

EasyARM-iMX28x、25x 光标、触摸屏使用指南(Linux)

EasyARM-iMX28x、25x 光标、触摸屏使用指南(Linux)

©2013 Guangzhou ZLG MCU Technology Co., Ltd. 4
EasyARM-iMX257/283 开发平台
地址:广州市天河北路 689 号光大银行大厦 12 楼 F4 邮编:510630 传真:(020)38730925 网址: 电话:(020)38730916 38730917 38730972 38730976 38730977
1.2.1 液晶套件的安装...............................................................................................3 1.2.2 触摸屏校准.......................................................................................................3
地址:杭州市天目山路 217 号江南电子大厦 502 室 电话:(0571)89719480 89719481 89719482
89719483 89719484 89719485 传真:(0571)89719494
地址:成都市一环路南二段 1 号数码科技大厦 403 室 电话:(028)85439836 85437446 传真:(028)85437896
©2013 Guangzhou ZLG MCU Technology Co., Ltd. 5



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TFT触摸屏使用说明2一、.4寸TFT 触摸屏使用说明要正确使用TFT 触摸屏,需要借助相应的单片机实验板,这里,以顶顶电子开发板DD-900实验开发板为例进行介绍,值得庆幸的是,DD-900上设有3V 电压输出端,因此,可以方便地为TFT 触摸屏供电。

TFT 触摸屏模块介绍随着TFT 触摸屏价格的不断下降,其应用也越来越广泛,学习TFT 触摸屏现已成为一种时尚,以前,很多人只有在ARM 单片机中才能看到TFT 触摸屏的风采,现在,随着51单片机性能的提高,51单片机也能玩TFT 触摸屏了,这里,我们介绍的是一款2.4寸TFT 触摸屏模块,其正面与反面外形如图所示:这款触摸屏模块主要具备如下特点:1.2.4寸320*240 ,65K/262K 色;2.屏带PCB 板, PCB 板设有2.4寸液晶屏、SD 卡座、触摸屏控制芯片ADS7843,通过40脚插针将屏、卡座和触摸芯片功能引脚,引脚间距为2.54mm ,采用杜邦线可十分方便地与单片机进行连接。

PCB 引出脚排列及功能如图所示:3.屏设置为8位,用户也可根据实际情况设置为16位。

4.控制IC 为ILI9325。

二、供电及连接说明DD-900实验开发板采用的是5V 供电,因此,单片机应采用5V 单片机,如STC89C516RD+、STC12C5A60S2等,晶振采用30M ,注意TFT 要采用3V 供电,否则有可能烧屏,TFT 与单片机连接时可加限流电阻,电阻大小为470欧左右,也可以不加,但单片机不可设置为推挽模式,各引脚连接如下: TFT 触摸屏 DD-900实验开发板说明GND GND 屏与背光供电VCC 3V LED+ 3V DB8~DB15 P00~P07 液晶屏部分DB0~DB7不连接(这里采用是8位方式,不用连接)RS P26 WR P25 RD P24 CS P27 RES P23 D_CLK P21 触摸控制部分D_CS P20 D_DIN P22 D_BUSY P34 D_DOUT P33 D_Penirq (中断) P35 SD_OUT 根据程序进行定义 SD 卡座部分(前两个实验,此部分未采用) SD_SCK 根据程序进行定义SD_DIN根据程序进行定义SD_CS 根据程序进行定义注意:在TFT 的PCB 板上标有TFT 的引脚功能,一定要认清管脚与标注的对应关系。










三、 QMSCT调试



文档式图表的使用 鼠标左键单击一次TXT式图表快捷键即新建一个TXT式文档图表,可以一次建立多个图表,同时每一个 图表中可以显示多个变量。如下图所示在建立好的图表中任意空白处左键双击即弹出一个编辑框,通过 该编辑框我们可以对TXT图表的显示内容进行编辑。
在右图所示的红色图表中:NEW为文档图表增加新的变量,在每一次增加变量时需要先点击一次NEW 然后选择要加入的变量。Delete用来删除文档图表中的变量,删除时候先选择要删除的变量然后点击 Delete。Data Source用来选择增加变量的方法,Name表示通过选择变量的名字来增加变量, Banks/Adress表示通过选择变量的bank和写入变量的地址来增加变量,通常选择Name(这需要有RPT 文件的支持)。Data Fomat旁边的change用于更改数据显示的格式。Longging用于将读出来的数据导 出到计算机的硬盘中。
如下图所示以gain值的修改为例:首先选择要修改的模式,然后修改要修改的值然后敲击回车将值写入 到手机memory中。完成后最好用QDV确认是否修改成功。
上面左图中四个红框依次为:1)选择相应参数模块,2)选择网络模式目前都选VOC_SERVICE_UMTS, 3)选择调试设备SND_DEVICE_HANDSET表示正常通话、SND_DEVICE_HEADSET表示耳机通话、 SND_DEVICE_SPEAKERPHONE表示免提通话,4)method选择SND_METHOD_VOICE表示调节通话状况下参 数(右图所示为参数修改的方法)
在修改变量值将要写入的值写入value左边的框中然后敲回车或者鼠标单击Poke,修改的值便被写入 到DSP中的寄存器中。


函数原型:void ILI9325_Initial(void);
函数原型:static void LCD_SetPos
(unsigned int x0,
16*16字模由 软件取模得到,具体操作如下
白: 0xffff
图4-1 彩屏模块原理图
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
RET----P2.1 LEDA---P2.2 CS-----P2.3
图4-2 彩屏模块元件布局图



QXDM基本功能及使用方法QXDM(The QUALCOMM Extensible Diagnostic Monitor)是高通公司(Qualcomm)公司发布的可以对手机终端所发数据进行跟踪有效工具,通过对数据的分析可以诊断信令流程、分析数据包的正确与否等。



物理连接架构如下:图 1.物理连接QXDM安装路径:激活时使用的用户名密码:User ID:ShangFeixun01Password: 4855sfccAdmin key: 48021.手机端与电脑的连接将手机用USB线连接PC,安装手机驱动(WIN7是自动安装,一般我们PC 上都会有或其他版本的驱动这点不用在意),之后打开QXDM professional。

在菜单栏选项中可以看到Options选项,点击Options选项选择Communications…出现如下界面:图2 Communications从上图可以看到COM28端口的Phone选项中能读出手机端口,这样我们可以直接在①处直接选择COM28,然后点击OK。

但往往有时候在上面的端口表中不一定会显示出含有手机端口的COM口,这是我们就要借助QPST了,双击下图中的小地球图3 QPST port之后出现如图4所示的窗口,查看列表看是否有连接手机端的COM口,若无则点击Add new port图4 QPST Configuration在图5中点击COM口,然后点击ok,完成对COM口的添加图5 Add new port特殊情况:找不到口的情况下,可在电脑设备管理器的端口选项查看端口是否正常,若无端口或者端口有叹号提示,则重新安装手机驱动或这启动电脑。

