澳洲墨尔本大学申请条件澳洲墨尔本大学申请条件1澳洲RMIT皇家墨尔本理工大学EE专业硕士申请条件及真实案例:S同学毕业于陕西科技大学,雅思成绩6.0,GPA77,在的帮助下成功的申请到了澳洲RMIT 皇家墨尔本理工大学EE专业硕士。
澳洲RMIT皇家墨尔本理工大学EE专业硕士申请条件:雅思成绩6.5(6.0)本科学历要求相关专业背景S同学申请澳洲RMIT皇家墨尔本理工大学EE专业硕士的个人申请背景如何?学生姓名:S同学毕业学校及专业:陕西科技大学相关申请成绩:1、语言成绩:IELTS 6.02、 GPA:77澳洲RMIT皇家墨尔本理工大学EE专业硕士专业介绍:电子电气工程常年稳居澳大利亚紧缺技术移民清单列表SOL,是澳洲留学热门专业之一。
电子电气工程硕士也是为数不多的受到澳洲工程师协会EA 认证的硕士课程之一,毕业生可以成为澳洲工程师协会会员。
下面为您详细介绍该专业:澳洲RMIT皇家墨尔本理工大学EE专业硕士学制:2年(澳洲留学生学完2年硕士课程可以获得2年工作签证)开学时间:2月、7月学术要求:工程本科学历(要求以下领域:计算机,电子,电气,通信或网络)学费:32640澳元校区:墨尔本市中心city campus,学生可享受身处中央商务区的便利,乘坐便利的交通设施课程特色:除电子电气工程专业核心课程外,澳洲留学生还可以根据自己的兴趣选修通信工程,网络工程或计算机工程课程;含12周实习,以培养学生实际技能,专业科目设置也很重视培养学生的研究,沟通,团队合作,领导能力及项目管理技能等重要软实力,以帮助毕业生更好地适应今后的工作;澳洲墨尔本大学申请条件2澳洲皇家墨尔本理工大学会计硕士申请条件:IELTS 6.5 (6.0)不能是会计相关专业背景平均分70以上Q同学申请澳洲皇家墨尔本理工大学会计硕士的个人申请条件都有哪些?学生姓名:Q同学毕业学校及专业:长安大学汉语言文学专业,本科毕业相关申请成绩:1、语言成绩:IELTS 7.52、 GPA:75Q同学申请澳洲皇家墨尔本理工大学会计硕士案例分析:学生的学历背景非常好,雅思成绩也十分高,但是因为主要关注的是将来的就业前景和移民,所以选择了四星级大学。
Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE
Gipps TAFE
Chisholm Institute of TAFE
Swinburne TAFE
University of Ballarat (TAFE Division)
Ballarat TAFE
The University of Melbourne Institute of Land and Food Resources (TAFE Division)
Victoria University (TAFE Division)
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
Kangan Batman Institute of TAFE
Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
RMIT University (TAFE Division)
Charles Darwin University
Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE
Barrier Reef
Brisbane North Institute of TAFE
澳洲哪些名校的工程硕士专业已被澳洲工程师协会认证为什么要就读澳洲工程师协会EA认证工程硕士课程?1. 只有受到澳洲工程师协会(Engineers Australia,简称EA)认证的工程专业毕业生才可以从业,而且EA是负责澳大利亚技术移民工程师相关职业评估机构,EA工程师认证是工程师专业学生做技术移民的第一步,没有这个认证你就没有技术移民资格;总之,去澳洲留学选工程课程,一定要读受EA 认证的;2. 因为中国并没有签订《华盛顿条约》,所以澳洲工程师协会EA 对中国毕业的工程系本科学生认可度并不高,只认可有限的几所大学,而且审理需要准备的材料很多,审理周期也比较长。
相比之下,去澳洲读EA认证工程硕士,只要毕业之后就能申请EA认证,材料简单很多,也方便很多;3.修完两年以上的课程可以申请2年PSW工作签证,可以用这两年找工作实习以及递交PR;4. 工程专业人才一直是澳洲所紧缺的,移民配额高,工作机会多,收入高(毕业生在7-8w澳币以上),尤其是矿业、石油天然气、能源、电气、化学、机械、土木等。
2015年澳洲工程师协会EA认证工程硕士专业全名单墨尔本大学The University of MelbourneMaster of Engineering(Biomedical)Master of Engineering(Biochemical)Master of Engineering(Chemical)Master of Engineering(Civil)Master of Engineering(Electrical)Master of Engineering(Environmental)Master of Engineering(Spatial)Master of Engineering(Mechanical)Master of Engineering(Mechatronics)Master of Engineering(Software)Master of Engineering(Structural)Master of Engineering(Biomedical with Business)Master of Engineering(Chemical with Business)Master of Engineering(Civil with Business)Master of Engineering(Electrical with Business)Master of Engineering(Mechanical with Business)Master of Engineering(Software with Business)新南威尔士大学The University of New South WalesMaster of Engineering(Civil Engineering)Master of Engineering(Electrical Engineering)Master of Engineering(Environmental Engineering)Master of Engineering(Telecommunications)悉尼大学 The University of SydneyMaster of Professional Engineering(Aerospace)Master of Professional Engineering(Biomedical)Master of Professional Engineering(Chemical and Biomolecular)Master of Professional Engineering(Civil)Master of Professional Engineering(Electrical)Master of Professional Engineering(Fluids)Master of Professional Engineering(Geomechanical Engineering)Master of Professional Engineering(Mechanical)Master of Professional Engineering(Power Engineering)Master of Professional Engineering(Software Engineering)Master of Professional Engineering(Structural Engineering) Master of Professional Engineering(Telecommunications Engineering)西澳大学 The University of Western AustraliaMaster of Professional Engineering(Civil Engineering)Master of Professional Engineering(Chemical Engineering) Master of Professional Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)Master of Professional Engineering(Environmental Engineering)Master of Professional Engineering(Mechanical Engineering) Master of Professional Engineering(Mining Engineering)Master of Professional Engineering (Software Engineering) 皇家墨尔本理工大学 RMIT UniversityMaster of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 南昆士兰大学University of Southern QueenslandMaster of Engineering Practice(Civil Engineering)Master of Engineering Practice(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)Master of Engineering Practice(Environmental Engineering) Master of Engineering Practice(Mechanical Engineering)Master of Engineering Practice(Structural Engineering)Master of Engineering Practice(Power Systems Engineering) Master of Engineering Science(Agricultural Engineering)Master of Engineering Science(Civil Engineering)Master of Engineering Science(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)Master of Engineering Science(Environmental Engineering) Master of Engineering Science(Geographic and Information Systems)Master of Engineering Science(Mechanical Engineering)Master of Engineering Science(Power Engineering)Master of Engineering Science(Structural Engineering)Master of