贺德克EDS-345-1-250-000 贺德克EDS-3446-3-0100-000 贺德克EDS-3446-2-0100-000 贺德克EDS-3448-5-0100-000。
TEMPERATURE SENSOR领 技 温 度 传 感LINGEE TEMPERATURE SENSOR MANUAL领技温度传感器手册上海领技实业有限公司LINGEESmart AgricultureGreenhouse, Humidity, Indoor air,Smart IndustryHealth & MedicalConsumer ElectronicsSmart HouseSmart WearingSmart-rings, Smart-cloth, Smart shoes,智能穿戴, 智能服饰,智能袜子,鞋子Energy & Power & EnvironmentPower system, Electricity,Boilers, , Room dryer, Solar systemsR&DTRANSPORTATIONNTC THERMISTIR SENSORS · 热敏电阻温度传感器LINGEE热敏电阻(Thermistor)是对热敏感的半导体电阻(Thermal Sensitive Resistor),其阻值随温度变化而发生非常显著变化的半导体。
一类是电阻值随温度升高而升高的 PTC ( Postive Temperature Coefficient )热敏电阻。
另一类是电阻值随温度升高而降低的 NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient )热敏电阻。
本目录说明仅限于NTC 热敏电阻。
A thermistor is "a thermally sensitive resistor" that is a semiconductor whose resistance varies significantly with temperature. In general, there are two types thermal senstive resistor. One is PTC ( Postive Temperature Coefficient); the resistance increases as temperature increases. The other is NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient); the resistance decreases as temperature increases. The following description is applicable only to NTC thermistors.热敏电阻是应用于信息系统与控制系统的敏感元件,主要用于对温度的测量、控制、保护及用作加热器。
CN600系列是基于微处理器的扫描仪,它接受来自多达12个热电偶或RTD 的信号。
线路电压是120或240 Vac ,可通过外部跳线组件选择。
这种仪器安装在1⁄4 DIN 面板开孔中,并用滑动托架予以固定。
该仪器封装在1⁄4 DIN 铝质箱体内。
提供的可选型号有配备输出卡的6温区热电偶、12温区热电偶、6温区RTD 或12温区RTD 。
监测器可以设置以下2种模式: “RUN ”(运行)和“FUNCTION SELECT ”(功能选择)。
“RUN ”(运行)是基本工作模式。
“FUNCTION SELECT ”(功能选择)是受密码保护的设置选择和控制模式。
U 用户可编程U 上限、下限或者上限/下限 报警U 密码保护U 可调节扫描时间U 可编程°C 或°F 显示U 温区激活U 热电偶类型(J 、K 、E 、T 、S 、R 、B 、C )U RTD (2线或3线)U 前面板校准U 锁定或非锁定报警U RS232通讯接口和软件U 免费软件(兼容至Windows XP 操作系统)规格温区数:6个(标配)/12个(扩展)显示时间调整:1 ~ 40秒扫描时间:6温区型,约1⁄4 s ;12温区型,约1⁄2 s 输入范围:参见下表精度:量程的±4°C 分辨率:1°C 或°F 热电偶类型:J 、K 、E 、T 、S 、R 、B 、C 冷端补偿: 自动线性度:±1°C 可选温标:°C 或°F 热电偶开路警告:显示屏闪烁RTD (2线或3线):100 Ω Pt 、120 ΩNi 、10 Ω Cu经济型6温区或12温区 1⁄4 DIN 温度监测器CN606TC2,图片小于实际尺寸。
DimensionalDrawings 4
Headunitwith1transmitter n( odisplay)andM12plug
Headunitwith1transmitter n( odisplay)andcablegland
52.7 / 2.09
66.0 / 2.60
84.0 / 3.31
D2 [mm/inch] 31.0 / 1.22 50.0 / 1.97 68.0 / 2.68
CH|1 CLEANadaptM21
t50¡1.8s t90¡5.2s D: 8, 10, 12 mm
t50¡1.2s t90¡3.5s D: 6, 8, 10 mm
t50¡0.8s t90¡s2. D: 6 mm
Front“- ush t50¡2.5s t90¡15s
14 [0.55]
7 Installation|Warnings
· Electrical devices should not be disposed of with household trash. They must be recycled in accordance with national laws and regulations.
· Take the device directly to a specialized recycling company and do not use municipal collection points.
Temperature transmitterTG 100• Duct temperature transmitter, TG100 type• Measuring ranges from 0 to +50°C, -20 to +80°C, -50 to +50°C, 0 to +100°C, 0 to 200°C, 0 to +300°C, 0 to +400°C (according to model, see “Configuration”)• 0-10 V output , active sensor, power supply 24 Vac/Vdc (3-4 wires) or 4-20 mA output , passive loop, power supply 18 to 30 Vdc (2 wires)• ABS IP 65 housing, with or without display• Quick and easy mounting “1/4 turn” system with wall-mount plateTG 100duct mountTG 100TECHNICAL DATASHEETAir velocityPressure Humidity Air flow TemperatureNw e CONSTRUCTEURConfigurationTo configure the transmitter , please unscrew the 2 screws from the housing,and then open it.Configuration by DIP switch• Units settingTo set the measuring unit, please put the on-of f switch 4 of units, as shown beside.• Measuring range settingTo set the measuring range, please put the on-off switches 1, 2 and 3 ofbeside.DIP switchElectronic boarddIdentification of3To configure the transmitter , it must not be energiz ed. Then, you can make the settings required, with the DIP switches (as shown on the drawing beside). When the transmitter is configured, you can power it up.- the measuring range1- The measuring rangeex :2 - The analog outputInitialization the transmitterIt is possible to configure the measuring ranges, the units, the output of the transmitter (according to the model) either by DIP switch and/or via software (connections and on drawing “connection)e dDistributed by :EXPORT DEPART MENTTel : + 33. 1. 60. 06. 69. 25 - Fax : + 33. 1. 60. 06. 69. 29site :e-mail :www.kimo.fr**************R e f . F T a n g - T G 100 - 06/04 A - W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t n o t i c e .Please avoid any aggressive solvent.Please protect the transmitter and its probes from any cleaning product containing formol, that may be used for cleaning rooms or ducts.MaintenanceMountingmodel TG 100 on terminal block)Installation : mount the ABS plate on the wall (this plate is supplied with the transmitter). Drilling : Ø 6 mm (with the screws and pins supplied with the transmitter). Insert the transmitter on the plate (see A on the drawing beside) and rotate its housing in clockwise direction until you hear a “click” which confirms that the transmitter is correctly installed.For the model with duct mount, an additional drilling of Ø14mm must be done before mounting the ABS plate.Configuration via software(with optional LCC100 software)Example : for a transmitter with a range of -50 to +400°C, the minimum configurable range is 50°C. For example, you can configure your transmitter with a range from -50 to +350°C, or from +300 to +350°C...• To access the configuration via software, you must first position the DIP switches as per thefollowing picture (shown beside), and then connect the cable to the transmitter (see beside and see “Connection”).• Please refer to the user manual of the LCC 100 to make the configuration.An easy and friendly configuration with the software !You can configure your own intermediary ranges.。
+V SOUTS+V S(4 V to 20 V)ProductFolder OrderNow TechnicalDocuments Tools &SoftwareSupport &CommunityLM35ZHCSHC4H –AUGUST 1999–REVISED DECEMBER 2017LM35高精度摄氏温度传感器1特性•直接以摄氏温度(摄氏度)进行校准•线性+10mV/°C 比例因子•0.5°C 的确保精度(25°C 时)•额定温度范围为−55°C 至150°C •适用于远程应用•晶圆级修整实现低成本•工作电压范围4V 至30V •电流漏极小于60μA•低自发热,处于静止的空气中时为0.08°C •非线性典型值仅±¼°C•低阻抗输出,1mA 负载时为0.1Ω2应用•电源•电池管理•HVAC •电器3说明LM35系列产品是高精度集成电路温度器件,其输出电压与摄氏温度成线性正比关系。
LM35器件无需进行任何外部校准或修整,可在室温下提供±¼°C 的典型精度,而在−55°C 至+150°C 的完整温度范围内提供±¾°C 的精度。
因为LM35器件仅需从电源中消耗60μA 的电流,所以处于静止的空气中时具有不到0.1°C 的极低自发热。
LM35器件额定工作温度范围为−55°C 至150°C ,LM35C 器件额定工作温度范围−40°C 至110°C (−10°时精度更高)。
4~20mA/-50~+500℃ * 负载阻抗300Ω以下 分辨率:约10000 (输出温度范围可用编程器修改)
±(2+0.1%输出范围)℃以内 (测量温度0~+200℃) ±(1% rdg+0.1输出范围)℃以内 (+200~+1,000℃) (环境温度23℃、湿度55%、辐射率1.00)
高温用(0~+1,000℃)机种。 • 还增加了测温距离500mm、1,000mm的长距离型。 • 使用另售的编程器可更改温度的监测
及辐射率、移动平均功能、输出范围。 (照片为在ES1本体上安装编程器)
⬉ᄤ⏽఼Z 种类
⬉ᄤ⏽఼ NEO
类别 高温用 中低温用 中温用
474 非接触温度传感器 ES1
ES1-LP3 ES1-LP10 ES1-LW50H ES1-LW50
⬉⑤ 㑶
ᢳ䕧ߎ݀݅ッ ˄ሣ㬑˅
(11) 53
38 20.5
0.5 ܝᄺ㋏䚼
★附有设置盒。 附带确定视野用的设置盒。 (只限ES1-LP3、 LP10)
476 非接触温度传感器 ES1
与本体的连接 显示更新 消耗电流 使用温度范围 保管温度范围 显示温度范围 重量
型号 ES1-PRO
测量值、设定值的显示,设定值的变更(放射率ε,输出范围 MAX,输出范围MIN,移动平均数据数),电流输出测试(零输 出,满刻度输出),出错信息(出错显示,数据闪烁,OVER闪 烁,℃闪烁) 带3P迷你插头,2m电缆 2次/秒 5mA以下 0~+55℃ -20~+55℃ 本体为ES1-LW50H/-LW100H时:-70~+1,050℃ 本体为ES1-LP3/-LP10/-LW50/-LW100时:-70~+550℃ 约140g
铂电阻的温度系数TCR按IEC751国际标准, 温度系数TCR=0.003851,Pt100(R 0=100Ω)、Pt1000(R 0=1000Ω)为统一设计型铂电阻。
TCR=(R 100-R 0)/ (R 0×100) 其中 表1温度/电阻特性(分度表详见附录一)-200<t<0 ℃ R t =R 0[1+At+Bt 2+C(t-100)t 3] 0<t<850 ℃ R t =R 0(1+At+Bt 2) R t 在t℃时的电阻值 R 0 在0℃时的电阻值温度/电阻曲线图TCR=0.003851时的系数值 表2系数 ABC数值3.9083×10-3℃-1-5.775×10-7℃-2-4.183×10-12℃-4测量误差 表3 级 别 零度时阻值误差 %Ω温度误差 ℃ 温度系数TCR 误差Ω/Ω/℃1/3 B ±0.04 ±(0.10+0.0017|t|) (-7.0-30△t 0)×10-6≤△a≤(7.0-30△t 0)×10-6 A ±0.06 ±(0.15+0.002|t|) (-7.0-23△t 0)×10-6≤△a≤(7.0-23△t 0)×10-6 B ±0.12±(0.30+0.005|t|)(-14-21△t 0)×10-6≤△a≤(14-21△t 0)×10-6误差数据表 表4 1/3 B 级A 级B 级温度 ℃ 标准电阻值 Ω温度误差 ℃ 阻值误差 Ω温度误差 ℃阻值误差 Ω温度误差 ℃ 阻值误差 Ω-200 18.52 0.44 0.16 0.55 0.24 1.3 0.56 -100 60.26 0.27 0.10 0.35 0.14 0.8 0.32 0 100.00 0.10 0.04 0.15 0.06 0.3 0.12 100 138.51 0.27 0.10 0.35 0.13 0.8 0.30 200 175.86 0.44 0.16 0.55 0.20 1.3 0.48 300 212.05 0.61 0.23 0.75 0.27 1.8 0.64 400 247.09 0.78 0.30 0.95 0.33 2.3 0.79 500 280.98 0.95 0.36 1.15 0.38 2.8 0.93 600 313.71 1.12 0.43 1.35 0.43 3.3 1.06 650 329.641.200.461.450.463.51.1350100150200250300350-200-100100200300400500600700温度℃Ω阻值铂电阻传感器的稳定性铂电阻传感器有良好的长期稳定性,典型实验数据为:在400℃时持续300小时,0℃时的温度漂移为0.02℃。
