成都国盛科技有限公司 博晨(BOCHEN)3296X-A型玻璃釉预调电位器技术承认书说明书
成都国盛科技有限公司产品品牌博晨(BOCHEN)3296X-A型玻璃釉预调电位器技术承认书拟制:卢华平审核:杨捍军批准:周正军成都国盛科技有限公司技术质量部成都国盛科技有限公司3296X-A型玻璃釉预调电位器技术承认书电气特性Electrical Characteristcs标称阻值范围(Range of normal resistance):50Ω—2MΩ阻值允许偏差(Resistance tolerance):±10%终端电阻(Termial resistance):≤5%R或5Ω接触电阻变化(Contact resistance variation):CRV≤5%或5Ω耐电压(Winthstand Voltage):640Vac绝缘电阻(Insulation resistance):Ri≥1G(100Vdc)有效电行程(Effective electrical travel):>总机械行程的70%(>70%of total mechanical travel)极限动触点电流(Limit current of moving comtact):100mA环境特性Environment Characteristics额定功率(Rated Power)(315V max):0.5W70℃,0W125℃温度范围(Temperature range):-55℃——+125℃温度系数(TCR):±250ppm/℃温度变化(Temperature variation):-55℃,30min,+125℃,30min循环5次ΔR≤5%R,Δ(Uab/Uac)≤±5%振动(Vibration):10-500Hz,0.75mm,6h电气间断(electrical interruption):≤100/usΔR≤5%R,Δ(Uab/Uac)≤±7.5%碰撞(Collision):390m/S2,4000次ΔR≤5%R气候顺序(Climate category):IEC68-2-2等(meet IEC68-2-2etc)ΔR≤10%R,R1≥100MΩ70℃电气耐久性(Electrical endurance at70℃):0.5W,1000hΔR≤10%R CRV≤3%R或5Ω恒定湿热(Steady damp-heat):IEC68-2-3,Ca,96hΔR≤10%R,R1≥100MΩ物理特性Physical Characteristics总机械行程(Total Mechanical Travel):30±2圈(30±2turns)起动力矩(Staring Torque):≤30mN.m标准包装(Standard Packaging):50只/管(50pcs.per tube)标志(Mark):阻值允许偏差(10%不标注)、阻值代码、产品型号Resistance tolerance(when no identification,it is of±10%)resistance code type产品实物图:。
MSCSM170DUM058AG 1700V 353A双常源SiC MOSFET电源模块产品概述说明
MSCSM170DUM058AG Dual Common Source SiC MOSFET Power ModuleProduct OverviewThe MSCSM170DUM058AG device is a 1700V/353A dual common source silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET power module.Note: All ratings at T J = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified.These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Proper handling procedures must be followed.MSCSM170DUM058AGFeaturesThe following are the key features of MSCSM170DUM058AG device:•SiC Power MOSFET–Low R DS(on)–High temperature performance•Kelvin source for easy drive•Low stray inductance•High level of integration•Aluminum Nitride (AlN) substrate for improved thermal performance•M5 power connectorsBenefitsThe following are the benefits of MSCSM170DUM058AG device:•Outstanding performance at high frequency operation•Direct mounting to heatsink (isolated package)•Low junction-to-case thermal resistance•Low profile•RoHS compliantApplicationThe following are the applications of MSCSM170DUM058AG device:•AC switches•Switched mode power supplies•Uninterruptible power supplies1. Electrical SpecificationsThis section provides the electrical specifications of the MSCSM170DUM058AG device.1.1 SiC MOSFET Characteristics (Per SiC MOSFET)The following table lists the absolute maximum ratings of MSCSM170DUM058AG device.Table 1-1. Absolute Maximum RatingsThe following table lists the electrical characteristics of MSCSM170DUM058AG device.Table 1-2. Electrical CharacteristicsThe following table lists the dynamic characteristics of MSCSM170DUM058AG device.Table 1-3. Dynamic CharacteristicsThe following table lists the body diode ratings and characteristics of MSCSM170DUM058AG device. Table 1-4. Body Diode Ratings and Characteristics1.2 Thermal and Package CharacteristicsThe following table lists the thermal and package characteristics of the MSCSM170DUM058AG device.Table 1-5. Thermal and Package Characteristics1.3 Typical SiC MOSFET Performance Curve (Per SiC MOSFET)This section shows the typical SiC MOSFET performance curves of the MSCSM170DUM058AG device.Figure 1-1. Junction-to-Heatsink Thermal ImpedanceFigure 1-2. Output Characteristics, T J = 25 °C Figure 1-3. Output Characteristics, T J = 175 °CFigure 1-4. Normalized R DS(on) vs. Temperature Figure 1-5. Transfer CharacteristicsFigure 1-6. Switching Energy vs. Rg Figure 1-7. Switching Energy vs. CurrentFigure 1-8. Capacitance vs. Drain Source Voltage Figure 1-9. Gate Charge vs. Gate Source VoltageFigure 1-10. Body Diode Characteristics, T J = 25 °C Figure 1-11. 3rd Quadrant Characteristics, T J = 25 °CFigure 1-12. Body Diode Characteristics, T J = 175 °C Figure 1-13. 3rd Quadrant Characteristics, T J = 175 °CFigure 1-14. Operating Frequency vs. Drain Current2. Package SpecificationsThe following section shows the package specification of the MSCSM170DUM058AG device.2.1 Package OutlineThe following figure shows the package outline drawing of the MSCSM170DUM058AG device. The dimensions in the following figure are in millimeters.Figure 2-1. Package Outline DrawingRevision History 3. Revision HistoryThe Microchip WebsiteMicrochip provides online support via our website at /. This website is used to make files and information easily available to customers. Some of the content available includes:•Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software•General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip design partner program member listing•Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representativesProduct Change Notification ServiceMicrochip’s product change notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip products. Subscribers will receive email notification whenever there are changes, updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of interest.To register, go to /pcn and follow the registration instructions.Customer SupportUsers of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:•Distributor or Representative•Local Sales Office•Embedded Solutions Engineer (ESE)•Technical SupportCustomers should contact their distributor, representative or ESE for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in this document.Technical support is available through the website at: /supportMicrochip Devices Code Protection FeatureNote the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip products:•Microchip products meet the specifications contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.•Microchip believes that its family of products is secure when used in the intended manner, within operating specifications, and under normal conditions.•Microchip values and aggressively protects its intellectual property rights. Attempts to breach the code protection features of Microchip product is strictly prohibited and may violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.•Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of its code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product is “unbreakable”. Code protection is constantly evolving. Microchip is committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Legal NoticeThis publication and the information herein may be used only with Microchip products, including to design, test,and integrate Microchip products with your application. Use of this information in any other manner violates these terms. Information regarding device applications is provided only for your convenience and may be supersededby updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. Contact yourlocal Microchip sales office for additional support or, obtain additional support at /en-us/support/ design-help/client-support-services.THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". 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Typical Operating Circuit and Functional Diagram
1µF PEE (PSET) CPSET* VCC 14 1 (VCCD) RO RE DE DI 2 3 4 5 Z 10 Y 9 R = ZO R = ZO 11 12 B A 13 R = ZO R = ZO 9 10 Y Z A 12 B 11 PEE (PSET) CPSET* VCC 14 1 (VCCD)
Long-Distance, High-Speed RS-485/RS-422 Communications Telecommunications Industrial-Control Local Area Networks
(Typical Operating Circuit, VCC = +5V ±5%, RPSET = 0 (MAX3292), VCC = VCCD (MAX3292), TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +5V and TA = +25°C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER DRIVER Differential Driver Output Differential Driver Output with Preemphasis Differential Driver Preemphasis Ratio Change in Magnitude of Differential Output Voltage (Normal and Preemphasis) Driver Common-Mode Output Voltage (Normal and Preemphasis) Change in Magnitude of Common-Mode Voltage (Normal and Preemphasis) Change in Magnitude of Common-Mode Output Voltage (Normal to Preemphasis) Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input Current PEE Input Current (MAX3291) PSET Input Current (MAX3292) Output Leakage (Y and Z) Driver Short-Circuit Output Current 2 VOD VODP DPER ∆VOD, ∆VODP Figure 1 R = 27Ω Figure 1, R = 27Ω (Note 3) Figure 1, R = 27Ω (Note 4) R = 27Ω No load (Note 2) 2.4 1.65 2.0 2.35 1.5 5.0 5.25 V V V SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS
部分显示器行管代换参数时间: 2002-01-01 05:26 来源: 不详作者: 佚名点击: 350次BUH315D 1500V 6A 45W ,IRFP?50 TT2062 1500V 18A 31DF6 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C3886A IRFPE40 C2229 200V 0.05A BY329-1200 1200V,8A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C3997 1500V 20A 250W ,IRFPF40 C2383 (行推动) BY329x1500 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C3998 1500V 25A 250W ,J306 250V 3A 25W P C2682 180V 0.1A BY359x1500 1500V MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C4288A J307 250V 6A 30W P, C2688 300V 0.2A BYM26C 600V 2.3A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C4762 J449 250V 6A 35W P, C3039 BYM26E 1000V 2.3A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C4769 1500V 7A 60W ,J512 250V 5A 30W P C3198 BYM36A 200V 3A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C4891 1500V 15A 75W C3467 200V 100mA BYM36C 600V 3A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5047 1600V 25A 250W ,J584 250V 4.5A P C3502-E 200V 0.1A BYM36E 1000V 3A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5048 1500V 12A 50W, K1035 150V 12A 45W N C3503-D 300V 0.1A BYT56K 800V 3A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5086 1500V 10A 50W, K1117 600V 6A 100W N BYT56M 1000V 3A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C3953 120V 0.2A 1.3W ,C023M-15 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5129 1500V 10A 50W ,K1118 600V 6A 45W N C3954 120V 0.3A 1.3W D07-15 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5144 1700V/20A/200W ,K1186 100V 9A 30W N C3956 200V 0.2A 1.3W DTV32-1500 1500V MLb 中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全维修资源网C5148 1500V 8A 50W ,k1359 C4046 120V 0.2A 8W F06F150S MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5149 1500V 8A 50W, K1404 600V 5A N c4242 450V 7A 40W FMP-3FU 1500V 5A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5243 1700V 15A 200W, K1507 600V 9A 50W N C4686A 1500V 50mA 10W 肖特基管(大) MLb 中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5244 1500V 20A 200W, K1527 500V 40A C4934 120V 0.2A 肖特基管(小) MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5244/C5244A 1500V/1600V20A200W ,K1917 250V 10A 50W N C5027 NPN 1100V 50W DMV1500 MLb 中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5250 1500V 8A 50W K1924 600V 6A N ,D1088 N-DARL 300V 6A DMV32 1500V,6A;600V,5A MLb 中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5296 1500V 8A 60W, K2038 D1273-P DMV56 1500,6A;600,5A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5302 1500V 15A 75W ,K2078 D1609 160V 100mA MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5331 1500V 15A 180W ,K2134 200V 7A 70W N D2058 60V 3A 25W MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5386 1500V 7A 50W ,K2141 600V 3A 40W N D2SB MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5387 1500V 10A 50W ,K2161 200V 9A 25W N D2SBA60 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5404 1500V 9A 50W ,K2545 600V 6A 40W N D3SB40 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5404 1500V 9A 50W, K2605 800V 5A 45W N D3SBA60 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5406 1500V 14A 100W, K2645 600V 8A 50W N D6336C MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5407 1700V 15A 100W ,k2761 D669A 180V 1.5A MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5411 1500V 14A 60W, K2799 350V 10A N MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5423 1700V 15A 100W MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5440 1500V 15A 60W, K320 450V 5A 50W N MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5446 1700V 18A 200W, K553 500V 5A 50W N MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5449 1500V 12A 50W ,K703 100V 5A 35W NMLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5515 1500V 17A K727 MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全C5516 1500V,20A, K890 200V 10A 75W N MLb中国家电维修资料网-电路图纸,数据总线资料大全。