若端口显示正常却在QPST中无法找到,可在打开手机工厂模式中的USBFunctions,选择All USB Function。

7寸宽TFT彩色电视系统 移动监视器所有者指南说明书

7寸宽TFT彩色电视系统 移动监视器所有者指南说明书

LAM-N760,N760SP_ENG7inch Wide TFT colorTV System/Mobile Monitor OWNER’S MANUALLAM-N760SP/N760Before connecting, operating or adjusting thisproduct, please read this instruction bookletcarefully and completely.Main features7-8 Installation9-14 Parts supplied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Before installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Installation order for the stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Treatment of monitor cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Installation of monitor unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-12 Installation order for the stand (Rear seat monitor) . . .13 Connection of exterior units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Parts name15-17 Front view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Rear view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Battery installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Operation18-21 Power ON/OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Mode conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Adjusting the volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 To enter the PICTURE menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Adjusting PICTURE menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 To enter the TUNING menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Adjusting TUNING menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 AUTO MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 SOUND SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 ADD/ERASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 FINE TUNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 ALL RESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Troubleshooting22-23 Specifications242The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user about the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended toalert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.To prevent a user or others from any physical or financial damage, please abide by the following. The following indications describe thedegree of danger or damage for the misusage.Warning“Warns the possibility of heavy injury or death.”Notice“likely to be injured or damaged physically.”Prohibition“Must not”Compulsion“Do it necessarily.”3NoteTV functions only for LAM-N760SPNoteTV functions only for LAM-N760SP5Disposal of your old appliance1. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product,it means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. 2. All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately fromthe municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities.3. The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent potentialnegative consequences for the environment and human health.4. For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, pleasecontact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.This product has been manufactured to comply with the radio interferencerequirements of EEC DIRECTIVE 89/336/EEC, 93/68/EEC and 73/23/EEC.7NoteTV functions only for LAM-N760SP.89At low temperature (20°C… or less) Turn on the heater for a proper temperature.(to enhance adhesive power).At high humidity (fog, rain and so on)After making adhesive side dried with a dryer,install the unit.After installing of the StandPulling the Monitor stand or installing the Monitor within 24 hours of the stand installation mayweaken adhesive power of the stand.Before installingAV Cable Earphone Cigar light adapter Remote Control Section-mount cradle (Rear)Section-mount cradle(Front)101112NoteRefer to your car’s user guide.A14NoteTV functions only for LAM-N760SP .When the AV Cable is insert and pulled out of the AV jack, the picture will flicker for a short moment, which is normal.15161.Left/ Right Speakers Antenna (This functions only for LAM-N760SP .)3.Docking connectorNoteActual player may vary slightly from images shown.171.Remove the battery holder with a pencil orball point pen.2.Install the battery on the battery holder.3.Install the battery holder back into its originalposition.Notes•Use only one CR2025 (3V) lithium battery.•Remove the battery if the remote control is not used for a long period of time.•Do not leave the product in a hot or humid place.•Do not handle the battery with metallic tools.•Do not store the battery with metallic materials.•In the event of battery leakage, wipe the remote control completely clean and install a new battery.Battery installationNoteWhen power of the main system is turned on or off, the picture sometimes flicker, which is normal.Notes•If power is supplied to the main system, the TV memorizes the previous status and makesNoteWhen you turn the unit off, the current volume level is automatically memorized.2. PressNoteWhen you press the AV1/AV2 switch, the pic-ture will flicker for seconds, which is normal.NoteWhen the DISPLYand 4:3, the picture will flicker for a second, ArrayTV functions only for LAM-N760SP.19202122service center in this manual and we will take a proper action. (As this product is assembled in delicate parts, only a skilled technician is recommended for the disassembly of product.)Small red, blue and green points display on the screen.•LCD screen is made in a high technology. So, this may happen due to lack of pixels by 0.001% or frequent lighting up of pixels. But, it is not the reason of any trouble.Audio and Video do not work.•Check if the starting switch of a car is on ACC or ON.•Check whether a connection code is unstable or is disconnected. •This does not work while driving.Video works but Audio does not.•Check with a volume controller if the volume level is proper.•Check whether an output port for voice is connected.The corner of the screen displays on TV.•If LCD screen has been used for long dark hours, it becomes dark gradually.•If it gets dark severely, replace its exclusive fluorescent tube.Voice quality is bad while receiving TV signal.•Change the frequency in case of interference from a radio displays only in black.•Check its color by adjusting Color Set on Menu.Note TV functions only for LAM-N760SP .bad.It noises.It noises.It noises.23P/NO : MFL3175340524。

AQ7275操作手册 第5版_IM735020-02C

AQ7275操作手册 第5版_IM735020-02C
IM 735020-02C
AQ7270 系列 OTDR 用户手册 B8070TH
AC 适配器
739870-D/F/R/Q/H/P 739880
打印卷纸 A9010ZP*1
通用连接器 (SC) SU2005A-SCC*2
通用连接器 (FC) SU2005A-FCC*3
1 3
1. 把带子从仪器侧面下方的手提带挂扣 穿过
2. 从手提带护套中穿过 3. 把带子从仪器侧面上方的手提带挂扣
穿过(从上数第 2 个) 4. 把带子穿过挂扣拉紧
把肩带扣入 AQ7275/70 右侧的肩带扣内,在仪器上方两侧有两个肩带扣,按如图所示的方法,把肩带穿 过肩带扣,然后扣紧。
IM 735020-02C
如下选件单独销售。 名称 便携式仪器专用包 仿真软件 打印卷纸 备用电池 ( 备用 ) 扩展的大容量电池 AC 适配器 ( 空闲 )
肩带 通用适配器 (SC) 通用适配器 (FC)
739860 735070 A9010ZP 739880 739881 739870-D 739870-F 739870-R 739870-Q 739870-H 739870-P B8070CY SU2005A-SCC SU2005A-FCC



手机处理器芯片详解(一)文字整理:董海礁 (MCA) 制表:王毅(T echFaith)新浪微博:@Joyce_董海礁 @TF_王毅纰漏之处,欢迎指正 智能手机自面世以来,就迅速掠夺功能手机市场,占据了手机市场的半壁江山。






高通Snapdragon S1:65nm制程 面向低端智能终端高通Snapdragon S1处理器主要是针对大众市场的智能手机,所包括的处理器型号含Snapdragon QSD8x50、MSM7x25、MSM7x27、MSM7x25A和 MSM7x27A系列。