Cód.ParámetroU.M.TipoMín.Máx.VALOR/2Estabilidad de la medida -C 1154/3Deceleración visualización sonda-C 0150/4Sonda virtual-C 01000/5Selección °C o °F (0=°C, 1=°F)flag C 010/6Punto decimal (0=si 1=no)flag C 011/tI Visualización sobre el display -C 171/tE Visualización en terminal externo-C 060/P Selección tipo de sonda -C 020/A2Configuración de la sonda 2-C 042/A3Configuración de la sonda 3-C 040/A4Configuración de la sonda 4-C 040/A5Configuración de la sonda 5-C 040/c1Calibración de la sonda 1°C/°F C -20200/c2Calibración de la sonda 2°C/°F C -20200/c3Calibración de la sonda 3°C/°F C -20200/c4Calibración de la sonda 4°C/°F C -20200/c5Calibración de la sonda 5°C/°FC-2020St Set point (punto de consigna)°C/°F F r1r2-23rd Diferencial regulador°C/°F F 0.120 3.0rn Zona neutra°C/°F C 0604rr Diferencia inverso para control con zona neutra°C/°F C 0,1202r1SET mínimo admitido °C/°F C -50r2-23r2SET máximo admitido °C/°F C r120020TABLA DE PARÁMETROSCAREL: PUIFI0006 (MEMBRANA / ARMARIOS BT)/ PARÁMETROS SONDAr PARÁMETROS REGULADORr3Modalidad de funcionamientoflag C 020r4Variación automática del SET POINT nocturno °C/°F C -20200r5Habilitación de la monitorización de la temp.flag C 011rt Intervalo de monitorización de la temperaturahoras F 09990rH Máxima temperatura leída °C/°F F 000rLMínima temperatura leída°C/°FFc0Ret. arr. comp. y vent. en el mom. del encendido min C 0151c1Tiempo mínimo entre encendidos sucesivos min C 0151c2Tiempo mínimo de OFF del compresor min C 0150c3Tiempo mínimo de ON del compresormin C 0150c4Arranque forzado min C 01000cc Duración del ciclo continuohoras C 0150c6Tiempo exclusión de alarma después del ciclo continuohoras C 02502c7Tiempo máximo de Pump-Downs C 09000c8Retr. arr. comp. después de la ap. de la válvula PD s C 0605c9Habilitación función de autoarranque con func. en PDflag C 010c10Selección Pump-Down de tiempo o presiónflag C 010c11Retraso 2º compresorsC250d0Tipo de desescarche (0=resis. 1=gas 2=agua 3=gas a tiempo)flag C 041dI Intervalo entre dos desescarches horas F 02503dt1Temperatura fin desescarche evaporador °C/°F F -5020020dt2Temperatura fin desescarche evaporador auxiliar°C/°F F -5020020dt3Temperatura fin desescarche sonda 3°C/°F F -502004dP1Duración máx. del desescarche evaporador min F 125030dP2Duración máx. del desescarche evap. auxiliar min F 125030d3Retraso de activación del desescarche min C 02500d4Desescarche a la conexión del equipo flag C 010d5Retraso del desescarche a la conexion min C 02500d6Bloqueo del display durante el desescarche -C 021ddTiempo de goteo después del desescarcheminF154c PARÁMETROS COMPRESORd PARÁMETROS DE DESESCARCHEd8Exclusión alarmas después del desescarche horas F 02501d8d Tiempo exclusión de alarma tras puerta abierta min C 02500d9Prioridad del desescarche frente protecciones compresorflag C 010d/1Visualización de la sonda de desescarche °C/°F F 000d/2Visualización de la sonda de desescarche °C/°F F 000dC Base de los tiempos para desescarche flag C 010dC1Base de los tiempos para retardo de alarmas flag C 010d10Tiempo de funcionamiento del compresor min C 02500d11Umbral de temperatura para tiempo de funcionamiento°C/°F C -2020 1.0d12Desescarches avanzados -C 030dn Duración nominal del desescarche -C 110065dHFactor proporcional variación de ‘dI’-C10050A0Diferencial alarmas y ventiladores°C/°F C 0.120 1.0A1Tipo de umbral ‘AL’ y ‘AH’flag C 010AL Umbral de alarma de baja temperatura °C/°F F -5020010AH Umbral de alarma de alta temperatura °C/°F F -5020010Ad Retraso alarma baja y alta temperatura min F 0250120A4Configuración de la entrada digital 1-C 0120A5Configuración de la entrada digital 2-C 0120A6Bloqueo del compresor por alarma externa min C 01000A7Retraso de detección alarma externa min C 02500A8Habilitación alarmas ‘Ed1’ y ‘Ed2’ flag C 010A9Configuración salida digital 3flag C 0140Ado Configuración modo luz puerta flag C 010Ac Alarma alta temperatura del condensador °C/°F C 0.020070.0AE Difer. de la alarma de alta temp. cond.°C/°F C 0.12010Acd Retraso alarma alta temp. del condensadormin C 02500AF Tiempo apagado con sensor de luzseg C 02500ALF Umbral de alarma antihielo °C/°F C -50200-5AdFRetardo alarma antihielosegC250A PARÁMETROS DE ALARMAF0Control ventiladorflag C 022F1Temperatura encendido ventilador °C/°F F -50200 5.0F2Ventilador OFF con compresor OFFflag C 011F3Ventiladores en desescarche flag C 011Fd Ventiladores apagados después del goteo flag F 0150F4Temperatura ventilador condensador OFF°C/°F C -5020040F5Diferencial ventilador condensador°C/°FC0,1205Pw Contraseña -C 020022H0Dirección serial -C 02071H1Funcionalidad del relé 4flag C 0133H2Deshabilitación teclado/Infrared flag C 061H3Código habilitación telecomando -C 02550H4Deshabilitación zumbador flag C 010H5Funcionalidad del relé 5-C 0133H6Bloqueo teclas -C 025532H7Selección tecladoflag C 010H8Luz o salida aux conmutada con control horario-C 010H9Variación set point con control horario-C 010HPr Perfil de impresión-C 0150Hdn Num conjuntos de parámetros predeterminados disponibles-C 060Hdh Desfase de resistencia antivaho°C/°F C -502000HrL Control remoto de estado de relé de luz principal -C 010HrA Control remoto de estado de relé AUX principal -C 010HSA Control remoto de alarmas de controladores en ud principal-C 010In Tipo de unidad-C 060s_cLrH Orden baja humedad relativa-C 010s_cAUX Orden activar AUX -C 010s_cLUX Orden activar luz -C 010s_cONOFFOrden controlador ON/OFF-C1F PARÁMETROS VENTILADOR (solo para el modelo C)H OTRAS PREDISPOSICIONES。
SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy:±0.5°C temp;0.03% rdg. process typical Resolution:1°/0.1°; 10 µV processTemperature Stability:0.04°C/°C RTD;0.05°C/°C TC @ 25°C (77°F);50 ppm/°C processDisplay:4-digit, 9-segment LED, 21 mm (0.83") with red, green and amber programmable colors for process variable, set point and temperature units. Input Types:Thermocouple, RTD, Analog Voltage and CurrentTC (ITS 90):J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, LRTD (ITS 68):100/500/1000 ohm Pt sensor 2-, 3- or4-wire; 0.00385 or 0.00392 curve Voltage:0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V,0 to 10 Vdc Current:0 to 20 mA(4 to 20 mA)Output 1:Relay 250 Vac @ 3 A Resistive Load, SSR, Pulse, Analog Voltage and Current Output 2:Relay 250 Vac @ 3 A Resistive Load, SSR, PulseOptions:CommunicationRS-232 / RS-485 orExcitation:24 Vdc @ 25 mAExc. not available for Low Power OptionLine Voltage/Power:90 - 240 Vac ±10%, 50 - 400 Hz*or110 - 375 Vdc,4 W* No CE compliance above 60 HzLow Voltage Power Option:12-36 Vdc, 3 W****Units can be powered safely with 24 Vacbut No Certification for CE/UL are claimed. Dimensions:48 H x 96 W x 74 D mm (1.89 x 3.78 x 2.91") Weight:295 g (0.65 lb)Approvals:UL, C-UL, CE per EN61010-1:2001MQS3626/1204FLOW CHART Below is a flowchart showing how to navigate through allREADING CONFIGURATION SETUP(operation example)Below is a flowchart showing how to navigate through thesubmenus of the Reading Configuration menu item bypressing the front buttons.WARNING:These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient-connected applications.It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply.OEMGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives.OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering,Inc.accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.TRADEMARK NOTICE:®,®,, and are Trademarks ofOMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.®This Quick Start Reference provides informationon setting up your instrument for basic operation.The latest complete Communication and OperationalManual as well as free Software and ActiveX Controlsare available at /specs/iseries oron the CD-ROM enclosed with your shipment. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONThe instrument is a panel mount device protected in accordance with EN 61010-1:2001, electrical safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory.Remember that the unit has no power-on switch. Building installation should include a switch or circuit-breaker that must be compliant to IEC 947-1 and 947-3. SAFETY:•Do not exceed voltage rating on the label located onthe top of the instrument housing.•Always disconnect power before changing signal andpower connections.•Do not use this instrument on a work bench withoutits case for safety reasons.•Do not operate this instrument in flammable orexplosive atmospheres.•Do not expose this instrument to rain or moisture.EMC:•Whenever EMC is an issue, always use shielded cables.•Never run signal and power wires in the same conduit.•Use signal wire connections with twisted-pair cables.•Install Ferrite Bead(s) on signal wire close to theinstrument if EMC problems persist.。
亿学通电子 DS18B20 温度传感器使用手册
1) DS18B20 是DALLAS 公司生产的一线制数字温度传感器; 2) 具有3 引脚TO-92 小体积封装形式; 3) 温度测量范围为-55℃~+125℃; 4) 电源供电范围为3V~5.5V ; 5) 可编程为9 位~12 位数字表示;6) 测温分辨率可达0.0625℃,被测温度用符号扩展的16 位数字量方式串行输出;7) 其工作电源既可在远端引入,也可采用寄生电源方式产生;8) 多个DS18B20 可以并联到3 根(VDD、DQ 和GND)或2 根(利用DQ 线供电、GND)线上,CPU 只需一根端口线就能与总线上的多个串联的DS18B20 通信,占用微处理器的端口较少,可节省大量的引线和逻辑电路。
TO-92封装的DS18B20DS18B20 的管脚排列及不同封装形式如图 2所示,DQ 为数字信号输入/输出端;GND 为电源地;VDD 为外接供电电源输入端(在寄生电源接线方式时接地,见),NC 表示无连接。
管脚图DS18B20内部结构如图3所示,主要由4 部分组成:64 位ROM 、温度传感器、非易失性存储的温度报警触发器TH 和TL 、配置寄存器。
漏极开路1 线接口。
访问DS18B20 的顺序如理初始化;DS18B20读写 连接图应用领域ROM 命令(接着是任何需要的数据交换);DS18B20 函数命令(接着是任何需要的数据交换)。
每一次访问DS18B20 时必须遵循这一顺序,如果其中的任何一步缺少或打乱它们的顺序,DS18B20 将不会响应。
(1)初始化时序所有与DS18B20 的通信首先必须初始化:控制器发出复位脉冲,DS18B20 以存在脉冲响应。
TMP451 温度传感器说明书
TMP451ZHCSB68–JUNE 2013±1°C 远程和本地温度传感器,此传感器具有η因子和偏移校正功能,串联电阻抵消和可编程数字滤波器查询样品:TMP451特性说明•本地和远程二极管传感器精度为±1°C TMP451是一款高精度、低功率远程温度传感器监控器,此监控器具有一个内置的本地温度传感器。
远程•本地和远程通道的分辨率为0.0625°C 温度传感器通常是低成本离散式NPN 或PNP 晶体• 1.7V 至3.6V 电源和逻辑电压范围管,或者基板热晶体管或二极管,这些器件是微处理•27µA 运行电流,3µA 关断电流器、微控制器或FPGA 的组成部件。
对于本地和远程•串联电阻抵消传感器,此温度表示方式为12位数字编码,分辨率为•η因子和偏移校正0.0625°C 。
对于本地和远程温度传感器,在典型运行•可编程数字滤波器范围内,温度精度为±1°C (最大值)。
此两线制串口•二极管故障检测接受SMBus 通信协议。
它的额定运行电源•服务器、台式机和笔记本计算机电压范围为1.7V 至3.6V ,额定运行温度范围介于-•电信设备和存储局域网(SAN)40°C 至+125°C 之间。
