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fr iendsh ip
lad ies an d gent lemen:
i amhonore d to b e stan ding h ere to deliv er a s peeh e ntitle d “fri endshi p”.
th e hero’s mot her in the m ovie f orrest gumpsas, “life i s a bo x of h oolate s”. iould s a that life, ith f riends hip, t rue fr iendsh ip par tiular l, isseet a s hone. it i s moon lightast on the t ranqui lit of a lak e on a mid-f all ni ght, e nhanti ng tothe so ul. it is mo rningde onrose p etals,pleas ant an d plea sing t o thesenseof sig ht. it is os fireon a b itterl old i nter n ight,arming the h eart.
but as helen foste r snoremark s, “fr iendsh ip isno mon eed t hat gr os alo ng the a. it’s hig hl ult ivated and a teredda b d a.” li ke aninfant, it n eeds o nstant are;like a oungtree,it annot be leftto the tende r meri es ofsevere eathe r. tru e
frie ndship onsis ts mor e in “a frie nd inneed”to giv e to t han “a frien d in n eed” t o take from. a tru e frie nd isa pers on hoan beturned to, h o is r ead to lenda list eningear, h o is i llingto sha re fee lings.
frien dshipshould be mu tual,otheri se itill be subje t
to i therin g like plant in dr ought. likegenuin e love, true frien dshiphas to be ato a e xperie ne. be it th e form er orthe la tter,if one expet s to b e sole l on t he ree ivingend, t hen sh e illbe too optim isti a bout i t: itis hop ing ag ainsthope t hat it ill l ast. l ove or frien dshipof thi s kind is da ngerou s, asit isontami natedb thedark m atterin hum an nat ure –
selfis hness.
not i nfrequ entl d oes fr iendsh ip nee d to b e ared and t ended,
foste red an d nour ished, so th at itill “s tand a t ever
rossr oad, s o good and s trongand tr ue”.
t hank o u!
但是,正如helenfoster sno所说:“友谊不是那撒在路边的种子。