Snapdragon S1采用65nm制程,最高配置1GHz主频和Adreno 200图形处理器。

在这里要说明的是,X为2时代表只支持WCDMA制式,X为6时代表同时支持CDMA和WCDMA制式,这一规则同样适用于高通Snapdragon 其它系列。

联想手机 lenovo a828t 使用手册说明书

联想手机 lenovo a828t 使用手册说明书
3.1 电池的拆卸和安装 ------------------ 20 3.2 给电池充电 --------------------------- 22 3.3 SIM 卡安装和取出 ------------------ 23 3.4 存储卡的安装和拆卸 --------------- 24 3.5 如何开机和关机 --------------------- 26 3.6 安全密码 ------------------------------ 26 第 4 章 手机概述 .....................................28 4.1 手机外观介绍 ------------------------ 28 4.2 按键描述 ------------------------------ 29 第 5 章 主要功能指南 ..............................30 5.1 拨打电话 ------------------------------ 30 5.2 通信录 --------------------------------- 30 第 6 章 输入文本 .....................................31 第 7 章 联想移动互联产品 .......................32 7.1 乐商店 --------------------------------- 32
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高通工具使用指导书文档密级内部学习高通工具使用指导书(QXDM、QPST、QCAT)作者:白志伟日期:2015.5.29华锐通讯科技有限公司高通工具使用指导书文档密级内部学习目录1.版本路径 (3)1.1 QXDM 路径 (3)1.2 QPST路径 (3)1.3 QACT 路径 (3)2. QPST 的使用 (3)2.1 QPST简介 (3)2.2 QPST 安装 (3)2.3 QPST使用 (6)2.3.1 QPST configuration (6)2.3.2 EFS Explorer (7)2.3.3 software download (9)2.3.3 QCNview (20)2.3.4 memory debug application (21)2.3.5 service programming (22)2.3.6 PRL editor (27)3. QXDM的使用 (28)3.1 QXDM简介 (28)3.2 QXDM 安装 (28)3.3 在线激活QXDM (29)3.4 QXDM使用 (30)3.4.1 com口连接 (30)3.4.2 log窗口(快捷键F1) (32)3.4.3 message窗口(快捷键F3) (32)3.4.4 item 窗口(快捷键F11) (33)3.4.5 设置log view configuration (33)3.4.6 设置message view configuration (38)3.4.7 log过滤 (43)3.4.8 mach item 查找log (45)3.4.9 log保存 (45)3.4.10 log自动保存 (46)3.4.11 command 命令输入框 (46)3.4.12 nv browser (47)3.4.13 status 查看设备网络状态 (47)3.4.14 item replay (48)3.4.15 清空log (48)3.4.16 查看WCDMA网络搜网状态 (49)3.4.17 查询WCDMA当前收发功率 (49)3.4.18 查看终端注册到WCDMA网络状态 (50)3.4.19 查看功控信息 (50)华锐通讯科技有限公司高通工具使用指导书文档密级内部学习3.4.20 ppp extractor功能 (51)3.4.21 evdo搜网状态 (52)3.4.22 查看evdo注册网络信息 (52)4.3.23 EVDO连接态注册信息查看 (52)4.3.24查看lte 信号强度 (53)4.3.25查看小区重选 (53)4. QCAT 简介 (54)1.版本路径1.1 QXDM 路径\\\software\Qualcomm\Software Tools\QXDM Software Code1.2 QPST路径\\\software\Qualcomm\Software Tools\QPST Software Code1.3 QACT 路径\\\software\Qualcomm\Software Tools\QACT Software Code每个工具都需要获取最新的版本进行安装2. QPST 的使用2.1 QPST简介QPST是高通公司开发的一套软件,该工具可以对设备的内部参数进行读写和操作,用于使用高通平台的设备的EFS管理、图像捕捉、软件下载等。

HP TFT7600机架式一体化键盘显示器用户指南

HP TFT7600机架式一体化键盘显示器用户指南
简介 ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 TFT7600 RKM 的功能 ................................................................................................................................ 5 组件 ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 背面组件.................................................................................................................................................. 7