•汽车和嵌入式系统Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.is a trademark of Intel Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.TMP451ZHCSB68– This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD.Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled withappropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure.Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.PACKAGE AND ORDERING INFORMATION(1)TWO-WIRE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ADDRESSSingle ChannelTMP451Remote Junction1001100Temperature Sensor(1)For the most current package and ordering information see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or see the TIweb site at .ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)Over operating free-air temperature range,unless otherwise noted.VALUE UNIT Power supply,V+–0.3to+3.6V Pins4,6,7,and8only–0.3to+3.6VInput voltage Pin2only–0.3to(V+)+0.3V Pin3only–0.3to+0.3VInput current10mA Operating temperature range–55to+127°C Storage temperature range–60to+150°C Junction temperature(T J max)+150°C Human body model(HBM)3000V Electrostaticdischarge(ESD)Charged device model(CDM)1000V ratings Machine model(MM)200V(1)Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage.Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods maydegrade device reliability.These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not implied.THERMAL INFORMATIONTMP451THERMAL METRIC(1)DQF(DFN)UNITS8PINSθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance171.3θJCtop Junction-to-case(top)thermal resistance81.4θJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance137.9°C/WψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 3.9ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter140θJCbot Junction-to-case(bottom)thermal resistance N/A(1)For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics,see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report,SPRA953.TMP451 ZHCSB68–JUNE2013ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt T A=–40°C to+125°C and V+=3.3V,unless otherwise noted.TMP451PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT TEMPERATURE ERRORT A=0°C to+70°C±0.25±1°CTE LOCAL Local temperature sensorT A=–40°C to+125°C±1±2°CT A=0°C to+70°C,T D=–55°C to+150°C±0.25±1°CTE REMOTE Remote temperature sensor(1)T A=–40°C to+100°C,T D=–55°C to+150°C±1±2°CT A=–40°C to+125°C,T D=–55°C to+150°C±2±4°C vs Supply(local or remote)V+=1.7V to3.6V±0.1±0.25°C/V TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTConversion time One-Shot mode,local and remote total3134msLocal temperature12Bits sensorResolution Remotetemperature12BitssensorHigh Series resistance1kΩmax120μARemote sensorMedium45μA source currentsLow7.5μAηRemote transistor ideality factor TMP451optimized ideality factor 1.008SMBus INTERFACEV IH High-level input voltage 1.4VV IL Low-level input voltage0.45V Hysteresis200mVSMBus output low sink current6mAV OL Low-level output voltage I OUT=6mA0.150.4V Logic input current0V≤V IN≤3.6V–1+1μASMBus input capacitance3pFSMBus clock frequency0.01 2.5MHzSMBus timeout202530msSCL falling edge to SDA valid time1μs DIGITAL OUTPUTS(THERM,ALERT/THERM2)V OL Low-level output voltage I OUT=6mA0.150.4VI OH High-level output leakage current V OUT=V+1μA POWER SUPPLYV+Specified voltage range 1.7 3.6V0.0625conversions per second2740μA16conversions per second165250μA32conversions per second300450μAI Q Quiescent currentSerial bus inactive,shutdown mode38μASerial bus active,f S=400kHz,shutdown mode90μASerial bus active,f S=2.5MHz,shutdown mode350μA POR Power-on reset threshold 1.2 1.55V (1)Tested with less than5-Ωeffective series resistance and100-pF differential input capacitance.SCL ALERT THERM2/SDAGND67854V+D+D -THERM123TMP451ZHCSB68–JUNE 2013PIN CONFIGURATIONDQF PACKAGE WSON-8(DFN-8)(TOP VIEW)PIN ASSIGNMENTSTMP451NAME NO.DESCRIPTIONALERT /Interrupt or SMBus alert output.Can be configured as a second THERM output.Open-drain;requires pull-up resistor to voltage 6THERM2between 1.7V and 3.6V.D–3Negative connection to remote temperature sensor.D+2Positive connection to remote temperature sensor.GND 5Supply ground connection.SCL 8Serial clock line for SMBus.Input;requires pull-up resistor to voltage between 1.7V and 3.6V if driven by open-drain output.SDA 7Serial data line for SMBus.Open-drain;requires pull-up resistor to voltage between 1.7V and 3.6V.THERM 4Thernal shutdown or fan-control pin.Open-drain;requires pull-up resistor to voltage between 1.7V and 3.6V.V+1Positive supply voltage,1.7V to 3.6V.-25-20-15 -10-50 051015205H P R W H 7H P S H U D W X U H (U U R U Û&Differential Capacitance (nF) C005-2 -1.5 -1-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0500100015002000250030005H P R W H 7H P S H U D W X U H (U U R U Û&Series Resistance ( )C004TMP451ZHCSB68–JUNE 2013TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt T A =+25°C and V+=+3.3V,unless otherwise noted.TEMPERATURETEMPERATUREFigure 4.REMOTE TEMPERATURE ERROR vs SERIESRESISTANCERESISTANCEFigure 5.REMOTE TEMPERATURE ERROR vsDIFFERENTIAL CAPACITANCE CHANNEL NOISE FREQUENCY1451501551601651701.52 2.53 3.5 4I Q ( A )Supply Voltage (V) C0090 0.5 11.52 2.53 1.52 2.53 3.5 4I S D ( A )Supply Voltage (V)C0100 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0.010.1110100I Q ( A )Conversion Rate (Hz) C0070 20 40 60 80100 120 140 160 180 110100100010000I S D ( A )Clock Frequency (kHz)C008TMP451ZHCSB68–JUNE 2013TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)At T A =+25°C and V+=+3.3V,unless otherwise noted.Figure 7.QUIESCENT CURRENT vs CONVERSION RATEFigure 8.SHUTDOWN QUIESCENT CURRENTvs SCL CLOCK FREQUENCYFigure 9.QUIESCENT CURRENT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE Figure 10.SHUTDOWN QUIESCENT CURRENT(At Default Conversion Rate of 16Conversions per Second)vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE1.7 V to 3.6 V 1.7 V to 3.6 V TMP451 ZHCSB68–JUNE2013APPLICATION INFORMATIONThe TMP451is a digital temperature sensor that combines a local temperature measurement channel and a remote-junction temperature measurement channel in a single DFN-8package.The device is two-wire-and SMBus-interface compatible,and is specified over a temperature range of–40°C to+125°C.The TMP451also contains multiple registers for programming and holding configuration settings,temperature limits,and temperature measurement results.The TMP451requires only a transistor connected between the D+and D–pins for remote temperature measurement.Tie the D+pin to GND if the remote channel is not used and only the local temperature is measured.The SDA,ALERT,and THERM pins(and SCL,if driven by an open-drain output)require pull-up resistors as part of the communication bus.A0.1-µF power-supply decoupling capacitor is recommended for local bypassing.Figure11shows the typical configuration for the TMP451.(1)Diode-connected configuration provides better settling time.Transistor-connected configuration provides better series resistance cancellation.(2)R S(optional)should be<1kΩin most applications.Selection of R S depends on application;see the Filtering section.(3)C DIFF(optional)should be<1000pF in most applications.Selection of C DIFF depends on application;see the Filtering section and Figure5,Remote Temperature Error vs Differential Capacitance.Figure11.TMP451Basic ConnectionsTMP451ZHCSB68– SERIES RESISTANCE CANCELLATIONSeries resistance cancellation automatically eliminates the temperature error caused by the resistance of the routing to the remote transistor or by the resistors of the optional external low-pass filter.A total of up to1kΩof series resistance can be cancelled by the TMP451,eliminating the need for additional characterization and temperature offset correction.See Figure4,Remote Temperature Error vs Series Resistance,for details on the effects of series resistance on sensed remote temperature error.DIFFERENTIAL INPUT CAPACITANCEThe TMP451tolerates differential input capacitance of up to1000pF with minimal change in temperature error. The effect of capacitance on sensed remote temperature error is illustrated in Figure5,Remote Temperature Error vs Differential Capacitance.TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT DATAThe local and remote temperature sensors have a resolution of12bits(0.0625°C).Temperature data that result from conversions within the default measurement range are represented in binary form,as shown in the Standard Binary column of Table1.Any temperature below0°C results in a data value of0(00h).Likewise, temperatures above+127°C result in a value of127(7Fh).The device can be set to measure over an extended temperature range by changing bit2(RANGE)of configuration register from low to high.The change in measurement range and data format from standard binary to extended binary occurs at the next temperature conversion.For data captured in the extended temperature range configuration,an offset of64(40h)is added to the standard binary value,as shown in the Extended Binary column of Table1.This configuration allows measurement of temperatures as low as–64°C,and as high as+191°C;however,most temperature-sensing diodes only measure with the range of–55°C to+150°C.Additionally,the TMP451is specified only for ambient temperatures ranging from–40°C to+125°C;parameters in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table must be observed.Table1.Temperature Data Format(Local and Remote Temperature High Bytes)LOCAL/REMOTE TEMPERATURE REGISTERHIGH BYTE VALUE(1°C RESOLUTION)STANDARD BINARY(1)EXTENDED BINARY(2)TEMPERATURE(°C)BINARY HEX BINARY HEX–6400000000000000000000–500000000000000011100E–250000000000001001112700000000000010000004010000000101010000014150000010105010001014510000010100A010010104A2500011001190101100159500011001032011100107275010010114B100010118B100011001006410100100A4125011111017D10111101BD127011111117F10111111BF150011111117F11010110D6175011111117F11101111EF191011111117F11111111FF(1)Resolution is1°C/count.Negative numbers are represented in twos complement format.