表示 RECORD 按钮。
1. 使用须知
(3) 术语说明
是指无气味的清洁空气。 选购件中有活性炭过滤器。
1. 使用须知
2. 各部件的“名称”和“功能”
(2) 液晶显示
打开电源后进行 10 秒钟的仪器预热运转。
2 025(例) 以 3 位数值显示测量值。传感器输出低于零基时,显示负数值。(−025(例))
r .123
内容 约 3 小时以上(新品电池时约 12 小时)
约 1 小时以上
(大致可用时间※) 约 15 分钟以上
4 ※ 使用碱性干电池 (20℃) 时
约不足 15 分钟(电池图标框闪烁、蜂鸣器断断续续鸣响)
排气过滤器 (吸取口)
② 排气口
③ 液晶显示部
④ POWER 按钮
⑤ PEAK HOLD 按钮 ⑥ RECORD 按钮 ⑦ 基线调整旋钮 ⑧ 电池盒
*RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan 27 2003 including AnnexSpecifications are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications.Electrical Characteristics 1Standard Resistance Range .............................................................................10 ohms to 1 megohm Total Resistance Tolerance...........................................................................................................±3 %Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (MIL-STD-202, Method 301)Sea Level..........................................................................................................1,000 VAC minimum Power Rating (Voltage Limited By Power Dissipation or 500 VAC, Whichever is Less)+25 °C ...................................................................................................................................2 watts +85 °C......................................................................................................................................0 watt Insulation Resistance (500 VDC)..................................................................1,000 megohms minimum Resolution3681..........................................................................................................................................10 %3682............................................................................................................................................1 %3683.........................................................................................................................................0.1 %3684.......................................................................................................................................0.01 %3685.....................................................................................................................................0.001 %Absolute Minimum Resistance...............................3 ohms or 0.2 % maximum (whichever is greater)Accuracy (Dial Reading to Output Ratio)....................................................................±1.0 % full scaleEnvironmental Characteristics1Operating Temperature Range ...................................................................................-25 °C to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range.......................................................................................-25 °C to +85 °C Temperature Coefficient Over Storage Temperature Range...........................±100 ppm/°C maximum Vibration.........................................................................................................................................10 G Wiper Bounce...........................................................................................0.1 millisecond maximum Total Resistance Shift..............................................................................................±1 % maximum Voltage Ratio Shift................................................................................................±0.2 % maximum Shock.............................................................................................................................................50 G Wiper Bounce...........................................................................................0.1 millisecond maximum Total Resistance Shift..............................................................................................±1 % maximum Voltage Ratio Shift................................................................................................±0.2 % maximum Load Life...............................................................................................................1,000 hours, 2 watts Total Resistance Shift..............................................................................................±2 % maximum Rotational Life.........................................................................75,000 button operations each decade Total Resistance Shift..............................................................................................±2 % maximum IP Rating........................................................................................................................................IP 40Mechanical Characteristics 1Weight....................................3681 (9 gm); 3682 (16 gm); 3683 (23 gm); 3684 (30 gm); 3685 (37 gm)T erminals.....2.79 mm (0.11 in.) wide x .41 mm (.016 in.) thick, tinned solder lugs for 3 #20 AWG wires Soldering ConditionManual Soldering..........................................................96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu solid wire or no-cleanrosin cored wire; 370 °C (700 °F) max. for 3 secondsWave Soldering....................96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu solder with no-clean flux; 260 °C (500 °F) max.for 5 secondsWash processes..................................................................................................Not recommended Marking...............................Manufacturer’s name and part number, resistance value and date code.Ganging (Multiple Section Potentiometers)...............................................Up to 5 decades maximum Readout Marking........................................................................................................10 positions, 0-9Actuating Force...................................................................................19 to 29 oz. on detent decades Actuating Force Variation..............................................................................................4 oz. maximum1At room ambient: +25 °C nominal and 50 % relative humidity nominal, except as noted.NOTE: Terminals 1 & 3 are reversed from illustration for models 3682 and 3684.3680INCR.Product DimensionsDimensionsWeight (Approx.)Model a b c d e –.381 (–.015)oz.gms.368116.51 (.650)14.99 (.590)—9.91 (.39) 4.19 (.165).3369.5368226.67 (1.05)25.15 (.99)10.67 (.42)11.94 (.47)8.38 (.330).57616.5368337.08 (1.46)35.31 (1.39)18.54 (.73)11.94 (.47) 4.19 (.165).82423.5368447.50 (1.87)45.47 (1.79)30.73 (1.21)11.94 (.47)8.38 (.330) 1.07230.5368557.66 (2.270)55.63 (2.190)39.12 (1.540)11.94 (.47)4.19 (.165)1.32037.5DimensionsModel f –.010 (–.254)g –.010 (–.254)368121.08 (.830)15.75 (.620)368221.08 (.830)25.91 (1.020)368321.08 (.830)36.07 (1.420)368421.08 (.830)46.23 (1.820)368521.08 (.830)56.39 (2.220)*Ro H S C O M P L I A N T V E R S I O N S A V A I L A B L ESpecifications are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications.Recommended Part NumbersBOLDFACE LISTINGS ARE IN STOCK AND READILY AVAILABLE THROUGH DISTRIBUTION.FOR OTHER OPTIONS CONSULT FACTORY.RoHS IDENTIFIER:L =COMPLIANTBLANK =NON-COMPLIANTREV. 05/07。
主机架。 坚固的主机架设计精良,可 最大限度地提高耐用性和材料的有效 利用率。
底盘系统。结实耐用的卡特彼勒底 盘系统可吸收应力并提供极佳的稳 定性。
支重轮和惰轮。履带支重轮、托链轮 和惰轮均已密封并保持润滑,具有很 长的使用寿命,使机器在工地作业时 间更长。
标准底盘系统。 标准底盘系统非常适 用于那些需要频繁改变机器位置、工 作空间受限制、地面不平或多石的 场合。
加长型底盘系统。加长型 (L) 底盘系 统可以使稳定性和提升能力达到最 佳。这种既长又宽且结实耐用的底 盘系统能提供一个非常平稳的工作 平台。
动臂、斗杆和附件。329D 可提供多 种配置以满足不同的应用情况,从而 在各种作业中实现最大的灵活性、生 产率和高效率。
足各种应用情况。第 9 页
具。第 10 页
✔ 新特性 3
Cat® C7 发动机为 329D 提供了业内首屈一指的动力和燃油效率,确保机器在各种应 用领域均可保持稳定的高性能。
卡特彼勒 C7。采用 ACERT™ 技术 的卡特彼勒 C7 发动机引入了一系列 循序渐进的改进,在发动机技术方面
燃油输送。卡特彼勒 C7 发动机采用 电子控制装置来控制燃油喷射系统。 多重燃油喷射输送系统实现了高精度 的喷射。精确控制的燃烧环节可以降 低燃烧室温度、减少排放、优化燃油 燃烧过程。这使您花费的燃油成本能 产生更多工作量。
灵活的燃油模式选择。 经济模式。经济模式作为标准配置提 供,最适合用于轻型应用,可提供最 佳的燃油经济性,同时使挖掘力和提 升能力保持标准功率模式下的水平。
• 双半径设计可以增大离地间隙,并 减小磨损
数字家庭主板M2NDH-支持AMD®SocketAM2Athlon64FX/Athlo64X2/Athlon64/Sempron -AMDLive!™Ready-强大扩充能力:1xPCI-Ex16、2xPCI-E、3xPCI-华硕WiFi-APSolo-华硕DHRemote™-华硕MP3-In™-华硕Q-Connector-高保真音频中央处理器支持AMD®SocketAM2Athlon64FX/Athlo64X2/Athlon64/Sempron 支持AMDCool'n'Quiet™技术AMD64架构,同时兼容32位和64位计算AMDLive!™Ready芯片组NVIDIAnForce®430MCP前端总线2000/1600MT/s内存双通道内存架构4x240-pinDIMM内存插槽,支持最大容量高达8GB的DDR2800/667/533ECC和non-ECC、un-buffered内存扩充插槽1xPCI-Expressx16插槽2xPCI-Expressx1插槽3xPCI2.2插槽存储装置/RAID-1xUltraDMA133/100/66/33-4xSerialATA3.0Gb/s-NVIDIAMediaShield™RAID通过SerialA TA设备支持RAID0、1、0+1、5和JBOD网络功能NVIDIAnForce®430内建GigabitMAC,支持externalAttansicPHY无线局域网:54MbpsIEEE802.11b/g(华硕WiFi-APSolo)音频功能ADI6声道高保真音频CODEC背板S/PDIF数字音频输出USB高达8个USB2.0/1.1接口M2N-VMDH-AMDSocketAM2-NVIDIAGeForce6100/nForce430-双通道DDR2800/667/533-1xPCIExpressx16+1xPCIExpressx1+2xPCI-双VGA:DVI-D和D-Sub-8声道高保真音频-2x1394a接口中央处理器支持AMD®SocketAM2Athlon64X2/Athlon64FX/Athlon64/Sempro nAMDCool'n'Quiet™技术AMD64架构,兼容32位和64位计算AMDLive!™Ready芯片组NVIDIAGeForce6100/nForce430前端总线2000/1600MT/s 内存双通道内存架构4x240-pinDIMM插槽,支持最大容量为8GB的DDR2800/667/533non-ECC,un-buffered内存显卡集成GeForce6100GPU高清晰视频处理,最高分辨率可达1920x1440(@75Hz)支持RGB显示;UXGA1600x1200(@60Hz)支持DVI-D显示支持双VGA输出:DVI-D和RGB注意:DVI-D不能用来输出RGB信号至CRT。
GSC3290 核心板硬件用户手册说明书
GSC3290核心板硬件用户手册2019年11月版本号:1.0北京神州龙芯集成电路设计有限公司BLX IC Design Co., Ltd版权声明本手册版权归属北京神州龙芯集成电路设计有限公司所有,并保留一切权利。
目录目录 (I)1 概述 (2)2 GSC3290芯片简介 (2)3 GSC3290核心板硬件特性 (4)4 GSC3290核心板引脚定义 (6)4.1 J1引脚定义 (7)4.2 J2引脚定义 (10)5 GSC3290核心板机械尺寸 (13)6 GSC3290核心板和外围板板对板连接 (13)7注意事项 (15)1概述GSC3290核心板是一款面向工业自动化控制领域的高性价比嵌入式主板,其硬件核心为工业级的GSC3290芯片,主频最高达300MHz。
板上集成了大量的外设接口,包括100M/1000M以太网、USB2.0 OTG、CAN、SDIO、TFT LCD、UART等接口。
GSC3290核心板主要特点:丰富的板载资源:作为一款高性能的嵌入式工控主板,GSC3290核心板带有CPU、DDR2、NAND、SPI FLASH等核心器件以及多种标准接口,以满足各种应用需求。
1-30数字溢载保护器 SPD SERIES - 品牌名称说明书
OVER DC500V 100 MO
-25 - 70˚C
-30 - 80˚C
Provided by Northeast Power Systems, Inc.
