

Planar Hull培训-张业威.

Planar Hull培训-张业威.

TRIBON M3 Planar HULL Modelling-----张业威2010年7月6日星期二第一章绪论一、平面建模简介¾平面建模的主要用途是对船体内部平面板架进行建模,如平台、舱壁等。









经过本次4天的培训,应该完成下列板架的建模:第二章平面建模的基本概念2.1板架及分段的概念Tribon典型船体结构数据库的结构如下图所示:¾一条船首先分成一系列分段,Tribon分段定义为一个空间立体以表示指定分段的最大及最小范围,Tribon分段的概念与设计的建造分段具有相同之处也有不同之处,也就是说,在Tribon中,分段可以是实际装配时的分段,也可以只表示建模人员的工作区域,如果只表示工作区域,实际装配时的分段划分可以Tribon Assembly Modelling工具来定义。






Tribon 船体建模教程解读

Tribon 船体建模教程解读

Hull Drafting培训教材
2 Tribon概念



Tribon系统提供一种在船舶建造过程中改进信息流的方法。 不同专业的很多设计工作可以同时开展 所有的建模工作就是建立PIM 在计算机内部造船 二维图纸无需一笔一笔画出 直接从模型中得到图纸,三维建模,二维出图 不同专业公用的数据库 有效的目标属性




上机操作 介绍 练习和课堂测试
Hull Drafting培训教材
1.1 本次培训的主要内容

Tribon系统的简单介绍 了解Tribon系统的几个基本概念(concept) 如何开始使用Hull Drafing 如何得到模型视图(Model View) 如何在图形上进行尺寸标注(Dimension) 如何进行简单的绘图(Geometry) 课堂练习及作业 课程考试

Hull Drafting培训教材
1.3 达到目标


对有关Tribon的一些概念(Concept)有初步的了解 熟悉屏幕的布局(Layout) 能够建立模型视图(Model View) 理解子图(Subpicture)概念并有效地工作 建立几何体(Geometry),并在视图中增加标注和 字符 理解编辑图形的不同方法


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基于光滑整形的钢包快速精准定位研究*聂国强 孟文俊 廖宣琳太原科技大学 太原 030024摘 要:针对铸造起重机吊运钢水包过程中钢水与吊摆产生的双向流固耦合现象,文中采用一系列质量弹簧阻尼器来等效钢水晃动对钢水包容器产生的影响,基于等效力学原理建立了钢水包吊运系统的等效力学模型,推导出了其运动方程,在验证了其系统的稳定性、客观性和可控性之后,采用级联光滑整形器对钢包吊运系统进行安全快速精准定位控制。


关键词:铸造起重机;钢水包;等效模型;光滑整形;精准定位中图分类号:TH218 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-0785(2023)15-0033-07Abstract: Considering the two-way fluid-solid coupling between molten steel and pendulum during the hoisting of ladle by a casting crane, in this paper, the authors use a series of mass spring dampers to equivalent the influence of molten steel sloshing on ladle container. Based on the principle of equivalent mechanics, the equivalent mechanical model of ladle hoisting system was established, and the motion equation of ladle was deduced. After verifying the stability, objectivity and controllability of the system, the cascade smooth shaper was used to control the safe, rapid and accurate positioning of the ladle hoisting system. The results show that the cascade smooth shaper can not only suppress the residual swinging of steel wire rope and the residual shaking of molten steel of the ladle hoisting system, but also keep the swinging angle of steel wire rope and molten steel relatively stable during the whole hoisting.Keywords:casting crane; ladle; equivalent model; smooth shaping; accurate positioning0 引言铸造起重机是钢铁冶炼厂的主要生产设备,主要用于转炉加料以及转炉时勾兑铁水。


约束构件1的Z轴,始终垂直于构件2的Z轴 即:构件1只能绕构件2的二个轴旋转
In Line点在直线上
In Plane点在面内
指定 的面
约束构件1的连接点,只能沿着构件2连接点 标记的Z轴运动
© 2007 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.
a Concentric joint.
– 一个正交同轴配合转化为同轴副
One Coincident and One Orthogonal Concentric mates in
SolidWorks becomes a Revolute joint.
– 一个重合和一个正交同轴配合转化为一个转动 副
One Point to Point coincident mate in SolidWorks
Pendulum restrained to pivot about mounting point
Constraint Mapping约束映射
▪ Mapping of SolidWorks assembly mates (constraints) to COSMOSMotion joints.
映射SolidWorks装配体配合(约束)为 COSMOSMotion的运动副
运动约束 PointPoint PointPointDist PointLine PointLineDist PointPlaneDist PointPlaneDist PointLineDist PointLine LineLine LineLineDist LineLineAng LineLineAng (0 deg.) LineLineAng (90 deg.)



缩写中文解释3C3个关键零件(缸体、缸盖、曲轴)4 VDP四阶段的汽车发展过程A/D/V分析/发展/验证AA审批体系ABS防抱死制动系统ACD实际完成日期AI人工智能AIAG汽车工业产业群ALBS装配线平衡系统AP提前采购API先进的产品信息APM汽车加工模型APQP先进的产品质量计划AR拨款申请ARP拨款申请过程ARR建筑必要性检查ASA船运最初协议ASB船运第二个协议ASI建筑研究启动ASP船运标准协议ASR建筑选择审查B&U土建公用BCC品牌特征中心BEC基础设计内容BI开始冒气泡B-I-S最佳分节段BIW白车身BOD设计清单BOM原料清单BOP过程清单CAD计算机辅助设计CAE计算机辅助工程(软件)CAFÉ公司的平均燃油经济CAM计算机辅助制造CAMIP持续汽车市场信息项目CARE用户接受度审查和评估CAS概念可改变的选择CDD成分数据图CGS公司图形系统CI提出概念CIT隔间融合为组CKD完全拆缷CMM坐标测量仪CMOP结构管理工作计划CPP关键途径CPP关键途径CR&W 控制/机器人技术和焊接CRIT中心新产品展示执行组CS合同签订CTS零件技术规格D/EC设计工程学会DAP设计分析过程DCAR设计中心工作申请DDP决策讨论步骤DES设计中心DFA装配设计DFM装配设计DLT设计领导技术DMA经销商市场协会DMG模具管理小组DOE试验设计DOL冲模业务排行DQV设计质量验证DRE设计发布工程师DSC决策支持中心DVM三维变化管理DVT动态汽车实验E/M进化的EAR工程行为要求ECD计划完成日期EGM工程组经理ELPO电极底漆ENG工程技术、工程学EOA停止加速EPC&L工程生产控制和后勤EPL工程零件清单ETSD对外的技术说明图EWO工程工作次序FA最终认可FE功能评估FEDR功能评估部署报告FFF自由形态制造FIN金融的FMEA失效形式及结果分析FTP文件传送协议GA总装GD&T几何尺寸及精度GM通用汽车GME通用汽车欧洲GMIO通用汽车国际运作GMIQ通用汽车初始质量GMPTG通用汽车动力组GP通用程序GSB全球战略部HVAC加热、通风及空调I/P仪表板IC初始租约ICD界面控制文件IE工业工程IEMA国际出口市场分析ILRS间接劳动报告系统IO国际业务IPC国际产品中心IPTV每千辆车的故障率IQS初始质量调查IR事故报告ISP综合计划ITP综合培训方法ITSD内部技术规范图IUVA国际统一车辆审核KCC关键控制特性KCDS关键特性标识系统KO Meeting启动会议KPC关键产品特性LLPRLOI意向书M&E机器设备MDD成熟的数据图MFD金属预制件区MFG制造过程MIC市场信息中心MIE制造综合工程师MKT营销MLBS物化劳动平衡系统MMSTS制造重要子系统技术说明书MNG制造工程MPG试验场MPI主程序索引MPL主零件列表MPS原料计划系统MRD物料需求日期MRD物料需求时间MSDSMSE制造系统工程MSS市场分割规范MTBF平均故障时间MTS生产技术规范MVSS汽车发动机安全标准NAMA北美市场分析NAO北美业务NAOC NAO货柜运输NC用数字控制NGMBP新一代基于数学的方法NOA授权书NSB北美业务部OED组织和员工发展P.O采购订单PA生产结果PAA产品行动授权PAC绩效评估委员会PACE项目评估和控制条件PAD产品装配文件PARTS零件准备跟踪系统PC问题信息PCL生产控制和支持PDC证券发展中心PDM产品资料管理PDS产品说明系统PDT产品发展小组PED产品工程部PEP产品评估程序PER人员PET项目执行小组PGM项目管理PIMREP事故方案跟踪和解决过程PLP生产启动程序PMI加工建模一体化PMM项目制造经理PMR产品制造能要求PMT产品车管理小组POMS产品指令管理小组POP采购点PPAP生产零部件批准程序PPAP生产件批准程序PPH百分之PPM百万分之PR绩效评估PR采购需求PR/R问题报告和解决PSA潜在供应商评估PSC部长职务策略委员会PTO第一次试验PUR采购PVM可设计的汽车模型PVT生产汽车发展QAP质量评估过程QBC质量体系构建关系QC质量特性QFD质量功能配置QRD质量、可靠性和耐久力QS质量体系QUA质量RC评估特许RCD必须完成日期RFQ报价请求RFQ报价要求书RONA净资产评估RPO正式产品选项RQA程序安排质量评定RT&TM严格跟踪和全程管理SDC战略决策中心SF造型冻结SIU电子求和结束SL系统规划SMBP理论同步过程SMT系统管理小组SOP生产启动,正式生产SOR要求陈述SOR要求说明书SOW工作说明SPE表面及原型工程SPO配件组织SPT专一任务小组SQC供方质量控制SQIP供应商质量改进程序SSF开始系统供应SSLT子系统领导组SSTS技术参数子系统STO二级试验SUW标准工作单位TA 技术评估TAG定时分析组TBD下决定TCS牵引控制系统TDMF文本数据管理设备TIMS试验事件管理系统TIR试验事件报告TLA 技术转让协议TMIE总的制造综合工程TOE总的物主体验TSM贸易研究方法TVDE整车外型尺寸工程师TVIE整车综合工程师TWS轮胎和车轮系统UAW班组UCL统一的标准表UDR未经核对的资料发布UPC统一零件分级VAPIR汽车发展综合评审小组VASTD汽车数据标准时间数据VCD汽车首席设计师VCE汽车总工程师VCRI确认交叉引用索引VDP汽车发展过程VDPP汽车发展生产过程VDR核实数据发布VDS汽车描述概要VDT汽车发展组VDTO汽车发展技术工作VEC汽车工程中心VIE汽车综合工程师VIS汽车信息系统VLE总装线主管,平台工程师VLM汽车创办经理VMRR汽车制造必要条件评审VOC顾客的意见VOD设计意见VSAS汽车综合、分析和仿真VSE汽车系统工程师VTS汽车技术说明书WBBA全球基准和商业分析WOT压制广泛开放WWP全球采购PC项目启动CA方案批准PA项目批准ER工程发布PPV产品和工艺验证PP预试生产P试生产EP工程样车Descriptions3 Critical Parts(Cylinder-block, Cylinder-head, Crankshaft) Four Phase Vehicle Development ProcessAnalysis/Development/ValidationApprove ArchitectureAnti-lock Braking SystemActual Completion DateArtificial IntelligenceAutomotive Industry Action GroupAssembly Line Balance SystemAdvanced PurchasingAdvanced Product InformationAutomotive Process ModelAdvanced Product Quality PlanningAppropriation RequestAppropriation Request ProcessArchitectural Requirements ReviewAgreement to Ship AlphaAgreement to Ship BetaArchitecture Studies InitiationAgreement to Ship PrototypeArchitecture Selection ReviewBuilding & UtilityBrand Character CenterBase Engineered ContentBubble Up InitiationBest-In-SegmentBody In WhiteBill of DesignBill of MaterialBill of ProcessComputer-Aided DesignComputer-Aided EngineeringCorporate Average Fuel EconomyComputer-Aided ManufacturingContinuous Automotive Marketing Information Program Customer Acceptance Review and EvaluationConcept Alternative SelectionComponent Datum DrawingsCorporate Graphic SystemConcept InitiationCompartment Integration TeamComplete KnockdownCoordinate Measuring MachinesConfiguration Management Operating PlanCorporate Product PorefolioCritical Path PlanControls/Robotics & WeldingCenter Rollout Implementation Team Contract SigningComponent Technical SpecificationDesign and Engineering CouncilDesign Analysis ProcessDesign Center Action RequestDecision Dialog ProcessDesign CenterDesign for AssemblyDesign For ManufacturabilityDesign leader TechnicalDealer Market AssociationDie Management GroupDesign Of ExperimentsDie Operation Line-UpDesign Quality VerificationDesign Release EngineerDecision Support CenterDimensional Variation ManagementDynamic Vehicle TestEvolutionary/MajorEngineering Action RequestEstimated Completion DateEngineering Group ManagerElectrode position PrimerEngineeringEnd of AccelerationEngineering Production Cntrol &Logistics Engineering Parts ListExterior Technical Specification Drawing Engineering Work OrderFinal ApprovalFunctional EvaluationFunctional Evaluation Disposition Report Free Form FabricationFinancialFailure Mode and Effects AnalysisFile Transfer ProtocolGeneral AssemblyGeometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing General MotorsGeneral Motors EuropeGeneral Motors International Operations General Motors Initial QualityGeneral Motors Powertrain GroupGeneral ProcedureGlobal Strategy BoardHeating, Ventilation ,and Air ConditioningInstrument PanelInitiate CharterInterface Control DocumentIndustrial EngineeringInternational Export Market AnalysisIndirect Labor Reporting SystemInternational OperationsInternational Product CenterIncidents Per Thousand VehiclesInitial Quality SurveyIncident ReportIntegrated Scheduling ProjectIntegrated Training ProcessInterior Technical Specification DrawingInternational Uniform Vehicle AuditKey Control CharacteristicsKey Characteristics Designation SystemKick-off MeetingKey product CharacteristicLing Lead P ReleaseLetter of IntentMachine & EquipmentMaster Datum DrawingsMetal Fabrication DivisionManufacturing OperationsMarketing Information CenterManufacturing Integration EngineerMarketingMaterial Labor Balance SystemManufacturing Major Subsystem Technical Specifications Manufacturing EngineeringMilford Proving GroundMaster Process IndexMaster Parts ListMaterial Planning SystemMaterial Required DateMaterial Required DateMaterial Safery Data SheetsManufacturing System EngineerMarket Segment SpecificationMean Time Between FailuresManufacturing Technical SpecificationMotor Vehicle Safety StandardsNorth American Market AnalysisNorth American OperationsNAO ContainerizationNumerically ControlledNext Generation Math-Based ProcessNotice of AuthorizationNAO Strategy BoardOrganization and Employee DevelopmentPurchasing OrderProduction AchievementProduction Action AuthorizationPerformance Assessment CommitteeProgram Assessment and Control EnvironmentProduct Assembly DocumentPart Readiness Tracking SystemProblem CommunicationProduction Control and LogisticsPortfolio Development CenterProduct Data ManagementProduct Description SystemProduct Development TeamProduction Engineering DepartmentProduct Evaluation ProgramPersonnelProgram Execution TeamProgram ManagementProject Incident Monitoring and Resolution Process Production Launch ProcessProcess Modeling IntegrationProgram Manufacturing ManagerProduct Manufacturability RequirementsProduct Management TeamProduction Order Management SystemPoint of PurchaseProduction Part Approval ProcessProduction Parts Approval ProcessProblems Per HundredProblems Per MillionPerformance ReviewPurchase RequirementProblem Reporting and ResolutionPotential Supplier AssessmentPortfolio Strategy CouncilPrimary TryoutPurchasingProgrammable Vehicle ModelProduction Vehicle DevelopmentQuality Assessment ProcessQuality Build ConcernQuality CharacteristicQuality Function DeploymentQuality, Reliability,andDurabilityQuality SystemQualityReview CharterRequired Completion DateRequest For QuotationRequirement for QuotationReturn on Net AssetsRegular Production OptionRouting Quality AssessmentRigorous Tracking and Throughout Managment Strategic Decision CenterStyling FreezeSumming It All UpSystem LayoutsSynchronous Math-Based ProcessSystems Management TeamStart of ProductionStatement of RequirementsStatement of RequirementsStatement of WorkSurface and Prototype EngineeringService Parts OperationsSingle Point TeamStatistical Quality ControlSupplier Quality Improvement ProcessStart of System FillSubsystem Leadership TeamSubsystem Technical Specification Secondary TryoutStandard Unit of WorkTechnology AssessmentTiming Analysis GroupTo Be DeterminedTraction Control SystemText Data Management FacilityTest Incident Management SystemTest Incident ReportTechnology License AgreementTotal Manufacturing Integration Engineer Total Ownership ExperienceTrade Study MethodologyTotal Vehicle Dimensional EngineerTotal Vehicle Integration EngineerTire and Wheel SystemUnited Auto WorkersUniform Criteria ListUnverified Data ReleaseUniform Parts ClassificationVehicle & Progress Integration Review TeamVehicle Assembly Standard Time DataVehicle Chief DesignerVehicle Chief EngineerValidation Cross-Reference IndexVehicle Development ProcessVehicle Development Production Process Verified Data ReleaseVehicle Description SummaryVehicle Development TeamVehicle Development Technical Operations Vehicle Engineering CenterVehicle Integration EngineerVehicle Information SystemVehicle Line ExecutiveVehicle Launch ManagerVehicle and Manufacturing Requirements Review Voice of CustomerVoice of DesignVehicle Synthesis,Analysis,and Simulation Vehicle System EngineerVehicle Technical SpecificationWorldwide Benchmarking and Business Analysis Wide Open ThrottleWorldwide PurchasingProgram CommencementConcept ApprovalPrograme ApprovalEngineering ReleaseProduct & Process ValidationPre-PilotPilot。