(2)Resolution is1°C/count.All values are unsigned with a–64°C offset.TMP451 ZHCSB68–JUNE2013 Both local and remote temperature data use two bytes for data storage.The high byte stores the temperature with1°C resolution.The second or low byte stores the decimal fraction value of the temperature and allows a higher measurement resolution,as shown in Table2.The measurement resolution for both the local and the remote channels is0.0625°C.Table2.Decimal Fraction Temperature Data Format(Local and Remote Temperature Low Bytes)TEMPERATURE REGISTER LOW BYTE VALUE(0.0625°C RESOLUTION)(1)TEMP(°C)STANDARD AND EXTENDED BINARY HEX000000000000.062500010000100.125000100000200.187500110000300.250001000000400.312501010000500.375001100000600.437501110000700.500010000000800.562510010000900.625010100000A00.687510110000B00.750011000000C00.812511010000D00.875011100000E00.938511110000F0(1)Resolution is0.0625°C/count.All possible values are shown.Standard Binary to Decimal Temperature Data Calculation ExampleHigh-byte conversion(for example,01110011):Convert the right-justified binary high byte to hexadecimal.From hexadecimal,multiply the first number by160=1and the second number by161=16.The sum equals the decimal equivalent.01110011b→73h→(3×160)+(7×161)=115Low-byte conversion(for example,01110000):To convert the left-justified binary low-byte to decimal,use bits7through4and ignore bits3through0 because they do not affect the value of the number.0111b→(0×1/2)1+(1×1/2)2+(1×1/2)3+(1×1/2)4=0.4375Standard Decimal to Binary Temperature Data Calculation ExampleFor positive temperatures(for example,+20°C):(+20°C)/(+1°C/count)=20→14h→00010100Convert the number to binary code with8-bit,right-justified format,and MSB='0'to denote a positive sign.+20°C is stored as00010100→14h.For negative temperatures(for example,–20°C):(|–20|)/(+1°C/count)=20→14h→00010100Generate the two's complement of a negative number by complementing the absolute value binary number and adding1.–20°C is stored as11101100→ECh.SDASCLTMP451ZHCSB68–JUNE 2013REGISTER INFORMATIONThe TMP451contains multiple registers for holding configuration information,temperature measurement results,and status information.These registers are described in Figure 12and Table 3.Pointer RegisterFigure 12shows the internal register structure of the TMP451.The 8-bit pointer register is used to address a given data register.The pointer register identifies which of the data registers should respond to a read or write command on the two-wire bus.This register is set with every write command.A write command must be issued to set the proper value in the pointer register before executing a read command.Table 3describes the pointer register and the internal structure of the TMP451registers.The power-on reset (POR)value of the pointer register is 00h (00000000b).Figure 12.Internal Register StructureTable3.Register MapPOINTER POINTER BIT DESCRIPTIONREAD WRITE(HEX)(HEX)POR(HEX)76543210REGISTER DESCRIPTION 00N/A00LT11LT10LT9LT8LT7LT6LT5LT4Local temperature(high byte) 01N/A00RT11RT10RT9RT8RT7RT6RT5RT4Remote temperature(high byte) 02N/A N/A BUSY LHIGH LLOW RHIGH RLOW OPEN RTHRM LTHRM status registerALERT/030900MASK1SD00RANGE00configuration registerTHERM2040A080000CR3CR2CR1CR0Conversion rate register050B55LTHL11LTHL10LTHL9LTHL8LTHL7LTHL6LTHL5LTHL4Local temperature high limit 060C00LTLL11LTLL10LTLL9LTLL8LTLL7LTLL6LTLL5LTLL4Local temperature low limitRemote temperature high limit(high 070D55RTHL11RTHL10RTHL9RTHL8RTHL7RTHL6RTHL5RTHL4byte)Remote temperature low limit(high 080E00RTLL11RTLL10RTLL9RTLL8RTLL7RTLL6RTLL5RTLL4byte) N/A0F N/A X X X X X X X X One-shot start(1)10N/A00RT3RT2RT1RT00000Remote temperature(low byte)Remote temperature offset(high 111100RTOS11RTOS10RTOS9RTOS8RTOS7RTOS6RTOS5RTOS4byte)Remote temperature offset(low 121200RTOS3RTOS2RTOS1RTOS00000byte)Remote temperature high limit(low 131300RTHL3RTHL2RTHL1RTHL00000byte)Remote temperature low limit(low 141400RTLL3RTLL2RTLL1RTLL00000byte) 15N/A00LT3LT2LT1LT00000Local temperature(low byte) 19196C RTH11RTH10RTH9RTH8RTH7RTH6RTH5RTH4Remote temperature THERM limit 202055LTH11LTH10LTH9LTH8LTH7LTH6LTH5LTH4Local temperature THERM limit 21210A HYS11HYS10HYS9HYS8HYS7HYS6HYS5HYS4THERM hysteresis222201SMBTO000CONAL2CONAL1CONAL00Consecutive ALERT232300NC7NC6NC5NC4NC3NC2NC1NC0η-factor correction242400000000DF1DF0Digital filter controlFE N/A5501010101Manufacturer ID(1)X=undefined.Writing any value to this register initiates a one-shot start;see the One-Shot Conversion section.Temperature RegistersThe TMP451has multiple8-bit registers that hold temperature measurement results.The eight most significant bits(MSBs)of the local temperature sensor result are stored in register00h,while the four least significant bits (LSBs)are stored in register15h(the four MSBs of register15h).The eight MSBs of the remote temperature sensor result are stored in register01h,and the four LSBs are stored in register10h(the four MSBs of register 10h).The four LSBs of both the local sensor and the remote sensor indicate the temperature value after the decimal point(for example,if the temperature result is10.0625˚C,the high byte is00001010and the low byte is 00010000).These registers are read-only and are updated by the ADC each time a temperature measurement is completed.When the full temperature value is needed,reading the MSB value first causes the LSB value to be locked(the ADC does not write to it)until it is read.The same thing happens upon reading the LSB value first(the MSB value is locked until it is read).This mechanism assures that both bytes of the read operation are from the same ADC conversion.This assurance remains valid only until another register is read.For proper operation,read the high byte of the temperature result first.Read the low byte register in the next read command;if the LSBs are not needed,the register may be left unread.The power-on reset value of all temperature registers is00h.Status RegisterThe status register reports the state of the temperature ADC,the temperature limit comparators,and the connection to the remote sensor.Table4summarizes the status register bits.The status register is read-only, and is read by accessing pointer address02h.Table4.Status Register FormatSTATUS REGISTER(READ=02h,WRITE=N/A)BIT NUMBER BIT NAME FUNCTION7BUSY='1'when the ADC is converting6LHIGH(1)='1'when the local high temperature limit is tripped5LLOW(1)='1'when the local low temperature limit is tripped4RHIGH(1)='1'when the remote high temperature limit is tripped3RLOW(1)='1'when the remote low temperature limit is tripped2OPEN(1)='1'when the remote sensor is an open circuit1RTHRM='1'when the remote THERM limit is tripped0LTHRM='1'when the local THERM limit is tripped(1)These flags stay high until the status register is read or they are reset by a POR when pin6isconfigured as ALERT.Only bit2(OPEN)stays high until the status register is read or it is reset by aPOR when pin6is configured as THERM2.The BUSY bit='1'if the ADC is making a conversion;it is set to'0'if the ADC is not converting.The LHIGH and LLOW bits indicate a local sensor overtemperature or undertemperature event,respectively.The RHIGH and RLOW bits indicate a remote sensor overtemperature or undertemperature event,respectively.The OPEN bit indicates an open circuit condition on the remote sensor.When pin6is configured as the ALERT output,the five flags are NORed together.If any of the five flags are high,the ALERT interrupt latch is set and the ALERT output goes low.Reading the status register clears the five flags,provided that the condition that caused the setting of the flags is not present anymore(that is,the value of the corresponding result register is within the limits,or the remote sensor is connected properly and functional).The ALERT interrupt latch(and the ALERT pin correspondingly)is not reset by reading the status register.The reset is done by the master reading the temperature sensor device address to service the interrupt,and only if the flags have been reset and the condition that caused them to be set is not present.The RTHRM and LTHRM flags are set when the corresponding temperature exceeds the programmed THERM limit.They are reset automatically when the temperature returns to within the limits.The THERM output goes low in the case of overtemperature on either the local or the remote channel,and goes high as soon as the measurements are within the limits again.The THERM Hysteresis register(21h)allows hysteresis to be added so that the flag resets and the output goes high when the temperature returns to or goes below the limit value minus the hysteresis value.When pin6is configured as THERM2,only the high limits matter.The LHIGH and RHIGH flags are set if the respective temperatures exceed the limit values,and the pin goes low to indicate the event.The LLOW and RLOW flags have no effect on THERM2,and the output behaves the same way as THERM.configuration register sets the temperature range,the ALERT/THERM modes,and controls the shutdown mode. The configuration register is set by writing to pointer address09h,and read by reading from pointer address03h. Table5summarizes the bits of configuration register.Table5.Configuration Register Bit DescriptionsCONFIGURATION