Engineering Science(Surveying)西悉尼大学 Western Sydney UniversityMaster of Engineering(Civil)Master of Engineering(Environmental)Master of Engineering(Mechanical)Master of Engineering(Mechatronic)Master of Engineering(Electrical)Master of Engineering(Telecommunications)埃迪斯科文大学Edith Cowan UniversityMaster of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)Master of Engineering (Civil Engineering)Master of Engineering (Computer Systems Engineering)Master of Engineering (Electrical Power Engineering)Master of Engineering (Electronics and Communications Engineering)Master of Engineering (Instrumentation, Control and Automation Engineering)Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)Master of Engineering (Mechatronics Engineering)查尔斯达尔文大学Charles Darwin UniversityMaster of Engineering specialising in (Civil Engineering)Master of Engineering specialising in (Chemical Engineering) Master of Engineering specialising in (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)Master of Engineering specialising in (Mechanical Engineering)弗林德斯大学 Flinders UniversityMaster of Engineering(Biomedical)Master of Engineering(Electronics)。
澳洲有哪些大学受中国教育部认可1 . Australian Catholic University 澳大利亚天主教大学2 . Bond University 邦德大学【私立大学】3 . Central Queensland University(2014年7月1日Central Queensland Institute of TAFE合并入此校)中央昆士兰大学4 . Charles Darwin University 查尔斯达尔文大学5 . Charles Sturt University 查尔斯史都华大学6 . Curtin University of Technology 科廷大学7 . Deakin University 迪肯大学8 . Edith Cowan University伊迪斯科文大学9 . Flinders University 弗林德斯大学10 . Griffith University 格里菲斯大学11 . James Cook University 詹姆斯库克大学12 . La Trobe University 拉筹伯大学13 . Macquarie University麦考瑞大学14 . Monash University 莫纳什大学15 . Murdoch University 莫道克大学16 . National Institute of Dramatic Arts国立戏剧艺术学校17 . Queensland University of Technology 昆士兰科技大学18 . RMIT University 皇家墨尔本理工大学19 . Southern Cross University 南十字星大学20 . Swinburne University of Technology 斯威本科技大学21 . The Australian National University 澳洲国立大学22 . The College of Law 澳大利亚法学院23 . The University of Adelaide 阿德莱德大学24 . The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学25 . The University of New England 新英格兰大学26 . The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学27 . The University of Newcastle 纽卡斯尔大学28 . The University of Notre Dame Australia 澳大利亚圣母大学29 . The University of Queensland 昆士兰大学30 . The University of Sydney 悉尼大学31 . The University of Western Australia 西澳大学32 . Top Education Institute 精英教育学院33 . Federation University Australia(原University of Ballarat)澳大利亚联邦大学(原柏拉瑞特大学)34 . University of Canberra 堪培拉大学35 . University of South Australia 南澳大学36 . University of Southern Queensland 南昆士兰大学37 . University of Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚大学38 . University of Technology Sydney 悉尼科技大学39 . University of the Sunshine Coast 阳光海岸大学40 . University of Wollongong伍伦贡大学41 . Victoria University 维多利亚大学42 . Western Sydney University 西悉尼大学注:以上只包括教育部认证的澳洲大学与高等院校,不包含另外一些私立院校,公立技术与教育学院。
大学排名:2013泰晤士世界大学综合排名全球28全澳第一2013QS世界大学综合排名全球36全澳第二2013 上海交通大学世界大学学术排名ARWU全球54全澳第一2013 台湾国立大学世界大学科研绩效排名全球43全澳第一2013QS世界大学雇主声誉排名全球10全澳第一2013泰晤士世界大学雇主声誉排名全球43全澳第一2012 澳洲教育署排名ERA 全澳综合第一优势专业:(4年可获荣誉学士学位)商科:商学专业3年文科:艺术专业3年理工科:生物制药专业环境专业建筑工程3年英语要求:墨尔本大学本科生入学要求IELTS(雅思)总成绩不低于6.5分,单项成绩不低于6分。
《2011年澳大利亚八大名校深度分析》由澳洲留学 07月02日报道。面对澳大利亚39所不同大学,学生们往往很难抉择,到底要怎么选择澳洲大学?八大名校又好在哪?2011年新的留学高峰期已经到来,澳大利亚留学网首席留学专家王梓嘉为学生们深入分析了澳大利亚留学现状:
学校名称:澳洲澳洲国立大学 The Australian National University
创建时间:1946年 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
院校地址:The Australian national university the admissions office,student and academic services Canberra ACT 0200 Australia 电话:61 2 6125 5594 Email: admiss.app@.au
--Diploma of Accounting
--Diploma of Arts (Ceramics)
--Diploma of Arts (Graphic Arts)
--Diploma of Arts (Interior Decoration and Design)
--Diploma of Arts - Visual Arts
除南岸主校区外,学院另有Kangaroo Point和Morningside两个校区。学院在三个校区之间提供校区公车服务。
澳洲卧龙岗大学Information for students from China
悉尼国际机场距卧龙岗只需一小时的车程,卧龙岗大学为卧龙岗 大学和澳洲卧龙岗学院的学生安排往返卧龙岗的免费接送服务。 详情请浏览.au/about/accommodation/airport
家庭寄宿–学生入住当地家庭的双人房或单人房。此外,还为未 满18岁的学生提供监护。
Information for students from China
卧龙岗大学(UOW)是一所国际名牌大学,拥有60年优秀的教育 与研究传统。卧龙岗大学创立于1951年,现已发展成为一家覆盖 全球的教育机构,在《2010年上海交通大学世界大学学术排行 榜》中被评为名列全球前2%的大学之一。
生物学、生物科技、地质学、人文与自然地理 学、海洋科学、药物化学、医学生物科技、纳 米科技、物理学、生态学、环境科学。
文科(社会科学 与人文学科)
亚太区研究、澳洲与土著研究、国际关系、现 代语言(汉语、日语、印度尼西亚语、西班牙 语、法语、意大利语)、英国语言研究、历史、 哲学和政治学。
我们的多语工作人员可以为您提供更多信息,或为您介绍一位在 您本地或澳洲得到认可的大学申请代理。 联系我们的办法:请寄电邮至uniadvice@.au或致电 +61242213218(国际长途)或1300367869(澳洲境内)
进一步认识我们的城市和校园,请浏览 .au/future/international/video/index.html 和大学网站.au/future/international 其他详情,请直接浏览这些网站:
阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)把传统的优势和现代艺术特色及丰富的学生生活相结合,是澳大利亚政府对大学生综合测评后推举的最优秀的四所大学之一。
那么澳洲八大里面的硕士课程,能得到EA认证的院校有哪些呢?除了八大还有哪些学校的课程可以得到EA认证呢?悉尼大学的Master of Professional Engineering是一个两年的课程,课程结束之后获得EA认证的。
可以分为Master of Engineering 和Master of Engineering Science两类,它们都是有土木工程的分支的,但是只有Master of Engineering 是受到EA认证的,申请的要求是985和211院校均分72分,双非院校均分需要达到76分,雅思要求是总分6.5分,小分不低于6分。