• Dimensions are in mm (1 inch = 25.4 mm). • In extension type, the digital SPD is calibrated with combining the display unit and main body so, please
• Separate 120VAC control source is required for operation. Operational CT's can be used for higher current rated contactors.
LM129/LM329Precision ReferenceGeneral DescriptionThe LM129and LM329family are precision multi-current temperature-compensated 6.9V zener references with dy-namic impedances a factor of 10to 100less than discrete di-odes.Constructed in a single silicon chip,the LM129uses active circuitry to buffer the internal zener allowing the de-vice to operate over a 0.5mA to 15mA range with virtually no change in performance.The LM129and LM329are avail-able with selected temperature coefficients of 0.001,0.002,0.005and 0.01%/˚C.These references also have excellent long term stability and low noise.A new subsurface breakdown zener used in the LM129gives lower noise and better long-term stability than conventional IC zeners.Further the zener and temperature compensating transistor are made by a planar process so they are immune to problems that plague ordinary zeners.For example,there is virtually no voltage shift in zener voltage due to tempera-ture cycling and the device is insensitive to stress on the leads.The LM129can be used in place of conventional zeners with improved performance.The low dynamic impedance simpli-fies biasing and the wide operating current allows the re-placement of many zener types.The LM129is packaged in a 2-lead TO-46package and is rated for operation over a −55˚C to +125˚C temperature range.The LM329for operation over 0˚C to 70˚C is available in both a hermetic TO-46package and a TO-92epoxy pack-age.Featuresn 0.6mA to 15mA operating currentn 0.6Ωdynamic impedance at any currentn Available with temperature coefficients of 0.001%/˚C n 7µV wideband noise n 5%initial tolerancen 0.002%long term stability n Low costnSubsurface zenerConnection DiagramsMetal Can Package (T0–46)DS005714-6Pin 2is electrically connected to caseBottom ViewOrder Number LM129AH,LM129AH/883,LM129BH,LM129BH/883,LM129CH,LM329AH,LM329BH,LM329CH or LM329DH See NS Package H02APlastic Package (TO-92)DS005714-4Bottom ViewOrder Number LM329BZ,LM329CZ or LM329DZ See NS Package Z03AMarch 2000LM129/LM329Precision Reference©2000National Semiconductor Corporation Typical ApplicationsSimple ReferenceDS005714-1L M 129/L M 329 2Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. (Note3)Reverse Breakdown Current30mA Forward Current2mA Operating Temperature RangeLM129−55˚C to+125˚C LM3290˚C to+70˚C Storage Temperature Range−55˚C to+150˚C Soldering InformationTO-92package:10sec.260˚C TO-46package:10sec.300˚CElectrical Characteristics(Note2)LM129A,B,C LM329A,B,C,DParameter Conditions UnitsMin Typ Max Min Typ MaxReverse Breakdown Voltage T A=25˚C,0.6mA≤I R≤15mA 6.7 6.97.2 6.6 6.97.25VReverse Breakdown Change T A=25˚C,with Current(Note4)0.6mA≤I R≤15mA914920mV Reverse Dynamic Impedance T A=25˚C,I R=1mA0.610.82Ω(Note4)RMS Noise T A=25˚C,10Hz≤F≤10kHz7207100µVLong Term Stability T A=45˚C±0.1˚C,(1000hours)I R=1mA±0.3%2020ppm Temperature Coefficient I R=1mALM129A,LM329A610610ppm/˚CLM129B,LM329B15201520ppm/˚CLM129C,LM329C30503050ppm/˚CLM329D50100ppm/˚C Change In Reverse Breakdown1mA≤I R≤15mA11ppm/˚C Temperature CoefficientReverse Breakdown Change1mA≤I R≤15mA1212mVwith CurrentReverse Dynamic Impedance1mA≤I R≤15mA0.81ΩNote1:“Absolute Maximum Ratings”indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.Note2:These specifications apply for−55˚C≤T A≤+125˚C for the LM129and0˚C≤T A≤+70˚C for the LM329unless otherwise specified.The maximum junction temperature for an LM129is150˚C and LM329is100˚C.For operating at elevated temperature,devices in TO-46package must be derated based on a thermal re-sistance of440˚C/W junction to ambient or80˚C/W junction to case.For the TO-92package,the derating is based on180˚C/W junction to ambient with0.4"leadsfrom a PC board and160˚C/W junction to ambient with0.125"lead length to a PC board.Note3:Refer to RETS129H for LM129family military specifications.Note4:These changes are tested on a pulsed basis with a low duty-cycle.For changes versus temperature,compute in terms of tempco.LM129/LM3293Typical ApplicationsLow Cost 0–25V RegulatorDS005714-7Adjustable Bipolar Output ReferenceDS005714-8L M 129/L M 329 4Typical Applications(Continued)0V to 20V Power ReferenceDS005714-9External Reference for Temperature TransducerDS005714-2LM129/LM3295Typical Applications(Continued)Positive Current SourceDS005714-11Buffered Reference with Single SupplyDS005714-3L M 129/L M 329 6Schematic DiagramTypical Performance CharacteristicsDS005714-10Reverse CharacteristicsDS005714-13Response TimeDS005714-14Forward CharacteristicsDS005714-15Dynamic Impedance DS005714-16Reverse Voltage Change DS005714-17Zener Noise VoltageDS005714-18LM129/LM3297Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Low Frequency Noise VoltageDS005714-5L M 129/L M 329 8LM129/LM329 Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise notedMetal Can PackageOrder Number LM129AH,LM129AH/883,LM129BH,LM129BH/883,LM129CH,LM329AH,LM329BH,LM329CH,or LM329DHNS Package H02A9Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise noted(Continued)LIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices orsystems which,(a)are intended for surgical implantinto the body,or(b)support or sustain life,andwhose failure to perform when properly used inaccordance with instructions for use provided in thelabeling,can be reasonably expected to result in asignificant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a lifesupport device or system whose failure to performcan be reasonably expected to cause the failure ofthe life support device or system,or to affect itssafety or effectiveness.National SemiconductorCorporationAmericasTel:1-800-272-9959Fax:1-800-737-7018Email:support@National SemiconductorEuropeFax:+49(0) Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National SemiconductorAsia Pacific CustomerResponse SemiconductorJapan Ltd.Tel:81-3-5639-7560Fax:81-3-5639-7507 Plastic PackageOrder Number LM329BZ,LM329CZ,or LM329DZNS Package Z03ALM129/LM329PrecisionReferenceNational does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.。
目录1. 安全注意事项 (1)1-1.使用说明书的构成 (1)1-2.关于本书记录的注意事项 (1)1-3.注意事项 (1)1-4.关于警告标志 (5)1-5.机械规格 (6)2.各部件名称和运行 (7)2-1.构成图 (7)2-2.基本动作图 (7)2-3.产品侧上下单元 (8)2-4.分流道侧上下单元(S型) (10)2-5.前后单元 (12)2-6.行进轨道单元 (13)2-7.电磁阀单元 (14)2-8.限位开关的配置 (16)3.保养检查 (18)■定期检查周期表 (19)■给油指导图 (20)■给油的方法 (21)■润滑油 (21)4. 品质保证 (22)5.部品表 (23)6.消耗品清单 (25)7.各轴驱动部分零部件表 (26)8.空气回路图 (29)9. 全体图 (33)-i-1. 安全注意事项1-1.使用说明书的构成本说明书是为了安全正确地使用取出机本体(机械侧),记载了有关机械的功能、设定方法、检修以及操作上的安全注意事项等。
Companies can affordably and productively manage their business directly from remote worksites instead of spending costly travel time to reach areas that are covered by cellular service. Call suppliers and business partners to arrange shipments and provide updates from the field or use the Globalstar Data Kit (sold separately) to send key information via email or Internet to the head office.PHONE• C ompact and light weight weighing only 7 oz., the GSP-1700 packs easy for traveling • O ptimized for outside daytime viewing: Backlit color display with 4-line 12-character LCD • I lluminated keypad: Easy to see keypad when lighting is inadequate• Available in multiple colors: Choose from Copper, Silver and Red• CDMA technology for optimal voice clarity• Airtime options tailored to your calling needs, including monthly or annual plans for seasonal users• Global roaming: Use the GSP-1700 in 120 countries worldwide • I ntegrates with optional GPDK-1700 Portable Docking Kit or GIK-1700 Install KitBENEFITSCALLING• Simple emergency calling• Automatic international roaming • E asy access to incoming SMS and voicemail, with user configurable “new message” alert • S tandard 2.5 mm jack for connection to a noise-cancelling headset, vehicle/marine kit handset• User configurable ringtones (8)• USB data cable (sold separately)• E xpress Data software accelerates speed up to 48Kbps throughput (Uncompressed speed 9.6Kbps) • S upports Internet access, email and Group 3 analogue fax (with optional Starfax accessory)• S upports direct TCP/IP and asynchronous data communications • E asy #777 direct Internet & email access from any of Globalstar’s international gatewaysDATA NETWORK AND SERVICESMobile Satellite PhoneKEY FEATURES• Powered by 100% satellite technology – works where cell phones don’t• Lowest hardware pricing with industry leading airtime plans • Crystal-clear voice quality• Fastest MSS data speeds to send email and access the Internet (data kit required)• Long-life Lithium-ion battery providing 4 hours of talk time or 36 hours standby• U.S.-based phone number • Smallest, lightest handsetSIERRA ELECTRONICS690 E. Glendale Ave , Sparks, NV 89431(800) 874-7515 AC-1700 AUXILIARY BATTERY CHARGERUse it to externally charge a battery for the Globalstar GSP-1700, and provide power to the phone directly. Requires use of the Globalstar GVC-1700 vehicle charger (sold separately) or GWC-1700 Wall Charger.GIK-1700 INSTALL KITInstall your GSP-1700 in virtually any land based vehicle or vessel. Choose from three antenna options and threevariable cable lengths up to 86 feet.GVC-1700 VEHICLE/MARINE CHARGERAllows for operation of the GSP-1700 satellite phone while charging thebattery. Fits standard automotive power sockets. Includes high-grade 6-foot coil cord.ACCESSORIESGDK-1700 DATA KITConnects the GSP-1700 to any standard USB A port for easy access to the Internet, email or private data networks.GPB-1700 LITHIUM-ION BATTERYDelivers ample power to the GSP-1700 satellite phone. Provides 4 hours talk time, 36 hours standby time. High-capacity Lithium-ion technology with integrated circuitry protects against short circuits and overcharging.HARD SHELL PELICAN CASESProtect your GSP 1700 and accessories with watertight,crushproof, and dust proof Pelican cases. Choose from three sizes.RUGGEDIZED LEATHER CASEHelps protect your GSP-1700 satellite phone in the roughest of conditions. Phone will ring and can be answered while still in the case. Includes belt clip.SPECIFICATIONSDIMENSIONS 135mm H x 55mm W x 37mm D (5.3”H x 2.2”W x 1.5”D)WEIGHT7.05oz (200g)PHONE-20ºC to +55ºC (-4ºF to +131ºF)BATTERY CHARGING 0ºC to +40ºC (+32ºF to +104ºF) BATTERY STORAGE-30ºC to +60ºC (-22ºF to +140ºF)VEHICLE/MARINE KIT ANTENNA (OPT) -20ºC to +55ºC (-4ºF to +131ºF)VEHICLE/MARINE KIT CRADLE (OPT) -30ºC to +50ºC (-22ºF to +122ºF)BATTERY 3.7V, 2600mAh TALK TIME 4 hours (+26 dBm)STANDBY TIMES 10 hours (with satellite signal)36 hours (without satellite signal)RF POWER OUTPUT 400 mW maximum (+26 dBm) (Phones) 794 mW maximum (+29 dBm) (Car kit)VOCODER 8k variable rate vocoder for Globalstar mode FREQUENCY RANGE Globalstar Transmit: 1610.73 to 1620.57 MHz Globalstar Receive: 2484.39 to 2499.15 MHz(Channel Center Frequency)CERTIFICATIONSFCC, IC, CE, ANATELOPERATIONALMobile Satellite PhoneGPDK-1700 PORTABLE DOCKING KITAll-in-one GSP-1700 travel station for all mobile operations: Air, Land and Sea. GPDK-1700 charges the GSP-1700 battery when the handset is connected to the GPDK-1700.• GSP-1700 Handset• Rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteryGSP-1700 SATELLITE PHONE PACKAGE INCLUDES• User manual• AC charger• Quick-start guide。