Datavideo TLM-700HD 7英寸TFT液晶显示器说明书

Datavideo TLM-700HD 7英寸TFT液晶显示器说明书

w w w.d a t a v i d e o.c o m7" TFT LCD MONITOR2Standard Warranty• Datavideo equipment is guaranteed against any manufacturing defects for one year from the date of purchase.• The original purchase invoice or other documentary evidence should be supplied at the time of any request for repair under warranty.• Damage caused by accident, misuse, unauthorized repairs, sand, grit or water is not covered by this warranty.• All mail or transportation costs including insurance are at the expense of the owner.• All other claims of any nature are not covered.• Cables & batteries are not covered under warranty.• Warranty only valid within the country or region of purchase.• Your statutory rights are not affected.Two Year Warranty• All Datavideo products purchased after 01-Oct.-2008 qualify for a free one year extension to the standard Warranty, providing the product is registered with Datavideo within 30 days of purchase. For information on how to register please visit or contact your local Datavideo office or authorized Distributors• Certain parts with limited lifetime expectancy such as LCD Panels, DVD Drives, Hard Drives are only covered for the first 10,000 hours, or 1 year (whichever comes first).• Any second year warranty claims must be made to your local Datavideo office or one of its authorized Distributors before the extended warranty expires.WarrantyWelcome to the TLM-700HD Instruction ManualThank you for choosing a Datavideo product, pleasevisit the support pages on our website for the latestversion of the instruction manual./LCD+Monitors/TLM-700HDDon’t forget to register your product online to qualify foran additional free one year extension to the standardwarranty, and to receive information from Datavideo onservice & information relevant to your Datavideo productincluding new software updates & driversTLM-700HD3Disclaimer of Product and Services The information offered in this instruction manual is intended as a guide only. At all times, Datavideo Technologies will try to give correct, complete and suitable information. However, Datavideo Technologies cannot exclude that some information in this manual, from time to time, may not be correct or may be incomplete. This manual may contain typing errors, omissions or incorrect information. Datavideo Technologies always recommend that you double check the information in this document for accuracy before making any purchase decision or using the product. Datavideo Technologies is not responsible for any omissions or errors, or for any subsequent loss or damage caused by using the information contained within this manual. Further advice on the content of this manual or on the product can be obtained by contacting your local Datavideo Office or dealer. ContentsWelcome to the TLM-700HD Instruction Manual 2Warranty 2Standard Warranty 2Two Year Warranty 2Disposal 4Warnings and Precautions 4Packing List 5Introduction 5Features 6Supported Formats 6Connections & Controls 7Front Panel 7Rear Panel 9Menu Options 101. Picture (Screen Setup) 10Picture setting 10Brightness 102. Audio (Audio Indicator) 103. Function (Center Mark, Safety Zone) 10Center Mark 10Safety Zone 104. Setup (On Screen Display, Time Code) 11OSD Timer 11OSD Blending 11Time Code 11TC Position 11TC HD Line 11TC SD Line 11TC Font Size 115. Advance (LCD Display, Reset Firmware Version) 12LCD L/R Scan 12LCD U/D Scan 12Reset 12Calibrating Datavideo Monitors 12Tally light indication 13TLM-700HD Model & Battery Plate Variations 14Specifications 15Service & Support 167" TFT LCD MONITOR4Warnings and Precautions1.Read all of these warnings and save them for later reference.2.Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit.3.Unplug this unit from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a slightly damp cloth for cleaning.4.Do not use this unit in or near water.5.Do not place this unit on an unstable surface, cart, stand, or table. The unit may fall, causing serious damage.6.Any slots and openings on the case top, back, and bottom are provided for ventilation. To ensure safe and reliable operation of this unit, and to protect it from overheating, do not block or cover these openings. Do not place this unit on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface, as the ventilation openings may become blocked. This unit should never be placed near or over a heat source or radiator. This unit should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.7.This product should only be operated from the type of power source indicated on the marking label of the AC adapter. If you are not sure of the type of power available, consult your Datavideo dealer or your local power company.8.Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this unit where the power cord will be walked on, rolled over, damaged or otherwise stressed.9.If an extension cord must be used with this unit, make sure that the total of the ampere ratings on the products plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord’s rating.10.Make sure that the total amperes of all the units that are plugged into asingle wall outlet do not exceed 15 amperes.11.Never push objects of any kind into this unit through the case ventilationslots, as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind onto or into this unit.12.Except as specifically explained elsewhere in this manual, do not attemptFor EU Customers only - WEEE MarkingThis symbol on the product indicates that it will not be treatedas household waste. It must be handed over to the applicabletake back scheme for the recycling of electrical and electronicequipment. For more detailed information about the recycling ofthis product, please contact your local Datavideo office.DisposalTLM-700HD5Introductionto service this product yourself. Opening or removing covers that are marked “Do Not Remove” may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks, and will void your warranty. Refer all service issues to qualified service personnel.13.Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:a.When the power cord is damaged or frayed;b.When liquid has spilled into the unit;c.When the product has been exposed to rain or water;d.When the product does not operate normally under normal operating conditions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions in this manual; improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage to the unit and may often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the unit to normal operation;e.When the product has been dropped or the case has been damaged;f. When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service.The Datavideo TLM-700HD is a 7 Inch monitor designed for use in the field or in a studio. The TLM-700HD can be powered from a standard V-Mount battery connection or by mains power. It is rugged and easy to carry with a variety of professional features and connections that make it easy for set up and intuitive to use.7" TFT LCD MONITOR6FeaturesSupported Formats• 7" 16:9 Wide Screen Panel• Resolution: 800 x 480 dots• View Angle (V)+60/-40°, (H)+60/-60°• HD/SD-SDI, YUV, HD-YUV, HDMI & CV Input• Internal colour bar• Blue only function• Audio indicator for SDI, HDMI• Safe Area indicator• VITC time code display• Dual colour tally light indicator• Brightness, Contrast, Colour, Tint Adjustable• Colour T emp* adjustable• Audio Level indicators• NTSC / PAL Auto Switching• 4:3 / 15:9 / 16:9 switchable* can be set to 9300, 7500, 6500, 5400 or USER RGB values.■ HDMI YUV• 720 x 576i x 50 Hz• 720 x 480i x 60 Hz• 1280 x 720p x 50 Hz• 1280 x 720p x 60 Hz• 1920 x 1080i x 50 Hz• 1920 x 1080i x 60 Hz■ HDMI RGB• 720 x 576i x 50 Hz• 720 x 480i x 60 Hz• 1280 x 720p x 50 Hz• 1280 x 720p x 60 Hz• 1920 x 1080i x 50 Hz• 1920 x 1080i x 60 Hz■ SDI• 720 x 576i / 50 Hz• 720 x 480i / 60 Hz• 1280 x 720p / 60 Hz• 1280 x 720p / 50 Hz• 1920 x 1080i / 50 Hz• 1920 x 1080i / 60 Hz■ YUV• 720 x 576i x 50 Hz• 720 x 480i x 60 Hz• 1280 x 720p x 50 Hz• 1280 x 720p x 60 Hz• 1920 x 1080i x 50 Hz• 1920 x 1080i x 60 Hz■ CV• 720 x 576i (PAL)• 720 x 480i (NTSC)TLM-700HD7Front Panel Connections & ControlsPOWERON OFFSOURCEASPECT Power Switch Switches the power On / Off.Stereo Headphone Mini Jack socket The level is adjusted by headphone volume control.Listen to embedded audio from HDMI or SDI sources.Source Button Selects Input include SDI, YPbPr, CVBS, and HDMI.Aspect Ratio Button Select 4.3, 15:9, or 16:9PATTERN Generate on colour bars.7" TFT LCD MONITOR8BLUEFor blue only display to allow accurate chromaand phase adjustments with NTSC signals.MENUCalls up the on-screen adjustment menu (SeePage10 Menu Options for more details).UP / DOWNMenu navigation controls.ENTERConfirms the new settings or return to the defaultstate.TALLY LIGHTRed = LiveAmber = StandbyMENUENTERTLM-700HD9BNC connector for Analogue (Composite) videoinput.HDMI in interface Supports HDMI 1.1Tally In Sends in red and amber colour tally signal to tally LED. Red means on-air, amber means standby.DC in socket Connects the supplied 12V 1A PSU to this socket. The connection can be secured by screwing the outer fastening ring of the DC In plug to the socket.7" TFT LCD MONITOR10Menu Options1. Picture (Screen Setup)Picture setting■ Press the MENU button once to display the Picture setting menu.