使用光敏感的药物 患有对光敏感的疾病的
最近3-4周在阳光下暴晒或是日光浴的或是即将接 受阳光暴晒的
活跃性的单纯性疱疹 糖尿病
疤痕体质 干性敏感皮肤
使用抗凝药物 曾患有血液凝固性病变
1、治疗区域需涂消炎药膏(如红霉素软膏、金霉素软膏或 百多邦等)2天,每天2次,以防感染,注意涂抹的次数
由于AFT420nm波长短、穿透较浅,治疗时能量尽量控制在 12J或以下,以免引起水疱。在12J治疗效果不理想的情况下 可适当增加到13J,14—15J的能量慎用。
➢激光光子的治疗是一项综合治疗,一般需要多次治疗; ➢治疗时可能会有一些不适的感觉,有些人感觉是轻微疼痛; ➢治疗结束后可能出现一过性的红斑/水肿; ➢皮肤整体的改善需要几个月的时间逐渐的完成;
治 疗: 雀斑、老年斑、提亮肤色等 能量选择:12--18J/cm2 疗 程:3--4周一次, 4--6次为一个疗程 观察终点:皮肤微红(色斑颜色加深) 脉宽选择:Ⅲ--Ⅳ皮肤选择12ms脉宽



第27卷第1期粉末冶金材料科学与工程2022年2月V ol.27 No.1 Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy Feb. 2022DOI:10.19976/ki.43-1448/TF.2021095激光定向能量沉积增材修复5083铝合金组织与力学性能祝弘滨1,华倩2, 3,李瑞迪2, 3,徐荣2, 3,林泽恒2, 3,牛朋达2, 3,袁铁锤2(1. 中车工业研究院,北京100160;2. 中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙410083;3. 中南大学深圳研究院,深圳518000)摘要:以Al-Mg-Sc-Zr合金粉末作为修复原料,采用激光定向能量沉积法对开槽5083铝镁合金进行增材修复,用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、电子背散射衍射、室温拉伸试验及显微硬度测试等手段,研究5083铝合金试样修复前后的微观组织与力学性能,同时对不同修复体积占比的试样力学性能进行对比。


修复区为典型的熔池分布,晶粒尺寸为4~9 μm,存在较多孔洞,熔合线和扫描轨道附近析出大量Al3(Sc,Zr)颗粒。

5083基体材料与开槽修复件的抗拉强度相差不大,分别为190.80 MPa和197.73 MPa,但修复试样的伸长率显著降低。

从基体至修复区的2 mm范围内,硬度均值(HV)从50逐渐提高至100。

关键词:激光定向能量沉积;Al-Mg-Sc合金;微观组织;力学性能;5083铝合金;修复;增材制造中图分类号:TF124文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-0224(2022)01-45-11Microstructures and mechanical properties of 5083 aluminum alloyrepaired by laser directed energy depositionAll Rights Reserved.ZHU Hongbin1, HUA Qian2, 3, LI Ruidi2, 3, XU Rong2, 3, LIN Zeheng2, 3, NIU Pengda2, 3, YUAN Tiechui2(1. CRRC Industry Research Institute,Beijing 100160, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;3. Shenzhen Research Institute, Central South University, Shenzhen 518000, China)Abstract: In this paper, the slotted 5083 aluminum-magnesium alloy was repaired by laser direction energy deposition(DED) method, in which Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy powders was used as the repairing material. The microstructure andmechanical properties of 5083 alloy samples before and after repairing were studied by means of metallurgicalmicroscope, scanning electron microscope, electron backscatter diffraction, room temperature tensile test andmicrohardness measurement, etc. Meanwhile, the mechanical properties of samples with different repairing volumes werecompared. The results show that the columnar crystals near the fusion line in the repaired area are dendritic and growepitaxially to the matrix perpendicular to the fusion line. The repaired zone shows a typical molten pool distribution withgrain size of 4−9 μm and abundant pores. A large number of Al3(Sc,Zr) particles are precipitated near the fusion line andscanning orbit. The tensile strengths of the 5083 matrix material and the grooved restorations are not much different,which are 190.80 MPa and 197.73 MPa, respectively, but the elongation of the repaired specimens is greatly reduced. Inthe range of 2 mm from the matrix to the repaired zone, the average hardness (HV) value increases gradually from 50 to100.Keywords: laser directed energy deposition; Al-Mg-Sc alloy; microstructure; mechanical property; 5083 aluminum alloy;laser repair; additive manufacture基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51871249)收稿日期:2021−11−11;修订日期:2021−11−20通信作者:李瑞迪,教授,博士。



转户外皱纹粉末涂料创新与应用户外皱纹粉末涂料创新与应用作者:温州立邦塑粉有限公司商新学Innovating&Applying in Outdoor Wrinkle Finish Powder Coatings一、前言皱纹粉末涂料在业内名称多样,其它较流行的名称还有绵绵漆、水纹粉末涂料,该类粉末涂层表面具有特殊的纹理外观效果,具有非常优异的装饰性能。







Coupling an Advanced Land Surface-Hydrology Model with the Penn State-NCAR MM5 Modeling System1

Coupling an Advanced Land Surface-Hydrology Model with the Penn State-NCAR MM5 Modeling System1
APRIL 2001
Coupling an Advanced Land Surface–Hydrology Model with the Penn State–NCAR MM5 Modeling System. Part I: Model Implementation and Sensitivity
1. Introduction For more than a decade, it has been widely accepted that land surface processes and their modeling play an important role, not only in large-scale atmospheric models including general circulation models (GCMs) (e.g., Mintz 1981; Rowntree 1983, etc.), but also in regional and mesoscale atmospheric models (Rowntree and Bolton 1983; Ookouchi et al. 1984; Mahfouf et al. 1987; Avissar and Pielke 1989; Chen and Avissar 1994a,b, etc.). Mesoscale models that resolve wavelengths from 1 to 100 km (i.e., from meso-␥ to meso-␤ scales) are often used for three applications: 1) regional climate simulations, 2) numerical weather prediction, and 3) air quality monitoring. Therefore, during the last few years, we have witnessed rapid progress in developing and testing land surface models in mesoscale atmospheric models (e.g., Bougeault et al. 1991; Giorgi et al. 1993; Bringfelt 1996; Smirnova et al. 1996; F. Chen et al. 1997; Pielke et al. 1997).