FSFR-XS Series — Fairchild Power Switch (FPS ™) for Half-Bridge Resonant ConverterFeatures Variable Frequency Control with 50% Duty Cycle for Half-Bridge Resonant Converter TopologyHigh Efficiency through Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) Internal UniFET™ with Fast-Recovery Body Diode Fixed Dead Time (350ns) Optimized for MOSFETs Up to 300kHz Operating FrequencyAuto-Restart Operation for All Protections with External LV CCProtection Functions: Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), Over-Current Protection (OCP), Abnormal Over-Current Protection (AOCP), Internal Thermal Shutdown (TSD)Applications PDP and LCD TVsDesktop PCs and Servers AdaptersTelecom Power SuppliesDescriptionThe FSFR-XS series includes highly integrated power switches designed for high-efficiency half-bridge resonant converters. Offering everything necessary to build a reliable and robust resonant converter, the FSFR-XS series simplifies designs while improving productivity and performance. The FSFR-XS series combines power MOSFETs with fast-recovery type body diodes, a high-side gate-drive circuit, an accurate current controlled oscillator, frequency limit circuit, soft-start, and built-in protection functions. The high-side gate-drive circuit has common-mode noise cancellation capability, which guarantees stable operation with excellent noise immunity. The fast-recovery body diode of the MOSFETs improves reliability against abnormal operation conditions, while minimizing the effect of reverse recovery. Using the zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) technique dramatically reduces the switching losses and significantly improves efficiency. The ZVS also reduces the switching noise noticeably, which allows a small-sized Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) filter.The FSFR-XS series can be applied to resonant converter topologies such as series resonant, parallel resonant, and LLC resonant converters.Related ResourcesAN4151 — Half-bridge LLC Resonant Converter DesignUsing FSFR-Series Fairchild Power Switch (FPS TM)Ordering InformationPart Number PackageOperating Junction TemperatureR DS(ON_MAX) Maximum Output Powerwithout Heatsink(V IN =350~400V)(1,2)Maximum Output Power with Heatsink(V IN =350~400V)(1,2)FSFR2100XS 9-SIP-40 to +130°C0.51Ω 180W 400W FSFR1800XS 0.95Ω 120W 260W FSFR1700XS 1.25Ω 100W 200W FSFR1600XS 1.55Ω 80W 160W FSFR2100XSL 0.51Ω 180W 400WFigure 2. Internal Block Diagram9 HV CC This is the supply voltage of the high-side gate-drive circuit IC.10 V CTR This is the drain of the low-side MOSFET. Typically, a transformer is connected to this pin.FSFR1700XS/L T C=25°C 6.0T C=100°C 3.9FSFR1600XS/L T C=25°C 4.5T C=100°C 2.7I LK Offset Supply Leakage Current HV CC=V CTR=500V 50μAI Q HV CC QuiescentHV CC Supply Current (HV CC UV+) - 0.1V 50 120 μAI Q LV CC QuiescentLV CC Supply Current (LV CC UV+) - 0.1V 100 200 μAI O HV CC Operating HV CC Supply Current(RMS Value) f OSC=100KHz69mADead-Time Control SectionTime(7)350nsD T DeadNotes:6. This parameter, although guaranteed, is not tested in production.7. These parameters, although guaranteed, are tested only in EDS (wafer test) process.11.05d a t 25O C11.05e d a t 25O C1m a l i z e d a t 25O Cgain is inversely proportional to the switching frequency in the ZVS region. The output voltage can be regulated by modulating the switching frequency. Figure 18 shows the typical circuit configuration for the R T pin, where the opto-coupler transistor is connected to the R T pin to modulate the switching frequency. of the resonant converter progressively. Since the voltage gain of the resonant converter is inversely proportional to the switching frequency, the soft-start is implemented by sweeping down the switching frequency from an initial high frequency (f I S S) until the output voltage is established. The soft-start circuit is made byTpin, as shown in Figure 18. FSFR-XS series also has a 3ms internalFigure 19. Frequency Sweeping of Soft-Start4. Self Auto-Restart: The FSFR-XS series can restart automatically even though any built-in protections are triggered with external supply voltage. As can be seen in Figure 20 and Figure 21, once any protections are triggered, the M1 switch turns on and the V-I converter is disabled. C SS starts to discharge until V Css across C SS drops to V CssL. Then, all protections are reset, M1 turns off, and the V-I converter resumes at the same time. The FSFR-XS starts switching again with soft-start. If the protections occur while V Css is under V CssL and V CssH level, the switching is terminated immediately, V Css continues to increase until reaching V CssH, then C SS is discharged by M1.Figure 20. Internal Block of AR PinAfter protections trigger, FSFR-XS is disabled during theI Crt stop t S/S(a)P ro te ction s a re trigge re d,(b)F SF R-U S restartsFigure 21. Self Auto-Restart Operation5. Protection Circuits: The FSFR-XS series has several self-protective functions, such as Over-Current Protection (OCP), Abnormal Over-Current Protection (AOCP), Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), and Thermal Shutdown (TSD). These protections are auto-restart mode protections, as shown in Figure 22.Once a fault condition is detected, switching is terminated and the MOSFETs remain off. When LV CC falls to the LV CC stop voltage of 10V or AR signal is HIGH, the protection is reset. The FSFR-XS resumes normal operation when LV CC reaches the start voltage of 12.5V.Figure 22. Protection Blocks5.1 Over-Current Protection (OCP): When the sensing pin voltage drops below -0.58V, OCP is triggered and the MOSFETs remain off. This protection has a shutdown time delay of 1.5µs to prevent分销商库存信息:FAIRCHILDFSFR1700XS FSFR1700XSL。
Presario 1700 Intel Pentium III SpeedStep 技术操作指南说明
Maximizing Battery Operating TimeThe Presario 1700 with Intel Pentium® III processor supports SpeedStep™Technology. This technology supports two different modes of operation.The default settings are:•Performance Mode—the processor runs at maximum speed if the notebook is powered on while connected to an AC power source•Battery Optimized Mode—the processor runs at lower speed to maximize battery operating time if the notebook is powered on with a battery sourceTo automatically change the processor settings when changing power sources(from AC to battery or battery to AC) without rebooting the notebook, youmust install the SpeedStep™ application.To install the application, follow these steps:1.Locate the Compaq Knowledge Center icon located on theWindows Desktop.2.Double click the icon with the left mouse button.3.Click on the Restore My Presario link.4.Click on the Compaq Quick Restore link.5.Move the mouse pointer over the Selective Restore icon.6.Click on the Intel SpeedStep icon.7.Click Yes to install the software.8.Re-Start your computer for the application to take effect.NOTE: SpeedStep is not supported on Intel Celeron processors.NOTICEThe information in this card is subject to change without notice. COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED HEREIN; NOR FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OFTHIS MATERIAL.This card contains information protected by copyright. No part of this card may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without prior written consentfrom Compaq Computer Corporation.© 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation.Compaq and the Compaq Logo Registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Printed in the U.S.A., Brazil, Canada, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and the U.K.Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies.First Edition, November 2000229180-001。
Vishay 集成电路 LED 产品说明书
Dome Lens SMD LEDDESCRIPTIONThe dome lens SMD LED series has been designed in a small untinted and clear molded package with lens for surface mounting as gullwing or reverse gullwing version. The VLD.1235... series is using recent ultrabright AlInGaP / Si chip technology with high luminous flux and large chip size allowing a high DC forward current up to 70 mA. PRODUCT GROUP AND PACKAGE DATA •Product group: LED•Product series: power•Package: SMD dome lens•Angle of half intensity: ± 11°FEATURES•Utilizing latest advanced AlInGaP technology•Package type: surface-mount•Package form: gullwing, reverse gullwing•Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 2.3 x 2.3 x 2.8•High luminous flux and luminous intensity•Luminous intensity and color categorized perpacking unit•Luminous intensity ratio per packing unitI Vmax./I Vmin.≤ 1.6•ESD-withstand voltage: up to 2 kV according to JESD22-A114-B•Preconditioning according to JEDEC® level 2a•Suitable for reflow soldering according to J-STD-020•Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see /doc?99912APPLICATIONS•Traffic signals and signs•Interior and exterior lighting•Indicator and backlighting purposes for audio, video,LCDs switches, symbols, illuminated advertising etc.VLD.1235R...VLD.1235G...PARTS TABLEPART COLORLUMINOUSINTENSITY(mcd)atI F(mA)WAVELENGTH(nm)atI F(mA)FORWARDVOLTAGE(V)atI F(mA)TECHNOLOGY MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.VLDS1235G Super red560011 00022 4005062663063750 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDS1235R Super red560011 00022 4005062663063750 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDR1235G Red900014 50035 5005061962463150 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDR1235R Red900014 50035 5005061962463150 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDK1235G Amber900018 00035 5005061161662150 1.9 2.25 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDK1235R Amber900018 00035 5005061161662150 1.9 2.25 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDY1235G Yellow900018 00035 5005058358959550 1.9 2.3 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDY1235R Yellow900018 00035 5005058358959550 1.9 2.3 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDS1235G-08Super red560011 00022 4005062663063750 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDS1235R-08Super red560011 00022 4005062663063750 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDR1235G-08Red900014 50035 5005061962463150 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDR1235R-08Red900014 50035 5005061962463150 1.9 2.2 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDK1235G-08Amber900018 00035 5005061161662150 1.9 2.25 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDK1235R-08Amber900018 00035 5005061161662150 1.9 2.25 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDY1235G-08Yellow900018 00035 5005058358959550 1.9 2.3 2.750AlInGaP on Si VLDY1235R-08Yellow900018 00035 5005058358959550 1.9 2.3 2.750AlInGaP on SiNote(1)Driving the LED in reverse direction is suitable for a short term application onlyNote(1)Tolerances: ± 15 % for I V , ± 0.1 V for V F , ± 1 nm for λdNote(1)Tolerances: ± 15 % for I V , ± 0.1 V for V F , ± 1 nm for