对于985院校的均分要求是75分,211大学的均分要求是80分,对于双非院校的学生来说,均分只有达到85分才可以去申请,而且墨尔本大学刚出的新政策表示,达到申请要求的去申请,也不是100%一定可以申请上的,尤其申请Master of Engineering还需要提供课程描述的,这是有别于其它院校的,雅思要求是总分6.5分,小分不低于6分。
澳洲评估师协会认可院校以及课程澳大利亚只有少数大学开设的工程造价学历是通过工程造价师的移民评估机构----澳大利亚评估师协会(AIQS)所认证的,以下为您介绍澳洲获得AIQS认证院校以及课程:维多利亚州:1.墨尔本大学BachelorofProperty&Construction房地产与建筑管理本科4年BachelorofEnvironments环境学本科3年MasterofConstructionManagement建筑管理学硕士2年2.皇家墨尔本理工大学BachelorofAppliedScience(ConstructionManagement)应用科学本科(工程管理专业)4年3.迪肯大学BachelorofConstructionManagement建筑管理本科4年昆士兰州:1.昆士兰科技大学BachelorofUrbanDevelopment(QuantitySurveying)城市发展本科(工程造价专业)4年2.邦德大学BachelorofPropertyandSustainableDevelopment(Construction Management&QuantitySurveying)房地产与可持续发展(工程管理与工程造价)6个学期堪培拉地区:堪培拉大学BachelorofBuildingandConstructionManagement建筑物与建筑管理本科3.5年南澳地区:南澳大学BachelorofConstructionManagementandEconomics建筑管理和经济学本科4年新南威尔士州:新南威尔士大学BachelorofConstructionManagementandProperty建筑管理和房地产本科3.5-4年悉尼科技大学BachelorofConstruction建筑学本科4年纽卡斯尔大学BachelorofConstructionManagement工程管理本科4年西悉尼大学BachelorofConstructionManagement工程管理本科4年西澳地区科廷科技大学BachelorofAppliedScience(ConstructionManagement&Economic s)应用科学本科(工程管理和经济学专业)4年薪资待遇:澳洲工程造价师的薪资报酬是6万—13万澳币每年,和其他商科专业对比,其薪资待遇较高。
不过澳洲的工程读完必须要通过EA澳大利亚工程师协会(Engineers Australia)认证,就像IT读完要通过ACS认证一样,通过职业评估才可以。
澳大利亚获得三大认证的商学院有哪些什么是商学院三大认证澳大利亚的商科教育是非常出色的,能够为留学生提供优质的服务,那么你知道受到三大认证的商学院有哪些吗?下面和来一起看看澳大利亚获得三大认证的商学院有哪些什么是商学院三大认证?1、悉尼大学商学院:是澳洲第三所获得三大精英“皇冠”认证的商学院,此外悉大商学院是澳洲唯一一所欧洲全球管理学教育联盟CEMS的成员,是澳洲唯一开设教授Master of International's Management(CEMS MIM)课程的商学院,还是澳洲唯一为留学生安排到当地顶级企业实习的商学院。
1、AACSB:The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International,即美国国际商学院联合会,是全球首屈一指的商业和会计项目认证机构,它提供权威的本科及研究生工商管理及会计学科的认证。
澳洲埃迪斯科文大学(Edith Cowan University)的几宗“最”澳洲埃迪斯科文大学有最先进的音乐、艺术及媒体学习设施,计算机房,语言学习中心,戏剧与舞蹈工作室,体能训练中心。
澳洲埃迪斯科文大学(Edith Cowan University)认可我国高考成绩2010年埃迪斯科文大学(ECU)实行新的录取政策,对于我国有高考成绩的学生直接招暮到本科学位课程,只要您的高考成绩达到高考总分满分的65.5%,您就免掉预科,直接入读本科学位课程。
澳洲埃迪斯科文大学(Edith Cowan University)为国内专科生提供读研的机会而且埃迪斯科文大学还可以接收我国专科生读研究生课程,其中我国三年大专生,不限所读大学能否有授予学位资格,都可以读职业会计硕士学位课程。
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AustralianProfessional Engineering ProgramsAccredited byEngineers Australia(Last updated: 26 July 2011)IntroductionAccreditation of Australian Professional Engineering ProgramsThe Institution of Engineers Australia, now trading as Engineers Australia evaluates undergraduate engineering education programs conducted by Australian universities and accredits those that meet the academic requirements for Engineers Australia membership at the level of Professional Engineer. Universities are not obliged to submit programs for accreditation.In 1965 the Institution's then Board of Examiners determined that program assessment procedures should include visits by expert panels. This marked the origin of procedures employed today, and all programs accredited from 1966 onwards have been assessed on a comparable basis.Effective from 1980, all professional engineering programs accredited by Engineers Australia are of four years’ duration or longer. For this reason the list of programs currently accredited does not predate 1980. Details of accredited programs prior to this date and of programs no longer offered are available from the Education and Assessment Team at Engineers Australia’s National Office.Following a major review of engineering education in Australia in 1996, Engineers Australia revised its accreditation procedures in 1997 and again in 1999. The ‘Manual for the Accreditation of Professional Engineering Programs’ was published by the Institution of Engineers in 1999 and outlined the policy, criteria and requirements for accreditation. This definitive document was redeveloped in 2004 as a modular system of controlled documents, and grouped together as the Engineers Australia ‘Accreditation Management System’abbreviated as the AMS. The AMS series of documents (in PDF format) is available for down loading from the Engineers Australia Website (.au) under the tab ‘Membership’ and then‘Accreditation’. All programs accredited by Engineers Australia since 2004 are assessed in accordance with the criteria and requirements set down in the AMS.Accreditation normally requires evaluation of programs by a visiting panel. The Engineers Australia Accreditation Board is the governing body which considers the recommendations of panels and accords accreditation as appropriate. A general review process requires educational institutions to submit their full range of engineering program offerings for accreditation on a normally 5-year cyclic basis.List of Accredited ProgramsThe Engineers Australia accreditation criteria are based on the key assessment measures that are necessary to establish with confidence, that graduates will be equipped with the competencies defined in Engineers Australia Stage One Competency Standards.The following list provides details of programs accredited by Engineers