题目:You_______the Inception, since I remember once you discussed its main plot with Cathy.A: could have watched B: should have watched C: must have watched答案: C题目:Animal farming______about half of all human-caused greenhouse gases.A: count for B: accounts for C: count on答案: B题目:The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and ____ an image is phenomenal.A: translate B: transact C: transmit答案: C题目:You can have eggs_______or hard-boiled.A: frying B: fried C: have fried答案: B题目:How do you like Anne Hathaway?_________________A: She is an American actress. B: She is amazing. C: Shes already married.答案: B题目:Do you mind my using my mobile phone here? ________________A: Yes, use it please. B: No, you cant use it. C: No, of course not.答案: C题目:Touch- ____ 3D maps help the blind too much.A: responsive B: speaking C: listening答案: A题目:Tom asked me to go to play football and_______.A: so did I B: so I did C: so do I答案: B题目:Success can breed success, if you ______ it.A: take care of B: take charge of C: take advantage of答案: C题目:Good morning, welcome to our booth. What can I do for you?_________________ A: Its very nice of you. B: I can do it by myself. C: Im looking for a present.答案: C题目:He ______ his baggage among hundreds of others.A: identified B: aware C: conscious of答案: A题目:We trust this new product of ours will ____________ to your market.A: appeal B: appear C: appease答案: A题目:I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. Oh great!_________________ A: Keep it up. B: Cheer up. C: Same to you.答案: A题目:_______people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not_______they enjoy a better life.A: Only ifcan B: If onlycan C: What ifcan答案: A题目:_______no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.A: Were there B: If there are C: If there have been答案: A题目:The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial ________.A: reconstruct B: reconstruction C: reconstructed答案: B题目:Do you enjoy your present job? ________ I just do it for a living.A: Of course. B: Not really. C: Not likely.答案: B题目:You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nose. Please tell me if you like this medical plan _____.A: or not B: do you C: OK答案: A题目:_______by the promise of these tiny tubes, people are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a reality.A: To fuel B: Fueling C: Fueled答案: C题目:The problem is uneven distribution,_______870 million suffering from hunger.A: left B: to leave C: leaving答案: C题目:Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a person, there are a certain percentage of ____.A: effect B: results C: consequences答案: C题目:No one had enough foresight to ______ the winner.A: predict B: prevent C: precise答案: A题目:This 3D printer _______ to produce snacks.A: was designed B: designed C: was designing答案: A题目:She’s been interested in computer science ____ she was eight.A: since B: before C: ago答案: A题目:I was a little scared that it was my first time that I ____ had my cosmetic surgery.A: / B: had C: was答案: B题目:They should never try to pursue profit______health and life of people.A: in terms of B: at sight of C: at the expense of答案: C题目:When we were students we_______often stay up all night.A: will B: would C: should答案: B题目:Space travel must be very expensive. _________________The cost of a seat on the Virgin craft is $ 250,000.A: Thats not true. B: Of course. C: Why do you think so?答案: B题目:I couldn’t stand London! Bloody ______ place.A: splendid B: awesome C: awful答案: C题目:It ______me that I had a choice.A: bit B: pick C: hit答案: C题目:The Cheetah robot made by MIT’s scientists can jump over hurdles while __________. A: it running B: running C: be ran答案: B题目:I accepted my nose surgery, the ____ and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period.A: graceful B: greedy C: gracious答案: C题目:Good morning, Jeff. Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks? _________________A: Thank you for reminding me. B: No problem! You want the usual? C: You must be joking.答案: B题目:She is ______ tall as you.A: not B: so C: as答案: C题目:It is known to all that a lot of South Korean ____ accepted plastic surgery.A: celebrations B: celebrates C: celebrities答案: C题目:Modern Meadow is a startup that engineers tissues to create lab-grown ______ meat. A: edible B: editable C: edify答案: A题目:This apple pie is too sweet, dont you think so? _________________I think its just right, actually.A: Not really. B: I hope so. C: Sounds good.答案: A题目:I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow._________________A: Bring me a present. B: Have a pleasant trip! C: Let's go out for a drink.答案: B题目:______ thinking is the heart of the artistic design.A: Creative B: Strict C: Hateful答案: A题目:They are trying to make a new product——the world’s smallest __________ robot. A: hammer B: humane C: humanoid答案: C题目:Do you eat porridge every day?_________________A: Porridge is my favorite. B: No, sometimes Id have a cup of soybean milk, a boiled egg and a steamed bun for my breakfast. C: I seldom eat fast food because its rich in fat.答案: B题目:We _________ to deliver the goods within a week.A: assure B: guarantee C: guard答案: B题目:Between the two buildings __________.A: standing a tall tree B: a tall tree stands C: stands a tall tree答案: C题目:The technology has several advantages______earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitro.A: in comparison of B: in comparison to C: compare with答案: B题目:The box is_______hold these things.A: too small not to B: too small to C: so small to答案: B题目:Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will______for us.A: take over B: take out C: take off答案: A题目:Lets go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us. _________________A: Cant wait to watch it. B: You are such a great fan. C: I am more interested in the film director.答案: A题目:The current death rate is reduced _______ 10% compared with that of the year of 1980.A: with B: from C: by答案: C题目:The printer did not always manage to spread the plastic evenly, making some of the ribs of the honeycomb structure of the block uneven, reported ARN (Australian Radio Network) to the surprise of no one who has used a 3D printer. But the architects remain optimistic. The first few printed blocks are meant to be test pieces as they improve the process.It takes about a week to print a 3-meter high block right now. The project's leaders hope to eventually get that down to two hours and finish the first of 12 rooms in a year, and the entire house in less than 3 years.Ultimately, 3D Print Canal House is an architectural research project, one that is very much being conducted in the public eye: you can actually buy tickets to visit the construction site for 2.50 Euros.The top floors will become more ornate, for example, as newer techniques are incorporated. They'll explore the possibilities of 3D printing, like the honeycomb walls or an entire room recycled, redesigned, and built anew. Nobody's going to move into a 3D printed house soon, but, if anyone ever does, something might be learned from this experiment by the canal.According to the passage, the 3D printer can type with plastic evenly.TFThis 3D printer printed some blocks to test its work.TFThe project's leaders will finish the entire house in less than 3 years.TF3D Print Canal House is printed to live.TFThe canal house will be decorated more.TF答案: B A B B A题目:There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals. Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grows, your motivation and desire will increase. Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.Short-term goals are the ones that _______.motivate you over the long haulkeep you engaged on a daily basismight be measured for many yearsThe medium-range goals are built upon ______.belief and successthe motivation and desirethe completion of the short-term goalsOnce we set ourselves long-term goals, ______.we should stick to them until we complete themwe may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunitieswe had better wait for the exciting news of successWhat does the underlined word static mean in the last paragraph?movingdevelopingnot movingWhich of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?Short-term goals all help in achieving your long-term goals.Any time you move a step at a time, you may become discouraged.Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us.