课程名称课程英文名称发展社会学专题Development Sociology中国概况 A Brief Introduction of “The General Situation of China”英美经典短篇小说赏析 A Guide to Classic Short Stories in British and AmericanLiterature对策论 A Primer in Game Throry对策论 A Primer in Game Throry植物蛋白研究进展Aadvance of Vegetable Protein Research植物蛋白研究进展Aadvance of Vegetable Protein Research作物遗传育种专业英语Academic English作物遗传育种专业英语(必修)Academic English会计学Accounting高等农业机械化管理与模拟Adanvced Agricultural Mechanization Management and System Simulation高等农业机械化管理与系统模拟Adanvced Agricultural Mechanization Management and System Simulation调整型抽样Adjusting Sampling行政法Administrative Law高等动力学Advaced Dynamics动物传染病学专题Advance in Animal Infectious Diseases动物传染病学Advance in Animal Infectious Diseases动物传染病专题Advance in Animal Infectious Diseases动物病理学进展Advance in Animal Pathology动物病理学进展Advance in Animal Pathology植物病害生物防治进展Advance in Biological Control of Plant Diseases植物病害生物防治Advance in Biological Control of Plant Diseases植物逆境信号传递研究Advance in Plant Stress Signaling植物逆境信号传递研究Advance in Plant Stress Signaling先进制造技术Advance Manufacture Technology蛋白质互作的研究方法进展Advance of Methods for Analysis of Protein-protein Interaction 国际农药残留分析进展Advance of Pesticide Residue Analysis in Foreign Countries国际农药残留分析进展Advance of Pesticide Residue Analysis in Foreign Countries果蔬采后生理研究进展Advance of Postharvest Physiology of Fruit and Vegetable果蔬采后生理研究进展Advance of Postharvest Physiology of Fruit and Vegetable资源环境科学进展Advance of Recources and Enviromental Science高级建筑设计Advanced Garden Building Design高级园林建筑设计Advanced Garden Building Design高级生物气象学Advanced Biometeorology高级生物气象学Advanced Biometeorology高级会计理论与实务Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械化管理Advanced Agricultural Mechanization Management高等农业机械化管理Advanced Agricultural Mechanization Management农业机械化工程新技术讲座Advanced Agricultural Mechanization New TechnologyLectures农业机械化工程新技术讲座Advanced Agricultural Mechanization New TechnologyLectures人工智能Advanced Artificial Intelligence高级人工智能Advanced Artificial Intelligence高级审计理论与实务Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice高级生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高级生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高级生物信息SEMI.Advanced Bioinformatics Seminar高级生物信息学Seminar Advanced Bioinformatics Seminar高级害虫生物防治Advanced Biological Control of Insect Pests高级害虫生物防治Advanced Biological Control of Insect Pests高级蔬菜育种学Advanced Breeding of Vegetable Crops高级蔬菜育种学Advanced Breeding of Vegetable Crops高级财务管理Advanced Corporate Finance高级财务管理Advanced Corporate Finance高级园林植物遗传育种学Advanced Course of Ornamental Plant Breeding高级园林植物遗传育种学Advanced Course of Ornamental Plant Breeding高级作物育种学I Advanced Crop Breeding I高级作物育种学ⅠAdvanced Crop Breeding I高级作物育种学II Advanced Crop Breeding II高级作物育种学ⅡAdvanced Crop Breeding II作物生态学Advanced Crop Ecology高级作物生态学Advanced Crop Ecology高级作物生理学Advanced Crop Physiology高级细胞遗传学Advanced Cytogenetics高级发展学Advanced Development Studies高级发展学Advanced Development Studies高等结构动力学Advanced Dynamics of 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Toxicology高等内燃机学Advanced Internal-combustion Engine高等内燃机学Advanced Internal-combustion Engine高级实验动物学Advanced Laboratory Animal Science高级实验动物学Advanced Laboratory Animal Science高级园林设计Advanced Landscape Design高级园林设计Advanced Landscape Design高级园林工程Advanced Landscape Engineering高级环境绿地规划Advanced Landscape Planning高级宏观经济学Advanced Macroeconomics高级宏观经济学Advanced Macroeconomics高级管理会计理论与实务Advanced Management Accounting管理科学与工程专业Seminar Advanced Management Science and Engineering (Ph.D)管理科学与工程专业Seminar Advanced Management Science and Engineering (Ph.D)高级市场营销学Advanced Marketing高级市场营销Advanced Marketing高等金属学Advanced Metal高等金属学Advanced Metal高级微生物遗传学Advanced Microbial Genetics高级微生物遗传学Advanced Microbial Genetics高级微生物学进展Advanced Microbiological Seminar高级微生物学进展(全年)Advanced Microbiological Seminar高级微观经济学Advanced Microeconomics高级微观经济学Advanced Microeconomics高级运筹学Advanced Operations Research高级运筹学Advanced Operations Research高级果树生理学Advanced Physiology of Fruit Trees高级果树生理学Advanced Physiology of Fruit Trees高级植物与细胞生物学Seminar Advanced Plant and Cell Biology Seminars高级植物与细胞生物学Seminar Advanced Plant and Cell Biology Seminars高级植物营养学Advanced Plant Nutrition高级植物营养学Advanced Plant Nutrition高级植物生理生态Advanced Plant Physiological Ecology高级植物生理生态Advanced Plant Physiological Ecology高级植物生理学专题Advanced Plant Physiology高级植物生理学Advanced Plant Physiology高级植物生理学Advanced Plant Physiology高级植物生理学专题Advanced Plant Physiology高级观赏植物采后生理Advanced Postharvest Physiology of Ornamental Plants 高级观赏植物采后生理Advanced Postharvest Physiology of Ornamental Plants 高级植物营养进展Advanced Progress in Plant Nutrition高级设施园艺学Advanced Protected Horticulture高级设施园艺学Advanced Protected Horticulture高级可再生资源工程专题Advanced Renewable Resource Engineering现代可再生资源工程学Advanced Renewable Resource Engineering国际食品研究进展Advanced Research of Food Science植物细胞信号转导研究中的反向遗传学与细胞生物学研究技术与方法Advanced Reverse Genetic and Cell Biological Approaches to Study Signal Transduction in Plant高级生物化学与分子生物学Seminar Advanced Seminar for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology高级生物化学与分子生物学SeminarAdvanced Seminar for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology高级遗传学Seminar Advanced Seminar for Genetics高级遗传学Seminar Advanced Seminar for Genetics高级生物质工程Seminar Advanced Seminar on Biomass Engineering高级社会统计Advanced Social Statistics高级社会统计Advanced Social Statistics高级生化专题Ⅲ(生物膜)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Biomembrane 高级生化专题Ⅲ(生物膜)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Biomembrane高级生化专题IV(酶学及代谢调控)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Enzymology and Metabolism Control高级生化专题Ⅳ(酶学与代谢调控)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Enzymology and Metabolism Control高级生化专题II(核酸化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Nucleic Acid高级生化专题Ⅱ(核酸化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Nucleic Acid高级生化专题Ⅰ(蛋白质化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Protein高级生化专题Ⅰ(蛋白质化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Protein农产品物料干燥技术特论Advanced Topics in Drying Technology:Drying of PorousMedia高级分子生物学专题Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology高级分子生物学专题Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology高级城市规划Advanced Urban Planning高级蔬菜生理学Advanced Vegetable Physiology高级蔬菜生理学Advanced Vegetable Physiology高级杂草学Advanced Weeds高级杂草学Advanced Weeds高级兽医寄生虫学Advanceds Veterinary Parasitology高级兽医寄生虫学Advanceds Veterinary Parasitology高级兽医微生物学Advances in Veterinary Microbiology高级兽医微生物学Advances in Veterinary Microbiology作物栽培新技术专题Advances in 4H Crop Cultivation作物分子生理与生物技术Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology农业水土工程研究进展Advances in Agricultural Water-soil Research农业水土工程研究进展Advances in Agricultural Water-soil Research动物育种专题Advances in Animal Breeding动物育种专题Advances in Animal Breeding动物病理生理学专题Advances in Animal Pathophysiology动物病理生理学专题Advances in Animal Pathophysiology动物科学研究进展Advances in Animal Science动物科学研究进展Advances in Animal Science害虫生物防治理论与实践新进展Advances in Biological Control of Insect Pests害虫生物防治理论与实践新进展Advances in Biological Control of Insect Pests细胞生物学进展Advances in Cell Biology细胞生物学进展Advances in Cell Biology农副产品化学进展Advances in Chemistry of Agricultural Byproducts农副产品化学进展Advances in Chemistry of Agricultural Byproducts作物营养与水分生理专题Advances in Crop Nutrition and Water Physiology作物光合、产量与品质生理专题Advances in Crop Photosynthesis,Yield and Quality能源作物与生物质工程专题Advances in Crop Physiology and Ecology作物科学研究进展Advances in Crop Science作物科学研究进展Advances in Crop Science作物逆境生理专题Advances in Crop Stress Physiology发育生物学进展Advances in Developmental Biology数字农业研究进展Advances in Digital Agriculture Research 农作制度理论与技术专题Advances in Farming System Science果树学进展讨论Advances in Fruit Sciences果树学进展讨论Advances in Fruit Sciences现代果树遗传学研究进展Advances in Genetics of Fruit Crops分子遗传学进展Advances in Molecular Genetics病毒学进展Advances in Molecular Virology营养科学研究进展Advances in Nutritional Sciences营养科学技术研究进展Advances in Nutritional Sciences杀菌剂药理学及抗药性研究进展Advances in Pharmacology and Fungicide Resistance in Phytopathogen药理学与毒理学专题Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology药理学与毒理学专题Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology植物同化物运输高级讲座Advances in Photoassimilate Transport Mechanisms 植物同化物运输高级讲座Advances in Photoassimilate Transport Mechanisms 植物生物学进展Advances in Plant Biology植物激素与化学控制专题Advances in Plant Hormones and Chemical Regulation 植物病毒学进展Advances in Plant Virus Research植物病毒学进展Advances in Plant Virus Research家禽营养与饲养技术(案例)Advances in Poultry Nutrition and feeding Technology 种子病理学进展Advances in Seed Pathology种子病理学进展Advances in Seed Pathology兽医免疫学进展Advances in Veterinary Immunology兽医免疫学进展Advances in Veterinary Immunology兽医科学进展Advances in Veterinary Medicine兽医科学进展Advances in Veterinary Medicine水资源研究进展专题Advances in Water Resource Science水资源研究进展专题Advances in Water Resource Science分子植物病理学研究进展Advances of Molecular Plant Pathology分子植物病理学研究进展Advances of Molecular Plant Pathology生物环境与能源工程综合专题Seminar Advances on Agricultural and Bioenvironmental Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程研究进展Advances on Agricultural and Bioenvironmental Engineering 食品保藏技术研究进展Advances on Food Preservation Technology食品保藏技术研究进展Advances on Food Preservation Technology水土保持与荒漠化防治新技术研究进展Advances on Soil and Water Conservation and Deforestation Control水土保持与荒漠化防治研究进展Advances on Soil and Water Conservation and DeforestationControl结构工程研究新进展Advances on Structure Engineering城镇与区域规划Advances on Urban and Regional Planning城镇与区域规划研究进展Advances on Urban and Regional Planning近代水文学及水资源研究进展Advances on Water Concervancy Project水利工程研究进展Advances on Water Concervancy Project农业商务管理Agri-business Management农业产业组织Agribusiness Organization核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology农业可控管理技术Agricultural Controllable Management Technology农业可控管理技术Agricultural Controllable Management Technology农业发展经济学Agricultural Development Economics农业经济理论与政策Agricultural Economics: Theory and Policy农业经济理论与政策Agricultural Economics: Theory and Policy农业装备开发与设计Agricultural Equipment Development and Design农产品期货市场Agricultural Futures Markets农产品期货市场Agricultural Futures Markets农业历史文献选读Agricultural History Literature农业历史文献选读(必修)Agricultural History Literature农业信息系统工程Agricultural Information and System Engineering农业信息系统工程Agricultural Information and System Engineering农业保险Agricultural Insurance农产品市场分析Agricultural Market Analysis农产品市场分析Agricultural Market and Analysis农产品市场分析Agricultural Market and Analysis有害生物治理的原理与方法Agricultural Pests Prevention and Control农业有害生物的预防与控制Agricultural Pests Prevention and Control农业资源与利用Agricultural Resources and Utilization核技术农业应用专论Agricultural Specialized Application of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用专论Agricultural Specialized Application of Nuclear Technology 农业系统工程Agricultural Systems Engineering农村技术创新与知识系统Agricultural Technology Innovation and Knowledge System 农村技术创新与知识系统Agricultural Technology Innovation and Knowledge System 农业与食品企业管理Agriculture and Food Corporate Managemnt农业信息学Agriculture Informatics农业科技与“三农政策”Agriculture Technology and Rural Development农业装备机电一体化技术Agricutural Equipment Mechantronics农业项目的计划与管理Agricutural Project Plan and Management农业工程项目规划Agricutural Project Plan and Management农产品国际贸易实务Agri-goods International Trade Practice农业生态系统分析Analysis and Simulation of Ecosystem生态系统分析与模拟Analysis and Simulation of Ecosystem农业关联产业分析Analysis of Agribusiness国情分析和发展战略Analysis of Country Situation and Development Stratagem 兽医临床病例分析Analysis of Veterinary Clinical Cases兽医临床病例分析Analysis of Veterinary Clinical Cases现代食品分析技术Analytic Technology of Modern Food Science现代食品分析技术Analytic Technology of Modern Food Science古汉语Ancient Chinese古汉语Ancient Chinese动物病理剖检诊断技术Animal Autopsy Technique for Pathological Diagnosis克隆动物与转基因动物Animal Cloning and Transgensis克隆动物与转基因动物Animal Cloning and Transgensis动物源食品卫生检验技术Animal Derived Food Inspection Technique动物实验方法Animal Experiment Technology动物消化道微生物Animal Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiology动物消化道微生物Animal Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiology动物遗传资源Animal Genetic Resource 动物卫生行政法学Animal Health Management 动物卫生行政法学Animal Health Management 畜牧工程Animal Husbandry Engineering 动物营养代谢病Animal Metabolic Diseases 动物营养代谢病专题Animal Metabolic Diseases 人类疾病模型的构建与应用Animal Models for Human Diseases 动物分子病毒学Animal Molecular Virology 动物分子病毒学Animal Molecular Virology 动物神经生物学Animal Neurobiology 动物神经生物学Animal Neurobiology 动物营养与免疫专题Animal Nutrion and Immunology 动物营养与免疫专题Animal Nutrion and Immunology 动物保护与福利Animal Protection and Welfare 动物生殖内分泌学Animal Reproduction and Endocrinology 动物生殖内分泌学Animal Reproduction and Endocrinology 动物繁殖学SeminarAnimal Reproduction Seminar 动物繁殖学SeminarAnimal Reproduction Seminar动物繁殖理论与现代生物技术(案例)Animal Reproduction Theory and Modern Biotechnology 动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology 动物生殖生理学Animal Reproductive Physiology动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology Experiment 动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology Experiment 动物功能基因组学Animl Functional Genomics 动物功能基因组学Animl Functional Genomics 人类学与中国社会研究Anthropology and Chinese Society 人类学与中国社会研究Anthropology and Chinese Society 植物抗菌化合物专题Antimicrobial Compounds from Plants 植物抗菌化合物专题Antimicrobial Compounds from Plants 3S 技术农业应用Application of 3S in Agriculture 3S 技术在水利工程中的应用Application of 3S Techniques on Soil and Water Conservation生物多样性与应用Application of Biodiversity 生物多样性与利用Application of Biodiversity 生物多样性与利用Application of Biodiversity 3S 技术应用Application of GIS, GPS and RS 3S 技术应用Application of GIS, GPS and RS应用数理统计Application of Mathematical Statistics 应用数理统计Application of Mathematical Statistics 分子生物学在昆虫学中的应用Application of Molecular Biology to Entomology 分子生物学在昆虫学中的应用Application of Molecular Biology to Entomology 植物生理生态仪器Application of Plant Physiology and Ecology 植物生理生态仪器Application of Plant Physiology and Ecology 3S 在水文模拟中的应用Applications of "3S" to Hydrology Simulation电力系统最优化技术Applications of Optimization Method in Electrical Power System 电力系统最优化技术Applications of Optimization Method in Electrical Power System 稳定同位素在生态环境研究中的应用Applications of Stable Isotopes in Studies of Environment and Ecology 稳定同位素在生态环境研究中的应用Applications of Stable Isotopes in Studies of Environment and Ecology 应用数理统计Applied Mathematical Statistics应用经济学Seminar Applied Economics Seminar应用地质地貌与土地资源Applied Geology Geomorphology and Land Resource应用地质地貌与土地资源Applied Geology Geomorphology and Land Resource应用植物生物技术Applied Plant Biotechnology农业应用随机过程Applied Stochastic in Agriculture应用随机过程Apply Stochastic Processes园林设计研究进展Approach of Landscape Architecture风景园林研究进展Approach of Landscape Architecture观赏植物生理生态研究进展Approach of Ornamental Horticulture观赏园艺研究进展Approach of Ornamental Horticulture英语教学法Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching英语教学法Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching水生昆虫学Aquatic Entomology水生昆虫学Aquatic Entomology艺术设计Art Design人工智能原理Artificial Intelligence人工智能技术Artificial Intelligence结构抗震减震分析原理Aseismic Analysis Principle of Structure兽药安全评价技术Assessment Technique of Veterinary Drug Safety不对称合成Asymmetric Synthesis不对称合成Asymmetric SynthesisAutoCAD 二次开发技术Auto CAD Customization自动控制技术Automatic Control Technology自动控制理论Automatical Control Theory自动控制理论Automatical Control Theory自动机械设计Automatical Machine Design禽类生理学Avian Physiology禽类生理学Avian Physiology遗传分析原理Basic Concepts of Genetic Analysisi基础分子生物学实验Basic Experiment of Molecar Biology基础分子生物学实验Basic Experiment of Molecar Biology新能源发电技术基础Basic of Renewable Energy Generation Technology交通规划理论与方法Basic Theory and Method of Traffic-layou放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection土壤物理与作物学基础Basics of Soil Physics and Crop土壤物理与作物学基础Basics of Soil Physics and Crop篮球Basketball生化分析Biochemical Analysis生化分析Biochemical Analysis生物气候模型与信息系统Bioclimatological Model and Information System生物气候模型与信息系统Bioclimatological Model and Information System畜牧生物工程专业硕士生Seminar Bio-engineering Seminar in Animal配子与胚胎生物工程Bio-engineering Technology in Animal Gamete and Embryo 配子与胚胎生物工程Bio-engineering Technology in Animal Gamete and Embryo 植物小RNA的生物合成和功能Biogenesis and Function of Small RNAs in Plant生物地球化学Biogeochemistry生物地球化学Bio-geochemistry生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学算法Bioinformatics Algorithm生物信息学算法Bioinformatics Algorithm生物信息检测与处理专题Bioinformatics Detection and Processing Topic生物信息学SEMI.Bioinformatics Seminar生物信息学Seminar Bioinformatics Seminar植物病害生物防治Biological Control of Plant Diseases植物病害生物防治Biological Control of Plant Diseases生物饲料加工与利用Biological Feed Processing and Application植物病原细菌生物学Biology of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria植物病原细菌生物学Biology of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria生物质工程Bio-mass Engineering Theory生物质工程原理Bio-mass Engineering Theory生物膜与信号转导Biomembrane and Signal Transduction生物膜与信号传导Biomembrane and Signal Transduction生物物理学BiophysicsBioprocessing and Food Quality Bioprocessing and Food QualityBioprocessing Engineering Bioprocessing Engineering生物生产自动化与机器人Bio-production and Robot生物生产自动化与机器人Bio-production and Robot生化反应动力学与反应器Bioreaction Engineering生化反应动力学与反应器Bioreaction Engineering生物修复Bioremediation生物修复Bioremediation农业生物安全Biosafty for Agriculture生物系统动力学(Biosystem)Biosystem Dynamics生物系统动力学Biosystem Dynamics观赏植物生物技术Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants蔬菜生物技术Biotechnology to Vegetable Science植物源杀虫剂及作用机理Botanic Pesticide植物源杀虫剂及其作用机理Botanic Pesticide边界元法Boundary Element Method材料成型中的计算机应用Brief Introduction of Computer Application in Plastic Working 经济学流派Brief Introduction of Economics Schools经济学流派Brief Introduction of Economics Schools商务英语Business EnglishC语言程序设计 C LanguageC语言程序设计 C Language基于PRO-E的CAD/CAM集成制造技术CAD/CAM Based on Creo资本运营Capital Operation汽车网络通讯技术Car Network Communication Technology汽车网络通讯技术Car Network Communication Technology碳水化合物化学Carbohydrate Chemistry碳水化合物化学Carbohydrate Chemistry农业水土工程设计案例Case Analysis for Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering国内外食品安全案例辨析Case Studies on Food Safety Incidents企业管理案例分析Case Study for Corporation Management企业管理案例分析Case Study for Corporation Management电子商务案例Case Study for E-Commerce细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞培养基础和实验Cell Culture Basics and Experiments细胞培养基础和实验Cell Culture Basics and Experiments动物细胞工程Cellular Engineering Technology in Animal动物细胞工程原理与方法(原细胞Cellular Engineering Technology in Animal工程 )英语六级CET-6化学生态学Chemical Ecology临床化验及病理诊断技术Chemical Examination and Pathological Diagnostic Technique 化学计量学Chemistry Metrology化学计量学Chemistry Metrology中国概况China Panorama粮食经济Grain Economy粮食经济Grain Economy中国化的马克思主义研究Chinalized Marxism Studies中国化的马克思主义研究Chinalized Marxism Studies土木工程抗灾原理Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention Theory土木工程材料专论Civil Engineering Material Monogragh土木工程材料专论Civil Engineering Material Monogragh传统文化与现代企业管理系列专题Classical Cutlure and Modern Enterprise Management期货品种专题Classification of Futures Commodities气候与农业减灾研究专题Climate Resource and Agriculture Disaster Reduction Seminar 气候与农业减灾研究专题Climate Resource and Agriculture Disaster Reduction Seminar 临床病理诊断技术Clinical Pathological Diagnostic Technique临床兽医学专业Seminar Clinical Veterinary Medicine Seminar公共经济学理论专题Colloquium of Public Economics公共经济学理论专题Colloquium of Public Economics组合优化Combination Optimization组合优化Combination Optimization组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics农业传播技术与应用Communication for Rural Development社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management动物生殖生理学Comparative Animal Breeding动物比较育种学Comparative Animal Breeding比较基因组学与分子进化Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution比较政府与政治Comparative Government and Politics比较病理学Comparative Pathology比较病理学Comparative Pathology中外教育比较评价Comparative Studies of Sino-foreign Eduction 中外教育比较研究Comparative Studies of Sino-foreign Eduction 竞争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 竟争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 竞争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 综合测评Comprehensive Assessment 农产品加工与贮藏综合实验Comprehensive Experiments of Agricultural Products Processing and Storage 营养与食品卫生综合大实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 营养与食品安全综合大实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 营养与食品安全综合实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 生物质综合利用与转化Comprehensive Utilization and Conversion of Biomass Resources 计算流体力学Computation Fluid Dynamics 计算流体力学Computation Fluid Dynamics 两相流与多相流计算Computation of Two-phase and Multi-phase Flow 统计计算方法Computational Method for Statistic 统计计算方法Computational Method for Statistic 农业生物信息计算机采集与处理Computer Acquisition Agricultural Biological Information and Processing 计算机算法设计Computer Algorithm Design 英语多媒体网络教育Computer Assisted Language Learning 英语多媒体网络教学Computer Assisted Language Learning 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机网络体系结构Computer Network Architecture 计算机网络体系结构Computer Network Architecture 现代干燥技术Computer Simulation for Farm Product Drying 现代干燥技术Computer Simulation for Farm Product Drying 土壤水土过程模拟Computer Simulation of Soil Physical ProcessesComputer simulation of soil-water processesComputer Simulation of Soil Physical Processes 计算机支持的协同工作与网络计算Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Grid Computing 计算机支持的协同工作与网格计算Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Grid Computing 机械系统计算机虚拟样机技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for Mechanical System 基于PRO_E 的CAD/CAM 集成制造技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for MechanicalSystem 机械系统计算机虚拟样机技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for Mechanical System 计算机视觉Computer Vision 计算机视觉技术Computer Vision 家畜育种中的计算方法Computing Algorithms in Animal Breeding 家畜育种中的计算方法Computing Algorithms in Animal Breeding 混凝土结构原理Concrete Structure Theory 混凝土结构理论Concrete Structure Theory 共轭曲面理论Conjugate Surface Theory 生物质工程导论Conspectus of Biomass Engineering 工程材料本构关系Constitutive Relation of Engineering Materials 工程材料本构关系Constitutive Relation of Engineering Materials 信息资源建设与评价Construction and Evaluation of Information Resources 土木工程质量事故处理与分析Construction Quality Accident Analysis and Treatment中外城市建设史Constructual History on China and Foreign cities农产品需求分析Consumer Demand Analysis for Food and AgriculturalProducts现代区域发展规划与管理Contemporary Regional Development Planning andManagement现代区域发展规划与管理Contemporary Regional Development Planning andManagement可持续机械化生产系统Continuable Mechanization Production System可持续机械化生产系统Continuable Mechanization Production System连续介质力学Continuity Mechanics连续介质力学Continuity Mechanics连续型抽样Continuous Sampling畜禽寄生虫病防治Control of Parasite infection in Poultry and Animals 公司金融理论Corporate Finance Theory公司法与现代企业制度Corporation Law and Modern Enterprise System公司法与现代企业制度Corporation Law and Modern Enterprise System机电产品创新设计Creative Design of Mechantronic Product机电产品创新设计Creative Design of Mechantronic Product英美文学专题Critical Approaches to Literature发展研究前沿Critical Development Studies区域经济学前沿Critical Regional Economics作物生理与分析研究技术Crop Analysis Technology作物育种理论与案例分析Crop Breeding and Cases Analysis作物抗逆机理与育种Crop Breeding for Tolerance作物抗逆机理与育种Crop Breeding for Tolerance作物生理学SEMI.Crop Physiology Seminar作物生理学Seminar Crop Physiology Seminar作物生产系统分析与模拟Crop System Analysis and Simulation作物生产系统分析与模拟Crop System Analysis and Simulation当代国际贸易体制Current International Trading System当代国际贸易体制Current International Trading System现代生物学技术Current Techniques in Biological Sciences数据拟合Data Fitting数据拟合Data Fitting数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据结构Data Structure数据结构Data Structure数据结构Data Structure数据、模型与决策Data, Model and Decision-making数据库与空间数据管理Database and Spatial Data Management数据库与空间数据管理Database and Spatial Data Management数据库原理与技术Database Principle and Technology数据库原理与技术Database Principle and Technology决策分析Decision Making and Analysis决策分析Decision Making and Analysis生态工程设计与应用Design and Application of Ecological Engineering绿地工程设计与建设Design and Construction of Landscape Project绿地工程设计与建设Design and Construction of Landscape Project试验设计与多元分析Design of Experiment and Mult Variate Statistical Anlylisis 试验设计与多元分析Design of Experiment and Mult Variate Statistical Anlylisis 有机合成设计Design of Organic Synthesis设计模式Design Patterns农业建筑结构设计原理Design Principle on Agricultural Structure车辆工程专业进展Development of Vehicle Engineering车辆工程专业进展Development of Vehicle Engineering信息资源开发利用技术Development and Utilization of Information ResourcesTechnology信息资源开发利用技术Development and Utilization of Information ResourcesTechnology发展经济学专题Development Economics发展经济学Development Economics发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods中国发展模式Development Models of China食品科学技术研究进展Development of Food Science Technology Research食品科学技术研究进展Development of Food Science Technology Research葡萄酒化学进展Development of Wine Chemistry葡萄酒化学进展Development of Wine Chemistry农业工程专业Seminar Development of Agricultural Engineering农业工程专业Seminar Development of Agricultural Engineering农业装备工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Equipment Engineering农业装备工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Equipment Engineering农业机械化工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业机械化工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农产品加工工程进展Development of Farm Product Processing Engineering农产品加工工程专业进展Development of Farm Product Processing Engineering食品质量管理进展Development of Food Quality Management食品质量管理进展Development of Food Quality Management食品安全研究进展Development of Food Security Research食品安全研究进展Development of Food Security Research物流工程技术进展Development of Logistics Engineering机械设计及理论专业进展Development of Mechanical Design and Theory机械设计及理论专业进展Development of Mechanical Design and Theory机械工程技术进展Development of Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化专业进展Development of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation 现代制造前沿技术与进展Development of Modern Manufacturing Technology现代制造前沿技术与进展Development of Modern Manufacturing Technology发展规划Development Planning发展项目管理Development Project Management发展社会学Development Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology发展理论与实践Development Theories and Practices自然辩证法Dialectics of Nature微分几何Differential Coefficient Geometry微分几何Differential Coefficient Geometry。