Australia. Programs are listed under the educational provider and in alphabetical order of specialisation.The year shown after each program is the year in which that particular program was first accredited by Engineers Australia. After the name of the educational institution, appears the year in which its next general review is scheduled. The accreditation term for a fully accredited or provisionally accredited program will be from the indicated first year of accreditation up to and including the year of the next general review. Theaccreditation period is usually extended to the first intake of students in the year following the next scheduled general review to provide a safety margin for processing of outcomes via the Accreditation Board. Discontinued programs are clearly identified by displaying a final year of accreditation, thus setting the accreditation term. Students are deemed to have graduated from an accredited program providing they commence and complete their studies within the period that ongoing, full accreditation applies. A student admitted to a fully accredited program can thus expect their degree to be recognised by Engineers Australia and also by the signatories to the Washington Accord. Where full accreditation is terminated by Engineers Australia after the commencement, but prior to the completion of a student’s candidature, once satisfying graduation requirements the graduate will still be deemed to have graduated from an accredited program, provided there was no substantive break in the sequence of study. Accreditation terminating dates are set after careful consideration of program wind-down arrangements and with due reference to current student cohorts.New programs will be accorded provisional accreditation based upon evaluation during the early years of implementation. Once the first sizeable cohort of students graduate from the program, then arrangements should be made to consider the program for full accreditation. On the website listing provisional accreditation is denoted by (P) after the commencement date, and indicates that full accreditation is expected but not guaranteed. Once the program is found to satisfy the full accreditation requirement, the (P) indicator will be removed from the website listing and full accreditation is normally accorded from the same start date that applied for provisional accreditation. Full accreditation is necessary for the recognition of graduates for the purposes of Engineers Australia membership and for Washington Accord equivalence.Programs may be implemented using a range of modes and pathways such as full-time or part-time, on-campus study, cooperative education modes, mixed mode distance education (external mode), delivery via a branch campus within Australia or overseas, and major or minor elective study options. A number of such implementation pathways may be offered simultaneously. All possible implementation pathways for a host program of study must be separately evaluated and be found to satisfy the accreditation criteria if the overall program is to attain or retain accreditation. This is particularly important in the case of a program being implemented simultaneously, and in an undifferentiated format, on both the home campus and at a branch campus. Under Engineers Australia policy, all programs which are delivered in external or distance education mode, require minimum defined periods of on-campus attendance.Degree TitlesThe degree title for all accredited programs is Bachelor of Engineering, and abbreviated as either BE or BEng, unless otherwise shown. In some cases, a generic degree title only will appear on the degree testamur with the specialisation not shown. An Honours degree in Engineering in Australia reflects a student’s performance in the program as a whole, and accreditation does not distinguish between Pass and Honours levels. Engineers Australia accredits a Master’s degree only if it provides an articulation pathway through to a Professional Engineer qualification, and is thus designed to deliver graduates fit for commencement of practice as a Professional Engineer.Dual degreesMany educational institutions offer programs in which a Bachelor of Engineering may be combined with a first degree in another discipline, for example Bachelor of Arts. In other cases the Bachelor of Engineering may be combined with a Masters level program. Also there is the possibility of combining two Bachelor of Engineering programs. Terminologies and formats differ; the terms ‘double’, and ‘combined’ degrees sometimes refer to the same concept, but in other cases may have slightly different meanings. In almost all instances, by merging the separate requirements, the program allows the two degrees to be completed jointly in substantially less time than would be needed to complete them separately.In most cases separate degree testamurs will be awarded for the two