English-Chinese Translation 1
Anglo-saxon Attitude) 儿戏? 轻而易举 Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place. 华尔街是一个残酷的地方。
1. 1. 3 Requirements for a translator
② 米勒给切斯特菲尔德夫人画了一副画,画上的她比她本人要好看 些 / 该像之美简直超过了她本人。
(3) Henry Kissinger had slept there before, in July and again in October. 这之前,亨利· 基辛格在7月和10月两度在这里下榻。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1 General issues
1. 1. 1 The nature of translation
1) Translation is a cross-lingual and cross-cultural communication.
2) Translation means to reproduce in the target language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of
He emerged on January 31 to go to Deli for the conference which, however negative from his point of view, at least provided the occasion for his bath in twenty-nine days. 译文1:一月三十一日,史迪威抵达德里。尽 管他对这个会议的态度十分消极,但最少在二 十九天以来,他第一次有了个洗澡的机会。 译文2:一月三十一日,史迪威参加会议。这 次会议在他看来不管有多么消极,至少为他提 供了一个二十九天以来第一次洗澡的机会。
english- chinese的用法 -回复
english- chinese的用法-回复英文中的"Chinese"通常指的是中文这一语言。
名词用法:1. 指中国人:当"Chinese"被用作名词时,它通常指的是中国人。
例如:"There were many Chinese at the conference."(在会议上有很多中国人。
)形容词用法:1. 笼统用法:"Chinese"作为形容词时,可以用来形容与中国相关的事物。
例如:"I love Chinese food."(我喜欢中国菜。
)2. 指中国的:在特定语境中,"Chinese"也可以用来指代与中国有关的事物,如文化、习俗、产品等。
例如:"I am studying Chinese history."(我在研究中国历史。
)代词用法:1. 指中文:有时,“Chinese”作为代词,用来指代中文这一语言。
例如:“I can speak Chinese.”(我会说中文。
)2. 指中国人:在某些上下文中,"Chinese"也可以作为代词使用,指代中国人。
例如:“Chinese have a long history of tea drinking.”(中国人有着悠久的饮茶历史。
English-Chinese Proverbs
The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them; a man may live long, yet get little from life. 生命的价值不在于寿命长短,而在于如何善用时光;人或许可以长命百岁,但却一事无成。
Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person。 —— 所谓爱,就是当感觉、热情和浪漫统your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. 永远不要放弃犯错的权利,因为如果那样,你就失去了学习新事物、推进生活的能力。
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. 人生10%是关于你身上发生了什么事,其余90%都是关于你怎么应对这些事。By C.R.Swindoll
Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. 衡量自己年不年轻,看朋友,而不是看年纪。评价自己过得好不好,看笑容,而不是看眼泪。--By 约翰列侬
英汉小词典 English -Chinese Dictionary
样说 。
个 问题类 务招 标 投
标 管理 办法》第 四章第 四 十一 条
规 定 :开 标 时 投 , 标 文 件 中开 标一
览表 内容与投标 文 件 中明细 表 内
的 内容 不 一 致 的 , 以 开 标 一 览 表
为准 。 所 以 ,该案例 中的产品参数
行相 应 的加 、 减分 。 但是 目前却
很 少 有招标文件 中明确地 说 明 ,
负偏 离到何种 程 度 就步入 了无 法
满足招标文件要求的“ 禁区 ” 了。
根 据 《中华人 民共 和 国政府采 购
法 》和 《政府采 购货物 和 服务招 标
投标 管理 办 法 》 中相 关评 标 办 法
中的条款 , 满足招标文件实质性
要 求是最 基 本 的前提条件 。 因
此 , 业 内人 士 认为 , 在评标细则
中明确负偏离的尺 度 , 才能使采
购结果真正 做到满足实质性 的
要 求。
在该案例中, 招标文件中的
评 标 细 则 中也 没 有 说 明负偏离 的
具体尺度 , 但是相关技术专家表
示 , 这个参数是 “ 差 之 毫厘 、 谬 之 千里 ” 的 , 所 以 , 此 处 只 做减
应该 以开 标一 览表 中的为准 ,那
么 Y 供应 商所 提供 的产 品参数
就应该 是不 合格 的 。
供应 商的产 品参数
不合格到了什么程度呢? 是应该
减分还 是应该直接出局 呢? 在编
制招标文件 的过程 中 , 经 常会 出
现 招 标 文 件 的评 标 细则 中设 置 正
偏离和负偏离的情况 , 并且 会进
english- chinese的用法
o English: "I love you."
o Chinese: "我爱你。
o Chinese: "春节"
o English: "Spring Festival"
中国英语故事一、引言中国英语(Chinese English)是指在中国境内使用的一种英语变体,它伴随着中国近现代历史的发展而逐渐形成。
二、中国英语的特点及影响1.特点:(1)词汇创新:中国英语在吸收外来词汇的基础上,发展出了许多具有中国特色的英语词汇,如"guanxi(关系)"、"cheng guo(成长)"等。
(2)语法融合:中国英语在使用过程中,往往会出现中英文语法相互融合的现象,如"I very like it(我非常喜欢)"。
(3)发音特点:受到汉语拼音的影响,中国英语的发音有时会带有汉语的音调,如"Los Angeles"可能被读作"luo si jie si"。
2.语法融合:在表达祝贺时,中国英语可能会说:"Congratulations on your pregnancy, you will be a great mom!"(祝贺你怀孕,你将会是个伟大的妈妈!)四、中国英语在国内外应用的现状和展望1.现状:(1)在国内,中国英语广泛应用于教育、媒体、广告、职场等领域。
China English
1)汉语与英语语言文化交流过程中所产生的一种语 言现象。 2)不属于将英语民族的人所惯用的词语,表达中国 社会诸领域特有事物,具有中国特点的英语。 3)以规范英语为基础,能够进入英语交际。不受母 语干扰。 4)有益于传播中国文化,将随着中国人使用的普及 和中国特色的形成而逐渐扩充,从而丰富和发展英 语和世界文化。 5)不同于中式英语。
Unnecessary Modifier
今年从外国进口的汽车急剧地下降。 A: imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year B: imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year (You cannot import a domestic product.)