A Complete ApproachWhat is a wetline kit•A wetline kit is used to connect a vocationaltruck to a trailer that has a vocational applicationso the trailer can have power to operate theproper application•Example Dump Trailer – Moving Floor – OilTransfer – Low Boy – Live Bottom – Roll Off etc.What does a wetline kit consist of •PTO – Combination Pump & Valve “Dump Pump” or separate pump andvalve - Tank - Ball Valves - Relief Valves - Hose Kits - Quick Couples -Filtration - Inside the cab controls or external controls - Connectors -Hoses - Hydraulic FluidPumpsIn Cab Controls In Line Relief Valves Filtration Hydraulic Tanks Pump and ValvePTOValves Hoses ConnectorsHow Many Trailer Lines To ConnectSingle Line•Dump TrailerOne quick coupler to connecta single hose to power thetrailer up and letting the trailerback downTwo Lines•Moving Floor •Oil Transfer •Low Boy •Live Bottom•Roll OffOne Pressure Line & One Return LineThree Lines•Bulk Feed TrucksGenerally uses a tandem gear pump that has two inlets and two outlets. The trailer has two high pressure lines and one return line – Gear pumps are normally used but Vane and Bent Axis F2 pumps are excellent alternativesHow Many Lines to ConnectComboAllows the driver to connect to different types of trailers.•One line or•T wo LineThis gives the truck greater flexibility in what type of trailer the driver can connect . Parker has 3 combination systemsto choose from:1.Standard Combo uses a dumppump and is rated up to 2500PSI max the R/V is set to 2440PSI2.Premium Combo uses a pumpand valve system and is ratedup to 3000 psi3.Auto Combo – High Flow usesa pump and valve but does notrequire any special operationfrom inside the cab by thedriver. Rated up to 3000 psiApplicationStandard•Dump Trailer•Low Boy•Roll OffPremium and Auto•Dump Trailer•Low Boy•Roll Off•Oil Transfer•Live Bottom•Frack Trailer•Moving FloorWhat Pumps are Used In ComboAdvantage Disadvantage EachStandard Combo•Less cost•One pressure setting 2440•NPT Ports•Standard In-Cab Controls •No additional valve needed •Works well in 95% for most setups•Some applications mayexperience difficulty inmoving extremely heavyloads•Has NPT pump ports that are capable of hydraulicleaks at higher pressures Premium Combo•In-Cab Controls monitors 2different pressure settings3000 and 2250 PSI•O-Ring Ports for leak freehydraulics at higherpressures•Easy to operate In-CabControls for the Driver•Able to handle a very widerange of loads•Driver must select thecorrect pressure hose whenquick coupling the trailer•About 15 % moreexpensive over a completestandard combo system.Auto Combo•Automatically monitorspressure settings 3200 and2250 PSI•O-Ring Ports for leak freehydraulics at higherpressures•Standard In-Cab Controls•Faster unloading speeds•Easy trailer connections• A little extra costGetting The Wetline Kit You Want•Determine yourapplication needs basedon the type of trailer youneed the driver toconnect, and how manylines it takes make theconnection•Go to •Click on Wetline Kits•Public – Available to All •Private - PasswordProtectedSelect the Application and start the selecting our Components •Note you will need Transmission Make & Model #Getting the Wetline Kit You WantAfter Configuring Your Kit / Click onthe summary to view your selectionsComing Soon•Purchase the individual components youdesire.•Get shipments out in 48 hours or less•One Invoice shipped at the same time•One purchase order for multipledivisional products.Components - PTO’sPTO’S areselected based on•Application •Transmission •Make •Model •Opening •Mounting •Direct /Remote •Speed •TorqueComponents - In Cab ControlsComponents - PumpsComponents - TanksComponents - Pipe Thread ReducersComponents - ValvesNote all assembled valves listed above are set for 2000-2500 PSI except for the Auto Comboand Premium Combination that has one of the sections set at 3000 PSIComponents – Trailer Hose KitsPartsIncluded•Drawings•Hoses•Adapters•ReducersComponents - Hose811 Hose is simply cut to length and is used with 88 Series hose barb and clamps or can be crimped with a Parker Crimper using 81 Series fittings.451 TC Hose must be crimped with a Parker Crimper and uses a 43 Series fittingsComponents - Hose BarbComponents - FiltrationComponents - Quick CouplersComponents - Port AdaptersComponents - Ball Valves & NipplesComponents AccessoriesIn Line Relief and Selector ValvesNeed Additional HelpCall our customer service lineParker Austin Texas USA 1-877-482-4899 Parker Milton Ontario Canada 1-844-938-5463。