λdNote(1)Tolerances: ± 15 % for I V , ± 0.1 V for V F , ± 1 nm for λdABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) VLDS1235..., VLDR1235..., VLDK1235..., VLDY1235...PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOLVALUE UNIT Reverse voltage (1)Short term application onlyV R 5V DC Forward current T amb ≤ 60 °CI F 70mA Power dissipation P V 200mW Junction temperatureT j 125°C Operating temperature range T amb -40 to +100°C Storage temperature rangeT stg -40 to +100°C Thermal resistance junction-to-ambientMounted on PC board (pad size > 16 mm 2)R thJA325K/WOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) VLDS1235G, VLDS1235R, SUPER REDPARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Luminous intensity (1)I F = 50 mAI V 560011 00022 400mcd Luminous flux/luminous intensity φV /I V -0.5-mlm/mcd Dominant wavelength (1)I F = 50 mA λd 626630637nm Peak wavelengthI F = 50 mA λp -639-nm Spectral bandwidth at 50 % I rel max.I F = 50 mA Δλ-18-nm Angle of half intensity I F = 50 mA ϕ-± 11-deg Forward voltage (1)I F = 50 mA V F 1.9 2.2 2.7V Reverse currentV R = 5 VI R-0.0110μAOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) VLDR1235G, VLDR1235R, REDPARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Luminous intensity (1)I F = 50 mAI V 900014 50035 500mcd Luminous flux/luminous intensity φV /I V -0.5-mlm/mcd Dominant wavelength (1)I F = 50 mA λd 619624631nm Peak wavelengthI F = 50 mA λp -632-nm Spectral bandwidth at 50 % I rel max.I F = 50 mA Δλ-18-nm Angle of half intensity I F = 50 mA ϕ-± 11-deg Forward voltage (1)I F = 50 mA V F 1.9 2.2 2.7V Reverse currentV R = 5 VI R-0.0110μAOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) VLDK1235G, VLDK1235R, AMBERPARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Luminous intensity (1)I F = 50 mAI V 900018 00035 500mcd Luminous flux/luminous intensity φV /I V -0.5-mlm/mcd Dominant wavelength (1)I F = 50 mA λd 611616621nm Peak wavelengthI F = 50 mA λp -622-nm Spectral bandwidth at 50 % I rel max.I F = 50 mA Δλ-18-nm Angle of half intensity I F = 50 mA ϕ-± 11-deg Forward voltage (1)I F = 50 mA V F 1.9 2.25 2.7V Reverse currentV R = 5 VI R-0.0110μANote(1)Tolerances: ± 15 % for I V , ± 0.1 V for V F , ± 1 nm for λdNote•Wavelengths are tested at a current pulse duration of 25 ms and an accuracy of ± 1 nmNote•Luminous intensity is tested at a current pulse duration of 25 ms and an accuracy of ± 15 %.The above type numbers represent the order groups which include only a few brightness groups. Only one group will be shipped on each reel (there will be no mixing of two groups on each reel).In order to ensure availability, single brightness groups will not be orderable.In a similar manner for colors where wavelength groups are measured and binned, single wavelength groups will be shipped on any one reel. In order to ensure availability, single wavelength groups will not be orderableOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) VLDY1235G, VLDY1235R, YELLOWPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Luminous intensity (1)I F = 50 mAI V 900018 00035 500mcd Luminous flux/luminous intensity φV /I V -0.5-mlm/mcd Dominant wavelength (1)I F = 50 mA λd 583589595nm Peak wavelengthI F = 50 mA λp -591-nm Spectral bandwidth at 50 % I rel max.I F = 50 mA Δλ17nm Angle of half intensity I F = 50 mA ϕ± 11deg Forward voltage (1)I F = 50 mA V F 1.9 2.3 2.7V Reverse currentV R = 5 V I R0.0110μACOLOR CLASSIFICATIONGROUPDOMINANT WAVELENGTH (nm)AMBERYELLOWMIN.MAX.MIN.MAX.26116163616621583586458658955895926592595LUMINOUS INTENSITY CLASSIFICATIONGROUP LUMINOUS INTENSITY (mcd)STANDARDMIN.MAX.DB 56007100EA 71009000EB 900011 200FA 11 20014 000FB 14 00018 000GA 18 00022 400GB 22 40028 000HA28 00035 500TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)Fig. 1 - Maximum Permissible Forward Current vs.Ambient TemperatureFig. 2 - Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular DisplacementFig. 3 - Forward Current vs. Pulse LengthFig. 4 - Relative Intensity vs. WavelengthFig. 5 - Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageFig. 6 - Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current0. p - Pulse Length (s)I F - F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (A )10-510-410-310-210-110010110217044Fig. 7 - Change of Forward Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureFig. 8 - Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient TemperatureFig. 9 - Change of Dominant Wavelength vs. Ambient TemperaturePACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters: VLD.1235G.. (gullwing)PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters: VLD.1235R.. (reverse gullwing)TAPING AND REEL DIMENSIONS in millimeters: VLD.1235G (gullwing)TAPING AND REEL DIMENSIONS in millimeters: VLD.1235R (reverse gullwing)TAPING AND REEL DIMENSIONS in millimeters: VLD.1235G-08 (gullwing)TAPING AND REEL DIMENSIONS in millimeters: VLD.1235R-08 (reverse gullwing)COVER TAPE PEEL STRENGTH According to DIN EN 60286-30.1 N to 1.3 N300 ± 10 mm/min165° to 180° peel angle LABELStandard bar code labels for finished goodsThe standard bar code labels are product labels and used for identification of goods. The finished goods are packed in final packing area. The standard packing units are labeled with standard bar code labels before transported as finished goods to warehouses. The labels are on each packing unit and contain Vishay Semiconductor GmbH specific data.SOLDERING PROFILEFig. 10 - V ishay Lead (P b)-free Reflo w Soldering Profile(according to J-STD-020)BAR CODE PRODUCT LABEL (example)A.2D barcodeB.PartNo = Vishay part numberC.QTY = QuantityD.SelCode = selection code (binning)E.PTC = Code of manufacturing plantF.Batch = date code: year / week / plant codeG.Region codeH.SL = sales locationI.Terminations finishingK.Lead (Pb)-free symbolL.Halogen-free symbolM.RoHS symbolDRY PACKINGThe reel is packed in an anti-humidity bag to protect the devices from absorbing moisture during transportation and storage.FINAL PACKINGThe sealed reel is packed into a cardboard box. A secondary cardboard box is used for shipping purposes. RECOMMENDED METHOD OF STORAGEDry box storage is recommended as soon as the aluminum bag has been opened to prevent moisture absorption. The following conditions should be observed, if dry boxes are not available:•Storage temperature 10 °C to 30 °C•Storage humidity ≤ 60 % RH max.After more than 672 h under these conditions moisture content will be too high for reflow soldering.In case of moisture absorption, the devices will recover to the former condition by drying under the following condition: 192 h at 40 °C + 5 °C / - 0 °C and < 5 % RH (dry air / nitrogen) or96 h at 60 °C + 5 °C and < 5 % RH for all device containersor24 h at 100 °C + 5 °C not suitable for reel or tubes.An EIA JEDEC standard JESD22-A112 level 2a label isincluded on all dry bags.Example of JESD22-A112 level 2a labelESD PRECAUTIONProper storage and handling procedures should be followedto prevent ESD damage to the devices especially when theyare removed from the antistatic shielding bag. Electrostaticsensitive devices warning labels are on the packaging.VISHAY SEMICONDUCTORS STANDARDBAR CODE LABELThe Vishay Semiconductors standard bar code labels areprinted at final packing areas. The labels are on eachpacking unit and contain Vishay Semiconductors specificdata.FG HI MLKLegal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.© 2021 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED。
Globalstar GSP-1700、GSP-1600 2900 产品安装指南说明书
Table of ContentsTHIS GUIDE PROVIDES ASSISTANCE WITH THE INSTALLATION OF COMMUNICATION PORTS AND DEVICE DRIVERS FOR GLOBALSTAR SATELLITE PHONES AND EQUIPMENT.Windows XP/2000 2 GSP-1700 for Windows XP/2000 2 GSP-1600/2900 for Windows XP/2000 12Windows Vista 17 GSP-1700 for Windows Vista 17 GSP-1600/2900 for Windows Vista 27Windows XP/2000GSP-1700 for Windows XP/2000Creating a Communications Port for your GSP-1700• Download and launch the program, Installer.exe, on your computerNOTE: IF YOU ARE ENTERING THESE INSTRUCTIONS VIA THE'SATELLITE HELP' BUTTON ON THE QUICK INSTALL PAGE OF THEInstaller PROGRAM, CLICK HERE•Click ‘Next’ to begin your driver install• Accept the software license to continue the install• Click ‘Next’ on the USB adapter screen (not necessary for install of GSP-1700).•Connect your GSP-1700 to your computer.NOTE: If ever you have previously connected your GSP-1700 to your computer and were NOT successful in creating a comm port for it,be sure on this attempt to connect the GSP-1700 to a USB port thatis different from that to which it was connected on your first attempt.If you cannot do so, please contact Globalstar Customer Care at 1-877-452-5782.• Upon connecting your GSP-1700 to your computer, the Windows Add New Hardware Wizard will appear.• Select ‘No, not this time’ and click Next.• Select ‘Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)’ and click Next.• Check the selection, ‘Include this location in the search:' and type c:\wireless.drv\gsp1700in the Browse box. Click the Browse button after typing this location.• Windows will begin searching for instructions it needs to create a communications port for the GSP-1700.•After a period of time it will post a warning regarding Windows Logo certification.Select ‘Continue Anyway’.•Select Finish on the next screen to complete the creation of a communications port for your GSP-1700.•Click on 'Installing Drivers and Dial-Up Networking for your GSP-1700' within this Help file to complete your phone installation.Installing XP/2000 Drivers and DUN for your GSP-1700•If you have not done so yet, create a communications port for yourGSP-1700 on your computer. CLICK HERE for instructions andassistance with creating this comm port.•Verify your GSP-1700 is powered on and connected to yourcomputer. Click ‘Next’.•Select the QUICK INSTALL button.•The installer will begin probing your computer’s communication ports for your GSP-1700. This process may take several minutes. The more communication ports on your computer, the longer the duration of comm port probing. Please be patient.•When the installer finds the GSP-1700 it will ask you to confirm the installation of the modem ‘Globalstar GSP-1700 Modem’. Click OK.•The installer will advise you that the Globalstar GSP-1700 has been successfully installed. Click Next.•Click Finish . You are now ready to use your GSP-1700 for data connections .Using the DUN to Connect to Globalstar DataTo Connect To and Dial your Globalstar Phone:•Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menuselection.•Select the Connect To menu and left click on the Globalstar PacketModem menu item.•Check to see if your Globalstar phone has service.•Click on the Dial button.•Notice the face of your GSP-1700 phone. It should immediatelyregister Connecting…•Once connected, the phone will register as connected and beginlogging seconds of connect time.To Create a Short-cut to your Globalstar Phone Dialer:•Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menu selection.•Select the Connect To menu and RIGHT click on the Globalstar Packet Modem menu item.