中式英语Continued 中式英语Continued
前台小姐: “You yourself look. All people are playing, no people have time, you can wait, you wait, you not wait, you go ! 老外: “Good heavens. Anybody here can speak English?” 前台小姐: “Shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing ?” 老外:“I want to speak to your head.” 前台小姐:“Head not zai. You tomorrow come!
Unnecessary NoA: at that time the situation in northeast China was still one where the enemy was stronger than the people’s forces B: at that time the enemy was still stronger than the people’s forces in northeast China 〔 “situation” is a particularly dangerous noun. Not only is it generally unnecessary, but it drags other unnecessary elements after it (in this instance, “one where” ) 〕
117.分文不值not worth a dump
118.分身乏术One can’t be in two places at one time.
119.分秒必争Every minute counts.
120.分道扬镳go separate ways
65.三番两次time after time
66.三缄其口hold one’s peace
67.于事无补be of little avail(效用)
68.大刀阔斧go to the whole hog(肥(公)猪)
69.大功告成come off with honors
70.大同小异be much of muchness (多量,大量)
71.大言不惭blow one’s own trumpet
72.大快朵颐eat one’s fill
73.大海捞针look for a needle in a haystack
74.大智若愚Still waters run deep.
75.寸步不离keep…at one’s elbow
76.口若悬河talk nine words at once
97.不识抬举Bring a cow to the hall(礼堂)and she will run to byre(牛栏).
98.不择手段by hook(吊钩) or by crook(钩状物)
99.不知死活heedless(不注意的)of consequences
100.不知好歹don’t know chalk(白垩) from cheese
41.七窍生烟in a great fury
42.七零八落go to reck(顾虑)and rain
中式英语 Chinese English-高中英语作文
中式英语 Chinese English-高中英语作文ChinahasthelargestpopulationintheworldandEnglishistheintern ationallanguage.TherearealotoffunnythingswhenChinesepeoplel earnEnglish.Theywillmixthewordswiththeirownlanguage.Somever yclassicwordshavebeencreated.Suchasthesentencelongtimenosee ,itisthemostclassicwordsthatwerespokenbyChinese.Actually,th elocalpeoplewon’tsaythesewordsbuttheyknowthemeaning.Astheseclassicsentences arespokenbymoreandmoreChinesepeoplethenthewesternpeopleacce ptthem.Today,moreChineseEnglishhavebeenadmittedbytheofficia ldictionary.Wecanseethegreatinfluencefrombigcountry.AsChina isgettingstronger,wearesoproudofbeingpartofit.Ofcourse,toma stertheinternationallanguageisthekeytoknowmoreabouttheworld.中国是世界上人口最多的国家,而英语则是国际语言。
1. 翻译的定义、分类
2. 翻译的标准 3. 翻译的过程:理解——表达——校对 4. 中、西译史 练习
Teaching aims: to learn about the similarities and differences of Chinese and English in word forming and vocabulary so as to translate them accurately. Main Language points: 1. Comparative studies of language family 2. Comparative studies of word building in English and Chinese 3. Comparative studies of syllable Exercise
导 学
1. 课程要求 2. 课时安排 3. 学法指导 4. 参考书 学习网站
教学目的:本章旨在让学生了解什么是翻译,掌 握翻译的类别、标准、过程;同时了解部分中西 代表译论。 教学内容:
教学目的:旨在帮助学生了解词义的多样性 (引申、褒贬);并掌握词语翻译的选词技巧。 教学内容:
1. 词义的选择
2. 词义的引申 3. 词义的褒贬 4. 翻译练习
一、教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技 巧,从而在英汉翻译时做到通顺、准确。 二、教学过程:
Textile names English - Chinese (Phonetic)
靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray (dian lan qing nian bu)人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flocking (ren mianbu zhirong)PVC植绒:PVC flocking (PVC zhirong)针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking (zhen zhibu zhirong)珠粒绒:Claimond veins (zhu lirong)倒毛:Down pile making (daomao)平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain) (pingrong)仿麂皮:Micro suede (fang jipi)牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking (niuzai pi zhirong)尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze) (nisifang)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta (nilong tafu paopaosha)素面植绒:plain flocking (sumian zhirong)印花植绒:flocking(flower)(yinhua zhirong)雕印植绒:Embossing flocking (diaoyin zhirong)皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking (pige goudi zhirong)牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking (niuzai zhirong diaoyin)兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating (tu yangrong dayini)双面呢:double-faced woolen goods羊毛 (shuangmian ni)立绒呢:cut velvet (lirong ni)顺毛呢:over coating (shunmao ni)粗花呢:costume tweed (cuhua ni)弹力呢:lycra woolen goods (tanli ni)塔丝绒: Nylon taslon (tasi rong)塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop (tasirong gezi)桃皮绒:polyester peach skin (taopi rong)涤塔夫:polyester taffeta (taota fu)春亚纺:polyester pongee (chunya fang)超细麦克布:Micro fiber (chaoxi maikebu)锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain) (jinmianchou ,pinwen)重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) (chongpinmian mianchou) 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (ranzimian mianfang)斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill) (ciewenmian mianfang)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet (suse tian e rong )抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet (choutiao momao tian e rong)雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet (xue hua tian e rong)轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet (yahua tian e rong )粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet (lili rongbu)麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric (mamian hunfangbu)麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric (mianma jiaozhibu)素色毛巾布:solid terry (suse maojinbu)蚂蚁布:fleece in one side (mayibu )素色卫衣布:solid fleece (suse weiyibu)鱼网布:fleece (yuwangbu)彩条汗布:color-stripes single jersey (caotiaohanbu)T/R弹力布:T/R bengaline (tanlibu)T/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric (sezhi gezibu)弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandex (tanli fang jipi)T/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede (T/R fangjipi)仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece (fangjipi yaolirong fuhebu)仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric(fangjipi zhengzhi fuhe)仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur(fangjipi yanggao fuhe)蜡光缎:cire satine (laguangduan)全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta (quanxiaoguang nisifang)半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta (banxiaoguang nisifang)亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon (liangguang nilong)全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan (quanxiaoguang tasilong)全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford (quanxiaoguang niujinbu)尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop (nilong ge)塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop (tasilongge)哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee (yafudi)全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee (quanxiaoguang chunyafang)春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop (chunyafang gezi)全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach (quanxiaoguang taolun taopirong)宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach (kuanxiewen taopirong)涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach (dijin fuhe taopirong)涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop (dilun gezi)涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan (dilun fengchao tasilong)全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford (quanxiaoguang tilun tanli niujinbu)涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyester inter-woven pea(dijin jiaozhi taopirong)颜色方面增白: WHITE / SNOW WHITE (zenbai)特黑: BLACK / JET BLACK (tehei)奶白: IVORY/ECRU/OFF WHITE/CREAM (nai bai)大红: RED (dahong)紫红: BORDEAUX/WINE (zihong)紫色: BURGUNDY/PLUM/VIOLET/PURPLE (zise)绿色: GREEN (lu se)灰色: GREY (hui se)玉色: OYSTER/PEACH (yu se)黄色: YELLOW (huang se)卡其: KAHKI (ka qi)雪青: LILAC (xue qin)古铜色: BROWN (gutong se )梅红: FUSCHIA (mei hong)墨绿: CHARCOAL (mo lu)豆绿: OLIVE (dou lu)藏青: NAVY/BLUE (zang qing)天蓝: SKY BLUE (tian lan)粉红: PINK (fen hong )米色: BEIGE (mi se)橘黄: ORANGE (ju huang)驼色: CAMEL (luo se)产品包装方面卷杆: RILLING/WINDING (juan gan)散装: LOOSE PACKING (suan zhuang)编织袋: WEAVING BAG (bianzhidai)纸箱: CARTON (zhixiang)木箱: WODEN CASE (moxiang)中性包装: NEUTRAL PACKING (zhongxin baozhuang)单幅卷杆: ROLLED ON TUBES IN OPEN WIDTH (danfu jugan)双幅卷杆: DOUBLE FOLDED ON ROLLS (shuangfu juangan)双幅折板: DOUBLE FOLDED ON BOARD (shungfu zheban)腰封: PAPER TAPES (yaofrng)纸管: TUBE (zhiguan)吊牌: LABLE / HANG TAG (diaopai)唛头: SHIPPING MARK (maitou)船样: SHIPPING SAMPLE (chuanyang)塑料袋: POLY BAG (suliaodai)匹长: ROLL LENGTH (pichang)拼匹: ROLL WITH SEWING / ROLL WITH JOIN (pinpi)拼箱: LCL (pinxing)整箱: FCL (zhenxiang)出口包装: EXPORT PACKING (chukoubaozhuang)产品检验及标准方面质量标准: QUALITY STANDARD(OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100、ISO9002、SGS、ITS、AATCC、M&S)(zhiliang biaozhun)客检: CUSTOMER INSPECTION (kejian)台板检验:TABLE INSPECTION (taiban jianyan)经向检验: LAMP INSPECTION (jinxiang jianyan)色牢度: COLOR FASTNESS (selaodu)皂洗色牢度: WASHING COLOR FASTNESS (zaoxi selaodu)摩擦色牢度: RUBBING / CRICKING COLOR FASTNESS (moca selaodu)光照色牢度: LIGHT COLOR FASTNESS (guangzhao selaodu)汗渍色牢度: PERSPIRATION COLOR FASTNESS (hanzi selaodu)水渍色牢度: WATER COLOR FASTNESS (shuizi selaodu)氯漂白色牢度: CHLORINE BLEACH COLOR FASTNESS (lupiao selaodu)尺寸稳定性: DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (chicun wending xin)外观持久性: APPEARANCE RETENTION (waiguan chijiuxin)拉伸强度: TENSILE STRENGTH (lashen qiangdu)撕破强度: TEAR STRENGTH (sipo qiangdu)接缝滑裂: SEAM SLIPPAGE (jiefeng hualie)抗起毛起球性: PILLING RESISTANCE (kangqimao qiqiuxin)耐磨性: ABRASION RESISTANCE 拒水性: WATER REPELLENCY (naimoxin) 抗水性: WATER RESISTANCE (kangshuixing)织物密度: THREAD PER INCH/STICH DENSITY (zhiwumidu)纱支: YARN COUNT (shazhi)克重: WEIGHT (kezhong)产品疵点方面疵点: DEFECT/FAULT (cidian)经柳: STREAKY WARP (jinliu)断经: BROKEN END (duanjin)急经: RIGHT END (jijin)粗纬: COARSE PICKS (cuwei)粗经: COARSE END (cujin)断纬: BROKEN PICKS (duanwei)纬斜: SKEWING/SLOPE (weixie)横档: FILLING BAR (hengdang)污迹: STAIN/DIRT (wuji)异型丝: GOAT/FOREING YARN (yixinsi)破洞: HOLE (podong)色花: SHADE VARIATION/COLOR DIFFERENCE/COLOR DIVIATION (sehua) 色柳: COLOR STRIPE (seliu)渗色: COLOR BLEEDING (shense)褪色: COLOR FADING/DISCOLOR (tuise)擦伤: SCRATCH/BARASION/WINCH MARK (cashing)松板印: MOIRE EFFECTS(songbanyin)折痕: CREASE MARK (zheheng)整理方面染色前整理: PREMINARY FINISH(PFP PFD)(ranseqian zhenli)退浆: DESIZING (tuijiang)染色: DYEING (ranse)固色: COLOR FIXING (guse)后整理: AFTER FINISH / AFTER TREATMENT (houzhenli)热定型: HEAT SETTING (redingxing)树脂整理: RESIN FINISH (shuzhi zhengli)切割:CUT(qiege)轧花: EMBOSSED/LOGOTYPE (yahua涂层: COATING ( PVC、PU、PA) (tuceng)涂白: WHITE PIGMENT (tubai)涂银: SILVER (yuyin)烫金: GOLD PRINT (tangjin)磨毛: BRUSHED (momao)起皱: CRINKED/ CREPED (qizhou)轧泡: BUBBLED (yapao)丝光: MERCERIZED (siguang)硬挺: STIFFENING (yingting)抗静电: ANTI-STATIC (kang jindian)抗起球: ANTI-PILLING (kang qiqiu)防羽绒: DOWN PROOF (fang yurong)防霉: ANTI-FUNGUS (fang du)免烫: WASH AND WEAR (miantang)砂洗: STONE WASHED (shaxi)阻燃: FLAM RETARDANT (zuran)环保染色: AZO FREE / NO AZO (huanbao ranse)防水: W/P ( WATER SHRINKAGE )(fangshui)拒水: W/R (WATER REPELLENT )(jushui)缩水: W/S ( WATER SHRINKAGE )(sushui)印花: PRINTING (yinhua)涂料印花: COAT PRINTING (tuliao yinhua)拔染印花: DISCHARGE PRINTING (boran ynhua)平网印花: PLATE SCREAM PRINTING (pinwang yinhua)圆网印花: ROTARY SCREAM PRINTING (yuanwang yinhua)转移印花: TRANSFER PRINTING (zhuanyi yinhua)烂花: BURN OUT (lanhua)模版印花: BLOCK PRINTING (moban yinhua)纸版印花: PAPER STENCIL (zhiban yinhua)设备方面麦克贝思电脑配色系统: MACBETH “ CLOR –EYE ” COMPUTER COLOR –MATCHING SYSTEM (maokebeisi diannao peise xitong)电脑配液系统:“ RAPID –DOSER ” LABORTEX –LABORATORY DOSING SYSTEM(diannao peiyi xitong)VERIVIDE对色灯箱: VERIVIDE COLOR ASSESMENT CABINET (duise dengxiang)打样: LAB DIPS 大货生产: BULK PRODUCTION (dayang)精练机: DESIZING MACHINE (jinlianji)折幅机: CREASING MACHINE (zhefuji)卷染: JIG DYEING (juan ran)溢流染色: JET OVERFLOW DYEING/BLEED DYEING (yiliu ranse)轧染: PAD DYEING (yaran)定型机: SET-STRECHING/STENTER FRAME (dingxingji)染料方面碱性染料: Basic Dyes(jianxinranliao)酸性染料: ACID DYES (suanxinranliao0活性染料: REACTIVE DYES (huoxinranliao)分散染料: DISPERSE DYES (fensan ranliao0阳离子染料: CATION DYES (yanglizi ranliao)还原染料: VAT DYES (huanyuan ranliao0直接染料: DIRECT DYES (zhijie ranliao)硫化染料: SULPHUR DYES 9(liuhua ranliao)非偶氮染料: AZO FREE DYES (feioudanranliao) 产品方面里料: LINING(liliao)面料: FABRIC (mianliao)平纹: TAFFETA (pinwen)斜纹: TWILL (xiewen)缎面: SATIN / CHARMEUSE (danmian)绡: LUSTRINE (xiao)提花: JACQUARD (tihua)烂花: BURNT-OUT (lanhua)春亚纺:PONGEE (chunyafang)格子: CHECK (gezi)条子: STRIPE(tiaozi)双层: DOUBLE – LAYER (shuangcen)双色: TWO – TONE (shuangse)花瑶: FAILLE (huayao)高士宝: KOSHIBO 9gaosibao)雪纺: CHIFFON (xuefang)乔其: GEORGETTE (qiaoqi)塔丝隆: TASLON (tasilong)弹力布: SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA (tanlibu) 牛仔布: JEANET (niuzaibu)牛津布: OXFORD (niujinbu)帆布: CAMBRIC (fanbu)涤棉: P/C (jinmian)涤捻: T/R (tinian)白条纺: WHITE STRIPE (baitiaofang)黑条纺: BLACK STRIPE (heitiaofang)空齿纺: EMPTY STRIPE (kongchifang)水洗绒/桃皮绒: PEACH SKIN (shuixirong)卡丹绒: PEACH TWILL(kadanrong)绉绒: PEACH MOSS (zhourong)玻璃纱: ORGANDY (bolisha)原料方面涤纶:PLOYESTER (dilun)锦纶:NYLON/POLYAMIDE (mianlun)醋酸:ACETATE (cusan)棉; COTTON (mian)人棉:RAYON(ren mian)人丝:VISCOSE (rensi)仿真丝:IMITATED SILK FABRIC (fang zhensi)真丝:SILK (zhensi)氨纶:SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA (anlun)长丝: FILAMENT(changsi)短纤: SPUN(duanqian)黑丝:BLACK YARN(heisi)阳离子: CATION (yanglizi)三角异形丝: TRIANGLE PROFILE (sanjiaoyixinsi)空气变形丝:AIR-JET TEXTURING YARN (kongqi bianxingsi)超细纤维: MICRO – FIBRIC (chaoxi qianwei)全拉伸丝: FDY (FULL DRAWN YARN) (quan lashensi)预取向丝: POY(PREORIENTED YARN) (yuquxiang si)拉伸变形丝: DTY(DRAW TEXTURED YARN)(lashen bianxinsi) 牵伸加捻丝: DT(jianshen jianiansi)YH Yark hair 牦牛毛 (muniumao)MD Modal 莫代尔 (modaier)CH Camel hair 驼绒( tuorong)CU Cupro 铜 (tong0MS Mulberry silk 桑蚕丝(sangcansi)LY Lycra 莱卡 (laika)KENDER Kender 罗布麻 (luobuma)SILKOOL Silkool 大豆蛋白纤维 (dadou danbai qianwei)CVC CVC 涤棉倒比 (dimian daobi)N Nylon 锦纶 (mianlun)R Rayon 人棉 (ranmian)V Viscose 粘胶 (nianjiao)SP Spendex 氨纶 (anlun)PP Polypropylene 丙纶 (binlun)PV Polyvinyl 维纶 (weilun)A Acrylic 腈纶(jinglun)Tel Tencel 天丝(tiansi)fabric 布料(buliao)velvet fabric 天鹅绒(tian e rong)wool fabric 羊毛织物(yangmao zhiwu)upholstery fabric 家具修饰品布料(jiaju xiushipin buliao) linen fabric 亚麻布(yamabu)polyester fabric 涤沦(tilun)silk fabric 丝(si)fashion fabric 时尚布料(shishang buliao)curtain fabric 窗帘(chuanglian)stretch fabric 弹力(tanli)felt fabric 毛毡(maozhan)drapery fabric 打邹悬挂的布 (dazou xiangua d bu)chenille fabric 绳绒线绳(shenron xianshen)satin fabric 缎纹布料(danwen buliao)denim fabric 牛仔布(niuzaibu)fabric wholesale 批发布(pifabu)suiting fabric 西装布(xizhuangbu)rayon fabric 人造丝织物(renzaosi zhiwu)upholstery fabrics 家具修饰品布料(jiaju xiushipin buliao)knitted fabric 针织胚布(zhenzhi pibu)fabric woven 机织(jizhi)fabric wholesaler 批发商(pifashang)fiber fabric 光芊布料(guangqian buliao)canvas fabric 帆布(fanbu)fabric weave 编织布(bianzhibu)jersey fabric 运动布(yundongbu)corduroy fabric 灯芯绒(dengxinrong)microfiber fabric 微小的布 (weixiao d bu)decorative fabric 做装饰用的布(zuo zhuangshi yong d bu)fabric printing 印刷(yinshua)furniture fabric 家具布(jiaju bu)flannel fabric 法烂绒(fa lan rong)discount upholstery fabric 打折装饰布料(dazhe zhuangshi buliao)。