Highspeed rail,commonly known as bullet trains,has revolutionized the way we travel.It is a testament to the advancements in modern transportation technology.Heres an essay on highspeed rail technology suitable for a junior high school student:The Marvel of Modern Transportation:HighSpeed RailIn the realm of transportation,the advent of highspeed rail has been nothing short of a marvel.It has transformed the way we travel,making long distances seem shorter and more accessible than ever before.The concept of highspeed rail is not new,but its recent advancements have made it a preferred mode of travel for many.Introduction to HighSpeed RailHighspeed rail is a type of rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional rail traffic.It is characterized by its highspeed train sets and dedicated tracks,which allow for speeds exceeding200kilometers per hour.The technology behind highspeed rail is a combination of aerodynamics,advanced materials,and sophisticated control systems.History and DevelopmentThe idea of highspeed rail was first realized in Japan with the Shinkansen,which began operations in1964.Since then,countries like France,Germany,and China have developed their own highspeed rail networks.The development of highspeed rail has been driven by the need for efficient,environmentally friendly,and comfortable transportation options.Technological InnovationsThe technology behind highspeed rail is continually evolving.Key innovations include:1.Aerodynamics:Highspeed trains are designed with aerodynamic shapes to reduce air resistance,allowing them to travel at high speeds with minimal energy loss.2.Maglev Technology:Some highspeed trains use magnetic levitation,which reduces friction by levitating the train above the tracks,further increasing speed and efficiency.3.Regenerative Braking:This system captures the energy generated during braking andreuses it to power the train,making highspeed rail more energyefficient.4.Advanced Materials:The use of lightweight materials in the construction of highspeed trains reduces the overall weight,allowing for higher speeds and lower energy consumption.5.Control Systems:Sophisticated control systems ensure the safety and precision of highspeed rail operations,including automatic train control and realtime monitoring of train performance.Benefits of HighSpeed RailThe benefits of highspeed rail are numerous and include:1.Time Efficiency:Highspeed rail significantly reduces travel time between cities, making it a viable alternative to air travel for shorter distances.2.Environmental Impact:Compared to other forms of transportation,highspeed rail produces less carbon dioxide and other pollutants,contributing to a cleaner environment.3.Economic Growth:The development of highspeed rail networks stimulates economic growth by improving connectivity between regions,encouraging tourism,and facilitating business activities.4.Safety:Highspeed rail is considered one of the safest modes of transportation,with a low rate of accidents and fatalities.Challenges and the FutureDespite its many advantages,highspeed rail faces challenges such as high initial infrastructure costs,land acquisition issues,and competition from other modes of transportation.However,with ongoing technological advancements and increasing environmental concerns,the future of highspeed rail looks promising.In conclusion,highspeed rail is a remarkable achievement in the field of transportation technology.It offers a fast,efficient,and environmentally friendly way to travel,and as technology continues to advance,we can expect even greater improvements in speed, comfort,and safety.This essay provides a comprehensive overview of highspeed rail technology,its history, technological innovations,benefits,and future prospects,making it suitable for a junior high school students understanding and writing ability.。