•Left click on the Create Shortcut item.•Confirm that Yes it is OK to create the shortcut on your computer desktop.GSP-1600/2900 for Windows XP/2000Installing XP/2000 Drivers and DUN for your GSP-1600 • Find and launch the program, Installer.exe, on your computerNOTE: IF YOU ARE ENTERING THESE INSTRUCTIONS VIA THE'SATELLITE HELP' BUTTON ON THE QUICK INSTALL PAGE OF THEDUNSETUP PROGRAM, CLICK HERE•Click ‘Next’ to begin your driver install• Accept the software license to continue the install• Install any USB-serial adapters required to connect your GSP-1600/2900 to your computer. Click on the USB Help button for assistance in doing so. Click Next once the adapters are installed (or if they have been previously installed).• Verify your GSP-1600/2900 phone is powered on and is connected to your computer AND you have successfully installed any necessary USB-serial adapters.If so, select the QUICK INSTALL button.• The installer will begin probing your computer’s communication ports for your GSP-1600/2900. This process may take several minutes. The more communication ports on your computer, the longer the duration of comm port probing. Please be patient.• After a period of time it may post a warning regarding Windows Logo certification.Select ‘ Continue Anyway.'•When the installer finds the GSP-1600/2900 phone it will ask you to confirm the installation. Click OK.•The installer will advise you that the GSP-1600/2900 connection has been successfully installed. Click Next.•Click Finish on the next screen. You are now ready to use your GSP-1600-2900 for data connections .Using the GSP-1600/2900 DUN to Connect to Globalstar Data To Connect To and Dial your Globalstar Phone:• Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menu selection.• Select the Connect To menu and left click on the Globalstar Packet Modem menu item.•Check to see if your Globalstar phone has service.•Click on the Dial button.•Notice the face of your GSP-1600/2900 phone. It shouldimmediately register Connecting…•Once connected, the phone will register as connected and begin logging seconds of connect time.To Create a Short-cut to your Globalstar Phone Dialer:•Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menu selection.•Select the Connect To menu and RIGHT click on the Globalstar Packet Modem menu item.•Left click on the Create Shortcut item.•Confirm that Yes it is OK to create the shortcut on your computer desktop.Windows VistaGSP-1700 for Windows VistaCreating a Communications Port for your GSP-1700 on Vista NOTE: IF YOU ARE ENTERING THESE INSTRUCTIONS VIA THE'SATELLITE HELP' BUTTON ON THE QUICK INSTALL PAGE OF THEInstaller PROGRAM, CLICK HERE•Download and launch the program, Installer.exe, on your computer•Click ‘Next’ to begin your driver install• Accept the software license to continue the install• Click ‘Next’ on the USB adapter screen (not necessary for install of GSP-1700).•Connect your GSP-1700 to your computer•Upon connecting your GSP-1700 to your computer, the Windows Add New Hardware Wizard will appear.NOTE: If ever you have previously connected your GSP-1700 to your computer and were NOT successful in creating a comm port for it,be sure on this attempt to connect the GSP-1700 to a USB port that is different from that to which it was connected on your first attempt. If you cannot do so, please contact Globalstar Customer Care at 1-877-452-5782.•Select ‘Locate and install driver software (recommended)'• Select ‘Continue’ if Windows asks you for permission to proceed with the installation.•Windows will ask you for your Installation CD. If you have the Globalstar Data CD, insert this into your computer now.If you do not have this CD, select ‘I don’t have the disc. Show me other options’.•S elect ‘Browse my computer for driver software (advanced)’.•Type c:\wireless.drv\gsp1700 in the Browse box.Click the Browse button after typing this location.•Windows will begin searching for instructions it needs to create a communications port for the GSP-1700.•After a period of time it will post a warning regarding Windows Logo certification.Select ‘Install this driver software anyway.'•Select Finish on the next screen to complete the creation of a communications port for your GSP-1700.•Click on ' Installing Vista Drivers and DUN for your GSP-1700' within this Help file to complete your phone installation.Installing Vista Drivers and DUN for your GSP-1700 •If you have not done so yet, create a communications port for your GSP-1700 on your computer. CLICK HERE for instructions andassistance with creating this comm port.•Verify your GSP-1700 is powered on and connected to yourcomputer. Click ‘Next’.•Select the QUICK INSTALL button.•The installer will begin probing your computer’s communication ports for your GSP-1700. This process may take several minutes. The more communication ports on your computer, the longer the duration of comm port probing. Please be patient.• After a period of time it may post a warning regarding Windows Logo certification. Select ‘Install this driver software anyway.'•When the installer finds the GSP-1700 it will ask you to confirm the installation of the modem ‘Globalstar GSP-1700 Modem’. Click OK.•The installer will advise you that the Globalstar GSP-1700 has been successfully installed. Click Next.•Click Finish . You are now ready to use your GSP-1700 for data connections.Using the DUN to Connect to Globalstar Data through Vista To Connect To and Dial your Globalstar Phone:•Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menuselection.•Select the Connect To menu and left click on the Globalstar Packet Modem menu item.•Check to see if your Globalstar phone has service.•Click on the Connect button at the base of the screen, then click on the Dial button on the next screen.•Notice the face of your GSP-1700 phone. It should immediatelyregister Connecting…• Once connected, the phone will register as connected and beginlogging seconds of connect time.To Create a Short-cut to your Globalstar Phone Dialer:•Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menuselection.•Select the Connect To menu and RIGHT click on the Globalstar Packet Modem menu item.•Left click on the Create Shortcut item.•Confirm that Yes it is OK to create the shortcut on your computer desktop.GSP-1600/2900 for Windows VistaInstalling Vista Drivers and DUN for your GSP-1600/2900 •Find and launch the program, Installer.exe, on your computerNOTE: IF YOU ARE ENTERING THESE INSTRUCTIONS VIA THE'SATELLITE HELP' BUTTON ON THE QUICK INSTALL PAGE OF THEDUNSETUP PROGRAM, CLICK HERE•Click ‘Next’ to begin your driver install• Accept the software license to continue the install• Install any USB-serial adapters required to connect your GSP-1600/2900 to your computer. Click on the USB Help button for assistance in doing so. Click Next once the adapters are installed (or if they have been previously installed).• Verify your GSP-1600/2900 phone is powered on and is connected to your computer AND you have successfully installed your Vista-compatible USB-serial adapter.If so, select the QUICK INSTALL button.• The installer will begin probing your computer’s communication ports for your GSP-1600/2900. This process may take several minutes. The more communication ports on your computer, the longer the duration of comm port probing. Please be patient.• After a period of time it may post a warning regarding Windows Logo certification.Select ‘ Install this driver software anyway.'•When the installer finds the GSP-1600/2900 phone it will ask you to confirm the installation. Click OK.31•The installer will advise you that the GSP-1600/2900 connection has been successfully installed. Click Next.•Click Finish on the next screen. You are now ready to use your GSP-1600/2900 for data connections .32Using the GSP-1600/2900 DUN to Connect to Globalstar Data through VistaTo Connect To and Dial your Globalstar Phone:•Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menuselection.• Select the Connect To menu and left click on the Globalstar PacketModem menu item.•Check to see if your Globalstar phone has service.•Click on the Connect button at the base of the screen, then click on theDial button on the next screen.•Notice the face of your GSP-1600/2900 phone. It shouldimmediately register Connecting…• Once connected, the phone will register as connected and beginlogging seconds of connect time.To Create a Short-cut to your Globalstar Phone Dialer:•Click on the Windows Start button and find the Connect To menuselection.•Select the Connect To menu and RIGHT click on the Globalstar Packet Modem menu item.•Left click on the Create Shortcut item.•Confirm that Yes it is OK to create the shortcut on your computerdesktop.。
PRELIMINARYPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007 Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SeriesMulti-Message Single-ChipVoice Record & Playback DevicesISD1700 SERIESTABLE OF CONTENTS1GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2FEATURES (4)3BLOCK DIAGRAM (5)4PINOUT CONFIGURATION (6)5PIN DESCRIPTION (7)6MODES OF OPERATIONS (8)6.1Standalone (Push-Button) Mode (8)6.2SPI Mode (8)7TIMING DIAGRAMS (8)7.1Standalone Operation (8)7.2SPI Operation (12)8ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (13)8.1Operating Conditions (13)9ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (14)9.1DC Parameters (14)9.2AC Parameters (15)10TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS (16)10.1Good Audio Design Practices (18)11PACKAGING (19)11.128-Lead 8x13.4mm Plastic Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP) Type 1 - IQC (19)11.228-Lead 300-Mil Plastic Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC) (20)11.328-Lead 600-Mil Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP) (21)11.4Die Information (21)12ORDERING INFORMATION (22)13VERSION HISTORY (23)- 2 -ISD1700 SERIES1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Winbond® ISD1700 ChipCorder® Series is a high quality, fully integrated, single-chip multi-message voice record and playback device ideally suited to a variety of electronic systems. The message duration is user selectable in ranges from 26 seconds to 120 seconds, depending on the specific device. The sampling frequency of each device can also be adjusted from 4 kHz to 12 kHz with an external resistor, giving the user greater flexibility in duration versus recording quality for each application. Operating voltage spans a range from 2.4 V to 5.5 V to ensure that the ISD1700 devices are optimized for a wide range of battery or line-powered applications.The ISD1700 is designed for operation in either standalone or microcontroller (SPI) mode. The device incorporates a proprietary message management system that allows the chip to self-manage address locations for multiple messages. This unique feature provides sophisticated messaging flexibility in a simple push-button environment. The devices include an on-chip oscillator (with external resistor control), microphone preamplifier with Automatic Gain Control (AGC), an auxiliary analog input, anti-aliasing filter, Multi-Level Storage (MLS) array, smoothing filter, volume