english- chinesa的用法
english- chinesa的用法English-Chinese Usage: A Guide to Understanding the Use of [english chinesa](英汉使用:理解[english chinesa]的用法指南)Introduction(介绍)In this article, we will discuss the usage and importance of [english chinesa] in bridging the gap between the English and Chinese languages. [english chinesa] is a term that refers to the mixture or integration of English and Chinese languages or cultural elements in a specific context. This linguistic phenomenon has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, mainly due to globalization and the growing influence of English as a global language.The Rise of [english chinesa]([english chinesa]的兴起)1.1 Globalization and Cultural Exchange(全球化与文化交流)With the advent of globalization, the world has become a global village where cross-cultural interactions have become the norm. English, as the lingua franca of global communication, has inevitably seeped into various languages and cultures, includingChinese. As such, [english chinesa] has emerged as a linguistic and cultural hybrid that reflects the increasing interconnectedness of the world.1.2 Influence of English Language(英语语言的影响)English has become the most widely spoken language globally, thanks to the economic, political, and cultural dominance of English-speaking countries. As English continues to exert its influence, it is only natural for it to blend with local languages, such as Chinese, resulting in unique variations like [english chinesa]. This blending of languages is not limited to daily conversations but extends to various aspects of life, including media, entertainment, and technology.Understanding the Dynamics of [english chinesa](理解[english chinesa]的动态)2.1 Code-Switching and Code-Mixing(语码切换和语码混合)In the context of [english chinesa], one commonly encountered phenomenon is code-switching. Code-switching refers to the practice of alternating between two or more languages within a single conversation or even within a single sentence. Code-mixing,on the other hand, involves blending two or more languages in a sentence or utterance. Both code-switching and code-mixing are common in [english chinesa] as individuals seamlessly integrate English and Chinese words and phrases, reflecting their bilingual proficiency and cultural identity.2.2 Cultural Implications(文化含义)[english chinesa] represents more than just a linguistic integration; it also reflects the cultural fusion between the English-speaking world and Chinese-speaking communities. It is perceived as a manifestation of cultural openness, adaptability, and the ability to navigate between different cultural spheres. This cultural fluidity allows individuals to express themselves in a way that embraces both their Chinese heritage and their exposure to English-speaking cultures.Applications and Importance of [english chinesa]([english chinesa]的应用和重要性)3.1 Business and Global Communication(商务和全球交流)In today’s globalized economy, mastering [english chinesa] can prove to be advantageous. Many multinational corporationsoperate in both English-speaking and Chinese-speaking countries, making [english chinesa] a valuable tool for effective communication. Professionals who possess bilingual proficiency in English and Chinese have a competitive edge in the job market, especially in industries such as international trade, tourism, and technology.3.2 Cultural Exchange and Understanding(文化交流与理解)[english chinesa] acts as a bridge between two rich and diverse cultures, facilitating cultural exchange and understanding. Through [english chinesa], English speakers can gain insights into Chinese culture, traditions, and values, while Chinese speakers can have a deeper understanding of English-speaking cultures. This enables people from different backgrounds to develop closer relationships, foster empathy, and break down cultural barriers.Criticism and Challenges(批评和挑战)4.1 Language Preservation(语言保护)Critics argue that the widespread use of [english chinesa] may lead to the erosion of traditional Chinese language and culture. They fear that the dominance of English elements in [english chinesa]could overshadow the uniqueness and integrity of the Chinese language. Advocates for language preservation emphasize the need to strike a balance between embracing linguistic diversity and safeguarding the integrity of the Chinese language.Conclusion(结论)In conclusion, [english chinesa] represents a dynamic linguistic and cultural phenomenon that reflects the interconnectedness of the English and Chinese languages. While some view it as a positive development that fosters global communication and cultural exchange, others raise concerns about language preservation. As [english chinesa] continues to evolve, it is crucial to strike a balance between embracing this linguistic hybridity and preserving the distinctiveness of the Chinese language and culture.。