答案: B C B C A题目:Here's a crazy idea: Combine bioprinting and tissue engineering to print animal products and tackle some of the planet's biggest problems. Animal farming, after all, accounts for about half of all human-caused greenhouse gases, taking place on one-third of the available, non-frozen land on Earth. All to feed people's appetites for 300 million tons of meat a year.Modern Meadow is a Missouri-based startup that engineers tissues to create lab-grown edible meat, in a process that eliminates many of the negative environment effects associated with traditional livestock practices.The company claims that by carefully layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structure, in-vitro meat production becomes feasible. Its set a short-term goal of printing a sliver of meat around two centimeters by one centimeter, and less than half a millimeter thick, which is edible.The company explains in a submission to the United States Department of Agriculture: The technology has several advantages in comparison to earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitro. The bio-ink particles can be reproducibly prepared with mixtures of cells of different type. Printing ensures consistent shape, while post-printing structure formation and maturation in the bioreactor facilitates conditioning.However, it admits that the road ahead is strewn with difficulties. The consumer acceptance of such products may not be without challenges. We expect it will first appeal to culinary early-adopter consumers and the segment of the vegetarian community that rejects meat for ethical reasons. With reduction in price, it can reach the masses with religious restrictions on meat consumption (people restricted to Hindu, Kosher, Halal diets) and finally populations with limited access to safe meat production.Whatever the final outcome, lab-grown edible meat is no longer in the realm of science fiction. It is coming.Animal farming is responsible for the occurrence of greenhouse gases.TFModern Meadow is a newly-started business which aims to make profits by producing lab-grown edible meat.TFThe method Modern Meadow adopted to produce in-virto meat is by layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structure.TFThere is no meat engineered outside living bodies before.TFThis lab-grown meat has already widely received by the masses.TF答案: A B A B B题目:Imagine you sitting on your front garden admiring the shining sun when your neighbor comes with that annoying car with the noisy sound and the exhaust pipe blowing out the horrible black smoke. What are you going to do about it? In our modern days, too many people depend on their cars to get to work or to drop off their children to school. However, is it safe to have an increasing number of cars on our roads? Research shows that cars create serious pollution. Exhaust from all combustion engines produce harmful effects on the health of both car users and all innocent walkers. Cities have become islands of toxic chemicals from the unrestrained use of vehicles burning fossil fuels. The harmful health effects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure. For example, people with asthma would suffer with attacks due to the pollution. The world wild life also suffers from the cars toxic emissions. No matter how much manufacturers try to make cars environmentally friendly, it will damage our earth in one way or another. Additionally, cars are too dangerous for our community. Careless drivers put themselves and others in danger. Cars are critical to walkers especially to children if the driver is not looking on the road or somehow distracted. Have you known someone whose toes or feet have been runover by cars while crossing the street? Lastly, cars create social problems, which could lead to poor health. A few drivers suffer Road Rage and put themselves, loved ones and others in a threatening situation. Some cars create disturbing noises, which disturbs people living near highways, freeways, etc. not to get enough sleep. People depend on their cars so much that they forgot to exercise their bodies and end up being obese or having a heart problem. As a result of the excessive number of cars on our roads, everyones life is in danger. In order to create an environmentally friendly and safe world, it is necessary for each country to limit the permits in number to control regional air pollution. Second, car manufacturers should try to improve the efficiency of vehicles, such as finding solutions to emissions of combustion engines, developing new power sources such as new fuels, natural gas. Third, try to improve efficiency of traffic by setting up dedicated bus lanes and giving priority to carpools and vehicles with 3 or more passengers. Besides, traffic can be scheduled: for example, commercial traffic at night; large companies can shift working hours and decentralizing administrative operations.Exhaust from cars is ______.harmlesspollutivenot seriousIn the authors view, it is ______ to make cars be friendly to environment.impossiblefeasiblehopeful______ will be the major victims in the car accident.WalkersChildrenCar-driversCars caused some social problems EXCEPT ______.obesitya quick temperemploymentWhich of the following is NOT TRUE as to handling car problems?Reducing the number of ing a car in the restricted area.Finding alternative fuels.答案: B A B C B题目:Baidu, Chinas leading search engine company, has unveiled its own eyewear called Baidu Eye. It is said to be a different product from Google Glass in terms of functionality.The company demonstrated a working prototype on September 3 at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in Beijing. It bears a similarity to Google Glass, but it has no screen. Instead, the device uses a camera to scan objects, and focuses on analyzing information around its user and beaming that to a smartphone.Baidu says the device is designed to support image search. The company's CEO Robin Li believes in five years time, people will get used to searching by image and audio rather than text. Li has given an example of how one can take advantage of Baidu Eye, If you are in a shopping mall and come across a woman whose skirt looks really attractive, you take a photo of her skirt using Baidu Eye, and youll get to know where to buy one for yourself.According to Kaiser Kuo, Baidus director of international communications, Baidu Eye can also recognize voice and gesture, You can use voice commands, or gesture commands - like expanding to zoom, or circling an object in your field of view with your finger.Baidu is yet to announce a release date or marketing plans for Baidu Eye.Baidu is China's leading search engine company.TFBaidu launched a product that has more functions than Google Glasson September 3.TFBaidu Eye can scan objects with its small screen.TFThe companys CEO Robin Li believes that people will get used to searching by text.TFBaidu has already announced the release of Baidu Eye.TF答案: A B B B B题目:My hero is a person who has given me so many things, who has taught me about everything, and who has shown me how beautiful life is. And gradually as I get older and I growup, my hero has opened my eyes to the fact that life is not always beautiful and happy like a fairytale, but life is much more than that. My hero has explained to me that life can be very hard. Everyone must struggle hard to make all their dreams come true and to be a successful person.Maybe, because my hero lives so close to me, I havent realized that this person has inspired me so much. My only true hero is my mother. She was born in Jakarta, on the 1st of July. My mother is the youngest child in her family. She has two sisters, who always love and take care of her. Maybe, because of that, she becomes a cheerful, kind, friendly, and loveable person. She wants everybody to feel comfortable when they are around her.My mother likes to study and to read everything, from books to newspapers. Everyone really likes to talk and chat with her, so she has many friends. My mother believes all you need is to be a hard-working person who always wants to study hard, so that you can be a successful person. She says that many people around her have succeeded because they have studied and worked hard.If a person wants to succeed in his life, he _______.should listen to a fairytale every daymust dream a good dream every dayhas to work hard all his lifeThe underlined word inspired in Paragraph 2 may have the same meaning as _______encouragedshowedcaredThe writers mother becomes a loveable person because ________.she is the youngest in the familyher two sisters love her very muchshe feels comfortable in her familyFrom the third passage, We can infer (推测) the writer ________.is a friendly person like his motherhas many friends to talk withknows the meaning of successWhich of the following is the best title for the reading?How to study wellWhat a beautiful life!My mother, my hero.答案: C A B C C题目:Please write a product description according to the given information.请根据所给信息写一份产品说明。