■ Press the ENTER button to highlight the Brightness setting.■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the setting that needs to be adjusted.Brightness■ Press ENTER button to select the Brightness setting.■ Press the UP or DOWN button to adjust the Brightness value between 0 and 100.■ Press ENTER button again to save and return to the Picture setting menu;now highlight another Picture setting to be adjusted. To select a different setting (Contrast, Saturation, Tint, Color Temp*) use the UP / DOWN buttons. Follow the same procedure to set the other values.■ Keep pressing the MENU button to cycle through the main menu options.■ Press the SOURCE button to exit the menu mode.* N.B.: Color Temp can be set to 9300, 7500, 6500, 5400 or USER RGB values.2. Audio (Audio Indicator)■ Press the MENU button twice to display the Audio setting menu.■ Press the ENTER button to highlight the Indicator setting.■ Press the ENTER button again to toggle the on screen audio indicator ON/OFF.■ Keep pressing the MENU button to cycle through the main menu options.■ Press the SOURCE button to exit the menu mode.3. Function (Center Mark, Safety Zone)■ Press the MENU button three times to display the Function. Settings menu.Center Mark■ Press the ENTER button to highlight the Center Mark setting.■ Press the ENTER button to toggle the on screen Center Mark ON/OFF. Safety Zone■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the Safety Zone setting.■ Keep pressing the ENTER button to cycle through the values 80%, 90% or OFF.■ Press the UP or DOWN button to exit the Safety Zone setting. To selecta different setting (4:3 Screen, Cinema Zone) use the UP or DOWNbuttons. Follow the same procedure to set the next setting.■ Keep pressing the MENU button to cycle through the main menu options.■ Press the SOURCE button to exit the menu mode.TLM-700HD114. Setup (On Screen Display, Time Code)■ Press the MENU button four times to display the Setup setting menu.OSD Timer■ Press the ENTER button to highlight the OSD Timer setting.* N.B.: OSD Timer sets how long the setting menus will stay on screen.■ Press the ENTER button again to display the OSD Timer setting position.■ Press the UP or DOWN button to set the OSD value between 5 to 60 SEC.■ Press ENTER button to save the OSD value.OSD Blending■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the OSD Blending setting.* N.B.: OSD Blending sets how transparent the setting menus will be on screen.■ Press the ENTER button to display the OSD Blending setting position.■ Press the UP or DOWN button to select the OSD blending value (from 0~7).* N.B.: OSD Blending value 0 = Min transparency 7 = Max transparency ■ Press the ENTER button to save the OSD blending value. Time Code■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the Time Code setting.■ Press the ENTER button to toggle the on screen Time Code display ON/OFF.TC Position■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the TC Position setting.* N.B.: TC Position is used to set where on the monitor Time Code will be shown.■ Press the ENTER button to cycle through the possible Time Code Positions on the monitor (Left/Up, Middle/Down, Right/Down, Right/Up)TC HD Line■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the TC HD Line setting.■ Press ENTER button to cycle through the possible HD time code lines (8~20).TC SD Line■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the TC SD Line setting.■ Press ENTER button to cycle through the possible SD time code lines (10~21).TC Font Size■ Press the UP or DOWN button to highlight the TC Font Size setting.■ Press ENTER button to cycle through the possible time code font sizes on the screen (Large or Small).■ Keep pressing the MENU button to cycle through the main menu options.■ Press the SOURCE button to exit the menu mode.7" TFT LCD MONITOR12Calibrating Datavideo MonitorsCalibrating professional monitors is crucial.For guidance on how to calibrate a Datavideo Monitor using SMPTE colour bars please visit our website /specs/Datavideo_Calibrating_Monitors.pdf 5. Advance (LCD Display, Reset Firmware Version)■ Press the MENU button five times to display the Advance setting menu.LCD L/R Scan■ Press the ENTER button to highlight the LCD L/R Scan setting.* N.B.: The LCD L/R Scan will reverse the image displayed horizontally.■ Press the ENTER button, the screen image will be reversed (Left to Right).■ Press the ENTER button again, the screen image will return to normal view.LCD U/D Scan■ Press UP / DOWN button to highlight the LCD U/D Scan setting.* N.B.: The LCD U/D Scan will reverse the image displayed vertically.■ Press the ENTER button, the screen image will be reversed (Top to Bottom).■ Press the ENTER button again, the screen image will return to normal view.Reset■ Press UP / DOWN button to highlight the Reset option.* N.B.: This option will return the monitor to the factory default settings.■ Press the ENTER button to re-start the monitor with the factory default settings.Version■ Press UP / DOWN button to highlight the Version setting.■ Press the ENTER button, the firmware version will be displayed on screen.■ Keep pressing the MENU button to cycle through the main menu options.■ Press the SOURCE button to exit the menu mode.TLM-700HD13Tally light indicationThe TLM-700HD has a tally input connector on the rear panel; many digital video switchers can provide tally light signals to this connector. The Datavideo range of intercom systems can also be used to pass on thesetally signals.Tally InD-sub 15pin type connector.TALLY LIGHTRed = LiveAmber = Standby7" TFT LCD MONITOR14TLM-700HD Model & Battery Plate VariationsTLM-700HD:with V-mount Battery PlateTLM-700HD-C:with Canon battery mountTLM-700HD-P:with Panasonic battery mountTLM-700HD-S1 & -S2:with Sony battery mountTLM-700HD-A:with Anton Bauer battery mountThere are several versions ofTLM-700HD monitor with differentbattery connection plates.TLM-700HD Specifications15All the trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. Datavideo Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 2018Service & SupportJan-24.2014 P/N: G082060476E6It is our goal to make your products ownership a satisfying experience. Our supporting staff is available to assist you in setting up and operating your system. Please refer to our web site for answers to common questions, support requests or contact your local office below.R.O.C.U.S.A.Datavideo Technologies (S) PTE Ltd No. 178 Paya Lebar Road #06-03Singapore 409030Tel:+65-6749 6866Fax:+65-6749 3266E-mail:******************Datavideo United KingdomDatavideo SingaporeDatavideo UK LimitedUnits1 & 2 Waterside Business Park Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 1BE, UKTel:+44-1457 851 000Fax:+44-1457 850 964E-mail:******************.ukDatavideo IndiaDatavideo Technologies India Pvt Ltd Fax:+91-0120-2427338E-mail:******************Tel:+91-0120-2427337A-132, Sec-63,Noida-201307,Uttar Pradesh (UP), India.Datavideo Technologies Co. Ltd10F. No. 176, Jian 1st Rd.,Chung Ho District, New Taipei City 235, Taiwan, Tel: +886-2-8227-2888Fax: +886-2-8227-2777E-mail:*********************.twDatavideo Corporation 7048 Elmer Avenue.Whittier, CA 90602, Tel:+1-562-696 2324Fax:+1-562-698 6930E-mail:******************Datavideo USADatavideo TaiwanDatavideo Hong KongDatavideo Hong Kong Ltd G/F.,26 Cross Lane Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: +852-2833-1981Fax: +852-2833-9916E-mail:******************.hkDatavideo Technologies Europe BV Floridadreef 1063565 AM Utrecht, The NetherlandsTel:+31-30-261-96-56Fax:+31-30-261-96-57E-mail:*****************Datavideo The NetherlandDatavideo ChinaDatavideo Technologies China Co101,NO.618,LiuYing Rd,Zhabei District,Shanghai,ChinaTel: +86 21-5603 6599Fax: +86 21-5603 6770E-mail:********************Datavideo FranceDatavideo France s.a.r.lCité Descartes 1,rue Albert Einstein Champs sur Marne774477-Marne la Vallée cedex 2Tel:+33-1-60370246E-mail:*****************。