REGISTER(READ=03h,WRITE=09h,POR=00h)BIT NUMBER NAME FUNCTION POWER-ON RESET VALUE0=ALERT Enabled7MASK101=ALERT Masked0=Run6SD01=Shut down0=ALERT5ALERT/THERM201=THERM24:3Reserved—00=0°C to+127°C2RANGE01=–64°C to+191°C1:0Reserved—0MASK1(bit7)of the configuration register masks the ALERT output.If MASK1is'0'(default),the ALERT output is enabled.If MASK1is set to'1',the ALERT output is disabled.This configuration applies only if the value of ALERT/THERM2(bit5)is'0'(that is,pin6is configured as the ALERT output).If pin6is configured as the THERM2output,the value of the MASK1bit has no effect.The shutdown bit(SD,bit6)enables or disables the temperature-measurement circuitry.If SD='0'(default),the TMP451converts continuously at the rate set in the conversion rate register.When SD is set to'1',the TMP451 stops converting when the current conversion sequence is complete and enters a shutdown mode.When SD is set to'0'again,the TMP451resumes continuous conversions.When SD='1',a single conversion can be started by writing to the one-shot start register.See the One-Shot Conversion section for more information.ALERT/THERM2(bit5)sets the configuration of pin6.If the ALERT/THERM2bit is'0'(default),then pin6is configured as the ALERT output;if it is set to'1',then pin6is configured as the THERM2output.The temperature range is set by configuring RANGE(bit2)of the configuration register.Setting this bit low (default)configures the TMP451for the standard measurement range(0°C to+127°C);temperature conversions are stored in the standard binary format.Setting bit2high configures the TMP451for the extended measurement range(–64°C to+191°C);temperature conversions are stored in the extended binary format(see Table1).The remaining bits of the configuration register are reserved and must always be set to'0'.The power-on reset value for this register is00h.The conversion rate register(read address04h,write address0Ah)controls the rate at which temperature conversions are performed.This register adjusts the idle time between conversions but not the conversion time itself,thereby allowing the TMP451power dissipation to be balanced with the temperature register update rate. Table6describes the conversion rate options and corresponding time between conversions.The default value of the register is08h,which gives a default rate of16conversions per second.Table6.Conversion Rate RegisterCONVERSION RATE REGISTER(READ=04h,WRITE=0Ah,POR=08h)VALUE CONVERSIONS PER SECOND TIME(SECONDS)00h0.06251601h0.125802h0.25403h0.5204h1105h20.506h40.2507h80.12508h16(default)0.0625(default)09h320.03125One-Shot Start RegisterWhen the TMP451is in shutdown mode(SD='1'in the configuration register),a single conversion is started by writing any value to the one-shot start register,pointer address0Fh.This write operation starts one conversion and comparison cycle on both the local and the remote sensors.The TMP41returns to shutdown mode when the cycle completes.The value of the data sent in the write command is irrelevant and is not stored by the TMP451.ADJUST eff 1.0082088N 2088§·u ¨¸©¹eff ADJUST 1.0082088 2088N §·u ¨¸©¹=V V BE2BE1-h kT qη-Factor Correction RegisterThe TMP451allows for a different η-factor value to be used for converting remote channel measurements to temperature.The remote channel uses sequential current excitation to extract a differential V BE voltage measurement to determine the temperature of the remote transistor.Equation 1describes this voltage and temperature.(1)The value ηin Equation 1is a characteristic of the particular transistor used for the remote channel.The power-on reset value for the TMP451is η=1.008.The value in the η-factor correction register may be used to adjustthe effective η-factor according to Equation 2and Equation 3.(2)(3)The η-factor correction value must be stored in twos complement format,yielding an effective data range from–128to +127.The η-factor correction value is written to and read from pointer address 23h.The register power-on reset value is 00h,thus having no effect unless a different value is written to it.Table 7.η-Factor RangeN ADJUSTBINARY HEX DECIMAL η011111117F 1270.950198000010100A 10 1.00319500001000088 1.00415200000110066 1.00511100000100044 1.00607200000010022 1.00703500000001011 1.00751700000000000 1.00811111111FF –1 1.00848311111110FE –2 1.00896711111100FC –4 1.00993511111010FA –6 1.01090511111000F8–8 1.01187711110110F6–10 1.0128511000000080–1281.073837Offset RegisterThe offset register allows the TMP451to store any system offset compensation value that might be observed from precision calibration.The value in the register is stored in the same format as the temperature result,and is added to the remote temperature result upon every bined with the η-factor correction,this function allows for very accurate system calibration over the entire temperature range.T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )102030405060708090100THERM2THERM LimitTHERM2 Limit THERMT e m p e r a t u r e (°C )102030405060708090100ALERT THERM LimitTHERM Limit - HysteresisHigh Temperature Limit THERMALERT and THERM FunctionsThe operation of the ALERT (pin 6)and THERM (pin 4)interrupts is shown in Figure 13.The operation of the THERM (pin 4)and THERM2(pin 6)interrupts is shown in Figure 14.Figure 13.ALERT and THERM Interrupt OperationFigure 14.THERM and THERM2Interrupt OperationThe hysteresis value can be stored in the THERM hysteresis register.General Call ResetThe TMP451supports reset using the two-wire General Call address 00h (00000000b).The TMP451acknowledges the General Call address and responds to the second byte.If the second byte is 06h (00000110b),the TMP451execute a software reset.This software reset restores the power-on reset state to all TMP451registers,and it aborts any conversion in progress.The TMP451takes no action in response to other values in the second byte.Identification RegisterThe TMP451allows for the two-wire bus controller to query the device for manufacturer and device IDs to enable software identification of the device at the particular two-wire bus address.The manufacturer ID is obtained by reading from pointer address FEh.The TMP451reads 55h for the manufacturer code.。
Setpoint Range: 4 to 149°C (40 to 300°F)
Setpoint Tolerance: ±2.8°C (5°F)
Normally closed contacts, 4°C (40°F) Normally closed contacts, 10°C (50°F) Normally closed contacts, 15°C (60°F) Normally closed contacts, 21°C (70°F) Normally closed contacts, 27°C (80°F) Normally closed contacts, 32°C (90°F) Normally closed contacts, 38°C (100°F) Normally closed contacts, 43°C (110°F) Normally closed contacts, 49°C (120°F) Normally closed contacts, 54°C (130°F) Normally closed contacts, 60°C (140°F) Normally closed contacts, 65°C (150°F) Normally closed contacts, 71°C (160°F) Normally closed contacts, 77°C (170°F) Normally closed contacts, 82°C (180°F) Normally closed contacts, 88°C (190°F) Normally closed contacts, 93°C (200°F) Normally closed contacts, 99°C (210°F) Normally closed contacts, 104°C (220°F) Normally closed contacts, 110°C (230°F) Normally closed contacts, 115°C (240°F) Normally closed contacts, 121°C (250°F) Normally closed contacts, 127°C (260°F) Normally closed contacts, 132°C (270°F) Normally closed contacts, 138°C (280°F) Normally closed contacts, 143°C (290°F) Normally closed contacts, 149°C (300°F)
iiE -5: GYJ17.1060X(±t!!i.Jt: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesse Iwang, Germany)� -5 � � TMT142 *�UroJ ��;r-� ExdIICT4-T6GbIII�.$ UU -5 14 25 00 000GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.2-2010�� Wi � llt iiE 0* iiE � � � Wh 2017 � 2 � 22 B 3§: 2022 fF 2 � 21 B-fk 51 1. ��ffm)!�;rtnjlim*iiE�f!11i'f o2.iiE��%€*uxn.�F�A*���m ••• �. �.m*iiE�M�o3. �%��iJtajjm*iiE�f!11�o4. ������m*iiE�f!11�o5. *iiE�rii]ll1mmT!�.l�WT�wri.ffil.JJt f)(. (�#l) *��0'ii.l(±t!!t.il:: �#l.I�JJ!lm[R�!l!IIflIm465%) �Fßf,J��%F�ottf!:I:.It: »t3i: 1m 1 03-i5-JilB�: 200233 1XX.J:I:.It: Email:****************It!.ii!i: +8621 64368180fifa: +8621 64844580EXPLOSION PROTECTIONCERTIFICATE o F CONFORMITYCert NO.GYJ17.1060XThis is to certify that the productTemperature field transmittermanufactured by Endress + Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obere Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, GerIllany)which model is TMT142 SedesEx marking Ex dUC T4�T6 Gbproduct standard /drawing number 142500000has been inspected and certified by NEPSI, and that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.2-2010This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks l.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol X placed after the certification lIumber denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the aHachment(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this ccrtificate.4.lntrinsic safety parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this cert.ificate.5.Thi s certificate i also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetze I'(Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,S u z hou-S IP, China)DirectorIsslJed DateThis Certificate is valid for products compatible with the documents and sam p ies approved by NEPSI.103 C ao Bao Road Shanghai200233,China Email: **************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Edition 05�*ätt�tt��.