program disciplines, but a joint or combined testamur can apply in specific circumstances.In this listing, the term ‘dual degrees’ is used to cover all such combinations. Engineers Australia accredits such programs, (where appropriate), as meeting the requirements for a professional engineering degree, on the same basis as a single Bachelor of Engineering. The level of accreditation is the same as that of the particular engineering program/s with which the dual degree is associated. In the case of a combination of two Bachelor of Engineering degrees, each in a designated field of engineering, the accreditation policy and criteria must be fullysatisfied for each separate outcome. Only currently accredited dual degree combinations are referenced on the website. Other combinations may have been offered and accredited in the past.Programs Offered Outside AustraliaEngineers Australia is a foundation signatory to the Washington Accord agreement first signed in 1989. The signatories have exchanged information and examined respective policies, processes and practices for granting accreditation to professional engineering programs and have agreed that these are comparable. This agreement ensures that the substantial equivalence of engineering programs accredited by a particular signatory is recognised by other signatories. A listing of programs accredited by signatories to the Accord is thus a useful resource to bodies responsible for the registration or licensing of professional engineers in a signatory jurisdiction.A number of Australian universities implement engineering education programs on both the home campus as well as at offshore locations through international partnerships or wholly owned overseas campuses. Engineers Australia will consider for accreditation programs implemented by Australian universities at offshore locations, where the resulting degree is an award of the Australian University. Such accreditation is accommodated within the scope of the Washington Accord where the off-shore implementation of a program is undifferentiated from the equivalent home campus offering.A number of Australian universities have negotiated feeder or twinning programs with offshore institutions. Where the final two or more years of the program must be completed at the Australian campus, the feeder arrangement is considered to be part of the home program. Where less than two years are taken at the home campus, Engineers Australia expects to identify and accredit the feeder program separately. In most cases separate degree testamurs will be awarded for the two program disciplines but a joint or combined testamur can apply in specific curriculum.Engineers Australia does not accredit any programs leading to degrees awarded by universities that are not based in Australia.Specific accreditation arrangements pertaining to offshore offerings are provided adjacent to the listed programs for the host institution’s headquarters campus in Australia.ACCREDITED PROGRAMS LEADING TO DEGREES IN ENGINEERINGAustralian Information Technology Engineering CentreThe following program is accredited for implementation at the University of South Australia Campus:Master of Engineering in Information Technology and Telecommunications 1995 – 2005Australian Defence Force AcademySee The University of NSW at the Australian Defence Force Academy entry below.Australian Maritime College (next general review 2015)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at the Australian Maritime College:Bachelor of Engineering in:Naval Architecture 1993Ocean Engineering 1999Marine and Offshore Systems 2003Maritime Engineering 1992 – 1995Australian National University (next general review 2015)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at the Australian National University Acton Campus Canberra:Bachelor of Engineering with major study streams in:Mechatronic Systems 2010Sustainable Energy Systems 2010Mechanical and Materials Systems 2010Electronic and Communications Systems 2010Photonics Systems 2010and dual degrees with Arts, Commerce, Science, Information Technology, Economics and Asia Pacific Studies.Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) with major study streams in:Mechatronic Systems 2010 (P)Sustainable Energy Systems 2010 (P)Mechanical and Materials Systems 2010 (P)Electronic and Communications Systems 2010 (P)Photonics Systems 2010 (P)and dual degree with Science.Bachelor of Software Engineering 2001Bachelor of Engineering (Interdisciplinary Systems) with major study streams in:Telecommunication Systems 2005 – 2009Mechatronic Systems 2005 – 2009Manufacturing and Management Systems 2005 – 2009Materials and Mechanical Systems 2005 – 2009Sustainable Energy Systems 2005 – 2009Electronic Systems 2005 – 2009And dual degrees with Arts, Asian Studies, Commerce, Information Technology, Economics and Science.Bachelor of Engineering in:Telecommunication