Embedded Artists 3.2 寸 QVGA TFT 彩色 LCD 用户指南说明书

Embedded Artists 3.2 寸 QVGA TFT 彩色 LCD 用户指南说明书

Copyright 2012 © Embedded Artists AB3.2 inch QVGA TFT Color LCDUser’s GuideVersion 1 & 2Give graphics and color to your application!Embedded Artists ABDavidshallsgatan 16SE-211 45 MalmöSweden************************Copyright 2005-2012 © Embedded Artists AB. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Embedded Artists AB.DisclaimerEmbedded Artists AB makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Embedded Artists AB.FeedbackWe appreciate any feedback you may have for improvements on this document. Please send your comments to ***************************.TrademarksAll brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks, services marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks of their respective owners and should be treated as such.Table of Contents1Document Revision History4 2Introduction5 2.1Features5 2.2Version 1 vs. Version 25 2.3ESD Precaution6 2.4General Handling Care6 2.5CE Assessment6 2.6Other Products from Embedded Artists6 2.6.1Design and Production Services6 2.6.2OEM / Education / QuickStart Boards and Kits7 3Design Description8 3.1Backlight Control8 3.2On-board LCD Controller, display version 28 3.3On-board touch screen Controller, display version 29 3.4On-board LCD Controller, display version 19 3.5Interface (pin description)10 3.6Optimum Viewing Angle13 3.7Connecting version 2 to OEM Base Board < v1.514 4Board Mechanical Dimensions161 Document Revision History2 IntroductionThank you for buying Embedded Artists’ 3.2 inch QVGA TFT Color LCD Board based on a LCD from Truly. Sample applications for our NXP LPC2xxx based boards are also provided and can be downloaded from the support page. The 3.2 inch QVGA TFT Color LCD Board will be called the QVGA LCD Board for short in the rest of this document.2.1 FeaturesThe QVGA LCD Board has the following features:∙Optional touch screen interface (available for version 2)∙8-bit or 16-bit parallel interface. Only occupies 2 addresses (i.e., one address pin) or serial 8-bit (SPI-like) interface (max 10 MHz clock)∙Diagonal size: 3.2 inch∙Display technology: TFT∙Display mode: Transmissive∙No of pixels: 240xRGBx320 (QVGA size)∙Supply voltage: 3.0-3.3V∙White LED backlight, with PWM control∙View area: 48.6 x 64.8 mm∙Dot size: 0.2025 x 0.2025 mm∙Operating temperature: -20 to + 70 degrees Celsius∙No of colors: 262K (if 18-bit mode), 65k (if 16-bit mode)∙2x20 pos connector (100 mil spacing) is required to interface the module, plus optional 1x6 pos connector∙Small form factor: 93 x 83 mm2.2 Version 1 vs. Version 2There exist two versions of the display. Version 1 uses a display from one display manufacturer and version 2 uses a display from another manufacturer.The similarities between the versions are:∙Same physical size of display module.∙Same optical features and capabilities.∙Same main 2x20 pos interface connector (100 mil spacing).The differences are:∙Different internal display controllers are used. The programming interface is not identical but very similar. A reference software driver exists that supports both versions simultaneous.∙Version 2 of the display module has a touch screen option.∙ A 6 pos extra interface connector has been added beside the main 2x20 pos interface connector. This extra connector carries signals for touch screen interface and some extrasignals for direct RGB-control of display (useful when interfacing the LPC2478 MCU from2.3 ESD PrecautionPlease note that the QVGA LCD Board comes without any case/box and allcomponents are exposed for finger touches – and therefore extra attention mustbe paid to ESD (electrostatic discharge) precaution.Make it a habit always to first touch a ground pin/hole for a few secondswith both hands before touching any other parts of the boards. That way,you will have the same potential as the board and therefore minimize the risk forESD.Note that Embedded Artists does not replace boards that have been damaged by ESD.2.4 General Handling CareHandle the QVGA LCD Board with care. The boards are not mounted in a protective case/box and are not designed for rough physical handling. Connectors can ware out after excessive use. The QVGA LCD Board is designed for prototyping use, and not for integration into an end-product.Do not exercise excessive pressure on the LCD glass area. That will damage the display. Also, do not apply pressure on the flex cables connecting the LCD/touch screen. These are relatively sensitive and can be damaged if too much pressure is applied to them.Note that Embedded Artists does not replace boards where the LCD has been improperly handled.2.5 CE AssessmentThe QVGA LCD Board is CE marked. See separate CE Declaration of Conformity document.The QVGA LCD Board is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.EMC emission test has been performed on the QVGA LCD Board when connected to Embedded Artists base boards. Connecting the board to other devices may alter EM C emission. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure EMC emission limits are not exceeded when connecting the board to other devices.Due to the nature of the QVGA LCD Board – an evaluation board not for integration into an end-product – fast transient immunity tests and conducted radio-frequency immunity tests have not been executed. Externally connected cables are assumed to be less than 3 meters. The general expansion connectors where internal signals are made available do not have any other ESD protection than from the chip themselves. Observe ESD precaution.Note that the QVGA LCD Board can also be considered to be a component if integrated into another product. The CE mark on the QVGA LCD Board cannot be extended to include the new (user created) product. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure EMC emission limits are not exceeded and CE mark the final product.2.6 Other Products from Embedded ArtistsEmbedded Artists have a broad range of LPC1000/2000/3000/4000 based boards that are very low cost and developed for prototyping / development as well as for OEM applications. Modifications for OEM applications can be done easily, even for modest production volumes. Contact Embedded Artists for further information about design and production services.2.6.1 Design and Production ServicesEmbedded Artists provide design services for custom designs, either completely new or modification to existing boards. Specific peripherals and I/O can be added easily to different designs, for example,broad, and long, experience in designing industrial electronics in general and with NXP’sLPC1000/2000/3000/4000 microcontroller families in specific. Our competence also includes wireless and wired communication for embedded systems. For example IEEE802.11b/g (WLAN), Bluetooth™, ZigBee™, ISM RF, Ethernet, CAN, RS485, and Fieldbuses.2.6.2 OEM / Education / QuickStart Boards and KitsVisit Embedded Artists’ home page, , for information about other OEM / Education / QuickStart boards / kits or contact your local distributor.3 Design DescriptionThis chapter describes the hardware design of the QVGA LCD Board.3.1 Backlight ControlWhite LEDs are used as backlight on the display. The LED current is set to 15 mA. A step-up DC/DC converted is used to generate a constant LED current. The switching frequency is fixed to 1.2 MHz. The intensity of the backlight (i.e., the white LEDs) is varied by varying the LED current. There are two ways to very the LED current between 0-15 mA. A digital PWM signal is needed with the same logic levels as the power supply (typically 3.3V).∙Modulate the shutdown pin of the DC/DC converter (signal LED_SHDN). A low input signal turn off the DC/DC converted and a high level activate it. A high duty cycle on the PWM signal equals high intensity.∙Modulate the current set pin of the DC/DC converter (signal LED_PWM). A low input signal increase the LED current and a high level reduce it. A high duty cycle on the PWM signalequals low intensity.The frequency of the modulation (PWM) signal should ideally be in the 5-10 kHz region.3.2 On-board LCD Controller, display version 2The display has an embedded controller, SSD1289 from Solomon Systech. This controller chip has 1.3 Mbit embedded display RAM, which is enough for storing a complete 320xRGBx240 picture with 18 bit color depth.There are a couple of interface alternatives to this controller. Either 18-bit, 16-bit, 9-bit or 8-bit parallel interface or a serial interface. There are 4 pins that are used to configure the interface. The table below lists the different options. L is statically tied to low logic level and H is statically tied to high logic level.If the parallel interface is selected, there are two different interface types; either 6800 or 8080 style. See datasheet for details about timing and how the different control signals are used.If a serial interface is used, see the datasheet for details about timing and how the different control signals are used. Note that maximum clock frequency is 13 MHz.3.3 On-board touch screen Controller, display version 2The touch screen controller used is TSC2046 from Texas Instruments. This chip has a SPI interface and shares the SI, SO, SCK pins in the main interface connector, with the LCD controller. Pin 45 must however be low (TSC2046 chip CS#) in order to communicate with the touch screen controller. See TSC2046 datasheet for details about the serial interface.3.4 On-board LCD Controller, display version 1The display has an embedded controller, IS2102B from ISRON. This controller chip has 1.3 Mbit embedded display RAM, which is enough for storing a complete 320xRGBx240 picture with 18 bit color depth.There are a couple of interface alternatives to this controller. Either 16-bit or 8-bit parallel interface or a serial interface. There are 6 pins that are used to configure the interface. The table below lists the different options. L is statically tied to low logic level and H is statically tied to high logic level.If the parallel interface is selected, there are two different interface types. The configuration pin C86 is used to select between the i86 interface and the M68 interface. See datasheet for details about timing and how the different control signals are used.If a serial interface is used, see the datasheet for details about timing and how the different control signals are used. Note that maximum clock frequency is 10 MHz.3.5 Interface (pin description)The table below describes the 40 pin interface to the QVGA LCD Module. A 2x20 pos (100 mil spacing) header connector facing down is used. See datasheet for details about interface timing.On display version 2 a new extra 1x6 pos (100 mil spacing) header connector facing down exists. See datasheet for details about interface timing.The picture below illustrates the pin numbering of the QVGA LCD Module .Figure 1 - 3.2 inch QVGA TFT Color LCD Board Pin NumberingPin2Pin403.6 Optimum Viewing AngleOptimum viewing angles are as illustrated below.Figure 2 - 3.2 inch QVGA TFT Color LCD Board Optimum Viewing Angle3.7Connecting version 2 to OEM Base Board < v1.5Version 1.5 and above of the OEM Base Board has direct connectors for all 46 positions in theinterface connector. Version 1.4 and below do not have the 6 extra positions (pos 41-46). These have been added for version2 of the display.The touch screen controller can still be accessed with just one extra wire, from pin 45 on the display module to P0.16 on the OEM Base Board. P0.16 is used for chip select of the touch screen controller. Other pins work just as well, but P0.16 is used on v1.5 and above of the OEM Base Board.Figure 3 - 3.2 inch QVGA TFT Color LCD Board Pin 45Simply connect a wire from pin 45 on the display module to P0.16 on the OEM Base Board. Figure 4 and 5 below illustrate the wire connection. Also note that the three SPI jumpers must be inserted, see Figure 4 for details.Figure 4 – Picture of Wire to Pin 45 on Display Module Figure 5 – Wire to p0.16 on OEM Base Board Three SPI jumpers must be inserted since communication with touch screen controller is via SPI.4 Board Mechanical DimensionsFigure 6 below contains a drawing of the board that includes mechanical measures. Four 4.3 mm grounded mounting holes are used.Figure 6 - 3.2 inch QVGA TFT Color LCD Board Mechanical Dimensions70 mm 93 mm80.0 mm 6.5 mm。