AC650Variable Speed AC Drives2ContentsAC650 Variable Speed AC Drives 3General Purpose AC Drives ��������������������������������������������������3AC650V - High Performance AC Drives ��������������������������������5Technical Specification ���������������������������������������������������������6Electrical Characteristics �����������������������������������������������������7Dimensions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������8Selection and Order Code �����������������������������������������������������9AC650 Series ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9AC650V Series High Performance AC Drive - 230 V ��������������������������������������10AC650V Series High Performance AC Drive - 400 V ��������������������������������������11Accessories and Options ����������������������������������������������������12WARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITYFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RE-LATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.• This document and other information from Parker-Hannifi n Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distribu-tors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.• The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the fi nal selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry stan-dards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.• To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifi cations provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifi cations are suitable and suffi cient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the com-ponents or systems.3192-300002N1B34856AC650 - Variable Speed AC Drives www�parker-automation�com/acAC650 Variable Speed AC DrivesDescriptionWhether you need to control a conveyor belt, automatic barrier, machine spindle or other general purpose appli-cation, the AC650 delivers reliable, cost-effective voltage/frequency speed control of your motor.Designed with simplicity in mind, the AC650 comes in a compact format with DIN rail mounting as standard allowing easy integration into any electrical control panel. The operator/programming keypad can be removed after setup to prevent unauthorised changes to inverter configuration.For simple motor speed control up to 7.5 kW, the AC650 is an easy to use, out of the box solution that will have your system up and running in no time.Features• Integrated operator keypad with option for remote mounting • Integrated EMC filter ensures compliance while maintai-ning a compact footprint • Pre-programmed macros allowing quick and simple drive setup • DIN rail mounting for easy integration into any electrical cabinet • Flexible I/O including analogue and relay output and motor thermister input allowing greater control options • 6514 cloning module (option) allows easy back-up and transfer of parameters between different drivesGeneral Purpose AC DrivesInternational StandardsThe AC650 and AC650V series AC drives meets thefollowing standards when installed in accordance with the relevant product manual.• CE marked to EN 50178 (Safety, Low Voltage Directive)• CE marked to EN 61800-3 (EMC Directive)• UL listed to US Standard UL508C• cUL listed to Canadian Standard C22.2 #14Characteristics4AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesDiagnostic and control through the operator keypadDiagnostic and control through the operator keypadSimplified operation throught the use of pre-programmed macrosBright Backlit LCD Display Diagnostic or Parameter Indicator Local Start Raise/Lower Speed4 Digit Readout UnitsLocal/Remote Indicator Local Stop MenuEasy-to-use Operator/Programming Controls• Simple speed controlset speed and voltage or current with start / stop direction control• Manual / Automatic controlset to run with local speed setting or external reference• PID ControlControl the pressure, flow, tempe-rature or any process variable• Increase / DecreaseIncrease or reduce speed using digital inputs• Preset speed controlselect up to 8 pre-programmed speeds using digital inputsSpeedPressure or Volume FeedbackSpeed SetpointAC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesAC650V - High Performance AC Drives AC650V - High Performance AC Drives0.25 kW - 110 kWDescriptionThe AC650V expands upon the simple, no-fuss philosophy of the AC650 andprovides reliable, robust motor control from 0.25 kW through to 110 kW.With the addition of sensorless flux vector technology, the AC650V allowsimproved motor control at lower speeds, better speed regulation of variableloads and higher starting torques for high inertia systems. The variable torqueconfiguration option above 5.5 kW makes the AC650V ideally suited to energysaving in pump and fan applications.FeaturesThe AC650V offers the same high level of specification as the AC650 andalso includes :• High torque sensorless vector control mode for advanced motor control• Selectable constant torque or (higher) variable torque rating for centrifu-gal pump and fan applications allowing optimum inverter sizing to suit theapplication• Fully configurable with graphical software tools such as DSE Lite provided atno additional charge.• Additional user configurable I/O points offering increased control capabilities• Additional PROFIBUS communications options for integration intoPLC systems• Wall and panel mounting options above 7.5 kW• Extended power range to 110 kW makes the AC650V suited to a wide ofuses5AC650 - Variable Speed AC Drives Technical Specification Technical SpecificationAC650 and AC650V Series6AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesElectrical Characteristics Electrical CharacteristicsAC650 and AC650V SeriesNote: **Old reference refers to legacy part references prior to 2009.See "Selection and Order Code" to complete product reference.230 VAC 3phase supply also available as an option.78AC650 - Variable Speed AC Drives DimensionsDimensionsFrame C, D, E, FFrame 1,2,3Dimensions and Weights9AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesSelection and Order CodeSelection and Order CodeAC650 Series10AC650 - Variable Speed AC Drives Selection and Order CodeAC650V Series High Performance AC Drive - 230 V11AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesSelection and Order CodeAC650V Series High Performance AC Drive - 400 VAC650 - Variable Speed AC Drives Accessories and OptionsAccessories and OptionsAC650/AC650V/AC650S Series AC DriveFrames 1 - 3 up to 7.5 kWFrames C - F up to 110 kW1213AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesOptions6521-00-G6511-xxxx-00OptionsDescriptionThe cloning module can be used with the complete range of the AC650 / AC650V series of AC drives.It allows the user to store up to 10 separate drive confi gurations which can then be transferred between different drives. The confi gurations can be map-ped between different drive sizes. This is an invaluable tool for commissioning or plant maintenance personnel allowing drives to be backed up and reconfi gu-red simply and easily.DescriptionThe RS485/RS232 communications interface provides serial data communica-tion, allowing an AC650V drive to connect to a Modbus RTU network as a slave station.Cloning Module RS485 Modbus Interface Operator KeypadsProduct CodesProduct CodesProduct CodesFeatures• Protocols : ModBus RTU or EI-6ASCII• Compatible with AC650/650V version 4.x and above • Connection by shielded twisted pair cable (RS485)• Connection by shielded 3 core cable (RS232)• Confi guration of input function blocks • Baud rate confi gurable by software • Slave address confi gurable by software • Direct access to all drive parameters14AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesOptionsOptionsDescriptionThe PROFIBUS option supports the PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS protocol, desig-ned specifi cally for communication between a PLC system and remote I/O.The PROFIBUS interface enables the drive to connect to a PROFIBUS-DP as a slave station.PROFIBUS-DP InterfaceProduct CodesFeatures• PROFIBUS-DP network• Connection by shielded twisted pair• Baud rate confi gurable by software up to 12M Baud • LED indication of card and communication status • Compatible with AC inverters AC650V vers 4.9+PROFIBUS Module 6513-PROF-00(AC650V Frames 1, 2, 3)PROFIBUS Module 6523-PROF-00(AC650V Frames C-F)15AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesBraking ResistorsBraking Resistorsfor AC Drives DescriptionBrake resistors are used with AC650, AC650V , or AC690 drives equipped with a braking option modules. They are designed to allow the drive to stop a motor at full load during deceleration or an overhauling load.Brake resistor selectionBrake resistor assemblies must be rated to absorb both peak braking power during deceleration and the average power over the complete cycle.Resistors above 500 WResistors above 500 W are available upon request :• IP20 protection up to 3 kW• IP13 protection between 4.2 and 9.8 kWPeak braking power =0.0055J x (n12-n22) (W)J - total inertia in kgm 2n1 - initial speed in min -1n2 - fi nal speed min -1tb - braking time in s tc - cycle time in stbAverage braking power Pav=Ppk x tb tcOverload 5 s : 500 %Overload 3 s : 833 %Overload 1 s : 2500 %DimensionsAmbient Temperature °C% o f r a t e d p o w e rfree airchassis mountedAC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesEMC FiltersEMC Filtersfor AC DrivesDescriptionA range of custom designed optional EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)fi lters are available for use with Parker SSD Drives product range.They are used to help achieve conformance with the EMC directive BSEN 61800-3:2004 - “Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3”.Installation of the drive must be in accordance with the installation guidelines in the product manual. The fi lters comply with the relevant standards as outlined in the following table.1st Environment : Drives directly connected without intermediate transformers to a low voltage (<100 Vrms) supply network that is part of a network that also supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.2nd Environment : Establishments where there is no direct connection to a low voltage supply network that also supplies buildings used for domestic purpose. TN Earthing = Grounded neutral AC supply <460 VACIT Earthing = Ungrounded neutral AC supply <500 VACExt. Filter = External fi lterExt. Filter FP = Footprint external fi lterEMC Filters1617AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesEMC FiltersDrive mounted on an external footprint fi lterAC DriveFootprint fi lter beneath the driveChassis plateEMC Filtersfor AC DrivesIP40 mounted: use mounting kits belowDimensions18AC650 - Variable Speed AC Drives Three Phase Line ReactorsThree Phase Line Reactorsfor AC Drives DescriptionParker’s range of line reactors have been especially selected to match the re-quirements of the Parker AC drive range and can be used on both the input and output sides of the drive. They are used to reduce the harmonic content of the supply current. A choke fi tted in the drive output limits the capacitive current when motor cable runs in excess of 50 m are used. It prevents overcurrent trips and temperature rise of the motor.As well as helping with compliance with IEEE 519 there are other benefi ts to using line/load reactors including:• Increased drive system reliability • Reduced harmonics / surge currents • Reduced motor noise and temperature • Improved true power factorLengthHeightDepthDimensions* Include Earth Stud19AC650 - Variable Speed AC DrivesSoftwareAccessories For All AC DrivesDrive System Explorer Lite (DSE Lite) SoftwareDescriptionDSE LITE software is an easy to use confi guration, commissioning and monitoring tool with graphical inter-face for the Parker SSD Drives range of AC and DC drives.While the drive is in running mode the oscilloscope function allows ‘‘on-line’’ monitoring of selected parameters and the recording of trends.DSE LITE, allows the user to create, parameterize and confi gure user defi ned applications thanks to func-tion blocks dedicated to speed con-trol, Winder, PID, Diameter calculator, Shaftless...DSE LITE is downloadable from our website.E d . 2010-09-29Parker Hannifi n Ltd.T achbrook Park Drive / T achbrook ParkWarwick, CV34 6TU United KingdomTel.: +44 (0) 1926 317 878Fax: +44 (0) 1926 317 855********************Europe, Middle East, AfricaAE – United Arab Emirates, Dubai Tel: +971 4 8127100********************AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – Eastern Europe, Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900****************************AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/LU – Belgium, Nivelles Tel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +375 17 209 9399*************************CH – Switzerland, Etoy Tel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – Finland, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)20 753 2500parker.fi ****************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, Athens Tel: +30 210 933 6450************************HU – Hungary, Budapest Tel: +36 1 220 4155*************************IE – Ireland, Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7272 505 800****************************NL – The Netherlands, Oldenzaal Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – Norway, Asker Tel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – Portugal, Leca da Palmeira Tel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081************************UA – Ukraine, Kiev Tel +380 44 494 2731*************************UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************North AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland Tel: +1 216 896 3000Asia Pacifi cAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, Tokyo Tel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt Wellington Tel: +64 9 574 1744SG – Singapore Tel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, Bangkok Tel: +662 717 8140TW – Taiwan, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2298 8987South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Cachoeirinha RS Tel: +55 51 3470 9144CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, Apodaca Tel: +52 81 8156 6000VE – Venezuela, Caracas Tel: +58 212 238 5422Your local authorized Parker distributorWe reserve the right to make technical changes. The data correspond to the technical state at the time of printing.© 2011 Parker Hannifi n Corporation. All rights reserved.Parker WorldwideEuropean Product Information Centre Free phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA)192-300002N1 May 2011。