CYME 9.1 电力工程与分析软件说明书

CYME 9.1 电力工程与分析软件说明书

CYME power engineering and analysis softwareBrightlayer Utilities suiteImproving the capacity planning integration and the distributed resources planning processes CYME 9.1 new featuresCYME power engineering and analysis software, part of the the Brightlayer Utilities suite,is a next generation solution aimed at supporting utilities with efforts to modernize long-term grid planning framework. Built on core components such as chronological as-planned network modeling, time-series analysis, DER optimization,non-wires alternatives design, and project portfolio evaluation, CYME 9.1 enables the integration of the capacity planning and the distributed resources planning processes while paving the way to integrated system planning.Key new features include:• L ong-Term Planner module engineered to generatecrucial insights on long-termhourly demand forecasts anddistribution system’s risksand performance over time.• C able Thermal Rating module that brings forth the world-renowned CYMCAP Software calculation engine into therealm of the CYME Softwarefor the thermal analysisof underground duct bankstructures.• I mproved Steady-StateAnalysis with Profiles module that pushes the limit of time-series analysis through localor remote multiprocessingwith direct integration toexternal data sources via theDynamic Data Pull module.• C ontinuous improvement of the core components suchas Load Flow Analysis, LoadAllocation function, Advanced Project Manager, IntegrationCapacity Analysis, Load ReliefDER Optimization, Techno-Economic Analysis, and thePython® Scripting Tool.• O ptimized performances andseveral enhancements to thesoftware framework, userinterface, and the one-linediagram navigation.By working together withelectric utilities, we continue toadvance the capabilities of theCYME power system analysissoftware to meet the needsof any engineering study fromelementary to complex.Long Term Planner module:The CYME Long-Term Plannermodule combines a series oftools designed to optimally carrytasks involved with the annualplanning cycle. Leveragingthe power of the AdvancedProject Manager and the LoadFlow with profiles, a time-series analysis combining loadallocations and load flows,this module features powerfulforecast analytics capabilitiesand a novel report technologythat aggregates content fromdifferent contexts to providea holistic view of distributioncircuits and substationsperformance over time.The Brightlayer Utilities suite is a full complement ofsoftware applications that enable utilities to use datato optimize the performance and reliability of the grid,integrate renewables, comply with regulations andplan for the future. As a key solution in the BrightlayerUtilities suite, our CYME power engineering softwarecontinues to evolve its best-of-breed power systemanalysis software with the release of CYME 9.1, thesecond version of a new generation aimed atsupporting utilities in their efforts to align theirpractices with the climate and clean energy goalsof the 21st century.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2021 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPub No: BR917096EN / GG July 2021Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners../cyme or contact us at ******************.Cable Thermal Rating module:•The CYME Cable Thermal Rating module brings forth the world-renowned CYMCAP Software calculation engine into the realm of the CYME Software, anabling users to performe ampacity and temperature rise calculations for power cable installations.•This module addresses steady-state and transient thermal cable rating as per the analytical techniques described by Neher-McGrath and the International Standards IEC 287© and IEC 853©.Engineering Analysis Enhancements: Load Flow — Load Allocation•Controls – Transformer tap operation with two new operation modes•Improved algorithm to better handle: Complex BESS controls, new voltage regulator control modes (bias controls), convergence for Y-g/D connected transformers.•Define Voltage Sensitivity Load Models and default power factors per load model (Customer Type dialog box) > seasonal parameters (winter, summer, etc.) •Time Parameters: a load model can now be assigned to each season.•Abnormal conditions: feeder sources fed by an upstream substation are now considered in the evaluation of abnormal loading conditions.Network Modeling Enhancements:•Voltage Regulator: The First House Protection option is now enabled for voltage regulators working in reverse mode.•It is now possible to Drag & Drop a network from the toolbox onto a node to create a network on this node.•Network Properties: three (3) more grouping attributes have been added to the Network Properties in order to capture additional non-electrichierarchical information for each circuit. The total number of grouping attributes is now six (6).•Network Properties: a new Limits tab has been added to define the circuit's capacity and protection trip limits to evaluate overload conditions at the circuit level or at the source.•Anew CYME Library of AC/DC converters is now available from the Equipment menu. This library features 680 documented converter models for a mix of single-phase and three-phase converters from different manufacturers.Improved User Experience:One-Line diagram•Anew option button has been added to prevent automatic “best display calculation” (switch from automatic to manual calculation).•The user experience has been improved when making multiple selections using the mouse and the Ctrl Key.•Now users can modify the Remote-controlled attribute for devices from the group properties dialog box.•“Low voltage cable/overhead" symbols concept extended to Secondary Network (CYME / SNA) type networks. Line styles can be now assigned by OH line or cable ID.Reports, Color Coding and Charts•Anew option is available to toggle a tabbed report into full-screen mode.•Create a report for upstream sections , including laterals.•Several new chart options have been added to enhance the user er interface and Framework•It is now possible to access the TCC settings of a protective device from the Properties control of the Explorer bar. •Anew icon for Batch Analysis has been defined.•Anew tool, “Clear simulation Circles”, is available in the toolbar to remove any circling of devices due to a simulation.•It is now possible to reset the position of the result’s box to be centered on the CYME software window.•Anew option, “Restore Layout”, was added to the CYME Configuration Setup dialog box to restore the display to default when restarting the CYME application.We are committed to advancing thecalculation engines and modeling capabilities of CYME power engineering software by continuously working to meet and exceed the evolving needs of the energy landscape. As part of the Brightlayer Utilities suite, CYME 9.1 is a fundamental tool enabling utilities to analyze data for optimizinggrid performance and reliability, integrating renewables today and planning forthe future.。



第10卷第12期农业工程Vol.10No.12 2020年12月Agricultural Engineering Dec.2020收稿日期:2020-08-26修回日期:2020-10-27作者简介:杨学军,研究员,研究方向:种植及植保机械。



关键词:植保无人飞机;多旋翼;植保机械;病虫害防治中图分类号:S251文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-1795(2020)12-0001-06Development Status and Suggestion of Plant Protection UAVYANG Xuejun,YAN Herong,ZHANG Tie,DONG Xiang,SUN Xing(Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences,Beijing100083,China)Abstract:Due to advantages of high operation efficiency,water and medicine saving,route planning and all terrain operation,plant protection UAV has developed rapidly in domestic market.Development background,reasons for rapid development,for-mation of new market structure,technical route selection,operation performance and application scope,relevant policies,in-dustry standard and problems to be solved were introduced.Some suggestions for development were put forward.It provided ref-erence for industry standardization and healthy development.Keywords:plant protection UAV,multi rotor,plant protection machinery,pest control0引言植保无人飞机由于其作业效率高、节水省药、具有航迹规划与全地形作业能力等优势,并且特别适合于丘陵、山地、果园等地面植保机械难以作业区域的农药喷雾作业,加之资本市场的推动、技术不断成熟、农机购置补贴试点启动、农村劳动力短缺等因素的叠加,2015年以后,呈现高速发展的态势[1-2]。