Systems 2002 – 2005Mechatronic Systems 2002 – 2005Manufacturing and Management Systems 2002 – 2005Materials and Mechanical Systems 2002 – 2005Sustainable Energy Systems 2002 – 2005Electronic Systems 2002 – 2005Digital and Electronic Systems 2002 – 2005Environmental Systems 2002 – 2005Photonics Systems 2002 – 2005Systems Engineering 2002 – 2005And dual degrees with Arts, Asian Studies, Commerce, Information Technology, Economics and Science (NOTE: The above majors were identified as separate Bachelor of Engineering outcomes during the period 2002 – 2005)Bachelor of Engineering (Interdisciplinary Systems) 1994 – 2001Central Queensland University, (next general review 2011)The following programs are accredited for implementation at the Rockhampton campus, (incorporating the first two years of the program also delivered at the Mackay and Gladstone campuses). Both on-campus and external study modes are accredited for the single Bachelor of Engineering. Only the on-campus mode is accredited for the combined Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering).Bachelor of Engineering in:Civil Engineering 1980Electrical Engineering 1980Mechanical Engineering 1980And dual degrees with Business 1980-2002Bachelor of Engineering (Cooperative Engineering):Civil Engineering 1980-2004Electrical Engineering 1980-2004Mechanical Engineering 1980-2004And dual degrees with Business 1980-2002Bachelor of Engineering in:Civil Engineering (Cooperative)/Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering) 2005Electrical Engineering (Cooperative)/Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering) 2005Mechanical Engineering (Cooperative)/Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering) 2005Charles Darwin University (next general review 2012)The following programs are accredited for implementation at the Darwin (Casuarina)campus of CharlesDarwin University in both on-campus (internal) and distance based (external) modes:Bachelor of Engineering in:Civil2005EngineeringElectrical and Electronics Engineering 19942005MechanicalEngineeringAnd dual degrees with Applied Science (formerly Science), Arts, Commerce (formerly Business),Information Technology.Bachelor of Engineering (Co-operative) in:Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2009Civil2009EngineeringMechanical Engineering 2009Curtin University of Technology (next general review 2015)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at Curtin University of Technology Perth Campus.Bachelor of Engineering in:Chemical Engineering 1987Civil and Construction Engineering 1980(includes former programs in Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering)Computer Systems Engineering 1986Electrical Power Engineering 2007(formerly Electrical Engineering as listed below)Electronic and Communication Engineering 1986(formerly Communication Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Information and Electrical Engineering) Mechanical Engineering 1980Mechatronic Engineering 1998Petroleum Engineering 2009 (P)Software Engineering 2001Electrical Engineering 1986 – 2007And dual degrees thus:Chemical – with Commerce and ScienceCivil and Construction – with Commerce and ScienceComputer Systems – with Commerce and ScienceElectrical – with Arts and ScienceElectrical Power – with Commerce and ScienceElectronic and Communication – with Commerce and ScienceMechanical – with CommerceSoftware – with CommerceCurtin University of Technology – Western Australian School of Mines (next general review 2015)The following programs are accredited for implementation at Curtin University of Technology Kalgoorlie Campus Bachelor of Engineering in:Metallurgical Engineering 2009(Formerly Minerals Engineering) 1987-2009Mining Engineering 1984Environmental Engineering – Mining 2010(Formerly Mining Environmental Engineering) 1987-2010Mining Geology 1996 – 2009And dual degrees thus:Metallurgical – with CommerceMining – with CommerceMining Geology – with CommerceCurtin University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia Pathway (next review 2016)The following programs are accredited for implementation at the Curtin University of Technology Sarawak CampusBachelor of Engineering in:Chemical Engineering 2000Civil and Construction Engineering 2002Electrical Power Engineering 2007(formerly Electrical Engineering as listed below)Electronic and Communication Engineering 2000Mechanical Engineering 2002Electrical Engineering 2001 – 2007Computer Systems Engineering 2001 – 2010Although the above programs are accredited and recognised by Engineers Australia, ongoing accreditation willneed to be confirmed by The Board of Engineers, Malaysia for full recognition under the Washington Accord.Deakin University (next general review 2015)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at Deakin University Geelong campus.Bachelor of Engineering in:(P)2009Civil*1999Mechanical*Mechatronics