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%With the pervasion of the ICT integration in the field of education, how teachers effectively use ICT in their teaching becomes one of the hot topics among educational researchers. In the past decade, many scholars have been working on the development of the framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and its application in teaching practice. These include theoretical discussion on TPACK, measurement of the seven TPACK components and their relationships, case studies on TPACK, strategies for enhancing TPACK, as well as the generality and specificity of TPACK. Therehave been three main perspectives of TPACK, namely alternative PCK view, integrative-facilitative view, and distinctive-developmental view, each of which has their own focus and merit. Most empirical studies indicate the difficulty and challenge of teasing apart the seven TPACK components. Potential factors include the training of teachers and teachers' affect/belief. Future TPACK research should take into account the highly contextual nature of TPACK and its specificity to technology, pedagogy, and content. More research can investigate how teachers' TPACK may develop within different countries/regions, subject matters (especially Language and Arts), instructional models, and technology-embedded environments. It is also necessary to interpret and develop teachers' TPACK from the lens of knowledge creation and design capacity, and that of students.【期刊名称】《现代远程教育研究》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】10页(P9-18)【关键词】TPACK;理论派别;实证探索;研究进展;研究趋向【作者】蔡敬新;邓峰【作者单位】新加坡南洋理工大学新加坡637616;新加坡南洋理工大学新加坡637616【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G434□[新加坡]蔡敬新邓峰随着信息技术与课程整合的理念在教育领域不断渗入,教师如何在教学中有效地使用信息技术成为教育研究者关注的热门话题之一(Deng et al.,2011;Jimoyiannis,2010)。



