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This simple circuit made up of a source,a load and two wires is seldom,if ever,met with in

practice.Practical circuits may contain a large number of sources and loads interconnected in a variety of ways.



The direct ion of curre nt flow may be show n either by a hollow arrowhead or by suppl ying the curre nt symbol with a double subscript whose first digit identifies the junction at a higher potential and the second 省略了identifies) the junction at a lower potential.



In a pote ntial-distributi on diagram it is represe nted( on a suitable scale)by the slope of the respective curve at any poi nt,the slope bei ng defi ned as the tangent of the angle that the line tangent to the curve at that point make with the x-axis.


It follow that the r.m.s.(effective) value of an alternating current is numerically equal to the magnitude of the steady direct curre nt that would produce the same heat ing effect in the same resista nee and over the same period of time.


The operational voltage amplifier is representedschematically by the triangular symbol .AO is the voltage gain from differe ntial in put to sin gle-e ndrd output and is always a positive nu mber . Phase reversals are taken into account at the in put termi nal,which is the reas on why these are labeled ” +” andThe voltage at each terminal,including the output ,may be referred to common reference ,usually ground ,and uni ess otherwise stated ,this com mon refere nee will be assumed . Thus ,lett ing V(+) represe nt the voltage of the positive in put term inal with respect to the com mon refere nee ,and V(-),that of the n egative in put term inal ,we may defi ne the differential input voltage as V二V( ) -V (-) ,and the output voltage is V0 = A0V id.


为正值。考虑到在输入端可能会有反相输入的情况,所以要标上“ +号与号。每个端口包括



The significance of this result is that the terminal voltage gain ,which is the usable voltage gain , is in depe ndent of the parameters of the amplifier ,and depe nds only on the exter nal comp onent R1 and



A truth table is a list of all of the possible in put variable state combinations of a circuit listed in binary-sequential order with the corresponding output state for each combination listed in an adjace nt colu mn. Tablei shows the binary nu mbera corresponding to the decimal nu mbers from zero to fiftee n.


状态与输入端的每种组合--- 对应,表1表示了与十进制0~15 ------------ 对应的二进制数。

The truth table is used as the begi nning point in desig ning or an alyz ing a logic circuit The sequential listing makes it easy to recog nize if any in put comb in ati ons were missed. It is made up of either from the problem specificati ons or by seque ntial testi ng of an assembled circuit. A logic equati on can be formulated from the truth table and a logic circuit can be developed from the equation. Truth tables are