如果出现图 7 所示的绿色”waiting…”图标,表明可以写入号码了。如果手机 连接后工具仍然没有找到手机,请在控制面板的设备管理器中,检查端口是否正 确映射,如下图 8 所示。如果没有显示正确的端口,请重新安装正确的驱动。
分别扫描 MEID 号及 IMEI 号,工具将写入所扫描号码,成功后,如下图 8 显示。
2. 设备清单
电脑: XP 系统,并已经安装了高通平台数据线驱动。
3. 操作步骤
3.1 启动写号工具
3.2 登录
登录权限分为 Operator 和 Administrator 两级。Operator 权限针对操作工, 没有配置权限;Administrator 权限针对产线管理员,可以对工具进行配置。
高通平台写 MEID_IMEI 号工具操作说明
1. 简介
该工具可以用来对高通平台进行写 MEID(或 ESN)号以及写 IMEI 号。对于 CDMA 单卡手机,可以只写入 MEID 或 ESN 号; 对于 C+G 双卡手机(GSM 为副卡 的情况),可以同时或单独写入 MEID(ESN)以及 IMEI 号; G+G 的手机,可以同 时写入主副卡 IMEI。同时,该工具还支持将所写号码记录入数据库中,并且在写 号的时候能够通过查询数据库,判断号码是否已经写入过,对于已经在数据库中 存在的号码,工具将给予提醒。



金立s10解锁工具使用说明书(高通平台)V1.1.0金立解锁工具使用说明书(高通平台)版本:V1.1.0制作人:谢昌锋日期:2017-07-15批准人:曾顺兵日期:2017-07-15目录1 工具简介 (4)1.1界面介绍 (4)2 使用方法 (5)3权限说明 (12)4常见问题 (13)5附录 (13)版本历史目标读者工具开发工程师、测试工程师、维修技术员及业务相关人员名词缩写GN Gionee,金立QC Qualcomm,高通FFBM Fast Factory Boot Mode,工厂快速启动模式1 工具简介金立解锁工具(高通平台)是针对采用高通平台的金立手机进行解锁的工具,目前仅支持17G02(S10C和S10CL)项目,工具英文全称为GN_QC_Download_T ool_Service_Unlock。



本工具与高通单路下载工具GN_QC_Download_T ool类似,阅读本文档前,请先阅读文档《GN_QC_Download_T ool用户手册.pdf》,熟悉下载工具的基本操作。



图1.1.1金立解锁工具(高通平台)界面2 使用方法工具的使用方法比较简单,具体如下:A、启动工具,输入用户名和密码,进行登录,如图2.0.1所示;在登录窗口中,可以点击“修改密码”按钮,进入修改密码界面;图2.0.1 登录窗口B、登录成功后,单击“关闭窗口”按钮,关闭登录窗口,进入主界面;图2.0.2 登录成功后的窗口C、进入主界面后,通过“Browser”按钮设置“Soft Path”路径(正常软件包路径),如图2.0.3所示;D、选中“Unlock Phone”选项,通过“Browser”按钮设置“Key Path”路径(解锁软件包路径),此时已经完成工具配置。



彩色液晶显示器使用说明书尊敬的用户:欢迎使用本公司生产的微型彩色触摸(可选)液晶显示器,本显示器采用先进的集成电路与质量上等的TFT LCD显示屏,具有功耗低、性能稳定、无辐射等优点。


为了可靠的、长期的正常使用,达到最佳视听效果,请认真阅读本使用说明书注意事项1. 请采用随机配置的电源适配器,如果因为需要,请注意提供合格的电源。

.2. 不要将机子放于日光下爆晒,也不要在过冷过热或潮湿的地方存放、使用.3. 使用时显示屏幕应避开强光照射,以保证图像效果及机子的长期使用.4. 机子内部虽有防震保护措施,但还应避免剧烈碰撞。


6. 不要用化学试剂或溶剂擦洗机子.请用软布擦除机子上的尘污,以保证本机的亮丽.7. 机内无用户可调组件,非专业人员,请勿自行打开本机或自行尝试修理本产品!以免造成不必要的损坏.目录一.产品特征------------------- 3●.本机键说明------------------ 4●.遥控器说明------------------ 4●.配套电缆线------------------ 4●.电源、信号线与本机的连接---- 5二.操作说明------------------- 6●.菜单操作说明---------------- 6●.菜单说明-------------------- 71.PC状态下的菜单------------ 72.AV状态下的菜单------------ 9三.技术参数------------------- 11四.随机附件------------------- 11五.常见问题排除---------------- 12一.产品特征:●本机键说明图片1:1.指示灯2.:电源(POWER)开/关机键,用于机子工作或待机状态的选择3.:进行VGA, AV输入信号的切换4.:音量减,直接按此键控制音量的减小,菜单中用于设定值的调整5.红外线接收窗6.:音量加,直接按此键控制音量的加大,菜单中用于设定值的调整7.:按此键弹出OSD菜单, 红外线接收窗8.项目选择键或在VGA模式下进行自动相位调整9.:项目选择键或者直接地调整亮度10.D C12V输入电压端口11.H DMI输入端口12.S KS输入端口●遥控器说明●图片2:1.:电源控制键,用于整机工作与待机的选择2.:静音键,按此键可关闭声音,再按则可恢复声音3.:菜单键,按此键弹出OSD菜单4.: 音量控制键,直接按此键为音量的减小;OSD菜单中用于设定值的调整5.: 音量控制键,直接按此键为音量的增加;OSD菜单中用于设定值的调整6.: OSD 菜单中用于调整项目的选择7.: OSD 菜单中用于调整项目的选择8.: 图像画面4:3/16:9切换9.:图像画面的上下反转切换10.:图像画面左右反转切换11.:AV1/AV2/ PC信号输入模式切换选择●配套电缆线图片3. (AV线)1.SKS 插头与监视器背面的SKS输入插口对准插入2.黑色9芯插头:VGA信号输入(与图4的1对齐后连接)3.黑色插口:DC12V电源输入插口4.黄色RCA插头:视频1(AV1)输入插头5.白色RCA插头:音频输入插头6.红色RCA插头:视频2(AV2)输入插头图片4. (VGA线)1.黑色9芯插头连接到图片3的9芯插头B端口,连接到电脑主机的USB端口.3.VGA信号输入端口,连接到电脑的VGA输出端口●电源、信号线与本机的连接1. 将配套电缆线中的SKS 插头与监视器背面的SKS输入插口对准插入,确保其接触良好后再将其另一端的信号输入端子与相应的信号相接.如下所述:2. 9芯黑色插头(图片3)与图片4的9芯插口对接(标识箭头对齐后插入),图片4中VGA信号输入插头与电脑后部的VGA输出插口对接后拧紧螺丝. USB端口与电脑的触摸屏USB接口对接.3. 黄色RCA插口连接视频信号14. 红色RCA插口连接视频信号25. 白色RCA插口连接音频信号6. 黑色插口连接DC12v电源输入7. 当使用机子的时候.请使用本机配套的电源适配器,如果因为其他原因需要使用其他品种的电源,请注意提供的应该是供给功率不小于10W的DC12V±10%的合格电源。