english- chinese的用法 -回复
english- chinese的用法-回复English Chinese的用法在全球化的时代,英语是世界上最为广泛使用的语言之一。
箱包专业名词 (English - Chinese)第三集:面料和辅料
【箱包知识】箱包专业名词 (English - Chinese)第三集:面料和辅料06-10-14 11:52 发表于:《【我爱包包】》 分类:未分类artificial leather人造革design sketch设计图baseball leather棒球革invisible zipper/conceal zipper:隐形拉链;basketball leather篮球革backing .COATIING涂层bellow leather风箱革钮圈 BUCKLE LOOPbelt leather带皮鸡眼EYELETbelting leather带革; 轮带撞钉RIVETbook-binding leather书面革胶针PLASTIC STING bottom leather底革JEL PRINT--胶体印刷; boxing-glove leather拳击手套革WOVEN LABEL--织唛;buck leather(雄)鹿革FELT--毛绒布;buckle leather带用革rubber patch--滴塑;buffed leather磨面革rubber label---滴唛;butt leather底革elastic cord----橡皮筋;card leather梳革self fabric pipping---本布包骨; case leather箱皮pipping cord----------衬条; charred leather皮炭Semitransparent:磨沙chamois leather麂皮PVC 70Dsponge:70发泡; chrome leather铬革mesh / net : 网布;chrome tanned leather铬鞣革rope: 绳子;clothing leather服装革interior:/outer 内/外部combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革layer:层combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革靛蓝青年布:indigo chambraycrup leather马臀革人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingcrust leather坯革; 半硝革pvc植绒:pvc flockingcup leather制动缸皮碗针织布植绒:knitting cloth flockingdiaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]珠粒绒:claimond veins dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革倒毛:down pile making dressing leather饰革平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain) drum leather鼓皮仿麂皮:micro suede drycleanable leather耐干洗革牛仔皮植绒:jeans flockingeasy-care leather易保养革尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)embossed leather压花革尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffetaenamel leather漆皮素面植绒:plain flocking enamelled leather漆皮印花植绒:flocking(flower)fair leather集市皮革雕印植绒:embossing flockingfancy leather美术革, 装饰用革皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flockingfinished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flockingfootball leather足球革兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoatingfootball-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goodsfurniture leather家具革立绒呢:cut velvetgarment leather衣服革顺毛呢:over coatinggas meter leather气表革粗花呢:costume tweed glace leather白鞣革弹力呢:lycra woolen goods glove leather手套皮塔丝绒: nylon taslonhair-on leather带毛革塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop half leather半皮面装订, 半革装桃皮绒:polyester peach skin harness leather马具革涤塔夫:polyester taffetahat leather制帽革春亚纺:polyester pongee hat sweatband leather帽圈革超细麦克布:micro fiberheavy leather厚革锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)heel leather(鞋)后跟皮重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)hunting leather粗绒面革人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabrichydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革)斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订素色天鹅绒:solid velvetindustrial leather工业用革抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvetiron tanned leather铁鞣革雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet japanned leather漆皮轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet kangaroo leather袋鼠革粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvetkaspine leather开斯宾革麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabriclevant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabriclight leather轻革素色毛巾布:solid terryline leather马具革蚂蚁布:fleece in one side lining leather衬里革素色卫衣布:solid fleece luggage leather箱包革鱼网布:fleecemountain leather石棉彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseynapped leather绒毛皮革t/r 弹力布:t/r bengaline oar leather桨革t/c 色织格子布:t/c solid check fabricoil seal leather油封革弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandexoiled leather涂油革t/r 仿麂皮:t/r micro suede oil-tanned leather油鞣革仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece organ-pipe leather风琴管革仿麂皮针织布复合:100%polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric packing leather皮碗仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur paper based artificial leather纸基人造革蜡光缎:cire satinepatent leather漆皮全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffetapatent leather漆革半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffetapiano leather钢琴革亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon piston packing leather活塞填密皮全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslanplated leather熨压皮革全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxfordportmanteau leather旅行皮包革尼龙格:nylon rip-stop rein leather马具革塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop rock leather一种石棉哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongeerolled leather轧制革全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongeeroller leather机轴革春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stoprough-tanned