汽车行业词汇缩写 A-DCOD Cash on Delivery CP1Con firmation Prototype1 货到付现 预付货款(T/T in advanee)第一次确认样车A/D/V An alysis/Developme nt/Validati on分析/发展/验证 AA Approve Architecture 审批体系 ACD Actual Completi on Date实际完成日期 ALBS Assembly Line Bala nee System装配线平衡系统 ANDON 暗灯 AP Adva need Purchas ing 提前采购 API Adva need Product In formatio n 先进的产品信息 APQP Adva need Product Quality Pla nning 先期产品质量策划 ATT Actual Tact Time 实际单件工时Anti lock Brak ing System 美国汽车联合会 ABS AIAG ANPQP Allia nee New Product Quality ProcedureApport ionment 分配APQP Adva need Product Quality Plan BIQ Buildi ng in Quality BIW Body In White BOD Bill of Desig n BOE Bill of Equipme ntBOL Bill of Logistic BOM Bill of Material BOP Bill of Process 制造质量 白车身 设计清单 设备清单 装载清单 原料清单 过程清单 BPD Bus in ess Pla nt Deployme nt 业务计划实施 Backlite Win dshield Ben chmark Data 后窗玻璃 样件资料BMW Bavarian Motor Works CAD Computer Aided Desig n CAE ComputerAided Engin eeri ngCARE Customer Accepta nee & Review Evaluati on 计算机辅助设计计算机辅助工程(软件) 用户接受度和审查评估 CIP Continue Improve ProcessCIT Compartme nt In tegrati on Team CKD Complete Kno ckdow nCMM Coordin ate Measuri ng Mach ines CPV Cost per VehicleCR&W Con trols/Robotics & Weldi ng CS Con tract Sig ningCTD Cumulative Trauma DisadjustCTS Comp onent Tech ni cal Specificati on持续改进 隔间融合为组 完全拆缷 坐标测量仪 单车成本控制/机器人技术和焊接 合同签订 累积性外伤失调 零件技术规格 CVISCompleted Vehicle In spection Sta ndards整车检验标准Certified Purchasi ng man ger 认证采购经理人制度 CB Con firmation Build 确认样车制造 CC Cha nge CutOff 设计变更冻结 CC\SC critical/sig ni fica nt characteristic CCR Concern & Coun termeasure Request CCT Cross Compa ny Team Characteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图CP2 Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk Cpk=Zmin/3 过程能力指数CPO Complementary Parts Order Craftsmanship 精致工艺Cross functional teams 跨功能小组CUV Car Based Ultility VehicleECD Estimated Completion Date 计划完成日期3 lEGM Engineering Group Manager 工程组经理ENG Engineering 工程技术、工程学EOA End of Acceleration 停止加速EPC&L Engineering Production Control &Logistics 工程生产控制和后勤EQF Early Quality Feedback EWO E ngineering Work OrderEDI electronic data interchangeERP Enterprise Resource Planning ES Engineering Specification ESI Early Supplier InvolvementEx Work (工厂交货)、FOB (船上交货)早期质量反馈工程工作指令电子数据交换工程规格供应商先期参与、FAS (船边交货)或CIF (运保费在内交货)FEU Field Evaluation Units 用户市场实际体验与评估first gearFlow ChartFMEA FRG Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisFord Reliability Guideline 福特可靠性指导FA Final ApprovalFE Functional EvaluationFEDR Functional Evaluation Disposition Report FFF Free Form FabricationFIN FinancialFPS Fixed Point StopFTP File Transfer ProtocolFTQ First Time Quality 最终认可功能评估功能评估部署报告自由形态制造金融的定点停文件传送协议一次送检合格率DAP Design Analysis ProcessDES Design CenterDFA Design for AssemblyDOE Design Of ExperimentsDOL Die Operation Line Up DPV Defect per VehicleDQV Design Quality VerificationDRE Design Release EngineerDRL Direct Run LossDRRDirect Run RunDSC Decision Support CenterDCC Design Change ControlDOE Design Of ExaminationDQES Delivery Quality Evaluation System DTL Direct To LineDVP&R Design Validate Plan&Report设计分析过程设计中心装配设计试验设计冲模业务排行单车缺陷数设计质量验证设计发布工程师直行损失率直行率决策支持中心试验设计设计验证计划报告一档流程图前挡风玻璃FSS Full service supplier 全服务供应商 FTA Fault Tree AnalysisISIR Initial Sample Inspection Report GAGeneral Assembly 总装 GA Shop General Assembly Shop总装车间Paint Shop涂装车间Body Shop车身车间Press Shop冲压车间GCA Global Customer Audit全球顾客评审 GD&T Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 几何尺寸及精度 GDS Global Delivery Survey 全球发运检查 GM General Motors 通用汽车 GMAP GM Asia Pacific 通用亚太 GME General Motors Europe通用汽车欧洲 GMIO General Motors International Operations 通用汽车国际运作 GMIQ General Motors Initial Quality 通用汽车初始质量 GMPTG General Motors Powertrain Group通用汽车动力组 GMS Global Manufacturing System 通用全球制造系统 GP General Procedure通用程序 GQTS Global Quality Tracking System 全球质量跟踪系统 GSB Global Strategy Board全球战略部 GD&T Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 标准公差GR&R Guage Repeatability&reproducibility 量具的重复性和再现HVAC Heating, Ventilation ,and Air Conditioning加热、通风及空调 HTFBHard Tooling Functional Build工装集成调试与验证初始租约IE Industrial Engineering工业工程 ILRS Indirect Labor Reporting System 间接劳动报告系统 IO International Operations 国际业务 IOM Inspection Operation Method 检验操作方法 IOS Inspection Operation Summary 检验操作概要 IPC International Product Center 国际产品中心 IPTV Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车的故障率 IQS Initial Quality Survey 初始质量调查 IR Incident Report事故报告 ISP Integrated Scheduling Project 综合计划 ITP Integrated Training Process综合培训方法 ITSDInterior Technical Specification Drawing 内部技术规范图 IUVAInternational Uniform Vehicle Audit国际统一车辆审核ICD Interface Control Document 界面控制文件 IPO Individual Parts Order JIS Job Issue Sheet 工作要素单 JIT Just in Time 准时制 JPHJob per hour每小时工作量JES Job Element Sheet 工作要素单 Front WindshieldIC Initiate CharterOSHMSOccupational Safety & Health Management System 职业安全健康管理体系KCC Key Control Characteristics 关键控制特性 KCDS Key Characteristics Designation System 关键特性标识系统 KPC Key product Characteristic关键产品特性KDknocked down/ Semi Knock Down(SKD) /Completely Knock Down(CKD)KO Kick off LT Look atLaminated glass 夹层玻璃 LP - Lean Production 精益生产 LR Launch Readiness启动准备LVPM Local Vendor Packaging MethodNissan Design Specification NML Nissan Motor LtdOED Organization and Employee Development OSH Occupational Safety & Health OSHAOccupational Safety & Health ActNVH System Noise, Vibration & Harshness 系统噪音 ,振动及粗糙性MFD Metal Fabrication Division 金属预制件区 MFG Manufacturing Operations制造过程 ) MIE Manufacturing Integration Engineer 制造综合工程师 MLBS Material Labor Balance System 物化劳动平衡系统 MNG Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程 MPG Milford Proving Ground 试验场 MPI Master Process Index 主程序索引 MPL Master Parts List 主零件列表 MPS Material Planning System 原料计划系统 MRD Material Required Date 物料需求日期 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets 化学品安全数据单 MSE Manufacturing System Engineer 制造系统工程 MTBF Mean Time Between Failures平均故障时间 MTS Manufacturing Technical Specification生产技术规范MPV Multi MRD MRO MTPMotor Vehicle Safety StandardsPurposeVehicleMaterial Required DateMaintenance,Repair,and Operation Make to print supplier 照图加工供应商 NAMA North American Market Analysis NAO North American Operations NAOC NAO Containerization NCNumerically Controlled NOA Notice of Authorization NSBNAO Strategy BoardN/A Not Applicable北美市场分析 北美业务 NAO 货柜运输数字控制 授权书 北美业务部NCDR Non Conforming Delivery Report NCMAR NonConforming Material Action ReportNDA Non Disclosure Agreement保密协定NDS组织和员工发展 职业安全健康 T 职业安全与健康法案MVSS汽车发动机安全标准 多用途汽车OSHS Occupational Safety & Health Standards 职业安全标准OSM Outside of MaterialPA Production AchievementPAA Product Action AuthorizationPAC Performance Assessment CommitteePACE Program Assessment and Control Environment PAD Product Assembly DocumentPARTS Part Readiness Tracking SystemPC Problem CommunicationPCL Production Control and LogisticsPCM Process Control ManagerPCR Problem Communication