*�����M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GYJ17.1060X) (Attachment I )EI3 }ß(1i&, JtIT + � ftJT -0 i§j 1:F (:11 T MT 142� �� 11fi'tJ1t 11!:�.f.�, � � % � 15( .f.HX. $: r�:lI:tc � 1lil �fft�ftft�(NEPSI);j§:�, r1:il-r ��fff-{jt:G83836.1-2010 mHfl l 7}: 15i:� jjfiffl�* G83836.2-201 0 :lItftl::E1�Jfi m2tfß7t: EI3 ��:J:I5'�)t "d" 1!-iHf' 811& �F J'b IlJJ :J:I fff-;=.t;Ex d II e T 4� T 6 Gb, �}j:ll il-*friiE -'%GY J 17.1 060Xo;2js:iiE �I� iA pJ 81 F Jf� lli -'% �.m*fr :im r :iTEMP HART TMT 142-30;!tr:I': 0$::1J\5'�%, �EJ.�.!F) I A�E\ m;:6:i!}:t:w., ii(; �FJjH.l\l�;fri�HJ.J 450-, F � ��-ß!!ffl *f 7'l�ftj:F�'bllh13il-*itiiE-'% )§� "X" 1J..1*�J?g:�llr:�R�.mil-®��.���F���%o=,F��fflY3:�.J.]lt1, Fn�:7�:Jti&�m!tJ1.ftIlij-=f, JtJ?tJ-=.��{fJi�Ui·m.PJ$m±-tl!.o2, FrI'b]*************:1v40Vdc o3, FR,d!tJfJ 31�J5i�\frßt�D11fi't }JUJHJ � 81*�:11ü\.]}t�JHJIjT 6 T 5 �1.t11ffi.J1t -40'C �+55'C -40'C�+70'C T4 -40'C �+85'C�ffffl��'i\1EUjti@J-=f 65'C, 4, F Jfb 81 Il!. �� 51 A D 5'Z �cffl � �}j:J:I;j§:� iA pT �, �{fil-G83836.1-201 O �II G83836.2-2010B1*J\!�, B.�}j:J:I��Ex d IIe Gba"J�>��JOJ\!*fr:1v1/2NPT (EI.x;M20X 1.5) B1tt!.��5I A'l& iI 0 7L� .EJ.�� 51 A D 5'Z*ffl �;§5'ZIlJJ :lI �� 05,FJfb����ffl.����m�"���§H�"���o6, ffl):Ct :f�� EI 1TI�!L����F Jfb 81 ftJ/=t-*t1'�1�:, m.� �1djj Uif�(rt1;t fPJfo zn';R:lE1T 9=t I±\���., ��.�IlJJ .tt��m��.���o(GY J17.1 060X) (Attachment I )7, F �,E11�9t, 1.l!!ffl*11�1Hf' e'Z1fD n,Jit'<i' FJjH�ffl �ryj �I];, G83836.13-2013 ";t�Hf.U:Jq� J5't m13tfß7t: if>(:�811Iir.lli,�11i, 11i�*I]�m" , G83836.15-2000 ":Ii�f.tl:4:1*:JqdJifflE@. l=t.&� m15$7t: mJfLthFf r4:!.4:�� CmWllil1l-) " , G83836.16-2006 ":Ii�tn4:1*�1:t ffl �4: -&�%16ttrl7t: C �Jffr�i�"') .&.G850257 -2014 "i4J.4:if;( ��9&I�.��*������4:9& ••1,F���r������mtt •• ��AF��ru���;2, tM Jilt r �, �1i1 JIli 1:ir tt: )10-N E P S l'lA 81 -x.1tJ: 'ti :t4 t" ;3, t" r.f b� il t! rp e'Z � Y � 3>-5 -F 31� i*J � :a)N EPS I-lAWJ:fj]\fit;b) F Jjt"ljj� :fj]\ fit;c) ll1J � ß-1:t'riiE -'%d ) 1!f: Ji=J � ±JUili't }j[ffil*�{)(�{)(��.1<�lI{t'l��M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Proteetion and Safety of InstrumentationG YJ17.1060X) A ttachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1060X1. DescriptionTMT142 series Temperature field transmitter, manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + CO.I<G, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:G83836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsG83836.2-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 2: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosure"d"The Ex marking is Ex d n C T 4-T6 Gb, its certificate number is GY J17.1 060X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP HART T M T142-3 0o indicates enclosure, cable entry, configuration connection and etc.Refer tü instruction manual for tl16 details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:For information on the dimensions of the flameproof joints contact the manufacturer.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The external earth connection facility of this product shall be connected reliably.3.2 Electrical data: 40 Vdc.3.3 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as foliows:Temperature class T6 T5 T4Ambient temperature range -40°C-+55°C -40°C-+ 70°C -40'C-+85°CUse the connection cable endurance to he a t at least 90°C when the ambient temperature is > 65°C.3.4 Suitable certified cable glands or blanking plugs for unused holes ('1/2 NPT or M20*1.5) approved by ExTL according to G83836.1-201 0 and G83836.2-2010 with Ex marking "Ex d II C Gb" shall be used and correctly installed. The cable glands and blanking plugs to be used shall suitable for the product working conditions.Page 1 of 2G Y J17.1 060X) A ttachment I )3.5 Any maintenance shall be performed only when the warning of "00 not open when energized" is obseNed.3.6 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.7 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall obseNe the instruction manual and the following standards:GB50257 -2014 "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".GB3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations in hazardous area (other than mines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16: I nspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, as specified above, should be included in the documentation the user is provided with ..4.2 Manufacturing shoulcl be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) warning of "00 not open when energized"Page 2 of 2。
SUNSTAR 温度传感器 变送器 产品手册说明书
(一)热电阻产品简介Pt100最大测温范围:-200~600℃允差偏差: A级:±(0.15+0.002|t|)℃B级:±(0.30+0.005|t|)℃注:|t|为实测温度的绝对值。
☞除Pt100外,还有Pt10、Pt500、 Pt1000。
Cu50、Cu100温度传感器测温范围:(-50~150)℃ 允差偏差: ±(0.30+0.006|t|)℃(二)热电偶产品简介1、热电偶材料按分度号分为B、R、S、N、K、E、J、T、WRe3- Wre25、Wre5- Wre26等10个标准形式,此外还有一些非标丝材可供选择。
标准化热电偶的主要性能列表如下:测温范围及允差值(℃)热偶品种 分度号I级 II级 III级铂铑10-铂 R 0~1000℃ ±1℃1100~1600℃±[1+0.003(t-1100)] ℃0~600℃ ±1.5600~1600℃ ±0.25%t无此项铂铑13-铂 S 0~1000℃ ±1℃1100~1600℃±[1+0.003 (t-1100)] ℃ 0~600℃ ±1.5600~1600℃ ±0.25%t无此项镍铬-镍硅 K -40~375℃ ±1.5℃375~1000℃ ±0.4%t-40~333℃ ±2.5℃333~1200℃ ±0.75%t-200~-167℃ ±1.5%t-167~40℃ ±2.5℃镍铬-康铜 E -40~375℃ ±1.5℃375~800℃ ±0.4%t-40~333℃ ±2.5℃333~900℃ ±0.75%t-200~-167℃ ±1.5%t-167~40℃ ±2.5℃镍铬硅- 镍硅镁 N -40~375℃ ±1.5℃375~1000℃ ±0.4%t-40~333℃ ±2.5℃333~1200℃ ±0.75%t-200~-67℃ ±1.5%t-67~40℃ ±2.5℃铜-康铜 T -40~125℃ ±0.5℃125~250℃ ±0.4%t-40~133℃ ±1℃133~350℃ ± 0.75%t-200~-67℃ ±1.5%t-67~40℃ ±1℃铁-康铜 J -40~375℃ ±1.5℃375~750℃ ±0.4%t -40~333℃ ±2.5℃333~750℃ ±0.75%t无此项铂铑30-铂铑 B 无此项 600~1700℃ ±0.25%t 600~800℃ ±4℃800~1700℃ ±0.5%t 温度变送器是将热电阻或热偶信号通过先进的线性处理电路,输出一个标准电压或电流信号。
NO:S1*******使用说明书温湿度传感器目录1、产品介绍 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2功能特点 (1)1.3外观尺寸 (1)2、性能参数 (2)3、使用方法 (4)3.1系统框架图 (4)3.2安装说明 (6)4、通信协议 (9)4.1通讯基本参数 (9)4.2数据帧格式定义 (9)4.3通讯基本参数 (11)4.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (12)5、常见问题及解决方法 (14)6、保养维护 (15)7、运输存储 (16)7.1运输要求 (16)7.2存储要求 (16)8、订货服务 (17)8.1订货方法 (17)8.2客户服务 (17)1产品介绍1.1概述本(系列)产品可在线监测环境温度和湿度信息,广泛用于开关柜仪表室、断路器室、电缆室等处的环境温湿度在线监测。
1.3外观尺寸(单位:mm公差:±0.5)2性能参数3使用方法3.1系统框架图本产品也可以多个传感器组合在一条485总线使用,理论上一条总线可以接254个485传感器,另一端接入带有485接口的PLC 、通过485接口芯片连接单片机,或者使用USB转485即可与电脑连接,使用我公司提供的传感器配置工具进行配置和测试(在使用该配置软件时只能接一台设备)。
Compact instructions Sanitary RTDTemperature sensor TH17Measuring SystemSanitary RTD assembly with connection head TH17 for food and dairy applications.The single element RTD is specifically designed for use in process temperature range -58 °F to 392 °F (-50 to 200 °C).Meets 3-A sanitary standards.Characteristics performance (continued)Insulation resistance Insulation resistance between terminals and probe sheath, test voltage 250 V. • ≥ 100 MΩ at 77 °F (25 °C) • ≥ 10 MΩ at 572 °F (300 °C)Supplementary documentationAll important Temperature Operating Instructions, particularly with regard to head and field transmitters are available on CD–ROM, find enclosed or order by order number: SONDTT-AG .5I m p o r t a n t N o t i c ec k c o u ld c a u se d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y . If t h e s e n s o r i s i n s t a l l e d i n a h igh v o l t a g e e n vi r o n m e n t a n d a f a u l t o r i n s t a l l a t i o n e r r o r o c c u r s , h i g h v o l t a g e m a yb e p r e s e n t o n t h ec o n n e c t i o n t e r m i n a l s o r t h e p r o b e i t s e l f .S a f e a nd se c u r e o p e r a t i o n of t h e t e m p e r a t u r e s e n s o r c a n o n l y b eg u a r a n t e e d i f th e o p e r a ti n g i n s t r u c t i o n s o f t h e u s e d t r a n s m i t t e r s a n d a l l i n c l u d e d s a f e t y n o t e s a r e r e a d , u n d e r s t o o d a n d f o l l o w e d . F o r E n d r e s s +H a u s e r t e m p e r a t u r e t r a n s m i t t e r s s e ee n c l o s e d C D –R O M .C o r r e c t u s eT h e m a n u f a c t u r e r c a n n o t b e h e l d r e s p o n s i b l e f o r d a m a g e c a u s e d b y m i s u s e o f t h e u n i t . T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n c o n d i t i o n s a n d c o n n e c t i o n v a l u e s i n d i c a t e d i n t h e o p e r a t i n gi n s t r u c t i o n s m u s t b e f o l l o w e d !I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e l i n e s a n d S a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s1. I n s t a l l t h e u n i t a c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e l e v a n t N E C C o d e a n d l o c a l r e g u l a t i o n s .2. A v o i d a n y s p a r k d u e t o i m p a c t , f r i c t i o n a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n . A n t i -s p a r k i n gw r e n c h e s s h o u l d b e u t i l i z e d .3. T h e t e m p e r a t u r e s e n s o r s h o u l d b e c o n n e c t e d t o t h e p o w e r s u p p l y o r o t h e re x t e r n a l c i r c u i t u s i n g t h e a p p r o p r i a t e c a b l e g l a n d s a n d w i r e e n t r i e s .4. F o r a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e h i g h e r t h a n 158 °F , s u i t a b l e c a b l e s , c o n d u i t a n dc o nd u c t o r s m u s t be u s e d . O n l y u s e a p p r o v e d w i r e e n t r i e s .5. W h e n u t i l i z e d i n d u s t a t m o s p h e r e s , t h e c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e h o u s i n g ,fi t t i n g s a n d t h e r m o w e l l s h o u l d p r o v i d e a m i n i m u m d e g r e e o f I n g r e s s P r o