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Cat ® buckets and forks are designed to provide superior productivity, high reliability and long life in a variety of materials and handling conditions. Rugged Cat buckets for Backhoe Loaders include General Purpose, Multi Purpose, Multi Purpose with fold-over Forks, and Side Dump Buckets. Cat buckets are designed to work with the backhoe loader’s single tilt (ST) or integrated tool carrier (IT) linkage for optimum digging performance.Features:Performance and VersatilityThe formed back wrapper design enhances bucket loadability and production in a wide variety of applications. The optimum wrapper angle and lack of sharp corners promote superior bucket fill and reduce material packing for productivity. Cat Ground Engaging Tools (G.E.T.) can provide added performance and flexibility.Pallet ForksCat Pallet Forks are designed to meet a wide variety of material handling needs. Pallet forks are well suited for moving bulky or palletized materials on construction and industrial sites, handling pallets of building materials, and a variety of other material handling applications such as brick, block and base mortar. Cat Pallet Forks provide a durable, dependable backhoe loader material handling system. One pallet fork carriage is offered with three fork length options.Cat Ground Engaging Tools (G.E.T.)Cat G.E.T. protect bucket edges, increase durability and extend bucket wear life in a variety of applications. B olt-on cutting edges are recommended for bucket base edge protection in high wear conditions. Made from tough DH-2™ hardened steel, they extend edge wear life. J 220 Bolt-on teeth are available.Customer SupportWhether it is matching the right work tool to the right job, adding more work tools to your lineup or obtaining responsive and knowledgeable support, Cat dealers are ready to assist you.Quick CouplerCat front loader buckets and work tools use the proven Cat IT hydraulic quick coupler, which allows operators to quickly change from one high performance work toolto another.Cat®Front LoaderBuckets and ForksB ACKHOE L OADERSCompatibilityModel MachinesLoader Buckets 415F2, 415F2 IL, 416F2, 420F2, 430F2, 450F Forks420F2, 430F2Machine model availability and attachment vary by region. Please contact your local dealer.2 Front Loader Buckets and Forks for Backhoe LoadersCat ®Front Loader Buckets and ForksLoader BucketsSpecifications – General Purpose BucketsCaterpillar offers four types of loader buckets for Cat backhoe loaders.Features:General Purpose BucketsThe all-around choice for loading, carrying, dumping and performing general cleanup work.Multi Purpose BucketsOffer excellent versatility by enabling one work tool to do the job of many. This bucket is ideal for material handling, clamping, grading, leveling and grasping irregularly shaped objects.Multi Purpose Buckets with Fold-Over ForksSimilar to the multi purpose buckets, but the fold-over forks increase its ability for additional material handling tasks.Side Dump BucketsDesigned for loading, carrying, leveling, backfilling and dumping in a variety of applications and materials. Capable of dumping forward or to the left side, thesebuckets offer the versatility required in tight work areas and congested environments.Cat® Front Loader Buckets and Forks Specifications – Multi Purpose BucketsSpecifications – Multi Purpose Buckets with Fold-Over ForksSpecifications – Side Dump BucketsFront Loader Buckets and Forks for Backhoe Loaders 3Cat ®Front Loader Buckets and ForksAEHQ5927-01 (09-2017)Replaces AEHQ5927For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2017 CaterpillarAll rights reservedMaterials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, , their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.Specifications – ForksFork Tine Length mm (in)1050(41)1220(48)1350 (54)Fork Tine Width mm (in)130(5)130(5)130(5)Fork Tine Thickness mm (in)50(2)50(2)50(2)Operating Load (420F2 IT)1kg (lb)2065(4,553)1990(4,388)1855(4,090)Operating Load (430F2 IT)1kg (lb)2160(4,763)2020(4,454)1840(4,057)Operating Load (420F2 IT)2kg (lb)2340(5,160)2320(5,116)2295(5,060)Operating Load (430F2 IT)2kg (lb)2315(5,105)2300(5,072)2275(5,016)Load Centermm(in)525(21)600(24)675(27)1 Tip limited. Operating load per SAE J1197 OCT11.2Hydraulically limited. Operating load per CEN474-4 NOV06.ForksCaterpillar offers one carriage with three different tine length options to meet a wide variety of material handling needs.Features:Carriage DesignC arriage is designed to International Trucking Association standards. H eavy-duty backrest is durable and easy to see through providing operator protection from shifting loads while maintaining excellent visibility to fork tips. Notched rail-type carriage allows fork tines to be easily re-spaced or changed and locked in place.Fork DesignForks are designed to move bulky or palletized materials on construction and industrial sites.Cutout DesignO ff-center cutout allows quick, easy change of forks.Capacity RatingC lass III rated for higher lifting capacity.。



广东省攀登计划英语The Guangdong Province Climbing Plan is an ambitious initiative launched by the local government to promote outdoor activities and adventure tourism in the region. Situated in the southern part of China, Guangdong is known for its diverse natural landscapes, ranging from lush mountains and verdant forests to pristine beaches and bustling cities. The Climbing Plan aims to capitalize on these natural assets by developing a comprehensive network of hiking trails, rock climbing sites, and other outdoor recreational facilities.At the heart of the Climbing Plan is a focus on sustainable tourism development. The program emphasizes the importance of preserving the region's ecological integrity while providing exciting opportunities for locals and visitors alike to explore the great outdoors. This delicate balance is achieved through a multi-pronged approach that involves stakeholder collaboration, infrastructure development, and environmental conservation efforts.One of the key pillars of the Climbing Plan is the creation of a network of well-marked and maintained hiking trails. These trails,which wind through the province's mountainous regions, offer hikers of all skill levels the chance to immerse themselves in the stunning natural scenery. From gentle, family-friendly routes to challenging, technical ascents, the trails cater to a diverse range of outdoor enthusiasts. The trails are designed to showcase the region's unique geological features, such as towering rock formations, cascading waterfalls, and lush, verdant forests.Alongside the hiking trails, the Climbing Plan also includes the development of world-class rock climbing destinations. Guangdong's rugged terrain and diverse rock formations make it an ideal location for this thrilling sport. The plan involves the identification and preparation of prime climbing sites, complete with safety equipment, training facilities, and support services for climbers. These sites are expected to attract both seasoned climbers and those new to the sport, contributing to the growth of adventure tourism in the region.To ensure the long-term sustainability of the Climbing Plan, the local government has placed a strong emphasis on environmental conservation and community engagement. This includes measures to protect the region's delicate ecosystems, such as the implementation of strict regulations on waste management, the promotion of eco-friendly practices among tour operators, and the education of visitors on the importance of responsible tourism.The Climbing Plan also recognizes the crucial role that local communities play in the success of the initiative. By involving residents in the planning and implementation process, the program aims to empower local stakeholders and ensure that the benefits of the outdoor recreation activities are shared equitably. This includes the creation of job opportunities in the tourism and hospitality sectors, as well as the development of community-based enterprises that cater to the needs of visitors.One of the most exciting aspects of the Climbing Plan is its potential to transform the tourism landscape of Guangdong Province. By positioning the region as a premier destination for outdoor adventure and exploration, the plan is expected to attract a new wave of visitors, both domestic and international, who are drawn to the province's natural wonders. This influx of tourists will not only boost the local economy but also foster greater appreciation and understanding of the region's unique cultural and environmental heritage.To support the implementation of the Climbing Plan, the local government has invested heavily in infrastructure development and capacity-building initiatives. This includes the construction of state-of-the-art trailheads, campgrounds, and other facilities that cater to the needs of outdoor enthusiasts. Additionally, the government has partnered with leading experts and organizations in the field ofadventure tourism to provide training and support to local service providers, ensuring that they are equipped to deliver high-quality experiences to visitors.The Guangdong Province Climbing Plan is a testament to the region's commitment to sustainable tourism development and its desire to showcase its natural assets to the world. By empowering local communities, preserving the environment, and creating exciting opportunities for outdoor exploration, the plan has the potential to transform the way people experience and engage with the province. As the program continues to evolve and expand, it is poised to become a model for other regions in China and beyond, demonstrating the power of innovative, community-driven initiatives to unlock the full potential of a destination's natural resources.。

advanced powder technology级别 -回复

advanced powder technology级别 -回复

advanced powder technology级别-回复Advanced powder technology refers to the advanced techniques and methodologies used in the research and development of various types of powders. It encompasses the production, characterization, modification, and application of powders in a wide range of industries and fields. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of advanced powder technology and delve into its significance in modern society.1. Introduction to Advanced Powder Technology (150 words) Advanced powder technology has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to enhance the performance and properties of powders for industrial applications. It involves various processes, such as powder synthesis, particle size reduction, powder compaction, and surface modification. These processes are carefully designed and executed to achieve desired particle size distributions, morphologies, and properties. The applications of advanced powder technology are vast and diverse, ranging from pharmaceuticals and automotive to aerospace and energy sectors.2. Powder Synthesis Techniques (300 words)Powder synthesis is a crucial step in advanced powder technology.Various methods are employed to obtain powders with specific characteristics. Some common powder synthesis techniques include chemical precipitation, mechanical alloying, and spray drying.Chemical precipitation involves the formation of solid particles from a liquid phase through chemical reactions. It enables the production of powders with controlled compositions and sizes. Mechanical alloying, on the other hand, refers to the process of mixing and grinding of elemental or pre-alloyed powders to synthesize new materials with superior properties. It is widely used in the production of metal-based powders.Spray drying is a technique used to convert liquid feed materials into powder form. It involves atomizing the feed material into fine droplets, which are then dried using hot air or gas. Spray drying offers excellent control over particle size and morphology, making it suitable for the production of powders used in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.3. Particle Size Reduction Techniques (300 words)Particle size reduction is a critical aspect of advanced powdertechnology as it affects the flowability, solubility, and chemical reactivity of powders. Various techniques, such as milling, grinding, and classification, are employed for particle size reduction.Milling involves the mechanical breakdown of large particles into smaller ones using shear, impact, or compression forces. It can be performed using ball mills, attritors, or jet mills. Grinding, on the other hand, involves the use of abrasive particles to reduce the size of powders through attrition and impact.Classification techniques are used to separate particles based on their size and morphology. Sieving, sedimentation, and cyclonic separation are commonly employed for this purpose. These techniques play a vital role in ensuring that powders meet specific size requirements for their intended applications.4. Powder Compaction and Surface Modification (400 words) Powder compaction involves consolidating powdered materials to form solid objects. Advanced powder compaction techniques, such as cold isostatic pressing and hot isostatic pressing, have been developed to achieve high-density, defect-free components.Cold isostatic pressing uses fluids, such as oil or water, to apply equal pressure on powders from all directions, resulting in uniform densification. Hot isostatic pressing involves subjecting powders to elevated temperatures and pressures to enhance densification and eliminate defects. These techniques are widely used in the production of components for the automotive, aerospace, and medical industries.Surface modification refers to the alteration of the surface properties of powders to enhance their performance. Surface treatments, such as coating, functionalization, and doping, are employed to improve powder's chemical reactivity, stability, and adhesion properties. For instance, coating powders with a protective layer can enhance their corrosion resistance, while functionalization can improve their dispersibility in various media.5. Applications of Advanced Powder Technology (250 words) Advanced powder technology finds applications in various industries and fields. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used for controlled drug delivery systems, where powders with specific properties are designed to release drugs at a controlled rate. The automotive industry utilizes advanced powder technology formanufacturing lightweight components that contribute to fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. Additionally, advanced powder technology is pivotal in the development of aerospace materials with desirable properties, such as high strength-to-weight ratio and excellent thermal stability.Moreover, the energy sector benefits greatly from advanced powder technology, particularly in the production of advanced battery materials and catalysts for renewable energy conversion. Powder technology is also employed in the fields of food and cosmetics, where powders with enhanced properties, such as improved solubility or better texture, are developed to meet consumer demands.6. Conclusion (100 words)In conclusion, advanced powder technology plays a crucial role in various industries and fields. The ability to synthesize powders with specific properties, reduce particle size, and modify surface characteristics opens up numerous opportunities for innovation and development of new materials and products. As advancements continue in the field of powder technology, we can expect furtherimprovements and breakthroughs in a wide range of applications, contributing to the advancement of modern society.。