ReportPDM Product Data ManagementPDS Product Description SystemPDT Product Development TeamPED Production Engineering DepartmentPEP Product Evaluation ProgramPER PersonnelPET Program Execution TeamPGM Program ManagementPI People InvolvementPLP Production Launch ProcessPMI Process Modeling IntegrationPMM Program Manufacturing ManagerPMR Product Manufacturability Requirements POMS Production Order Management SystemPOP Point of PurchasePP Push PullPPAP Production Part Approval ProcessPPE Personal Protective EquipmentPPH Problems Per HundredPPM Problems Per MillionPPS Practical Problem SolvingPR Performance ReviewPR/R Problem Reporting and ResolutionPRTS Problem Resolution and Tracking System PSC Portfolio Strategy CouncilPST Plant Support TeamPTO Primary TryoutPTR Production Trial RunPUR Purchasing生产结果产品临时授权绩效评估委员会项目评估和控制条件产品装配文件零件准备跟踪系统问题信息生产控制和支持工艺控制负责人问题交流报告产品资料管理产品说明系统产品发展小组产品工程部产品评估程序人员项目执行小组项目管理人员参与生产启动程序加工建模一体化项目制造经理产品制造能要求产品指令管理小组采购点推拉生产零部件批准程序个人防护用品百辆车缺陷数百万辆车缺陷数实际问题解决绩效评估问题报告和解决问题解决跟踪系统部长职务策略委员会工厂支持小组第一次试验生产试运行采购PAT Program Attributes Team 产品属性小组PDL Product Design LetterPH Proportions&HardpointsPIPC Percentage of Indexes with Process Capability PIST Percentage of Inspection points Satisfying Tolerance PMT Program Moudle Team 能力指数百分比检测点满意工差百分比产品模块小组PO Purchase OrderPPAP PPSR PQA PRProduction Part Approval Process Production Preparation Status ReportProcess Quality AssuranceProgram ReadinessPre Launch生产件批准程序price driven costingProduction Preparation Production Preparation Production Trial Run Prototype Final NissanInitial NissanPT2/Renault试生产价格引导成本PPPT1/Renault PPP3 试生产样件QA QAP QBC QC QCOS QE QET QFD QRD QS QUA QFTT QRQuality AuditQuality Assessment ProcessQuality Build ConcernQuality CharacteristicQuality Control Operation SheetsQuality EngineerQuality Engineering TeamQuality Function DeploymentQuality, Reliability and DurabilityQuality SystemQualityQuality Functional Task TeamQuality Reject质量评审质量评估过程质量体系构建关系质量特性质量风险控制质量工程师质量工程小组质量功能配置质量、可靠性和耐久力质量体系壬曰.质量质量拒收RC RCDRFQ RGM RONA RPO RQA RT&TM RAN Review CharterRequired Completion DateRequest For QuotationReliability Growth ManagementReturn on Net Assets RegularProduction Option RoutingQuality AssessmentRigorous Tracking and Throughout ManagementRelease Authorisation Number评估特许必须完成日期报价请求可靠性增长小组净资产评估正式产品选项程序安排质量评定严格跟踪和全程管理reverseRFQ RKD Request For QuotationReverse Knock Down倒车档询价Receiving Lot QuantityRLQROC Rate of ClimbROI return on investmentROP Re Order Point RTORequired To Operate报酬率SDC SF SIL SIPSL SLT SMBP Strategic Decision Center StylingFreeze Single Issue ListStandardized Inspection ProcessSystem Layouts Short LeadingTeam Synchronous Math战略决策中心造型冻结单一问题清单标准化检验过程系统规划缩短制造周期Based Process 理论同步过程系统管理小组 坏路实验 生产启动 安全操作规程 技术要求 标准化工作操作单 工作说明 发运优先级审计 统计过程控制 表面及原型工程配件组织 专一任务小组 供应商质量保证(供应商现场工程师) 供方质量控制 供应方质量开发 供方质量工程师供应商质量改进程序 子系统领导组 技术参数子系统标准化 二级试验 安全作业指导书 标准工作单位 模拟工作环境SJ Strategic IntentSNP Standard Number of Parts SOW state of work 工作申明SPC Statistical Process Control SQA Supplier Quality Assurance SREA Supplier Request for Engineering Approval 供应商工程设计更改申请ST Surface TranferSTRS Supplier Test Report System Subcontractor 分承包商 Sunroof Windshield 天窗玻璃 SUV Sports Utility Vehicle TAG Timing Analysis Group 定时分析组 TBD To Be Determined 下决定 TCS Traction Control System 牵引控制系统 TDC Technology Development Centre 技术中心 TDMF Text Data Management Facility 文本数据管理设备 TG Tooling工具TIMS Test Incident Management System 试验事件管理系统 TIR Test Incident Report试验事件报告 TMIE Total Manufacturing Integration Engineer 总的制造综合工程SMTSystems Management Team SNRSOP Start of Production SOP Safe Operating Practice SOR Statement of Requirements SOS Standardization Operation Sheet SOW Statement of Work SPA Shipping Priority AuditSPC Statistical Process Control SPE Surface and Prototype Engineering SPO Service Parts OperationsSPT Single Point TeamSQA Supplier Quality AssuranceSQC Supplier Quality Control SQD Supplier Quality Development SQE Supplier Quality Engineer SQIP Supplier Quality Improvement Process SSLT Subsystem Leadership Team SSTS Subsystem Technical Specification STD Standardization STO Secondary TryoutSUW Standard Unit of Work SWE Simulated Work EnvironmentSAIS Supplier Assessment & Improvement System SC Strategic Confirmation/significant Charac''teristics SDSSystem/ Design SpecificationsShipping Date 出货日、 Invoice Date 发票日或 Side Windshield 系统 /设计说明On Board Date 装船日侧窗玻璃SUIUCL Uniform Criteria ListUDR Unverified Data Release未经核对的资料发布WOT Wide Open Throttle 压制广泛开放 WPO Work Place Organization 工作场地布置 WWP Worldwide Purchasing全球采购WERS World Wide Engineering Release SystemWVTAWhole Vehicle Type ApprovalTOE Total Ownership Experience 总的物主体验 TPM Total Production Maintenance 全员生产维护 TSM Trade Study Methodology 贸易研究方法 TT Tact Time单件工时TVDE Total Vehicle Dimensional Engineer 整车外型尺寸工程师 TVIE Total Vehicle Integration Engineer 整车综合工程师 TWS Tire and Wheel System轮胎和车轮系统TAG Test Aptitude GraphiqueTCO Total Cost of Ownership总持有成本TCRA Total Cost Reduction ActivityTGR Things Gone RightTGW Things Gone WorstTM Techinical ManualTPM Total Preventive MaintenanceTTOTool Try Out 工装验证班组VAE Vehicle Assembly Engineer 车辆装配工程师 VCD Vehicle Chief Designer 汽车首席设计师 VCE Vehicle Chief Engineer汽车总工程师 CVCRI Validation Cross Reference Index 确认交叉引用索引VDR Verified Data Release 核实数据发布 VDS Vehicle Description Summary 汽车描述概要 VDT Vehicle Development Team 汽车发展组 VEC Vehicle Engineering Center 汽车工程中心 VIE Vehicle Integration Engineer 汽车综合工程师 VIN Vehicle Identification Number 车辆识别代码 VIS Vehicle Information System 汽车信息系统 VLE Vehicle Line Executive 总装线主管 VLM Vehicle Launch Manager 汽车创办经理 VOC Voice of Customer 顾客的意见 VOD Voice of Design 设计意见 VS Validation Station确认站VSAS Vehicle Synthesis Analysis and Simulation 汽车综合、分析和仿真 VSE Vehicle System Engineer 汽车系统工程师 VTS Vehicle Technical Specification 汽车技术说明书 VO Vehicle Operation 主机厂 VPP Vehicle Program Plan整车项目计划VQA Vehicle Quality AssuranceVTTOVendor Tool Try Out供应商工装验证统一零件分级UAW United Auto Workers统一的标准表UPC Uniform Parts Classification招聘IQC解聘OQC岗位说明书SOP (标准作业程序)绩效考核SPC部门管理TQM人力资源会议MRB (MaterialReviewBoard )物料评审会议人员流失要进行5W2H (what、why、where、when、who、how、howmuch)人才要先编写FMEA任用要进行PFMEA招聘要进行DFMEA岗位设计才是DFMEA工作流分析就是流程再造岗位职责要求就是SIP(StandardlnspectionProcedure标准检验程序)KPI权重就是AQL权重CP是岗位工作手册绩效标准、考评、面谈、反馈和改善计划就是APQP流程节点规划、岗位需求测量、价值流和工作流分析、岗位分析、绩效改善计划、绩效管制就是DMAIC (六西格玛项目推进流程)每日考勤和工作报表是查检表质量目标要用SMART员工关系是亲和度人员招聘委托书是CEM人事档案是DCC中介公司考察就是SSQA花名册明细名单BOM人员照片就是DWG人事招聘控制就是PCC人事招聘顾问QE绩效专员就是QA人资开发就是R&D人员招聘策划DQA招聘计划SQA关键特性就是KPI1PP First Phase of Production Prove Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Compete nee (专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart 零配件,Service, Survey 信息反馈5S整理,整顿,清理,清洁,8D 8 Discipli neD1 :信息收集;D2 :建立8D小组;D3 :制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5 :根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6 :执行和确认永久措施;D7 :预防再发,实施永久措施;D8 :认可团队和个人的贡献。