t e c t i o n . L i q u i d /g a s s e a l a n t s s h o u l d b e u s e d . L o c a l r e g u l a t i o n s n e e d t o b er e s p e c t e d .n e c t e q u i p m e n t u n l e s s p o w e r h a s b e e n s w i t c h e d o ff o r t h e a r e a i sn o t h a z a r d o u s .T h e a c c e s s o r i e s f o r p i p e c o n n e c t i o n s a n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e g a s k e t s a n d s e a l i n g r i n g sa r e n o t s u p p l i e d w i t h t h e s e n s o r s . T h e s e a r e t h e c u s t o m e r ’s r e s p o n s ib i l i t y .D e p e n d i n g o n t e m p e r a t u r e a n d p r e s s u r e o p e r a t i n gc o nd i t i o n s , t he g a s k e t s , t h es e a l i n g a n d t h e a p p l i c a b l e t o r q u e s m u s t b e s e l e c t e d b y t h e u s e r .F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g c o n n e c t i o n s , p l e a s e r e f e r t o t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n gS t a n d a r d s .I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d o p e r a t i o nT h e u n i t i s c o n s t r u c t e d u s i n g t h e m o s t u p t o d a t e p r o d u c t i o n e q u i p m e n ta n dc o mp l i e s w i t h t h e s a f e t y r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e l o c a l g u i d e l i n e s . H o w e v e r , i f i t i s i n s t a l l e d i n c o r r e c t l y o r m i s u s e d , c e r t a i n a p p l i c a t i o n d a n g e r s c a n o c c u r . I n s t a l l a t i o n ,w i r i n g a n d m a i n t e n a n c e o f t h e u n i t m u s t o n l y b e c o m p l e t e d b y t r a i n e d , s k i l l e d p e r s o n n e l w h o a r e a u t h o r i z e d t o d o s o b y t h e p l a n t o p e r a t o r . T h e p l a n t o p e r a t o r m u s t m a k e s u r e t h a t t h e m e a s u r e m e n t s y s t e m h a s b e e n c o r r e c t l y w i r e d t o t h ec o n n e c t i o n s c h e m a t i c s . P r o c ed u re s i n d i c a t e d i n t h e s e i n s t r u c t i o n s m u s t b ef o l l o w e d .R e t u r n sP l e a s e f o l l o w t h e R e t u r n A u t h o r i z a t i o n P o l i c y w h i c h i s a t t a c h e d w i t h t h i s m a n u a l .S a f e t y p i c t o g r a m s a n d s y m b o l sN o t e s d r a w a t t e n t i o n t o a c t i v i t i e s o r p r o c e d u r e s t h a t c a n h a v e a d i r e c t i n fl u e n c e o n o p e r a t i o n o r t r i g g e r a n u n f o r e s e e n d e v i c e r e a c t i o n i f t h e y a r e n o t c a r r i e d o u tp r o p e r l y . a t t e n t i o n t o a c t i v i t i e s o r p r o c e d u r e s t h a t c a n l e a d t o p e r s o n s b e i n g s e r i o u s l y i n j u r e d , t o s a f e t y r i s k s o r t o t h e d e s t r u c t i o n o f t h e d e v i c e i f t h e y a r e n o tc a r r i ed o u t p r o pe r l y .T h o u g h t h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d h e r e i n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e , b e a d v i s e d t h a t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e dh e r e i n i s N O T a g u a r a n t e e o f s a t i s f a c t o r y r e s u l t s . S p e c i fi c a l l y , t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n i s n e i t h e r a w a r r a n t y n o r g u a r a n t e e , e x p r e s s e d o r i m p l i e d , r e g a r d i n g p e r f o r m a n c e ; m e r c h a n t a b i l i t y , fi t n e s s , o r o t h e r m a t t e r w i t h r e s p e c tt o t h e p r o d u c t s ; a n d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n f o r t h e u s e o f t h e p r o d u c t /p r o c e s s i n f o r m a t i o n i n c o n fl i c t w i t h a n y p a t e n t . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t E n d r e s s +H a u s e r r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e a n d /o r i m p r o v e t h e p r o d u c t d e s i g n a n ds p e c i fi c a t i o n s w i t h o u t n o t i c e .KA00180R/24/EN/13.1271207996Dimensionsin inchesImmersion length L 2”, 2.5”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6” specified length 2” to 30” in ½” increments Process connection Tri-clamp ® connection (3-A ® marked): 1+1½”, 2”, 2½”, 3”InstallationInstallation locationsslightly past the center line of the pipe (= L). Installation with minimal 3° inclination because of self draining.C - D: Tilted installation.For installation proceed as follows:1. Make sure that the hygienic process fitting and the clamp assembly match the maximum specified process pressure.2. Install and tighten the RTD sensor before applying process pressure.Minimum immersion is 1¼” as per ASTM E644.Technical dataWeight From 1 to 5.5 lbsMaterialWetted parts 316L SSShock and vibration resistance4g/2 to 150 Hz as per IEC 60 068-2-6Ambient temperature limitsHousing without head-mounted transmitter Aluminium pressure die-cast housing -40 to 300 °F (-40 to 150 °C)Plastic housing-40 to 185 °F (-40 to 85 °C)Deep drawn SS housing without display -40 to 300 °F (-40 to 150 °C)Housing with head-mounted transmitter -40 to 185 °F (-40 to 85 °C)Deep drawn SS housing with display -4 to 160 °F (-20 to 70 °C)Field transmitter with display -40 to 158 °F (-40 to 70 °C)without display-40 to 185 °F (-40 to 85 °C)Performance CharacteristicsResponse time63% response time per ASTM E644ConstructionØ ¼”Ø 3/8” red. 3/16”4 s3 sMaximum measured errorClass max. Tolerances (°C)*A ± (0.15 + 0.002 · |t|)1/5 DIN± (0.06 + 0.001 · |t|)* |t| = absolute value °C. For measurement errors in °F, calculate using equation above in °C, then multiply the outcome by 1.8.Electrical connection-wiring diagramsTransmitter mounted (3” or 5½“ flying leads - crimped sleeves)reference to the conduit opening. ALWAYS terminate leads to the outsidescrew!。
Series BTT 温度传感器说明书
The Series BTT Temperature Transmitters offer transmitter output signals with the same form and fit as our popular TE thermistor for building HVAC applications. Thermowells are required when using immersion models in liquid applications.FEATURES/BENEFITS Duct, immersion, and outside air models available Radiation shield available for mounting in direct sunlight Transmitter output allows for longer wire runs than standard thermistor sensors APPLICATIONS Building automation system temperature monitoring SPECIFICATIONS Temperature Sensor: Pt1000 RTD.Range: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).Temperature Limits: Operating:Accuracy: ±0.5°C @ 25°C.Thermal Effect: ±0.01%/°C.Response Time: 100 ms.Wetted Materials: All models: 304 SS (probe), polycarbonate (housing); Duct and immersion models: Neoprene (gasket); Outside air models: Nylon (insert), silocone (O-ring).Process Connection: 1/2˝ NPS (immersion models only).Electrical Connection: Removable terminal block, knocks out for conduit fitting.Conduit Connection: 1/2˝ NPT.Probe Lengths: 2.5 to 18˝ (depending on configuration).Power Requirements: 13-36 VDC for current models, 13-36 VDC or 16-28 VAC forvoltage models.Output Signal: 4-20 mA or 0-10 VDC (depending on model).Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4X (IP66) (immersions models require thermowell).Weight: 5.11 oz (145 g) (duct/immersion); 8.4 oz (238 g) (OSA without radiation shield); 1 lb 7.4 oz (663.4 g) (OSA with radiation shield).Agency Approvals: CE.Duct mountImmersion mountBALL CHAIN CONNECTOR CONNECTORPROBE LENGTH2-15/64 [56.63]7-3/32[180.18]2X ø13/64[ø5.08]SLOT ø3-5/16[ø84.07]4-17/32[115.00]2-15/64[56.60]5-1/8[130.00]503-45/6494.006-47/64170.90115BALL CHAIN CONNECTOR ø3-5/16[84.14]4-21/64[109.93]ø47/64[18.65]1/8 [ø3.18]GASKET 1/2 NPS5-1/8[130.00]BALL CHAIN CONNECTOR CONNECTOR 1/8 [3.30]GASKETø5-7/64[ø129.59]4-17/32[115.00]2X ø13/64[ø5.00]3-7/64[79.00]9027/32[21.50]2-15/64[56.60]7950115Outside air with radiation shieldOutside air without radiation shieldV I D E O O NL IN EMODEL CHART Example BTT -D 04-1BTT-D04-1Series BTT Temperature transmitter Mounting Configuration D I O R Duct mountImmersion mountOutside airOutside air with radiation shieldTHERMOWELLS - WELDED Model Material Connection (Internal/External)TE-TNS-N253N-00TE-TNS-N043N-00TE-TNS-N063N-00TE-TNS-N083N-00304 SS 304 SS 304 SS 304 SS 1/2˝ NPSM/1/2˝ NPT 1/2˝ NPSM/1/2˝ NPT 1/2˝ NPSM/1/2˝ NPT 1/2˝ NPSM/1/2˝ NPT YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY。
温度传感器TEMP-UM-1.1 Delta-T设备用户手册说明书