control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Class D speaker driver, and current/voltage output.The ISD1700 devices also support an optional “vAlert” (voiceAlert) feature that can be used as a new message indicator. With vAlert, the device flashes an external LED to indicate that a new message is present. Besides, four special sound effects are reserved for audio confirmation of operations, such as “Start Record”, “Stop Record”, “Erase”, “Forward”, “Global Erase”, and etc.Recordings are stored into on-chip Flash memory, providing zero-power message storage. This unique single-chip solution is made possible through Winbond’s patented Multi-Level Storage (MLS) technology. Audio data are stored directly in solid-state memory without digital compression, providing superior quality voice and music reproduction.Voice signals can be fed into the chip through two independent paths: a differential microphone input and a single-ended analog input. For outputs, the ISD1700 provides a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Class D speaker driver and a separate analog output simultaneously. The PWM can directly drive a standard 8Ω speaker or typical buzzer, while the separate analog output can be configured as a single-ended current or voltage output to drive an external amplifier.While in Standalone mode, the ISD1700 devices automatically enter into power down mode for power conservation after an operation is completed.In the SPI mode, the user has full control via the serial interface in operating the device. This includes random access to any location inside the memory array by specifying the start address and end address of operations. SPI mode also allows access to the Analog Path Configuration (APC) register. This register allows flexible configuration of audio paths, inputs, outputs and mixing. The APC default configuration for standalone mode can also be modified by storing the APC data into a non-volatile register (NVCFG) that is loaded at initialization. Utilizing the capabilities of ISD1700 Series, designers have the control and flexibility to implement voice functionality into the high-end products.Notice: The specifications are subject to change without notice. Please contact Winbond Sales Offices or Representatives to verify current or future specifications. Also refer to the website for any related application notes.Publication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 3 - Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SERIES- 4 -2 FEATURESy Integrated message management systems for single-chip, push-button applicationso REC : level-trigger for recordingo PLAY : edge-trigger for individual message or level-trigger for looping playback sequentially o ERASE : edge-triggered erase for first or last message or level-triggered erase for all messages o FWD : edge-trigger to advance to the next message or fast message scan during the playback o VOL : 8 levels output volume controlo INT RDY : ready or busy status indication o RESET : return to the default stateo Automatic power-down after each operation cycley Selectable sampling frequency controlled by an external oscillator resistorySelectable messagedurationo A wide range selection from 20 secs to 480 secs pending upon sampling frequency chosenSample Freq. ISD1730ISD1740 ISD1750ISD1760ISD1790ISD17120ISD17150ISD17180 ISD17210ISD1724012 kHz20 secs 26 secs 33 secs 40 secs 60 secs 80 secs 100 secs 120 secs 140 secs 160 secs 8 kHz 30 secs 40 secs 50 secs 60 secs 90 secs 120 secs 150 secs 180 secs 210 secs 240 secs 6.4 kHz 37 secs 50 secs 62 secs 75 secs 112 secs 150 secs 187 secs 225 secs 262 secs 300 secs 5.3 kHz 45 secs 60 secs 75 secs 90 secs 135 secs 181 secs 226 secs 271 secs 317 secs 362 secs 4 kHz60 secs80 secs100 secs120 secs180 secs240 secs300 secs360 secs 420 secs480 secsy Message and operation indicatorso Four customizable Sound Effects (SEs) for audible indicationo Optional vAlert (voiceAlert) to indicate the presence of new messageso LED: stay on during recording, blink during playback, forward and erase operationsy Dual operating modes o Standalone mode:Integrated message management techniques Automatic power-down after each operation cycle o SPI mode:Fully user selectable and controllable options via APC register and various SPI commands y Two individual input channelso MIC+/MIC-: differential microphone inputs with AGC (Automatic Gain Control) o AnaIn: single-ended auxiliary analog input for recording or feed-through y Dual output channelso Differential PWM Class D speaker outputs directly drives an 8 Ω speaker or a typical buzzer o Configurable AUD (current) or AUX (voltage) single-ended output drives external audio amplifier y ChipCorder standard featureso High-quality, natural voice and audio reproduction o 2.4V to 5.5V operating voltageo 100-year message retention (typical) o 100,000 record cycles (typical)Sampling Frequency12 kHz 8 kHz 6.4 kHz 5.3 kHz 4 kHz Rosc53 k Ω 80 k Ω100 k Ω 120 k Ω 160 k ΩISD1700 SERIESy Temperature options:o Commercial: 0°C to +50°C (die); 0°C to +70°C (packaged units)o Industrial: -40°C to +85°C (packaged units)y Packaging types: available in die, PDIP, SOIC and TSOPy Package option: Lead-free packaged units3 BLOCK DIAGRAMPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 5 - Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SERIES4 PINOUT CONFIGURATIONRefer to Design Guide for details before performing any design or PCB layout.- 6 -ISD1700 SERIES5 PIN DESCRIPTIONRefer to Design Guide for details before performing any design or PCB layout.Publication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 7 - Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SERIES6 MODES OF OPERATIONSThe ISD1700 Series can operate in either Standalone (Push-Button) or microcontroller (SPI) mode.6.1 S TANDALONE (P USH-B UTTON)M ODEOne can utilize the REC, PLAY, FT, FWD, ERASE, VOL or RESET control to initiate a desired operation. As completed, the device automatically enters into the power-down state.6.2 SPI M ODEIn SPI mode, control of the device is achieved through the 4-wire serial interface via SPI commands.For technical details, please refer to the design guide.7 TIMING DIAGRAMSThe following estimated timing diagrams are not in proper scale.7.1 B ASIC O PERATIONFigure 12.1: Record Operation with No Sound Effect- 8 -ISD1700 SERIESFigure 12.2: Start and Stop Playback OperationFigure 12.3: Single Erase Operation with No Sound EffectPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 9 - Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SERIESFigure 12.4: Forward Operation with No Sound EffectFigure 12.5: Global Erase Operation with or without Sound Effects- 10 -ISD1700 SERIESFigure 12.6: Reset OperationFigure 12.7: Playback Operation with ramp up and ramp down effect at AUD outputPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 11 - Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SERIES7.2 SPI O PERATIONFigure 12.8: SPI Operationslower sampling frequency.- 12 -ISD1700 SERIESPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 13 - Revision 1.3-S28 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (DIE) [1] CONDITIONSVALUESJunction temperature1500CStorage temperature range -650C to +1500CVoltage Applied to any pads(V SS - 0.3V) to (V CC + 0.3V) Power supply voltage to ground potential-0.3V to +7.0VABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (PACKAGED PARTS) [1]CONDITIONSVALUESJunction temperature1500CStorage temperature range -650C to +1500CVoltage Applied to any pins(V SS - 0.3V) to (V CC + 0.3V) Voltage applied to any pin (Input current limited to +/-20 mA) (V SS – 1.0V) to (V CC + 1.0V) Power supply voltage to ground potential-0.3V to +7.0V[1]Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to the absolute maximum ratings may affect device reliability. Functional operation is not implied at these conditions.8.1 O PERATING C ONDITIONSOPERATING CONDITIONS (DIE) CONDITIONSVALUESOperating temperature range 0°C to +50°C Supply voltage (V CC ) [1] +2.4 V to +5.5 VGround voltage (V SS ) [2]0 VInput voltage (V CC ) [1]0 V to 5.5 V Voltage applied to any pins (V SS –0.3 V) to (V CC +0.3 V)OPERATING CONDITIONS (PACKAGED PARTS) CONDITIONSVALUESOperating temperature range (Case temperature) -40°C to +85°CSupply voltage (V DD ) [1] +2.4V to +5.5VGround voltage (V SS ) [2]0V Input voltage (V DD ) [1] 0V to 5.5V Voltage applied to any pins (V SS –0.3V) to (V DD +0.3V)[1] V CC = V CCA = V CCD = V CCP[2]V SS = V SSA = V SSD = V SSP1 V SSP2ISD1700 SERIES- 14 -9 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS9.1 DC P ARAMETERSPARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP [1]MAX UNITS CONDITIONSSupply Voltage V DD 2.4 5.5 V Input Low Voltage V IL V SS -0.3 0.3xV DD V Input High Voltage V IH 0.7xV DD V DD V Output Low Voltage V OL V SS -0.3 0.3xV DD V I OL = 4.0 mA [2] Output High Voltage V OH 0.7xV DD V DD V I OH = -1.6 mA [2]Record Current I DD_Record 20 mAPlayback Current I DD_Playback 20 mAErase Current I DD_Erase 20 mAV DD = 5.5 V, No load, Sampling freq = 12 kHz Standby Current I SB 1 10 µA [3] [4]Input Leakage Current I ILPD1 ±1 µA Force V DD Input Current Low I ILPD2 -3 -10 µA Force V SS , others at Vcc Preamp Input Impedance R MIC+,R MIC- 7 k Ω Power-up AGC AnaIn Input Impedance R AnaIn 42 k Ω When active MIC Differential Input V IN1 15 300 mV Peak-to-Peak [5] AnaIn Input Voltage V IN2 1 V Peak-to-Peak Gain from MIC to SP+/- A MSP 6 40 dB V IN = 15~300 mV, AGC =4.7 µF, V CC = 2.4V~5.5VSpeaker Output Load R SPK 8 Ω Across both Speaker pins AUX Output Load R Aux 5 k Ω When active 670 mW V DD = 5.5 V 313 mW V DD = 4.4 V 117 mW V DD = 3 V Speaker Output Power Pout 49 mW V DD = 2.4 V 1Vp-p,1 kHz sinewave atAnaIn. R SPK = 8 Ω.Speaker Output Voltage V OUT1 V DD V R SPK = 8Ω (Speaker),Typical buzzerAUX Output Swing V OUT2 1 V Peak-to-Peak AUX Output DC Level V OUT3 1.2 V When active AUD I AUD -3.0 mA V DD =4.5 V, R EXT = 390 Ω Volume Output A Vol 0 to -28 dB 8 steps of 4dB eachreference to outputTotal Harmonic Distortion THD 1 % 15 mV p-p 1 kHz sinewave, Cmessage weightedNotes: [1]Conditions: V CC = 4.5V, 8 kHz sampling frequency and T A = 25°C, unless otherwise stated.[2]LED output during Record operation. [3]V CCA , V CCD and V CCP are connected together. V SSA , V SSP1, V SSP2 and V SSD are connected together.[4] REC , PLAY , FT , FWD , ERASE , VOL and RESET must be at V CCD .