人教版全国全部高考专题英语高考真卷1.阅读理解第1题.Everyone knows the saying: good fences make good neighbors. Basically, it means to set firm boundaries. By setting boundaries, we find the freedom to behave in our best interest, with fewer unwanted distractions. This is even more important in our digital age, where there are so many people competing for our attention and so many ways to be distracted.It is one of the most important skills to master for both personal and professional growth. And one of the most important aspects of a good fence is the ability to say no to the people, activities and appointments that we do not enjoy or that do not advance us personally or professionally. When you say no to the things that don't help you, you are, in effect, saying yes to the things that will. By saying no, you open up the space necessary for yes.For most of us, saying no is rather difficult. We seem to say yes to everything. I think one of the reasons is that we want to be liked. We want to be seen as team players. We want to avoid hurting the feelings of others. We say yes to too many things maybe out of guilt or maybe to prove that we can do it all.Whatever the psychological back story, whatever the reason, the fact remains that saying yes to too many things will make us end up getting to a situation where we have too many things to do, but most of them don't have real value for us and our life. By saying yes to too many things, we may be saying no to some very important things. If our plate is too full, there's noroom for the unexpected or ideal opportunity. If our fences aren't strong, everything gets in.In order to reach our goals we have to build some fences to guard and protect ourselves so we can grow. Learn to say no to the people, situations. and commitments that do not move us toward our goal.(1)What does the underlined word "It" n Paragraph 2 refer to'?A: Seeking freedom.B: Focusing attention.C: Building good fences.D: Developing broad interests.(2)What does the author intend to do in the third paragraph?A: Explain the sense of our guilt.B: Show what makes it hard to say no.C: Introduce the way we want to be liked.D: Stress the excuses for refusing requests.(3)What is the effect of always saying yes on us?A: Winning high praise.B: Missing golden chances.C: Managing time effectively.D: Losing self-control ability.(4)What's the best title for the text?A: How You Should Say NoB: The Tips on How to Help OthersC: Why Saying No Gets You AheadD: The Art of Making Good Neighbors【答案】CBBC【解答】(1)C 代词指代题。