User Manual for TemperatureProbesTEMP-UM-1.1 DELTA-T DEVICESCONTENTS2INTRODUCTIONSHEETS 3DATA6PROBESTHERMISTORPROBES 9THERMOCOUPLE10GUARANTEEANDSERVICEINTRODUCTIONThis User Manual contains data sheets about a range of temperature sensors, including yours. The various sensor types described on pages 6-9 can all be used with Delta-TLoggers.This User Manual should be used in conjunction with the appropriate logger UserManual when using these sensors with a Delta-T LoggerDATA SHEETSTHERMISTOR PROBESAll thermistor probes supplied by Delta-T have a resistance of 2000 ohms at 25°C andconform to the Fenwall UUA32J2 specification. They are intended for use withequipment which can accurately convert the non-linear resistive signal produced into atemperature reading. Loggers made by Delta-T can do this and all accuracies quotedassume use with a Delta-T logger.General Purpose probes.ST1The ST1 is a general purpose probe utilising a thermistor sensor. This is contained in astainless steel sheath of 4.8mm nominal outside diameter, 125mm long, which is, in turn, connected to a two core cable, 5m long. Accuracy over a temperature range of 0 to 70 °C is ±0.2°C. Our supplier's part number for this probe is CS-U-V5.ST2The ST2 is similar to ST1, except that it is fitted with a thermistor sensor whose accuracy over a temperature range of 0 to 70 °C is ±0.1°C. Our supplier's part number for thisprobe is CS-UU-V5.Immersible Temperature probesST3The ST3 is similar to the general purpose ST2, except that it has a sheath-to-cable sealand corrosion-resistant pvdf cable that will improve operational life if immersed for long periods in FRESH water. Our supplier's part number for this probe is CS-UU-Alpha 5. BT1The BT1 thermistor probe is designed for long periods of immersion in SALT or FRESH water. The sensor is 150mm. long by 6 mm.diameter, and has a 5 metre long, two corecable. The cable is covered in corrosion - resistant pvdf and may also be immersed. Our supplier's part number for this probe is RT-UU-Alpha5.These probes can be supplied to special order with a longer cable for use at greaterimmersion depths, or with an extension lead of pvc covered cable where immersion is to be less than 5 metres.Table of resistance versus temperatureDelta-T loggers have a look-up table in its memory for 2K thermistor sensors. It isidentified by the sensor type code TM1 or Fenwall UUA32J2, depending on the type of logger you are using. This code corresponds to the Fenwal UUA32J2 specification and converts the signal from the sensor to degrees centigrade before logging the data.Note that these codes only cover the range -20 to + 60°C or -40 to + 70°C, depending on the type of logger being used. You may extend the range by defining your own non-linear look-up table, using the data below. Your logger User Manual explains how to do this.°C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms -50 134020 -20 19414 10 3980401065.470350.4100 135.7 13060.2 -49 124820 -19 18322 11 3794411023.471338.6101 131.8 13158.7 -48 116300 -18 17298 12 361842983.472327.2102 128.1 13257.3 -47 108440 -17 16338 13 345043945.473316.4103 124.4 13355.8 -46 101141 -16 15436 14 329244908.674306104 120.9 13454.4 -45 94380 -15 14590 15 31424587475295.8105 117.5 13553.1 -44 88120 -14 13796 16 30004684076286.2106 114.2 13651.9 -43 82320 -13 13048 17 28644780877276.8107 111 13750.6 -42 76940 -12 12346 18 27364877878268108 107.9 13849.4 -41 71940 -11 11686 19 261449748.679259.4109 105 13948.2 -40 67300 -10 11066 20 249850720.680251110 102.1 14047.1 -39 62980 -9 10480 21 238851693.481243111 99.3 14145.9 -38 58960 -8 9930 22 22845266882235.4112 96.6 14244.9 -37 55240 -7 9412 23 218453643.483228113 94 14343.8 -36 51760 -6 8924 24 209054619.884220.8114 91.5 14442.8 -35 48540 -5 8466 25 200055597.285214115 89 14541.8 -34 45520 -4 8032 26 1914.656575.686207.2116 86.7 14641.8 -33 42720 -3 7622 27 1833.457554.887200.8117 84.3 14739.9 -32 40100 -2 7238 28 1755.45853588194.7118 82.1 14839 -31 37660 -1 6874 29 1681.459515.889188.8119 80 14938.1 -30 35400 0 6530 30 1611.460497.690183.1120 77.9 15037.2 -29 33260 1 6206 31 1544.66148091177.5121 75.9-28 31280 2 5900 32 1480.662463.292172.2122 73.9-27 29440 3 5610 33 1419.46344793167.1123 72-26 27700 4 5338 34 1361.464431.494162.1124 70.12-25 26080 5 5078 35 130665416.695157.3125 68.34-24 24560 6 4834 36 1253.466402.296152.7126 66.6-23 23140 7 4602 37 1203.467388.497148.2127 64.9-22 21820 8 4384 38 1155.468375.298143.9128 63.3-21 20580 9 4176 39 1109.469362.699139.7129 61.7Effect of cable resistanceFor probes using a thermistor sensor, the resistance of any extension lead fitted would be additional to the probe values shown in the Table Of Resistance.The standard cable sheath material used for ST1 & 2 is pvc, and for ST3 & BT1 is pvdf.These both have an operating temperature range of -20 to +80°C.Typically, the resistance of each cable core is 5.85 and 7.92 per 100m for pvc and pvdfsheathed cables respectively.With 2000 ohm and other low value thermistors on long cables, the cable resistance may cause small errors. The increased resistance reading causes a reduction in the temperature reading. The following table shows the °C error per ohm of cable resistance: For thermistor types 2K and 2K252:Sensor Temperature, °C Cable Error, °C/Ω-20 -0.001+20 -0.009+40 -0.023+60 -0.055 Note that:The effect is temperature dependant and most pronounced at higher temperatures whenthe thermistor resistance is low.For 2-wire connection, the resistance of both connecting leads must be included.For 3-wire connection, only the return lead contributes to the error.Logger accuracyThe accuracy of temperature measurement depends on the accuracy of the sensor, given above, and on the accuracy of the logger. The electronics of the type DL2e & DL6Loggers have been specially designed to give optimum accuracy for 2000 ohmthermistors. The GP1 logger electronics is optimised ofr 10K thermistors. The Logger’s accuracy contribution at different equipment temperatures are given in the appropriatelogger User Manual. This must be added to the accuracy of the sensor to detemine thetotal system accuracy.THERMOCOUPLE PROBESGeneral Purpose probes.STK1The STK1 is a general purpose probe utilising a nickel-chromium (Chromal)/nickel-aluminium (Alumel), K type, thermocouple sensor. This is contained in a stainless steel sheath of 4.8mm nominal outside diameter, 125mm long, which is, in turn, connected toa two core cable, 5m long. Our supplier's part number for this probe is CS-K-Q5-0. Cable informationLead colour Core material Connect toBrown nickel-chromium Instrumentation terminal +veBlue nickel-aluminium Instrumentation terminal -veThe materials used in the construction of the probe allow its use over a temperature range of -50 to 250 °C.The STK1 provides a direct millivolt output complying with ANSI C96:Specialspecification. This results in an output of approximately 42 microvolts per °C abovereference junction temperature. This voltage can be converted to °C by Delta-T loggers, using the logger as the reference junction. The resultant sensor accuracy over atemperature range of 0 to 70 °C is ±1.5°C.The logger software allows direct conversion to temperature over the range -120 to 200 °C, using sensor type TCK or ‘Thermocouple, type K’, depending on the logger used.This can be modified by defining your own non-linear look-up table. For details of how to do this, please refer to your logger User Manual.Logger accuracyThe accuracy of temperature measurement depends on the accuracy of the sensor, given above, and on the accuracy of the logger. The Delta-T Loggers accuracy contribution at different equipment temperatures is given in the appropriate logger User Manual. Thismust be added to the accuracy of the sensor to detemine system accuracy.GUARANTEE, REPAIRS AND SPARESOur Conditions of Sale ref: COND/91/11 set out Delta-T's legal obligations on thesematters. For your information the following paragraphs summarise Delta-T's position but reference should always be made to our Conditions of Sale which prevail over thefollowing explanation.Instruments manufactured by Delta-T are guaranteed for one year against defects inmanufacture or materials used. The guarantee does not cover damage through misuse or inexpert servicing, or other circumstances beyond our control.For the U.K. this means that no charges are made for labour, materials or return carriage for guarantee repairs.For other countries, the guarantee covers free exchange of faulty parts during theguarantee period.Alternatively, if the equipment is returned to us for guarantee repair, we make no charge for labour or materials but we do charge for carriage and U.K. customs clearance.We strongly prefer to have such repairs discussed with us first, and if we agree that theequipment does need to be returned, we may at our discretion waive these charges. SERVICE AND SPARESWe recognise that some users of our instruments may not have easy access to technically specialised backup.Spare parts for our own instruments can be supplied from our works. These can normally be despatched within 1 working day of receiving an order.Spare parts and accessories for sensors not manufactured by Delta T, but supplied as part of the weather station, may be obtained from the original manufacturer. We willendeavour to obtain parts if requested, but a certain amount of additional delay isinevitable.Should it prove necessary, instruments may be returned to our works for servicing. Wenormally expect to complete repairs of our own instruments within 2 days of receivingthe equipment. Other manufacturers' sensors supplied by us and returned for servicing will take longer. They will have to be returned to the original manufacturer for servicing, and may be subject to additional delays of two to four weeks.Users in countries which have a Delta-T Agent or Technical Representative shouldcontact them in the first instance.。
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1. 产品概述
本产品采用高精度的数字温度传感器,并具备以下特点:- 超高精度:测量温度范围为-40℃至+125℃,精度可达±0.1℃。
- 快速响应:传感器具备快速响应时间,能够准确捕捉温度变化。
- 稳定可靠:采用优质材料和先进工艺制造,确保产品稳定可靠,
2. 使用方法
3. 注意事项
- 请按照产品规定的工作温度范围使用,不要超出额定范围,以免
- 请避免与水、油等液体直接接触,以免影响传感器性能和使用寿命。
- 请勿在高温、高湿度、强酸碱等恶劣环境中使用,以免损坏传感器。
- 避免传感器受到强磁场或电磁辐射的干扰,可能会导致测量偏差。
4. 维护保养
- 定期清洁传感器外壳,可使用干净的软布轻擦,不要使用有机溶
- 如发现传感器接触异常或测量不准确,请及时联系售后服务,不
5. 售后服务