目录1.为chromatix的调试拍摄raw格式的照片2.Chromatix快速调试指南3.后期调试修正4.参考资料为chromatix的调试拍摄raw格式的照片安装以下是必要的仪器设备:1.灯箱2.色卡3.18%的灰卡或者95%的白卡4.Neutral color diffuser filter5.ND filter6.照度计7.标准sensor模组注:为了获得最客观的结果并且减少模组差异性的问题,推荐准备一个标准sensor模组拍摄BLACK Raw格式照片目的:调试black-level参数步骤:1.在三种光源下打开AEC---low light(50 LUX)---normal light (250 LUX)---bright light (10000 LUX)2.AEC稳定后,通过EZ-tune关闭AEC(详情见—“如何通过EZ-tune打开/关闭AEC”)3.在没有其他光源或者sensor完全被滤镜覆盖的情况下拍摄RAW格式的照片注:关灯的效果要比盖个滤镜好4.在不同的光源下重复前3步Info:TL84可提供1000 LUX,0.6ND filter(ND4)提供250 LUX,1.2ND filter提供50 LUX Optical density = -log10 (output/input)Example – log10 (250 LUX/000 LUX) = 0.602要获得1000 LUX照度的光线,需室外光如何通过EZ-tune打开/关闭AEC通过EZ-tune关闭AEC1.双击Dianostics -> AEC -> Enable -> 12.在New Value中输入03.点击OK4.点击Apply通过EZ-tune开启AEC1.双击Dianostics -> AEC -> Enable -> 02.在New Value中输入13.点击OK4.点击Apply拍摄Lens Shading Raw格式照片目的:生成以下光源相应的rolloff表格:Daylight(D50)Fluorescent(TL84)Incandesecent(A)Low light(TL84+20 LUX)注:opal diffuser这一面必须靠在camera的lens上拍摄Lens Shading Raw格式照片(续)D50,TL84,A的拍摄步骤:1.确认camera菜单中antiflicker是生效的2.将camera对准光源3.在各个光源环境下拍摄Raw格式照片注:如果太亮了,会出现banding建议:1.离光源远一点2.或者在diffuser上加个ND filter3.或者用DNPLow light的拍摄步骤:1.打开TL84光源2.确认camera菜单中antiflicker是生效的3.将camera对准光源4.检查当前亮度,如果不是20 LUX的话就要使用ND filter5.拍摄Raw格式照片注:ND filter必须在diffuser上面Info:TL84可提供1000 LUX,同时使用括号中的三种filter可提供20 LUX(0.4,0.3和1.0ND filter)拍摄MCC和Flat-Field(FF)照片目的:优化CC,gamma和color conversion matrices 步骤:1.拍摄MCC(标准色卡),至少保证色卡占据了80%的预览画面2.拍三张Raw格式的MCC(标准色卡)照片---D65,TL84,A light3.拍三张Raw格式的FF(灰板)照片---D65,TL84,A light注:FF照片和对应光源的MCC照片的可视角要相同注:FF照片即拍摄灯箱内壁。

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• CABLE_LOSS_B1/BC15_RX为WCDMA2100或CDMA AWS频段的loss • CABLE_LOSS_G850/B5为GSM850或WCDMA850频段 的loss • CABLE_LOSS_EGSM/B8为GSM900或WCDMA900频段 的loss • CABLE_LOSS_DCS为GSM1800(DCS)频段的loss • CABLE_LOSS_PCS/B2为GSM1900(PCS)或 WCDMA1900频段的loss • loss必须为负值, 若有些仪器以正值表示loss, 工具会自动 转换
• G850_PCL, EGSM_PCL, DCS_PCL, PCS_PCL 分别表示要测试的功率等级, 建议测试最大和最小 功率 • GSM TXP, GSM PFER, GSM PVT, GSM ORFS, GSM SENS是常规测试项, 建议勾选 • GSM SENS后面的编辑框可设置为-104, 表示测 试-104dbm时候的BER, 若产线环境有干扰建议改 为-102 • GSM RSSI测试回报Rxlev的精度, 建议不勾选 • SENS_PRED_G寻找BER在2.44%时候的接收功 率, 建议不勾选
• LEVELS_NV for LOW_BAND用于调整G850和 EGSM频段的最大功率, 默认是3250 • LEVELS_NV for HIGH_BAND用于调整DCS和 PCS频段的最大功率, 默认是2950 • SMOOTH_WINDOW是AMPM插值运算的平滑窗 口, 默认是1 • TX_DELAY勾选会进行Tx Path Delay校准. 若 GSM发射硬件电路没有调整好, 该项必定fail. xtt 默认是需要的. 是否需要通用配置
• • • • • • • RFC_GSM为GSM校准 RFT_GSM为GSM综测 RFC_WCDMA为WCDMA校准 RFT_WCDMA为WCDMA综测 RFC_CDMA2000为CDMA校准 RFT_CDMA2000为CDMA综测 THERMAL_CAL为温度校准, 建议用RD提供的默 认nv, 可以不勾选 • TCXO_TEST为验证TCXO性能, 可以和GSM校准 一起勾选
• RFC_B1, RFC_B2, RFC_B5, RFC_B8分 别表示要校准的频段 • START_PDM共有四组值, 对应四个频段. 每组由三个pdm组成, 分别对应PA发射low gain, mid gain, high gain三种状态的Tx Sweep的起始pdm • TGT_PWR共有四组值, 对应四个频段. 每 组由三个功率组成, 分别对应PA发射low gain, mid gain, high gain三种状态的Tx Sweep的起始功率
• RFT_G850, RFT_EGSM, RFT_DCS, RFT_PCS分别表示要测试的频段 • G850_TCH, EGSM_TCH, DCS_TCH, PCS_TCH分别表示要测试的信道 • FAIL_STOP_GSM勾选后, 测试时如遇到 fail不会继续测试下去 • GSM_MODE和EDGE_MODE分别表示测 试GSM和EDGE, 默认只勾选GSM_MODE
• DAC的值越大, 对应的功率也越大. 若DAC0的值 过小, 会使得仪器获取不到功率或者是仪器返回 Indi13. 这个时候增大DAC0以使得仪器获得足够 大的功率. • 总之DAC0的发射功率需要在-20dbm左右, 不可以 过大, 也不可以过小
• CS_DAC for HIGH_BAND用于DCS和PCS频段 的carrier suppression校准. 调整CS_DAC的值, 使得CS校准的trigger power在27dbm左右即可.
• DAC0 for LOW_BAND表示G850和EGSM频段 AMPM校准的起始DAC值 • DAC0 for HIGH_BAND表示DCS和PCS频段 AMPM校准的起始DAC值 • 调整DAC0的值, 使得所有频段的AMPM校准起始 功率在-20dbm左右. 若功率大于-10dbm, 工具会 报fail, 因为综测时小功率的pvt会有fail的危险.
• 如上页所示, 实际的Tx Sweep起始功率与对应的 TGT_PWR不能差太远. 否则会被仪器侦测到功率 过大或过小, 而被工具判fail. 或者是low gain的最 后一个功率依然很大, 可能导致后面综测的minp fail • 这种情况下, 可以调整START_PDM, 使得三个 gain模式下的Tx Sweep的起始功率与TGT_PWR 接近 • 若START_PDM已经调整到头, 如不可大于255, 或minp的原因不可再增大low gain起始pdm的时 候, 可以调整TGT_PWR. 微调, 并大于 COMP_PWR
高通7X27A 8X25平台BT FT工 具使用说明
• • • •

• •
UCT选择对应的综测仪 MSM选择8X25以支持eMMC GPIB对应综测仪的GPIB地址 QPST若被勾选会用QPST server来连接手机, 电 脑上如果没有装QPST, 该选项不要勾 VISA如被勾选, 仪器的地址为VISA地址, 在VI的编 辑框内设置 COM为预设的手机COM口, 若连接失败, 工具也 会自动查询可用的COM口 CONNS为尝试连接的次数 DELAY为工具延时等待手机开机的时间, 单位ms
• RFC_G850, RFC_EGSM, RFC_DCS, RFC_PCS分别表示要校准的频段 • F3_LB若勾选会针对G850和EGSM频段校准发射 的高中低三个信道, 以达到更好发射平坦度. 默认 不勾选 • F3_HB若勾选会针对DCS和PCS频段校准发射的 高中低三个信道, 以达到更好发射平坦度. 默认不 勾选 • DYNA_LB表示G850和EGSM的发射功率范围. 默 认3300,-1700 • DYNA_HB表示DCS和PCS的发射功率范围. 默认 3000,-1700