AAC生产技术Activator机用于Bestway Manufacturing(北大洋制造)说明书

AAC生产技术Activator机用于Bestway Manufacturing(北大洋制造)说明书

p r o d u c t i o n t e c h n o l o g yAircrete Europe, 7575 ED Oldenzaal, The NetherlandsNew automatic unloading line for AAC blocks for Bauroc in LatviaBauroc, the largest producer of AAC in Northern Europe with three AAC factories, has finalized the investmentproject in 2022 for increasing the production capacity in Ogre, Latvia. In order to move away from manual palletizing, th e factory in Latvia h as been equipped with a brand-new unloading and packaging line for AAC blocks, increasing both safety and capacity of the plant. For this important project, Bauroc engaged Aircrete Europe (Aircrete) as its technology partner. With five weeks factory downtime, resulting from care-ful planning between the project teams of Bauroc and Aircrete, the project was implemented within budget and efficiently sch eduled during th e annual winter factory sh utdown. Moreover, th e new design of th e unloading line is fully customized to the needs of the local production team and to fit within the dimensions of the production hall.The market for AAC products is continuously grow-ing. Being one of the largest producers in Northern Europe, Bauroc is increasing capacity while keeping the production reliability at a very high level, which is key for the company to maintain its leading position as a reliable supplier of high-quality AAC products.Project backgroundBauroc has one production site in Ogre, Latvia, which is an existing tilt-and-tilt-back plant with German technology and with flat autoclaving (of three stacks each). The factory has a daily capacity of 700 m 3/day of AAC blocks. In order to improve the reliability and safety of the existing forklift-operated palle- tizing and semi-automated packaging at the Ogrefactory, Bauroc initiated an upgrade project of thisarea to design and install a new, custom-made AAC block unloading and packaging line. In parallel with the new unloading line, Bauroc decided to add one extra autoclave to increase the overall capacity of the factory. Throughout 2020, the technical teams of Bauroc and Aircrete discussed the specific project requirements, based on the desired product quality and line output and within the envisaged investment budget expectations (Fig. 1). The purpose of the in-vestment was to (i) increase the throughput of the unloading line (thus overall plant capacity) and (ii) introduce automated unloading, separation, sorting and re-configuration of the products (within the cake) and palletizing of the autoclaved AAC blocks withinthe existing factory hall.Fig. 1: Unloading area “before” during a site inspection in 2020.Technical description and advantagesof the Aircrete solutionAs a customized and integrated technology partner, Aircrete took on this project. Although brownfield projects in factories supplied by another equipment supplier are, by definition, more challenging, Aircrete has built up a strong track record of upgrading ex-isting factories based on older technology to ensure they comply with the latest standards and can meet existing and future market demand. The recent larg-est upgrade of the old tilt-cake factory to a mod-ern Aircrete Flat-Cake technology-based factory for AERCON in the USA is a great example of this. For the full report of this project please refer to the page 52 in the previous edition of AAC Worldwide.For the Bauroc project in Latvia, similar challenges were faced, the existing parameters (like size of the cake) and layout-related items (like crane positions and the white separator, an element not required in a standard Aircrete design because of no sticking is-sues) had to be incorporated into the new design, in order to remain within the budget requirements. Nevertheless, Aircrete managed to design a solution that, besides being safer and more reliable, also pro-vides Bauroc with a high level of flexibility regarding unloading and packing variations. The new solution can handle a product portfolio of AAC blocks of 600-625 mm in length, 200-600 mm in height and 50- 500 mm thickness. In addition, there is a separate in-feed line for special products, such as U-blocks, posi-tioned before the stretch-hood foiling machine. The pallets used in the solution are 1,200 x 800 mm (most popular), 1,200 x 1,000 mm and 1,200 x 1,200 mm, which come stacked and nested in each other to the factory site. Further considerations had to be made for the reinforced AAC panels that Bauroc intends to make in the future, meaning the line needed to be universally suited to cater for both products for a certain part of the unloading. In addition, future plant capacity extension has already been incorpo-rated in the new design.Finally, because of the sticking issues, resulting from the tilt-cake cutting technology, even with flat/ horizontal autoclaving, a separator was required. As Bauroc was concerned about damage to the green cake due to additional handling by a so-called green separator, Aircrete supplied a white separation unit. All in all, especially due to the restricted space and the flexibility required, the new unloading line from Aircrete had to be compact, multifunctional and ef-ficient (Fig. 2). All of these requirements were met, resembling the strength of the Aircrete organization when it comes to customized, complex engineering, equipment delivery and installation projects.With the new Aircrete solution, the overall unload-ing process has an average cycle time of 5 minutes per cake and starts with new tilting table receiving the cake on a curing frame, placed by the existing crane. The cake is then tilted 90 degrees onto the circulating platform, while the curing frame is heldback to be removed by the existing crane into thebuffer. The cake on the platform then undergoeswhite separation, layer by layer, and moves for-ward to the sorting station, where a separate sorting manipulator can remove full layers of blocks andreplace them with new ones in case of damage.A fully “clean” cake then goes to the unloading buff-er area where a dedicated unloading manipulatorcan put the full cake on one of the buffer stationsfor adding extra layers or directly onto the outfeed.A palletizing crane continues to take the whole verti-cal layer of blocks and, in two moves, places them onthe required wooden pallet. Pallet logistics is fully automated from de-nesting, feeding and outfeeding.The existing stretch-hood foiling unit was utilizedfor foiling the ready products as Bauroc was used toalready.Fig. 2: Unloading manipulator “during” testingin the Netherlands in 2021.Fig. 3 and 4: New unloading line in operation in 2022 – 3D model and photo.Project preparation and implementationA solid track-record of designing complex moderni-zation projects which need to be implemented with minimized factory downtime, Aircrete was engaged as the technology partner for this important project, of which the engineering started in the spring of 2021. Clear scope divisions and responsibilities were defined, and a detailed installation preparation plan was worked out by the teams. The installation was realized in the winter factory shutdown of 2021/2022 (Fig. 3 and 4).The known challenges of the pandemic, including price and logistics disruptions, lockdowns, travel re-strictions and quarantine requirements did impose an additional challenge on the project, however, de-spite these challenges, through the excellent coop-eration and support from the Bauroc team, the result was achieved within the time frame.Attractive Project FinanceFor this project, Aircrete Europe was also able to arrange an attractive project finance for Bauroc. Through different initiatives, the Dutch state offers feasible export finance solutions on the back of the contract with Aircrete. This allows customers of Air-crete to benefit from interesting finance at appealing commercial terms. Aircrete holds very good relation-ships with the stakeholders involved in these pro-cesses (like Invest International (formerly known as FMO) and Atradius), which have also already been involved in several projects from Aircrete in the past (e.g. Argentina in 2016 and Uzbekistan in 2021). The finance solutions can be arranged through a buyer’s credit or a seller’s credit. Under a buyer’s credit, the loan can be structured either directly with the cli-ent, or a bank-to-bank loan with a client’s (local) bank. Due to the “green” and sustainable nature of AAC plants, these types of projects have received anFig. 5: Seller’s credit scheme.Aircrete Europe Munsterstraat 107575 ED Oldenzaal Netherlands T +31 541 571020*****************Bauroc SIAKarjera iela 5, Ogre, Ogres pilseta 5001, Latvia T +371 67478412****************www.bauroc.lvincreased level of attention from Dutch state funding providers as AAC factories produce a green building material and are thereby contributing to the sustain-able building culture of the future.For Bauroc project in Latvia, Atradius was involved as the financing partner. The project finance was structured as a seller’s credit, which means that in principle Aircrete is providing 85% of the financing to Bauroc at an attractive interest rate and with a long-term finance structure (Fig. 5). Through Bill of Exchanges (BoE), Bauroc and Aircrete agreed on the future interest payments and loan repayments, which would only start taking place for the first time six months after completion of the project. After the successful commissioning, all BoE were acquired from Aircrete by Atradius and Aircrete received the future payments linked to the BoE. Atradius in return will collect the payments from Bauroc directly in the future. This structure allowed Bauroc to execute this project while maintaining a high level of liquidity (otherwise used for the project) which is beneficial to support Bauroc’s abundant growth opportunities in the near future.About BaurocBauroc (until early 2017 AER OC) is the largest pro- ducer of AAC products in Northern Europe. The family- owned group was established in 2001 and has yearly turnover of about 65 million Euros and employs 240 people in four countries. Bauroc operates three modern AAC factories in Baltics and calcium silicate factory in Lithuania. The company sells its products in all Baltic and Nordic countries but also in Iceland, Poland, Germany and Switzerland under the “bauroc” and “roclite” brand names. Calcium silicate is sold un-der “silroc” brand. Under these brands, Bauroc offers a large and diversified product portfolio, including a wide range of block products, reinforced lintels, large roof and wall elements, instruments, dry mixes and accessories for installing the products. In addi-tion, under the JAMER A brand, Bauroc offers a full building solution with the delivery and assembly of house packages. Based on AAC products, JAMER A is functional, and energy efficient house concept built for the Nordic climate and providing exceptionally healthy indoor environment. ●p r o d u c t i o n t e c h n o l o g y。

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培训目标: •额外的边界定义方法、肘板板架及额外的肘板定 义方法。 •平面、支柱、收缩量、划线及补偿语句。 •Tribon系统的压折处理。
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2.Profile Cross-section 边界选项: 这种边界取自于指定型材与当前板架平面的交线。 步骤如下: •执行命令Planar>Model>Create>Boundary,从显示的菜单 上选6 Prof cross.
•系统会提示指示型材,指示型材后,会显示下面的对话 框。
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自由边边界选项(FREE) 当板架其中一个边界是自由的时候,可以使用该选 项,也就是说该边界不直接与其它边界对接,比较 典型的例子是肘板臂之间的那个边。 其实自由边边界选项是正常边界的一个变体。可以 通过参数、长度等来进行自由边的定义,在边界语 句中,一个边界可以通相邻边界的长度以及其它尺 寸和半径来控制。 自由边的句法:
•拓扑点的应用。 •功能属性的使用。 •拓扑目标。 •高级位置号功能。
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第一章: 额外的板架边界定义方法 1.平面边界选项: 在板架定义,用户可以创建一个平面,后续建模时可以将该 平面作为板架的边界,这个边界通常是临时性的,直到该平 面处的相应板架生成后,就可以用该板架替代该平面作为板 架的边界,这样就建立了拓扑关系。该平面不存在于数据库 中,板架激活时,可以用该平面作为板架边界。 生成平面的步骤: •激活板架,执行命令Planar>Model >Create,选Plane选项, 出现下面对话框:
该菜单用于定义计算从那个平面计算搭接 曲线。有入菜单所示几种定义方法。
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这会影响边界的范围,通常边界都是无限长的, 如果适用Short关键字,则边界的长度指示沿型材 高度向外延长一半的型材高度,否则,边解是无 限长的。
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3.Profile Along边界选项: 这种边界取自指定型材的边缘,对于折边,结果是两条线。 这种边界可以沿型材边缘位移。 步骤如下: •执行命令Planar>Model>Create>Boundart,从出现的菜单上选 7 Prof along,指示相应的型材,系统会显示下面的对话框:
R>0 表示凸缘的边缘是型材轨迹线的一部分。
R<0 表示凸缘的轮廓垂直通过型材轨迹线。
R=0 表示没有凸缘。 缺省值R=50.
Байду номын сангаас
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菜单字段解释: Name:输入要生成的平面名。 Type:X,Y,Z,Three Points,定义平面 的类型,可以时垂直与主坐标 轴的平面,也可以是三点定义 的空间平面。 Co-ordinates:如果是主平面, x1,y1,z1必须分别输入,如果 是三点平面,9个字段都需输 入。
如果没有位移,直接按ok,这时边界正好沿指定型材的边缘。 如果有位移,Displacement>0 搭接; <0 间隙。 请见下图:
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注意:如果这种边界是板架的第1个边界,那么板架的 局部坐标系可以有该边界来决定,也就是说型材平面决 定了板架平面。
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3.Profile Overlap边界选项: 这种边界取自与指定型材一端搭接(扶强材或外板型材) ,实际的轮廓由很多参数控制。 步骤如下: •指示命令:Planar>Model>Create>Boundary,从菜单上选8 Prof overlap,指示相应的型材,选yes ,系统会显示下面菜 单:
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M4:对有无凸缘的轮廓,它具有不同的意义。 有凸缘: M4>0,指的是从相交平面到轮廓折角 点的距离。
M4<0:指的是凸缘处从型材端部到 弧的起点沿型材轨迹线量得的距离 。
M4:指的是型材轨迹线和最终轮廓与 相交平面交点之间的距离。 M4的缺省值与型材轨迹线和相交平 面之间的角度(X)有关。 X<110度,M4=10 X>100度, M4=75
M1:控制搭接。 M1>0 则轮廓平行与相交平面

M1<0 则轮廓垂直与型材。 缺省值50。
M2: 控制距相交平面的距离,该 距离指的是从相交平面到轮廓和 型材边缘交点之间的距离。
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M3 控制在型材的那个方向搭接,沿型材边缘计算搭接。
•如果M3<5,则认为是一个系数,实际的搭接为M3*H。 •如果没有给出M2或者M3,缺省M3=1.5. •计算搭接时,会考虑型材的端部削斜。 •M2和M3的使用是相互排斥的,通常使用M3.