leather粗鞣革全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peachrubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peachRussia(n) leather俄罗斯革涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peachsaddle leather鞍皮[革]涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stopsaffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslanscrap leather废皮; 碎皮全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxfordsemi-aniline leather半苯胺革涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peachsemi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革常用辅料英语(一)原料纺织原料 textile raw materials天然纤维 natural fibre化学纤维 chemical fibre植物纤维 vegetable fibre纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre动物纤维 animal fibre(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布 plain cloth牛津布 oxford斜纹布 drill线卡 ply-yarn drill哔叽 serge灯芯绒 corduroy起绒布 fleece泡泡纱 seersucker麻纱 hair cords亚麻布 linen cloth绸 silk粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢 woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁 valitine啥味呢 twill coating精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting法兰绒 flannel大衣呢 overcoat suiting交织物 mixed fabric府绸 poplin青年布 chambray纱卡 single yarn drill华达呢 gabardine牛仔布 denim平绒 velveteen绉布 crepe巴厘纱 voile苎麻布 ramie fabric电力纺 habotai精纺毛织物 worsted fabric全毛华达呢 pure wool gabardine驼丝锦 doeskin女士呢 ladies cloth粗花呢 tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric单面针织物 single knit fabric纬平针织物 plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物 interlock fabric起绒针织物 interlock fabric毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物 two-bar fabric经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric双面针织物 double knit fabric罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物 multi-bar fabric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬 resin interlining麻布胸衬 breast canvas树脂领衬 resin collar interlining绒布胸衬 breast fleece热熔衬 fusible interlining粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬 double-faced adhesive interlining 无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬 non-woven adhesive interlining有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬 hair interlining马尾衬 horsehair interlining化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining针织衬 knitted interlining2.填料棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链线 thread棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread尼龙线 nylon thread装饰线 ornamental thread钮 button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button拉链 zipper尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders装饰带 fashion tape罗纹 rib缝纫用线 twist麻线 flax thread绣花线 embroidery thread涤纶线 polyester thread宝塔线 cone of thread两目扣 two-hole button包扣 covered button羊角扣 claw button金属扣 metal button树脂扣 resin button木扣 wood button尼龙搭扣 nylon fastener tape金属拉链 metal zipper塑料拉链 plastic zipper领钩 collar clasp搭钩 agraffe橡筋 elastic ribbon弹力罗纹 elastic rib【箱包知识】箱包专业名词 (English - Chinese)第二集:材料和配件06-10-13 10:47 发表于:《【我爱包包】》 分类:未分类材料和配件:thin: 薄thick: 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase:公文包waist bag: 腰包foam:泡棉padded:垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层shoulder bags:肩包]strap: 带子handle:手把puller 拉头grip: 把手Ripstop: 格子布microfiber:花瑶布420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布PE board:PE 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard:纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage:迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布 backpack: 背包pouch钱包travelling bags:旅行包riptop:格子布nickel镍rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链logo: 标记rubber 橡胶buckle:扣子match color:配色ribbon: 缎带embroidery刺绣yarn;线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton;纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴Piping:胶骨binding包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料 polyester 涤纶 nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样。
【箱包知识】箱包专业名词 (English - Chinese )第一集,颜色
颜色: Sky-blue: 天蓝色 lime:淡黄绿色 olive:橄榄绿 jade:碧玉色 poppy:深红色 violet: 紫罗兰色 beige:米白色 scarlet:鲜红 golden:金色 navy-blue:海蓝 russet:赤褐色 khaki:卡其色 mustard:深黄色 tan 茶色 bottle green:深绿色 cream:淡黄色 maroon:褐红色 royal blue宝蓝 turquoise:青绿色 emerald:祖母绿 peach:粉红色 burgundy:枣红 lemon柠檬色 tangerine:橘红色 apricot: 杏黄色 light gray;浅灰 roseate:深粉红色 magenta::红紫色 mauve: 淡紫色 lilac:紫丁香色 coffee:咖啡色 buff:暗黄色 aquamarine:碧绿色 yellow:黄色 orange:橙色 crimson:深红色 red:红色 blue蓝色 green绿色 pink:粉红色
purple:紫色 brown:棕色 gray:灰色 Байду номын сангаас white:白色 fuchsia:紫红色 cyan:青色/蓝绿色
english- chinese 的用法
english- chinese 的用法
1. 形容词修饰名词:在形容词后面加上"的"来修饰名词。
例如:漂亮的花 (piaoliang de hua) - beautiful flower,高大的建筑(gaoda de jianzhu) - tall building。
2. 表示所属关系:用于表示所属关系时,可以在被所有者后面加上"的"。
例如:我妈妈的车 (wo mama de che) - my mom's car,这本书是我的 (zhe ben shu shi wo de) - this book is mine。
3. 助词:在一些短语中,"的"可以用作助词,用来连接名词和
例如:喝咖啡的人 (he kafei de ren) - the person who drinks coffee,写字的工具 (xiezi de gongju) - writing tool。
4. 关系代词:在一些句子中,"的"可以代替关系代词"的",用
例如:我喜欢看的书 (wo xihuan kan de shu) - the book that I like to read。