[5]Balanced input signal applied between MIC+ and MIC- as shown in the applications example. Single-ended MIC+ or MIC- input is recommended no more than 150 mV p-p.ISD1700 SERIESPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007 - 15 - Revision 1.3-S29.2 AC P ARAMETERSCHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN TYP [1] MAX UNITS CONDITIONSSampling Frequency [2] F S 4 12 kHz [2] [4]Duration [3]T Dur Refer to duration tablesec [3]Rising Time T r 100 nsec Falling TimeT f 100 nsecDebounce Time T Deb 192/F S msec [4]Ramp Up Time T RU 128/F S msec Ramp Down Time T RD 128/F S msecInitial Scan Time after power is appliedT Sc1 DRN/8/F S msec DRN = device row# [4]Initial Scan Time from PD stateT Sc2 DRN/16/F Smsec After a PB operationis run [4]End Recording Time T ER 32/F S msec [4]LED High TimeT LH 0.5K/F S msec [4]LED Flash Time for SE1 T LS1 3.5K/F S sec SE1 not recorded [5]LED Flash Time for SE2 T LS2 7.5K/F S sec SE2 not recorded [5]LED Flash Time for SE3 T LS3 11.5K/F S sec SE3 not recorded [5]LED Flash Time for SE4 T LS4 15.5K/F S sec SE4 not recorded [5]SE1 Recorded Duration T SE1 4K/F S sec [4] [5]SE2 Recorded Duration T SE2 4K/F S sec [4] [5]SE3 Recorded Duration T SE3 4K/F S sec [4] [5]SE4 Recorded Duration T SE4 4K/F S sec [4] [5]Erase TimeT E 10MRN/F S sec MRN=message row #[4]Global Erase Wait Time T GE1 20K/F S sec [4] [5]Global Erase Time T GE2 34/F S secRESET PulseT Reset 1 μsec All Fs [4]Settle TimeT Set1 128/F S msec [4]Settle Time after Reset T Set2 64/F S msec [4]LED Error TimeT LErr 27.5K/F S msec [4] [5]LED Cycle frequencyT Cyc 1 4 Hz Pending upon F SNotes:[1]Typical values: V CC = 4.5 V, F S = 8 kHz and @ T A = 25°C, unless otherwise stated.[2]Characterization data shows that sampling frequency resolution is ±5 percent across temperature and voltage ranges. [3]Characterization data shows that duration resolution is ±5 percent across temperature and voltage ranges. [4]Vcc=2.4 V~5.5V [5]K = 1024ISD1700 SERIES10 TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITSThe following typical applications examples on ISD1700 Series are for references only. They make no representation or warranty that such applications shall be suitable for the use specified. Each designhas to be optimized in its own system for the best performance on voice quality, current consumption, functionalities and etc.The below notes apply to the following applications examples:*These capacitors may be needed in order to optimize for the best voice quality, which is also dependent upon the layout of the PCB. Depending on system requirements, they can be 10 μF, 4.7 μF or other values.Please refer to the applications notes or consult Winbond for layout advice.** It is important to have a separate path for each ground and power back to the related terminals to minimize the noise. Also, the power supplies should be decoupled as close to the device as possible.Example #1: Recording using microphone input via push-button controls- 16 -ISD1700 SERIES Example #2: Recording using AnaIn input via push-button controlsPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 17 - Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SERIES Example #3: Connecting the SPI Interface to a microcontroller10.1 G OOD A UDIO D ESIGN P RACTICESTo ensure the highest quality of voice reproduction, it is important to follow good audio designpractices in layout and power supply decoupling. See recommendations from below links or other Application Notes in our websites.Design Considerations for ISD1700 FamilyAN-CC1002 Design Considerations for ISD1700 Family.pdfGood Audio Design Practices/products/isd_products/chipcorder/applicationinfo/apin11.pdfSingle-Chip Board Layout Diagrams/products/isd_products/chipcorder/applicationinfo/apin12.pdf- 18 -ISD1700 SERIESPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007 - 19 - Revision 1.3-S211 PACKAGING11.1 28-L EAD 8X 13.4MM P LASTIC T HIN S MALL O UTLINE P ACKAGE (TSOP) T YPE 1 - IQCbISD1700 SERIES- 20 -11.2 28-L EAD 300-M IL P LASTIC S MALL O UTLINE I NTEGRATED C IRCUIT (SOIC)28272625242322212019181716151234567891011121314ADEF BGCHPlastic Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC) DimensionsISD1700 SERIESPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007 - 21 - Revision 1.3-S211.3 28-L EAD 600-M IL P LASTIC D UAL I NLINE P ACKAGE (PDIP)Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP) (P) DimensionsINCHES MILLIMETERSMin Nom Max Min Nom MaxA 1.445 1.450 1.455 36.70 36.83 36.96 B1 0.150 3.81 B2 0.065 0.070 0.075 1.65 1.78 1.91 C1 0.600 0.625 15.24 15.88 C2 0.530 0.540 0.550 13.46 13.72 13.97 D 0.19 4.83 D1 0.015 0.38 E 0.125 0.135 3.18 3.43 F 0.015 0.018 0.022 0.38 0.46 0.56 G 0.055 0.060 0.065 1.40 1.52 1.65 H 0.100 2.54 J 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.20 0.25 0.30 S 0.070 0.075 0.080 1.78 1.91 2.03 0 0° 15° 0° 15°11.4 D IE I NFORMATIONFor die info, please contact the local Winbond Sales Representatives.ISD1700 SERIES- 22 -12 ORDERING INFORMATIONProduct Number Descriptor KeyWhen ordering ISD1700 devices, please refer to the above ordering scheme. Contact the local Winbond Sales Representatives for any questions and the availability.For the latest product information, please contact the Winbond Sales/Rep or access Winbond’s worldwide web site at I17xxx x x x x xxProduct Series: 17 = 1700Duration: 30 : 20 – 60 secs 40 : 26 – 80 secs 50 : 33 – 100 secs 60 : 40 – 120 secs 90 : 60 – 180 secs 120 : 80 – 240 secs150 : 100 – 300 secs180 : 120 – 360 secs210 : 140 – 420 secs240 : 160 – 480 secsPackage Type : X = DieE = Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP) S = Small Outline Integrated Circuit(SOIC) Package P = Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP)Temperature :I = Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)Blank= Commercial• Die (0°C to +50°C) • Package (0°C to +70°C)Special Features Field : Blank = None 01 = vAlert Tape & Reel: Blank = None R = Tape & ReelLead-Free : Y = Lead-FreeProduct Name: I = ISDISD1700 SERIES13 VERSION HISTORYVERSION DATE DESCRIPTION1.3-S Sep 2006 Initial version1.3-S1 Nov 2006 Revise Pinout Configuration & Pin Description sections1.3-S2 Jan 2007 Revise Rosc resistor valueRevise Selectable Message Duration sectionUpdate standby current, sampling frequency & duration parametersPublication Release Date: January 23, 2007- 23 - Revision 1.3-S2ISD1700 SERIES- 24 -Winbond products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or equipmentintended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support orsustain life. Furthermore, Winbond products are not intended for applications wherein failure of Winbond products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage could occur. Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales.The contents of this document are provided only as a guide for the applications of Winbond products. Winbond makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication andreserves the right to discontinue or make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express or implied, to any intellectual property or other right of Winbond or others is granted by this publication. Except as set forth in Winbond's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, Winbond assumes no liability whatsoever and disclaims any express or implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or infringement of any Intellectual property.The contents of this document are provided “AS IS”, and Winbond assumes no liability whatsoever and disclaims any express or implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or infringement of any Intellectual property. In no event, shall Winbond be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information) arising out of the use of or inability to use the contents of thisdocuments, even if Winbond has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Application examples and alternative uses of any integrated circuit contained in this publication are for illustration onlyand Winbond makes no representation or warranty that such applications shall be suitable for the use specified.The 100-year retention and 100K record cycle projections are based upon accelerated reliability tests, as published in the Winbond Reliability Report, and are neither warranted nor guaranteed by Winbond. This product incorporatesSuperFlash ®.This datasheet and any future addendum to this datasheet is(are) the complete and controlling ISD ® ChipCorder ® product specifications. In the event any inconsistencies exist between the information in this and other product documentation, or in the event that other product documentation contains information in addition to the information in this, the information contained herein supersedes and governs such other information in its entirety. This datasheet is subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2005, Winbond Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. ChipCorder®and ISD ® are trademarks of Winbond Electronics Corporation. SuperFlash ®is the trademark of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.。
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Damper diode BY329X-1700S
fast, high-voltage
• Low forward volt drop • Fast switching
• Soft recovery characteristic
• High thermal cycling performance • Isolated mounting tab
Glass-passivated double diffused PIN DESCRIPTION rectifier diode featuring low forward voltage drop,fast reverse recovery 1cathode and soft recovery characteristic.The device is intended for use in TV 2anode receivers and PC
The BY329X series is supplied in the conventional leaded SOD113package.
Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134).SYMBOL PARAMETER
MIN.MAX.UNIT V RSM Peak non repetitive reverse -1700V voltage
V RRM Peak repetitive reverse voltage -1700V V RWM Crest working reverse voltage -1300V I F(peak)Peak working forward current f = 16 kHz -6A f = 64 kHz
-6A I FRM Peak repetitive forward current t = 25 µs; δ = 0.5; T hs ≤ 91 ˚C -14A I F(RMS)RMS forward current
-10A I FSM Peak non-repetitive forward t = 10 ms
-60A current
sinusoidal; T j = 150 ˚C prior to surge; with reapplied V RWM(max)
T stg Storage temperature
-40150˚C T j
Operating junction temperature
T hs = 25 ˚C unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PARAMETER
MAX.UNIT V isol R.M.S. isolation voltage from f = 50-60 Hz; sinusoidal -2500V both terminals to external waveform;
R.H. ≤ 65% ; clean and dustfree
C isol
Capacitance from both terminals f = 1 MHz -10-pF
to external heatsink
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Damper diode BY329X-1700S
fast, high-voltage
MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT R th j-hs Thermal resistance junction to with heatsink compound -- 4.8K/W heatsink
without heatsink compound -- 5.9K/W R th j-a
Thermal resistance junction to in free air.
T j = 25 ˚C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS
MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT V F Forward voltage I F = 6.5 A
- 1.35 1.65V I F = 6.5 A; T j = 125 ˚C - 1.2 1.5V I R
Reverse current
V R = V RWMmax
--250µA V R = V RWMmax ; T j = 125 ˚C
-- 1.0
T j = 25 ˚C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER
MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT V fr Forward recovery voltage I F = 6.5 ; dI F /dt = 50 A/µs
-3040V t fr Forward recovery time I F = 6.5 A; dI F /dt = 50 A/µs; V F = 5 V -300320ns t rr Reverse recovery time I F = 1 A; -dI F /dt = 50 A/µs; V R ≥ 30 V -130170ns Q s
Reverse recovery charge
I F = 2 A; -dI F /dt = 20 A/µs; V R ≥ 30 V
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Damper diode BY329X-1700S
fast, high-voltage
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Damper diode BY329X-1700S
fast, high-voltage
1. Refer to mounting instructions for F-pack envelopes.
2. Epoxy meets UL94 V0 at 1/8".。