第3期(总第92期)煤 化 工No.3(Total No.92) 2000年8月 C oal Chemical Industry Aug.2000褐煤新法干馏 郭树才 大连理工大学 116012 摘 要 褐煤含挥发分高,适于转化利用。




关键词 褐煤 低温干馏 热解 温和转化引 言东北和内蒙东四盟地区褐煤多,占全区煤储量的76%,产量也达到38%左右。









褐煤H、C原子比较高,我国褐煤的H、C原子比约为0.75~ 1.1[1]。













收稿日期:19990918基金项目:国家863计划资助项目(863-511-9502-312)作者简介:仲智刚(1974-),男(汉),浙江,博士研究生仲智刚 文章编号:1003-8728(2001)01-0136-02物料清单正确性检查方法研究仲智刚,潘晓弘,程耀东,任雪松(浙江大学精密机械工程系,杭州 310027)摘 要:物料清单是联系企业CA D /C AP P /CA M 的纽带,更是M R PII 系统正常运行的基础。



关 键 词:物料清单;M RP II;死锁中图分类号:T P 391.73 文献标识码:A物料清单(BO M )是联系企业CA D /CAP P /CAM 的纽带,也是M RPII 系统运行的主导文件。

它是企业销售、采购、计划、生产、设计、工艺、制造等各部门都要参照的重要文件,在所有的基础数据中,BOM 的影响性最大,对它的正确性要求最高。

通常M RPII 系统为了正确运行,其BOM 的正确性应不小于95%,如果BO M 不准确,运行M RP II 就失去意义,同时也会给企业的集成带来很多困难。

BOM 通常是在关联数据模型的支持下,以数据库表的形式存放。

数据量大,且容易出错,靠人工核对或根据实际运行中出现错误再更改BO M 表,工作量大且会带来许多不必要的损失。

本文结合我们在国家863-CIM S 应用推广项目中所遇见的问题,重点讨论了如何根据BO M 表的特点,应用编程的方法对BO M 表的正确性进行检查,大大避免了BO M 表出错的可能性。

1 BO M 表分析根据不同的需要,BOM 表的形式可能不同,通常有缩排式、汇总式、成本、计划BOM 等几种。

无论何种形式的BOM 表,主要包括两类信息:一是物料的基本属性,又包括物料编码,物料名称,材料等;二是各物料之间的装配关系,又包括父项物料码、属数量、层次码、底层码等;表1为一典型的BO M 表的主要部分。

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