and Robotics* 2005(formerly separate Mechatronics and Robotics programs as listed below)Interim review of these programs is due in 2011.And dual degrees with Commerce, Science and Information TechnologyAccreditation includes both on-campus and external modes of study.Computer Systems Engineering 2003 – 2004(formerly Computronics) 1999 – 2003Electronics 1999 – 2010Environmental 1996 – 2004Manufacturing 1994 – 2004Mechatronics 1996 – 2004Robotics 1999 – 2004Integrated Bachelor of Technology and Master of Technology 1996 – 1999Singapore Pathway to Deakin University via IMC TechnologiesThe following programs were accredited for implementation via Deakin University Singapore Pathway.These programs were delivered in enhanced distance study mode with IMC providing local support. Theprograms were offered only on an articulation basis.Bachelor of Engineering in:2004 Computronics 1997–2004– Electronics 1997–2004 Environmental 1997–2004 Manufacturing 19972004– Mechanical 20022004 Mechatronics 1997–2004– Robotics 2002Malaysia Pathway to Deakin University via Kolej Damansara Utame, (KDU) - Kuala Lumpur(Petaling Jaya)The following programs were delivered in enhanced distance study mode with KDU providing local support. Theprograms were offered only on an articulation basis from a KDU base qualification. The final student intakeoccurred in 2005.Bachelor of Engineering in:2007– Electronics 2002Bachelor of Engineering in:Computer Systems Engineering 2002 – 2004(formerly Computronics)2004 Electronics 2002–2004 Mechatronics 2002–2004– Robotics 2002 Malaysia Pathway to Deakin University via Kolej Damansara Utame, (KDU) PenangThe following program was accredited for implementation via Deakin University Penang Pathway using a semi-licenced delivery modelBachelor of Engineering in:2008 Electronics* 2007– (*new program offered under semi-licensed delivery model)The following programs were delivered in enhanced distance study mode with KDU providing local support. Theprograms were offered only on an articulation basis from a KDU base qualification. The final student intakeoccurred in 2005.Bachelor of Engineering in:2007– Electronics 2002 Bachelor of Engineering in:Computer Systems Engineering 2002 – 2004(formerly Computronics)2004 Electronics 2002–2004– Mechatronics 20022004– Robotics 2002Edith Cowan University (next general review 2012)The following programs are accredited at the level of Professional Engineer for implementation at Edith CowanUniversity, Joondalup CampusBachelor of Engineering in:Civil Engineering 2009 (P)Communication Systems 1998Computer Systems 1998Electrical Power Engineering 2009 (P)Instrumentation Control and Automation 2007Electronic Systems 1998Electronics and Communications 2007Mechanical Engineering 2009 (P)Mechatronics 2007Information Engineering 1998 – 2002And dual degrees with Bachelor of Law; Bachelor of Business; Bachelor of ScienceMaster of Engineering in:Civil Engineering 2009 (P)Computer Systems Engineering 2009 (P)Electrical Power Engineering 2009 (P)Electronics and Communications Engineering 2009 (P)Instrumentation, Control and Automation Engineering 2009 (P)Mechanical Engineering 2009 (P)Mechatronics Engineering 2009 (P)Edith Cowan University and SMa School of Management, Singapore (next general review 2012)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at Edith Cowan University/SMa-SOMSingaporeBachelor of Engineering in:Communication Systems 2005Electronic Systems 2005Although the above programs are accredited and recognised by Engineers Australia, accreditation willalso be required by The Institution of Engineers, Singapore for full recognition under the WashingtonAccord.Flinders University (next general review 2014)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at Flinders University Bedford Park Campus:Bachelor of Engineering in:(P) Biomedical 2009 Computer Systems 2009 (P)(P) Electronics 2009 Maritime Electronics* 2010(P)(P) Robotics* 2009 Software 2005And dual degrees thus:Biomedical – with BSc, MEng, BMedSc, BIE(S&T), MBusTechComputer Systems – with BSc, BIE(S&T), MBusTechElectronics – with BSc, BIE(S&T), MBusTechMaritime Electronics with - MBusTechRobotics with – BSc, MEng, BIE(S&T), MBusTechSoftware with – BSc, BInfTech, BCom, BBus, BIE(S&T), MBusTech* - due for interim review in 2011Bachelor of Engineering in:Biomedical and Electronic 2006-2007Computer and Electronic 2006-2007Computer Engineering 2003-2008Computer Systems Engineering 2000–2002Electrical and Electronic 1995-2008Bachelor of Engineering in:Biomedical 1994-2008 (in combination with Bachelor of Science)Griffith University Nathan Campus (next general review 2015)The following programs are accredited for implementation at Griffith University Nathan Campus, Brisbane.Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering with Advanced Studies (formerly Bachelor of EngineeringAdvanced with Honours) with major study streams in:Electronic and Computer Engineering 2007Environmental Engineering 1994Microelectronic Engineering 1992Software Engineering 1996Sustainable Energy Systems 2009 (P)Computer Systems Engineering 2002 – 2007And dual degrees with Bachelor of Engineering: Business, Science, and Information Technology.Griffith University Gold Coast Campus (next general review 2015)The following programs are accredited for implementation at Griffith University Gold Coast Campus,QueenslandBachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering with Advanced Studies (formerly Bachelor of EngineeringAdvanced with Honours) with major study streams in:Civil Engineering 1998Electrical and Electronic Engineering* 2010 (P)Mechatronic Engineering* 2010 (P)Sport and Biomedical Engineering* 2009 (P)Civil Engineering with Advanced Studies 2005 – 2007Coastal Engineering 2000 – 2007Electronic Engineering 2000 – 2007Electronic and Computer Engineering 2007 – 2009And dual degrees with Bachelor of Engineering: Business, Science, and Information Technology.* Programs subject to interim review in 2011James Cook University, Townsville Campus(next general review 2011)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at James Cook University of North QueenslandCampus, TownsvilleBachelor of Engineering with major study streams in:Chemical 1994 Civil 1980 Computer Systems 1992Electrical and Electronic 1980Environmental 1996Mechanical 19922001 Mechatronics 1996–And joint degrees thus:All of above with Science 2001Electrical and Electronic with Science (Physics) 1996 – 1998Computer Systems with Science (Computer Science)Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics 1996 – 2001James Cook University, Singapore CampusThe following programs are/were accredited for implementation at James Cook University, Singapore campusBachelor of Engineering with major study stream inElectrical and Electronic 2003 – 2004La Trobe University (Bendigo campus) (Next general review 2014)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at La Trobe University Bendigo CampusBachelor of Engineering in:Civil 1991 Environmental Management 1996 – 2002And dual degrees with Civil Engineering thus:Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Business.La Trobe University (Bundoora campus) (next general review 2014)The following programs are accredited for implementation at La Trobe University BundooraCampusBachelor of Engineering inComputer Network Engineering 2004(formerly Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Computer Networks) 2000 – 2003Engineering1996SystemsComputer1990ElectronicEngineeringEngineering2004Software(formerly Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering (Software Engineering) 2000 – 2003And dual degrees with Electronic Engineering thus:Bachelor of Computer Science; Bachelor of Science; Master of Biomedical Engineering; Masterof Microelectronic Engineering; Master of Telecommunication Engineering.Macquarie University (next general review 2011)The following programs are accredited for implementation at the North Ryde campus of MacquarieUniversityBachelor of Engineering with specialisations in:Engineering 2003TelecommunicationsComputer2008(P)Engineering2008(P)EngineeringElectronics2008(P)EngineeringSoftwareEngineering2008(P) WirelessMonash University(Clayton campus) (next general review 2013)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at Monash University Clayton Campus Bachelor of Engineering in:Chemical Engineering 1996Civil Engineering 1980Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering 1980Materials Engineering 1980Mechanical Engineering 1980Mechatronics Engineering 1999Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2004 – 2008Interdisciplinary Engineering 1999 – 2003and dual degrees with Arts, Biomedical Science, Business and Commerce, Commerce, Design, Laws, Pharmaceutical Science and ScienceBachelor of:Aerospace Engineering 2008and dual degrees with Arts, Commerce, Laws, and ScienceBachelor of Engineering in:Mechanical Engineering in combination withBachelor of Engineering Technology in Aerospace 2003 – 2008Bachelor of:Mechatronics Engineering 2008and dual degrees with Arts, Commerce, and ScienceBachelor of:Computer Systems Engineering 2003(formerly Computer Science and Engineering) 1995 – 2003Environmental Engineering 1999Software Engineering 1999Telecommunications Engineering 2003 – 2008Monash University (Caulfield Campus)The following programs are/were accredited for implementation at Monash University Caulfield Campus: Bachelor of Engineering in:Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 1999 - 2006and dual degree with LawsCivil and Computing 1980 – 2001Electrical and Computing 1980 – 2001Industrial and Computing 1986 – 2001Mechanical and Computing 1980 – 2001During 1991 and 1992 this degree was known as Bachelor of Engineering (Applied), "and Computing" was added to the title in 1986。