高中英语作文范文-中式英语 Chinese EnglishChina has the largest population in the world and English is the international language. There are a lot offunny things when Chinese people learn English. They willmix the words with their own language. Some very classic words have been created. Such as the sentence long time no see, it is the most classic words that were spoken by Chinese. Actually, the local people won’t say these wordsbut they know the meaning. As these classic sentences arespoken by more and more Chinese people then the western people accept them. Today, more Chinese English have beenadmitted by the official dictionary. We can see the great influence from big country. As China is getting stronger,we are so proud of being part of it. Of course, to masterthe international language is the key to know more about the world.中国是世界上人口最多的国家,而英语则是国际语言。
调查中还有一份关于学生“有心理话向谁说”的调查报告显示:当心理存在问题时,只有 4.4%的同学愿意向老师倾诉。
在对待老师批评教育这个问题上有近 5.1%的同学不愿意接受老师的教诲,认为老师是可恨的,有意挑自己的毛病。
查英汉字典的英语作文Title: The Importance of Using an English-Chinese DictionaryIn today's globalized world, language barriers can often hinder effective communication and understanding between people of different cultures. As such, the use of an English-Chinese dictionary has become increasingly important in bridging these linguistic gaps and facilitating cross-cultural interactions. In this essay, I will explore the significance of using an English-Chinese dictionary and how it can enhance language learning and communication skills.First and foremost, an English-Chinese dictionary serves as a valuable tool for language learners seeking to expand their vocabulary and improve their language proficiency. By providing translations and explanations of words and phrases in both English and Chinese, a dictionary enables users to quickly look up unfamiliar terms and understand their meanings in context. This not only aids in comprehension but also helps learners to build a strong foundation of vocabulary that can be applied in various language settings.Furthermore, an English-Chinese dictionary promotes cultural exchange and appreciation by highlighting the nuances and subtleties of language that may not be directly translatable.Language is deeply intertwined with culture, and a dictionary can offer insights into the cultural context behind words and expressions, allowing users to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural norms and values associated with the language.In addition, the use of an English-Chinese dictionary can enhance communication skills by enabling individuals to express themselves more effectively in both languages. Whether writing essays, giving presentations, or engaging in conversations, having access to a dictionary can help users find the right words and phrases to convey their thoughts accurately and eloquently, thus fostering clearer and more meaningful communication.Moreover, in today's digital age, the availability of online English-Chinese dictionaries has made language learning more convenient and accessible than ever before. With just a few clicks, users can access a wealth of linguistic resources, including audio pronunciations, example sentences, and interactive features that enhance the learning experience and make language study more engaging and interactive.In conclusion, the use of an English-Chinese dictionary plays a crucial role in language learning, communication, and cultural understanding. By leveraging the resources and tools providedby a dictionary, individuals can enhance their language skills, broaden their cultural knowledge, and foster meaningful connections with speakers of different languages. As we continue to navigate a diverse and interconnected world, the importance of using an English-Chinese dictionary as a bridge between languages and cultures cannot be overstated.。
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LVEDVI左室舒张末期容积指数 Saturation饱和度 Preductal导管前的 Infantile婴儿的 Circumferential圆周的 Pressure gradient压差 visualize显现 Rib notching肋骨切迹 Anastomosis吻合 rebound hypertension反跳高血压
Qp / Qs 肺体血流量比值 Conal septal 圆锥隔 Inlet septal 流入隔 perimembranous defect 膜周缺损 Auscultation 听诊 Compliance 顺应性
Residual shunt 残余分流 Tetralogy 四联
Infundibular 漏斗形的 RVOT: Right ventricular outlet tract Overriding 骑跨 malalignment 对位不良 Hypoplastic 发育不全的 Squatting 驻 retarded发展迟缓的 hypoxic spells缺氧性发作 aortopulmonary collaterals主肺侧支 Clubbing 许状指(趾) Uncomplicated 简单的,不复杂的
Pulmonary artery banding 肺动脉束带术 Patch 补片 mitral valve 二尖瓣 Murmur 杂音 Recurrent lung infection 反复肺感染
prominent aortic knob 主动脉结突出 biventricular hypertrophy 双室肥大 aortic valve insufficiency 主动脉瓣关闭不全 Clamping 夹闭 Midsternal incision 胸骨正中切口 Recurrent laryngeal paralysis 喉返神经麻痹 Interventional therapy介入治疗 Ostium secundum 继发孔 S动力学的 Neonate 新生儿 Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 肺血管阻力 left sternal border(LSB) 胸骨左缘 Rumble 隆隆声 ejection murmur 喷出性杂音 Spontaneous 自发性